Naturaleza Dañina de Las Desaceleraciones - Harper

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BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med: first published as 10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000379 on 6 August 2018. Downloaded from http://bmjopensem.bmj.

com/ on 27 September 2018 by guest. Protected

Open access Editorial

Damaging nature of decelerations: Do

we adequately prepare players?
Damian James Harper,1,2 John Kiely2

To cite: Harper DJ, AN EVOLVING UNDERSTANDING OF MATCH thresholds, however, decelerations evidently
Kiely J. Damaging nature DEMANDS occur more frequently than equivalently
of decelerations: Do
we adequately prepare Frequent and intense accelerations and decel- intense accelerations. In soccer, for example,
players? BMJ Open Sport erations are crucial elements of match play.1–4 high-intensity decelerations are up to 2.9
& Exercise Medicine Both accelerations and decelerations expose times more frequent than high-intensity
2018;4:e000379. doi:10.1136/ players to high levels of mechanical stress, accelerations.3 Presumably, this discrepancy
are recognised as key contributors to overall is a feature of competitive match play, such
biomechanical load,5 and may exert a signif- that accelerations to higher running veloci-
Accepted 17 July 2018 icant impact on performance potential (eg, ties may frequently occur gradually, without
ability to sustain high force output and atten- crossing a defined high-intensity threshold,
uation). Consequently, accelerations and whereas, in contrast, a larger proportion of
decelerations are recognised as important decelerations are suddenly imposed, thereby
variables to monitor.6 enforcing rapid velocity reductions within
The use of newly available motion tracking constrained timeframes and spaces.
technologies has permitted a more compre- Second, when compared with more
hensive characterisation of the external ‘concentrically-dependent’ accelerations,
loads associated with whole-body biome- the sudden braking activity implicit in severe

by copyright.
chanical loading.6 This information can, in decelerations demands intense eccentric and
turn, be used to inform and refine training quasi-isometric contractions. These contrac-
prescription and management processes. tion modes are capable of generating higher
Although evidence suggests that the mechan- muscular tensions than concentric actions.
ical stressors imposed during accelerating Nevertheless, presumably as a consequence
and decelerating activities are fundamen- of the elevated mechanical loads experi-
tally different,6 current recommendations enced during decelerations, the fatigue and
for optimal load monitoring seemingly treat cumulative tissue microtrauma imposed
the consequences of these loads—in terms following deceleration activities are greater
of potential tissue damage and subsequent than that following similarly intense acceler-
adaptations—as equivalent.5 Evolving an opti- ations.1–3 Consequently, the load per metre
mally perceptive load monitoring paradigm, experienced during decelerations is up to
however, demands that if different loading 65% greater (effect size=2, very large) than
activities impose differentially and dispropor- any other match play activities, and approx-
tionately damaging consequences, we should imately 37% more than when accelerating.4
identify the external loads posing the most
© Author(s) (or their significant threats to both performance and DECELERATION-SPECIFIC LOAD: COULD THIS BE A
employer(s)) 2018. Re-use injury risk, and weigh them accordingly.7 CRITICAL MEDIATOR?
permitted under CC BY-NC. No
commercial re-use. See rights A recent British Journal of Sports Medicine edito-
and permissions. Published by THE DISTINCT DEMANDS OF ACCELERATION AND rial called for exploration of the mediators
BMJ. DECELERATION driving load-related injuries, and more train-
School of Sport, York St John Recent match analysis data obtained from ing-specific data informing injury resilience
University, York, UK
global positioning systems (GPS) and triaxial protocols.8 In responding to this call, we
Institute of Coaching and
accelerometers highlight two core distinctions propose that the mechanical stressors, implicit
Performance, School of Sport
and Wellbeing, University of between accelerations and decelerations. First, in deceleration activities, are critical mediators
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK when examining the comparative frequencies serving as potent drivers of both neuromus-
of accelerations and decelerations, it is clear cular fatigue and tissue damage. Increasing
Correspondence to
that more accelerations occur within low fatigue and accumulative tissue microtrauma,
Dr Damian James Harper; to moderate intensity ranges than similarly subsequently, both act to further diminish intense decelerations.4 Beyond high-intensity the coordinative capacities underpinning an

Harper DJ, Kiely J. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 2018;4:e000379. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000379 1
BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med: first published as 10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000379 on 6 August 2018. Downloaded from on 27 September 2018 by guest. Protected
Open access

Figure 1 Deceleration capacity represented as a critical mediator moderating the performer’s risk of tissue damage.

ability to skilfully dissipate braking loads. Consequently, resilience to deceleration activity can be augmented
increasing volume or intensity of deceleration activity via (1) increasing the load-bearing capacities of lower
contributes to a vicious cycle of ever-increasing fatigue, limb tissues, and (2) nurturing the coordinative skill
diminishing coordinative proficiency and subsequent of deceleration by exposing players to challenges en-
risk of accumulating tissue damage (figure 1). hancing more sensitive and accurate calibration of the
muscular co-contraction patterns, and limb position-
INCREASING PLAYER RESILIENCE TO DECELERATIVE LOAD: ing strategies, essential to proficient deceleration ac-
SHOULD THIS BE A PRIORITY? tivity (figure 1).
Specifically in relation to the enhancement of deceler-

by copyright.
In closing, training-specific research, and training
ation abilities, few validated training recommendations practice in general, has historically focused primarily on
currently exist. In prompting future discussion, we enhancing acceleration and high-velocity running capac-
suggest priority should be given to the following: ities. While such efforts are undoubtedly important,
1. Measurement and management of decelerative loads: the future evolution of match play preparation philos-
Deceleration volumes and intensities, for example, ophy also requires that we develop training techniques
are sensitive indicators of tissue loading,6 the extent focused on enhancing deceleration-handling capacities,
of tissue damage2 3 and subsequent injury risk.1 As in tandem with aligned monitoring strategies enabling
such, careful consideration should be given to the se- us to better discern and quantify the specific mechanical
lection of quantifiable variables and methodological stressors driving deceleration-imposed deficits. Finally,
procedures through which deceleration loads can be these insights may hold special relevance for those
measured and managed. For example, more informa- tasked with the management, delivery and monitoring of
tive insights may be obtained by quantifying the decel- training interventions designed to enhance injury resil-
eration impulse per foot strike (mass × deceleration) ience and reduce injury risk.
using newly available metrics, such as force load.6
2. Monitoring progressive exposure to decelerations: Twitter Damian James Harper @DHMov and John Kiely @simplysportssci.
The basic training principle of gradual progressive Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge Dale Forsdyke for reviewing and
overload suggests that optimal match play preparation providing feedback on a draft of the manuscript.
should include incrementally progressive exposure to Contributors DJH and JK both contributed equally to the planning and
deceleration loadings.1 Such accurate training pre- development of this editorial. DJH was responsible for writing the editorial, with JK
making revisions.
scription logically demands regular and sensitive mon-
Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
itoring of deceleration-induced load , and subsequent-
funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
ly imposed decrements. A decline in eccentric force,
Competing interests None declared.
measured during a simple countermovement jump us-
ing force plates, for example, has been proposed as an Patient consent Not required.
insightful indicator of deceleration-induced fatigue.3 Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
3. Selection of loading strategies enhancing decelera- Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
tion capacity: Clearly, empirically informed training Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
strategies focused on increasing player resilience to and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
the negative consequences of repeated decelerations properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the
are urgently required. We tentatively suggest that use is non-commercial. See:

2 Harper DJ, Kiely J. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 2018;4:e000379. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000379
BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med: first published as 10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000379 on 6 August 2018. Downloaded from on 27 September 2018 by guest. Protected
Open access

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by copyright.

Harper DJ, Kiely J. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 2018;4:e000379. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000379 3

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