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An in vitro comparison of quantitative

percussion diagnostics with a standard

technique for determining the presence
of cracks in natural teeth
Cherilyn G. Sheets, DDS,a Devin L. Stewart, DDS,b
Jean C. Wu, DDS,c and James C. Earthman, PhDd
Newport Coast Oral Facial Institute, Newport Beach, Calif;
Henry Samueli School of Engineering at University of California-Irvine,
Irvine, Calif
Statement of problem. The detection of cracks and fractures in natural teeth is a diagnostic challenge. Cracks are often not
visible clinically nor detectable in radiographs.

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic parity of quantitative percussion diagnostics, trans-
illumination, clinical microscopy, and dye penetration. -

Material and methods. Three independent examiners provided blind testing for the study. Examiner 1 transilluminated 30

extracted teeth and 23 three-dimensional copy replica control teeth and documented any visible cracks. Each tooth was then
mounted in acrylic resin with a periodontal ligament substitute. Examiner 2 examined each specimen aided by the clinical

microscope and transillumination and documented visible tooth cracks and fractures. Examiners 1 and 3 then independently
tested all specimens with a device developed for quantitative percussion diagnostics. All visible cracks/fractures were removed
with a water-cooled fine diamond rotary instrument. Crack visibility was enhanced by the use of a clinical microscope, dye

penetrant, and accessory transillumination. This disassembly process was video documented/photographed for each
specimen. One more quantitative percussion diagnostics testing was administered when the disassembly was complete.

Results. Quantitative percussion diagnostics crack detection agreed with the gold standard microscope and transillumination
method in 52 of 53 comparisons (98% agreement). Moreover, the method achieved 96% specificity and 100% sensitivity for
detecting cracks and fractures in natural teeth. When all tooth cracks were removed, quantitative percussion diagnostics
indicated no further structural instability.

Conclusions. Quantitative percussion diagnostics can nondestructively detect cracks and fractures in natural teeth with accuracy
similar to that of the clinical microscope, transillumination, and dye penetrant. In addition, the method was able to reveal the
presence of many cracks that were not detected by conventional transillumination. (J Prosthet Dent 2014;112:267-275)

Clinical Implications
Nonvisible cracks and fractures, even those that are not detected with
conventional transillumination, can be identified by quantitative
percussion diagnostics (QPD). This new diagnostic approach provides a
risk assessment tool that can locate structural instabilities in natural
teeth and is not dependent on direct visualization. QPD represents a
paradigm shift from nonquantitative traditional methods to data from
quantitative dynamic buccal loading.

Presented at the Pacific Coast Society of Prosthodontics Annual Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, June 2013.
Co-Executive Director, Research and Teaching Divisions, Newport Coast Oral Facial Institute.
Researcher, Research Division, Newport Coast Oral Facial Institute.
Co-Executive Director, Research and Teaching Divisions, Newport Coast Oral Facial Institute.
Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering, Henry Samueli School of Engineering at
University of California-Irvine.

Sheets et al
268 Volume 112 Issue 2
People are living longer, many keep- early fractures when teeth are asymp- an instrument such as the Fracfinder
ing some or all of their teeth for a life- tomatic but have structural defects. (Denbur Inc) or the Tooth Slooth II
time.1 An unexpected consequence of Early diagnosis and intervention can (Professional Results Inc).
this positive trend is that dental clini- limit the propagation of the fracture Vitality testing and apical percus-
cians are seeing an increasing frequency and possibly prevent pulpal involve- sion testing with an instrument handle
of cracks and fractures associated with ment, periodontal bone loss, or cata- are not specific.23,24 A novel system
wear, age, trauma, and parafunctional strophic failure. Additional sources of using an ultrasound device and a
habits.2-4 As with any mechanical struc- improved illumination and magnifica- transducer to distinguish areas with
ture, teeth are susceptible to fatigue tion include the use of endoscopy with and without a simulated crack was able
failure from repeated dynamic loading, a scanning electron microscope (SEM), to detect defects at the cementoenamel
especially in a patient with parafunc- but these methods can be expensive junction (CEJ) but was unable to
tional habits, highly restored teeth, or and complicated in the clinical distinguish any defects beyond the CEJ
both.5 During the clinical evaluation, the setting.16 or in bone/root areas.25
presence of a crack may be detected by Dye penetrants, including methylene Quantitative percussion diagnostics
an explorer or a change in the color or blue, gentian violet, sodium fluorescein, (QPD) is a test based on the techno-
shadow in the area of fracture, and if and caries detection dye, have been used logic refinement of a method used for
there is a subgingival fracture, a localized in dentistry and industry for decades to decades in dentistry and medicine. In
periodontal defect will be evident. Other identify cracks and fractures and are dentistry, using the handle of the dental
methods of detecting cracks include recognized to be initial visible indicators mirror is the most common method of
transillumination, magnification, dye of significant cracks. Initially, cracks may percussing teeth to detect sensitivity,
penetrants, radiographs, occluding not have sufficient room between the mobility, and the auditory sound dif-
tests, ultrasonography, and quantitative layers to allow the dye to penetrate with ferential such as heard between a tooth
percussion diagnostics (QPD). capillary action and disclose the defect. and an osseointegrated dental implant.
Transillumination is considered a Subjective assessment of the penetration As currently practiced in dentistry, this
standard method of locating cracks or of the dye into grooves and irregularities is a crude detection technique that is
fractures in teeth.6-9 According to can create false positives and negatives. not quantifiable.7
the manufacturer’s instructions, the Wright et al6 reported that methylene QPD has been developed as a
blockage of light transmission indicates blue with transillumination and magni- medical device for dentistry that pre-
a significant structural crack or fracture fication discriminated best between cisely measures the structural stability
in a tooth (Ti2200 Transillumination cracked and uncracked resected roots. of teeth and dental implants (Peri-
cable; Orascoptic). Unfortunately, Ghorbanzadeh et al17 found the com- ometer; Perimetrics LLC). This device
transillumination is limited to the visible bination of methylene blue and trans- consists of a computer interfaced to a
regions of a tooth. Defects that are illumination to be the most sensitive handheld percussion probe system that
located interproximally or beneath the method of detecting apical root cracks. provides data related to the structural
gingival/bone complex are generally not Radiographs, including cone beam stability of the object being tested.
detectable by transillumination, which scans, are generally ineffective in diag- Specifically, it provides a damping ca-
limits the diagnostic capabilities of the nosing cracks and fractures in teeth un- pacity parameter known as the loss
instrument.10,11 Superficial enamel less the crack is displaced significantly coefficient (LC), a plot of the mechan-
craze lines can be mistaken for a struc- in a plane parallel to the beam or if ical energy returned to the handpiece as
tural crack and lead to false positives. bone loss is associated with the crack/ a function of time for 10 percussions,
The addition of magnification during fracture.7,11,18-20 Micro-computed tomog- and a numerical defect indicator based
transillumination can improve the visu- raphy and SEM can enhance the visibility on the shape of the data in this
alization of a crack.12,13 of a fracture but are not practical for energy return graph. Studies have found
Illumination and magnification as routine clinical assessment.21,22 that QPD can quantify the level of
provided by a clinical microscope have Each of these methods is dependent osseointegration around dental im-
been used to locate cracks that are on visibility to diagnose the structural plants by precise monitoring of the
difficult or impossible to see with un- defect. Occlusal testing is not visually overall micromovement of the dental
aided vision.14 The addition of the dependent and can be helpful during implant when percussed from the
clinical microscope to a diagnostic diagnosis but is typically only effective buccal surface.26 Buccal loading has
protocol for crack and fracture detec- at the terminal stages of crack forma- been found to be a critical direction
tion allows expanded visible data, tion where the pulpal tissues respond to in working and nonworking occlusal
whether a tooth is being examined the flexing of the tooth at the crack forces that generate high stress within
initially or during a disassembly pro- interface.23,24 The involved cusp will the tooth.27
cess.15 Magnification levels from !14 often elicit pathognomonic pain on the The present QPD instrument is a
to !18 have been suggested to evaluate release of pressure after occluding on Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Sheets et al
August 2014 269
510(k) Class I medical device approved removed with a hand scaler. Three in- material (between 2 and 3 GPa) is
for measuring the damping character- dependent examiners were assigned somewhat lower than, but within an
istics of the periodontium and its different phases of the study to main- order of magnitude of, that for
associated fixed structures (teeth, im- tain the objectivity of all assessments. dentin.26 Using these tooth replicas

plants, or both). Given the sensitivity of Examiner 1 used a surgical microscope
provided a sufficient number of defect-
the device in measuring implant local- at 10! magnification to document free controls, which was not feasible
ized or internal mobility, it was hy- any visible fractures, cracks, or defects with extracted natural teeth.
pothesized that the device might also in the crown and root of each tooth. - Twenty-three transparent 3D replica
be effective in measuring the localized All specimens were initially trans--
teeth of a mandibular right first molar
instabilities in natural teeth such as illuminated to document the presence were acquired and visually examined for

produced by cracks and fractures. The of cracks in the crown and root of each any cracks or fractures. No cracks were

overall movement of a tooth could tooth. Cracks were documented by us- observed under the microscope or with
relate to mobility induced by peri- ing videography, still photography, and transillumination. The replicas were

odontal disease, recent orthodontic description in a secured written form. then mounted according to the study
movement, or traumatic occlusion. Each natural tooth specimen was protocol and tested with QPD. The
Localized movement of a tooth could assigned a number, tested in a random QPD data generated included normal-
be internally generated by conditions order by a different examiner, and ized energy return as a function of time,
such as cracks in the tooth structure or continuously hydrated during the entire the LC (an indicator of overall
loose/fractured restorations. study. mobility),28-30 and the normal fit error
The present study was designed to One problem was the acquisition of (NFE) (an indication of localized
evaluate the effectiveness of QPD as an a sufficient number of uncracked nat- mobility due to a defect).31,32 The
instrument for diagnosing cracks in ural teeth for controls. By the time teeth replica teeth tested were virtually iden-
teeth. QPD measures the damping are extracted as part of a dental treat- tical to the one uncracked natural
characteristics of the periodontium and ment plan, most have been in the mandibular right first molar that was in
its associated fixed structures (teeth, mouth for decades and could easily the study, for a total of 27 intact
implants, or both). The Ti2200 Trans- have developed cracks and fractures specimens. These were combined with
illumination cable is the only FDA- due to extensive use, parafunctional the 26 cracked specimens for a total of
approved medical device specifically habits, trauma, or a combination of 53 specimens.
designed to detect cracks and fractures those, including defects induced by the
in teeth. However, this technique extraction process. Even teeth extracted Specimen preparation
cannot detect cracks in nonvisible in young patients for orthodontic
areas. Accordingly, microscopic disas- treatment, or unerupted third molars, Each tooth or tooth replica was
sembly aided by transillumination and consistently contain cracks and frac- painted with a thin, uniform layer of die
dye penetrant was used as the standard tures associated with the trauma of spacer (Kerr-Sybron Dental Lab Prod-
to compare the efficacy of the 2 extraction. Consequently, including a ucts) from 2 mm above the CEJ apical
methods. The objective of the present number of synthetic tooth models as to the tip of the root and allowed to dry
study was to test the null hypothesis undamaged controls in the present (Fig. 1). This process was repeated 2
that QPD would be as effective as investigation was necessary. times for each tooth to achieve a suf-
transillumination in detecting cracks in Advancements in the area of 3- ficient thickness to simulate the prop-
the visible portions of teeth and to dimensionsal (3D) copy replicas have erties of the periodontal ligament. Next,
determine whether QPD could poten- allowed the fabrication of synthetic a thin bead of liquid rubber dam (Liq-
tially reveal the presence of those de- teeth that are anatomically precise uidam; Philips Oral Healthcare) was
fects that are interproximal or beneath copies of natural teeth (TruTooth; applied circumferentially 0.5 mm below
the gingival/bone complex where DELendo). The ability to have consis- the CEJ to block the acrylic resin to
transillumination is not feasible. tency in the size and geometry of the achieve a normal simulated bone height
tooth specimens allowed for more ac- as shown in Figure 2. When the bead
MATERIAL AND METHODS curacy in the assessment of the QPD had set, a microbrush applicator
data. In addition, the material charac- (Disposable Applicators; 3M ESPE) was
Tooth selection teristics of these synthetic teeth are secured with liquid rubber dam to the

comparable with the material charac- mesial and distal sides of the tooth so
A total of 30 extracted teeth with teristics of natural teeth. The DELendo that it was parallel to the occlusal plane
restorations and mature apices tooth replicas that were used in the (Fig. 3). Additional liquid rubber dam
were collected for the present study present work are made from Objet was applied to all 4 sides of the tooth,
from an initial pool of over 100 teeth. VeroClear RGD810 rigid transparent covering approximately two-thirds of
Any debris or surface deposits were polymer. The elastic modulus of this the apical portion of the coronal
Sheets et al
270 Volume 112 Issue 2

1 Latex liquid applied to simulate periodontal ligament. 2 Rubber dam barrier applied to cementoenamel junction
to establish ideal crestal bone level with acrylic resin.

3 Support rods mounted and secured to proximal tooth 4 Polymer and monomer applied to root structure of tooth.
surfaces, parallel to occlusal plane.

segment of the tooth to ensure that

acrylic resin did not touch these sur-
faces. Autopolymerizing acrylic resin
(Teets; Co-Oral-ite Dental) was applied
to the root of each tooth with a brush
powder/liquid application technique
until a minimum of 3 mm of void-free
acrylic resin had been created around
the entire root structure (Fig. 4). Next,
the mounted tooth was placed in the
middle of a rectangular (27!42!25
mm) polyvinyl siloxane (Precision;
DenMat Holdings LLC) mold with the
buccal side of the tooth facing the long
5 Proper position of tooth suspended in mold.
side of the mold (Fig. 5). Once the
tooth was in place, additional autopo-
lymerizing acrylic resin was mixed and separated from the tooth, and any Imaging Sciences Intl) to ensure that
poured into the mold. Each mold was excess acrylic resin was trimmed. The there were no voids in the acrylic resin
then placed in a pressure pot at 138 completed specimens were stored in adjacent to the tooth root.
kPa for 30 minutes. Once polymerized,
each specimen was removed from the
water. Each mounted specimen was
assigned a number and evaluated by
② Examiner 2 independently examined
each mounted, numbered test specimen
pressure pot, the mounting aids were computed tomography scan (i-CAT; with the manufacturer’s recommended
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Sheets et al
August 2014 271

6 Transilluminated fractured cusp. 7 Quantitative percussion diagnostics testing on mesial

buccal cusp of specimen tooth.

transillumination protocol. The findings

of examiner 2 were recorded in a written

form to indicate whether the specimen

demonstrated fractures when trans-
illuminated (yes or no), and, if so, the
location was recorded (coronal, root
above the acrylic resin, or root poten-
tially below the acrylic resin) (Fig. 6).
Examiner 3 tested each specimen
with QPD, and all data were recorded
in the computer record and transferred
to a secure Excel worksheet (Microsoft
Excel; Microsoft Corp). Examiner 1 also

independently tested each specimen
with QPD, and all data were recorded
and transferred to a secure Excel work-
8 Specimen tooth demonstrating multiple fractures noted
upon disassembly under magnification with use of dye
sheet. A photograph of the QPD testing penetrant.
is shown in Figure 7.
Once all the predisassembly data thoroughly rinsed off. Any visible signs structural integrity of the tooth and the
were collected, each specimen was dis- of dye penetrant action or lack of action more damaging cracks that extended
assembled with a high-speed handpiece was recorded and documented by video into the body of the tooth. The afore-

with cool water spray and a clinical mi-

croscope (Global Surgical). This proce-

and still photography and in the written mentioned steps were repeated for any
- record (Fig. 8). The tooth was then fractures that extended into the dentin
dure was recorded with a video camera

disassembled under !10 magnification up to the pulpal roof. Lastly, the pulpal

and still photography. The disassembly with a high-speed handpiece under wa- roof and all pulp tissue were removed
protocol began by cleaning the tooth ter coolant and fine grit diamond rotary with a barbed broach. The steps were
with alcohol, and the specimen number instrument to follow and remove any then repeated, and the pulp chamber
was recorded with video and still visible cracks and fractures up to the and canals were inspected for fractures.
photography for documentation pur- dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) by using Once completely disassembled, the
poses. Next, the tooth was etched the transillumination device for light tooth specimens were examined under
with 35% phosphoric acid (Ultra-Etch; transmission and crack detection. Video a microscope at !10 magnification
Ultradent Products Inc), washed, and documentation and photographs were with both the light and trans-
dried. The specimen was then examined made to document the location and illumination to check for any remaining
through the clinical microscope at !10

extent of the tooth disassembly required cracks. After examiner 1 confirmed that
magnification, and video documenta- to eliminate fractures up to the DEJ. The all cracks had been eliminated, exam-
e n
tion was initiated. Toluidine blue indi- first step that removed cracks entirely iner 3 tested all 53 specimens and
cator (Toluidine Blue O dye; Taylor), contained within the enamel was critical controls again with QPD. All findings

was painted on the entire tooth surface, to differentiate between superficial were documented and recorded in a
allowed to set for 30 seconds, and then cracks that did not endanger the secure Excel spreadsheet.
Sheets et al
272 Volume 112 Issue 2
RESULTS Table I. Crack occurrence within extracted tooth specimens determined by
conventional transillumination, microscopic disassembly, and QPD
The results for the conventional
Specimen Microscopic QPD QPD
transillumination determination and
tooth disassembly examination are listed No. Transillumination Disassembly Initial Final
in the first 3 columns of Table I. An “X” in ~
- 1 13 0 X X 0
the second column of this table desig-
2 11 X X X 0
nates a crack as defined by the manu-
3 0 X X X*

facturer’s instructions for conventional


macroscopic transillumination. An “X” in 4 X X X 0

the next column for the disassembly ex-
5 0 X X 0
amination indicates the observation of a 6 0 X X X*

dentinal crack or more than 10 7 0 0 0 0
enamel cracks in the tooth specimen.
4 -
8 X X X X
Conventional macroscopic trans- -

9 X X X 0

illumination indicated cracks in 11 of the
10 X X X 0
30 natural teeth. The 2 transillumination
examiners were in agreement for all 11 0 X X - X*
specimens but one, specimen 10, which is 12 0 X X 0
designated as cracked (X) in Table I. By 13 X X X 0
contrast, cracks were detected in- all but 4
14 X X X 0
of the tooth specimens per the present
15 0 X X 0
disassembly protocol. A comparison of
these results indicates that conventional 16 0 X X 0
transillumination does not indicate all 17 0 X X 0
cracks that are evident in a thorough 18 0 X X 0
microscopic disassembly aided by 19 0 0 X 0
both transilluminating light and dye
e n

20 0 X X 0
21 0 X X 0
A representative plot of normalized
energy return as a function of time for 1 22 0 X X 0
of the uncracked natural teeth (spec- 23 X X X 0
imen 7) is shown in Figure 9. Ten sets of 24 X X X 0
data in this plot correspond to the 10 25 X X X 0
percussion responses that were 26 X X X 0
measured over a 4-second duration
27 0 0 0 0
when the probe was activated. The -

difference between an ideal energy re- 28 0 0 0 0

e n

turn versus time response for an intact 29 0 X X 0

tooth (a symmetrical bell-shaped curve) 30 0 X X 0
and from the measured response from
QPD, quantitative percussion diagnostics; NFE, normal fit error.
a specimen tooth is called the NFE. The Microscopic disassembly: >10 enamel/dentin cracks revealed by using transillumination and dye
higher the NFE, the more damaged the penetrant.
QPD: NFE>0.02.
structure. The response peaks for this *Less damage indicated compared with initial test.
intact tooth were all relatively uniform y
Disassembly halted owing to undermined cusp.
and symmetric in shape. These charac-
teristics gave rise to the relatively low somewhat greater (0.026) than that for more pronounced perturbation resulted
value of the NFE (0.009).31,32 The en- specimen 7. Representative energy re- in a still higher value of NFE (0.045).
ergy return data for a tooth that was turn data for a tooth that contained The specimen with larger cracks that
determined to contain significant larger cracks that compromised the propagated below the margin exhibits a
cracks that reached the DEJ (specimen margin of the tooth (specimen 2) nonuniformity relatively late in time
1) were plotted against time (Fig. 10). were plotted versus time (Fig. 11). compared with that for specimen 1.
These data exhibited nonuniformity in Nonuniformity was also observed in The LC was plotted against NFE
the response peak from 0.06 to 0.09 these data in the form of an additional (Fig. 12) from the QPD for both rep-
ms, resulting in an NFE that was peak between 0.09 and 0.13 ms. The lica and natural tooth specimens. A
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Sheets et al
August 2014 273
0.03 least-squares linear fit to the natural
Specimen 7 tooth data is also shown in Figure 12 to
NFE = 0.009 demonstrate that overall the LC tended to
Normalized Energy Return
be greater as the NFE increased. However,
0.02 the correlation between these 2 parame-
ters is poor (R2¼0.3). This outcome is
0.015 reasonable, given that overall instability
as represented by the LC can be influ-
0.01 enced by factors other than local in-
stabilities that are characterized by NFE.
0.005 Such factors could include the geometry
of the tooth, the thickness of the peri-
odontal ligament, and the density of the
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 bone surrounding the tooth. Although
Time (ms) local instabilities can significantly in-
9 Representative energy return results for intact tooth crease the overall instability of a tooth,
(specimen 7 in Table I). Data corresponding to 10 percussion other factors may influence it more. Thus,
responses are shown. being able to monitor both overall and
local instabilities in teeth is important,
0.015 because they are not necessarily linked.
Specimen 1 The NFE data for all specimens were
NFE = 0.026 -
compared with the crack detection results
Normalized Energy Return

from the microscopic disassembly exam-
0.01 inations represented in the third column
in Table I. Based on this comparison, a

threshold NFE value of 0.02 for crack
detection produced a 98% agreement
0.005 between the QPD prediction of the pres-
A ence of cracks and the microscopic
disassembly (MD) verification of the
presence of cracks. In addition, a vertical
0 dashed line in Figure 12 indicates the
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 threshold value of 0.02. All of the NFE
Time (ms)

values for the tooth replica controls

10 Typical energy return data for tooth that contains sig- (diamond symbols) fell below this
nificant cracks that reached enamel-dentin junction (spec- threshold, along with the values for the
imen 1 in Table I). Responses for 10 percussions are shown. few natural tooth specimens that were
found to contain no significant cracks
0.008 and fractures. Furthermore, the LC values
Specimen 2 for the intact extracted tooth specimens
0.007 NFE = 0.045
Normalized Energy Return

(NFE<0.02) and the replica tooth speci-

0.006 mens fell within the same range of data.
The findings in Table I also demon-
strate that QPD was able to detect more
0.004 fractures in teeth than conventional
transillumination, as recorded in the
magnified and illuminated destructive
0.002 disassembly with dye penetrant. Interest-
ingly, percussion testing generally yielded
0.001 a below-threshold NFE value for each
0 previously cracked tooth once the
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 damaged tissue was removed during the
Time (ms) disassembly process. This overall result is
11 Representative data for tooth that contains deep crack in demonstrated in the fifth column of
crown that compromises margin (specimen 2 in Table I). Table I.
Sheets et al
274 Volume 112 Issue 2
Crack Detection Threshold effective as transillumination for detect-
ing cracks and fractures in teeth. Further,
QPD was able to detect fractures in 1
In Vitro Tooth Specimens
tooth that were not visible and could not
0.075 be detected by transillumination.
The present study reconfirms the
R2 = 0.3
conclusions that cracks and fractures in
natural teeth are commonplace.1-2 As the
Loss Coefficient

study progressed, it became evident that

0.065 even teeth identified as potentially un-
cracked controls developed cracks and
fractures from the extraction process,
0.06 making it difficult to collect undamaged
natural control teeth. Fortunately, novel
0.055 3D copy technology has made it possible
Replica Teeth
Natural Teeth
to create precise models of natural teeth
that test consistently with uncracked
0.05 natural tooth controls.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
The magnification and illumination
Normal Fit Error
provided by a clinical microscope have
12 Loss coefficient plotted against normal fit error for been used in the present work as in-
natural tooth and replica specimens. Least-squares linear fit struments to locate cracks that are
to natural tooth data is shown (R2¼0.3).
difficult or impossible to see with
unaided vision. The addition of the
clinical microscope to a diagnostic
Table II. Comparison of cracked/intact tooth classification from QPD and from protocol for crack and fracture detec-
MD for combined set of 53 extracted and replica tooth specimens
tion allows expanded visible data,
MD Gold Standard whether a tooth is being initially
examined or during a disassembly pro-
QPD Predicted Intact Cracked Total cess.14 Unfortunately, these tools are all
limited to visible areas. Cracks and
fractures that develop deep into the
Frequency 26 0 26
body of the tooth or in visually inac-
Row % 100.00 0.00 cessible areas are not detected by these
Col % 96.30 0.00 traditional techniques.
Cracked QPD is an objective, technologically
Frequency 1 26 27 refined method of detecting structural
Row % 3.70 96.30 instability. This method is not based on
visual input but rather on the response
Col % 3.70 100.00
of the tooth to a low-magnitude tap on
Total 27 26 53
the buccal surface. The data represent
QPD, quantitative percussion diagnostics; MD, microscopic disassembly. how the structure responds mechani-
cally to buccal loading. It is a dynamic
test that is consistent with typical
The results of the statistical analysis, teeth achieved 96% specificity (95% CI, physiologic loading during eating, par-

including the 23 controls with the set of 30 0.817-0.933) and 100% sensitivity (95% afunction, and trauma. Thus, it is

natural teeth, for a total of 53 specimens, CI, 0.871-1.000) for detecting cracks reasonable to suppose that it is sensi-
are given in Tables II and III. The data in based on a-comparison with microscopic tive in detecting damage caused by
Table II show that 52 of 53 teeth (0.981) disassembly. those loading modes. The data are

were classified into the same category by precise, are repeatable, and can be
both QPD and MD, and Table III provides DISCUSSION compared over time with subsequent
the 95% CI (0.901-0.997) for this pro- tests. Finally, QPD provides a new
portion. In addition, this analysis indicates By yielding a 98% rate of agreement, type of diagnostic data not previously
that a detection threshold NFE ⑧ of 0.02 for the data from the present study support available with other methodologies
the 53 natural and synthetic posterior the null hypothesis that QPD is as used in clinical dentistry.

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Sheets et al

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Sheets et al

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