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Macabocsit, Jodelyn G.


Facilitating Learning

Assessment Task No. 09

1. In not more than 5 sentences, explain the role of constructivism in facilitating learning.
Constructivism is 'an approach to learning that holds that people actively construct or
make their own knowledge and that reality is determined by the experiences of the
When we facilitate learning, many times we help students to discover their concepts
(Concept is the parent of an idea that they can be reused).

2. Give two to three strategies to promote knowledge construction and concept learning
Socratic Seminar
A formal discussion led by the use of open-ended questions to guide inquiry and reveal
knowledge gaps and biases.
A teaching strategy that both Hattie and Marzano identify as especially effective, clarity
improves learning.
Bloom’s Twist
Start lessons off at lower levels of thinking, then gradually increase.

Assessment Task No. 10

In less than 100 words (each):

1. Explain how transfer of learning occurs.

Transfer of learning occurs when the student is motivated by the topic, motivated to
learn, has previous knowledge on the subject, and knows how to connect new
information to existing information. The learner must then be able to retrieve this
information and apply it to new learning.
Transfer of learning is the process of applying acquired knowledge to new situations.
2. Identify the factors that affect transfer of learning.
To make sure trainees are successful in their learning journeys and also apply what they
learn in real-life work situations, it is essential to address these seven key factors:
stakeholders, context, social environment, motivation, integration, intensity, and
In addition, the four school conditions for learning include physical and emotional health
and safety; sense of belonging, connectedness, and support; academic challenge and
engagement; and social and emotional competence for students and adults.
3. Apply principles of transfer in facilitating transfer of learning.
It is basically applying to another situation what was previously learned. When previous
learning is moved from “storage” to working memory, then it there is transfer. Transfer
of learning becomes the foundation of all learners' ability to interpret data, solve
problems, make decisions and perform cognitive tasks.
Think Alouds-Model some examples of transfer for specific skills by doing a Think Aloud.
As you give the learners one example ask them to generate another. The more you
model, the more they will begin to understand how to think at this level.
Assessment Task No. 11
1. Formulate learning outcomes reflecting the different levels of the revised taxonomy.
There are six levels of cognitive learning according to the revised version of Bloom's
Taxonomy. Each level is conceptually different. The six levels are remembering,
understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.
Tips for constructing learning outcomes :
1.Focus on outcomes, not processes.
2.Start each outcome with an action verb.
3.Avoid vague verbs such as know and understand.
4.Incorporate a mixture of lower-order and higher-order thinking.
5.Write the outcomes from the student perspective.

Assessment Task No. 12

In not more than 5 sentences, explain Stemberg's successful intelligence Theory and
WICS Model.
The WICS theory of leadership states that good and effective leaders possess a
crucial set of developed characteristics: (1) the creativity to generate novel and
useful ideas for leadership; (2) the analytical intelligence to ascertain whether these
ideas are good ideas; (3) the practical intelligence to implement .
The uses of the WICS Model include admission, instruction and assessment. One way
that you can apply the WICS model in instruction is when you reflect & make choices
on the tasks & activities that will give to teach & assess your students. Your choice
can be based on the preferences and strengths of your learners.

Assessment Task No. 13

In not more than 150 words, explain (in your own words) Torrance's 4 criteria of creativity.


Torrance invented the “Torrance Tests for Creative Thinking.” These tests shattered the theory
that IQ tests alone were the gauge of intelligence and predictors of success. His tests supported
groundbreaking concepts: that creative thinking was a significant aspect of success, that
creative levels could be measured, and that creative thinking skills could be increased through

Dr. E. Paul Torrance identified four components of creativity*. He established them as criteria
to be used for measuring creative thinking and for evaluating the quality of creative output.

Fluency – the ability to generate quantities of ideas

Flexibility – the ability to create different categories of ideas, and to perceive an idea from
different points of view

Originality – the ability to generate new, different, and unique ideas that others are not likely to

Elaboration – the ability to expand on an idea by embellishing it with details or the ability to
create an intricate plan.

Assessment Task No. 14

In less than 50 words each, distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Give an
example for each.


Intrinsic motivation involves doing something because it's personally rewarding to you. Extrinsic
motivation involves doing something because you want to earn a reward or avoid punishment.
Examples of extrinsic motivation are competing in sports for trophies. completing work for
money. customer loyalty discounts,and some examples of intrinsic motivation is participating in
a sport because it's fun and you enjoy it rather than doing it to win an award.

Assessment Task No. 15

In less than 100 words each, explain the 6 theories on the sources of motivation and cite at
least one learning application of each.


The presence of these factors build high motivation and job satisfaction. However, if these
conditions are not present, they do not cause dissatisfaction. There are six factors:
achievement, recognition, advancement, work itself, possibilities of personal growth,

The Maslow motivation theory is one of the best known and most influential theories on
workplace motivation.

Assessment Task No. 16

Compose a song or a poem about a highly motivating teacher.


Thank you,Teacher,

For reaching deep in me

to find all I can be,

before I can see it by myself.

You never give up on me.

I have a future

because of you.
Assessment Task No. 17

1. In less than 100 words, describe an ideal classroom atmosphere by means of smile or
Ideal Classroom Climate Conductive To Learning. The ideal classroom is a positive place
where a student can come to work towards specific goals set before them in the class
objectives. The teachers is to be positive, organized, outgoing,confident and

2. Design a classroom that is conductive for learning. Indicate color of paint, arrangement
of desks, teacher's tables, and other fixtures.
1.Create a classroom that encourages interaction.
2.Make the best out of your classroom space.
3.Play with colours.
4.Have an Awards Section.
5.Have a Games Corner.

Assessment Task No. 18

1. List 3 things that you should do to make assessment increase student's motivation.
1.Create Student-Centered Classroom Assessments.
2.Take the Time to Personalize.
3.Encourage Students to Monitor Their Own Progress.

2. List 3 things that you should NEVER do to make assessment non-threatening.

Don't Humiliate Your Students.
Never Give up Control.
Don't Create Rules That Are Unfair

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