CPMM Project Charter

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Cornell Project Management Methodology (CPMM)

CPMM Project Charter

(Cornell Department Name)

Project Name: <Project Name goes here>

Business Unit / Program Area
Executive Sponsor:
Project Director (Sponsor):
Project Manager:
Proposed Project Start Date:
Proposed Project End Date:
Key Contact, Phone #:
Date Submitted:
Date Approved:
Last Updated:

This CPMM template is annotated with notes to help authors when filling it out. You may want to
delete text that is within <> with appropriate text specific to the project, particularly when you submit a
formal CPMM form for signatures,

CPMM Project Charter Appendix 1-2

Version: August 3, 2005
Cornell Project Management Methodology (CPMM)


Project Information............................................................................................1
Business Case / Proposed Solution...............................................1
Consistency/Fit with Organizational Strategic Plan.......................1
Major Alternatives Considered and Why Rejected........................2
Known Project Constraints............................................................2
Estimate for Overall Project...........................................................2
Information for Project Planning (High Level)................................................3
High Level Schedule / Milestone’s for Project Planning.................3
Budget Summary for Project Planning (High Level)......................3
Resource Requirements for Project Planning (High Level)...........4
Governance for Project Planning (High Level)...............................5

CPMM Project Charter i Appendix 1-2

Cornell Project Management Methodology (CPMM)

Project Information
Project Charter

The purpose of the CPMM Project Charter is to formally authorize the start of a new project.
Specifically, the charter is intended to authorize the sponsor and project manager to apply
resources to develop a CPMM Project Initiation Plan (PIP). The CPMM Project Initiation Plan will
provide the parameters for the project and includes: goals, objectives, success criteria, scope, high
level schedule, with key deliverables and milestones, stakeholder roles, risk plan and other
management plans for the project, along with resources needed and the project budget and benefits.
The CPMM Project Initiation Plan will require approval prior to execution of the project.
This Project Charter requests approval for $_______________, funded from the following sources:
__________________, which will be used to develop the Project Initiation Plan.
This Charter does not ask for the authority to spend funds at this time to develop the Project Initiation
<Delete above choice not used>
*On large, complex projects, phases may need a new charter.

Business Case / Proposed Solution

What is the business need that gave rise to this project? Describe the business drivers (i.e. market
demand, business need, customer request, technological advance, legal requirement, or social need)
that created the problem, opportunity or business requirement. How did the project come about?
Provide any other necessary background.

Provide a description of the project that includes the key goals and objectives and what the project will
deliver and any other high level expectations of the project. Identify if this is part of a larger project or
if it has follow on projects.

Identify the customers and anticipated consumers of the project and why they will benefit from the

Product Need / Product Description / Customers

Consistency/Fit with Organizational Strategic Plan

Describe how this project and its objectives specifically support the organization’s current strategic

Consistency/Fit with Organization’s Strategic Plan

CPMM Project Charter 1 Appendix 1-2

Cornell Project Management Methodology (CPMM)

Major Alternatives Considered and Why Rejected

Explain what would happen if you do nothing. Describe other alternatives that were considered and
why they were rejected.

Alternatives considered Explain why chosen / not chosen

1. Do Nothing <The Do Nothing option is to be addressed as an option in
every Charter.
Ex: Current software is no longer supported and we need to
upgrade software for mission critical application.>
2. <Selected Alternative>
3. <Other Alternatives

If at this stage of the project you have not looked at alternatives or if considering alternatives does not
apply, please describe the situation.

Alternatives do not apply because:

<Describe the situation: why alternatives do not apply at this time or at all.>

Known Project Constraints

Identify any constraints known about this project that will affect the “Triple Constraints” (budget,
schedule, resources) or any other known constraints for this project. If there are no constraints, note
that fact.
In order for the project initiation plan to be done successfully please list any known factors that limit
the ultimate project’s execution. The most frequent constraint is the project end date. For each
constraint listed, be sure to elaborate on how it is limiting the project and how the project would
benefit from its removal.
Project Constraint Type Description of the Constraint
1. <Budget Constraint> <Ex: $100,000 of funds has been identified for
this project. No other funding is available.
Features that cannot fit into this constraint
could be listed as future enhancements.>
2. <Schedule Constraint> <Ex: this project must be done by August 15
prior to fall semester.>
3. <Resource Constraint> <Ex: John Smith is the only person who has
the skills to complete the work to build this

Estimate for Overall Project

An estimated cost for the overall project is between ____________ and ____________. The
estimated duration is approximately ________ months to ________.
This estimate is based on: <include here the basis of the estimate (e.g. historical information, other
University’s or units that have done a similar project, expert judgment etc.)>

CPMM Project Charter 2 Appendix 1-2

Cornell Project Management Methodology (CPMM)

Information for Project Planning (High Level)

High Level Schedule / Milestone’s for Project Planning
Any project milestones or major project activity that will happen during this period of time should be
added to the High Level Schedule. The major deliverable for Project Planning (High Level) is the
Project Initiation Plan (PIP).

Milestone Start Date Completion

Project Initiation
Develop Project Charter
Evaluate Project Charter
Approve Project Charter
Project Planning (High Level)
Prepare for the Project
Conduct Project Kick – Off Meeting
Develop the Project Initiation Plan
Define the Goal, Specific Objectives, & Success Criteria
Define Project Scope
Develop the High Level Schedule and Document
Identify and Document Stakeholder Involvement
Develop the Communication Plan
Establish the Project Budget
Define Governance and Resourcing
Define the Management Approaches
Develop the High Level Risk Plan
Submit the Project Initiation Plan for Approval
Confirm Approval to Proceed- Approved Project Initiation Plan

Assumptions that affect the High Level Schedule:

Budget Summary for Project Planning (High Level)

Provide below the estimated budget for Project Planning (High Level).
Type of Expense Cost ($) Account Number /
Funding Source
Staff Expense (Cornell)
Capital Expense
Operating Expense
Service-Non Cornell
Total Budget for Project
Planning (High Level)
CPMM Project Charter 3 Appendix 1-2
Cornell Project Management Methodology (CPMM)

Resource Requirements for Project Planning (High Level)

Define the make-up of the project resources for the development of the CPMM High Level Plan and
any other activities that will be done during this period. Include those specific individuals that have
been identified and also show those that need ‘To Be Determined’ (TBD).

Table 1: List the names of all individuals needed to perform the work described in the Project Charter
and whose participation must be approved by the Manager of the Resource
Project Initiation No. Who % Dates Name of Manager
Team Role (if known) Time Needed
or TBD or (Date Range)

<Ex: Business 1 TBD 30% MM/DD/YY-

Analysts MM/DD/YY>

<Ex: Project 1 TBD 50% MM/DD/YY-

Manager MM/DD/YY>

<Ex: Technical 1 TBD 30% MM/DD/YY-

Analyst MM/DD/YY>
<Ex: Subject Matter 5 TBD 10 hrs MM/DD/YY-
Experts ea MM/DD/YY>

Resourcing comments, constraints, and/or issues:

CPMM Project Charter 4 Appendix 1-2

Cornell Project Management Methodology (CPMM)

Governance for Project Planning (High Level)

Define the governance model for the project planning (high level) phase of the project. A sample is
provided below. Include Actual Names

CPMM Project Charter 5 Appendix 1-2

Cornell Project Management Methodology (CPMM)

The Sponsor should indicate approval or rejection of the CPMM Project Charter by checking the
Approve or Reject box. If the Sponsor is rejecting the charter, he/she must indicate the reason in the
comments field.
The Sponsor indicates final acceptance of the CPMM Project Charter (including securing individual
resources) by providing his/her signature in the Project Sponsor Signature box and the approval
date in the Date box.

Executive Sponsors
Name Action Comments Signature Date

Approve: 
Reject: 
etc. Approve: 
Reject: 

Project Directors and/or Sponsors

Name Action Comments Signature Date

Approve: 
Reject: 
etc. Approve: 
Reject: 

Agreement to Secure Required Resources
The Approver is the person(s) or group that has the authority to commit resources for this project.
He/she indicates his/her agreement to provide required resources for Project Planning (High Level) by
providing his/her Approver Signature and the approval Date.
Name Action Comments Signature Date

Approve: 
Reject: 
etc. Approve: 
Reject: 

CPMM Project Charter 6 Appendix 1-2

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