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Conjugal Visits

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Conjugal Visits

Do you feel inmates should be afforded the right to such visits?

I strongly support the need for conjugal visits among the inmates. I advocate for the view

that if a more intimate relationship is present to the inmates, then the issue and the tension of

homosexuality can be minimized to a larger extent. Conjugal visits for the inmates may also help

reduce incidences of rape which has reportedly been a serious issue in male prisons globally

(Vladu et al., 2021). Conjugal visits help the prisoners to reaffirm their masculinity and minimize

the desire to set up manly self-image by victimizing other prisoners. I also hold the view that

conjugal visits help in changing and the behavior of an inmate. As per Vladu et al., (2021), being

in contact with their families brings about a normalizing effect which in turn minimizes the

incidence of violence in prisons and prepare the inmate for re-entering their communities

successfully upon release.

What other prisoner rights do you feel are "luxuries" and should not be permitted?

Some of the prisoners are given access to watching TVs, gaming consoles and fitness

equipment and even guitars. The inmates should not be accorded these luxuries may not make

them learn from the serious previous offences. When inmates are out of jail it is most likely that

nothing will change their demeanor if some of the privileges considered “luxuries” are constantly

given to them.

Positives and negatives of the FCC

Family connection centers helps in maintaining and in connecting families which have

been left behind to support initiatives in their societies. Family connections centers also helps

with the creation of healthy and fun activities for the young ones to take part with the

incarcerated parent.

However, family connection centers may negatively impact the children’s social

competence and emotions which may bar healthy growth. Having a parent incarcerated may be

a challenging and emotional for any young one. Some may be depressed and develop anxiety

issues as a result of physical visits. I believe the family connections centers is effective parenting

approach since it may help in reinforcing family bonds and reduce re-offense among imprisoned



Vladu, A., Kalebic, N., Audley, J., Stevens, A., & Taylor, P. J. (2021). Benefits and risks

of conjugal visits in prison: A systematic literature review. Criminal Behaviour and Mental

Health, 31(5), 343-361.

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