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Pineda, Kobe M



I think it became a hot issue when the US criticize the Duterte administration for the
war on drugs, they say it was an inhuman action by the Duterte administration, and I can say
that it deeply affect us, and thousands of people have been killed mostly all poor Filipinos are
the victim, and thousands of families are suffering at that time of war on drugs. Also, many
children have been suffering and their lives have been debilitated and devastated. Many people
say that Duterte should take responsibility for killing thousands of people. But many Filipinos
are still believing and supporting him because they say that it was effective in lowering the
crime rate in our country even though many innocent civilians are getting affected by it. I think
the decision at that time of ICC prosecutors will help to convince some Filipinos to let
accountability take its course.
Extrajudicial Killings –
I started hearing about extra-judicial killing when I was a junior high student, I also
remembered in the news about some innocent civilians getting killed. because of the war on
drugs of our former president Duterte. I think this is the most controversial news at that time,
even the other country does not agree with the Duterte war on drugs because they say it
affects the human rights of people. For me at that time when I was a junior high school, I felt
sorry for the people getting killed even though they are innocent, and also many people are
scared to go out because of what happens in our country they are losing trust in the
Human Rights Defenders –
We know that Leila Dilemma was a former senator of the Philippines, she was
sentenced to prison, I think because of her involvement in illegal drugs and many witnesses
that saying she was one of the people involved in illegal drug trades in bilibid prison, one of the
famous witnesses is Jonel Sanchez is among several witnesses in a legislative probe that has so
far centered on De Lima’s negligence as justice secretary and supposed involvement in the
trade of illegal drugs inside and outside Bilibid. But the latest news about Leila’s dilemma is that
she was freed because they say it was politically motivated why she was sentenced to prison, it
states that there is not enough evidence that Leila’s dilemma was involved in illegal drugs. I can
say that there is no equal justice here in our country. It was different if you have higher
positions in the government or if you had tons of money you can achieve justice in the fastest
Children’s Rights –
I agree with the statement that it can affect children’s privacy and rights, I think
the best action should take by the policemen to identify the root cause, and also to identify
who’s behind it. I think we should know that not many children are engaging in drugs they are
also a victim of it because they don’t have any knowledge about what is wrong or right since
they are kids, also because of the violence and sexual abuse, they are engaging in drugs to
escape their reality. It was devastating to me as a citizen to see a young child engaging in drugs,
the government should punish the parents because they don’t have parenting skills.

Attacks on Journalists –
I think this is the issue about the Rappler news being biased against the Duterte
administration. there is a new update about this news website it says in the news that now they
can’t operate because, On June 29, 2022, Maria Ressa released a statement stating that the
Philippine government has ordered that Rappler be shut down. The shutdown order came right
as former President Rodrigo Duterte was set to leave office. For me, they don’t enough
evidence that this news website is biased, they have the right to express what is happening to
our country in the Duterte administration when there is so much killing happening and many
poor families are being affected by it. It was really an attack on the press freedom of our
country, also when the government did not sign the franchise of the ABS-CBN it was also
politically motivated. The government uses its position to harass and intimidate the media it
was against the freedom of expression.

HIV Epidemic –
I was surprised that we are at the top of the fastest-growing epidemic of HIV in
Asia, I thought we are at the lowest maybe because I don’t have enough knowledge about HIV,
also it can be I don’t give attention to that issue. I know that HIV is a transmitted disease, when
we say transmitted disease, it can pass to the other person, but HIV is a Sexually transmitted
disease that is an infection transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person
through sexual contact. It’s scary to think that HIV is spreading faster in our country I think
because many people in our country do not use protection. The most vulnerable are men
having sex with men. I think the lack of knowledge of young children is the problem why HIV
spreading faster, also because of poverty they are forced to find an easy way to earn money to
help and support their parents, they can earn money by having sex on their same gender.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity –

I think because we Filipinos are religious, the LGBTQ are being affected by it,
because of our belief that there are only 2 genders the male and female and you can’t change
your gender because some people believe that is prohibited by our GOD, that’s why they are
facing discrimination. I also why the Philippines government or the catholic doesn’t approve the
same-sex marriage, they believe both men/women can’t be married.

Key International Actors –


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