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1-History is a Difficult Subject
1. Why does the speaker bring up doctors and medical researchers?

2. How is the speaker's trilby hat anachronistic?

3. Why did historians previously focus on the elite?

4. What is the Marxist, or economic, interpretation of history?

5. How does the speaker say a Marxist would interpret historical religious values?

6. How does the speaker want to treat the claims of people in history?

7. What is the speaker referring to when he talks about mentalities?

8. How does anachronism affect the study of history?

1. What does the speaker imply about the study results from South Korea?

2. What does the speaker say about the technique of cloning?

3. What does the speaker say about the psychological development of clones?

4. What does the speaker say about the ethical dilemmas of cloning?

5. According ot the speaker, what type of people have signed up for cloned children?

6. What issue remains to be determined regarding cloning, according to the speaker?

9. What does the speaker say about the future of cloning?

3-Computer-Aided Drug Design
• According to the speaker, what two fields led to the possibilities of computer-aided

drug design?

• According to the speaker, what is an example of an inefficient process?

• How did early researchers attempt to create drugs?

• Why does the speaker tell the story of Fleming's discovery?

• According to the speaker, what are very powerful computers needed for?

• Why does the speaker mention ambitious students at the end of the lecture?

• According to the speaker, which is the most rapidly growing field in many


• What does the speaker note about the development of these two scientific fields?
• According to the speaker, where did the HIV virus originate?

• What does the speaker compare to a "foreign invader"?

• Why does the speaker mention urban areas?

• What does the speaker predict about HIV 2?

• Acording to the speaker, why has HIV 1 been the subject of the most research and


• What does the speaker think will be the solution to the problem of HIV?

• What does the speaker mention about gay rights groups?

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