Spaking Aptis 4

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Speaking APTIS (Set D)


The speaking test consists of FOUR different parts.

The candidate’s responses are recorded.
A maximum of FIVE marks are available for each task.
The test takes about 12 minutes.

Part 1: Welcome to the APTIS speaking test. In this part I’m going to ask you three short
questions about yourself and your interest.

You will have 30 seconds to reply to each question. Begin speaking when you hear this sound

 Please tell me about your favourite movie. (BEEP)

 Tell me about the last time you watched a movie at the cinema. (BEEP)
 Who is your favourite actor? (BEEP)
Part 2: In this part I’m going to ask you to describe a picture. Then I will ask you two more
questions about it.

You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound (BEEP)

Can you describe this picture in detail for me? (BEEP)

 In your opinion, why do people go to the cinema instead of watching a movie at
 From your point of view, is watching movie at the cinema a good activity? Why?
Part 3: In this part I’m going to ask you to compare two pictures and I will then ask you two
questions about them.

You will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound. (BEEP)

Describe what you see in the two pictures. (BEEP)

 Why do some people like crowded places? (BEEP)
 What kind of topics do people talk about when they are in a big crowd? (BEEP)

Part 4: In this part I’m going to show you a picture and ask you 3 questions. You will have one
minute to think about your answers before you start speaking.
You will have two minutes to answer all three questions. Begin speaking when you hear this
sound. (BEEP)

Please look at the picture. (10 seconds to look)

 In your opinion, what is the best way for a person to have a quality time? (BEEP)
 Which one do you prefer; spending time alone doing your favourite activity or spending
time with company doing many activities? (BEEP)
 Is our current generation better than the previous in terms of social skills? (BEEP)
You will have one minute to think about your answers. You may make notes in you wish.

You now have two minutes to answer all three questions. (BEEP)

That’s the end of the speaking test. Thank you.

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