Yu Et Al 2016 Modeling and Optimization of Interlaminar Bond Strength For Composite Tape Winding Process

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Original Article

Journal of Reinforced Plastics

and Composites

Modeling and optimization of 2017, Vol. 36(8) 579–592

! The Author(s) 2016
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DOI: 10.1177/0731684416685415
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Tao Yu, Yaoyao Shi, Xiaodong He, Chao Kang and Bo Deng

The prepreg tape winding product of thermoset composite has been widely used in aerospace industry due to the
favorable performance. The manufacturing process is the key to ensure the quality of product. This study is focused on
the theoretical analysis of prepreg tape winding process. The mathematical model of thermal and consolidation process is
established firstly. The influence mechanism of the major process parameters including heating temperature, consolida-
tion force and winding velocity on consolidation quality is subsequently studied based on the simulation results. And the
tape winding experiments and interlaminar shear strength tests are conducted to validate the predictive capability of the
theoretical model. Moreover, the coupling role between the process parameters is explained based on the predicted
model. In order to control the quality of winding product, the optimization of winding process is proposed, and the
three-dimension process window of parameter settings is obtained.

Composite tape winding process, process parameters, interlaminar bond strength, parameter optimization, 3D process

influenced the mechanical properties of the composites

Introduction are determined and optimized by Taguchi method-
Composite tape winding products have been widely ology. The results found that the content of curing
applied in the aerospace engine components such as agent and temperature were equally the primary signifi-
motor case and exhaust nozzle in which a high level cant factors in controlling the ILSS of the composites.13
of specific strength, specific stiffness and high tempera- For the thermoplastic automated tape placement pro-
ture performance is required.1–3 As the amount of com- cess, a series of process models are integrated into a
posite products increasing, more attention to the simulation tool to optimize the process parameters.14
product quality has been paid.4–7 The quality of wind- In order to improve the industrialization of the thermo-
ing products not only relies on the performance of com- plastic tape placement, the critical parameters of gov-
posite tape but also on the manufacturing process.8,9 erning the resulting laminate quality are identified.15
Thus, the parameters selection of winding process is According to Tauseef and Bijan, the robotic fiber place-
the key to improve the quality of winding product in ment process parameters are analyzed and optimized.
the case of stable performance of prepreg tape.
Nowadays, tremendous research on composite man-
ufacturing equipment has been proposed,10–12 while The Key Laboratory of Contemporary Design and Integrated
lots of efforts toward investigating composite manufac- Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education, Northwestern
turing process also have been devoted. Aim at improve Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China
the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of carbon fiber/
Corresponding author:
epoxy composites, the effect of the processing param- Yaoyao Shi, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 127 Youyi West road,
eters of the cured composites on ILSS is investigated by Xi’an 710072, China.
Hongwei and Kaixi. The significant factors which Email: shiyy@nwpu.edu.cn
580 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 36(8)

Many experiments have been conducted to analyze fiber and results in high costs. Therefore, this paper focuses
laying head velocity, gas torch temperature and fiber on the theoretical analysis of thermoset prepreg tape
consolidation force. Moreover, the process is optimized winding process and parameters optimization. The
using response surface method.16 Comer et al.17 evalu- major work includes: (1) The major process parameters
ated the in situ laser-assisted automated tape placement which influence the ILSS of winding products are deter-
(ATP) and autoclave consolidation processes of the CF/ mined by winding process analysis; (2) The thermal
PEEK laminate specimens. The laser-asisted automated model and consolidation model of tape winding process
tape placement (LATP) processing parameters were are established; (3) The influence mechanism of the pro-
chosen based on a small number of preliminary trials. cess parameters including heating temperature, consoli-
The results show that the laminates produced by LATP dation force and winding velocity on interlaminar bond
performed better than the autoclaved laminates in terms strength is studied; (4) The tape winding experiments
of interlaminar toughness (134%) but performed less and ILSS tests are conducted to validate the predictive
well in terms of flexural strength (68%), ILSS (70%), capability of the theoretical model; (5) The coupling
flexural stiffness (88%) and open-hole-compression mechanism between the parameters and the optimiza-
strength (78%). Regarding the thermoplastic tape wind- tion for prepreg tape winding process is proposed to
ing process, the studies of processing conditions on con- obtain the optimized three-dimension (3D) process
solidation quality have been investigated. The steady- window. The contribution of our study lies in the fact
state finite element method model is developed based on that the tape winding process theoretical model can be
heat transfer and autohesion mechanisms. The simula- used for parameters selection to significantly improve
tion and experimental results show that installing an the ILSS of winding products.
insulated ring on the winding mandrel can effectively
improve the consolidation quality, and the optimum
value for heated distance ratio was recommended to
Tape winding process
be 3.5 for the CF/PEI tape winding process.18 The numerical control (NC) tape winding machine is
As can be observed from the previous studies, the major equipment for composite tape winding prod-
research of autoclave curing process, filament winding uct molding as shown in Figure 1. The primary func-
and fiber/tape placement process has been widely inves- tion is that the resin-impregnated tape is wound on the
tigated. However, in the prepreg tape winding process, mandrel according to the desired trajectory through
the study on the influence mechanism of process par- specific mechanical motion and control.
ameters is few. In practice, the selection of process par- In the winding process, the prepreg tape is loaded on
ameters in winding process mainly relies on experience the tray of winding vehicle. The magnetic powder brake
rather than theoretical basis. Taking the vary of mater- can provide tension for tape, and the partial adjust
ial, characteristic and size of composite prepreg tape mechanism can prevent deviation. After heating by hot
into account, experimental study is time consuming compaction roller, the tape enters the molten region and

Figure 1. NC tape winding machine.

Yu et al. 581

bond with the laminated layer. The cylinder applies posi- shown in Figure 3. Hot consolidation roller surface is
tive pressure to ensure the tape intimate contact with directly contacted to the prepreg tape. Heat is trans-
laminated layer, and the bubble in molten region can ferred from hot roller to tape by heat conduction.
be extruded by roller to reduce the porosity of the prod- The viscosity of resin matrix is decreased due to heat-
uct. Composite prepreg tape winding process is illu- ing, and the molten state resin can combine with the
strated by Figure 2. It can be seen that the interlaminar laminates.
bond quality of winding product is mainly determined by In the heating process, tape temperature changes in
the bonding strength between layers. Therefore, in order the direction of thickness. Therefore, this process can
to improve the interlaminar bond strength of product, be regarded as one-dimensional unsteady heat conduc-
the winding process model is molded through theoret- tion process. Assuming the tape is fully in contact with
ical analysis in this study, and the optimization of process the hot roller, the thermal differential equation can be
parameters is conducted on this basis. written as

@T  @2 T 1 @T
Thermal model ¼ þ ðr0 5 r 5 r , t 4 0Þ ð1Þ
@t c @r2 r @r
Heat transfer submodel
In the winding process, the tape is wound on the man- where T is temperature and t is time. The dens-
drel after passing the constant temperature hot roller as ity , specific heat capacity c and thermal

Figure 2. Schematics of composite prepreg tape winding process.

Figure 3. Schematics of tape heating process.

582 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 36(8)

conductivity  of composite prepreg tape are deter- resin m is related with degree of cure  and tem-
mined by19 perature T
 ¼ vm m þ ð1  vm Þf ð2Þ C1 ðT  Tg0 Þ g
m ðT, Þ ¼ g exp  ð9Þ
C2 þ T  Tg0 g  
c ¼ mm cm þ ð1  mm Þcf ð3Þ
h pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  where g is the viscosity at the glass transition, Tg0 is the
¼ 1  1  vm þ 1= 1=ð1  vm Þ þ m =f  1 m glass-transition temperature of the uncured system, g
is the degree of cure at the gel point and C1 and C2 are
ð4Þ constants that are determined by the rearranged WLF
  1 equation.21 Since the heating time of tape is very short
vm ¼ 1 þ m =f ðð1=mm Þ  1Þ ð5Þ (<2 s) in winding process, the curing reaction of resin
can be ignored. However, a certain degree of initial
where m, cm and m are the density, specific heat curing will be caused during the tape storage process
capacity and thermal conductivity of resin matrix, before winding. If the initial curing degree is 0, the
and f, cf and f are the density, specific heat cap- relationship of the resin viscosity and the heating tem-
acity and thermal conductivity of fiber. vm and mm perature can be written as
are the volume fraction and mass fraction of
matrix.  n
C1 ðT  Tg0 Þ g
Since the temperature of tape is identical to the room m ðTÞ ¼ g exp  ð10Þ
C2 þ T  Tg0 g  0
temperature before heating, the initial condition can be
expressed as
Consolidation model
Tjt¼0 ¼ T0 ð r0  r  r Þ ð6Þ
Intimate contact submodel
where T0 is the room temperature and r0 is the radius of Due to the roughness of the tape surface, the micro-
hot compaction roller. r is the thickness of tape plus r0. geometry texture of the interface is irregular. During
When the tape passes the hot roller, one side of the tape the winding process, the initially irregular surface of
contacts with the surface of hot roller, and the other tape and laminated layer becomes smooth due to the
side generates convective heat transfer with air. Thus, applied pressure and temperature. The intimate contact
the boundary conditions are is produced between adjacent surfaces as shown in
8 Figure 4.
< Tjr¼r0 ¼ Ts ðt 4 0Þ Figure 5(a) illustrates the micrograph of prepreg
@T   ð7Þ tape cross section. We represent the irregular surface
:  @r ¼ h Tjr¼r T0
r¼r by a surface consisting of a series of rectangles as
shown in Figure 5(b), and unit width is assumed for
the tape. The degree of intimate contact is defined as22
where Ts is the surface temperature of hot roller and h
is convective heat transfer coefficient.
In heating process, the heating time of tape is related Dic ¼ ð11Þ
w0 þ b0
with winding velocity v and roller radius r0

t¼ ð8Þ

Therefore, in the case of constant heating tempera-

ture, the temperature of tape is determined by
winding velocity when the tape coming into the
molten region.

Viscosity submodel
The viscosity of resin matrix is decreased by heating
to improve the bond strength of laminated layer.
Based on the study in,20 the viscosity of thermoset Figure 4. Schematics of intimate contact.
Yu et al. 583

Figure 5. (a) Micrograph of prepreg tape cross section and illustration of the control volume used in calculating mass flow and (b)
micrograph of prepreg tape cross section and illustration of the control volume used in calculating mass flow.

where b0 and b denote the initial (t ¼ 0) and instantan- where m specifies the viscosity of the resin matrix, p is
eous (at time t) widths of each rectangular element and the pressure inside the element and pe stands for the
w0 is the initial distance between two adjacent elements. pressure between two adjacent elements. Thus, the
Since the volume of each element is constant in this boundary conditions can be written as
process, thus
db b
ða0 þ c0 Þb0 ¼ ða0 þ cÞb ð12Þ p ¼ pe and u ¼ at ¼ ð15Þ
dt 2
Based on the hydrodynamic theory and the law of
conservation of mass, the control volume of width d The pressure applied to the outside of each element
can be written as must be equal to its inside pressure as

du dc Z b=2
c þ ¼0 ð13Þ
d dt pa ðb0 þ w0 Þ ¼ ðp  pe Þd ð16Þ

where is the coordinate along the interface and t is Based on the equations (13) to (15), one can obtain
time. The average velocity u is
 2 !
c dp 6m dc 2 b
u ¼ ð14Þ p  pe ¼ 3  ð17Þ
12m d c dt 2
584 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 36(8)

Figure 7. Schematics of the micro-geometry texture with the

optimal degree of intimate contact.

the degree of intimate contact degradation. As shown

in Figure 8, the degree of intimate contact can be writ-
Figure 6. The consolidation process. ten as

By combining equations (16) and (17), it can be m

Dic ¼ 1  vf1 ð21Þ
derived as b0 þ w0

dc b3 where m is the contact length of the fiber-matrix mix-

pa ðb0 þ w0 Þ ¼ m ð18Þ
dt c3 ture. vf1 is the fiber volume fraction in the fiber-matrix
Combining equations (12) and (18), and then inte-
During the pressing process, since the pressing time
grating yields
is very short, the deformation of fiber-matrix rectangu-
Z Z lar element can be regarded as elastic deformation. As
pa c
ða0 þ c0 Þ3 b30
ðb0 þ w0 Þ dt ¼ dc ð19Þ shown in Figure 8, the resin matrix between two adja-
0 m c0 ða0 þ cÞ3 c3 cent elements is supplanted from the aperture gap,
which is produced by fiber weaving.
where tc is the pressing time related with winding vel-
ocity v and pressing length lc as shown in Figure 6, and The aperture gaps can be seen as an elongated hole,
the relationship can be expressed as and the resin flow rate of each hole can be described as

lc d4
tc ¼ ð20Þ q¼ p ð22Þ
v 128m l

where d is the diameter of hole, l is the hole length and

The pressing length lc can be measured directly in the p is the differential pressure across the hole. q is the
winding process. Combining equations (11), (12) and resin flow rate of each elongated hole
(19), and substituting the model parameters, the
degree of intimate contact can be obtained by numer- da
ical solution. q ¼ ð b0 þ w 0 Þ ð23Þ
In the case of moderate pressure and matrix viscos-
ity, because of the extrusion and flow of matrix, the gap In the extrusion process, the elastic deformation
between two adjacent elements is filled with resin force of fiber-matrix rectangular element is
matrix. The desired optimal state is achieved as
shown in Figure 7. In this case, b is equal to b0 þ w0, a0  a
and the degree of intimate contact Dic is 100%. F ¼ Ef m ð24Þ
If the pressure or temperature is further increased,
the matrix on the element projection will be supplanted
Since the volume of each fiber-matrix rectangular
and the fiber-matrix mixture of two surfaces contact
element is constant, therefore
with each other. Since the bonding force is not present
on the interface when fiber contact with each other, the
contact of the fiber in the fiber-matrix mixture causes a0 m0 ¼ am ð25Þ
Yu et al. 585

Figure 8. Schematics of the micro-geometry texture with excessive temperature and pressure.
Combining equations (22) to (25), the force balance where Dau denotes the degree of autohesion, tw(T) is the
equation can be written as welding time based on temperature and t0 represents
the contact duration.
m0 ða0  aÞ For thermoset resin matrix, a certain degree of initial
Pa ðb0 þ w0 Þ ¼ Ef
a cure will be generated during the storage process. Since
128m l  a0 m0  da the molecular chains of the cured resin matrix part
þ ðb0 þ w0 Þ b0 þ w0 
d 4 a dt cannot diffuse across the interface, the degree of auto-
ð26Þ hesion can be written by

Z 1 !
And integrating yields t0
dt 4
Dh ¼ min , 1  ð 1  0 Þ ð29Þ
Z 0 tw ðTÞ
d4 tc Pa  Ef mað0bð0aþw
0 aÞ

128l 0 m
In winding processes, the wound tape will always
¼ ðb0 þ w0 Þða0  aÞ þ a0 m0 ðIna  Ina0 Þ ð27Þ intimate contact with the laminated layer because of
the tension. The contact duration is much greater
Based on equations (21), (25) and (27), the degree of than the welding time (t0  tw(T)). Thus, the degree
intimate contact can be obtained in this case. of autohesion can be approximated as

Dh  1  0 ð30Þ
Bonding submodel
Once two adjacent interfaces come into intimate contact, After the processes of intimate contact and autohe-
a bonding process between the interfaces starts. And this sion, the interlaminar bond degree of the winding prod-
bonding process is caused mostly by autohesion.18 The uct can be written as25
molecular chains of the polymer matrix diffuse across
the contacted tape interface while temperature rising Db ¼ Dic  Dh ð31Þ
above the melting point. At the interface, the polymer
chains leave the initial conformation at one surface and To study the influence mechanism of process param-
cross the interface to interpenetrate into the other side. eters on bonding quality for winding product, the
Entanglements of the chains across the interface are cre- simulation should be deployed based on above theor-
ated.23 The degree of autohesion can be expressed by24 etical model. The interlaminar bond degree Db can be
obtained by different parameters settings. Furthermore,
Z !
dt 4
the tape winding experiments and ILSS tests must be
Dau ¼ min ,1 ð28Þ conducted to validate the predictive capability of model
0 tw ðTÞ
and the accuracy of simulation results.
586 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 36(8)

Experimental procedure bending test is produced to measure the ILSS of tape

The prepreg tape used in the experiment is glass fiber/ winding specimens. In order to eliminate the negative
phenolic resin thermoset composite product by Beijing impact of the friction on test results, the combination of
Composite Materials Co., Ltd. The size of the tape is sliding support and antifriction bearing is designed for
80 mm in width and 0.25 mm in average thickness. The free elongation of samples. Hence, the testing fixture
fiber volume fraction is (57  2)%. Winding device is must be manufactured specifically for the three-point
NC tape winding machine. Curing equipment is auto- bending test.
clave product by TEDA Industrial Equipment Co., Finally, the compressive load is applied on the test
Ltd. The ILSS is tested by electronic universal testing specimen at a speed of 1.0 mm/min until the specimen
machine (model CSS-88010). Experiments are con- failed, and the maximum load data carried by the spe-
ducted in the environment with temperature of cimen are recorded during the test. The ILSS can be
(20  2) C and humidity of (25  2)%. calculated by equation (32)
Firstly, the flag stacked winding is carried out for
different process parameters settings. And then, the 3Pb
s ¼ ð32Þ
composite tape winding ring specimens should be 4bh
cured and demold. The mandrel used in winding pro-
cess is cylindrical steel column with external diameter of where s is the ILSS, Pb is the maximum load, b is the
150 mm, and the external diameter of winding ring spe- width of test sample and h is the thickness.
cimens is 160 mm. In the curing process, the heat-up
rate and pressure are 3 C/min and 0.15 MPa, and the Influence mechanism of process
curing temperature should be kept for 150 min once the
temperature reached 178 C.
After that, based on the GB/T 1458-2008 standards, The comparison between simulation results and ILSS
the test method for mechanical properties of ring of testing data should be conducted to validate the accur-
filament-winding reinforced plastics is used to test the acy of process model. According to the simulation
ILSS.26 As shown in Figure 9, the cured ring specimens results, the influence mechanism of major process par-
should be mechanical cut along the hoop direction to ameters (e.g. heating temperature, consolidation force
obtain the NOL (Naval Ordnance Laboratory) ring. and winding velocity) on interlaminar bond strength of
The dimension of NOL ring used in this test is the winding product will be analyzed. Before the simulation
inner diameter with 150  0.2 mm, width with process, some assumption must be proposed (1) The
6  0.2 mm and thickness with 3  0.1 mm. Then, micro-geometry texture of irregular surface is approxi-
three curved test specimens should be cut out from mated by a series of rectangles, and the resin is uni-
each NOL ring. Figure 9 shows the experiment of formly covered the surface of the tape. (2) Since the
tape winding and test specimens obtained process. length and width of the tape is far greater than the
As shown in Figure 10, the test specimens are thickness, the consolidation force can be regarded as
mounted in the special fixture, and the three-point average distribution on the tape surface. The model
inputs used in this simulation are given in Table 1.

Figure 9. The experiment of tape winding process and test

specimens acquisition.
NOL: Naval Ordnance Laboratory. Figure 10. Three-point bending test.
Yu et al. 587

Table 1. Parameters used in simulation. Figure 12 shows the theoretical bond degree and
practical ILSS curves of laminate at different winding
Parameters Detail Parameters Detail
velocity with two different settings of temperature and
r0 60 mm a0 0.075 mm consolidation force. The variation of velocity is set
rd 60.25 mm b0 0.47 mm from 0 to 0.6 m/s. The upper and lower limits of error
T0 25 C c0 0.04 mm bars in the experimental data are represent the max-
 0.08 W/(mK) w0 0.2 mm imum and minimum ILSS of the three test specimens
 1.57 g/cm3 m0 0.39 mm
which cut out from one NOL ring.
As shown in Figure 12(a), the bond strength of wind-
c 972 J/(kgK) d 0.033 mm
ing products gradually reduces with increasing velocity.
h 20 W/(m2K) l 0.125 mm
This kind of influence law indicated that the increasing
0 5.0% lc 6 mm winding velocity will shorten the heating and pressing
Ef  m 5.8 108 N/m2 time. Hence, low winding speed help to improve the
interlaminar bond strength of winding product.
However, at the conditions of high temperature and
pressure as shown in Figure 12(b), the situation will
be different. In spite of the good fluidity of resin in
tape surface at the slow winding speeds, the bond
strength is not satisfactory due to that too long time
pressure causes the molten resin will be pushed out of
the contact interface. As the velocity increasing, the
bond strength has improved significantly. It is worth
noting that the simulation results Db has a dramatic
change on the velocity of 0.1 m/s. By contrast, the
actual tested ILSS is a gradual rising process. This dif-
ference occurs because the micro-geometry texture of
the tape surface is approximated as a series of rectangu-
lar elements. However, the practical texture is arc elem-
ents as shown in Figure 5. With the velocity continues
to increase, the heating time and pressing time are fur-
ther shortened to cause the deterioration of the bond
Figure 11. Curve chart of tape surface temperature at differ- strength.
ent heating temperature.
Effect of heating temperature
Effect of winding velocity
According to the previous studies, the quality of com-
In the tape winding process, the winding velocity is not posite product is affected significantly by heating tem-
only related to the production efficiency but also affects perature during the molding process.27,28 In the
the quality of winding product. The velocity determines winding process, heat is transferred from hot roller to
the heating time of incoming tape through the hot prepreg tape by heat conduction. The viscosity of resin
roller. Figure 11 shows the resin temperature curves matrix is decreased due to heating, while the degree of
at the r of tape surface when tape comes into the intimate contact can be improved by appropriate vis-
molten region in the case of different heating tempera- cosity. Figure 13 shows the effect of heating tempera-
ture of hot roller. From Figure 11, the tape surface ture on bond strength in the case of different
temperature is decreasing with the increased winding consolidation force and velocity. Good agreement is
velocity. When the velocity reaches 0.6 m/s, it is difficult obtained between model predictions and experimental
to exceed 70 C even if the initial heating temperature of results. As shown in Figure 13(a), at the setting of
hot roll is 150 C. The resin matrix cannot reach the 100 C heating temperature and 0.3 m/s winding vel-
molten state below 70 C which depraved the interlami- ocity, the bond strength increases with the increasing
nar bond strength of laminates. On the other hand, the temperature. This phenomenon indicated that the
velocity affects the pressing time when tape come into favorable intimate contact and adequate penetration
the molten region. When the molten state resin of of molecular chains cannot be reached due to high vis-
incoming tape is contacts with the laminated layer, a cosity of resin. However, with respect to high consoli-
certain time of pressure must be applied to increase the dation force and low velocity as shown in Figure 13(b),
degree of intimate contact. if the temperature is too high, the resin matrix on the
588 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 36(8)

Figure 12. (a) Effect of winding velocity on bond strength with different consolidation force and temperature and (b) effect of
winding velocity on bond strength with different consolidation force and temperature.
ILSS: interlaminar shear strength.

Figure 13. (a) Effect of heating temperature on bond strength with different consolidation force and velocity and (b) effect of heating
temperature on bond strength with different consolidation force and velocity.
ILSS: interlaminar shear strength.

interface will be supplanted to cause the decrease of the insufficient temperature, the theoretical best quality
bond strength. cannot be obtained even at high pressure.
Figure 14(b) shows the effect of consolidation force
on bond strength with the temperature of 125 C and
Effect of consolidation force velocity of 0.1 m/s. The results confirm that high bond
To improve the degree of intimate contact between tape strength can be obtained at lower pressure due to the
and laminate and expel the bubble in the interface, con- increased resin temperature. However, since the fiber in
solidation force must be applied in winding process. the tape and laminate contact with each other on the
Figure 14(a) shows the effect of pressure on bond interface by the increased pressure, the degradation of
strength with the temperature of 100 C and velocity bond quality takes place at higher pressure value.
of 0.3 m/s. Once again a good agreement is obtained
between model predictions and experimental results. Coupling mechanism and process
It can be seen from the simulated results that the
bond strength improved with consolidation force
increasing due to increased intimate contact degree, According to the investigation of the effect of each pro-
and the experimental data indicate the same trend. cess parameter on bond strength, one can see that the
However, since the high winding velocity and process parameters set which make the bond strength
Yu et al. 589

Figure 14. (a) Effect of consolidation force on bond strength with different temperature and velocity and (b) effect of consolidation
force on bond strength with different temperature and velocity.
ILSS: interlaminar shear strength.

Figure 15. (a) Effect of process parameters coupling on bond degree, (b) effect of process parameters coupling on bond degree and
(c) effect of process parameters coupling on bond degree.

reach the theoretical optimum value are not unique. The process parameters such as heating temperature,
And the influence mechanism of each process param- consolidation force and winding velocity are coupled
eter on bond strength is affected by other parameters with each other to determine the bond strength of wind-
value. This phenomenon indicates that there is a cou- ing product. (1) The coupling effect between winding
pling mechanism between those process parameters. velocity and heating temperature is shown in
590 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 36(8)

Figure 15(a). The tape temperature is determined by and Z-axis represents heating temperature,
both of the roller temperature and the heating time consolidation force and winding velocity, respectively.
which controlled by winding velocity. Therefore, the The 3D region which enveloped by blue surface is the
tape temperature under the condition of high roller 3D process window. Any process parameters settings
temperature and high velocity might be the same with within this window can meet the theoretical best bond
the combination of low roller temperature and low vel- degree.
ocity, and the bond degree is also the same in the two In the practical production process, the selection of
different process settings. (2) Figure 15(b) shows the process parameters not only need to consider the qual-
coupling effect between consolidation force and heating ity of winding products, but the production efficiency
temperature. Since the high temperature will decrease and energy consumption also should be taken into
the viscosity of resin matrix, a good bond degree account. Therefore, suitable process parameters setting
between layers can be achieved by a smaller pressure can be selected using this 3D process window to control
in the case of high temperature. However, with regard the ILSS of winding products. For example, if the pro-
to the combination of high temperature and high con- duction efficiency is considered as primary goal, high
solidation force, the deterioration of bond quality will temperature and pressure should be selected. However,
appear. (3) As shown in Figure15(c), the winding vel- if the propose is to reduce the energy consumption, low
ocity also couples with consolidation force which velocity and high pressure should be adopted.
attributed to the fact that the application time of the In order to validate the reliability of 3D process
pressure is decided by the velocity as the pressing length window, two groups of process parameter settings are
is a certain value. selected randomly from inside and outside of the pro-
Based on the validation of the accuracy of the predic- cess window, respectively. The winding experiments
tion model, the 3D process window of the winding prod- should be performed, and the ILSS of the winding
uct bond degree can be obtained by simulation to optimize products is measured. The values of selected four
the process parameters. As shown in Figure 16, the X-, Y- group process parameters and the corresponding
model prediction and experimental results are shown
in Table 2. It is easy to find that the ILSS and the
bond degree of the winding specimens which product
using the process parameter settings inside the process
window is obviously better than that outside of the
window. The validation results indicate that the 3D
process window of the process parameters for tape
winding is reliable.
Also, in practical product process, the basic param-
eters of composite prepreg tape (materials, dimensions
and weaving method) are different. Hence, for different
prepreg tape, the parameters of winding process should
be adjusted to ensure product with high quality. Since a
good consistency of simulation results and experimen-
tal date is found, the simulation of winding process for
different tapes can be conducted using theoretical
model presented in this paper. Based on the process
Figure 16. Three-dimension process window of the tape simulation, favorable bond quality can be obtained by
winding process parameters. the 3D process window.

Table 2. Reliability test of 3D process window.

Temperature Pressure Velocity Predict Experimental

Sample no. Region ( C) (N) (m/s) value (%) value (MPa)

1 Inside of window 97 1342 0.12 95 67.6

2 Inside of window 134 789 0.21 95 65.8
3 Outside of window 108 395 0.24 85 57.5
4 Outside of window 87 1421 0.27 79 53.3
Yu et al. 591

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