Prelims Oblicon

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▪ Small Claims – doesn’t exceeds in 200k

▪ Motion for Reconsideration (MR) – filed with the
same court that gave the decision; appeal
• Law – rule of action or system of uniformity
▪ Katarungang Pambarangay Law – Where Kapitan is
• Civil Code – Encompasses all laws in regard to the
empowered to act as mediator.
relationship of man with contracts, people, and

✓ Rule of action can be seen in any provision of law.

• EXECUTIVE – President, Mayor; Approved Law
✓ Any provision is a rule of action.
➢ Executive Order > President
✓ The revised penal code of the Philippines is the
➢ Administrative Order > Cabinet
repository of the criminal laws in the Philippines.
✓ Taking all the articles into account form a system of
• LEGISLATIVE – Congress > craft laws; Senate
and House of Representatives
➢ Republic Acts
➢ Ordinances
➢ People’s initiative
➢ Congress upon a three-fourths vote of all
• JUDICIAL – Courts; Lawyers
its Members (Congress acting as a
➢ Publish decisions
Constituent Assembly, fondly called “Con-
➢ Jurisprudence > Decision by Supreme Court
➢ Quasi-judicial bodies/Agencies that
➢ A constitutional convention (fondly called
exercise Quasi-Judicial power.
o Example: DOLE


4) Protects Individual Rights and Liberties
➢ Must be taken an account to #2
➢ Supreme Law of the land
➢ Laws are the bedrock of individual right
➢ Every law that grafted by Legislation
➢ The action of an individual must be aligned
with what is considered proper conduct
❖ What is the purpose of Law?
o Universal Declaration of Human
➢ It is the cornerstone of mankind, peace,
order, and stability
o Primordial Right – to live
▪ RIGHTS – legal entitlements
▪ OBLIGATION – corresponding liabilities/

1) Maintains Order Stability

5) Regulates Commerce and Relationship
➢ ORDER – everything is in its proper place;
➢ Refers to contractual agreements/
promotes fairness and justice
➢ STABILITY – proceeds order; when
▪ COMMERCE – trade and business
there’s peace
▪ RELATIONSHIP – relation
between one person to another
❖ JUSTICE is the fair and proper application and
▪ CONTRACTS – provides the
administration of Laws; and the recognition and
structure for every business
enforcement of Laws by our courts
o UNILATERAL – 1 person
o BILATERAL – both
❖ SUCCESSION – if the person dies it will be
collected in estate and tabulated by accountants
and have to pay taxes and debts before it can be
passed to heirs.
o Sources:
▪ Constitution
2) Establishes Standards ▪ Legislation
➢ Minimally accepted behavior in a society ▪ Executive Orde; Administrative
➢ Without standard, people won’t be Order
presentable and there will be crime ▪ Jurisprudence
➢ Laws can change ▪ Custom
➢ If there are no standard, we settle for o Applicable to:
less. ▪ All Filipino Citizen
▪ Foreign Visitors
3) Resolves Disputes ▪ Resident Aliens
➢ Disputes are unavoidable o Sanction:
➢ Philippine Justice System ▪ Rine and/or punishments for
crimes; indemnification
➢ LOWER COURTS – deals with trivials/small o Source:
claims ▪ Faith/Divine being/ GOD
➢ REGULAR COURTS – criminal and civil cases o Sanction:
(RTC) ▪ Punishment in the afterlife
➢ SPECIAL COURTS – special anti-graft courts
➢ COURT OF APPEALS – middle court
➢ SUPREME COURT – Jurisprudence; highest
o Source: ➢ Rule of Conduct, dictates actions just,
▪ Man’s inner goodness obligatory, promulgated by legitimate
o Sanction: authority and of common observance and
▪ Man’s guilty conscience benefit

• MORAL LAW ❖ LAW is a source of OBLIGATION, because of

o Source: the law itself
▪ Collective standard of the o Examples of Law:
community ▪ Payment of Taxes – BIR
o Sanction: • Source: NIRC (National
▪ Public cancellation/ condemnation Internal Revenue Code)
▪ Violation of Crimes – Law
• PHYSICAL LAW: Enforcement and Courts
o Source: • Source: Revised Penal
▪ Nature and science – deals with Code
how things are made ▪ Payment of Child Support –
o Sanction: Family Court
▪ None • Source: Civil Code of the
Philippines particularly
OBLIGATION (Makati Stock Exchange Inc. V. Family Code of the PH.
Campos, GR. No. 138814, April 16, 2009)
➢ An obligation is a juridical relation whereby CIVIL ACTION
a person (called the creditor) may demand ➢ One where a party sues another for the
from another (called the debtor) of the enforcement or protection of a right or
OBSERVANCE OF A DETERMINATIVE prevention or redress of a wrong.
CONDUCT and in case of breach may
demand satisfaction from the assets of the ▪ REDRESS – another word for remedy –
latter giving solution
▪ PREVENTION – avoiding wrong doing
▪ CREDITOR – person who possess rights ▪ PLAINTIFF – person who sues/ party
▪ DEBTOR – person who posses duty to fulfill suing
creditor’s need ▪ DEFENDANT – person/party who had
been sued
✓ Juridical – from latin word “Jurice” means law
✓ Necessity – mandatory/requirement CAUSE OF ACTION – basis of civil action
✓ Juridical Necessity – Lawful legal requirement ➢ Act/omission by which a party violates
the rights of the others
• DETERMINATIVE CONDUCT o ACT – take action; do something
➢ Prestations o OMMISSION – not ding; failed to
o To Give do the mission
o To Do
o Not To Do ▪ CONTRACTS – Promissory Note: has the
▪ Consists of delivery of instrument of transfer and enforcement of
movable (not land) or law
immovable (land) ▪ OBLIGATIONS – require no form
▪ To create real Right
• Use of the ARTICLE 2142 – QUASI-CONTRACT
• To return to its • Negotiorum Gestio – management of
Owner business
o Negotiorum Gestor
4 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS of an OBLIGATION ▪ Person who manages the
(J-A-P-O) transaction
▪ Always have claim for
➢ Juridical Tie/Legal Tie/Vinculumjuries reimbursements
➢ Active Subject – Creditor/Obligee o Dominos Negotii
➢ Passive Subject – Debtor/Obligor ▪ Whose business is being
➢ Object or Prestation managed

▪ Form of Obligations: Oral/Writing • Solution Indebiti – unduly delivered

▪ The nature of obligation is always Civil in nature through mistake
▪ Positive Law -> State Law
• Civil Obligation ➢ Every person criminally liable shall also be
o Stems from Civil/State Law civilly liable (monetary/payment)
o Have consent/agreement from both parties ➢ When you are criminally liable for felony,
you are civilly liable
• Natural Obligations
o No formality/agreement
o RESTITUTION ARTICLE 1157. Obligations arise from:
▪ Returning to the rightful owner i. Law;
his/her property ii. Contracts;
▪ Court determines the amount of iii. Quasi-Contracts;
restitution iv. Acts or Omissions punished by
Law; and
o REPARATION v. Quasi-Delicts
▪ Reparation of damages; not
returning anything 1. LAW – when they are imposed by law itself\
▪ Court determines the amount of
reparation (price of the missing 2. CONTRACTS – when they arise from the stipulation
thing; court will determine the of the parties
sentimental value
3. QUASI-CONTRACTS – when they arise from
o INDEMNIFICATION FOR lawful, voluntary, and unilateral acts which are
CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES enforceable to the end that no one shall be unjustly
▪ When party is included in claim enriched or benefited at the expense of another;
▪ For the unwilling victims may be considered as arising from law.


BY LAW – when they arise from civil liability which
is the consequence of a criminal offense
(Arts. 1156-1304, Civil Code) 5. QUASI-DELICTS or TORTS – when they arise
from damage caused to another through an act or
ARTICLE 1156. An Obligation is a juridical necessity to omission, there being fault or negligence, but no
give, to do, or not to do contractual relation exists between the parties

▪ Meaning of Obligation ARTICLE 1158. Obligations derived from law are not
o Derived from Latin word “obligatio” means presumed. Only those expressly determined in this Code
tying or binding or in special laws are demandable, and shall be regulated
o It is a tie or bond recognized by law by by the precepts of the law which establishes them; and
virtue of which one is bound in favor of as to what has not been foreseen, by the provisions of
another to render something – and this may this Book. (1090)
consist of giving a thing, doing a certain act,
or not doing a certain act. ❖ Legal Obligations (Article 1168) or Obligations
arising from law. They are not presumed because
▪ Essential Requisites of an Obligation they are considered a burden upon the obligor. They
o Juridical Tie/Legal Tie/Vinculumjuries are the exception, not the rule.
▪ Also called efficient cause ❖ Special Laws are all other laws not contained in the
▪ Which binds/connects the parties Civil Code.
to the obligation
o Active Subject ARTICLE 1159. Obligations arising from contracts have
▪ Creditor/Obligee the force of law between the contracting parties and
▪ Person who is entitled to demand should be compiled with in good faith. (1091a)
the fulfillment of the obligation
▪ Who has a right ❖ Contractual Obligations
o Passive Subject ➢ It presupposes that the contracts entered
▪ Debtor/Obligor into are valid and enforceable ; presumption
▪ Person who is bound to the is valid and enforceable
fulfillment of the obligation
▪ Who has a duty ❖ Contract under the New Civil Code
o Object or Prestation ➢ A contract is a meeting of minds between
▪ The conduct required to be two (2) or more persons whereby one binds
observed by the debtor himself, with respect to the other, to give
something, or to render some service (Art.
▪ Obligation, Right, and Wrong distinguished 1305)
o Obligation
▪ Ac or performance which the law ❖ Compliance in Good Faith
will enforce ➢ Compliance/performance in accordance
o Right with the stipulations or terms of the
▪ Power which a person has under contract/agreement
the law, to demand from another ➢ Sincerity and Honest Intention must be
any prestation observed in Compliance in Good Faith.
o Wrong (cause of action)
▪ An act or omission of one party in ✓ In case of breach there is:
violation of the legal right or o Entitlement of compensation
rights of another law o Enforcement of the contract
▪ In law, the term “injury” is also
used to refer the wrongful
violation of the legal right of
ARTICLE 1160. Obligations derived from quasi-contracts ❖ Duties of Debtor in Obligation to give a
shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 1, Title XVII Determinate Thing
of this Book.
1) Preserve or take care of the thing
❖ QUASI-CONTRACT ➢ The obligor has the incidental
➢ It is not properly, a contract at all; There’s duty to take care of the things
no consent but the same is supplied by due with the diligence of a good
fiction of law. In other words, the law father of a family pending
considers the parties as having entered delivery
into a contract to prevent injustice or the
unjust enrichment of a person at the a) Diligence of a Good Father of a
expense of another. Family
b) Extraordinary Diligence – highest
ARTICLE 1161. Civil Obligations arising from criminal level of diligence usually in
offenses shall be governed by the penal laws, subject to transportation
the provisions of Article 2177, and of the pertinent c) Specific Standard of Care – when
provisions of Chapter 2, Preliminary Title, on Human debtor and creditor come to an
Relations, and of Title XVIII of this Book, regulating agreement on both must be done.
damages. (1092a)
2) Deliver the Fruit of the Thing
✓ This article deals with civil liability for damages 3) Deliver the Accession and Accessories
arising from crimes or delicts (Art 1157 [4]) 4) Deliver the Thing itself
5) Answer for damages in case of non-
1. Civil Liability in Addition to Criminal Liability fulfillment or breach
➢ Commission of a crime causes not only oral
evil but also material damage; person ❖ Duties of Debtor in Obligation to Deliver a
criminally liable for an act or omission is Generic Thing
also civilly liable for damages suffered by
the aggrieved party. 1) To deliver a thing which is of the quality
intended by the parties taking into
2. Criminal Liability without Civil Liability consideration the purpose of the
➢ Crimes cause no material damage; there’s obligation and other circumstances.
no civil liability to be enforced.
2) To be liable for damages in case of fraud,
3. Civil Liability without Criminal Liability negligence, or delay, in the performance of
➢ Person not criminally responsible may still his obligation, or contravention of the
be liable civilly (failure to pay a contractual tenor thereof.

ARTICLE 1162. Obligations derived from quasi-delicts

shall be governed by the provisions of Chapter 2, Title
XVII of this Book, and by special laws. (1093a)


➢ Arise from damage caused to another
through an act or omission, there being
fault or negligence, but no contractual
relation exists.

ARTICLE 1163. Every person obliged to give something

is also obliged to take care of it with the proper
diligence of a good father of a family, unless the law or
the stipulation of the parties requires another standard
of care. (1094a)


➢ Has ownership; can be differentiate by
➢ Particularly designated or physically
segregated from others of the same class,
identified by individuality


➢ Refers only to a class or genus to which it
pertains and can’t be pointed out with
➢ Identified only by its specie.

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