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Aesth Plast Surg


Forehead Contouring as an Adjunct to Rhinoplasty: Evaluation

of the Effect on Facial Appearance, Personal Traits and Patient
Oguzhan Demirel1

Received: 14 January 2021 / Accepted: 7 March 2021

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature and International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2021

Abstract mean forehead inclination angle was 19,04o preoperatively

Background The nose has a great impact on facial beauty and 16,74° postoperatively.
and appearance. Therefore rhinoplasty is one of the most Conclusion With the important benefits such as higher
performed procedures worldwide. However, considering patient satisfaction and improvement on facial appearance
the varying degrees of cosmetic operations holistic and personal traits, forehead contouring with fat grafting
approach to face is essential to achieve more successful was an efficient and applicable procedure adjunct to
results. In order to this, the forehead is noteworthy with its rhinoplasty.
gender-related features and important relation to the nose. Level of Evidence IV This journal requires that authors
The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of forehead assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full
contouring with fat grafting adjunct to rhinoplasty on description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings,
personal traits, facial appearance and patient satisfaction. please refer to the Table of Contents or the online
Methods A total of 15 patients who underwent rhinoplasty Instructions to Authors
and forehead contouring with fat grafting were enrolled in
this retrospective study. Facial appearance and personal Keywords Forehead contouring  Forehead lipofilling 
traits were evaluated via subject Global Aesthetic Rhinoplasty  Facial appearance  Personal trait
Improvement Scale (S-GAIS), and patient satisfaction was
assessed with custom design Forehead Rhinoplasty Out-
come Evaluation Questionnaire (F/ROE-Q). Forehead Introduction
inclination was calculated as an objective indicator of fat
graft survival and contour improvement. Pre- and postop- Facial appearance has an important impact on personal
erative photographs were taken and used for evaluation. characteristics, social status and interactions [1, 2].
Results According to the F/ROE-Q score, mean total pre- Although beauty terms differ with ethnicity, culture, social
operative score was 9,13 and the mean total postoperative trends and time, the desire to achieve a more attractive
score was 24,86 (p \ 0,01). High postoperative satisfaction appearance is increasing remarkably [3, 4].
scores were observed in all patients. Statistically significant Facial beauty and attractiveness are mainly affected by
improvement was observed in attractiveness, femininity, anatomical features of the face according to feminine or
youthfulness, facial harmony, forehead contour, facial masculine characteristics [5, 6]. Especially, variations in
profile view parameters based on S-GAIS assessment. The nose and forehead anatomy and in their relations have an
important influence on the feminine perception [7, 8].
The nose is the most important facial unit that affects
& Oguzhan Demirel facial appearance with the features like being centrally located on the face, being the most prominent structure of
1 the mid-face and ethnicity-related anatomical differences
Denizli State Hospital Department of Plastic, Reconstructive,
and Aesthetic Surgery, Sırakapılar, Selcuk Caddesi, [9, 10]. With the sociological and physiological aspects, the
Merkezefendi, 20100 Denizli, Turkey nose is an important determinant of femininity [2, 10, 11].

Aesth Plast Surg

In a study conducted by Schijndel, the effect of the nasal nasal or forehead surgery were excluded from the study.
deformities on personal traits and visual attention rate was All patients underwent forehead contouring with fat
investigated. According to the comparison of the deformed grafting and rhinoplasty in the same session. Standard pre-
nose and computer-morphed nose, nasal deformities asso- and postoperative photographs of each patient were taken
ciated with negative personal traits and higher visual fix- in natural head position. The amount of injected fat was
ation duration [12]. In another study, the impact of recorded for each patient. Complications about forehead fat
rhinoplasty on attractiveness, success and perceived health grafting like infection, contour irregularities, cysts forma-
status was assessed. According to study results, better tion and fat emboli were noted. No additional forehead fat
scores were observed in each parameter after rhinoplasty grafting was applied during follow-up. Preoperative pho-
[13]. tographs and postoperative photographs which were taken
The forehead is another important determinant of the at the last appointment were used for evaluation.
feminine appearance with remarkable gender-related dif- Facial appearance and personal traits such as attrac-
ferences [5, 6]. Features such as high located hairline with tiveness, femininity, youthfulness and facial harmony and
the temporal recession, prominent supraorbital ridge, improvement in forehead contour and facial profile view
supraorbital bossing, flatter forehead and acute transition were analyzed using 5-point Subject Global Aesthetic
between frontal and nasal compartment are associated with Improvement Scale (S-GAIS) [19, 20]. Each parameter was
the male gender, whereas low situated hairline, smoother evaluated based on the following scale: 1 = worse, 2 = no
and sloping forehead, none or minimal protruding change, 3 = improved, 4 = much improved, 5 = very
supraorbital ridge and softer transition between frontal and much improved. The preoperative baseline score was
nasal compartments are associated with feminine and defined as 2 points for each parameter. Evaluation was
attractive appearance [6, 7]. administered via Internet-based survey program (Sur-
Based on these gender-related features, the forehead veyMonkey) to provide comfortable environment for
constitutes an important part of facial feminization surg- patients. Detailed information about S-GAIS is given in
eries in transgender patients [14, 15]. Besides the femi- Table 1.
nization surgeries that commonly include frontal bone Patient satisfaction was assessed with forehead and
manipulations, less invasive forehead contouring proce- rhinoplasty outcomes evaluation questionnaire (F/ROE-Q)
dures with fat grafts [16], alloplastic materials [17] or fil- which was designed based on the previously defined
lers [18] become popular recently among women to reach ‘‘Rhinoplasty Outcomes Evaluation Questionnaire (ROE-
more attractive, feminine and beautiful appearance. Q)’’[21]. A 5-point Likert scale was used for assessment.
In the literature, influence of nose and forehead on facial The questionnaire was conducted by a trained clinical
appearance is well described solely [7, 8, 10, 14], whereas nurse.
despite anatomical proximity, information about the effect Forehead inclination angle was measured on lateral view
of the combination of forehead contouring and rhinoplasty photographs as an objective indicators of fat graft survival
procedures on facial appearance in the female population is and postoperative surgery outcome. Adobe Photoshop
missing. digital imagining software program (Adobe Systems Inc,
Considering the importance of the holistic approach to San Jose, CA) was used to perform measurements and
facial units, the aim of this study to assess the effect of calculations.
forehead contouring with fat graft on facial appearance, The study was conducted according to the declaration of
personal traits and patient satisfaction as an adjunct to Helsinki for human participants and approved by the
rhinoplasty. Pamukkale University Hospital Local Ethical Committee.
Informed consent was obtained from all the patients for
enrollment and using photographs in this study .
Material and Methods
Forehead Inclination Angle Measurement
A total of 15 female patients who applied to our clinic
between February 2019 and August 2020 were enrolled in Forehead inclination angle was calculated using three
this retrospective study. Inclusion criteria for forehead anatomic landmarks and three measurement lines. Frank-
contouring were existence of masculine forehead features furt horizontal plane was used as reference line. Trichion
and contour abnormalities such as the prominent supraor- point (Tr), superion point (Sn), glabella point (G) and
bital ridge, supraorbital bossing, mid-frontal depression, forehead anterior point (FA) were used as anatomic land-
forehead flatness or any obvious contour abnormalities. marks [22]. These anthropometric landmarks are detailed
Also patients with high radix were enrolled in this study. in Table 2. Trichion point was selected in patients with flat
Patients with less than 3 months of follow-up and previous forehead contour. Superion point was selected in patients

Aesth Plast Surg

Table 1 Subject Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (S-GAIS)

Degree Description

Worsened patient (1 point) The appearance has worsened compared with the original condition
Unaltered patient (2 point) The appearance substantially remains the same compared with the original condition
Improved patient (3 point ) Improvement of the appearance, better compared with the initial condition, but a touch-up is advised
Very improved patient (4 point) Marked improvement of the appearance, but not completely optimal
Exceptional improvement (5 point) Excellent corrective result

Table 2 Anthropometric landmarks and their definitions

Trichion point (Tr) Intersection between midline of forehead and hairline

Superion point (Sp) Most superior aspect of the forehead when the forehead is either rounded or angular in contour
Glabella point (G) Intersection between midline of forehead and most prominent point of inter-eyebrow plane
Forehead anterior point The midpoint between trichion and glabella for foreheads with flat contour or the midpoint between superion and
(FA) glabella for foreheads with rounded or angular contour.

with more angular, oval or convex forehead contours. FA Operative Technique

point corresponds to the midpoint between trichion and
glabella or superion and glabella according to forehead Adipose tissue was harvested from the inner thigh or the
shape [22]. Line 1 was defined as a vertical line passing abdomen. After application of the tumescent solution,
from the G point that is perpendicular to Frankfort hori- liposuction was performed using a 3mm blunt-tip cannula.
zontal plane. Line 2 was defined as a vertical line passing Low negative pressure was created using 10cc Luer-lock
from the FA point that is perpendicular to Frankfort hori- syringes. Harvested lipoaspirates were purified using cen-
zontal plane. Line 3 was defined as a line passing from FA trifugation with 1200g/3 minutes centrifuge protocol. After
point to glabella point. The angle between Lines 1 and 3 is centrifugation, the middle adipose layer separated from oil
defined as forehead inclination angle. Anthropometric and fluid layers and transferred to the 2.5 ml Luer-lock
landmarks and measurement lines are illustrated in Fig.1. syringes.
One central and two lateral access points at the hairline
were created. Deep and superficial central and two lateral
fat compartments were augmented with both suprape-
riosteal and subcutaneous plane injections. Small fat ali-
quots were transferred using 1.2 mm and 1.6 mm blunt tip
cannulas where the cannula was withdrawn. A 2.5 ml Luer-
lock syringe was used for appropriate calculation of the
amount of the transferred volume. The injection was con-
tinued until the deformity was corrected and proper contour
was achieved. Minimum and maximum transferred fat
volume was 7.5 cc and 17.5 cc, respectively. Preoperative
and postoperative images of patient in the operation room
are presented in Fig 2.

Statistical Analysis

The data were analyzed using the SPSS version 25.0 (IBM,
NY, USA) statistical program. Normality of each data was
assessed with the Shapiro–Wilk test. Nonparametric Wil-
coxon signed ranks test or paired sample t test was used
based on normality test. The Wilcoxon signed ranks test
was used to measure whether there was a statistically sig-
Fig. 1. Anthropometric landmarks and measurement lines nificant difference between the mean values of the

Aesth Plast Surg

points for each parameter and 2 points defined as mean

baseline score for statistical significance analysis. Consid-
ering the mean scores, the improvement was observed in
all study subjects. The highest improvement was observed
in facial profile view and forehead contour with the mean
score of 4.86 and 4.46, respectively (Table 3). The
improvement of the forehead contour on lateral pre- and
postoperative images is presented in Fig. 3. The worsening
compared to the original condition has not been observed
in none of the patients. No change compared to the original
appearance was obtained once for attractiveness, youth-
fulness and forehead contour parameters. The distribution
of scores for each parameter is illustrated in Fig. 4.
Moreover, a statistically significant difference was
observed in all parameters (Table 3).

Forehead and Rhinoplasty Outcomes Evaluation

questionnaire (F/ROE-Q)

All questions were responded by the participants. The

Fig. 2. Preoperative and immediate postoperative result of forehead
contouring and rhinoplasty in the operation room
mean total preoperative score was 9,13 and the mean total
postoperative score was 24.86 (p \ 0.01)(Fig 5). Consid-
variables of S-GAIS and F/ROE-Q parameters . Also the ering all the data, significant statistical differences were
baseline score was defined as 2 (2 point = no change) for observed between mean preoperative and postoperative
S-GAIS evaluation. Descriptive statistics was applied for scores for each F/ROE-Q section (Table4.). However, after
S-GAIS and F/ROE-Q parameters. The results were con- comparison of common questions about nose (question 1
sidered significant when the p-value was \0.05. and 6) and forehead (question 7 and 8), there were statis-
tical differences in preoperative mean scores between
questions 1 and 7 and questions 6 and 8 ( p \ 0.001 and
Results p \ 0.013, respectively)(Fig 6). However, no statistical
differences were observed in postoperative scores between
Mean follow-up time was 10.9 months and ranged from 3 these groups (p values were 0.083 and 0.102,
to 14 months. The mean age of the participants was respectively)(Table 4).
23.2 years (18–32 years). All of the patients responded to
all questions. The mean volume of transferred fat graft was Forehead Inclination Angle
13.16 cc . In 4 patients 17.5 cc, in 2 patients 15 cc, in 5
patients 12.5 cc, in 2 patients 10 cc and in 2 patients 7.5cc Forehead inclination angle was calculated on preoperative
fat was transferred. Midfrontal depression (n = 14), fore- and postoperative lateral photographs. Mean preoperative
head flatness (n = 4) and prominent supraorbital ridge inclination angle was 19.04° (ranging between 11.6° and
(n = 2) were observed contour deformities. Also, accom- 31.1°), and mean postoperative inclination angle was
panying high radix was observed in 4 patients. The acne 16.74° (ranging between 10.9° and 26.2°). Remarkably, the
formation and oily skin were observed in 2 and 4 patients, mean preoperative inclination angle was 26.02° in patients
respectively. These complaints were passed during the with the flat forehead. To evaluate statistical significance, a
follow-up without the need for any treatment. No other paired-samples t-test was applied after normal distribution
complications such as fat emboli, infection, contour irreg- of data was observed. According to the test results, statis-
ularities and cysts formation were observed. tically significant differences were observed between pre-
and postoperative groups (p \ 0.001). The highest incli-
Subject Global Improvement Scale (S-GIAS) nation angle difference between pre- and postoperative
calculation was 6.7° and the lowest was 0.2°. The mean
Differences of the mean scores between pre- and postop- decrease value was higher in patients with flat forehead
erative results and frequency analysis of scores were (4.47°). Descriptive statistics are given in Table 5.
investigated. Preoperative photographs were scored as 2 Improvement in forehead inclination angle and contour is

Aesth Plast Surg

Table 3 Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics Wilcoxon signed ranked test
and p-value for S-GAIS
Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Attractiveness 4.0667 .96115 2.00 5.00 0.001*

Femininity 3.9333 .70373 3.00 5.00 0.001*
Youthfulness 4.4000 .91026 2.00 5.00 0.001*
Facial harmony 4.2667 .70373 3.00 5.00 0.001*
Forehead contour 4.4667 .91548 2.00 5.00 0.001*
Facial profile view 4.8667 .35187 4.00 5.00 0.000*
p-value \ 0.05 considered statistically significant

Fig. 3. A 22-year-old patient with severe midfrontal depression, mild forehead flatness and prominent supraorbital ridge. Preoperative and
postoperative front, oblique, lateral and basilar view photographs at 12 months after 15 cc fat injection for forehead contouring.

Fig. 4. Score frequency of

S-GAIS parameters

Aesth Plast Surg

presented in pre- and postoperative lateral view images in personality characteristics like self-esteem, self-confidence
Figs. 7 and 8. and sociability [26–28].
In a study by Lu et al. [29], the effect of rhinoplasty on
various parameters such as symmetry, youthfulness, facial
Discussion harmony, likeability, trustworthiness, confidence, femi-
ninity, attractiveness, approachability, and intelligence was
The perception of facial beauty is an important issue in the investigated. Better outcomes in all parameters were
past and today [23, 24]. With the significant increase in observed in the postoperative group. Similarly, more
social media usage, enthusiasm for better facial appearance straightened nose was associated with more attractive
is common among women [25]. appearance [30].
To achieve a more attractive and beautiful appearance, Besides the important impacts of the nose on attrac-
rhinoplasty is one of the most important and efficient tiveness and personal traits, patient satisfaction is varying
aesthetic procedures. Besides improvement in facial beauty remarkably among individuals after rhinoplasty [31].
and attractiveness, rhinoplasty is associated with increased Especially, missing of the other facial deformities may
affect surgical outcome. Therefore, the assessment of facial
units with a holistic approach is essential to achieve more
favorable and harmonic facial appearance [8, 9, 32].
Based on these holistic approach, the forehead, as the
main structure of the upper third of face, is one of the most
important regions that affects facial appearance [6, 17].
With the interaction to the nasal compartment and the
gender-specific characteristics, forehead plays important
role in facial contouring, balancing and feminization pro-
cedures. Also, forehead fullness is also associated with
intelligence, beauty, youth, leadership and popularity in
different studies [33–35].
Fig. 5. Mean preoperative and postoperative scores of F/ROE-Q

Table 4 Descriptive statistics and p-values of F/ROE-Q

Rhinoplasty and Forehead Outcomes Evaluation questionnaire (RFOE-Q) Descriptive statistics Wilcoxon signed
ranks test
Operation Mean Std. Asymp. Sig. (2-
status scores Deviation tailed)

(1)How well do you like the appearance of your nose? Not at all(0) / Somewhat(1) / Pre .4667 .51640 .001*
Moderately (2) / Very much (3) /Completely (4) Post 3.5333 .51640
(2)How well are you able to breathe through your nose? Pre 2.0667 .88372 .002*
Not at all(0) / Somewhat(1) /Moderately (2) / Very much (3) /Completely (4) Post 3.0667 .59362
(3)How much do you feel your friends and loved ones like your nose ? Pre .8667 .83381 .001*
Not at all(0) / Somewhat(1) /Moderately (2) / Very much (3) /Completely (4) Post 3.4667 .51640
(4)Do you think your current nasal appearance limits your social or professional Pre 1.8667 .91548 .003*
activities? Post .5333 .74322
Always(0) / Usually (1)/Sometimes(2)/Rarely (3)/ Never (4)
(5)How you confident you that your nasal appearance is the best that it can be? Pre .6000 .50709 .001*
Not at all(0) / Somewhat(1) /Moderately (2) / Very much (3) /Completely (4) Post 3.4667 .51640
(6)Would you like to surgically alter the appearance or function of your nose? Pre .4000 .50709 .000*
Definitely(0)/ Most likely(1)/ Possibly(2) Probably not(3) No(4) Post 3.8667 .35187
(7)How well do you like the appearance of your forehead? Pre 1.7333 .45774 .001*
Not at all(0) / Somewhat(1) /Moderately (2) / Very much (3) /Completely (4) Post 3.3333 .72375
(8)Would you like to surgically alter the appearance of your forehead? Pre 1.1333 .74322 .001*
Definitely(0)/ Most likely(1)/ Possibly(2) Probably not(3) No(4) Post 3.6000 .50709
p-value \0.05 considered statistically significant

Aesth Plast Surg

Besides the being important part of facial feminization

surgery in transgender patients [36, 37], forehead con-
touring is widely administrated among female populations
[16, 33, 34, 38, 39]. In a study conducted by Li et al., long-
term results of forehead fat injection were assessed based
on postoperative photographs. After mean 8.1-month fol-
low-up, 87.5% of the patients were satisfied with the
results. Also, forehead projection was increased signifi-
cantly (p=0.01)[33]. Similarly, in a study performed by
Chou et al., micro-autologous fat transplantation (MAFT)
was used for forehead augmentation and contouring.
According to study data, efficient results were obtained in
83.1% of the patients after mean 10.2 ml fat transfer to the
forehead [34].
Despite knowledge about the importance of nose and
Fig. 6. Comparison of the p values of common questions about the forehead on facial attractiveness existing in the literature,
nose and forehead. data about the effect of the combination surgeries of nose

Table 5 Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics
for forehead inclination angle
Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Preoperative inclination angle 19.50 11.60 31.10 19.0467 6.05060

Postoperative inclination angle 15.30 10.90 26.20 16.7467 4.47132
Pre- and postoperative differences 6.50 .20 6.70 2.3000 2.00107

Fig. 7. A 22-year-old patient with mild midfrontal depression and forehead flatness. Preoperative and postoperative front, oblique, lateral and
basilar view photographs at 10 months after 12.5 cc fat injection for forehead contouring.

Aesth Plast Surg

Fig. 8. An 18-year-old patient with mild midfrontal depression. Preoperative and postoperative lateral view photographs at 12 months after 10 cc
fat injection for forehead contouring.

and forehead are limited. There are only two studies that grafting adjunct to rhinoplasty by means of facial appear-
mentioned forehead contouring with autologous fat graft- ance, personal traits and patient satisfaction.
ing adjunct to rhinoplasty [39–41] Importantly, when the preoperative responses of F/ROE-
In a study conducted by Kornstein et al. [39], naso- Q were analyzed, it has been observed that patients are
frontal and nasolabial angles were investigated in patients more disturbed with the appearance of their noses in
who underwent fat grafting on forehead/glabella/nasal comparison with forehead. These differences may be due to
radix complex and pyriform aperture alone and in combi- the low awareness of patients about the forehead defor-
nation with rhinoplasty. Study results showed a 2.0-degree mities comparison with the nose deformities. However,
reduction in nasofrontal angle in both groups. The author high and similar satisfaction rates were observed in post-
stated that fat grafting was a reliable method to control the operative evaluation for both surgeries.
transition of the nose with other facial units. Although the As a secondary objective of our study, forehead incli-
effects of fat grafting on radix control were evaluated with nation was investigated as an objective indicator for
nasofrontal measurements, no evaluation method was used assessment of fat graft survival in forehead fat grafting
to assess the effect of forehead contouring on facial procedure. In all patients, forehead inclination was
appearance, personal traits and patient satisfaction. decreased. This objective measurement supports the higher
In 2012, Işık et al. [40] assessed the effect of the new scores obtained from F/ROE-Q and S-GAIS surveys.
injection technique for forehead contouring with fat graft in Results from forehead inclination assessment were also
nine patients who underwent rhinoplasty. In their tech- compatible with the literature [42–44].
nique, fat grafts were transferred in a space that created In a study conducted by Guerrero-Apolo et al. [42], the
with a sharp epidural needle between the skin and under- association between impulsiveness and slant of the fore-
lying muscle. The main objective of the study was defining head was investigated. The increasing angle of the slant of
a novel injection technique. the forehead was correlated with higher self-impulsiveness
In our study, statistically significant improvement was rates. In a study performed by Farkas et al. in 1985, the
observed in all patients based on S-GAIS and F/ROE-Q inclination of five profile segments was analyzed. The
assessments. These data were consistent with the literature significantly higher backward inclination of forehead was
and reveal the efficiency of forehead contouring with fat observed in males (p \ 0.001)[43]. Also in another study, a

Aesth Plast Surg

greater degree of frontal slope angle was associated with Ethical Approval This study was approved by the Pamukkale
more masculine facial features [44]. University Hospital Local Ethical Committee. All procedures per-
formed in studies involving human participants were in accordance
As another surgical benefit of this combination surgery, with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research
the decrease in forehead inclination angle and an increase committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later
in midforehead/glabellar projection after forehead fat amendments or comparable ethical standards.
injection may create smoother forehead nasal transition and
Informed Consent Informed consent was obtained from all the
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radix. In our study, significant improvement was observed
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