Argumentative Essay Task

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Analysing an argumentative essay

Have you ever left one of your books at home when you needed it in the class? You might answer
‘yes’ to the question, but this problem won’t be a big deal if you can just call your family home, right?
However, there are some schools that do not allow you to bring your cell phone to school. This
situation has created the question of whether students should be allowed to have cell phones in school
or not. While some argue that cell phones are disruptive and can hinder learning, I believe that there
are strong reasons to support their use in educational settings.

One of the primary reasons students should be allowed to have cell phones in school is for
communication purposes. In emergency situations, having a cell phone can be a lifesaver. Parents can
reach their children in case of unforeseen circumstances, ensuring their safety. Moreover, students can
communicate with their peers and teachers, fostering a collaborative and communicative learning
environment. Lastly, cell phones offer access to a vast array of educational resources. With the
internet at their fingertips, students can easily look up information, conduct research, and access
educational apps.

It’s true that cell phones can be a source of distraction. Critics argue that students may use them to
text, play games, or engage in social media during class, diverting their attention from the lesson.
However, this challenge can be effectively addressed through policies and guidelines that restrict cell
phone use during the class. For example, teachers ask students to collect their cell phones on the
designated shelf in the class.

In conclusion, allowing students to have cell phones in school can be a wise decision if managed
effectively. These devices can enhance communication, provide access to educational resources, and
teach responsibility. While concerns about distractions are valid, they can be reduced with well-
defined guidelines and supervision. Ultimately, embracing technology in the classroom can help
students prepare for the digital world they will encounter in the future.

Paragraph I

1. What is the function of paragraph one?

The function is to introduction and engage the reader to focus on what the writer wants to
explain. In the last paragraph, there is a writer's statement to know their position is to argue or
not argue with the topic. In this paragraph, there are also pro and contra with the topic.

2. What problem will be discussed?

The problem is whether students bringing handphones to class is bad or not for learning.
3. Does the writer express his/her position concerning the problem? How?
Yes, it does. The writer expresses his position in the last sentence in paragraph one. The writer
argues that there are strong reasons why handphones must be brought by students during
Paragraph II

1. What is the function of this paragraph?

The function is to explain the writer's reason why argues with it. In this paragraph, there is
also evidence (some good examples), facts situations, and the writer's opinion. In this
paragraph also has supporting ideas from the writer.

2. What is the topic sentence?

The topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph and the statement that will be explained
by the writer.

3. How many supporting ideas are there?

There are four supporting ideas.

4. How are they connected to each other?

To connect each other the writer uses transitional words and phrases.

Paragraph III

1. What is the function of this paragraph?

The function is to give a solution for the problem when the handphones are brought to the
school with students. In this paragraph, the writer gives his opinion on solving the problem.

2. How does he convince the reader of his position?

She gives the conclusion that more positive impact when we argue about bringing
handphones to school. The writer confirms at the end of his paragraph his position that he
agrees with carrying cell phones at school by providing a summary of all the reasons and
ideas in the previous paragraph.

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