DA Release Notes 6.7 SP1

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EMC ® Documentum ®

Version 6.7 SP1

Release Notes

EMC Corporation
Corporate Headquarters:
Hopkinton, MA 01748-9103
EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change
without notice.
The information in this publication is provided as is. EMC Corporation makes no representations or warranties of any kind
with respect to the information in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose. Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an
applicable software license.
For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on EMC.com. All other trademarks
used herein are the property of their respective owners.
© Copyright 2011 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.

Revision History:
December 2011: Release 6.7 SP1
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Overview ..................................................................................................... 5

Documentum Administrator documentation ...................................................... 5
Software download information ........................................................................ 6
Troubleshooting and getting help ...................................................................... 6

Chapter 2 Compatibility and Feature Updates ............................................................. 7

Documentum Administrator 6.7 SP1 .................................................................. 7
Documentum Administrator 6.7 ........................................................................ 7
Usage tracking and reporting ........................................................................ 7
Client rights management for WebSeal support .............................................. 8
Workflow agent management ........................................................................ 8
Improved accessibility mode ......................................................................... 8

Chapter 3 Environment and System Requirements ..................................................... 11

Chapter 4 Fixed Problems ........................................................................................... 13
Fixed problems in Documentum Administrator 6.7 SP1 ...................................... 13
Fixed problems in Documentum Administrator 6.7............................................. 18

Chapter 5 Known Problems and Limitations ............................................................... 19

Known problems .............................................................................................. 19
Known problems common to all WDK applications ........................................ 20
Limitations....................................................................................................... 20

Chapter 6 Technical Notes ........................................................................................... 23

Documentum Administrator 6.7 SP1 Technical Notes .......................................... 23
Documentum Administrator 6.7 Technical Notes ................................................ 23
Documentum Administrator User Guide ....................................................... 23
Japanese Documentum Administrator ........................................................... 23
Customization .............................................................................................. 23
Documentum resource agents ....................................................................... 24
Blank page error in WebSphere 6.1................................................................. 24

Chapter 7 Installation ................................................................................................... 25

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 3

Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 1. JMX Service URLs ................................................................................................ 24

4 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Chapter 1

The Documentum Administrator 6.7 SP1 Release Notes contains customer-reported bug fixes and
platform compatibility updates. This document also includes a list of fixed problems, known
problems and limitations.
Documentum Administrator is a Web-based tool used to perform most of Documentum’s system
administration tasks. Documentum Administrator is a superset of Webtop and incorporates Webtop’s
content management functionality.
Documentum Administrator enables you to monitor, administer, configure, and maintain
Documentum servers, repositories, and federations located throughout your company from one
system running a web browser.
The audience for Documentum Administrator consists of server administrators, Site Caching Services
(SCS) administrators, Webtop administrators, Web Development Kit (WDK) administrators, Content
Intelligence Services (CIS) administrators and taxonomy managers, IWS administrators, and Content
Transformation Services (CTS) administrators. These are primarily experienced Documentum users
who generally install and configure Documentum products and perform administrative tasks, and
should have the following basic background knowledge:
• An understanding of client/server technology
• Familiarity with Web browser/application server technology
• Familiarity with relational database concepts
• Familiarity with Microsoft Office products

Documentum Administrator documentation

The following documents comprise the Documentum Administrator documentation set for this
version of the product:
• Documentum Administrator Release Notes, version 6.7 SP1 (this document)
• Documentum Environment and System Requirements Guide, version 6.7 SP1
• Documentum Administrator User Guide, version 6.7
The Documentum Administrator User Guide is included in the online help that is shipped with
the product.
• Documentum Administrator Deployment Guide, version 6.7

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 5


The Powerlink website (http://powerlink.EMC.com) contains the downloadable packages for specific
product versions along with the release notes, installation guide, and other relevant documentation
associated with the product version. After logging in to Powerlink, click Support, and locate the link
for the specific product technical documentation required.
Product documentation that is available online from the application (such as online help) does not
appear as a separate item. It is automatically downloaded and installed with the software.

Software download information

This product is available as an FTP download from the Powerlink website (http://powerlink.EMC.com).
You should have received instructions through email regarding how to download products.
The Powerlink website (http://powerlink.EMC.com) provides access to https://EMC.subscribenet.
com/control/dctm/index, which provides a complete listing of the products available for download.

Troubleshooting and getting help

Technical support services for Documentum products are designed to make your deployment and
management of Documentum products as effective as possible. After logging in to the Powerlink
website (http://powerlink.EMC.com), click Support, and locate the link for EMC Customer Support
Guide. The EMC Customer Support Guide provides a thorough explanation of Documentum support
services and policies.

6 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Chapter 2
Compatibility and Feature Updates

This chapter describes features and updates implemented in the Documentum Administrator 6.7
and 6.7 SP1 releases.

Documentum Administrator 6.7 SP1

This release of Documentum Administrator consists only of bug fixes; there are no changes.

Documentum Administrator 6.7

This section describes the following features and changes for Documentum Administrator 6.7:
• Usage tracking and reporting, page 7
• Client rights management for WebSeal support, page 8
• Workflow agent management, page 8
• Improved accessibility mode, page 8

Usage tracking and reporting

Documentum Content Server tracks software usage by recording login times. The Content Server
global registry contains a record of the first and the latest login time for each user of each application
that connects to Content Server. Content Server periodically generates basic reports to indicate
usage. These reports are available to the Content Server administrator. In addition, EMC provides a
complimentary virtual appliance, EMC Asset Management and Planning (AMP), that can produce
more detailed reports about EMC software usage.
For more information about tracking reports, refer to the Job Management chapter in the
Documentum Administrator online help or the Content Server Administration and Configuration Guide.

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 7

Compatibility and Feature Updates

Client rights management for WebSeal support

For release 6.7, Documentum Administrator added client rights management to support IBM’s
WebSeal Access Manager. A client rights domain contains the Content Servers that share the same set
of client rights objects. The client rights domain is configured in a global repository that acts as a
governing repository. Multiple 6.7 repositories can be grouped together under the global repository
to share privileged DFC information.
The following rules and restrictions apply to a client rights domain and repository members of
that domain:
• A client rights domain can only be configured in a global repository.
• Only a global repository can be a governing repository.
• A global repository can only have one client rights domain.
• A global repository cannot be the governing repository and also a member repository of the
client rights domain.
• A repository can only be a member of one client rights domain.
• The global repository must have access to all member repositories in the client rights domain.
• Changes to the client rights in the governing repository are automatically propagated to all
member repositories in the same domain.
Client rights domains are configured in the Client Rights Management Node in Documentum
Administrator. For more information, refer to the Client Rights Management chapter in the
Documentum Administrator online help or Security and Authentication chapter in the Content
Server Administration and Configuration Guide.

Workflow agent management

In release 6.7, Documentum Administrator includes the WORKFLOW_AGENT_MANAGEMENT
method. The new administration method can be used to
• Start a workflow agent that is currently stopped.
• Stop a workflow agent that is currently running.
If the workflow agent startup or shutdown process fails, the Documentum Administrator displays an
error message indicating the process failure and provides additional information.
For more information about the WORKFLOW_AGENT_MANAGEMENT method, refer to the
Job Management chapter in the Documentum Administrator online help or the Content Server
Administration and Configuration Guide.

Improved accessibility mode

In release 6.7, EMC Documentum Administrator supports use in accessibility mode. To turn on
accessibility mode, users enable Additional Accessibility Option on the Documentum Administrator
login screen.

8 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Compatibility and Feature Updates

For more information on accessibility compliance, please refer to the respective Voluntary Product
Accessibility templates (VPAT). VPATs can be obtained through your EMC account manager.

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 9

Compatibility and Feature Updates

10 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Chapter 3
Environment and System

The Documentum 6.7 SP1 Environment and System Requirements Guide contains the hardware
requirements and software versions for your product supported with this release. The Documentum
6.7 SP1 Environment and System Requirements Guide and product documentation are available on the
Powerlink website (http://powerlink.EMC.com).

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 11

Environment and System Requirements

12 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Chapter 4
Fixed Problems

This section lists the known problems fixed in Documentum Administrator 6.7 and 6.7 SP1.

Fixed problems in Documentum Administrator

6.7 SP1
This section identifies problems that have been resolved, which were previously documented in the
release notes as a known problem or limitation.
The following table lists the defect numbers and a description of the problems fixed in Documentum
Administrator 6.7 SP1:

Defect # Description of fixed problems

DA-7905 When both xPlore and FAST are running on single repository in dual mode,
clicking on the tree icon ’Index Agents and Index Server’ can fail with a
DA-7899 The Encryption checkbox on the filestore properties pain fails to display.
DA-7883 When you attempt to create a dco_profile with DA 6.7, an exception occurs.
DA-7874 Unable to hide the dm_FileReport when the a_is_hidden attribute is set to
TRUE. Following the setting, DA displays the dm_FileReport job in Job
DA-7868 The MBean Notifications functionality for Index Agent is not implemented
in Resource Management.
DA-7826 DA stops responding when you try to set multiple clients as "Privileged
Clients" in a single operation.
DA-7813 When you click the Audit by object type option, the DQL returns the column
as column number instead of r_type_name with CS/DB2. Due to this you
will see "unable to bind the object name" message displayed instead of
type name.
DA-7762 The filter string in an LDAP query does not build in the correct order. For
the "starts with" option, the string builds with the asterisk (*) followed by
the literal. For the "ends with" option, the string builds with the literal
followed by the asterisk (*).

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 13

Fixed Problems

Defect # Description of fixed problems

WDK-5067 If you use the same credentials to access multiple TaskSpace DRLs that open
in separate Microsoft Internet Explorer windows, log out of the TaskSpace
session in one window, and click a tab in one of the open TaskSpace
windows using the same session, timeout messages are not displayed.
Instead, exceptions occur.
WDK-4982 When you log out of TaskSpace that has been deployed as an EAR file on
the Oracle WebLogic application server, the TaskSpace session does not end.
This leads to a session leakage scenario.
WEBTOP-22987 Content transfer functions like Import, Import Rendition, and Checkin do
not work when you disable UCF content transfer and Accelerated Content
Services (ACS).
WEBTOP-23412 Workflows in which the current performer can choose the next step and the
next performer cannot be forwarded.
WEBTOP-23438 If you click Documentum > Save As for a Microsoft Office document that
contains non-ASCII characters in their name, then the name of the document
is not retained in the Save As dialog box of Documentum Application
WEBTOP-23544 The time attribute changes from AM to PM in fields of the Date type that
appear in the Properties dialog box after selecting the Show All Properties
checkbox, in Webtop user interface that is localized in the Korean locale.
WEBTOP-23237 Deletion of version 1.0 of a document that is listed in a search results page is
not reflected in later search results.
WEBTOP-22919 A form loses the entries that you have made, if you do not save the form, but
navigate to its attachments.
WEBTOP-22885 When you navigate to your inbox and double click a task, an
IllegalAccessException error message is displayed.
WEBTOP-22824 The time attribute is changed from AM to PM in the Last Review Date field
after setting the time in the field, and then closing and opening the Properties
dialog box. This issue occurs in Webtop that is localized in the Korean locale.
WEBTOP-22821 You will get a DM_QUERY_E_CURSOR error message when you select a
file, and click View > Relationships, in the following environment:
• Webtop 6.5 SP3 P08

• IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition

WEBTOP-22690 When you protect a Microsoft Office 2007 file that exists in the repository
with Documentum Information Rights Management (IRM), a generic icon
appears next to the protected file in Webtop.
WEBTOP-22633 If your user name contains an apostrophe and you check out a document,
you cannot drag and drop the document to another location.
WEBTOP-22602 When you run a basic search for a file that contains special characters in its
file name, the search results display the file with junk characters in its file
name instead of special characters.

14 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Fixed Problems

Defect # Description of fixed problems

WEBTOP-22592 The ucf.installer.config.xml file contains a reference to "MS-VM”, even
though Microsoft Virtual Machine (MS VM) is no longer a supported
environment for Webtop.
WEBTOP-22541 When the ActionLinkTag.class file of 6.5 SP2 P02 is applied on DAM, invalid
action links appear as disabled in the Properties dialog box of folders in
WEBTOP-22530 Unable to access Webtop using a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in
the Webtop URL, in the Kerberos SSO environment.
WEBTOP-22515 When you enable PDF Annotation Services and try to view a PDF document
with just the BROWSE permission, PDF Annotation Services returns an
HTTP 404 error, instead of displaying an error message specifying that you
do not have enough permission to view the document.
WEBTOP-22497 When a user, who is a part of a group, receives a task with a form in the
inbox, the user cannot save entries in the form.
WEBTOP-22457 When you click a DRL to a task that does not exist in your queue anymore,
you must receive the following error message: ""Task no longer exists. Some
other user might have acquired the task earlier"" Instead, you will receive a
vague error message.
WEBTOP-22365 When you double-click an EMCMF format file that has 255 or more number
of characters in the subject line, and then click View as Outlook Message in
the HTML viewer for email dialog box, Webtop will hang.
WEBTOP-22345 When you drag and drop a file into a folder to which it has already been
linked to, the link of the file is removed.
WEBTOP-22301 When you open a task in the content pane, and click on a node in the
browser tree, the content pane is not refreshed to display the contents of
the browser tree node.
WEBTOP-22261 When you add a date attribute to the clusterstrategy element
in the clusterstrategies_config.xml file, and run a search, a
java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown if the result set contains null date
WEBTOP-22219 Sorting search results according to source locations does not work.
WEBTOP-22207 The descendents of a virtual document are not displayed according to
the order in which the descendent documents were added to the virtual
document. This issue occurred when the drag-and-drop functionality was
used to add descendent documents to the virtual document.
WEBTOP-22115 When you try to create a new document in Webtop that has been deployed
on an Oracle Application Server, by clicking File > New > Document,
the Oracle application server hangs. This issue occurred because the
corresponding Oracle query hung while searching for the available
dm_format objects in the repository.
WEBTOP-22064 When you request for a DTS rendition of a file in Webtop, the notifier_user
attribute is set to true in Webtop, and you will receive notifications for this
file, even when the CTS configuration parameter is set to false.

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 15

Fixed Problems

Defect # Description of fixed problems

WEBTOP-22035 When you disable the File > Open (Read Only) action using a Preset Rule,
you will still receive a popup window with the contents of a file when you
double-click the file.
WEBTOP-22024 Clicking objects in the Smart Navigation panel of Digital Asset Manager
threw NullPointerExceptions.
WEBTOP-21978 When you have two object types T1 and T2, where T1 has a searchable
attribute A, which does not exist or is not searchable for T2, and define a
search criteria based on attribute A, and then switch search types from T1 to
T2, the selected values for the first search are not cleared. This is a problem
while using value assistance with value mapping on attribute A. Because,
after changing the type, the attribute value for the first type remains in the
textfield. This makes technical attribute values visible to the user.
WEBTOP-21976 A mandatory attribute is not validated during an import operation.
However, the attribute is validated during a check in operation, causing an
inconsistency from the validation perspective.
WEBTOP-21789 When a user tries to acquire a task of another user, exception message is
WEBTOP-21778 A custom attribute whose type value is "Double", is displayed in the
exponential form on the Properties page.
WEBTOP-21737 An exception occurs when you double-click a task assigned to another user
in the Workflow Reporting page or when you click the View or History
option of a task assigned to another user in the Workflow Reporting page.
WEBTOP-21378 In a localized Webtop environment, when you add a folder with a localized
folder name, say xyz, to Clipboard and copy the folder into the same location
as the xyz folder, the duplicate xyz folder will have a partially localized
folder name string, "Copy of xyz", where the string "Copy of" is not localized.
WEBTOP-21356 Relationship of a child document with the parent document disappeared
even when the permanent_link attrbute was set to true.
WEBTOP-21300 When you save the DRL to a notification as a Favorite, and use the DRL the
first time, the notification opens. When you use the DRL to the notification
that has been saved as a Favorite the second time, instead of being directed
to the notification, you are directed to your inbox.
WEBTOP-21281 You import an email message and a document into a folder that has a default
ACL. Then, you create another folder, assign an ACL to the folder, and copy
the email message and document from the first folder to the new folder. The
email in the second folder does not inherit the ACL.
WEBTOP-21253 Workflows did not display the required behavior when multiple flows were
created from a single activity. The workflow activity would start without
performers for the flows being set, and would fail and get assigned to the
workflow administrator.

16 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Fixed Problems

Defect # Description of fixed problems

WEBTOP-21190 When you search for a user in the object properties’ permissions window,
the maximum permission level of the user with that object is displayed,
considering which group and ACL the user is a part of. Even if the user is
the owner of the object, the user is not considered as the owner.
WEBTOP-20511 The object type ’dm_document’ is misspelled as "dm_documnent" in
the classes/com/documentum/webcomponent/library/subscription/
Subscriptions.class file.
WEBTOP-20476 A value of 1KB is displayed for files without any content, in the size column
of an object list.
WEBTOP-20348 Multiple validation error messages appear in the Import or Properties dialog
box when a mandatory custom attribute is left blank in the dialog box.
WEBTOP-20093 If you open a virtual document from the Search Results page, and add a
child object to the virtual document, the VDM breadcrumb does not display
the folder path properly.
WEBTOP-10952 When you select a cabinet and press the keyboard shortcut "P" to display the
Properties info page, the page is not displayed.
WEBTOP-10636 When you change the version of a file in the Properties dialog box of the file,
the read-only version number is modified.
WEBTOP-10611 When you switch between object types using advanced search, attributes
(columns) defined for the scope of the previous object type are displayed in
the list along with the attributes (columns) defined for the present scope.
WEBTOP-8074 When you navigate to the My Workflows page from a Task, and terminate
the same workflow, and then click Close, you will see a Java Exception error
WEBTOP-7767 When the version of a Virtual Document descendent is updated in a Webtop
session, the same Virtual Document Structure is not updated in another
Webtop session.
WEBTOP-6199 When you have version permissions on a document and convert the
checked-out document into a virtual document, an inaccurate error message
is displayed in Webtop.
WEBTOP-3041 Data tables are created in the default locale for the repository. If field names
are then added in a different locale, the actual attribute name will be used
for display.
WEBTOP-2682 When you perform two consecutive simple searches for a virtual document
using the simple search box above the navigation pane, you will see the
browser tree structure for the first virtual document in the navigation pane,
even though the contents of the second virtual document are visible in the
content pane.
WEBTOP-205 When you select the r_object_id column attribute for a virtual document
in the Preferences dialog box, you will see the "fixed on version" column
display in the content pane, instead of the r_object_id column.

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 17

Fixed Problems

Fixed problems in Documentum Administrator

This section identifies problems that have been resolved, which were previously documented in the
release notes as a known problem or limitation.
The following table lists the defect numbers and a description of the problems fixed in Documentum
Administrator 6.7:

Defect # Description of fixed problems

DA-3854 Removing a role member after a search no longer generates runtime
exception error. The issue was resolved with a hotfix that has been included
in the current release.
DA-3620 Replacing , deleting or revoking of LDAP database certificates in the
LDAP certificate database is not supported using the LDAP Certificate
Management functionality. For more information about updating the
certificates, refer to the "Managing LDAP Servers” chapter in the Content
Server Administration and Configuration Guide.
DA-3364 Previously, only a superuser could change the ACL or home cabinet of a
user. This issue was fixed in that a system administrator can also change
the ACL or home cabinet of a user.

18 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Chapter 5
Known Problems and Limitations

This chapter identifies problems and limitations that may affect your use of the product.
EMC Documentum makes the latest information about customer-reported issues and known
problems available on the Powerlink website (http://powerlink.EMC.com). You must have a software
support agreement to log in and access the list of issues.
Note: This chapter may refer to platforms or features that are not supported for this release of your
product. Check Chapter 3, Environment and System Requirements to verify requirements.

Known problems
This section describes known problems in EMC Documentum software and documentation that
may affect your use of the product.
The following table lists the known problems for Documentum Administrator 6.7 SP1:

Defect # Description of known problems

DA-8077 A backward compatibility issue causes Documentum Administrator login
to fail against Content Server 6.0..

Workaround: — Fix this issue by downloading and applying the most

recent server binaries, which are deployed as a hotfix to Content Server 6.0.
Contact your customer support representative if you need help obtaining
the correct binaries.
DA-7485 When Documentum Administrator is running in accessibility mode and
a user tried to create an object without supplying values for required
fields, the JAWS reader does not provide a description of required fields in
Documentum Administrator. The JAWS reader only reads out "This is a
required field”.
DA-3682 Users must save the LDAP configuration object on the Failover tab of the
LDAP Server Configuration page to update the attribute mapping for LDAP
failover. If the LDAP configuration object is saved from any of the other
tabs, the attribute mapping is not updated.

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 19

Known Problems and Limitations

Defect # Description of known problems

DA-3607 The dm_message_archive object type is lost in docset properties. When a
user creates a new docset with an dm_message_archive object type and
saves it, the object type is lost. This behavior does not occur in all other
object types except the dm_message_archive type.
DA-1468 Two references to the same group appear after reassigning a group. For
example, the groups groupA and groupB belong to the admingroup group.
After reassigning groupA to groupB, two references to groupB appear as
members of the admingroup group.
DA-1264 After the owner of an ACL is changed, the acl_domain of this acl associated
with an object does not reflect the updated owner. The object’s acl_domain
has not been updated to the new owner, but is still pointing to the old
owner. This can cause security issues when viewing the object associated
with the updated ACL.
DA-742 The Documentum Administrator WAR file deployment fails on Windows
Server 2003 SP2 (32-bit version)/Oracle AS 10g Release 3 (
environment. The system displays a blank page with error message as
’Object Expected, Syntax error’ when users access the DA URL using Internet
Explorer. The workaround for the Oracle application server environment is
to comment out the following lines in DA\WEB-INF\web.xml:

<init-param> <param-name>wdk_cache_control_redirect_
includepages</param-name> <param-value><![CDATA[(\.
jar)$]]></param-value> </init-param>
DA-737 When users click to view All events in the Log tab of an index agent MBean,
all events should be listed. Instead, the download log file operation throws
an error for the index agent MBean.

Known problems common to all WDK applications

For information about WDK applications, refer to the WDK and Webtop Release Notes.

This section describes limits on the usability of current functionality. The limitations may be part of
the product design or may result from issues with associated third-party products.

20 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Known Problems and Limitations

The following table lists the known limitations for Documentum Administrator, versions 6.7 and
6.7 SP1:

Defect # Description of limitations

DA-465 Documentum Administrator truncates large log files. When a large a large
log file is opened with DA, the log file is truncated and the following error is
displayed: File too large ... truncated.

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 21

Known Problems and Limitations

22 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Chapter 6
Technical Notes

This chapter provides configuration and usability notes for current product features.
Note: This chapter may refer to platforms or features that are not supported for this release of your
product. Check Chapter 3, Environment and System Requirements to verify requirements.

Documentum Administrator 6.7 SP1 Technical

There are no technical notes related to Documentum Administrator 6.7 SP1.

Documentum Administrator 6.7 Technical


Documentum Administrator User Guide

The PDF version of the Documentum Administrator User Guide is no longer published as a standalone
document on Powerlink, but is still included in the Documentum Administrator online help.
The content of the Documentum Administrator User Guide is now published on Powerlink as part of the
Content Server Administration and Configuration Guide.

Japanese Documentum Administrator

The Documentum Administrator version 6.7 interface is localized for Japanese.

Customizing Documentum Administrator is not supported.

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 23

Technical Notes

Documentum resource agents

Use Documentum Administrator to manage Documentum JMX resources. The JMX service URLs
for ACS and BOCS resource agents are created during Content Server installation. The table
below lists the JMX URLs for resource agents accessed through the Resource Management node in
Documentum Administrator. The host is the machine hosting the agent and the port is the port
used to communicate with the agent.

Table 1. JMX Service URLs

Product URL Default Port

ACS service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:// 9081
BOCS service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:// 8087
DMS service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:// 8490
Index Agent service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:// 9201

Blank page error in WebSphere 6.1

Deploying Documentum Administrator on a WebSphere 6.1 environment throws a blank page due to
classloading constraint violation. To resolve this, add a new property to dfc.properties as below:
With PARENT_LAST, dfc.bof.classloader.enable_extension_loader_first = false
With PARENT_FIRST, dfc.bof.classloader.enable_extension_loader_first = true

24 EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes

Chapter 7

The instructions for installing the product are provided in the Documentum Content Server Installation
Ensure that your system meets the requirements listed in the Documentum 6.7 SP1 Environment
and System Requirements Guide before installing/upgrading the software. The Documentum 6.7
SP1 Environment and System Requirements Guide and product documentation are available on the
Powerlink website (http://powerlink.EMC.com).

EMC Documentum Administrator Version 6.7 SP1 Release Notes 25

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