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As technologies has evolved around the world in the past centuries, we see
many ideas has emerged and improvement being built and developed to make
people’s life easier. With the advancement of technology nowadays, people can
easily perform or do any tasks they need or order any services they required
with just a few touches on their smart devices like mobile phones or computers
from anywhere and anytime they desire. With this convenient new way taking
over the world, majority of people now would prefer to order food from the
convenient of their own home or working place instead of going out using
public transportation or using their own vehicle to hotels or restaurants and
order from there. The old traditional method of ordering food is very time
consuming and tiring to say the less. Imagine you are busy in your work or
having to come back home tired from work, and going out again to order food
and queuing at the restaurant to wait for their order for at least 30 – 40 minutes,
it is very tiring and not something that many would prefer to do after a long day.
Therefore this paper investigates the literature review of food ordering system
to contribute in developing a smart ordering system.


Welcome to the documentation for Gursha Online Food Delivery Website. A

comprehensive web application designed to revolutionize the way users interact
with local hotels or restaurants. This introduction provides an overview of the
project, outlining its key features and functionalities in detail.

This Online Food Delivery Website is a web application designed to facilitate

the process of ordering food and drinks from various restaurants or hotels
around Hossana and having them delivered to the user's location. Any restaurant
or hotel can use this project to keep track of customer orders. This project is
simple, quick, and precise. There is less disk space needed. MYSQL Server is
used as the backbone by the online food ordering system, eliminating the risk of
data loss and ensuring data security. Our website aims to provide a seamless and
convenient experience to users to browse through a selection of customers,
choose items from their menus, make secure payments, and track the delivery of
their orders. Users can create accounts on the website to access personalized
features such as order history and saved addresses. Integrated payment
gateways facilitate secure online transactions, supporting various payment
methods such as credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and other online payment

An intuitive administrative dashboard empowers website administrators to

manage incoming orders efficiently. Administrators can view order details,
process payments, and assign orders to delivery personnel or restaurants for
fulfilment. Upon order confirmation, delivery personnel receive real-time
notifications containing essential information such as the user's address and
order details. This streamlined communication process enables efficient
delivery logistics and ensures timely service to customers. Users receive instant
confirmation of their orders and have the opportunity to provide feedback on
their overall experience, including ratings and reviews for both the food and
delivery service. This feedback loop serves to improve the quality of service
provided by participating restaurants and delivery personnel, enhancing
customer satisfaction.

Background to the Study

1.2.1 organization background

1.2.2 system background
1.3Statement of the Problem
The development and implementation of this Online Food Delivery Website
aim to address several key challenges and concerns within the food delivery
industry. This section outlines the primary issues that our project seeks to

1. Limited Accessibility to Food Options:

- Customers may face challenges in finding and ordering from local

restaurants or hotels due to limited visibility and accessibility.

2. Inefficient Ordering and Delivery Processes:

- Traditional methods of ordering food and coordinating deliveries often

lack efficiency, leading to delays, errors, and frustrations for both customers
and restaurant owners.

- Manual order processing and delivery coordination can result in

miscommunication, missed orders, and poor customer experiences.

3. Lack of Transparency and Accountability:

- Customers may lack visibility into the status of their orders, leading to
uncertainty and dissatisfaction with the delivery process.

4. Security Concerns with Online Payments:

- Customers may be not being interested to make online payments due to

concerns about data privacy and cyber security threats.

5. Limited Integration of Technology:

- Many existing food delivery platforms may lack advanced technological

features and capabilities, limiting their ability to provide a seamless and
innovative user experience.
6. Impact of External Factors on Delivery Operations:

- External factors such as traffic congestion, adverse weather conditions, and

unforeseen events can significantly impact delivery operations and lead to
delays and disruptions.

7. Customer Dissatisfaction and Loss of Business Opportunities:

- Poor customer experiences, including late deliveries, order inaccuracies, and

subpar food quality, can result in dissatisfaction and loss of trust in the delivery

- Negative reviews and word-of-mouth feedback can further damage the

reputation of the delivery platform and deter potential customers from using the

Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that combines

technological innovation, operational efficiency, and a customer-centric focus.
The Online Food Delivery Website aims to provide a solution that streamlines
the ordering and delivery processes, enhances transparency and accountability,
ensures payment security, integrates advanced technologies, and ultimately
delivers a superior experience for both customers and restaurant partners.

1.4. objective
1.4.1 general objective

The overarching goal of this Online Food Delivery Website project is to create a
robust and user-friendly online platform that revolutionizes the food delivery
experience for customers, restaurant partners, and delivery personnel.

To develop an innovative and efficient Online Food Delivery Website that

seamlessly connects users with a diverse range of local restaurants, streamlines
the ordering and delivery processes, ensures transparency and accountability,
and enhances overall customer satisfaction in the food delivery industry.

The primary objective of the Online Food Delivery Website project is to

establish a comprehensive online platform that transforms the traditional food
delivery process into a seamless and convenient experience for users, restaurant
partners, and delivery personnel. This entails integrating advanced technologies,
optimizing operational efficiency, ensuring payment security, and prioritizing
customer satisfaction to create a robust ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders
involved in the food delivery industry.

 Time conversation where products and services offered would provide

the customer with all the different categories of available products that
they can choose and select from.
 Increase service velocity, volume of sales and client satisfaction
 This will provide a user friendly environment between the customer and
employee thus increasing the efficiency of the food ordering system.
 It will also help for easy retrieval of orders made by the customers.
1.4.2 specific objective

The specific objectives of this Online Food Delivery Website project are
tailored towards achieving targeted outcomes that contribute to the overall
success and effectiveness of the platform. These objectives focus on addressing
key challenges, enhancing specific functionalities, and delivering tangible
benefits to users, restaurant partners, and delivery personnel.

o Enhanced Accessibility and Variety: This website will provide users

with access to a wide range of hotels or restaurants, allowing them to
explore diverse menus and discover new dining options in their area.
o Enhance User Experience:
- Implement intuitive user interfaces and interactive features to simplify
the ordering process and improve navigation for users.
- Optimize website performance to ensure fast loading times and
responsiveness across various devices and screen sizes.
- Incorporate personalized features such as user profiles, order history, and
saved addresses to enhance convenience and customization for users.
o Expand Restaurant Partnerships:
- Establish partnerships with a diverse range of local restaurants and hotels
to offer users a wide selection of dining options.
- Provide restaurant partners with tools and resources to manage menus,
update availability, and track orders effectively through the platform.
- Foster collaboration and communication between the platform and
restaurant partners to ensure seamless integration and mutual success.
o Streamline Order Management:
- Develop an efficient backend system to automate order processing,
including order confirmation, payment verification, and order assignment.
- Implement administrative tools and dashboards for administrators to
monitor incoming orders, manage order queues, and track delivery
statuses in real-time.
- Integrate notifications and alerts to facilitate communication between
administrators, restaurant partners, and delivery personnel for seamless
order fulfillment.
o Ensure Payment Security:
- Integrate secure payment gateways with robust encryption protocols to
protect users' financial information and prevent unauthorized access.
- Implement fraud detection mechanisms and transaction monitoring to
identify and mitigate potential security threats and fraudulent activities.
- Comply with industry standards and regulations for online payment
processing to instill trust and confidence in users and ensure compliance
with legal requirements.
o Optimize Delivery Logistics:
- Develop a comprehensive delivery coordination system to optimize route
planning, dispatching, and tracking of delivery personnel.
- Provide delivery personnel with mobile applications or tools to receive
real-time order updates navigate efficiently, and communicate with
administrators and customers.
- Implement geolocation services and mapping functionalities to
optimize delivery routes, minimize travel time, and improve overall
delivery efficiency
o Foster Transparency and Accountability:
- Enhance transparency by providing users with visibility into order
status, delivery times, and restaurant ratings and reviews.
- Establish mechanisms for users to provide feedback and ratings on
their order experience, enabling accountability for restaurant partners and
delivery personnel.
- Implement quality assurance processes and performance metrics to
monitor and evaluate the performance of restaurant partners and delivery
o Streamlined Ordering Process: A user-friendly interface will be
developed to facilitate a seamless ordering process, allowing customers to
easily browse menus, add items to their cart, and complete transactions
with minimal friction.
o Efficient Order Management: Backend systems will be implemented to
streamline order management processes for restaurant partners and
administrators. This includes features such as real-time order notifications,
automated order processing, and comprehensive order tracking
capabilities to ensure timely and accurate delivery of orders.
o Secure Payment Processing: Integration with trusted payment gateways
will be implemented to ensure the security and integrity of online
transactions. By adhering to industry-standard security protocols and
encryption techniques, the website will safeguard users' financial
information and provide a safe and secure payment environment for all
o Effective Delivery Coordination: A robust delivery coordination system
will be established to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration
between delivery personnel, administrators, and customers. This includes
features such as real-time delivery tracking, optimized route planning, and
efficient dispatching to ensure timely delivery of orders and minimize
o Transparency and Accountability: The website will prioritize
transparency and accountability in all aspects of the food delivery process.
This includes providing users with visibility into order status, delivery
times, and restaurant ratings, as well as implementing mechanisms for
feedback and reviews to hold restaurants and delivery personnel
accountable for their performance.
o Continuous Improvement and Innovation: The project will adopt a
proactive approach to innovation and continuous improvement,
incorporating user feedback, monitoring industry trends, and leveraging
emerging technologies to enhance the platform's capabilities and deliver
an exceptional user experience.
o Continuously Improve and Innovate:
- Solicit feedback from users, restaurant partners, and delivery personnel to
identify areas for improvement and opportunities for innovation.

- Invest in research and development to explore emerging technologies and

trends in the food delivery industry and incorporate innovative features and
functionalities into the platform.

- Regularly update and maintain the platform to address bugs, enhance

performance, and adapt to evolving user needs and market dynamics.

By pursuing these specific objectives, the Online Food Delivery Website project
aims to deliver a comprehensive and impactful solution that enhances the online
food delivery experience for all stakeholders involved, driving value, efficiency,
and satisfaction across the ecosystem.

1. User Interface Enhancement:

- Objective: Develop an intuitive and visually appealing user interface to

facilitate seamless navigation and ordering.

- Description: Implement a user-friendly interface with clear navigation

menus, visually appealing design elements, and interactive features such as
search filters and item previews. Prioritize usability and accessibility to ensure
that users can easily browse menus, add items to their cart, and complete orders
without encountering usability barriers.

2. Restaurant Partnership Expansion:

- Objective: Forge partnerships with a diverse range of local restaurants and

hotels to expand the platform's menu offerings and geographic coverage.

- Description: Establish collaborative relationships with restaurants and hotels

across various cuisines and locations to offer users a comprehensive selection of
dining options. Provide restaurant partners with onboarding support, including
menu digitization, photography services, and promotional assistance to ensure a
smooth integration process.

3. Order Management Optimization:

- Objective: Streamline order processing and management to improve

efficiency and accuracy in order fulfillment.

- Description: Develop an automated order management system that

seamlessly processes incoming orders, verifies payments, and assigns orders to
restaurant partners or delivery personnel based on predefined criteria.
Implement order tracking functionalities for users to monitor the status of their
orders in real-time and receive timely notifications at each stage of the delivery

4. Payment Security Assurance:

- Objective: Ensure the security and integrity of online transactions to protect

users' financial information and prevent fraudulent activities.

- Description: Integrate secure payment gateways with robust encryption

protocols and fraud detection mechanisms to safeguard users' payment data.
Comply with industry standards and regulations, such as PCI DSS compliance,
to ensure the highest level of security for online transactions. Educate users on
security best practices and provide reassurance through clear communication
about the platform's security measures.

5. Delivery Logistics Optimization:

- Objective: Optimize delivery logistics to improve efficiency, reduce delivery

times, and enhance the overall delivery experience for users.
- Description: Develop a delivery coordination system that optimizes route
planning, dispatching, and tracking of delivery personnel. Implement
geolocation services and real-time tracking functionalities to enable efficient
navigation and minimize delivery delays. Provide delivery personnel with user-
friendly mobile applications or tools to receive order assignments, navigate
routes, and communicate with users and administrators effectively.

6. Transparency and Accountability Promotion:

- Objective: Foster transparency and accountability in the delivery process by

providing users with visibility into order status and performance metrics.

- Description: Implement features that allow users to track the status of their
orders, view estimated delivery times, and provide feedback on their order
experience. Display ratings and reviews for restaurants and delivery personnel
to enable informed decision-making and promote accountability for service
quality. Regularly monitor and analyze performance metrics to identify areas
for improvement and take proactive measures to address user concerns and

7. Continuous Improvement and Innovation:

- Objective: Continuously innovate and improve the platform to adapt to

evolving user needs and market trends.

- Description: Invest in research and development to explore emerging

technologies and industry trends that can enhance the platform's features and
functionalities. Solicit feedback from users, restaurant partners, and delivery
personnel to identify pain points and areas for enhancement. Regularly release
updates and new features based on user feedback, market research, and
technological advancements to ensure that the platform remains competitive and
meets the evolving needs of its stakeholders.
By focusing on these specific objectives and implementing corresponding
strategies and initiatives, the Online Food Delivery Website project aims to
deliver a comprehensive and impactful solution that enhances the online food
delivery experience for users, restaurant partners, and delivery personnel alike.

By addressing these objectives, Gursha Online Food Delivery Website project

aims to revolutionize the food delivery industry and establish itself as a leading
platform for online food ordering and delivery services, catering to the diverse
needs and preferences of customers, restaurant partners, and delivery personnel

1.5. Proposed system

The proposed system for the Online Food Delivery Website is designed to offer
a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for ordering food and drinks online.
It incorporates various components and functionalities to streamline the
ordering process, enhance user experience, and ensure efficient delivery
operations. The proposed system includes the following key elements:

1. User Interface:

- The frontend interface provides users with a visually appealing and intuitive
platform for browsing menus, selecting items, and placing orders. It is designed
to be responsive and accessible across different devices and screen sizes.

2. User Registration and Authentication:

- Users can create accounts or log in using existing credentials to access

personalized features such as order history, saved addresses, and payment

3. Menu Display and Selection:

- The system displays menus from partnered restaurants or hotels, allowing
users to browse through various categories, view item details, and add items to
their cart.

4. Shopping Cart and Checkout:

- Users can review their selected items, adjust quantities, and proceed to
checkout. The system calculates the total order amount, including taxes and
delivery fees, and provides secure payment options for completing the

5. Order Management:

- Administrators have access to a backend dashboard where they can manage

incoming orders, track order statuses, and coordinate order assignments to
delivery personnel or restaurant partners.

6. Delivery Coordination:

- A delivery coordination system facilitates communication between

administrators, delivery personnel, and users. It includes features such as real-
time order tracking, route optimization, and notifications to ensure timely and
efficient deliveries.

7. Payment Integration:

- The system integrates with secure payment gateways to facilitate online

transactions. Users can choose from various payment methods, including
credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and other online payment services.

8. Feedback and Reviews:

- Users have the option to provide feedback and ratings on their order
experience, including the quality of food, delivery service, and overall
satisfaction. This feedback helps improve service quality and informs future

9. Admin Dashboard:

- Administrators have access to a centralized dashboard where they can

manage restaurant partnerships, update menus, analyze performance metrics,
and generate reports to monitor and optimize system operations.

10. Security Measures:

- The system incorporates robust security measures to protect user data,

payment information, and sensitive business data. This includes encryption
protocols, secure authentication mechanisms, and regular security audits to
identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

11. Scalability and Flexibility:

- The system is designed to be scalable and adaptable to accommodate

growth in user demand and business expansion. It can easily integrate new
restaurants, update menus, and scale infrastructure to meet evolving needs.

12. Continuous Improvement:

- The proposed system emphasizes continuous improvement and innovation

through regular updates, feature enhancements, and user feedback integration.
This ensures that the platform remains competitive and responsive to changing
market dynamics and user preferences.

Overall, the proposed system aims to deliver a seamless and convenient food
delivery experience for users while providing restaurant partners and
administrators with the tools and functionalities needed to manage operations
efficiently. By leveraging technology, optimizing processes, and prioritizing
user satisfaction, the Online Food Delivery Website seeks to establish itself as a
leading platform in the food delivery industry.

1.6. literature review and related work

Ordering systems have evolved alongside technology to efficiently capture,

track, and deliver customer orders. Advanced ordering systems can manage
global orders, shipments, and returns across different regions. They collect
order information from customer service representatives or directly from
customers, store it in a central database, and transmit order details to accounting
and shipping departments as needed.

Online ordering systems have become essential tools for the food industry.
These systems allow customers to order their favourite food online via a web
browser on their computer or mobile device. Implementing such a system
simplifies the ordering process for both customers and restaurants. Customers
can place orders from anywhere with internet access, choosing delivery or
pickup options and payment methods. The system also streamlines order
management for restaurants, with orders sent to the restaurant's database in real-
time, allowing staff to process orders efficiently and minimize errors.

1.7. Scope and limitation


In this project research will be conducted in Hotels and Restaurants around


 User Account Management: Users can register for a new account or log
in if they already have one. Account management functionalities include
profile creation, password management, and order history tracking.
 Restaurant and Menu Listings:

The website will feature a list of 4 hotels and 5 restaurants in Hossana, Ethiopia.
Users can browse through the menus of these establishments, categorized into
foods and drinks.

Order Placement and Payment:

Users can select items from the menus, add them to their cart, and proceed to

Payment will be facilitated through a digital payment system integrated into the
website, ensuring secure transactions.

Order Management:

Admins or website operators will manage incoming orders, process them, and
communicate with the respective hotels or restaurants to fulfill the orders.

Delivery Coordination:

Delivery personnel will receive instructions from the admin via mobile phone,
including the user's address and order details.

They will then proceed to pick up the food from the designated hotels or
restaurants and deliver it to the users in Hossana.

Confirmation Page:

Users will be provided with a confirmation page after placing their orders,
allowing them to verify the details and ensure timely and accurate delivery.
Limitations to Study Due to time and financial constraints, the software that is
developed covers only aspect of food ordering

i. Time Constraints.
ii. ii. Scarcity of previous works
i) Live Help: when you order food online, you usually can’t ask a live
person questions about ingredient used in cooking the food, the day
the food was cooked, or anything else you're concerned about.
ii) ii) Limited Menu: The menu decisions are another disadvantage for
food distribution technologies. The food ordering system deliver a
restricted amount of dishes. The menu will change every few weeks or
months, but if you stick to the system for more than a few months, the
menu items will be repetitive.

iii) Hidden Fees: Many food ordering sites advertise low rates to attract your
attention, and then add fees and surcharges for a much less competitive deal.

The system has certain other restrictions as well. There are only a few basic
functions in the system's shopping cart, and it cannot be extensively
customized. Additionally, practically all of the functionality of the
application, including validation, is handled by server-side programming. It
increases the server's workload, especially when a large number of users
access the program. This issue can be resolved by using client-side
languages, such as JavaScript or HTML 5, to check data. Additionally, the
order model has been created.

Limited Restaurant Partnerships:

Initially, the website may have a restricted selection of restaurants and menu
options due to the limited number of partner establishments in Hossana.

Geographic Constraint:

The service will be available only within Hossana, Ethiopia, and users outside
this area will not be able to access the website or place orders.

Payment Options:

The availability of digital payment systems may be limited, and users may have
access to only a few payment options based on local banking infrastructure.

Delivery Timeframes:

Delivery times may vary depending on factors such as traffic conditions and the
distance between the restaurants and the users' locations.

Customer Support:

Customer support services may be limited, with resources and staffing

constraints potentially affecting the availability and responsiveness of support

Language and Cultural Considerations:

The website's content and user interface may need to be localized to
accommodate the language preferences and cultural norms of users in Hossana
and Ethiopia.

Technical Constraints:

Technical limitations such as server uptime, bandwidth availability, and

software compatibility may impact the website's performance and functionality.

Regulatory Compliance:

The website must adhere to local regulations and licensing requirements

governing online food delivery services in Ethiopia, which may pose
compliance challenges and limitations.

Infrastructure Availability:

The availability of reliable internet connectivity and mobile networks in

Hossana may affect the accessibility and usability of the website for users and
delivery personnel.

Competition and Market Dynamics:

The project may face competition from existing food delivery services or
traditional dining options in Hossana, impacting user adoption and market
Despite these limitations, the Online Food Delivery Website aims to provide a
valuable service to users in Hossana, Ethiopia, by offering convenient access to
a variety of food options from local hotels and restaurants. Efforts will be made
to address these constraints within the project's scope and resources to ensure a
positive user experience and successful implementation.

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