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Complete the sentences with the correct tense

1.-Nicholas ……….. (work) for his father for ten years.

2.-He ………………….. (fly) to Canada two months ago with his girlfriend.

3.-Lucas ………….. (make) a great effort to get his job.

4.-Lorena …………………. (not drive) her own car last night.

5.-Miriam and Susan ……………… (kiss) their parents at the airport.

6.-The director ……………. (win) an Oscar in 2010.

7.-Stephan …………….. (sing) all the romantic songs that I love.

8.-Daniel ………………… (leave) his flat in London recently.

9.-Michael …………………. (take) the exam at university last June.

10.-Henry and his sister ……………..(travel) to France to visit some friends.

11.-The girl ……………… (speak) to her teacher on 20th January

12.-Bernardo ……………. (pass) his driving exam. He is very happy.

13.-We ………………… already…………. (surf) the net.

14.-Thomas ………………… (wait) for the bus for fifteen minutes.

15.-Anne ………………….. (break) some glasses when she did the washing up.

16.-Thanks a lot, it ………… (be) a great pleasure to be here.

17.-Zacarias ……………. (borrow) some good books from the library.

18.-John ……………….. (bake) some ginger bircuits.

19.-Patricia ………………… (have) twins.

20.-Richard ……………….. (not eat) snails in his life.

21.-Laura …………..(meet) his boyfriend’s parents last Sunday.

22.- Cathy ……………….. never………… (play) golf.

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