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Lesson Plan in Campus Journalism

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
A. Identify the reliable from unreliable source of news;
B. Distinguish the different mediums of Journalism and;
C. Write a short article about the news that you watched in television.


Lesson: Identifying Features of Journalistic Writing

Reference: English 4
Materials: Power point Presentation

A. Pre-Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance

B. Motivational Activity
The teacher will display images of reliable and unreliable news sources. The students will determine
whether or not the image displayed is reliable
1. Learning Task/Activity

C. Lesson Proper/Discussion
 News is the part of communication that keeps us informed of the changing events, issues,
and characters in the world outside.
 The foremost value of news is as a utility to empower the informed.
 The purpose of journalism is thus to provide citizens with the information they need to make
the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their communities, and their
 Journalism is the act of gathering and presenting news and information to subjects for all
mediums, print or non-print.
 The term journalism also refers to the news and information itself.
 There are different ways of presenting news and information including articles,reports,
broadcasts, or even tweets.
 The journalist is always involved in the process of gathering selecting and presenting news
and information being mindful of providing a truthful, noteworthy, and honest presentation.
It should meet the standard of truth and honesty in reporng

Mediums of Journalism

1. Broadcast - reporters share the news through television or radio and through Video or
audio online.
2. Print/Online - Journalist writes articles and blogs for publicationslike newspapers or
3. Photojournalism - Photojournalists tell stories through photos.
4. Multimedia - it is the combination of broadcast, print, andphotojournalism.
 Journalism serves many roles in the community. Its primary role is to inform thepublic.
Responsible journalism also involves spreading facts and news in and around the world.

Five (5) W's

 Who was it?

 What did they do?
 Where were they?
 When did it happen?
 Why did it happen?

D. Application
Directions: Have you watched the news today? In the box below, write your own news related to the
information you have watched. Remember to use the FiveW's.

E. Generalization

News is a type of communication that keeps us up to date on current events, issues,and people in the world.
The goal of journalism is to enable citizens to make gooddecisions about their lives, their communities, and
their governments. The fourmediums of journalism are; broadcast, print/online, photojournalism,
andmultimedia. The Five W’s of writing news articles are ;
 Who was it?
 What did they do?
 Where were they?
 When did it happen?
 Why did it happen?

F. Evaluation
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper

1. It is the primary role of Journalism. C. to inform criticize entertain inform investigate

2. It refers to the act of gathering and presenting news and information. D. Journalism
a. Almanac
b. Atlas
c. Encyclopedia
d. Journalism

3. The dateline on a news story indicates the … C. date when the story should be published
a. time when the story occurred
b. date when the story was written.
c. date when the story should be published.
d. place where the events described in the story took place
4. Which is NOT true about Journalism? A. It must be biased.
a. It must be biased.
b. It can be a print or non-print material.
c. It also refers to the information itself.
d. It is the act of gathering and presenting news information.

5. It is a medium of journalism where reporters share the news through television or radioand
through video or audio online. A. Broadcast
a. Broadcast
b. Multimedia
c. photojournalism
d. print/online

6. It is the combination of broadcast, print, and photojournalism. D. multmedia

a. Books
b. dictionary
c. concept map
d. multimedia

7. It is a medium of journalism where journalist writes articles and blogs for publications,like
newspaper or magazine. D. print/online
a. Broadcast
b. Photojournalism
c. multimedia
d. print/online

8. It is a medium of journalism that tells stories through photos. C. photojournalism

a. Broadcast
b. Multimedia
c. photojournalism
d. print/online

9. Which of the following is an example of online medium of journalism? A. Blogs

a. Blogs
b. Newspaper
c. radio
d. television

10. Which of the following is an example of print materials? B. Newspaper

a. Blogs
b. Newspaper
c. radio
d. television

G. Assignment
Cut /print and paste two articles from reliable and unreliable news source

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