Solution To M03 Writing Project 1 Summary and Response Final Draft

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Title: Navigating the Digital Landscape: Jenna Wortham "Has Coronavirus Made the Internet Better?



In today’s connected world, the Internet plays an increasingly important role in shaping our daily lives.
Jenna Wortham's article, "Has Coronavirus Made the Internet Better?" (Wortham, 2020), provides
compelling insights into how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected online behavior and its spread to the
public. This answer aims to critically examine Wortham’s insights that focus on the multifaceted nature
of internet use in times of crisis.

Thesis Statement

While Wortham highlights the positives of widespread use of the internet during the epidemic, this
response argues here that the impact of the internet extends beyond mere communication. As a catalyst
for social change, it develops virtual communities, democratizes access to information, and reframes
norms of participation.


Wortham begins by acknowledging the unprecedented rise in Internet usage precipitated by the
pandemic due to the need for communication and information sharing in social distance systems
(Wortham, 2020). She emphasizes communities that seem to be emerging as spaces of collaboration,
activism, and creative expression, highlighting the potential to transcend geographic boundaries and
amplify marginalized voices. Additionally, Wortham highlights the role of technology in facilitating
distance learning and telemedicine, emphasizing its potential to bridge the gap in access to essential


Wortham’s insights into the changing landscape of the Internet are consistent with the notion that
technology is a double-edged sword. While this creates unprecedented opportunities for networking and
cooperation, it also exacerbates existing inequalities and challenges. The epidemic has highlighted the
digital divide, highlighting the urgent need for equivalent technological and digital literacy programs.

Furthermore, Wortham's emphasis on virtual communities highlights the role of the Internet as a
platform for social change. Internet activism emerged during the pandemic, sparking discussions about
policy issues such as racial justice, health disparities, and climate change The Internet empowered
individuals to mobilize, raise awareness, protest, and policy changes have been advocated but under
tangible change effects It is important to acknowledge the limitations of online activity and the
importance of online participation.

Furthermore, Wortham’s research on internet use sheds light on its impact on mental health and well-
being. While the Internet provides a means of communication and entertainment, it also presents
challenges such as information overload, cyberbullying, and social comparisons. The pervasiveness of
digital technologies can increase feelings of isolation and cause greater anxiety, especially among
vulnerable populations. It is therefore important to prioritize digital well-being and promote responsible
use of the Internet through education and advocacy.


In conclusion, Wortham’s insights into how the Internet developed during the pandemic highlight the
transformative power as a tool for social change. While the Internet has facilitated unprecedented
opportunities for communication, activity, and innovation, important ethical, socioeconomic concerns
also arise by actively engaging Wortham's insights with, we can critically assess the digital landscape and
work to harness the full potential of the Internet for positive social impact.


Wortham, J. (2020). Has coronavirus made the internet better? The New York Times. Retrieved from

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