Madhavi Java Full Stack CV

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Madhavi Email: madhavim0224@gmail.

Full Stack Java Developer Phone No: (470)-502-3346
Professional Summary:
Java developer around 7 years of experience in Design, development, and testing of web application and
integration projects using Object Oriented technologies such as Core Java, J2EE, Struts, JSP, JDBC, Spring
Framework, Hibernate, Java Beans, Web Services REST / SOAP, XML, JSON, and Ant.
 Experience in Agile programming improvement process, Test driven headway and scrum methods.
 Extraordinary data in Angular 1/4/9 commands to make reusable parts and attributes, close by easy
to test and stay aware of client-side instinct in web applications.
 Experience in using JavaScript and Typescript with libraries, for instance, Angular, React JS,
GraphQL, Bootstrap.
 Hands on experience using HTML5, CSS, JSP with revolve around Cross-program/Cross-stage
 Experienced in working with Spring JDBC Templates, JMS Templates, Spring Rest Templates.
 Arranged and completed Microservices based plans using Spring Boot/Microservices.
 Proficient in using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Wide experience focusing in on organizations like
Elastic Beanstalk, CloudWatch, CloudFront, CloudFormation, IAM, S3, RDS, ElastiCache, SNS, SQS,
AMI and Lambda. Selecting the appropriate AWS organization considering register, data, or security
 Experience in data base illustrating, plan and improvement of PL/SQL set aside techniques, packs in
friendly informational collections: Oracle 10g/11g, SQL Server 2005/2008, DB2, PostgreSQL and
 Experience in implementation of JMS to exchange information over reliable channels using Kafka,
 Experience with microservices using Docker Linux containers, Kubernetes, OpenShift.
 Integrate the webservices using Apache Camel routing and spring.
 Experience with Java 8 Lambda, Streams, Pipelines, Filters, Optional and Executor Service features
 Strong inclusion with Spring Framework modules like Spring MVC, IOC, AOP, JDBC, JTA, ORM,
Spring Boot, Spring Microservices, Spring REST, Spring Eureka, Spring Ribbon, SpringZuul Proxy.
 Experience in making JAVA API's close by DevOps including AWS connected with CI/CD contraptions,
for instance, Jenkins. Experience in mix of Amazon Web Services with other application
 Hands on Experience with in – depth level of understanding in the strategy and practical
implementation of AWS Cloud.- specific technologies like Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2), Simple
Storage Services (S3), Cloud Formation.
 CI/CD pipeline management through Jenkins. Automation of manual tasks using shell scripting.
 Hands on Experience in AWS Cloud in various AWS services such as Redshift, Cluster, Route53
domain configuration.
 Experience with designing and configuring secure Virtual private cloud(VPC) through private and
public networks in AWS and create various subnets, routing table, Internet gateway for servers.
 Made focus modules in gigantic cross-stage applications using Node JS, JAVA, J2EE,Spring Boot,
Struts, JSF, iBATIS, Hibernate, JSP, Servlets, EJB, JDBC, Web Services (SOAP, REST), Micro Services.
 Experience with Docker holders, using Linux Containers and AMI's to make Docker
 Inclination with work of Spring Kafka and Zookeeper isolated from JMS as illuminating organization.
 Incredible Working Experience in Apache Frameworks like Apache CXF, Apache Camel, and Apache
 Experience in making the Devops pipelines using OpenShift and Kubernetes for the Microservices
 Experienced in performing unit testing using JUnit, Test NG, Mockito, joining and sending of usages
using gadgets like ANT, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins and examining through and Splunk.
 Ability on UI testing with Karma, Jasmine.
 Experience in planning and sending applications on Tomcat 10.x/9.x/8. x.,GlassFish, WebSphere.
 Experienced in making UNIX shell scripts for group taking care of.
 Experience with NoSQL DB's like MongoDB, Cassandra and Couchbase
 Incredible Experience in programming arrangement the leaders using CVS, GIT and SVN.
 Experience using secure affirmation instruments like LDAP, SASL and Kerberos v4.
 Splendid correspondence, social and legitimate capacities, helpful individual with free working limit.

Technical Skills:

Languages Python,Java 1.8, J2EE, UNIX Shell Scripting, Groovy

Web Technologies HTML5, XML, CSS3/4, Bootstrap, JSF, JavaScript, SERVLETS 3.1, JSP 3.0,
JavaBeans 3.0, Java Servlets API 3.0, AJAX
Frameworks Spring MVC, Spring Core, Struts, Spring AOP, Spring Batch, Log4j, Spring Boot,
Spring Security, Spring Rest, Microservices, Angular 8/9, React JS, Node JS.
Application/Web Apache Tomcat 8/9, IBM WebSphere, Jetty, JBoss, Tomcat, Glassfish, WildFly

Relational Databases Oracle 10g/11g, SQL server 2012/2014/2016, MySQL 5.7, DB2 11.1

NoSQL Databases MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB

Cloud Environments Azure, AWS, GCP.


AWS Skills EC2, Simply Storage Service, Cloud Front, Relational DataBase, Virtual Private
Cloud, Route 53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trial, Identity and Access Management,
Simple Notification Service, AWS EMR, AWS CLI.
Operating systems Windows, MS-DOS, UNIX, Mac OS, Linux and Ubuntu

Testing Tools Junit, Win Runner, JMeter, Jenkins, Selenium WebDriver/Grid, JIRA 7.0., Bugzilla,
Jasper Reports 6.0
Version Control Tools GIT, SVN, CVS.
Methodologies Agile/scrum, Waterfall and TDD.
Build Tools Ant, Maven, Gradle

Professional Experience:
Client: Panasonic Automotive Systems Company, Peachtree City, GA )
Duration: Feb22 - Present
Role: Senior Full stack Java Developer
 Attracted with different seasons of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application.
 Followed Agile strategy and went to regular and numerous weeks SCRUM social events to
strengthen working.
 Made Application to access JSON and XML from Restful web association from buyer side utilizing
 Utilized most of the new elements of Java 8 like lambda clarifications for passing on between
business layer and enlightening record, stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections utilizing
the two streams and identical streams.
 Organized and made Microservices utilizing REST system and Spring Boot and defended API's with
 Made REST web associations utilizing Spring MVC to segregate client-related information from the
instructive list and involved SOAPUI for testing these RESTFUL API web associations.
 Involved IntelliJ as progress instrument, Tomcat as an application server, Git and SVN were utilized
for variety controlling.
 Experience working with IBM MQ (formerly known as MQ Series) using Java and JMS API.
 Involved in using ReactJS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
 Exposing and consuming the services to the downstream applications using Apache CXF and Apache
Camel and achieved integration between applications using Apache Camel.
 Made RESTFUL API's including spring boot for correspondence to the outer applications.
 Experienced in Client-Server and N-level web applications improvement, affiliation, and upkeep
utilizing Java, J2EE, SpringBatch, and Hibernate.
 Executed Spring Eureka for association revelation, Spring boot Zuul arbiter server for dynamic deals
coordinating, and Netflix Ribbon for load evolving.
 Implemented request and response object using using SOAP web services and created routes using
Apache Camel.
 Made Microservices with Spring Eureka to recover API courses for the whole pack. Remembering
this strategy each spring association for a social occasion can be load changed and uncovered
through one API entryway.
 Familiarity with IBM MQ features such as message grouping, transactional messaging, and message
 Used ReactJS to create custom components for data manipulations and to display data in company
standard format.
 Worked with Micro associations plans - Circuit Breaker/Hystrix, aggregator, go-between confining.
 Chipped away at Testing with various testing devices and coordinated unit testing, Module testing,
System testing, and Acceptance testing plans.
 Experience in designing, developing, and implementing integrations using App Connect Enterprise
(ACE) and related technologies such as IBM Integration Bus (IIB).
 Skilled in leading frameworks as React.js to build high-quality, scalable and reusable components
and Front-end solution.
 Developed the application utilizing Hibernate and Spring Framework.
 Developed the application utilizing Spring Boot Microservices and executed Zuul as API doorway.
 Executed Spring Data JPA Hibernate system and utilized substance chief to assist the information
base to perform CRUD works out, pagination, rules, and projections.
 Created the React JS components and triggered angular code to render the React components using
life cycle hooks.
 Formed Drools and JBPM to the application system, which included the solid making of
knowledgebase and information sessions. Used Drools to oversee complex business rules utilizing
rule sets and rule streams.
 Related to plan and movement during the time spent changing over the heritage application into
 Wide commitment with making Microservices utilizing Spring boot, Netflix OSS (Zuul, Hystrix), and
followed area-driven plan.
 Utilized Object/Relational organizing contraption Hibernate and JPA to accomplish object-to-
information base table persistency.
 Strong understanding of integration patterns, message transformation, and routing using ACE.
 Implemented load-balancing with NGINX to allow dozens of NodeJS instances to handle thousands
of concurrent users.
 Made the Docker compartments and Docker consoles for dealing with the application life cycle.
 Dealt with DAOs to pull the information from the source Databases and changed over into JSON
affiliations and a brief time frame later scattered into Kafka Streams.
 Involved Maven as assembling and reliance the board contraption for making WAR and JAR records
to be sent to application servers and worked with Jenkins and Jenkins Jobs.
 Involved IntelliJ as Integrated Development Environment IDE.
 Optimized microservices using NodeJS and ES6 as interfaces to Cassandra NoSQL database.
 Done string security utilizing Java 8 Executor Service, Lock API, Synchronization, and Multi-hanging.
 Seen success check utilizing Spring Boot Actuator and API's utilizing Swagger UI enrolled
 Made figuring and information assets on AWS utilizing EC2 and S3 and sent Docker pictures.
Coordinated and kept up with AWS security-related issues utilizing IAM and S3 approaches.
 Used AWS Cloud Watch to screen assets, for example, CPU memory, RDS DB associations, ELB, and
EBS volumes; to set alarms for robotized works out; and to assess logs for an unmatched
comprehension and development of the design.
 Smoke Test and Acceptance Testing are performed with Selenium in different Java stages.
 Worked with executed unit tests by including JUNIT for exactness of code and logging with log4j.
 Experienced recorded as a printed duplicate deployment, service, and passage objects for sending
our application into Kubernetes.
 Plan and energized the application utilizing structure Angular9 with HTML5, CSS4, Bootstrap,
JavaScript, and Node JS Developer applications utilizing Angular9, Java8 and new highlights of java
(lambda articulations).
 Dealt with the making of custom Docker holder pictures, naming, pushing pictures, and blend of
Spring boot.
 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to work effectively in a team environment and
communicate technical concepts to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
 Used working information on J2EE/Java and Spring, and Hibernate to inspect specific issues (blunder
messages, bugs with the thing, receptiveness)
 Finished Jenkins scripts for building CI/CD pipeline to deal with each of the applications plans.
 Involved GitLab for change control management. Used JMeter to execute Performance, load,
and rational testing.
 Experience in Updating and modifying requests in Oracle 11g.Developed Stored Procedures,
Functions, Packages, and SQL Scripts utilizing PL/SQL.

Environment: Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Angular9, HTML5, CSS4, JSON, JavaScript, Oracle 11g, JPA,
Junit 4.4, GitLab, Selenium, Kafka, Drools, AWS, Docker, RESTful web services, Splunk, Apache Tomcat,
Maven, JMeter, Swagger.

Client: Aliera Health Care, Atlanta, GA

Duration: Oct 2020 – Nov 2021
Role: Senior Java Full Stack Developer
 Worked on Data Solutions Project, for generating ESG Files daily through nightly batch jobs with the
help of technologies- Java, Various AWS Cloud Resources.
 Developed powerful Single Page Application and dynamic responsive Web Application with Angular
 Worked on GraphQL project to build API’s which solve complex queries and look to have a strongly
typed schema to enable rapid product development.
 Experience in configuring and administering IBM MQ, including creating and managing queues and
channels, configuring authentication and authorization, and setting up clustering.
 Implemented filters for user authentication and user authorization by Spring Security.
 Implemented RESTFUL web services using spring boot and consumed using Spring REST services.
Published Rest services for performing CRUD operations from the database.
 Involved in batch processing using Spring Batch framework to extract data from database and load
into corresponding ESG file-related tables.
 Responsible for writing effective JAVA code to implement a multi-threading process as part of a read
pipeline, with the use of JAVA’s concurrent API.
 Experience in creating and configuring ACE artifacts such as message flows, message sets, and ESQL
 Involved Cassandra for accomplishing denormalization through highlights like plans.
 Used several design patterns such as - factory design patterns, singleton, and builder design
patterns, to avoid some common problems faced while designing an application.
 Worked on Spring Boot for application development and integrated the application with Spring-
MVC, using Spring Dependency Injection and Spring Annotations.
 Container management using Docker by writing Docker files and setting up the automated build on
Docker HUB and installing and configuring Kubernetes.
 Used Bootstrap and AngularJS, React.jS and Node.js in effective web design.
 Worked on writing several unit test cases with the help of Junit and Mockito Framework.
 Working on writing several component tests to test each component and integration tests to test
the application before deploying further into higher environments.
 Worked on Cloud Trail in AWS to look for some patterns in the logs and send notifications whenever
an alarm is triggered for a specific cloud watch trail.
 Experienced in writing custom components for Apache Camel and integrating them with other
 Knowledge of ACE features such as error handling, message persistence, and message filtering.
 Using several AWS code management and deployment tools such as – Code build, AWS code
pipeline, and Cloud formation to achieve Continuous integration and Continuous deployment
 Worked on fixing the AWS Code Pipeline if faced with any issues during the time of production
deployment with a Hands-on deck approach.
 Participating in Agile as well as Kanban Scrum methodologies which involve Daily Stand-up
meetings, One-week sprints, Weekly Retrospective meetings, and Weekly Sprint Demos.
 Using JAVA Stream API to perform bulk data operations and several JAVA 8 features such as Lambda
expressions, Functional Interfaces, and Optional to write effective and reusable code.
 Design and implementation of Spring-Security for the application for authentication process against
LDAP, J2EE pre-authentication, and Database.
 Experienced in using Camel's various data transformation capabilities to perform tasks such as
mapping, filtering, converting, and aggregating data.
 Writing cloud formation templates in YAML/JSON to create and manage several AWS resources such
as - S3, Cloud watch Alarms, SNS topics, SQS, EC2, Lambdas, Batch JOB, Dynamo DB configurations,
 Added dynamic functionality to the application by implementing JQuery, Node.js.
 Worked on generating logging by using Log4j to identify the errors in the test environment.
 Using GIT as a version control tool, GITLAB as a code management tool, and Jenkins for CI/CD
 Experienced in developing custom Camel routes to meet business needs.
 Using POSTMAN tool for testing several of our REST API'S.
 Used Dynamo DB as a back-end database to store the batch job configurations for the batch jobs.
 Added Swagger API for Restful services to ease customer's interaction with the remote services.
 Working with several day-day tools such as JIRA Dashboards for tracking weekly tasks, SonarQube
for code quality and coverage, and Vera code scans to detect any security vulnerabilities in the
 Used Maven as a Build tool and retrieved all the dependencies required for the application.
 Configured and deployed the application on Tomcat Application Server.
 Extensively used IntelliJ as an IDE used for developing and testing code locally.

Environment: Java 8, Spring Boot, Node js, Spring Batch, Angular 6, CSS4, JSON, JavaScript, Oracle 11g, JPA,
Junit 4.4, GitLab, Selenium, Kafka, Drools, AWS, Docker, RESTful web organizations, Splunk, Apache Tomcat,
Maven, JMeter, Swagger.

Client: PNC Financial Services, Pittsburgh, PA

Duration: June 2017 - Sept 2020

Role: Full stack Java Developer


 Shaped Client-Side code utilizing React.JS and utilized NPM and swallow records to make the server
conditions utilized change with the reclamation system to manage allotted URLs and to screen the
 Involved React.JS to finish rich cutoff points in different pages: form underwriting, squander,
network list, search, sort, pagination, multi-choice, names input, progressed/custom orders,
affirmation, unit tests, and so forth.
 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) was revealed through RESTful web associations with free
coupling between layers utilizing Spring structure during progress.
 Organized and made Microservices utilizing REST plan and Spring Boot.
 Java verbalization marks were tried not to utilize Bean, HTML, and Logic Tags, and utilized show
names to convey massive information.
 Worked in React JS for creating interactive UI’s using One-way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, React
 Migrating the existing project to Microsoft Azure with Azure services.
 Utilized downsized structure to do with REST API and Mongo DB (NO SQL) as back end instructive
 Used props, states, keys, refs in React.js to build the UI components.
 Using Azure functions to integrate applications and run backend processes according to schedules
without provisioning/managing services.
 Installation, configuration of Openshift components to enable monitoring.
 Lead effort to re-engineer standalone Redhat Fuse services into Openshift cloud native platform.
 Made JSON Data and put away as records containing reports, information types and changes in
 Experience in deploying Apache Camel applications on various platforms such as JBoss, Tomcat,
WebSphere, etc.
 Done Agile techniques, truly associated with specific parties, fundamental get-together, appraisal,
coordinating, exertion assessment, coding, movement, and testing.
 Made User Interface application modules utilizing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, jQuery, and AJAX.
 Worked with a regulator, association, and view parts in applications utilizing Spring 3.5 system.
 Made client applications utilizing JAXR and JAXM to collaborate with the UDDI vault.
 Utilized downsized structure to do with REST API and Mongo DB (NO SQL) as back-end instructive
 Experienced in using Apache Camel for message transformation, routing, content-based routing,
error handling, etc.
 Used Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to deploy, update, or delete all the resources for your solution
in a single, coordinated operation.
 Made JSON Data and put it away as records containing reports, information types, and changes in
 Executed Elastic Bean Stalk to auto-convey and auto-scale applications utilizing associations, for
example, EC2 cases.
 Deployed applications on Azure by using AppDynamics.
 Comprehensively intricate different modules in Spring like AOP, DI (IOC), Bean Wiring, Spring
Inheritance, Auto Wiring, Spring JDBC Templates, and Spring Quartz Schedulers for Jobs.
 Skilled in developing and debugging Apache Camel applications using Eclipse IDE and Apache Karaf.
 Related to making a position-based HTML navigational menu, where in the menu things change
progressively settled on the attributes got from educational assortment as XML information.
 Experience in Creating, Dropping Indexes, Tables, Stored Procs, and Views on Oracle DB.
 Framing Unit tests utilizing JUnit testing structure and performed unit and framework testing.
 Ability on SoapUI, Selenium Data Driven structure and merging it with Maven [Build Management
Tool], TestNG [Unit Testing tool], and Jenkins [Continuous Integration Tool].
 Worked with JAXB parser for marshaling and Unmarshalling XML information.
 Made XPATH, XQUERY, and custom XML parsers thinking about SAX, and DOM as a part of XML

Environment: XML, XSL, Bootstrap, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Ajax, ReactJs, Spring 3.5, Git, Azure,
WebSphere7.5, Swing, Web Services, Liferay, JMS, SoapUI, MongoDB, TestNG, JSON, Maven, Elastic pursuit,
Spring Cloud Netflix, ANT, IntelliJ, Agile.

Client: Davis software solutions, Hyderabad, India.

Duration: August 2016 – May 2017

Role: Java Developer


 Worked comprehensively with JSP's and Servlets to oblige all show customizations toward the front.
 Used different Design plans like MVC plan, DAO model, and singleton to achieve clean division of
 Arranged and encouraged the code using multithreading, Collections, and other J2EE headways.
 Made DAOs using Hibernate innovation API for the informational index exercises to connect with the
Oracle database.
 Made and executed different SQL Queries& PL\SQL ventures to recuperate the data from the
informational index Oracle.
 Encouraged the show level using HTML, CSS, JSP, Servlets, JSTL, Ajax and Struts.
 Involved Struts-Validator framework for all front-end Validations for all the design areas.
 Involved Struts framework for the MVC execution and Hibernate as ORM mechanical assembly for
informational index correspondence.
 Liable for plan and headway of Business Processes in IBM WebSphere Process Server 6.0.
 Related with plan progression and testing of web applications and fuse projects using Object
 Headways like Core Java, J2EE, Struts, JSP, rest, Java Beans, XML, XSLT, XSL, and ANT.
 Used Log4j, and Junit and made unit analyses to screen the application value.

Environment: Struts, Core-JAVA, JSP, Servlets, Hibernate, ORM, prophet, Multi-Threading, Collections,
PL/SQL, OO Design, OO Analysis, XML, XSLT, IBM WebSphere, Log4J, Junit, ANT, Eclipse.

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