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Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

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Life cycle analysis of paver block production using waste plastics:

Comparative assessment with concrete paver blocks
Hemant Goyal , Rakshit Kumar , Prasenjit Mondal *
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttrakhand, 247667, India


Handling Editor: Jian Zuo Recycling of plastic waste to replace cementitious products to some extent can be a better way to get rid of plastic
waste and avoid the use of cement. But to make any innovation into a scale-up technology, a comparative study
Keywords: on environmental emissions is needed. The present study evaluates the environmental emissions from two plastic
Life cycle analysis recycling methods for manufacturing paver blocks (PB) and compares these with the emissions of conventional
Paver blocks
concrete paver blocks (CCPB). Life cycle analysis (LCA) has been performed on three PB manufacturing processes
Waste plastic
(CCPB, Plastic as filler paver blocks (PFPB) and Plastic as binder paver blocks (PBPB)) considering the impacts
Environment-friendly from materials and energy interaction in each step and operation. The impacts obtained from the CML 2001 and
TRACI methods have shown that the emissions from PFPB (GWP 21.4 kg CO2 eq.) and CCPB (GWP 16 kg CO2 eq.)
are almost 2.2 and 1.6 times higher than PBPB (GWP 9.86 kg CO2 eq.). The LCA study shows that use of cement
has major contribution (for instance >80% in GWP category) to overall emissions for PFPB and CCPB. The
sensitivity analysis elucidates that transportation distance and truck payload for CCPB and PFPB processes and
electricity consumption for PBPB, shift the impacts in greater magnitude (±3–10%) by ±20% variation in input
parameter values. The LCA study concludes that the PB manufacturing by complete replacement of cement is
more environment-friendly process than PFPB and CCPB. The use of electricity from solid biomass and hydro­
power can reduce the GWP by 77% and 83% respectively.

plastic entering into the organs of living entities (Leslie et al., 2022).
1. Introduction India has generated over 34 lakh tonnes of plastic waste in 2019–20. The
per capita plastic waste generation of metro cities in India is much
The management of solid waste continues to be a major challenge, higher than in the rest of the country. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and
particularly in urban agglomeration in low and middle-income coun­ Chennai account for more than half of the plastic waste generated in the
tries. One type of solid waste that is of national and global concern is country (Biswas et al., 2021). Although the per capita consumption of
plastic waste. The problem of plastic waste has been growing since the plastic in India is lower than the world’s average, waste plastic is a huge
last four decades, and still only a small portion of it is being recycled. In problem in the country due to its increasing usage and lack of awareness
the UK, for instance, over 5 million tons of plastic is consuming each and technology for disposing of the waste plastic (Web-3Web-3).
year while only 1 quarter of it is recycled (Web-1). The ever-expanding Plastic waste is a menace in India as it has various implications on
usage of plastic due to its versatility and extensive dependability has led health, like lung and gut injury (Vethaak and Leslie, 2016). A large
to heavy production of disposable plastic and subsequently generated portion of waste plastic ends up in landfills and leeches in the ground
waste. Around 8 million tons of plastic ends up in the ocean, and this and water table, leading to contamination of land and water in the
trend could lead to more plastic in the ocean than fish (Gravis, 2017). nearby areas. The littering of waste plastic leads to the clogging of
Small plastic particles have also been found in the samples of food and sewers and drains, leading to water and air pollution. Other conven­
drinking water(Nampower, 2021). According to an estimate by the tional methods for the management of waste plastic are incineration,
United Nations Organization, now the rate of plastic consumption has recycling, and pyrolysis. Incineration is the burning of plastic waste in
reached 250 g of plastic per year per person (Web-2). A recent study the presence of oxygen, this causes air pollution and can release harmful
discovered that there are traces of PET microplastics in the human chemicals such as dioxins, furans, hazardous halogens, polychlorinated
bloodstream for the first time. Scientists now have apprehensions about biphenyls, and mercury to the environment (Verma et al., 2016). In

* Corresponding author. Department of Chemical Enginee- ring, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttrakhand, 247667, India.
E-mail address: (P. Mondal).
Received 4 January 2023; Received in revised form 8 March 2023; Accepted 17 March 2023
Available online 20 March 2023
0959-6526/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Goyal et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

Guo et al., (2018a) and Kurda et al. (2018) studied the LCA of con­
Abbreviations crete paver blocks with recycled concrete aggregates and found reduc­
tion in emissions for recycled concrete aggregate blocks than normal
GWP : Global Warming Potential (100 years) concrete blocks. Evangelista et al. (2018) has reported 52% reduction in
AP : Acidification Potential environmental emissions by utilizing 50% electric arc furnace slag as
EP : Eutrophication Potential natural aggregate. The literature suggests the use of recycled material to
ODP : Ozone Depletion Potential replace conventional material for reducing the environmental emis­
ADP (E) : Abiotic Depletion Potential (elements) sions. But to the best of authors knowledge, there is not a single LCA
ADP (F) : Abiotic Depletion Potential (fossil) study available in the literature which compares the impacts from
FAETP : Fresh Water Aquatic Eco-Toxicity Potential manufacturing of conventional concrete paver blocks with paver blocks
HTP : Human Toxicity Potential manufactured with the use of waste plastic.
MAETP : Marine Aquatic Eco Toxicity Potential The present study evaluates and compares the environmental im­
TETP : Terrestric Eco Toxicity Potential pacts from the two approaches of waste plastic recycling for paver blocks
HHPA : Human Health Particulate matter production with the conventional concrete paver block production
HT (C) : Human Toxicity Carcinogenic process. The life cycle assessment of three paver blocks, namely Type-1
HT (NC) : Human Toxicity Non carcinogenic Conventional concrete paver blocks (CCPB), Type-2 Paver blocks with
Res. (F.F) : Resources (Fossil fuels) plastic as filler material (PFPB) and Type-3 Plastic used as binder for
SA : Smog air paver blocks (PBPB), has been performed to identify the most
environmental-friendly approach for the production of paver blocks
manufacturing through waste plastic. This study also provides the
emissions from each operation of each process which will be helpful for
recycling, through high-temperature melting and compounding of the decision-makers to identify the operation which has the highest
plastics, harmful chemicals get released into the environment, and they emissions. Scenario analysis has been performed to evaluate the possi­
affect flora and fauna (Evode et al., 2021). Pyrolysis is a process in which bility of further reduction in emissions. Further, parameter sensitivity
thermoplastics are subjected to heat in the absence of oxygen to break analysis has been performed to evaluate the robustness of processes and
them down into their various low molecular weight components such as their sensitivity to uncertainty factors in LCA.
oil, gas and char. The commercialization of pyrolysis has not been
feasible till now due to the highly diverse plastic waste mixture (Peng 2. Materials and methods
et al., 2022).
Among the different methods of management of waste plastics, 2.1. Goal and scope of the study
converting it into a useful product is more promising because it not only
reduces the requirement of virgin plastic but also increases the economic This LCA study aims to evaluate and compare the environmental
worth of trash. Further, it has also been reported that recycling of waste impacts from manufacturing three different types of paver blocks. The
plastic through stabilization in concrete or making useful products impacts from various operations involved in manufacturing each type of
through secondary recycling has lower environmental impacts than paver block were assessed and compared. Stages having the most sig­
pyrolysis and incineration (Javadabadi, 2019; Nkwachukwu et al., nificant contribution to environmental impacts were identified, and the
2013; Saberian et al., 2022; D’ambrières, 2019). Plastic waste has also factors affecting various indices were also studied. The functional unit
been utilized to manufacture paver blocks and bricks. The utilization of for the study is considered as manufacturing of paver blocks to cover 1
earth-based clay and concrete material resulted in resource depletion m2 land area. Since the density and dimensions of each type of paver
and environmental degradation. In paver blocks, plastic has been used blocks are different, the number and weight of paver blocks required to
as filler materials by replacing fine and/or coarse aggregates and as cover 1 m2 area are different in all three cases. The calculation of the
binder by complete or partial replacement of cement. However, the number and mass of paver blocks was performed based on the available
process of making useful products from both conventional raw materials data in the literature. The total mass of CCPB, PFPB and PBPB paver
and waste plastic may have environmental impacts. blocks required to cover 1 m2 land area are 108 kg, 143.1 kg and 90 kg,
The conventional paver blocks are used to be made of concrete respectively (Web-7: Tapkire et al., 2014; Kumi-Larbi et al., 2018).
material which includes cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates and The scope of the study included all the operations from cradle to
sand. Cement is used as a binding agent, but the cement industry is one gate, involving the emissions from collection, transportation,
of the most significant contributors to GHG emissions because in the manufacturing and preprocessing of raw materials (waste plastic,
production of cement, large amount of materials and energy, especially cement, sand, etc.) to the manufacturing of the finished product (paver
in the form of electricity, are involved for the operation of various ma­ block) (Ali et al., 2022; Guo et al., 2018b; Zulcão et al., 2020).
chinery like calcines and kiln. The gross approximation of GHG emission The operations considered for the assessment were the preparation of
from the cement industry is about 0.6–0.9 ton CO2 equivalent per ton of raw materials, mixing of raw materials, moulding, pressing, and curing
cement production (Web-6). The cement industry has 5–6% contribu­ of the final product. The environmental impacts from the drying oper­
tion to global GHG emission, and in India, its production is increasing at ation were not considered, as the paver blocks were assumed to be
the annual growth rate of 8% (Web-5; Web-6). The IPCC has recom­ sundried. The flow diagram for CCPB, PFPB and PBPB processes are
mended to replace the use of cementitious materials with radical inno­ shown in Fig. 1 (a), (b) and (c), respectively. The system boundaries for
vative products (Suhara, 2019; Web-6). For perspective, the paver block manufacturing of CCPB, PFPB and PBPB types of paver blocks are shown
market in 2020 was just above $200 billion and is expected to grow to in Fig. 2 (a), (b) and (c), respectively.
$285.1 billion by 2025 at the combined annual growth rate (CAGR) of
6.5% (Web-4). 2.2. Life cycle inventory analysis
So production of paver blocks by utilizing waste plastic material may
replace the concrete material partially. The waste plastic used as filler Life cycle inventory (LCI) analysis provides quantitative information
material replaces the aggregates of conventional concrete paver blocks, on raw material and energy requirements, emission to the environment
which may reduce the emissions from mining and comminution of stone and waste generations requirement in each step involved in the process
rocks, while the waste plastic used as binder may reduce the emissions of (system boundary). LCI has been prepared based on the life cycle dia­
the cement industry. gram and system boundaries proposed in section 2.1. The detailed

H. Goyal et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

Fig. 1. The flow diagrams for (a) CCPB, (b) PFPB and (c) PBPB processes.

H. Goyal et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

Fig. 2. The system boundaries for (a) CCPB, (b) PFPB and (c) PBPB (Web-7;Tapkire et al., 2014; Kumi-Larbi et al., 2018).

processes of manufacturing each type of paver block are explained in reference for the size of the blocks.
2.2.1–2.2.3. The processes were modelled in Gabi professional software Cement, sand and stone chips were used in a ratio of 1:2:4 to make
for their LCA study. The raw materials and energy involved in the LCA the concrete mixture. Water was in 0.62 ratio to the amount of cement
model were directly taken from Gabi professional database. A life cycle used. Portland cement was considered for the study, and grain of stone
impact analysis of materials and energy interactions in both treatment was used as the stone chips. Lake water was taken for usage. The density
processes was obtained using two different methods, CML 2001 and of the solid concrete blocks as per IS 2185 should be 1800 kg/m3, and
TRACI. Further, due to the lack of availability of data for Indian con­ the amount of mixture required has been calculated using the given
ditions for some processes, all the data presented in the study are given density. Dimensions of the block were taken as 400×200×60 mm3.
according to German context except for Portland cement which was Therefore, the number of blocks required to cover the area of 1 m2 was
taken from European union datasets. The trucks involved in the trans­ 12.5, and the approximate weight of 12.5 blocks is 108 kg.
portation of raw materials are taken of global standard. The emission from the transportation of raw materials and the sub­
sequent consumption of diesel was also considered for their emissions.
2.2.1. Type 1: conventional concrete paver block (CCPB) The trucks used for conveyance were of global standard. Electricity from
The process of manufacturing concrete paver blocks was taken from the grid mix was used for the energy requirements of different
a paver block manufacturing industry (Web-7). The material and energy operations.
requirements for the CCPB are presented in Table 1. The Indian standard The raw materials were added to a concrete mixer, and the mixer was
(IS 2185 and IS 15658 (2006)) of solid concrete blocks was taken as the rotated for 15 min. The prepared mix was taken out from the mixer and

H. Goyal et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

Fig. 2. (continued).

used in conventional paver blocks. Waste plastic is used here as filler

Table 1 material, and cement is still used as binding material.
The life cycle inventory for manufacturing the three types of paver blocks.
The process for making the PFPB was taken from Tapkire et al.
Inputs Quantity Unit (2014). M40 mixture is taken as the standard mixture for these paver
Type 1: Conventional concrete Paver Block (CCPB) blocks. The sheets of LDPE were directly shredded to 10 mm aggregates
and used in the process for partial replacement of stone. The stone was
Cement 15.42 kg 30% replaced by shredded plastic. Cement, coarse aggregate, sand and
Sand 30.78 kg water were fed into a mixer in the mix ratio of 1:3.25:2.56:0.5. The
Stone Chip 61.8 kg obtained slurry from the mixer was moulded in the shapes of paver
Water 45.6 kg
blocks and settled in a vibrating table. The prepared paver blocks were
Mixer 0.63 MJ sent to the curing tank, which consumed 40 kg of water. The process of
Vibrator 0.135 MJ curing was similar as used in Type-1 paver blocks. The final PFPB were
Curing Tank 0.003 MJ dried in the sun and sent for their field use. Transportation for all the raw
Type 2: Plastic as filler material (PFPB) materials was considered in the assessment, except waste plastic. The
Cement 21 kg
energy requirements of the shredder were evaluated from the equipment
Sand 53.76 kg available in the market. Electricity for the curing tank was not taken into
Stone Chip 47.88 kg account due to its insignificant contribution. The size of the paver block
Water 10.5 kg was 100×100×60 mm3, and 100 such paver blocks are required to cover
Waste Plastic 20.52 kg
1 m2, and the approximate weight of 100 blocks will be 143.16 kg.
Mixer 0.83 MJ
Vibrator 1.08 MJ 2.2.3. Type 3: plastic as binder paver block (PBPB)
Shredder 1.32 MJ The process of preparing paver blocks using plastic as the binder for
Type 3: Plastic as Binder Paver Block (PBPB) the partial or complete replacement of cement is reported by Alexander
Sand 67.5 kg
Kumi-Larbi Jnr et al. (2018). In the present case, cement was replaced
Water 20 kg entirely by the waste plastic binder, which may make the process more
Waste Plastic 22.5 kg environment-friendly than other cases.
Electricity The main raw materials used in the PBPB approach are sand and
Mixer 30 MJ
waste plastic only. The paver block has dimensions of 50×50×50 mm3,
Press 25 MJ
Shredder 2.6 MJ and 400 such blocks are required to cover 1 m2 of land area, which has a
total weight of 90 kg. Therefore, 22.5 kg of plastic and 67.5 kg of sand
are used to make these blocks. Water for curing, and curing time are
sent to a vibrating table to compact the mould’s concrete mix. After significantly less than the CCPB and PFPB approaches, as cement has
compacting, the blocks were demolded and kept for 24 h in a shelter been completely (100%) replaced by waste plastic. The transportation of
away from direct sun and winds. The hardened blocks were cured with sand has been considered for its environmental impacts.
water for 28 days at ambient temperature with water changing cycle of 3 The LDPE packets were shredded (10–30 mm) and melted in a pan
days in the curing tank. The cured product was sundried and sent for placed over a hot plate at around 110–150 ◦ C. The sand was gradually
their end use. added and mixed in melted plastic, forming a thick slurry. The energy
consumption in mixing sand and melted plastic has been taken from the
2.2.2. Type 2: plastic as filler paver block (PFPB) electricity consumed by the hot plate magnetic stirrer. This slurry was
In this approach of waste plastic recycling, the waste plastic first gets moulded into paver blocks using a steel mould pre-heated to 100 ◦ C. The
converted to fine aggregates and used as a partial replacement of stone significant environmental impacts were due to the energy consumption

H. Goyal et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

Fig. 3. Relative distribution of environmental impacts from different inputs/outputs for (a)CCPB using CML 2001, (b)PFPB using CML 2001, (c)PBPB using CML
2001, (d)CCPB using TRACI, (e)PFPB using TRACI and (f)PBPB using TRACI methods.

in the heating/melting of the LDPE, and reheating of the mould to 2.4. Assumptions
100 ◦ C for every batch in the hydraulic press. These were significantly
higher than the CCPB and PFPB approaches due to the heating process The following assumptions were made for the present LCA study.
involved in the operations.
1. The paver blocks manufactured from the three processes are for light
2.3. Impact assessment traffic applications.
2. The environmental impacts associated with fabrication, installation,
Life cycle assessment is a multifarious analysis. Every LCA study will maintenance and operations of machinery involved in the processes
bring something different due to the application of various methods. In are omitted from the present study, since due to their long working
this paper, we have used Centrum Voor Milieukunde, Leiden 2001(CML life they insert minor impacts than the material and energy involved
2001) and Tool for Reduction and Assessment of Chemicals and other in the process (Ahangarnokolaei et al., 2021).
Environmental Impacts (TRACI) methods for the environmental impact 3. The emissions from the steps where impacts are significantly less
assessment. The CML 2001 method was developed by the Institute of (<0.1%) are omitted from the calculation to identify and discuss the
Environmental Sciences at Leiden University, the Netherlands, while the major contributors to environmental emissions. It would be more
TRACI method was developed by the United States Environmental helpful to decision-makers to reduce the emissions of the process.
Protection Agency (USEPA). The indicators used in CML 2001 methods 4. The environmental impacts from the production of cement and
potential for global warming (GWP 100 years), acidification(AP), crushed stone have been directly taken from the Gabi professional
eutrophication (EP), ozone layer depletion (ODP), abiotic depletion of database, including the impacts from mining, preprocessing and
elements and fossil fuels (ADP elements and ADP fossil), human toxicity transportation of raw materials.
potential (HTP), freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity potential (FAETP), ma­ 5. The mixing of concrete material for CCPB and PFPB processes was
rine aquatic ecotoxicity potential (MAETP) and terrestrial ecotoxicity carried out in a concrete mixing machine of capacity 500 L. The
potential (TETP). TRACI methods include five similar impact categories impacts were evaluated accordingly.
but with different indicators. For example, the CML 2001 method rep­ 6. The waste plastic has been considered to be collected and utilized
resents human health as human toxicity potential. In contrast, the TRACI locally, so transportation of 20 km for waste plastic collection has
method divided it into three indicators human toxicity carcinogenic (H. been considered (Hou et al., 2018).
T C), human toxicity non-carcinogenic (H.T NC) and human health 7. The use phase of waste plastic does not have any environmental
particulate air (HHPA) (Goyal and Mondal, 2022, Gupta et al., 2022). It emissions (Allawood et al., 2010) and the span of waste period i.e.
is clear from the study that cement is the main constituent for the period between collection and utilization is negligible.
environmental impact of the first two cases and electricity consumption
for the third case.
2.5. Scenario description

Scenario analysis has been performed to evaluate the potential ways

by which the environmental impacts can further be decreased. The type

H. Goyal et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

of paver block, which has the lowest impact among the above three from total electricity consumption in the manufacturing of paver blocks
types, was taken for scenario analysis. Since the composition of raw are less than 2% in all the impact categories except OFP. The electricity
materials cannot be altered as it directly affects the compressive strength consumption in the mixer (Elec_mixer) and vibrator (Elec_vibrator) has
of the products. However, the energy consumption in any paver block shown 13% and 3% impacts, respectively, in the ODP category. The
manufacturing process is the major input that can be obtained from relative ODP is due to the consumption of fossil-based electricity.
different sources. In the present study, four different scenarios for The significant impacts associated with the transportation of stone,
electricity sources have been evaluated, which are as follows: sand and cement through trucks are in AP, EP and GWP. The diesel fuel
Sc 1: Electricity from grid mix. used in the truck has shown significant relative contribution in ADP(F)
Sc 2: Electricity from natural gas. and FAETP categories due to the depletion of fossil fuel and emissions to
Sc 3: Electricity from solid biomass. fresh water during extraction and refining operations, respectively.
Sc 4: Electricity from hydropower. Overall, the higher emissions from CCPB are due to the utilization of
large amounts of cement.
2.6. Parameter sensitivity analysis
3.2. Impacts from PFPB
Evaluating uncertainty at the parameter level is very important to
check the robustness of LCA results. The single parameter sensitivity The relative impacts associated with the manufacture of PFPB are
analysis has been performed by considering the electricity utilization in shown in Fig. 3 (b) and (e) using CML 2001 and TRACI methods,
different operations, transportation distance and payload of trans­ respectively. The PFPB process also has the highest environmental
portation trucks as sensitive parameters that can vary. The sensitivity emissions from the utilization of cement as binder. The use of cement
was assessed by inserting ±20% variation in the above-stated parame­ binder has more than 50% environmental emission in all the impact
ters, and the results on the environmental impacts were determined. categories, even it has more than 80% contribution to ADP(E), GWP,
HTP, MAETP and TETP categories. Next to the cement, the trans­
2.7. Uncertainty analysis portation of raw materials (stone, sand, cement and waste plastic)
through truck trailers has 32%, 45% and 11.6% impacts in AP, EP and
Uncertainty analysis was carried out using Monte Carlo simulation to GWP categories. The large emissions from the truck in AP and EP cat­
analyse the effects of simultaneous variation of above considered pa­ egories are majorly from the vehicle production step, with some
rameters. The input parameters were assumed to follow normal distri­ contribution from vehicle maintenance and operation(Rial and Pérez,
bution with standard deviation of ±20%. One thousand iterations were 2021). The diesel fuel consumption in transportation has shown 37.39%
performed to evaluate the effect of variation on the environmental and 39.45% percent impacts in ADP(F) and FAETP indicators. The high
impacts. FAETP due to diesel utilization are mainly from the fossil fuel produc­
tion, especially the crude oil extraction process (Hosseini et al., 2022).
3. Results and discussions Since in PFPB, the plastic has been used as filler material in the form
of aggregates, the plastic used here was shredded and mixed with the
3.1. Impacts from CCPB concrete mixture with 30% replacement of aggregates. The environ­
mental emissions from the energy consumption in shredding operation
The CCPB uses Portland cement as the binder, along with aggregate (Elec_shredder) are relatively lower than other operations in all the
and sand. Fig. 3 (a) and (d) shows that the use of Portland cement has the impact categories except in ODP. It is due to the consumption of elec­
highest environmental impact in all the categories. The Portland cement tricity in shredding operation.
has contribution of 98.5% in ADP(E), 48% in ADP(F), 55% in AP, 45% in
EP, 49% in FAETP, 80.7% in GWP, 94% in HTP, 67% in ODP and 82% in 3.3. Impacts from PBPB
TETP categories. The high contribution in ADP(E) is attributed to the
utilization of large quantities of inorganic raw materials, mainly lime­ Fig. 3 (c) and (f) show the environmental impacts from the
stone and clay, for manufacturing Portland cement. Emission from manufacturing process of PBPB using CML 2001 and TRACI methods.
Portland cement includes the emission involved in mining, excavation, The electricity consumption in shredding, mixing and moulding is
processing and transportation of raw materials, i.e. limestone, chalk and responsible for the more than 80% impacts in ADP(E), ADP(F), GWP,
clay (or their naturally occurring mixture: limestone marl) (Web-8). The HTP, MAETP and ODP categories. The high electricity consumption is
ADP (F) is due to the involvement of fossil-based energy utilization in mainly due to the heating operation involved in the melting and mixing
different operations of the cement production process, which has almost operation. The moulding of slurry in a hydraulic press is the most
50% contribution in the ADP(F) category. Further, the diesel con­ energy-intensive process, which maintains high pressure, and has major
sumption in the transportation of major raw materials (sand, cement and contribution in almost all categories. The total electricity consumption
stone) through truck trailers has 41% contribution to ADP(F). The attributes to 95.4% impacts in ADP(E), 78.3% in ADP(F), 54.3% in AP,
clinker production in the cement industry emits large amounts of CO2 in 48% in EP, 59% in FAETP, 83% in GWP, 85% in HTP, 96% in MAETP,
two ways, one by thermo-chemical conversion (calcination) of limestone 99% in ODP and 66% in TETP categories. The diesel consumption in the
to lime and the other is due to utilization of large amounts of fuel in the transportation of sand attributed to 19%, 36.3% and 20.35% impacts in
kiln, which ultimately increases the GWP and ODP of the process (Chen ADP(F), FAETP and TETP indicators. The high AP (37%) and EP (45%)
et al., 2010). The high percentage of toxicities potential is due to the from the transportation of sand through truck trailers are from the life
consumption of large amounts of energy in the cement industry. cycle of materials utilized in the manufacturing and operation of trucks
The crushed stone used in the process has 9%, 5.4%, 3.7%, 4%, 9.8% (Rial and Pérez, 2021). The impacts from the collection of waste plastic
and 11% contributions in ADP(F), AP, EP, GWP, MAETP and ODP cat­ is <1% in major impact categories except AP, EP and FAETP where it has
egories. The impacts from crushed stone are mainly from materials and 2–3% contribution to total environmental impacts. Since, in this type of
energy involved in the mining, crushing and transportation operations. paver blocks, plastic is used as a binder instead of cement, it avoids the
The electricity consumption has less environmental emissions than other impacts associated with cement production. The sand utilized as filler
inputs due to lower electricity consumption in different operations material here does not have significant impact in any category. The
involved in the process of paver block manufacturing from raw mate­ transportation of raw materials has impacts in AP, EP and FAETP cate­
rials; instead, enormous energy(electricity) consumptions are involved gories. Since these kinds of paver blocks do not have cement as binder,
in preprocessing and manufacturing of raw materials. The emissions curing is not required.

H. Goyal et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

Table 2
Total impact caused by each operation and process by the CML 2001 method.
Impact category Unit CCPB PFPB PBPB

ADP(E) Kg Sb-Eq. 2.12E-05 2.89E-05 4.25E-06

ADP(F) MJ 77.00 99 103
AP Kg SO2 Eq. 3.26E-02 4.17E-02 1.90E-02
EP Kg Phosphate Eq. 6.21E-03 7.83E-03 4.17E-03
FAETP Kg DCB-Eq. 2.90E-02 3.7E-02 2.14E-02
GWP Kg CO2 Eq. 16.00 21.4 9.86
HTP Kg DCB-Eq. 1.95 2.63 0.33
MAETP Kg DCB-Eq. 498 682 988
ODP Kg R11- Eq. 1.82E-11 3.31E-11 2.13E-10
TETP Kg DCB-Eq. 3.58E-02 4.78E-02 1.42E-02

Table 3
Total impacts caused by each operation and process by the TRACI method.
Impact category Unit CCPB PFPB PBPB

GWP Kg CO2 -Eq. 16 21.4 9.84

AP Kg SO2 –Eq. 0.0404 0.0514 0.0239
EP Kg N Eq. 2.36E-03 3.02E-03 2.86E-03
ODP Kg R11- Eq. 3.15E-13 5.70E-13 3.65E-12
Ecotoxicity CTUe 0.521 0.669 0.383
HHPA Kg PM2.5 Eq. 3.1E-03 4.06E-03 1.93E-03
HT (C) CTUh 9.39E-09 1.25E-08 4.85E-09
HT (NC) CTUh 1.21E-06 1.61E-06 5.27E-07
Res.(F.F.) MJ surplus energy 8.82 11.2 6.56
Smog air Kg O3-Eq. 0.925 1.18 0.48

consumption, while in CCPB and PFPB, the consumption of large

amounts of cementitious raw materials has maximum impacts. The high
ODP and ADP(F) in the PBPB process is due to the utilization of higher
amount of electricity in the manufacturing process than the PFPB and
CCPB processes. During the addition of sand, continuous stirring and
heating were provided, which ultimately resulted in the high amount of
energy consumption. In PFPB and CCPB, the major environmental
emissions are from the utilization of cement and the transport of stone,
sand and cement. The HTP of PFPB is almost 8 times higher than PBPB
and 1.35 times higher than CCPB. The impacts from the three types of
paver blocks using CML 2001 and TRACI methods are presented in
Table 2 and Table 3, respectively.
The normalized impacts from TRACI methods are shown in Fig. 4 (b).
Fig. 4. Normalized environmental impacts from three processes by (a) CML
The impact assessment through the TRACI method also shows the higher
2001 and (b) TRACI methods.
emissions of PFPB than CCPB and PBPB in major impact categories. The
PBPB has the lowest impacts in all categories except ODP and EP cate­
3.4. Normalization of impacts gories which can be reduced by further increasing the efficiency of the
process and by the utilization of an electricity source which has low
The comparative environmental emissions from the three types of environmental emissions. The results from the CML 2001 and TRACI
paver blocks using CML 2001, August 2016 and TRACI methods are methods shows consistency in emissions.
shown in Fig. 4 (a) and (b), respectively. The figure clearly shows that
plastic used as the binder material has significantly lower impacts than
the paver blocks where cement has been used as the primary binder. The 3.5. Scenario analysis
exclusion of cement itself decreases the emission by several times. The
PFPB has the highest impacts in most of the categories except MAETP The scenario analysis of an environment-friendly process has been
and ODP. The higher impacts of PFPB are attributed to electricity con­ performed to assess the possibility of further reduction in emissions.
sumption in additional operations of shredding and extruder. Further, Fig. 5 shows the impacts in different categories from different electricity
more cement and other raw materials were required to meet the func­ sources. Different sources of electricity have large variations in different
tional unit with the paver block of similar strength. The PBPB (GWP emissions to the environment, which mainly depends on the source of
9.86 kg CO2 Eq.) has 54% and 38.5% lower emissions GWP category energy and the process of converting it into electrical energy. For
than PFPB (21.4 kg CO2 Eq.) and CCPB (16 kg CO2 Eq.), respectively. instance, electricity from grid mix, which has a major portion from fossil
The acidification and eutrophication potentials of PBPB (AP 0.0193 kg fuel (hard coal), has shown major emissions from mining, transport and
SO2 Eq. and EP 0.0042 kg Phosphate Eq.) are respectively 54% and 46% the process of converting chemical energy to electrical energy. Out of
lower than PFPB (AP 0.042 kg SO2 Eq. and EP 0.0078 kg Phosphate Eq.). the four different electric energy source scenarios, utilization of hy­
The high ODP of PBPB (2.13E-10 kg R11 Eq.) than PFPB (3.31E-13 kg dropower can reduce emissions in almost all categories. Hydropower has
R11 Eq.) and CCPB (1.82E-11 kg R11 Eq.) is due to the relatively high the potential to reduce impacts in GWP (83%), AP (54%), EP (47%),
amount of energy consumption in separate melting of plastic and mixing ODP (99.4%), ADP (E) (85%), ADP (F) (78%), HTP (47%), MAETP
with sand. The major emissions from PBPB are attributed to electricity (96%), FAETP (58%) and TETP (65%) categories. The ODP from Grid
mix electricity (2.13E-10 kg R11 eq.) is 159 times higher than that from

H. Goyal et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

Fig. 5. Environmental impacts from different energy scenarios in (a) GWP, (b) TETP, (c) ADP elements, (d) FAETP, (e) AP, (f) ADP fossil, (g) EP, (h) ODP, (i) MAETP
and (j) HTP indicators.

hydropower (1.37E-12 kg R11 eq.). It is due to the fact that hydropower from solid biomass electricity is attributed to the leaching of manganese
does not have emissions due to the burning of any fuel since this process from ash to water bodies. Further, high TETP is due to the presence of
has lower conversion efficiencies. Hydropower reservoirs have emis­ trace metals like nickel, copper and barium in ash, which are generally
sions due to the anaerobic decomposition of organic materials present in disposed of in soil(Aberilla et al., 2020).
the reservoirs. However, these emissions are much less than those The electricity from natural gas reduces the emissions in ADP(E), AP,
caused by fossil fuel utilization as energy sources. The electricity from MAETP, FAETP, EP, HTP and ODP categories, while it has maximum
solid biomass has lower impacts in GWP (2.34 kg CO2 eq.), ODP (1.32E- impacts in only ADP(F) categories since natural gas is also one of the
12 kg R11 eq.), ADP(E) (1.27E-06 kg Sb eq.) and ADP(F) (29.2 MJ) fossil fuel which adds carbon to the atmosphere. From the scenario
categories since it avoids the overall addition of carbon to the atmo­ analysis, it has been concluded that using renewable sources of elec­
sphere which in turn is added by fossil fuel. But it has shown maximum tricity, such as hydropower, greatly reduces the environmental impacts.
impacts in TETP (0.0426 kg DCB eq.), FAETP (0.04 kg DCB eq.), AP Electricity from solid biomass can also be utilized in the region where
(0.038 kg SO2 eq.), EP (0.0077 kg Phosphate eq.), MAETP (15200 kg abundant agricultural waste biomass is available. The change in elec­
DCB eq.) and HTP (1.24 kg DCB eq.) categories. The high AP and EP are tricity sources can reduce the impacts from 60 to 80% in significant
because of the high use of fertilizers in the cultivation of biomass which impact categories and make the process more environment-friendly.
releases a high amount of nitrates and phosphate-containing compounds
to surface water bodies (Tonini and Astrup, 2012). The high MAETP

H. Goyal et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

Fig. 6. Shift in environmental emissions from parameter sensitivity analysis (a) GWP, (b) AP, (c) ODP, (d) MAETP and (e) FAETP.

H. Goyal et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 402 (2023) 136857

3.6. Sensitivity analysis Carlo uncertainty analysis elucidate the robustness and acceptability of
results. Thus, LCA study suggests that, the utilization of waste plastic as
The sensitivity analysis has been performed by varying the electricity binder for making paver block can be better option to avoid two major
requirements, transportation distance and transportation truck payload. environmental issues i.e. littering of waste plastic and GHG emissions
The variation of impacts in different categories for all three processes is from cement industry. Furthermore, the present study has limitation of
shown in Fig. 6 and S1. The variation in parameters by ±20% have lab scale processes and, the LCA of large-scale commercial production
shown different impact variation in different processes. The variation in processes is recommended for future.
transportation distance and truck payload have introduced major im­
pacts variation in CCPB and PFPB processes because large amount of CRediT authorship contribution statement
cement, stone and sand has been utilized in these two processes. The
PBPB process has major impact variation due to variations in the amount Hemant Goyal: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology,
of electricity since it has relatively higher consumption of electricity Validation, Visualization, Roles, Writing – original draft. Rakshit
than the rest two processes. The distance and payload variation doesn’t Kumar: Data curation, Formal analysis, Software, Writing. Prasenjit
shift impacts for the PBPB process. Since the major emissions in CCPB Mondal: Resources, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing –
and PFPB processes are mainly attributed to the utilization of materials, review & editing.
the variation in electricity consumption in the mixer, shredder and
vibrator doesn’t significantly shift the impacts in any categories except
ODP. ±20% variation Elec_mixer has shifted the ODP by ±2.74% for Declaration of competing interest
CCPB process and ±2% for PFPB process. The GWP variation due to
±20% transportation distance in CCPB and PFPB processes are The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
±3.125% and ±2.34%, respectively. The truck payload has reversely interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
shifted the impacts as an increase in the payload decreases the impacts the work reported in this paper.
and vice-versa. The distance and payload have similar variations in
FAETP, AP, TETP, EP and ADP(F) categories for both CCPB and PFPB Data availability
processes. Further, ±20% shift in Elec_mixer and Elec_press of the PBPB
process has the potential of GWP variation by ±8.7% and ±7.5%, Data will be made available on request.
respectively. Thus, sensitivity analysis suggests that the variation of
transportation distance and truck payload are very crucial parameters of Acknowledgement
CCPB and PFPB processes, while the electricity consumption has high
impacts shifts for the PBPB process. The high payload truck and efficient The authors are thankful to Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
electricity sources should be used to have minimum environmental (India) for providing facilities and resources for carrying out this study.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
3.7. Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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