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‘How would I design My non-profit organization and it's activities .

Submitted to:
Md. Moynul Hasan
Assocate professor

Dept. of Marketing

Comilla University.

Submitted by:

Md. Kamruzzaman Shajib

9th batch (MBA)

Id: 11507021
Dept. of Marketing
Comilla University.

Date of Submission: 26-11-2020

What is the definition of nonprofit organizations?

Non-profits are created for many different purposes such as: cultural, economic, politic,religious,
made to them are tax deductible, as long as they are properlyregistered.
Normally, not for profits have both paid staff and people that volunteer for the cause of the
organization. Even though they are not designed to profit from their activities they are financially
activeandcangrowtobebiginstitutions,asinthecaseofuniversities,hospitals,churchesoreven political
parties. The funds to start a not-for-profitorganization.

What is the definition of nonprofit Advertising: Nonprofit marketing involves the

creation of logos, slogans, and copy, as well as the development of a media campaign to expose
the organization to an outside audience. The goal of nonprofit marketing is to promote the
organization's ideals and causes to get the attention of potential volunteers and donors.
Nonprofit Advertising: A Guide to Different Approaches and Examples
If you’re working passionately for a cause, you know how heartbreaking it can feel to realize that
you don’t always have the budget to make your nonprofit seen by the world.

Billions of dollars are spent every year to design larger-than-life billboards and gorgeous
afford. Plus, advertising a cause is a different ballgame than advertising a product or service,
because the exchange between donor and nonprofit isn’t tangible. But don’t worry: we’ve found
some examples of nonprofit advertising to inspire you without breaking thebank.
Types of nonprofit organizations:

1.Legal structures for community groups and not-for-profitorganisations


3.Charitable Incorporated Organization(CIO).

4.Company limited by guarantee. Charitable company. Community Interest Company


5.Community BenefitSociety.


My dreaming Non-Profit organization:

For My Study purpose, I want to develop social organization where improvised people can
take the treatment without paying anything.I born and brought up in village, so I can easily
understand the drawback of rural people. They do not get proper treatment because of their
limitation. They are struggling a lots in this Covid-19. For that reason, I want to serve them.
So I want to develop a Covid Mobile treatment center which name is “Rural Mobile Covid

Rural Mobile Covid treatment center:

“Rural Mobile Covid treatment center” is a non-profit organization which primary task is to
serve people who are helpless in this pandemic situation. . The project’s objectives consist
of helping poor people by giving free treatment. This is a pandemic situation. So poor
people are going poor day by day. People are make jobless day by day. They have no extra
income andmoney for the purpose of take better treatment. For that reason, I want to
develop this organization where improvised people can get treatment for free.

Features of the organization:

Main Aim isService:

The basic aim of non-profit organizations is to serve the society. They are working for the
benefit of the society as a whole.

Profit is not theCriterion:

Non-profit organizations are formed for some idealistic purposes such as religious,
charitable or providing education etc. Earning of profits can never be their aim.

Surplus not distributed among itsMembers:

Though earning profit is not the criterion for non-profit organizations, yet there may be
excess of income over expenditure or excess of expenditure over income. The former is
known as ‘surplus’ and latte risk nown as‘deficit’.Unlike other business, surplus ordeficit of
non-profit organizations is not distributed among its members. They are adjusted in the
capital fund of suchorganizations.

Separate Entity:
The separate entity concept is equally applicable to non-profit organizations. Such
organizations are treated as a separate entity distinct from its members.

Unique Names Connoting their Working:

The names of non-profit organizations denote the nature and style of their functioning. For
example: Rural Mobile Covid treatmentcenter”

Management by ElectedPersons:
These organizations are run and managed by elected members.

Major Funds from Contributions and Donationsetc.:

Usually, non-profit organizations are not self-sufficient to run their activities with the
revenue generated from their own sources .

Objectives of Accounting for Not-For-Profit Organization:

The Main purpose of my organization is to serve people. Beside we have some Following
objectives for accounting in not-for-profit organizations:

To evaluate the performance of organizations in terms of achieving their goals for which
they werecreated.

To judge whether those organizations are appropriating the funds with three E’s viz.
economically, effectively andefficiently.

To examine the compliance of rules, regulations, bye-laws in theorganizations.

For obtaining grants from government departments.

To submit annual accounts to the Registrar with whom they areregistered.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Rural Mobile Covid treatment center:

Every Organization has some advantages and disadvantages. Nonprofit organizations have
many purposes and functions in society and they serve the needs and interests of millions of
people in the United States and abroad.
,nonprofits aren’t without their disadvantages, stemming from funding issues to social
pressure. Despite the challenges, nonprofits survive through generous donations of money
and in-kind donations from benefactors and supporters. My Organization has also some
following advantages and disadvantages:

Advantage: Employee Commitment

Many employees who work for nonprofits have a personal interest in and commitment to
the organization’scause.
awomanncer may look for a career opportunity with the nonprofit Rural Mobile Covid
treatment center.. There is an advantage to employing workers who believe in the
nonprofit’s mission,values and
philosophy.Inaddition,employeeswithapersonalinterestmayhaveabetterunderstandingof the
structure and processes of a nonprofitorganization.
Disadvantage: Limited Funding

Fund development and fund-raising can be a nonprofit organization's greatest challenge,

particularly during an economic downturn and when unemployment rates are high. In fact,
some nonprofits are forced to discontinue services to populations in need when the
nonprofit it self lacks funding. Hiring the services of a grant writer can be costly and turn
the fund development hurdle into an essentialgamble.
Advantage: Intrinsic Rewards

The services that nonprofit organizations provide benefit communities and segments of the
population that are often overlooked or underserved, such as homeless children. Nonprofits
and their employees reap intrinsic rewards from the satisfaction of helping clients and
community members who are not in a position to fend for themselves. This is a distinct
advantage for nonprofits and the people associated with nonprofit organizations.
Disadvantage: Social Pressure

Potential backlash and social fracas plague some nonprofit organizations whose missions
are considered extreme, whether they are based on fundamentalist beliefs or
progressiveattitudes. For example, religious-focused nonprofits whose actions incite an
emotional response to the privacy of fallen soldiers and their families receive social
pressure to cease activities. Progressive organizations whose goal is to enlighten
communities and expand the concept of diversity through redefining family structure also
encounter protests and opposition to their causes andphilosophy.

Advantage: Financial Benefits

Whendonationstoanorganization are tax-deductible, donors have an incentive to contribute.

Nonprofit organizations may be given favorable terms and discounts by landlords, service
providers and retailcompanies.

Disadvantage: Public Scrutiny

The financial statements of nonprofit organizations are subject to public scrutiny. This
means that the organization must make its financial statements available to the general
public: While this type of accountability can have its
benefits,insomecases,resultinunflattering press coverage, particularly if the organization is
experiencing financial or administrative challenges. Many nonprofits opt to periodically
hire a third-party organization to audit the nonprofit's books and operations to ensure
compliance with tax codes and industry best practices.

Advantage: Protection from Personal Liability

Incorporation as a nonprofit can protect an organization's founders, officers and workers

from personal liability for the organization's debts, including fines and lawsuits. This
protection is particularly important for charitable organizations that work directly with the

What Is a Value Chain?

A value chain is a business model that describes the full range of activities needed to create
a product or service. For companies that produce goods, a value chain comprises the steps
that involve bringing a product from conception to distribution, and everything in between
—such as procuring raw materials, manufacturing functions, and marketing activities.
step of its business. The purpose of a value-chain analysis is to increase production
efficiency so that a company can deliver maximum value for the least possiblecost.
for patients. Having worked with traditional for-profit businesses as well as non-profits
with mission-based initiatives, I have found that non-profits have less direct measurement
of their impact, and often need to put a greater emphasis on strategicplanning.

For a traditional for-profit business, measuring success for the entire organization is easy:
make a
that the entire organization can understand and work from (though, the strategic planning
process is also a great way for for-profit organizations to develop their culture,
accountability and productivity.

The Value Chain of NON Profit organization is showing below:

The Value Chain activities are following by two ways. One is Primary activities and
another one is supportive activities.

Primary activities: It must be needed for carrying out any type of organization. It is consist
of some following categories:

Supportive activities: it ensure the help of organization operation. It is consist of some

following categories:

5 Unique Nonprofit Advertising Approaches You Can Explore:

1. Go Social:

While your nonprofit marketing strategy likely involves having a presence on social media, it isn’t often
effective unless you have an enormous amount of followers who are constantly sharing your content.
Instead, putting a little money to the side with the intent of investing it in social media advertisements
can boost awareness of your cause. How? Platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook all
have incredibly detailed options when it comes to targeting the audience you want seeing your content.
2. Just GoogleIt:

Google for Nonprofits is a free resource hub for qualified nonprofit organizations to enable
communication, fundraising, network, and advertise more effectively. One of the most popular offerings
that this program provides is Google Ad Grants. Google Ad Grants allow nonprofits to compete for paid
search terms without the cost.

3. Share It withFriends:

The world’s most popular social media platform has made it easy for nonprofit organizations to create
onlinefundraisers.IfyournonprofithasapresenceonFacebook,itmightbetimetolookintofundraising right on
the site. Some of the ways Facebook supports raising money for nonprofits are via the ability of
nonprofits with the opportunity to include a “Donate Now” call-to-action button on their page as well as
their posts.

4. Send That Email:

marketing,thelatterisoftenmoretruethantheformerintermsofwhatneedstobeinvestedinorderto be
effective. Email marketing software can help marketers, for and nonprofit, send messages to a group of
individuals and track their effectiveness. While some software options do require monetary investment,
creativity and craft can make up for what’s lost, byfar.

5. Share the Love:

When for-profit companies try to create viral content on purpose, it doesn’t always go well. Jokes can
flop, messages can get muddled. But with nonprofits, you have a real story to share. It’s not built around
a product or a service. It’s happening in real life, sometimes in your audiences' backyard. Because these
stories are so real, they’re often relatable. And because they’re relatable, they’re sharable.

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