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Menjadi Solusi, Membangun Negeri

Persiapan Keberangkatan Angkatan 227

3 - 7 Maret 2024
Self Potential
& Development Identification

Ammar Akila Azhar

Technical University of Delft
Master Sustainable Energy Technology

Iterative Learner
Actively studying the same topic over and over again and always try to find a better version of it.

Highly Competitive
Always striving to give the best results among others, but still keeping a fair and respectable competition.

Self Driven and Persistent

When trying to do something, do it with high enthusiasm and never gives up on it even though it is difficult or never
been done before.

Easily Adaptable
Either it’s a work or social environment, I will find the best way to put myself inside.
Personal Goal
Ammar Akila Azhar
Technical University of Delft
Master Sustainable Energy Technology

Become an Aspiring Renewable Energy Expert

With my educational background and experience in working as a PV system
engineer, and hopefully enhanced by the knowledge from my Master’s
degree, I want to become one of the experts in the field of Renewable Energy
in Indonesia.

Give Back to the Community

I will always try to share my knowledge on topics related to education,
renewable energy, or anything that people may find beneficial. Whether it’s a
non-profit organization, academia, or industry experts.

Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

I want to walk the talk, especially in my day-to-day activities, to reduce
plastic waste, repair broken items and not easily replace them, and always
be aware of the origins of the items that I purchase.
Life Grand Map
Menjadi Solusi, Membangun Negeri

2025 - 2030

Obtain my Master’s Degree and have 2030 - 2035

expertise in Electric Mobility, Energy
Storage, and Renewable Energy
Economics. Play a vital role in drafting the RUPTL for
Return to Indonesia, assist the deployment the year 2030 and beyond.
of large-scale renewable energy projects, Boost the collaboration between industry
and pursue the 2030 target of 26% RE mix and academia in renewable energy
before 2030. technology research.
Contribute to the implementation of a fair
and equitable electric mobility
2035 - 2040

Enters the government institutions or state-

owned enterprises to promote
bilateral/multilateral partnerships with the 2040-Beyond
neighboring countries in RE development.
Continue to increase the renewable energy
mix to approximately 41% before 2040 by Create a firm that handles renewable
developing investment-friendly policies and energy or sustainable energy-related
regulations. consultancy services.
Continue to oversee the government's
commitment in pursuing the target of
Indonesia Net Zero by 2060.
Study Plan
& Academic Achievements

First Year

Adjust myself to the teaching method in The Netherlands and also adapt to the
environment of international students in TU Delft.
Take the Electric Mobility, Power, and Economics Profile Cluster in my 2nd
Quarter of study.
Finish my first year by having an internship in the TSO/DSO or Energy Storage
System provider companies in Europe.

Second Year

Participate in the research and project conducted at the Electrical Sustainable

Energy Department under the EEMCS Faculty.
Become a Teaching Assistant and maintain a good relationship with the faculty
Complete my Master's Thesis with topics related to the development of
renewable energy infrastructure in Indonesia.
Community Service Plan

Become a mentor for early-career professionals who

want to pursue higher education or advance further
in their career.

Promote Corporate Social Responsibility activities

that utilize the usage of renewable energy as
electricity generation sources to my future employer.

Actively engaging youth organizations that focused

on the implementation of sustainable lifestyles so
that they would have a greater impact.

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