Nesrine-Progression Test ESL P1 Stages9+8+7 (2024-2022) - QP

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English as a Second Language

Stage 9

Paper 1 Reading and Use of English 2024

45 minutes

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.

• The total mark for this paper is 42.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

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Part 1

Questions 1–8

Read the text below.

For each number 1–8, circle the correct word on the next page.

Mini robots

Recently, several small robots, (0) to run like fast animals, were introduced to the public

by some university engineering students. The little machines (1) on a football pitch to

test their (2) . Controlled by their makers, the robots started kicking a ball around.

(3) sometimes happens in team games, some of the robots became too (4) to win

and fell over, but they soon got up again.

These tiny robots can walk over (5) ground at twice the speed of an average person.

(6) their size, they’re strong, and even if they break, are easily repaired. The students

believe that it will be possible to teach them new skills, without (7) of damaging them.

The hope is that the robots will one day (8) more than just entertainment.

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0 caught fixed built organised

1 attended approached attempted appeared [1]

2 challenges conditions abilities performances [1]

3 So As While Because [1]

4 keen certain grateful positive [1]

5 strong difficult thick rough [1]

6 Although Despite Apart Unless [1]

7 worry concern fear care [1]

8 provide succeed discover encourage [1]

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Part 2

Questions 9–13

Read the text in each question.

What does it say?
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B or C.


A Jodie regrets not seeing the film with Leo.

Hi Leo B Jodie suggests that the film was too long.

I saw the film you
mentioned. You’re C Jodie agrees with Leo’s opinion of the film.
right – the ending was
worth waiting for. I
watched it by myself,
so at least no one saw
me crying!

9 In the supermarket you can get:

A three packets for a lower price than usual.
Buy three packets and
get an extra one free
OR B two packets for half price.
Buy two and get the
second one half price
C four packets for the price of three.

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10 What does Kathy want Amy to do?

Hi Amy A Do a painting of something.

I’ve told my mum

all about that B Take a photo of something.
painting of me you
did in the art lesson
today. She’d love to C Describe a painting to someone.
see it. Could you
send a photo?


11 A You should use at least three colours for the

NOTICES poster.

B You must put the title of the play on the

School play: design a poster! poster.
30cm by 20cm (maximum)
Any colours but no more C You can design the poster to be as large as
than three you like.
Remember to include title [1]

12 A Get advice if this cream does not help.

Insect bite cream
Hands must be clean when using.
Repeat as necessary – up to three days. B Use this cream no more than three times
Pain getting worse? See doctor. daily.

C Wash your hands after using this cream.


13 Why has Fred’s mum left him this message?

I’m working late so unfortunately we A to ask him to do something
can’t go out for pizza. Please put the
pie I made into the oven. And don’t
forget to heat the oven first. B to apologise for something
C to complain about something

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Part 3

Questions 14–18

Complete the conversation between two friends.

What does Dan say to Harry?
For questions 14–18, write the correct letter A–H.


Harry: Hi Dan. Are you doing anything interesting this Saturday?

Dan: H

Harry: I’m going cycling in the countryside

with my family. Would you like to
come with us? A How about money for food?

Dan: 14 ………… [1] B I’m not too sure about that.

Harry: The whole day, so we’re setting off C That’d be brilliant. How long are you going
at around six thirty in the morning. for?

Dan: 15 ………… [1] D Great. Are we cycling up any big hills?

Harry: Well only your bike, and a helmet. E I know but why don’t you try?

Dan: 16 ………… [1] F That’s early but it should be fine. Do I

need anything in particular?
Harry: Mum’s making something nice for
everyone so that won’t be G That’s OK – I find it hard too. Where
necessary. should I meet you?

Dan: 17 ………… [1] H Nothing much. Why?

Harry: I’m not actually fit enough to do

that yet.

Dan: 18 ………… [1]

Harry: Don’t worry about that. We’ll come

to your house.

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Part 4

Questions 19–26

Complete the emails below.

Write one word for each space.
There is an example at the beginning of the first email.

To: Emily

From: Beth


It’s my birthday on Saturday and my grandma (19)

given me two cinema tickets. I’m thinking (20) seeing that new

science fiction film you recommended (21) me . Can you come?

(22) don’t we meet outside the cinema at one o’clock and have a

burger first?


To: Beth

From: Emily


I’ve got football practice on Saturday morning, (23) goes on till

half one, so I won’t (24) able to meet you till after that. I could see

you outside the cinema at two fifteen. (25) does that sound?

Write back and (26) me know.



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Part 5

Questions 27–36

You are going to read an article about four teenagers’ experiences of learning to surf.
For questions 27–36, choose from the sections (A–D) and write the correct letter.
You may choose a letter more than once.

Which person says…

they particularly enjoyed the experience of learning with other people? 27

the support they received prevented them from giving up? 28

they wished they’d tried the sport sooner? 29

they felt anxious before their first lesson? 30

they found surfing easier than they’d expected? 31

they loved the place where they were surfing? 32

they are unlikely to continue to surf in the future? 33

they started surfing to make some new friends? 34

they found it difficult to handle the equipment? 35

they were disappointed by the slow progress they made? 36


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A Nora
I was unsure what to expect from my surfing experience. When I met the others in
my group they seemed friendly but I was nervous and found it hard to keep calm
as I was convinced they’d all be better than me. I struggled to the water’s edge,
my arms hardly long enough to wrap round the board. A week later I was up on
the board and surfing, not confidently, but I was proud of this achievement. I
realised that if I’d taken up surfing earlier, I’d probably be riding huge waves. It
was a shame but it made me determined to improve.

B Hugo
I was on holiday with my parents and surfing lessons were being advertised at the
beach near where we were staying. I thought it’d be a way to get to know some
people my age and decided to sign up. I’d never done water sports before so I
was expecting to find surfing a real challenge. But it seems that balance is vital
for surfing success. I’m quite a good gymnast and that helped so I got used to
jumping on the board and standing up surprisingly quickly. I think I might have
another go if I get the opportunity.

C Sylvie
I took a surfing course on a gorgeous beach with shallow water and perfect
waves for beginners. So I can’t say I felt nervous and I expected to be surfing in
no time. However, that first morning I was in the water holding onto the board
more often than I was standing on it, which was annoying. My enthusiasm left me
and if my teacher hadn’t pushed me to try again I’d have gone off to sunbathe. On
day three I actually surfed on my first wave, which was hardly impressive but it
hasn’t put me off the idea of trying again.

D Mikel
I went surfing for the first time with some friends and we had an excellent and
encouraging instructor. There were sharp volcanic rocks on the sea floor so we
got cuts and bruises, but that didn’t concern us much and by the end of the first
day we’d all managed to stand up on the board even if only for a few seconds. It
felt so good being part of that group and it made me try my best. But it was
something I did one summer and I have no particular plan or desire to repeat the

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Part 6

Questions 37–42
Read the text and questions below.
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Our green spaces

A recent study discovered that over 75% of children under 15 spend little or no time in green
spaces. This is bad news. It also found that by spending time outside in nature, children are
more likely to realise that being responsible for our world matters. It may be that they also
become happier and less anxious if they spend time running, swimming or climbing in natural
outdoor spaces. And happy, relaxed people often use their imagination to do things like
painting or writing poems.

Providing Forest Schools, where children have some lessons in a natural environment, is an
idea that began in Denmark. Teachers at these schools believe the children learn all sorts of
things that they wouldn’t learn in a traditional classroom. And as children grow in confidence,
they start to make their own decisions about how to achieve any tasks they are given.
Compared with classroom-based learning, students are allowed a great deal of freedom, as
long as there are no safety issues involved.

In Japan, people of all ages go ‘forest bathing’. To do this, you need to walk among the trees,
smell the leaves, listen to the wind and really appreciate all the colours around you. You
could try it. If you do, you may feel you want to choose a good route before setting off and
that it’s better to go early in the morning when there are fewer visitors around. Actually, it’s
good to decide where to go once you get there, and any time of day is peaceful in a forest.
You don’t want to be interrupted by people calling you, so avoid answering your phone.

But spending hours outside every day to improve your health isn’t actually necessary. You can
spend as little as 20 seconds watching bees or butterflies in your garden to feel closer to
nature. If you want to know more about what you’re looking at, then it’s a great idea to enjoy
some of the many documentaries available online. If you live in a city, or don’t have any
outside space, you can grow all sorts of things – even vegetables – next to a window at home.

37 According to recent research, spending time outside

A makes young people feel more creative.
B reduces young people’s feelings of stress.
C is important for young people’s physical health.
D encourages young people to care about the environment.

38 Which statement is made about children who go to Forest Schools?

A They become more independent.
B They learn a range of useful skills.
C They feel safe in the forest environment.
D They choose the subjects they want to study.

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39 When ‘forest bathing’, the writer says it is important to

A plan the route in advance.
B make use of your senses.
C turn off your mobile phone.
D choose a quiet time of day to go.

40 In the fourth paragraph, the writer is advising readers to

A spend a lot of time outside.
B grow plants that they like to eat.
C encourage wildlife into their gardens.
D watch programmes about the natural world.

41 What is the writer doing in this text?

A comparing different methods of studying nature
B explaining the long-term benefits of being outside
C describing several ways of connecting with nature
D persuading people to consider outdoor work

42 Which of these views does the writer give in the article?

Getting a guidebook and Even if you live in a town or
following the best paths is city, there’s no reason not to
the way to get the most out enjoy the natural world.
of your forest walk.


You can learn so much It’s great for children to have

watching videos about lessons outside but nothing
nature that you don’t need can replace learning in a
to worry too much about classroom.
going outside.


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English as a Second Language

Stage 9

Paper 1 Reading and Use of English 2023

45 minutes

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.

• The total mark for this paper is 42.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

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Part 1

Questions 1–8

Read the text below.

For each number 1–8, circle the correct word on the next page.


There are (0) types of music, and we (1) to them in different ways. Although we

may immediately want to turn off certain styles of music, others might make us want to sing

or dance.

Some people like listening to music (2) they’re doing other activities, which (3)

include reading, running and studying. If we’re studying and there’s a sudden (4) noise

in the background, turning some music on takes our attention away from the noise that’s

(5) us.

But what sort of music helps people concentrate? Scientists suggest that the most (6)

thing is that we try to (7) music with words. Instead, choose the sort of music that’s

used as the soundtrack for video games – it makes players (8) on the game rather

than the music.

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0 many lots much loads

1 approach change affect react [1]

2 whether during until while [1]

3 easily typically totally exactly [1]

4 uncomfortable unpleasant unlikely unkind [1]

5 annoying disappointing regretting disliking [1]

6 accurate proper important clear [1]

7 miss lose prevent avoid [1]

8 focus think consider insist [1]

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Part 2
Questions 9–13
Read the text in each question.
What does it say?
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B or C.
New Message A Andy would prefer to go sailing with Julia
on Saturday rather than on Sunday.
To: Julia
B Andy can go sailing with Julia on Friday if
Send From: Andy
she’s not free on Saturday.
Hello Julia
C Andy wants to go sailing with Julia on
I can’t have Friday off to go sailing. both Saturday and Sunday if possible.
I’m still available on both Saturday
and Sunday, but Saturday is
better. Let me know what’s best
for you.


9 A Visitors must pay some money at reception

to be able to use a locker.
Bags must be left in lockers
before entering the exhibition.
Lockers require £1 coin, returned B The lockers for visitors to put bags in are just
after use. Change available at inside the exhibition entrance.
C Visitors who pay to leave bags in lockers will
get their money back afterwards.

10 A Tom wants information from Sally about

something that will improve his Italian.
Mum says you’ve B Tom is annoyed that he hasn’t learnt enough
found a really good Italian before going on holiday.
app for learning
Italian. Can you C Tom would like to join an Italian course that
send me the Sally is already attending.
details? It’d be [1]
great if I could use
it before my

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11 New Message A The date of the hockey game has changed

due to snow.

To: Hockey club members B There is a new date for a training session
Send From: Max before the hockey game.

Today’s hockey practice has been C Hockey players need to confirm they are
cancelled because of the snow. We’ll available for the hockey game.
have one on Tuesday evening instead in [1]
preparation for Thursday’s match. Please
confirm you can attend training.



12 A Jenny and Sue often go to the cinema


Sue B Jenny knows that Sue really likes horror films.

How about going to

the cinema for a C Jenny and Sue can reserve tickets in
change next week? advance.
There’s a horror [1]
film on Thursday –
not sure you’re a
fan, but I’ll book if
you fancy it.


13 A You get two free games magazines as soon

Online Games Club as you become a member.

Special offer £3 a month for 6 months B You can get more games than usual with the
(normally £5). Includes a free games special offer.
magazine every 2 months.
C The price of membership is reduced for a
limited time.

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Part 3

Questions 14–18

Complete the conversation between two people.

What does the boy say to the receptionist at the sports centre?
For questions 14–18, write the correct letter A–H.


Receptionist: Hello, how can I help you?

Boy: H

Receptionist: Let me have a look on my

A Sounds perfect. It’s just after school
Boy: 14 ………… [1] finishes.

Receptionist: Sorry, there aren’t any free today. B Thanks very much.
Do you like badminton? You could
have a court at 5 p.m. C Oh, is it possible to hire them?

Boy: 15 ………… [1] D But we really need to practise tennis for a

school match.
Receptionist: There’s a court free at 4 p.m. then.
E We’d rather play tennis. What about
Boy: 16 ………… [1] tomorrow?

Receptionist: That’s what I thought – I’ll book it F Are they very expensive?
for you. Don’t forget your rackets!
G There is, actually. Do you provide tennis
Boy: 17 ………… [1] balls?

Receptionist: Of course. We’ll have two ready H I’d like to book a tennis court for two
for you. Anything else? people.

Boy: 18 ………… [1]

Receptionist: Don’t worry, they’re included.

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Part 4

Questions 19–26

Complete the emails below.

Write one word for each space.
There is an example at the beginning of the first email.

To: Emma

From: Emily

Hi Emma

Your idea of going for a walk this week is (0) a great one!

(19) don’t we take some photos (20)

the school photography competition when we’re out? I can’t go on Saturday

(21) I’m seeing my cousins then. (22)

you like to meet the day after?


To: Emily

From: Emma

Hello Emily

Great! Miss Jones wants (23) all to send her the photos next

week, so we had (24) take them soon! I’ll meet you at the park

just after lunch (25) it’s raining. If that’s the case, you can come

and watch a film at my house. We could make a (26)

snacks to eat during the film.


[Total: 8]

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Part 5

Questions 27–36

You are going to read an article with descriptions of activities by four teenagers.
For questions 27–36, choose from the sections (A–D) and write the correct letter.
You may choose a letter more than once.

Which person …

was surprised by a competition result? 27

has relatives who enjoy attending performances? 28

offers some advice about diet? 29

has made some new friends recently? 30

enjoys watching people competing? 31

doesn’t like competing as much as others who do the same activity? 32

gives information to other people online? 33

has been injured more than once? 34

explains why they would rather not exercise alone? 35

likes having the chance to exercise early in the day? 36

[Total: 10]

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A Mia
I started dancing really early, when I was three. In fact I still have classes with
some of the same girls. It’s really good exercise, but my favourite part is the
annual show we do. My parents always come and go home smiling and whistling
some of the tunes they’ve heard during the show. Some dancers take part in
competitions, but I don’t fancy that – I’m sure my feet would ache all the time!
Whatever you do, practice is vital, but I like doing that with my dance classmates
because it’s pretty dull doing it by myself at home.

B Pierre
My school was organising a running competition and as I’d not done much
running before, I got my mum to drop me off at the park to do some training. I was
amazed when the day of the race came and I was second. Since then I’ve joined
a club and go running most days, often in the mornings, which isn’t always
pleasant, especially in winter. When you’re training, it’s important to have regular
healthy snacks to keep your energy levels up. I also write a blog, which has
photos from events I compete in and details of races people can enter.

C Eva
I really love swimming! I tend to do most of it in a pool, but on holiday there’s
nothing I enjoy more than swimming in the sea before breakfast. I’ve just started
swimming for a local club – I’ve met some great people there. We train straight
after school most days, which means I sometimes end up having dinner quite
late. When we have competitions in different cities, my mum usually takes me.
Unfortunately, it’s a bit boring for her when there are lots of races, whereas I
enjoy chatting to my mates from the club between races!

D James
I started doing gymnastics as a young child. There’s a gym really near our house,
so I can go there several times a week. I’ve hurt myself a couple of times and had
to stop doing gymnastics for a while, but I’m always keen to get back in the gym
as soon as I can. I also love going to the pool, which I do twice a week for extra
exercise. There’s a café there which sells delicious healthy food. It’s no surprise
that I also love seeing the performances of gymnasts in national and international
events online – I learn lots from that.

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Part 6

Questions 37–42
Read the text and questions below.
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Young radio presenter

Fifteen-year-old Mary Jones is one of the youngest radio presenters in the UK.
Mary’s teacher wanted all the students in her class to spend some time working in a local
company. At first Mary was unsure what to do, then one day she started chatting to one of
her mum’s friends who told her how much she loved her job at the local radio station. Mary
started thinking how great it would be to create a radio news programme for teenagers, so
she wrote a letter to the radio station telling them about this and asking about working there.
She knew her friends would be amazed if they heard her voice on the radio.

The management really liked her suggestion and soon afterwards, Mary was offered ten
minutes on a news programme. Mary could hardly believe her ears. First, she had to learn
how to use the radio equipment, which she found quite easy. When it was time for the
programme, Mary was quite anxious as she’d never done anything like it before, but despite
this she managed to speak into the microphone to hundreds of radio listeners! She must
have done well, because after a year, Mary was given her own show.

All sorts of people listen to Mary’s show, called News Update, which aims to make news
interesting, even for teenagers! Mary reports on the main news story of the week, but also
selects some of the minor, more fun stories that have been in the news. Mary decides on the
content herself – including which guests she invites onto the show to interview each week.

Originally, Mary only intended to do the show for three months, but eleven months later,
she’s still presenting it. She’s learnt a lot during that time and hopes to continue, at least until
she starts getting lots more homework, but at the moment she’s very enthusiastic. So far the
guests Mary has had on her show have tended to be people she knows, but she’s now
preparing some adverts for social media to try and get some celebrities to appear on her
show. She says she’s not sure if they’ll agree, but thinks it’s worth trying.

37 Mary decided to apply for work experience at a radio station

A because she wanted to be like a relative.
B because some of her friends were doing it.
C because she had an idea for a programme.
D because she knew she would impress her teachers.

38 How did Mary feel during her first appearance on the programme?
A nervous as it was all very new to her
B amazed how quickly the time was passing
C surprised that she’d been given her own show
D worried she didn’t know how to use the equipment

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39 People listening to Mary’s programme

A need to be interested in the news.
B vote for their favourite story of the week.
C can suggest questions for Mary to ask in interviews.
D will hear more than one voice during the programme.

40 What does Mary hope to do next?

A focus more on her studies
B attract well-known people to her programme
C do a training course for presenters
D involve some of her friends in the show

41 What is the purpose of the article?

A to advertise a radio show for young people
B to describe how an interesting idea became a reality
C to explain how to become a radio presenter
D to encourage teenagers to keep up to date with the news

42 Which text message would one of Mary’s friends send to her?

Mary, I learn so much when Mary, I love reading the
I listen to your programme, news stories you post on
it’s never boring! the radio station’s social


Mary, I listen to your Mary, I really enjoy your

programme every week – I programme – I wish I had
just wish it wasn’t all so your talent for making up
serious! stories!


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English as a Second Language

Stage 9

Paper 1 Reading and Use of English 2022

45 minutes

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.

• The total mark for this paper is 42.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

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Part 1

Questions 1–8

Read the text below.

For each number 1–8, circle the correct word on the next page.


On warm summer nights, particularly if you are in a field or (0) water, you may be

lucky enough to see fireflies. These amazing bugs (1) magic to summer nights. They

(2) to a family of insects called Lampyridae and they are also sometimes (3) as

glow-worms. They get their name from the light which their bodies (4) . Fireflies use

this light to (5) other creatures from attacking them. Male fireflies also use it to (6)

the attention of female fireflies.

There are over 2,000 different types of fireflies, but scientists say the numbers are falling.

This is (7) due to the increase in light pollution. Climate change and land development

are also having a serious (8) on the firefly population. We need to do something before

we lose them forever.

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0 close beside next along

1 bring put cause make [1]

2 join belong exist connect [1]

3 seen named known thought [1]

4 arrange deliver produce offer [1]

5 prevent avoid finish escape [1]

6 find get take pull [1]

7 mainly absolutely totally hardly [1]

8 limit result action effect [1]

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Part 2

Questions 9–13

Read the text in each question.

What does it say?
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B or C.


New Message A Andy would prefer to go sailing with Julia

on Saturday rather than on Sunday.
To: Julia
B Andy can go sailing with Julia on Friday if
Send From: Andy
she’s not free on Saturday.
Hello Julia
C Andy wants to go sailing with Julia on
I can’t have Friday off to go sailing. both Saturday and Sunday if possible.
I’m still available on both Saturday
and Sunday, but Saturday is
better. Let me know what’s best
for you.


9 A Jessie is offering to give Clara a lift.

B Jessie needs to delay her arrangements with
Mum’s driving me
to the cinema
after my dentist’s C Jessie wants to change the place where
appointment, so she’ll meet Clara.
I’ll wait for you [1]
there rather than
at the station. See
you later.

10 New Message A The special offer is only available for certain


From: B Customers should email the company for

Send more information.

C The company wants customers to suggest

A free music download for all our
which songs to offer.
regular customers! Click on the link at
the end of this email to choose from the
list of songs. Hurry, offer ends soon.

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11 Passengers should

! A keep all of their bags with them.

This space is reserved for large

luggage. B leave small bags somewhere else.

Put other bags under seats or

behind driver. C tell the driver if they need help with their bags.

The singing group wants to

Sing with us! A attract new members.

Don’t miss this
opportunity to join
B perform in more concerts.
our popular group.
Jazz, pop or rock,
whatever music you C change the kind of songs they sing.
like, you’re welcome. [1]
Several concerts
already arranged.

13 What is Cassie doing?

A persuading Joe to watch the programme

I saw that drama
you mentioned. I B comparing the programme with another one
prefer a good
comedy – I see
why you liked it C asking for information about the programme
though. Let me [1]
know what
happened at the
end. I fell asleep.

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Part 3

Questions 14–18

Complete the conversation between two friends.

What does Amy say to Jess?
For questions 14–18, write the correct letter A–H.


Jess: Hi Amy, it’s my birthday soon.

Amy: H

Jess: Of course! Please come – it’ll be

A What about having it at the beach instead?
Amy: 14 ………… [1]
B And we can get a cake there.
Jess: There won’t be enough space there
because lots of people are coming. C Thanks. Will it be at your house?

Amy: 15 ………… [1] D No problem. What sort do you want?

Jess: Well, it’s certainly big enough! But E Good idea. Shall I bring anything?
what if it rains?
F That’s right – you’ve got lots of friends.
Amy: 16 ………… [1]
G Don’t worry, we can go to that café nearby
Jess: That’s true! I’ll check if it’ll be open. if we need to.

Amy: 17 ………… [1] H Are you having a party?

Jess: I’ve got speakers we can use

outside, so some music would be
good if you can.

Amy: 18 ………… [1]

Jess: Anything that’s good to dance to

would be fine.

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Part 4

Questions 19–26

Complete the emails below.

Write one word for each space.
There is an example at the beginning of these emails.

To: Sam

From: Rafa

Hi Sam

Are you still interested (0) in football? The team I play with needs

new players. How (19) joining us? We practise every Wednesday

and we play matches once (20) month, usually on Saturdays.

Almost (21) of the other players in the team are friendly, so you’ll

have fun. What (22) you think?


To: Rafa

From: Sam

Hi Rafa

That’s a great idea! I (23) love to join your team. I can go next

week, (24) that’s ok with you. What time does the training start?

Can you come and pick me (25) on your way there? I’m not sure

exactly (26) to go. Thanks again and see you next week.


[Total: 8]

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Part 5

Questions 27–36

You are going to read an article about getting enough sleep.

For questions 27–36, choose from the sections (A–D) and write the correct letter.
You may choose a letter more than once.

In which paragraph does the writer…

say when people’s brains stop developing? 27

give an example of bad behaviour? 28

explain why people might feel miserable in the morning? 29

say how much sleep young people should get? 30

seem surprised by some information about the brain? 31

say that there have been many studies on sleep in the past? 32

explain how the brains of children and adults are quite similar? 33

use an example from daily life to explain how the brain works? 34

explain how the new study was done? 35

give examples of feelings people may have if they don’t sleep enough? 36

[Total: 10]

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Do you get enough sleep?

A new scientific study on sleep has shown that you might be happier if you get
more of it. It’s little surprise that scientists have already done lots of research into
this subject. They’ve shown, for instance, that too little sleep can lead to gaining
weight or not doing well at school. The conclusion of this latest study is that lack
of sleep may also change how you behave. Scientists looked at how much young
people sleep, then matched this with their moods and habits. They discovered
that someone who regularly breaks school rules, for instance, was likely to be
sleeping less than they should.

They found that children and teenagers who get less than the recommended
amount of sleep each night were more likely to show these kinds of behaviours
than those who sleep longer. Doctors and scientists recommend that children and
teenagers get at least nine hours of sleep per night. Those who get less than this
are sad or anxious more often than those who get a full night’s sleep. So why
does this issue affect children and teenagers more than adults? The answer to
this question can be found in the developing brain.

Sleep is especially important for younger people because the development of
their brains isn’t complete. This won’t happen until they’re about twenty-five, in
fact. The size of the brain doesn’t change much from childhood to when you’re
fully grown, but the way the brain is organised – how all the different parts
connect to one another – changes a lot. This happens partly during the daytime,
but also takes place during the hours that you’re asleep. Although these changes
are important for everyone, they are absolutely essential for younger people.

It feels like your brain switches off when you go to sleep, but amazingly, it’s
actually more active than when you’re awake. It’s busy organising facts and
memories and creating links between them to make locating this information
easier when you need it. Think of it like putting important files into different folders
on your computer. The brain also connects memories to feelings but it takes
longer to organise negative feelings than positive ones. Seven hours of sleep
results in your brain not having enough time to finish tidying up the negative
feelings, so you may wake up in a bad mood. The message is clear: Get plenty
of sleep!

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Part 6

Questions 37–42

Read the text and questions below.

For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.

A boy dancer
From the age of three, Luke’s mum took him to singing classes. He loved them and was
really upset when starting school meant he had to stop going. She looked for something
similar he could do when his lessons had finished for the day. After considering many
options, she chose a fantastic dance school which offered classes just for boys. Luke hasn’t
stopped dancing since.

‘I’ve tried football and tennis, because my friends play, but sports aren’t for me’, 11-year-old
Luke explains. ‘Dancing was a great way for me to continue enjoying music, but now it’s my
life. Seeing boys who are into dance still surprises some people, who can be quite rude about
it, but that’s fine. To my friends, who’ve grown up with me dancing, it’s normal. I hope that
continues when I start high school next year.’

Luke’s performed in several productions and his dance teachers are amazed by all the things
he can do. He’d love to take part in more shows, but it’s still rare for directors to choose boys
his age for leading roles. That bothers him, but he doesn’t let it worry him too much. He just
goes out on stage and dances. He knows how lucky he is when he’s chosen for a show.

Luke enjoys getting to know the other dancers in his classes and sharing tips with them.
He’s starting to practise more complicated techniques, but it’ll be a while before he’s ready to
perform them. Meanwhile, he’s just as happy watching other people perform. He goes to
shows whenever he can, but it can take him a long time to save up for tickets. His mum goes
too, but spends more time looking at Luke than watching the show. ‘He just looks so happy,’
she says. ‘I can’t imagine Luke not dancing. That may change as he gets older, but I hope
that if he ever stops dancing, it’s because he’s decided to, not because he’s been made to.’

37 Luke’s first dance classes

A had no other boys in them.
B began before he started school.
C were the only ones available.
D were outside school hours.

38 What does Luke say about his dancing?

A He stopped doing team sports to concentrate on it.
B He won’t do it as often at his new school.
C He has lost some good friends because of it.
D He doesn’t mind what other people think about it.

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39 How does Luke feel about performing?

A pleased to be given the opportunity
B satisfied with the choice of roles
C nervous when he first goes on stage
D keen to show people all his skills

40 What does Luke say about going to watch dance shows?

A He’d rather be on stage himself.
B They’re a good way to learn new dances.
C They’re too expensive to see very often.
D He prefers to see them with someone else.

41 What would Luke’s mother say about his dancing?


He’ll probably soon have to It makes it difficult for him to

do less dancing to make friends because he’s
concentrate on his studies. so different from them.

I always have to persuade The limited number of roles
him to do more available is annoying, but
performances to develop his that won’t stop him dancing.


42 What is the purpose of the article?

A to explain how a young dancer became famous
B to describe the background of a young dancer
C to explain how other people have helped a young dancer
D to describe the difficulties of being a young dancer

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English as a Second Language

Stage 8

Paper 1 Reading and Use of English 2024

45 minutes

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.

• The total mark for this paper is 42.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

3136_01_4RP 34/77
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Part 1

Questions 1–8

Read the text below.

For each number 1–8, circle the correct word on the next page.

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is the world’s highest large lake. It (0) at a height of 3810 metres in the

Andes Mountains of South America. The (1) between two countries goes through the lake,

with Peru to the west and Bolivia to the east. Nobody is (2) sure what the name Titicaca

means, but it is often (3) as Rock of the Puma (a puma is a large (4) of cat which lives

in South America).

The (5) depth of Lake Titicaca, found in the north-eastern corner, is 280 metres, but the

(6) is about 160 metres. More than 25 rivers (7) into Lake Titicaca, but water passes out

through just one small river, the Desaguadero. People have lived on the (8) of Lake Titicaca

for thousands of years, catching fish and using its water to grow crops such as potatoes.

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0 rest stays lies remains

1 border edge line side [1]

2 accurately correctly perfectly exactly [1]

3 exchanged translated replaced updated [1]

4 species model example version [1]

5 full top whole maximum [1]

6 normal regular average medium [1]

7 introduce flow approach continue [1]

8 coasts lands shores limits [1]

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Part 2

Questions 9–13

Read the text in each question.

What does it say?
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B or C.


A Jodie regrets not seeing the film with Leo.

Hi Leo B Jodie suggests that the film was too long.

I saw the film you
mentioned. You’re C Jodie agrees with Leo’s opinion of the film.
right – the ending was
worth waiting for. I
watched it by myself,
so at least no one saw
me crying!

9 A Ollie wants to meet Eddie after he has

finished taking care of his sister.

Eddie B Ollie no longer needs to help his family so can

watch a match instead.
I don’t have to look
after my little sister C Ollie is bringing someone else with him to the
today after all – are stadium for today’s game.
you still going to the [1]
football? We could
meet outside the
stadium at 2.30.


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10 A Poppy should do her homework after coming

back from swimming this evening.
It’ll be me taking you to swimming B Poppy’s dad is working late but is still going to
take her to swimming club.
club this evening as Mum’s going
out. Make sure you’ve done your C Poppy’s mum has made other arrangements
homework by the time I get back
so is unable to take Poppy swimming.
from work.
Dad [1]

11 A Charities have provided the books for the

NOTICES book sale.
Second-hand book sale
B You can both buy and give used books at the
Saturday 10.00
book sale.
Everything from poetry
to biographies. C Only two types of book are available at the
Bring books you no
book sale.
longer want.
Money goes to
environmental charities.

12 A You should always have a meal before taking

Adults and children aged twelve this medicine.
and over: one tablet twice daily on
a full stomach, at least eight hours B You must never give twelve-year-old children
apart. this medicine.

C You have to take some of this medicine every

eight hours.

13 A The ice on the lake can look stronger than it

actually is.
B Ice only appears on the lake a few times each
Avoid walking on ice on the lake. year.
It’s rarely strong enough, even
C People should only walk on the ice if they’re
though it may appear to be.
sure it’s very thick.

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Part 3

Questions 14–18

Complete the conversation between two friends.

What does Danny say to Jake?
For questions 14–18, write the correct letter A–H.


Jake: I enjoyed our trip to the science museum!

Danny: H

Jake: You’re welcome! What did you most

enjoy seeing?
A Have you done the puzzle you bought in
Danny: 14 ………… [1] the museum shop yet?

Jake: Yes, they were great. I loved the B Let me guess. The transport museum.
part about medicines too.
C We spent about five hours there!
Danny: 15 ………… [1]
D The displays on space, I think.
Jake: Really? I want to become a doctor,
so I enjoyed it. E Very much, especially the colour.

Danny: 16 ………… [1] F What did your parents say about it?

Jake: I haven’t had time. Did your sister like G I thought that was a bit boring, actually.
the T-shirt you got her?
H Me too. Thanks for inviting me!
Danny: 17 ………… [1]

Jake: Oh good. Anyway, I already know

where to go on my next birthday.

Danny: 18 ………… [1]

Jake: How did you know? They’ve got

some great old planes there.

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Part 4

Questions 19–26

Complete the blog post below.

For questions 19–26, write one word for each space.
There is an example at the beginning of the blog post.

In my blog today, I’m going to tell you about the city where I live.

It’s called Bristol and it’s (19) biggest city in the south-west of England. I

(20) lived here for ten years now. (21) are

lots of things for teenagers like me, for (22) , great cinemas and loads

of really good shops.

Bristol is on a big river called the River Avon. Lots of famous bridges (23)

built across the river a long time ago. Many (24) the houses near the

river are painted in bright colours, (25) makes the whole area look

amazing. (26) not come and visit Bristol? You’ll love it!


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Part 5

Questions 27–36

You are going to read an article in which four teenagers write about their favourite hobby.
For questions 27–36, choose from the sections (A–D) and write the correct letter.
You may choose a letter more than once.

Which person …

does their hobby with other family members? 27

has changed their opinion about their hobby? 28

does their hobby just once a week? 29

borrows things to do their hobby? 30

says their hobby is quite expensive? 31

almost gave up doing their hobby recently? 32

started their hobby because someone they know already did it? 33

takes part in competitions for their hobby? 34

has lots of other interests apart from their hobby? 35

usually does their hobby in the evening? 36


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My favourite hobby
A Emily
I absolutely love sailing! I became interested in it after watching my older brother.
He was a member of a sailing club, which I joined as soon as I was old enough. He
actually gave up doing it not long after that, so it’s just me that sails these days.
The club provides the boat and most of the clothing as part of the membership, and
a friend there lends me a helmet and warm sailing jacket. Otherwise, it’d be a pretty
expensive hobby! I’d love to take part in races one day, but I’m not quite good
enough yet.

B Marek
I’ve never limited myself to just one or two hobbies. Of the many things I’m into,
cooking’s my favourite. My parents both cook, of course, but they see it as
something they have to do after getting home from work in the evening rather than
as something enjoyable. Anyway, every Saturday, it’s my turn in the kitchen where
I bake cakes or bread just like in those cookery competitions you see on TV. The
ingredients aren’t exactly cheap, and I prefer to buy equipment I need rather than
borrowing it, but my parents don’t seem to mind, especially when they taste what
I’ve made!

C Asha
When I started playing computer games, I thought they were a complete waste of
time. Then by chance I saw an online video of a professional gamer playing
something called City Run and immediately wanted to try it. Since then, I’ve played
hundreds of different games. My parents got worried I was playing too much and
suggested limiting myself to one evening per week, but I managed to convince
them that I wouldn’t let my hobby affect my schoolwork, which it hasn’t. I almost
always come top of the league in the computer gaming club I’m a member of – I
hardly ever lose!

D Ding
My favourite free time activity is writing poetry. I do it towards the end of the day,
after we’ve had dinner and I’ve done my homework. My sisters and I choose a topic
and then we each try to write a poem about it. It’s not done as a competition, but to
help develop our poetry-writing skills. A couple of months ago, I didn’t feel like I
was making any progress so I stopped writing. I thought about taking up other
hobbies, but decided to try writing one more time, and enjoy it as much as I ever

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Part 6
Questions 37–42
Read the text and questions below.
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.

The lost ring

Harry Andrews writes about how his mum lost a ring on holiday

I was thirteen when I first went abroad on holiday. My parents had enjoyable jobs, but
earned very little, so despite saving all year, our holidays were limited to a week somewhere
close to home. Then Dad’s favourite aunt sold her house and gave us some of the money.
She loved travelling, so we decided to spend it on a holiday abroad. She also gave Mum a
gold ring with valuable-looking stones in it. Mum decided to wear it on our trip.
We chose Portugal as our destination. Stepping off the plane, I’d never experienced such
heat before, which I really wasn’t expecting. I was there for just one thing – the beach! I
hardly noticed the differences between Portugal and England, and learning about
Portuguese music and food and so on would have to wait. Fortunately, the hotel staff spoke
English, because I only knew a few words of Portuguese!
So on the first day, we all went to the beach. The waves were surprisingly powerful, and
Mum got knocked down straight away. I felt sorry for her, but she looked funny as she stood
up, her hair and face covered with sand and water. She ran back up the beach straight
away, so she wouldn’t get hit again, and it was only after she was back on dry land that she
realised the ring was missing. We looked everywhere, but couldn’t find it.
The next day, it was my turn to get hit by a big wave! As I fell, my hands were pushed into
the soft sand, and my fingers felt something hard: the ring! Mum screamed with pleasure
when I showed her. She said I could have any T-shirt or whatever I wanted at the local
restaurant as a reward. I chose the food, of course! We spent the rest of the holiday away
from the beach, doing some great bike rides together. We even went into a nearby city for
the day. So although the holiday didn’t go as planned, at least it ended happily!

37 Harry’s parents paid for their foreign holiday abroad by

A using money received as a gift.
B selling stones from a ring.
C saving up for a long time.
D getting well-paid jobs.
38 How did Harry feel when he first arrived in Portugal?
A guilty that he hadn’t learned the language
B amazed by how different it was to home
C curious to discover the local culture
D surprised by how hot it was there

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39 Harry’s mum didn’t immediately notice that the ring had gone because
A she had water in her eyes.
B she was laughing so much.
C she was avoiding other waves.
D she forgot to check it was on her finger.

40 Harry’s mum thanked him for finding her ring by

A hiring a bike for him.
B buying him a special meal.
C taking him on a day trip.
D getting him a T-shirt.

41 What would Harry tell a friend after returning from his holiday?


It’s a shame that Mum only By the end of the holiday, we’d
had the ring for a few days finally got used to the waves so
before it disappeared forever didn’t keep getting knocked over
into the sea! all the time.


Because of what happened I couldn’t help smiling when

with the ring, I got what I Mum fell over in the sea, even
wanted and didn’t have to though I knew she’d probably
spend all day every day by be embarrassed about it.
the sea!


42 What is the writer doing in this text?

A providing advice about things to avoid doing while on holiday

B giving an entertaining description of an extraordinary event on holiday
C explaining why certain places are better than others for holidays
D describing the typical things his family do together on holiday

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English as a Second Language

Stage 8

Paper 1 Reading and Use of English 2023

45 minutes

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.

• The total mark for this paper is 42.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

3136_01_4RP 45/77
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Part 1

Questions 1–8

Read the text below.

For each number 1–8, circle the correct word on the next page.


There are thirty-six known (0) of dolphin. They live all around the world, (1) in seas

and oceans. (2) , several types of dolphin are also found in some rivers, (3) the River


Dolphins (4) like fish, but they actually breathe air like us. The largest dolphin, the orca, can

(5) to a length of around 10 metres. The smallest, the Maui dolphin, is just 1.5 metres long.

Dolphins’ diets (6) mostly of fish. They use a very special (7) for catching them. They

make clicking sounds as they swim, then listen carefully for any sounds which hit objects in the

water, such as fish, and travel back to them. Using this method, they can find out a fish’s

location, size and (8) its shape!

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0 ranges collections species sets

1 mainly heavily fairly clearly [1]

2 Otherwise Instead However Therefore [1]

3 containing including surrounding covering [1]

4 appear watch look consider [1]

5 increase build achieve grow [1]

6 consist involve depend arrange [1]

7 way technique practice route [1]

8 just hardly even still [1]

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Part 2

Questions 9–13

Read the text in each question.

What does it say?
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B or C.


New Message A Andy would prefer to go sailing with Julia on

Saturday rather than on Sunday.

To: Julia B Andy can go sailing with Julia on Friday if

Send From: Andy she’s not free on Saturday.

C Andy wants to go sailing with Julia on both

Hello Julia Saturday and Sunday if possible.
I can’t have Friday off to go sailing.
I’m still available on both Saturday
and Sunday, but Saturday is
better. Let me know what’s best
for you.

9 Paul can’t play football because

A he’s visiting someone in hospital.

Danny B he has to take care of someone.

Sorry, but I can’t play
football today. My
grandad’s ill and my C he isn’t feeling very well.
parents are going to [1]
see him in hospital, which
means my little sister
needs looking after.

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10 A You must make sure food is cool before you

Heat for 4 minutes at maximum start to cook it.
power. To avoid burning yourself,
allow product to cool for 1 minute B You will burn the food if you heat it for more
before eating. than four minutes.

C You should wait for a minute after you have

finished heating the food.

11 What does Jenny’s dad want her to do?

Jenny A start to prepare the chips to go with their meal

Would you mind peeling some
potatoes when you’re home from
school? The chicken will be cooked B put the chicken in the oven at the correct time
by 6p.m. and I fancy some chips to
go with it.
C get some potatoes on her way home today

A Students should give books to staff rather than
putting them on the wrong shelf.

If you can’t remember B Students must tell staff if they have forgotten
where books go on to bring their library books back.
library shelves, hand
them to staff. C Students are encouraged to help staff to put
books back on the library shelves.

13 New Message What does Liam want Angela to do?

A buy an extra cinema ticket so that his brother

To: Angela can go too
Send From: Liam B ask her mum and dad for permission to go to
the cinema
We’ve got a spare ticket for the cinema
tonight – my brother can’t go. You can C find out if her parents can take her to the
come if you want, but check if it’s OK cinema tonight
with your parents first! [1]

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Part 3

Questions 14–18

Complete the conversation between two friends.

What does Harry say to Martin?
For questions 14–18, write the correct letter A–H.


Martin: It’ll be great going on a picnic with our friends tomorrow!

Harry: H

Martin: Don’t worry, it’s going to be warm

and sunny.
A Shall we take swimming costumes?
Harry: 14 ………… [1]
B Yes, that park near the river’s nice to ride
Martin: The sandwiches – I’ll make loads. through.
What about you?
C Perfect! So what are you bringing?
Harry: 15 ………… [1]
D I must check my bike’s working OK.
Martin: Good idea! There’s lots of space
near the river to play with those. E The drinks, but they’ll be quite heavy.

Harry: 16 ………… [1] F Some sports stuff – a football and a bat

and ball.
Martin: Of course – the water there’s quite
deep. So where are we meeting? G Everyone’s getting to Steve’s house for
Harry: 17 ………… [1]
H I know! I hope the weather’s good.
Martin: OK, great. It’ll take us twenty
minutes to cycle there.

Harry: 18 ………… [1]

Martin: Call me if you need help repairing it.

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Part 4

Questions 19–26

Complete the email below.

For questions 19–26, write one word for each space.
There is an example at the beginning of the email.

To: Amanda

From: Kelly

Hi Amanda

How (0) are you?

I (19) just joined a new art club, and it’s great! It’s much more fun

(20) the art lessons we do at school. The art club teacher explains

everything really well, so I always know what I (21) doing.

(22) are about twenty other teenagers at the club. At the session last

week, we learnt about drawing people. I took in a photo of my mum and used

(23) to draw a picture of her. I was really pleased

(24) the result. Anyway, (25) don’t you join

too? I know (26) much you love art, so I think you’ll really enjoy the



[Total: 8]

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Part 5

Questions 27–36

You are going to read four reviews of music websites.

For questions 27–36, choose from the sections (A–D) and write the correct letter.
You may choose a letter more than once.

Which review …

says that it’s possible to buy things on the website? 27

mentions that the website might not be suitable for teenagers? 28

explains that the videos on the website are of poor quality? 29

suggests a way of improving the website? 30

says that the website is easy to use? 31

mentions that the website has many different sections? 32

explains how often new information is added to the website? 33

suggests the website includes information on only a few types of music? 34

says that the competitions on the website have great prizes? 35

says the website has the best reviews of new music on the internet? 36

[Total: 10]

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Music website reviews

The first time I visited, I thought it was terrible. The music videos
all seemed to be from thirty years ago, so definitely not for teenagers. Then I
realised that I’d clicked on the link for 1990s music by accident! There are at least
fifty other links, organised by both type of music and when it was created. The
opinions that the writers on this website give on the latest songs and albums are
more interesting than anything else I’ve seen online. I’d like to see more
information on the site about starting a band, but otherwise it’s great.

This interesting website is great for those who, like me, love listening to and
reading about rap, hip-hop and little else. I really can’t think of a way of making better: it includes reviews of every new song and album, and
you can even find cheap musical equipment that people are getting rid of, if making
music’s your thing. Most music websites have hundreds of sections that I’d never
use, but keeps things nice and simple, so finding your way from
one part of the site to another isn’t difficult at all!

I can’t say that is the easiest site I’ve ever used. It’s not that
there are actually many different areas on the site, it’s just that it’s not always clear
how to move between them. It is, however, probably the most up-to-date site I’ve
ever found, with daily uploads of videos, reviews and concert details. The site
focuses on bands that have been around for a long time, though, so I’m not sure
how interesting anyone under the age of twenty will find it. The regular competitions
are fun to do, but I’ve never seen anything I’d actually want to win.

Me and my schoolfriends love this site because of the amazing things you can win.
One of my friends got an electric guitar just by answering a few simple questions.
He was actually going to buy one, but he doesn’t need to now, thanks to! There’s a wide range of film clips on it too, not just the
usual ones of songs, but interviews with the bands and singers explaining how they
wrote the songs. The only thing is, the pictures and sound aren’t always very clear
compared to other sites, which is a shame.

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Part 6
Questions 37–42
Read the text and questions below.
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.

The winter of 2007 was unusually warm in Bavaria, Germany, where nine-year-old Felix
Finkbeiner lived. The weather had become the subject of conversation at school, so Felix’s
science teacher told the class to research climate change for a presentation. Felix
discovered two important things: global warming was badly affecting his favourite animal,
the polar bear; and that a woman called Wangari Maathai was helping to prevent global
warming by planting thirty million trees in Kenya, Africa. He thought this sounded like a great
idea and wanted to do something similar.
In his presentation in the science class, Felix carefully described how having more trees
would help the environment. The other students listened with interest as he explained that
people needed to plant one million trees in every country in the world. Shortly afterwards,
Felix started the organisation Plant-for-the-Planet to achieve his dream. “Back then, our aim
was to save the polar bear. But soon we understood that it’s not about saving polar bears,
it’s about saving our future”. In March 2007, Felix’s class were the first to plant a tree in front
of their school.
Other German schools joined Plant-for-the-Planet and within a year, their students had
planted 50 000 trees. Plant-for-the-Planet created a website and began holding planting
competitions and other events. These regularly appeared in the news in Germany, and
Plant-for-the-Planet became very well known. Soon the idea became popular in other
nations. In 2009, at a huge international meeting for young people called the United Nations
Youth Conference, Felix stood on stage with many other children from around the world,
each saying they wanted to help plant one million trees in their countries.
Felix is now working on Plant-for-the-Planet’s new goal of planting one trillion trees (that’s
1 000 000 000 000!) within the next 20 or 30 years. This is the number scientists believe we
need to replace forests we have cut down and prevent further climate change. Felix explains
that this should be done in a fair way because rich nations do most of the environmental
damage. They should therefore be the ones who pay for tree planting in poorer regions.

37 Why did Felix decide to start planting trees?

A His teacher told him it would help his favourite animal.
B One of his classmates gave a presentation about it.
C He found out about someone who was already doing it.
D The weather changed suddenly in the region where he lived.
38 What do we learn about Plant-for-the-Planet in the second paragraph?
A Its original goal changed not long after it started.
B It soon had links with students in many countries.
C Felix’s classmates didn’t understand the science behind it.
D Other classes weren’t interested in becoming involved with it.

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39 What does the writer say about Plant-for-the-Planet events in the third paragraph?
A They were attended by many thousands of people.
B News stories about them were published frequently.
C Felix went to as many of them as he could.
D They were very similar all around the world.

40 What does Felix say about Plant-for-the-Planet’s next goal?

A Scientists’ ideas about numbers of trees needed are possibly incorrect.
B It may take longer if we carry on cutting down trees.
C Money for achieving it should mainly come from certain countries.
D It is more challenging than previous work he has done.

41 What would Felix’s parents say about him?


Felix has so much to teach It’s fantastic that Felix was

others, but we wish his fear of strong enough to follow his
talking in front of people didn’t dream, even though his
prevent him from doing it. classmates laughed at his ideas
for quite a while.


We can’t believe all this has We’re so proud that Felix’s

happened as a result of Felix ambitions have got bigger and
convincing his teacher to let bigger as he’s got older – who
the class study climate knows what he’ll end up
change! achieving.


42 What is the writer doing in this text?

A encouraging readers to set up their own charities

B suggesting that one person can make a big difference
C describing the effect that planting so many trees has had
D explaining that adults are not doing enough to help

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English as a Second Language

Stage 8

Paper 1 Reading and Use of English 2022

45 minutes

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.

• The total mark for this paper is 42.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

3136_01_4RP 56/77
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Part 1

Questions 1–8

Read the text below.

For each number 1–8, circle the correct word on the next page.

The history of the burger

Amazingly, burgers, or hamburgers to give them their (0) name, have been around since

probably the 4th century. Most people (1) of burgers as a US invention. (2) , they

were eaten in many European countries long before they came to America.

Burgers were (3) popular in the German city of Hamburg, which is how the hamburger gets

its name. The hamburger first (4) in a cookbook in 1747. In the early 1800s, ‘hamburger’

was (5) in the Oxford English Dictionary for the first time.

In the 1840s, many Germans moved to the USA, taking their (6) for burgers with them.

Burgers were first (7) in an American restaurant in 1873. The world’s first (8)

of burger restaurants opened in 1916. Since then, burgers have become popular all around

the world.

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0 plain frequent full main

1 think believe suppose wonder [1]

2 Wherever Unless Although However [1]

3 absolutely especially totally completely [1]

4 existed introduced appeared produced [1]

5 involved contained included confirmed [1]

6 recipes menus methods instructions [1]

7 delivered served presented supplied [1]

8 set series chain collection [1]

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Part 2

Questions 9–13

Read the text in each question.

What does it say?
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B or C.


New Message A Andy would prefer to go sailing with Julia on

Saturday rather than on Sunday.

To: Julia B Andy can go sailing with Julia on Friday if

Send From: Andy she’s not free on Saturday.

C Andy wants to go sailing with Julia on both

Hello Julia Saturday and Sunday if possible.
I can’t have Friday off to go sailing.
I’m still available on both Saturday
and Sunday, but Saturday is
better. Let me know what’s best
for you.

9 New Message A Callum is keen to meet Ben to work on a

science project together.

To: Ben B Callum is ill so he needs Ben to hand in a

science project tomorrow.
Send From: Callum
C Callum is pleased about a science project so
he is telling Ben about it.
We got our science project back today
while you were off sick. Ours got a [1]
really high mark! Do you think you’ll
be back at school tomorrow?

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10 Adam wants Nikoletta to

Nikoletta A use her experience to help him choose a new

My parents said bike.
they’re happy for
me to get a new B persuade his parents to let him have a new
bike. You know all bike.
about cycling. Can
we look at some C go cycling with him so he can use his new
together, so I bike.
know what to buy? [1]

11 What is Tara’s dad doing?

Tara A telling Tara that her kit’s in the washing
It’s worth putting machine
your kit in the
washing machine
as soon as you B suggesting that Tara washes her kit straight
finish football after training
practice. If not, it
won’t dry in time C warning Tara that her football kit’s still wet
for tomorrow’s [1]

12 A Students can’t buy food unless they have their

ID cards with them.
Please use your
B Students shouldn’t buy food with cash
student ID card to
because it takes longer than using ID cards.
pay for food. Cash no
longer accepted. C Students must use cash instead of ID cards
when buying food at the moment.

13 A The school orchestra and drama club are both

involved in a show next week.
All club members
B The drama club members have to use a
This week’s drama club will different room for their meeting this week.
take place in the gym because
the school orchestra needs C Members can watch the school orchestra after
the hall to practise for their their drama club session.
concert next week. [1]

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Part 3

Questions 14–18

Complete the conversation between two friends.

What does Maggie say to Helen?
For questions 14–18, write the correct letter A–H.


Helen: Have you done your maths homework yet?

Maggie: H

Helen: I don’t really know how to do it.

Maggie: 14 ………… [1] A Yes, you’re the best in our class at that.

Helen: I think I need it. Maths has never B It’s certainly quieter there than at mine.
been my best subject.
C I can give you some help if you want.
Maggie: 15 ………… [1]
D How about tomorrow after school?
Helen: I do well in art I suppose.
E Will you be free then?
Maggie: 16 ………… [1]
F Maybe not, but you’re great at other
Helen: Do you think so? Thanks! When shall things.
we meet?
G It might be. Perhaps that’s why you can’t
Maggie: 17 ………… [1] do it.

Helen: Sounds good! Do you want to come H I finished it last night. Why?
to my house?

Maggie: 18 ………… [1]

Helen: Let’s do that! Thanks Maggie.

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Part 4

Questions 19–26

Complete the emails below.

Write one word for each space.
There is an example at the beginning of the emails.

To: Edward

From: Ahmed

Hi Edward

(0) How are you? I hope you’re well.

I’m going to the Science Museum this weekend with my family. My parents said that

(19) is enough space in our car for one more person.

(20) you like to come too? (21) you want to

come with us, I’ll ask my dad to phone (22) parents. He can check it’s

OK with them.

All (23) best,


To: Ahmed

From: Edward

Hi Ahmed

Thanks (24) inviting me to the Science Museum. That’s really kind

(25) you.

Sorry, but I can’t go with you (26) I’m going away to the seaside next

weekend. I hope you have a great time.

Best wishes,


[Total: 8]

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Part 5

Questions 27–36

You are going to read descriptions of family holidays written by four teenagers.
For questions 27–36, choose from the sections (A–D) and write the correct letter.
You may choose a letter more than once.

Which teenager says…

they hope to see people they met on holiday again? 27

the travel costs for the holiday were too high? 28

it was a nice surprise to do an activity with the whole family? 29

they brought something back from the holiday? 30

the staff where they stayed were very friendly? 31

they tried a new activity on holiday? 32

there was no need for them to drive anywhere? 33

they enjoyed trying a wide range of food? 34

they enjoyed the sightseeing opportunities? 35

their holiday was too short? 36

[Total: 10]

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Family holidays

A Amy
We spent two weeks on a campsite with direct access to the beach. It had food and
souvenir shops, so we had everything we needed for cooking our own meals. We
spent most of our time on the campsite and the beach, with just one trip to a
museum in a nearby town. That was organised by the campsite owners, so we
avoided having to pay for an expensive hire car. We enjoyed getting to know the
people who worked at the campsite really well. They always stopped to chat, even
when they were very busy.

B Benjamin
The resort was huge. Everyone worked hard to make everything just right and we
certainly had no complaints. There were so many activities for all the family. The
chefs were really talented and there was something different on the menu every
evening, which was brilliant! We met lots of other guests and we’ve exchanged
numbers with some of them. We’d love to get together at the same resort next
year, but for 10 days, not just a week like this time, because we didn’t get the
chance to do everything that’s on offer.

C Chrissie
The holiday included everything – hotel, food, entertainment – but I’m not sure we’d
do that again. We like making our own choices about what to eat. We flew this time
which was a waste of money: we discovered afterwards that going by train is just
as fast and far better value. The facilities were great, though. I spent ages in the
pools improving my swimming. There were some interesting day trips in the area
and I’m glad we did them, even though they cost extra. The markets were fun, and
I got a typical painting to remind me of the trip. We were ready to leave at the end
of the week, though.

D Dani
I’m glad a friend suggested this holiday. We were only there for five days, but it felt
a lot longer because of everything we did. The bike rides were best. Mum’s not
usually a fan of cycling, but she joined in with the rest of us, which I couldn’t
believe! We had a great time together! At a local restaurant they let me have a go
at making pizzas. It wasn’t easy, but I managed. Would we go back? Probably, but
next time with our car. Public transport wasn’t great and there’s loads to see and do
that we missed.

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Part 6

Questions 37–42

Read the text and questions below.

For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Making nature films

14-year-old Maisie Holroyd writes about her hobby

Two years ago, I started making films showing local wildlife. My parents were surprised by
my choice of hobby, as I’d never really been into nature or particularly enjoyed watching lots
of programmes about animals before. I was getting tired of most of my interests, which I’d
had since I was eight or nine. So when a friend started filming birds in her garden, with a
camera she’d got for her birthday, I thought I’d like to have a go at it too.

The first film I made was of some rabbits. They can run quite fast, but I managed to follow
them fairly well. I got over twenty minutes of film, then used the best bits to make the final
version, which was much shorter. I filmed in the evening, so it was quite dark, but the
pictures were much brighter on the camera. There were lots of loud noises through the whole
film, though, which I later realised were the wind, so it wasn’t a great success!

After making some better films, I created my own video channel and uploaded them. I’ll
never get enough people watching the videos to earn any money, but the number who do still
surprises me. Most of them encourage me, but there are a few who post things that could
hurt me – I just ignore them. Some of my older films seem pretty bad now, but I made a
decision not to take them off my channel, to remind me how much better my films are these

My interest has led to me setting up the first ever film-making club at my school. There are
already about fifteen people involved, and we all help each other to improve our films. I’m
learning to dive too, as one of my aims is to be able to make videos of sea creatures. I can’t
imagine studying film-making at university or working in film, but I hope I’ll always have it as
a hobby.

37 Why did Maisie decide to make nature films as a hobby?

A She had always loved animals.
B She wanted to try something different.
C She received a camera as a gift.
D She had seen lots of documentaries.
38 Why was Maisie disappointed with her first film?
A The sound quality in it was bad.
B It was too dark to see clearly.
C The animals in it moved too quickly.
D It was shorter than she wanted.

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39 What does Maisie say about her online video channel?

A She has removed all her older films.
B She’s hoping to make money from it.
C She gets upset by comments on videos.
D She has more visitors than she expected.

40 In the future, Maisie would like to

A film animals under the water.
B make films about people.
C do a film-making course.
D start a film-making club.

41 What would Maisie say?


I’m getting bored of film- Some people at school say

making so I might try unkind things about my films.
something different.


Mum and Dad didn’t expect I’m still interested in all of the
me to start filming animals. hobbies I had as a child.


42 What is Maisie doing in this text?

A suggesting some interesting techniques for filming animals

B giving information about how her interest has developed
C showing her readers how an interest can lead to a career
D explaining the importance of sharing an interest with friends

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English as a Second Language

Stage 7

Paper 1 Reading and Use of English 2024

45 minutes

No additional materials are needed.

• Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.

• The total mark for this paper is 42.
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].

3135_01_5RP 67/77
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Part 1

Questions 1–8

Read the text below.

For each number 1–8, circle the correct word on the next page.

Nano-chameleon: The world’s smallest lizard

Madagascar, an island near the coast of Africa, is (0) to some of the world’s most

amazing animals. The latest to (1) the list of strange creatures living there is a

lizard small (2) to sit on top of your finger! A male and female ‘nano-chameleon’

were first discovered in Northern Madagascar's rainforests in 2012.

The nano-chameleon belongs to the family of chameleons. However, they are (3)

because all of the larger chameleons (4) colour while these little lizards don’t.

They (5) their days on the rainforest floor, looking for insects to eat, and hide in

tall grass (6) the night.

Scientists have been unable to find more nano-chameleons, but believe that these lizards

live in a small (7) of Madagascar, meaning that few people have been (8)

to see one.

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0 home room place

1 add join include [1]

2 enough even either [1]

3 unexpected unlikely unusual [1]

4 take change keep [1]

5 spend save stay [1]

6 within along during [1]

7 location space area [1]

8 possible able sure [1]

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Part 2
Questions 9–13
Read the text in each question.
What does it say?
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B or C.
A Jodie regrets not seeing the film with Leo.

Hi Leo B Jodie suggests that the film was too long.

I saw the film you
mentioned. You’re C Jodie agrees with Leo’s opinion of the film.
right – the ending was
worth waiting for. I
watched it by myself,
so at least no one saw
me crying!

9 Students should

Lost property A collect any lost property from the school office.
If you lose anything in the
sports hall, please tell Mrs B report any lost property at the school
Khan in the school office. office.
Thank you.
C take any lost property to the school

10 You should read the information

Take two tablets twice a day with meals.
For further advice, see the information A if you need to know more about this medicine.
inside the box.

B when you eat anything with this medicine.

C before you take this medicine.


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11 Max is

Hi everyone A asking his friends if he can borrow

I’ve come to school
without my football B telling his friends he can’t go to football
kit! I won’t be able practice.
to train today unless
someone can lend
C explaining to his friends why he has
me a shirt. Can forgotten something.
anyone help? [1]


12 Mr Cheng wrote this message about the theatre

To: Students trip to
Send From: Mr Cheng
A remind students to pay.
Interested in the school theatre trip?
There are a few tickets left – let me know
today! Parents should confirm by 23rd May. B inform students about the date.
Information about paying will be on our
website soon.

C advise students that there are limited


13 Mum wants Ava to

Ava A be at home when she gets back from work.

I’m working late
today but will be
home before you’re B go to her grandma’s house after school.
back from school.
Please make sure
C finish her homework in time to go out.
you’ve done your
homework by 6 p.m.
because we’re
visiting Grandma

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Part 3

Questions 14–18

Complete the conversation between two friends.

What does Sara say to Helen?
For questions 14–18, write the correct letter A–H.


Helen: Hi Sara. We haven’t finished our geography project yet, and we need to give it to the
teacher on Friday.

Sara: H

Helen: I’m still doing mine too. Is yours

going well?
A I think I’m free that evening.
Sara: 14 ………… [1]
B Great idea. But when shall we do it?
Helen: Well, we can finish it together, if you
like. C Don’t worry, I will.

Sara: 15 ………… [1] D Not really. I’m finding it quite difficult.

Helen: I’m not sure. Can you come to my E I will. Do I need to bring anything?
place after school tomorrow?
F Sorry, I’ve got football practice then.
Sara: 16 ………… [1]
G I’ll do that for you.
Helen: No problem. How about Saturday?
H I know. I’ve had a lot of other homework to
Sara: 17 ………… [1] do.

Helen: Well, let me know.

Sara: 18 ………… [1]

Helen: Just your laptop and any books

you’ve got.

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Part 4

Questions 19–26

Complete the email below.

For questions 19–26, write one word for each space.
There is an example at the beginning of the email.

To: Grandad

From: Ben

Hi Grandad

Thank you very much for the video game that you sent

(19) my birthday. It’s amazing! I play it (20)

the time with my friends. Some of them are better (21) me at

gaming but I’m improving.

(22) you like to come and try the game next weekend? If you’re

not sure (23) to do, I can teach you. I think you (24)

definitely enjoy it!

I often play the game with my friend Ravi, (25) lives next door. He

(26) be on holiday next weekend – I’m not sure. But if he isn’t, I

can ask him to come too.

See you soon!



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Part 5

Questions 27–36

You are going to read an article about four students’ experiences of going on a school trip to visit a
For questions 27–36, choose from the sections (A–D) and write the correct letter.
You may choose a letter more than once.

Which student says …

they got lost during the visit? 27

the journey there was too long? 28

they intend to return there? 29

it helped them with their school work? 30

they made a new friend during the day? 31

the trip encouraged them to learn more about history? 32

it’s a day they will always remember? 33

the best thing about it was finding out how people lived in the past? 34

it was more interesting than they expected? 35

they enjoyed spending time with their teacher outside class? 36


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A school trip to a museum

A Luis
On our school trip we went to the history museum. It’s a long way from school so
getting there by bus took ages, but that was part of the fun. What I enjoyed most
were the short films showing how life was over a hundred years ago. They were
really useful for a class project I’m doing. Mr Hall was friendly and chatted with us –
he’s quite strict in school so that made a nice change. I’d love to go again – I didn’t
see some of the rooms because it’s easy to get lost. But it’s too far away.

B Ingrid
If anyone offered to take me to that museum again I’d politely refuse, though when
I got there I wasn’t as bored as I thought I’d be. Mrs Birch, our teacher, was
enthusiastic and had prepared for the day well, telling us how people used to live in
the 19th century and giving us questions to answer as we went round, which I liked
doing. It was supposed to help us remember what we’d learnt in class, but I’ve
forgotten most of it. We were put into pairs to find answers. I was with someone I’d
never spoken to before and we’re good mates now so that was another positive

C Victor
I found some exhibitions at the museum really interesting. But we spent hours
getting there and didn’t have time to see everything, which was a shame. I’d never
been out of school with my whole class before so that first school trip was
unforgettable. I had a great time with my friend, mainly because we both realised
we should really be in class with our teacher studying hard. But I’ve always been
interested in history, so I’m not convinced it made me any more keen on the
subject than I already was.

D Olivia
I had a brilliant day. I’ve always been interested in the past and going to the
museum has made me want to study in greater detail how life used to be. But on
the day, I spent so long looking at one of the displays that I suddenly realised the
rest of my class had disappeared and I didn’t know where I was. Fortunately, a
friend came back for me. But because of that I didn’t get to see everything, so I’ve
asked my parents to take me back there again some time.

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Part 6
Questions 37–42
Read the text and questions below.
For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Are jetpacks the transport of the future?

By 14-year-old Safiya Mumtaz
I didn’t know about jetpacks until my friend explained that they were small engines carried on
people’s backs, making it possible to ‘fly’. Then I remembered that they’re the sort of things
everyone’s seen in films, but few people believe they are real. Therefore, I was surprised to
discover that now there are companies who are actually developing these machines to help
people in everyday life. They may be useful for some types of work, although whether they’ll be
on sale in stores soon isn’t certain.
Jetpacks are being developed for use in a variety of ways, in business as well as leisure. One
company has done experiments with the equipment over the sea between England and France,
to see if sailors could use the jetpacks to board ships. There are also plans for rescue teams to
use jetpacks to reach people lost in mountains and other places that are hard to get to.
With these exciting developments, will jetpacks become available for everyone to use at some
point in the future? If so, there could be some advantages. Jetpacks offer the possibility of fun,
exciting travel. They could cut the amount of traffic going through our cities and on our
motorways. Travelling could become quicker and easier.
However, there are also some disadvantages. At the moment, jetpacks are very expensive to
buy. They also need a lot of fuel, even when they are not travelling far. That means that jetpacks
cost a lot to run and create air pollution. They are very heavy and noisy too: the engine is as loud
and nearly as large as one you’d find on a powerful motorbike! In addition, many people have had
accidents during experiments with jetpacks. So, there are still risks using these machines.
It is exciting to think that we might all be able to travel by jetpack in the future. It will be
particularly useful for people who have to travel for their job. However, before that, there should
be a lot more checks to make sure that they are safer, cheaper to use and kinder to the

37 In paragraph one, Safiya describes a flying machine that

A people can buy in shops now.
B people are improving for use in the future.
C people have only seen in films.
D people will need for business travel.

38 What are some companies doing with jetpacks at the moment?

A selling them to people who work at sea
B using them to travel from one country to another
C bringing help to people in difficult areas
D finding out how they could work in different situations

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Combined By NESRINE


39 What are the possible benefits of jetpacks?

A They will replace cars in city centres.

B They will be the best way to travel.

C They will reduce the number of vehicles on the roads.

D They will travel as fast as other types of transport.


40 What do we learn about jetpacks in paragraph four?

A They can only make short journeys.

B They are expensive to use.

C They are as big as motorbikes.

D They have engines with problems.


41 What is Safiya’s opinion about jetpack travel in the future?

A It might be suitable for people to use if changes are made.

B It will be too dangerous and bad for the environment.

C It should only be used in some types of work.

D It must be available for everyone to use.


42 What comment would Safiya’s teacher make about her essay?

You have explained the You have convinced the
technology of jetpacks reader that jetpacks are
very clearly. the best way to travel.

You have described what You have compared
it is like to fly with a different points about
jetpack. jetpacks very well.


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