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Lesson 1-Quarter 3: Endocrine System

Biology-originated from the Greek words bios (“life”)

and logos (“study)

Functions of Endocrine System

Controls the body processes that happen slowly such as
cell growth

Endocrine System -is composed of glands

a. Anterior Lobe- secretes trophic hormones
Gland-is an organ capable of secreting hormones
Trophic Hormones Function
Hormones-are chemical substances secreted by 1. Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone Stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete
endocrine glands
(ACTH) glucocorticoid hormone
Glands: 2. Somatotrophic Hormone (Growth Stimulates metabolism and the bones and
Hormone) the muscles to grow
3. Thyrotrophic Stimulating Hormone Stimulates the thyroid to secrete hormones
4. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Stimulates the secretion of estrogen in
female and the development of egg cell and
sperm cell
5. Leutinizing Hormone (LH) Stimulates the secretion of progesterone in
female and testosterone in male
6. Luteotrophic Hormone (LtH) or Stimulates the breast to secrete milk

Conditions Causes by the Hypo and Hyper Secretion of

1. Hypothalamus 6. Thymus Growth Hormone:
2. Pituitary Gland 7. Adrenal Glands Gigantism-is caused by the hyper or excessive
3. Pineal Gland 8. Pancreas secretions of growth hormone
4. Thyroid Gland 9. Ovary
5. Parathyroid 10. Testis Acromegaly-is a condition wherein the nose, jaw,
hands, and feet grow out of proportion
1. Hypothalamus:
-secretes two kinds Dwarfism-is caused by hypo or low secretion of growth
of hormones: hormone
1. Releasing
Hormone (RH)- b. Posterior Lobe
stimulates the Hormones Function
pituitary gland to
secrete hormone 1. Anti-diuretic Hormone (ADH) or Promotes the retention of water by the kidneys
2. Inhibiting
Hormone (IH)- stop
the pituitary gland
to stop in secreting 2. Oxytocin Stimulates the contraction of uterus durong
childbirth and the mammary gland to release milk
2. Pituitary Gland:
-has a size of about a pea 3. Pineal Gland:
-referred to as the ”master gland”* -has a size of about a pea located at the base of a
-has 2 parts: human brain
a. Anterior Lobe
b. Posterior Lobe
-secretes melatonin that functions in maintaining out 7. Adrenal Glands-
body’s rhythm and it promotes sleep -are the paired glands
above the kidneys
-consist of 2 parts:
a. adrenal cortex
b. adrenal medulla

a. Adrenal Cortex- is the outer layer and secretes


4. Thyroid Gland:
Corticosteroids Function
-is an H-shaped gland located in the neck on both sides
of the trachea
1. Glucocorticoids increase blood gluccose and aid the body in
-secretes thyroxin coping with stressful conditions
Conditions Causes by the Hypo and Hyper Secretion of 2. Mineralocorticoids Regulate the absorption of sodium ions and the
a. Hyperthyroidism- is due to over secretion of thyroxin secretion of potassium ions in the kidneys
-effects: irritability, weight loss, high blood pressure,
and exophthalmic goiter
b. Adrenal Medulla- is the inner layer and is referred to
as the “gland of combat”*
Exophthalmic Goiter
-aka Graves’ disease Hormones Function
characterized by the
enlargement of the thyroid 1. Adrenaline (Epinephrine) The emergency hormone that hastens metabolic
gland and suffering from
exophthalmos activities of the body
b. Hypothyroidism- is due to under secretion of 2. Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) Similar to adrenaline function and supplements
-effects: endemic goiter and cretinism
the action of the nervous system
8. Pancreas-consists of Islets of Langerhans (tissues of
pancreas) which is made up of 2 kinds of cells:
a. alpha cells b. beta cells

Endemic Goiter-is an iodine-deficiency disease

characterized by thyroid enlargement that occurs in
more than 10% of a population

Cretin- is a severe deficiency of thyroid hormone which

leads to stunted growth and mental retardation

4. Thyroid Gland-also secretes calcitonin causes storage

of calcium in the bones
a. alpha cells -secretes glucagon which increases the
5. Parathyroid Gland-are the four, small, and reddish level of glucose in the blood by changing the glycogen
glands that are found on the posterior lobes of the to glucose
thyroid gland
-secretes parathormone a. beta cells -secretes insulin which lowers blood
glucose by changing it to glycogen
6. Thymus-located at the middle part of the chest
-plays an important role in the immune system by 9. Gonads
secreting thymosin a. Ovaries-female gonads which secrete estrogen
-thymosin aids in the development of T cells and progesterone

estrogen- develops and maintains the

development of the secondary sex characteristics
and the development of the uterine linings
progesterone- doubles the effect of estrogen in
developing the uterine linings during pregnancy

b. Testes-male gonads which secrete testosterone

testosterone- function in sperm production; and in

the development and maintenance of the
secondary sex characteristics

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