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jeune: Geomorphology ra ey DRAINAGE SYSTEMS IN SOUTH AFRICA \{ BAsiN2 = Watershed ~~ __ Boundary of drainage basin ° Confluence Important Concepts Drainage basin: Area drained by a river and its tributaries, Catchment area : Refers to the upper reaches of a drainay ge basin which supplies a river with wal, ‘example, the Drakensberg Mountain is a catchment for m: ‘any South African rivers, River system: Refers to the main river and its tributaries, Watershed: Itis a high ying area (spur, mountain, *idge) that separates two different drainage bass Interfluve: Land that separates steams in the same drainage basin, Tributary: Smaller steams that join the main steam River mouth: Point where the river enters the sea, River source: Starting point ofa river Confluence: Point where two or more rivers join or meet, Surface runoff: water hat fos onthe suace at itraing Infitration: Water that seeps into the ground ater ring Ground water: water found within the earth's sutagg Excel 620912 rate 2 cpg ae "9854 of ang i Powered by CamScanner Wodule 2: Gaamorphaogy Water table ‘+ Refers to the upper limit of water that is found underground, ‘+ The water table tends to be higher in summer because of higher rainfall, Other factors that ‘ise to a higher water table include: natural vegetation that traps surface water and increases infitration, gentle slopes, permeable rocks and moist soils. ‘The building of bore holes and wells would decrease ground water levels. Types of rivers a. Permanent © Flows all year round. ‘© Associated with high rainfall areas. b, Periodic/seasonal + Flows only in the rainy season, ‘+ Characteristic of area with high summer rain and dry winters. ©. Episodic * Flows only after a heavy rainfall or thunderstorm. © The river flows for a few hours, * Characteristic of aid areas * Also occurs in areas where soil evaporation is high, and ground water is low . Exotic ‘* Originates in areas of high rainfall but flows through dry areas e.9. the Orange River. These types of rivers commonly occur on the west coast of South Africa. Types of drainage patterns ‘Pattern Description Underlying rock structure Dendritic Resembles the branch of atree Tributaries join the main river at acute angles Associated with horizontal sedimentary and massive igneous rocks. © Occurs on rocks that have a uniformequal resistance to erosion Rectangular The main streams have 90° bends along its course The tributaries jon the main stream at 90° ‘Aso forms in horizontal sedimentary rocks with many joints and faults + Forms on igneous rocks ‘that have many joints Excel in Geography Grade:12 CAPS - Page 55 of 204 Powered by CamScanner «Rivers flow away from a | central point such as @ volcano ora dome | « Itresembles the spokes of awhee! Ibis associated with massive igneous rocks \ or « Rivers flow towards a central point or depression + The central point could be alake, a pan ora basin to Radial centripetal = Deranged / intermittent « thas a haphazard pattern © There are many lakes and swamps + Develops from the disruption ofa pre-existing drainage pattern + Itforms in areas wher, 1 domes and volcanoes occur Associated with massive igneous rocks Itforms in areas that have been recently exposed or formed (geologically young) ‘+ The main streams are parallel to each other ‘© Short tributaries join the main river at right angles + Tributaries often flow from gps or ports. +» Associated with sedimentary rocks which has altemate layers of hard and soft rock SB Trellis, Va | Parallel * Tributary streams tend to stretch out ina parallel. like fashion folowing the slope ofthe surface, Forms on rocks which has varying resistance to erosion Found in fold mountain regions and areas of inclined strata + Itoccurs in areas of major faults. + Areas of steeply folded bedrock. Resistant rock bands ean GeOmehy Grade 2 CAPS. Pape 5 of 04 << Powered by CamScanner Module 2 Geonesphalogy Drainage density Drainage density is a measure of the tot: tal length of streams per unit umber of streams in a basin, the higher age densiy ibe, neem the drainage density will be. ‘A drainage basin can be described as having a low, medium or high densiy Low density-few streams ‘Medium density-averagestreams || High density- many streams Factors influencing drainage density Drainage density varies from area to area. There are several factors which influence drainage density, The same factors that affect runoff, infiltration and the depth of the water table: + More infitration will cause fewer streams to occur, causing a low drainage density, high water table + More runoff will cause more streams to occur, causing a high drainage density, low water table. Factors influencing drainage | Low drainage density High drainage density density ‘Amount of rainfall Density is usually ower in Density is usually higher in (precipitation) places that experience a dry | places that experience a wet climate, eg. the arid region of | climate, e.g. East Coast of the Karoo South Africa Gradient (slope) Gentle slopes increase the | Steeper slopes increase the amount of inition ino the | amount of runoff ino streams ground thus resulting in lower | causing higher density density Permeability Permeable rocks allow Impermeable rocks promote more inftration. Therefore less_| runoff. Therefore more surface surface streams develop and | streams will develop and density is low. For example | density is high. Example on chalk and limestone basalt and granite Porosity Rock that is porous will allow | Rock that is non-porous more infiltration, and less promotes runoff, therefore surface streams will develop _| more surface streams wil therefore density is low develop and density is high Excel in Geography Grade:12 CAPS - Page 57 of 204 Powered by CamScanner Tesi Geomerphoiogy filtration is low in soils thay Diy soils absorb water in a therefore steam runofis have high moisture content reduced and drainage density | More channels form due io islow. greater surface run-off and drainage density is high. Lots of vegetation cover results In areas where the vegetation in greater infitration into loose | has been removed by sol soils, This leads to lower erosion, the formation of gullies drainage density. is promoted therefore resuting in higher drainage density, Vegetation Stream ordering This is @ method of classifying streams so that the size of drainage basins can be compared, The smallest streams (finger-tip tributaries) are classified as first order streams, ‘When two fist order streams meet at a confluence they form a second order stream, When two second order streams meet they form a third order stream, The order ofthe stream wil continue to increase in the manner described above provided that {wo streams of the same order meet (X on diagram). * The order does not change when two different order streams meet. For example, when a fst order tributary meets a second order stream, the stream will remain an order two stream (Y on diagram). The value ofthe higher order stream is retained. a Excel in Geography Grade:12 CAPS - Page 58 of 204 Powered by CamScanner Module = Geomorphology Discharge of a river Refers to the flow of water ina river The down-slope flow of water in a river under the influence of gravity is elther smooth or turbulent, The flow within most rivers is turbulent in the upper course and laminar low usually occurs in the lower course. Laminar Turbulent pS Laminar flow ‘+ Water flows in thin layers that glide smoothiy over each other. ‘+ There are no rocks and boulders to cause fiction between the water and the rocks. * Occurs when the river bed is even and gently sloping Has a low rate of erosion Turbulent flow + Water goes in complex tumbling circular movements. «Rivers have a rough and uneven bed. More energy is required to overcome these obstacles. ‘Has a high rate of erosion Impact of urbanization on stream flow Removal of vegetation to construct buildings, increases surface run-off and results in higher discharge over a short space of time. Water flow tends to be more turbulent. Concrete surfaces and tar reduces the infiltration of water into the ground and thus more water runs off the surface. Urban activities such as building dams, hydro-electric power plants and weirs also influences the flow of water Excel in Geography Grade:12 CAPS - Page 69 of 204 Powered by 9 CamScanner Activity 2.4 DRAINAGE BASINS eS — Continuous Fie, Intermittent Fioy $$ 4. Explain the term drainage basin? 2. What term is used to describe the ‘upper reaches" of a drainage basin? 3. Match the features A, B and C with one ofthe statements given below. a) the meeting point of two streams, b)_high-ving are that separates river systems in different drainage basins. ) land surface covered by a river system 4, Refer to river systems X and ¥ respectively. a) Identify each drainage pattem associated with river systems X and Y. ) Describe the rock lype over which each river system fows, : What type of a river is X? In which direction does river system D flow? Give two reas Determine the stream order at point Give two possible reasons forthe presence of more st upper course of river system X. sons for your answer. reams in the lower course than Excel in Gooweohy Gade12 CAPS. Page 60 of 204 —_—_—— 4 Powered by CamScanner

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