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Jareth Hintercrack

Many millenia ago, upon a world named Tyria, there

lived a race of dragons. These dragons were ruled
over by a Goddess, named Selena. These dragons,
under the benign protection of their goddess, lived,
for the most part, in peace with many other
fantastical races. However, in time, as all things
do, something changed. The gods of the other races,
specifically those who ruled over humans, elves and
dwarves, allowed their children to grow too strong,
so strong, in fact as to become to dominate the
world of Tyria.
Selena became angry and jealous of the other god’s
children, and sent her dragons to bloody war upon
Many terrible battles saw death on both sides,
until together, the other gods forced Selena to
capitulate. They made her swear to remove her
dragons from Tyria, to allow their own children
room to breathe and grow however they wished.
Sealing away the queen of dragons, and all of her
children in a separate dimension, they believed
the problem was solved. Of course, not all of the
dragons allowed themselves to be taken...

The young silver dragon named Jareth had fallen in love with an elven woman,
named Ifalna. He refused to leave her, and hid from his god as she collected
all of her children to her. Left alone, the last dragon on Tyria, Jareth was
doomed to watch his love slowly die from old age before him. Countless quests
did he undertake to prolong her life, but to no avail. Stricken with sadness
at her death, he turned to more dangerous measures to bring her back to
life. Travelling to the border between his world and the next, Jareth went
to implore his forsaken god for help, but when he arrived, he discovered a
shocking truth before him. Selena had never intended to keep her promise to
the other gods, and she had been breeding a huge army of evil dragons to crush
the children of the other gods, by feeding them the unborn children of the good
dragons. Torn between the despair he felt for his lost love and feelings of
anger towards his former god, Jareth decided to return to Tyria to plan for
the return of these abominations.

For centuries, Jareth, in an uncountable and unending number of faces, bent

the progress of the humans, elves and dwarves of Tyria into his plan. A little
alliance here, a harsh word there, he manipulated events to prepare the
world for its impending war, all of the while evading the evil agents of Selena.
Never forgetting his lost love, and always yearning for the love she gave him,
Jareth sought out more love to fill his empty heart whenever he could. Finally,
mere months before the planned invasion, Jareth collected together a band
of adventurers (his son included) and journeyed across the world thwarting
the advances of his god, masquerading as a bard chronicling their mighty deeds.
At the end of everything, backed into a corner by Selena, Jareth was forced
to give himself up to protect his party of adventurers. Sucked into Selena’s
dimension, he was tortured by images of his own Ifalna, but remained just to
the cause of his fellows, whom he had come to call his friends.

His son, Nagash, led the party to rescue the remaining good dragons, convinc-
ing them of the lie told to them by their god. Thereafter, they assaulted the
stronghold dimension where Selena lived, freeing her into Tyria, but also free-
ing Jareth. Together, Jareth, Nagash and the rest of the party retreated to
their home keep to face the evil army. Bolstered by their allies, whom they had
picked up during their adventures (set up by Jareth years before), they dis-
tracted the enemy long enough to come to one, final battle with Selena.

The party knew to kill a God was a sin that led to eternal damnation, and as
such, the death blow to her was sorely contested between the party. Of
course, Jareth had planned for this long ago, and as the defeated Selena was
knelt before them, he sent all of them away with magic and killed her himself.

The other gods, after flaying Jareth’s soul from his mortal form, came to visit
the remaining heroes on Tyria. They proclaimed that they needed a new God to
replace the one slain, and offered divinity to Nagash, who had proven himself
worthy. The party accepted that they were indeed victorious and that they
had earnt the right to choose the new God, and after a short discussion, they
chose Jareth. Bound by their own rules, the gods had no choice but to grant
divinity to their prisoner.

Jareth, after such a long struggle, finally had the power to restore everlasting
life to his love, Ifalna.
He now has dominion over all dragon kind, and is the god of love, deceit, and

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