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Teacher Program
Jonathan Manjarrez Morales

Course Topic Semester Group

Foreign Language I Simple Present I A-B
Student´s Name Activity Date
Reading Comprehension

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

In a far away kingdom a prince's daughter "Snow White is the most beautiful of all."The
grows up happily.She is very pretty with blue stepmother is very angry and jealous.She
eyes and starts making plans to get rid of Snow
long fair White.She calls a servant and says "I promise
hair.She to give you a reward.Take Snow White to the
has a deep forest and kill her."The greedy servant
smooth fair agrees this plan and takes Snow White away
skin so from the castle to the deep forest.When they
everybody arrive at the spot, the man changes his mind
calls her because she is so beautiful and innocent.He
Snow runs away leaving her in the forest alone.
Night comes but the servant doesn't
return.Snow White begins to cry sadly.She is
scared and tired.Finally,she falls into sleep
under a tree.

She wakes up with the morning sun and

hears the birds singing all around.She isn't
scared anymore because she can see
everything clearly.She tries to find her way to
the castle and she finds a path.She follows it
hopefully.After some time she comes across
White.Everyone agrees that she is very a strange cottage.It has a small door and
beautiful.She has an evil and jealous windows.She is puzzled because everything
stepmother who has a magic mirror.She is in this cottage is smaller than normal.She
very beautiful,too.Her magic mirror tells her knocks at the door but there is no
this everyday when she asks it. answer.She pushes the door and it opens.

"Mirror,mirror on the wall,who is the most

beautiful of all?" says the stepmother."You
are,my dear lady" it replies.Days,months and
years pass by and one day the mirror says

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She looks at the tools in the kitchen and says White "You can stay here and look after the
"I wonder who lives here?"."What small house while we are working in the mine.We
spoons and plate! There are seven of each are sorry for your stepmother.We really love
item so there you and we can take care of you"Snow White
must be seven likes this idea and decides to stay with the
people."She seven dwarfs.
goes upstairs
and sees seven In the morning the dwarfs warn Snow White
little beds.She before leaving for work."Don't open the door
goes back to to strangers and be very careful."
the kitchen and
cooks soup.She Meanwhile,the servant goes back to the
says "When castle with a deer's heart in his hand.He
they return gives it to the stepmother and says it belongs
home they'll to Snow White.He wants his reward.The
find the dinner stepmother smiles gladly and turns again to
ready and the magic mirror.The magic mirror replies
become happy." "The most beautiful lady on earth is still
Snow White,who lives with the seven dwarfs
Towards sunset seven little men march in a small cottage in the deep forest."The
towards home singing.When the open the stepmother is very furious.
door they see seven bowls of hot soup on
the table.They search around the house and "She must die! She must die at once!" she
find Snow White screams.She disguises herself as a very old
woman and puts a big poisonous apple into a
basket full of apples.She goes to the forest
and finds the cottage.

Snow White is making the beds when she

hears a knock at the door."Who's that?" she

"I am an woman.I sell apples."replies the

"I don't want any apples,thanks anyway" she
"But these apples are the most delicious
apples and they are so fresh." says the
stepmother in a soft voice.

sleeping in one of the beds in the "I mustn't open the door to anyone" says the
bedroom.The eldest dwarf wakes her up little girl unwillingly.
gently and asks "Who are you?".Snow White "You are a good girl because you obey the
introduces herself and tells her sad story.All rules.I want to give you a free apple as a
the dwarfs listen to her and cry silently.Then reward."
one of them says "Why don't you stay here
with us?".They all like this idea and start Without thinking,Snow White opens the
dancing happily.The dwarfs say to the Snow door a little and gets her apple.She says

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"Oh,what a nice red apple!" and bites From that day on Snow White and the prince

Teacher Program
Jonathan Manjarrez Morales Biology
Basic Sciences
Course Topic Semester Group
Foreign Language I Simple Present I A-B
Student´s Name Activity Date Grade
Reading Comprehension
it.Suddenly she falls to the ground.She looks live in a big castle happily and they often visit
lifeless so the stepmother laughs wildly and their seven little friends in the deep forest.
runs away.On the way to the castle she falls
into a quicksand.She cries for help but
nobody hears her.She disappears in a few

After a while the dwarfs come back home

and find Snow White in the ANSWER THE QUESTIONS
doorway,lifeless.They also see the poisonous
apple near her.They try to wake her up but
1. Is Snow White a pretty girl with blue
it's useless.
They cry for a long time.Then they lay her on __________________________________
a bed of roses,daffodils,daisies and tulips and __
put her in a glass coffin.Every day they bring 2.Does Snow White have a good
flowers to her and weep. stepmother?
One day,they notice a young handsome man __________________________________
near Snow White's coffin looking at her __
beautiful face.They learn that he is a prince 3.Does the stepmother have a
and tell him the story of Snow White.The magic dress?
prince has an idea.He says "If you let me take
her to my castle,I can call talented doctors to
treat her.Oh,she is so beautiful that I want to
give her a kiss!"He gives a kiss to Snow White
and she opens her eyes slowly.Prince's kiss
breaks the evil magic in the poisonous
apple.She comes back to life.

The dwarfs and the prince hop up and down

with joy.The prince is so charmed by her
beauty that he asks her to marry him.Snow
White acceepts to marry him and the say
goodbye to the seven dwarfs.

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4.Why is the stepmother angry and
5.Who does she call to kill Snow White? 17.Who comes to the cottage towards
__________________________________ sunset?
__ __________________________________
6.Where does the man take Snow White? __
__________________________________ 18.What do the seven dwarfs find on the
__ table?
7.Why doesn't the man kill Snow White? __________________________________
__________________________________ __
__ 19.Where do they find Snow White?
8.Does he take Snow White back to the __________________________________
castle? __
__________________________________ 20.Does Snow White stay with them?
__ __________________________________
9.Why does Snow White begin to cry? __
__________________________________ 21.Who is the old woman with a basket
__ of apples?
10.Where does she sleep at night? __________________________________
__________________________________ __
__ 22.What does she give to Snow White?
11.Where does she want to go after she __________________________________
wakes up? __
__________________________________ 23.Can the stepmother turn back to the
__ castle?
12.Can she find the way to the castle? __________________________________
__________________________________ __
__ 24.Where do they put Snow White?
13.Where does the path take her? __________________________________
__________________________________ __
__ 25.Does the prince kiss Snow White?
14.Does she go into the cottage? __________________________________
__________________________________ __
__ 26.Do the prince and Snow White get
15.Why is she puzzled when she enters married?
the cottage? __________________________________
__________________________________ __
16.What does she cook in the kitchen?

Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

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