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0 Calendar Activities for Academic Year 2022-23

Semester -1 (Sept. - Feb.)

Quarter 1 (1st Sept. - 30th Nov.)
Mode of
Sr. No Activity Thrust Area
Workshop on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” as Career
1 Offline/Online
2 My Story - Motivational Session by Successful Innovators Offline/Online
My Story - Motivational Session by Successful
3 Offline/Online
Entrepreneur/Start-up founder
4 Session on Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop Offline/Online
5 Exposure and field visit for problem identification Offline Motivation and
Organise an Inter/Intra Institutional Idea Ideation
6 Competition/Challenge/Hackathon and Reward Best Ideas - Offline
Manage through YUKTI-NIR
Mentoring Event: Demo Day/Exhibition/Poster Presentation
of Ideas/PoC & linkage with Innovation
7 Offline/Online
Ambassadors/Experts for Mentorship Support - Manage
through YUKTI-NIR

Quarter 2 (1st Dec. - 28th Feb )

Workshop on Design Thinking, Critical thinking and
1 Offline/Online
Innovation Design
Organising Innovation & Entrepreneurship Outreach
2 Offline
Program in Schools/Community
Organise an Expert talk on Process of Innovation
3 Development, Technology Readiness Level (TRL); Online/Offline
Commercialisation of Lab Technologies & Tech-Transfer
Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour
4 Online/Offline
Conduct a Session on Achieving Problem-Solution Fit and Validation and
5 Online/Offline
Product-Market Fit Concept
Field/Exposure Visit to Pre-incubation units such as Ideas Development
6 Lab, Fab lab, Makers Space, Design Centres, City MSME Offline
clusters, workshops etc.
Organise an Inter/Intra Institutional Innovation
7 Competition/Challenge/Hackathon and Reward Best Offline
Innovations - Manage through YUKTI-NIR
Mentoring Event: Demo Day/Exhibition/Poster Presentation
of Innovations/Prototypes & linkage with Innovation
8 Offline/Online
Ambassadors/Experts for Mentorship Support - Manage
through YUKTI-NIR
IIC5.0 Calendar Activities for Academic Year 2022-23

Semester II (Mar. - Aug.)

Quarter 3 (1st Mar. - 31st May)
1 Workshop on Prototype/Process Design and Development. Offline/Online
2 Session/ Workshop on Business Model Canvas (BMC) Offline/Online
Field/Exposure Visit to Incubation Unit/Patent Facilitation
3 Centre/Technology Transfer Centre such as Atal Incubation Offline
Centre etc.
Session on “How to plan for Start-up and legal & Ethical Prototype, Design,
4 Offline/Online
Steps” Process
Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and IP Development for
5 Offline/Online
management for start up Business Model/
Organise an Inter/Intra Institutional Business Plan Process/ Services
6 Competition and Reward Best Innovations - Manage through Offline
Mentoring Event: Demo Day/Exhibition/Poster Presentation
of Business Plans & linkage with Innovation
7 Offline/Online
Ambassadors/Experts for Mentorship Support - Manage
through YUKTI-NIR

Quarter 4 (1st Jun. - 31st Aug.)

Session on Innovation/Prototype Validation – Converting
1 Innovation into a Start-up or Session on Achieving “Value Offline/Online
Proposition Fit” & “Business Fit”
Session on Accelerators/Incubation - Opportunities for
2 Offline/Online
Students & Faculties - Early Stage Entrepreneurs
Organise Session on “Lean Start-up & Minimum Viable
3 Offline/Online
Product/Business”- Boot Camp (or) Mentoring Session
Session on Angel Investment/VC Funding Opportunity for Awareness about
4 Offline/Online Startup and related
Early Stage Entrepreneurs.
Ecosystem Support
Session/ Panel discussion with innovation and Start-up
5 Offline/Online Services for Startup
Ecosystem Enablers from the region/state/national level
Organising Innovation & Entrepreneurship Outreach
6 Offline
Program in Schools/Community
Organise an Inter/Intra Institutional Start-up Competition
6 Offline
and Reward Best Start-ups - Manage through YUKTI-NIR
Mentoring Event: Demo Day/Exhibition/Poster Presentation
7 of Start-Ups & Linkage with Innovation Ambassadors/Experts Offline/Online
for Mentorship Support - Manage through YUKTI-NIR
IIC Implementation Team Contact Details

Program In-charge
Mr. Dipan Sahu
Assistant Innovation Director;
011 2958 1226
S. No. Zone Co-ordinator Name Email Phone
1. Southern/ SRO Ms. Selvarani 011 2958 1513

2. Northern/ NRO Mr. Ankush Sharma 011 2958 1223

3. Mr. Ankush Sharma 011 2958 1223
South-Western/ Mr. Abhishek Ranjan
4. 011 2958 1517
SWRO Kumar
Mr. Abhishek Ranjan
5. Central/ CRO 011 2958 1517

6. Western/ WRO Mr. Surendar R 011 2958 1235

7. Eastern/ ERO Mr. Udyan Maurya 011 2958 1240

8. Mr. Shubham Agrawal 011 2958 1326

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