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College of

Business and Hospitality Management

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management
211 N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City | 261-0234 / 261-0235

Date: MARCH 04, 2024

Course : BSBA-2
Subject : BA04 Taxation
Instructor : Christine G. Bergado, CPA, CTT, MBA

Quiz 02

Test I: Exercise Drill (10 points)

Instruction: Identify which item is described by the following:

Test II: Multiple Choice (14 points)

Instruction: Write the letter of your answer on the space provided on the last page.
Answer Sheet

Test I: Exercise Drill

1 Revenue
2. National Tax
3. Special Assessment
4. Tariff
5.License fee
6. Tax
7. Dep
8. Toll
9. Penalty
10. Dept

Test II: Multiple Choice

1. C.
2. B.
3. A.
4. C.
5. D.
6. D.
7. C.
8. C.
9. D.
10 A.
11. D.
12. C.
13. A.

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