Script Title Defense

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Good morning to our dear teacher, Ma’am Krizela Gabarda. I am (name A-M). (NAME OF
Groupmates A-M) are with me today to present our Research Titles.

The Efficacy of Basil (Ocimum Basilicum) to moisturize Dry Lips as a Lip Balm.
The feeling of dry, tight, and cracked lips is certainly uncomfortable. We must also know that
excessive dryness on your lips can cause peeling and, in the worst-case scenario, a lip cut.
Inflammation may also occur when the cut gets infected and allergic reaction from chapping or
sunburn. Dry lips can occur at any time, especially here in Palawan, where we have different types
of weather every month even worsened by hot weather.

This is because our lips have more sensitive and thinner skin than the rest of our body. Our lips
lack oil glands; hence they are prone to dryness.

Problem Answered

We, the researchers, decided to come up with an affordable and environmentally friendly lip balm
product that could assist those suffering from dry lips. A lip balm made out of Thai Basil
incorporated with shea butter can be used to moisturize dry lips. It is also relevant in today’s age
as our weathers keeps worsening as time goes by, causing more people to experience this problem.

This lip balm that we will test is cost-effective, organic, and has eco-friendly packaging, separating
it from other lip balms.

I know you might be all asking how can a basil help to hydrate a dry lip.

And to answer the question, basil naturally reduces inflammation, which aids the problem of
dehydrated lips. Having this information prompted us to propose this research project. (Qualitative


The following are the objectives of the study:

This study aims to provide a solution to dehydrated lips problem.

1. To moisturize the dehydrated lips. (Providing a solution for dry lips)

2. To provide cost-effective and environmentally friendly lip balm.
3. 3

OUTPUT: Basil moisturizing Lip balm.

The Efficacy of Lemon (Citrus Lemon Extract) as a Natural Shampoo for Sebum
Regulation on the Scalp

Our body produces sebum to form a protective coating on the skin. It lubricates, producing a barrier
that prevents excess moisture from escaping. Sebum also forms a thin layer that protects your hair
from drying out. When there isn't enough sebum on the hair, the cuticle opens, allowing moisture
to leave, which can cause frizz and split ends.

Excess sebum may protect you, but it can also cause problems. Excess sebum produced by our
scalp can result in oily and greasy hair, which is visible to the human eye. Excess sebum on the
scalp can also cause dandruff and worse- hair loss.

This would have a negative impact on our hair because excess sebum can clog pores, causing
thinning of our hair. This can also cause our scalp and hair to dry up, resulting in a flaky scalp that
is easily damaged and itchy.

Problem Answered

As we strive to find a solution to this problem, we, the researchers, came up with the concept of
coming up with an Organic lemon shampoo that balances sebum on the scalp. This will benefit
those who suffer from dandruff and oily hair caused by excess sebum.

Lemon extract has a natural component that helps maintain the proper amount of sebum needed in
the scalp to avoid overproduction of oil. It also cleanses your scalp, hydrates, and unclog hair

Lemon (Citrus Lemon Extract) is the perfect plant we came up with as we want to treat hair
difficulties, and lemon happened to have exactly the natural component we need to solve the hair
problems we have just described.


The following are the objectives of the study:

This study aims to create a shampoo that regulates excess sebum on the scalp.

1. To deep cleanse the scalp and unclog hair follicles.

2. To balance the amount of oil (sebum) on the scalp.
3. To provide solution for dandruff and greasy hair.

Output: Clarifying Lemon Shampoo

Avocado (Persea Americano): A solution for dry skin as Hydrating Body Scrub

Dry skin makes the skin seem and feel rough, itchy, flaky, or scaly. This is a common problem
that can affect people of any age. The primary causes of dry skin include dry or cold weather,
UV damage, and excessive bathing.

The environment can be considered the reason for dry skin. In today’s age, the majority of people
are exposed to many indoor and outdoor chemicals that damage human health, particularly the

Problem Answered

To assess the problem of dry skin in our bodies, we, as researchers, chose to develop a body
scrub that provides a remedy. Using avocado, we will make a body scrub that will nourish and
hydrate the skin.

Avocado oil naturally penetrates the skin’s natural moisture barrier and is rich in vitamins A, C,
and E, assisting to hydrate and nourish the skin. This makes avocado an effective moisturizer,
particularly those with dry skin.

In addition, instead of creating a body wash, we purposefully chose to make a body scrub, which
is more effective at eliminating dead skin than a body wash and because body scrubs also help
your skin absorb and hydrate better.

This study will not only provide a solution to dry skin problems but to also make the readers inform
the readers to deeper understand the causes of it.


The following are the objectives of the study:

This study aims to provide create a body scrub that moisturize dry skin.

1. To hydrates and nourish dry skin.

2. To effectively remove dead skin cells.
3. To smoothen and exfoliate rough area of the skin.

Output: Avocado Hydrating Body Scrub

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