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Group 7 presentation on the female reproductive system.

Possible anatomy MCQ’s.

1. The external genitalia of the female is referred to as the organs of the _____ (A)Vulva
(B) Clitoris (C) Mons pubis (D) Cervix.
2. The anterior part of the labia majora folds comes together to form the _____ directly
beneath the mons pubis. (A) Hart’s line (B) Vulva Vestibule (C) Anterior labial
commissure (D) Anterior labial Hart's line.
3. The clitoris is homologous to the ____ in the male reproductive system. (A) Testes (B)
Cowpers gland (C ) Seminal vessicle (D) Glans penis.
4. The underlying tissue that makes the clitoris is the____ (A) Crura (B) Corpus spongiosus
(C ) corpora cavernosus (D) corpus cavernous.
5. The vestibular bulbs is homologous to the ____ of the penis (A) Root (B) Body (C) Bulb
(D) Glans.
6. The demarcation between the vulva Vestibule and labia minora is known as (A) Nerve
endings (B) Hart's line (C) Rectum (D) Vulva Vestibule.
7. The bartholin gland is also known as the ____ (A) greater vestibular gland (B) lesser
vestibular gland (C) Skene's gland (D) Bulbourethral gland.
8. ____ is believed to be the source of female ejaculation during sexual arousal. (A)
Batholin gland (B) Clitoris (C) Skene's gland (D) Vulva Vestibule.
9. ____ secretes a substance to lubricate the urethral opening. (A) Cervical gland (B)
Skene's gland (C) Batholins gland (D) Mons pubis.
10. ____ organ of the female external genitalia functions as a sensory organ. (A) Urethra (B)
Clitoris (C) Mons pubis (D) Labia majora.
11. ____ layer of the vagina provides additional strength and structural support to the
vagina. (A) Lamina Propria (B) Mucosal layer (C) Adventitia fibrous layer (D) Muscular
12. ____ layer of the vagina is rich in elastic fiber and does not contain any secretory
glands. (A) Muscular layer (B) Mucosa layer (C) Lamina Propria (D) Adventitia fibrous
13. The hymen of the vagina is normally incomplete to allow the passage of ___ (A) Urine
(B) Semen (C) foetus (D) Menstrual blood.
14. ____ are small firm reddish nodules located around the vagina orifice in adult women.
(A) Hymen (B) Stratum basalis (C) Caruncles (D) Hymeneal Caruncles.
15. ____ is regarded as the erogenous area of the vagina. (A) Hymen (B) Hymeneal
Caruncles (C) Grafenberg spot (D) Lateral fornices.
16. The lower narrow part of the uterus is known as ____ (A) Fundus (B) Isthmus (C) Body
(D) Cervix.
17. The uterine fundus is typically inclined slightly ____ (A) Backward (B) Forward (C)
Rightward (D) Leftward.
18. ____ layer of the uterus is thick at the fundus and thin at the cervix? (A)Isthmus (B)
Perimetrium (C) Fundus (D) Myometrium.
19. ____ is the main part of the uterus where fertilized eggs are implanted during pregnancy.
(A) Fundus (B) Myometrium (C) Corpus (D) Endometrium.
20. ____ is the broad curved upper area in which the fallopia tubes connect to the uterus.
(A) Perimetrium (B) Cervix (C) Endometrium (D) Fundus.
21. Fertilization occurs in ___ part of the fallopian tube. (A) Infundibulum (B) Interstitial
portion (C) Ampulla (D) Isthmus.
22. The tinniest portion of the fallopia tubes is known as _____ (A) Isthmus (B) Mucous
membrane (C) Fimbrae (D) Intramural.
23. The fallopian tubes is located between the ___ and ___ (A) Bladder, uterus (B) Cervix,
Ovaries (C) Corpus, Infundibulum (D) Uterus, Ovaries.
24. A single Fimbrae called the ____ is long enough to reach the ovaries. (A) Fimbraeium
(B) Fimbrae Infundibulum (C) Fimbrae albican (D) Fimbrae ovarica.
25. ____ contraction of the muscular layer and ____ action of the mucosa helps move the
fertilized ovum towards the uterus. (A) Ciliary, Peristaltic (B) Peristaltic, Ciliary (C )
Muscular, Peristaltic (D) Muscular, Ciliary.
26. The ovaries range in colours from ____ to ____ (A) White, green (B) Light red, yellow
(C) Blue, white (D) Light grey, white.
27. The average size of an ovary is about __cm. (A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 3 (D) 4
28. The ovarian ligament attaches the ovaries to the ____ (A) Fundus (B) Mesovarium (C)
Uterus (D) Corpus
29. ____ part of the ovaries is made up of cortex and medulla. (A) Tunica albuginea (B)
Stroma (C) Corpus luteum (D) Germinal epithelium.
30. The germinal epithelium of the ovaries is made up of ____ tissue. (A) Simple stratified
columnar (B) Simple high cuboidal (C ) Stratified squamous (D) simple squamous.

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