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Aim: Study of basic network command and Network configuration commands.

Apparatus (Software): Command Prompt And Packet Tracer.

Procedure: To do this EXPERIMENT- follows these steps:

In this EXPERIMENT- students have to understand basic networking commands e.g ping, tracert etc.

All commands related to Network configuration which includes how to switch to privilege mode

and normal mode and how to configure router interface and how to save this configuration to

flash memory or permanent memory.

These commands include

• Configuring the Router commands

• General Commands to configure network

• Privileged Mode commands of a router • Router Processes & Statistics

• IP Commands

• Other IP Commands e.g. show ip route etc.

arp -a:

This command is used to display the ARP table for a particular IP address. It also shows all the entries of the ARP
cache or table. arp -g: This command works the same as the arp -a command. arp -d: This command is used when
you want to delete an entry from the ARP table for a particular interface.

hostname command in Linux is used to obtain the DNS (Domain Name System) name and set the system's hostname
or NIS (Network Information System) domain name. A hostname is a name given to a computer and attached to the
network. Its main purpose is to uniquely identify over a network.


The `ipconfig` command is a powerful and widely used tool in Windows operating systems for retrieving network-
related information. When executed in the command prompt, it provides details such as the IP address, subnet mask,
default gateway, and DNS server information for all network interfaces on a computer. This command is essential for
troubleshooting network connectivity issues, configuring network settings, and gaining insights into the current
network configuration. With various options and parameters, users can tailor the output to their specific needs,
making it a versatile command for both novice and experienced users in managing and diagnosing network

Ipconfig /all –

The `ipconfig /all` command in Windows is an extension of the basic `ipconfig` command, providing a more
comprehensive and detailed overview of the network configuration. When executed in the command prompt, this
command displays extensive information about all network interfaces on the computer, including physical and virtual
adapters. It includes details such as the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS server addresses, MAC (Media
Access Control) address, DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) information, and more. This command is
particularly useful for network administrators and users troubleshooting complex network issues or those requiring
in-depth information about their system's network settings.
Ipconfig /renew-

The `ipconfig /renew` command is used in Windows command prompt to renew the DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol) lease for the network interface. When a device connects to a network, it is assigned an IP
address dynamically by a DHCP server. This lease is typically temporary, and the IP address needs to be renewed
periodically to maintain connectivity.By executing `ipconfig /renew`, the computer sends a request to the DHCP
server to extend or renew the current lease on the IP address. This can be helpful in situations where the device's IP
lease is about to expire, and the user wants to ensure a continuous and uninterrupted network connection. It's a
useful command for troubleshooting connectivity issues or for making sure the device has the most up-to-date
network configuration information.
Ipconfig /release –

The `ipconfig /release` command in Windows is used to release the current DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol) lease for the network interface. When this command is executed in the command prompt, the device sends
a request to the DHCP server to release its current IP address. This can be useful in scenarios where a user wants to
relinquish the current network configuration or troubleshoot connectivity issues. After using `ipconfig /release`, the
device typically reverts to an APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing) address until a new lease is obtained, or a static
IP is configured.

Ipconfig /flushdns –

The `ipconfig /flushdns` command in Windows is used to flush or clear the DNS (Domain Name System) resolver
cache on the local computer. When executed in the command prompt, this command removes all the entries stored
in the DNS cache, including previously resolved domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. Flushing the
DNS cache can be beneficial in situations where there are DNS-related issues, such as incorrect or outdated DNS
records.By using `ipconfig /flushdns`, you essentially force the system to rebuild its DNS cache from scratch. This can
help resolve DNS-related problems, update domain name mappings, and ensure that the computer obtains the latest
and accurate DNS information when accessing websites or other network resources. It's a useful command for
troubleshooting and maintaining the DNS resolution process.

nbtstat -a –

The `nbtstat -a` command is used in Windows command prompt to display the NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output
System) information for a specified remote computer. When executed with the `-a` parameter followed by the
remote computer's name or IP address, the command provides details such as the NetBIOS name table, MAC (Media
Access Control) address, and the status of the specified system on the network. This command is helpful for
troubleshooting NetBIOS-related issues and obtaining information about networked devices using NetBIOS.

The netdiag command analyzes the statistics continuously gathered by the network protocol code and (if required)
performs various tests to ensure the sanity of operation of the protocol code. It displays the results of the analysis
(and any tests performed) along with suggested remedial actions (if any problems are found). The netdiag command
analyses almost all of the statistics displayed by the many forms of the netstat command for aberrant values.

netstat –

The netstat command is a network utility tool available in various operating systems, including Windows. It provides
information about network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and other
network-related information. In Windows, you can use the netstat command in the Command Prompt to display
active network connections and listening ports.

The nslookup command is a network utility tool available in various operating systems, including Windows. It is used
to query DNS (Domain Name System) servers to obtain domain name or IP address information. When you run the
nslookup command in the Command Prompt or PowerShell, you enter an interactive mode where you can perform
DNS queries and retrieve information.

The ping command is a network utility tool used to test the reachability of a host (usually a computer or server) on
an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It also measures the round-trip time it takes for a data packet to travel from the
source to the destination and back. The ping command is widely used for network troubleshooting and diagnostics.
In Windows, you can use the ping command in the Command Prompt or PowerShell.

The route command is a network utility tool used in various operating systems, including Windows, to display and
manipulate the IP routing table. In the context of Windows, the route command is used in the Command Prompt or
PowerShell to view and manage the routing information on a computer.


The tracert (short for "traceroute") command is a network diagnostic tool used in various operating systems,
including Windows. It is used to trace the route that packets take from the local computer to a destination IP address
or domain. The tracert command provides information about each hop along the path, showing the IP addresses and
the time it takes for the packet to reach each router or server.

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