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Navor, Jack Bush

Bambao, Czarina
Barcena, Joelle Avren
Delgado, Ella
Ladislao, Marianne Mae
Nelmida, Erich Klein


1. What is the main function of the kidney?

- The main job of the kidneys is to remove waste from the blood and return the
cleaned blood back to the body. Maintaining homeostasis. They manage fluid
levels, electrolyte balance, and other factors that keep the internal environment
of the body consistent and comfortable.

2. Describe the pathway of blood through the kidney.

- The pathway of the blood in the kidney starts in the aorta and enters the renal
artery, which branches into segmental arteries and interlobar arteries, leading to
arcuate arteries that nourish the outer kidney through cortical radiate arteries.
Afferent arterioles guide blood into the glomerulus for filtration, and the
resulting filtrate enters renal tubules. Efferent arterioles regulate blood flow.
Peritubular capillaries facilitate reabsorption, while cortical radiate veins merge
into arcuate veins, interlobar veins, and the renal vein to carry processed blood
out of the kidney. The renal vein connects to the inferior vena cava, completing
the cycle by returning deoxygenated blood to the heart.

3. How did you distinguish between the renal artery and the renal vein?

- The renal artery brings oxygenated blood to the kidneys for filtration, while the
renal vein carries filtered, deoxygenated blood away from the kidneys. The
distinction is based on their roles in the circulatory system and the direction of
blood flow.

4. Which area of the kidney contains the glomeruli and Bowman’s capsules?

- The bowman capsule surrounds the glomerular/ glomerulus and they are called
renal corpuscles. The renal corpuscle is located in the outer part of the kidney
called renal cortex.

5. In which part of the kidney does the majority of water reabsorption


- The majority of water reabsorption in the kidney occurs in the renal tubules,
specifically in the proximal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct.

6. What structure carries urine out of the kidney and where does it go?

- The two ureters is the structure that carries urine out of the kidney.Muscles in the
ureter walls continually tighten and relax forcing urine downward away from the

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