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“Data Science using

....???…. In …???….”

“Data Analysis and

Interpretation in Earth

Seismic Analysis Using

Note 1

Abd-Alrahmen Mohamed
Mahmoud Badawy

3/29/2024 1

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What happened!
Open what?
Using what?

Numerous step-by-step code

examples in the field of Earth
Allows proficient use of Python in
visualizing, analyzing, and
modelling geological data.
Specifically minded for teaching
Python to geologists.
3/29/2024 Dr. Mahmoud Badawy 4
It’s how you make software (Using Software)?????? Data Analyst?
What do you want to [code, build, debug, deploy, collaborate Data Science?
on, analyze, learn] today? Machine Learning?
Artificial Intelligent?

Computer Science

Code faster
Work smarter
Type less, code more

IntelliCode is a powerful set of

automatic code completion tools
that understand your code
context: variable names,
functions, and the type of code
you’re writing.

This makes IntelliCode able to

complete up to a whole line at
once, helping you code more
accurately and confidently.

3/29/2024 Dr. Mahmoud Badawy 6

Stop problems before they’re problems

Integrated debugging is a core part of every Visual

Studio product.

You can step through your code and look at the

values stored in variables, set watches on variables
to see when values change, examine the execution
path of your code, and just about anything else you
need to check out under the hood.

3/29/2024 Dr. Mahmoud Badawy 7

Language Time!

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Which prompt you will use


Anaconda prompt:
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
pip install obspy
pip install segyio
Pip install petrel
pip install seismic_canvas
pip install seismic-attributes
Pip install pandas
Pip install canavas
3/29/2024 Dr. Mahmoud Badawy 18
Python Language to handle with seismic specific libraries:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import _read_segy
stream = _read_segy('C:/Users/M.M.Badawy/Desktop/Name of Data Folder/X-Line 1.segy', headonly = True)

plt.imshow(data.T, cmap="RdBu", min=-100, max=100, aspect='auto')

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import _read_segy
one_trace = steam.traces[3]
data = np.stack( for t in steam.traces)
stream = _read_segy('C:/Users/M.M.Badawy/Desktop/SEGY/X-Line 5.segy', headonly = True)
plt.imshow(data.T, cmap="RdBu", vmin=-100, vmax=100, aspect='auto')

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>>>print (“Thanks”)


3/29/2024 Dr. Mahmoud Badawy 22

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import _read_segy

one_trace = stream.traces[3]

data = np.stack( for t in stream.traces)


stream = _read_segy('C:/Users/M.M.Badawy/Desktop/SEGY/X-Line 5.segy', headonly = True)

plt.imshow(data.T, cmap="RdBu", vmin=-100, vmax=100, aspect='auto')

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