Group Presentation and Report - NEW

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This assignment is designed to allow the student’s application of theoretical concepts into business
practices regarding firm internationalization. Teams need to report to the class the
internationalization and strategic directions of Vietnamese firms. Any firm that engages in
international business can be the subject of investigation. Suggestions are some companies similar
to Vinamilk, Wrap & Roll, Café Trung Nguyen, Vinacafe, Viettel, An Phuoc Group, Kinh Do
Corporation, Vietjet Air, Bitis’, Thien Long Group (but don't choose the companies from that list).

This section is to understand the internationalization strategy of the focal firm, its strategic
directions, and to make suggestions for the long‐term viability of their international business
activity. The presentation and report should cover the following points:

1. Introduction of the focal firm

‐ History (highlighting the firm milestones in their international business)
‐ Business snapshots (current, employees, markets, and products)
2. International competitiveness and mode of internationalization
‐ What are their key strengths?
‐ What is their market expansion strategy in terms of market selection, timing of
entry, the scale of entry, and mode of entry?
3. The global strategic direction of the firm
‐ Location of major activities (looking at location of their value creation activity:
Home vs. abroad)
‐ International Strategic Direction (Does the firm adopt an international, global
standardization, localization, or transnational strategy?)
‐ What are the advantages and disadvantages the firm may encounter when
pursuing this strategy?
4. Recommendation
‐ Making strategic recommendations to increase the international success of the
firm. It can be expanding to another market, increasing/decreasing scale of
market entry, or making some adjustments to local markets.
‐ You need to justify your recommendations


Assume that you are the International Business Development Manager for The firm you
presented in Section 1. This firm is looking for market opportunities in CPTPP members.
Your team has identified at least 3 different market belong to CPTPP that interested in
buying the main product of The firm you presented in Section 1. I want to know what non‐
cultural aspects of doing business in the target countries would be the most important for
us to consider.
1. To compare with something familiar, use the provided template to fill in scores for
the country and for Vietnam. For each element, a score of 10 indicates ‘lowest
risk’ or ‘most favorable’ and a score of 1 means ‘highest risk’ or ‘least favorable.’ You
will hand this in as an attachment to your work.
2. Write a brief analysis summarizing your findings, citing specific evidence about what
you believe to be the four (4) most significant issues for our company as we consider
investing in these 3 countries. Tell me how these issues would likely affect us. Do not
include your assessment of Vietnam in your report. Provide a list of resources used in
producing your profile. Follow the APA referencing style
Links to resources to help you get started are as follows
The World Bank Country Data –
• The CIA Fact Book –
index.html (Provides general reference information by country in a quick and
accessible outline)
• Global EDGE – (The global business resource page of the
Michigan State University CIBER with links to a wide variety of international
resources on the Web.)
• 2014 Index of Economic Freedom – (A
joint project of the Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal)
• Doing Business – (A World Bank site that provides
‘objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 183

This assignment is designed to provide practice in presenting information

professionally and responsibly, as well as clearly and concisely. You must express
yourself in your own words. The most successful papers will include current
information, clearly and logically explain your choices, and be highly professional
and well written.

Environmental assessment template

1 = Least favourable, 10 = Most favourable

1 = Highest risk, 10 = Lowest risk1
Vietnam Name of the target country
Political Environment
System of government
Stability of government
Level of corruption
Foreign relations
State ownership of companies
Terrorism and public security

Enter scores (1 – 10) in cells below country names
Legal/Regulatory environment
Independence of judiciary/due process
Contract enforceability
Tax rates and lows
Property rights protection
Environmental protection
Other trade restrictions
Foreign investment policies

Economic environment
GDP growth projections
GDP per capita
Government budgetary policy
Inflation rates
Currency stability
Strength of labour unions

Technological environment
Telecommunications and internet
Availability of required skills
Intellectual property protection
Technology transfer requirements/barriers
Adherence to international standards

Total scores


Presentations will take place in week 9.

‐ 20 minutes maximum for presentation (10 min for section 1; 10 min for section 2)
‐ After the presentation, group can edit their slides then resubmit their work through LMS for

The structure of the presentation should be consistent with the required content. The marking
guidelines are available on LMS‐UEH. They highlight:

‐ Good research skills by using multiple resources

‐ Effective communication skills, delivery, teamwork, and timing are also important
‐ Note that all members in a group need to present and will receive the same mark. Managing
to work effectively with others in harmony is also an important aspect of learning.


‐ Make a group report for Section 2.

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