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@ ffi G2t
{r-Bil-{ Eg<t @ @zs INDIA

eT. qftq r. fret ffi;d fuqftqr@ oqEH snftr

University Gtonls Commission
(ftren rierw, qrrd sror)
Prof. Manish R. Joshi (Mini$ry of Educotion, Govt. of lndio)


F.No. I 4-2l2022(DEB-IV) 09.Ianuary,20241 tq dq tq+s

Subject: Implementation of UGC Guidelines on 'sustainable and Vibrant University-

Industry Linkage System for Indian Universities'

Respected Madam/Sir,

'I'he National Education policy (NEP)- 2020, introduced by the Government of India,
industries. The
recognizes the importance of fostering strong linkages between universities and
NEp-2020 aims to create a seamless bridge between academia and industry, fostering
innovation. employability. and economic groMh. Ily strengthening the university-industry
linkagc, thc poiicy seeki to develop u **k1bt.e that is skilled. adaptable, and capable
contributing to the Nation's development'

In view of the above, UGC has formulated guidelines titled "szstainable and Vibrant
(/niversity-lndustry Linkage systemfor Inclian (Jniversities" and these are aimed at fostering
collaboration between academia and industry, thereby developing a robust ecosystem
research" innovation, and knowledge transfer. The guidelines are available on
the UGC website

All the lligher l,lducation Institutions are requested to take necessary action for
implementation of the guidelines in letter and spirit'
guidelines by the
Irurther, it is informed that UGC may review the implementation of these
plan and take measures
Universities as pafi of the National Education Policy implementation
thereof .

Look forward to your active contribution in cflbctive implcmentation o1'the NEP-2020'

With kind regards.

Yours sincerelv.
Ilncl.:- As above

o 'fhe Vicc Chancellors of all [Jniversities
o 'I'he Principals of all Colleges


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