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- Australia, the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on Earth, lying between the

Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere.

- Here you can see Australian national symbols...Flag, Coat of arms, national tree called golden
wattle, coala, cangaroo and boomerang
- These are Australia’s first people—known as Aboriginal Australians—have lived on the continent for
over 50,000 years.
- Australia’s capital is Canberra, located in the southeast between the larger and more important
economic and cultural centres of Sydney and Melbourne.
- The head of state is the British King Charles the Third, which is represented in the country by the
Governor General. Australia has been a British colony since the 18th century. the most widespread
here is the Christian religion. Australia consists of six federal states and two territories. Australia’s
national currency is the Australian dollar
- Here are some of the most favourite australian sports: Cricket, Australian Football, Nettball, Rugby,
surfing, swimming, cycling
- Here you can see some of the most famous Australians. From Actors and actresses Chris
Hemsworth, Margot Robbie, Rabel Wilson, sposrtsmens Ben Simons and Daniel Ricciardo and
musicians AC/DC and SIa.
- The largest city in Austalia. Sydney is home to must-visit icons like the Sydney Harbour Bridge and
Opera House.
- Sydney has over 100 beaches, ranging in size from a few feet to several kilometers long.
- Located in Tropical North of Australia, is over 135 million years old, which is making it the oldest
rainforest in the world.
- Daintree Rainforest is over 1,200 square kilometres and is home to many animal and plant species
not found anywhere else in the world.
- The Daintree Rainforest sits alongside the Great Barrier Reef and is the only place on Earth where
two World Heritage sites meet.
- Uluru is the largest single rock monolith in the world.
- It is located in Uluru National Parkin the middle of the continent. It is a sacred mountain of
Aboriginal Australians.
- They still live nearby and believe in her supernatural powers. They believe that spirits live on the
very top and should not be disturbed.
The Great Barrier Reef
- is one of the seven wonders of the natural world, its the world's largest coral reef system, This
incredible eco-system is 2,300km long.
- There are thousands of reefs and hundreds of islands.
- There are 600 types of hard and soft coral, almost 2,000 species of fish and 4,000 types of mollusc.
- The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing on Earth and is visible from outer space!
- The breathtaking surroundings of the city of Broome on the east coast of Australia.
- This place offers you beautiful views of red dirt and aqua ocean or camel ride along Cabel beach at
sunset time. Visiting this place is worth it.

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