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 Genetic Material = Wires (the wires send

Similarities between a cell instructions so the car can move and so does
and car parts? genetic material)

 Nucleus = Engine (the nucleus gives life to

 Nucleolus = Energy (Helps make ribosomes
the cell the same way an engine does)
which contain proteins. Energy helps run
 Cell Wall = Frame of car (the cell wall is like the car)
the base for the car because it’s a stiff
 Nuclear Envelope = Doors (Helps allow the
passage of people and things just like the
 Cell Membrane = Windows (windows nuclear envelope)
protect from the noise and sight of the

 Chloroplast = A/C (when the A/C is on it

changes the temperature and gives relief
like the chloroplast gives food)

 Mitochondrion = Battery (mitochondrion

help produce energy and the battery also

 Ribosome = Oil ( without RNA and proteins

the cell will die and without oil the car will
not turn on)

Vesicle = Tire (they are both filled with air)

Golgi Apparatus = Steering Wheel (it helps

Cell Brochure
with transport)
Carlos Herrera
 Central Vacuole = Gas tank (The gas tank Mod 1
holds the gas and the central vacuole also
Due 5/31/17
holds important things)

 Smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum =

The cylinders of a car (the cylinders help
transport gas and the endoplasmic
reticulum also helps to transport)

Cells are fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smooth and Rough endoplasmic
Cell Parts
reticulum: a network of tubular membranes
Cell Membrane: A flexible covering that within the cytoplasm of the cell, occurring either
with a smooth surface (smooth endoplasmic
protects the inside of a cell from the
reticulum) or a rough surface (rough
environment outside a cell.
endoplasmic reticulum)
Cell Wall: A stiff structure outside the cell
membrane. Nucleus: the central and most important part of
an object, movement, or group, forming the
Chloroplast: A plastid that contains basis for its activity and growth.
chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes
place. Genetic Material: the medium by which
instructions are transmitted from one generation
Mitochondrion: An organelle found in large of organisms to the next.
numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical
Nucleolus: a small dense spherical structure
processes of respiration and energy production
in the nucleus of a cell during interphase.
Nuclear Envelope: The double-layered
Ribosome: A minute particle consisting of
membrane enclosing the nucleus of a
RNA and associated proteins, found in large
eukaryotic cell. The nuclear envelope has pores
numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells.
that allow the passage of materials into and out
of the nucleus.
What is a cell? Vesicle: A fluid- or air-filled cavity or sac, in
particular. Parts of a Cell Picture:

Cells can be described in many Cytoskeleton: A microscopic network of

protein filaments and tubules in the cytoplasm
ways because there are different of many living cells, giving them shape and
types but a cell is the smallest unit coherence.
of life.
Golgi Apparatus: A complex of vesicles and
folded membranes within the cytoplasm of most
eukaryotic cells, involved in secretion and
intracellular transport.

Central Vacuole: A cellular organelle found

in plant cells. It is often the largest organelle in
the cell. It is surrounded by a membrane and
functions to hold materials and wastes.

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