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Discuss the significance of the concepts re-reading and re-examination in essay writing



The concepts of re-reading and re-examination are very important for the essay writing.
refers to the process of reading a text mutiple times in order to gain a deeper understanding of the
material.This can be especially helpful when writing an essay as it allows you to pick up on naunces
and details that you have missed the first time around .Re-examination on the other hand, involves
critically analyzing and questioning the information presented in the essay.This can heip you to identify
any biases and to develop a more naunced understand of the material.

Re-reading is to read something muitiple times.According to cambridge dictionary re reading is the

action of reading something again and again .Re-examination is the act of process of examining
something again espicially from a different view point .According to Joan W Scott re-examination is
the force a criticai re-examination of the premises and the standards of existing schoiary work.

Re-reading and re-examination these methods are used to revise the essay. Re- reading will helps to
detect all the language mistakes and mistake related to the essay.After discovering these mistakes you
can then use your dictionary or computer to correct the language mistakes.You can also use the module
to correct all the essay mistakes .Re-reading is the study method for some inidividuals becauses while
you re-reading you gain memory and aid in understanding important concepts .However simpl

y re-reading the essay without engaging to the main topic the proccess may not lead to significant
learning improvement.

To enhance the effectivenes of re-reading students must have techniques such as summarizing key
points ,highlightihg important information also creating concept maps.These activities helps deeper
comprehension and retention.Re-reading helps us to become better readers because as we miss things
in the first pass we will take in in the second response.It also deepens our understaning because you
gain a fully understanding of the concept and ideas presented in the essay .Re reading is comforting and
enjoyable you will feei the sense of the essay .

The idea of re-examination of the essay content is done to see the extent to which you have answered
the essay .You must make sure that you analysed your topic fully.You must write yr essay using the
given limited number of words ,and also deleting anything that is not related to your argument .You
must also consider the following transition ,the introduction and conclusion ,grammatical
errors ,evaluate your main topics ,edit your essay and be more clear and to the point

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