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Conducting Vision and Mission on Amhara bank


To be a leading and game changing Bank in Africa.


To provide a wide-ranging, accessible, reliable and innovative financial and non-financial

solutions through state-of-the-art technology by competent and ethical professionals in a
socially responsible manner with a client-oriented culture.

I contacted one of amhara bank branch manager in person and get brief explanation about the
bank. accordingly to the manager the bank develop its first vision and mission statement when
officially commenced operations on 18th June 2022 after receiving business operation license
from the National Bank of Ethiopia. primarily responsible body for development of vision and
mission statement was the bank promoters( ADERJI COMMTEE).

Amhara bank's vision and mission statement existed since officially commenced and not
modified yet.

as the bank manager explained have been using its vision and statement in the firm boldly. as
stated above amhara bank vision is to be a leading and game changing bank in Africa ,to meet
this vision the bank applies different strategies . some of them are using current technology for
ATM, mobile banking and internet banking, accessibility( opening too many branch in short
period of time) and investing on human capital.

other things the bank currently working to meet its vision is cooperating with international money
transfer companies(SWIFT) and local organizations and companies like ethiopian airlines, tele
and AWACH.

Amhara bank using its mission statement practically since day one by giving free transport
service for sheger bus users. the bank is giving client and language oriented service by
respecting social and culture value to its customer. in addition to this Amhara bank gave
scholarship for students. in general amhara bank is participating and contributing on our country
Evaluating VISION , MISSION and Objectives of Amhara bank


To be a leading and game changing Bank in Africa.

as discussed in our class vision should be short clear and preferably one sentence, based on
this criteria the bank's vision is short clear and stated in one short sentence. So we can say that
amhara bank vision is good one.


To provide a wide-ranging, accessible, reliable and innovative financial and non-financial

solutions through state-of-the-art technology by competent and ethical professionals in a
socially responsible manner with a client-oriented culture.

now we are going to evaluate the mission statement of the bank using components of mission.

1. customer-

2. service - giving financial non financial solutions

3. market -

4 technology -

5. concern for survival, growth and profitability -

6. philosophy-
7. self-concept-

8. concern for public image- socially responsible

9. concern for employees -


currently Amhara bank sets the below two strategic objectives

1. raise the total deposit from 401 million birr to 209 billion birr by june 2027

2. raise the customer base from 82000 to 15.5 million by june 2027.

as per our strategic leadership class discussion objective should be SMART- specific ,
measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. based on this the above two objectives meet
the criteria of good objective. so we can say that amhara bank sets SMART objective to
acheive it strategic goal and vision.

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