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Major Sections

Reports need a descriptive title that gives readers an idea of what the report is about.
An Attributional Explanation for the Effect of of Audience Laughter on Perceived Funniness
(Lawson, Downing & Cetola, 1998).

Abstract is the summary of the report.
- typically ranges from 150-250 words.
- written in past tense
- should be a concise synopsis of the experiment
- should include important characteristics of the subjects used.

-focus should be the experiment's hypothesis.
-usually begis with a description of the general topic area your research falls under


-description of materials and procedures used during experimental sessions.

A. Participants
-explains the important characteristics of your sample.
-No. of participants and relevant characteristics like age, sex, weight etc.)

B. Measures
-description of measures used for data collection
ex: questionaires, behavioral observations and interviews)

C. Manipulations
-describe the content of treatments or interventions utilized in each condition of the experiment
- description of all the procedures followed in your experiment.

D. Design
-if your experimental design is not easily understood by reading the procedures, consider the
option of including a subsection called Design.

-should tell readers what statisticsl procedures you used and what you found
-description of the statistical tests used to evaluate the data along with the obtained values of test

-To evaluate your experiment and interpret the results.

-any articles or books mentioned in the report should be listed in your references section at the

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