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Before Changing the Future

By: Choices HP

This is a prequel to my fic Changing the Future where they learn what is
going to happen in the future.

Status: complete

Published: 2023-12-23

Updated: 2024-03-04

Words: 211681

Chapters: 38

Rated: Fiction T - Language: English - Genre: Humor/Friendship -

Reviews: 81 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 83

Original source:


Exported with the assistance of

Before Changing the Future
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N 12/23/2023: I have decided to repost this story of Harry and

the others reading the Deathly Hallows but I'm taking out the
text from the book. I'm having a descriptive sentence and then
the comments I had. For this particular story the comments the
characters made was nearly the same amount as the actual
book, which is why I had decided to post this fic. I will be
posting a chapter for this fic every other day.

Original A/N: So, here's my attempt to have Harry and his

friends read about his own future. I have found that I've really
enjoyed reading others that have done this, and it just seemed
to me that I should try one myself. I chose to only do Deathly
Hallows because, well I'm already writing a different story with
the next generation reading the books and I don't think I could
start another serious from the beginning. The other reason is
because so much happens in this book and I want to see how
Harry will react to it.

I know that I don't have the best grammar and spelling so if

anyone wants to beta this story, I'll be happy for the help.

Chapter One

Dark Lord Ascending

He had his wand out, his eyes wary as he looked at his surroundings
to find that he was in a little room that had some nice-looking
couches that were facing a fire. He blinked a few times and wasn't
sure what he saw or how he could possibly be here. A second ago
he was in his room at Grimmauld Place talking to his friends, Ginny
had just been telling him that he couldn't possibly be possessed by
Voldemort (feeling more reassured by her words than he ever
thought he would be) and the next second he was here, in this comfy
looking room.

Then there was a flash, and he pointed his wand at it instinctively.

He didn't lower his wand even though it appeared like the person
now in the room was his best mate. "Who are you?"

"What kind of question is that, Harry?" the other boy asked sounding
annoyed. "Where are we… you just disappeared on us Harry… you
have no idea how panicked Hermione was… Merlin she must be
going spare right now!"

"Yeah, I reckon she would be," Harry said lowering his wand. "And I
have no idea where we are…."

He trailed off because another light came then, and his other best
friend appeared there. "Ron! Harry! Where did you two go… oh great
I went with you. Do you have any idea what's going on yet."

"Hermione, it's been less than a minute… how could I know

anything?" Harry said.

"I don't know," Hermione said looking at the room suspiciously, "but
this can't be a good thing. It could be…."

Another flash and this time a girl with flaming red hair came into

"Well, this is just great," the girl groaned.

"Tell us about it, Gin," Ron groaned too.

The flashing light kept coming every thirty seconds until the room
was full of people. Starting with Fred and followed by George, Sirius,
Remus, Tonks, Molly, Arthur, who landed on the couch and winched
a little but other than that looked fine. After that Dumbledore came
followed by McGonagall, Snape (several people became agitated at
this including, Snape himself), and things got even worse when the
last person came, Draco Malfoy.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asked glaring at the blonde boy.

"How should I know Weasley King?" Draco answered. "I was brought
here just like I assume the rest of you were."

"Indeed, we have to assume that Mr. Malfoy has a reason to be here

just as much as the rest of us do," Dumbledore said, giving the
blonde a scrutinizing and almost hopeful look.

"Can we discuss what the hell is going on here, now?" Sirius said

"It seems like the flashing has stopped," Remus observed. "Perhaps
it is safe to talk about that now."

"So…" McGonagall started to speak but before she could say

anything more another flash did come, but it was different than the
other ones. This was a golden light, whereas the other ones were
bluish in nature. When the light vanished, everyone noticed a book
with a note on it.

"What do you think that is?" Ron asked.

"Oh… I know this one!" Fred said.

"It's a book!" George said.

"Don't forget about the note," Fred added.

"Come on Ronniekins…. you must have recognized that," George


"Shut up," Ron groaned.

" Dear Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, Sirius, Remus,
Tonks, Molly, Arthur (sorry about the fall but I really wanted you
here), Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and Draco ." Sirius read.
"Merlin that's a long introduction…. I think I would have just said
Dear everyone."

"Will you just keep reading Sirius," Remus said.

"Fine," Sirius said and then read:

I have gathered you all here so you can read this book about your
future, in hopes that you can change things for the better. I know that
it is dangerous to try to change the future, even more so because the
future is a relatively good place now. However, a lot of terrible things
are going to happen in the next two and a half years… a lot of good
people are going to lose their lives… two fifth of the people in this
room among them, and I just want to give you the option to change

Read the book that I've sent you, if you think this reality is worth
perserving, you could choose to forget this room and everything that
will happen here. However, if you choose to make a difference then
you will have gained knowledge from this book and that might help
you make a better world.

With best wishes,


"Who's TRL?" Sirius asked.

"I don't believe I know anyone with those initials that would send us
something like this," Dumbledore said frowning. "Then again, if we
allow the possibility that this book is from the future, and the person
who wrote this letter knows what will happen in it, we could assume
that the writer of this letter is also from the future."

"Right," Sirius agreed. "So do you think we should read the book."

"I don't see how that could hurt," Remus said reasonably.
"Then you don't see very well," Draco snared. "I don't see why I'm
here, and I most definitely don't see why I would want to read any
book with any of you."

"Apparently, TRL seems to think that you would have something to

gain by reading this book," McGonagall said looking him over
carefully. "And I agree with Remus, we should read the book."

"Thank you, Minerva," Remus said.

"You just called her Minerva," Sirius whispered to his friend looking

"Sirius, you know that I was a professor two years ago," Remus
rolled his eyes. "Minerva was my colleague."

"It's still weird," Sirius said.

"Well, if we're going to read, then shouldn't we get on with it," Snape
said dryly.

"Very well," Dumbledore said, he was a little wary of reading the

book. "Who would like to read first?"

"I would," Remus and Hermione both said.

"Oh… go ahead Pro… er Mr.… er… Remus," Hermione stammered

not really sure what to call him. He had made it clear that he didn't
want to be called Professor Lupin because he was no longer their

"Ah, you could just call him Moony," Sirius said draping his arm
around Remus's shoulder.

"Moony?" the twins said at the same time.

"You don't think!" Fred said looking at George, they had identical
flabbergasted faces.
"It can't be!" George said and then they looked over to Harry, who
was looking between amused and nervous.

"I told you about that…. didn't I?" Harry said fighting back a laugh,
something that Ron was finding a lot more difficult.

"You mean he's the Moony," Fred said looking at Remus, who was
now pinching the bridge of his nose as Sirius was standing next to
him, grinning like an idiot.

"You're serious? You really are Moony," George said looking


"No, Sirius isn't Moony," Ron said laughing. "Sirius is Padfoot, Moony
is Remus."

"Padfoot!" the twins said together.

"Merlin! We get to meet two of the marauders!" Fred exclaimed.

"This is bloody brilliant!" George said.

"You guys are the best!" Fred said.

"You taught us so much!" George said.

"What are you talking about?" Molly said sharply, her eyes narrowed
as she looked at Remus and Sirius. Sirius smile faltered a little at her
look, and Remus sighed.

"That Moony was the best teacher ever, and we really learned a lot
from him," George said trying to cover up for one of his idols.

Molly narrowed her eyes at her son's flimsy excuse.

"I think we should start reading," Hermione said at the same time as
Fred said, "So who are the other two marauders?"
"My dad was one," Harry answered him, he really should have told
them this a long time ago. "He was Prongs."

"Cool…. so, I guess it was a good things we…." George started but
stopped himself just in time.

"And the last one?" Fred asked.

"Is a rat!" Sirius snapped his face dark, his eyes dead looking.

"Oh," Fred said, everyone here has heard about what Peter
Pettigrew had done, from framing Sirius to killing Cedric, and Fred
could tell by the look that was who Sirius was talking about.

"I think you should read Hermione," Remus said. "And if you like, you
can call me Moony."

"I think I'll just stick with Remus, if you don't mind," Hermione smiled
at him.

"I prefer it actually," Remus smiled back at her.

Hermione took the book and then read, " Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows ."

"I knew I didn't want to read this stupid book," Draco groaned and
Snape looked like he agreed with that completely.

However, Dumbledore's eyes widened for a fraction of a second at

the title, before he could control himself. He did not expect this, and
he wondered how this would play out. He looked down at his wand,
wondering what role it would play in the book… wondering what that
would mean for him.

"Shut up Malfoy," Ron said through gritted teeth, he was seriously

wishing the blonde boy wasn't there.

Hermione just rolled her eyes before she started reading the title of
the chapter, " The Dark Lord Ascending."
"What a way to start the book," George said.

"Yeah, I thought we were going to read about the scrawny git," Fred
smirked at Harry.

"Shut up," Harry made a face.

Mentions a pure-white peacock:

"Oh," Malfoy said.

"What is it?" Ron hissed.

"I believe that this is Mr. Malfoy's home," Dumbledore said.

"Yeah, it is," Malfoy said, not looking very pleased at the moment. It
didn't help that several people in the room were glaring at him.

Mentions the peacock strutting majestically along the hedge:

"I still wonder why James didn't turn into a peacock," Sirius muttered
to Remus, who had trouble not laughing at that.

"One could say the same about you," Remus pointed out, but Sirius
just smiled at that.

Mentions the front door opens with nobody visibly opened it:

"House elves I'm sure," Sirius said.

"Yeah," Draco confirmed.

"You still have a house elf?" Harry asked.

"We have more the one house elf, Potter," Draco said coldly, as if
Harry's question had insulted him. "And what kind of question is that

"It's just that I freed Dobby… I didn't know…." Harry started to say.
"You freed that elf!" Draco said incredulously. "Father said he set him
free because he was a freak of nature… always talking about what
elves should have… it was a disgrace…."

"But not as much of a disgrace as getting tricked to let the house elf
go by a twelve-year-old, I'm sure," Ron smirked.

Draco shrugged. "It's not really important… who cares if one elf is

Hermione seemed to be fuming during this whole conversation, but

she didn't say anything, it would be pointless to say anything about
elves' right to Malfoy.

Mentions a pale young mind and he couldn't keep his eyes off
unconscious person handing over the table:

Everyone looked at Draco and he flushed. "It's my house, of course I

would be there."

"Not for something like this," Severus muttered and he shared a look
with Dumbledore; it seemed like the youngest Malfoy was going to
become a Death Eater in the near future.

After the description of Voldemort:

"What an attractive bloke he is," Fred joked.

"Yeah, I wish I could look that good," George said.

"What are you talking about," Fred said. "You look like me… and I'm

Mentions Voldemort wants Snape to sit on his immediate right:

"You're his right-hand man!" Sirius asked astounded.

"I… I…." Severus said, stunned.

"I take it that's not how it is now," Remus said. "I wonder what you
did to get that position."

"Whatever it is, it would have to be important," Dumbledore said

thoughtfully, he knew that Voldemort trusted Severus, but he never
thought it would be that much.

Voldemort says Yaxley, beside Dolohov:

Molly's expression darkened at the mention of the wizard that had

killed her brothers. But it was worse than just that, something was
wrong if he was there. "He should be in Azkaban!"

"Yes… he should be," Dumbledore frowned. "It seems that at some

point, there will be a breakout."

Snape tells Voldemort when the Order is going to move Harry:

Everyone's eyes were now on Severus (who was looking back at

them coldly).

"Severus is a spy for the Order," Dumbledore said. "A spy that is
known to be close to me… to keep his position a secret he often has
to give out information like this. However, if this is true, be sure that
the information that he is giving out is the least of all the evils that he
has to choose from."

"That doesn't sound stupid at all," Sirius said sarcastically. "Giving

the other side information like this is not good."

"And that is why you would never be a good spy Black, you have
such a limited mind," Severus snared. "Little imagination."

"You would be surprised how good my imagination is," Sirius glared.

"Settle down," Dumbledore said firmly and the two black haired man
continued to glare at each other but didn't say any more.
Mentions that Harry would be moved the night before he turns

"Hm… so this is a year and a half form now," Hermione muttered

before she started reading again.

Snape says the Order believes that we have infiltrated the


"That's not good," McGonagall said, she had tried to stay quiet, not
wanting to interrupt, but this really wasn't good. "It seems like things
are only going to get worst."

"That's true, however, if the Ministry is trying to play a part in

protecting Harry, it is clear that they are no longer denying that
Voldemort has returned," Dumbledore said, and McGonagall,
Severus, Draco and the Weasleys all flinched when he said

"I thought that you would flinch too," Harry said to Tonks.

"Nah… there's no reason to be afraid of a name," Tonks shrugged.

"Besides, I think that Siri would have been annoyed if I didn't show
more grit than that."

"You got that right, I would have disowned you if you had flinched,"
Sirius laughed.

"Says the guy that's on the run for being a mass murderer," Tonks
rolled her eyes. "Besides, I'm used to being disowned by family…
what difference would this make."

"Fine then, I'll somehow make it so you're back to being related to

the git's family," Sirius said, nodding his head towards Draco.

"What are you talking about?" Draco asked, looking at them


"Er… you don't even know who I am do you?" Tonks sighed.

"No," Draco said indifferently. "You never said your name."

"I'm…." Tonks paused, she never liked saying her first name.

"Nymphadora Tonks," Sirius said laughing as Tonks glared at him.

Draco looked at them as if to say, and that supposed to mean

something to me because…?

"My mother is Andromeda," Tonks said. "She used to be Andromeda


"Oh," Draco said, he had heard the name once or twice before. That
would mean this woman with the strange pink hair and hyperactive
demeanor was actually his cousin. "Right."

"Well, I don't know what I was expecting, but I supposed that wasn't
too bad," Tonks chuckled.

Mentions that Scrimgeour and then failed attempt on the

Minister's life:

"So, Scrimgeour will be Minister," Dumbledore said thoughtfully.

"Will he do better than Fudge," Harry asked, he had no love for the
current Minister.

"He will certainly be a different type of Minister," Dumbledore said. "I

don't know if better is the right word."

Mentions Yaxley trying to receive some portion of approval:

"I never understood that," Harry shook his head. "Is his approval
really worth all that trouble?"

"That is an interesting question," Dumbledore said. "I suppose it is

from their point of view, because the more approval they have, the
more power it represents."
"I still don't get it," Harry said. "But I guess we all know that I wouldn't
make a good Death Eater."

Mentions the Ministry has stopped Potter Apparating or use the

Floo Network and Snape says he will not do either:

"Shut the hell up!" Sirius growled and Severus looked coldly back at

"It is the obvious answer to the problem," Dumbledore said, "and he

would look foolish and more importantly incompetent if he didn't
know this."

"And that's more important than Harry's safety?" Sirius said, wanting
to shout, but not even in this state did he dare do that to

"I have, and never will, say that Sirius," Dumbledore said calmly but
the look in his eyes was fiery and Sirius flinched but didn't back
down. "I merely meant that Severus must not have a choice but to
tell him this… I would also think that there is a plan that we have
come up with that would give Harry a chance to get around this."

"Okay," Sirius said calmly, too, but it was clear he was still upset with

Voldemort says there had been too many mistakes where Harry
is concerned:

"I wonder if he means more than what has already happened now,"
Harry mused and everyone else, except for Severus and Draco,
flinched (and Dumbledore, but he didn't like hearing this news

Voldemort says that Potter lives is due more to my errors than

his triumphs:

"That's true," Harry agreed.

"I think you'll find that it's not, Harry," Dumbledore said. "Though, it's
a good thing that Voldemort thinks it is."

"Yeah, that way he'll keep underestimating you," Sirius said, trying to
take any plus he could out of having Voldemort after his godson.

Voldemort says I must be the one to kill Harry, and I shall be:

And you got it wrong again Tom, Dumbledore thought, you're just
playing more into the Prophecy that you never understood. Giving
Harry more safeguards against you.

"That's not good," Sirius said.

"That depends on how you look at it," Tonks said.

"How could Voldemort wanting to kill Harry be a good thing," Sirius

glared at her.

"It's not," Tonks allowed, but she was glaring back at Sirius.
"However, the fact that his Death Eaters aren't allowed to kill him
now, is."

Sirius flushed at that, "point taken."

Mentions that Voldemort needed to borrow a wand and the

Death Eaters felt like borrow one of their arms:

"No… it's much worse than that," Severus said. "It would mean that
we were not only defenseless, but that we had no use to The Dark
Lord… not a position that anyone there would want to be in."

Voldemort chooses Lucius:

Draco flushed at that, as the Weasley boys and Harry sniggered.

This was not helped at all by Severus's previous explanation about
what this meant.
"What happened?" Draco was unable to stop himself from asking.
He didn't know what was going on with Voldemort, but he knew that
his dad was on good terms with him. Or at least he knew that his dad
wouldn't be dismissed like this.

"I don't know," Severus said trying to give him an apologetic look,
one that only a Slytherin could read, but Draco was glaring at him.

After the description of Lucius Malfoy:

"What happened?" Draco asked again, this time more concerned

than before.

"It sounds like good old…." Sirius started to say but Tonks slapped
his arm. He glared at her but when he talked again it was in a silently
nicer tone, "your dad was in Azkaban."

Draco's eyes went wide for a second before he controlled his

expression, it would not due to show weakness in this room full of his

Voldemort continues to talk down to Lucius ending with my

presences in your home that displaces you:

The Weasley boys were sniggering again and Draco was showing
no outwardly signs that this was bothering him but of course it was.

"Stop that," Hermione said glaring at the Weasleys.

"I don't…." Draco started to say.

"Trust me… you don't want to finish that sentence," Harry said firmly,
knowing that he was probably going to say something about
Hermione. The fact was, Harry felt bad for Malfoy, having to hear
about his family's dishonor like this… in front of his rivals no less.
However, there was no way he was going to let Malfoy say anything
bad about Hermione.
"And what makes you think that I would listen to anything you have
to say, Potter?" Draco snared, but he did take Harry's advice to
heart… a comment like that would not go over well in this room.

"That is enough Malfoy, Potter," McGonagall said. "I know we are not
at school, but I still will not tolerate behavior like this."

"Sorry Professor," Harry said.

"So, I guess we know why McGonagall is here now," Fred said.

"To keep things from getting out of hand," George chuckled.

Mentions the huge snake:

Arthur shivered at that… he couldn't help it. It was only a few days
ago that the snake had attacked him. Molly was between glaring and
sobbing at the mention of the snake and the rest of the Weasleys
(and Harry too) had a similar response.

Mentions Draco reaction ending with terrified to make eye


"What, is little Draky afraid?" Fred mocked.

"I would like to see how you act in his presents," Draco said coldly.

"He probably tell a joke," George said firmly, and neither twin
showed how much they feared that idea… they wouldn't back down
from the little twerp.

However, Molly moaned at that, and Arthur wrapped his arm (which
was painful for him to do) around her.

Mentions a woman says it is an honor to have you in our

family's house:

"No!" Sirius groaned, looking pale.

"It can't be!" Tonks looking the same as her cousin.

"What… who is it?" Harry asked.

"I believe it's Bellatrix Lestrange," Dumbledore said.

"The one that…?" Harry asked, remembering the memory he had

seen almost a year ago.

"Yes," Dumbledore said, but noticed that the Weasleys children and
Hermione still didn't understand what was going on here… why it
was so bad that this woman was out of Azkaban. He only allowed
himself a second to be pleased with Harry for keeping his word
(though he had no doubt the boy would) and not tell his friends what
he had learned that day. However, that meant that he would now
have to explain it to them.

"Harry, how do you know her?" Hermione questioned.

"Er…." Harry said, glancing at Dumbledore, not sure what to do.

So, Dumbledore told them what Harry had seen… that he went into
Dumbledore's pensieve and Hermione and the younger Weasleys
were all shocked and horrified to hear about that.

"He never said anything," Hermione sighed, thinking about her shy
and quite friend that tried so hard (and over the last few months had
shown great improvement thanks to the DA).

"I could understand that," Harry said. "I wouldn't want anyone to
know about my past either."

"The only problem with that is that everyone knows more about your
past than you do," Fred said trying to lighten the mood a little.

Mentions that Tonks married the werewolf, Remus Lupin:

There was silence in the room for a full ten seconds before several
things happened at once.
"YES!" Tonks shouted at the same time as Sirius shouted,

However, Remus didn't seem to register either of these responses.

Though that didn't stop Tonks and Sirius from cheering.

"That means you actually like me back," Tonks was talking at top
speed. "I thought you might, but you seem to be pushing me

"That's just how he is," Sirius said. "He never thought that he could
allow himself to be near a girl because of the werewolf issue," he
rolled his eyes at this point, showing how ridiculous he thought that
idea was.

"Well, obviously, I'll find a way around that," Tonks beamed. "I
wonder how long it took."

"I don't know, but it might take longer now," George said looking at
Remus, who was opening and closing his mouth in shock.

"Oh no you don't," Tonks said. "I know you like me now and I'm not
going to take no for answer!"

"You said it Dora… we won't let Moony ruin our fun!" Sirius said.

"You really would make a lovely couple," Molly said kindly. "I've been
telling that to Arthur for ages… haven't I Arthur?"

"What… yeah you have dear," Arthur said. "I personal think you're a
good match too."

"But…." Remus said, as it was evident that everyone else (besides,

Severus and Draco) were happy about this bit of information. "I'm too

"That doesn't matter," Tonks scoffed.

"I couldn't support you…." Remus said and Tonks glared at him.
"Do you really think I would care about that?" Tonks said sharply.

"No… I didn't mean… er…." Remus said really flustered now.

"Wow, you made Moony speechless… that's a first," Sirius laughed.

"I'm dangerous," Remus muttered so softly that only Tonks could

hear him.

"I know," she said softly, too. She put her hand on top of his, knowing
that she had to be honest with him. "But I don't care. You're a good
man, Remus. Your… condition doesn't change that. Nothing could
ever change that."

Remus was looking at their hands, his heart was beating a little
faster. Then he looked up at her, seeing nothing but affection in her
gaze, and he had no idea what to say. He knew that he had come to
like this wiry girl over the last few months he had sent with her, he
just never thought he would do anything about it. Now that she knew
how he felt… she and Sirius were right… there was nothing that was
going to stop this.

"You don't have to say anything now," Tonks said intertwining their
fingers, "just think about it."

Remus nodded and Hermione started reading again, smiling briefly

at the two of them.

Voldemort says will you babysit the cubs:

"Cubs?" Remus said, turning pale.

"I'm sure it's just a joke," Arthur said, because it looked like Remus
was about to hyperventilate.

However, Tonks seemed to be thoughtful, almost pleased about that

"But another marauder's child would be awesome," Sirius said
proudly. "And I could be godfather again."

"What, I'm not good enough for you?" Harry said, though he was with
Sirius, that sounded like a wonderful idea.

"Of course not," Sirius chuckled.

Voldemort says cut away the canker that infects us until only
the true blood remain:

"So, I guess that means we have to cut him away too," Harry said.

"What do you mean?" Draco said.

"Don't you know that your precious leader is a half-blood," Ron


Draco hadn't known that, and it showed on his face, though he

recovered quickly.

Mentions Charity Burbage:

Hermione read this name and then gasped, she only had one year
with Professor Burbage, but she had liked her a lot.

"No!" McGonagall groaned and Dumbledore bowed his head.

"She doesn't deserve this," Sirius said shaking, he had known her
before he was imprisoned, and she was a good person. It was
always good people that had to die like this.

Mentions that Snape looked back at Charity:

"How could you just sit there like that?" Sirius asked him.

"I told you Sirius, he has no choice," Dumbledore answered for

"But impassively… like it doesn't bother him at all. Haven't you
worked with Charity for years… don't you have a heart at all?" Sirius

"Just because I sit there impassively doesn't mean I don't feel,"

Severus said in a cold tone, his anger was obvious in his voice. "It
does not do well for me to wear my heart on my sleeve like you
seem to do."

"Heart my arse… you're just trying to save your own skin," Sirius
said. "You've worked it out so no matter who wins this bloody war
you'll come out on top."

Severus just looked at him, not sure what to say about that. In a
sense that was true… that is if he was never discovered to actually
be on Dumbledore's side… a possibility that he thought was
unrealistic. However, the sentence had made him seem like a
sniveling coward, and he was anything but that. He risked his life
every time he came into Voldemort's presence… he had to
constantly keep his shields up so Voldemort could never read his
mind. He glared at the man before him that didn't have to face
anything like this, who would never know all that he has done to try
to keep Potter, a boy he could hardly stand, alive. All that for a friend
that was long gone… even before she had died.

"Think what you will, Black," Severus shrugged indifferently.

Voldemort says dinner, Nagini:

"That was the end of the chapter," Hermione said sadly, she didn't
really like that chapter much (except for the Remus and Tonks part of

"I think I'll read next if that's okay," Remus said and no one objected
so he took the book from Hermione.

However, before he could even read the title there was another flash
and Bill was standing in the room looking wary, that was until he
noticed everyone else.

"What's…?" he started to ask when there was another flash and to

everyone's surprise a beautiful woman with silvery blonde hair was
there too.

"Fleur?" Harry said shocked; he really didn't expect that one.

"'Arry?" Fleur said looking troubled but pleased to see him.

"Don't tell me the ruddy pumpkin head is going to show up next,"

Ron said.

"Ronald, don't call him that!" Hermione hissed at him, totally missing
the fact that Charlie had shown up, too. Charlie had gone
immediately to his father, who he had been concern about because
of the recent attack but wasn't able to see because he was still in

"How do you know who I'm talking about Hermione?" Ron asked,
looking smug.

She just glared at him until he backed off.

"Sorry," Ron said. "It's just, I can handle anyone coming here, but
that g… Krum."

At that moment one more person showed up, and Ron had almost
wished that he hadn't just said what he had because he really
thought that this person might be worse than Krum. It was his older
brother… the one that had walked away from his family for the
bloody Ministry… the one that had told him to stop being friends with
Harry because he was unstable. Yes, Percy Weasley was now in the
room that was full of the family that he had turned his back on. As
you could imagine… he did not receive a warm welcome.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Ron and the twins had all
"Hmph… I think they're madder about him being here than they were
that I was," Draco muttered.

Percy didn't say anything, not wanting to admit that he had no idea
how he got here. Nor did he want to admit that he had missed his
family, no matter how much he had always felt like an outsider. He
was looking at his father… of course trying to look like he wasn't… to
see if he was alright. He had heard of the attack that threatened his
father life, but his pride had kept him from visiting.

"I believe he is here for the same reason we all are," Dumbledore
said calmly.

"Which is?" Ginny asked coldly, her glaze shifting from Percy to
Fleur, not liking that either one of them was there.

"I'm sure we will find out soon enough," no sooner than Dumbledore
had said that another flash happened and a note was on the table.
Dumbledore picked it up and read.

Dear Everyone,

"See, now wasn't that a lot easier," Sirius said.

I know you must be wondering why I have brought these new people
here… well too bad, I'm not going to tell you.

"Argh," Severus groaned at that.

"I think I like this guy," Sirius chuckled.

But I will tell you the reason why they weren't here in the beginning. I
needed to know the exact location that they were in at the time to be
able to send them to the room you are all in now. Yes, I had known
where every one of you was at this time, having mostly asked your
future self about this. I had to wait for the others because they were
working, and it would not have gone well if they had vanished from
such a public place. There will be no extra people from here on out…
and please… try not to kill each other.


"Well, that was certainly informative, you can read now Moony,"
Sirius said.

"That wasn't really informative at all," Remus rolled his eyes, but did
as his friend asked anyways… it was the best way to break the
Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

Original A/N: I just want to say that TRL is Teddy Remus Lupin,
though of course no one in this story is going to figure that out
until Teddy is born. And a few people asked what time period
this is. Well, it's fifth year during Christmas right after Harry
overhears that he was being possess. He was having the
conversation with Ron, Hermione and Ginny when he was
transported to the other room.

Thanks to Eminnis who beta this story.

Chapter Two

In Memoriam

" In Memoriam," Remus read.

"So, you mean, we're not even going to ask why this people are
here?" Ginny asked, making it clear who she meant by 'these

"Nope," Remus said, and she supposed she didn't really need an
answer to her most pressing question, because Fleur was sitting
very close to her eldest brother. Noticing that every male in the room
(except Dumbledore and Remus) was looking at her didn't really
endear the blonde-haired girl to her. She shared a glance with
Hermione and knew her bushy haired friend felt the same as she did.

"What do they mean Memoriam?" Arthur asked softly but everyone

heard him.

"I'm sure we will find out," Remus sighed.

Mentions Harry was bleeding:

"Oh, what is it this time?" Ron asked sharply, before his mum could
even fret over him.

"I don't know," Harry shrugged, and most of the boys were
sniggering at that.

Mentions a cup outside Harry's door:

"Er… what's that about?" Fred asked.

"I don't know," Harry repeated.

"Do you know anything?" George and Draco both inquired.

"Shut up Malfoy!" George said.

"You said the same thing," Draco said rolling his eyes.

"I said shut it!" George said.

Mentions Dudley's idea of a clever booby trap:

"Well, that's too clever for me," Sirius said.

"So, you admit you're an idiot," Severus snared.

"Do we really idolize this guy?" Fred whispered loudly enough for
everyone to hear.

George shrugged. "Unfortunately."

Mentions it was stupid that Harry was still unable to perform


"Those last few days really do get irritating," Percy said, being one of
the few people that had already turned of age outside of Hogwarts
where this issue was relevant. There were others who would
experience this in the future, Harry of course, as well as Draco and
Ginny. However, he wished he hadn't spoken because his siblings
were all glaring at him (though Bill's look was more of a stare than

Mentions a gold locket with a note signed by R.A.B:

"Er… what?" Harry questioned.

"I guess that means that something new that you'll pick up,"
Hermione said reasonably.

"I wonder who this R.A.B guy is," Sirius frowned, his mind
immediately going to his brother, but he shook that idea off.

Mentions fragment of the enchanted mirror:

"Oh, I remember that," Sirius smiled. "Me and James use to use that
all the time when we… er… never mind," he trailed off as he looked
at McGonagall and the glare, she was now giving him. "But why is it
a fragment? Did you break it?"

"Sirius, I don't even have this mirror yet," Harry said. "How should I
know if I broke it or not?"

"Remus," Tonks said softly, looking at the now pale werewolf. "What
is it?"

"It can't be," Remus said and his voice drew everyone's attention
because there was so much pain in it. "It can't… he…."

"Remus," Sirius said in a shaky voice, and his friend looked up at

him and he could see what he was about to say. Remus's eyes were
vacant, and it looked like he was in great pain. He moved his lips,
but he couldn't say the words.

" That his dead godfather, Sirius," Tonks read for him, tears were
coming to her own eyes as she held onto Remus's hand.

"NO!" Harry shouted, his cry seemed to mirror all the pain that
Remus was feeling, and the young man's eyes were glossed over in
pain and tears. "No…." he repeated in a weaker voice, he could not
lose his godfather. He had just found Sirius… he just found this piece
of his family and he couldn't lose that.

"I'm here Harry," Sirius said, getting up and wrapping his arms
around his godson without hesitation. "I'm not going anywhere…."

"But…" Harry started.

"We're going to change this… we won't let anything happen okay,"

Sirius said making Harry look at him. "Besides, Remus is still there…
and he's going to need you to look after him…."

Harry snorted, though he still felt miserable, and nodded his head.

Remus on the other hand was looking at the two of them. He didn't
think he could stand it if he lost his last, for lack of a better word,
brother. However, Sirius had just inadvertently reminded him that
there was still Harry that he would have to think about. He would
have to be strong for the boy.

"I think I'll take that back now," Remus said taking the book back
from Tonks, giving her a sad smile to show that he could handle it
and started reading before anyone else could say anything.

However, everyone had a different reaction to this. Dumbledore was

frowning at Sirius and Harry, knowing how hard the loss would be on
the boy that had already lost so much. Not to mention how cruel it
was for Sirius to be taken from this world after all the pain he was
forced to suffer through. McGonagall was actually crying, not that
anyone but Dumbledore noticed this, she had always liked the
Marauders even if they were the bane of her existence. Severus
frowned, surprisingly upset about the man that annoyed him more
than anyone else was going to die. Hermione was crying too,
knowing how painful that was going to be for Harry and how much
she is going to miss Sirius. In fact, most of everyone else's reaction
was like that.
Mentions the locket was worthless but it had cost him to attain

"If it's worthless, then how much could it have cost," Draco rolled his

Harry, however, flinched and looked at Sirius with a questioning

expression. Perhaps it cost him a life, he thought darkly.

Mentions Albus Dumbledore remembered:

"What?" Several people said.

"Does that mean…?" Sirius started to say.

"That I'm dead, I believe so," Dumbledore frowned.

"That's impossible," several of the Weasley boys said.

"You're Dumbledore," Sirius echoed their thoughts. "You can't die!"

"I'm just a man like anyone else, Sirius," Dumbledore smiled. "I
assure you, that I can die."

Severus folded his arms at this and turned away from everyone else.
Dumbledore, the man that he had come to respect so much in the
last fourteen years… that was the only person that he could really be
himself without having to hold anything back… he was dead.

McGonagall sagged in the chair that she was sitting in, thinking
about her friend of more than thirty-nine years dying. Hogwarts
would never be the same without him there. Molly put her arms
around her, as they both shed tears for the old man.

Harry was looking down, how many more people that he cared about
were going to die? Was this his future, to lose everyone he loved?

Hermione took his hand and Ron put his hand on Harry's shoulder.
Neither of his friends were looking at him, and they both looked
pained by the news, but all he could feel was the warmth their
actions had given him. They were always there for him when he
needed it. He didn't know what he would do without them, and he
never wanted to find out.

Mentions met Albus Dumbledore at the age of eleven,

"You were eleven?" Sirius questioned in a tone that was so

ridiculously innocent that it caused most people to chuckle even
though no one felt much like doing that at the moment.

"Of course, I was eleven," Dumbledore smiled at him. "As I just

reminded you, I am human."

"Right," Sirius smiled sheepishly. "It's just hard to picture you as

being young."

"Why thank you Sirius," Dumbledore said, there were a few people
that were even laughing now.

Mentions Aberforth living in Albus's shadows:

Ron grimaced at this; he could relate to Aberforth with that. His

bothers constantly outshone him, and his best friend was effing
Harry Potter. Then there was Hermione… who was brilliant and the
top of their class….

Mentions a friendly Blast-Ended Skrewt:

Some people chuckled at that weakly, especially the ones that knew
what a Blast-Ended Skrewt was.

"What is a Blast-Ended Skrewt?" Fleur asked, she had always prided

herself in knowing magical creatures, but she didn't know this one.

"Er… they're something that Hagrid had bred," Harry answered.

"There was one in the maze…." he trailed off there, reminded of
another person that had died around him.
"Oh," Fleur shivered, knowing exactly what creature Harry was
talking about now. Her mind, too, had gone to Cedric and she

Mentions Harry hadn't thought about asking Dumbledore about

any famous achievements:

"I do not particularly like talking about such things," Dumbledore

said, mostly thinking about the fight with Grindelwald… his onetime
friend and bitter reminder of the most painful time of his life.

Harry nodded at him, not missing the look of sadness that was in his
eyes, and Remus, noticing that too, decided to read again.

Mentions the Practical Defensive Magic and its Use against the
Dark Arts:

"That sounds like an interesting book… where did you get it from?"
Hermione said. "Maybe this means we'll get another good Defense

"He didn't get that book because of classes," Sirius said and Remus
glared at him.

"Where did I get it from then?" Harry asked, smiling amusingly at

Sirius and Remus's expressions.

"It's your Christmas present from us," Sirius smiled. "We thought you
might… er… find it useful."

"Cool! Thanks," Harry smiled, he was sure that he would put it to use
in the DA.

"Er… you're happy you got a book," Ron looked at him liked he didn't
know him at all. "You spend too much time with Hermione."

"Hmph," Hermione huffed, glaring at Ron, as all the Weasley children

"What do you mean find it useful," Molly narrowed her eyes at both
Sirius and Harry. "How will he find the books useful?"

It was clear to both of them that she was thinking about the illegal
defense group that she had warned Harry not to make and they both
looked nervously back at her.

"It's just so he can have practice, so he won't fail his O.W.L.'s this
year because that… er… Umbridge is teaching them nothing,"
Remus said, it was his reason for getting the books for Harry
anyways, but he now realized it was probably not Sirius's.

Percy frowned at Remus; he had always had a high opinion of the

man because he really was a good Professor. Remus had after all
actually been able to instruct him and his classmates about
defensive spells, whereas in the years previous he had to take it
upon himself to learn everything. Yes, Remus was a werewolf, but
that didn't really lower Percy's opinion of him, he was actually
impressed that Remus had learned so much and actually made a
contribution to his community despite his disadvantages. Still, he
hadn't expected Remus to hiss out Umbridge's name in the angry
almost growl that he had done. He was a reasonable man after all,
and wasn't quick to judge others…

Mentions Rita Skeeter:

Everyone groaned at that, and Hermione was cursing bitterly in her

head. Obviously, Rita wasn't going to learn her lesson about writing
nasty things anytime soon.

Mentions Rita Skeeter is much warmer and softer:

"Whoever is writing this is not very intelligent," Hermione muttered


"You sound like you know Skeeter personally, Hermione," Sirius said
raising an eyebrow.
"We might have met," Hermione smirked at him as Harry, Ron, and
Ginny all sniggered. Sirius was more intrigued by this response, as
were the twins, but didn't ask any more questions about this.

Mentions Dumbledor never talked about how his nose got


Everyone felt curiosity burning in them as they wondered what was

meant here. Skeeter was intriguing them more than they would have
liked to admit, but no one wanted to ask Dumbledore about it. It was
clear to them all that it was really hurting him to hear this.

Dumbledore took a deep breath as the guilt he always lived with

came on stronger than it normally does… he was in a room of
people that wouldn't believe anything of this to be true… and they
would be wrong. And yet that mattered little… what was really
bothering him was his thoughts about his family and how he had let
them down.

Mentions Dumbledore's fight with Grindelwald ended with a

conjured a white handkerchief and came quietly:

If only that were the case, Dumbledore thought wryly. No, that fight
was a lot harder than anything he ever had to do in his life… though
the emotional strain was what made it seem so impossible.

Mentions Dumbledore with Harry relationship:

"There's nothing sinister about our relationship," Harry hissed.

"That just sounds wrong Harry," Fred said sniggering along with

Mentions that Rita interviewed Harry about You-Know-Who's


"What?" Harry said confused. "I never talked to her."

"Yet!" Remus pointed out.

"Why would I talk to that cow of all people about Voldemort?" Harry

"I don't know, Harry," Remus said frowning. "But the truth is an article
like that could help our situation… it would let more people believe
that Voldemort is back. And I know that you don't like to hear this, but
most people do think Skeeter is a credible news source."

"But I don't," Harry said. "She would twist everything that I said!"

"Unless," Hermione said thoughtfully. "Er… that might work…."

"Hermione," Ron said impatiently. "You're doing it again."

"What?" Hermione said.

"You're talking as if we understand what you're saying," Ron said.

"It's not my problem you have trouble understanding English,"

Hermione huffed and Ron stuck his tongue out at her, "I was just
thinking that I might be able to get her to write an article… you know
without her adding anything to it."

"How would you be able to do that?" Sirius asked.

"Oh… I have my ways," Hermione said, she had a mischievous look

in her eyes.

"What have you done to her Hermione?" Remus asked, a little afraid
of the answer.

"Nothing much," Hermione shrugged and again Harry, Ron, and

Ginny chuckled.

The adults all looked at them funnily, but they decided to drop it.

"Just remember, you don't want to get on Hermione's bad side," Ron
"Er… I think you're the one that needs to remember that more than
anyone else," Fred said and everyone laughed as Ron turned red.

"I think you're right Hermione," Harry said after he got his breath
back. "In that circumstance I probably would give her an interview…
argh… I'm not looking forward to that but if it helps…."

Mentions that Skeeter believe that Potter was there when

Dumbledore died:

Harry bowed his head; of course, he was there… he had to watch

everyone die, didn't he?

Mentions that Potter gave evidence against Severus Snape:

Everyone turned their eyes to Severus who was looking at the book
in shock. There was no way that he would kill Dumbledore… that
was impossible.

"You killed Dumbledore!" Sirius shouted, getting out of his seat.

"Sit down Sirius," Dumbledore said in a cool calm voice that

emanated such power that Sirius reluctantly sat down, but he still
glared at Severus murderously.

Severus didn't notice this though. He didn't hear Sirius's outburst or

anyone else, for everyone had something to rage about now. He felt
numb inside, Dumbledore was gone, and he had killed him…. How
could either one of those things be true? He looked up and met
emerald, green eyes, and a stab of pain went through him. Now! He
had to see those eyes now when he was already grieving for another
loss. He looked away, but still he couldn't help but notice that they
weren't filled with hate like he had expected, but filled with doubt
and… understanding?

Harry was looking at Snape, glaring at him at first. How could

Dumbledore have trusted that creep? But when he looked at the
professor that he had loathe for years now, he couldn't find the guilt
that he had expected to see there. No, what he saw was
devastation… Snape was grieving… for Dumbledore… He was in
shock about what they heard. How could he be in shock if he was
the one that killed him? Unless… well, Dumbledore was the only
person that seemed to trust Snape… They might even be…
Friends? That was ridiculous… but Snape's reaction seemed to be
saying that…

"I repeat, I trust Severus Snape," Dumbledore continued his

statement to Sirius and all eyes were now on Dumbledore.

"He killed you," Sirius said incredulously… how could Dumbledore

trust Snape after this?

"We do not know all the facts Sirius," Dumbledore said calmly.

"So, you think Harry is lying!" Sirius snapped.

"No," this answer came from Severus himself though it looked like he
was talking to himself. Everyone glared at him again, even though he
looked pale and sick. The boy, he had to admit, would not lie about
something like this, he had killed Dumbledore… what had

"So, you admit that you killed him!" Sirius shouted.

"Sirius, he cannot admit to having done something that has not taken
place yet," Dumbledore said in the same calm voice.

"How can you take this so calmly?" Sirius said shaking his head.
"How can you defend your murderer?"

"Because I can think of several reasons why Severus would have to

kill me and I wouldn't blame him for any of them," Dumbledore said.

"Er…." Sirius said completely caught off guard by that comment. The
whole room in general was speechless now, all of them gaping at
"I ask you not to judge anyone until we are done with the book,"
Dumbledore said. "There has to be a reason why Severus was
invited in this room along with the rest of us and I doubt it's because
he had killed me."

"Fine," Sirius sat all the way back in his chair and crossed his arms,
still muttering to himself. Everyone else looked around
uncomfortably, not sure what to think but they couldn't really say
anything, so Remus did the only thing he could think of; he picked
the book up and started to read again.

Mentions the bright blue eyes of Albus Dumbledore would

never pierce him again:

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow there, thinking that his brother had

the same color eyes as he had. But why would Aberforth have the
other mirror… and how would he have gotten it in the first place?

"That's the end of the chapter," Remus said, holding out the book.

"I think I should read," McGonagall said taking the book from him.
Chapter 3
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

Chapter Three

The Dursleys Departing

" The Dursleys Departing," McGonagall said.

"Ah, how I like the Dursleys best," Harry mumbled.

Mentions oh, you being what Harry is called by his uncle:

"Did they ever call you by your name?" Hermione questioned; her
eyes narrowed.

Harry didn't answer right away, he tried to think of a time that they
had, but he couldn't. "I can't remember."

Everyone looked appalled by that, but those who knew him well
knew that he wouldn't want them to say anything about this and
those that didn't know him at all didn't want to let him see that they
felt sympathetic towards him.

Mentions Harry packed the shard of glass with the things he'll

"Why would you do that, it was just a broken shard of glass?" Ron

"I thought I saw Dumbledore's eye in it," Harry said.

"But you also thought that was impossible," Ron said.

"So, I don't really understand why I'm taking it either, but there was
something odd about that," Harry shrugged.
Vernon says we are in danger, from… :

"Why would they be in danger?" Harry asked, not sure what he was
feeling at the moment.

"I would think that it was likely that Voldemort would want to use
them to try and lure you to him," Dumbledore said.

"Oh," Harry said blinking, again not sure what he was feeling.

"You wouldn't actually go to save those people, would you?" Sirius


"I don't know," Harry said and most people looked at him sadly.

"I think he would," Fleur said. "If he was willing to help my sister
when he didn't even know who she was, he would help his family…
even when they are… horrible people."

"Yeah, but your sister was an innocent girl… Harry has a thing about
saving girls from danger," Fred teased waggling his eyebrows.

"No, I agree with Fleur," Ginny said, looking like she hated to admit
this, for more than one reason. "Harry would help these poor
excuses for people."

"Well, I'm glad you all have decided that for me, or I'd never know
what I would have done," Harry said looking annoyed and amused.

Harry says I've already got a house my godfather left me:

"You left me a house?" Harry said surprised at first and then

frowned, he was only getting a house because Sirius was going to…
no he wouldn't think about it.

"It seems like my will works out just fine," Sirius said, surprisingly
smirking. "Mum is really going to love that."
"You're leaving me Grimmauld Place," Harry said this time making a
face. "What did I ever do to you to deserve that?"

Several people chuckled at that.

"Sorry Harry, but if I didn't do this it would have gone to one of my

dear cousins and unfortunately, I'm not talking about Andromeda…
she was wiped off the family tree."

"Thank Merlin," Tonks said.

Vernon says that this Lord Thing:

McGonagall frowned as she looked at the next word to be read.

"Er… what's the problem?" Sirius said after a long paused.

"I probably said Voldemort," Harry said and most people shuddered.

"Well, none of that, that's just not going to cut it here," Sirius said in a
stern voice, remarkably like McGonagall's. "Everyone is going to just
have to read this book the way it's meant to be!"

"You mean we're going to have to say snake face's name!" Fred

"Surely you wouldn't make us do that!" George said in mock terror.

"It's about time everyone gets over this whole flinching thing," Sirius
said, trying not to laugh at the twins' comments.

"I agree with him," Dumbledore said, looking amused himself. "By
not saying his name you only are reinforcing your fear in him…
giving him more power."

"Oh, very well," McGonagall said hotly and she was going to make
sure everyone else read his name, that was for sure.
Mentions that Mr. Weasley had once demolished half of the
living room:

"You did what?" Molly said looking incredulously at her husband.

"Er… I must have forgotten to tell you that," Arthur said rubbing the
back of his head and laughing nervously.

"What did you do Arthur?" Molly narrowed her eyes.

"It wasn't Dad's fault really," Fred stepped in, a grin on his face.

"Yeah, we had to get out of the fireplace somehow!" George


"You see Molly, the Dursleys had an eltrikre fireplace," Arthur said,
his face lighting up when he said this.

Everyone was laughing so hard at this point that they couldn't hear
the rest of Arthur's mumbled excuse to his wife.

Harry says you're being offered serious protection, the best

there is:

"That seems like a waste to me," Sirius said.

"That's because you have such a limited mind," Snape sneered. "If
there is a chance Potter would go after those Muggles than they are
more valuable than most."

"Hm… It seems that saint Potter wouldn't really be that hard to get a
hold of," Draco said. "You could just threaten any of his little friends
and he would come running to the danger."

Harry looked at Draco, frowning but a little worried.

"Especial the M… frizz head or Weasley King," Draco nodded

towards Ron and Hermione.
"Mr. Malfoy that's enough!" McGonagall said sharply.

Draco shrugged, but he thought he made a valid point.

Vernon talks about wanting the Ministry of Magic to protect


"I wouldn't call them innocent!" Molly said sharply, unable to keep her
temper this time.

Harry however snorted at this.

"What's so funny?" Ron raised his eyebrow.

"It's just that it's typical of him to put his hopes in the establishment,
even when he's talking about the magical world."

"Er… that's not really funny," Ron said and Harry just shrugged.

Harry says caused by dementors, and if you can't remember

them, ask your son:

Sirius shivered at this; he was never going to like hearing about

dementors for as long as he lived.

Harry had shivered, too, at the mention of the attack that had just
happened a few months ago. Again, he wondered what Dudley was
forced to see when the dementors got close to him.

Dudley says there are more of them:

Harry rolled his eyes; did Dudley really believe that there would only
be two of those creatures in the whole world?

Harry says maybe even Inferi:

"Inferi?" Harry questioned which caused several people to chuckle,

though of course not too much because Inferi weren't something to
laugh about. "What?" he said to the one's laughing at him.
"Sorry," Ron said still chuckling a little. "It's just you're asking what
something is…."

"When it's something that you're trying to explain about in the book,"
Hermione finished with an amused expression.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Oh, that was so funny."

"I thought so," Ron shrugged.

Harry glared at him, and really wanted to know what Inferi were but
wasn't going to ask again and no one seemed willing to tell him now.

Mentions an echo of Hagrid smashing a door that seemed to

reverberate through the years:

Harry chuckled, finding the memory of that night a lot more

humorous than it was at the time.

"What was that about?" Bill asked.

"Oh, just when Hagrid came to tell me about being a wizard," Harry
shrugged with a smile and Ron snorted, remembering Harry telling
him about Dudley's pig tail.

Harry says they will torture and kill you like they did my

Sirius, Remus and Snape all flinched particularly hard at this, all
thinking about the bitter day they had lost the people that they cared
about so deeply.

Harry had bowed his head and shivered; he could still hear what the
dementors had once made him listen to when they were too close to
him. He shuddered at his thought.

Mentions what did you say at the end of sixteen years' solid
The laughter in Sirius and Remus's faces died as they listened to
that. Harry shouldn't have lived like that. He should have had a
happy life, with his parents, or with Sirius.

Dedalus says there has been a change in the arrangements:

Several people raised eyebrows at that. All of them were thinking

about the first chapter and hoped that the Order had indeed come up
with something that would keep Harry safe.

Mentions Hestia didn't want to be in the room while Harry had a

loving possible tearful farewell:

"Like that will ever happen," Harry rolled his eyes, again drawing sad
looks. The one that he didn't expect and indeed didn't see because
he wasn't really looking at anyone, was from Snape.

Snape never wanted to think of the boy, and tried to convince himself
that he would be just as spoiled as his father was. He definitely didn't
want to hear that Potter had anything in common with him, that they
both loathed their home.

Mentions Petunia avoids looking at Harry altogether:

Molly pressed her lips tightly together; she was finding it harder and
harder not to say anything about these deplorable people. It was
particularly hard now; how could she just ignore him like that?

Mentions Dudley looked like a giant name Grawp:

"You know a giant!" Molly exclaimed, alarmed.

"No," Harry said shaking his head. "Not yet at least."

"Well, I guess that's something to look forward to," Ron said looking
pale as he spoke.

"I wonder if this has something to do with Hagrid?" Hermione mused,

looking just as pale as Ron was.
"Don't say that," McGonagall groaned, none of the Order members
liked that Hagrid had taken so long getting back from his mission,
nor the fact that he hadn't told them why he had taken so long.
McGonagall tried to shake her head of this thought, but the problem
was, that did seem like a probable explanation for what had

Dudley says but where's he going to go:

"He sounds… concerned about you?" Hermione said questioningly,

that didn't really sound right.

"That's what I was thinking, too," Harry said in a similar voice. "I
wonder where that came from."

Dudley says I don't think you're a waste of space:

Harry was looking at the book oddly again, not sure he believed what
McGonagall had just read.

Dudley says you saved my life:

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, if he was talking about the dementors

then this change in his cousin was happening now. He wondered
what would happen when he got back to the Dursleys, would Dudley
actually treat him… nicely?

Mentions that Harry was relieved that Dudley exhausted his

ability to express his feelings:

"Yeah, I can imagine," Harry said.

"Does this mean that you don't want us pulling anything else on
him?" George questioned.

"George!" Molly reprimanded, but Harry chuckled.

Mentions Dudley walking towards Harry who repressed the urge

to use magic:
"I don't think he's going to do anything to you," Hermione said.

"I know, but I'm just not used to him coming at me without him
threatening me in some way," Harry shrugged.

Harry says did the dementors blow a different personality into


Several people chuckled at that though Sirius shivered. His

personality had changed a lot because of the dementors.

End of chapter:

"That's the end of the chapter," McGonagall said, "who would like to
read now?"

"I think I will," Dumbledore said and took the book from her.
Chapter 4
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis who beta this story.

Chapter Four

The Seven Potters

" The Seven Potters," Dumbledore said. "Curious title."

"What do you think it means?" Remus raised an eyebrow; he was

pretty sure there was only one Potter left in the magical world.

"I have a few theories," Dumbledore said, but didn't answer farther.

Mentions it was like remembering a younger brother whom he

had lost:

"So, you do like your house?" Sirius said.

"The house itself isn't so bad," Harry admitted, he had an odd smile
as he was remembering the times that the book had just mentioned.

Harry says last summer, Dumbledore walked through the front


"Really?" Harry said. "Why would you do that Sir?"

Dumbledore was frowning at this, not sure what to say, and it was
then that Harry was reminded just how angry he was at his
headmaster at the moment. The appearance of the book and the fact
that Dumbledore was treating him normally again had wiped it from
his memory for a little while, but it has returned now.
As if reading his mind Dumbledore said, with a deep sigh, "I don't
know Harry, but it seems that my attempt to put some distance
between us must not have worked out."

"And why have you been trying to put some distance between us?"
Harry asked a little hotly.

Dumbledore looked Harry in the eyes then and noticed with relief
that there weren't any of the signs he had seen the last time he had
looked into the boy's eyes. "I was afraid of what Voldemort might do
when he found out that your minds were connected. In fact, I was
planning on having Severus teach you Oclumency so that you could
stop Voldemort's thoughts from affecting you…."

"You mean so I wouldn't have any more visions?" Harry said, raising
an eyebrow and then he couldn't help but look at Arthur. Most of the
people in the room were looking at Arthur, too, now, though Charlie,
Fleur and Draco were looking at Harry completely lost. Harry had to
admit that would be good, he never wanted to be in Voldemort's
mind again, and yet… "but wasn't it a good thing… I mean… Mr.

"Yes, it was a good thing that you were able to help Arthur,"
Dumbledore said, "but at last, you have gone so deeply into
Voldemort's conscience that he is now aware of the connection
between you two. I even thought I saw a bit of this coming through
when I looked at you before sending you to Grimmauld Place."

Harry swallowed hard, he didn't like the sound of that one bit, and he
knew exactly what Dumbledore was talking about. "So why are you
answering all my questions now?" he said, not wanting to think of
this connection anymore.

"I don't believe Voldemort can reach you in this place," Dumbledore
said. "And it seems that you will know what is being kept from you
"And what is that, Sir?" Harry said, trying to keep the hostility out of
his voice with difficulty.

Dumbledore looked at him gravely, like he didn't want to say what he

was about to say but forced himself to, anyways. For he now knew
there was no point of keeping this from the boy any longer, the book
was going to tell a more dangerous story for them to know and there
was nothing he could do about that now. Besides, Harry needed to
know the truth, no matter how dark it was.

"There was a prophecy made before you were even born about
someone having the power to defeat the Dark Lord," Dumbledore
said, he was intending to give Harry the full prophecy whenever it
was that he was going to tell the boy this, but it didn't seem right to
say it in front of a group of people, so he settled for saying what he
knew that Voldemort had already known. "That the child would be
born as the seven month dies, from parents that had thrice escape
from the Dark Lord."

"Me?" Harry said as several people gasped in the background.

"It didn't have to mean you, Harry, there was another boy that the
prophecy could have been talking about," Dumbledore said gravely,
"Neville Longbottom."

There was more gasping at this.

"Then maybe I'm not…." Harry started to say.

"Unfortunately, there is no doubt that you are the boy of the prophecy
now," Dumbledore said. "Marked as an equal…" he added another
line of the Prophecy softly and Harry's hand moved to his scar
without thinking.

"So, he went after me as a baby… because of the Prophecy," Harry

finally said after he took a moment to think, and this was why his
family was killed.
"Yes," Dumbledore said simply.

"I think you should start reading again," Harry sat back in the couch
he was sitting on, crossed his arms, he had to think about this.

Mentions Harry pulled open a door under the stairs:

"Oh no," Harry mumbled, though he was barely listening he couldn't

help but know where this was heading, and he was distinctly aware
that he never told anyone about this.

Harry says this is where I used to sleep:

"WHAT!?" everyone in the room, including Severus and Draco

exclaimed. Draco just couldn't believe the famous Harry Potter could
ever have been treated like that whereas Severus was angry. Angry
that he really seemed to have something in common with Harry and
even angrier that he couldn't recognize that.

"YOU… THEY… IN A BROOM CUPBOARD!" Molly's screams were

the loudest to hear though by no means was she the only one
screaming. Everyone was outraged about this, McGonagall seemed
to be directing her scream at Dumbledore, who was looking grave.

Sirius was pacing in the room, growling, his anger seemed to have
gone past words. His mind was going back and forth between
wanting to curse the Dursleys for their treatment of his godson to
being angry at himself (and the rat) for not being there for Harry

Remus was shaking in his seat with the fury he was feeling. He knew
what it was like to be in a small confine space, locked behind a door,
and he knew the pain and fear that Harry must have lived with. But
at least there was a reason why he had to be lock away, and that
was only once a month… Harry didn't deserve this; he never did
anything to the Muggles that he lived with. Remus felt someone put
their hand on his shoulder and he knew without looking that it was
Tonks. He could feel the relief the touch gave him, though he tried
not to, he felt better when she was around.

Ginny was looking at Harry, unable to take her eyes off him. Though,
of course, Harry wasn't looking at her. No, he was looking at the floor
in front of him, embarrassed by what had just been said in the book.
He didn't like it when the Dursleys were mentioned, having his past
on display for them all to see. She could understand that she never
liked it when her first year was mentioned. It was just a few hours
ago that she had been talking to Harry (with Ron and Hermione in
the room too) about that opening her wounds in hopes that she could
get Harry to see that he wasn't being possess… that he didn't have
to be afraid, and they weren't afraid of him. Yes, she knew exactly
what Harry was feeling right now, the pain of remembering a difficult
time in his life.

She wanted to go and comfort him, but words were meaningless

right now, and she wasn't close enough to him to offer a hug. The
other thing that kept her away though was her memories of her own
childhood. How she had always imagined Harry Potter, the dashing
hero that would always come to her rescue just in time and then fall
madly in love with her. She could feel how stupid she had been as a
kid, thinking that being a hero was simple and easy and getting
rescue from danger wouldn't scar her for life. Yes, Harry really was a
hero, and he had saved her (and she wouldn't mind if he fall in love
with her and they would get the happily ever after), but reality was a
hell of lot darker than the dream.

"Why didn't you tell us this?" Hermione whispered softly so only

Harry and Ron could hear her.

Harry took a deep breath and then forced himself to look at her (Ron
was sitting behind her, his eyes conveying how horrible he felt about
this). "I didn't know how to bring it up," Harry said, his eyes trying to
tell them that he really didn't want to talk about this.

"Harry… I… I know you said they were bad… I never thought…."

Hermione said, biting her lip, trying not to cry and finding it difficult,
as she thought of her friend as a little boy living in that dark place.

"Yeah, man, I can't believe I was ever jealous of you," Ron said, he
hated having to try and make light of this situation, but he had to try.
Harry didn't want them harping over this, he didn't want them talking
about it at all. It was enough that they knew, and that they would
make sure that nothing like this would ever happen to him again.

"Ronald!" Hermione turned to glare at him, her eyes clearly saying,

'how can you be so insensitive'. Then Harry actually chuckled.

"I'm sure I told you that a long time ago," Harry said.

"Yeah, well, how could I believe that, you're Harry effing Potter," Ron

"Yeah…." Harry rolled his eyes. "And you know how much I love

"I don't get that either," Ron shook his head. "Think of all the birds
you could get just by using your name!"

"Ronald!" Hermione repeated this time she looked offended. "Harry

doesn't want to be with a girl just because he's famous. He wants to
actually get to know the…."

"No, Ron has a point, maybe I should use my fame that way," Harry
said thoughtfully. "Of course, I'm not sure how well that would work
right now seeing as everyone thinks I'm a nutter and all."

"Well, we know that's going to change in the future," Ron said

(Hermione crossed her arms and muttered something about all boys
being gits).

"Maybe," Harry shrugged, he was laughing now along with Ron.

"Honestly if you ever do something like that Harry, I will curse you
until your head deflates," Hermione hissed at him.
Harry laughed harder than ever. "Hermione, does that really sound
like something I would do?"

"No," Hermione sighed. "But I just wanted to warn you if it ever does
cross your mind."

"Right, consider me warned," Harry smiled at her and she reached

over to give him a quick but firm hug. She didn't want him to think
about what they were talking about again after Ron had so nicely
distracted him, but she needed to hug him… show him that she was
there for him.

Then she turned to Ron and hugged him, too. She knew that Ron
had just been trying to cheer Harry up, trying to make him forget that
he was in a room full of people that were yelling and screaming
about something that Harry would rather not hear about. Ron always
seemed to know just what to do to make Harry feel better, whereas
she was always trying to confront him about his feelings. The hug
she gave Ron was shorter than the one she had given Harry. Even
so, she felt her face burn when she wrapped her arms around him,
and her heart started to hammer when she notice Ron had hugged
her back before she pulled away.

"You two are both gits you know that," Hermione told them, trying to
hide her embarrassment.

"Yeah sure, but that's why you love us right," Harry chuckled.

"Honestly Hermione, would you want us any other way?" Ron added
with her favorite lop sided grin.

"No, I wouldn't," Hermione smiled at her boys.

"Well, if you're done with your touching golden trio moment," Fred

"Golden trio?" Ron said questioningly.

"It's what everyone calls you lot at school," Ginny informed them.

"Really?" Ron said, shocked that he was included in something like

that. He always figured that everyone was just talking about Harry,
not the three of them.

"Moving on," Fred said.

"We probably should get back to reading the book," George said. It
had seemed that sometime during Harry, Ron, and Hermione's
conversation everyone calmed down. Or at least they calmed down
enough to see that Harry didn't want them to shout like this about
this subject.

Mentions Harry remembering a dream he had about a flying


"You dreamed about my motorbike," Sirius said, forcing his voice to

sound normal, it wasn't so hard to do because he loved his bike a

"Yeah," Harry smiled. "It was a nice dream, too."

"I bet, what ever happened to my bike anyways," Sirius said turning
to Remus.

"I'm not sure," Remus said.

"I believe Hagrid has it," Dumbledore said.

"Still, hm… I'm going to have to talk to him about that," Sirius

There was a sudden, deafening roar from somewhere nearby.

"Hm… it seems like I'm going to hear about my bike sooner than I
thought," Sirius chuckled.

Mentions that Ron, Hermione, Fred and George are there:

"Oh Merlin, why are you all there," Molly said, looking at her
youngest son and his two best friends, and then shifted to the twins.
"I don't like this."

"I'm sure everything is going to be fine," Arthur said encouragingly,

though his eyes looked almost as worried as Molly's did.

"I never get to do anything," Charlie frowned, though he was smart

enough not to say it loud enough for his mum to hear.

"Wishing you didn't go off to chase those dragons now, eh Charlie,"

Bill chuckled back at him.

Mentions Bill, badly scarred and long-haired;

"Scarred?" Molly gasped and looked at her eldest son's face as if

she could see what the book was talking about. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Bill said, frowning. "It must have happened in the

Mentions Fleur:

"I'm there?" Fleur said, just as shocked as everyone else in the

room. Then she seemed to have gather herself and said, in her airy,
confident way, "oh course I would want to help 'Arry any way I can.
Though I am not sure how I would even have heard about something
like this."

"Maybe that means things are still going well between us," Bill said
smiling at her and Fleur blushed.

"I think I like the sound of that," she smiled back at him.

Molly, on the other hand, didn't like the sounds of that one bit. Who
did this girl think she was to be staring at her son like that.

"Why do I get the feeling that we're going to have to deal with a lot
more Fleur in the future?" Ginny grumbled as she leaned around
Ron to whisper to Hermione.

"She obviously was there to help Harry," Hermione whispered back,

though clearly not liking the situation either, she was trying to keep
an open mind about the other girl.

Mentions Tonks wiggled her left hand at him, a ring glistened


Tonks beamed at the mention of the marriage and when she noticed
that Remus was almost smiling, too, she felt practically giddy.

Harry says you got married and looked from her to Lupin.

"Hm… I'm the one that told you the news, look at me Harry," Tonks
pouted, or at least she tried to, but she couldn't quite get the smile off
her face.

"Sorry Tonks," Harry chuckled at her expression.

"Wait a second… you two got married?" Charlie exclaimed.

"Er… yeah, they said that in the first chapter," Tonks said.

"Well, I wasn't here then, now, was I?" Charlie huffed, his ears
turning red.

"You are okay with this, aren't you?" Tonks said she was a little
surprised by this reaction.

Charlie rolled his eyes at that, "of course I am. I just need to do

"Er… what?" Tonks said narrowing her eyes at him.

"Well, seeing as your closest male relative here is either best friends
with this guy or a huge git, it's my job to say something as your best
friend," Charlie said glaring at Remus.
"If you want to stay my friend at all you will shut the hell up," Tonks
glared at him.

Charlie didn't say anything, but the glare that he was giving Remus
spoke more clearly than his words could.

"You're a git Charlie Weasley, that's what you are!" Tonks huffed at

"It's okay Tonks," Remus smiled. "I don't mind."

Moody says there will be seven Harry Potters:

"No!" Harry said shaking his head. "No way!"

"Actually, it seems like a good plan to me," Hermione said, biting her
lip nervously, "it should be able to confuse the Death Eaters… it
might be our only chance to get by them."

"But do you get how much more dangerous it would be, being me,"
Harry said to her, pleading her to understand that he couldn't lose
anyone else because they were trying to protect him.

"Yes, I do know," Hermione said and he could see that she did, "but
that's not going to stop us from helping you."

Harry sighed and bowed his head, there was nothing else for him to

Mentions that Harry caught Hermione's eye and looked away at


Dumbledore's eyes widened slightly as he read this, so Harry would

know of the Horcruxes, he was sure of it. He was also sure that the
fact that Harry and Hermione looked at each other there told him
what he had been trying to figure out for years now. Ever since Harry
had given him the diary and he had proof of what Voldemort had
done and even more convincing proof that he had to have made
more than one Horcruxes. So, he had made seven of them!
Mentions Harry putting his hair in the Polyjuice Potion and it
turns gold:

"Huh?" Severus snorted in disbelief.

"What is it?" McGonagall asked him.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken that the color of the potion varies with every
person," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling at Harry. "It is common
belief though that the closer the color is to gold, golden gold that is,
the more pure-of-heart they are."

"That would make sense," Fred said.

"Little Harrykins has always been an innocent little thing," George


"Shut up," Harry hissed at them.

Hermione says you look much tastier than Crabbe and Goyle,

"That's an interesting thing to say, Hermione," Fred said waggling his


"I won't mean it like that," Hermione said blushing.

"What do you mean by that?" Molly asked sharply. "It sounds as if

you have actually seen what Crabbe and Goyle's Polyjuice Potion
would look like, but you couldn't know that, right?"

"Er…." Hermione gulped.

"Well, you see, we kind of do know that," Harry said looking

uncomfortable and worried. "In our second year."

"That really was you," Draco said. "I knew something was wrong, but
Cabbe and Goyle keep insisting that it was them… that nothing was
"They probably didn't want you to know that we stuffed them in a
closet," Harry said reasonably.

"You got that right," Draco grimaced, "I'm going to have to have a
word with them about this."

"How did you even get Polyjuice Potion," Sirius asked. "We tried to
order it in our sixth year, but no one would sell it to us… and seeing
as none of us were very good at potions" - Sirius glared at Remus
there and the werewolf just rolled his eyes - "we had to give up the
idea of pranking all the Slytherins in their own common room."

"We didn't get it anywhere, Hermione made it!" Ron said, smiling
proudly at her.

"What?" several people said.


GIRL!" Severus shouted.

"We think it was bloody brilliant!" the twins yelled at the same time
glaring at Severus.

"It is rather impressive," Bill said looking astounded. "I can't believe a
second year could do that!"

"It is an impressive feat," Remus smiled at her. "But I believe

Severus has a point too. A Potion like that can have serious
consequences if made incorrectly."

"I know Professor Lupin," Hermione sighed. "I just needed to do

something… I wasn't really thinking clearly at the time."

"Well, it all ended well," Remus smiled. "And it's Remus remember."

"Right, sorry," Hermione smiled at him.

"You really are rather brilliant," Sirius smiled at her too. "You remind
me a lot of Lily sometimes."
"Oh… really?" Hermione and Harry said at the same time.

Severus scowled even more than ever at that; that wasn't true, Lily
never would have done something that reckless, even if she would
have been capable of making the potion quite easily. And it wasn't
right to make the girl think that she did nothing wrong when she
could have caused so much damage with her potion.

"Of course! Bloody brilliant… and bit of a know-it-all," Sirius said and
laughed when Hermione made a face at that comment though Harry
and Ron both chuckled at it. "Kind, and always standing up for what
was right no matter what… yeah I see a lot of her in you."

"Thanks," Hermione said softly as Harry smiled, liking to hear things

like this.

before catching sight of Ron's raised eyebrows, blushing

slightly, and saying, "Oh, you know what I mean - Goyle's
potion tasted like bogies."

"How would you know; you didn't taste that potion?" Harry said.

"Yeah, didn't you um… turn into a cat or something?" Ron said with a
mock thoughtful look, before laughing.

"Shut up!" Hermione said turning bright red as everyone in the room

"Did you really?" George asked.

"Is that why you missed classes after Christmas?" Fred asked, both
twin laughing hysterically.

"Shut up!" Hermione repeated.

Fleur says Bill don't look at me, I'm 'ideous:

"You think I'm hideous," Harry pouted.

"Of course, not 'Arry," Fleur said, "I just don't want Bill to like the

"Fair enough," Harry chuckled along with others in the room,

however, Ginny was glaring at Fleur.

Mentions the real harry thought this was the most bizarre thing
he had ever seen:

"Really, I would have thought you'd seen plenty of odd things

before," Charlie said. "I mean every year it seems you guys are up to
something crazy."

"Yeah… but this really does sound peculiar," Harry said.

Ron says I knew Ginny was lying about that tattoo:

"What?" the Weasley boys all said looking suspiciously at Harry.

"Why would Ginny know what was on your chest?" Charlie asked
glaring at Harry.

"How should I know?" Harry said, raising his hand in a defensive


"Yeah right," Charlie said, still glaring at Harry as were all his
brothers except for Ron, Harry was happy to note. Ron, however,
was looking very uncomfortable about this.

Ginny, on the other hand, was looking at the floor, trying hard not to
smile as she hoped that this meant what she thought it meant.

Hermione put her hand over her mouth so no one would see the
knowing smile she had. Molly was looking between her daughter and
Harry, hopeful and yet wary about what was meant there.

"Ah, I always knew that Potters had a thing for redheads," Sirius said
to Remus, smirking as Harry turned red and the Weasley's glares
only intensified.
Bill says I'm taking Fleur on a thestral, she's not fond of

"No, I'm not, though I don't know how I'm going to like flying on the
thestral, I can't see it," Fleur said and added in her head, at least not

"Don't worry, I'll be there," Bill smiled reassuringly at her, and she
couldn't help but feel better at that.

Mentions Fleur as giving Bill a soppy, slavish look and Harry

never appeared on his face again:

"Oh, I'm sure it looked good on you Harry," Fred teased.

"Yeah…." Sirius started to say, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, but

Remus clapped a hand over his mouth.

"Don't mind us," Remus said to everyone in the room and several
people chuckled. Harry looked gratefully at his old professor; he had
a feeling that his godfather was about to say something he wouldn't

Mentions Hermione will be with Kingsley on a thestral:

Hermione looked relieved that she wouldn't be flying on a broom but

didn't know how she felt about flying on an invisible horse.

Mentions Harry knew that Hermione too lacked confidence on a


Hermione huffed at that comment.

"Was I wrong?" Harry asked, and smirked when she didn't say
anything but instead glared at him. "Didn't think so."

Mentions Ron did not look as pleased as Hermione:

"That hurts Ron, that really hurts," Tonks pouted.

"You really don't have to worry mate, Tonks is brilliant," Charlie
smiled, remembering all the trouble they used to get up to when they
were at Hogwarts.

Mentions that Harry will be with Hagrid:

"I'm not sure if that's such a good idea," Molly said.

"I would trust Hagrid with my life," Harry said.

"Er… Harry, you are trusting Hagrid with your life in the book," Bill
pointed out.

"Um… yeah," Harry said lamely.

"And Molly, I think it's a good idea that Harry is with Hagrid, the
Death Eaters would be less likely to believe that the real Harry would
be with him," Remus said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I would think that Moody would be who they would think Harry
would be with," Tonks said, "then likely Kingsley…."

Ron shifted at this and looked at Hermione nervously.

This look didn't go unnoticed by Molly, who was smiling at them. She
had been expecting something to happen between those two for
years now, but they were both so stubborn when it came to admitting
their feelings… maybe this book will help with that.

Moody counts to three:

The tension in the room seemed to double in that one sentence,

everyone had been trying not to worry about what they thought
would come, but they found that that was difficult to do now.

Mentions a blaze of green light on every side:

"NO!" everyone screamed.

Harry pitching the bridge of his nose, praying that everyone else
would be safe. He didn't want anyone else to die for him.

Mentions the owl screeched and fell to the floor of the cage:

"No… Hedwig!" Harry moaned. He almost felt ashamed for the

wetness building in his eyes, he had so many other things… people
to worry about… but he couldn't stand losing her. She was his only
friend when he was stuck at the Dursleys, and she always did her
best to cheer him up when he was down. Hermione had grabbed his
hand and when he looked in her eyes, she had an understanding
and supportive look.

Harry says we've got to go back:

"No!" Another round of yelling this time they were all looking at Harry,
who, with tear stain eyes, looked back at them defiantly.

Harry says Wingardium Leviosa:

Harry, Ron and Hermione couldn't help but look at each other and
smile at that; thinking about their first adventure together.

Mentions the strangely blank face of Stanley Shunpike:

"What?" Harry said. "Why would he be there?"

"I don't know," Dumbledore frowned. "But it sounds like he might be


Harry says Expelliarmus:

"Harry, that wasn't a smart move," Remus said and several other
people were frowning.

"Why not…? If he's being Imperius, how could I curse him?" Harry

"You could stun…." Remus started to say.

"The fall could kill him… and I doubt any of the Death Eaters would
bother trying to save someone they're controlling," Harry huffed.

"Perhaps not, but I still wish you had used a different spell," Remus
groaned. "After what had happened last June…."

Harry flinched at the remainder of that.

A Death Eater says it's him, it's the real one:

"That's what I was afraid of," Remus sighed as other people in the
room groaned.

Mentions Hagrid launched himself off the bike at the Death


"NO!" Harry shouted. "Hagrid!"

Several other people were shouting, and some were now crying.

"Don't worry," Sirius said to his godson, "if anyone can survive a fall
like that it would be Hagrid… he's tough."

"But…." Harry started.

"He'll be okay," Sirius assured him and tried to keep his face from
showing any of the fear and concern he was feeling.

Mentions not knowing where Voldemort was but hearing Avada:

"NO!" another round of painful screaming, and Hermione was

squeezing Harry's hand she was holding tightly. In fact, she was also
squeezing Ron's hand, which she had grabbed at some point during
this flight.

Mentions that Harry's wand acted on its own:

"What?" several people whispered, and Dumbledore looked

thoughtful, but he kept reading.
Harry says Accio Hagrid:

"Hagrid is too big… that will only make you go to him faster,"
McGonagall said worried.

"Getting away from that creep faster sounds like a good idea to me,"
Fred pointed out.

Mentions then Voldemort vanished:

"What… how did he vanished?" Molly said.

"I believe they are inside the protection now," Dumbledore said.

Mentions Harry smashed into a muddy pond.

"That is the end of the chapter," Dumbledore said and Charlie, the
closest person to Dumbledore, took the book and started reading
Chapter 5
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

Chapter Five

Fallen Warrior

" Fallen Warrior," Charlie read and everyone groaned at that.

Dumbledore frowned at that again thinking of his old friend. If anyone

was to be called a warrior, he would be.

Mentions expected Voldemort to swoop out of the darkness at

any moment:

"Don't worry Harry, you're safe for now," Sirius reassured him.

"Er… I'll try to remember that," Harry tried to smile at his godfather
but couldn't quite manage it… he didn't like the sound of this chapter.
If anyone died because of him…

Mentions but the dark mass did not stir:

Harry started to breathe heavily as he thought, not Hagrid!

Ted says Dora's father:

"Ah, so you're Dora," Fred said.

"No, I'm Tonks," she said glaring at Fred.

"Well, your dad just called you Dora…." George said.

"He can't very well call me Tonks, now came he," Tonks snapped
back at them.
"I don't know what your problem is," Fred said.

"Dora is a… fine name," George said pausing to think before he said

fine with a chuckle.

Tonks narrowed her eyes at them and hissed out, "if I hear anyone
calling me Dora, I won't be held accountable for what happens to

"Hm… that's too bad, I like Dora," Remus sighed and Tonks's head
snapped towards him. Remus smiled at her, his eyes twinkling with
amusement, and she frowned.

"You're just messing with me, aren't you?" Tonks frowned.

"No, I'm not," Remus eyes turned more sincere, and Tonks could feel
her face heating up.

"Okay then, you can call me Dora," Tonks said a little shyly.

"Aw… isn't that cute…." the twins said together, and the glare that
Tonks gave them was so murderous that they both stopped laughing
immediately. Several of the other people that were chuckling at this
interaction, most notably Sirius, stopped, too, when Tonks shifted her
glare to them.

Hagrid says Harry how did you get out of that, I thought we
were both goners:

"Yeah well, you should know that Harry has more lives than a cat,"
Fred chuckled.

"Well, I think that depends on what you consider life threatening

events," George said thoughtfully to his twin. "Are you counting the
time he fell off his broom or just the major things…."

"Stop it, you two!" Ginny snapped at them, not liking hearing this at
all, but mostly she was concerned about her mum, who was looking
a little pale at the mention of this.
Harry shouted you:

"Hey, don't shout at my mum!" Tonks huffed.

"Yeah, Andy hasn't done anything to you!" Sirius added.

"Er… sorry," Harry said, shakily.

Mentions Mrs. Tonks's resemblance with her sister Bellatrix


"She doesn't look anything like that bitch!" Sirius growled this time.

"Sorry," Harry repeated, not sure what else he could do.

"That's not exactly true… my mum once showed be a picture of the

three of them and they looked similar to me," surprisingly Draco said.

"I didn't think your mum would have any pictures of mine," Tonks
said. "Let alone show it to you."

Draco just shrugged at that.

Mentions her hair was lighter brown and wider and kinder, but
she looked haughty after Harry's exclamations:

"I'm sure Mum knew what you were thinking… and she doesn't like
being reminded of that," Tonks chuckled. "But don't worry Harry,
she's really nice."

"As long as you don't take her sugar quills," Charlie said and Tonks
snorted and the two of them started laughing.

"Er… I think I'm missing something," Sirius said looking like he really
wanted to know what they were talking about.

"Sorry, you had to be there," Tonks laughed.

"I just hope you didn't do anything that I would be ashamed of," Molly
said sharply and Charlie tried to give her his best innocent face,
though it was ruined by his barely concealed smirk.

Mentions that if any of the others had died, it was his fault:

"It's not your fault!" Hermione hissed as Ron hit the back of Harry's

"Ow," Harry said rubbing his head, but still replied stubbornly, "no
one would have been in danger if it wasn't for me!"

Ron and Hermione weren't the only ones that groan at that
response, but everyone decided not to argue… Harry was too
stubborn to listen to them.

Mentions Harry had consented to the plan, given them his hair:

"If that's all you got, you're daft!" Fred said.

"Yeah, we would have just taken your hair whether you liked it or
not!" George added.

Mentions Harry wants to apologize to Mrs. Tonks, but no words

occur to him:

"I don't think you could say anything to her at that moment," Molly
said and she was biting her lips; what was she going to hear in this
chapter. Four of her children… Arthur… what might have happened
to them. Then there was Hermione, who she almost thought of as a
daughter… And Tonks and Remus… Kingsley… Oh, she couldn't
stand not knowing, but she was afraid of what she was going to hear.

Mentions after getting to the burrow he heard screams:

"Oh no… what is it?" Molly gasped.

"I think it's probably you dear," Arthur said soothingly and she
relaxed… a little.
Mentions Harry could hear the pleas in his voice, and he didn't
know what happened:

"Oh Harry, I know that," Molly said trying to sound soothing but she
was too worried about what was going to happen to pull it off.

Mentions Molly pulls Harry into a hug that he doesn't deserve:

"You don't have to do anything to deserve a hug from me, I worry

about you just as much as I do the rest of my children," Molly said.

Harry looked at her, not sure what to say, but he hoped the thankful
smile he gave her would tell her how much that meant to him.

Ginny says Ron and Tonks should have been back first:

Hermione gasped there and gripped Ron's hand reflexively. She

blushed when she realized what she had done… she was holding
Ron's hand! Still, she couldn't make herself let go like she normally
would have, always having to shy away from any form of contact
with Ron in case he found out how she felt. However, right now, she
needed to hold his hand… friends can hold hands when they think
that said friend was in life threatening danger… right?

Ron stare down at their hands as his heart rate started to pick up.
She's just worried about you… it doesn't mean anything, he told
himself, but that didn't stop his ears from turning red.

Harry stiffened immediately after hearing Ron's name, and he felt his
heart hammer in his chest. As much as it would kill him if any of the
people got hurt or kill, it would be a hundred times worst if it was
either Ron or Hermione. Ginny got up from her seat and sat next to
Harry and she took his hand in her own. She could see how hurt he
was hearing this, though she too was worried about her brother, all
her brothers really, and being close to Harry helped with that.

Molly lip trembled at this, and she leaned against Arthur. Remus was
grimacing at the book, feeling more worried than he thought he
should… then again, he was going to marry the girl in the future, so
he has every right to be worried about her.

Ginny says should have been Dad and Fred's:

"No," Molly moaned, not more of her family she had to worry about.

George now shot Fred a worried glance.

Mentions Lupin is supporting a unconscious George whose

face was bloody:

Charlie's voice shook as he read this.

"No, Georgie!" Molly moaned and she could feel Arthur's grip on her

Fred was the one that was looking worriedly at his twin now.

Mentions one of George's ears was missing:

Several people groaned and everyone winched.

Molly got up and wrapped her arms around George as Fred looked
at his brother, his face white.

"You lost an ear," Fred mumbled in disbelief.

"It looks like it," George said, his voice muffled because his mum
was hugging him so tightly that it was hard for him to breathe. "It
looks like we can't use our favorite joke anymore…."

Fred's lips twitched upwards at that, but he couldn't manage to say

anything at the moment.

Mentions Lupin grabbed Harry and dragged him:

"What's your problem Remus!" Sirius snapped at his friend.

"Er…." was all Remus could say about that.

"I believe that he is worried that Harry might not really be Harry,"
Dumbledore said reasonably.

Remus asks what creature was there the first time that you
visited my office, then gave Harry a small shake, answer me:

"You don't have to be so rough with him," Molly mumbled, she was
still numb about hearing what would happen to George so she
couldn't yell, but she couldn't not defend Harry either.

"Sorry," Remus said. "I have problems controlling myself when I'm
extremely worried or angry…."

Harry says Stan must have been Imperiused:

Remus grimaced at that, along with several of the other people in the

"Seriously Potter," Draco said, "it was a life and death situation… he
wouldn't have hesitated to kill you."

"That doesn't mean I should kill him," Harry snapped back.

"Suit yourself, but that will probably only get you killed in the end,"
Draco shrugged.

"We'll see about that," Harry huffed.

Mentions Harry wanting to teach Dumbledore's Army how to


"Dumbledore's Army?" several people said raising their eyebrows.

"What is that?" Molly questioned, she was getting over her shock,
though she was still holding on to George, who was looking terrified
about being that close to his mum at the moment. It was all Fred,
Ron and Ginny could do not to laugh at his expression.
"Er…." Harry said, really hoping that he wouldn't have to explain this.

"I would believe that it's likely the Defense group that Harry is in
charge of," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling slightly.

"I was under the impression that there was no Defense group," Molly
narrowed her eyes.

"Sorry Mum, but we couldn't just sit around and let that toad get
away with everything she was pulling at Hogwarts," Ron snapped,
feeling oddly courageous at the moment, he wondered vaguely if it
had anything to do with the fact that Hermione was still holding his
hand, but his mind didn't linger there now.

"YOU… YOU DID… I CAN'T BELIEVE… !" Molly started to shout,

and George made a face.

"The ears not gone yet Mum," George grumbled as he rubbed said

"Now Molly, I know that you never liked this idea, but it is…." Arthur
said from the couch and when his wife glared at him, he was happy
that a giant snake had just attacked him because it meant she was
less likely to curse him.

"Harry and the others need to know how to defend themselves,"

Sirius went on where Arthur left off and he didn't cringe away from
the glare he was receiving.

"I agree," Dumbledore said. "And I think we might just see how much
was gain from Harry doing this… though I feel that I must add that
I'm honored that you named your group after me."

"Oh," Harry said, who had been looking at the floor when Molly was
yelling, looked up at Dumbledore. "We thought it was a good name
seeing as it was what the Minister is most afraid of right now."
Molly was by no means any less angry about this, but after what
Dumbledore said she held her tongue.

Remus says the Death Eaters think it's your signature move, I
urge you not to let it be:

"No Harry, don't listen to him," Fred said.

"Yeah, you should totally use that move all the time now," George

"Hey… I bet you can even use it to defeat Snakeface," Fred added.

"Whatever," Harry rolled his eyes, though he felt oddly comforted

that the twins were still joking around with him even after he had lost
George an ear.

"Actually, I was thinking that I might have done the same thing,"
Hermione said.

"What?" someone questioned.

"You know, if I was in the same situation as Harry was in, I might
have used the Disarming Charm on Stan, too," Hermione said.

"I don't know about that Hermione," Harry said.

"I wouldn't want him to get killed," Hermione said heatedly.

"I know, but you probably would have thought of a better spell to
use," Harry said. "I'm sure you've looked up dozens more spells than

"Maybe," Hermione allowed, as she rolled her eyes. "But I think

Expelliarmus is one of the best charms you could have used while
trying to make sure that Stan wouldn't get kill but also making sure
that he wasn't a threat to you either."
"Okay, we get it," Ron said. "You would have disarmed him too; now
can we get back to reading…."

"Fine," Hermione said, though she was wondering if Ron would have
tried to disarm Stan, too, or not.

"I think I would," Ron answered her unasked question and smiled
when she looked sheepish about him guessing what she was

Mentions Remus made Harry feel like an idiot, but there was a
grain of defiance:

Sirius laughed at that and said, "I know the feeling."

"Are you sure it was only a grain Harry, that doesn't seem like
enough for you?" Ron teased.

"Shut up," Harry grumbled.

Mentions two figures appeared and they were Hermione:

"Good," Ron sighed in relief before anyone else could and Hermione
gave him a shy smile.

Harry looked relieved at hearing this, too.

Lupin says Harry is the best hope we have, trust him:

"Did you really have to say something like that, Sir?" Harry groaned.

"Sorry Harry," Dumbledore smiled at him understandingly, but in a

way to make it clear that he believed that sentence to be true.

Mentions Hermione stifled a little moan behind her hand:

Hermione stiffened slightly, thinking about what might have

happened to Ron and knowing that was what she was thinking in the
book. Ron gave her hand, the one that he had been holding most of
this chapter, a squeeze and it made her relax considerably.

Kingsley says and we saw You-Know-Who as well:

Several people gasped at that looking warily at Hermione.

Ron went pale and this time it was Hermione that reassured him that
she was okay by squeezing his hand.

Kinsley says but vanished quickly:

"That must have been when he found out where the real Harry was,"
Hermione mumbled.

Harry almost smiled at that; he supposed it wasn't such a bad thing

that he called attention to himself. He shuddered to think what might
have happened to Hermione if he hadn't.

Remus says Snape's work:

Everyone looked at Severus at that moment. The glares he was

receiving from them cause him to back away against the wall looking
unusually terrified.

"Everyone, calm down," Dumbledore said, but it had little effect on

the room.



"I…." Severus opened his mouth, but no words came out. It was true
that he didn't like any of the Weasleys (though Bill and Percy hadn't
been too bad) but he never would have wanted to curse them like
this. Even if the twins caused nothing but mayhem in his classroom.

"You cursed George's bloody ear off!" Fred snapped indignantly,

"You've ruined our favorite joke!"
"You really don't have any decency at all, Snivellius!" Sirius hissed.

"That is enough," Dumbledore said in a sharp voice and everyone

fell silent, though that didn't stop anyone from glaring at Severus. "I
suggest that we do not past judgment on anyone until we have
finished reading this book."

"But he…." Molly started to say indignantly but trailed off when
Dumbledore gave her a look.

Remus says he lost his hood during the chase, Sectumsempra:

Severus paled at that, though he was trying his hardest not to

react… not with everyone looking at him murderously like they were.

Remus says it was all I could do to keep George on the broom,

he was losing so much blood:

"Oh dear," Molly moaned and crushed George against her again.
George was smart enough not to say anything about this, but he
really was wishing that this chapter would end soon, and he could
escape from his mother's grasp.

Mentions where was Ron, Fred and Mr. Weasley, Bill, Fleur,
Tonks, Mad-Eye, and Mundungus:

"Hm… I guess we all know where we rank in Harry's mind now,"

Fred said, smirking. "I'm rather flattered that I'm so high on your list."

"Er…." was all Harry could say about that.

"You mean you like her better than me," Tonks pouted as she
pointed at Fleur.

Fleur looked offended for a second, but it was clear Tonks had
meant that as a joke, so she said, "Well, 'Arry obviously has good

Several people were now laughing at that.

Mentions Harry wanted to hug Ginny, hold on to her:

All the Weasley boys narrowed their eyes and Harry shifted
uncomfortably in his seat.

Ginny on the other hand was having trouble keeping the smile off her

Arthur says I'll prove who I am after I've seen my son:

"Oh, thank Merlin," Molly moaned, Arthur was okay and if he was
talking like that so was Fred… Now all she had to worry about was
Bill and Ron.

George says saintlike:

"Saintlike," Fred said shaking his head, "pathetic."

"Er… what's pathetic?" Ron asked.

"I'm sure you'll see," Fred said still shaking his head.

Fred says what's wrong with him, is his mind affected:

"Ah… Look how much icki Fredie is worried," Ginny teased him and
Fred glared at her.

George says saintlike, you see, I'm holy, holey, Fred, geddit:

"Argh, that was pathetic," Sirius groaned.

"Told you so," Fred said as George rolled his eyes.

"You two… you're never serious," Molly groaned.

"No… but it's obvious they try to be Sirius," Sirius said. "I am their
idol after all."
"Not if you keep making puns like that you're not," Fred said and
Sirius pouted.

George says you'll be able to tell us apart now, Mum:

"You just had to mention that," Fred bowed his head.

"I'm sorry dear brother," George sighed. "We're still in the morning
period for our beloved joke."

"Idiots," Hermione said rolling her eyes as the twins gave her
identical grins.

Hermione says it's them:

Hermione let out a breath that she didn't know that she was holding
and turn to smile briefly at Ron, but as soon as she met his eyes, her
cheeks turned red, and she had to look away.

Mentions Hermione flew at Ron and hugged him tightly:

There was a lot of whooping and whistle going on in the room,

mainly from the twins, but Charlie, Bill and Ginny joined in, too. The
adults, though refraining from making any noise, all tried to hide their
smirks with various degrees of success.

Of course, the only response that Ron and Hermione had was to turn
bright red, pointedly not look at one another and finally drop the hand
that they had been holding for most of this chapter.

Ron grumpily says always the tone of surprise:

"I didn't mean it that way," Hermione muttered, finding it hard to talk
because she was so embarrassed at the moment with the sniggers,
she could hear from all her friends. "I was impressed…."

"Which means that you never expected me to do anything like that,"

Ron snapped, automatically falling onto his standard reaction to
Hermione, especially when he was nervous like he was right now;

"You didn't hear me hitting any Death Eaters did you!" Hermione
snapped back; it was just so much more comfortable to be fighting
with Ron. "It's difficult thing to manage as Tonks had just implied, so
just take the compliment and stop grumbling!"

"Hump!" Ron huffed and crossed his arms but didn't say anything.
He couldn't really say anything at the moment anyways, he was
trying to stop himself from smiling too much. It's not every day after
all that she compliments him.

Naturally several people were sniggering as this conversation went

on as Harry rolled his eyes.

Tonks says Bellatrix, she tried very hard to kill me:

"That Bitch!" Sirius growled. "If I could get my hands on her…."

"… I'll strangle her to death," Charlie finished for him.

Remus didn't say anything, but his eyes darkened at the mention of
this, and it was clear that he was just as upset about this as the other

Bill says Mad-Eye's dead:

"NO!" many people moaned.

Dumbledore bowed his head, though not shocked by this, he still felt
sorry for his old friend that had been fighting Dark Wizards all his life.
McGonagall's lips trembled slightly at this, she had great respect of
the man, even if he was a little eccentric. Harry clutched his hands
into a fist as the guilt raked through him.

No one seemed able to say anything for a long time as they all
bowed their heads in silence, after what seemed like forever, Charlie
finally started reading again.
Mentions Bill says Dung panicked and he Disapparated:

"STUPID COWARDING GIT!" Tonks yelled, she had been rather

close to Moody and to hear that this coward had just left him there…

Charlie gritted his teeth for a second before he started reading again.

Bill says Voldemort when straight for them, it was enough to

make anyone panic:

"Panic yes, but to leave your partner behind like that to get killed,"
Tonks muttered darkly, or as darkly as she could when it sounded
like she had a cold.

"I don't know why you're surprised; most people would react that
way," Draco said, he didn't really have any love for Moody. This was
mostly due to the fact that he was turned into a ferret, though of
course he knew that Moody wasn't the one that did that, it didn't
make him like the guy that much. Still, he didn't want the guy dead,
but the simple fact was there was really no reason for anyone to
stick their neck out there in this situation.

Mentions that the Death Eaters knew that Harry was being move
but didn't know the details:

"Oh, we know who slipped the information to them," Sirius hissed

glaring at Severus.

"The question is, how did Snape know that in the first place?" Remus
said reasonably.

Everyone looked thoughtfully at that questioned, but no one had an


Mentions that Harry was thinking about Hagrid and how he had
given Voldemort crucial information for a dragon's egg:

"Dragon's egg!" Molly exclaimed. "What are you talking about?"

"Er…." Harry said.

"When did this happen?" Molly continued.

"Hm… you wouldn't happen to be talking about Norberta," Charlie

said smiling.

"Norbert's a girl!" Harry, Ron and Hermione all exclaimed.

"Yep," Charlie chuckled.

"When… Did… This… Happen?!" Molly repeated slowly this time.

"In first year," Malfoy answered for the quivering trio.

"You mean there really was a dragon!" McGonagall said, and the trio
nodded their heads. "Perhaps I was a little too harsh on Mr.
Longbottom then," she muttered to herself thoughtfully and then
looked at the trio coldly, "but not hard enough on you three."

"Er…." Harry tried to think of something to say but nothing came to


"They were just trying to help Hagrid out," Charlie defended them.
"And it's not like they brought the dragon in or anything like that."

"And how did you know about this?" Molly snapped at her son.

"Er… well… you see, I kind of help them get Norberta out of
Hogwarts," Charlie said rubbing the back of his head nervously. It
was funny how he could face dangerous dragons all day without
breaking a sweat, but he couldn't face his mum.

"I don't want to hear your excuses, Charlie Weasley!" Molly snapped
at him. "And you three, you should know better than dealing with a
dragon… you should have gone to a professor when you found out
about it and…."
She continued to rant like this for some time but eventually she tired
herself out and Charlie started reading again.

Harry says I trust you all, I don't think anyone in this room
would sell me to Voldemort:

"Well said Harry," Fred, George and Sirius all cheered.

Dumbledore smiled proudly at him.

Remus, however, was frowning, thinking how much that reminded

him of James… and what had come of the trust he had placed in his

Mentions Remus had an odd expression, close to pitying:

"What's your problem Moony?" Sirius asked. "Why are you such a
downer in this chapter?"

Remus rolled his eyes and motioned for Charlie to read.

Remus says you're like James, he regarded it as a dishonor to

mistrust his friends:

"I don't see anything… Oh," Sirius said, the realization dawning on
him. "Harry, Remus usually has a point but right now he's wrong…."

"Sirius," Remus started to say, annoyed by that comment.

"No!" Sirius snapped at him. "I don't want my godson to stop trusting
people because of what happened between us… our friends. Trust
your friends, Harry… just don't be blind if they ever start acting

Harry nodded his head as Remus frowned.

Molly says Fleur's agreed to get married:

"Married?" Molly and Fleur said, though in completely different tones.

"Bill, we are going to get married!" Fleur beamed at him and though
she always looked beautiful there was something different about the
way she looked now. It probably had something to do with the fact
that her smile seemed more natural, and she seemed to have
dropped her haughty appearance for a moment. Bill smiled at her,
and his eyes twinkled with merriment.

Molly looked at the two with a frown, which only seemed to become
more pronounced with how the two looked at each other. She wasn't
ready to lose her boy yet. However, there was nothing she could do
about it, they were obviously happy together.

Mentions Molly didn't understand, she was making him feel

worse, not better:

"Oh, she does understand," all the Weasley kids said at once.

"Mum's the best at guilt trips," Ron explained and Molly didn't
protest… it was true.

George says what about my bleeding ear:

Harry winched at that, "Sorry."

"It's not your fault, you git!" George snapped.

Harry says my wand acted on its own accord:

"Is that even possible?" Hermione and Remus both asked, looking at

"In a normal circumstance, I would think not," Dumbledore said after

he paused for a moment to think. "However, when we speak of Harry
and Voldemort nothing could be considered normal. After hearing
what he has described I would tend to agree with Harry, that the
wand did act on its own accord."

Mentions Harry's scar seared with pain:

Ron grimaced at this; he was hoping that Harry wouldn't have to deal
with that kind of pain anymore. It's been hard on him these last five
months, watching his friend be in pain all the time.

Voldemort says you lied Ollivander:

Everyone gasped at this, shocked about hearing this about the man
that had made everyone's wand except for Fleur's.

Dumbledore bowed his head again, at another of his old friends

being tortured.

Ollivander says I can't understand the connection exists only

between your wands:

Hermione gasped, with what Dumbledore had just said about Harry's
wand really acting on its own and this sentence she was starting to
connect the dots, though it didn't really make any more sense than it
did before. She knew that Harry was connected to Voldemort and
somehow, this connection had helped Harry's wand to react the way
it did.

Hermione says Dumbledore wanted you to close your mind:

"So, it seems that Potter actually learns how to close his mind,"
Severus said, looking doubtful but slightly impressed at the same

Dumbledore grimaced, he didn't want to say this when Severus was

almost praising Harry, but he felt that he had to say the other option
that might have happened. "Or Voldemort had decided to use
Occulmency against Harry."

"Why would he do that?" Severus questioned him as he thought that

was the more likely thing to happen; the boy obviously doesn't have
any control over his emotions and would find it extremely difficult to
block his mind.
"My guess is that Voldemort found that the connection between the
two of them was more dangerous to have than beneficial,"
Dumbledore said.

"Then why would Harry be able to see this now?" Remus asked,
frowning. "I mean, I doubt Voldemort wants Harry to see something
like this…."

"No, I would think not," Dumbledore frowned and then was

thoughtful, he would have to think about this more.

Hermione says don't let him inside your head too:

Harry grimace at that, thinking that he didn't really have a choice, but
didn't say that out loud.

"That was the end of the chapter," Charlie said. "Who wants to read

"I will," Tonks said taking the book from him.

Chapter 6
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

Chapter Six

The Ghoul in Pajamas

" The Ghoul in Pajamas," Tonks read.

Mentions Harry should set out to find and destroy Horcruxes as

soon as possible:

"Horcruxes?" Several people said. Most people said this in a

confused voice, having no clue what that was and why it would be
something that Harry would have to destroy. However, one person
paled at this as he gasped.

"That's how he did it! That's how he survived the first time!" Sirius
said looking at Dumbledore.

"Yes, I have come across proof that Voldemort had indeed made at
least one Horcrux, and I have feared that he had to have made
more," Dumbledore said gravely and then eyed Sirius curiously. "I
am surprised that you would know about them though, Sirius."

"It was in one of my father's books," Sirius shivered at that. "He had
told Regulus and I never to look at them…."

"So naturally you just had to look," Snape said in an appalled voice.

"That's right," Sirius smirked though his eyes were dark and filled
with hate as he looked at the greasy haired man.

"Professor, I still don't understand what a Horcrux is?" Hermione

said, looking at Dumbledore.
Dumbledore looked thoughtful for a moment and then said, "I think
we should continue to read and if they are not explained by the end
of this chapter, or if you had any more questions you would like to
have answered pertaining to this topic, I shall try to do my best to
answer you."

Hermione nodded her head and Tonks took that to mean that she
should start reading again.

Mentions Ron mouthed the word Horcruxes:

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow there, noting that it looked like Ron

and Hermione must know everything that he told Harry. On the
whole, he didn't feel comfortable with more people knowing about
this (which was why he was so uncomfortable at the moment
knowing that everyone in this room was about to find out about it).
However, he also knew that Harry would need his friends if he was
going to take on this task without himself being there to help the boy.

This was an interesting theory, and it also seemed to imply that he

had realized that he wasn't going to be around to help Harry. If that
was true, he glanced at Severus, that would be a very good
explanation for why Severus would kill him. What better way to make
Voldemort believe that Severus is his man than to kill his greatest
opponent (besides Harry of course).

Ron says we've got to stay for the wedding, they'll kill us if we
miss it:

"I should think so," Molly said. "A wedding is for family, and you have
to be there!"

"Yes, I would really like you being there 'Arry," Fleur smiled at him
and he smiled back reflexively, which caused Ginny to grimace.

Mentions Harry understood "they" to mean Fleur and Molly:

"Well, obviously you were right about that," Sirius chuckled, as both
women glared at him, but he found that he didn't really care about
that. It just felt so nice that he was finally near so many people like
this instead of being alone in Grimmauld Place.

Ron says course they don't, they don't have a clue:

"And why don't we have a clue!" Molly said sharply, but her glare
wasn't directed towards her son, or even Harry, but straight at Albus

Now, Dumbledore always considered himself a brave man, but he

found it rather difficult to look the fierce looking witch in the eye. "I
believe I have told them not to tell anyone about this…."

"Yes, I've gathered that much," Molly said hotly. "But why?"

"I have always been wary of what would happen if too many people
know about Voldemort's secrets. That it would only make him more
guarded and him that much harder to destroy," Dumbledore said.

Molly opened her mouth to say something, but Arthur put a hand on
her shoulder and said so only she could hear, "that's enough Molly."
She huffed, and still looked upset but she didn't say anything.

Mentions Molly wanted Harry to identify a lone man's sock:

"You should never fall for the lone man's sock trick, Harry," Fred
shook his head in disappointment.

"She's been using that one for years," George added.

"Honestly, I think we all fell for that at least once," Charlie chuckled.
"It wasn't a very pleasant talk I can tell you that."

"And just what was it about, Charlie bear," Tonks teased him.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Charlie tried to look nonchalant but his
ears started to turn red, though really, the blush could have been
caused by Tonks using the nickname she had for him while they
were at school (she knew he bitterly hated the name but he always
called her Nymphy so she had to come up with something).

Tonks hesitated for a moment, really wanting to tease him farther,

but decided it was better if she just started reading again.

Molly says Ron and Hermione seems to think you're all

dropping out of Hogwarts:

Hermione shivered at that and Harry bowed his head. She was
dropping out of Hogwarts because of him… so she could help him,
how could he let her do… "Ow!"

"Serves you right for thinking such rubbish," Hermione huffed.

"I didn't know you could read minds," Harry grumbled, rubbing his
arm where she had slapped him.

"I can't, but it was obvious what you were thinking," Hermione rolled
her eyes.

Mentions Harry had been afraid of the 'concerned parent'


"And just what do you mean by that?" Molly asked, turning to look
sharply at Harry.

"I…." Harry opened his mouth but found no explanation, so he did

the only thing he could, "I'm sorry."

Mentions that Molly's eyes were the same shade of brown as


"Really!" both Molly and Ginny said.

"Yes, they are," Arthur said, who had often looked into both their
eyes. Then he looked curiously at Harry, why would the boy know
how Ginny's eyes look.
Where Arthur was looking at Harry curiously, the Weasley boys were
all looking at him suspiciously and didn't look all too pleased at this.

Harry says Ron and Hermione don't have to come, it's their

"As if we have a choice," Ron and Hermione scoffed at the same

time and Harry couldn't help but feel lightened by the fact that they
would always be there for him.

Molly says you wouldn't mind helping with the preparations,

there's so much to do:

"Don't agree to it mate… it's a trap!" Ron exclaimed.

"Hmph!" Molly glared at him, and he shrunk back into his chair.

"I don't think it matters mate, it's only right to help out isn't it," Harry
shrugged and Molly smiled at him. Oh, what a considerate boy he is.

"You know something, Harry, sometimes I can't understand you at

all," Sirius said shaking his head.

Mentions Molly has them doing chores ending with alone since
the first night:

"You are being a bit obvious, dear," Arthur chuckled.

"Honestly Arthur, I'm sure I would have had them working just as
hard if I wasn't afraid that they were planning something," Molly
admitted. "Do you realize how much work we have to do if we're
going to have a wedding at the Burrow?"

"No, but I'm sure you can enlighten me," Arthur said looking slightly
amused. "Though, at a later time would be preferable."

Harry talking to Ginny and says someone else might kill off
Voldemort while she holds us here:
"Wow… I can't believe you just said that!" Ron gasped, looking

"What?" Harry started to say and then blush. "I must not have

"Well, that's obvious," Hermione said. "But usually you're…."

"Closed up…." Fred said.

"Can't get a word out of you…." George said.

"Not when it is something juicy like this," Fred went on.

"Why are you talking to Gin-Gin like this," George questioned and
Ginny hissed angry at him for his use of Gin-Gin.

"Honestly, I have no idea," Harry said, which wasn't exactly true, he

had sense where this was all leading, as did most the people in the
room. However, it was also true that he had no idea how he had
come to be so open with Ginny.

It was true that he had noticed a difference in her this year, it was
almost like he was seeing her for the first time and knew that she
was more than just Ron's little sister that blushed whenever he
walked into a room. However, he didn't have any of that kind of
feelings for her… okay so she was kind of cute… oh crap, do you
want her six angry brothers to kick your arse, Harry hissed at his
previous thought. Besides, he was practically going out with Cho
right now, and he definitely had feelings about her. Plus, Ginny had a
boyfriend… she didn't like him anymore, right? He didn't have
anything to worry about, right?

"Tonks, I think you should read before my godson has a nervous

breakdown," Sirius chuckled.

Harry says I was joking:

"Yeah, right Harry, I'm not going to believe that," Ginny rolled her
eyes. She was really liking these signs that showed that she and
Harry had some kind of relationship… at the very least they had
become closer friends and at the most… no, don't go there. You've
worked so hard to get over him, she thought sadly to herself, though
she knew that by no means was she ever really going to get over
him and no matter how much she cares about Micheal, Harry would
always mean more.

Mentions this was the first time Harry was alone with Ginny
since those stolen hours in secluded corners of the Hogwarts

"Stolen hours!" Charlie was the one that shouted but each of Ginny's
brothers looked equally as angry as him. All but Ron, who looked
angry, a little hurt and distinctly sick. "Just what have you done with

"I have no idea… honestly!" Harry said, looking scared out of his

"Leave him alone," Ginny snapped at her second oldest brother, who
wavered a little at the glare she was giving him but quickly regained
himself. "First of all, there no bloody point to yelling at someone for
something that hasn't even happened yet! And another thing… and
this one all of you gits should listen to… it's none of your damn
business what I do with anyone!"

"Merlin, I thought Harry had to be out of his mind to go out with a girl
with six older brothers, but that's nothing to the girl herself," Sirius '
whispered ' to Remus. The werewolf looked uncomfortable, knowing
that almost everyone heard that, but Tonks sniggered, and Hermione
was having a hard time not smirking. She always thought Ginny
would make a good match for Harry.

"Fine Ginny, but if he hu…." Charlie said, his ears as red as a brick
and he was clenching his fists.
"You will do nothing! You hear me, Charlie! All of you!" Ginny said
and shot a glare at all of her brothers in turn, even looking at Percy
for the first time since he got here. "You can continue reading now

"Okay," Tonks said brightly, ah, she knew there was a reason why
she always liked Ginny.

Harry says but Snape would have told the Death Eaters the
address by now:

"Yes, that is true," Remus said looking at Severus thoughtfully.

Severus was looking at the book indifferently, but Remus couldn't
help but note that this was one point in favor of Dumbledore's
assurance that Severus really was on their side.

Mentions Harry being crammed next to Ginny:

Harry shifted uncomfortably, he had greatly appreciated what Ginny

had said just a minute ago, but he wasn't sure what would have
happened if he had done something that hurt her. Obviously, the
relationship he had with her was strained at best. He was surprised
about how much that seemed to affect him.

Harry says because I had no choice or because they don't want

me to tell the world Voldemort attacked me:

"Probably the latter," Remus said, "though when all is said and done
it might have been good to tell everyone about that."

"What do you mean?" Harry questioned. "Wouldn't they be scared if

they knew that Voldemort was attacking people."

"Yes, I imagine they would," Remus said. "But it would also

encourage them to know that you fought him… and lived again!"
Harry made a face at that, "I know you don't like this, but you are a
public figure and a symbol of hope to most people, especially now
that Dumbledore is gone… er… sorry sir."
"Don't mention it, I agree with you," Dumbledore smiled.

"Whatever," Harry grumbled, that wasn't going to make him like that
fact any better.

Severus was looking at Harry curiously, it actually looked like the boy
didn't like his name in the paper… that can't be, can it?

Mentions the scar on the back of Harry's hand says I must not
tell lies:

"What is that?" Sirius and Molly both said looking at Harry in concern
and he subconsciously rubbed the back of his hand.

"Do you have that now?" Sirius asked, getting up and taking Harry's
hand and indeed he saw the still red-looking scar on the back of his
hand. "When did this happen?"

"It's nothing," Harry said taking his hand back.

"Don't be thick, Harry, that had to be caused by a blood quill! The

letters are too fine to be anything else and it was obviously in your
own writing…." Sirius said. "I've never heard of a blood quill leaving
a scar like that though…."

"Well, it's bound to happen when someone makes you write the
same thing over and over again until the message sinks in!" Ron

"You knew about this!" Molly gasped. "Why didn't you tell anyone?
This can't be an acceptable form of punishment at Hogwarts!"

"I assure you; it most definitely is not!" McGonagall said, looking

appalled by the very idea, though she also was looking sadly at
Harry. "Potter, you should have come to me, I would have…."

"Honestly Professor McGonagall, I'm not sure what you could have
done to the toad," Harry muttered and everyone's face darkened
when Harry confirmed that it was Umbridge that did this to him. "And
I didn't want to give her the pleasure of seeing me complain."

"I never understood that," Hermione shook her head.

"And yet you never told us about it!" Molly exclaimed again.

"Harry told us not to," Ron shrugged.

"I didn't want to betray his trust, even though I knew what was
happening was wrong," Hermione sighed, looking down. She
remembered how Harry had reacted when she had told McGonagall
about the Firebolt in third year, and she never wanted to see that
again. Of course, if she thought what was happening to Harry was
life threatening, she would have told immediately, but though Harry
was getting hurt it wasn't going to kill him.

"Look, this doesn't really matter, it's happened, so let's just start
reading again," Harry said hotly.

The adults didn't look too pleased by this, but they could tell that he
wasn't going to talk about it more.

Mentions that Fleur's parents are coming tomorrow:

"Ah great, all we need at the Burrow is more people," Ron muttered.

"Ronald, don't be rude!" Hermione hissed at him.

"What? I have nothing against them, I'm just saying that there's
already too many people there," Ron snapped back.

"Tonks, please read," Harry said, for she had paused to let them talk
but Harry knew a row when he saw one and hopefully, they would
stop if the reading started again.

Arthur says what was left of Sirius's bike and I'm hiding…
keeping it in here:
"I think hiding was right," Sirius laughed as Molly glare sharped. All
the Weasley children were laughing out right, too, and Harry,
Hermione, Tonks, and Remus were trying to hide their amusement.

"I can't believe you Arthur!" Molly shouted. "What are you thinking?"

"Er… I… um… I… don't know," Arthur sputtered.

Mentions that Harry slipped upstairs to Ron's bedroom:

"See what you have done Arthur!" Molly snapped.

"Honestly Molly, dear, I think it's best that they are able to talk
together," Arthur said reasonably. "They are all too stubborn to let
anything stop them from going and it's better if they have time to
prepare for it."

Hermione says Molly had forgot she asked Ginny and her to
change the sheet yesterday:

"I can't believe you didn't remind her of that!" Fred said.

"I always thought you were the honest one!" George added.

"Oh, she is, but obviously she wanted to spend some quality alone
time with Ron," Ginny said waggling her eyebrow. Hermione and
Ron both blushed at that as almost everyone else laughed.

Ron says all right, if you want him to be dead:

"Ronald, of course we don't want him to be dead!" Hermione

snapped. "But there's no point in believing in something when it just
can't be true."

"Whatever you say Mione," Ron rolled his eyes.

"Mione?" Hermione questioned, which caused Ron to blush.

"Uh… er… I didn't mean to say that," Ron sputtered, his ears turning
redder the longer he talked.

"No, it's okay… I guess you can call me that," Hermione said softly,
starting to blush herself. She's never had a nickname before… at
least not one wasn't an insult.

"Really… you like it?" Ron said, perhaps with more enthusiasm than
was warranted.

"I don't know about that, but it's no worse them my full name,"
Hermione said.

"What are you talking about Hermione, your name is beautiful," Ron
said before he could think and then he turned brighter red than ever
and stared at the floor. If he hadn't looked away, he would have seen
that Hermione was quite flustered herself and was looking rather
pleased. Of course, the sniggering going throughout the room wasn't
really helping either of them at the moment.

"Argh, it's bad enough that I have to be stuck here reading about
Potter but is it really necessary that I have to watch the Weasel and
the M… Bushhead flirt," Draco groaned.

"Shut up Malfoy!" Several people snapped, though there was more

sniggering at the fact that Ron and Hermione were now looking more
embarrassed than ever.

Mentions that Hermione burst into tears:

"Come on, Mione, you have to be tougher than that," Fred said.

Hermione glared at him, though that had more to do with the fact that
he called her Mione. She kind of liked the idea of Ron being the only
one that called her that. But there was no way that she could say
that now, for all it would do was cause another round of teasing from
the Weasley boys.
Mentions Ron handing Hermione a slightly smoking

"Honestly Ron, giving a lady a handkerchief, you used to clean an

oven," Bill said shaking his head.

"Shut up!" Ron grumbled.

"Yes, at least he was trying to be a gentleman," Ginny said trying not

to laugh. "You have to give him points for that."

"Still, I think it would have been better to just conjure a new

handkerchief," Bill chuckled. "But obviously he is learning."

Everyone was laughing at this as Ron and Hermione blushed again,

they were starting to think that this was going to be a reoccurring
theme in this book.

Percy, though he was chuckling, was looking a little sad, too. He

didn't know what was coming over him, but he almost wanted to
tease his brother, too. That likely had something to do with the fact
that Ron so obviously liked Hermione for as long as Percy could
remember, but still he was never one to tease. Perhaps he would
give Ron some advice… or at least he would like to, however, it was
clear that Ron, along with the rest of his siblings didn't want anything
to do with him and that hurt more than he expected it to.

Ron says you know what Mad Eye would say to us if he was

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Ginny shouted in such a good imitation

of Moody that several people laughed though she did get a glare
from her mum and oddly enough Harry, though she reckon the latter
only glared at her because she had just shouted in his ear.

"Yes, I do believe that's what he would have said," Tonks chuckled

before reading again.
Mentions the book had broken free and snapped viciously at
Ron's ankle:

"That's what you get for trying to put your arms around our dear
Mione," George said to more sniggering in the room.

Hermione grimaced at that.

Ron says I forgot we'll be hunting down Voldemort in a mobile


Several people laughed at that.

"And you were doing so well before that," Charlie said shaking his

"Well, a Ronniekins that doesn't say too much is not Ronniekins at

all," Fred laughed as Ron glared at him.

"Honestly Hermione, how are we going to take all those books with
us?" Harry asked. "I mean books are really heavy and bulky… it
doesn't seem practical."

"I'm not really sure," Hermione frowned. "Maybe I'll shrink them or do
something like that."

Mentions Hermione picked up Hogwarts, A History:

"Well that one's going with us whether it's useful or not," Ron
smirked at Hermione. "I don't think you'll go anywhere without that."

"Shut up," Hermione huffed though she had to admit he had a point.

Hermione says no, Harry, you listen:

"Oh Harry, you've got her angry at you," Ron said. "It's best to just
lay down and take it or you'll argue with her for hours."
"I'll take that into consideration," Harry said barely able to hide his
smile, only made more difficult because Hermione had crossed her
arms and looked a little too offended by Ron's commits. "You are
after all the expert on having rows with Hermione."

"Too bad he doesn't know how to take his own advice," Fred

Hermione says I've also modified my parents' memories:

Hermione gasped at that as everyone in the room looked at her


"Why would I do that?" Hermione mumbled, her lips trembling a little,

she couldn't imagine doing anything like that to her parents now.

"It's okay Mione," Ron said putting his arm on her shoulder and was
surprised when she leaned into him.

"I would imagine that you had to do something like this so that your
parents would be safe," Dumbledore said. "Everyone knows how
close you are to Harry; it is safe to say that they would go to all
lengths to find your parents and see whether they know anything
about Harry or if they could help them in other means…."

"No," Hermione started to tear up at that and Ron put his other arm
around her and glared at Dumbledore, he didn't have to say all that.
What good did it do? It just made Hermione more upset.

"I'm sorry…." Harry started to say.

"Don't Harry… please," Hermione said shifting out of Ron's arms,

wiping her eyes and gave him a rather weak glare, though it was the
best she could manage at the moment. "This isn't your fault…."

"If it…." Harry started to say but couldn't manage anymore because
Hermione was hugging him this time.

"Shut up Harry!" Hermione said.

Mentions it was unusual for Ron to be teaching anyone else

Several people snorted at that; that was so true. When Hermione

started to giggle though, Ron huffed and took his hand away from
her and crossed his arms. Though he had to admit it was nice that
she didn't look quite as upset as she was a second ago.

Harry asks do ghouls normally wear pajamas:

"No, they don't," Sirius said laughing, "I think I know where this is
going… nice plan."

"What?" Ron said, not seeing what was going on but several other
people looked like they were putting the pieces together, too. They
all looked like they agreed with Sirius's assessment.

Ron says the Death Eater will go to our families to see if they
have information on you:

"Very true," Dumbledore said.

"Um… wouldn't they go after my parents like they would…." Ron

started to ask, looking at Hermione and not wanting to continue. "Will
this be enough to protect them?"

Molly looked at her youngest son mournfully, she was supposed to

protect him not the other way around. Still, she was touched by how
much he did to protect the family.

"I think it should suffice," Dumbledore said.

"No one would care if the Muggles got questioned about this," Draco
said. "I mean their only Muggles…."

"Shut your face, ferret!" Ron snapped at him.

"And even though the Weasleys are blood traitors, they are at least
wizards," Draco continued, sneering at all the glares he was
receiving from everyone in the room.

"He has a point," Dumbledore said. "And he is speaking as any

wizard that believes in Voldemort's ideology would."

Mentions the muffled sounds of Molly's shouting from four

floors below:

"You can't really hear me for that high up, can you?" Molly said.

All her children looked at her incredulously before they said, "Yes."

Ron says guess aren't going to help Mum's stress levels:

"Hmph," Molly huffed again.

"I'm just worried about you mum, is that so bad," Ron said to her with
an innocent expression.

"Don't give me that look," Molly said sharply but all the same she did
seem slightly mollified.

Mentions Hermione tossing Defensive Magical Theory into the


"My question is, why didn't you throw that rubbish out ages ago?"
George said, making a face.

"I don't know," Hermione said.

"Honestly, I think you should throw it out now," Fred added.

"But we're still using it for our… for lack of a better word… Defense
classes, I can't throw it away now!" Hermione said looking appalled.

"Hermione, you already read and memorized the whole book," Harry
said and Hermione rolled her eyes at that. "I don't think you need it
"You actually read that book!" Fred said, making a face.

"What do you do for lessons if you already read the book?" George

"What do you mean by that?" McGonagall asked, narrowing her


"Well, that's all she has us do in class, read that awful book and take
stupid test on the material," Ron groaned, it had to be the most
boring thing he could imagine sitting their trying to read the rot that
was in that book.

"I always feared what her ' teaching ' style would be like,"
McGonagall said looking appalled. "But really, reading the books…

"I know," Dumbledore sighed gravely. "I wish there was someone,
anyone that was willing to take the job, but it seemed to be unusually
difficult for me to do so this year. I dear say that even a fifth-year
student would have been a better teacher than her." He was now
looking at Harry, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Harry fidgeted as Molly glared at him and the Weasley children,

Hermione, Sirius, Remus and Tonks laughed.

Hermione says I know you wanted to go to Godric's Hollow


"Why would you want to go there?" George asked.

"It's where…." Harry started, trying to think of what to say to that. "I
lived with my parents…."

"It was a nice little cottage," Sirius smiled, "James went a little mad
being stuck there all the time but at least he lived in a lovely town."

"Yeah, well the house isn't much to look at anymore," Remus said,
he had gone back to Godric's Hollow once when the statue of his
friends was put up. He had decided to look at the cottage but all he
had to see was the hole in the roof to know that he never wanted to
go there again. "It was left in the shape it was in after…."

It was clear that Remus couldn't say anything more on that as he

clutched his hands into fist so Tonks added, "It's kind of a monument

"Really?" Harry said slightly intrigued and more than slightly


Mentions it was where he survived Voldemort's Killing Curse,

and he was facing repeating that feat:

Everyone in the room shivered at that.

"Do you really think you can?" Tonks asked.

"You mean like I did the first time… I don't think so," Harry said.
"Voldemort has found a way to get past my mum's protections…."

"Your mum's protections?" a few people asked, looking confused.

"Er…." Harry said looking uncomfortable and glanced at Dumbledore

to see if he should actually be telling them this.

Dumbledore nodded his head and Harry explained briefly about what
his mum did to save him when he was a baby. However,
Dumbledore wasn't thinking of this, he was thinking about what
Voldemort had done to regain his body and he couldn't help but
disagree with Harry. He was sure that the blood protection that was
in Harry was now stronger than it ever has been. Strong enough, he
was sure, to be able to save Harry for the terrible fate that
Dumbledore was afraid the boy would have to have for a while now.
When Harry was done talking Tonks started reading again.

Hermione mentions that Voldemort might expect Harry to go

there, which had not occurred to Harry:
"Well of course it didn't," Ron said. "Honestly Harry, how do you think
you're going to make it through anything without Mione helping you?"

"I don't know what I was thinking," Harry chuckled. "I really do need
you two."

"Still, I don't know if you're all going to make it out of this," Fred said.

"Yeah, I'm sure Ron and Hermione are going to kill each other with
one of the rows they're sure to have," George added.

"Or annoy poor Harry to death," Charlie added.

"They might have a point Harry," Ron chuckled. "Perhaps I shouldn't

go with you."

"It's not…." Harry started to say until he looked at Ron. He looked

like he was joking but Harry couldn't help but get the feeling that his
friend was being a little more serious than was good for him.

"Come on Harry, it was a joke," Ron rolled his eyes, feeling

uncomfortable. "There's no place I'd rather be."

"Yeah," Harry said seeing that his friend was telling the truth, but
then again Harry wasn't questioning that. Still, there was definitely
something Ron wasn't telling him, and Harry couldn't figure out what
it was.

Harry reads I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy

"And that would be a good thing, right?" Sirius asked Dumbledore,

who nodded his head. "And what kind of person would write a note
like that."

"Hm…." Dumbledore said thoughtfully. "I would think there are many
different kinds of people could have written a note like this, though of
course they would have to be involved with Voldemort in some way."
"Like my brother?" Sirius asked.

Dumbledore paused for a long time, thinking that over and finally he
said, "yes, I do believe one of Voldemort's supporters that has been
disenchanted by the Dark Lord might want to do something like this.
He would have to have a very powerful change of mind to go against
Voldemort. However, Regulus was always braver than most and
never struck me as someone that would believe in all of Voldemort's
ideals… he might…."

"Right," Sirius said. "I suppose we'll just have to see if this is him."

Ron asks and once we get hold of it, how do you destroy a

Dumbledore grimaced at that; this was something that they should

know. He must not have realized that he was going to die when he

Hermione says I've been researching that:

"Really?" Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at that wondering how she

would have gotten a book on Horcruxes.

"Why are you so surprised? Mione researches everything!" Ron said

and Hermione glared at him as she blushed a little. Before anyone
could say more about this Tonks started reading again.

Harry says I thought there weren't any books on Horcruxes in

the library:

"I believe that is why Dumbledore was surprised about this," Tonks

"Yeah, that makes sense," Ron chuckled.

Hermione turned pink and says they weren't:

"Ah, I sense something good coming," Fred said.

"Yes, perhaps Hermione has done something that we'd be proud of,"
George chuckled.

Hermione says Dumbledore removed them all, but didn't

destroy them:

Dumbledore sighed, perhaps he should have destroyed the books,

then again, it seemed like they would help Harry with what he has to
do, so it wasn't so bad. Harry, Ron and Hermione wouldn't be
interested in making a Horcrux after all.

Hermione says it wasn't stealing:

Everyone laughed at that.

"Which means that she really believes it is stealing," Ginny chuckled.

"Oh, shut up," Hermione said blushing.

Hermione says they zoomed out of Dumbledore's study window

right into the girl's dormitory:

"Dumbledore really, I would think you would have better protection

on those books if they were as dangerous as they seemed to be,"
McGonagall told him sharply.

"You are right of course," Dumbledore agreed, wondering if he might

have purposely not put such protections on the books in hopes that
something like this would happen if it needed to.

Hermione says I can't believe Dumbledore would have been


"No, in this circumstance that is quite true," Dumbledore said

gravely, "still, it would have been better if you didn't have to know
what this is."

Hermione nodded her head, dying to ask what a Horcrux was again
but didn't, he said he would answer her questions after the chapter
was done.

Harry says he only approached Slughorn because he wanted to

know if he could split your soul into seven:

Dumbledore smiled at the confirmation of how many pieces

Voldemort had split his soul into.

Sirius made a horrified face. How could anyone make seven


"What is it sir?" Harry asked, noticing the smile.

"I have just been trying to learn how many Horcruxes Voldemort had
made for a long time now and it's nice to finally know," Dumbledore

Hermione says I can't believe that he actually made six:

"Seriously, that is disturbing," Sirius groaned, making a face.

"Indeed, it is," Dumbledore said, this time showing the displeasure

he felt about this.

"Will you stop saying things like that if you're not going to tell us what
a Horcrux is?" Remus said annoyed, their comments were just
making him more and more curious.

"I shall try," Dumbledore said almost looking amused, and Sirius
started sniggering which meant that he was going to do the exact

Mentions it warns in the book how unstable you make the rest
of your soul by ripping it:

"Ripping your soul," Remus said looking disgusted, as did most

people here.
"Yes," Dumbledore said. "Horcrux is a piece of one's soul that is
placed into an object for safe keeping. The theory behind this is that
one cannot be killed as long as that piece of soul survives."

"So, he ripped his soul into pieces…." Remus said looking more
appalled than ever.

"Well, obviously it worked," Draco said.

"Yes, it worked, but at what expense?" Dumbledore said looking the

blonde-haired boy over closely. "There is little of the man that he
once was… he has lost everything that has made him human."

Hermione says remorse:

"Ha!" everyone seemed to give a snort of disbelief at that.

"That's never going to happen," Draco was the one to voice what
everyone was thinking.

Mentions what Harry did to Riddle's diary:

Ginny gasped at that and paled considerably.

"T-that was a H-horcrux!" Ginny whimpered.

Bill and Charlie both looked at their sister a little oddly, concerned as
to why she was acting like this, she never showed fear like this
before. They of course knew about their sister being in danger her
first year, but they didn't know all the details. In fact, Fred, George
and Percy didn't really know about the diary either but they had a
much better idea why this would affect their baby sister so much.
Ron on the other hand knew exactly what happened and he was
mad at himself again for not doing more for her that first year.

"Yes," Dumbledore confirmed, wishing the girl wouldn't have to know

about this. It was bad enough that she had to go through that horror
in her first year, but to know this along with everything else just had
to make this worse.
Harry didn't know what made him do it, but he put his hand on hers
in hopes that she would know that he was there for her. She looked
up at him then, straight into his eyes, and she didn't know how it
happened, but she felt better… slightly. She wanted to lean into him,
rest her head on his shoulder but she couldn't do that. She had to be
strong, like she had promised herself she would be after… that
happened, and she wasn't going to stop now. Still, it was nice having
Harry hold her hand.

After Hermione says there's only one antidote to basilisk venom

and Harry says Phoenix tears:

"Er… why do you know that?" Sirius asked, looking at Harry

shocked, it sounded like he knew from experience.

"Er… you don't know that do you?" Harry said nervously.

"What don't I know?" Sirius asked.

"Er… I sort of killed a basilisk in my second year…." Harry said.

"What?" Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Bill, Charlie and Fleur gasped.

"No wonder you did so well in the tournament," Fleur muttered to


"Merlin's beard Harry, how are you alive?" Charlie asked.

"Why would you ever face a basilisk?" Remus asked, looking


"To save me," Ginny answered, and everyone looked at her, but she
tried to push it off, it helped that Harry gave her hand a squeeze of
encouragement. "I was taken into the Chamber of Secret… no it was
worse than that…."

"It's okay Gin, I can take it from here," Harry smiled weakly at her
and she nodded her head, she noticed her mum get up and walk
over to her. As much as she wanted to stay strong it was nice to
have her mum hold her… besides she was making her mum feel
better, there was nothing wrong with that.

"When Ron and I heard that she was taken by Slytherin's heir…."
Harry started to say.

"Isn't Slytherin's heir, Voldemort… oh," Remus said, that was why
she was so affected when the diary was mentioned… it must have
somehow been involved and was the reason why Ginny was down
there. Knowing what a Horcrux was, Remus could only imagine the
horrors the diary did to the girl.

"Yes," Harry answered. "Anyways, me and Ron had to go down the

sewers to save Ginny, we didn't really have any other choice, did

"Right," Sirius said gulping, he thought what happened in the last two
years were extremely dangerous adventures, and of course they
were, but he never imagined that Harry's other school years would
be just as dangerous. "I understand of course it's just…."

"Did you know that you were going to face a basilisk?" Bill asked.

"Yeah, we did," Ron said. "Thanks to Mione that is."

"Yeah, she even managed to help us even though she was petrified
at the time," Harry chuckled.

"You were petrified?" Remus gasped. "That means you had to have
seen the basilisk… well not directly of course, or you would have
been killed, but you had to have seen it's reflection."

"Yes, in a mirror, that was right after I found out what Slytherin's
monster was," Hermione answered him.

"I can't believe it," Remus shook his head. "Harry how did you
"I had help," Harry said and Ron and Hermione rolled their eyes,
they'd heard that one before. "Fawkes came with the sorting hat…."

"The sorting hat! How did that help?" Sirius asked.

"Well, I sort of pulled Gryffindore's sword out of it," Harry said and
Sirius's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Cool!" Sirius said.

"Merlin, that is quite amazing!" Charlie said. "You're a true Gryffindor

that's for sure!"

"Okay," Harry said uncomfortably about being praised like that.

"Anyways, I killed the basilisk with the sword, but one of its fangs got
me. Don't worry, Fawkes healed me in a second and then I stabbed
the diary with the fang and Tom Riddle sort of disappeared…."

"What? What's this about Tom Riddle?" Remus asked confused.

"Oh, er…" Harry said.

"Tom Riddle is Lord Voldemort's given name," Dumbledore said.

"And through the power of the diary he was able to… let just say…
take a form."

"Okay," Remus said looking pale, "I guess we should start reading

Hermione says if I picked up a sword right now, Ron, and ran

you through with it:

"Do you often think about doing that, Hermione?" Fred questioned.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

Ron says the bit of soul in the diary was possessing Ginny,
wasn't it:
"Git," Ginny hissed at him.

"Sorry," Ron bowed his head. "But honestly, it's not like I'm actually
talking to you about this."

"True," Ginny sighed, "I just…."

"I understand."

Mentions Ginny poured her heart into the diary and that made
her incredibly vulnerable:

"I'm sorry," Hermione moaned and she could feel Ginny's glare on
her. She knew that Ginny wouldn't want her to tell anyone that she
was incredibly vulnerable.

Mentions Monsieur Delacour was a head shorter and extremely


"Really," several people said surprised by that, and Fleur looked

affronted at all of them.

"My Papa is a good man, it doesn't matter what he looks like," Fleur
said haughtily. "We do not only care about looks in my family!"

Bill sighed as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, he hoped

that his family would stop being surprised by things like this, he knew
that Fleur was a lot more compassionate than she appeared to be.

Mentions Gabrielle threw Harry a glowing look, batting her

eyelashes and Ginny clears her throat:

"Ah, I think that little Gin-Gin might be jealous," Fred laughed.

"You really have to watch out, she quite the competition, too,"
George added.

"She does talk about 'Arry often," Fleur smiled. "I think you are her
Everyone was laughing at the flustered expression Harry had now
and the almost glare that Ginny was giving her brothers and Fleur.

Harry envisaging the additional strain his birthday would put on

them all:

"Oh, Harry dear, you don't have to worry about that," Molly said

"It's alright Mrs. Weasley, honestly," Harry said. "Just being at the
Burrow would make it my best birthday ever. Well except maybe my
eleventh when I found out I was a wizard."

"You mean you didn't even know you were a wizard until you were
eleven!" Draco said incredulously.

"Why are you so surprised?" Harry said looking at him oddly. "You're
always making fun of me for not knowing anything about the
wizarding world."

"Yeah, but I at least thought you knew about wizards before then,"
Draco said.

Molly says I'll invite Remus and Tonks, and how about Hagrid:

"Yeah, I'd like that," Harry smiled, that would mean just about
everyone he cared about would be there.

Mentions Harry felt remorse for the inconvenience and the pain
he was giving her:

"Harry!" Molly rolled her eyes and looked at him sadly.

"Don't bother Mum, nothing you can say will change him, trust me
I've tried," Ron said.

"That was the end of the chapter, who wants to read next?" Tonks
"I'll take that," Sirius took the book from her smirking, "I have a good
feeling about this chapter."
Chapter 7
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Seven

The Will of Albus Dumbledore

" The Will of Albus Dumbledore," Sirius read.

Ron says oi, wake up:

Harry grimaced at this, he was dreaming, and he had a feeling that it

wasn't his own dream. At least it wasn't as bad as most of his
dreams this year, but he wasn't happy that he was still going to be
dreaming about Voldemort in the future.

Ron says you were muttering in your sleep:

Now it was Ron's turn to grimace, Harry didn't mutter very often in
his sleep until this past year.

Ron says you kept saying Gregorovitch:

"The wand maker," Hermione said. "Why would you be dreaming

about that?"

"The more important question is why would Voldemort be looking for

Gregorovitch?" Remus said.

"Yeah, one would think that Ollivander would have been enough for
him," Sirius added grimly. "Do you think this has something to do
with the connection between Harry and Voldemort's wands?"
"It might," Dumbledore said in a way that showed that he didn't
believe that.

"What other reason would You-Know-Who have for wanting

Gregorovitch?" Arthur questioned.

"If I'm right, I'm sure you'll see," Dumbledore said, his hand tumbling
with his wand. It seemed likely that Voldemort was looking for the
elder wand already.

Ron says I dunno, you were the one saying it:

"Honestly, don't you two ever read?" Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"No," they both said and then Ron added, "What's the point when we
could just ask you?"

"The name does sound kind of familiar though," Harry added


"If I'm not mistaken Viktor's wand was a Gregorvitch," Fleur said.

"Yes, that's it," Harry smiled and Ron was grimacing at the mention
of Viktor.

Harry says it didn't look like anywhere in Britain:

"Well, that's good news at least," Molly said.

"Unfortunately, it would not take him long to get back here,"

Dumbledore said, though he thought it was good that Voldemort was
investing this much time in a wand that would never be able to work
properly for him. It would make Harry's task that much easier with
Voldemort splitting his attention like this.

Mentions Ron sounded worried:

"Well of course I was worried," Ron rolled his eyes. "Do you think I
want that madman's thoughts in your head?"
Harry says don't tell Hermione:

Hermione frowned, looking a little hurt.

"I'm sorry," Harry sighed, feeling awkward about apologizing about

something that hasn't occurred yet. "I probably just didn't want you
worrying about me."

"Or he didn't want you to nag him," Ron added with a chuckle as
Hermione glared at him.

"Still, this wasn't the smartest move to make if you want to know who
Gregorovitch is," Sirius pointed out.

Harry says how does she expect me to stop seeing stuff in my


"See… he didn't want you to nag…." Ron was now sniggering.

"Shut up," Hermione huffed.

Ron says Quidditch, sure you're not thinking of Gorgovitch:

"Argh!" Ron groaned; he didn't want to hear about him.

Ron's brothers were all sniggering at this, they remember how

excited Ron was when this trade took place, and how he had moped
when it turned out so awful.

"Who is he?" Harry questioned looking bemused.

"It's in here, you don't have to explain," Sirius said with a frown, he
liked the Cannons too and didn't want to hear the bad news twice.

Ron says well, happy birthday anyway:

"Yeah, happy birthday Harry!" Sirius said cheerfully.

"I would have thought even you would have known that it wasn't
actually Potter's birthday, Black, but it seems I gave you too much
credit," Severus sneered.

"I know it's not Harry's birthday right now," Sirius said coldly to
Severus and then turned to Harry with a sad smile. "It's just I've
never had the chance to celebrate a birthday with you and it's nice
that I get to read about one at least."

"Well, we're just going to have to make sure you're there for my next
birthday," Harry said smiling. He really liked the sound of that… it
might even make him actually look forward to having a birthday for a
changed. However, there was also fierceness in his voice, he didn't
know when his godfather was supposed to die in the book's reality,
but he was going to change that… he wasn't going to lose his
godfather and he will spend many birthdays with him.

"Well, as touching as all that is, will you continue reading so we can
get through this stupid book," Draco said in a bored voice.

Harry says I forgot, I'm seventeen:

"You really need to work on your memory Harry," George said.

"Yeah, remember when we first met you, you didn't even remember
your name," Fred added as the room chuckled at that.

"Sorry, I just wasn't expecting to be known by everyone," Harry rolled

his eyes, and bit back the response that he actually wasn't used to
people saying his name in the first place. He knew no one really
wanted to hear that.

Mentions Harry got his wand and pointed it at his glasses and
says Accio Glasses :

Remus and Sirius chuckled at that.

"It's what your dad did when he turned seventeen," Remus explained
to Harry, who was looking confused by their laughter.

Mentions it was satisfying to see the glasses zoom to him, until

they poked him in the eye:

Everyone was laughing at that one.

"And that happened, too," Sirius added, laughing harder than anyone

Ron says unwrap it up here, it's not for my mother's eyes:

Molly glared at Ron, reserving her yell until she heard what it was.

Ron leaned back in his chair, hoping that it wasn't anything that
would get him in real trouble.

Harry says a book:

"I wonder what kind of book it is," Sirius mused, waggling his

"I think I know," Bill said and all the Weasley boys (except Ron)

Sirius raised an eyebrow at that, and Harry was looking at them

curiously but neither one questioned this, and Sirius just started
reading again.

Ron says this isn't your average book, its pure gold, Twelve Fail-
Safe Ways to Charm Witches :

Hermione snorted at that, and Ron glared at her.

"Ah, that might be useful," Sirius nodded his head.

"It looks like I was right," Bill smiled. "Dad gave me that book when I
turned seventeen and I gave it to Charlie then too… and so on."
"Really," Harry smiled.

"I guess this means you're a Weasley now, Harry," Sirius chuckled.

Harry's smile widened and he blushed. "Thanks."

"Of course, you do realize you're giving him a book that he's likely
going to use on Ginny right," Sirius pointed out and all the Weasley
boys glared at Harry.

Harry on the other hand was glaring at his godfather, Sirius really
didn't need to say that!

Sirius just laughed along with Remus, Tonks, Ginny, and Hermione.
Draco was finding it difficult to not laugh at this too, but he didn't
want to show any amusement at reading this book.

Ron says I'd have known exactly how to get rid of Lavender:

"You went out with Lavender!" Hermione said shocked, and looked at
Ron and was disappointed - and not to mention hurt - when she saw
that he looked surprised but pleased with himself.

"It looks like it," Ron smiled. "I wonder how that happened?"

"But obviously he wanted to ditch her," Ginny pointed out to

Hermione, who was looking down. Something that everyone in the
room noticed except for Ron of course.

Hermione gave her a look that obviously tried to say that she didn't
care about that, but no one bought it.

Sirius, who was hoping for a little more drama, started reading again
with a pout.

Ron continues and I would've known how to get going with…

Everyone was hoping that he would have said who he would be
getting on with now, already knowing who it would be and that it
would cheer up the atmosphere in this room but unfortunately that
wasn't the case. In fact, all this seemed to do was make Hermione
glummer than she was before as she thought there was someone
else that Ron liked that wasn't her.

Ron on the other hand shot a look at Hermione, hoping she wouldn't
know who his book self was talking about, for he was sure who it
was. At the same time, he kind of hoped that she would know and
that she could answer the question that he has been wondering
about for the last year. He had no idea what she was thinking about,
but he didn't like the fact that she looked so sad hearing this… she
probably doesn't like me at all, Ron thought with a sigh.

Ron continues you'd be surprised, it's not all wandwork either:

"Of course, it's not," Bill rolled his eyes.

"I guess this explains why you were so caring in the last chapter…."
Charlie chuckled. "Offering Hermione, a dirty handkerchief and all."

Hermione looked at Charlie then. That almost made it sound like she
might be the girl that Ron was talking about. Charlie gave her a
warm smile and she blushed and looked away.

Ron on the other hand was glaring at his brother, clearly telling him
to shut up.

"I knew that something drastic had to happen to make Ronniekins

that sensitive," Fred added laughing.

Mentions Molly giving Harry a watch:

"Thanks Molly," Sirius said, smiling warmly at the witch, but his eyes
were sad too. James and Lily should have given him that watch…
He was supposed to give Harry that watch. But they were all gone
now. Still, it was good to know that someone had really adopted him
into their family.

"Think nothing of it, Sirius, you know how I feel about Harry," Molly's
smile was sad, too.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked, looking between them a
little confused.

"Honestly Potter, you really don't know anything do you," Draco

rolled his eyes and Harry glared at him. "It's tradition to get a watch
when you come of age. It's supposed to come from your family but
obviously you have to get yours from the Weasels…."

"If you think that's an insult, you're wrong," Harry said looking at
Draco coldly. He then looked at Molly, who was still sitting on the
other side of Ginny, "Thank you."

"It's my pleasure," Molly said patting Harry's cheek affectionately,

clearly close to tears.

Molly says it isn't new, it was actually my brother Fabian's:

Molly bit her lip at the mention of her brother, it was still hard for her
to think of the brothers she had lost in the war. Ginny hugged her
mum tightly, knowing how emotional she got whenever this was
brought up. All the Weasley boys were looking thoughtful at this. Bill,
Charlie, and Percy looking the most upset because they had clear
memories of their uncles whereas the other had only vague
memories of them.

Ginny says Harry, will you come in here a moment:

All the Weasley boys glared at Harry, who shifted uncomfortably.

Mentions Ron came but Hermione tugged him on up the stairs.

Now the Weasleys boys were glaring at Hermione, how could she let
them be alone like that? Hermione, unlike Harry who was looking
very uncomfortable at the moment, just rolled her eyes at them.

Mentions Harry glanced at Ginny, she was not tearful:

"Why would she be tearful?" Bill questioned, struggling to keep his

voice calm, which didn't stop Ginny from glaring at him.

Harry shook his head; he had no idea, but he hoped it wasn't

because of something he did.

Mentions and then she was kissing him:

All the Weasley boys groaned, making a face briefly before they
started glaring again. Though Ron wasn't exactly glaring at Harry, he
just looked uncomfortable and glum.

Harry turned red, it was bad enough knowing that he was going to
kiss the girl sitting next to him in just a few years, but it was worse
reading about it in front of her entire family.

Ginny smiled at that. They really were going out! She found herself
wondering when and how that happened and hoped it was going to
be sooner rather than later.

"Go Harry!" Sirius cheered, only causing everyone's reactions to


Describes the kiss as she never kissed him before ending with
sweet-smelling hair:

The glares got worse the longer Sirius read, not helped at all by the
cheerful voice he was using. Ron was even glaring at Harry, who
had now sunk deeply in his chair.

"You are never to touch her like that…." Charlie said.

"What did I tell you!" Ginny said sharply to her brother. "This is none
of your business!"
"Gin, he's…." Charlie said looking at her incredulously.

"Obviously cares deeply about you," Molly almost squealed, she

would love nothing more than to have Harry officially be part of her
family. She knew her daughter would definitely love that too, but she
was never sure about what Harry felt.

"Argh," Charlie, Percy, and Fred all groaned. With their mum on his
side, it was going to be extremely hard to do anything against this.

"Why aren't you groaning, too?" Fred asked his twin.

"I was actually thinking that it's not so bad that it's Harry," George
said, his voice a little stiff. "It could be a lot worse than this git, and
he must know what we would do to him if he hurt our baby sister."

Ginny hissed bitterly at him.

"Sorry Gin, but we would have to do something even if you did curse
us as a result," George shrugged.

Ginny groaned at that, she should have known that her threat
wouldn't stop the twins, they were too fearless for their own good.

"I suppose you have a point," Fred sighed, but his glare didn't really

Ron says oh, sorry:

"Good timing," Tonks chuckled, and all of the Weasleys nodded their
heads, they didn't need to hear any more of that. "But something
tells me you weren't sorry at all."

Mentions all the reasons for ending his relationship with Ginny:

"You broke up with her," George said with a grimace, "I guess you
know what that means now, Harry."

Harry gulped as Fred, George, and Charlie's glares turned to smirks.

"Don't you dare do anything," Ginny said, though her defense of
Harry wasn't as strong as it was before, for she was now wondering
why Harry had ended it.

"Sorry Gin, it's out of our hands," Fred said. "Sirius could you please
keep reading?"

Ron says she was really cut up when you ended it:

Harry frowned; he didn't like to think that he hurt her.

Ginny looked away from him and her brother, she could only imagine
how hard it would be for her to be with Harry for a short time and
then have him break up with her. Molly squeezed her shoulder; she
didn't like hearing about her daughter being hurt either. Still, she
knew that there must have been a reason for this, for it was clear
that in the book, Harry had deep feelings towards Ginny.

Mentions Ginny marrying an unpleasant stranger:

"Why would my husband be unpleasant?" Ginny said, trying to joke,

and Tonks and Hermione snorted at that.

"I think he was just unpleasant to Harry," Remus said chuckling, too.

Mentions Ginny has a future whereas Harry can see nothing but

"You broke up with me for some noble reason, didn't you?" Ginny
asked softly.

"Er… I don't know," Harry answered.

Ginny rolled her eyes, "Be honest Harry and I'll make sure my
brothers don't do anything to you."

Harry smiled reflexively at that, "I still don't know, but probably. It's
clear that I'm going to have to go after Voldemort now, I probably
don't have much of a future anyways…."
"Harry," Ginny said softly again, taking his hand, biting her bottom
lip. "I don't want to hear you talking like that."

"I'll try not to," Harry said bowing his head, but it was hard to believe
that he would actually be able to defeat the most powerful dark
wizard there ever was and live to tell the tale. Harry shook his head,
to try to rid himself of that thought and then continued, "Then there's
the fact that Voldemort is going after people that I care for. I probably
didn't want him to know how much I care about you…"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "I knew it… a noble reason."

Harry just shrugged at that.

Ginny then looked at all of her brothers closely. Fred and George
looked at each other, obviously trying to figure out what they should
do about this. Charlie looked unmoved, Bill looked passive (he
wasn't going to be any trouble) and Ron looked more uncomfortable
than ever, mumbling something about not liking being in the middle
of this.

Percy, she noticed was giving Harry a calculating look, the scowl on
his face was different than her other brothers, even Charlie's, who
was definitely the second most angry at Harry. She tried to remind
herself it didn't matter what Percy thought, he was trying his hardest
not to be part of their family so why should she care, but the look he
had was still hurting her.

Percy couldn't believe what was happening here, didn't they see that
Harry was unstable and very dangerous. Even if Harry wasn't mad,
as he tried to convince himself Harry was, clearly, he was a danger
to this family. Ron had to be one of the biggest targets of the Death
Eaters at this point because of his friendship with Harry, his life was
constantly put in danger and still their parents opened their arms to
Harry. Now, he had risked Ginny's safety, too, by becoming closer to
her. What does it matter that he broke it off with her to try to ' protect
her', if that was the case then he should never have dated her in the
first place! He was reckless and thoughtless and yet all his family
embraced him like he, Percy, had never been embraced.

"I repeat, none of you are to do anything," Ginny glared at Charlie

mostly, disregarding the menacing look in Percy's eyes, because he
didn't matter right now.

"Sure Gin-Gin," Fred said.

"We're just putting Harry on probation right now," George added and
Ginny rolled her eyes.

Mentions Charlie's arrival came as a relief to Harry:

"Well, it doesn't seem like Charlie's presence is that relieving for you
now Harry," Tonks pointed out with a chuckle.

Mentions Hermione made purple and gold streamers:

"Why purple… why not red? We're all Gryffindors here." Ron
questioned, ignoring Tonks's indignant huff.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I don't see the point of decorating things
based on our house colors."

Ron says to Hermione nice; you've really got an eye for that
sort of thing:

"Ah, the book really seems to be working for you," Bill laughed as the
rest of the people in the room sniggered at the different responses
that Ron had given.

"Hey, it looks like Ron might not be as much of a git in a few years,
that's got to be something to look forward to ah, Hermione?" Ginny
added smirking.

Hermione flushed, but was looking a little pleased, too.

Mentions Harry thinks he'll find a chapter on compliments in the

There was more sniggering at this as Ron glared at Harry for that

"Sorry mate," Harry said laughing.

Mentions Remus looked unhappy, but Tonks looked simply


Molly furrowed her eyebrows together, that was an odd way of

saying that, it made her think… Oh!

Sirius on the other hand, was looking between Remus and Tonks
and chuckled. "What, having a lover spat?"

"Shut up," Remus groaned but Tonks chuckled, clearly whatever it

was she was happy about it so it couldn't be anything too serious.

Hagrid says Mokeskin, hide anything in there and no one but

the owner can get it:

"And very valuable!" Draco said, a little surprised. "I wonder how the
oaf got a hold of something like that."

"Don't call Hagrid that!" Harry said hotly as most of the people in the
room glared at him. Draco shrugged his shoulders, but his cheeks
were pink, and he was obviously afraid.

Mentions a silver weasel appeared and spoke with Mr.

Weasley's voice:

"What? I didn't know Patronus could speak!" Harry said.

"Ah, that is because for the most part they can't," Dumbledore
explained. "However, I have come up with a way for them to do that.
This is how the Order sends messages to each other if there is need
for it."
"That's pretty cool sir," Harry smiled at him, feeling that it was odd
that he wasn't feeling the resentment towards his headmaster that
he has been feeling most of this year. He reasoned that this was
probably because Dumbledore was looking at him and answering his
questions again.

The Patronus says Minister of Magic coming with me:

"Argh, that's sure to ruin the party," Ron groaned.

Harry shrugged, "It still will be better than any birthday I had with the

Lupin says we shouldn't be here, I'm sorry, I'll explain some

other time:

Remus grimaced at that knowing exactly why he was leaving.

"Those bloody prejudice gits!" Sirius grumbled bitterly, clearly

knowing what was meant, too.

Mentions Remus seized Tonks's wrist and pulled her away:

Now Remus looked sadly at Tonks. It was because of him that she
had to leave… she was an outcast, too, now, all because of him.

Tonks rolled her eyes at him, she didn't care about any of that as
long as she was with Remus, that's all that mattered.

Scrimgeour says I require a private word with you, also with Mr.
Ronald Weasley and Miss Hermione Granger:

"All of us!" Ron said surprised.

"You don't think he knows what we're planning, do you?" Harry

asked nervously, "And he would try to stop us."

"No," Hermione said thoughtfully.

"What is it?" Harry asked her.

"I was just thinking of the chapter title," Hermione said.

"Dumbledore's will," Remus nodded his head, "I was thinking about
that, too."

"I still don't see why he would want to see all of us," Ron said.

Harry asks Dumbledore died over a month ago, why has it taken
this long:

Remus and McGonagall narrowed their eyes, but Dumbledore didn't

look phased at all, he would expect nothing less from the Ministry in
its present state. After all that happened with Fudge, it was hard to
believe the relationship between him and the Ministry would run
smoothly anytime soon.

Scrimgeour says I have every right, the Decree for Justifiable

Confiscation… :

"That's ridiculous," Remus spat. "That decree couldn't possib…."

At this point Sirius started reading loudly, partly because he saw that
Hermione was likely to say the same thing and partly because he
knew it would annoy the werewolf.

Hermione says that law was created to stop wizards passing

Dark artifacts ending with Dumbledore was trying to pass us
something cursed:

"Of course, that's what he's saying, you can never trust
Dumbledore," Fred said.

"He's a conniving old man after all," George added.

"Fred! George!" Molly screamed, glaring at the twins before giving

Dumbledore an apologetic look. Dumbledore, however, was
chuckling at what the twins had just said.
Scrimgeour asks if Hermione was planning on a career in
Magical Law and she says no:

Hermione blinked at that.

"What's wrong?" Ron looked at her questioningly.

"It's just… I have been thinking about that," Hermione frowned, she
was wondering if she had decided to do something else. "I've always
been interested in law…."

"You're probably just lying to him," Ron shrugged.

"You might be right," Hermione said nodding her head.

Hermione says I'm hoping to do some good in the world:

Ron rolled his eyes, "let me guess, you want to do something with

"It's S.P.E.W!" Hermione groaned at him. "And so, what if I do?"

"Hermione, working in Magical Law can help you do something good

in the world," Tonks said. "My mum works in that department, and
she's done plenty of things to help our community."

Hermione nodded her head, she still had time to think about all this
after all.

Ron says me no, not really, it was always Harry who:

Hermione groaned.

"What?" Ron said.

"I think that's what he wanted to hear," Hermione said, shaking her
head. "It really doesn't make sense that Dumbledore would leave us
anything," she then blushed when she looked at the Dumbledore in
the room. "Er… why did you leave us things, sir?"
"I can't be certain until I know what they are, but I'm sure I have my
reasons for leaving things for you," Dumbledore assured.

"Do you think it will help Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," Dumbledore smiled, but said no more, and Hermione sensed

that this conversation was over.

Hermione says you're being modest Ron, Dumbledore was very

fond of you:

"Though, we have not had a chance to talk very much, I would have
to agree with that," Dumbledore said. "I admire the loyalty and
support you have shown your friends in face of extreme danger."

"Thanks," Ron mumbled as his ears turned red and he looked down,
not being able to look at his headmaster in the eyes.

Mentions I leave my Deluminator:

Dumbledore's mouth thinned, this was exactly what he thought he

would bequeath to Ron, though he hoped the boy would never have
to used it.

Describes the Deluminator ending with turned it over in the

fingers looking stunned:

"Cool, I wish I had it now," Ron smiled and then his eyes widen when
he looked at Dumbledore, "Er… sorry I didn't mean…."

"It's all right Mr. Weasley, I understand what you meant,"

Dumbledore chuckled.

Scrimgeour asks why would he have left you and item so rare:

Everyone looked at Dumbledore, who just looked peacefully at the


"You're not going to answer that are you?" Harry frowned.

"No, I believe it would be better to find out everything in the right time
and place. It would make the story more entertaining that way,"
Dumbledore smiled, though he was also thinking that it would only
cause trouble if he explained what this was.

Scrimgeour says Dumbledore taught thousands yet the only

ones he remembered in his will are you three:

"Does that mean you don't even leave me anything?" McGonagall

looked at him sharply.

"I do not believe that Scrimgeour would think of you as being one of
my students, seeing as we have been colleagues for so long,"
Dumbledore said to her.

"That better be true," McGonagall informed, though she didn't

particularly want anything from him, it would be nice to have
something to really remember him by.

Mentions I leave my copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard :

"What?" Sirius said looking at Dumbledore oddly, as were most of

the other people in the room. In fact, the only ones that weren't
looking at him oddly were Hermione and Harry, for neither of them
knew what The Tales of Beedle the Bard was.

Again, Dumbledore just looked at the book, waiting for Sirius to read.
However, he was struggling to keep his calm as he thought about
why he would be giving Hermione this book. He obviously knew that
the Deathly Hallows would have to play a role in this, seeing as it
was the title of the book, however, he wasn't expecting to be the one
to bring it up.

Why will Harry need to know about the Deathly Hallows? He realized
quickly that Voldemort was looking for the Elder Wand, his wand,
and he wondered again how this was all going to work out.

Hermione says I don't know, he must have thought I'd enjoy it:
"Indeed, I would," Dumbledore agreed, trying to make himself sound
cheerful as his mind went over more troubling thoughts. "I believe
that you've never had the chance to read the tales that wizard
children grow up with."

"No," Hermione said, looking intrigued, "is that what this is?"

"Of course, it is," Ron looked at her incredulously, "you mean you've
never heard of Beedle the Bard!"

Hermione rolled her eyes at that question but didn't say any more.

Mentions I leave the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch


Harry cocked his head to the side and looked oddly at the book.

"You know I was expecting Harry to get something a little more

flashy than that," Sirius said looking disappointed.

Scrimgeour says it occurs to me that Dumbledore, who had

prodigious magical skill whatever his other faults:

"He sounds like the Death Eaters when he says that," Sirius pointed
out, frowning.

"I'm afraid that it's not only Death Eaters that don't like me,"
Dumbledore said in an almost cheerful voice. "Many people in the
Ministry do not like the way I do things either."

Percy grimaced at that; though Dumbledore wasn't looking at him he

felt almost as if he could feel a weight being put on his shoulders.

Mentions how could he avoid taking the Snitch with his hands:

"You need not have to worry about that Harry." Dumbledore smiled.

"Why not sir?" Harry said. "You don't think you left me something."
"That's not quite what I meant," Dumbledore smiled, his eyes
twinkling with amusement.

"He's referring to the fact that you were a wide mouth frog in your
first match," Draco sneered. "Obviously, touching it with your hands
won't affect the snitch."

Several people chuckled at that but more looked at Harry curiously.

"What is he talking about Harry?" Sirius questioned.

"Er… it's a long story, can I tell you later?" Harry said and Sirius
nodded his head.

Scrimgeour says the sword of Godric Gryffindor:

"Cool!" several people said, Sirius the loudest among them.

"But why would Harry need that?" Arthur questioned.

"I don't know," Remus said. "Of course, the sword would always be
useful, but I can't see the particular…."

"Its goblin made!" Bill interrupted Remus, he was unusually excited

about something, and everyone looked at him oddly, but he
remembered clearly what Harry had just told them less than an hour
ago. "Harry killed the basilisks with the sword!"

"Of course!" Remus said, rather excited himself now. "Goblin made
weapons absorb whatever it comes in contact with…."

"And now the sword has basilisk's venom in it," Severus said,
nodding his head. "Which is one of the few things that could destroy
a Horcrux."

Scrimgeour says that sword was not Dumbledore's to give


"You idiot!" Sirius shouted, "Harry needs that!"

"Why the hell are you interfering so damn much?" Remus shouted,
uncharacteristically dark. "Don't you get how important this is? Don't
you realize that if Dumbledore had bequeathed the sword to Harry
that it must be important?"

"Obviously not," Bill said, grimacing.

"He always resented it when he wasn't in charge of something,"

Tonks muttered. "And was never good about hiding his resentment."

"I did not expect the Ministry to hand the sword over to Harry,"
Dumbledore said calmly to the room at large and the outrage that
everyone was feeling faded, and they looked at him curiously.

"So, this isn't a bad thing?" Arthur asked.

"No," Dumbledore said. "The reason I must have bequeathed the

sword to Harry, is so he would realize that he needs it. Though of
course if the Ministry had given the sword to Harry, that would have
worked as well."

Harry says it's time you earned it:

Severus looked at Harry coldly there, clearly Potter was being

arrogant here, the Minister of Magic didn't have to earn the respect
of a seventeen-year-old. Then why did he feel so odd about that, like
he didn't believe his own thoughts. It must be because Scrimgeour
really wasn't acting in a way that should be respected.

Mentions Hermione tapped on the door and tiptoed inside:

Molly grimaced at this, she didn't like that Hermione was sneaking
into the boys' room, but at least Harry was there, too, so it should be

"If you're worried about this, imagine how bad it will be when the
three of them are off on their own mum," Fred said chuckling and
Molly paled at that.
Hermione says Muffiato:

Severus's mouth opened wide when he heard that. How the hell did
she know that spell? Unlike most of the other spells that he created;
this one didn't make it to circulation. As far as he knew, he was the
only one that knew how to use it.

"What kind of spell is that?" Harry questioned.

"I have no idea," Hermione said narrowing her eyes. "I've never
heard about it before."

Ron says thought you didn't approve of that spell:

"Why would you disapprove of a spell?" Harry asked.

"I really don't know," Hermione said, more confused than ever as
was Severus.

Hermione says we could have achieved that with Peruvian

Instant Darkness Powder:

"I wonder what that is?" Hermione questioned.

"I don't know, but it sounds pretty cool," Fred said. "We should
probably look into this for our s…" he stopped himself short as he
noticed his mum's glare just in time. "Our next prank."

"If I hear about something like this Fredrick Weasley, you will regret
it!" Molly said coldly.

Ron says why couldn't he have given us a hint when he was


"Er… perhaps it's because he didn't know he was going to die,"

George suggested.

"He might have thought he had more time," Remus added and
looked at Dumbledore, it was extremely odd discussing his death
when he was sitting here before them like this.

Ron says that was the one you nearly swallowed:

"Why did you nearly swallow a snitch?" Sirius questioned again.

"I'll tell you after this chapter," Harry said.

"We should probably take a break for dinner after this chapter
anyways, do you realize how late it is?" Molly said, looking at her

"That sounds good to me," Sirius smiled and everyone seemed to be

in agreement with that.

"But the next chapter should be the wedding!" Fleur grumbled, "I
wanted to hear about that."

"The book will still be here after dinner," Tonks informed her.

Message on the Snitch I open at the close:

"What the hell does that mean?" Sirius questioned. He was impatient
and didn't like it when Dumbledore grimaced and shook his head.
Dumbledore could only guess what was in there, and yet he was
sure he was right. He longed to know how he got a hold of it, the one
thing he had been looking for since he was a boy. Something that
was so tempting to have that he wished to know more details about
where he had found it, so he would be able to use it, just once.

But he was giving it to Harry, the boy would find this object just as
tempting as he himself had, and yet somehow, he knew that Harry
would be able to use it better than he would use it. This was
especially true with what his message was, I open at the close …
Clearly, Harry could use this then.

Mentions had Dumbledore expected him to understand:

"If I know Dumbledore, I will say that he wanted you to figure it out
yourself," McGonagall said, looking closely at her colleague, noticing
his preoccupation with something that she could only assume had to
do with what was in the Snitch. "And I'm sure you will, Potter."

Mentions Hermione left the room:

"That's the end of the chapter," Sirius said putting down the book.
"Dinner time!"
Chapter 8
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Eight

The Wedding

"… So, I was holding on to the broom, trying to stop myself from
crashing when I saw the Snitch, and before on knew it, it was in my
mouth," Harry said, explaining his deadly first game.

"Merlin Harry, I don't know how you keep playing Quidditch after your
narrow escapes," Sirius said, remembering the game he had gone to
in Harry's third year when he fell fifty feet.

"I can't believe you would say that," Tonks said shaking her head.
"You were the most reckless person I've ever seen play…."

"Sh… I'm trying to act like an adult now," Sirius pouted.

"You're not doing a very good job at it," Remus chuckled.

"What do you mean by escapes?" Molly said, who had listened to

this recount of Harry's match with a panicked expression. "Have you
gotten hurt in another match?"

"Er…." Harry said.

"What I'm curious about is just how Miss Granger stopped Quirrell!"
Severus said in a cold voice as he glared at Hermione.

"Er…." Hermione said going bright red and she knew that he had
figured out what she had done to him.
"Oh… she…." Ron started to say but Harry clapped his hand over
his mouth, there was no reason to make things worse than they had
to be.

"Snape will kill her if you tell them that," Harry hissed so only his
friend could hear and Ron had to agree with that. Sirius was sure to
laugh his head off and that would only infuriate their already annoyed
Potions Master.

"I think I knocked the back of his head," Hermione answered after a
long pause where everyone was looking at Ron and Harry

"I believe we've all finished our meal," McGonagall prompted, trying
to alleviate the tension. She remembered quite clearly that Severus's
robes had mysteriously caught on fire that day and she wanted to
help her favorite student out. Besides, she was rather amused by
said event, even if she would never admit it.

"I'll read," Fleur volunteered as soon as they got to the room they
had been reading in. No one was surprised by this, and Remus was
already handing the book to her before she spoke. "The Wedding."

Fleur beamed as she read this, and Bill chuckled. Molly smiled too, it
was clear the girl really loved her son, and though she wasn't happy
about losing her son (it was much too soon for that) she was pleased
that they were happy together.

Mentions the Muggle boy whose appearance Harry was slightly

fatter than him:

"Of course, he's fatter than you," Fred rolled his eyes.

"My arm is fatter than you," Charlie added, trying to tease Harry but
he was still upset about the whole Ginny issue.

Fred says when I get married:

"Don't you mean if… you'd have to find a girl crazy enough to marry
you first," Bill teased his brother.

"True," Fred chuckled.

"Maybe you could get Loony to marry you," Ron chuckled.

"Don't call her Loony!" Ginny hissed. "Her name is Luna!"

"She might be a little too crazy for me," Fred chuckled again.

Fred says and I'll put a full Body Bind Curse on Mum until it's all

"I'd like to see you try," Molly said glaring at Fred, who gulped at the
look his mum was giving him.

George says cried a bit about Percy not being here:

Molly moaned at that and looked at her third oldest son sadly.

Percy wasn't looking at her, he couldn't even try to move his head,
he didn't want to see what any of his family looked like right now. He
wasn't sure if it would have been worse if they were glaring at him or
if they looked at him indifferently, but he knew he couldn't take either

Tonks says the Ministry's being very anti-werewolf at the


"When is the Ministry not being anti-werewolf?" Remus muttered


Harry said It's fine, I understand, more to Remus than Tonks:

"Why don't you ever want to talk to me, Harry?" Tonks pouted.

"Sorry," Harry chuckled. "I think I just feel more connected to L…

er… Remus."
"Yeah, you can't even say his name without stuttering, I can see the
connection is really strong," Sirius laughed, but Remus was smiling
at Harry.

Mentions that Remus's face fell again into lines of misery:

"I'm being serious this time, what is wrong with you?" Sirius said.

"Aren't you always Sirius?" Remus answered absentmindedly, he

didn't like the distance that he was showing in the book, and it was
clear that he was regretting something. It probably had something to
do with Tonks and how he knew a relationship with her would affect
her life in a very negative way.

Sirius just frowned; his friend never used that pun. Remus must
really be worried about something.

Mentions an odd symbol, a triangular eye:

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at that. It sounded like the mark that

identified the Deathly Hallows but he couldn't be sure, though he
thought that Xenophilius would be someone that would believe in
something like this.

Mr. Lovegood says so kind of the good Weasleys to invite us:

"I don't think it was the good Weasleys that invited them… it must
have been my evil twin," Fred said.

"I'm not evil… you're the evil one!" George huffed indignantly and
then the two of them laughed.

Mr. Lovegood says but I think you know my Luna:

"Ah, so we're going to get to meet this girl that is too crazy for even
Fred," Sirius chuckled. "This should be interesting."

"That's putting it mildly," Ron chuckled.

Mr. Lovegood says Luna lingered to say hello to the gnomes:

"Argh!" Molly groaned at that, couldn't they just stay away for a day
like this, was that too much to ask for?!

Luna says hello Harry and Harry says er my name's Barry:

"Wow, that's right, you're under the Polyjuice Potion," Hermione said.
"How did she know it was you?"

"Luna has a way of looking at things that's a bit different," Ginny


"I've noticed," Hermione rolled her eyes.

Ginny frowned at her friend, she thought that Luna and Hermione
would actually have a good friendship if they would just try to
understand each other.

Luna says oh, have you changed that too:

Sirius chuckled at that, "I like her."

"Well, crazy people do have to stick together," Tonks teased.

"I noticed you laughing too, Tonksy," Sirius said, "one would say that
your theory applies to you, too."

Tonks just shrugged at this comment.

Mentions Harry had long since decided not to challenge Luna or

her father's peculiar views:

"Hm… that sounds like I'm going to get closer to Luna," Harry said

"Not necessarily," Hermione said. "I mean you already know that you
shouldn't questions comments like this because she's just going to
give you some kind of crazy answer."
"Maybe," Harry shrugged. "But it still seems like she might be my
friend now."

Auntie Muriel says and your hair is much too long, Ronald, I
thought you were Ginevra:

"You grow your hair out, too," Molly groaned, looking at Ron with a
scowl. Did all her boys have to like that ridiculous long-haired look?

Ron says to Hermione wow, you look great:

"Aw… is Ickie Ronnie all tongue tied?" Fred teased.

"Shut up!" Ron said looking at the floor, his ears bright red. Hermione
was looking at Ron from the corner of her eye with a small smile.

Hermione says Aunt Muriel says oh dear, is this the Muggle-

born, bad posture and skinny ankles:

"Well as you can see, Aunt Muriel doesn't say anything nice about
anyone so don't worry about it," Ginny told her friend who didn't
seem to have noticed what was going on in the book, she was just
looking at Ron with a hopeful expression.

Mentions dark-haired young man with a large, curved nose with

his eyes on Hermione, you look vunderful:

Ron was glaring at the book, his ears now red with anger. Why did
he have to show up now when things with Hermione seemed to be
going better?

"Why would Viktor be here?" Hermione questioned and Ron's scowl


"He is my friend, I would want him there," Fleur explained and before
Ron could open his mouth to start a fight with Hermione, she started
reading again.
Mentions Hermione dropped her beaded bag, that made a loud
thump quite disproportionate to its size:

Remus, McGonagall, and Arthur all raised an eyebrow at that,

wondering why that was and having a good idea what the answer
would be to that.

Hermione says I didn't know you were, goodness, it's lovely to

see how are you:

Ron started making clucking sounds with his tongue as he crossed

his arms. He should have known better than to hope that Hermione
would ever be interested in him when she had an international
Quidditch star interested in her.

Ron asks rudely how come you're here:

All of Ron's siblings were laughing at that, which only made him

"Ronald, I know you have better manners than that!" Molly

reprimanded him.

"He's just my friend, Ron," Hermione whispered so only Ron could

hear, but seeing as he didn't budge at all she wasn't sure he could
hear her.

Mentions Harry offered to show Krum to his seat:

"Thank you 'Arry," Fleur said, not wanting anything to happen that
would ruin her day.

"I wish you hadn't done that," Sirius pouted.

Mentions while Fleur's radiance usually dimmed everyone else

by comparison, today it beautified everyone it fell upon:

"Wow, I think she's started to glow like that now," Sirius whispered
loudly to Remus. Fleur looked at him and blushed slightly before she
started reading again.

Mentions that Bill did not look as though he had ever met Fenrir

"Greyback!" Several people gasped and Remus hissed bitterly.

"My poor baby," Molly said looking at Bill and then getting up to sit
next to him. She was starting to really hate this book… it brought so
much bad news.

"I'm okay Mum," Bill said impatiently but allowed his mum to hug
him, knowing that she needed that right now. "It hasn't happened

"You don't think you're… he was… a werewolf…." Arthur sputtered

out, looking pale as he watched his eldest son wrap his arms around

"I'm sure Harry would have made some kind of reference to that
before now if that was the case," Dumbledore said calmly.

"Who's Greyback?" Harry questioned them, wondering who this guy

could be to have everyone look so anxious.

"He's a werewolf, a vicious one if half of what I've read about him is
true…." Hermione started to explain, her voice was tight, and she
tried not to speak too loudly.

"It's true," Remus said in a cold voice that most the people in the
room weren't used to hearing from him. "He would threaten people
by saying he would attack their children if they didn't do what he
said… and he would follow through with the threat."

"That's horrible," Hermione whispered. She paled as she understood

how Remus would know about this. This must have been the
monster that had turned him as a boy.
Mentions Harry's thoughts wandered to afternoons spent alone
with Ginny:

"Just how many hours did you spend with her?" Charlie asked, his
voice full of annoyance again.

"None," Harry answered, for that was the truth as he knew it.

"Right, just keep it that way," Charlie smiled and was hit in the head
by a pillow that was thrown by Ginny. For such a soft thing, Charlie
was surprised how much it hurt… Ginny really had an arm on her.

"Shut up Charlie!" Ginny hissed.

Mentions that time seems too good to be true, they belong to a

normal person's life:

Harry groaned as he received several sympathetic looks from the

women in the room.

"You deserve happiness too Harry," Hermione whispered to him,

giving his hand a comforting squeeze.

It says do you, William Arthur, take Fleur Isabelle… and then

Harry thinks in the front row:

Fleur's voice went from excited squeal to annoyance in a flash.

"Can't you pay attention to the wedding a little more closely 'Arry!"

"Sorry," Harry said automatically.

Mentions that Harry was sure that Ron was keeping an eye out
for Krum:

"I thought you got over this," Hermione rolled her eyes, he had asked
for Viktor's autograph at the end of fourth year after all… Okay so he
acted all bothered when she was writing that letter to Viktor just a
few nights ago (a reaction that always made a wave of pleasure go
through her stomach).
Ron says what is it, a lifetime supply of Gurdyroots:

"What's Gurdyroot?" Harry questioned.

"No idea," Ron shrugged. "But knowing Luna, it's something better
not knowing."

Mentions Hermione tried to kick Ron under the table, but caught
Harry instead:

"Sorry Harry," Hermione said as most people in the room chuckled.

"It's okay," Harry answered and then added, "but it sounds like you
were trying to defend Luna."

"I know," Hermione agreed. "I suppose you were right, and we did
become friends… I wonder how that happened?"

Luna says I like this song, and then it describes how she

"It looks like she's taking the Gernumbli bite seriously," Fred said.
"Good for her."

Ron says she's great isn't she, always good value:

"I can kind of see that," Ron said thoughtfully, but he was still a little
weirded out by the odd girl.

Ron says to Hermione come and dance:

"Did you just ask me to dance?" Hermione asked incredulously.

Ron didn't think he could say anything right now, so he just nodded
his head.

Hermione smiled at this, she knew that Ron didn't like dancing, it
must mean something that he was asking her… still she wished he
wasn't doing this because Viktor was there, he might just be acting
like an over protecting git and not actually like her…

Mentions Hermione looked taken aback, but pleased too:

"Yep, that's how she looks," George said, looking at Hermione


"Shut up," Hermione hissed at him as the whole room chuckled.

Krum asks ah, they are together now:

Both Ron and Hermione looked at the book hopefully though they
both said, "of course not," at the same time and then looked away

Harry says er, sort of:

"What is that supposed to mean?" Ron questioned with a groan, he

really wanted a yes or no answer not a 'sort of ' answer.

Hermione looked at him, she couldn't tell by his tone if he was

opposed to the idea or if he would like it. She wanted to ask him
about it… ask him what he was thinking but the fact that they were in
a room full of people wasn't lost on her and it was already impossibly
hard for her to talk to Ron about this without the audience.

"It means you two are still being idiots," Ginny grumbled, rolling her

Krum says that if Mr. Lovegood wasn't Fleur's guess would

have done him, here and now for wearing that filthy sign:

Dumbledore sighed, he was right, and he knew what was coming


Everyone looked at Dumbledore, not used to him having such a

reaction, which was all the more noticeable because it didn't mean
anything to the rest of them.
Krum says Grindelwald's sign:

"Oh," several people said, thinking they understood why Dumbledore

would react to that, obviously he would have known about the sign.

However, everyone's gasp only seemed to make Dumbledore look

even glummer. He knew they had come to the wrong conclusion, but
he didn't really have time to worry about them, because his mind
was starting to travel to his most painful memories, and he was
having trouble stopping them from coming.

Krum says Grindelwald was never powerful in this country, they

said he feared Dumbledore:

Dumbledore wondered then why Grindelwald never came here, was

it really fear of him or was it some other reason. He would like to
think it was because a part of Grindelwald thought about what had
happened between them, but he wasn't sure he believed that.

Krum describes the symbol ending with who had lost family
members taught them better:

"That doesn't sound like something that Xenophilius would wear,"

Arthur said. "He might be eccentric, but he definitely never supported
the dark arts."

"I believe that Mr. Krum is under a misunderstanding," Dumbledore

said. "The symbol wasn't made by Grindelwald…" it was hard for him
to keep his voice even as he said the name of his onetime friend, but
it looked like no one, but McGonagall noticed that. "The symbol was
used a long time before he was even born."

Krum says I walked past that sign for several years; I know it

"So, the symbol might not have been made by Grindelwald, but it
was obviously something that he was interested in," Severus said. "I
wonder what it means?"
"Who cares? It's probably some way to gain power. That sounds like
something that he would be interested in," Sirius groaned
impatiently, not noticing the dark expression in Dumbledore's eyes.

Harry says Mr. Lovegood doesn't know what it means, thinking

it's a cross section to the Crumple-Horned Snorkack:

Several people snorted at this.

"What's a Crumple-Horned Snorkack?" Sirius questioned.

"It's a creature that Luna and her dad go on expeditions to try and
find," Ginny shrugged. "I don't think they actually exist… but Luna is
convinced they do."

"Well just because they haven't been discovered yet, doesn't mean
they don't exist," Remus chuckled at Ginny's answer. "Though I
doubt this particular creature exists, some of the other ones that she
has mentioned actually have some proof they might be real."

"Really?" Hermione asked, shocked by that.

Remus nodded his head.

"I didn't know you knew her?" Harry questioned.

"You do realize that your class wasn't the only one that I taught when
I was a professor, right?" Remus teased lightly.

"Oh, right," Harry smiled at him sheepishly.

Mentions Krum tapped his wand menacingly and Harry says


"Ah… so that's the real reason why Krum is there, so Harry could
figure out the wand clue," George said. "See, Ronnie… there's
nothing to worry about, he's just a plot device."

"Whatever," Ron said rolling his eyes.

Harry says he made your wand, that's why I thought Quidditch:

"And now you just made yourself look like some crazy person,"
Sirius said shaking his head.

"Like he wasn't already doing that talking about Snorkackes and

Wrackspurt," Hermione pointed out rolling her eyes.

Harry says I read it somewhere, in a fan magazine:

"I didn't know that you read fan magazines," Ron said.

"I didn't know you read other people's fan articles, I would have
thought you had enough reading your own," Draco sneered.

"Ah, look little Draky is jealous of ickies Harry's fame," Fred said in a
baby voice.

"Isn't that just adorable," George added and Draco glared at the both
of them.

Krum says he retired sever years ago, they are the best:

"Yeah, bloody right, Ollivander's wands kick their arse," Charlie said.

"Charlie, watch your language," Molly snapped at her son.

"I think that it is a matter of where you come from that colors your
opinion of who the best wand maker is," Fleur said reasonably.

"Are there any good wand makers in France, Fleur?" Harry

questioned, knowing that the core for her wand was a piece of her
veela grandmother's hair.

"Oh yes, there are several good wand makers in France, though I
would have to say that none of them are as famous as Ollivander or
Gregorowitch, but they are more willing to use… unusual cores in
their wands… which suits me very well."
Krum calls Ginny very nice-looking:

"Oi, stay away from her!" Ron hissed out unnecessarily loud, but he
couldn't help it, he couldn't stand it if the ruddy pumpkin head went
after his sister after everything that went on with Hermione.

Everyone laughed at that especially Ginny, who never would have

gone near Krum in a million years.

Hermione, however, was frowning. His reaction to this was so similar

to the way that he reacted when Viktor was near her that she could
easily believe that Ron only thought of her like a sister… not an
altogether comforting thought to her at the moment.

Harry says she's seeing someone, jealous type, big bloke, you
wouldn't want to cross him:

Everyone was laughing at that.

"I think you might be exaggerating about the big bloke comment,"
Fred laughed.

"Yeah, you really are scrawny, not big at all," George laughed too.

Mentions Harry wanted to tell Ron about Gregovitch, but he was

dancing with Hermione:

"Well you could have come too, Harry, unless you're going to be
keeping that from me too," Hermione said, ending with a sharp note.

"I don't like dancing," Harry replied, evading her glare. When that
didn't work, he added, "besides, I think I was trying to give you two
some time alone…."

That caused Hermione's cheeks to turn slightly pink, after all, she did
like the idea of dancing with Ron.

Harry says Mr. Doge, I'm Harry Potter:

"You can't just tell people that Potter, you're supposed to be hiding,"
McGonagall said, giving Harry a disappointed look, really, he should
have known better than that.

"I do not believe that Elphias will be a security risk," Dumbledore

said. "It is likely that he already knows that Harry is there… after all
he is a member of the Order."

"Still, I would think that Potter would take more care with his safety
than that," McGonagall said, her tone still quite stern.

Doge says if you don't count Aberforth and somehow people

never count Aberforth:

"Why is that?" Sirius asked and saw a familiar look in Dumbledore's

eyes as he always had when someone talked about his own brother.

"Aberforth prefers it that way," Dumbledore said sadly, wishing he

could have somehow bridged the gap between his brother, knowing
that he was to blame for it in the first place.

Harry says Skeeter hinted that Dumbledore was involved in the

Dark Arts when he was young:

"Harry, how can you believe that?" Hermione said frowning, "you
know better than anyone that she lies about everything." Harry
shrugged again, not really understanding himself here either.

However, that didn't stop Severus and Draco from looking at

Dumbledore thoughtfully and seeing that he looked almost
ashamed… or were they just imagining that… it was hard to get
anything out of Dumbledore's expression.

Mentions that Harry's need to be sure, to know everything:

"Why do you have to know everything Potter, is the man not allowed
to have a past," Severus said coldly, Potter was showing his
arrogance again. "It has nothing to do with you."
Harry furrowed his eyebrows questioningly. Why was his book self
so angry about this? It was true that he was intrigued by this bit of
information, but he didn't think he was in the same state as he
appeared to be in the book. "I know that sir," he said, still frowning.

Someone says Rita Skeeter, oh I love her, always read her:

"Three guesses who that is," Fred groaned.

"Though if you take more than one, you're a git," George added,
groaning as well.

Muriel says you there, give me your chair, I'm a hundred and

"I don't know why she's complaining so much, that's not very old,"
Tonks said. "You're like… a hundred and fifty, aren't you sir?"

"Almost," Dumbledore chuckled at her.

Muriel says you'll still think Dumbledore was a saint even if he

did away with his Squib sister:

Dumbledore shivered at that; it was callous and incorrect but there

was just enough truth in it that made him feel like he was stabbed in
the chest. He was the reason his sister was gone after all, no matter
if he cast the charm that actually ended her life or not.

Everyone was looking at Dumbledore's painful expression and was

dying to know what had happened, but nobody dared to ask.

Harry says he never told me his sister was a Squib:

"Ariana was not a Squib," Dumbledore said softly, his voice was
weak with the guilt he was feeling.

"I'm sorry sir," Harry said looking down, he could see the pain in
Dumbledore's eyes, and it was clear to him why the older man never
brought this up, he was obviously hurt by the subject… and why
wouldn't he be? After all it was about his younger sister dying much
too early. He, himself, never liked talking about his past, and all that
happened to him was being neglected by the Dursleys… or at least
that's the only past that he remembers.

Muriel says off being brilliant at Hogwarts and never mind what
was going on in his own house:

Dumbledore flinched at these words and people were starting to

wonder if they were true… or at least what part of them were true.
For it was clear that there was something to this story that affected

Muriel says Dumbledore's mother was Muggle-born, though I

heard she pretended otherwise:

"She was Muggle-born, and she never pretended to be anything

else," Dumbledore said automatically, still trying to maintain his calm

Muriel says Ariana was never permitted to leave but she was
never taken to St. Mungo's and no Healer ever saw her:

"Because if she was taken to a Healer she would have been taken
away from us," Dumbledore said, he could feel everyone look at him.
It hurt to say this, but he didn't want everyone in here to believe this
story… believe that his mother was so cold as to do something like
this. "My mother could not bear to be separated from my sister like

Remus opened his mouth to ask what was wrong with Ariana, but he
still couldn't bring himself to do that with the way that Dumbledore
looked right now.

Harry thinks about the Dursleys locking him up because he was

a wizard and wonder if Ariana was imprisoned for her lack of
"I'm sorry, sir, I don't know why I'm thinking that," Harry said softly
when he saw his headmaster bow his head.

"It's a reasonable thought after what you heard," Dumbledore said in

an uneven tone, "but I assure you that this is definitely not the case."

Muriel says I'd say that Kendra was who finished off Ariana:

Dumbledore's eyes showed a hint of anger at that before the

sadness consumed them again as he thought of what had really

Muriel mentions that Bathilda was the source:

Dumbledore was really frowning at this, if Bathilda was the source,

that book was sure to bring back more painful memories… he hoped
it wasn't in this book, but somehow with Harry as determined as he
seemed to be, he seriously doubted he would be so lucky.

Harry says Bathilda Bagshot, the author of A History of Magic:

"You actually know the author's name!" Hermione and Ron said at
the same time with completely different tones. Hermione was
pleasantly surprised, and Ron was disgusted. Harry just shrugged at

Mentions were Lily and James buried close to Dumbledore's

mother and sister:

"Yes, they are," Dumbledore said sadly, "I'm sorry I've never told you

"It's okay sir, I know this couldn't have been easy to bring up," Harry

Hermione says I simply can't dance anymore:

"Aw, has little Ronnie tired you out already," Fred chuckled, trying to
lighten the mood in the somber room.
Kingsley's lynx Patronus says the Ministry has fallen,
Scrimgeour is dead, they are coming:

"NO! No, no, no… !" Molly screamed and kept chanting.

"That is the end of the chapter," Fleur said in a shaky voice. This
definitely wasn't something she wanted on her wedding day, but she
was too scared for everyone's safety to worry about that now.

"I'll read," Bill said taking the book from her. He didn't wait for anyone
else to make a comment before he started reading the next chapter.
Chapter 9
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Nine

A Place to Hide

" A Place to Hide," Bill read.

The mood in the room relaxed slightly at that. They were all hoping
that this meant that everything would be okay if Harry was trying to
find a place to hide. That had to be good right?

Mentions the protective enchantments around the Burrow had


"That quickly!" Molly gasped.

"We're not sure how much time has passed since this happened,"
Remus said, also looking pale. "We don't know how long it took for
Kingsley to learn about the Minister… nor how long it took him to try
and contact us."

Molly looked as she hadn't even heard him, and she bit her lip
nervously. Arthur had his arms around her, trying to calm her down,
though he didn't look very calm at the moment either.

Hermione cries Ron, where are you:

Hermione moaned miserably at that; how could she have let Ron out
of her sight for a moment? Didn't she know how dangerous the times
were? She felt Ron's hand take hers and she couldn't stop her heart
from beating excitedly at his touch, but she pushed that feeling aside
as she squeezed his hand… it was more important that she was
reassured right now.

Mentions that Harry saw cloaked and masked figures appearing

in the crowd:

Molly's whimper was the loudest, though she was by no means the
only one to make a noise at that.

Hermione says Ron:

Both Hermione and Molly shivered at that. Ron gave Hermione's

hand another squeeze of reassurance.

Mentions that Harry seized Hermione's hand, so they weren't


"Smart move… grabbing her hand," Tonks said, she would have
added that it wouldn't be good if they got more separated than they
already were, but that wasn't the best thing to say right now.

Mentions and then Ron was there:

"Oh, thank Merlin," Hermione said quietly but Ron and Harry could
hear her.

Mentions Ron caught hold of Hermione's free arm, and Harry

felt her turn on the spot:

"You Apparated!" Arthur said, looking a little pale.

"Er… it looks like it," Hermione said looking at him confused. "I'm
sure I got my lic…."

"You brought both of them as side-alongs!" Arthur went on and

several people said 'oh'.

"So…." Hermione said still confused, she had read a little bit on
Apparation but she still didn't understand why Arthur would be this
surprised about that.

"It's very difficult to bring a single person along when Apparating,"

Percy said, looking at Hermione impressed but not surprised, though
perhaps a little jealous. "The concentration needed to Apparate
increases exponentially with each person you add to it. It's
impressive that you could manage to do it with two people,
especially when you probably learned how to Apparate only a few
months prior to this."

"Oh," Hermione said, the smile she always had when she was
complimented but tried not to look too smug about it was on her

Mentions away from the descending Death Eaters and perhaps


Everyone shivered at that.

"Hm… I'm not sure he would make a personal appearance,"

Dumbledore said. "He seems to have his mind occupied on
something else at the moment and he wouldn't want to be bother
with the lesser hunt. Though I would assume he would come
immediately if they had seen Harry."

Again, the tension in the room relaxed only slightly at that.

Mentions they seemed to be surrounded by people:

"You Apparated in the middle of a public place!" Severus was the

one to say this time, shaking his head. "Didn't you realize that you
could have been seen? That would bring yourself to the Ministry's
attention if a Muggle had seen you! They would have to send in

"I…." Hermione opened her mouth to say something, but she

couldn't think of anything. After all she hadn't actually done this yet,
so she didn't have any answers to that.
Mentions that a young woman burst into raucous giggles at the
sight of Ron:

"Well, there's nothing abnormal there," Fred said attempting to bring

some humor into this.

"Ron's appearance always inspires people to laugh," George added.

Harry says why didn't I make sure I had the Invisibility Cloak
with me:

"Oh dear, you didn't have time to take anything with you!" Molly
groaned. "You don't have anything but the clothes on your backs!
You're going to starve… !"

"Sh… Molly," Arthur said, cutting off her fretting. She didn't say
anything after that, but she did bury her head in his shoulder and
started to sob.

Hermione says it's okay, I've got the Cloak, I've got clothes for
both of you:

"See dear, Hermione is taking care of them," Arthur whispered to his

wife and her sobs softened slightly. She didn't want to think about the
three of them trying to take care of themselves on their own, but it
was comforting that at least she could count on Hermione to think of
things they would need.

Mentions Hermione pulled out of her bag a pair of jeans,

sweatshirt, socks and the silvery Invisibility Cloak:

"Wow, an Extension Charm," Fleur said. She looked at Hermione,

very impressed. She didn't know the girl very well after all, but she
knew that she was only in fifth year, of course she would have been
going into her seventh year in the book, but it was still impressive. "I
don't believe that is even taught at Hogwarts… I know they don't
teach it at Beauxbatons."
"I must have realized that we would need it," Hermione shrugged,
the 'trying not to be smug' smile back on her face.

"Yeah, we get it, Mione is incredible in everything, can we move on,"

Ron groaned, though he didn't really look too annoyed with the

Mentions that Ron stripped off his robes as Harry asks when
did you do all this:

"I bet you couldn't take your eyes off of him, ah Hermione," Fred
teased and Hermione and Ron turned bright red.

Hermione opened her mouth to deny it but realized she couldn't, not
without being laughed at more than what was going on now.

Hermione mentions that she had the essential packed for days
and I just had a feeling:

"You had a feeling this would happen!" Molly said, looking almost
angry about that, like she was saying, why didn't you warn me about

"Mum, Mione just likes to be prepared for everything… well in

advance, too," Ron said.

"And it seems like that was a very good thing this time," Harry

Molly nodded, feeling ashamed, but she was just so worried about
not only the trio's safety, but everyone's. Everyone was in danger in
this book, she knew that.

Hermione says please, Harry, get that Cloak on:

"Honestly Potter, don't you realize how recognizable you are?" Draco
"Are you worried about me Malfoy?" Harry said, looking bemused
and starting to chuckle at the disgusted face Draco was making now.

"As if," Draco scoffed, though he had an odd feeling that Harry
wasn't so wrong by his question, which only made him angrier at
himself. "I just thought someone should point out how slow you are."

Mentions Harry thought of Ginny and fear bubbled like acid in

his stomach:

"I'm sorry that I'm giving you indigestion Harry," Ginny said sadly and
several people laughed at that Harry among them.

"I suppose I can forgive you for that this time," Harry smiled.

Someone says fancy a drink, ditch ginger and come and have a

"Ew," Hermione made a face, as Ron's glared intensified and it

looked like he was gritting his teeth trying to stop himself from saying

Hermione suggested they go somewhere before Ron could

opened his mouth to shout:

"Ah… I was hoping that we would have at least got to hear book Ron
tell those gits off," Fred sighed, and almost everyone laughed at that.
Though it was clear that Ron's brothers were all amused about this,
they all felt protective of Hermione at the same time and didn't
particularly like how these drunk guys were talking to her… they
wouldn't have minded Ron doing something to them.

Mentions Harry didn't like being stationary, walking had given

the illusion that they had a goal:

"That might be true, but being here might actually give you some
time to think about where you should go," Remus said. "And I would
feel a lot better if you had some shelter right now."
Ron says we're not far from the Leaky Cauldron here:

"No!" several people shouted.

"I don't want you anywhere near that place!" Molly said.

"It wouldn't be safe!" Tonks added.

"I get it," Ron groaned, he wasn't really sure why he was suggesting
that in the first place. He knew it wouldn't be safe there.

Mentions a pair of burly workmen entered the café:

"I don't like this!" Molly fretted, and several people's thoughts echoed
that statement. Why would workman suddenly come into this Diner
and more importantly, why would they be mentioned in this book if
there wasn't something odd about them being there.

Ron asks if Hermione can do the talking Patronus and she says
I think so:

"Which pretty much means you can do it," Ron and Ginny said at the
same time.

"I wonder if this means I can already do the Patronus Charm… you
did mention teaching us that when we got back," Hermione said
looking at Harry.

"Well, I'm sure if I get around to teaching it you will pick it up in no

time," Harry smiled at her.

"Are you really going to teach them Patronus?" Remus questioned.

"It's a difficult spell Harry, as I'm sure you remember me telling you
that before…."

"I know it's difficult, but I don't think I'll be able to get a Dementor, or
a Baggort to pretend to be a Dementor, so it will be different than the
lessons that you gave me," Harry said.
Hermione says I took out all my Building Society saving:

"I'm sorry Hermione," Harry frowned, he didn't like that she had to
take all her money out of savings.

"I'll just ask you to reimburse me after this is all over with," Hermione
smiled, and Harry chuckled.

Mentions the workmen made movement and Harry mirrored

them, they drew their wands:

"NO!" several people yelled, not liking their fears being confirmed.
Molly kept the chanting up as Bill read the book in a tense voice.

Mentions Ron, a few seconds late, lunged across the table

pushing Hermione onto her bench:

Ron felt relieved about that though he wished that he wasn't late in
reacting. It just felt better knowing that he was doing something to
protect Hermione.

Mentions Harry sent another Stunning Spell at the Death Eater

with the twisted face:

Bill read this with disdain for he easily recognized this description as
the man that had killed his uncles. Molly's eyes flickered with rage at
just hearing this, but her heart throbbed painfully in her chest as she
thought of the trio facing this man… this highly dangerous man.

Mentions Hermione uses Petrificus Totalus on the Death Eater:

"I'm glad you got him, but don't you think you should use a stronger
spell than that?" Sirius inquired.

"I probably did the first spell that came to my mind," Hermione said.
"Speed is more important… besides he's incapacitated now."

Hermione asks how did they find us, what are we going to do:
"Merlin that is a good question!" Fred said. "How did they find you?"

"Maybe it was like Snape said," Charlie said. "That a Muggle saw
them and that caused the Ministry…."

"I'm not so sure about that," Severus himself interrupted. "That

doesn't explain how the Death Eaters would know that they were in
this cafe. It doesn't make sense that they would go there."

"So, what happen?" Sirius asked, looking at his godson warily. "Why
the hell did they show up there?"

No one seemed to have an answer to that.

Mentions that somehow Hermione's panic cleared Harry's head:

"Well, I'm glad I could help," Hermione glared at him halfheartedly,

she was too nervous to pull it off correctly.

Ron asks what are we going to do with them, kill them, they'd
kill us:

Ron looked petrified that he had suggested such a thing and Harry
looked at him with the same expression. "I don't think I can do that
mate," Harry said in a shaky voice.

"They deserve it," Molly was the one to say, there was a dark tone in
her voice that nobody was used to hearing. Harry looked at her even
more shocked than he already was.

"Dolohov was one of the people responsible for…." Remus started

but Harry remembered an early discussion he had with Moody that
year, one with a picture of the old Order of the Phoenix.

"Oh…." Harry said and looked at Molly with understanding, though

she had buried her head back in Arthur's shoulder. No matter how
much she wanted this man dead, she didn't really want her son and
his friends to become cold blooded killers like this. It was one thing
to kill someone in a fight and quite another to kill an unarmed,
helpless man.

Harry says we just need to wipe their memories, if we killed

them, it'd be obvious, we were here:

"I don't think you can stop them from knowing that you were here,"
Severus said warily, though he didn't totally disagree with the plan.

Hermione says nor have I, but I know the theory:

"You do understand that knowing the theory and actually doing the
spell are two different things," Severus said harshly. "You can cause
serious damage to someone if you perform a spell like this without
the proper training."

"Well, it's all the better if she gives them permanent brain damage,"
Sirius pointed out.

Ron says clean up, why:

"Why can't you ever just clear things up when you're told to," Ginny
said in a very good impression of her mum that had all the Weasley
boys and various other people laughing.

Ron says Hermione you packed my old jeans they're tight:

"How dare you do that Hermione," Fred said laughing.

"Yeah, just because the tight jeans would make his ar…." George
started to say.

"Shut up!" Hermione hissed at them, turning red yet again as several
people laughed.

Hermione says you don't think you still got your Trace on you,

"No, that's impossible," several people said at the same time.

"There is no way to keep the Trace on someone once they come of
age," Arthur said.

"They could have put a different tracking spell on him though," Tonks
said. "Of course, that means they would have had to have access to
him, so I don't think that's it either."

Don't be silly Harry, Snape can get in there:

"But I don't think that other Death Eaters could," Remus said. "Which
means that only one…."

"I'm not going to attack Potter," Severus said coldly.

"And I understand that, but the Harry in the book doesn't and from
his point of view limiting the number of people that can go after him
to one is a good thing," Remus said. "Especially since there is only
one way that you can enter the place."

Harry says I'd like nothing better than to meet Snape:

"I wouldn't be so eager for that if I were you," Draco said, "I doubt
that you would last a minute against Professor Snape."

Severus looked slightly pleased by this praise.

"I've faced worse opponents than Snape," Harry said, his eyes going
a little lifeless as he thought of the duel, he had last summer.

"Hm…." was all Draco had to say to that, but he was eyeing Harry
almost warily now.

Mentions the only thing out of place was the troll's leg stand
and it was like Tonks had just knocked it over again:

Several of the people that had seen Tonks trip over that multiple
times snorted at that.
"How do you know someone isn't there already?" Molly questioned,
making everyone nervous again just like she had been this whole

Mentions that they remained on the doormat, scared to move

farther into the house:

"Little Potty, scared of a house," Draco sneered.

"Be quiet little boy, don't you see how dangerous everything is…
anything can go wrong, nowhere is safe!" Molly said, starting to work
herself into hysteria. However, she seemed to be unable to say
anything more than that, but her eyes still looked at Draco with a
crazed expression.

After Hermione casted Homenum revelio and nothing


"Oh, thank Merlin, good thinking," Molly said, sounding very relieved.

Ron says you've just had a big shock, what was that supposed
to do:

Several people chuckled at that.

"What?" Ron questioned.

"It worked exactly how it was supposed to," Bill told his little brother
and Ron sighed, Hermione wouldn't like that he suggested that she
couldn't do a spell properly.

Ron says can't see anyone out there and you'd think if Harry
still had the Trace they would follow us here:

"That's true," Tonks said, "so they definitely don't have a trace on

"Well, that's comforting and all, but it still leaves us wondering how
the hell those Death Eaters found Harry in the first place," Charlie

Harry says I think it's started opening again whenever he loses

control, that's how it used to:

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow here; it certainly does sound like

Voldemort is trying to block Harry from his mind this time.

Mentions that Voldemort had used this connection to lead him

into a trap that resulted in Sirius's death:

Everyone gasped at this, and Harry dropped his head. It must have
been his fault that Sirius died… he had believed whatever it was the
Voldemort had shown him and Sirius had died because of it.

"Harry," Sirius said, he was watching his godson closely and didn't
like what he saw. He got up and sat next to him (Ginny having
moved over to give him some room). He was going to tell Harry that
he was more than willing to give everything he had to keep his
godson alive, but he knew that Harry didn't want to hear that.
Instead, he said, "It's a good thing that we know about this. Now you
know that whenever you have a vision about me you shouldn't
believe it."

Harry looked at Sirius and nodded his head. That was right, they
have the power to change this future and he will. "Thanks Sirius."

"Anytime," Sirius said and pulled Harry into a hug that both of them

Arthur's Patronus says family safe, do not reply, we are being


"We're safe," Molly said, relieved and slumping in Arthur's arms.

Though she could have done without the, we are being watched,
line, it was the best she could hope for at the moment.
Harry says it's your family, I'd feel the same way, then thinks of
Ginny and added, I do feel the same way:

"Hmph, so does that mean that you don't care about the rest of us?"
Fred said indignantly.

"Yep," Harry deadpanned.

Voldemort says you called me back for this, that Potter escaped
again, Draco, give Rowle another taste of our displeasure:

All eyes were on said boy, who was looking rather pale at the idea of
not only being in the same room as Voldemort but torturing
someone. He never minded taunting someone… torturing them with
his words until they snapped (though he didn't like them snapping so
much because usually he would end up getting cursed). He didn't
mind cursing anyone either, but he's never used a serious curse on
anyone yet. Nothing that would hurt like he knew that Voldemort
wanted him to do to this Rowle guy. His stomach turned and he
knew that he didn't really want to do something like this… Not to this
guy that he didn't know. He felt odd when he realized that he couldn't
even imagine doing something like that to Potter, who he truly hated
more than anyone else.

Mentions Harry was sickened by the use to which Draco was

now being put by Voldemort:

Draco looked down, again lost in thought. He wanted that didn't he?
To be a Death Eater like his dad. To earn respect from people like
the Dark Lord… like his dad. That is what he always wanted. But
hearing this, seeing what he would have to do to be a real Death
Eater made him feel ill at ease.

Harry says yeah great thanks:

"That was the end of the chapter," Bill said. "Who wants to read?"

"I think I will," Ron said.

"No! Say it ain't so!" Fred said.

"Ronniekins wanting to read," George gasped.

Ron ignored them the best he could as he started to read the next
Chapter 10
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Ten

Kreacher's Tale

" Kreacher's Tale," Ron read and then groaned. "Maybe I don't want
to read this one."

Hermione rolled her eyes at that.

"Argh! Why would there be a chapter about that thing in here?" Sirius

"Sirius…." Hermione started to say, unable to stop herself this time.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Ron, just read."

Mentions Ron had a fit of gallantry and insisted that Hermione

sleep on the cushions:

"Nice move Ronnie boy," Charlie chuckled, "you're such a


"Shut up," Ron hissed at his brothers, for they were all sniggering
(even Percy was trying to stop himself from smiling), his ears were
bright red.

Mentions Harry wondered if they had fallen asleep holding


"Aw!" all the Weasley children (except Ron) said.

"Isn't that precious?" Fred added as Ron's whole face turned red and
this time Hermione was blushing almost as much as him.

Mentions that the accusations he heard had infected Harry's

memories of Dumbledore who he idolized:

"Harry," Hermione said, looking slightly disappointed; how could

Harry believe that tripe?

Harry, however, wasn't paying attention to her, he was looking at

Dumbledore. It was awkward hearing himself think like that though
even at the moment he was angry at Dumbledore for ignoring him
this year he couldn't imagine himself thinking that. "I'm sorry, sir," he

Dumbledore nodded at Harry, excepting the apology but looking

uncomfortable, his eyes downcast. He was sure that the way things
were going, this situation, his past, was only going to get worse.

Mentions could Dumbledore ignore his sister who was being

imprisoned and hidden:

Dumbledore was frowning at everything that was said here, he didn't

do any of those things, and yet he felt as if he had done worse to
her. There really wasn't anything he could have done for his sister
when he was younger, but the biggest regret of his life was that he
didn't do more for her when he had the chance.

Mentions or was Harry nothing more than a tool to be honed,

but not trusted, never confided in:

"He doesn't confide in anyone, Potter," Snape said, though his tone
had everyone looking at him oddly. Was he actually being civil
towards Harry, and when he could have accused Harry of being

"And I assure you Harry, I do care about you," Dumbledore said.

Mentions Harry crept out of the room and started to climb the

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked Harry harshly, which caused
him to stare at her questioningly.

"I'm going…." Harry started to say.

"You can't just wander off by yourself," Hermione said, "don't you
know how worried Ron and I are going to be when we wake up and
find you're not there… after everything that happened yesterday… !"

"I'm sorry," Harry said, "I must not have been thinking about that."

Mentions somebody had searched the house since the Order

had left:

Hermione shivered at that, feeling worse that Harry was wandering

the house on his own.

Mentions Harry had never entered his godfather's bedroom


Harry furrowed his eyebrows wondering why he had never been in

Sirius's room before. He was also wondering if it was decorated just
as bad as the rest of the house, for he had a feeling that Sirius
wouldn't let that be the case.

Mentions of a spider web:

Ron shivered at that mumbling something about getting out of there

now. The twins sniggered at that, and Molly glared at them, she still
hated the fact that they had traumatized her youngest son.

Mentions Sirius had several large Gryffindor banners, underline

his difference from the res of the Slytherin family:

"You have no idea how many spells I had to put on those to keep
Mum from getting rid of them," Sirius stated proudly. "It took a while
to make them hex proof so she couldn't blast them off the wall."

Mentions there were many pictures of Muggle motorcycles:

Arthur looked up excitedly at this, but Molly's glare made him sit
back giving her wary glances.

Mentions several posters of bikini-clad Muggle girls:

"Nice," several of the boys in the room said as most of the girls made
disgusted or disapproving noises.

Mentions photograph of four Hogwarts students standing arm

in arm, laughing:

Sirius and Remus exchanged smiles, knowing what the picture was.
Those were definitely the best years of their lives.

Mentions Sirius, carelessly handsome, younger and happier

than Harry had ever seen him:

Sirius frowned, he wished he could be like that now, carefree and

happy, but he lost that with his stay in Azkaban and he wasn't sure if
even after this war was over and they won it (for they were going to
win and he was going to live), he would be able to regain what he

Mentions to Sirius's right stood Pettigrew:

"Do you really have to think about that rat bastard?" Sirius hissed.

Harry shrugged; it wasn't his fault that Wormtail was in the picture.

Mentions Remus looked a little shabby and had the delighted

surprise at finding himself liked and included:

"Hey," Remus said, not liking being compared to Wormtail and

knowing that his feelings weren't how Harry was making it sound.
"You know it's true Moony, you were all pleased to be around us cool
kids," Sirius said, teasing Remus was helping with his anger.

"I was happy to have real friends that, by the time the picture was
taken, had excepted me for everything that I was," Remus said. "I
could have cared less about the coolness factor."

"Oh, come on Remus, you know you loved the attention just as
much as James and I did," Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say Padfoot," Remus rolled his eyes, too.

Mentions Sirius's room had been searched too, but mostly

judged worthless:

Draco raised an eyebrow at that thinking that it might actually be

Snape that had searched the house then. At least he knew that he
wouldn't have dimmed anything in Potter's room valuable and Snape
and Sirius seemed to hate each other as much as he hated Potter.

Mentions Harry found a letter and that started Dear Padfoot:

Sirius smiled sadly at this, knowing what letter it was. He looked at

Harry, who was very interested to hear what was said in the book
and knew that it was something that was good for the boy to hear.

The letter says one year old and already zooming along on a toy

"I had a broomstick when I was a baby!" Harry said, surprised.

"Yep, I got it for you," Sirius said proudly. "James was going on about
how bloody brilliant he thought you would be on the pitch so I
thought I might as well get you started as early as possible."

"Thanks Sirius," Harry smiled at him.

The letter says he looked so pleased with himself:

"Of course, he did, Potter has always been arrogant," Draco said, in
a surprisingly teasing voice.

The Letter says I'm enclosing a picture:

"Is the picture there?" Molly questioned, looking at Sirius. She would
love to see a picture of Harry as a baby, and it looked like Ginny and
Hermione were thinking the same thing.

"It should be," Sirius said, he had kept the letter and the picture

The Letter says of course, James:

"This is from my mum?" Harry said, for some reason when it started
with Padfoot, he just assumed that it was from his dad. Sirius
nodded his head.

The Letter says we were sorry you couldn't come, but the Order
comes first, and Harry's not old enough:

"Still, I wish I was there," Sirius said, he had no idea at the time that
he wouldn't be able to spend a single birthday with his godson in
fifteen years.

"It's okay Sirius, I understand," Harry told his godfather seriously.

The Letter says Dumbledore's still got his Invisibility Cloak:

Remus was about to ask a question but decided to wait until after the
letter was finished, he could tell Harry really wanted to hear this
letter, and the less interruptions the better.

The Letter says Wormy was here last weekend:

Sirius growled and Remus's face became hard but neither one said

Mentions Harry's extremities seemed to have gone numb:

"We don't care about Harry's extremities… what about
Dumbledore?" Fred said.

"Fred," Molly reprimanded.

"Oh, come on Mum, aren't you curious about what the letter was
going to say next," Fred said.

Sirius was frowning, looking at Dumbledore curiously. He seemed to

be uncomfortable, which definitely didn't seem like Dumbledore like
behavior. Could it be that Lily was right when she said that
Dumbledore and Grindelwald were friends? Well, Sirius wasn't about
to out him, that was for sure, he knew what it was like being friends
with someone that turned out to be a bastard.

Remus looked at Harry, who seemed to have a thoughtful and

somewhat sad expression and figured that it was a good time to
bring up his question; Harry would want a few minutes to digest what
he just heard. "Sir, I was just wondering why you kept James's Cloak
for so long?"

Dumbledore gave him a piercing look, his expression was thoughtful

and after a long time he said, "I believe that the answer will be
provided soon, if I were to tell you now, it will detract from the story."

Though Remus wasn't satisfied with this answer he knew better than
to question Dumbledore more. However, the answer seemed to only
make him more curious and confused about this.

Ron decided to read when no one showed any more signs of


Mentions Lily had made her 'g's the same way he did:

"Can I see the book," Harry asked in barely more than a whisper but
Ron immediately handed the book to Harry. He wasn't sure if this
was really his mum's handwriting, though it was clearly not the
normal print of the book. He sighed, it was unlikely to be hers, but
the "g"s did look familiar.

He handed the book back to Ron a few minutes later, distinctively

aware of everyone trying not to look at him as he brushed the tears
out of his eyes. When he felt Ginny's small hand against his own, he
grabbed it and felt oddly comforted by the simple action.

Mentions the letter was proof that Lily Potter had lived, really

Sirius opened his mouth to exclaim that off course Lily had lived, but
Remus put a hand on his shoulder, his eyes saying that these were
thoughts that Harry didn't need commenting on.

Mentions Lily wrote these words, words about him, Harry, her

Ron again glanced at his best friend before reading again, he had
never fully understood how hard it was on Harry not to know his
parents at all. Not to have a real memory of them, where a note like
this would be such a precious treasure. He felt a little guilty for
always being jealous of Harry (for mostly things that Harry had no
control over really).

Molly, on the other hand, was starting to tear up as Arthur held her,
she wanted to hug Harry, seeing that these were the words the Harry
in the room must be thinking, too. She stopped herself though,
because Harry also seemed to be uncomfortable hearing this with
everyone else in the room.

Mentions they had a cat, perhaps it had perished like his


"No, I took care of Rusty for a while, but I finally gave him to Arabella
Figg," Remus said.

"Really?" Harry said shocked.

"Yeah," Remus said, "when I learned that she was keeping an eye
on you I thought it would be best if he was nearby… he really loved
you despite the fact that you always pulled his tail."

Mentions Dumbledore's still got the Invisibility Cloak, there was

something funny there:

"Which apparently we're not going to get an answer to, even though
we have Dumbledore himself in this room to ask about it," George
said in a huff and then grinned at his headmaster.

Mentions Dumbledore what:

"See, Harry wants to know about it, too," Fred said.

"Hush, Fred," Molly said.

"I suppose we're not going to get an answer to that either are we,
sir?" George questioned and Dumbledore just shook his head.

Describes the photo ending with James was chasing after him:

Several people were chuckling at this, and there were a bunch of

'aw's mostly from the girls in the room (Harry thought he even heard
McGonagall say aw, but he couldn't be sure) though Fred and
George had as well, sniggering at Harry.

"I wish I could actually see that," Hermione was the one to voice
what most of the room was thinking.

"I'll show it to you when we get back to Grimmauld Place," Sirius

chuckled, but the mere mention of going back to that house made
his features darken slightly.

Mentions was the rest of the letter taken by whoever had

searched the room:

At this Snape raised an eyebrow, he had been wondering if he was

the one that searched the place, thinking it was unlikely. Why would
he want to come to this place looking for something of Black's?
However, this was something he would want. He knew how Lily
signed her letters, and he knew what it would do to him to see those

Mentions Harry held out his mother's letter to Hermione:

Hermione smiled sadly at this, pleased that he would let her read
this, knowing how important and private it was to him (not that it was
private to him anymore, but she was sure that he wouldn't have
shared this with most of the people in the room if it wasn't in this

Harry says information on the Order, if it was Snape:

Snape rolled his eyes, "there would be no need for me to go back

there for information. I would know that the Order would make sure
there was nothing valuable there."

"Hah! So, you're admitting that you're a Death Eater scum that's
trying to get information on us," Sirius said, though his voice wasn't
accusative, it was almost teasing.

Snape just rolled his eyes.

Harry says this Bathilda my mum mentions, you know who she
is, and Hermione says who:

"You don't know who Bathilda is!" Fred exclaimed.

"Merlin, Harry even knew who she was!" George said.

"He didn't say the last name, how am I…." Hermione started to say.

"And now you're making excuses," George said, shaking his head.
"I'm very disappointed in you."

Mentions there was little too much understanding in the smile

Hermione gave him:
"I'm sorry I'm too understanding, Harry," Hermione said.

"It's okay, but you really should work on that in the future," Harry told
her chuckling.

Hermione says that wouldn't help us in our search for

Horcruxes, would it:

"Don't be so reasonable Hermione, the boy just had an emotional

upheaval reading his mommy's letter for the first time," Fred said and
then ignored his mum's reprimand like he always did.

Hermione says makes me feel more that we should avoid the

place your parents are buried, they be expecting you to visit it:

"I think Miss Granger has an excellent point there," McGonagall said,
"it would be dangerous for you to go to places that are connected to
you, Potter."

"Er… isn't there a connection to Grimmauld Place to Harry?" Bill


"Yes, but Grimmauld Place has plenty of protections on it, ones that
have nothing to do with the Ministry," McGonagall said, "I doubt that
the Death Eaters could get into there short of being invited."

Harry says I'm not upset:

Hermione shook her head; how could he believe that she would buy

Harry says I thought I did:

"I don't understand," Harry frowned. "Why am I thinking like this?"

"Well Harry, if you don't have an answer to that, I doubt any of us

would," Sirius chuckled.
"It might be because you're grieving," Hermione said softly. "The way
people deal with their pain is different for everyone."

Mentions a pompous little sign, the sort of thing that Percy

Weasley might have stuck on his bedroom door:

The Weasley siblings sniggered at this and were surprised to find

their sniggering wasn't done in malice. Percy, however, was looking
at Harry coldly for that thought.

Harry says R.A.B. I think I've found him:

Everyone was starting to look more interested, sitting at the edge of

their seats.

Sirius bit his lip… this was it; they were going to find out if it was his
brother that took the locket or not.

Hermione clutched Harry's arm so tightly that he winced:

"I hate it when you do that," Harry grumbled.

"Sorry," Hermione smiled at him sheepishly and neither of them

noticed Ron's grimace.

Harry says Sirius told me he joined when he was young and

then got cold feet and they killed him:

Sirius sighed, hoping that his brother really had taken the locket, but
also feeling guilty for the resentment he felt toward his brother for the
latter half of his life.

Mentions that Ron appeared, panting, his wand ready in his


"Er… sorry I scared you," Hermione said to Ron, who just shrugged
before he started reading again.

Ron says if it's a massive spider again I want breakfast before I:

"Before you what?" Fred questioned, looking astounded.

Ron shook his head, but he too thought that it sounded like he
actually did something to the spider, which at the moment was the
last thing he would think of doing.

Mentions that Sirius tried to advertise his difference, Regulus

strived to emphasize the opposite:

Sirius grimaced at this, why did his brother have to love Slytherin so
much? He thought Regulus was brave enough to be a Gryffindor…
they could have been in the house together.

"It's not like he had much of a choice," Snape said, "he had seen
what would happen to him if he disregarded his family tradition."

"How would you know what he would do?" Sirius snapped at him,

"Because I, unlike you, actually talked to Regulus after he went to

Hogwarts," Snape said. "It was rather cold of you to stop speaking to
your brother just for not being in your house."

"I didn't stop talking to him," Sirius hissed, pained by that accusation.
What Snape said wasn't entirely untrue, but it wasn't because he
was a Slytherin that they had stopped talking. It was because they
didn't have anything in common after they started going to Hogwarts.
Regulus just seemed to do whatever he could to please their parents
more and more and Sirius couldn't stand that.

Hermione says it could be somewhere else in the house,


"Oh," Ginny said as Hermione gasped and the twins looked at each
other, all thinking the same thing.

"What?" Ron questioned.

"I'm sure you'll see," Hermione said, waving him on to read.

Hermione talks about the things they got rid of last time ending
with even though we didn't realize it at… at… :

"Oh, dear sweet Merlin, that locket!" Sirius said as Harry and Ron's
eyes widen. "I can't believe it…."

"You know where this locket is now," Dumbledore said, highly

interested in this development.

"Er…." Sirius said looking terrified, "we sort of threw it out…."

There was a silence as everyone that didn't know this already looked

"Wait, this chapter is called Kreacher's tale," Remus reminded them,

"and you know that elf likes to hoard things of your family…."

"Right," Sirius said, feeling odd putting his hopes on Kreacher doing
something. "Ron, continue reading."

Mentions Hermione's eyes had even drifted out of focus:

"Argh, I hate that look," Ron grumbled, though that wasn't true in the
least. The look itself was adorable, it was just the fact that it meant
that Hermione had just figured something out and was then going be
evasive about answering their questions about what it was until she
confirmed her theory.

Hermione says there was a locket:

Okay, so that time she didn't make them wait a hundred years before
she gave them an answer… that's nice at least, Ron thought to

Harry says it's not over yet and calls Kreacher:

"What good will that do?" Charlie questioned. "It's not like you're his
master, right?"
"Actually, he is," Sirius said. "Seeing as my will worked out the way I
wanted it to, Kreacher belongs to him now."

"You own a House Elf!" Hermione snapped at Harry. "You can't keep
him… !"

"Hermione, we've been through this, it's too dangerous to let

Kreacher be free now," Remus reminded her, but that didn't stop her
from narrowing her eyes at Harry.

"If I hear you mistreating…." she started.

"Come on Mione, you know Harry wouldn't do that," Ron said, "even
though the wretch deserves it."

Hermione was almost looking relaxed until Ron added the last part
and now, she was glaring at him. Ron shrugged, quite use to the
glare, (and knowing this one wasn't too serious) started reading

Kreacher says back in my Mistress's old house with the blood-

traitor and Mudblood:

Several people hissed at this, though there was one person in the
room that was having trouble not laughing. The blonde Slytherin was
smart enough to know that he would likely get curse if he laughed
out loud. However, he found it odd that it wasn't the blood-traitor or
Mudblood comment that amused him, it was the fact that the elf
actually said that out loud in front of the trio like that.

Mentions even if the elf had not betrayed Sirius to Voldemort:

"What?" Sirius said angrily, but the color in his face paled.

"How could he do that?" Harry questioned, feeling his anger towards

the elf increase just thinking about this.

"I don't know, it's not like he can just go tell Voldemort anything,"
Remus said thoughtfully, "Sirius had forbidden him from doing that."
"Er… actually," Draco said shifting uncomfortably, he just
remembered something… something he had seen just recently, but
he didn't know if he should say this. Wouldn't this be like declaring
himself to be on Potter's side. Did he really want to do that? Then
again, did he really want to end up torturing people just for the Dark
Lord's amusement.

"What is it?" Tonks questioned.

Draco looked at her for a second, she was his cousin, and this was
the first time he had met her. It was odd, why did he feel like he
would like to get to know this girl when clearly, she wasn't worth his
time. Tonks smiled encouragingly at him, and he found himself
speaking before he fully made up his mind, "an elf showed up at our
house a few days ago… I only saw a glimpse of him, but he looked
like how this elf was described."

"That's impossible," Sirius paled farther. "Kreacher can't leave… he


"That's not true," Harry said. "I know Dobby met me and he definitely
didn't have permission to leave his family. Besides, Sirius, when was
the last time you've seen Kreacher?"

"Er…." Sirius said thoughtfully and then bowed, "I haven't seen him
sense I told him to leave the kitchen."

"When you shouted to him to ' get out '," Ginny corrected and
everyone groaned.

"That stupid, bloody elf," Sirius grumbled and Ron decided to start
reading, though his voice showed that he was angry, too.

Harry asks Kreacher if he stole the locket back and he answers


"Well at least you did something right, you bloody sorry excuse of an
elf," Sirius grumbled.
Hermione opened her mouth to defend the elf, but she couldn't in
light of what they just heard, not right now at least. Not knowing that
Kreacher had a hand in Sirius's death.

Dumbledore on the other hand was smiling, they had found one
Horcrux and they didn't even have to expend much energy to get it.

Harry asks where it is now and Kreacher says gone:

"Bloody hell elf! Can't you do anything right?" Sirius shouted.

"Sirius calm down," Remus put a hand on his shoulder and Sirius
took several deep breaths trying to control his temper.

Kreacher says Mundungus Fletcher:

"Argh," several people groaned but, though no one could make out
her words, it was Tonks that seemed ready to kill the thief. After what
he did to Moody, he continued to be a bane in their fight against
Voldemort by stealing this critical object. No, the next time she saw
the thief, he was going to feel her displeasure for him.

Dumbledore, however, seemed to be relieved by this again, it was

likely that the elf still had the locket in their time frame and if he
didn't, he would likely be able to get it from Mundungus easily

Mentions Kreacher lunged for the poker standing and Harry

launched himself upon the elf:

"Harry, don't?" Hermione said automatically.

"He's going to hurt himself Hermione," Harry said, "What am I

supposed to do?"

"Let him," Sirius said darkly as Hermione grimaced unsure of what to

say to Harry's question.
Harry says tell me everything you know about the locket and
what Regulus had to do with it:

Sirius stopped glaring at the book now, knowing he was going to

hear about what his brother had done. His anger at the elf
momentarily vanished as he waited to hear the story.

Kreacher says and when he was sixteen years old, Master

Regulus joined the Dark Lord:

"Sixteen," Sirius groaned. He knew his brother had been young, but
he didn't think it was that young.

Draco was looking thoughtful at this, if it was true that he was

torturing people and at meetings filled with Death Eaters, that meant
that he too would become a Death Eater at that age. That meant that
he would likely become a Death Eater in a few months. That thought
made him feel unnerved, though he knew it was what he always
wanted, he didn't think it would come this soon.

Kreacher says he said the Dark Lord required an elf:

"Why would he need an elf?" Ron questioned.

Dumbledore sighed but didn't answer the question. He could imagine

some things that Voldemort would use an elf for, and none of them
would be healthy for the poor elf.

Mentions Harry saw what had happened as clearly as though he

had been there:

Harry grimaced, great, here's another memory of a traumatizing time

that he will have to add to all the other ones he already has. Then
again, seeing as the locket wasn't really there, he could avoid this
particular mess.

Mentions this was how Voldemort tested the defenses, by

borrowing a disposable creature, a house-elf:
"That's despicable," Hermione huffed, indignantly and Sirius looked
taken aback that he agreed with her. He wouldn't even want
Kreacher to be taken somewhere as a disposable creature.

Mentions then the Dark Lord sailed away, Leaving Kreacher on

the island:

"Poor Kreacher," Hermione sighed, the only one that was willing to
show the elf sympathy openly, but everyone was starting to feel it.

Harry asks how Kreacher got away and Kreacher did not seem
to understand:

"He Disapparated, Harry," Remus explained, "I'm guessing from your

book-self question that the cave is a place that a wizard could not
Apparate in or out of, but the magic that elves have is quite different
than our own and they can do plenty of things we can't."

Harry just nodded his head, though he was starting to wonder how
Voldemort could be so stupid as to use a creature that could actually
escape by simply Disapparating.

Hermione says it would never occur to Voldemort that elves

might have magic that he didn't:

Dumbledore nodded his head in agreement with that, "I couldn't

have said that better myself."

Hermione says you did what you were told, you didn't disobey
orders at all:

"You're wasting your breath Hermione," Ron said to her.

"Ronald, how can you be so insensitive after everything we just

heard?" Hermione said. "Kreacher…."

"Will not accept anything you say because you're a Muggle-born,"

Ron interrupted her. "I didn't say he didn't deserve your sympathy; I
was just saying that he wouldn't accept it."
"Oh," Hermione said, not sure what else to say.

Kreacher says and Regulus asked Kreacher to take him the

cave, the one where he had gone to with the Dark Lord:

Sirius started to shiver at that his eyes went wide. He knew what his
brother had to have done… if he was honest with himself, he knew
this was coming as soon as the inferi where mentioned. His brother
had to have sacrifice himself… but why, why would Regulus do such
a stupid thing?

Describing Regulus sailing with Kreacher to the island:

At this point Tonks went to wrap her arms around Sirius, she had
remembered Regulus, though she had only met him once, she
thought he was nice. She didn't like the thought of him going down to
that cave to die like this, but she knew that Sirius was taking this
harder than anyone. She then felt as Remus put a hand on Sirius
shoulder, pulling him closer and causing her to be squished between

Harry asks and he made you drink the poison:

"No Harry, Regulus would never have done that," Sirius said in a
hollow voice, "he loved that elf…."

Harry shuddered as realization hit him and the rest of the room
became stiff and silent. The only sound now in the room was Ron's
voice as he read.

Kreacher says and watched as Master Regulus was dragged

beneath the water:

Sirius was starting to get angry at Kreacher again, but he knew this
time his anger really was irrational. The elf couldn't go against his
master's orders. It was just so much easier hating the elf… for when
he was thinking about the image of his brother being dragged to the
bottom of a lake by corpses… becoming a corpse himself… it made
his inside ache.

Hermione says stop him, don't you see now how sick it is, the
way they've got to obey:

Everyone in the room seemed to see what she meant, as several

people were crying over this whole situation.

Kreacher says nothing Kreacher did made any mark, Kreacher

punished himself and tried again:

Sirius sighed; he knew his brother wouldn't have wanted the elf to
punish himself for not being able to destroy the locket. He was going
to have to do something about this… for his brother he was going to
have to be nice to that stupid elf.

Mentions even Ron, who was no fan of Kreacher's, looked


"I'm not heartless mate," Ron said in an attempt to lighten the mood,
it was a weak attempt, and it didn't work.

Harry says I don't understand, Kreacher ending with and pass

information to Voldemort through them:

"And he's already doing that now," Sirius frowned, "and I suppose I'm
not allowed to kill the elf for this."

"Sirius, how can you…." Hermione started to say.

"It's hard for me to look at that elf and not be reminded of everything
I hate about my childhood," Sirius answered honestly, his eyes
growing cold. "I will try to be nicer… but we're going to have to do
something about this situation… it's dangerous to us all."

"Agreed," Dumbledore said, "but now that we know about it, we

might be able to use it to our advantage."
Hermione says Kreacher and Regulus's family were all safest if
they kept to the pure-blood line:

Sirius glared at the book, why did Regulus have to be so damn noble
to sacrifice himself for their stupid parents.

"Hm, it seemed that you were right about your brother all along
Sirius," Remus said, in an attempt to cheer his friend up. "He would
have made a good Gryffindor."

"Yeah," Sirius grumbled. "But unfortunately, his noble tendency had

to be wasted on standing by his family."

Hermione says I've said that wizards would pay for how they
treat house-elves, Voldemort did, and so did Sirius:

"I'm so sorry," Hermione said to Sirius about her last comment…

actually for the whole paragraph.

"It's okay," Sirius said, "you are right. I never treated him as anything
but as a pest that I have to constantly deal with."

Remembering Dumbledore says Sirius ever saw Kreacher as a

being with feelings as acute as a human's:

Sirius frowned at that. He knew that house elves had feelings, that
they get happy and sad just like humans do. However, Dumbledore
was right, he never really translated that to Kreacher feeling that

Harry starts to talk to Kreacher but looks at Hermione for

assistance on how to give a friendly order to the elf:

Fred, George and Ginny all chuckled weakly at Harry and Hermione
interaction. They were all feeling bad for how they have been
treating Kreacher, and for all the flack they have given Hermione
about S.P.E.W. (though that didn't mean they were about to help her
out with it), knowing that she had a good reason to be fighting as
hard as she was for that.

Harry says we want to finish the work Master Regulus started,

ensure he didn't die in vain:

Sirius nodded his head; he was going to have to find a way to

destroy that locket when they got back to Grimmauld Place… for

Mentions Harry gives Kreacher the fake locket:

"Er… I don't think you should have done that," Sirius said, sure of
how the elf was going to react.

"Why… it's not an article of clothing is it?" Harry questioned.

"No, you wouldn't be freeing him," Sirius said, "it's just… house elves
don't normally get things like that.

Harry just shrugged at that.

Mentions Kreacher made two bows to Harry and Ron and a

funny little spasm in Hermione's direction that might have been
a respectful salute before Disapparating:

Ginny snorted at this, the image of the old elf doing this, just struck
her as funny. Everyone else looked at her curiously (and Hermione
glared at her).

"Sorry," she continued to laughed.

"That's the end of the chapter," Ron said frowning. "Er… Hermione."

"Yes," Hermione said.

Ron shifted uncomfortable in his seat and his ears turned red before
he said, "I'm sorry… about the elf thing… I didn't realize that it was
like that."
"It's okay Ron," Hermione smiled, perhaps a tad bit smugly, at him.
"At least you understand now… Now all I have to do is make the
other thousands of wizards and witches see my point as well."

"I'm sure you'll managed that somehow," Ron chuckled and then
held out the book, "who wants to read next."

"I will," Fred said taking the book.

Chapter 11
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Eleven

The Bribe

" The Bribe," Fred read smirking, "I like the sound of this."

Molly looked like she was thinking the opposite of her son, but she
didn't say anything.

Mentions that if Kreacher could escape the lake he could find

Mundungus in a few hours:

"It's not that easy, Harry," Sirius frowned. "Kreacher was only able to
escape easily from the Inferis because his magic works differently
than ours. However, he's actually going to have to track Mundungus
down, and that worm really knows how to hide himself well when he
knows someone is after him.

Mentions that supper was moldy bread that Hermione tried to

unsuccessfully Transfigure:

"Argh!" Ron groaned, he seriously hoped that wasn't indicating what

they were going to be eating in the future.

"Transfiguring food is very difficult, it took me awhile to get used to

it," Molly said, though she was looking at her youngest son. He had
always been a big eater and his temper always rose when he was

"I'm still not very good at them," McGonagall admitted with a frown.
"Really, the great Transfiguration master can't…." Sirius started to
say, teasing his old, and favorite, professor.

"That's enough Sirius!" McGonagall said hotly, giving him the glare
that he hadn't seen in a long time. Sirius just smiled at her, he
missed this, but chose to otherwise behave himself.

Mentions that two cloak men had appeared outside of number


Everyone shivered at that.

"Why are they there?" Molly asked anxiously. "They don't know that
Ron and the others are there do they?"

"I would think not," Dumbledore said, "I would imagine they would
have more people standing outside if they actually believed Harry
was there. They are likely just keeping an eye on places where Harry
has a chance of going to."

"Why wouldn't the Dark Lord send Snape there?" Draco questioned.
"Wouldn't that be the fastest way to know if Potter was at Grimmauld

"That's a good question," Dumbledore frowned. "Perhaps Severus

has informed Voldemort that he could not go into Grimmauld Place
any longer or that Harry and the others aren't there."

Hermione says otherwise he'd have been able to tell that lot
how to get in:

"I might have come to Grimmauld Place and allowed my tongue to

be tied to have proof I couldn't tell the Dark Lord about the place,"
Severus said thoughtfully.

Mentions Harry heard a tap on the front door, a click and

grinding of the chain:

"That's not good," Remus said, he didn't want anyone coming there.
"It might be someone from the Order," Tonks said, looking
uncomfortable too, as were most of the people in the room. Her
words seemed to have relaxed the others slightly.

Mentions a cloaked figure edged into the hall and closed the

The tension in the room became stifling as Fred continued reading.

They hoped that this wasn't someone dangerous to Harry. Even
though it was more likely to be an Order member than a Death Eater,
they have already been scared in this book enough. They knew that
anything could happen.

Mentions that the jinx broke, and the newcomer was impossible
to see through the dense gray cloud:

"That seems like a serious oversight," Draco muttered, not as

nervous as most of the room, but more nervous than he would like to
admit. "You should be able to see who was there."

"I'll make sure that Moody knows your complaints about his curse,"
Tonks said, and Draco paled a little. "Don't worried, if your
suggestion is good, he wouldn't hold it against you."

The person says, hold your fire, it's me Remus:

"You're right Moony, this is not good," Sirius said to his friend smiling.
"Why would anyone want you around."

"If that is how you feel, I won't come to visit you as much," Remus
responded, and Sirius shuddered. He didn't like to think of how much
worst the stay at Grimmauld Place could get if his friend never
stopped by.

Mentions that Hermione and Ron lowered their wands, but

Harry did not:
Severus was about to say something about this, but caught himself,
he wasn't about to praise Potter on anything.

However, Bill didn't have a problem with it. "Good on you Harry, this
is no time to be lacks on security."

What Remus says to prove it's him ending with which takes the
form of a stag:

"Hm… I wouldn't trust him Harry," Sirius said narrowing his eyes.

"Actually, because I'm a werewolf no one would be able to transform

into me properly," Remus said, "and I would hope that Harry would
know how I look enough to distinguish someone that had merely
transfigured their appearance."

"Still, the Death Eater could easily have found out everything that
you have said to Potter," Severus said. "Besides, the fact that you
taught him how to produce a Patronus, the rest is public knowledge."

"Who know that Remus's nickname is Moony?" Sirius scoffed.

"Your friend turned traitor," Severus said coldly, others might not
believe it, but he hated the rat, Peter Pettigrew, just as much as the
Marauders did. "I'm not sure the rat has thought about telling the
Dark Lord that, but the information is available to him."

"Then I should think of better things to prove who I am," Remus said
thoughtfully, though he was struggling to contain his anger about the
mention of the rat.

Remus says no sign of Severus, then:

"You call him Severus even when he's a traitor!" Sirius hissed,
though the look in his eyes as he watched Severus showed that he
was trying to get to his rival. Unfortunately, Severus saw the look and
didn't react to the comment at all, just stared coldly back at Sirius.
Remus says I can't see how they could have tracked you, that's
worrying, really worrying:

"Indeed, it is," Dumbledore said frowning, "even more so because

you don't know how they did it, though I'm sure it had something to
do with the actions you did and not you personally, Harry."

Remus says thanks to the warning the wedding guest were able
to Disapparate before they arrived:

"Good," Molly said, she didn't like to think of people being hurt
because they went to the wedding. Fleur agreed with this and hoped
that her family was among the ones that left, though she was pretty
sure that they wouldn't have gone.

Remus says a mixture of Death Eaters and Ministry people and

it's the same thing now:

There was a general hiss of disapproval and disappointment at that


"How can people allow themselves to follow orders like that?" Molly
asked indignantly. "They must have realized there was something
wrong about this and figure out who was now in control of the

Though his mum wasn't looking at him the rest of his family was,
which caused Percy to shift uncomfortably in his seat. He knew that
he would never willingly follow You-Know-Who, and he believed that
he would realize what was going on and do the right thing. It hurt that
his family didn't seem to believe this, that they believed that he
would follow the Ministry blindly. And it hurt more that he didn't really
blame them, that he understood where they were coming from, and
they had a point.

Remus says that there was a rumor that Scrimgeour was

tortured for Harry's whereabouts, but he didn't give him away:
"I believe it," Sirius said firmly and everyone looked at him. "He's a
jerk, and cares too much about politics for my taste, but he wouldn't
help those Death Eater bastards out."

Remus says the Death Eaters searched the Burrow, they found
the ghoul, but didn't want to get too close:

"Does that mean my plan worked?" Ron questioned.

"It sounds like it," Hermione answered and Ron smiled, looking

Remus says they used the Cruciarus Curse on Tonks's family:

"No!" Tonks said, biting her lip. Remus wrapped an arm around her,
and she leaned into his shoulder. Sirius on the other hand was
growling at the book in his anger of something like this happening to
his favorite cousin.

Remus says the Death Eaters have got the full might of the
Ministry ending with completely open about why they'd come:

"Argh, stupid Ministry," Sirius grumbled (causing Percy to glare at

him). He was never going to be a fan of the Ministry, not after
everything that happened to him, and then everything they were
putting Harry through right now. He never imagined his hate for them
could grow, but it has, not only were they idiots, but they were so
weak as to let Voldemort take them over without even striking

Mentions the Daily Prophet headline says Harry was wanted for
questioning about the death of Albus Dumbledore:

"They're blaming you for Dumbledore's death!" several people

screamed, and Harry wasn't sure if McGonagall or Sirius had
screamed louder.
"Who in their right mind would believe such tripe?" McGonagall said

Mentions that Skeeter had already told Harry had been seen
running from the place after Dumbledore had fallen:

"Argh, that bloody cow!" Hermione was the one to hissed.

"Hermione, language!" Ron said, looking amused that he finally

could reprimand her.

Hermione shifted the intensity of her glare on him, and he gulped at

the look she was now giving him.

Ron asks why didn't Voldemort declare himself Minister of


"Why would he?" Bill asked his little brother looking a little

Ron bowed his head at that and then mumbled something that no
one could hear.

Article mentions the Muggle-born is likely to have obtained

magical power by theft or force:

"What was that?" Charlie questioned, snorting.

"Muggle-borns had obtained their magical power by theft or force,"

Fred said, and then eyed Hermione warily. "Just stay away from me
Granger, you're not stealing my precious magic."

Hermione rolled her eyes at that comment.

"If it was that easy to get magic, then there wouldn't be any Squibs,"
Charlie said. "I can't believe that anyone would take this seriously."

"Well, I do believe it's true that the Department of Mysteries is

looking into how magic is passed through the generations and why
Muggle-borns and Pure Bloods that are unable to perform magic
exist," Dumbledore said. "They still have trouble finding out the latter,
but they believe that Muggle-borns actually do have ancestors that
were witches or wizards. I believe the Prophet is using its now
normal practices of using half-truths to bolster their story."

"You mean that there was someone in my family that was a witch or
wizard?" Hermione questioned looking surprised, she was going to
have to look into that.

Ron says it's mental, if you could steal magic there wouldn't be
any Squibs:

"Look Charlie bear, you think just like Ron," Tonks pointed out to her

Charlie frowned at the nickname as he always did but shrugged at

being compared to his youngest brother; there was nothing wrong
with that.

Ron says I'll tell everyone Hermione's my cousin:

"Hold on a second, I don't think you really want Hermione to be your

cousin Ronniekins," George said to his brother.

"Nor do you want people to believe that you are… that would be just
wrong," Fred added grimacing.

"I don't care about that," Ron huffed, "Mione's not going to get hurt
because some stupid law!"

"Aw, how chivalrous you are," the twins said together in baby voices.

"Oh, be quiet," Hermione said to them, she was smiling at Ron's


Mentions that there was Blood Status test at Hogwarts before

they were allowed to attend:
"Which means I wouldn't have been able to go back this year even if
I wanted to," Hermione said pointedly looking at Harry. He couldn't
possibly blame himself for her lack of education now and she wanted
him to know that. Harry smiled at her as he rolled his eyes, which
she took to mean that he got the message.

Harry says I can't Remus, if Dumbledore didn't tell you I don't

think I can:

Dumbledore smiled sadly at that answer. This was the correct

answer of course, he didn't want anyone to know about Voldemort's
Horcruxes, but it was only going to make Harry's quest that much
more difficult. He sighed when he realized that everyone in this room
now knew about the Horcruxes and there was nothing he could do
about that.

Remus says but I might still be of some use there is no need to

tell me exactly what you were up to:

"What the hell are you talking about?" Charlie said, staring coldly at
the werewolf. "Are you going to just ditch Tonks?"

"Er…." was the only answer Remus could give him. This did not
improve Charlie's mood, nor did Tonks or Sirius look too pleased with

Hermione asks what about Tonks and Remus says what about

"Remus, why the hell are you being so damn cold?!" Sirius hissed at
his friend.

"I don't know!" Remus frowned. "But I'm sure I have…."

"A good reason!" Sirius finished with a snap. "What the bloody hell
could have happened that would make you want to abandon your
Remus looked at the floor, not wanting to answer that but Sirius
could read his reasoning in the gesture. Remus never believed that
he had a right to be with anyone, that his condition made him a
danger to the people that he was close to. Sirius hit him on the back
of the head.

"Get over it!" Sirius snapped.

Remus sighed, "It does no good to tell me this, it's the me in the
book that's letting my lycanthropy get to me."

"Well, it looked like you were starting to think that, too," Sirius
grumbled. Sirius had often had to stop Remus from beating himself
up about being a werewolf and the trouble that went along with it. It
always seemed to help Remus to hear what an idiot he was for
thinking that way, or maybe it was just knowing that he had a friend
that would never believe he was a monster that always got him to
cheer up.

"Hopefully Harry will be able to talk some sense into you," Sirius
said, knowing that Remus needed to talk to someone, but he didn't
have anyone now.

Mentions there was something odd about Tonks remaining at

her parents' house:

"That is odd," Tonks said, frowning. There was no way that she
would just sit around, she would be out there fighting.

"Maybe you're just depressed," Sirius said tactlessly. "You know,

because Remus is ditching you!"

"Idiot," Tonks punched him on the arm.

"I think it's something else," Molly said, thinking she had a good idea
why Tonks wouldn't be fighting.
"Oh, and what is that?" Tonks questioned, because it looked like
Molly had the answer. However, she just shook her head and
motioned for her son to continue to read.

Remus says Tonks is going to have a baby:

There was silence for a few seconds, where Molly nodded her head
knowingly, before Tonks was cheering again. "We're going to have a

Remus on the other hand got out of his chair and left the room, his
hands clenched into fists.

"What…?" Tonks started to say, realizing that Remus was obviously

angry about this. It hurt to see his reaction to this news, and it was
worse hearing that he was planning on just ditching her in the book.

"He has his reasons," Sirius said as he got up to follow his friend.

"He has his reasons!" Charlie responded, for Tonks just looked more
hurt by that explanation. "What kind of excuse would he…?!"

Sirius sidestepped the fiery red head and seconds later was gone.

"I would imagine it has something to do with the fact that he's a
werewolf," Arthur said, placing a hand on his son's shoulder, making
sure the boy didn't go after the other two. Then he looked back at
Tonks and gave her a kind smile, "and I'm sure that once he knows
the baby is safe and healthy, he will be the happiest man in the

Tonks returned his smile weakly, and hoped this was true. She never
really thought of having children before, though in general she knew
she wanted some when she was older but hearing that she would
have Remus's child just seemed to fill her with a longing she's never
had before.
"So, Molly dear, how long did you know about this?" Arthur then
turned to his wife.

"Oh, since Harry's birthday," Molly smiled. "When Tonks was

described as being radiant."

"And that must be why Remus was being described as a moody git,"
Charlie mutter to himself.

They waited a half hour, discussing different things though most of

the conversation revolved around the baby in some way. After that
time a Remus that was looking very subdued and drawn came back
into the room, along with a sad and slightly exasperated looking
Sirius. Neither one of them made to speak to any of the others, and
they looked so unapproachable that no one tried to say anything to
them. In fact, the only thing that could be done was Fred starting to
read again, though everyone wondered what had been discussed
between the friends.

Mentions Remus trying to convince Harry to take him after the


Harry was trying not to look at Remus incredulously, but if the

werewolf thought that he would honestly take him after hearing that
Tonks was pregnant, he had another thing coming. He understood
that Remus would have concerns about having a child, but he
couldn't condone someone abandoning his family like that.

Remus says Harry, I'm sure James would have wanted me to

stick with you:

Sirius snorted at that, but Remus made no movement at all.

Whatever was said in the other room didn't seem to have helped
much, it only seemed to make Remus withdraw more into himself.

"You're not even going to give me a chance, are you?" Tonks said in
a hollow voice as she stared at Remus's blank and somewhat stony
"I can't," Remus said stiffly and then with what seemed like it took
great effort, looked at her. She deserved to be looked at when he
said this, "I've always wanted a family, but knew I couldn't have one.
It's not safe and you deserve better…."

"We've already been through this, I don't want better," Tonks said
desperately, "especially not now when I know that we will be happy
together… that we will have…."

"I can't allow an innocent child to be born with my deformity," Remus

said firmly.

"You don't know that would happen," Tonks said, "how many
werewolves have had children."

"Besides, even if the child is a werewolf…." Charlie started, still quite

angry with Remus.

However, when Remus turned to him there was a fierce glare that
showed a hint of the monster within the man. "If you had ever
transformed you would not have said something as flippant as that!
You have no idea what it's like to be unable to control yourself… to
become a monster every month! To think of putting a child through
such an experience before it is even old enough to understand
anything… No! I will not do that. I cannot allow that… !" Remus's
anger had evaporated as he said this, making way for his despair yet

"Remus," Tonks sighed, tears coming to her eyes. She could

understand where he was coming from, but it seemed to only
strengthen her feelings for him as she watched him go through this.

"But are you sure that your child would become a werewolf?"
Dumbledore asked in a calm voice that had Remus looking up at him
with an almost hopeful expression.

"Exactly," Bill said frowning, "I know you were physically altered after
you were bitten, but were the genes that you pass on to your
offspring also effected from the transformation?"

"I… I have never found evidence that another werewolf had a child,"
Remus said.

"So, you don't know that this would happen," Tonks said, a light of
hope in her eyes. Remus shook his head and she continued, "Then
you should wait to the end of this book to make up your mind."

Remus gave her a half smile, "you sound just like Sirius."

Tonks frowned at that, waiting for a better answer to her statement

but Remus didn't look like he was going to say any more about this.
Sirius, however, raised an eyebrow at his friend. The answer he had
gotten was a firm no, that this was too dangerous to chance with.
Sirius hoped that Remus's hesitation indicated that he really was
considering hearing what the book had to say first.

Harry says I'm sure my father would have wanted to know why
you aren't sticking with your own kid:

"He has a point," Sirius informed his friend, who just nodded his
head. James would say that.

Remus says I made a mistake against my better judgment and

regretted it ever since:

Tonks flinched at that, and Remus frowned, he didn't like hurting her,
but he couldn't show her any comfort knowing it would just hurt her
more in the end. He refused to be with her if he was going to damn a
child to an existence like his own, but he couldn't help but hope that
this wasn't true. To hope that the child would be healthy and safe,
and he could be happy with the woman he cared deeply about

Harry says so you're just going to dump her and the kid and run
off with us:
Sirius started laughing at this causing most of the people to look at
him curiously and the rest to glare at him.

"I don't see what's so funny!" Charlie huffed.

"It's exactly what James would say," Sirius said still smiling. "And let
me tell you that James was much better at getting through Remus's
thick skull than I would ever be."

Tonks looked up, hoping against hope that Harry was able to talk
some sense into Remus.

Remus says and if it is not like me, then it will be better off
without a father of whom it must always be ashamed:


Remus's eyes watered at the force of the hit that Sirius had given

"You have the right to be afraid for your child's health," Sirius said
through gritted teeth, "but I will not stand to hear you talk that way
about yourself! Nor will I stand by and let you walk away from your
child because it might be ashamed of you!"

Remus didn't say anything, which Sirius took to mean that he had
gotten the point.

Harry says you're feeling a bit of a daredevil, fancy stepping

into Sirius's shoes:

"I don't think that's the reason," Remus said, gravely.

"I know," Harry frowned, "but family is important, and you can't leave

Remus nodded his head, but that didn't really mean anything for him.
He didn't have a family yet to leave, though he felt as if with one
decision he could lose his only chance of having one forever.
Harry says I never would have believed that the man who taught
me to fight Dementors, a coward:

Sirius flinched at that, you never call Remus a coward, especially

when he wasn't thinking rationally.

Mentions Remus drew his wand and Harry flew backwards as if


"Remus!" Molly glared at him.

"I'm sorry," Remus said looking guilty, he didn't like thinking that he
cursed Harry, who was the closest thing he had to a son… though
that won't be true for much longer.

"Well, I really wish you didn't curse my godson, but otherwise I think
that went well," Sirius said.

"What are you talking about?" Bill questioned. "All that seemed to
happen was make Remus angry."

"Nah, Harry made Remus see some reason," Sirius said. "I don't
think your dad could have done a better job on handling that
situation," he added smiling at Harry.

Remus gave an odd smile, or at least Harry thought it was supposed

to be a smile, "I think I might have come to you so you would chew
me out like this."

Sirius frowned at that. His friend didn't really have anyone to go to

anymore when he was feeling down like this. He was gone and so
was James and Lily. Yes, it was likely that he would go to Harry, for
he was the only link to Remus's past available to him now.

Harry sees broken images, Sirius falling through the veil,

Dumbledore suspended, broken, in midair, a flash of green and
his mother begging for mercy:
Everyone grimaced at these memories, even though two of them
have yet to happen for them.

And I'm not going to let them happen, Harry thought fiercely to

Harry says parents shouldn't leave their kids unless, they've got

"Does that mean that you think of Sirius and Dumbledore as your
parents?" Ron asked.

"Er…." Harry said he definitely felt that way about Sirius, but he
wasn't sure how he felt about Dumbledore. He supposed, if anything
Dumbledore was more like a grandfather. "Sort of."

Dumbledore looked touched by this admission, whereas Sirius said,

"what do you mean sort of?!"

Harry rolled his eyes at his godfather's attempt at humor, or at least

that's what he thought Sirius was doing.

Mentions Harry had once spoken to Remus out of that fireplace,

seeking reassurance about James:

"And when did that happen?" Molly questioned, it sounded


"In the future," Harry answered, wondering why he need to be

reassured in concerns with his dad.

Harry says but if it makes him go back to Tonks, it'll be worth it:

"I'm sure it has worked," Sirius said, for Harry was looking at Remus
a little warily. The werewolf nodded his head in agreement with that.

Harry wonders how James would have reacted:

"I think he would have been angry that you didn't curse him actually,"
Sirius said, chuckling. "After the last thing he said he deserved a little

Harry thinking it could hardly make him feel worse to read the
article about Dumbledore:

"I wouldn't be so sure Harry," Hermione said frowning, "you have

been taking everything you learn about Dumbledore pretty hard; I
think it would be better to leave well enough alone."

"And when have I ever left well enough alone?" Harry questioned
with a grin.

Article says Ariana was barely seven years old when she
vanished and experts agree that magic will have revealed itself,
if present:

"That's not even true," Hermione muttered to herself so only Ron and
Harry could hear her.

Dumbledore was thinking, however, about the fact that Rita was
correct in saying that they had gone to Godric's Hollow to hide
Ariana, though of course she was wrong about her not showing any
magical signs. So very wrong about that.

End of article:

Everyone again looked at Dumbledore at the end of this, he had said

that his sister wasn't a Squib, but something clearly was going on
here. Something, however, none of them were comfortable enough
to ask details about from the grave looking headmaster.

Mentions before Harry can ask Ron and Hermione's opinion of

the article there was a crack:

"Oh joy, Kreacher is back," Sirius said sarcastically, but he did look
interested to see what happens next.
Mentions that Mundungus pulled out his wand and Hermione
disarmed him:

"Good job, Hermione," Ginny said, she didn't like to think what
Mundungus would do to try to escape.

Kreacher says apologizes for the delay Master, Fletcher knows

how to avoid capture, Kreacher cornered the thief in the end:

Sirius blinked at that in shock. Kreacher was speaking to Harry as if

the elf actually liked him. He thought that Kreacher might be nicer,
but he didn't expect things to turn around that fast. Would all it take
to get Kreacher to act civilly is to say a few kind words?

Mentions Kreacher had taken a run a Mundungus and hit him

over the head with a saucepan:

Everyone in the room without exception smiled at that at least and

most people laughed out right.

"Kreacher on the other hand, does care," Sirius actually laughed, he

didn't know the elf had it in him.

"You know, I don't know if I can despise the little guy if he's going to
go around hitting people on the head with a saucepan!" George said,
laughing, too.

Mentions Mundungus cowering as Kreacher raised the pan


This caused more laughter from the room.

Kreacher says perhaps just one more, Master Harry, for luck:

Another roar of laughter from everyone.

"Damn you Kreacher, I wish you could have been this funny before,"
Sirius muttered, gasping for air as he laughed. He couldn't separate
the elf from his childhood memories that were torturous for him, but it
was impossible not to see the funny side of this situation.

Mundungus says I dunno, some Ministry hag:

"Well, that definitely narrows it down," Sirius rolled his eyes.

However, the back of Harry's hand tingled, or perhaps he was just

imagining that, for his thoughts went straight to Umbridge.

Mundungus says looked like a toad:

"Damnit!" Harry hissed; he hated being right.

"I can't believe it!" Hermione said looking sickened. "Of all the
people… !"

"It's not really that surprising though," Ron said, "selling out doing the
right thing because she takes a fancy to a necklace… stupid toad."

"Still, I really rather never to have to deal with the b… er… toad
again," Harry groaned, he was sure that they were going to get rid of
Umbridge by the end of the year somehow, seeing as she was the
Defense teacher, and the prospect of seeing her again wasn't
appealing in the least.

"Well, maybe we'll get to curse her or rough her up a bit," Ron

"Hm… that might be interesting," Harry said, with an evil smirk.

Mentions the scars on the back of Harry's hand seemed to be

tingling again:

"That's the end of the chapter," Fred said, "And a tingling scar…
that's never good."

Harry didn't say anything, but he was thinking a tingling scar was a
hell of a lot better than one that burns and sometimes hurts so badly
that rendered him incapable of moving.

Fred then handed the book to George without even asking who
wanted to read next. However, before George could even start
reading there was a pop and a note landed on the table.

"It's for you Remus," Sirius said as he tried to unfold the note, "and
apparently I can't even open the damn thing."

Remus took the note, having a feeling what it was going to be about,
but curious as to how it was going to be handled, he read:

Dear Remus,

Or I suppose I should say dear Dad,

I just wanted to let you know that you do not have anything to worry
about. I know that you are afraid that I will be like you and that you
would be worrying about this for the rest of the book. However, I am
not a werewolf, though I have inherited many other qualities from
you, most of which I think are good. Please, do not give up on Mum
and our family because you think that you are too dangerous. I can't
say anymore, but I hope you keep this in mind while you read the
rest of the book.



P.S. I figured you would realize it was me from the beginning of this
letter so there was no use to denying this, but I would like to ask you
to refrain from telling the others that I, Teddy Remus Lupin, wrote
this letter.

Remus smiled as he got to the end of the letter, feeling that his son
had gotten some of his traits from his mother's side of the family, too.

"So… what did the letter say?" Sirius questioned.

Remus looked at Tonks with a smile and said, "it says that our child
is not going to be a werewolf."

Tonks smiled back at that. "So, you're not going to try to avoid me

"Not at the moment I'm not, though I'm sure to have another panic
attack about my lycanthropy in the future," Remus said still smiling.

"I can deal with that," Tonks shrugged her shoulders.

"So does that mean I can read now," George questioned and
everyone nodded their heads.

A/N: I would just like to say that I have always thought of

Teddy's real first name as Theodore, I know that now a days
people believe his name is Edward and that it's even in Harry
Potter Wiki, but I haven't seen anything in cannon that supports
that his name is Edward (all l know is he name after Ted Tonks
and it never said his first name either). So, I'm not going to
change my TRL to ERL (this story was originally written around
2010 after all), if you don't want to think of him as a Theodore,
you can think that he uses TRL because he always goes by
Teddy, and he feels better about using those initials.
Chapter 12
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Twelve

Magic is Might

" Magic is Might," George read. "Something tells me I'm not going
to like that saying."

Mentions that the inhabitants of number twelve were never

seen, nor was number twelve itself:

"Well, that's how it's supposed to be, why are they mentioning this?"
Sirius frowned.

"I think there must still be Death Eaters watching the house," Remus

"I don't like that, but at least they can't see the house," Molly said
looking more worried than her words had suggested.

Mentions that Muggles thought it an amusing mistake that

number eleven sit beside number thirteen:

"Yes, that is highly amusing, much better than most of our jokes,"
Fred scoffed.

"I was thinking the same thing," Ginny smirked at her trickster
brothers. "But it was big of you to admit it yourself."

Fred made a face at his sister but didn't say any more to that.
Mentions the muggles wondering why anyone would wear
cloaks in this heat:

"They really should be more careful than that," McGonagall

muttered, "they're drawing too much attention to themselves."

"I don't think they care that much," Severus said, "it will be only a
matter of time before Voldemort makes a move against the Muggles
so he can enslave them."

Mentions on the first day of September:

Hermione let out a sigh without thinking about it. That was one day
she was really looking forward to. The first day of her last year of
school, hoping to be Head Girl. It was hard to believe that she
wouldn't be going, but looking at Harry she knew that she never had
a choice. She would never let him go on a mission this dangerous
alone. Besides, she wouldn't have been able to go even if she wasn't
with Harry, because of that ridiculous Muggle-Born Registration Act.

Mentions there was half a dozen men watching the house:

"Did they actually expect us to go to school?" Ron scoffed. "That we

would be stupid enough to just show up at King's Cross Station?"

"Apparently," Hermione said, her tone still holding some of the

sadness or her previous thought and Ron looked at her with an
apologetic smile.

Mentions it was one of those inexplicable moments when they

appeared to have seen something interesting:

Molly gasped, "You must be going in or out of the house then!"

"Don't worry Molly, dear," Arthur said in his soothing voice. "They
weren't actually seen."

"I know, but it was close," Molly said and then looked at the trio, "you
need to be more careful!"
"Yes, Mrs. Weasley," Harry and Hermione answered as Ron rolled
his eyes in exasperation.

"Why does it have to be my own son that's inconsiderate," Molly

groaned, albeit fondly.

Mentions the man with the twisted face:

All fondness gone, Molly's face became a cross between furious and
forlorn needing no more description to know who this man was.
Arthur wrapped his arms around his wife, giving her support.

Mentions the jinx goes off and his tongue rolled up for a

"That's annoying, it happens every time you come in," Fred


"I suppose," Tonks said. "It's a lot easier and stronger that way. If he
tried to make it recognized people that have come there already then
someone using Polyjuice Potion could get in without having to face
the charms."

Harry says I've got news, and you won't like it:

"You sure do know how to cheer everyone up, Harry," Ginny

informed him and the messy haired boy just shrugged in response.

Mentions the kitchen was unrecognizable, every surface now


"What?" Molly gasped in shock. She had tried her hardest to make
the place look clean and all she managed to do was ' clean enough' .
"How did that happen?"

"Kreacher must be actually doing his duties," Sirius said, looking

mildly surprised himself.
Hermione, however, didn't seem to think that this was a good
development. The poor elf shouldn't be slaving away in the kitchen
after everything that he's been through.

Mentions that Kreacher was now dressed in a snowy-white

towel, his ear hair as clean and fluffy as cotton wool:

At this, Hermione smiled, happy at least that the elf seemed to be in

a much better condition than he was even in the last chapter.

Mentions that Ron and Hermione were pouring over a sheaf of

scribbled notes and hand drawn maps:

Harry chuckled at this, and everyone looked at him curiously.

"Sorry, I just remember the first time I got to Grimmauld Place and
Mr. Weasley and Bill were looking at maps or something like it," he
explained. "It's odd that we would be doing the same thing just a few
years later."

Mentions a picture of a familiar, hook-nosed, black-haired man

stared at them:

"Argh, we don't want to hear about the greasy haired slimeball,"

Sirius made a face. "Well, unless it's saying that he's getting
arrested, but I doubt it with how this book is going."

Severus didn't even bother to respond to this, knowing that was what
Black had wanted him to do. Watching Black scowl at him was proof
enough that his silence had worked just as well as a sneer would

Article headline is Severus Snape confirmed as Hogwarts


"Argh… that's worse than I thought it would be," Sirius groaned.

Severus looked odd about hearing this. He knew it would feel wrong
to be headmaster, but in this situation, it was his duty to protect the
students as much as he could from Voldemort and whatever Death
Eaters he was sure to put inside the school.

"How can they make you Headmaster after you were accused of
killing Dumbledore… even if they believe that Harry might have done
it now, wouldn't people be afraid to have you as the headmaster?"
Tonks asked.

"It might be a little suspicious, however, Severus, as the Potion

Master of Hogwarts for the last fifteen years, would be a legitimate
choice to becoming the next Headmaster," Dumbledore said.

"I would have thought that McGonagall would be the best choice,"
Fred said.

"I do not have any aspiration in becoming the Headmistress, I enjoy

teaching too much," McGonagall said, though she looked as if she
wasn't sure if Severus becoming Headmaster was such a good

"I would also like to add that Voldemort would want someone he, I
wouldn't say trust, but at least count on, to run things the way he
wanted," Dumbledore said.

"And by making this Death Eater the Headmaster, he'll get that,"
Sirius said pointing at Severus.

Dumbledore nodded, "which I think is a good thing, for Severus will

protect the students as much as he can. This is not a good situation,
but I'm glad that at least something has gone our way."

Sirius wasn't sure if he really believed that Snape was on their side
or if Dumbledore was putting too much faith in him. So, he wasn't
altogether comforted by what Dumbledore had just said.

Article says Muggles Studies teacher, Alecto Carrow and her

brother, Amycus, fills the position of Defense Against the Dark
"Oh crap!" several people said.

"I hope you really can keep those bastards in line!" Sirius turned to
Snape. He didn't like to think of what kind of havoc those two will get
into at the school. He also didn't like having to put his trust in Snape,
but that was the only thing he could do now.

"It looks like I'm not going to have a very safe year either," Ginny
observed, which only caused her mum to look at her with
apprehension. However, Ginny didn't pay this any attention, she was
wondering how bad it was going to be and what she was going to do
to rebel against this. For she knew that she wasn't about to lay down
and take whatever it was that the Death Eaters threw at her.

Hermione says Snape in Dumbledore's study… Merlin's pants:

"Merlin's pants!" the four Weasleys still in school all said, laughing.

"I never would have expected you to say that," Ron chuckled.

"Well, this is serious," Hermione said, blushing slightly.

Hermione says I'll be back in a minute:

"Argh, what did you figure out this time?" Ron said exasperated.

"Er… I don't know?" Hermione said.

Dumbledore, however, thought he knew what she noticed. It was

quite astute of her if it was what he was thinking.

Ron says the other teachers won't accept Snape as headmaster,

and who are the Carrows:

"Unfortunately, Mr. Weasley, we won't have much of a choice but to

accept this," McGonagall said gravely. "I, and I know my colleagues
will agree, would not allow my students to be in more danger than
they have to be, and the only way we could protect them is by
staying at Hogwarts. However, unless Albus has informed me of
Severus duplicity to this extent, which I don't believe he will," here
she glared at Dumbledore and he bowed his head slightly, "I would
not make it easy on him."

"I wouldn't expect any less from you Minerva," Severus said, though
he didn't look pleased by that.

Mentions Kreacher came to the table, whistling between his

teeth as he did so.

Everyone that knew Kreacher looked at the book in disbelief at that

description. Who knew the elf could whistle?

Mentions that Harry pictured the scarlet steam engine as he and

Ron had once followed it by air:

Fred and George sniggered at this as Hermione, Molly and Severus

glared at Harry and Ron. The boys in question gave sheepish

"How did you see it from the air?" Sirius questioned; he had a feeling
this was a good story.

"Er… well, we kind of flew to Hogwarts in a car in my second year,"

Harry said.

Sirius looked at his godson for ten seconds, his mouth hanging
open, before he exclaimed, "BRILLIANT! That has got to be a
Hogwarts' legend."

"Why would you do that, Harry?" Remus asked, he didn't look as

pleased as Sirius was, but not as angry as Molly and Hermione
were. "Please tell me it wasn't because you fancied a joyride."

"Of course not," Harry said. "Why would you even think that?"

"Because it's what your father and this git would have done," Remus
said pointing at Sirius, who was nodding his head in agreement with
everything Remus had said.
"No, I went because Dobby sealed the barrier at King's Cross Station
and we couldn't get through it," Harry started to explain.

"Didn't you get a running start when you crashed into the wall?" Fred
felt like it was his duty to add.

"Yeah," Harry frowned at him as the room chuckled. "Anyways, we

thought we were stranded there, and I didn't know how we were
going to get to school."

"And then I suggest that we take my dad's flying car," Ron said.

"You had a flying car, Arthur," Sirius said, smiling, he never realized
that he shared something in common with the older man. Arthur
nodded his head, though he looked worried. He had every right to,
seeing as Molly was glaring at him at the moment.

"Harry, you do realize that you could have just sent Hedwig…."
Remus started to say, but Harry cut him off.

"Yeah, that's what McGonagall said, but honestly I didn't think about
that," Harry sighed.

"It's okay Harry; you got a brilliant story out of it!" Sirius said to him.

"And that's definitely the important thing," George chuckled before he

started reading again.

Mentions Harry was sure Ginny, Neville and Luna were sitting
together maybe debating how best to undermine Snape's new

"You better not be!" Molly hissed at her daughter.

Ginny gave her mum the most innocent expression she could give
without looking too guilty; all the while knowing that she was doing
exactly what Harry thought.
Ron says and what in the name of Merlin's most baggy Y Fronts
was that about:

"Ronald, language!" Molly snapped.

"You didn't get angry with Hermione when she said something!" Ron
grumbled at his mother.

"Well, Hermione is not my child," Molly said and then added, "and I
was too shocked to hear that from her to be able to say anything."

The Weasleys all laughed at this as Hermione blushed slightly again.

Hermione says Phineas Nigellus:

"Oh," Sirius said. "Good thinking Hermione."

"I don't get it?" Charlie questioned.

"Phineas was a Headmaster at Hogwarts," Dumbledore said. "He…."

"… Was the least popular Headmaster in Hogwarts history," Sirius

felt he had to add.

Dumbledore smiled at Sirius before he continued with his

explanation, "there is another portrait of Phineas in my office at the
moment, though in this book it will be Severus's office. A portrait that
is able to travel between any other portrait of his, so you can see
how that could be potentially dangerous to Harry and the others.
That was nicely spotted, Miss Granger."

"Thanks," Hermione said, blushing at being addressed like this by

her Headmaster.

Harry says watched the Ministry entrance, no sign of her, saw

your dad, he looks fine:

"You're watching the Ministry?" Molly questioned. "Why?"

"Er… well, Umbridge has the locket," Harry said frowning. "Evidently
she's still at the Ministry."

Harry sunk into his chair a little when all the adults looked at him like
he was crazy.

"Don't you realize that the Ministry has got to be the most dangerous
place for you to go?" Molly demanded.

"What else can I do?" Harry questioned after he paused to think for a
moment. "I have to find the Horcruxes, and this is the only clue I

There was a general groan at this as everyone realized that he had a

point, and they couldn't see what else he could do.

Mentions that they decided not to communicate with Arthur

since he was always surrounded:

Arthur understood this of course, but at the same time he knew it

would have been nice to know that Ron and his two best friends
were okay and safe. Even more, he knew Molly would love to hear

After Ron says Dad said everyone from Magical Maintenance

wears blue robes, Hermione says but you never told us that:

"Why are you making such a big deal about this?" Ron rolled his

"Because if we are going to be crazy enough to go into the Ministry

when they are trying to arrest Harry and myself, then we need to
know every detail possible!" Hermione snapped at him.

"Oh… er… sorry," was Ron's reply.

After Harry says I think we should do it tomorrow and Ron and

Hermione's reactions:
"Oh dear, you're not rushing things, are you?" Molly fretted.

Harry says if the plan works, we will have:

"Hm… the intel you have gathered isn't so bad," Severus observed.
"But you seemed to be leaving a lot to chance and you haven't
address what you are planning on doing once you're inside the

Harry says it's time to act:

"Unfortunately, if Harry is anything like his father, there is no way you

can make him listen to your caution," Remus sighed, looking at
Hermione. "He's already made up his mind."

Mentions they spied on the official entrance to the Ministry,

which Ron had known since childhood:

"You mean the phone booth you took me to wasn't the main
entrance?" Harry asked Arthur.

"No, that was the visitor entrance," Arthur said. "I wasn't able to take
you to the main entrance because guests have to have a month's

Ron says I think it should just be me and Harry:

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him, and Ron shifted uncomfortably

in his seat, but he wasn't about to apologize for wanting her to be

"I'm surprised you're still alive after a suggestion like that," Ginny
informed her brother, "Hermione looks ready to kill you right now."

Ron says all three of us can't fit under the Cloak anymore:

"You were able to fit three people in the same cloak before!" Charlie
"You do remember how small Ron was when he first started at
Hogwarts don't you," Bill said.

"That's right, he was tiny," Charlie chuckled.

"And he was the biggest of the three," George added. "I'm sure they
could have added four more people in the cloak, and it would have
been fine."

Kreacher says master has not finished his soup, would master
prefer stew, or else the treacle tart to which Master is so partial:

"How does he know that?" Harry said, he didn't remember telling

anyone what his favorite dessert, or any other kind of food, was.

"House elves pride themselves in finding out everything they can do

to please their masters," Sirius said, remembering Kreacher bending
over backwards to get Regulus whatever he wanted, whereas he
never got anything he wanted.

"Plus, it's hard not to know that you like treacle tart the best, it's the
only dessert that you eat more of than Ron," Ginny added and Harry
felt his face heat up a little at the fact that she, too, knew his favorite
dessert and that she had noticed something like this.

Mentions a door opened, a laughing woman stood there, her

face fell as she looked into Harry's face:

"It's not your face!" Sirius said in a firm voice. "It's Voldemort's!"

"I know that," Harry said, but he also knew that from the point of view
he was in right now, it felt like he was actually there… that he was
actually doing whatever it was that Voldemort was doing.

Hermione says don't insult our intelligence, we know your scar

hurts and you're white as a sheet:

"I don't know why you feel you have to lie," Hermione said.
"Perhaps I wouldn't lie if you didn't make it clear that you wanted me
to stop looking into Voldemort's head," Harry said a little harsher
than he wanted to. He knew what it was like to see into Voldemort's
mind, and it wasn't something he was looking forward to happening
again. However, it looked like he didn't have much of a choice and
he didn't need someone constantly getting on his case about it.

"I'm just worried about you, Harry," Hermione said biting her lips.

"I know… I'm sorry," Harry said, and he was, he shouldn't have been
so short with her.

Mentions Voldemort probably killed her whole family, it was

Cedric all over again, they were just there:

Harry sighed as the images of what happened the last summer filled
his mind before he could even try to stop them.

Harry says forget Dumbledore, this is my choice and I want to

know why Voldemort is after Gregorovitch:

Dumbledore frowned, he was wary of this connection, but he was

sure that once again Voldemort didn't know that Harry was seeing
glimpses into his mind. He didn't know how that could be, seeing as
Dumbledore knew that Voldemort was now aware of this and could
only assume that Voldemort had put up defenses against Harry that
were now not working. If that was true, it wasn't so bad that Harry
knew what Voldemort was planning, but it could still be dangerous.

Mentions that Harry and Hermione glared at each other and to

his relief, Ron intervened:

Ron shivered at this, he's never seen Harry and Hermione fight, well
except the time Hermione got Harry's firebolt taken away, but this
was different. He wasn't sure whose side he should be on. He was
now aware that Harry must go through this all the time, because he
and Hermione fight at least once a day and sometimes a whole lot
more. Heck, even with the firebolt issue he found a way to be angrier
at Hermione than Harry was.

Ron says drop it, and if we have to go to the Ministry tomorrow,

we should go over the plan:

"Wow, Harry and Hermione fighting and Ron being the reasonable
one, the world as gone mad!" Fred exclaimed, causing most of the
room to laugh.

Mentions Hermione let the matter rest, though Harry was sure
she would attack again:

Hermione grimaced at this, she wanted Harry to be safe and that

was the most important thing, but she didn't like that he thought of
her attacking him.

Ron says you look terrible, and Harry says not for long:

"What's that supposed to mean?" Charlie questioned.

"Seeing as they mentioned Polyjuice Potion a second ago and

they're going somewhere that it wouldn't due to be seen, I think
Harry might be looking like someone else soon," Tonks smirked at
her friend that was now smiling at her sheepishly.

Mentions Hermione wearing the slightly manic expression that

Harry associated with exam review:

"Accepting coffee and hot rolls from a house elf, Mione, I'm stunned!"
Ron laughed.

"Shut up," Hermione groaned, she could only imagine how worried
she had to be that morning. They didn't usually have time to prepare
before they did something dangerous, and the wait must make
things even harder on her nerves than normal.

Hermione says Robes, Polyjuice Potions, Invisibility Cloak,

Decoy Detonators, you should each take a couple, Puking
Pastilles, Nosebleed Norgat:

"What are Decoy Detonators?" Ginny questioned, looking at the


The twins looked at each other blankly.

"We're not sure," Fred said.

"But we'd like to find out," George said smiling.

"It will probably be a good invention," Fred added.

"If the trio are using it." George finished.

Ron says bless him and when you think I used to fantasize
about cutting off his head and sticking it on the wall:

"Ronald!" Hermione snapped at him. "That's horrible."

"That's one of my favorite fantasies," Sirius laughed and Hermione

glared at him.

Ron says I thought we were supposed to open the door before

she got here and Hermione squealed:

"No squealing Mione," Ron smiled smugly, "just because you forgot
something, and I had to remind you of…."

"Seriously, I'm not sure this book is real," Fred said. "What with all
the mad things that have been happening in this chapter…."

"Oh, shut up," both Ron and Hermione huffed.

Mentions stunning the witch ending with Ron rummaging

through the handbag:

"You know, this is for a good cause, but I think it's bad that it would
be that easy for someone to sneak into the Ministry," Tonks frowned,
as an Auror, she took something like this a little personally.

Ron says she's Mafalda Hopkirk:

"That's the person that gave me the warnings for using magic," Harry
pointed out a little surprised. It was odd that of all the people that
they could run into it was someone that he could recognize, if only in
a small way.

Mentions Hermione aggressively offering the wizard pastilles

and he looked alarmed as he took one:

"Subtlety has never been your strong suit, Hermione," George

informed her.

"I didn't have time to be subtle," Hermione snapped. "He couldn't get
to the end of the street."

Mentions the wizard started vomiting and Hermione yanked a

handful of hairs from him:

"And you're welcome for the help," Fred said. "And Mum said that
our products were a waste of time."

Molly grimaced at this, she still didn't think it was a good idea to
open a joke shop (it was just too unstable of a job, if it didn't work,
they wouldn't have anything to turn back on). However, she had to
admit that this had come in handy at the moment.

The wizard says no, I must… today… must go:

"Merlin, this guy must really be keen if he still wants to go to work,"

George said, he couldn't imagine it; he knew exactly how sick the
man was feeling right now, having tested the Puking Pastille plenty
of times.

Mentions the wizard collapsed but still tried crawling towards

the main street:
Arthur raised an eyebrow at this, he didn't know anyone in the
Maintenance department that would want to go to work this much.
What is going on here?

Ron says I still think a pile of unconscious bodies would have

drawn more attention:

"That's true… and the puddles of sick will stop people from
investigating the alleyway too closely," Remus said with a smirk.

Ron says I'm Reg Cattermole, according to the label in the back:

So, it's Reg, Arthur thought to himself, why would he want to go to

work that badly… and why wasn't he wearing his uniform? Arthur
had always liked Reg; the man actually knew a lot about Muggle
things because his wife was a… Oh Merlin that was it! Arthur looked
at the trio sadly, they weren't going to be happy to know this, and he
wasn't about to break it to them.

Hermione says we don't know who he is:

"That's not good," Bill frowned. "If someone calls to you and you
don't answer, they might find it suspicious."

Another wizard says, who are they expecting to turn up, Harry

Several people laughed at that.

"Nah, Harry Potter would never be stupid enough to show up there!"

Sirius teased.

Mentions Harry heard the sound of flushing and booted feet

climbing into the toilet next door:

"Are you telling me the Ministry worker have to flush themselves

down a toilet?" Sirius said and then started laughing along with most
of the room. "The Ministry literally has gone down the drain!"
Another wizard says out of the way, can't y - oh, sorry, Runcorn:

"Good, now you know who you are," Bill said.

"And that you're someone that's somewhat important," Remus

added, noting how the other person had reacted to Harry.

"I'd say," Arthur said scowling. "He's not a bad person for you to
impersonate, Harry."

"Er… is he a bad person?" Harry questioned the uncharacteristic

dark look in Arthur's eyes.

"He's not bad," Percy said, scowling at his father, there was nothing
wrong with Runcorn, so he put a lot of stock in blood purity and
though Percy didn't necessarily agree with it, it wasn't wrong.

"I won't call him bad," Arthur admitted, and then stared at his son
with almost disapproval, "he's just not someone that I agree with."

Harry looking at the new statue ending with pressed together to

support the weight of the handsomely robed wizard:

George read this passage with obvious disgust as everyone in the

room looked revolted.

"How could anyone stand to look at that thing?" Molly voiced what
most of the room thought.

"How could there still be people in the Ministry that don't believe that
Voldemort took over if that is the first thing, they see every day?"
Draco said, he looked disgusted, but not nearly as much as the
others. He was raised to believe that this was the Muggles' proper
place after all.

Mentions that someone called 'morning, Yaxley,':

"That was lucky," Remus mumbled, it would not be good if they didn't
know the Death Eaters name when it was clear they should. Still,
they were in a dangerous position, seeing as they were interacting
with someone that was obviously going to talk about things they
couldn't know.

Mentions Ron gave a nervous laugh and Yaxley's eyes widened:

"Don't laugh… not in front of a Death Eater!" Charlie groaned.

"Well, I don't know he's a Death Eater, now do I?" Ron grumbled,
though he was feeling sick knowing he was endangering his friends
right now.

Yaxley says I am on my way to interrogate your wife ending with

be sure the marry a pureblood next time:

Ron's eyes flashed at that. "There's nothing wrong with marrying

someone that's not a pureblood."

This had the whole room smiling for a second before they, especially
Ron, realized what was just said.

"His wife is on trial… for being a Muggle-born!" Ron groaned

miserable. What would he have done if Her… er… his wife was on
trial, and he was feeling sick. Yes, he would have crawled on hands
and knees to be there for her.

There was nothing anyone could say to make Ron, nor Harry and
Hermione, feel any better for what they had done, so George
decided he should read again.

Yaxley says if my office is not completely dry, then your wife's

Blood Status will be in even greater doubt:

"Great, how am I supposed to fix that!" Ron groaned.

"Don't listen to him Ron, Mary's status isn't going to change because
you make his office stop raining," Arthur said glumly.
Ron, however, bowed his head lower at Arthur's words; he could tell
his dad must know who the Cattermoles were and that they were
decent people.

Ron says you two find Umbridge, I'll go and sort out Yaxley's
office, but how do I stop it from raining:

"I don't like this, Harry is right, you need to stick together," Molly said,
starting to panic again.

"And like Ron said they don't have time," Fred said.

"I wish the Ron in the book could know that he didn't have to fix the
office," Ginny sighed. She knew her brother would never let
someone suffer like that when he could do something to help him.

Someone says Dirk Cresswell, nice one, Albert, I'm pretty

confident I'll get his job now:

Arthur frowned as he heard the name of another Muggle-born. He

also wondered why this man had said 'nice one' to who he thought
was Runcorn.

Hermione says actually Harry, I think I'd better go after him, I

don't think he knows what he is doing:

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Hermione, "Ron grumbled, he

knew he was going to be rubbish at those spells, but it didn't help to
hear her say that.

"Ron, I didn't mean it like that," Hermione said. "I just wanted to help

"Sure," Ron said moodily, "whatever."

Mentions a squat, toadlike witch wearing a velvet bow in her

short hair:
"Well, it looks like you found Umbridge easily enough," George said.
"And that's the end of the chapter… who wants to read next?"

"I will," Molly said. George handed her the book.

Chapter 13
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Thirteen

The Muggle-Born Registration Commission

" The Muggle-Born Registration Commission," Molly read,

frowning at the title. She wasn't the only one frowning; everyone
seemed to be upset about this.

Umbridge says ah, Mafalda, Travers sent you, did he and

Hermione says yes:

"Liar!" Fred said. "You don't even know who Travers is!"

"What am I supposed to say," Hermione said, "I'm guessing that

Mafalda doesn't go to the first floor often."

"I can tell you one thing… you're not supposed to stutter," George

"Oi, leave her alone," Ron said, but he wished he hadn't because his
brother started sniggering at his defense of Hermione. Luckily it was
his mum that was reading, if it was anyone else in his family, they
would have made him suffer.

Umbridge says ending with you'll find everything you need in

the courtroom, Albret, aren't you getting out:

"I'm going to the Muggle-born's hearings," Hermione said softly. She

didn't think that she could handle something like that. Watching
someone get persecuted against for something that they can't fight
because they didn't do anything wrong. Persecuted for something
that she herself was guilty of.

"It seems that way," Tonks said, in a sympathetic voice. She was
wondering if her dad was going to be tried. Somehow, she doubted
it, her dad wouldn't be stupid enough to go to a trial, he would leave
before that happened.

"I'm sure it will be okay," Remus whispered to her, and she looked up
at him. How did he know she was worried? That didn't really matter,
she just liked the fact that he was there, comforting her.

Describes Minister Thicknesse and Harry thinks he look like a

crab looking out from beneath a rock:

Several people laughed at that description, but it was Arthur and

Tonks making the most noise. They knew the man, and they couldn't
help but agree with Harry's thoughts. Percy on the other hand was
trying his hardest not to show any amusement, who cared if it was
true the man looked that way… it wouldn't be right to laugh at his
superior like that.

Harry says needed a word with Arthur Weasley, someone said

he was up on level one:

"Oh, thanks Harry, that's probably going to get me in trouble," Arthur

said good naturally.

"Sorry," Harry blushed, though Arthur was obviously not really angry,
he wondered if Arthur was right.

Thicknesse says has he had contact with an Undesirable:

"Undesirable?" several people questioned, and everyone looked

either confused or suspicious.

"I'm sure we'll find out what this means," Remus frowned.

"And we won't like it," Sirius finished for him.

Thicknesse says if you ask me, the blood traitors are as bad as
the Mudbloods:

"I take that as a compliment," Arthur said hotly and all the Weasleys
(and Sirius) nodded their heads.

Draco rolled his eyes at this comment.

Mentions the plan they concocted over the past four weeks
seemed laughably childish:

"It wasn't laughable or childish Harry," Tonks said, "just the fact that
you got into the Ministry when the security is that high proves that."

"Still, it would have been better if you thought about more than just
getting inside," Remus added.

Mentions they had spent all their time thinking about getting in,
and none on what to do if they were separate:

Hermione frowned at that; it seemed like such a simple thing to think

of, why didn't she think of that?

Mentions that Ron was doing magic that Harry thought was
beyond him:

Ron sighed at that. He didn't like hearing his friend think he couldn't
handle something. Even though he agreed completely with Harry's
thought that he couldn't do that magic.

"That's probably because I don't think I could do it," Harry said

quietly to Ron and that made him feel a little better.

Mentions Harry was on the floor when his quarry had just gone
down the lift:

"But you also know that Hermione is with her so it's not that bad,"
Ginny said.
"I suppose not, and it's also good that I know where Hermione is,"
Harry said. "I just don't know how I'm going to find Ron."

Molly moaned and then read, cutting off any response Ginny might
have made.

Mentions it was unlikely Umbridge would keep her jewelry in

her office, but it would be foolish not to search it:

"Good thinking," Remus approved, he knew James never would

have looked at Umbridge's office, but Lily would have.

"Yeah, because you would look like a bloody idiot if it was just sitting
on her desk and you didn't even look," Sirius said. This made Remus
shake his head, he knew full well that Sirius never would have gone
in that office.

Mentions the pamphlet title Mudbloods and the Dangers They

Pose to a Peaceful Pure-Blood Society:

"Argh, I don't think I like this future," Charlie groaned. "Imagine

having to read crap like that."

"Well, at least you wouldn't be getting the pamphlet, Chuck, you live
in Romania," Bill said to his brother.

"Oh, right," Charlie smiled sheepishly, but added stubbornly, "though

I still don't like this future."

One of the witches says will the old hag be interrogating

Mudbloods all day:

"That sentence started off fine, but it really was ruined by the
middle," Fred narrowed his eyes. "Does everyone call Muggle-borns
that now?"

"I don't know," Arthur frowned. "As of now it is socially unpopular to

say something like that, so even if a person would prefer to call a
Muggle-born a… er… that, they wouldn't."
"Well, if you are using that logic, then it might also be true that
everyone in the Ministry would use that term… in this book at least…
because it was now the acceptable and probably even preferred way
to refer to Muggle-borns," Remus said reasonably, but he was
disgusted by the thought of it.

"So, you really think most of the Ministry workers are sheep and will
do whatever they are told and follow whatever social behavior that is
accepted of them," Fred said, looking at Percy with a half teasing
and half serious expression. "That sounds kind of stupid to me… but
what do I know."

"Not everyone has the strength of character to be different," Percy

muttered, but no one heard him.

The same witch says what, has she got magic ears as well as an

"Eye?" Charlie questioned, looking towards Tonks because she had

gasped. She shook her head and glared at the book in disbelief.
That better not be what she thought it was or she would cause
Umbridge some serious problems.

Mentions Harry looked too, and the rage reared in him like a

"Why a snake Harry… it should be a lion?" Fred said and Harry just
rolled his eyes at that.

Tonks, however, was seething even more than before, she knew she
was right. Why else would Harry have gotten that angry?

Mentions an eye that was familiar to anybody who had known

Alastor Moody:

Several people gasped and Tonks was not the only one that was
seething now.
"Er… do you know if it was really his," Charlie asked, he had never
met Moody before, unlike most of the people in the room. "I mean
was his eye the only one that was made before."

"No," Dumbledore said in a force calm voice, it was clear that he was
very upset about this. "There have been other eyes made that are
similar to Moody's, however, none of them would be used like this,
as a looking glass used to spy on others."

Mentions Harry went over to the door to examine the eye:

"So, it's a good thing that the bloody toad wasn't in her office than,"
Ron said. "She would have seen you."

"What? How would she been able to see him?" Charlie asked.
"Wasn't Harry wearing his cloak?"

"Yeah, but Moody's eye could see through invisibility cloaks," Ron

"Really, that's got to be useful, especially considering the advantage

that would give him in his job," Charlie said.

"I wonder if the eye could tell if someone was using Polyjuice
Potion," Hermione mused.

"No, it couldn't, but not because of lack of trying," Dumbledore

smiled, "Alastor often grumbled about that fact… and often tried to
make it so he would be able to see that, but alas, he never

Mentions Umbridge titles ending with Head of Muggle-Born

Registration Commission:

"Well, I would say that this makes me hate her more, but I don't
know if that's even possible," Harry frowned. "I even hate her more
than I hate you, Professor Snape," he added before he could think
and then gulped, he really shouldn't have said that.
Severus didn't know what was wrong with him, but he felt both very
pleased and disappointed about that.

Mentions there was a telescopic attachment enabled Umbridge

to spy on the workers:

"So, she has nothing better to do with her time than to spy on the
workers," Tonks huffed.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she did no more work in this job as she
does as a teacher," Hermione muttered.

Mentions harry pulled the magical eyeball out of it and placed it

in his pocket:

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at this, not sure it was the best

move, but didn't expect Harry to do anything less… he couldn't bear
the thought of Moody's eye there.

Mentions Umbridge had file on Mr. Weasley:

"Oh dear," Molly moaned before she continued reading.

File mentions known member of the Order of the Phoenix:

Molly sighed again, of course they were known members of the

Order, but she knew that was only going to make them in more
danger… and less able to help others.

File mentions youngest son currently at home, ill, Ministry


"Good," Molly said, at least there was one good thing in this bloody

Ron was smiling at this, really glad that his plan had worked, and his
family was safe.
File mentions strong likelihood Undesirable No. 1 will contact
(has stayed with Weasley before):

"Undesirable No. 1?" several people muttered.

"Who wants the bet it's Harry?" Fred questioned.

"Of course, it's Potter, who would desire his presence," Draco said
and everyone turned to glare at him. Harry, however, just shrugged
his shoulder, he didn't think the others could hear it, but Draco was
actually being sarcastic there.

Mentions Umbridge had written 'to be punished':

Harry's fist clenched at that, and he glared at the book fiercely. He

also felt that Hermione had stiffened too, she was muttering under
her breath at ways she would like to punish the vile toad.

The two were by no means the only ones affected by this, everyone
seemed to be angered by the note. Sirius and Remus gave each
other dark looks, the twins put their heads together and were
muttering something… Harry knew whatever they came up with
would be good. Ron and Ginny were acting much like Harry,
clenching their fist and glaring at the book. Molly looked beyond
angry, what had Harry ever done that he deserved to be punished
for? Her anger was evident in every syllable she read.

Mentions that Dumbledore was smiling witfully out of the front

cover of the book:

Dumbledore sighed, knowing very well what this book was.

Everyone else seemed to realize too and they looked curious but
apprehensive about what Harry might learn about Dumbledore this
time. Harry, however, wished that he didn't find this, it was true that
he wanted to learn more about Dumbledore, but whenever
something comes up in this book about Dumbledore's past it just
makes his book-self angrier.
Mentions that Dumbledore with elbow length hair and a wispy
beard that reminded him of Krum's that annoyed Ron:

"Harry, how could you compare Dumbledore to that git?" Ron said
over dramatically.

"Don't call him that," Hermione said, slapping his arm playfully.

"How can you three laugh, don't you realize how dangerous your
situation is?" Molly questioned.

"We're used to it," they all said at the same time, which just caused
them to laugh harder.

Molly sighed, wishing that they didn't know how it felt to be in

situations like this.

Mentions the boy in amusement besides Dumbledore with

golden hair fell in curls to his shoulders:

Dumbledore sighed, he knew of course it would be Gellert, but it

didn't make it any easier to hear this picture described. He felt
Minerva put a hand on his shoulder, an odd show of affection from
the Transfiguration Professor, but one he valued at the moment.

Mentions Harry wondered if it was a young Doge, but before he

could check the door of the office opened:

Everyone looked at Dumbledore curiously, wondering who this boy

was, but it was clear he wasn't going to answer them. It was also
clear that whoever it was, wasn't someone that Dumbledore really
wanted to think about.

Mentions that if Thichness wasn't looking over his shoulder,

Harry wouldn't have had time to pull the Invisibility Cloak:

"You should have been wearing your cloak," Severus said coldly.
"You shouldn't allow yourself to be that vulnerable here."
Mentions Harry backed out of the office into the open area

"Hmph, that is another thing you didn't think about," Severus said.
"How were you planning on getting out of the room? As you said, a
door opening on its own would be suspicious, and you couldn't even
use the eye to spy on the hall to see if you were clear to go."

Harry was quiet for a few seconds before he asked, "Did you think of
this before? You know before I got in this room or are you just
thinking of this now?"

"I…." Severus started.

"Because if you just thought of it, it means that you would have done
the same thing as I did," Harry looked at him.

Severus didn't say anything, he just looked coldly at Harry. What he

hated most, was this was exactly what Lily would have said if she
was in Harry's shoes and he didn't want to see that… see that Harry
was like her. No, he was Potter's son.

Mentions the Locket would be in the Ministry, and he couldn't

bewitch its location out of Umbridge while she was in a
crowded court:

"Er… but she could be wearing it," Ginny pointed out.

"That ugly thing… who would want to wear that?" Ron said.

"Ron, come on, we're talking about the toad here," Fred said.

"I don't think there's anything she wouldn't wear," George added.

"The worse the thing looks, the more likely she would wear it," Ginny
put in.

"So, in conclusion, it's likely that the toad is wearing it," Bill said.
"My thoughts exactly," Charlie said.

"So, you should get down to the courtrooms," Percy said.

Mentions once Harry was in the lift, he pulled off the Invisibility

"Maybe you shouldn't do that, you don't really know how to act like
Runcorn," Remus said, "you don't want to draw attention to yourself."

Ron says Harry, blimey, I forgot what you looked like:

"Ronald!" Hermione said. "You should have remembered that… how

were you planning on finding us again if you don't remember what
we looked like?"

"Er… I don't know, Mione," Ron said uncomfortably, which only got
worse when Hermione's eyes narrowed farther.

Ron says why isn't Hermione with you:

"Oh… that's it, I must have remembered what you looked like," Ron
said. "I didn't expect you two to get separated."

"First of all, what makes you so sure that you would remember what I
looked like?" Hermione asked.

"Because I…." Ron started to answer truthfully… because he would

always know that but didn't think it was the best thing to say. So,
after his ears turned red, he said, "… because we've been watching
the lady Apparate there for close to a month. Same with the guy that
I'm impersonating, but we just picked some random guy for Harry."

"Oh…." Hermione said, that was actually a pretty good reason. "You
still should have remembered what Harry looked like just in case."

"I know," Ron agreed, pleased that she was no longer glaring.
Mentions it was very strange Mr. Weasley glared at him with
that much dislike:

"I'm sorry, Harry," Arthur said.

"It's okay, Mr. Weasley, I know you're not really glaring at me, but the
guy I'm pretending to be," Harry said, though he was now wondering
what it would look like if Arthur did glare at him.

Ron says Yaxley's office is raining as he looks at Arthur's

shoulder, scared that his father would recognize him:

"I'm not sure I could have," Arthur said, "not when it's unexpected
like this."

"Well, Loony was able to tell that it was Harry at the Wedding," Fred

"Don't call her that!" Ginny snapped at her brother.

"And she doesn't know Harry that well," George finished Fred's

"Yet, you mean," Ginny said. "It's clear that she and Harry are going
to become friends at some point."

"Plus, anyone that knows the least bit about Harry would know that
he would be at the wedding," Hermione said. "She would likely have
expected him to be there."

"And don't forget the girl is crazy, and can see things like no one else
could," Ron added and was smacked by Hermione. "Ow… Mione,
you don't even like her!"

"Well, I'm going to," Hermione said, she wasn't sure why she had
reacted like that. "And you were being really rude."

"Whatever," Ron grumbled rubbing his arm.

Arthur says did you try Meterolojinx Recanto, it worked for

Molly smiled at her husband for a second, not only was he helping
their son out with this, but she loved that he was the kind of man that
would offer help to anyone.

Ron says no I didn't, thanks D - I mean, thanks, Arthur:

"Well, calling me Dad might have clued me in to who you were,"

Arthur chuckled.

"Good thing I caught myself then," Ron smiled sheepishly.

Mentions that Harry was blocked by Percy Weasley:

Arthur and Percy both stiffened, both of them hoping for the same
thing, but knowing it wasn't likely.

Mentions that it wasn't until the doors closed that Percy noticed
Arthur was there, and he left when the doors opened again:

Molly's voice was heartbreaking to hear, and Arthur put an arm

around her shoulder. However, he was stubbornly not looking at his
son. Percy wasn't looking at any of his family, choosing instead to
focus on the floor a few feet in front of him.

Mentions that Harry was blocked by Arthur's arm:

"Oh bugger," Arthur said, he knew he was going to say something he


"Arthur!" Molly hissed at him.

"Sorry dear," Arthur said reflexively. "But this isn't good…."

Mentions that Arthur's anger was no less because of the brush

with Percy:
Of course it is, Arthur thought darkly. He hated the estrangement he
had with his son, and the fact that Percy thought so little of him.

Mentions Harry decided his best chance was to act stupid:

"Nothing new there," Draco teased.

"You know you shouldn't say something like that when Harry is
constantly besting you," Ginny told the pale haired boy. "It just
makes you sound stupider."

"Potter doesn't best me," Draco said in disdain.

"And you're not even big enough to admit the truth," Ginny shook her
head. "Pathetic."

Draco's cheeks turned pink as he glared at her.

The Weasley boys, Harry, Hermione and Sirius were all laughing at

Arthur says Dirk Cresswell is ten times the wizard you are, and
you'll have to answer to him, his family and friends:

"Arthur!" Molly groaned. "You can't say things like that… it will get
you in trouble."

"I…." Arthur said his anger was flashing at the moment and he would
have said more but Remus interrupted.

"It's actually quite lucky that you're talking to Harry at the moment,"
he said, "you were able to vent some of your anger and now nothing
will happen to you."

Molly glared at her husband for another second before she started
reading again.

Harry says no, it's a fact, they're watching your every move:
"Thank you, Harry," Arthur said, smiling at the boy. "Though I'm sure
I know I'm being watched, I really appreciate you warning me like

"You're welcome," Harry said softly.

Mentions Harry pulls the Cloak on again and went to get

Hermione and hope Ron could deal with the rain:

"Well, at least I know where you are now," Ron pointed out.

Mentions that Harry shivered looking toward the distant black

door, the entrance to the Department of Mysteries:

Harry narrowed his eyes at that, why did he shiver when he looked
at that door. He tried to picture the door, see if he remembered
anything unnerving about it but there wasn't anything… no, that
wasn't true. Harry gasped, causing everyone to look at him but he
just shook his head. Picturing that door in his head made him realize
something… it was the door he had been dreaming of since
Voldemort had returned. Now he was shivering, whatever was
beyond that door, he knew it wasn't good.

Mentions Harry going to the flight of stairs down to the court


"Huh, I suppose there's one good reason for my trial this summer,"
Harry mused. "I doubt I would have had any clue where the courts
were if I hadn't."

Mentions Dementors were there with the petrified Muggle-born

brought in for questioning sat huddled and shivering on the

"They have dementors watching the Muggle-borns!" Hermione

hissed; this angered her more than anything else.
"Well, of course, they are criminals after all," Draco said and she
glared at him. "Hey, I didn't make the law…."

"But you probably like it," Fred hissed, and Draco shrugged

"That's not really the point," he said, "all I was saying, Granger, is
that from the new law's standpoint, they are criminals and are being
treated as such."

"I don't care what kind of logic you put on this, it's still the wrong
thing to do," Hermione said hotly.

Mentions that Harry walked past the Dementors, and he felt they
could sense him, perhaps a human that still had hope,

"I'm sure that's it," Draco rolled his eyes.

"Actually, they probably could," Remus said. "The dementors are not
fooled by any disguise or cloaks, they would know that Harry was
there and wasn't like the others. However, they probably thought you
were a Ministry employee or something."

Umbridge says if you struggle, you will be subjected to the

Dementor's Kiss:

Everyone, without exception, shivered at that.

"That's despicable! That's atrocious!" Sirius shouted, his face still

looking pale, but his eyes now had a manic gleam in them. "A
Dementor's Kiss… for struggling… that evil… twisted… vile toad!
How could she say that?"

"She has no morals at all!" Remus agreed with his friend and was
looking livid.

"We could have told you that before," Ron said to him in a steely
"Hm… I wonder," Harry said, he remembered Dumbledore almost
mention this at his case, but it seemed so much more likely now, as
he heard her complete disregard from common decency. "She might
have sent those dementors after me this summer."

Everyone looked at him at that comment, though it wasn't in shock,

but in acceptance.

"I wouldn't put it past her," Hermione said in a deadly voice.

"We know it wasn't Voldemort that had sent them," Remus added.

"You do?" Harry said, "why didn't you tell me that?"

"I didn't think it was wise for you to know," Dumbledore said and
Harry glared at him. It was quite easy for Harry to remember that he
was angry with his headmaster at that moment. "And I have
suspected that it was Dolores for some time now."

"Right," Harry frowned, and Molly chose to read.

Umbridge says next, Mary Cattermole:

Everyone sighed as they heard the name and Ron prayed that they
could somehow help them after he had interfered the way he did.

Mentions that Hermione, quite as white-faced as Mrs.

Cattermole, was the other:

Hermione shivered at that, "I watch… that man… I just watch… I

don't believe…."

"You didn't have a choice, Mione," Ron said softly.

"But…." Hermione said, her eyes pleading, she shouldn't have just
watched, she should have tried to help this man somehow.

"There was nothing you could have done for him," Severus said, he
knew exactly how Hermione felt at this moment, because he had to
watch things like this plenty of times in his role as spy. "It is probably
the hardest thing you will ever have to do, and not everyone can do
it," he added looking at Harry, he doubted the boy would be able to
stand watching something like that happen when he could help. No,
Harry would risk everything to save this stranger's life. "But the truth
is, the war would be over if you were captured… and the Dark Lord
would have won."

"That doesn't really make me feel better," Hermione sighed.

"I was just pointing out the fact," Severus said indifferently, he looked
at the girl, who was the brightest student that he ever had - not that
he would ever admit that - knowing that she had what it took to keep
her cool in this situation, unlike the other Gryffindors in the room
(except for the ones that were older than him). Though she had said
that she didn't feel any better, she did look slightly cheered by the
fact that it was the only thing she could have done.

Mentions there was silver long-haired cat:

"Argh… is that Umbridge's Patronus," Ginny groaned, she loved cats

and hated that such a horrible person was represented by them.
McGonagall had a similar look of revulsion at this news, as she
thought of her own Patronus being a cat.

Mentions that Patronus was protecting the prosecutor and the

accused were to feel the despair:

"You know I could do without these thoughts Harry," Hermione said,

still sounding upset about her role in the last case. "I don't need to
hear your dark and accurate thoughts."

"Sorry Hermione, but you know I don't really like that you get to hear
my thoughts either," Harry said.

Mary says I don't know where he is, he was supposed to meet

me here:
Ron was the one that flinched this time and Hermione placed a hand
over his. His ears went red when he turned it over, so they were
holding hands.

Yaxley says spare us the brats of Mudbloods do not stir our


"Bloody bastard!" Sirius shouted, his teeth clench in anger… he

couldn't help but think of Harry when something like that was said.

Mentions that the Patronus was Umbridge's and it glowed

brighter because she was happy in her twisted laws she had
helped to write:

"Oh Harry, you better do something to that wicked witch," Ginny


Harry, Hermione and Tonks all snorted at that, and Ginny looked at

"Sorry, the Wicked Witch was a character in a Muggle story,"

Hermione said. "It's called the Wizard of Oz, and it was a movie…."

"Really, I would really love to hear what Muggles think wizards are
like!" Arthur said excitedly.

"We'll have to show the movie to you sometime," Hermione smiled,

she thought it would be quite amusing to see their reactions to that

Umbridge says could you please tell us from which witch or

wizard you took that wand:

Hermione's nostrils began to flare at that question. Took ! She didn't

take a bloody wand, she bought it!

Mentions Umbridge leaned forward and dangled over the void:

the locket:
"Yes!" Everyone in the room said.

"I told you so!" Ginny smirked.

Mentions that Hermione had seen it and let out a squeak:

"Hermione, you really need to learn to control your reactions better,"

Harry said.

"I'm sorry," Hermione sighed.

Hermione says that's pretty, Dolores:

"Why are you drawing attention to the locket, she's going to think of
you when it's gone?" Sirius said.

"I have to make sure it's really the locket," Hermione said.

"Besides, it's Mafalda that would be blamed," Draco pointed out.

"You say that like that makes it okay," Ginny said shaking her head.

Draco just shrugged as if to say, well, doesn't it?

Umbridge says the S stands for Selwyn, I am related to the


"What a bloody liar!" Sirius shouted.

"It's effing Slytherin's locket you dingbat!" Tonks added.

"Is she even related to the Selwyns?" Remus questioned.

"Well considering they all look like toads… probably," Sirius said.
"But that's beside the point, she took the effing locket as a bribe and
now she's using it as a safeguard to prove she's a pureblood!"

Mentions Harry raised his wand not troubling to keep it

concealed beneath the Cloak and says Stupefy:
Severus rolled his eyes; he knew that Potter wouldn't have been
able to keep his cool.

"Brilliant Harry!" Sirius said.

"Though we wouldn't have minded if you used a more severe curse

on her," Charlie added.

Mentions Yaxley looked at the disembodied hand and wand

pointing at him, but it was too late, and Harry stunned him:

"You do realize that he could have cursed you because of your

thoughtless move?" Severus pointed out.

"I knew he didn't have his wand out, and it wouldn't be that difficult to
curse him," Harry said, confidently. "And I don't think this move is
thoughtless… it's probably the best way for us to get out of here."

Hermione says Harry, Mrs. Cattermole:

"Oh crap, the dementors!" Sirius said, knowing immediately what

Hermione was screaming about.

Mentions the stag's light, more powerful and more warming

than the cat's protection:

"Was the Patronus really warmer or did Harry just think it was?"
Hermione asked, not Harry, but Remus.

"I don't know," Remus said truthfully.

"Come on, Harry's had to be warmer than that coldhearted bitch's

Patronus," Sirius said.

Harry says Hermione, how do I get rid of these chains:

"I'm not sure if it's wise to say your real names," Percy said. "You
don't want people to know that you're there."
"Actually, it wouldn't be so bad if they did know they were there…
er… as long as they get out of the Ministry," Bill said thoughtfully.
"Imagine what people would think if they heard that Harry had gotten
in and out of the Ministry without being caught!"

"I think it's a moot point at the minute," Ginny said, reasonably. "The
only people that could tell on them are out cold."

Hermione says but if she wakes up and the locket's gone, I need
to duplicate it:

"Ha," Hermione said looking at Sirius, "now it doesn't matter that I

drew attention to the locket… she wouldn't know it's even gone…
stupid toad that she is, I doubt she could tell it's fake."

"Sorry I ever doubted you Hermione, can you ever forgive me,"
Sirius said smiling at her.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, before she returned the smile.

Harry tells Marry to get her children and leave the country
ending with a fair hearing here:

"Good advice, Harry," Dumbledore said smiling at Harry, he was

becoming a better leader with every passing year.

Hermione says Expecto patronum , but nothing happens:

Hermione frowned at that; she hated it when she couldn't do


Harry says it's the only spell she ever has trouble with:

Now Hermione was glaring at Harry, who was pointedly not looking
at her as everyone else in the room was laughing at them.

Harry says go abroad if you can, just get well away from the
Ministry, that's the new official position:
"The new official position, is it?" Sirius beamed. "I must say Harry,
I've very proud that you're doing this."

"Thanks… er… but we don't know if it worked yet," Harry said,

uncomfortable as he always was about being complimented.

"It will," Fleur said, "and it would make Bill's theory even better, if
everyone knew that you came to the Ministry to free a bunch of

"Hey, that even makes a good cover story for you," Remus said,
smiling. "It wouldn't really make sense to the Order members if they
hear it, but to the Death Eaters they would expect you to do
something that reckless."

"Thanks," Harry made a face at that.

Ron says they knew there were intruders inside the Ministry,
something about a hole in Umbridge's office door:

"You shouldn't have taken the eye," Tonks said, she knew it the
moment he took it, it wasn't a good idea, but she would have done
the same as him.

"I couldn't leave it there," Harry answered, though he was seriously

wishing he had.

Harry says we won't be if we move fast:

Hermione smiled at Harry, he always seemed to draw strength

whenever they really needed him to.

Mentions the Atrium was full of people moving from fireplace to


"Oh crap!" Sirius gasped and everyone was now tense. Molly's voice
was strained, and the panic in it just made everyone even more
nervous than before.
Harry says are you contradicting me, would you like me to have
your family tree examined:

"Brilliant Harry!" Sirius said and Severus and Draco looked at Harry,
impressed by this as well.

Mentions the real Reg Cattermole had just come running out of
a lift:

"Oh bloody hell!" Sirius groaned. "Why did he have to show up


Arthur sighed, he knew that he would never let Molly face a trial like
that on her own, and even being as violently sick as Reg was,
wouldn't keep him away for long. Even with that in mind, he still
wished that Reg had just stayed home.

Mentions that Harry raised his fist and punched him, sending
him flying through the air:

"What are you doing Harry?" Molly questioned, she never thought
Harry would just sucker punch someone like that, though she found
she didn't really care at the moment, he, and the others, needed to
get out of there now!

"Don't know," Harry shrugged and Molly read on.

Harry says he's helping Muggle-borns escape, Yaxley:

"Oh… another good plan Harry!" Sirius said. "The more chaos the

Reg says my wife, who was that with my wife, what's going on:

"Please shut up Reg," Arthur groaned, though he could again

sympathize with the other wizard.

Mentions Darkness engulf them, but something was wrong,

Hermione's hand seemed to be sliding out of his grip:
"NO!" several people said, none louder than Ron.

"Someone… Yaxley's got a hold of her!" Remus said.

"Not good, definitely not good," Sirius said.

"But he can't get into the barriers of Grimmauld Place, can he?" Fred

"I mean, this place is supposed to be safe from something like that,"
George added.

"If Dumbledore was still the sole Secret keeper that would be the
case," Remus said gravely. "But I'm afraid that it's likely that he will
be able to get through the charm now… after all it is like they're
letting him know the secret by Apparating him there."

"Damnit!" several people groaned again.

"They won't be able to use Grimmauld Place anymore," Molly

moaned, it was a dark, dirty and dangerous house as they all knew,
but at least no one could get at them. Besides, with Kreacher's
sudden change the place didn't seem quite as bad as it used to be.

"Mum, could you please read," Ron said as patiently as he could, he

needed to hear what happened to Hermione… knowing that if her
hand slips from Harry's grasp it would be much worse than them not
being able to use Grimmauld Place anymore… that Hermione would

Mentions Hermione's hand was suddenly viselike upon his and

everything went dark again:

"That's the end of the chapter," Molly said, holding the book out for
someone to read, her expression clearly saying that she needed
someone to start reading quickly.

"I'm sure everything will be fine," Arthur said, "it seems like Hermione
acted quickly."
"I know," Molly said as Ginny took the book from her and then
returned to her seat next to Harry. "But that doesn't mean I'm going
to stop worrying."

"Nothing will ever stop you from worrying," Arthur smiled, "and after
all the ways I've tried, I know that better than anyone."

"Doesn't stop you from trying though," Molly pointed out, knowing
that Arthur was trying his hardest now to keep her calm and she
loved him for it.

"Well, Weasleys are known for their stubbornness after all," Arthur
shrugged, and then looked at his daughter, waiting for her to read.
Chapter 14
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Fourteen

The Thief

" The Thief," Ginny read.

Mentions that Harry saw that they and Hermione were lying on a
forest floor, apparently alone:

"Good," Molly sighed, she was afraid that someone might have been
with them.

Mentions that blood drenched the whole of Ron's left side:

"NO!" Molly and Hermione both moaned, and all the Weasleys and
Harry looked pale.

"He's all right though… right?" Hermione said, looking at Ginny, who
was reading. Ginny's only response to that was to continue reading.

Hermione says Splinched:

Everyone winched at that knowing how serious that could be, and
how dangerous it would be if it was too bad. It's not like they could
go back for any body parts that were missing.

Mentions Harry always thought of Splinching as something


"Comical… Harry Splinching is not comical!" Molly reprimanded; a lot

harsher than she normally would have (especially when she was
talking to Harry) in her worry over Ron's wound.

"I know," Harry agreed, this was definitely not funny at all.

Mentions that Ron's upper arm had a great chunk of flesh

missing as if it was scooped cleanly away by a knife:

Another round of wincing from everyone in the room, even Severus

and Draco were disturbed by this.

Hermione says there' a small bottle labeled 'Essences of


"Good," Molly said, though she wished she was there so she could
have healed the wound properly, or that they could just go to St.
Mungo's, but at least with the Dittany, no farther damage could be
done, and it would stop the bleeding.

Mentions Harry gets the bag and thrust his hand inside it:

"You'll never find it that way, not with all that's in there," Bill said.

"Especially since you don't even know what it feels like," Ginny
added, "you need to summon it."

Mentions Ron's eyes were now half-closed, strips of white

eyeball all that were visible between the lids:

Hermione moaned and grabbed Ron's hand. She couldn't stand the
thought of that, and she wasn't the only one to be affected by this
either, Ginny's voice shook as she read and Arthur's was holding
Molly closely to him, both looking troubled.

Mentions Hermione poured three drops of the potion onto the

bleeding wound:

Severus raised an eyebrow, he was expecting the girl to be careless

with the use of the potion, pouring far more than was necessary in
her haste to heal her friend, but she used the exact amount that was
needed. He was sure that she realized that they were on a
dangerous mission, and they had to be careful at how they used this
potion. Gryffindor she might be, but she still knew how to keep her
cool in dangerous situations.

Hermione says there are spells that would put him right, but I
daren't try it could cause more damage:

"A wise move," Remus said, "for healing spells can be very
dangerous indeed if done incorrectly."

"But what spell has Mione ever done incorrectly," Ron smiled at her.

"There's no way I'm going to chance your safety on something like

this," Hermione said softly, she was sure she was the reason he was
hurt in the first place… she had Apparated them there after all… and
she couldn't bare it if she hurt him farther.

Hermione explains that Yaxley had grabbed her ending with I

brought us here instead:

"Sorry… it's my fault that you're hurt," Hermione said in a shaky


"Don't be stupid Mione, if you hadn't Apparated us all out of there, we

probably would have been caught," Ron rolled his eyes. "You saved

Hermione didn't really agree with that, but she didn't feel like arguing
about it.

Hermione says I taken him inside the Fidelius Charm's

protection, so I've given him the secret, haven't I:

"It wasn't you that gave him the secret, I was the one that Apparated
us to Grimmauld Place," Harry told her.

"Argh, that doesn't really matter," Ron rolled his eyes. "We went to
the bloody Ministry, where just about everyone in the building was
trying to capture us, and all we lost was our safe house and I got a
bloody arm… It could have been a lot worse than it is, so stop trying
to take the blame for things."

Harry and Hermione smiled at Ron (though Hermione's smile was

still weak as she worried how bad Ron's injuries were).

Mentions Harry imagined the house-elf busying himself over the

steak-kidney pie they would never eat:

"Hm… I think most of my regret would go toward not being able to

eat that," Ron said and Hermione glared at him.

"How can you be so insensitive?" she hissed.

"Er… Hermione, have you met Ron, he's the most insensitive git in
the world," Ginny said.

Ron stuck his tongue out at his sister, but Hermione knew that wasn't
always true. Sometime Ron really surprised her with how sensitive
he can be.

Harry says Umbridge stuck the eye on her office door, I couldn't
leave it there, but that's how they knew:

"You would still have found it difficult getting out of the Ministry with
all those Muggle-borns even if you didn't take the eye," Tonks said.
"They would have questioned what you were doing."

"And you might not have been able to come up with the proper
response then," Hermione said, "you know you work better when you
have to think on your feet. The more dangerous the situation is, the
better you are at reacting to it."

Mentions that the last time that they Apparated to the first place
Hermione had thought of they were found:

Everyone shivered at that hoping that nothing like that happened

"I think they are okay," Sirius said after pausing a second to think,
"the Death Eaters would have been there by now if they were

"What a comforting thought," Ginny grumbled before she started

reading again.

Mentions the prospect of moving Ron was daunting:

Ron frowned at this; he was a weakness to his friends… he was

putting them in more danger because he couldn't be moved.

Ron asks where are you going:

"Ah… I think little Ronniekins wants you to hold his hand," Fred said.

"And tell him that everything is going to be okay," George added, the
two of them laughing.

"Shut up!" Ron said his ears were red.

Mentions the tent was the one they used during the Quidditch
World Cup:

"Well, that should do nicely," Harry said, though of course he could

have done without the cat smell. "But didn't that tent belong to your
friend Perkins, Mr. Weasley?"

"Yes, but when I tried to give it back to him, he said he couldn't use it
anymore," Arthur said. "I must have lent it to Hermione so you can
use it."

Ron says don't say the name:

"Ron, when are you going to get over that," Hermione rolled her

"Says the girl that still stutters on his name," Ron grumbled.
"At least I can say it," Hermione huffed and Ginny started reading
before Ron and Hermione could argue anymore .

Ron says I'm sorry, but it feels like a jinx or something:

"A jinx!" Fred said. "Come on Ronnie, just admit that you're afraid of
saying the name… don't come up with lame excuses."

Dumbledore, however, raised an eyebrow at that. He wasn't sure if it

really was plausible for Voldemort to jinks his name, but he could see
how useful that would be to the dark side. Only Order members or
those opposing Voldemort would use the name.

Ron says call You-Know-Who by his name didn't do

Dumbledore much good:

Ron flushed slightly at that as he looked at his headmaster shyly,

"Sorry sir."

"That's alright, though I think my death had little to do with my saying

Voldemort's name," Dumbledore said serenely.

Ron says just show some respect:

"Respect!" Harry hissed, "I will not show that bastard any respect!"

"Sorry," Ron mumbled again, looking down.

"Arrogant fool," Severus muttered, shaking his head.

"I wasn't saying that I don't know that he can kill me at any time,"
Harry said, still feeling angry about hearing he should respect the
murderous bastard that killed his parents. "I'm just saying that he
hasn't done a damn thing worthy of respect… fear yes… but not

"Harry," Hermione said softly putting a hand on his shoulder to try

and calm him down. Harry took a deep breath and nodded towards
Ginny to continue reading. She gave him a reassuring smile.
Ron says I didn't get the feeling Reg was all that quick-witted:

"No Ronniekins, they just realized that you were somehow

impersonating him and were trying to make sure you could keep up,"
Fred teased.

"Can't you two ever be nice?" Hermione glared at the twins.

"Hey, I didn't say anything!" George complained.

"Ron can be very quick-witted," Hermione continued as if she didn't

hear George at all.

Ron says I hope they made it, if they both end up in Azkaban
because of us:

"They won't be much worse than they were before you came,"
Charlie stated.

"Wow, Ron, you really can be considerate!" Ginny teased her

brother, though she knew better than anyone about this.

Mentions Harry was going to asks if Mary's lack of wand would

prevent her Apparating alongside her husband:

"No, that wouldn't have prevented that," Dumbledore answer the

question. "When you side-along Apparate someone the only magic
that is being use is your own. You would even be able to Apparate
Muggles if you needed to."

Mentions Hermione was watching Ron fret over their fate with
such tenderness that Harry felt as if he surprised her in the act
of kissing him:

The amusement was evident in Ginny's voice as she read this, and
the twins 'aw' at the appropriate time, which had Ron and Hermione
blushing and looking away from each other. Ron had a goofy smile
on his face, and Hermione glaring slightly at Harry; did he have to
notice that?
Harry says so have you got it, to remind Hermione that he was

"Aw… Harry you should have let them have their moment," Fred

Ron says you got it, no one tells me anything:

"We didn't really have time to tell you," Hermione attempted to speak
in a normal voice but it was clear she was still embarrassed.

Harry says we're going to have to work out how to open this
thing before we can destroy it:

"Yes, and you'll have to have the means to destroy the Horcrux
before you open it," Remus said, not liking the idea of them finding
out how to open this without being able to destroy it.

Mentions Harry felt a violent urge to fling the locket from him:

"Er… have you gone mental, mate?" Ron questioned.

"Don't know," Harry shrugged. "But I don't really fancy having a piece
of Voldemort's soul near me."

Dumbledore grimaced at that; thinking about what he believed to be


Mentions Harry tried to open the locket ending with no more

successful at opening it then he had been:

"Why don't you try speaking to it in Parseltongue, Potter?" Draco

said. "It would make sense that Slytherin would seal his locket in a
way that only he or his kin would be able to open it."

Everyone looked at Draco for a second and then at each other.

"It's a good idea," Dumbledore agreed.

Mentions that Harry felt the Horcrux against his chest was
ticking away the time he had left:

Dumbledore's grimace deepened the longer Harry talked about the

Horcrux like this, and he wasn't liking the sound of this at all. He was
sure that the Horcrux was affecting the boy.

Mentions Harry thought of poor Kreacher, who had expected

them and got Yaxley instead:

"Don't worry, Kreacher should be fine," Sirius said. "He is supposedly

helping my cousin right now, so the Death Eaters would think he was
on their side."

"I just hope he doesn't try to defend me against them," Harry

mumbled. He was sure that would cause the Death Eater to torture
the elf, and he didn't like to think of the Kreacher in the last few
chapters going through that.

Mentions would he elf keep silent, or would he tell the Death


"And don't worry about that either Harry, Kreacher can act," Sirius
said. "He really likes you and he wouldn't betray your secrets no
matter what."

Voldemort says do not lie to Lord Voldemort, Gregorovitch, he

knows, he always knows:

"How does he know the guy is lying?" George questioned.

"He doesn't, he just assumes that he is," Dumbledore said, "for most
people tend to lie to him when he wants something of value."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Fred said. "I mean lying to him."

"In Gregorovitch's position, it's no more dangerous than telling the

truth," Dumbledore said gravely, not adding that he knew
Gregorovitch was telling the truth.
Mentions Harry was hurtling back out of those wide and
Gregorovitch's face was stricken with terror:

"What was that?" Harry questioned.

"Voldemort was using Legilimency on Gregorovitch," Dumbledore


"Voldemort's reading his mind," Harry said, and Snape scoffed at

Harry's choice of words.

Mentions a scream that went on and then a burst of green light:

"He killed him… but I thought he wanted to know about Harry's

wand?" Charlie said.

"It seems that we were wrong about that," Remus frowned. "It seems
that Voldemort is after whatever it was that this thief stole."

"And we have no idea what that might be," Sirius grimaced.

"Well, it might be safe to suspect that it's a wand, considering what

Gregorovitch does for a living," Severus said smirking.

Ron says don't say his name:

"Argh… that's going to get annoying," Harry groaned.

Mentions harry was not interested in being told off:

"When do you ever have an interest in being told off?" Hermione

questioned. "Just so I know when I should do it."

"Never… never would be nice," Harry said to her.

"That's never going to happen, mate," Ron said.

Hermione says no, you're obviously exhausted, go and lie

"Dismissed," Fred said, chuckling.

"I wouldn't argue with her right now, mate," Ron added.

"And you should always take Ron's advice when it comes to arguing
with Hermione, he is the master at it after all," George laughed.

Harry says I think I seen him somewhere:

"Really… where?" Ron questioned.

"I don't know," Harry said. "I didn't actually see him."

Dumbledore, however, could easily see the connection.

Harry says wouldn't it be dangerous for him to make another

one, didn't Hermione say he pushed his soul to the limit

"That's probably true, but that didn't seem to stop him before," Sirius
said. "I mean after making two wasn't he pushing his soul to the

"I would agree with you Sirius," Dumbledore said, "at least to a
normal man's definition of a soul's limit. However, I would agree with
Miss Granger as well, that it would be ill advise for Voldemort to
attempt to make another Horcrux."

"And you don't believe that's what he was doing," Remus stated.

"No, I don't believe so," Dumbledore confirmed.

Mentions that Harry drifted slowly into sleep:

"That's the end of the chapter," Ginny said, relieved that she was
finished. "Who wants to read next?"

"I will," Percy said. Ginny handed the book to her brother without
looking at him.
Chapter 15
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Fifteen

The Goblin's Revenge

" The Goblin's Revenge," Percy read.

"Aw… Bill you should have read this chapter," Charlie said to his

"I'm good, thanks," Bill rolled his eyes.

Mentions Harry search the woods from the oldest, most

gnarled, and resilient-looking tree he could find:

"Er… why?" Fred questioned.

"Yeah, if you wanted to take a pi-"


"You don't have to choose a gnarled tree," George continued un-

phased by his mum's reprimand.

Mentions that Harry buried Mad-Eye Moody's eyes and gouged

a small cross to mark the spot:

"Oh," George said bowing his head, actually feeling a little guilty
about what he had just said.

"That was very thoughtful of you," Tonks said, smiling at Harry.

"I just don't know why you didn't want us to come," Hermione
mumbled so only Harry (and Ron) could hear her; she would have
liked to pay her respect to Moody as well.

"Sorry," Harry said, "you know I like to do some things on my own…."

"Yeah," Hermione sighed.

It was not much, but Harry felt that Mad-Eye would have much
preferred this to being stuck on Dolores Umbridge's door.

"You definitely got that right," Tonks said, her expression becoming

Mentions that they shouldn't stay anywhere too long, and Ron
proviso was that their next move was in reach of a bacon

Ron's siblings chuckled at this; it was so Ron!

However, there were others in the room that looked apprehensive,

knowing the food situation was likely to be a reoccurring theme.

Mentions Harry and Ron obliterated all the marks and

impressions on the ground they camped there:

"Argh… that sounds worse than cleaning my room," Ron grumbled


"You mean because you really have to do it," Fred said, laughing.

"Yeah, pretty much," Ron chuckled as Molly glared at him.

Mentions Harry felt an unnatural chill, mist and sudden

darkening froze him:

"Dementors… they don't know you're there do they!" Molly

"I don't think they do, Mum," Percy said, and then started to read to
reassure her further.

Ron says but you can make a brilliant Patronus, as Harry

returned empty handed:

"You ran away from the dementors!" several people said, though the
voice that Harry could hear clearest was Draco's sneer.

"You know, I have the same amount of knowledge as the rest of you,
how am I supposed to know what I did," Harry said annoyed by how
everyone was looking at him.

"Sorry Harry," Ginny was the one to say, "it just doesn't sound like
something you would do…."

"Er… Gin, that's not helping," Harry groaned.

"Sorry," Ginny said smiling sheepishly at him.

After Harry says i couldn't make one, wouldn't come, Ron and
Hermione's expressions of consternation and disappointment
made him feel ashamed:

"Sorry Harry," both Ron and Hermione said.

"It's okay," Harry mumbled automatically.

Ron says so we still haven't got any food:

"Ron!" Molly groaned.

"How do you know it wasn't Hermione talking," Ron pouted and

everyone stared at him like he had just said the most ridiculous thing

Mentions today Harry could have been thirteen years old again,
the only one to collapsed on the Hogwarts Express:
Remus, despite the darkness of the thoughts, smiled as he
remembered that day. The first day he had seen Harry in twelve long

"You know Remus," Harry said suddenly, "I've often wondered if you
were really sleeping that day on the train… or if you were listening in
on our conversation."

Remus chuckled, "I was actually sleeping at first, but I did wake up
when Ron laughed when you described blowing up your aunt in
detail. I was rather shocked that out of all the compartments that you
could have chosen, you picked the one that I was sleeping in."

"All the other compartments were full," Harry shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad you did, that train ride reminded me of the ones I had
when going to school," Remus's smile grew nostalgic as he thought
of the fun, he had had on the Hogwarts Express.

"Really, I didn't know your train was stopped by dementors, too,"

George said.

"Well, besides that, it was like when I went to school," Remus


Ron says I would, but my arm's in a sling, in case you hadn't


"And how would that stop you from casting a spell, Weasel?" Draco

"Was Draky just defending Harry?" Fred questioned.

"Seemed that way to me," George agreed.

Draco glared at them, he wasn't defending Potty, he was making fun

of the Weasel.

Hermione says Harry, give me the locket, come on:

"Merlin Hermione, you need to give him longer than two seconds to
react," Ginny said to her friend.

"I don't want them fighting anymore," Hermione sighed, she always
hated it when Ron and Harry fought… which she knew that was sort
of hypocritical for her since she fought with Ron all the time.

"Do you really think the locket was affecting Harry?" Sirius

"Yes," Dumbledore answered simply, and no one felt the need to

speculate anymore.

Mentions that the moment that the locket parted contact with
his skin he felt oddly light:

"Argh," Sirius groaned. "This won't be good for morale… having that
thing affecting your moods like that."

"No," Arthur agreed, "you need to find out how to destroy that
quickly. The quicker the better."

Hermione says Harry, you don't think you've been possessed:

Harry shivered; he didn't like to think about being possessed. He

then noticed that Ginny was shivering too and grabbed her hand
before he could think. She smiled weakly at him.

"No," Dumbledore answered the question, for the room at large was
looking uncomfortable about this.

"Don't you think it's funny that just one word from Dumbledore has us
all relaxing," Fred whispered, loudly, to George.

Harry says we are not leaving the Horcrux lying around:

"I agree that you can't just leave it laying around, however, I don't
see why you have to wear it," Severus said. "It would be just as easy
to have someone responsible for looking after the locket without
putting it on."

Hermione says we'll take turns wearing it, so nobody keeps it

on too long:

"A sound precaution," Bill said, though he agreed with what Severus
had said, it would be even better if they didn't have to wear it all the

Ron says now that we've sorted that out, can we get some food:

"Someone has a one-track mind," Fred said.

"Well duh, you've known me for how long and you don't know that by
now," Ron smirked at him.

Mentions that they found a lonely farm, where they obtain eggs
and bread:

"You stole!" Fred and George said at the same time.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk… I'm very disappointed in you three," George added
shaking his head.

Hermione says it's not stealing, not if I left some money under
the chicken coop:

The twins, along with Sirius, laughed at Hermione's explanation.

"That does sound like a nice meal," Ron said starting to get hungry,
despite the fact that it was past the time that he would normally go to
bed. He directed his comment towards Hermione, sure that she was
the one that had made the food.

"Thanks… er… I'm sure I made it," Harry said, thinking of all the
practice he had gotten from the Dursleys when it came to making
eggs. If there was one thing he knew how to cook, it was eggs.
"Really… I didn't know you could cook," Ron said.

"A little," Harry shrugged and Ron could tell from his friend's behavior
this wasn't something that Harry wanted to talk about. He could
easily guess why that was and frowned, but otherwise dropped the

Mentions Harry was least surprised by this, because he had

suffered periods of near starvation at the Dursleys':

There was a collective groan at this, as everyone cursed (though

unfortunately not literally) the Dursleys' name.

Ron, though upset about that too, couldn't help but think of how bad
he was going to take not having a healthy supply of food.

Mentions Ron and hunger made him both unreasonable and


Ron sighed.

"Don't worry about it mate, I understand," Harry said.

Mentions that when lack of food coincided with wearing the

Horcrux, Ron became downright unpleasant:

"What… you mean that you actually find Ron's presence…

pleasant?" Fred teased as Harry and Hermione rolled their eyes.

Mentions Ron didn't have any idea, but expected Harry and
Hermione to come up with plans while he brooded over the

"Lazy git," Hermione mumbled.

"I'm sorry Harry… you know, for intruding on your brooding territory,"
Ron said, trying to smile naturally, but he really didn't like the way
this chapter was going.
Mentions the Horcruxes in places important to him, and they
recited the places Voldemort had lived or visited:

"A nice start," Dumbledore said, "though I feel I should say that I
have looked at a lot of places that Voldemort has been and have yet
to sense anywhere that would hide a Horcrux."

"Well, that's encouraging," Harry frowned. "How am I supposed to

find something that you can't… sir?"

Dumbledore simply smiled at Harry, "I trust that you will be able to do
it somehow."

Ron says let's go to Albania, shouldn't take more than an

afternoon to search the country:

"Well, you can use more than an afternoon," Bill said. "I mean it's not
like you would have to be back in England every day."

Ron says Didn't ask you to stop that and Harry calls him You-

"I really don't know why you're still humoring him with that," Sirius
groaned. "His bloody name is Voldemort!"

"Actually, his name is Tom Riddle," Dumbledore pointed out.

Harry says Borgin and Burke were experts at Dark objects, they
would've recognized a Horcrux:

"Hm… I'm not sure about that, though I agree that it would be a bad
place for the Horcrux," Dumbledore agreed, though he had checked
out the shop just in case after Harry had destroyed the diary.
Voldemort was a lot more reckless than Dumbledore thought he
would be with something that was so vital to his survival.

Mentions Ron yawned pointedly, Harry repressed a strong urge

to throw something at him:
"Sorry Harry," Ron mumbled, he was bowing his head. He definitely
didn't like this chapter.

Harry says Dumbledore said in front of me that he never knew

all of Hogwarts's secrets:

"Hm…." Dumbledore said thoughtfully. He didn't think that Voldemort

had time to hide a Horcrux in the castle, but Harry had a point, he
didn't know every secret that Hogwarts holds.

Harry says if there was one place that was really important to
You-Know-Who, it was Hogwarts:

"Er… his school?" Fred, George, and Ron all said at the same time.

"You wouldn't understand," Harry said.

"You come from a good home," Sirius added, "but Hogwarts is more
of a home than that bloody place that I'm force to live in will ever be."

Ron says this is You-Know-Who we're talking about right, not


"Ronald!" Molly and Hermione both reprimanded him for saying that.

"I'm sorry," Ron bowed his head lower; he was now really starting to
worry about what was going to happen in this chapter. He kept on
getting worse and worse the longer it went on.

"It's okay, I do feel that way about Hogwarts," Harry shrugged,

though he was hurt by his friend using that particular excuse against
him like that.

Mentions that Ron tugged on the chain of the Horcrux, and

Harry had a desire to seize it and throttle him:

"Harry!" Hermione groaned, she could sense a major confrontation

coming between Ron and Harry if things keep going the way they
Hermione says but he didn't get the job, so he never got the
chance to find a founder's object and hide it in the school:

"Well, if you want to be logical like that, fine," Harry huffed, playfully,
trying not to think of the building tension that was happening in the

Harry mentions the orphanage Voldemort was raised was as far

removed from Hogwarts, the Ministry or a building like

"Okay, who wants to bet that those are three hiding places for the
Horcruxes?" Fred asked. "Though technically old Voldy didn't hide
the locket at the Ministry, I think that should count anyways seeing
as all the trouble that the golden trio had to go through to get it."

"There's no way that the Horcruxes could be in these places," Bill

said thinking mostly of Gringotts, knowing that if it was there, no one
was going to get their hands on it.

"So does that mean you're willing to bet with me dear brother?" Fred

"Boys, no gambling!" Molly glared at her eldest son and the twins,
though George hadn't said a word yet.

"Mum's right, it's not good to gamble," Bill said, as he gave Fred the
sign that he would bet two galleons that these weren't the places the
Horcruxes where hidden.

"Fine," Fred sighed, trying hard not to let his mum see his

Mentions Harry had visions and Ron was hoping to bear news
of his family or the rest of the Order of the Phoenix:

"Er… you do realize that if you did hear news of us, it would be bad
news, right?" Ginny questioned her brother. "He would have to be
near us if Harry was able to see that…."

Everyone in the room shivered at the thought of having Voldemort

near them, and emotional enough to cause Harry to have a vision.

Mentions Harry began to suspect that Ron and Hermione were

having conversations without, and about, him:

"What mate… are they not allowed to talk to each other without you
there?" Fred questioned.

Harry rolled his eyes, "I think it's the about me part that I'm worried

Mentions Harry wondered if they had joined him because they

thought he had a plan they would learn later:

"No," Hermione said immediately, and Ron copied a fraction of a

second later.

"We're there to help you," Ron said, though his voice sounded as if
he was trying to convince himself of something.

Ron says my mother can make good food appear out of thin air:

"No, I can't Ronnie," Molly said.

"No one can produce food out of thin air," McGonagall said, looking
annoyed that anyone would suggest such a ludicrous thing. She then
sighed, recalling that they don't discuss Gamp's Law of Elemental
Transfiguration until the seventh year, and there was no way Ron
would know that.

"You might not be able to make it out of thin air, but you definitely
have a way with your wand that makes everything you cook taste
delicious," Arthur said smiling at his wife, who tried not to look too
pleased with herself.

"Stop it Arthur," Molly said, her cheeks flushing.

"No, he's right Mrs. Weasley," Harry said causing Molly to blush even

"Kiss up," Fred muttered (loudly) under his breath.

"No wonder she likes him the best," George added.

"Makes the rest of us look bad," Charlie added, too.

Harry was blushing now too but knew that he had told only the truth.

Hermione says food is the first of the five Principal Exceptions

to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfigura- and Ron says oh,
speak English:

"Your bad temper seems to have made you forget all the things that
you learn in the book," Bill sighed, "you have to be nicer than that."

Ron didn't even hear his brother's tease because he was too worried
about the way he was acting in the chapter.

Ron says well don't bother increasing this, it's disgusting:

"Ronald, don't be so rude!" Molly reprimanded automatically, and

again Ron didn't show any signs that he heard her. This caused
Molly to worry about what her youngest son was thinking.

Ron says no, it's because you're supposed to be the best at


"Cooking spells don't always go hand in hand with how powerful a

wizard is," Molly said.

"I'm sorry, Mione," Ron mumbled, he was sure he offended her with
that statement.

"It's okay, Ron," Hermione said, trying not to show how difficult it was
for her to hear him say that.
Hermione says how can you side with him, he hardly ever does
the cook:

"Because he always sides with Ron," Fred suggested. "Blokes got to

stick together you know."

"Especially when they're facing a girl that can kick their arse if they
don't," Ginny added with a smirk.

"Ginny!" Molly reprimanded her as Hermione looked smug and yet

annoyed by that comment.

Harry says, Hermione, be quiet, I can hear someone:

"Crap!" Sirius said as the room got tense again.

Harry asks you cast the Muffliato charm over us right:

Again, Severus grimaced when he heard his charm… how did Potter
learn that spell? There was no point in bringing this up to the Potter
in the room, clearly, he had no idea where this spell came from. So,
the only thing that would happen if he brought it up was let everyone
know he had an interest in the spell.

Mentions that if these were Death Eaters, their defenses were

about to be tested by Dark Magic for the first time:

Percy's voice, instead of growing tense, became less and less

emotional the longer he read. He was trying to detach himself from
what he was reading, because he prided himself in keeping a cool
head in tense situations. However, his fear for his brother's safety
was testing his restraint, as it had so many times in the past.

He remembered clearly how relieved and proud he was of his

brother in his fifth year when Ron had beat McGonagall's giant chess
set. He remembered panicking to near death when he realized that
Ron was missing after they had learned that Ginny had been
taken… And then hours later hugging his youngest siblings without
restraint for he truly believed he wouldn't have seen either one of
them again. And the next year how he felt horrible about doubting
that Sirius Black had tried to stab him, though clearly seeing as
Sirius was in this room now, laughing and joking with the rest of
them, that really wasn't the case. (He wondered briefly how that had
come about and why his parents thought this man was safe to be
around, but somehow Black didn't seem at all like he excepted him
to be like). Then there was last year, he was terrified that Ron
wouldn't have come out of the lake, that Harry wouldn't have saved
him, so of course he overreacted a bit when he learned he was safe.

After all, Ron had always been the brother he related to most.
Though he, Percy, was truly the black sheep of the family, he knew
that Ron shared some of his characteristics. He saw how Ron
seemed to really look up to all his brothers, even him, though Ron
didn't seem to look at him that way anymore which hurt him more
than any of his other siblings' looks.

"Er… are you ever going to start reading again," Ron asked, looking
at his brother impatiently. Percy caught the panicked look in his
brother's eyes. Ron was clearly worried about the situation too.

"Yeah, sorry," Percy tried to smile but knew it came off more as a

A wizard says Accio Salmon, there was several distinct

splashes and then the slapping sound of fish against flesh:

"Er… obviously you didn't think of summoning fish," Charlie said,

seeing to be heartened by the fact that these people, whoever they
were, were trying to get food. It was likely that they weren't there for
Ron and the others that way. "That probably would have been better
than the gray fish you were eating."

Mentions that they were not speaking English or any human


"It's probably Gobbledygook," Bill said thoughtfully.

"Why would you think that?" Charlie raised an eyebrow.

"The title of the chapter," Bill shrugged, though he was trying to think
of the reason why goblins would be in the forest like this.

Mentions the delicious smell of baking salmon wafted

tantalizingly in their direction:

"Why don't you just go down there and join them?" Fred said.

"Are you crazy?" Molly exclaimed. "They don't even know who these
people are!"

"Sorry," Fred cowered from his mum's glare. He also didn't

appreciate the incredulous looks he got from McGonagall and

Someone says here, Griphook, Gornuk:

"Griphook?" Harry said, he knew he heard that name before…

"He's a goblin that works at Gringotts," Bill said.

"Oh… that's it, he's the goblin that took me to my vault for the first
time!" Harry said.

Mentions the voice was vaguely familiar to Harry, who pictured

a round-bellied, cheerful-faced man:

Tonks tensed at that. She couldn't be sure she was right, but she
had a feeling about who that man was.

Someone says what made you leave, Ted:

Tonks groaned. "It is my dad."

Remus sighed, not sure what he could say to cheer her up, so he
just wrapped his arms round her. Tonks leaned into his embrace and
motioned Percy to keep reading, she needed to know what was

Ted says and then I met Dean here, what, a few days ago, son:

"Did he say Dean?" Hermione gasped.

"As in Dean Thomas?" Ron added.

"It sounds like it," Harry sighed.

"Bloody hell, this is getting really bad!" Ron groaned, of course it was
bad since the beginning of the book, but somehow having Dean,
who besides being in the DA had never done anything in the fight
against Voldemort (that he knew of), made the war seem more real
and bigger than anything else had. Everyone was being affected by
this war!

Dean says my dad left my mum when I was a kid, I've got no
proof he was a wizard, though:

"Hm… perhaps we should check on that," Arthur muttered to himself,

he didn't like the thought of having any kid on the run like Dean was
and would do all he could to help them in case something like this
happened despite their warning.

Higher voice goblin says you had a false impression, we take

no sides, this is a wizards' war:

Bill smiled at this, though he didn't really fine it amusing, it was just
what all the goblins had said to him whenever he mentioned the war.

The other goblin says duties ill-befitting the dignity of my race, I

am not a house-elf:

Bill raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was asked to do, knowing

it had to be really bad for the goblin to take offense like this… and
more importantly deem it prudent to leave.
Griphook says similar reasons, Gringotts is no longer under
sole control of my race:

"Is he saying that Voldemort has wizards working at Gringotts?"

Remus said soundly astounded, "and the goblins still haven't
revolted against him."

"Hm…." Bill frowned, "we don't really know what's happening so it's
hard to say how they should react. Whatever You-Know-Who is
doing though, it surely isn't so bad that it has all the goblins turning
against him… or whatever he is offering them is so great that they
are willing to allow some things…." be grimace as he said this last
part, he didn't think it was very likely.

Ted says didn't manage to lock a Death Eater up in one of those

high-security vaults:

"That would be awesome!" Sirius smirked, thinking of his dear

cousin… or perhaps his rival that was in this room. As if knowing
what he was thinking, Severus rolled his eyes with contempt.

Griphook says if I had, the sword would not have helped him
break out:

"Sword?" Ron said confused as were several of the people in the

room, though Dumbledore raised an eyebrow thoughtfully.

Griphook says so is Severus Snape, though he does not know


"Yeah! I think I really like this goblin!" Sirius cheered, smirking at


Severus just gave him a cold look, clearly stating what he thought of

"It's the Gryffindor sword!" Ginny said suddenly, "he's talking about
the Gryffindor sword!"
Now everyone was excited to hear what was to come next, already
knowing how useful the sword would be to the trio.

Dirk says about the kids who tried to steal Gryffindor's sword
out of Snape's office:

"Argh!" Molly groaned and then gave Ginny a wary look. It didn't help
at all that Ginny was looking defiantly back at her.

Dirk says he heard it from Bill Weasley who works for the bank,
one of the kids who tried to take the sword was Bill's younger


THAT STUPID!" Molly yelled; everyone was glad they had the small
warning for they had time to cover their ears.

"It's not stupid…." Ginny started to say, she wasn't one to back down
from her mum like her brothers were… not when she believed she
was right (or at least was going to be right if or when she ever does



"Molly," Arthur said as his wife was trying to catch her breath. "If Bill
was telling this story to the goblins, I'm sure nothing serious
happened to Ginny."

"Oh, and that makes it right!" Molly said still angrily though clearly
mollified by her husband's words. "Arthur… she was risking her life
for something so childish…."

"It's not childish… though I don't think the Ginny in the book realized
that…." Arthur said. "Harry does need that sword and this is probably
going to help him get it."
"But…." Molly said.

"And now we know that Severus really isn't a Death Eater… so he's
likely to make it a lighter punishment," Arthur said.

"So basically, what you're saying is that I shouldn't be angry because

Ginny got lucky!" Molly hissed.

"I was just trying to point out that she will be okay," Arthur sighed,
"please… can we just read on."

"FINE!" Molly sighed, "But don't think we're done young lady!"

Ted asks, what did they think they were going to use the sword
on You-Know-Who, or Snape himself:

"Hm… a very intriguing thought," Sirius said with a smirk.

"SIRIUS!" Molly screamed and everyone winced this time, not

covering their ears in time. He really should have known better than
to say something like that when Molly was already upset.

Griphook it's a fake:

"The sword of Gryffindor is a fake!" Charlie said.

"The one in the vault is at least," Bill said laughing.

Mentions Dean was an ex-boyfriend of Ginny's too:

"WHAT?" all of Ginny's brothers yelled.


on her, it was bad enough when he learned that Harry had/was going
out with her, but Dean, too. "And why the hell do you want me to
hate all my Gryffindor mates?"

"You don't have to hate anyone," Ginny rolled her eyes. "And I've
barely even talked to Dean. I don't know what happened between us
and honestly, I don't see anything happening between us in the
future…." she added, trying not to look at Harry, but her brothers all
seemed to know what she was thinking anyways. She wouldn't try
and go out with anyone else now that she knew Harry could actually
like her back… though technically she was still going out with
Michael at this very moment… and even more important she didn't
know how this Harry felt about her.

"Well, you better not," Ron mumbled. "Dean's a good bloke but…
damnit if you have to be with my friend, it might as well be Harry…."

"Argh… thanks for that," Harry grumbled, he was blushing. What the
hell is he supposed to do now? He couldn't say what he was feeling
for Ginny, and he was starting to feel as if he was being forced to like
her. Not that that would be so bad, she was beautiful, but he thought
he should have a say in the matter.

Ted says I mean, the Weasley's don't need any more of their
kids injured:

Molly whimpered at that. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's probably nothing that we don't already know about," Remus said
in a soothing tone. "What with Bill and George… and Ron is
supposed to be sick…."

Ted says with Snape's track record I supposed we should be

glad they're alive:

Severus glared at the book, his track record… if this idiot had any
idea what his track record was in concerns of this, he wouldn't have
said something that foolish.

"Well, you did kill Dumbledore… of course your track record would
be bad," Sirius rolled his eyes.

Severus looked at him oddly, was Black trying to cheer him up? He
couldn't see that happening and yet he couldn't hear any taunting in
the other man's voice. He must just have missed it somehow.

Dirk says hard to know what to believe these days:

"Bloody Git!" several people hissed.

"But he has a point," Arthur said. He shrunk back a little when

several people shifted their glares onto him, though he went on none
the least, "with the Prophet contradicting itself all the time, it must be
hard for those that don't really know who Harry is, to know what to

Dean says I know Harry Potter, and I reckon he's the real thing:

Harry blushed at that; he supposed he should have seen it coming

but it was still nice to know that he had Dean's vote of confidence.

"Aw… is Potter pleased he has a fan boy," Draco sneered out of


Harry just shook his head, Draco wasn't going to understand why
Harry was pleased by this, even he wasn't sure why.

Dirk says Where is Harry, run for it, by the look of things, you
think he would be out there fighting, rallying the resistance:

"Argh… this isn't good for you to hear," Sirius groaned, "don't let it
get to you Harry… you are doing something."

"Er… I know that," Harry said.

"I was actually talking to your book self," Sirius said, as if this should
be obvious, and as if this wasn't an extremely odd thing for him to
do. "It seems like you're feeling like you're not really accomplishing
anything at the moment, but with a quest like the one you're on, it will
take time. You shouldn't let what these people are saying get to you."

"That was surprisingly good advice, Black," Severus said, cutting

back the snide remark he would normally add on to that.
"It's been known to happen," Sirius shrugged, though he felt
extremely uncomfortable talking to Snape like this… it was almost
civil .

Ted says the Prophet , you deserve to be lied to if you're still

reading that muck, you want to facts, try the Quibbler :

"Excuse me!" Hermione said, she couldn't have heard that correctly.

"He told him to read the Quibbler," Percy repeated.

Hermione wasn't the only one staring at him opened mouth in shock.

Ginny, however, found this all rather amusing.

Dirk says the Quibbler , that lunatic rag of Xeno Lovegood's:

"It's not a rag," Ginny defended, she had read several issues this last

"Yeah, it's a very entertaining magazine to read," Sirius agreed with

a chuckle, remembering the issue Kingsley had given him.

Ted says the fact that they haven't caught him yet is a hell of an

"That is true… and you know that there's got to be tons of people out
there assigned to try and find Harry," Tonks said before she could
think, and sighed when she felt Remus flinch slightly at that, along
with Sirius and Molly.

Dirk says mind, who's to say they haven't already caught and
killed him without publicizing it:

"Ha, this guy isn't that intelligent," Draco said rolling his eyes. "Of
course, they would want to publicize it the moment they have
Potter… that would put a stop to most of the resistance in one easy
After the conversations Harry says Ginny - the sword -:

"Well, I'm glad I'm the first thing you think of," Ginny said.

"Er…." was all Harry could say as he felt his face grow hotter.

Hermione pulled Phineas Nigellus free of Hermione's bag:

"I don't know if that's wise… if he knew where you were…." Arthur
started to say.

"He would tell me?" Severus finished.

"And we all know that's not a bad thing anymore," George said,
subtle hints of sarcasm in his voice.

Dumbledore, however, seemed to be pleased about this


Hermione says Obscura blindfolding Nigellus:

Sirius laughed at that. "Oh, he'll love that!"

"Well, I can't let him know where we are now can I," Hermione said

"I wasn't complaining," Sirius said, still laughing.

Nigellus says that silly girl acted most unwisely there:

"Oi, don't say anything about my sister," Ron defended.

Ron says shut up about my sister:

"Haven't changed much, ah brother," Ginny said smiling at him,

though her words cause several people to laugh, and she found
Ron's overprotective highly annoying, she still loved that he cared so
Nigellus says as did the idiot Longbottom and the Lovegood

"Neville is not an idiot!" Hermione said.

Hermione says Neville is not an idiot and Luna is not an oddity:

"Well, you almost got it Hermione," Ginny said. "Though clearly

you're going to have to learn to like Luna more than you do now."

"I don't have anything against Luna," Hermione sighed, "but you
have to admit… she is odd?"

Ginny just shook her head, "I can't explain it… you just have to get to
know her to understand her oddity and like her because of it."

"Which would still mean that she is odd," Hermione mumbled, but
otherwise tried to take Ginny's advice.

Nigellus says Snape sent them to the Forbidden Forest, to do

some work for the oaf, Hagrid:

"Hagrid's not an oaf!" several people said.

"And that's not much of a punishment if you ask me," Ginny snorted.
"I mean I'll be with Hagrid and all."

"I believe that was my point in assigning your punishment there,"

Severus said.

"Though I wouldn't take it that lightly, the forest is kind of dangerous,"

Harry said, thinking of his first detention.

"Yeah, there's all kind of mental things in there," Ron shivered,

thinking of Aragog and his family.

Harry says they've faced worse than the Forbidden Forest, big
Ron glared at Harry. "It is a big deal!"

"I think I was imagining worse," Harry sighed. "Like your mum said,
Death Eaters were at Hogwarts."

"Right," Ron sighed.

Mentions Harry felt relieved; he had been imagining horrors, the

Cruciatus Curse at the very least:

"Okay… I completely agree with you now," Ron shivered, trying not
to picture his sister being tortured.

Hermione asks Maybe the sword has been taken away for

"Cleaning," Bill scoffed.

"Er… do you not clean swords like that," Hermione asked, hating
that she had made a mistake like that.

"No," Bill said simply.

Nigellus says Goblin-made armor does not require cleaning,

simple girl:

"Hey, she's not simple you git," Ron hissed at the book.

Harry says don't call Hermione simple:

Ron raised an eyebrow… why hadn't he said anything? Again, he felt

a foreboding feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Harry says Dumbledore, can't you bring us Dumbledore:

Everyone snorted at that.

"Potter, you didn't seriously ask that question?" Draco shook his
head in disappointment.
"It would have been nice if I could talk to Dumbledore," Harry
mumbled, knowing the vast amounts of questions he would have for
his headmaster.

Nigellus says Hogwarts may commune with each other, but they
cannot travel outside of the castle except to visit a painting of
themselves elsewhere:

"Er… Professor Dumbledore," Ron said looking thoughtful.

"Yes," Dumbledore replied.

"Er… would you be able to travel to a chocolate frog card?" Ron


"Unfortunately, no," Dumbledore said. "They can only travel to

portraits that have been painted as well, and as you know the
chocolate frog cards are only photos."

"Oh, okay," Ron said, his ear had turn red, for his siblings were all
sniggering at his question.

Mentions why hadn't Dumbledore told him, or had he told Harry,

but Harry hadn't realized it:

"No, I don't think I've told you," Dumbledore said.

"Then how am I supposed to get the sword, sir?" Harry questioned.

"We will see soon, I'm sure," Dumbledore said simply.

Harry says the Shrieking Shack, nobody ever goes there:

"Seriously Harry… do you really think that Dumbledore would just

leave it laying around for anyone to find?" Fred rolled his eyes.

Harry says what do you reckon, Ron, Ron:

The Weasleys all tensed up at this point, realizing that Ron had said
nothing for a long time, and knew that didn't bode well. He was
always quick to anger, however, if he let something fester for too
long, he was even worse. That was why the fight he had had with
Harry the last year was so bad, he had let his fears and resentment
build for years until he just couldn't take it anymore.

Ron sat motionless, praying that he wouldn't say anything he would

regret. He could see the frustration building in him in this chapter and
he didn't want it to come to a head now… or ever.

Ron says oh, remember me, have you:

Percy was trying to read this part quickly and efficiently but as he
did, he couldn't help thinking of his own recent fight with his father. It
was odd that this would trigger that for him, as far as he could see it
would be a good thing if Ron got away from Harry and was no longer
risking his life. But he couldn't fool himself any longer… he didn't
believe that. No matter what he said in that letter he had sent to Ron,
he knew his brother cared too much about Harry to ever truly
abandon him.

He was reminded of the fight with his father because he knew that
Ron was about to make a similar mistake… he could sense it in
Ron's behavior, and he wish he could warn Ron not to do it. He didn't
want his brother to know the pain of walking away from his family…
And Ron would feel it so much worse because there is no delusion
of grandeur in front of him… there was only his temper pushing him

Percy sighed, and redoubled his efforts to read through this quickly,
resolving himself to defend his brother when that time comes.

Ron says just add it to the list of stuff you don't know:

Harry tried not to groan at that; knowing the pain those words would
bring to him. He was already feeling self-conscious about his
leadership, and it hurt hearing Ron point out his weakness. Still, it
irritated him, why was he the one that had to know that?

Ron says I just hoped we'd have achieved something:

"You have achieved something…." Sirius started to say, glaring at

Ron. He had always found it easy to relate to the boy for he could
see a lot of similarities with himself… though the boy obviously
lacked his confidence. He couldn't believe what he thought was
about to happen.

Two things had stopped Sirius from continuing though. First Percy
started to read over him, not letting him interrupt and then Remus
put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. Remus then nodded
his head towards Ron and Harry, who were both bowing their heads
(and Hermione was sitting between them looking terrified).

Harry says did you think we'd be staying in hotels, finding a

Horcrux every other day, did you think you'd back to Mummy by

Ron flinched, he couldn't say what he was thinking, for he never had
time to ponder that here in this room, but he certainly hope it wasn't
that. If he was being honest with himself, he thought that the way
things were going (minus his stupid bloody bad temper) was about
what was to be expected.

Ron says we thought you knew what you were doing, we

thought Dumbledore told you what to do, we thought you had a
real plan:

Harry flinched this time feeling inadequate.

"This is my fault Harry, not yours," Dumbledore sighed, though he

didn't know exactly how much more he could have helped the boy,
not knowing how much he had told him. "But I should say that it had
taken me years to try to find the Horcruxes, and I know it is no easy
This didn't really have the effect he hoped for, it seemed only to
make both Ron and Harry more depressed. Especially Ron, why the
hell was he blaming Harry for not having more information? Harry
hadn't asked him to come with him, Ron had volunteered… he never
said he had the answer to where the Horcruxes were. Still, he knew
where this was coming from… he always assumed that Harry (and
Hermione, to an even higher extent) knew more than him.

Hermione says take off the locket, Ron, you wouldn't be saying
this if you hadn't been wearing it all day:

Everyone groaned at the mention of the locket, knowing it was

indeed intensifying Ron's anger.

Ron, however, was unmoved by this, it wasn't the locket that was
saying these words… it was him… his fears and resentments talking.

Ron says to Hermione, you said it too, you said you were
disappointed and you thought he had a bit more to go on:

That hurt Harry, knowing that she too was disappointed in him.

"I'm sure I didn't mean it like that," Hermione said in a soft voice that
didn't carry.

Harry asks so why are you still here:

"NO!" several people said, knowing how serious the fight truly was.

"You can't say that to Ron," Fred said, knowing his brother would

Neither Harry nor Ron had moved at this… they both seemed to be
frozen in place.

Mentions Harry felt a corrosive hatred toward Ron: Something

had broken between them:
Those words seemed to cause both boys to shudder, knowing that
they were being affected by them, but couldn't do anything to stop it.

Ron says to Hermione are you staying, or what:

Hermione looked horrified at the question, knowing without a doubt

what her decision would be… and knowing how much that decision
would hurt her.

Ron groaned then, he just had to go lower than he already had… he

had to try to bring Hermione down with him. Still, even when he
knew it was wrong, he knew the pain that would be caused by
Hermione's rejection… and she was going to reject him… not that he
blamed her, he was a loser that ditched his best mate at the first sign
of danger.

Harry, unlike his friends, didn't know what Hermione's answer would
be and felt his body tense. Would both his friends abandon him? No,
something said, Hermione had never let him down before and she
wasn't going to do it now. He had to believe that for he knew he
wouldn't be able to do anything without her… them… he need both
of them, but it would only be her there.

Ron says I get it, you choose him:

Hermione's eyes widened and she looked at Ron at those words…

could it have meant what she thought it did…? Could that be part of
the reason why he was leaving like this…? Could he really think

Hermione says he's g-g-gone, Disapparated:

Damnit, Ron thought as bitter tears of self-loathing fell from his eyes.
Why did I have to be so weak?

Mentions listening to the pounding of the rain:

"That's the end of the chapter," Percy said putting the book down.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE…." Ginny started to yell, she, like the rest of
Ron's family, had been holding themselves back trying to will Ron to
not react that way, but to no avail. Ginny was so angry right now…
Harry and Hermione were now in a terrible position all because her
bloody idiotic brother couldn't control his stupid temper.

"HEY!" Hermione yelled over Ginny. "Would you all leave us for a
moment," she went on in a strained yet powerful voice.

"What?" Ginny and the twins said they were all glaring at Ron, looks
of disappointment clearly in their eyes.

"NOW!" Hermione said glaring at them in a way that had everyone

truly see how powerful the young witch was.

"Come on," Remus said to the room at large. "This is an issue that
they need to deal with on their own… they don't need us bothering

"But…." Ginny said, for she wanted to yell… getting this off her chest
now would make her feel better.

"Please Ginny," Hermione said, her expression softening a little, and

Ginny realized how hard this must be on her friend. Again, in the
middle of a fight that dwarfed the last argument between Ron and
Harry. How hurt she would be with the choice Ron had made her
make. Ginny felt angrier than ever at Ron, but she left the room
without a fight.

Most of the other people left without a word, their expressions varied
from pity to anger as they left. However, Molly did say in a
devastated tone that it was late and it would be best if they just went
to bed after they were done talking.

After they left, Hermione turned on her friends, both of which had
remained sitting in the same position they had been in, oblivious that
they were now alone. They were both in pain and she had to think of
some way to help them. Taking a deep breath, she walked towards

A/N: Sorry for leaving it here, but I figured that this

conversation should have its own chapter, so the next chapter
they won't be reading a new chapter. I'm going to have two
conversations at least in the next chapter; one between the trio,
and the other between everyone else.

Oh, before I forget to add this again, I had several reviews said
that I had Sirius acting too childishly, those were mostly at the
beginning of this story, but in my defense I would like to say
that at the time that Sirius was force to come to this room was
during the fifth book where he was singing "God Rest Ye, Merry
Hippogriffs" and was just happy that he wasn't alone in his
dreary house.
Chapter 16
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Sixteen


Hermione sighed, she had been staring at her friends trying to think
of the best way to start this conversation for the past few minutes
and still nothing would come. She knew part of the reason she was
drawing a blank was because there were so many questions she
wanted to ask of Ron, personal questions, but she knew that she
had to deal with the issue between Ron and Harry first. During this
time both boys were lost in thought, getting worse with every passing

Harry felt numb inside. Ron left… his best friend left… the first
person that ever liked him, his first friend… he just left. He couldn't
believe the words that were repeating themselves in his mind. Ron,
who had stuck by him through all the terrible stuff that happened in
his life since becoming a wizard was gone.

Of course, Harry realized the friend next to him didn't leave… he

didn't say those things to him, but the thought that this might happen
filled Harry's insides like poison. How could he know that this Ron
wouldn't abandon him too?

Ron felt cold inside. He couldn't believe the depth of his weakness in
this last chapter. He always knew that he was the weak link in the
group, but to abandon them. To leave Harry and Hermione like
that… in the middle of some forest… during the war! What the hell
was he thinking? Didn't he know what dangers they would be in?
How would he ever live with himself if something happened to either
of them. Sure, he knew he would be worried about his family, but
why couldn't he see that Harry was too.

Oh, because he had to be a blind git that only cared about his own
bloody feelings… He knew Harry cared about his family… he
wouldn't want anything to happen to them. And what he said to
Hermione, asking her to come with him… trying to make sure that
Harry was truly alone… what was he thinking?

You know what you were thinking, you know you've always thought
this. They're so bloody similar… Harry knows how to react to her so
much easier… she's always hugging him… never hugging you. It's
time you face it and let it go. You can't let your diluted feelings for her
destroy all of your friendships. These thoughts ran bitterly through
Ron's head.

Wishful thinking Ron, but there's no way you could just let these
feelings go… you know how hard you've tried to deny them already.
Ron argued with himself, and he knew this was true. No matter how
hard he tried he couldn't get Hermione out of his head. He was
forced to admit he fancied her after the Yule Ball, when she went to
the dance with that ruddy pumpkin head, though he realized now
that he had liked her more than just a friend long before that. Oh,
how it angered him every time he thought of Krum even being near
Hermione, but that was nothing close to the jealousy that pops up
every once in a while, when he thought Harry might actually like

That would be one of the cruelest of fates for him to imagine. Harry
and Hermione together, for he knew that he would hate Harry for
that, though he also knew that he couldn't ever truly hate him. Still,
even as he thought of that and the pain that that image brought; he
couldn't believe that he actually left. For that might have been cruel,
and he wasn't sure what he would do, but an even worse fate would
be if either Harry or… his whole being shuddered as he thought…
Hermione had died.
So how could he have left knowing that…? How could he have left
them, even if his worse fears were confirmed and they were
together, wouldn't that pain be preferable to the pain of knowing you
left the two people you probably cared about most in this world?

And then he shut his eyes, for he knew another reason why he left, a
reason that wasn't mentioned in the book for he hadn't shouted it. He
left because he knew they would be better off if he was gone. They
didn't need a whining git with them all the time. All he did was
complain. He wasted their resources. He argued with the both of
them, causing everyone to be tense… They didn't need him there…
Especially when he couldn't even prove that he would stick by them
through thick and thin… He was such of waste of effing space…

"I can't take this anymore," Hermione groaned then, causing both
Ron and Harry to jump but neither one of them looked at her.
"Argh… we've got to talk about this… !"

"What's there to talk about?" Harry said in a hollow voice that made
Ron cringe.

There was another long and very uncomfortable silence.

"Ron! You have to tell us why you left," Hermione pleaded.

No answer.

"Please… it's the only way we can help…." Hermione said, clearly
crying now, and Ron cringed again, he was hurting her, but he didn't
know what to say.

"What do you want me to say, Hermione?" Ron said, not looking up.
"I'm a bloody coward… that's lower than scum…."

"Ron… no," Hermione groaned. "I don't…."

"Don't! You wanted to hear want I'm feeling," Ron said suddenly
standing up. "Well, this is it… I feel like crap! And I wouldn't blame
you at all if neither of you wanted to see me again…."

Harry looked up slowly, his eyes were cold and distant. He looked
Ron in the eye indifferently before looking away. So, Ron did want to

The look that Harry had given him made Ron feel like he had just
swallowed burning coal. He covered his face again with his hands,
one of which was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"It's not like I can blame you," Ron said in a low, defeated voice.
"The only thing that I've ever had to offer you is backing you up and I
can't even do that right."

"Ron, don't say that, you've always been there for Harry," Hermione
said and Ron felt his heart pound in his chest in an unwanted
relieved way. He shouldn't be feeling relieved right now, when he
should be cursed for what he had done or will do. But he couldn't
help it, clearly Hermione still wanted to be his friend.

Still, Ron wasn't one to give up his surly mood easily at the best of
times and this was far from that. In fact, he can't remember a time
when he felt worse. "Have you forgotten last year already?" he
scoffed and flinched at the harshness in his voice.

"That…." Hermione started, biting her lip. Clearly, she was trying to
think of something to say to that, "that was something that had to

"Had to happen?" Ron scoffed again.

"If you insist on bottling up all your fears and concerns then of
course they're going to burst open like that and cause a much bigger
fight than there had to be!" Hermione snapped. "It happened last
year… and that's what's happening now! Don't you see… you're
holding something back Ron! And if you don't tell us… it's… it's going
to eat you up inside!"
Ron turned away from her, "just leave me alone Hermione…."

"No!" Hermione said grabbing his arm and spinning him, so he was
facing her and then until he was facing Harry. Harry wasn't looking at
him, his expression wasn't cold as it was moments ago, in fact he
looked more hurt than anything else.

"Harry…." Ron said weakly looking at his friend.

When Harry's eyes met this time, he knew Hermione was right, he
had to tell his friend why he had left, he owed Harry that much at

"You've always been better than me Harry, I've been trying to keep
step with you knowing that I had to, but I can't," Ron said, the words
flowed from his mouth with ease now, though it hurt to say.

"Argh!" Harry growled in annoyance. "Haven't we already had this

fight before… I can't help what happens to me… nor the bloody
unwanted fame I get from… !"

"Damnit Harry, that's not what I'm talking about!" Ron shouted over
his friend. "I don't care about that anymore… or at least it's not
important anymore. I know you're always going to be bloody famous,
and let's face it you actually do deserve to be after all you have
done… and I don't need to hear how you didn't really do anything!

"No, I'm not talking about you at all… I'm talking about me," Ron
continued, his face contorting in pain now, as he felt shameful tears
brim in his eyes. "There's nothing I bring to our group… I'm just an
effing waste of space. I'm an effing weakness to you… you're better
off without me whining all the bloody time!"

Harry gave a humorless laugh, "you think I'm better off with you
leaving? You think that having my best friend… one of the two
people that I completely trust my life with… you think I would be
better off with you gone!" his voice became angrier the longer he
talked. "You have no idea do you…?"
Ron didn't pay attention to Harry's last question as he listened to
Harry's words. He didn't know it was possible, but he felt worse than
he did before. Harry trusted him and he let him down… he was more
than just useless.

"Ron!" Harry said firmly and Ron looked at him, "you have no idea
what the hell I went through before I came to Hogwarts…." Ron and
Hermione both flinched at that, both thinking of their earlier discovery
that day that Harry had lived in a cupboard for ten years and
wondered what other tortures he had to endure. "You were the first
friend I ever made… and you might think it was just because you
were the one that sat next to me, but it's not. If I sat next to anyone
else, I doubt they would have become my best friend… even if it was
Hermione… no offense Mione, but it was different with you…."

"I know," Hermione said, not really offended.

"I hardly ever talked to anyone before you and yet it was easy as hell
to say whatever I was thinking," Harry said, having no idea where he
was going with this but didn't pause to think it through. "You say you
don't do anything for me… but damnit Ron, you make me feel like
I'm an effing human being. That I'm not just some bloody hero that
everyone wants me to be… and I know you realized I was Harry
Potter, but you never treated me like that…."

"You weren't exactly what I expected you to be," Ron mumbled dimly,
"it was easy to think of you as just another bloke…."

"Do you know how many people did that? I can list them all on one
hand," Harry said. "Well two, if I allow them to have the initial
outburst of recognition," he added looking at Hermione. "You know,
after they have listed all the books that I've been in and all…."

"Shut up," Hermione groaned, hoping to keep the lighter atmosphere

in the room.

"The twins were pretty cool too, after they met me, and Neville never
really bothered me… I suppose I know why now," Harry went on,
and he thought about the trial he witnessed less than a year ago,
and how Neville understood tragedy and how unwelcome attention
was. "That's about it…."

"I still don't see your point Harry," Ron said, looking down.

"My point is that you were the first person to accept me for who I
was," Harry said, "and I've always drawn strength from that. You
have no idea how many times that I've thought of you and Hermione
when I was sure I was going to die… how that always makes me
fight harder…."

Harry broke off there. He seemed unable to say anything else.

Hermione grabbed his arm, tears in her eyes and he hugged her.

Ron watched them and felt a pang in his heart, but he didn't let that
effect what Harry's words had just done to him.

"It's not just that Ron," Hermione said, she was no longer hugging
Harry, but his arm was still over her shoulder. "You say that you've
never done anything to help, but that's just not true. You probably
don't think it matters but there are so many little things that you've
done that keep Harry and I going."

"What are you talking about?" Ron said looking at her confused.

"You make us laugh," Hermione said, and Ron rolled his eyes.

"Oh great… I'm a bloody clown now," Ron groaned.

"You always make me take a break when I'm working myself to

death," Hermione said, "I know I complain all the time, and put up a
fight, but honestly nine out of ten times you're right. And you do the
same thing with Harry… er… obviously not about him working too
hard… I mean honestly Harry; would it kill you if you put a little more
effort in your homework?"

"Not the point, Hermione," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Right," Hermione said and then turned back to Ron, "you always
know the right thing to say to him get to him out of his funks… I
never know what to say…."

"What are you talking about Mione?" Ron furrowed his eyebrows. "I
think you've got that reverse."

"Nah, it's true mate," Harry admitted.

"Mate," Ron repeated, hesitantly but hopefully.

"Yeah, mate," Harry smiled. "Weren't you listening to anything I was


"Yeah," Ron smiled back.

Harry's smile wavered then, and a sad expression crossed his face,
"Um… you don't have any other reason to ditch me again… because
honestly mate I don't think I can handle that."

Ron sighed, looking between Harry and Hermione, and shook his

"Are you sure?" Harry said, noticing the look and finding it odd. Ron
was obviously holding back.

"I think I might know what this is about," Hermione said and Ron
looked at her terrified. He tried to read if she did in fact know what he
was thinking but her eyes were unreadable. "I just have to make one
thing clear to you Ronald."

Yeah, she definitely knew his secret, and now she was going to let
him down easily, tell him that she didn't want to risk their friendship,
"I'm listening," he said in a resigned voice.

"I just wanted to tell you that…." Hermione started to say to Ron, but
then turned to Harry with a smile, "I love you, Harry…." Ron's heart
felt like it was breaking "… like a brother."
Harry beamed at her; it was the first time he heard that someone
loved him. Of course, he knew that his friends loved him, why else
would they constantly put their life in danger for him if they didn't, but
it was completely different hearing it said out loud.

Ron's head shot up; he couldn't believe his ears… like a brother. She
loves Harry like a brother… he doesn't have anything to worry about.
Well, unless Harry felt differently and he tried to change her mind, he
probably could do it too, Harry is a great guy. However, looking at
Harry, he had a feeling that wasn't what Harry was thinking at the
moment. In fact, Harry looked very pleased indeed that Hermione felt
that way about him.

"Well, I love you like a sister Hermione," Harry said, his smile was
radiant, and he pulled her into a bone crushing hug he had learn
from Molly.

"Harry, you're crushing me to death," Hermione protested, but she

was giggling.

Ron, however, was still trying to process what he had heard. So, he
didn't have to worry about Harry and Hermione getting together,
thank Merlin, but that doesn't mean that she likes you. But why did
she tell you that she loves Harry like a brother… how does she feel
about you?

"Mione," Ron said, and his heart was hammering in his chest. He
was about to ask something that could possibly change his life

"Yes," Hermione said, and there was a knowing look in her eyes that
was usually there in class when she was about to tell the teacher an
answer to a difficult problem no one else could solve. She
disentangled herself from Harry, who was looking between them with
a similar knowing look.

"Er… how do you feel about me?" Ron asked, his voice going an
octave higher than normal.
"Well… not like a brother… that's for sure," Hermione said, taking a
step towards him, her eyes were flickering with amusement about
something. Ron took a step back, he felt terrified having her walk
closer towards him.

"Oh… er… good," Ron mumbled, and it was good, he didn't want her
thinking of him as a brother.

"Yes… it is," Hermione said. She sounded so confident, but in reality,

she wasn't. She was a bundle of nerves. She had steeled herself to
do this, but she was terrified that she had read all the signs wrong.
As she took another step closer to him, she heard 'I get it. You
choose him!' and she knew that could only mean one thing. She
couldn't be as sure the Ron before her would feel that same way, but
she thought she saw it in his eyes…

"Er… then how do you feel?" Ron's words were so soft that she had
to struggle to hear them, despite the fact that she was a mere foot
away from him now.

"Like this," Hermione said before she closed the gap between them
with one swift step and went up on her tiptoes, so she could press
her lips against his. Her eyes closed when her lips made contact with
his and though it only lasted a moment, she felt her whole-body
tingle at the experience. Then she went back down on the balls of
her feet, her eyes still closed, as she processed what she just did.
She felt a chill go through her as she thought about what would
happen if she had been wrong… what if Ron didn't like her back?

She opened her eyes slowly, biting her lip, her nerves were on edge
watching Ron's shocked expression. Damnit, damnit, damnit… he
doesn't like me… I might have just ruined our friendship!

"Mione," Ron breathed out still looking confused, "you kissed me!"

Hermione lip quivered, he didn't know what to say… he didn't know

how to let her down easy and now this was always going to be
hanging over them.
"You kissed me!" he repeated, but this time his words gave her hope
for he was now smiling.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Hermione didn't know where that
question came from, but it seemed to be her mouth.

"Not at all," Ron beamed at her, lifting her chin as he lowered his
head, their lips meeting again.

"Well… I supposed that's my cue to go," Harry said.

Ron and Hermione looked at him and both said, "yeah that would be

"Just remember Ron, Hermione's my sister now, so…." Harry said in

a very stern voice.

"You need to work on your big brother speech," Ron informed him.

"Big brother… hello, Harry's younger than me," Hermione said, "so
are you for that matter."

"She has a point Ron, do you really want to be stuck with an older
woman," Harry chuckled.

"Watch it… just because I love you doesn't mean I won't kick your
arse!" Hermione glared at Harry.

"Did Hermione Granger just swear?" Harry said in mock


"Merlin, that's bloody hot," Ron said, feeling relieved that he could
finally say something like that out loud.

"Really?" Hermione turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Really," Ron smiled and leaned down again to capture her mouth,
seconds later they heard a door close marking Harry's exit.

"I can't believe it!" Fred said as everyone walked out of the room
they were in and into a room that looked very similar. Everyone
except for the Weasleys kept walking towards the various bedrooms.
Fleur hesitated for a moment, but she figured that she didn't really
have anything to add to whatever it was that was going to happen,
and Bill would prefer to be alone with his family.

"Now boys," Arthur sighed in a tired and sad voice, "I don't want you
to be too hard on your brother… I know that what happened is…." he
paused to look for the right word.

"The bloody worse thing anyone could possibly do!" George said

Arthur sighed. "Don't you think Ron already knows that… don't you
think he would be punishing himself knowing what he did…."

"Hmph," the twins crossed their arms.

"He left Harry and Hermione alone were there's a high probability
that they would get killed and you want us just to forgive him for
that!" Ginny said hotly.

"Yeah," the twins chorused. "That's not bloody likely."

"I never would have thought Ron would do such a thing," George
said, frowning.

"But he did and…." Fred started to say.

"You leave him alone!" Percy said sharply standing in front of Fred.

Fred glared at his brother, "It figures you would take his side… I bet
you think he did the right thing. You think Harry's a lunatic, after all,
that just trying to make a name for himself…."
"SHUT UP!" Percy shouted, catching Fred off guard, for Percy
looked different than he normally did. Percy took a deep breath to
compose himself, and when he spoke, he didn't quite manage to
disguise the pain in his voice. "You're right. It does figure I would
take Ron's side, but not because I think he did the right thing, but
because I know what it feels like to let your pride take over and you
say things that you can never take back!

"Dad is right… you can't imagine the guilt that is wracking through
Ron right now, and he hasn't even done anything yet… he has a
chance to take back his mistake!" Percy said, breathing heavily, not
even bothering to wipe away the tears that started to form in his

"Percy," Arthur said, extending a hand to him.

"I'm sorry dad, I shouldn't have… I…." Percy said unable to say

"I know son," Arthur said pulling his third eldest son into a hug. Percy
hugged his father back, he couldn't believe how much better he felt
now, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder.

"I said horrible things to you, Father…." Percy started to say as he

pulled away from his father.

"I did too," Arthur frowned. "Don't think you're the only one that
regretted what happened that day…."

Percy nodded his head, and then turned back to the rest of his

They all looked uncomfortable, not knowing how they should react to
him now. He had apologized and their dad had accepted, so they
should accept it, too. Molly had indeed accepted it, for she moved to
her son and hugged him in her bone crushing way, and then kept
hold of him after she had loosened her grip.
Percy cleared his throat so he could continue his defense of his
youngest brother, "I don't know if you've seen this, but Ron has tried
to measure up to the rest of us… and that's a lot to handle. It was a
lot for me to handle and I only have two older brothers. Then he
goes and makes friends with the most famous person possible and
the smartest witch that the school likely has and that couldn't have
helped his confidence any…."

"I don't get your point," Fred said. "What does this have to do with
Ron leaving…?"

Percy shrugged and said, "I'm sure this effected his decision."

"Ron also thinks that something is going to happen between Harry

and Hermione," Molly added, she had seen that before today, the
way Ron would frown sometimes when the other two were talking.
She also heard it in Ron's parting words to Hermione that he felt that

"Really!" Charlie said astounded. "I thought Hermione liked Ron…."

"Well duh!" Fred said rolling his eyes, "why do you think we were
making all those jokes about Ron and Hermione…?"

"And why we stopped calling her Mione… she obviously liked it

when only Ronniekins called her that," George chuckled.

"Oh, so he's Ronniekins again," Ginny said frowning.

"I suppose," George sighed. "I kind of get what everyone saying…
though I'm still disappointed that he would just leave like that."

"And that doesn't mean that I won't be angry when this is brought up
in the book tomorrow," Fred added, "Merlin it's going to be hard to
read the next chapter, I'm sure."

"This whole book has been hard to read," Molly groaned.

"Come on… we really should get some sleep," Arthur said to his
family and they all nodded their heads, looking thoughtful.

"Damnit!" Sirius said, he was pacing the room that he was sharing
with Remus. "How can he just leave Harry liked that… doesn't he
know how much Harry needs him…?"

"I'm not sure he does," Remus said softly.

"Damnit, Remus, why aren't you angry about this?" Sirius turned his
anger on him.

"Because it's not my place to be angry," Remus frowned. "Sirius

they're best friends…."

"That only makes it…." Sirius tried to interrupt.

"And even the best of friends will fight sometimes," Remus went on.
"I can remember a few fights you had with James that had become
really nasty."

"That's different… I never would have left James in… !" Sirius

"I'm not saying you would Sirius," Remus said. "But Ron isn't you
and Harry's not James… and we probably would have died a long
time ago if we had to go through what they had."

Sirius didn't say anything to that.

"And it's not like there was ever a good time for them to have a fight,"
Remus went on thoughtfully, "it seems like Harry has had a difficult

"Remus," Sirius sighed, and he was no longer thinking about the fact
that Ron had left. "You didn't know about the basilisk either, right?"
"No," Remus shook his head, "he has had a much harder life than I
ever wanted him to have… And hearing what his life at the Dursleys'
is like…."

"I never should have gone after that rat," Sirius said, his expression
bleak. "I should have taken care of Harry…."

"Even if you didn't chase after him, the Ministry would still have
believed that you were James's secret keeper… that you betrayed
them," Remus said gravely.

"Yeah," Sirius admitted bitterly. "I just…."

"I'm the one that should have done more," Remus said, angry at
himself. "I should have checked up on him… I should have…."

"Don't, Remus," Sirius grabbed his shoulder. "We've already suffered

enough to add more to it."

"True," Remus allowed, seeing as Sirius had spent twelve years in

Azkaban with the dementors and he spent that time believing that
everyone he cared about was either dead or a traitor.

"We've all suffered, Harry too, but all we can do now is stick together
and make sure that nothing happens to any of us," Sirius said and
then there was a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "And it seems
that all of us now includes my littlest cousin."

"I don't see how Draco is involved here," Remus frowned.

"I was talking about Tonks, and you know it," Sirius pouted.

"Yeah," Remus chuckled. "It seems like it does include her…."

"And perhaps a little one in the future," Sirius added.

"Maybe," Remus said still feeling reserved about this, but he took out
the note that his future son had written to him and smiled. It was
more than he ever thought he could hope for, but he couldn't help
but wanting it more than ever. A family of his own, a son he could
raise and teach values to.

"Tonks is the perfect girl for you too," Sirius said, seeming to know
what Remus was thinking about. "She won't let you get away with all
your depressing crap… and she's got a good personality, something
I thought you would have overlooked in your quest to find a smart
girl… which by the way she is very intelligent…."

"Yes, thank you Sirius, I do know all this," Remus rolled his eyes.

"I just thought I would help," Sirius shrugged, and it wasn't long after
that that the marauders went to bed.

"Ron… um… how did we get on the couch?" Hermione asked. She
had no idea how long ago that Harry had left but she knew she was
now on the couch lying on Ron's chest.

"Er… I'm not sure," Ron said and then chuckled. "But I can get use
to this."

"Hm…." Hermione hummed in agreement, "this is nice."

"Er… so Mione… I was just wondering what this means," Ron said
and Hermione moved slightly so she could look at him in the eyes.
She noticed than that his ears were red as he continued to say, "I
mean… are you my girlfriend now…?"

"Well, I better be, you don't think I just go around snogging just any
boy like this do you?" Hermione said, amused.

"No," Ron chuckled but this did bring up another question that he
was dying to ask but at the same time he didn't want to know.

"Yes Ron, I kissed Viktor," Hermione said and Ron groaned, nope,
he didn't want to know the answer to that question that he didn't
even ask. "But it was nothing like this… it couldn't be, because
you've always been the one that I liked."

"You liked me then?" Ron said and Hermione nodded her head.
"Then why did you go to the ball with that git…."

"Don't call him that, he's really not…." Hermione started to say.

"He'll always be a git to me Hermione, I can't help it," Ron said.

"That's too bad," Hermione sighed, "and I went with him because I
didn't think you would ever ask me… I didn't think you liked me that

"I've always liked you Mione," Ron said smiling and Hermione smiled
back. Hermione leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss before
she moved her head back to his chest. She closed her eyes and
smiled as he played with her hair….
Chapter 17
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis and Carolina Grey for beta-ing this


Chapter Seventeen

Godric's Hollow

"Wake up," a voice said from a distance, but he didn't want to wake
up yet. He was having a good dream and he felt oddly comfortable
and uncomfortable at the same time. "Come on get up!"

"A few minutes, Harry," Ron grumbled, but he knew it was too late,
he could already tell who was trying to wake him up.

"Harry?" a different voice said, a female voice that shouldn't have

been there.

Ron eyes flashed opened and he looked around the room trying to
figure out where he was, and then continuing to look down until his
eyes met Hermione's. I had fallen asleep on the couch with
Hermione! He thought in alarm and then he smiled, I fallen asleep on
the couch with Hermione… my girlfriend! Hermione smiled mirrored
his for a second before Harry was talking again.

"Don't just sit there, who knows when everyone else is going to wake
up," Harry groaned, "do you really want your mum to find you like

Ron sat up immediately, he definitely didn't want that… nor would he

have liked it if his brothers came in, or sister, or Malfoy, or Snape, or
McGonagall… no he didn't want to be found by anyone like this.
"I supposed we should get some breakfast," Hermione said and then

"Thanks for waking us up, mate," Ron said to Harry.

"No problem… though I must admit it was tempting to just leave you
there," Harry chuckled, it was then that they got in the kitchen and
noticed that Remus and Tonks were already there.

"Good morning," Tonks said, her eyes twinkle, "had a nice rest?"

"Argh," Ron groaned, burying his head in his hands, his ears going

"Don't worry Ron," Remus chuckled. "I believe we were the only
ones that saw you…."

"And we'll make sure not to tease you… too much," Tonks laughed.

"With a reaction like that, one would think you're ashamed of me,"
Hermione said biting her lip and Ron might have believed that she
was really hurt by this if it weren't for the fact that her eyes were
sparkling in amusement.

"I just know that my brothers are going to give me a hard time when
they find out…." Ron shrugged, though he wasn't really that fussed
about it. There was nothing that would make him feel bad right
now… well nothing until they started reading that dreaded book
again and he will hear how much his leaving affected his friends. He
sighed, really glad that Hermione had kissed him last night for it
would be a lot easier to deal with this if he could hold her.

"Hey Ron," Fred said, punching him on the arm painfully. "That's for
being a git."

"And mine will come at some unexpected point in time," George

said, and Ron was amazed that they were talking to him like this. He
was expecting to get the cold shoulder from his family.
"What…?" Ron said.

"You'll have to thank Percy," Bill said coming in the room next,
followed by Fleur.

"Percy?" Ron questioned, more confused than ever.

"Yeah, he really stood up for you," Bill said, "and he apologized to

Dad, too."

"Really," Ron was stunned.

"Yeah," Bill said and then moved on.

The rest of the breakfast was a very odd experience for Ron. When
Percy came in, he noticed immediately that things had become
considerably better between him and the rest of the family, though
not quite as it was before the fight. Ron himself was getting odd
looks from his family, though none were near as bad as what he
feared they would be like. However, he could tell that Ginny was
really angry with him for what he did, but he understood why.
Hermione was her best friend and, though he hated to admit this, he
knew how she cared about Harry in a similar way that he cared
about Hermione.

Part of him wanted her to yell at him as scary as that thought was,
he thought it would be better than letting her anger bottle up, but he
didn't say anything. There was no time, everyone was filing out to the
room they were in the other day and taking seats on the couches.

"So, who hasn't read yet?" Sirius asked.

"Harry, Mr. Weasley, Malfoy and Professor Snape," Hermione

answered and both Severus and Draco made a face at the thought
of having to read this book.

"I really rather not read right now," Harry said, knowing what his book
self was going to be feeling and he did not particularly want to hear
it, let alone read it.

"Well, it seems like I'm the only one that's left that's willing to read at
the moment," Arthur said, picking up the book and then read, "
Godric's Hollow."

Mentions that Harry hoped childishly that it had been a dream,

that Ron was still there:

Ron was already grimacing and only two sentences had been read.
It didn't help that he could hear the disappointed tone in his dad's
voice while he read this.

Mentions that Ron's deserted bunk was like a dead body, it

seems to draw his eyes:

Harry shuddered, thinking of the last dead body he had seen… and
then his mind shifted to earlier this year when he had seen Molly's
Bogart and the dead bodies he had seen then, starting with Ron's.

Mentions that Hermione didn't wish Harry good morning, but

turned her face quickly:

"I'm sorry," Hermione mumbled to Harry.

"Don't be," Harry answered back, he could understand how hurt she
would be at the moment.

Mentions that the protective enchantments meant that once

they were gone it would be impossible for Ron to find them

As pointless as he knew it would be, Ron hoped that he would find

his way back there before the others had left, for he knew of no other
way back to them.

Mentions Hermione's eyes were puffy and red, and it looked like
she hadn't slept:
"Hm…." Hermione sighed, knowing she would not have slept that
night. She would have been staying up waiting for Ron to come
back. Ron's hand grasped hers and she leaned into him.

Mentions that at every sound Hermione would look (and Harry

would imitate her) and nothing was there, and fury exploded
inside him:

His siblings and Sirius turned to glare at Ron reflectively, unable to

stop themselves. Didn't he know how much he was hurting his
friends by leaving them like this.

Mentions Harry could hear Ron saying we thought you knew

what you were doing:

"Sorry," Ron mumbled.

Harry sighed, pitching the bridge of his nose, "It's going to be hard
enough to read through this… you don't have to apologize for

"Fine," Ron sighed, too. He didn't really think this was going to stop
him from apologizing and Harry didn't seem to believe that either.

Mentions that Harry and Hermione Disapparated:

Everyone flinched at this… that was it, Ron couldn't come back now.
Ron slunk down in his chair, as his mind drifted to a future that he
was going to make sure never happens. He tried to think about the
Ron in the book meeting Harry and Hermione again after the war
and trying to apologize… he was sure they would somewhat forgive
him, but their friendship would never be the same.

"It's okay Ron," Hermione whispered in his ear and squeezed his
hand in support. "This won't happen, so you don't have to worry
about it."
"I know," Ron said, "It's just… everything… nothing can be the same
for them… us… in this book."

Hermione frowned at that knowing what Ron was trying to say. Could
she ever forgive Ron for leaving like that…? She knew it would be
harder for her to do that the longer he was gone, but all the same
she knew that there was nothing that would change the way she felt
about him.

"I think that we should continue to read this book," Dumbledore said
in a tone that had everyone looking at him curiously. He obviously
knew something that they didn't (though of course that wasn't saying
much, he knew plenty of things no one else could).

Mentions that Harry casted the spell that Hermione usually

performed to ensure their protection:

"Good," Molly said in a subdued voice. She couldn't stand the trio
separation, but she was glad that Harry and Hermione were
protected. She was also starting to worry about Ron's safety,
wondering where her son was at this moment.

Mentions that at night Harry could hear Hermione crying:

Ron squeezed Hermione's hand again at this and she leaned on his
shoulder. Of course, she would have been crying if Ron left. She
would be devastated without him. She would worry about whether he
was safe. She would be furious at him for leaving them like that she
would be… she would be feeling a million different things now that
he was gone.

Mentions Harry started looking at the Marauder's map and

looking for Ron's label:

"The Weasel wouldn't be able to go back to Hogwarts, Potty," Draco

said looking coldly at Ron, the last chapter had lowered his opinion
of Ron. "It would put his family at risk if he suddenly recovered from
spattergroit, a disease that is incurable, and returned to Hogwarts.
Though, it wouldn't surprise me if he just didn't care and went back

At these words Ron glared at Draco, who looked away from him

Mentions that Harry started staring at Ginny's name in the girl's

dormitory and wonder if she could somehow tell that he was
thinking about her:

"Aw… isn't that sweet," George said, who was sniggering along with
the other Weasley boys (even Ron managed a snort) and Sirius.

"Or a little creepy," Fred added. "Trying to look in the girl's dormitory."

"Come now… he's just looking at a dot…." Sirius said and everyone

"Shut up," Harry grumbled and Ginny was trying hard not to look
pleased with herself.

Mentions that Harry couldn't remember Dumbledore ever

mentioning a place he would hide something:

"Nor will you ever," Dumbledore frowned. "I would entrust it to

someone to give it to you."

"Well, it's nice to know that I'm wasting my time," Harry frowned.

Mentions Harry didn't know who to be angrier with, Ron or


"Ron… pick Ron! He's the jack arse right now," Fred said.

"Fred! Language!" Molly reprimanded.

Mentions Harry repeating thought ending with we thought you

had a real plan:
"Sorry," Ron sighed.

"I am, too," Dumbledore sighed. "It seems like there are things that I
should have taken care that you know…."

"I'm sure that you've told me everything I need to know," Harry said.
"I'm just feeling extra pessimistic at the moment."

"Because your best mate is an idiot," Ron grumbled.

"I'm not an idiot," Hermione huffed playfully and Ron rolled his eyes
almost smiling at her.

This reaction, added to the fact that Hermione had been leaning her
head on Ron's shoulder without even blushing had Ron's family
looking at them closely. Molly in particular was keeping an eye on

Mentions that Ron was right, Dumbledore had left him with
virtually nothing:

"I think Ron was having a go at you, mate," Charlie pointed out
crossly. "He didn't say anything about Dumbledore."

"But I really should have realized that it wasn't Harry's fault," Ron

Mentions Harry was constantly on alert that Hermione would

leave too:

"Never going to happen," Hermione said firmly, there was no doubt

in her voice.

"I know," Harry sighed, and he really did, but he could understand
why his book self would think that… he had just lost another person
that he thought never would have left.

Mentions that Harry was glad to see Nigellus because he was

company, albeit of a snide and taunting kind:
"Ha… next thing you'll know, Harry's going to want Snape to be
there," Fred said.

"Not in a million years," Harry made a face, feeling a little

uncomfortable when he remembered that Severus was actually in
the room.

Mentions Snape seemed to be facing a constant, low level of


Severus groaned at this, just what he wanted… the students

revolting against him not even smart enough to realize that he was
actually trying to protect them. Of course, if they were that smart,
then he probably get killed by Voldemort… so maybe that was a
good thing.

Harry thinks that Ginny and probably Neville and Luna, had
continue Dumbledore's Army:

"GINERVA!" Molly screamed.

"We've been through this mum; I'm not just going to sit back and let
horrible things happen at Hogwarts!" Ginny said hotly. "That's not the
daughter you raised!"

Molly glared at Ginny before her expression softened and she was
nearly sobbing. Arthur put an arm around her squeezing her close to

"I just want you to be safe, is that too much to ask for?" Molly asked

"Unfortunately, yes," Ginny sighed, "there is no safe in that time."

Molly shivered at that and actually started crying and Arthur took
several minutes to calm her down before he started reading again.

Mentions that this news made Harry want to see Ginny so bad
that it made his stomachache:
"I really am bad for your stomach it seems," Ginny sighed, trying to
lighten the mood some.

It didn't really work, but Harry gave her a weak smile.

Mentions that it made him think of Ron, Dumbledore, and

Hogwarts, which he missed nearly as much as his ex-girlfriend:

"I'm glad I rate higher than your school," Ginny grumbled playfully.

"Wow, I really do care about you!" Harry said in a mock shock voice.
"There's nothing better than Hogwarts."

"Prat," Ginny rolled her eyes.

Mentions Harry had a spilt second of madness imagining

joining the destabilization of Snape's regime:

"Oh yeah, that would have been brilliant," Draco scoffed, "you would
have been arrested before you even step foot into the castle."

"That's why it said I experience a split second of madness… I know

it's crazy," Harry roll his eyes.

Mentions they had already spotted Christmas Trees:

"It's already Christmas time… you've been on your own for more
than four months," Molly groaned. "Three of which in that tent…."

Mentions that Hermione went to supermarket under the Cloak

(dropping money into the till as she left):

"You do know that even if you do something like that you're still
stealing right," Fred informed her.

Hermione frowned, not sure if he was right or not, but hoping he

wasn't… she didn't like the idea that she was stealing things.

"Leave her alone," Ron glared at his brother.

Smirking, Fred opened his mouth to say something before he
frowned. He didn't really feel like teasing his brother at the
moment… not when he was angry with him. Ron seemed to have
understood what Fred was thinking and bowed his head.

Mentions that Harry might be more persuadable on a stomach

full spaghetti and pears:

"Are you sure you're not thinking of your other best mate there?"
George questioned.

"Yes," Harry rolled his eyes. "You don't seem to know how crabby
someone… anyone… will be if they haven't had a good meal in

Molly, who was starting to gather her calm, almost started crying
again as she knew very well that Harry had practice with not getting
enough food… of being starved.

Mentions Harry had the foresight to take a few hours' break

from wearing the Horcrux:

"Why couldn't you have the foresight to do that any time that you're
in the tent together?" Severus asked but of course Harry didn't have
an answer to that. "It would have saved you a lot of trouble," he
added looking pointedly at Ron.

Mentions that Hermione was curled up with the Tales of Beedle

the Bard :

"You're going to have to get her attention better than that, there's no
way she heard you if she's reading a book," Ron said and Hermione
moved slightly so she could glare at him. "Come on, you know it's

"Hmph," Hermione huffed, making a face and Ron gave her one of
his lop-sided grins and she couldn't help but smile back at him.
Mentions Harry felt like when he asked McGonagall if he could
go into Hogsmeade despite not having his permission slip

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Hermione said, narrowing her

eyes at Harry.

"That's I'm probably about to ask you something that I know you're
going to say no to," Harry shrugged. "Given the title of the chapter,
it's probably to go to my parents' house."

"So, this is how you see me, as someone that will say no to you,"
McGonagall said frowning.

"Er…." Harry said, "not all the time… just um… when you're
following the rules…."

Hermione says look at that symbol, pointing at what Harry

assumed was a rune:

Dumbledore mouth twisted upwards knowing that Hermione had

found the clue that he wanted her to. However, as he thought of what
this will lead to… sure that more of his past would be discovered, he
was frowning again.

Harry says I never took Ancient Runes:

"That wouldn't have helped anyways, I don't know what that thing
means but it's definitely not a rune," Bill said.

Harry says then it's Grindelwald's mark:

Dumbledore grimaced at the mention of this.

"I don't think that's it," Remus said thoughtfully. "I mean if it was
inked into the book, one would assume that Dumbledore had put it in
there and is likely the reason, he gave you the book. It doesn't seem
likely that it would have to do with a dark wizard that had already
been defeated."
Harry tells Hermione what Krum had told him at the wedding:

"Wow, you really are depressed aren't you, Ron?" Fred said and Ron
looked at him confused. "You didn't call dear Viktor a ruddy pumpkin
head or even Vicky…."

"Oh… well," Ron said looking down at Hermione, who was holding
his hand smiling slightly. "I suppose I don't really need to do that right

"I Don't believe it!" Ginny exclaimed, which caused Ron and
Hermione (and most of the people in the room) to jump. In that
moment the two seemed to have forgotten that they were in a room
full of people and not alone. It didn't help them at all when they
noticed that everyone was looking at them with a knowing look.
"After everything… this is when… argh… I can't believe it!"

"Er… what is she so upset about?" Sirius muttered to Remus, and

everyone looked at him incredulously for a second before looking
back to Ron and Hermione.

"Er… um… I supposed you've all notice that um… yah… that," Ron
said nervously, rubbing the back of his head, trying not to blush as
his family looked at him with shock. "Well… that Hermione and I
are… um… together now."

"Together now, that's how you're going to describe it," Hermione said
disapprovingly, but when Ron looked at her, he noticed that she was
smiling at him.

"Merlin Mione, now's not the time to tease me," Ron mumbled, but
he was smiling back at her.

"I know, I'm sorry," Hermione said smiling sweetly at him, "I just
couldn't help myself."

At this point there was a squeal coming from across the room and in
no time at all the couple found themselves being hugged by a very
excited Molly. "I didn't think you two were ever going to figure it out…
Thank Merlin we won't have to wait another two years for you two to
take the hint!"

"Mum… get off," Ron grumbled as he looked at Hermione and was

relieved to see that she was smiling, albeit she was looking rather
embarrassed all the same.

"I'm sorry… I'm just so excited!" Molly beamed at them. "Finally,

there's something in this book that I can be happy about."

"Mum… this isn't actually in the book," Charlie pointed, but Molly
didn't seem to be paying him any attention.

Meanwhile, Fleur was watching this interaction with a frown. She

couldn't help but note the very different response Molly had to her
relationship with Bill as the one with Ron and Hermione. She could
understand it of course, they had known each other longer, and it
was obvious this was going to happen at some point, but still. Molly
was still a little frosty to her even though she must have realized that
Bill and she were going to be serious (hell they married in the book).

"So, you're telling me that the way for you two to confess your, so
very well hidden, feelings towards each other was this git leaving,"
George said a little sourly for he had a long standing bet with Fred
that Ron and Hermione wouldn't reveal their feelings to each other
until the end of their seventh year and that was all ruin now… The
way things were going in the book, he was sure he was going to win.

"I wouldn't say it was that," Hermione glared at him, as Ron groaned.

"Yeah right… it seems that way to me," Ginny glared at both Ron
and Hermione, she was still angry that her brother had left in the
book and it was quite easy to redirect her anger at the couple.

"There were other things that made me realize that Ron might like
me," Hermione muttered, blushing.
"You mean the fact that he can't take his eyes off you…." George

"… tries to pick a fight with you just so you would pay attention to
him…." Fred added.

"… blushes any time you accidentally touch him…." Bill added too,

"That's enough!" Ron grumbled before Charlie could add anything.

"I'm just happy that this has happened now… it's hard enough
listening to all of this with Ron being here," Hermione mumbled and
Ginny looked at her sadly before lowering her gaze. There was
silence after these words and after a few minutes Arthur decided to
read again.

Harry says yeah it is weird, you'd think Scrimgeour would have

recognize it, he would be an expert on Dark stuff:

"I think the fact that he was the head of the Auror department made
him more proficient in knowing Dark stuff," Tonks said. "I mean you
don't really expect Fudge to know something like that."

"Point taken," Harry chuckled.

Hermione says I've been wondering that too, I really think we'll
have to:

"Well, I'm going to be shocked with that response," Harry chuckled. "I
was expecting a no."

"Harry, aren't you supposed to be the leader of your group?" Sirius

questioned. "Why do you have to ask her permission anyways?"

Harry looked uncomfortable now.

"That's because Harry's only the leader as long as he does what

Hermione wants him to," Ginny said laughing along with her siblings.
"That's not true," Hermione said blushing slightly.

"The truth is that most of what Hermione says is right," Harry sighed.
"And I would be a fool if I didn't listen to her advice."

Hermione says I can't think of anywhere else it could be either,

it'll be dangerous, but the more likely it seems it's there:

"Er… what's there?" Charlie asked, looking confused just like

everyone else in the room, including Hermione.

"I have no idea," Hermione said when she realized the question was
directed at her. This caused Ron and Harry to laugh harder and she
looked at them oddly. "I don't see what's so funny."

"Of course not, but Harry and I do," Ron said and she narrowed her
eyes at him.

"It's just sometimes you get these ideas in your head, and you act as
if we know what you're thinking," Harry explained.

"And it's funny that this time you have to be just as confused as the
rest of us," Ron laughed harder.

"Whatever," Hermione said rolling her eyes.

Hermione says well, the sword, Harry:

"Oh…." Harry said. "Er… why do you think the sword would be

"If you let Mr. Weasley read, I expect you'll find out," Hermione said

"She still doesn't know what she's thinking," Ron stated grinning.

Hermione says Godric's Hollow, Godric Gryffindor, Gryffindor's

sword, don't you think Dumbledore would expect you to make
the connection:
"No," Harry said. "I really don't think that Dumbledore left it there."

"It does seem like a long shot," Hermione sighed. "I must really be
desperate to do something."

"I don't like the sound of that," Molly mumbled to herself, fearing the
two would do something rash.

Mentions that Hermione gasped so dramatically that Harry drew

his wand and half expected to see someone coming, but no one
was there:

"I really wish you wouldn't do that," Harry grumbled.

"But you know how she reacts when she realizes something," Ron
chuckled. "I don't think she can control it."

"Oh, shut up," Hermione glared at him.

Hermione says what if Bathilda's got the sword, what if

Dumbledore entrusted it to her:

"Er… I don't think your inspiration this time is up to your normal

standards," Ron frowned this time and Hermione glared at him more
than ever.

"Well excuse me, I am under a lot of stress right now," Hermione

grumbled to him.

"I know," Ron sighed looking down.

Mentions that the prospect of having a plan again lifted her

mood as much as his:

But Harry and Hermione sighed at this, realizing that they were
reaching for straws here because they needed to do something. Ron
on the other hand cringed and prayed that neither of his friends got
hurt because of this.
Mentions that this was the first time since Harry discovered the
sword was a fake, he felt excited:

"That's no reason to let your mind leave the conversation," Remus


"Hermione's better off making the plans on her own," Harry

shrugged. "If I try to help, she usually just ends up telling me off

"I do not," Hermione protested.

"Well, you would if I ever tried to help," Harry smirked and Hermione
glared at him.

Mentions that the life Harry had lost was never as real to him
than it was now that he was in the place where it was taken
from him:

Harry sighed, looking thoughtful about all of this.

"Would you like to go there Harry?" Sirius asked, watching his

godson closely.

"I think so," Harry mumbled, looking down. Sirius nodded his head
(though obviously Harry couldn't see that) and vowed that he was
going to take him there at some point… he himself was a little afraid
of going there but knew that he had to face it some time.

Mentions that Harry looked for the old pictures of his parents
which was all he had left of them now:

Hermione grabbed one of Harry's hands at this point and he

squeezed in thanks.

Molly looked like she would have loved to get up and hug the boy,
but she restrained herself.
Mentions that Hermione had them disguise as Muggles and
hide underneath the Cloak before she agreed to make the

Molly smiled at Hermione and was once again grateful that she was
there and making sure that they were as safe as it was possible
when you're on the run from Voldemort and living in a tent.

Hermione says all this snow, why didn't we think of the snow,
we'll have to get rid of it:

"That will take forever, and the Polyjuice Potion will wear off," Ron
informed her.

"Argh," Hermione groaned. "You're right… well at least we are using

the Polyjuice Potion, and we don't look like ourselves."

Mentions any one of them might have been the one in which
James and Lily had once lived:

"No… you would know which house was yours right away," Ron told

"Why?" Harry questioned.

"Because it's still looks the way it did after… well… it's still ruined,"
Ron explained.

"It was left as a monument for that day," Remus grimaced.

Hermione says Harry, I think it's Christmas Eve:

"And what a way to celebrate the holiday," Fred said.

"It doesn't really make much of a difference for us, it's not like we
could have celebrated even if we had known it was Christmas Eve,"
Harry said frowning.
Hermione's eyes were on the church and says, they'll be in
there, won't they, your mum and dad, I can see the graveyard:

Harry took a deep breath, and Ginny took Harry's free hand as
Hermione squeezed the other, both knowing that this would be hard
for him.

Mentions the war memorial and obelisk turned into a statue of

three people, a man, woman and a baby:

"There's a statue of…." Harry said, surprised.

"Yes," Molly answered him softly, she was nearly in tears.

Mentions Hermione pointed to the dark stone and Harry saw it

was Kendra Dumbledore:

Everyone looked at Dumbledore sadly at this point, who was

pinching the bridge of his nose and looking sadder than any of them
had seen him before.

Harry imagines coming here with Dumbledore, of what a bond

that would have been, and how much it would have meant to

"I'm sorry Harry, but it is not easy for me to come to this place,"
Dumbledore said gravely.

"I understand," Harry sighed, knowing that it would have been a

bonding experience but at the same time painful for both of them.

Harry thinks the fact that their families lay side by side was
unimportant coincidence… :

"I'm sorry, sir," Harry mumbled feeling ashamed that his book-self
automatically assumed that just because Dumbledore didn't take him
to here that it was an unimportant coincidence.
Hermione says Harry come back a moment, and Harry thinks he
didn't want to be sidetracked again:

"Seriously Hermione, don't you realize that I only care about one
thing right now," Harry said.

"Sorry," Hermione frowned.

Hermione says that's the mark in the book:

"What would that be doing there?" Remus asked.

"I don't know, but maybe Dumbledore did think that we would come
here for something if it's there," Hermione said, looking at her
headmaster that was still looking grave. For his part, he wasn't sure
if that was part of the plan or not (for he did know the symbol was
there of course), but he didn't want to think about it now.

Hermione says Harry, they're here, right here:

"It seems like you can't find anything on your own," Fred said,
chuckling but no one else paid attention to him. They were all lost in
their own thoughts as they thought of the people that were lost.

Mentions Harry felt something pressing on his chest, the same

he had felt after Dumbledore died, a grief that actually weighed
on his heart and lungs:

Remus looked at Harry sympathetically, he had felt similar the first

few times he had gone to visit his friends' grave. Tonks grabbed his
hand as this point and he smiled down at her, especially when he
noticed that she had a hand on Sirius shoulder, who was looking
tense as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Remus realized that it
must have been harder for Sirius to hear this than it was for himself,
because his friend was never able to make peace with what had
Describes the headstone ending with to make out the words
engraved upon it:

Severus almost glared at the book at this, his bitter thoughts thinking
that having such an obvious tombstone had to be Potter's idea…
always having to stand out! Lily wouldn't have wanted that. She
would have wanted something simple. He tried to hold on to this
anger, but of course it was impossible, it wasn't nearly strong enough
for him to not think about her. He had never visited her grave… he
never could make himself face that and just reading this book was
bringing up all those dreaded thoughts.

Made him think about their childhood together… Their years at

Hogwarts and how they started to drift apart… The day that he had
ruined everything… The years that he didn't even get to see her, but
she was never out of his thoughts completely… The day he betrayed
her worse than ever and trying to get Dumbledore to help him correct
his mistake… The day she died…

This all ran through his mind, and he lowered his head in his hands,
feeling more and more guilty as his thoughts turned darker. Harry
noticed this reaction and was confused by it, but he could tell that
this wasn't the best time to ask about this. Besides he was feeling so
bad about all this himself that he didn't have time to worry about
anyone else.




"They were so young," Molly sighed, she was crying in Arthur's

shoulder by this time. It was just so sad that they had so much to
look forward to and it was all taken from them much too soon.

Harry says the last enemy that shall be defeated is death, isn't
that a Death Eater idea, why is that there:
"It doesn't mean it like that," Sirius said, his voice quivered a little as
he continued. "J-james said that it was just the way his family always
looked at death… that it was something that awaits us all… sorry… I
really don't know how he said it."

Harry thoughts on his parents being gone ending with tears

came and what was he point of wiping them off:

Harry felt Ginny and Hermione squeeze his hands again as he

fought his own tears, a losing battle it would seem, as tears rolled
down his cheeks as he thought of his parents he never got to know.

Harry thinks that they were in the ground not knowing or caring
that their living son stood so near:

"They know Harry," Sirius said, "I know that they are watching over

"Yeah," Harry said in a thick voice, he could picture the forms that
had come out of Voldemort's wand when they had dueled not too
long ago… how they had seemed to know what was going on… how
they seemed to care about him. It made him wonder if they really
were there, watching over him like Sirius had just said.

Mentions that Hermione made a wreath of Christmas roses

blossomed before them:

"Thanks," Harry gave Hermione a watery smile and she returned it

just as watery.

Mentions that Harry couldn't stand to be there another moment

and that he put his arm around Hermione's shoulder, her
around his waist as they walked away:

Harry looked at Hermione then, glad that she had been there for him
as he visited his parents. She always knew what to say or not say
when he was faced with something like this, and he was grateful she
was there. She gave him a weak smile that he returned.
"That's the end of the chapter," Arthur said, and after looking at
Severus, who was still holding his head in his hands, gave the book
to Draco.

Though he really didn't want to read, Draco took the book knowing
he didn't have a choice in this matter.
Chapter 18
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Eighteen

Bathilda's Secret

" Bathilda's Secret," Draco read.

"Does that mean that she does have the sword?" Fred asked looking

"I would think not," Dumbledore frowned, he would not have

entrusted her with the sword, and he was sure he wasn't going to
like where this led. At his words, it seemed like several people got
tense, not looking forward to what was going to happen either.

Hermione says there is someone there, someone watching us:

"Not good," Molly muttered.

"But it's okay Mrs. Weasley… we don't look like ourselves so we

should be okay," Harry informed her, but that didn't seem to make
Molly relax at all.

Mentions the graveyard was supposed to be haunted, but he

heard a rustle and saw dislodge snow and ghost could not
move snow:

"Nor make a rustling noise," Charlie added. "But I'm sure it was just
some kind of animal," he added when he noticed how worried his
mum seemed to be getting. This didn't do anything to make her relax
though, she had already learned from this book that there was no
time that danger couldn't pop up to surprise them.
Mentions Harry wasn't as sanguine as he had pretended when
reassuring Hermione:

"Which means you didn't fool me and I'm pretty worried right now,"
Hermione said to Harry.

"I had to try didn't I," Harry shrugged.

Hermione asks how are you going to find Bathilda's house:

"That's a good question," Bill said, "you really should have tried to
find that out before you got to the town."

"Well, it's not like we had any information with us that would tell us
exactly where she lives," Hermione grumbled, feeling slighted by
Bill's comment.

"That's true but seeing as she could live in any of the houses in this
town… it's going to be difficult for you to find her," Bill continued.

Mentions the next moment he sped up, dragging Hermione

along with him, she slipped a little on the ice:

"Thanks a lot Harry," Hermione grumbled playfully.

"Sorry," Harry chuckled.

"I'm just curious what's got you moving so quickly," Ron said.

"Harry must have seen his cottage," Remus said gravely. "It really
stands out once you can see it."

Mentions the Fidelius Charm must have died with James and

That statement seemed to cause most of the people in the room to

bow their heads and the smile Harry had a second ago was wiped
from his face.
Mentions Harry grasped the gate, not to open it, but simply so
he'd feel some part of the house:

"Er… why?" Fred questioned.

"Don't know," Harry shrugged, he was looking at his hands, "I

suppose I just wanted to feel some part of the cottage that must
have been a happy home for me."

Harry felt Hermione and Ginny both squeeze his hand as he said
this, and Molly whimpered. They all felt sympathy for the boy that
was deprived of a happy home life.

After the message on the sign ending with as a reminder of the

violence that tore apart their family:

"It seems like a stupid way to remember something like that," Draco
commented under his breath and was about to continue reading
when Harry said, "Perhaps… it's definitely not something I'm looking
forward to seeing."

"I thought you wanted to see this place," Ron said, turning to look at
his friend.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be depressed as soon
as I see it," Harry grimaced. "Standing there and seeing what the
horrible thing that happen there," he trailed off and several people
shivered at his comments.

Mentions there were others scribbles in the sign, some were

their names and others had left messages:

"I can't believe how rude some people are!" Molly said indignantly,
her voice was thick with the tears she shed thinking about how hard
this must be for Harry to deal with.

"I'm sure they were just trying to show Harry some support," Arthur
said soothingly to calm her down.
Mentions that a woman came to a halt a few yards from them
and stood there:

"I don't like the sound of this at all," Molly fretted and Arthur was
holding her tightly to him.

"Come on, it's a little old lady, I doubt they have anything to be afraid
of," Fred rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't say that," Ginny said darkly, "you should never judge
anyone by the way they look."

"She's right," Bill said. "I've seen many people and creatures pretend
to be helpless… lulling you into a false sense of security before…."

"But I'm sure that's not the case right now," Fleur interrupted him and
when he looked at her frowning, Fleur nodded her head towards
Molly, who was now looking very pale.

"That's right, I'm sure it's just Bagshot," Bill said. "I mean she is an
old lady after all."

Mentions that Harry had the strangest feeling that she knew
they were there and who they were:

This didn't go well in the room at all. For everyone was unnerved by

"How could she know you're there if you have the Cloak on?" Molly
asked desperately hoping that someone would have a good
explanation for this.

"Maybe the footprints," Bill supplied doubtfully and it did little to

appease his mum.

"How would she know who you were?" Sirius was the one to ask this
"Er… this might have been the thing in the graveyard that made the
noise," Ron muttered and everyone got more tense at that.

George got up and punched Ron in the arm.

"Ow… what the hell?" Ron grumbled.

"I said I owed you a punch," George shrugged. "I figured I use it now
when you're being a tactless git." He then turned to take his seat by
his twin, and he smirked when he noticed he accomplish what he set
out to do… there where a few people in the room that look like they
were almost about to smile… it was all he could really hope for.

Mentions that Harry could think of many reasons not to obey

the summons, but he suspected who she was:

"I don't care who you think this woman is, do not go with her!" Molly
practically shouted and prayed that Hermione had more sense than
to follow this strange woman, for it looked like Harry didn't.

Mentions even her ability to sense them suggested some

Dumbledore-ish power:

Everyone looked at Dumbledore, hoping that he would have some

kind of answer for this, but the old man didn't say anything. His
expression was grave, and he was worried just like everyone else
about what was going on here. However, he was well aware that
Bathilda didn't have any extraordinary power and he knew this didn't
bode well for the old witch… nor Harry and Hermione.

After Harry says are you Bathilda the figure nodded and
beckoned again:

"Why doesn't she speak?" Tonks questioned, looking at the book


"Maybe she's not able to," Charlie answered doubtfully.

Mentions that Harry raised his eyebrows, Hermione gave a tiny,
nervous nod:

"NO!" Molly groaned.

"This is the reason we came here… to see Bagshot," Hermione

mumbled, for she was feeling it would be best if they just left the
village right away.

Mentions her eyes were thick with cataracts and Harry

wondered whether she could make him out at all:

"If she can't see at all… than how did she know that you were
there?" Tonks asked with trepidation.

There was no answer for that.

Mentions Harry became aware of the locket against his skin

ending with did it know that the thing that would destroy it was

Everyone seemed to want to hope that was the truth, but they felt too
wary of the situation to believe it. Dumbledore, however, was coming
to a very dark conclusion, though he couldn't be sure, he felt he
might know what might be happening, a thought that chilled even his

Hermione says I'm not sure about this:

"Definitely not sure about this," Hermione corrected her book self as
she grew more apprehensive with each passing sentence.

Harry says I knew she wasn't all there, Muriel called her 'gaga':

"Not all there is different than creepy as all hell," Fred pointed out,
and though his tone was playful, he too looked worried about this.

Bathilda says come:

"So, she can speak," Tonks muttered to herself.

Mentions Hermione jumped and clutched Harry's arm:

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows at this and noted that it went with
the theory he had come up with.

Mentions Harry's nose detected, something like meat gone bad:

"Argh!" Sirius made a face; he knew that smell for it seemed like it
was always present when he was in Azkaban either because people
would stop eating or there were times that they would die and be left
there for days. That smell had made it difficult for him to stay in his
dog form for too long when it got particularly bad.

Mentions that Bathilda seemed to forget about magic because

she was lighting all of the candles by hand:

"That's odd," Remus mumbled to himself, having met the woman a

few times when he came to visit the Potters, she didn't seem to be
acting at all like she did then. Of course, that made him nervous, but
the fact that she wouldn't just light the candles magically unnerved
him more than anything else. She was raised as a witch after all, and
it wouldn't be something she would just forget.

Mentions the photograph near the back of the collection caught

his eye, and he snatched it up:

Dumbledore stiffened at the mention of this in a very different way

than he had been a moment ago. He could imagine what picture
Harry would find interesting on the chest and he wasn't looking
forward to hearing about that.

Mentions it was the golden-haired, merry-face thief:

"No way!" several people said.

"Of course, that's why the thief seemed familiar to you," Bill said, "it's
because you saw it in that book about Du… er…." he stopped there
looking warily at Dumbledore, who was now holding the bridge of his

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence Draco started to read


Harry asks Miss Bagshot who is this:

Everyone tried their best not to look at Dumbledore, but they were
dying to know who it was.

"So, who was it?" Draco asked, for he didn't really care about being
the one to ask the difficult question.

"I'm sure the book will say soon enough," Dumbledore said in a
hollow tone.

"Just read Malfoy," Ginny commanded, for it looked like the pale boy
was going to stall until Dumbledore explained himself fully.

Mentions Bathilda looked up at his voice and the Horcrux beat

faster upon his chest:

"I don't like the sound of that," Molly groaned, though she had no
idea what it might mean.

Harry asks this man, do you know him, what's he called:

"You are insistent, Harry, aren't you," George said.

"I've been obsessed over this man for months, of course I want to
know who he is," Harry said.

Mentions that Bathilda merely looked vague and Harry

wondered how Skeeter unlocked her memories:

"Maybe whatever she did to get Bathilda's memories is the reason

why Bathilda is acting so strangely, now," Remus said in a hopeful
voice that sounded more like he was trying to convince himself of
this fact.

Mentions Bathilda gesture, pointing to him, then herself, then to

the ceiling:

"She's gone back to gesturing again?" Tonks muttered, confused.

Mentions when Hermione moved, Bathilda shook her head and

pointed at Harry and then herself:

"She doesn't want Hermione to go…." Ron said. "I don't like this…
you shouldn't split up."

"That's rich coming…." Ginny started, glaring at her brother.

"He's right, you shouldn't split up," Percy said, "if this is a trap the
closer you are together the better."

Harry says maybe Dumbledore told her to give the sword to me,
and only to me:

"I would not have given her the sword," Dumbledore said in a soft
voice that he had to struggle to keep even.

"So, you don't think that you would have wanted us to go here at
all?" Harry found himself asking as several of the people groaned at
what Dumbledore had just said.

"The only reason why I would want you to go to Bathilda is because

she could have told you about the symbol if you were to show it to
her," Dumbledore frowned. "Though I'm not sure I would have
wanted you to go there at all, she would have some ideas about
what that means."

"And what does it mean?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore closed his eyes painfully and said, "I would prefer not to
speak about that now, but I am sure that it will be in the book soon

Hermione asks do you really think she knows who you are:

"Yes," nearly everyone said, and their tones were all grave.

Mentions that Bathilda had moved close to him when it was

dark and he hadn't heard her approach:

"She was laboring a second ago… how can she have move that
quickly all of a sudden?" Charlie questioned, but no one had an
answer to that.

Bathilda says you are Potter:

"And now she's speaking again," Tonks said shivering, it didn't make
sense why she didn't speak downstairs. What was so different about
now that made the old lady speak. The only thing she could come up
with was that Harry was alone now, but that didn't make sense
unless… she paled at her thought, hoping like hell that she was

Mentions that Harry felt the Horcrux beating fast, faster than his
own heart:

"What the hell does that mean?" Sirius asked, his tone was fearful.
"Dumbledore said the sword wouldn't be there… why is the Horcrux
reacting so much?"

At these words, Tonks paled farther, and several people joined her,
the sense of foreboding increasing with every word now.

Mentions that Harry's scar prickled and then he felt a leap of joy
and spoke in a high, cold voice, hold him:



The yells came from all around the room so no one could be sure
who said what, but that mattered little to them. They all realized to a
certain extent what was happening and knew that Harry was in

Mentions Harry swayed and then the dark room seemed to

close around him again and he didn't know what happened:

"Get out of there!" several people commanded again.

"Don't you realize what this means?" Severus said, who hadn't been
paying attention to this chapter much as he thought of the past. He
was, however, aroused from his thoughts with the mention of Harry's
scar hurting. "The Dark Lord knows you're there!"

Harry scowled at this, feeling slightly angry at the question, none of

these people understood how confusing it was for him when a vision
overtook him like this. However, he was mostly feeling fear, for he
knew Snape was right, and that they had to get out of there as fast
as they could.

Harry says have you got anything for me:

"No! She doesn't! Get the bloody hell out of there!" Ginny shouted

Mentions Harry didn't want to look away from her:

"Don't… don't take your eyes off of her," Tonks advise, and several
people shivered at her warning.

Mentions for an instant he looked away, his eyes for a sword

hilt, a ruby:

"Harry," Hermione groaned, why couldn't he get that the sword

wasn't there? Why didn't he know how much danger he was in?
Mentions that he saw the old body collapsing and the great
snake pouring from the place where her neck had been:

The disgust was clear in Draco's voice as he read this and he, just
like everyone else in the room looked sick at hearing the description.
Though several of them have come to the conclusions that the snake
was there (and indeed inside of Bathilda) none of them could stand
hearing this part.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Percy said, and he was indeed looking
very green.

"How is that possible… how did it get… the body moving," Bill said,
looking like he too was going to be sick, and grew sicker the longer
he spoke.

"I can guess, but I'm not sure that now is the best time to discuss
this," Dumbledore sighed, feeling sorry for the old lady that he was
once relatively close to.

"That's true… we need to know how Harry gets out of here," Arthur
said and everyone seemed to agree with that sentiment.

Mentions the snake struck as he raised his wand, the force of

the bite to his forearm sent his wand spinning towards the

"IT BIT YOU!" several people exclaimed.

"But the snake is poisonous," Molly added, squeezing her husband

closer to her; the bandages around his torso was proof of that.

"She has control over the venom that she releases," Dumbledore
said, "I don't believe that she would want to poison Harry at this

Mentions that the powerful blow from the tail knocked the
breath out of him:
Several people flinched as Draco read this in his cold voice. He
found it odd that he didn't really like reading about Harry being
tossed around… that he was actually hoping that Harry got out of
this… it was very odd indeed.

Mentions from below he heard Hermione call Harry:

"You have to get up there… save him!" Ron said tensely, not really
wanting Hermione anywhere near that snake, but of course he
couldn't stand Harry being attacked either. Damnit, why couldn't his
book self be there? They needed him!

"I will," Hermione nodded her head determinedly.

Mentions Harry felt a heavy smooth mass smashed him to the


"It's… sitting on you," Remus groaned, there was no way that Harry
would be able to get the snake off him… not on his own at least.

Mentions a metal heart was beating outside his chest, then he

was flying without need of broomstick:

"Now's not really the time to have a vision Harry," Ginny groaned

"I don't exactly get to choose when I have visions Ginny," Harry

"Sorry… I just…." Ginny started to say.

"I know, never mind," Harry said.

Mentions that Harry's foot slipped on a pencil-like something -

his wand:

"Good… pick it up and get the hell out of there!" Sirius demanded.
"Voldemort is on his way!"
He bent and snatched it up, but now the room was full of the

"Er… what does that even mean?" Fred asked but Draco didn't
pause to hear what he said.

Mentions Hermione was nowhere to be seen and for a moment

Harry thought the worst:

Ron's whole body shivered at that, and Hermione squeezed his

hand. She also noticed that Harry was squeezing her other hand,
seeming to be hurt by this thought too.

Harry says he's coming, Hermione, he's coming:

There were more screams, the words 'get out of there' were
repeated hundreds of times by most of the people in the room.

Mentions that Harry jumped over the bed and seized the dark
shape he knew to be Hermione and she shrieked with pain as
he pulled her across the bed:

"What are you doing?" Ron asked, not liking the shriek of pain.

"Don't know, but I sure hope it's getting the hell out of there," Harry
said, looking pale .

Mentions Hermione casted a spell that ricocheted off the mirror

and Harry felt the heat of it sear the back of his hand:

Hermione groaned again, though she didn't know how bad this was

Mentions pulling Hermione with him, Harry leapt from bed to

broken dressing table and then straight out the window:

"You jumped out the window!" Molly said.

"Er… it's got to be better than being in that house with the snake…."
Harry said shakily.

Mentions her scream reverberating through the night as they

twisted in midair:

"Oh, thank Merlin… you got out of there!" several people exclaimed,
and everyone relaxed, having no idea that the hardest part of this
chapter for several of the people wasn't over yet.

Mentions two children dressed as pumpkins waddling:

"Oh Merlin," Sirius said shivering, he knew immediately what was

going to happen. He leaned over and held his head in his hands.
Remus knew too what was going on and put an arm on Sirius's
back, in support and trying to get his own comfort at the same time.
Tonks silently wrapped her arms around Remus, holding him as
tightly as she could to her.

Harry looked at them and it clicked in his head what was coming. He
leaned back in the couch he was sitting on trying not to think of the
voices he heard in third year whenever Dementors came near him.
Ginny leaned back too, resting her head on his shoulder, squeezing
his hand slightly.

Severus, however, was having a difficult time trying to keep his mask
up. It had already slipped in the last chapter… it was bad enough
hearing about her tombstone… but this… he didn't think he could
stand it… and yet his feet were rooted to the spot as Draco
continued to read.

Vision mentions he had waited for this, he had hoped for it:

By the end of this paragraph, everyone was shivering. It was chilling

to hear how this madman thought.

Vision mentions beneath the robe he fingered the handle of his

"No!" Molly moaned, fearing for the child safety… the innocent boy
had done nothing and yet Voldemort would vanquish him without
feeling the least bit guilty… he was a monster.

Vision mentions one simple movement and the child would

never reach his mother, but unnecessary:

Several people let out a sigh of relief, but obviously that didn't last
long for they knew Voldemort's next victims were not going to get

Vision mentions his destination was in sight at last, the Fidelius

Charm broken, though they didn't know it:

"Damn stupid rat," Sirius said weakly, there were tears in his eyes,
but he wasn't really thinking about Peter's betrayal, but his own
stupidity that led to this. He felt Remus's hand squeeze his shoulder,
the hand was shaking, but it was there… Remus was hurting too, but
he was still supporting him.

Vision mentions the tall black-haired making puffs of colored

smoke and the child was laughing and trying to catch the

This had all the girls in tears as they could clearly picture this scene
in front of them. The boys were all close to tears too as they looked
at Harry, who was looking at the floor, tears in his eyes. The scene
was marred by Voldemort's presents and yet it was a memory none
the least that show he was happy with his parents… that he was
laughing with his parents.

Vision mentions James came sprinting into the hall, it was easy,
he hadn't even picked up his wand:

Everyone winched at that, the room had grown deathly chilled as

they listened to the cold, distant voice of Draco.
James says Lily, take Harry and go, it's him, go, run, I'll hold
him off:

Hold him off, Severus scoffed in his head, knowing that would have
been pointless even if Potter had his wand. However, he couldn't
stop his scornful thoughts for thinking that if Potter had a wand that
Lily might really have had a chance… maybe she could have…

Avada Kedavra:

Harry, Sirius and Remus all shuddered violently as they heard this.
Remus leaned down to hold his only remaining childhood friend…
his brother… in a hug and Tonks wrapped her arms around them.
Harry was dimly aware that both Ginny and Hermione were hugging
him, but his mind was growing numb with all that was happening…
he could hear his dad's voice echo in his head… Voldemort's

Vision mentions but as long as she was sensible, she, at least,

had nothing to fear:

Draco paused there for a second and wasn't the only one that found
this to be an odd statement, but he continued reading soon after

Vision mentions he listened to her attempts to barricade

herself, she had no wand upon her either:

Severus groaned at that, causing several people to look at him and

there was nothing he could do… there was no trying to hind it… no
denying that he was hurt. No hiding the pain he was feeling.

No one questioned him though… it wasn't time for that now.

Vision mentions that Lily threw her arms wide, as if this would
help, as if shielding him from sight she hoped to be chosen
Tears where now falling freely down Severus face as he thought,
always had to be brave… to do the right thing…

Lily says not Harry, please not Harry:

Harry didn't even hear Draco read this… no, he could hear his mum
screaming and Voldemort answering her.

Voldemort says stand aside, you silly girl, stand aside, now:

"Why is he letting her stand aside?" Charlie muttered, unable to stop

himself. No one was able to answer him… no one was willing to try
to think of a reason why he would do this.

Vision mentions he could have forced her away, but it seemed

more prudent to finish them off:

And just like that… that it would have been more prudent Lily was
killed! Severus thought savagely. Why couldn't you have just left her
alone? Why did she have to be the one to die? He should have done
more… he should have tried to stop this monster. Why did he have
to take Lily away?

There wasn't a dry eye left in the room, even Draco's eyes were
brimming with tears, though he fought them off. It wasn't like he
cared if this Muggle-born witch died or not… it was just, he was able
to see his mum in her place… He knew his mum surely would have
saved him and he couldn't imagine the pain Potter was going
through now knowing that this was the way things had happened.

Harry's eyes were no longer blank as he looked at his hands that

were being held by Ginny and Hermione. He couldn't stand it, sitting
hearing again how his parents were killed, with all the little details
this time as it was from the murderer's point of view. The
carelessness of it all. How it could have been avoided. He felt his
anger boil in him. He shot up so fast that Hermione and Ginny nearly
fell out of the couch as he got up. He walked across the room not
knowing what the hell he was doing… where he was going… how he
was feeling? He paced the room for a second and no one made a
move to stop him… either because they were too distraught or too
shocked by his behavior, it mattered little.

"Damnit!" he shouted, punching the wall hard as he walked by it and

then continued pacing. "Why the hell did he have to go after us?" he
shouted bitterly, punching the wall again as he passed it. He turned
his back on the wall and by the time he turned around again Sirius
was now standing there, his tear-stained face looking remorseful and

"It's my fault Harry…." Sirius said, "I'm the reason… so you can
punch me…."

Harry just looked at his godfather, his anger vanishing almost as

quickly as it had appeared. He shook his head… this wasn't Sirius's
fault; he would never believe that. Sirius took a step towards Harry
and pulled his godson into a firm hug… clinging to him just as much
as Harry was.

"It's my fault," Severus said a few minutes later. His voice was barely
over a whisper, but it had everyone looking at him. He looked directly
at Harry and for once his eyes didn't look cold and hateful. They
were sad and filled with a pain that was kin to his own. "I'm the
reason he came after you…."

"YOU!" Sirius growled, fury and pain mixing in one, but he couldn't
move because Harry was still holding on to him.

"I don't understand!" Harry said his body was feeling numb again and
he was now clinging to Sirius to keep himself standing. "What do you

"I…." Severus started but no words came to him.

Dumbledore looked at Severus intently and when his Potion Master

nodded his head, he said, "Severus was the one that told Voldemort
about the prophecy… the one I told you about…."
"I know," Harry said harshly, feeling the anger build in him.

"He is also the reason why we knew that Voldemort chose you Harry,
and that you needed to go into hiding," Dumbledore continued.

"And you think that makes up for it," Sirius said glaring at Severus,
hating him more in that moment than he ever had, finally having a
real reason to dislike the greasy git. But Severus turn his gaze on
him, and Sirius knew that Severus had realized there was no making
up for this ever… just like him, Severus had made a mistake that had
ended up killing Lily and James.

"Severus has been working as my spy ever since Voldemort had

decided to go after you…." Dumbledore started to say.

"I don't get it," Harry said looking at Dumbledore briefly before
looking back at Severus, the pain in the black-haired man's eyes
was hard to look at and that confused him more than anything. "You
hate my dad… you've told me enough times about what an arrogant
prat he was for me to see that… why the hell would you want to save
him… and my mum…." Severus flinched there and Harry knew in
that instant that his mum was the key to this somehow. "What? What
does this have to do with my mum?"

"L-lily…." Severus choked over the words because it was the first
time, he was saying it out loud in a long time… maybe years…
maybe even fifteen. "… Evans was my best friend…."

There was gasping around the room, for nearly everyone was
shocked. Harry felt his jaw drop as he stared at Severus like he's
never seen the man before. And this was true enough, he never
seen this man that was crying and admitting to care about another
person before.

"I… what…?" Harry said feeling numb again, how could Snape… the
man that had tortured him for nearly five years… have been best
friends with his mum?
"You're the reason why the Dark Lord was going to let her go," Draco
said, finding the silence that had filled the room after Severus's
statement very uncomfortable.

"Yes," Severus admitted shamefully.

Harry just looked at Severus, not able to say anything, not able to
process what this all meant. All he knew was that he was alive today
because his mum had a choice whether to protect him or not, and
the reason she had that choice was because of Severus.

"I think we've had enough of talking for now, maybe we should keep
reading," Fred said as another long and uncomfortable silence filled
the room, and Draco shrugged and started reading again.

Vision mentions he looked at the intruder's face with bright

interest, perhaps thinking it was his father making more pretty
light and his mother would pop up:

Harry's face crumble at Voldemort's thoughts, at his own reaction to

his mum's death… not understanding then what had happened, but
knowing now that he was always going to feel pain over this.

"Oh Harry," Molly said and got out of her seat, which of course she's
been wanting to do since the start of this chapter and went to pull
Harry into a hug. This was the same kind of hug she had given him
after the final task last summer.

It felt wrong to Harry, for he didn't want someone else's mother

hugging him, he wanted his own… and yet it felt right, for he knew
that Molly really had accepted him as a son… and that she was…
she was the closest thing he will ever have to a mother.

"Just let it out Harry," Molly said soothingly.

Draco started reading again.

Vision mentions he didn't like it crying, he had never been able
to stomach the small ones whining in the orphanage:

"Then that might be the way to defeat Voldemort," Fred said, using
the name for the first time, well at least not while reading. "Get
hundreds of crying babies and drive him insane."

"He's already insane… I don't think that will work," George said and
they both force themselves to laugh… a haunting sound right now,
but they had to try.

Avada Kedavra!:

There were hiss of indignation, and Hermione shuddered thinking of

the baby… of Harry being cursed like that. Ron wrapped his arms
around her, but she could feel that he was trembling too… it was just
as hard for him to hear this. She then looked at Ginny who was
looking as pale as a ghost and extended a hand to her. As soon as
she made contact with her friend, Ginny leaned into her, burying her
tear-stained face into Hermione's open embrace.

Hermione says do you feel all right and Harry lied and says yes:

"I'll never b-believe that," Hermione said in a weak and shaky voice
that was barely more than a whisper.

"I know," Harry answered in a watery and pained voice, and yet
when he opened his eyes to look at her, seeing that she was holding
Ginny and Ron was holding the both of them, he felt something. A
wave of emotion that was akin to gratitude. He had just heard how
he lost one family, but he was looking at another family… the one
that he had found on his owned and he vowed never to lose any of
them. He looked around the room and he knew the same could be
said about them all, except for Draco and Severus… he wasn't really
sure about them yet. Especially Severus… he had no idea what he
was going to do with the information he had just learned.

Hermione says you've been shouting and moaning and things:

Ron squeezed Hermione tighter to him as she shuddered at that…
he knew better than anyone what Harry looked like during one of his
episodes… it was just a few days ago after all, that Harry had been
trashing in his bed only to wake up to say Ron's dad was bitten by a
snake… the very snake that Harry had just faced. Still, he knew
Harry had to be worse after this… and how hard it would be on
Hermione to watch that.

Harry says you were right, he knew I'd go back:

"Hermione is always right," Fred said, "maybe you should remember

that next time Hermione and listen to yourself."

"I'll keep that in mind," Hermione said in a thick voice.

Harry says she didn't want to talk in front of you, because it was

"Oh…." someone said, though no one could see who it was exactly,
evidently whoever that was hadn't realized that point until this

Mentions he remembered the snake coming out of Bathilda's

neck, Hermione didn't need to know the details:

"No… I really don't," Hermione grimaces.

"I wish you could have spared us all the details too," Charlie

Harry says it wasn't supposed to kill me, just keep me their till
You-Know-Who came:

"You know Potter, you would have been dead already if the Dark
Lord didn't think he had to be the one to kill you," Draco observed.
"That was rather foolish of him… to allow you to have so many
opportunities to escape."

"Thanks Malfoy," Harry said rolling his eyes.

Mentions the holly and phoenix wand was nearly severed in

"No!" Harry groaned; he couldn't imagine his wand being damaged

like that… he couldn't imagine losing his wand.

Harry says mend it, please:

"That's impossible, Harry," Hermione said softly.

"Not impossible, but improbable," Dumbledore corrected.

"I don't understand… a wand that badly damaged can't be repaired,"

Hermione said, looking confused.

Dumbledore didn't answer, but just smiled politely at her.

Hermione says I'm so sorry, I think it was me I cast a Blasting

Curse and it rebounded and it must have hit:

"It's not your fault Hermione," Harry said looking at his friend in her
eyes and she sighed, obviously blaming herself.

Hermione says I don't think we're going to be able to, remember


No one notice the smile on Dumbledore's face at this sentence.

Mentions how was he supposed to find himself a new wand:

"Oh crap…." Sirius realized much too late. "You've only got one
wand between the two of you…."

"We'll survive somehow," Harry sighed, but things were starting to

look really glum.

Mentions desiring nothing more than to get away from her:

"So, you do blame me," Hermione sighed.

"Of course not," Harry rolled his eyes, and got up from the spot he
had been sitting in with Molly still holding him, and walked over to the
couch with his friends, they moved to make room for him, and Harry
wrapped an arm around Hermione. "I just need some time by

"Okay," Hermione rested her head on his shoulder.

"That was the end of the chapter," Draco said. "So, who's going to
read now?"

"Er… I think it might do some good if we all take a break for a little
while," McGonagall said, looking at the trio and Ginny on the couch
and then Sirius and Remus (and Tonks) in the corner of the room
and Severus, who looked as miserable as he had just after the war
had ended.

"That's a good idea," Molly said and that's what they did.
Chapter 19
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis for beta-ing this story.

Chapter Nineteen

The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore

For the next hour, Harry talked to his friends and their attempts to try
and make him feel better helped him a lot, though by no means
healed him. He found himself glancing at Severus a lot more often
than he ever thought he would have, but after what he just learned
he had a million questions to ask… questions that didn't seem likely
to be answered anytime soon. In the other corner of the room, Sirius,
Remus, Tonks, and Charlie were talking, Tonks and Charlie seeming
to do most of it. However, after a while Sirius started engaging in the
conversation too. The rest of the Weasleys, Fleur and McGonagall
(who spoke mostly with Molly) were talking too. And Severus and
Dumbledore seemed to be talking as well, as Severus worked on
masking his feelings again.

"I think we're ready now," Dumbledore said looking at everyone in

the room and seeing that everyone had relatively recovered for the
ordeal… or at least as much as they were likely to recover in this
short amount of time. "It seems that it is either Harry's or Severus's

Harry looked at the Potions Master, and despite the cold stare, felt
that Severus really didn't want to read. He didn't much feel like it
either, but he picked up the book. "I guess it's mine. The Life and
Lies of Albus Dumbledore." he then sighed. "Well, isn't that just
Dumbledore sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose… he wasn't
going to like this chapter at all.

Mentions that simply being alive should have been the greatest
treasure on earth, yet he couldn't appreciate it:

"Hm… I would have thought you would have learned to appreciate it

more than anyone, with all your near-death experiences," Ron said

"I do sometimes," Harry admitted, "but others it just doesn't seem


Mentions his senses had been spiked by losing his wand:

"Oh, that's right," Ron grimaced. "That was difficult for me and that
was when I lost Charlie's old wand… I'm sure it would be a lot worse
if I lost my new wand…"

"Ron," Harry said frowning.

"Yeah?" Ron said.

"Shut up," Harry huffed; it really was hard enough hearing about his
broken wand.

"Right… sorry," Ron's ears turned pink.

Mentions he lost all bones in his right arm once:

"How did you do that?" Sirius and Molly asked at the same time.

"Actually, Lockheart was the one that did it when he was trying to
heal my broken arm," Harry explained, in an odd way, talking about
something that was normal made him feel better.

Mentions that Harry talked the Snitch, and he was tempted to

throw it away, it was useless like everything else Dumbledore
had left behind:
"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Dumbledore said and of course Harry
felt guilty about what his book-self had just said. "I doubt I would
have given you anything that wouldn't help you somehow."

"Right," Harry said, and was distracted from his misery for a second
as he thought of what might be in the Snitch that would be useful to

Mentions there was no map, no plan:

"Please tell me that you think that Harry's wrong about that too,"
Remus said, for he didn't think he could take much more of Harry
wandering around aimlessly.

"I don't know if plan is the right word, but I'm sure things will start to
clear up for Harry soon," Dumbledore said thoughtfully.

Mentions that Hermione looked frightened that he might curse

her with her own wand:

Both Harry and Hermione flinched at that thought, not liking the idea
of either of them cursing or being cursed by the other.

Hermione asks do you mind if I talk to you and Harry says no

because he didn't want to hurt her feelings:

"At least you're considerate," Hermione sighed, "Ron would have just
told me to go away."

"I'm not so sure about that now," Ron said, looking down at her and
giving her a smile, "I might be more honest with you now."

"That would be nice," Hermione smiled back at him.

Harry just rolled his eyes at his friends, thinking that this was at least
better than the constant bickering, and started reading again.

Hermione gave him a copy of The Life and Lies of Albus

It became silent in the room, for everyone knew that they were going
to get some questions answered about Dumbledore that were
brought up in the book. They had all been wondering about what
was really going on but were too afraid to ask Dumbledore. They had
good reasons, as Dumbledore was showing at this moment, he just
looked so hurt and strangely normal.

Mentions now he would know if all the things that Dumbledore

had never thought it worth telling him, whether he wanted him
to or not:

Dumbledore frowned at this, starting to worry about this savage

nature of Harry's thoughts. He looked at the boy, who again looked

"I don't know if you're really going to get the answer you want from
that book," Fred pointed out.

"Yeah, it's Skeeter we're talking about," George added, "There won't
be a shred of truth in there."

Mentions the young Dumbledore and his handsome companion,

roaring with laughter at some long-forgotten joke:

Dumbledore's eyes looked faded as he heard this; he could

remember that time… he could even remember the joke quite
clearly… and the memories were painful.

The captions says Dumbledore with his friend Gellert


"Grindelwald!" everyone exclaimed; turning to look at Dumbledore in

shock. How could Dumbledore be friends with Grindelwald… hadn't
he defeated that dark wizard?

"Yes," he said simply, and Harry, realizing that he wasn't going to get
anything else out of his headmaster, started reading again.
Mentions Harry started the chapter entitled the greater good:

Dumbledore groaned at the name and everyone who knew that was
Grindelwald's slogan looked at Dumbledore oddly.

Chapter mentions Albus returned to take care of his younger

brother and sister, but how much care did he actually give

Not enough, Dumbledore thought bitterly; how he wished he could

change that now.

Chapter mentions what was Albus doing, the answer is

ensuring the continued imprisonment of his sister:

So wrong, and yet so right, Dumbledore thought as images of his

sister's last days filled his mind.

Everyone looked uncomfortably at Dumbledore, not really sure what

to believe.

Chapter quote about Bathilda she's nutty as squirrel poo:

"I didn't know that squirrel poo was nutty," Fred said.

"We're going to have to test that theory," George said.

"I'll let you handle that one," Fred said grimacing at the thought.

"We can trick Ron into doing it," George said.

"Oi," Ron protested.

"Or maybe Malfoy," Fred suggested.

"Hey," Draco said.

"Argh… that's right, you're here too," Fred grumbled. "And I just
thought of a good way to make you eat it too…."
"We'll just have to use it on some other Slytherin," George said.

"That should do," Fred chuckled.

"Er… how are you going to get them to tell you if it was nutty or not?"
Ginny questioned them.

"Nutty?" the twins said at the same time and then seemed to
remember how this started.

"Don't know," Fred shrugged. "But I'm sure we'll figure it out."

Chapter mentions enough nuggets of hard fact to string

together the whole scandalous story:

"String together a whole scandalous story… she just admitted that

she made this whole bloody thing up," Hermione huffed.

Mentions at sixteen years old, even Durmstrang felt it couldn't

turn a blind eye to Grindelwald experiments, and he was

"What did he do there?" Remus found himself asking before he

could stop himself.

"I never knew," Dumbledore said, Gellert had always been evasive
when he asked… he had wondered afterward what was done in that
castle, but it was too hard for him to look into.

Bathilda says I introduced him to poor Albus, who was missing

the company of lads his own age, the boys took to each other at

"It must have been nice to find someone that was just as skilled as
you were," Percy commented, but Dumbledore didn't show any signs
of hearing him.

Bathilda says an idea would have struck him and he had to let
Gellert know immediately:
Here Dumbledore sighed, he had missed this, someone that he
could talk to… discuss things with. He was never really able to do
that with anyone else like he was with Gellert.

Dumbledore wrote your point about Wizard dominance being

for the Muggles own good:

Harry paused there, looking at Dumbledore shocked… this couldn't

really mean what he thought it meant. It seemed that everyone was
just as shocked as Harry felt, however, now that he thought of it, he
wanted to hear everything that Dumbledore had to say in this letter
before he let anyone interrupt him, so he quickly started reading

Dumbledore wrote we have been given power and yes, that

power gives us the right to rule:

"What…" Hermione started to say, feeling particularly betrayed by

this sentiment coming from Dumbledore of all people, but Harry
didn't let her or anyone else say anything.

After the end of the letter:

Harry put down the book and looked, as everyone else in the room,
at Dumbledore.

"You wanted to rule the Muggles!" Draco said. "You! I can't bloody
believe this!"

"You can't," Hermione said, and looked at Dumbledore pleadingly, as

if she was hoping that he would say that this was all some kind of
sick joke.

"I won't deny that I wrote this letter," Dumbledore started in a grave
voice and everyone in the room gasped.

"Why?" Harry asked. "Why would you want to do that? How could
you go from being that… to being the defender of Muggle and
Muggle-borns? It just doesn't make any bloody sense!"

"I will never be able to forget or forgive my weakness in this point in

my life," Dumbledore sighed, his eyes closed, not really wanting to
see that disappointment in everyone's eyes. "I gave up my better
judgment because I was so enthralled to have someone that I could
talk to and would truly understand me. It did not help that I was
already feeling resentful for having to stay in Godric's Hallows, to
look after my family…

"As I know you all have been wondering, Ariana wasn't a squib,"
Dumbledore went on, it sounded like every word cost him a lot to
say. "She was attacked by three Muggle boys when she was just a

"Oh dear," Molly gasped, and McGonagall went to put a hand on

Dumbledore's shoulder. This caused Dumbledore to open his eyes
and look Harry in the eyes.

"She was never the same after that," there was no twinkle in
Dumbledore's eyes as he said this, "she tried to stop being a witch…
but power like that doesn't just go away and it…."

"So, you were angry at the Muggles for what they did," Draco said,
looking disgusted at the thought that some Muggles would think of
attacking a witch like that.

"I know I could not judge all Muggles as a whole for the actions of a
few," Dumbledore sighed. "But I must admit that at that time in my
life it was easier to believe that." He looked away, feeling ashamed
to admit this, "I believed that if I were to be in charge of everyone
that I would be able to make everything better… an arrogant thought
and you don't know how much I regret all of this now."

"It's okay Dumbledore," Hermione said. "I can see why you would
feel this way… sort of… and it's not like you ever did anything to act
on your thoughts. Besides, doesn't everyone deserve a second
Dumbledore bowed his head toward Hermione, glad that she could
accept his mistake so easily.

"Is that where that came from, your willingness to give everyone a
second chance," Sirius grumbled.

"Perhaps," Dumbledore said. He hadn't ever really thought of the

root of this before. "I do know that anyone is capable of making a
decision that they will regret and that if they truly mean it, they
should have the opportunity to try and fix it."

"It's still hard to believe that you ever thought this way," Draco said,
and there were several people who agreed with this, still numb from
this revelation.

After a moment of silence Harry decided to start reading again.

Chapter mentions how hollow those speeches promoting

Muggle right seem in light of his damning new evidence:

"That's true… if my dad got a hand on these letters now, he would be

able to bring you down even farther than you are now," Draco said. "I
don't think anyone would trust you again."

"Hm…" Dumbledore frowned, "that is probably true."

"Well that definitely wouldn't be good," Hermione said, "we need

Dumbledore to be the symbol of the light side. Besides, I think what
Skeeter had just said is a load of rubbish. I mean Dumbledore you
really do support Muggle rights… it doesn't matter what you thought

"Oh, it matters, trust me, it matters," Draco said. "Just a shred of

doubt could be damning to him."

Chapter mentions Ariana dying, and Gellert was there and he

came back to my house all of a dither and Portkey away:

"Did he kill your sister…?" several people started to ask at once.

Dumbledore couldn't answer that… for one he didn't know the
answer and for another it was his fault no matter who was the one
that cast the curse. His sister had to pay the gravest price of his

Harry grimaced at this, he knew what it was like to lose family

members and feel guilty about it, but he also knew that what he felt
wasn't anywhere near to what Dumbledore was feeling. This didn't
really make the whole wanting to rule Muggles thing any easier to
swallow, but it made it a lot harder to be upset with his headmaster.

Chapter mentions was Ariana the first person to die for the
greater good:

There were tears dripping from Dumbledore's eyes as Harry finished

the chapter in Skeeters book, he had been trying to mask them for
so long, but he couldn't help it. Rita's absurd questions were so close
to the truth that he couldn't help but feel and see everything that
happened that day. McGonagall squeezed his shoulder again and he
could feel everyone's eyes on him, asking him what had happened
to Ariana… about how she had died? But there was no way he could
say that.

Harry, sensing this was the case started reading again.

Mentions how much more could he lose, Ron, Dumbledore, the

phoenix wand:

Dumbledore bowed his head; it was more painful than he would like
to admit that he was losing Harry's respect.

"I'm not thinking this way sir," Harry informed him. "I can't say it's not
hard… hearing this… but nobody's perfect… I supposed that has
changed, for I did think you kind of were, but I can live with that…
and it doesn't really change who you are now that I know how you
came to be the way you are… if that makes any sense."
"I believe it does Harry," Dumbledore said in a gruff voice. "Thank

Hermione says I'm sorry, but I think the real reason you're so
angry is that Dumbledore never told you any of this himself:

Harry frowned, wondering if that was true.

"I've never told anyone this before," Dumbledore muttered, he could

never have told anyone this, and he still never would have shared
this if they hadn't heard so much of his back story.

Hermione says he loved you, I know he loved you:

Harry looked uncomfortable reading that, and looked at his

headmaster who was smiling sadly, but nodded his head.

Mentions that Dumbledore had really cared:

"That's it," Harry said, handing the book to Severus, who didn't
seemed to be pleased by this at all.
Chapter 20
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Twenty

The Silver Doe

Severus frowned when he took hold of the book, he was still thinking
about what had happened two chapters ago, which is why he didn't
pay too much attention to the last chapter. He was however,
comforted somewhat by hearing what Dumbledore had gone through
as a young man. Knowing that the old man understood what it was
like to do something that hurt someone you cared about and there
was nothing you could do to stop it.

He then looked down at the book and grimaced, wondering what this
title would mean to him, as he read, "The Silver Doe."

Mentions Harry was convinced that somebody had called out to

him and imagining the wind was footsteps or voices:

"I don't like the sound of that," Molly said warily; not wanting anyone
to find Harry and Hermione.

Hermione says I kept thinking I could hear people moving

outside, even thought I saw somebody:

"Definitely not good," Molly repeated, and everyone got tense.

However, Dumbledore had a feeling that this wasn't as dangerous as

everyone seemed to think, having a good idea of who was out there.

Mentions that Harry glance at the motionless Sneakoscope on

the table:
"You don't think it's broken, do you?" Hermione worried; it would be
very dangerous for them if that wasn't working.

"I'm sure it's fine," Tonks said, for Hermione wasn't the only one that
was looking worried about this.

Hermione opened her beaded bag to get the tent and says the
Forest of Dean:

"Um… that's the first time that you mentioned the place that you
were at," Remus noticed with trepidation.

"Do you think something is going to happen?" Tonks questioned.

"I don't know, but I really don't like how this chapter is starting,"
Remus grimaced. "And yet… I don't know, it doesn't seem as
menacing as it seems to be."

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked.

"I don't know either," Remus shrugged, "maybe that I'm just hoping
something good will finally happen in one of these chapters."

Severus, while listening to the others talk, looked at the previous

sentence and noticed that it said that Hermione's beaded bag was
open. Recalling that Phineas portrait was inside there, and knowing
that somehow, he must be involved judging by the chapter titled
thought he knew what the significance of this place being mentioned.

Hermione says I came camping here once with my mum and


"Really, camping doesn't really seem like something that you would
want to do," Harry said.

"I didn't say that I wanted to go… it's just somewhere that my parents
wanted to go," Hermione shrugged.
"Do you really think this is a good place to go if Muggles come
there?" Ginny questioned.

"It should be fine, it's not the season for Muggles to visit the place,
and even if there are some out there, no one would be able to get
close to us because of the charm I've been using in the book,"
Hermione said.

Mentions that after two nights of little sleep, Harry's sense

seemed more alert than usual:

"Really… whenever I have little sleep, I can barely make sense of

anything," Sirius said, and Harry shrugged.

Mentions Harry refused Hermione's offer to keep watch:

"But you obviously need sleep Harry," Hermione said, a little worried.

"And I'm sure you do too," Harry said. "You know I'm not going to let
you take all the responsibilities just because I was injured."

Mentions that Harry was wearing all the sweaters he owned but
he was still shivery:

"I bet even with wearing all the sweaters that he owns he still looks
like a skinny git," Fred chuckled.

"That's probably true, the only sweaters that I have are the ones that
Mrs. Weasley made me, so I would only have… well hopefully six
sweaters," Harry shrugged.

Molly's eyes started to water at the mention of this and was happy
that he seemed to really like the sweaters that she made for him.

Mentions that Harry was about to get the Map to look at Ginny's
dot before remembering it was Christmas and she would be at
the Burrow:
Ginny couldn't help smiling at this, though she was also blushing
because of the sniggering her brothers and Sirius were doing, and
even more embarrassing was the smug expression her mum was

Mentions that Harry wishes the creatures would remain silent

so he could hear the more sinister movements:

"You've been mentioning this a lot lately, but you've been keeping
watch since you started living in that tent," Draco pointed out and
everyone shivered by the implied meaning of that sentence. There
was something different about this time and they were all thinking
that somehow someone was going to find them.

Mentions that several times Harry jerked upright because he

had fallen asleep:

"Hmph… not very good at keeping watch are you," Fred said in a
mock-stern voice.

"You really should have let me do this if you were going to fall
asleep," Hermione grimaced.

"Sorry," Harry sighed.

Mentions a bright silver light appeared, moving through the


Everyone tensed; what could this be?

Mentions that the light drifted towards Harry, and he jumped to

his feet then the light became blinding, and still the thing came

"Don't just stand there staring at it, do something!" Ginny said


"What… it's just a silver light?" Harry said.

"That doesn't mean it can't be dangerous," Ginny pointed out, but
she didn't actually know what he should have done.

Mentions it was a silver white doe:

"It sounds like a Patronus to me," Remus frowned.

"You mean it sounds like Lily's Patronus," Sirius corrected, they had
both seen her cast the Patronus before and this definitely sounded
like it.

"Yes… but I don't know how that could be," Remus said still

Severus on the other hand was trying to figure out what he was
doing out there and why he was sending Potter a Patronus.

"Do you think I can trust this thing," Harry questioned, for he had a
feeling that he would have before Sirius and Remus had mentioned
that it looked like his mum's Patronus form, and he now had an even
greater desire to see it.

"I doubt anyone evil would really conjure a doe," Sirius rolled his
eyes. "I'm sure you'll be fine, Harry."

"I don't know," Remus grimaced, shaking his head at his friend.
"Anyone that knew that your Patronus is a Stag (and now that you
have said it in front of a court full of people that number had
increased a great deal) might have realized that was one way to
make you follow them."

"But you can't control what form your Patronus is," Sirius pointed out.

"No, but that doesn't mean you can't make an image like this
appear," Remus grimaced.

Several people became more and more apprehensive the longer this
conversation went on, and still Severus didn't tell anyone that it was
his Patronus, though it looked like Dumbledore had guess, the old
man was certainly looking at him closely.

Mentions he felt that he had been waiting for her to come, but
that he had forgotten, until this moment, that they had arranged
to meet:

Everyone groaned, they could tell that Harry was going to trust the
silver doe, now all they could hope for is that it wasn't something that
was going to hurt him.

Severus on the other hand frowned, wondering how Harry was

feeling what he was; was his feeling for Lily somehow transformed
into his Patronus and the boy was able to feel that?

Mentions that harry thought about shouting for Hermione, but

he knew the doe came for him and him alone:

"Don't you remember what happened the last time that you thought
that?!" Molly said, her worry too strong for her not to say this. "You
were nearly killed by a snake!"

"Er…" was all Harry could say to that. He felt foolish about this and
yet he knew that if he had met the silver doe in person, he would
have felt that way.

Mentions he hesitated, thinking it could be a trick, but instinct

told him this was not Dark Magic:

"Harry," several people said, all in the same tone of dread.

"I've been surviving on my instincts since I was eleven… I have to

trust them," was Harry's defiant reply to their worry.

"You still could have told me about this," Hermione grumbled, how
was she supposed to help him if something went wrong if she didn't
even know that he was in danger.
Mentions Harry thought the doe would allow him to approach
him and then she would speak, and the voice would tell him
what he needed to know:

Severus had a hard time not reacting to this, knowing one thing for
sure. The doe was not going to speak… it would scare Potter and
make him distrustful of the doe if it spoke with Severus's voice.

Harry on the other hand was imagining his mum's voice coming from
this doe, and he was hopeful of that happening.

Harry wonders if he was about to be attacked, was he enticed

into an ambush, did somebody stand beyond the reach of
wandlight, watching him:

Naturally the tension in the room multiplied by this line of

questioning, and even Severus voice sounded a little nervous, as
most assumed had something to do with Harry being in danger but
was really because he was worried that the Harry in the book might
have seen him.

Mentions that nobody ran out at him, no green light burst from
behind a tree, so why had she led him to this spot:

"So, this isn't an ambush?" Molly said, though it sounded like a


"It doesn't look like it," Remus said looking relieved. "But there has to
be some kind of reason it brought him here."

Harry was at a frozen pond, and something glittered of the

wandlight, a great silver cross:

"The doe led you to a silver cross?" Sirius said looking confused.

"It has to be something more than just a cross," Tonks said, rolling
her eyes.

"Then what is it?" Sirius questioned.

"I don't know, but I expect if you let Snape read, then we'll find out
soon enough," Tonks said impatiently.

Mentions a glint of deep red, it was a sword with glittering


"THE SWORD OF GRYFFINDOR!" several people exclaimed.

"Finally… something good has happened!" Molly continued.

"Ha! Aren't you all glad that I followed my instincts now!" Harry

"Fine, you were right," Hermione said. "But that doesn't mean this
wasn't dangerous."

"Everything I do is dangerous," Harry shrugged.

"But what is it doing in there?" Remus questioned, looking at

Dumbledore. "Did you put it there?"

"I don't believe that I would do that," Dumbledore said, "For it didn't
seem plausible that I would know that Harry would come to this
particular forest."

"Then how did it get there?" Sirius questioned this time.

Dumbledore merely smiled but didn't answer the question, which

Severus was glad of, for he could tell that Dumbledore at least had
figured out what was going on. Not wanting anyone else to figure out
the truth, thinking mostly of the werewolf, McGonagall and
Hermione, he started reading.

Mentions had some unknown magic drawn them to this spot, or

was the doe, which he was taken to be a Patronus, some kind of
guardian of the pool:

"If you had taken it to be a Patronus, then how could you think it's
the guardian of the pool," Bill questioned. "Those would be too very
different things."

Harry just shrugged his shoulders in response to that.

Mentions or was the sword put into the pool precisely because
they were here:

"I would have to believe that this is more likely the case," Arthur said.

"Yeah, especially since you have been feeling as if someone was

there," Bill added. "They must have been trying to give you that
sword but couldn't get through the charms that Hermione had around
the tent."

Mentions that again Harry looks to see if someone was there,

but he could not see anyone there:

"That doesn't mean they're not there," Percy said, "they might have
disillusioned themselves."

"The questioned is though, why would the person want to hide from
Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know," Remus frowned. "I could understand now the need to
use the Patronus, for that would be able to penetrate your charms,
seeing as it is not a human and would never be able to harm you.
However, one would think that once the person was able to see
Harry, that they would have just given him the sword… why put it in
the middle of the lake?"

Again, Severus realized why he wouldn't just show himself to Potter

and didn't want anyone else to figure it out (though he did wonder
why he would put in in a frozen pond), so he started reading as soon
as Remus had finished his question.

Harry says Accio Sword:

"Yeah, I'm sure that one is going to work," Draco said rolling his
eyes. "If it was going to be that easy it would have been laying on
the ground."

Mentions that Harry hadn't expected it to work, if it was going to

be that easy it would have been laying on the ground:

Several people chuckled at this as Draco and Harry both made a

face at thinking similarly.

Harry thinks about the last time he got the sword and he had
been danger and asked for help, so he asked for help, but
nothing happened:

This caused more people to snigger.

"Did you really think that was going to work," George laughed.

"No, but it would have been nice if it had," Harry shrugged.

Mentions only a true Gryffindor could have pulled that out of

the hat, and their daring nerve and chivalry set Gryffindor apart:

"Oh," Remus said thoughtfully. "That would explain why the person
wouldn't just show themselves… Harry would have to figure out how
to get the sword on his own."

"By doing something using daring nerve," Sirius added.

"But what could he do here…" Remus started to ask.

"NO!" Molly moaned miserably.

"What?" several people said, having been startled by Molly sudden


"He's going to have to go into the pool!" Molly explained and

everyone groaned this time, they could tell that she was right.

Mentions that the only reason to delay was the immediate

prospect was deeply uninviting:
"You could say that again," Fred said. "Who would want to jump into
a pool only so they could freeze to death?"

Mentions unless it was chivalrous that he wasn't calling for

Hermione to do it in his stead:

"There are plenty of things I would do for you, but this isn't one of
them," Hermione informed him, with a smile.

"Darn," Harry snapped his fingers in mock disappointment.

"Though it would have been nice if I was there," Hermione added,

now looking worried again.

Mentions an owl hooted and he thought with a pang of Hedwig:

Harry grimaced, he had nearly forgotten that Hedwig was killed in

this book, the reminder made him feel horrible; though he was
reassuring himself that he wasn't going to let anything happen to his

Mentions he was trying not to imagine how much colder he was

about to be and jumped:

"You really are the craziest person I know," Fred said. "And that's
saying something because I know myself."

Harry rolled his eyes at this comment.

Mentions that something closed around his next, it was the

chain of the Horcrux:


YOUR NECK!" Molly shouted, though not as a reprimand… not yet
at least… it was pure fear.

"Harry, you had to realized that it would be dangerous to do that!"

Hermione groaned, biting her lip. How was Harry going to get out of
this? Again, she wished that she was there, so she could have help.
"It's not like I could have just left that laying around," Harry
countered. "Hermione I was sure that someone was there, they
might have stolen it or something."

"I would prefer that than you drowning!" Hermione huffed, and yet
she knew that Harry had a point. It wouldn't have been good if the
locket was taken.

"Besides, why would the person that brought you the sword want to
take the Horcrux?" Ron asked, he was looking worried and guilty,
wishing for what felt like the millionth time that he was there.

"I don't know," Harry had to admit, and Hermione smiled at Ron for
thinking of that when she didn't. However, the smile vanished as
soon as Severus started reading again.

Harry thinks he was going to drown and the arms that closed
around his chest were surely Death's:

"No!" several people shouted, but they were also the feeling that
Harry might have been wrong with what he was thinking, for arms
being closed around him could also mean that someone was pulling
him out of the water.

Mentions choking and retching, he came to face down in the


"Yes!" nearly everyone in the room shouted.

"You're out of the water and now you have the sword!" Sirius said.

"You can destroy that bloody Horcrux!" Ron added darkly, hating that
thing more than anything. It wasn't bad enough that it had played a
hand in his leaving his friends, but now it tried to kill Harry… the
bloody thing needed to be hacked to pieces!

"It's just a good thing that you came to rescue me again Hermione,"
Harry said, "thanks."
Hermione nodded her head, looking relieved that he was okay but
not entirely sure that it was her that had saved him. How would she
have known that he was there?

Mentions that somewhere close someone was coughing yet it

didn't sound like Hermione, not with the deep coughs, not
judging by the weight of the footsteps:

"So, it wasn't you, never mind then," Harry said.

"Then who was it?" Molly questioned; she would have to find out
some way to reward this person for saving Harry like that.

"Probably the person that put the sword in the pool in the first place,"
Percy said reasonably.

Severus grimaced at this, knowing that he couldn't have let Lily's son
drown like that, and didn't appreciate that he would have to go into
the pool after him. Therefore, he seriously hoped that Percy wasn't
right, but knowing that it wasn't likely that anyone else would be

"Perhaps," Dumbledore said, and there was a twinkle in his eyes that
hadn't been there for a good portion of this book. Everyone
wondered what this meant, but of course they came up with nothing.

Says are you mental:

The Weasleys, Hermione and Harry all looked hopeful at this, feeling
they knew now who was there. Ron in particular was looking hopeful.

Mentions nothing but hearing the voice could have given Harry
the strength to get up, there before him stood Ron:

There was loud cheering for this announcement as Molly rushed

over to her youngest son to pull him into the tightest hug, she had
ever given him.
"My little baby, so brave and saving Harry like that!" Molly was
shouting as she continued to hug him.

"I'm very proud of you son," Arthur said, clapping Ron on the back,
for it didn't look like Molly was going to let him go anytime soon.

"I can't believe it!" Fred shouted, shaking his head.

"What a way to come back!" George added.

"It kind of makes it hard to be angry with him any longer," Ginny said,
who's anger at her brother had gone down considerably in the last
two chapters. She looked at Ron, who was now grinning like he had
gone quite mental himself as their family were congratulating him for
his triumphant return.

"Thanks mate," Harry said, "you really saved me."

"Trust me Harry… it's my pleasure," Ron said earnestly. "I reckon

you can't be too angry with me now."

"I reckon not," Harry chuckled, just happy that his book-self had both
his best friends back.

"Ron," Ginny said, and going to hug her brother. "I'm glad you came
back… and that you were able to save Harry. I'm sorry I've been
angry at you for so long…."

"Don't worry about it, Ginny, you had every right," Ron sighed. "I'm
just glad I came back before it was too late…."

"Hm… how did you get back?" Hermione asked, furrowing her

"That's all you've got to say," Ron frowned. "Aren't you happy that I'm

"Of course, I am," Hermione said, smiling at him as she took her seat
next to him again as the Weasleys made their way back to their own
seats. "It's such a comfort knowing that you're going to be there now
to help us… we really are stronger when we're all together."

"But Hermione brings up a good point," Sirius said, though it seemed

like Hermione, and Ron, were no longer paying attention as they
stared goofily at each other. "How did Ron get there?"

"I don't know," Remus frowned. "He shouldn't be able to do that."

Severus, having just about enough of this conversation and all the
praise that Ron was getting started to read again.

Mentions the sword of Gryffindor in one hand and the Horcrux

dangling from the other:

"Wow… who knew that Ron could manage such a heroic pose?"
George chuckled.

"I bet Hermione could," Fred said. "I'm sure this sword wheeling Ron
has starred in many of her dreams."

Hermione flushed at this comment and glared at Fred.

Mentions the silver doe was nothing compared with Ron's


"I'm glad that I mean more to you than a silver doe," Ron said, still
grinning like an idiot, he couldn't believe how good it felt being back
in the story… knowing that his book self could make up for leaving.

Harry, knowing what the doe meant to him and how it would make
him think of his mum, still wasn't surprised that Ron's reappearance
meant more.

Mentions that Harry started putting on his clothes:

"Oh, dear Ronnie, you must be freezing too," Molly fretted. "All your
clothes are wet."
"I'm sure I'll be fine Mum," Ron rolled his eyes.

Harry says you cast that doe:

"Er… I doubt that," Ron said.

Fred and George started sniggering at that, imagining Ron's

Patronus being a doe and how they would make fun of him for that.

Ron says oh yeah, I thought it looked different, no antlers:

Several people sniggered at this; it seemed that Ron's return had

everyone in a much lighter mood than they had been since… well
since he left.

Ron says well, I've come back, if you know, you still want me:

Harry rolled his eyes at the last thing that Ron said, of course he
would want Ron there.

Mentions the subject of Ron's departure seemed to rise like a

wall between them, yet he was here, he had returned, he saved
his life:

"Darn you Ron and making it impossible for me to not want you
back," Harry said shaking his fist at his friend with mock fury.

Ron says I did think I saw something move over there, but I was
running for the pool, you've gone in and hadn't come out:

"Well, that's perfectly understandable given the circumstances,"

Hermione said.

"Of course, it isn't, he should have let Potter drowned," Draco said in
a mixture of a teasing and serious tone.

Mentions the ground around the roots, but there was no sign of
"That's convenient," Sirius said, "I wondered if the person just cast a
warm charm and melted the snow away."

Ron says you reckon this is the real one:

"Now wouldn't that just be a kick in the pants if it was a fake," Charlie

"Especially after all the trouble that you went through to get it," Bill

Mentions the locket was twitching slightly:

"Hm… that seems to suggest that it's the right sword," Tonks said. "I
bet it tried to choke Harry because it knew that it was close to being

"It's a thing, how could it possibly know that," Charlie asked.

"It's a piece of Voldemort's soul," Tonks said, "we have no idea what
it knows or what it's capable of."

This comment naturally had everyone shivering.

Ron tries to hand Harry the sword, but he says no, you should
do it:

"What, are you kidding me," Ron said looking alarmed at the

"And why not you, you're the one that saved Harry… you were the
one with the most nerve and chivalry," Hermione said proudly.
"You're the one that acted like a true Gryffindor here."

Ron blushed at this as his family smiled at him proudly.

Mentions Dumbledore had at least taught Harry something

about certain kinds of magic, of the incalculable power of
certain acts:
Dumbledore was now smiling proudly at Harry, glad that the boy had
learned that lesson perfectly.

Harry says I'm going to open it and you will stab it, because
whatever's in there will put up a fight, the bit of Riddle in the
Diary tried to kill me:

"Oh goody, something to look forward to," Sirius groaned.

Ginny had stiffened as she often did whenever the diary was
mentioned, and liked those other times, Harry grabbed her hand in

Harry says I'm going to ask it to open, using Parseltongue:

"Finally, you thought of that Potter," Draco said smugly, having

realized this many chapters before this.

Ron says no, don't open it, I'm serious:

"I know you want to be like me, but I'm sorry Ron, you're not Sirius,"
Sirius said and everyone groaned.

"Why don't you want it opened?" Harry questioned his friend.

"I'm not sure," Ron said, but his expression made Harry think that his
red headed friend had a good idea what his reason was.

Ron describes what it was like wearing the locket ending with
then I'd have to put the effing thing back on, I can't do it Harry:

Everyone grimaced at this explanation, they had no idea how

strongly the locket had affected Ron, but it didn't sound good at all.
Ginny sighed, now feeling a little guilty for being so angry with Ron.
She knew better than anyone the effects the Horcruxes have when
you are near it.

Mentions then a voice hissed from out the Horcrux:

"No… don't let it speak," Ginny groaned, she looked miserable, as
she thought about how complying she knew the voice would be.

Locket says I have seen your dreams, Ronald Weasley, and I

have seen your fears, all you desire is possible, and all that you

With that the tension in the room started to build again, something
was going to happen… the locket was trying to save itself.

Locket says least loved, always, by the mother who craved a


Molly moaned at this, and tears started to form in her eyes as she
realized that this was one of Ron's greatest fears.

Mentions least loved, now, by the girl who prefers your friend:

Hermione sighed, but she took one of Ron's hands in her hand as
she wrapped the other around him. She was going to make sure that
he never had to fear this. At the same time, she knew that Ron was
going to have a hard time sitting here with everyone hearing his
greatest fears….

Mentions second best, always eternally overshadowed:

Harry and Ron's siblings all looked sadly at Ron, who was looking at
the hand that Hermione was holding, trying not to let this bother him,
and failing miserably.

Mentions that out of the locket's two windows came the heads
of Harry and Hermione:

"Er… what?" Fred said, attempting like always to relieve the

situation, before he could say anything more, Severus continued

Mentions the Riddle-Hermione was more beautiful and yet more

terrible than the real Hermione:
Hermione frowned at this description, wondering why she was more
beautiful. As she thought this, her own fears about her appearance
(something she tried desperately not to care about but doesn't mean
she didn't realize that she was plain) build in her. She always
wondered what Ron had thought of her in that way and now she was
thinking that this 'Riddle-Hermione' must be Ron's idealized version
of her.

Riddle-Hermione says who could look at you, beside Harry


"Ron," Hermione started to say.

"Don't… it's okay, I know you don't really think this way," Ron
mumbled in a voice that only Hermione could hear.

"But it's true… you can't compare to the boy wonder," Draco said
and received glares for everyone else in the room. "Honestly, no one

"Why don't you just shut the hell up Malfoy," George said.

"Or we will be happy to make you," Fred added.

Draco turned pale at their glares and closed his mouth, but Severus
realized what Draco was really trying to say, and it wasn't to make
fun of Ron.

Riddle-Harry says Your mother confessed, she would have

preferred me as a son, would be glad to exchange:

Molly started to cry at this, hating that she had let her son believe
that she felt that way. "R-ron… I-I…."

"Mum… I know you don't think this," Ron said still looking at the
hand that Hermione was holding.

Harry was looking at his friend, hating that his friend might think that
he was trying to replace him… though he couldn't help but want to
be part of Ron's family, not as a replacement, but as an extra

Molly got up at this point and moved to sit on the other side of Ron,
tears still in her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry that I e-ever let y-you think this," she said softly, her voice
trembled as she spoke. "I n-never realized t-that you thought t-that I
was d-disappointed that y-you weren't a g-girl…."

"Mum I…" Ron started to say, feeling uncomfortable with this subject
and the fact that everyone was watching him.

"A-and I'm s-sorry I d-didn't tell you h-how happy I-I was when y-you
were born," Molly said brushing some hair off his face fondly. "I never
told you this… but you're the one that reminds me most of your
father. You were always so kind and considerate when you were
younger… always willing to help me out…."

"That's until we got to him and corrupted him," Fred said, trying to
bail his brother out of his embarrassment, but Molly completely
ignored him.

"I'm sorry that I made you think that I was trying to replace you,"
Molly said, and the tears that had stopped for a while started to fall
again. She could see that Ron was going to try to protest this again
too, but she didn't give him the chance. "I-I do care about H-harry,
but Ronnie… -n-no one c-can replace y-you in my h-heart… you'll
always b-be my baby b-boy."

And then Molly was hugging Ron again, crushing him in her grip, but
Ron didn't mind at all. He would never admit this to her, but he really
did need to hear all of this right now.

As this went on Percy was frowning. To a certain extent, he too felt

this way. He too had felt as if he was overshadowed by his brothers,
and he felt a little resentful when Harry had come into the picture and
his parents had taken such a liking to him. He didn't really think
about this until now, when he listened to his mum's speech to Ron
that he cared this much. That he had been jealous that there was yet
another person that took his parents' attention away from him. This
was likely the reason why it was so easy for him to believe that Harry
was mad and making up stories, when it was clearly not the case.

Mentions that Riddle-Harry and Hermione, and their lips met:

"Ew," Hermione and Harry groaned in unison, both putting on a show

of how disgusted they were by this because they wanted Ron to feel
better somehow.

"Honestly, how you ever worked it out that Harry and Hermione liked
each other is beyond me," Fred shook his head.

"If it was so obvious it would have been nice if someone would have
clue me in on it," Ron said, his voice was thick as he tried not to
shed any tears at what his mum had just told him.

"What would be the fun in that?" George said.

Mentions Ron looked at Harry and their was a trace of scarlet in

his eyes:

Everyone shivered at that, wondering what it meant.

Mentions looked down on the shattered remains of the locket:

"Yeah, Ron, you destroyed it," Fred said, clapping him on the back.

Ron's other brothers added their congratulations, all of them highly

aware that they probably contributed to Ron's insecurities, and they
were going to have to figure a way to help him get over it.

Mentions Ron's eyes were also wet:

"From the pool I'm sure," Ron said, in a mock-defensive voice, that
had everyone rolling their eyes but smiling at him.
Mentions that Harry took it as a good sign that Ron didn't throw
his hand off is shoulder:

Why would I have thrown it off, Ron thought to himself, it would be

good to know that Harry was there.

Harry says after you left, she cried for a week:

"I'm not sure I'm going to want you telling him that," Hermione

"Sorry," Harry said.

Ron looked at her warily… why would she think that? Ron was
suddenly feeling apprehensive about his reunion with Hermione.

Mentions that now that Ron was here again, Harry fully realized
how much his absence had cost him:

"I'm Sorry Harry," Ron sighed.

"We've been through this… I understand," Harry said.

Harry says she's like my sister, I love her like a sister, and I
reckon that she feels the same way about me:

Hermione smiled at Harry, who returned the smile. Though he had

said it to her just the other night, that was after she had confessed
that was how she felt about him… it was nice to know this was how
he felt without any prompting.

"Aw isn't that cute," Fred said.

"Hm… I was just wondering if you thought of Ron as a brother too,"

Ginny asked.

"Of course," Harry said and smiled at his friend.

"So how does it feel to have your brother and sister going out with
each other now… that's got to make things awkward for you," Ginny

"A little," Harry admitted chuckling, "but I'll live with it."

Harry says it's always been like that. I thought you knew:

"Well, I didn't," Ron sighed.

Ron says I'm sorry I left, I know I was a… a… :

"Arse," Fred supplied.

"Git," George added.

"Imbecile," Bill smirked.

"Jerk," Charlie felt the need to add.

"Too prideful," Percy said with a sigh, not wanting to tease his
brother too much but feeling the need to join in with his other

"Yeah, all of that, plus a prat," Ginny said.

"Thanks, it's nice to know how you all feel about me," Ron frowned,
but smiled at being teased in this way by his siblings, it meant that
they had truly forgiven him.

Ron says that makes me sound a lot cooler than I was:

"That's not possible," Hermione informed him with a smile that made
Ron blush.

Harry says stuff like that always sounds cooler than it really
was, I've been trying to tell you that for years:
Ron was able to chuckle at that as he remembered Harry indeed
telling him that.

Mentions simultaneously they walked forward and hugged,

Harry gripping the still-sopping back of Ron's jacket:

"Aw… all friends again!" the twins said and laughed as Ron and
Harry rolled their eyes.

Harry says all we have to do is find the tent again:

"Hm… they're outside of your enchantments, how can he find the

tent again," Fleur questioned.

"I supposed because Harry was in them while they were cast that he
was immune to them," Hermione said.

"Hm… I hope so," Fleur said. "The only other explanation I could
think of him being able to find the place again is that they where
broken when Harry had left."

"I'm sure that's not the case," Percy said as he noticed several
people get worried again.

Mentions that Harry couldn't wait to wake Hermione and Ron

lagged behind him:

"What's the matter Ronniekins, are you afraid of how you're girlfriend
is going to react?" Fred laughed.

Hermione says what's wrong, Harry, are you all right:

"It's a good thing that Harry wasn't really in danger, for it seems like it
would have taken a while for you to get up," George teased, and
Hermione glared at him.

Hermione says what do you mean, who:

"There's someone here… honestly Harry, that's not going to make
me any less nervous," Hermione said.

Mentions she saw Ron, standing there holding the sword and

Hermione smiled at this, she wasn't really sure how she was going to
react to Ron right now, knowing that there were two very possible
things she could do, but in either case, it would be good to see him
there. She must have been so worried about him.

Mentions Hermione stopped right in front of him, and Ron gave

a weak hopeful smile and half raised his arms:

It was Ron's turn to smile at this. He could care less what happened
next, just seeing her in that moment must have filled his book self
with relief, hope and happiness. He was sure he must have been
worrying about her safety since the moment he was gone.

Mentions Hermione launched herself forward and:

"Argh… you're going to snog him, aren't you?" Ginny groaned,

wondering why Severus had paused so long on that spot… as if he
was trying to make it more dramatic.

In truth he only paused because he was surprised that Granger

would have reacted like this and was once again painfully reminded
of Lily. Severus, not hearing Ginny's question, continued reading
before anyone could answer it.

Mentions started punching every inch of him that she could


"What?!" several people said in disbelief, but that didn't stop anyone
from laughing.

"Wait to go!" Fred cheered.

"I didn't know you had it in you," George added.

"This is so much better-"

"Than snogging him-"

"Yeah, this is something I can agree with," Ginny laughed.

"I'm sorry Ron," Hermione said, trying hard to ignore his siblings, but
naturally she was blushing.

"Don't be," Ron shrugged. "Honestly Hermione, I deserve this."

"No, you don't," Hermione sighed, "especially not after what you've
already been through tonight."

"Hermione, this is just showing that you care," Ron said. "If you were
to ignore me… that would be the worst."

"Hm… I'm sure I will do that after I'm done punching you," Hermione

"But that won't take back the fact that I'll know that I can still make
this up to you," Ron smiled at her. "And that's all that really matters."

Hermione says you - complete - arse - Ronald - Weasley:

"Wow… you made her swear!" George said.

"Very impressive little brother!" Fred laughed.

Mentions she punched him with every word, Ron backed away
as Hermione advanced:

This caused more sniggering.

"Come on Ron, she's only a girl," Charlie said unwisely for Tonks
punched him hard in the arm.

"And what's that supposed to mean," she said sharply.

"And Granger has a surprisingly strong punch," Draco said before he
could stop himself and then his cheek turned pink as everyone
looked at him curiously and the trio all tried to stop themselves from

"And how would you know that Mr. Malfoy?" McGonagall questioned,
curious and amused by this.

"Er…" was all Draco had to say about that and everyone started
chuckling realizing what this meant.

Hermione says you crawl back here after weeks and weeks, oh,
where's my wand:

At the mention of a wand Ron started to look really worried and the
twins smirked, anticipating the curse she would put on Ron.

Harry casted a shielding charm that knock Hermione down:

"Ah… why did you have to go and do that," Fred sighed.

"Ruining all of our fun," George said.

Mentions that never before had Harry seen Hermione lose

control like this, she looked quite demented:

Hermione flushed at this as everyone else sniggered. Ron was trying

to picture her like that and wasn't sure if he ever wanted to see her
like that or not.

Hermione says I came running after you, I called you, I begged

you to come back:

Some of the laughter died at this as Ron bowed his head, he couldn't
image ever actually leaving if she has calling after him like that.
Hermione squeezed his hand, though she could understand her
book-self more now. It would have hurt terribly if he would have left
her when she cried like that….
Hermione says you came back after weeks, and you think it's all
going to be all right if you just say sorry:

"No, he thinks it's going to be all right if he gets the sword of

Gryffindor, saves Harry's life and destroys the Horcrux," Sirius
corrected, with a smile.

After Ron says what else can I say Harry thinks it's good Ron
was fighting back:

"Of course, you are, you always take his side," Hermione rolled her

"I do not," Harry protested, though he knew for the most part she
was right. "Besides, right now I think I just want the fighting to stop…
that I'm just happy that something good is finally happening."

"I'm sorry," Hermione said, "sorry that I'm being so argumentative."

"Honestly, you two bickering just means things are back to normal,"
Harry chuckled along with most of the room.

Ron says I knew you weren't dead ending with I knew I'd hear
straight off if you were dead:

"Hm… I supposed that's good news," Molly said, thoughtfully, she

knew that she was going to be worried sick about them while they
were gone, it was nice to know that at least she knew they weren't

Ron says Snatchers, gang trying to earn gold by rounding up

Muggle-borns and blood traitors, there's a reward from the
Ministry for everyone capture:

"That's horrible," Tonks grimace, "people actually are willing to sell

out their piers like that."

Ron says they had a row about whether I was Stan or not:
"Honestly, those people sound even slower than Crabble and
Goyle," Draco rolled his eyes.

"You do know that those are your friends that you're talking about?"
Ginny pointed out to him.

"So," Draco shrugged.

Ron describes that he punched the one holding him and took
his wand and Disarmed the bloke holding his wand and

"That's very impressive Mr. Weasley," McGonagall said.

"It's nothing," Ron said, feeling a bit odd getting praise from her.

"No, she's right, you got away from five guys… I know they were
idiots but that's not an easy feat to manage," Sirius said, smiling.

Hermione says gosh, what a gripping story:

Hermione sighed, but Ron just squeezed her tighter to him, he would
never blame her for the way she reacted to the pain he had put her
through by leaving.

Mentions Hermione's eyes were on a spot a foot over Ron's


"Er… why?" Charlie questioned.

"Because if I looked at him, I would start to forgive him… it always

happens," Hermione sighed.

Hermione asks how exactly did you find us tonight:

Everyone held their breath, they were very interested in discovering

the secret to this, too.

Hermione asks the Deluminator:

At this everyone looked at a smiling Dumbledore, but he just shook
his head at their questioning looks and Severus started reading

Hermione says you heard me on the radio:

Dumbledore chuckled softly at that and again people looked at him,

and again they were disappointed when he didn't answer this

Ron says my name, and you said something about a wand:

"Oh… that must have been when you were talking about Ron's
broken wand," Remus pointed out the obvious.

Mentions it was the first time Ron's name had been said aloud
by either of them:

"So whatever charm you put on the Deluminator wouldn't have been
activated unless my friends wanted me back," Ron said to
Dumbledore, and it didn't seem to be a question, but a statement.

"It seems that way," Dumbledore agreed. "But not having performed
the charmed on the Deluminator yet, I can't be sure."

Harry says we were there, we spent two nights there, and I

thought I could hear someone moving around in the dark:

"So that was you," Molly said, "Well that's relieving to hear, but it
would have been nice if you had found them last night."

"But then he wouldn't have saved Harry," Arthur pointed out. "I think
it's better this way."

"Yeah, if he came back the night before, both Harry and Hermione
would have been angry with him, this way he only has one of his
friends yelling at him… and it's the friend that is always yelling at him
anyways," Ginny chuckled.
Harry says and Ron stabbed it with the sword:

"You're not going to tell me what you saw are you," Hermione

"I don't think I could at that moment," Ron frowned, "It was hard
enough hearing it in this book when I don't really think it anymore…
or yet… or whatever… it must have been worse having it actually

Mentions Harry decided it was at last safe to remove the Shield


"And then she ran at Harry, snagged her wand from him and turned
to Ron and cursed him," Fred chuckled.

"I wouldn't do that," Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'm obviously not as
mad as I was before."

Harry asks did you just say you got away with a spare wand:

"Oh… he did say that didn't he!" Molly said.

"That's very good news," Remus added. "You'll have a wand now

Mentions that Hermione climbed back into her bed and settled
down without another word:

Ron sighed, and here comes the stage where she was going to
ignore him.

Ron says remember those birds she set on me:

"Er… no?" Ron said. "Why would you set birds on me?"

"How should I know?" Hermione said.

Hermione says I still haven't ruled it out:

"This had most of the people in the room chuckling and Ron smiled,
knowing that she wasn't completely furious with him if she was
making comments like that.

Mentions that Ron was smiling as he pulled his maroon

pajamas out:

"That was the end of the chapter," Severus said thankfully putting the
book down.

"I believe that Severus was the last person to read," Dumbledore
said. "Would you like to start over again or would you prefer to read
in a new order?"

"I think I'd like to read," Ginny actually said before Hermione could
say she wanted to read. Ginny had been able to glance at the title of
the next chapter and was interested to see that it seemed to be
about her friend's father.

"Very well," Dumbledore said, and the book was passed to Ginny.
Chapter 21
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to Eminnis, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Twenty-One

Xenophilius Lovegood

" Xenophilius Lovegood," Ginny read.

"Why would there be a chapter about this guy?" Draco questioned.

"I don't know, but I'm sure we're about to find out," Ginny said and
without any more delay, she started reading the chapter.

Mentions that Hermione communicated mainly by dirty looks

and pointed silences:

Ron sighed knowing that would be tough on him but at the same
time that it wouldn't really matter, because at least he was there now.

Mentions that Ron acted unnaturally somber but when alone

with Harry he was shamelessly cheery:

"Oh, course you were," Hermione shook her head, but she was
smiling at Ron. "And don't think I don't know that this was how you
were acting when I wasn't around."

"Don't worry, I doubt I would think I could fool you for a moment,"
Ron chuckled.

"So, then what's with the act?" Tonks questioned. "Why bother
looking somber at all?"
"Well, first of all, I doubt it's all an act. I really hate it when Hermione
doesn't talk to me," Ron said. "And second, I don't really want to
make her any angrier at me than she already is… it would just take
longer for her to forgive me that way."

Ron keeps saying someone helped us, someone sent that doe,
one Horcrux down:

"I really wonder who sent the doe," Remus said thoughtfully.

"Well, whoever it was is somebody that Dumbledore trust," Bill said,

and they both turned to Dumbledore, who didn't seem to be in the
mood to answer any questions.

Severus was frowning at this line of questioning and hated that he

wished he had to book right now so he could quickly start reading
before they could think about this too much.

"Well, I would think that most of us in the room are the people that
Dumbledore could trust," Molly pointed out. "Maybe it's one of us."

"But if it was one of us, wouldn't whoever had conjured the doe have
said something by now?" Fleur pointed out.

"Yeah, you have a point," Molly consented.

"Actually, that's not completely true," Sirius said suspiciously. "I could
think of at least one person in here that wouldn't want to admit that
their Patronus was a doe."

Severus tried not to react to Sirius's fishing around, but he knew it

was useless.

"It was you… wasn't it!" Sirius snapped at Severus.

Severus just glared at him sourly.

"I can't believe! Snape's Patronus is a… DOE!" the twins said in

unison, before the started sniggering. "That's too rich for words!"
"I bet you're glad the doe didn't speak now," Ron said to Harry, who
didn't seem to be paying him much attention.

"It would have been really creepy hearing Snape's voice come from
the doe," Ginny laughed.

"I can't believe you took Lily's Patronus form!" Sirius said angrily,
ignoring the chattering of the other people.

"I care little for what you believe," Severus said in a deadly cold

"Sirius, that's enough," Remus said, before Sirius could say anything
more. "It's clear that Severus cares about Lily a great deal… more
than either one of us would have believe…."

This comment didn't stop Severus from glaring, he really didn't care
for his feelings to be on display like this… made common knowledge
for all to see.

Harry was watching Snape carefully. It was hours ago that he had
been told that Snape had actually liked his mom, but it was only now
that he realized how much Snape must have care about her. Your
Patronus won't just become someone out of the blue… no you have
to have a connection to the person… you have to care about them

Mentions Harry felt optimistic, more breakthroughs would

succeed the first:

"You might also be more optimistic because you no longer have

dread and terror hanging over you that was caused by the locket,"
Bill pointed out.

Mentions Hermione's sulkiness could not mar his buoyant


"So, it looks like I'm the only one that's upset," Hermione sighed.
"Come on Hermione, I doubt you're really that upset," Ginny said
with a knowing smile. "Angry yes, but you know just having Ron
where you can see him would make you feel a whole lot better."

"That's true," Hermione agreed. "And knowing that was true, it would
only make me even angrier."

Mentions Ron was now filling Harry in on everything he

discovered during his weeks away:

"Hm… that's actually good," Remus said thoughtfully. "It would be

useful for you all to know what is going on."

Ron says you and Hermione have stopped saying You-Know-

Who's name:

A few people raised an eyebrow at this, wondering if this meant what

they had thought it meant.

After Harry says he has no problem calling him V - Ron shouts


"Dramatic much," Fred said to his brother.

"It seems that it was really important that Harry didn't say the name,"
Ron frowned.

Ron says but the name's been jinxed, that's how they track
people, using the name breaks protective enchantments:

"Oh, bloody hell… that's not good," Sirius said.

"Not at all," Remus agreed. "It will definitely make things easier for
the Death Eaters to capture Order members or other people willing
to stand up to Voldemort… those are the only ones that would use
his name."

"You do realize that you had just said his name right," Bill said
looking pale.
"Of course," Remus said rolling his eyes. "The Taboo hasn't been
made yet."

"I know that," Bill said, "I was actually thinking about how hard it
would be for Harry to not say the name. Just like you, he doesn't
even give it a second thought… it's natural for him to say the name."

Harry groaned at that, Bill was right, he wasn't afraid to say the
name at all… it would be almost easy for him to forget the new
danger there was to saying Voldemort in the future.

"Then it's a good thing that Ron has warned him about the Taboo,"
Ginny said, knowing where Harry's mind was going and not liking it
at all. She decided that reading would help him from dwelling on this.

Ron asks you don't reckon Kingsley could have sent that doe:

"Thank you," Harry suddenly said, sounding a little reluctant as he

looked at Severus. "For helping… for giving me the sword."

Severus didn't know what to say or think about this… Potter thanking
him for something. He nodded his head at seeing that the boy looked
just as shocked as he was.

"Harry and Snape… being nice to each other! That's it… it's the end
of the world!" George said dramatically, causing a few people to

Ron wonders if the doe could have been Dumbledores:

"Er… Dumbledore is dead," Charlie pointed out.

"And people that are dead don't send Patronuses," Tonks added.

"Besides, my Patronus is a phoenix," Dumbledore said kindly.

Mentions that the idea that Dumbledore had managed to come

back to them, that he was watching them would have been
"Really… you seem extremely angry with Dumbledore at the
moment," Percy said.

"That doesn't mean that it wouldn't be a comfort to see him… to

know he's out there," Harry said. "It would really take a weight off my

Ron and Hermione both looked at Harry sadly, having a good idea of
what kind of strain would be on Harry once Dumbledore was gone…
knowing how hard it would be for Harry to deal with that.

Ron says Patronuses can change, Tonks's changed didn't it:

"It did?" Tonks said looking confused, and a little sad. "I wonder what
it is now?"

"I would imagine it has something to do with Lupin," Severus said, he

knew a thing or two about Patronuses changing forms.

"Oh," Tonks said, blushing a little; that's not so bad.

Harry says if Dumbledore was alive why wouldn't he show

himself, why wouldn't he just hand us the sword:

"To be able to use the sword properly, no one would be able to just
hand it to you," Dumbledore said, "you have to earn it."

"Would it have destroyed the Horcrux if it wasn't earned?" Harry


"I can't be sure about that," Dumbledore said. "The Basilisk venom is
in the sword to be sure, but I'm not sure the success you would have
had wheeling it if you didn't get it properly. For instance, if you were
to have used the sword Harry, it might have found it difficult to
destroy the Horcrux. But seeing as you had Mr. Weasley use it, who
had definitely shown great valor and excellent courage in the last
chapter, the sword worked how it was intended."
Ron's ears turned bright red at being praised so highly by
Dumbledore and Hermione was beaming at him proudly.

"So does that mean that Ron has to always be the one to use the
sword now, or could the others use it?" Ginny questioned. "And didn't
Harry already pulled the sword out of the sorting hat… wouldn't that
mean that he would have the right to use it at any time?"

"At last, I would have tended to believe that Harry would have been
able to use it," Dumbledore said, "but it would not do to be lacks in a
situation like this, for if Harry wasn't able to use the sword properly,
then it might have cost Harry his life… depending on which Horcrux
he was dealing with."

"Are you thinking of the snake… or are all the Horcruxes

dangerous?" Remus questioned, looking pale.

"As you have just seen, there is a danger to destroying any Horcrux,"
Dumbledore said. "But yes, I do believe that Nagini is the most
difficult of the Horcruxes to destroy, and the sword would be very
useful against her.

"As for your other question Miss Weasley," Dumbledore said, smiling
kindly at Ginny, "I have seen while the sword has been in my
possession that it is able to judge the quality of those that it has
come in contact with. I have found the sword to be quite useful and
have discovered many of its hidden talents. Therefore, I have every
confidence that it will work for any… as it has been suggested they
are called… the Golden Trio."

"Well, that's good to know," Ginny smiled at that and then started to
read again.

Ron says he knew what he was doing when he gave me the

Deluminator, didn't he, he must've known I'd run out on you:

Ron felt crestfallen at that.

"I do not believe that is the only reason why I would give you the
Deluminator," Dumbledore said, and Ron looked up at him hopefully,
though not too much so, because no matter what Dumbledore said,
he had still run out on his friends. "After your first year I had noticed
that you were the one most likely to have sacrificed yourself for your
friends…" Molly whimpered at the implied meaning behind that. "I
believe that I would have given you a way back if you were to get…
separated from your friends."

"What… like fight a bunch of Death Eaters to give Harry and

Hermione time to run off?" Ron said looking confused, for even if he
wanted to do something like that, neither of his friends would have
let him.

"Not exactly," Dumbledore frowned. "More like acting like a decoy of

some kind."

Ron still looked doubtful at that.

"It's reasonable to believe that you would be able to talk to someone

trying to pursue you than the other two," Remus said reasonably.
"After all, with your blood status they might not care so much about
you, whereas Harry and Hermione would be charged right away."

"Hm… Do you really think that could have happened, sir?" Ron
asked Dumbledore.

"I believe that you would be willing to do something like that," was
Dumbledore's answer.

"But you don't think it was likely," Ron said, and it wasn't a question.

"No," Dumbledore said with a sigh, "but it would have been foolish of
me not to prepare for such a possibility."

Ron nodded his head, realizing that the only thing that he had gained
for this exchange was that Dumbledore didn't think that he would
only abandon his friends, but he would try to save them, too.
Harry says he must've known you'd always want to come back:

"Now that is definitely true," Dumbledore said. "For I have known

many people who have acted rashly in a moment of passion and
have desperately searched for a way to rectify their mistake."

Mentions Harry tries the blackthorn wand and the spider gave a
little shivered, he tried again and the spider grew slightly larger:

"Hm… I didn't know that you were so shoddy at doing Charms,"

Ginny said to Harry.

"I'm not," Harry said, frowning. "Does it really make that much of a
difference in the wand you're using?"

"It depends on the wizard… and of the wand you're using,"

Dumbledore said. "I believe that you would have found using either
of your friends' wands would have made a more acceptable result. In
fact, I believe that Mr. Weasley would have been able to have use
that particular wand more effectively because he was the one that
got it. But seeing as the wand was not won by you, it does not feel
inclined to work for you."

"You speak of the wand as if it has a mind of its own," Hermione

said, shocked.

"Not a mind of course, but there are bonds that are formed between
wand and wizard," Dumbledore said. "If you like we can discuss this
later, I believe that there are some people that are impatient to hear
what is to come next," he added with a twinkle in his eye and
Hermione nodded her head.

Ron says stop that, I'm sorry I said Dumbledore was young,

"What, is icky Ronniekins afraid of a little spider," the twins teased as

the rest of Ron's siblings laughed.
"That's enough you two," Molly said sharply. "You've traumatized him
enough with that!"

Ron groaned, wishing his mum didn't say that.

"I didn't know that you were afraid of spiders," Draco smirked in a
way that Ron didn't like at all.

Hermione says you just need practice, it's all a matter of

confidence Harry:

"There is truth to that, and the more familiar you get with the wand
the easier it will be to use it, but it will never work for you like your
own wand does," Dumbledore said.

Harry thinks about saying to Hermione you take the blackthorn

wand and he would have hers instead:

"I wouldn't have given you my wand," Hermione said frowning,

knowing that no matter what she said or how surprised she was
about what Dumbledore had just said about wands, she would have
missed her wand greatly if she wasn't able to use it.

Mentions Ron threw Hermione many covert glances, reading an

angry outburst, but she didn't play him any attention:

"Hm… I wonder if he was fearing an angry outburst, or hoping for

one," Fred mused.

"Well, judging by all the angry outbursts he's caused over the years,
I would have to go with hoping," George said.

"Yeah, at least he would know what to do once Hermione was yelling

at him," Ginny added with a chuckle.

Mentions the Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore and Harry

wasn't sure he wanted to hear Skeeter's version of his
relationship with Dumbledore:
"I don't get how you can be so objective of that… knowing that there
wouldn't be an ounce of truth in it and yet at the same time believe
everything you read about the other parts of the book," Ginny said
thoughtfully, and Harry looked sheepishly at her.

Hermione says I want to go and see Xenophilius Lovegood:

"I must say, I didn't see that one coming," Fred said. "You're the last
person I would have expected to what to see that mad man."

Hermione shows him the symbol and ending with he was

wearing the symbol at the wedding, I'm sure this is important:

Everyone looked at Dumbledore, but he didn't seem to want to say

anything about this.

"Do you really think that Lovegood would know what it is," Fred

"Because he might just have some crazy belief about it or

something," George added.

"I don't know if I would have trusted him as a source," Bill said,

Hermione says Dumbledore left me the book; how do you know

we're not supposed to find out about the sign:

"Judging by Albus's silence, I would have to agree with her,"

McGonagall said. "Whatever this symbol means, it must be

Hermione says maybe it's something you need to find out for
yourself, and Ron says make sense and Hermione says no it

"You're disagreeing with yourself now," Ron pointed out to her. "Are
you so use to arguing with me that you can't tell that I agreed with
"Of course not," Hermione rolled her eyes. "But I can tell when you're
just agreeing with me because you want to make up with me and I
don't really appreciate that."

Ron says I think we should vote on it, those in favor of going to

see Lovegood:

Everyone started to laugh, seeing where this was going.

Harry just shook his head at his friend's eagerness to please


"You know Hermione, you should pay attention to this," Fleur said. "It
is showing you how willing Ronald is to please you when you are
angry with him."

Ron grimaced and Hermione chuckled at that comment.

Ron says it's weird, being this near, but not going to visit:

"I really wish you would visit," Molly voiced her thoughts.

"It's not safe for us to do that," Hermione sighed.

"I know dear, I just would have loved to have seen you all," Molly
sighed, too, and Arthur wrapped an arm around her.

Ron says I wasn't at the Burrow:

"No, that would have been the last place he would want to be after
what had happened," Arthur said, knowing how he would have felt if
he had been in his son's place.

Ron says do you think I was going back there to tell them I
walked out on you:

"He would have been dead in a second," Ginny said matter-factly.

"He probably would have been better off with the Death Eaters,"
Fred said.

"Don't even joke about that Fredrick Weasley!" Molly shouted.

Hermione says but where have you been, then:

"Bill's obviously, he's mentioned him about ten times while telling
Harry about things," Fleur said.

"You didn't tell me that Ronald was with you! Didn't you know how
worried I was about him!" Molly snapped at Bill.

"Mum, this hasn't happened yet," Bill pointed out to her. "And I don't
think it would have made you worry any less if he knew that Ron was
with me."

Ron mentions being a Bill and Fleur's ending with you know
how much she hates Celestina Warbeck:

Molly gasped at that and then frowned.

Fleur didn't seem to notice this reaction at all, though she was
wondering who Celestina Warbeck was.

R on says I've got a feeling you'd be able to tell who lived there
if you looked through the Lovegood's window:

"You don't even have to look through their window to tell," Arthur said

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious the moment you see it," Ginny chuckled.

"You've been there," Ron asked.

"Once… it was while you were at Hogwarts… and I was alone,"

Ginny said.
Ron says who else would live in place like that, it looks like a
giant rook:

"It sounds more like a castle to me," Hermione said.

"That's what a rook is… in chess that is," Ron said to her.

"Oh," she said, blushing.

Hermione says it's nothing like a bird:

Ron chuckled at that, knowing that the Hermione in the room was
thinking the same thing.

Mentions the front door was overgrown with variety of odd

plants including the radishlike fruit Luna sometimes wore as

"I've always wondered why she wears those things," Harry mused.

"It probably keeps away one of the creatures she's always talking
about," Hermione said.

"Or it's to make them come to her," Ron supplied with a snigger.

"Or she just likes the way it looks," Ginny rolled her eyes and started
reading before anyone else could voice their theory.

Hermione says you better take off the Cloak, Harry, it's you Mr.
Lovegood wants to help, not us:

"You know, I've noticed a trend… you always do whatever it is that

Granger suggest," Draco said. "Don't you have a mind of your own

"For the most part it's just better to let Hermione have her way,"
Harry shrugged.
"The poor bloke, he's already whipped and she's not even his
girlfriend," Fred 'whispered' to George and Harry glared at them.

Xenophillus says I… I'm not sure that's advisable:

Arthur and Molly both looked alarmed by this reaction, they didn't
think there was anything that would make Xenophilus seem to be
wary like he was at the moment.

Mentions there was a gret deal of clattering and banging come

from overhead and Harry wondered what Luna could be doing:

"Actually, that's probably the printing press," Arthur said, trying to

shake off his wariness about how Xenophilius had greeted them but
it wasn't working.

Mentions the room somewhat resembled the Room of

Requirement on the unforgettable occasion that it had
transformed itself into a gigantic labyrinth:

"I didn't know it could do that," Harry mumbled to himself.

"But it makes sense of course, it being the Room of Requirement… it

could be anything," Fred said. "Um… I wonder if we could figure out
how to get in there, I'm sure there is all kinds of things that would be
interesting to have."

Before Molly could scold the twins, Ginny started reading again.

Mentions before Harry could speak, Hermione let out a small

cry of shock:

Several people tensed at that… especially Molly and Arthur… fearing

some kind of ambush.

Hermione says Mr. Lovegood, what's that:

Everyone let out a breath in relief.

Mentions there was an enormous gray spiral horn which was
mounted on the wall:

"Oh dear lord… that couldn't possibly be what I think it is," Remus
said, looking pale.

"I take it you don't think it's the horn of the Crumple-Horned
Snorkack," Ginny said, seeing that was what Xenophilius seemed to
think it was.

"No… I think it's an Erumpent horn," Remus said and everyone

shivered at this… it was definitely not something you would want in
your house.

Ron says how'd you know it's an Erumpent horn, as she edged
away from the horn as fast as he could:

"Judging by your words it seems like you doubt her," George said.

"But judging by your actions, it looks like you know that she's right,"
Fred laughed.

Xenophilius says the thing is, helping Harry Potter, rather


"I thought that he was all for Harry… isn't that what Ron had said?"
Sirius said. "He's just a poser."

"I wouldn't have thought of him as doing something like that," Arthur
said uncomfortably. "As I'm sure you can imagine, he doesn't usually
conform to the normal way of doing things."

This comment only seemed to have made everyone tense.

Xenophilius says Luna is down at the stream, I'll go and call her
and then, yes, very well, I shall try to help you:

"So, he's only going to be trying to help them because of Luna,"

Sirius scoffed, it didn't seem right to him.
It didn't seem right to Molly and Arthur either, but it was in a different
way than it was for Sirius.

He disappeared down the spiral staircase and they heard the

front open and close. They looked at each other.

Several people shivered at this, feeling a little wary that he would be

leaving like that.

Ron says cowardly old wart, Luna's got ten times his guts:

"I'm really starting to wonder how we know all this about Luna," Ron
said, it seemed odd to him that they would know anything about the
barmy girl. "I mean… how close are we to Luna?"

However, no one could answer his question.

Xenophilius says the dirigible Plum, so as to enhance the ability

to accept the extraordinary:

"Er… yeah… even I won't touch those things," Sirius said. "And I ate
rats for a almost a year."

"We really didn't need to hear that Sirius," Tonks frowned.

Xenophilius asks are you referring to the sign of the Deathly


"Huh, the symbol really is important… the book is named after it after
all," Fred said.

"That was the end of the chapter," Ginny said. "Who wants to read
next… oh, it seems it's about one of the stories from Beedle the

"I'll read," Sirius said, and several people looked at him oddly.
"What… I like Beedle the Brad stories."
Chapter 22
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Twenty-Two

The Tale of the Three Brothers

" The Tale of the Three Brothers," Sirius read smiling. "Ha… and
it's my favorite story too."

Harry asks the Deathly Hallows:

"Does anyone know what that is?" Percy asked. "I don't think I've
ever heard about it."

"I think I've heard it mentioned before," Remus said thoughtfully. "But
I can't really remember where."

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it has to be real," Sirius said. "Why else
would it be the title of the book?"

"He actually has a good point," Tonks said in an astounded voice

and Sirius grimaced at her. "I don't see why they would bring this up
if it wasn't important somehow."

"Which means that Dumbledore probably knows what they are,"

Draco said, looking at the old man.

"Yes, it certainly does seem that Dumbledore knows what they are,"
Sirius agreed. "And like everything else in this book, he's not going
to tell us about it." he added with a pout. "What's the point of you
being here if you're not going to discuss things with us."
"I seemed to be learning quite a bit from this book," Dumbledore said
simply. "And really, if I said everything that I thought, the book
wouldn't be as enjoyable for you, and you would be upset that I've
shared too much."

Sirius made a face at that, especially since Remus started laughing

hysterically at that.

"You certainly got that right," he choked out. "Sirius always wants to
know the ending of a story, but as soon as he's told he gets bored
and then blames me for telling him."

"Well, I can't help it that I'm impatient and easily bored," Sirius
grumbled before he started reading again… bored with the
conversation already.

Xenophilius says one simply uses the symbol to reveal oneself

to other believers, in the hope that they might help one with the

Several people were trying to keep a sly eye on Dumbledore, to see

if he agreed with what Xenophilius was saying, but they could find
nothing in his expression.

Mentions that Harry took a sip from the cup to be polite:

"Oh dear," Molly sighed, she had that stuff only once and she
wouldn't wish that on anyone else.

"Note to self, never drink Gurdyroot," Harry mumbled to himself,

causing a few people to chuckle.

Xenophilius asks I assume that you are familiar with 'The Tale of
the Three Brothers':

"Yes," several people said, and everyone but Harry and Hermione
had read the book.
"You really haven't read that," Ron looked at his friend incredulously.
"That's just weird."

Harry and Hermione rolled their eyes and gave Ron the same
exasperated look.

Harry says no, but Ron and Hermione says yes:

"Oh… you have read it?" Ron said looking at Hermione.

"Er… it looks like I will in the future," Hermione frowned, "What is it


"Well, it's a story…" Ron started to say.

"I think they're going to say that in the book," Sirius interrupted him
and then started reading.

Mentions that Hermione pulls the Tales of Beedle the Bard from
her bag:

"Oh," Hermione said, now understanding that this had to be one of

the children's stories that she got from Dumbledore. She was sure
that it would be the story that had the symbol on it. She was very
interested to finally getting to hear what it was.

Xenophilius says the original, well then, why don't you read it
out aloud, much the best way to make sure we all understand:

"So, we went all the way to the Lovegoods house to read, that's got
to be exciting," Ron said sarcastically.

"It doesn't sound so bad to me," Hermione said, and Ron shook his

"How did I know you were going to say that."

Reads there was were once three brothers who were trying
along a lonely, wind road at twilight:
"It's not twilight!" Sirius scoffed. "It's supposed to be Midnight!"

"This is the original version Sirius, it is twilight," Tonks chuckled at

the face he was making.

"I don't care if it's the original version, it's wrong," Sirius huffed and
several people laughed at this, most notably Remus who was
looking amused and annoyed at the same time. "Besides, it's in
runes, how do we know it even says…."

"You think that I translated it wrong," Hermione said sharply.

"Er…" was all Sirius said to that before he started reading again
(which just cause more people to laugh, including Hermione).

Ron says midnight, our mum always told us:

"See… even Molly agrees with me," Sirius said, and stuck his tongue
out at Tonks, but was careful not to look at Hermione.

"It's what my mother told me," Molly shrugged, "I never was able to
read the original version for myself."

Ron says I just think it's a bit spookier if it's midnight:

"Excellent point Ron," Sirius mumbled to himself and continued

reading like he hadn't said anything at all.

Mentions that Xenophilius didn't seem to be paying much

attention, but was staring out the window at the sky:

This description of Xenophilius made Molly and Arthur nervous

again. Xenophilius might be known to act strangely, but he was
usually more attentive than that.

Reads and Death spoke to them:

"Argh… that's creepy," Hermione said. "I don't know if I would have
liked Death to be in my bedtime story."
"Just be happy you got a bedtime story," Harry told her with a sigh
and Hermione frowned at him. "Besides, I just think it's odd that
Death would speak to them," he added hastily, feeling uncomfortable
with the look she was giving him.

Reads Death pretended to congratulate the three brothers and

said that each earned a prize for having been clever enough to
evade him:

Hermione made a face, knowing that this wouldn't end well for the

"I never understood why they would accept a gift from Death in the
first place," Draco said. "I mean…."

"Sh…. I'm reading," Sirius hushed his cousin who was now glaring at

Reads the first brother wanted a wand more powerful than any
in existence so Death crossed to the elder tree and fashioned a

Hearing this story in the light that it might actually be true had
Severus, Remus, Arthur, Bill, Percy and McGonagall wondering
about the powerful wands that have been mentioned throughout
history. They wondered if they had all been the same wand.

Dumbledore on the other hand was wondering wryly how everyone

was going to react when they found out that the Elder Wand was in
fact the one that he was using right now.

Reads the second brother wanted to the power to recall others

from Death, so Death picked up a stone and that it had the
power to bring back the dead:

Dumbledore sighed at that, realizing now that this was the Deathly
Hallow that he longed to have more than any other now. If only he
could use it just once… see his family just once to explain….
Harry looked at Dumbledore at that and saw in his headmaster's
face that the stone was real. He closed his eyes as he thought of
using the stone himself… of being able to see his parents again.

Reads the third brother didn't trust Death so he wanted

something that would let him leave and not followed, so Death
gave him his own Cloak of Invisibility:

"Well, that's very useful," Harry chuckled.

"Indeed, it is," Dumbledore agreed, his eyes twinkling knowing soon

enough everyone will realize that Harry's Invisibility Cloak is the one
that is in the story.

Harry asks Death's got a Cloak, Ron says, so he can sneak up

on people, he gets bored of running at them, flapping it's
arms… sorry, Hermione:

Everyone looked at Ron like he was crazy.

"Honestly Ron… Death running at people, flapping his arms around

and shrieking," Hermione shook her head. "I've never heard of such
a ridiculous thing."

"Hmph," Ron huffed, crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry… I didn't…" Hermione sighed.

"Just keep reading Sirius," Ron grumbled.

Reads though she had returned to the mortal world, she didn't
truly belong there and suffered:

Harry frowned at this, it didn't sound like it was such a good thing to
use the stone, and yet he still wished he could be able to see his

Dumbledore was having similar thoughts at the moment.

Reads the second brother driven made with hopeless longing,
killed himself so as to truly join her:

Severus felt as if he could easily relate to this brother, it wasn't easy

carrying on once you lost someone… not someone that you cared
about like that.

Reads that Death searched for the third brother but couldn't
find him until he was a great age and he greeted Death as an old

"So, the moral of the story is to be a coward and avoid Death for as
long as possible," Draco said.

"Don't be ridiculous, that's not the moral," Sirius glared at that. "It's
that Invisibility Cloaks are the best!"

"Hm… I would have thought you would go for the wand," Tonks said,
truly shocked.

"Why, I'm already amazing without it," Sirius shrugged. "But after
pulling pranks with James… it really makes you realize how cool it is
to be invisible."

Xenophilius draws the symbol and says the Elder Wand, The
Resurrection Stone and The Cloak of Invisibility, together, the
Deathly Hallows:

Hermione let out a sigh, "I'm not going to like that."

"Why not Mione?" Ron asked.

"You know as well as I do that, I'm not going to believe something

like this is real," Hermione sighed. "I'm having trouble believing that
there could really be a Resurrection Stone now, even when it seems
highly likely that it's true."

"Hmph… well it looks like I'm not the only one that's going to be
looking ridiculous then," Ron huffed.
Hermione narrowed her eyes at him but didn't give him the
satisfaction of arguing with him.

Harry sighed loudly, he really had hoped that his friends would stop
arguing about stupid things now that they were together, but it looked
like that wasn't the case.

Xenophilius says those who understand these matters,

recognize that story refers to three objects, if united will make
the possessor master of Death:

"Master of Death?" McGonagall said. "Surely no one would believe

that a few objects put together would make you the master of

Dumbledore smiled at that but didn't make a comment.

Hermione says do you mean… that you believe these objects

really exist:

"Something tells me that you didn't keep all of the skepticism out of
your voice," Ginny sniggered.

"Oh, come on, I can't be the only one that would have thought this to
be impossible," Hermione huffed, "Surely if you were in my book
self's place right now you wouldn't have believed this could be true

"Hm… that is interesting," Ginny said thoughtfully. "You're probably


"I know I wouldn't have," Remus said.

"Nor would I," Percy said. "I'm still not sure if I believe they exist."

Hermione asks Mr. Lovegood, how can you possibly believe:

"Hermione, think who you're talking to," Charlie said. "I remember
old Xeno telling me once that water fairies live in our pond and that if
I drank the water, I wouldn't be able to be hurt by any curse."

"And how did that work?" Fred asked, intrigued.

"That's not important," Charlie said, his ear's turning red. "The
important thing is Xenophilia believes in any and everything."

Xenophilius says Luna has told me about you, you are not
unintelligent, but painfully limited, narrow, close-minded:

Hermione scowled at that… it definitely didn't endear her to Luna

very much at the moment.

"Hermione… the first time you met Luna you made fun of the
Quibbler and every time since you have forcefully told her that the
creatures, she believes in aren't real," Ginny said.

"If you're trying to make me, feel better, it's not working," Hermione

"I was just trying to make you see where Luna was coming from,"
Ginny sighed.

Xenophilius describes that Cloak of Invisibility ending with how

many cloaks have you ever seen like that, Miss Granger:

When Sirius finished reading this paragraph, he paused to look at

the book in astonishment.

"You don't think…" Remus said at the same time Ron said, "I can't
believe it!"

"What?" Bill said, looking at them. "I don't get it…."

"My Cloak… It's my Cloak?" Harry said looking at Dumbledore for


Dumbledore didn't answer, he was wondering if he should or not.

"It has to be your Cloak… James got it from his father," Sirius said. "I
never stop to think about it… but there's no way your Cloak should
still work after all those years!"

Hermione was frowning, hating that she hadn't looked up invisibility

cloaks up. She had no idea about any of the things that Xenophilius
said. She had figured that all the cloaks were the same as Harry's.

"Well, it's bloody brilliant, no wonder I've always liked that Cloak,"
Sirius chuckled before he started reading again.

Xenophilius says exactly none of you have ever seen such a

thing, the possessor would be immeasurably rich, would he

"I'm not that bad off," Harry said.

"What does he mean by that comment?" Molly questioned. "It

sounds like he thinks that the owner of the cloak would become a
thief or something like that."

"I always did wonder where the Potter's got their riches from," Draco
said thoughtfully, smirking at Harry, who just rolled his eyes.

Hermione asks how could the stone be real and Xenophilius

says prove that it's not:

"What a ridiculous thing to say," Hermione grumbled. "Anything could

be possible…."

Sirius cut her off there after he had glanced ahead a little.

Hermione says I mean, you could claim that anything's real if

the only basis for believing in it is that nobody's proved it
doesn't exist:

Most of the people in the room were sniggering at this as Hermione

crossed her arms.
"It seems like you're not going to change much in a year in a half's
time," Fred laughed.

Xenophilius says who knows were the Elder Wand lies hidden,
and who can say who may have defeated them, History, alas,
does not tell us:

Dumbledore frowned at this, he had worked hard to discover who

had gotten the wand, and he had gone a lot farther than Arcus and
Livius, before he was forced to give up the search.

Hermione ask does the Peverell family have anything to do with

the Deathly Hallows:

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, pleased, but not surprised that she

was able to connect the dots.

Xenophilius says you will stay for dinner, everybody always

requests our recipe for Freshwater Plimply soup:

"You really should leave now," Molly said, she was starting to feel
very uncomfortable about the way he was always glancing out the
window. It didn't help any that she knew how terrible Freshwater
Plimply soup was and that even though the three were likely
starving, it would be better not to eat it.

Harry asks what do you think and Ron's answer I s'pose this is
the mad who brought us Crumple-Horned Snorkacks:

"Seriously, with the reputation that he has, I'm surprised that you
would have even gone to see him in the first place," Bill said.

"He was the only one that might know what the symbol was,"
Hermione answered.

"Besides he's actually right," George said. "It's a good thing they
came to him."

"I know," Bill said, "but it doesn't really make sense."

Mentions the one good thing about her exasperation with
Xenophilius was that it seemed to have made her forget that
she was annoyed at Ron:

Ron and Harry chuckled at this as Hermione sighed. It always

seemed to work that way. It was just so hard to be truly angry at

Hermione says it's just a morality tale, it's obvious which gift is
best, which one you'd choose:

Sirius paused there. "Oh, come on… everyone must have had a
favorite. And I'm not going to read on until everyone answers."

So, Hermione, McGonagall, Molly, Bill, Fleur, Arthur, Draco, Remus

and Sirius said the Cloak.

Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Tonks, Charlie, and Percy said the wand.

Harry, Dumbledore and Severus (at least that's what he knew he

wanted the most, but he had said the Cloak when asked) chose the

Ron says you're supposed to say the Cloak, but you wouldn't
need to be invisible if you had the wand:

"All that would bring on is trouble," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Not necessarily," Tonks said. "As long as you didn't brag about it… it
wouldn't be so bad."

"That's way I'm going to stick with the Cloak," Sirius said, "There is
no way that I wouldn't brag my arse off if I ever got my hands on the
Elder wand."

"Now that, I can believe," Remus said what nearly everyone in the
room was thinking.
Hermione says some wizards just like to boast that theirs are
bigger and better than other people's:

"I notice how you said wizards…" Fred said.

"Are you sure that you're still talking about wands…" George added
on waggling his eyebrow.

Hermione just gave the twins a disgusted glare.

Ron says what if they're all really the Elder Wand, made by

"Well, not Death," Remus said reasonably. "But probably one of the
Peverell brothers did."

"They must have been powerful wizards if they were able to make
any of those things," Percy said impressed.

Mentions Harry laughed at the idea that his wand was that as it
was holly, Ollivander made it, and if it was unbeatable how
could it have been broken:

"Do you really think that the Elder Wand can't be broken?" Hermione
said. "I mean if a wizard decided it would be better off if the wand
didn't exist, couldn't they just have snapped it in two themselves… or
throw it into a fire or something."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, he had never tried any of that

before, though he had thought about it. It would be safer if this
hallow were to be destroy, but he has never been able to do so.

Harry says if you could bring people back, we could have

Sirius, Mad-eye, Dumbledore, my parents:

Sirius's voice was filled with sorrow as he read this. He could see
Harry's point, why he would want the stone. However, he also knew
that it wouldn't be a good thing for his godson to have, it wouldn't
really bring any peace to him.
Hermione says Beedle probably took the idea from the
Sorcerer's Stone, you know, instead of stone to make you
immortal, a stone to reverse death:

"It is hard to believe that a stone like that could exist," Hermione

"Yeah, but we've seen plenty of things that are hard to believe,"
Harry shrugged, thinking particularly of what happened last summer
when he had seen his parents coming out of Voldemort's wand.

Mentions Harry wondered whether it was possible to eat

enough to spare his feelings:

"Argh… don't expect me to be that kind," Ron made a face.

Normally Molly would have reprimanded her son for saying

something like this, but she really was wishing that none of them
would eat that, for lack of a better word, soup .

"But you always love eating burning underpants." George said.

"No… I think you're getting that confused," Fred said, "we just like
forcing him to eat burning underpants."

"Oh, you're right brother of mine," George chuckled.

Hermione says of course not, we're invisible when we're under

it Ron:

"You really have no idea, do you?" Percy said, looking at Harry.

"Your Cloak is incredible really."

"Thanks," Harry smiled.

Mentions Harry saw his own face looking back at him from the
ceiling, but it wasn't a mirror, but a painting:
"That's just odd… who would want a painting of Harry on their
ceiling," Ron said.

Mentions Luna had five beautifully painted faces, Harry, Ron,

Hermione, Ginny and Neville:

"Wow, we're up there too," Ron said surprised.

Mentions that Harry thought the paintings breathed and in

golden ink friends, friends, friends… :

Harry smiled at this, but it was sort of sad. He didn't know Luna that
well right now, but it was clear that she was going to become close to
him in the future. He made up his mind that he should make more of
an effort to get to know the odd girl.

Hermione sighed; her annoyance from earlier seemed to be a little

petty for her. She resolved, like Harry, that she should be more open
minded about Luna, and try to become her friend.

Mentions that something was wrong ending with cobweb

stretched over the nearest window across the blood red sky:

"She's not there," Hermione realized.

"But Xenophilius said she was…" Ron started to say, growing pale.

"Damnit, the bloody git," Sirius hissed before anyone could say
anything else and started to read quickly.

Harry asks where's Luna:

"Don't question him… just get out of there," Molly groaned.

Mentions Xenophilius dropped the tray and Harry, Ron and

Hermione drew their wands with his hand froze about to enter
his pocket:

"You three really draw your wands quickly," Charlie said.

"You seemed to act together easily," Bill added.

Harry says is that what you were doing when you went to the
garden, sending an owl to the Ministry:

"Bloody hell Harry, if you can figure that out, then you can figure out
you shouldn't dawdle right now," Sirius said. "You don't need to ask
twenty questions, get out of there while you still can!"

Xenophilius says they took my Luna:

"No," Ginny moaned, and several people gasped.

Arthur groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. He couldn't imagine

what he would do if one of his children were being helped captive of
the Death Eaters. He also knew how hard it was on Xenophilius
when he lost his wife, and how much more protective of Luna he had

Xenophilius says because of what I've been writing, but they

might give her back to me if I… and Hermione finished hand
over Harry:

Everyone hissed at that. They of course didn't like that Luna was
taken, but they would never have condemned just handing over
Harry like that.

Xenophilius says they will be here any moment, I must save

Luna, I can't lose Luna, you must not leave:

Molly started to sob at this. She couldn't stand the thought of them
getting caught, but at the same time could empathize with the pain
that Xenophilius was feeling.

Mentions there were figures on the broomstick flying past the

windows and as they looked away Xenophilius drew his wand:

"Argh," Sirius groaned as he read that. "No, you can't put down your
guard for even a second," he mumbled before he started reading

Death Eater says called us here to try and blow us up, then
there were volley of bands and squeals of agony from

"This isn't good," Arthur said, who was still rather upset with
Xenophilius for betraying the trio like this, but that didn't mean he
wanted the Death Eaters to torture or even kill him.

Selwyn says you never seen Potter in your life, you thought
you'd lure us here to kill us, and you think you'll get your girl
back like this:

"Idiots," Severus shook his head. Even Xenophilius wouldn't have

been foolish enough to believe that blowing up the Death Eaters
would help him get his daughter back.

Xenophilius says it's Potter, please give me Luna, just let me

have Luna:

Ginny turned into Harry's shoulders at this point. She was really
worried about her friend; she hated hearing how much Xenophilius
was begging for her release.

Selwyn says you can have your girl, if you get Harry Potter, but
if this is a trick we'll see if we can spare a bit of your daughter
for you to bury:

Harry paled at that. He didn't want Luna to suffer for this, not when
Xenophilius was telling the truth… not when it would be his fault if
she was hurt.

Hermione turns to Harry and says all right, do you trust me


"What kind of stupid question is that?" Harry said looking at

Hermione incredulously. "Of course, I trust you!"
Hermione says please Ron, Harry, hold on tight to my hand,
Ron grab my shoulder:

"What are you doing Mione?" Ron asked.

"I'm sure you'll see in a second," Hermione said, having a good idea
what she was up to.

Mentions Hermione twisted in midair:

"That's the end of the chapter," Sirius said, relieved that they got

"I supposed I should take the next one," Remus said, taking the book
from his friend and reading quickly. For he, like everyone else
wanted to see if the trio were really okay.
Chapter 23
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Twenty-Three

The Deathly Hallows

"Don't you think we should take a break… I'm getting really hungry,"
Ron said.

"Ron, Death Eaters just nearly caught you and you want to eat!"
Ginny said to her brother.

"Well… I'm hungry," Ron said.

"We can eat after this chapter," Molly said, smiling at her youngest
son and his appetite (though he did have a point, it was getting late).

Remus, figuring that this issue was settled for now, and really
wanting to know what was going to happen next, started to read .
"The Deathly Hallows."

Hermione says Protego Totalum… Salvio Hexia… :

"Good," Molly muttered.

"Though it's not like they could have followed you there," Tonks said.
"They would have had to be holding onto you for that to be true and
they aren't there."

"It's never wrong to be cautious," Bill said.

"Agreed," Tonks nodded her head.

Ron says that treacherous old bleeder:

"Hmph!" Molly huffed her agreement with her son's comment.

Hermione says I hope they don't kill him:

Everyone shivered, not wanting the man to get killed, though on the
whole still quite angry at him.

Hermione says that's why I wanted the Death Eaters to see

Harry before we left, so they knew he wasn't lying:

"Good thinking Hermione," Ginny said, knowing that Luna wouldn't

be able to handle her father's death well.

Hermione says what would happen to your family if they knew

you're with Harry:

The Weasleys all shuddered at that.

"Thank you, Hermione," Molly said in a soft voice, she was trying not
to think of her family being in such horrible turmoil.

Ron says you're a genius:

"Still trying to get on my good side, Ron," Hermione said to him.

"Nope, just stating a fact," Ron chuckled.

Harry says I don't know what we'd do without you:

"You wouldn't have made it out of your first year without her," Sirius

"Yeah, you're right," Harry sighed, knowing his godfather was joking
but it was true all the same.

Ron says if they're telling the truth and Luna's still alive:
"Oh, Ron, don't say it like that," Ginny shivered.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's okay," Harry said softly. "Besides, we're
going to make sure that none of this ever happens, so she'll never
get taken in the first place."

Ron says then she'll be in Azkaban, whether she survives that

place, loads don't:

"Don't be so damn pessimistic, Ron!" Ginny hissed at her brother.

"I'm only telling the truth," Ron sighed, and noticed Ginny's glare
intensify added, "Sorry…."

Harry says she will, Luna's tough, much tougher than you'd
think, she's probably teaching about Wrackspurts and Nargles:

Fred and George laughed at that, though they too were worried
about this odd girl. They were starting to really like her from what
they had read so far in the book and didn't want anything to happen
to her.

Mentions that after their escape the tent felt like home, safe,
familiar, and friendly:

"Oh, don't say things like that," Molly moaned.

"Er… what?" Harry said, not understanding what was wrong with
saying things were safe familiar and friendly.

"Whenever you start relaxing in this book something terrible

happens," Molly explains with a shiver.

Hermione says he probably doesn't believe in the Deathly

Hallow, he just wanted to keep us talking until the Death Eater

"Oh, I'm sure he wanted you to keep talking, but I don't think he
made up the Deathly Hallows," Sirius said. "Trust me, I'm skilled at
telling stories…."

"Sure you are," Remus interrupted, rolling his eyes. "Making people
believe they're true is another story."

"And the only way to make it believable is to put in as much truth as

you can," Sirius said, ignoring his friend completely. "I would have to
admit though the fact that he had you read the story and other things
were ways he tried to stall you from going."

Ron says the Chamber of Secrets was supposed to be a myth,

wasn't it:

"Ron… which side are you on," Hermione questioned. "It sounds like
you don't believe in this one minute and the next you trying to argue
for it."

"I think he's just falling back on what's comfortable and picking the
side that you're against so he can argue with you," Fred teased.

"I probably haven't made my mind up yet," Ron said, glaring at his

Hermione says no magic can raise the dead, and that's that:

"No… not raise the dead," Harry said sadly. "But there is some kind
of magic that can bring an impression of the dead. I've seen it…."

Hermione says but they weren't really back from the dead:

"I'm sorry," Hermione said as she felt Harry flinch at those words.

"No… you're right," Harry sighed. "I supposed the stone would be
like the Mirror of Erised… it would be dangerous to have."

Dumbledore smiled sadly at Harry, knowing that what the boy said
was true and that it was a very wise thought.
Mentions Harry had scared Hermione with his talk of living with
dead people:

"You know that's because I'm afraid you wouldn't live your life the
way you should, right?" Hermione said.

Ron says extinct in the male line:

"That just means the name is no longer past on," Sirius said. "For
instants if I were to die the Black name would be extinct."

Please don't say it like that," Harry said looking at his godfather
warily, for Sirius seemed to be pleased at that idea.

"Don't worry about it… I'm not going anywhere," Sirius said

Hermione says the name died out, in the case of the Peverells,
they could still have descendants:

"Hm… could I be a descendent of the Peverell?" Harry questioned. "I

mean I had to have gotten my Cloak from somewhere."

"That seems very likely," Remus said.

Harry says Marvolo Gaunt, You-know-Who's grandfather, he

was descended from the Peverells:

"Oh, isn't that just bloody fantastic!" Harry exclaimed. "I really hope
that I'm not right about being a Peverell now."

"Harry that was hundreds of years ago…" Hermione said. "Besides,

you know that all wizards and witches are related to one another
anyway, I don't see…."

"None of that makes a bit of a difference," Harry grumbled, "I don't

effing what to hear that I have any relations to that monster."
"You can't do anything about that Harry," Sirius said. "Believe me if
there was a way to change your heritage, then I would have found it.
All you can do is just realize that it has nothing to do with you."

Harry says Gaunt says it was the Peverell coat of arms on it:

"Huh?" Harry said.

"I believe that I have shown you a few memories to help you
understand Voldemort better," Dumbledore said. "That particular
memory is of a time before Voldemort was born as I was looking into
his grandfather, uncle and mother."

"Oh," was all Harry could say to that, wondering what the memory
had shown.

Harry says I only ever saw it really close up after it had been
cracked open:

Dumbledore's eyes widen at his, seeming to put together the pieces.

He had always been interested in that stone in the vision, wondering
if it was in fact the Hallow that he would most like to see now. He had
figured that it was a Horcrux as well after it was evident that
Voldemort had stolen it from his uncle. He longed and feared to
know what he would do if he were to find the ring and it was indeed
the Hallow. He wondered if the stone could still work if it was cracked
open… it would surely have lost some of its power, but perhaps it
would still work.

Harry says Gaunt would have loved if the scratches were a coat
of arms, he believe having pure blood made you practically

"After the invention of the three powerful objects, the symbol had
become the Peverell coat of arms," Dumbledore explained and
everyone looked at him, surprised that he was saying this. "Though it
is how Miss Granger had said in this book, the Peverell name
became extinct fairly quickly, in fact it was only a few generations
after that that the Peverell were no longer."

"How do you know this sir?" Harry questioned.

"In my youth, I was very interested in the Deathly Hallows, and spent
a great amount of effort trying to find out as much as I could about
anything that related to them." Dumbledore said.

"And you believe that the Deathly Hallows are real," Remus stated.

"I don't only believe, I know they are real," Dumbledore said.

"So, my Cloak…" Harry started.

"Is a Hallow," Dumbledore finished. "I believe that you are the long
descendent of Ignotus and that the Cloak had been past from father
to son, mother to daughter throughout many generations."

Harry smiled, but then sighed, "and Voldemort…."

"Yes, he too can claim heritage from the Peverell," Dumbledore said.
"But you should not let yourself dwell on that."

Hermione says it never worked, there's no such thing as a

Resurrection Stone:

"Merlin Mione, you really don't want that to be true do you," Ron

"I don't like the idea that a stone can bring someone back from the
dead," Hermione said shivering. "There are just some things that
shouldn't be messed with, and death should be one of them."

Hermione says a minute ago you told us you never saw the
mark on the stone:

"She has a point mate, you did say that," Fred said.
"Well, I'm sure that my book self is right, and I didn't even see the
stone for myself," Harry shrugged.

"That's because Dumbledore had just told you that they exist,"
Hermione grumbled, in a slightly foul mood knowing that her book
self was wrong.

Mentions that Harry's imagination was racing ahead, far beyond

Ron and Hermione:

"Yeah, that's because we're not crazy," Ron chuckled. "What are you
thinking about this time?"

Mentions three objects, if united will make the possessor

master of Death, master, conqueror, vanquisher, the last enemy
that shall be destroyed is death:

"And now you see why I didn't just tell you about the Hallows,"
Dumbledore sighed. "I was enticed by this kind of thinking too…" he
added in an even graver tone.

Mentions possessor of the Hallows facing Voldemort, whose

Horcruxes were no match, neither can live while the other
survives, was this the answer:

"I honestly don't see how that would work," Ginny said, frowning.
"Even if you somehow became the master of death, all it would do
was make it so you couldn't die. I don't see how it would affect the
Horcruxes, or Voldemort, at all."

Was there a way to ensure that he was the one to triumphed, if

he was the master of death would he be safe:

"No Harry, not safe," Dumbledore said.

"But they will help," Harry said thoughtfully.

"I obviously seemed to think they will," Dumbledore nodded his

Harry says Dumbledore had my Cloak the night my parents

"You knew then what it was," Harry sighed.

"As soon as I saw it," Dumbledore nodded his head. "It was
impossible for me not to examine it."

Mentions that Harry felt certain in his belief in the Hallow, as the
idea was giving him protection, and felt joyous as he turned his
back to the other two:

"Who are probably staring at you like you've finally cracked," Fred

"But I'm right," Harry said.

"I know that, and you know that, and even Ron and Hermione in this
room know that, but the ones in the book… they're going to think
your mental," Fred laughed.

"Oh great," the trio all sighed in unison.

Harry shouts IT'S IN HERE, he left me the ring, it's in the Snitch:

Dumbledore smiled; he had thought that was true as well. The smile
faded though, for he knew why Harry would need it and that wasn't a
very pleasant thought at all.

"Yep… definitely mental!" George said.

Harry says You-Know-Who's after the Elder Wand:

"Oh, bloody hell," Ron groaned, and he wasn't the only one that said
something. There wasn't a person in that room that wanted
Voldemort to get the wand. Dumbledore of course realized that
Voldemort wouldn't know how to make the wand work from him
properly, but that didn't mean that he would want it in Voldemort's
"He really would want that wand wouldn't he," Hermione groaned.

"The thought of becoming even more powerful than you are… to

becoming invincible… yes, he would want that," Severus shivered.

Mentions that hardly any wizards believe in Deathly Hallows,

was Voldemort knew about them:

Dumbledore shook his head at that, he didn't see Voldemort putting

any time into finding out about the Hallows. It wasn't something that
he would be interested in. Other than the Elder Wand… Voldemort
would be very interested in the Elder wand.

Mentions that if Voldemort had known about the Deathly

Hallows, he might not have needed Horcruxes:

"That just doesn't seem likely to me," McGonagall said. "I don't see
how those objects would make you master of Death… it just doesn't
seem likely at all."

"I have found now that I have thought on this for many years that
master of Death is not exactly what I thought it meant in my youth,"
Dumbledore said, but didn't elaborate more.

Mentions didn't Ron and Hermione know how far they had
traveld in the last few minutes:

"No, I don't think we do," Hermione said, and she was looking at
Harry oddly. She wasn't sure if this was really good news for them

"Well, it's not my fault you're slow," Harry shrugged.

"Git," Hermione glared at him, and he just chuckled.

Hermione asks if the Deathly Hallows existed and Dumbledore

knew about them, then why wouldn't he have told you:
"Yeah, Professor, why?!" Fred demanded of Dumbledore, a smirk
clear on his face.

"Fred don't…" Molly started to reprimand.

"It's alright Molly," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling. "First of all,
as I have just said, I don't believe that the master of Death means
what it sounds like… as a way to prevent yourself from dying…."

"Then what do you think it means?" Harry asked.

"It means that you would be willing to face death," Remus said.
"Face death and become master of it because you're not afraid of it
but accept that it is something that all humans have to go through."

Dumbledore nodded his head towards Remus in agreement. "The

next thing is also like I have said, I know how tempting the idea of
collecting all the Hallows is. If you become a true believer, as the
Harry in the book seems to be, it usually fills all of your thoughts. I
likely wanted Harry to learn this in a gradual fashion so that he
wouldn't get carried away with it…."

"It doesn't look like that can be helped now," Harry sighed. "Knowing
that there might be something out there that will cause me to be the
master of Death… which I believe in the book is what would
happen… will definitely make me obsess with it. Especially since I
know such a powerful madman is after me. Do you think you really
wanted me to know all this?"

"Oh, that is for certain," Dumbledore said. "I would not have given
Miss Granger that book if I didn't want you to learn this story."


"I cannot be sure about that," Dumbledore said thoughtfully, "but I

imagine that at least part of it has something to do with Voldemort
searching for the wand. I would have known that Ollivander was
taken, and there is a chance that I would have thought it was

Harry says but you said it, you've got to find out about them
yourself, it's a Quest:

"And that?" Harry questioned.

"That could be part of the reason too," Dumbledore said, his eyes
twinkling with amusement.

Harry says Dumbledore usually let me find out stuff for myself,
let's me try my strength, take risk, this feels like the kind of
thing he'd do:

At this explanation Molly was glaring at Dumbledore.

He sighed deeply and said in a grave voice, "Harry is such a unique

case. It is hard to know what is the best way to deal with him."

"Oh thanks," Harry grumbled.

"I'm sorry Harry," Dumbledore smiled at him. "It's just I've never had
a student or a situation quite like this before. You had to be allowed
to do certain things that I would normally have discouraged in my
other students, for I knew that one day you will have to face
something like you are in this book, and you needed to be ready for

Harry frowned, wondering exactly what he meant.

Molly was still glaring at Dumbledore, she didn't like how this
sounded at all, but she couldn't deny that it was a good thing that
Harry was able to handle himself in a quest like this.

Hermione says Dumbledore gave you clear instructions, find

and destroy the Horcruxes, forget the Deathly Hallows, we can't
afford to get sidetracked:
"That's true… why did you want me to learn this when it would
sidetrack me from the Horcruxes," Harry frowned.

"You needed to know this information Harry," Dumbledore said. "And

I know for one that finding the Horcruxes is not an easy thing… it will
take time. You are capable of thinking of more than one thing at the
same time… and if not, you're excellent friends won't let you get too

"No… I doubt they would," Harry chuckled.

Harry thinks if only he had the stone, he could ask Dumbledore

these questions in person:

"That would have been nice for him… you definitely helped me
understand things," Harry said.

"I'm sure I had a reason for making the Snitch keep the stone from
you longer," Dumbledore said, trying not to look too sad about that.

Mentions that Harry tried everything to open the Snitch, even

Parseltongue, but the golden ball would not open:

"Parseltongue!" Draco said shaking his head. "Why would

Dumbledore make it open with Parseltongue?"

"It worked with the locket," Harry shrugged.

Mentions that Harry hasn't tried to cast a Patronus with the

blackthorn wand:

"You really should," Remus said, looking at Harry worried. "It is a

high possibility that you would face a dementor before this story
ends. It would be horrible to find that you couldn't cast a Patronus
when you are actually face to face with a dementor."

"You don't think I will be able to do the charm," Harry observed.

"I think it will be difficult," Remus corrected. "The Patronus Charms
draws on a lot of your strength. Not being able to channel your
energy as easily as you do with your wand it will take some getting
used to before you are able to do the spell properly."

Mentions neither can live while the other survives, master of

Death, why didn't Ron and Hermione understand:

"Because we're rational people," Hermione said.

"Well, that explains why you don't understand," George said. "But not

"I supposed believing that one of the stories that I grew up hearing
about was real just didn't make sense to me," Ron shrugged.

Mentions even the mystery of the silver doe seemed to be less

important to Harry:

"Harry, I really hope you don't stand on all this for too long," Ginny
said. "Your obsession is getting boring."

"But I'm right," Harry grumbled.

"Can't you see that it's not healthy for you," Molly said. "Thinking of
nothing but the Hallows."

"Yeah, I can see that," Harry sighed. "But I really hate it when Ron
and Hermione don't believe me when I know I'm right about

Mentions that Harry worried that the connections between

himself and Voldemort had been damaged, a connection he
both feared and prized:

"Prized?" Hermione said, turning sadly to Harry.

"I don't prize it now," Harry said firmly. "But I can see how it could be
"And dangerous," Dumbledore said. "More for you, Harry, then for
your book self I would think.

Mentions Harry thought this was because of the destruction of

his wand, as if it was the blackthorn wand's fault that he
couldn't see into Voldemort's mind:

"I, on the other hand, believe that it has more to do with the fact that
Voldemort is obsessed with finding the wand as well," Dumbledore
said thoughtfully. "Obsession might be a powerful emotion but I'm
not sure if it translates well with the connection of your scar."

Mentions these frequent forays into Wizarding territory brought

them within occasional sight of Snatchers:

"Okay, I vote for staying away from Wizarding territory," Tonks said.

"I second that," Molly agreed.

Ron says Potterwatch, didn't I tell you, the program I keep

trying to get on the radio, it tells the truth about what's going

"Oh… it's the radio station," Fred said. "It's a pretty clever name."

"Though seeing as none of us know what the hell Harry is up to, I

don't know how accurate it is," Ginny said. "You're not really
watching Potter after all."

"But everyone knows that Harry's the one that's standing up against
Voldemort," Sirius said. "It's a brilliant name."

Ron says Bill had a real knack for guessing them, I'm bound to
get on in the end:

"Ron seems to really look up to you Bill, he is always mentioning

you," Fleur said to Bill.
"It's just because I was staying with Bill then," Ron grumbled, his
ears turning red again. Of course, he looked up to Bill, but that didn't
mean he wanted it broadcast like that.

Mentions Hermione had been polishing the sword of Gryffindor:

"Mione the sword doesn't need polishing remember," Ron said with a
smirk, and she rolled her eyes.

A familiar voice says sorry for our absence, which was due to a
number of house calls from those charming Death Eaters:

"I hope whoever this is, is safe now," Molly said worried, not liking
how it had said 'familiar voice'. She could see the twins doing
something like that.

Hermione says but that's Lee Jordan:

"Cool!" the twins said together, smiling broadly.

"Way to go Lee!" Fred cheered.

"A friend of yours?" Sirius questioned with a smile.

"Yeah, he's our best friend," George answered. "He has a knack for
announcing things."

"He's the commentator for the Quidditch matches," Harry added.

Ron says River, that's Lee, they all got code names and
Hermione says shh:

"Yeah, come on Ron, shut up, we want to hear what River has to
say," Fred chuckled, wondering how his friend would take it if he
suddenly started calling him that.

Lee says but before we hear from Royal and Romulus:

Remus's lip twitched at the mention of Romulus, knowing that it was
highly likely that it was him.

Lee says it is with great regret that we inform our listeners of

the murders of Ted Tonks:

"NO!" Tonks sobbed and Remus immediately dropped the book, so

he was able to wrap his arms around her. She leaned into his grip,
letting herself cry for a minute. She could feel everyone's
sympathetic eyes on her, but she didn't pay them any attention. She
didn't want to lose her father; he was much too young to die.

"We're not going to let this happen," Remus whispered to her softly.

"That's right Dora, nothing is going to happen to Ted!" Sirius said

firmly, he was looking pale. He had always liked Ted, thinking that
Andy had made an excellent choice in a husband.

"You're right," Tonks nodded her head, and wiped her eyes. She
knew they were right; they would prevent this from happening. She
stayed in Remus's arms, however, as he picked up the book. It might
not happen, but that didn't stop her from thinking about what it would
mean to her if her dad died.

Lee says believed that Muggle-born Dean Thomas and a second

goblin, may have escaped:

The trio, Ginny and the twins, let out a breath at this, then they
looked at Tonks sadly. They had wished her dad was okay too, but
they couldn't help but be relieved that Dean, who they all knew at
least a little (and all liked) was okay.

Lee says that Muggle slaughter is becoming little more than a

recreational sport under the new regime:

"Those bloody sick bastards," Tonks hissed, as anger started to fill

her. What was the point of attacking Muggles, they didn't do anything
to anyone?
Lee says I'd like to invite you now to join us in a minute's
silence in memory of those that were lost:

Remus paused in his reading for a second and everyone was silent.
It wasn't a silence for the memory of this people though, it was a
silence that almost everyone felt resolved to make sure that this
never happened in their reality.

An unmistakable deep and measured reassuring voice says

thanks, River:

"Kingsley," several people said at the same time.

"It seems like the Order has a hand in getting this program out there
and keeping it running," Arthur said.

"Well, that's good, it's important that there's something out there that
is still telling the truth," Bill said.

Kingsley says perhaps by casting a protective charm over any

Muggle dwellings in your street, many lives could be saved if
such simple measure are taken:

"Hmph… like people would want to risk their lives for something like
this," Draco said and nearly everyone glared at him. He just rolled
his eyes; he should have known that they would all do this.

"Maybe someday, when you actually grow a heart Malfoy, you would
understand why someone would be willing to risk their lives to do
something like this," Ginny said to him harshly.

"Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it," Draco shrugged. He knew he

would never risk his life for a stranger or someone that just lived near
him. However, he could think of a few people that he would be willing
to risk his life for, but it's not like anyone here needed to know he felt
this way.
Kingsley says it's one short step from Wizards first to
Purebloods first and then to Death Eaters:

"As if it's that simple," Draco said shaking his head.

"I think it is, aren't you on the cusp of being a Death Eater?" Fred
narrowed his eyes. "And you definitely think Purebloods first."

"Well, not all Purebloods first," Draco said looking defiantly at Fred.
"But I'm not sure if I really want to be a Death Eater."

"Really, I thought that was your life ambition," Ron said.

Draco just shrugged at that.

"Trust me, it's not what you think it is," Severus said in a grave voice.
"You don't want to sell yourself to the Dark Lord…."

Draco shivered at that.

Lee says Royal you've got my vote for Minister of Magic if we

ever get out of this mess:

"Mm… I really think he would make a good Minister," Arthur said

thoughtfully, knowing that he was strong enough not to bow to
anyone's will, but was also open minded enough to listen to people.

Says we know it's Lupin:

"Yeah, Moony, it's you!" Sirius said.

"I'm glad it's you too," Tonks said softly, she was still thinking of her
father, and it was a lot easier getting distracted from that when
Remus was in the story.

After what Remus says about Harry and he wonder if Remus

had forgiven him, for the terrible thing he had said when they
had last met:
"Oh Harry, of course he has," Sirius laughed. "Moony never holds on
to his anger long… especially when he knows he's wrong."

"Which is a big difference between us," Remus chuckled. "Sirius is

always more stubborn when he knows he's wrong but doesn't want
to admit it."

Remus says and I'd tell him to follow his instincts, which are
good and nearly always right:

"Excellent advice Remus," Dumbledore smiled, he had faith in

Harry's instincts as well.

After Harry looked at Hermione, she says nearly always right:

"I take that to mean that you think I'm wrong about the Hallows,"
Harry chuckled.

"Naturally," Hermione chuckled too.

Ron says oh, didn't I tell you, Bill told me that Lupin is living
with Tonks again:

"Argh… Ron, you should have told us right away," Hermione

groaned, "that's something we would want to know… at least it
would be good news."

Says Hagrid was rumored to have hosted a 'support Harry

Potter' party in his house, but he wasn't taken into custody, but
on the run:

"Well, that's good at least," Harry let out his breath, relieved.

"But that was pretty stupid," McGonagall said shaking her head. "He
should know better than doing something like that."

Lee says I suppose it helps when escaping from Death Eaters, if

you've got a sixteen foot-high half brother:
"Oh dear!" Molly said.

"He does have a giant!" McGonagall groaned. "At Hogwarts…

probably at this very moment!"

"It would seem so," Dumbledore said gravely. "But it also seems as if
this giant is helping him."

Lee says I'd like to introduce a new correspondent, Rodent:

"Argh… that's an awful name," the twins said.

"What's with all the 'R's' anyways?" Ginny said. "Can't they think of a
name with a different letter?"

The trio says Fred and then no, is it George:

"It's obviously me," the twins said at the same time and then glared
at each other.

Fred says yes, River, I can:

"You don't know it's really him," George pouted, he wanted to be on

the show.

"Give it up, it's clearly me," Fred said smugly.

Fred says he can move faster than Severus Snape confronted

with shampoo when he wants to:

This of course caused everyone to laugh except for Severus, who

was now glowering at the twins.

"Nice one Fred!" Sirius laughed.

Harry says he's abroad; he's still looking for the Wand, I knew
"Of course… you just had to go back to that didn't you," Ginny rolled
her eyes.

Harry says Hermione why are you so determined not to admit it,
Vol -:

Everyone gasped, knowing that Harry was going to say the name
and remembering that it was tabooed now… it would bring the Death
Eaters too them.

Harry says - demort's after the Elder Wand:

"No," Harry groaned miserably as he grabbed his head. "I can't

believe I just did that."

"Harry…" Hermione started to say, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"No… don't!" Harry moved away from her. "Don't try to comfort me…
I just bloody put us in terrible danger… if anything were to happen…
it would be all my fault!"

Mentions Ron bellowed, leaping to his feet as a loud crack

sounded outside the tent:

"They're already there!" Molly groaned; she had hoped that the trio
would have had at least a little time to get away.

"You have to leave now," Remus said, just as worried as Molly was,
before he started reading the end of the chapter without letting
anyone interrupt him.

Someone says you've got half a dozen wands pointing at you

and we don't care who we curse:

"That's the end of the chapter," Remus said, holding out the book for
someone else to take. No one seemed to be willing to take the book,
though they all were dying to know what happened next (there was
no talk of eating either, they were too nervous to do that).
Dumbledore sighed and then took the book from the werewolf. "I
suppose I should read."
Chapter 24
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Malfoy Manor

" Malfoy Manor," Dumbledore read gravely, and everyone tensed;

this wasn't going to go well.

Mentions that Hermione had her wand out pointed into his face
and there was a bang and he buckled in agony, unable to see:

"Why would you hex Harry?" Ginny asked, looking terrified and pale
just like everyone else in the room.

"I don't know," Hermione answered, and she didn't really feel like
trying to think of a reason now, she needed to know what was going
to happen next.

Mentions unknown hands dragged Harry off the ground:

"No!" several people in just as many tones, some moaning the word
some shouting, but all of them hating that Harry was actually caught.

Mentions Harry clutched at his painful face, which felt


"Oh…" several people said looking at Hermione now.

"That was smart of you to do Miss Granger," Dumbledore noted, and

most people seemed to agree with that, but couldn't seemed to say
anything at the moment. Dumbledore quickly read on.
Mentions that Harry's glasses fell off and all he could see were
blurred shapes:

Harry grimaced at his, thinking that it was times like this that he
didn't need glasses… it was such a disadvantage that he couldn't
see at all without them… that he would become useless in a fight if
his glasses were knocked off.

Ron shouted get off her:

Hermione gave Ron a weak smile at that, she loved that he was so
protective of her, and yet she was afraid of what kind of trouble it
would get him into now. Ron wrapped his arms around her then, he
had a bad feeling about this chapter.

Ron grunted in pain and Hermione screamed, no, leave him


Hermione shivered in Ron's arms, but he didn't seem to care at all…

he would take that any day over Hermione (or even Harry) getting

A horribly familiar, rasping voice says delicious girl, what a

treat, I do enjoy the softness of the skin:

"NO!" Remus groaned, misery and angry, mixed into one. "Not him!"

"Who?" a few people asked, but most of the room seemed to have

"Greyback!" Remus hiss the name as ferociously as he could, his

eyes cold now, and it was easy to see the werewolf that lay within
him. He would not stand for this if Greyback hurt any of them.

Molly whimpered upon hearing who Remus thought it was, and

several other people moaned, things were just getting worse and
Mentions Harry knew who this was, Fenrit Greyback, the
werewolf who was permitted to wear Death Eater robes in return
for his hired savagery:

Remus growled this time and Tonks put her arms around him.
Despite himself, Remus seemed to relax at her touch, but his eyes
were still cold.

Mentions Harry received a blow to the diaphragm that made him

double over in pain:

A few people gasped and Ginny reached for Harry's hand, she didn't
know if it was for comfort or support, all she knew is that she needed
to hold his hand and she felt he needed that, too.

Scabior says like hell you are, we know Stan, he's put a bit of
work our way:

"Oh crap, that's not good," Sirius groaned, now they would have
more reason to be suspicious of them.

Ron says I'm Bardy Weasley:

"I'm not sure that's any better," Bill said.

"Yeah, we're all blood traitors, I doubt that will do you any favors for
saying you're one of us," Charlie agree.

Ron didn't answer them, he couldn't think about something like this
now when he and his friends were in so much danger… he'd worry
about his mistake later, after he knew everyone was safe. Which, he
had to keep telling himself they would be.

Greyback says and lastly your pretty little friend, and the relish
in his voice made Harry's flesh crawl:

"You're not the only one," Fred said. "And I don't even have to hear
the relish for my flesh to crawl."
He wasn't the only one that seemed to have been shivering at this
comment, Ron and Remus in particular seem to be taking this hard.
Hermione felt Ron's arms around her tighten and she squeezed him
in what she hoped to be a reassuring way.

Hermione says Penelopy Clearwater:

Percy gasped at that and looked at Hermione with a scowl.

"I'm sorry," Hermione sighed in a shaky voice.

"But I thought that Penelope was a Muggle-born too," Harry frowned,

"wasn't that why…" he trailed off because he felt Ginny shudder at
the reminder of what happened in her first year.

"She's a half-blood," Hermione mumbled, "I asked her that day…"

she too trailed off, but that was because of the glare that Percy was
giving her.

"You seemed to like to endanger her a lot…" Percy said hotly, he

might not be going out with her anymore, but that didn't mean that he
didn't care about her.

"Percy!" Ron glared at him as he felt Hermione shudder.

At the look in his brother's eyes Percy's anger lessened. He pinched

the bridge of his nose and sighed, "I'm sorry Hermione… I know
you're not doing this to hurt her… it's just…."

"I understand Percy," Hermione said miserably, "and I'm sorry."

Ron says we've left:

"Are you saying that you ditched, or you've finished?" Draco


"How the bloody hell should I know," Ron snapped at him, he had no
patients for Malfoy right now.
Ron says not a laugh, accident:

And everyone groaned then, they knew that there was nothing else
that Ron could say, but it was unlikely for three normal campers to
'accidentally' say Voldemort.

Harry's groan, however, was more of a bitter one, knowing that he

was the reason for this. Whatever was about to happen was all his

Greyback says the Order of the Phoenix, mean anything to you:

"For which it is known that the Weasleys take part in," Severus
pointed out frowning. "You really should have used a different name."

Ron looked up to glare at him, anger in his eyes, but it was clear that
part of it at least was directed at himself… still he hated that Snape
had to bring that up now.

Harry asks anyone still got a wand:

"As if they would let you keep your wands," Draco rolled his eyes,
and though no one said this, they all seem to agree that that would
never happen.

Harry says this is all my fault, I said the name, I'm sorry:

Harry shivered again and Hermione grabbed his hand. "This isn't
your fault, Harry."

Harry nodded his head towards her, but this didn't change his mind,
it didn't matter what she said, this was his fault. He saw her roll her
eyes, and he almost smiled at that, knowing that he didn't fool her for
a second.

Someone says Harry and he says Dean:

"No," all those who knew Dean moaned, they didn't want him
captured by Death Eaters… or Snatchers or whatever they were…
anymore then they wanted the others.

"Don't be so worried about this," Draco scoffed, "I'm sure Potter is

going to find a way out of this, and Thomas would be better off being

Everyone looked at Draco with an odd look. Was he really trying to

cheer everyone up?

Draco just looked back at them indifferently, internally he was

wondering himself why he said that. Dumbledore smiled at Draco, as
the rest of the room seemed to have taken a little comfort from what
he said, before he started to read again.

When asked what house he was in Harry says Slytherin:

"Fool… it would have been smarter to say Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw,"

Severus shook his head in disappointment. "It's too obvious to say

Harry says it's in the dungeons, you enter through the wall, it's
full of skulls and stuff and it's under the lake, so the light's all

"How do you know that, Potter?" Severus and Draco said at the
same time.

"I have my ways," Harry answered, knowing he would have found

their expressions extremely funny if he wasn't so miserable at the

"I take back what I said earlier," Severus said, still looking at Harry
shrewdly, "with an answer like that, they would be likely to believe
you're telling the truth."

Scabior says you know what Greyback, I think there's a Dudley

in there:

"No effing way," Sirius said. "That can't be possible."

"It's not," Arthur said. "But there is a Donley in the department…."

"Still… it's unbelievable that you would pick a name that would
actually work," Sirius said.

"Don't get your hopes up Sirius, the chapter has to be call Malfoy
Manner for a reason," Bill said grimly.

"Bill, you don't…" Fleur started to say.

"There's no point for us all to get our hopes up," Bill repeated, his
eyes were on his mum, and he could see how hard she was taking
all of this, but he didn't want her to grasp onto false hope, that
wouldn't help her. "All it will do is make it that much harder to deal
with when this doesn't pan out."

Greyback says, I expect your father'll reward us just for picking

you up:

"As if," Draco rolled his eyes. "His father would have been
embarrassed that something like this happened and he would hate
the werewolf for doing this."

Mentions they had found Gryffindor's sword:

"Oh, that's just bloody great," Charlie muttered, that wasn't likely
going to help their cause. Not to mention it would probably make any
escape plan that much harder because they would have to find a
way to get the sword too.

Harry says it's my father's, we borrowed it to cut firewood:

"Cut firewood… with a sword?" Draco scoffed, "the least you can do
is come up with believable lies."

"As if you could have done better," George rolled his eyes.

Mentions that Voldemort's thoughts had become sharp again,

he was gliding towards the gigantic building:
"Argh… now's not the time for this, Harry," Hermione groaned out
loud what almost everyone was thinking.

"I don't have control of when I see things like this, Hermione," Harry
snapped back, he was worried enough, he didn't need this added to
it too.

Dumbledore, however, was frowning at the mention of this building,

he knew where Voldemort was.

Scabior says Hermione Granger:

Everyone gasped and then groaned at that. Hermione shuddered

and buried her head in Ron's shoulder (though she was still holding
Harry's hand), hating that she was the one that was recognized.

Scabior says the Mudblood who is known to be traveling with

Harry Potter:

"Bloody hell," Ron groaned.

"How do they know that?" Molly moaned. "I thought…."

"When they escaped from Lovegood's house she showed herself,"

Tonks mumbled sadly, which caused Hermione to whimper… why
did she have to do that?

"It's not your fault Mione," Ron whispered so only she could hear,
and she relaxed a little.

Hermione says it isn't, it isn't me, and her terrified squeak was
as good as a confession:

"I think that it looks like Hermione was as good as a confession,"

Ron said hotly, not liking how Hermione reacted to Harry's thoughts.

"I know," Harry agreed.

Mentions that a second later Harry's glasses had been rammed
back onto his face:

Well at least I can see now, Harry thought dryly to himself.

"It Is!" rasped Greyback. "We've caught Potter!"

The tension in the room, which was already maddening, seemed to

only increase as this.

Mentions he was Harry, and they were discussing his fate in low
voices, then Time to fly:

"Damnit Harry, stay in focus, who the hell cares what Voldemort is up
to," Sirius shouted, though not angry at Harry, just worried sick.

"Actually, I don't see it as a bad thing that Voldemort is doing

whatever it is he's doing," Harry said. "Though I wish that I didn't
have to be distracted by this."

"What do you mean Harry?" Remus asked.

"Well at least if Voldemort is this emotional about something, he'll be

less likely to respond quickly to being notified that they have me."

"That's not really going to help you," Sirius pointed out. "He's still
going to come back as soon as he hears about this."

"Maybe," Harry shrugged, "but it might also mean that he's far away
from here… it could give us some more time."

"Oh… he's definitely far from here," Dumbledore said grimly.

"Where is he, sir?" Harry asked.

"I'm sure you'll see soon enough," Dumbledore sighed and then
started reading again.

Greyback says I say we take him straight to You-Know-Who:

"Okay… so I guess it is good that he's off doing whatever he is
doing," Sirius shivered, knowing that if they could actually take them
to Voldemort right now that they would be killed immediately.

Scabior ask will you summon him here:

"As if the werewolf could," Severus scoffed, he knew the Dark Lord
would never allow such a lowly creature actually join the ranks as a
Death Eater.

Greyback says I say that's Potter, and him plus his wand, that's
two hundred thousand Galleons right there:

"Galleon… is that all he cares about!" Severus shook his head.

"Isn't it what all Death Eaters care about," George said.

"Hardly," Draco snorted. "I should think it's mostly about power."

"And you really think that you would get power by supporting
Voldemort?" Fred questioned him.

"That depends," Draco said, coolly, but he was already realizing that
he didn't think joining Voldemort would be beneficial to him.

"On?" George prompted.

"Who wins the war," Draco said, and everyone glared at him.

"You're such a sniveling coward, Malfoy," Ron snapped at him.

"We can't really change who we are Weasel," Draco shrugged. "I
don't see myself as being much of a Death Eater to be honest, but
that doesn't mean that I won't act like I am if I have no other choice."

"So do what's best for you and screw the rest of the world," Harry
glared at him.
"And what would you have me do Potter? Stand up for Mud…
Muggle-borns and Muggles alike," Draco said. "That's not how I was
raise… and my upbringing is not something I can just forget!"

"I think that's enough," Dumbledore said sharply as he could see

everyone getting angry at what was being discussed. "I think that
this is something we should all think about, but for now I will continue
to read."

Greyback says and with any luck, I'll get the girl thrown in:

Ron, who was already angry at the moment, let out a growl of
frustration at this and pulled Hermione closer to him.

Mentions a skeletal figure was just visible through it, curled

beneath a blanket:

Everyone looked at Dumbledore curiously because his voice

seemed to have grown soft at the end of this description, but he just
continued to read.

Greyback says we've got Potter, we've captured Harry Potter,

and the gates swung open:

"I would imagine so," Fred said grimly.

"They must have been dying to hear news like that," George finished
in the same grim tone as his brother.

Mentions the emaciated figure, eyes opening in a skull of a face,

fixed upon Voldemort and then he smiled:

Dumbledore sighed; he didn't like hearing about this man like this…
nor did he like hearing about this man at all… all the bad memories
started to fill him again.

The figure says so you have come but your journey was
pointless, I never had it:
Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at this, he didn't expect that Gellert
would lie.

Mentions a woman's cold voice says what is this:

Draco stiffened at this, knowing it had to be his mother; he didn't

want anything bad to be said about her.

Scabior says there's no doubt it's him, and we've got his wand
as well:

"They don't have my wand," Harry said, a little proud by that fact. Of
course, it was then that he remembered that his wand was broken,
and that just made him depressed again.

Mentions that Scabior thrust the blackthorn wand at her, she

raised her eyebrow:

"Shh…" Sirius let out a breath, he was really hoping that she
wouldn't be as cold as she seemed to be… still being able to recall
times when his cousin wasn't all bad, but he didn't have high hopes.

Narcissa says my son Draco is home for his Easter holidays, if

that's Harry Potter, he will know:

Now everyone was glaring at Draco, sure that he would happily tell
everyone that it was them.

"Oh, that's just bloody great," Draco muttered to himself with a

grimace, he was surely going to be murdered soon.

Harry, however, was looking at him closely, he was sure that the
Draco before they came into this room wouldn't have any trouble
telling everyone it was them. But the Draco in the book was looking
pale and almost scared about what he was asked to do… he wasn't
so sure. Nor was he sure that the Draco in this room would do that.
But of course, he couldn't be sure.
Dumbledore was giving Draco a similar look as Harry was, and he
wondered what the boy would do; past, present and future.

Draco says I can't, I can't be sure:

Everyone looked surprised at that comment.

"He must not have been able to recognize you," Ron grumbled.

"I would know it was Potter," Draco said stiffly, seriously hoping that
was true. It was the only way he could see not getting killed right
now. Ron glared at him, but didn't say anything, they would see in a
moment who was right.

Mentions Draco was scared of looking at Harry as Harry was

looking at him:

Now everyone was really surprised. Whether Draco had recognized

Harry or not wasn't clear, but it was clear that he didn't want to
recognize Harry.

Mentions Harry had never heard Lucius Malfoy so excited:

This caused Sirius to growl, hating how excited that Lucius would get
about this knowing that Harry would be killed… that a boy would be

"It would raise his standings a great deal if he was the one to
handover Potter," Draco said, it came natural to him to defend his

"A feeling that you don't seem to share," Sirius said to him, his tone
was cold, but Draco could see that it wasn't directed at him. Draco
didn't have any answer to that, he had no idea what his book self
was thinking.

"It seems to me Mr. Malfoy, that you have discovered that supporting
Voldemort isn't necessarily in your best interests anymore,"
Dumbledore said softly before reading again.
Lucius says it could be the scar, Draco, come here, look
properly, what do you think:

Draco grimaced, the more he thought of this the more he realized

that he wouldn't want to be part of this. He would never be friends
with Harry, he was sure of that, but he couldn't stand the thought
being asked to sign his death warrant.

Draco says I don't know and walked away towards the fireplace:

Severus was looking at Draco with a newfound respect, it was never

easy for the boy to stand against his father like this.

Narcissa says we had better be certain, Lucius, remember what

he did to Rowle and Dolohove:

Sirius grimaced at this, it was hard to hear how coldly she said that,
how she only cautioned against handing over three kids to Voldemort
because it would put her family in danger.

Narcissa says she was in Madam Malkin's with Potter, I saw her
picture, look Draco isn't it the Granger girl:

Now Sirius was growling again at her obvious excitement.

Draco says I… maybe… yeah:

Everyone again looked at Draco, knowing for sure now that he

wasn't going to sell them out.

"I wonder what happened to you?" Harry mused, looking closely at

his school rival.

"I have no idea," Draco admitted, but it was clear to both of them that
something must have happened. Draco was thinking about how his
father seemed to be dishonored in the first chapter, and knew it had
something to do with that, but had no idea what.
Lucius says that's the Weasley boy, Draco look at him, isn't that
Arthur Weasley's son, what's his name:

Ron grimaced at this, feeling slightly annoyed that he didn't know his
name, but it really didn't matter now, not when serious things where
about to happen.

Mentions a woman spoke, and the sound of the voice wound

Harry's fear to an even higher pitch:

"NO!" all the adults groaned, for clearly there would only be one
woman that would have Harry become even more tense.

"Who is it?" Harry questioned.

"It has to be Bellatrix!" Sirius said bitterly as everyone looked at the

trio with fear and Harry felt himself shudder. He didn't know her, but
the one time he seen her in Dumbledore's memories told him he
never wanted to. She was seriously crazy and completely devoted to

Bellatrix says surely this is the Mudblood girl, this is Granger:

"How does she know you?" Sirius said paling.

"I was known…" Hermione started to say, but Sirius was shaking his

"No… the way she's talking… it's clear she knows you," he
explained. "She wouldn't bother herself in remembering the wanted

This only had Molly whimper and everyone else to stiffen, knowing
something major had to have happened before the events of this
book was to take place.

Lucius says I was about to call him, his hand actually closed
upon Bellatrix's wrist to prevent her from touching the Mark:
"Well at least there's one good thing, the Death Eaters are going to
fight over who gets to tell old Voldy the news," Fred said, going for a
joke of course, but he was wary all the same.

Mentions Bellatrix was still attempting to throw off Lucius her

free hand groping in her pocket for her wand:

Draco shivered at that, he had heard stories of his aunt before and
knew that it was a bad thing for her to be armed… especially when
she seemed to be angry at his father.

" Take your gold, filthy scavenger, what do I want with gold? I
seek only the honor of his - of -"

"Fool… as if he cares about honor," Sirius hiss bitterly.

Bellatrix shrieked STOP:

"Oh crap… what the hell happened?" Sirius said, turning pale.

"I don't know, but if it means that they don't summon Voldemort here
now, it's got to be good," Remus said.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Sirius said, "you've never seen Bella mad
before… trust me… this isn't good."

A Snatcher grunted sword:

"Oh… it's the sword… but why would she care so much about that?"
Bill said looking confused just like everyone else.

Snatcher says It's not yours, missus, it's mine, I reckon I found

Sirius shook his head, not feeling sorry exactly (for they had
captured Harry), but filling pity for those men, knowing the kind of
things Bellatrix would do to them.

Greyback says how dare you, release me, woman:

"Fool," Severus repeated.

Remus on the other hand was really wishing that she would just get
rid of him… the world would be a better place without him in it.

Bellatrix asks where did you find this sword, Snape sent it to
my vault in Gringotts:

"Hm…" Dumbledore paused for a second in his reading, he had a

feeling it was something like this. The only reason for her reacting
this dangerously… for her to be afraid if Voldemort was summoned
would be that there was something else in her vault that he asked to
be there. It was exciting to realize this knowledge, but as he started
reading, he quickly became grim again, because of the situation the
trio was now in.

Bella says Draco, move this scum outside, if you haven't got the
guts to finish them, then leave them in the courtyard for me:

Draco flinched at that request.

"She's going to kill them," Ginny said, a little shocked.

"Probably, they matter little to her, and they tried to deny her
something," Sirius said, his eyes were hard and cold. "She has no
sympathy or remorse… believe me on that."

Bellatrix says if it is indeed Potter, he must not be harmed:

"Lucky you," Fred said, but Harry didn't think he was so lucky. He
didn't like the sound of where this was leading, and he knew that if it
was a choice between one of his friends getting hurt or himself, he
would rather it be him.

Bellatrix says wait, all except… except for the Mudblood:

"NO!" Ron screamed as he crashed Hermione to him.

Everyone turned to look at Hermione, their expressions filled with
terror. Hermione didn't seem to have noticed. She knew she would
have been terrified if she really was about to be left behind in
Bellatrix's hands, but right now all she could think about was Ron.
He was shaking with fear and anger and so many other feelings that
she didn't have time to identify.

"This isn't going to happen," Hermione said firmly to him, making him
look into her eyes. "I'm not in that room… I'm never going to have to
go through this… I'm not going to be hurt."

Ron's eyes were still tortured as he looked at her, but he said in a

thick voice, "I know you're right Mione… but that's not going to make
this any easier to listen too."

"Oh… Ron," Hermione breathed out, laying her head on his

shoulder, not knowing what else she could do now.

Dumbledore sighed, before he started reading again, knowing that

things were only going to be harder form this time on.

Ron shouted, no, you can have me, keep me:

Hermione shuddered at the thought of that, her brave Ron trying to

keep her from pain. "Thanks Ron," she whispered, knowing that it
was useless… knowing that she wouldn't really want him to take her

Molly too was whimpering at this; she couldn't help but think of her
son being hurt by Bellatrix… Arthur's arms around her tightened as
she tried not to think of that… tried not to think about what was going
to happen in the book either.

Bellatrix says take them downstairs, Greyback, and make sure

they are secure, but do nothing more to them… yet:

Hermione could feel the tears that were falling freely down Ron's
face as she heard a soft, but bitter mumble, "I should have protected
you better."

"Don't Ron," Hermione whispered back, in a voice so low only he

could hear her. "Don't blame yourself for this… this isn't your fault."

Greyback says reckon she'll let me have a bit of the girl when
she's finished with her, I'll get a bit or two, wouldn't you, ginger:

"I won't let you set a bloody hand on her!" Remus growled, and Ron
looked at him for the slightest second and it was clear he was
thinking the same thing… he just couldn't say it right now. Not with
the fear of something happening to his Hermione, book or not.

Mentions before there was a terrible, drawn-out scream from

directly above them:

Everyone groaned, Molly turned into Arthur's chest, Ginny did the
same to Harry, Tonks hugged Remus to her, both of them equally
shaken by hearing this. Hermione herself was holding Ron, whose
tears were coming down even faster. Fred and George were looking
very pale, and angry that someone would hurt her like this, someone
they had considered almost like another sister. Percy and Charlie
crossed their arms grimacing, not liking that she was being hurt like
this either. Fleur would have surprised most of the people in the
room (if they had been looking at her) by shedding a few of her own
tears and she leaned her head on Bill's shoulder, if McGonagall
didn't let out a terrible sob.

Everyone seemed to look at McGonagall, not exactly expecting this

reaction from her, but Sirius silently got up to wrap an arm around
her as he sat next to her on the couch she was on. He knew that
McGonagall was an old softy at heart, and it would have been hard
to hear about one of her students going through something like
this… especially Hermione, for which whom she had taken a special
liking too.

Hermione smiled at her weakly, as Dumbledore started reading

Mentions Ron struggled against the ropes and bellows
Hermione, HERMIONE:

Molly started to sob even harder at this, knowing how hard this
would be on her son to hear this. That he would be almost as
tortured as Hermione was.

Harry says be quiet, shut up. Ron we need to work out a way:

"I don't want to work on anything," Ron said, feeling a slight edge of
anger that Harry wouldn't understand that, that Harry wouldn't show
a little more concern about Hermione. When he looked at Harry all
the anger (though it wasn't much) left him. Harry's face looked close
to what it did after he came back from the graveyard… Ginny was
hugging him, but he didn't seem to be taking any notice at that at all.
Ron's eyes met Harry's then, and he knew that Harry was suffering a
great deal hearing this.

Someone says Harry, Ron and they say Luna:

Ginny gasped at that… she didn't know whether to be happy or sad

that her friend was here, in the Malfoy's cellar. Especially not now
when she wasn't sure what was going to happen to everyone. She
settled on happy as she tried to hold on to what Draco had said
earlier… that they would all escape this somehow and it was better
that she was there.

Ginny wasn't the only one thinking this but at the time everyone was
too preoccupied about what was going on to say anything.

Hermione screams we found it, we found it, PLEASE:

Tears started to leak down Hermione's cheeks as she thought of Ron

struggling so much, as she thought of how much pain she must have
been in to be screaming like this… knowing that each scream must
have hurt Ron… she must have been in so much pain that she didn't
have any control.
Luna says oh, that's much easier, thanks Ron, Hello Dean:

Tears actually started to brim in Ginny's eyes as she listened to

Luna. She knew her friend must have been terrified being stuck
down there, but she was trying so hard to make everyone else feel
comfortable… well in the Luna way she had. It didn't help either that
she started thinking about Luna being in that dark cellar since

Bellatrix says what else did you take, tell me the truth or, I
swear, I shall run you through with this knife:

Ron let out a strangle moan at that; he couldn't lose Hermione, not in
a book… not in reality… not in anyway.

Mentions Ron was trying to Disapparate without a wand:

"The cellar has charms on it so you wouldn't be able to Apparate

even if you had a wand," Draco informed him in an emotionless
voice. He didn't like Granger in the least, but hearing this, he had to
admit, was hard. The Weasley boys, minus Ron, turned to glare at
him at this, but he took no notice.

Luna says there's no way out, Ron, I've tried, and Mr. Ollivander
has tried everything:

"Well, that was before Harry came… he'll find a way out I'm sure,"
Fred said, not completely believing it himself but feeling it was his
duty to put some hope into everyone else.

"Yeah," George said, his voice was shaky, but he took some
confidence from his brother's words. "Harry has escaped from all
sorts for impossible situations… this isn't any different."

This only had a minimal effect on the people in the room, but it did
seem to serve its purpose a little. Though it did cause Harry to
scowl… he had no idea how the hell he was supposed to get them
out of this, and he didn't like that everyone was thinking he could do
this when it seemed so impossible to him.

Mentions Hermione was screaming again, and the sound went

through Harry like physical pain:

Hermione sighed and looked at Harry then, feeling bad that she
didn't realize before how hard this would be for him to hear. He
wasn't looking at her, but at the floor, his shoulders slouched
dejectedly. She grasped his hand again and he squeezed it

Bellatrix shouts what else did you take, what else, ANSWER ME,

Now Harry squeezed her hand almost painfully. He feared that this
was the curse that was being used. He knew what it was like to be
put under the Cruciatus Curse… the pain of it was maddening. He
never wanted his friends to understand this pain.

"Harry," Hermione said weakly, and she found herself looking up at

him, her eyes were concern for him, and for Ron, who she kept
turning her head to look at to see how he was taking this news.
Harry looked at Ron too, and he could see the tears in his eyes, the
pain he felt that Hermione would have to suffer. At the same time, he
knew that they didn't really understand. They couldn't know the
extent of Hermione's pain. They could only imagine the pain and he
knew they could never guess how horrible it truly was.

Harry was not the only one that now realized the true terrors that
Hermione was going through. Severus was giving Hermione an
uncharacteristic empathic look; Remus's eyes were tight as he
shuddered his remembrance of the curse. Sirius had gotten up and
started to pace the room, as he remembered being used for practice
by Bellatrix when they were younger and how much she enjoyed the
Dumbledore started reading again, his voice was steady and calm
and yet still portrayed his sorrow.

Mentions search his moleskin pouch and he waved his broken

halves of the phoenix wand, but they were lifeless:

Sighs were heard around the room, a slight hope that something
might happen before it was dashed.

Mentions the mirror fragment fell to the floor, and a gleam of

brightest blue:

"What?" several people said weakly that hope starting to flicker


Mentions Dumbledore's eye was gazing at him out of the mirror:

Everyone looked at Dumbledore hopefully now and felt even more

so when they saw the almost smile on his lips (for he had a good
idea who Harry might be seeing and that the boy wasn't really wrong
in thinking it was Dumbledore), but he just continued to read.

Harry yells help us, we're in the cellar of Malfoy Manor, and the
eye blinked and was gone:

"Do you think that will work?" Ron asked in a tone that Dumbledore
couldn't ignore.

"Yes, I believe so," Dumbledore answered, but didn't explain more as

he started reading again. That was okay with Ron, as long as he
knew that there was help coming.

Hermione says we only met him tonight, we've never been

inside your vault, it isn't the real sword, it's a copy:

"Are you talking about the sword you have or the one in the vault,"
Severus mused, and everyone glared at him. How could he be so
insensitive to ask that question now? The truth was he was talking to
himself more than anyone else. He was just curious because it
would have been a real clever thing… not to mention impressive
(and a little bit foolish) if Granger was actually trying to fool Bellatrix
while being tortured.

Lucius says but we can find out easily, Draco:

"You're there… just sitting there watching this," Ron said looking at
Draco coldly.

Draco looked pale at the idea of that… but he looked at Ron

defiantly. "What else could I have done?"

"You're a bloody cowered!" Ron growled, his eyes flashing with fury.

"He doesn't have a choice," Severus said firmly. "If you think that
Bellatrix wouldn't have hexed him if he even tried…."

"Cissy wouldn't have stand by and let that happen," Sirius pointed

"No… she wouldn't have," Severus agreed. "But I doubt Bellatrix

would have let that stop her either. She doesn't let anyone get
between her and her prey. You might not like this Mr. Weasley, but
Draco had no choice."

"Ron, don't," Hermione whispered as Ron made to argue some

more. "I agree with them."


"It's the same thing I would have had to do in the Ministry… when I
was disguised as Hopkrik…" Hermione explained.

"But…" Ron moaned miserably.

"I know you're angry… but Malfoy isn't the one doing this," Hermione
"But it's so easy to be mad at him," Ron grumbled, almost making
Hermione's lips twitch.

Harry says Griphook, you must tell them that sword's a fake,
they mustn't know it's the real one:

Very good Potter, Severus thought, he wasn't going to say that one
out loud no matter what, but it was really quick of him to jump on this
like he did.

Others probably would have felt this way too, if they were not so
worried about what was going to happen, wondering how (the
refused to think if) the trio was going to get out of this.

Draco says stand back, don't try anything or I'll kill you:

"I don't believe him, I say you should all rush him," Fred said.

"Yeah, the git couldn't take you on in a physical fight," George

added, the twins were clearly still mad at Draco being there.

Mentions as the door slammed there a loud crack and when the
light flew back it revealed Dobby:

"What?" Several people said in shock and a smile came to Harry's

face. It seemed like Dobby was coming to his rescue again just like
he had the last year when he helped him get through the second

"How the hell did he know that you were there?" Fred asked.

"It must have been the mirror," Ron said, "I think I'm going to have to
get Dobby a few more sweaters after this."

"He'll like that," Harry agreed with what could almost be called a
chuckle. "But I think socks are his favorite."

Ron shouts DOB and Harry hits him and Ron looked terrified at
his mistake:
Ron in the room was looking almost as terrified about that. Trust him
to ruin the rescue plan by announcing the elf's arrival.

Mentions that Dobby was back in the home of his old masters,
and it was clear he was petrified:

Harry sighed at that; he could imagine how horrified Dobby would be

to be back there.

Harry asks but how did you:

"You can ask how later! There're more important things now!" Ron
hissed and Harry groaned, Ron was right about that.

Harry asks and you can take humans with you:

"Brilliant!" the twins said.

"Dobby is the best!" Sirius agreed.

"But what about Hermione," Molly moaned. "How are they going to
get to her?"

This naturally had everyone feeling nervous again, though now that
they knew for sure there was a way out it wasn't as bad as before.

Ron says Bill and Fleur's, Shell Cottage on the outskirts of


"Good choice," Bill said, glad that his brother was coming to him.

Mentions that Dobby took the wandmaker's hand and then held
out the other to Luna and Dean, neither of whom moved:

"Of course not, Gryffindor fools," Severus shook his head.

"There is nothing foolish about wanting to help your friends," Ginny

said hotly. "Besides, Luna isn't a Gryffindor or a fool!"
Vision of man says kill me, then, Voldemore I welcome death,
but my death will not bring you what you seek, there's so much
you don't understand:

Dumbledore again frowned at this; it seems like he was going to

hear of Gellert's death… something he surely didn't want to do.

Lucius says did you hear that, what was that noice in the cellar:

"Oh crap… they know something happen," Sirius paled.

Lucius says Draco, no call Wormtail, make him go and check:

The mention of Wormtail had Sirius growling, and Remus's eyes to

harden. Dumbledore, however, was thoughtful about this.

Harry says we're going to have to try and tackle him:

"Good plan… kick his bloody arse!" Sirius hissed through his teeth.

Mentions Harry slapped a hand to his mouth, muffing his voice:

"Good… don't let him scream," Bill said, "don't let anyone know what
is happening."

Mentions Wormtail's silver hand closed around Harry's throat:

"You bastard… get your bloody hands off him!" Sirius shouted. "I
wish I could have teared you from limb to limb when I had the

Ron says in a imitation of Wormtail's voice, nothing, all fine:

"Good thinking Ron," Hermione said to him and he almost smiled at


Harry says you're going to kill me, after I saved your life, you
owe me, Wormtail:
"As if he cares about anything like that," Sirius scoffed bitterly, and
Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at that, they were about to find out if
he did have feelings about that.

Mentions the silver fingers slackened:

Sirius eyes widen at this, he didn't expect even the slightest amount
of pity from Wormtail.

Remus sighed, wishing this would be enough, but if Wormtail had

betrayed Lily and James, if he had brought back Voldemort, there
was no way he would really stop himself here… he had made the
choice years ago that he cared most about his own safety.

Ron says and we'll have that, taking Wormtail's wand:

"Good, stun him and get out of there," Tonks said.

"There would be no need of that," Severus said, his face was hard
and there was a frightening smile in his face. He hated Pettigrew,
hated that he had to see him all the time… hated that he could do
nothing to him when this rat was the one that had betrayed Lily. He
wasn't sorry at all about what was about to happen.

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked, feeling almost sicken by the

smile on Severus's face, he knew that look well enough to know that
it meant nothing good.

Instead of letting Severus answer, Dumbledore read.

Mentions that Harry tried to drag back the hand, but there was
no stopping it:

"Don't bother," Severus said coldly.

"It's going to kill him," Remus realized.

"Good," Sirius said darkly, the part of him that cared about what
happened to this rat died a long time ago in Azkaban. Remus
frowned, it was harder for him to hear this, and yet easier too, for he
had already grieved for his friend's death… and then he truly
believed that Peter was a friend. It shouldn't be as hard hearing
about the enemy's death.

Mentions it was no use, Pettigrew was turning blue:

"I don't see why you're bothering Potter," Severus said.

"I can't just stand there and let something like this happen," Harry
looked up.

"Yeah… it's not right," Ron agreed. "I mean he's a rat… but… I don't
know… it just feels wrong to watch this."

"He's the reason L-lily is dead!" Severus said, his voice breaking
slightly when he said Lily. "He deserves nothing less… !"

"Be that as it may, I still can't just stand there," Harry said, but his
eyes were colder now, seeing Severus's point more clearly.

Mentions he gave a last twitch, and was still:

Sirius closed his eyes and took his seat next to Remus again. He
couldn't believe that there was actually a part of him that cared… but
he couldn't help but think of the better times… their years at

"I know," Remus sighed, his eyes were closed too, a weird mixture of
anger and grief running through him.

Mentions Hermione was lying at Bellatrix's feet, she was barely


Ron shuddered again, all the emotions that seemed to come back to
him with Dobby's arrival left him as he heard this. How badly was
she hurt? Would she be able to recover from this?

Griphook says no, it is a fake:

There were weak smiles on a few peoples' faces at this.

Mentions that Bellatrix touched her forefinger to the Dark Mark:

"Damnit… you've got to get moving!" Sirius shouted, "you have only
minutes before he gets there."

Mentions Harry has a vision, and the frail old body was lifted
from its bed and fell back lifeless:

Dumbledore closed his eyes for a second at this, this seemed to be

the chapter for the death of old friends that had embraced the dark
side, the marauder had just lost Wormtail and now this. It also
seemed to be the chapter where these people showed some of their
humanity. Wormtail had hesitated, had felt remorse and Gellert
seemed to be showing that as well. He had tried to deny Voldemort
the wand… and refused to tell him about the secrets behind the
wand as well.

"Sir… are you okay?" Harry asked softly, his eyes seemed to be
holding an understanding in them.

"Yes, I think I am," Dumbledore said gravely, and without saying

more started reading again.

Voldemort thinks they would suffer his retribution if he was

called for no good reason:

"And they will suffer more when he finds out that you've escaped,"
Sirius said firmly, willing that to be true.

Bellatrix says we can dispose of the Mudblood, Greyback, take

her if you want her:

Ron and Remus growled at that.

Ron says Expelliarmus and Bellatrix wand fly into the air caught
by Harry:
"Nice one Ron," several people said.

"Good catch Harry," other people said.

"Don't relax," Tonks advised.

Bellatrix shouts STOP OR SHE DIES, and she was holding her
short silver knife to Hermione's throat:

"No!" almost everyone groaned, but none as loudly as Ron and

Harry had.

"Don't even think about it," Hermione said looking at them, "if you
stop, she'll…."

"There's no way that we'll keep fighting if she has you," Ron
interrupted her.

"It's pointless to argue, he's right," Harry agreed.

"But all it means is that all of us will be caught again!" Hermione tried
to reason with them.

"Hermione… what would you do if you were in our place?" Harry

asked and Hermione grimaced at him, "I thought so."

Hermione turned into Ron's chest then, praying that something

happens to save them… she couldn't be the reason that they don't
make it out of this.

Bellatrix says drop them or we'll see exactly how filthy her
blood is:

"Her blood isn't filthy you bitch!" Ron gritted his teeth.

Mentions the chandelier crashed to the floor, falling on top of

Hermione and the goblin:
Ron groaned at that, happy that Hermione was released but did the
chandelier really have to fall on her?

Mentions that Draco doubled over, his hands covering his

bloody face:

"Hm… that's what you get for just standing there, git," Ron hissed at
him and Draco rolled his eyes.

Narcissa screamed Dobby:

"Dobby!" everyone echoed.

"Bless that elf… he's got bloody brilliant timing!" Sirius said.

"He could have not dropped the chandelier on Hermione though,"

Ron grumbled.

"Ron, he saved my life," Hermione reprimanded.

"I know," Ron said, "and that is why I will always be grateful to the
little guy."

Dobby says you must not hurt Harry Potter:

"He really loves you Harry," Hermione said fondly, and Harry smiled.

Mentions the blue and flying silver, as Bellatrix's knife blew

across the room at the place where he was vanishing:

A few people's face tightened at this, hoping that she had thrown the
knife too late, but worried all the same.

Mentions that Dobby's hand jerked in Harry's:

Those people who had been worried before paled, now hoping that it
wouldn't be as bad as they feared.
Harry says Dobby, is this Shell Cottage, have we come to the
right place, Dobby:

A chill ran through Harry at this… why would he asked for Dobby

Mentions the elf swayed slightly, and looked down at the silver
hilt of the knife protruding from the elf's heaving chest:

"NO!" Harry moaned miserably, clutching his head in his hands. This
can't be. Dobby had come to save them… he had come to save
him… and now… this can't be!

"Harry," Hermione said, moving over so she was now hugging him.
Ron was still holding her too, and his eyes were starting to fill with
tears again. Dobby had come… had saved Hermione… had saved
them all… how could this be his end.

The trio wasn't the only one grieving for this brave elf, everyone
seemed to be in pain, it didn't matter that most of them didn't know
this elf, it was obvious that his death was a great lost to them.

Dobby says Harry Potter:

Tears were now falling freely from Harry's cheeks at this.

Mentions the elf's eyes were nothing more than great orbs,
sprinkled with light from the stars they could not see:

"That's the end of the chapter," Dumbledore said gravely and before
he could say anything else, Harry got up and walked out of the room.
Dumbledore watched him go with a sad expression and then said, "I
think we can all use a break."

"But we don't know if their safe!" Molly said.

"I am sure they are," Dumbledore said firmly, seeing the title of the
next chapter, and knowing that they wouldn't be talking to the
'wandmaker' if they weren't safe. No one argued after that.
"Where are you going?" Ron said when Hermione got up, he was in
no mood to go anywhere, he wanted to just hold her on this couch
until he could convince himself that she was all right. Obviously,
Hermione had another plan. She just looked pointedly at the door
that Harry went through and when Ron didn't move quickly enough,
she grabbed his hand and dragged him along with her.
Chapter 25
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Twenty-Five

The Wandmaker

Ron and Hermione found Harry in a bedroom, and he was bowing

his head as he cradled his right hand.

"Harry," Hermione said softly, but Harry didn't make any signs that he
noticed her. She looked up at Ron, not quite sure how to proceed.
He shrugged, and then went to sit next to Harry, not saying a word at
all, just sitting there. Hermione sighed and sat on Harry's other side.

When she sat down, Hermione realized that Harry's knuckles were a
little bloody (he must have punched the wall again), and she took his
hand and wrapped it in some cloth, wishing she could do more for
him, but she didn't know how. Harry looked at her then, opening his
mouth to say something, but he looked unable to form words, but he
knew she understood. They stayed like that for a long time in
silence, not knowing what to say, but the quiet wasn't uncomfortable.

When Ron suddenly got up and then moved to Hermione side,

pulling her into his arms, she could feel him shiver. She sighed,
knowing that what they had heard was very hard on Ron, too. She
wondered why she wasn't more affected by this, but she supposed
that she had enough to deal with taking care of her boys… besides
this didn't really happen.

"Sorry… I just needed…" Ron said in a voice that sounded very odd
in this silent room.
"I understand," Harry interrupted, looking away from them, a painful
expression on his face.

"Harry…" Hermione tried again.

"He came to save us," Harry said in a very thick voice. "He came to
save me… and he died for me."

"He hasn't died Harry… not yet, and not ever if we can help it,"
Hermione said.

"I know that," Harry said. "But… it just makes me so… angry that
everyone is dying for me… or because of me… My parents…
Cedric… probably Sirius and Dumbledore… Mad-eye… and now…
D-dobby… it's all my fault!"

"Well, that must mean that you're quite the bloke," Ron said, he
seemed to be doing a lot better now that he was holding Hermione.

Harry looked at him incredulously. "Do you think I would want any of
them… !"

"No!" Ron said firmly. "But I know that you would have done the
same thing for any of them… even Dobby… you would have gladly
been the first wizard in known history that would have died for an

Harry blinked at him, taken off guard by this line of argument.

"I know you didn't ask for this mate, but none of this is really your
fault," Ron said.

"This was… I'm the reason why we were in danger," Harry said
dejectedly, again not able to look at them. "I'm the reason why
Hermione was tortured…."

"No, you weren't," Hermione said firmly too. "You made a mistake…
but that doesn't mean you're responsible for everything that
happened. Besides, I would rather be the one that is tortured…."
"Don't say that!" Harry said so suddenly and with so much force that
it made both Ron and Hermione jump. "You don't know… you can't
know… it's so much worse than anything you could imagine before
you feel it. I never wanted you to go through that!"

"And you think that I would feel any differently if you took my place,"
Hermione said just as hotly as Harry had, she then turned to Ron
and added, "either of you."

"No," they both said, but she could see that they were thinking the
same thing, they would have gladly done it anyway.

"But seeing as it was my fault…" Harry started to say.

"We never would have gotten out of the Manner if you weren't in the
cellar," Ron pointed out.

"You mean if D-dobby didn't come… just so he could died!" Harry

corrected coldly.

"Yes," Ron said gravely. "We would all have been killed instead.
You… me… Hermione, none of us would have made it out of there

Harry shuddered violently at that and at the truth that was behind the
words. He couldn't stand the thought of either Ron or Hermione…
not to mention both… dying. It was too painful, and he feared that
more than anything else. They were so close to him! They would do
anything for him! He was constantly putting them in danger! And they
would never let him pull away from them, even if they knew it was
safer for them… they would never abandon him!

He was grateful, but so worried that he would lose one of them… or

both… and that was something he knew he would never recover

"Harry," Hermione said softly and pulled him into a hug, and he felt
himself relaxing. They stayed like this, Hermione hugging Harry, Ron
hugging her, until Ginny came to the room and asked if they were
ready to read yet.

"I suppose I'm as ready as I'll ever be," Harry said getting up.

"Just give us a few minutes," Ron said, and Harry and Ginny left the

"Ron… what…?" Hermione started to say but Ron leaned down and
captured her lips in a breathtaking but also desperate kiss.

"Sorry… I've just needed to do that for a long time," Ron said, trying
to catch his breath.

"I understand," Hermione said, just as breathless, as she leaned her

head on his chest. "But I really think we should join the others."

When they got out to the room where they had been reading in,
everyone was there waiting for them. There were a few sandwiches
on the table in front of the couch they sat in (Ron took a few of them
immediately) and Severus was holding the book.

"I supposed this means we're all ready," Severus said and when no
one objected he read, " The Wandmaker ."

Mentions it was like sinking into an old nightmare, he knelt

beside Dumbledore's body:

"Are you really comparing a house elf death to Dumbledore's?!"

Draco couldn't stop himself from asking, despite the fact that he was
warned not to say anything about this.

"Dobby was… is… my friend!" Harry said thickly.

Mentions that Harry called for Dobby, but the elf had gone
where he could not call him back:

Harry frowned as he rubbed the cloth on his right hand, it was so

much harder hearing his book self's reaction… the pure grief of it.
Mentions Voldemort punishing those they had left behind at
Malfoy Manor:

"Good," Ron said bitterly.

Severus, however, gave Draco a pitying look, knowing the boy would
be feeling the Dark Lord's wrath too. Draco seemed to have realized
this as well, as he looked very pale.

Harry says I want to do it properly, not by magic, have you got a


"You're going to dig a grave for him?" several people muttered softly,
it was just such a shocking thing to do.

"Why not?" Harry said, looking at everyone defiantly. "Dobby

deserves a proper burial as much as anyone!"

"We know, dear," Molly said kindly, her eyes were red, and Harry
realized that she must have been crying during the time that he was
in the other room with Ron and Hermione.

"It's just… I don't think a house elf has ever been buried before,"
Remus said.

Mentions that Voldemort had not been able to possess Harry

while Harry was consumed with grief for Sirius:

Harry couldn't help but shudder at this, just the thought of Sirius
being gone… especially now that he was already grieving in part for
Dobby… was unbearable.

Sirius, However, was paling at the fact that Harry must have been
close to Voldemort when he had died… he hated the thought of
Harry being anywhere near that monster.

Mentions grief, it seemed, drove Voldemort out, though

Dumbledore would have said that it was love:
"It is love, Harry," Dumbledore said softly, impressed and pleased
that Harry had figured this out for himself. "Or at least it's caused by

Mentions Harry's thoughts Hallow, Horcruxes,… yet no longer

burned with obsessive longing:

"That's good," Remus said, thinking that Harry's obsession with the
Hallows wasn't healthy for the boy.

Mentions he knew where Voldemort was and whom he had

killed in the cell:

"It must have been Grindlewald," Sirius said, slapping his head as if
this should have been obvious.

"Are you just reaching that conclusion now Black!" Severus sneered

"Forgive me if I…."

"That's enough," Dumbledore said softly, his expression sad and

they remembered that he was actually friends (and then enemies)
with Grindlewald. Severus just started reading again.

Mentions Dumbledore had foreseen that, how much more had

he known:

"Well not that exactly," Dumbledore said sadly.

"What did you foresee then?" Sirius questioned, trying not to think of
how Wormtail had actually died.

"I knew that Harry had spared his life and that something like that
doesn't just go away," Dumbledore said simply.

Harry asks How's Hermione and Ron says better, Fleur's

looking after her:
Ron sighed, knowing that he would not have wanted to leave
Hermione, not after everything that happened, but he would want to
pay his respect to Dobby as well.

Molly on the other hand was giving Fleur an appreciating look for
taking care of the girl that was really starting to feel like another
daughter to her.

Mentions that Harry wrapped the elf in his jacket and Ron took
off his shoes and socks and placed them on the elf's bare feet:

"Thanks Ron… he… he would have appreciated that," Harry said

trying not to break down again, but he knew how much Dobby loved
socks… he could picture the elf's face light up at the thought of
getting them.

Ginny silently took his hand then and gave it a supportive squeeze.

Mentions that Hermione was there, pale and unsteady on her


"Oh dear, you really shouldn't be walking now," Molly fretted


"I had to be there," Hermione said firmly, it didn't matter if she was in
pain, or weak, she would hate not being there for this.

"She's right," Ron said gravely, putting his arm around her.

Mentions Ron put an arm around her when she reached him:

"Hey Ronniekin… you're holding her… do you think you two have
finally taken the clue," Fred said, hoping that Ron would take it as a
joke as he had intended.

"Fred, now's not the time to joke!" Molly glared at him.

"Sorry," Fred sighed as he noticed several other people glaring at

Harry remembers Dumbledore's funeral and thinks that Dobby
deserved just as grand a funeral, and yet he laid between
bushes in a roughly dug hole:

"Hm… I was just thinking that I would have rather had Dobby's
funeral," Dumbledore said kindly, "surrounded only by those who
loved him…"

Luna says thanks you so much Dobby for rescuing me from

that cellar, it's so unfair that you had to die when you were so
good and brave… :

Harry closed his eyes when Luna had started talking, and though the
words made him sad, it was also nice in a way, too.

Ron says yeah, thanks Dobby:

"What a lovely speech Ron," George said.

"Give me a break…" Ron grumbled, he never liked being put on the

spot and he was sure he would have liked it even less in that
moment when he was worried and grieving.

Mentions leaving Harry alone beside the elf:

"Hm… you left me alone then, why did you feel the need to follow
me in this time," Harry asked looking at his friends. Ron just nodded
his head towards Hermione, causing her to roll her eyes.

"I just felt that you needed us," Hermione explained. "Was I wrong?"

"No…" Harry sighed.

Mentions Harry had two wands and he had wrenched them out
of someone's hand, and he selected the shorter, which felt
friendlier in his hand:

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at that knowing that this meant that

Harry had won the allegiance of that wand, and it would work
properly for him… though not as well as his old wand had.

Draco on the other hand had the feeling that it was his wand that
Harry was talking about and all he could think was, get you sticking
hands off my wand.

Mentions that slowly Harry cut upon the rock, knowing

Hermione could have done better but he wanted to mark the

"Don't you think Dobby deserves more than your sloppiness,"

George questioned.

"I think Dobby would have been touched by Harry being the one to
do this for him," Ginny said, glaring at her brother.

Mentions Harry didn't want to drop mud on the carpet:

"I don't think we would have minded Harry," Fleur said to him kindly,
"but it is nice to hear that you are so considerate even… now…" she
finished sadly, Ginny had informed her before the start of this
chapter that Dobby was the one that had helped Harry get through
the second tasked. It made it even sadder for her to hear about what
had happened to the elf that had a hand in saving her sister.

Bill says lucky that Ginny's on holiday, if she was at Hogwarts,

we wouldn't have reached her, now we know she's safe too:

Several people gasped and Molly whimpered. They had not thought
of what might of happened to Ginny if she was still in Hogwarts at
this time, but they knew now that wouldn't have been a good thing.
Harry groaned and bowed his head. There's one more person that
he could of gotten hurt because of his mistake.

"Ow," Harry groaned when he felt a sharp blow (though not too
painful, it was just surprising) to the back of his head.
"Don't be such a drama queen Harry, nothing happened to me,"
Ginny said rolling her eyes.

"I'll try to remember that," Harry almost smiled at her.

"You tell him Ginny," Sirius said, laughing and just happy that she
seemed to snap Harry out of his growing depression.

Bill says I've been getting them all out of the Burrow, moved
them to Muriel's:

"Oh, dear sweet Merlin, no!" Fred said. "What the hell did we do to
you to deserve that?!"

"Fredrick Weasley, watch your language!" Molly said. "And it's not a
punishment, Aunt Muriel is obviously helping us when we need
protection, so show her some respect."

"Come on Mum, not even you could want to actually live with Auntie
Muriel," George said.

"Be that as it may, I would rather my family be safe!" Molly said hotly.

"Calm down Molly, dear," Arthur said, shooting a look telling the twins
not to say anything else, their mum didn't need any more rallying up.
"We are safe… all of us are alright, you don't need to worry."

"I know, I know," Molly said shivering in Arthur's arms but she
couldn't help but think about the what ifs.

Bill says the Death Eaters know Ron's with you now, they're
bound to target the family:

Harry and Ron both groaned at that.

"Don't worry boys," Arthur said to them in the same soothing tone he
had used on Molly. "We are okay and so are you and that's all that
really matters."
Bill says don't apologize, it was always a matter of time, we're
the biggest blood traitor family there is:

"And there's that too," Arthur said looking almost amused and
definitely proud about that.

Bill says once Ollivander and Griphook are well enough, we'll
move them to Muriel's too, there not much room here, but she's
got plenty:

"Still… it is rather cruel of you to make them live through that,"

George muttered.

"But it would at least give you guys more people to buffer her
insults," Charlie said, thanking Merlin that he did still live out of the
country, and he didn't have to be with them… well, at least not at

Harry says no, I need both of them here, I need to talk to them:

"I do?" Harry said puzzled, but everyone that was in the room before
wasn't… or at least not as puzzled as Harry was.

"Yes Harry, I think you will find that talking to both of them will be
very useful to you," Dumbledore said.

"Really… both… I thought that…" Sirius started to say but Severus

interrupted him by reading.

Mentions Harry heard the authority in his own voice, the

conviction and sense of purpose that had come to him as he
dug Dobby's grave:

Dumbledore smiled at this, glad to see that Harry was reacting this
way… that he figured out what he must do.

Ron and Hermione were looking at Harry oddly, for they didn't really
know what the book Harry had in mind either, but they realized that
whatever it was, it was something important.
Harry says I'll need to see them, straight away:

Bill grimaced at this, he wasn't sure how he felt… or was going to

feel… about a boy almost ten years younger than him ordering him
around like that. He probably wouldn't like it much at all… but he
conceded that there was something about Harry that would make
him listen, even if he didn't like it.

Mentions Harry knew what he seen, a piercing blue eye had

looked out of the mirror, and help will always be given at
Hogwarts to those who ask for it:

"Harry… you're not at Hogwarts!" Fred informed him. "And do you

think it was Dumbledore… that sent Dobby?"

"It seems that way," Harry frowned, that didn't seem so likely to the
Harry in the room, but he couldn't really think of another explanation.

"And I believe that he would be right in thinking that Dumbledore had

sent Dobby," Dumbledore said almost looking amused, "it just wasn't

"What do…?" Harry started.

"You think it was Aberworth," McGonagall sighed, that made sense,

but still he wasn't known to get this involved with things.

"I think he's taken a liking to Harry after the meeting in the
Hogshead," Dumbledore smiled. "He called Harry a fool for rallying
up a number of students to fight with him."

"Your brother was there… Harry started.

"He's the barman," Hermione said, she knew he had kind of looked

"Yes," Dumbledore said.

"No wonder it smelled like goats in there," Fred commented, which
had several people snorting, knowing of Aberworth fondness of

Mentions Harry understood and yet didn't understand, his

instinct was telling him one thing, his brain another:

"Listen to your instinct Potter, I doubt your brains would do you any
good," Severus said.

Sirius growled at that, and several people glared at him.

"I was actually going to say the same thing," Remus sighed, "well,
not the part about your brains… but I think you should trust your

Mentions the Dumbledore in Harry's head smiled, surveying

Harry over the tips of his fingers, pressed together as if in

Dumbledore chuckled at that, and a few people joined him, it was

just an odd image.

"I have faith that you will make the right choice," he then said.

Harry this you gave Ron the Deluminator, you understood him,
you gave him a way back:

Ron grimaced at that, and Hermione rubbed his arm supportively.

Mentions you understood Wormtail too, you knew there was a

bit of regret there, somewhere:

"Just the tinies bit," Sirius huffed, it would have been much easier for
him if Wormtail didn't show that bit… then there wouldn't be the bit of
grief in him for the friend that he has lost long before this death.

Harry thinks maybe he was meant to know but not seek, is that
why you made it so difficult, so I'd have time to work that out:
"Indeed… I believe that you are right in this concern," Dumbledore

"I think it would have just been easier if you told me this than… tell
me that you didn't want me to have them from the start," Harry
grumbled to himself.

Mentions a vision flashed of a building he knew extremely well:

Dumbledore sighed, and everyone looked at him, no hopes he would

answer their questioning looks but still wondering where Voldemort
was and why it looked familiar to Harry. Molly felt a little fear go
through her thinking about Voldemort going to the Burrow… she
didn't think she could handle it if her house was destroyed, even if
her family was safe.

Bill asks Harry, what the hell's going on:

Bill chuckled; no he really wasn't going to like taking orders from


Everyone looked at him oddly, finding it weird that he would laugh at

this, but he just shrugged.

Bill says you turn up here dead house-elf, half conscious

goblin, Hermione's been tortured and Ron's just refused to tell
me anything:

"Oh Dear," Molly said, of course she realized all of those things had
happened, but already knowing the details was hard to see how hard
it would have been on Bill… on all of them when they heard that the
trio was at Bill's… not being told anything. Still, she knew she would
just be so relieved that the three of them were okay… that she knew
for only a little while that they were safe.

Mentions Fleur made an impatient noise:

"Obviously she doesn't think that's a good enough excuse," Fred
pointed out.

"Just like you wouldn't Mum," George added.

"And she would be right," Molly finished firmly.

Harry thinks Horcruses or Hallow and then says Griphook:

Dumbledore smiled, Harry had made the right decision, and he knew
how hard this decision really was to make… how hard it was to give
up the Hallows.

"I guess that means I made the right choice," Harry said looking at
his headmaster, who smiled back at him.

Mentions Ron and Hermione both moved into the light, looking
oddly relieved:

Harry rolled his eyes, "did you honestly think I wouldn't want you
guys to come with me."

"Er… it seems like it," Ron said chuckling. "Don't know what we were

"You were just acting so… different…" Hermione said.

"Oh, come off it, Potter can't tie his shoelaces without you two
bickering over the right way to do it," Draco snorted.

Fred and George had to cover their mouths to try and hide their
laughter at that comment.

"I hate to admit it, but he has a point," Ginny said looking just as
reluctantly amused at the twins were.

Harry asks Hermione how are you, you were amazing, coming
up with that story:
"You really were Hermione," Remus said, he didn't want to bring this
up himself, not wanting to make anyone dwell on this fact, but he
had been really impressed by this.

"I must agree," McGonagall said. "I know how hard it is to think
rationally when…" she paused and then starting again at a different
point. "It is impressive that you had the presence of mind to say this."

"Er… thanks," Hermione said pleased and sad all at the same time.

After Harry asks how are your legs the Griphook painful, but

Harry sighed, he didn't like that he was hurting the goblin more but
forcing him to talk to him, now.

Mentions the goblin still clutched the sword and wore a strange
look, half truculent, half intrigued:

"You've impressed him Harry," Bill noted a little surprised and then
he smiled, "not that this is really surprising now that I think of it…"

After Harry says you probably don't remember and Griphook, I

showed you to your vault, even amongst goblins, you are very

"Just what you wanted to hear, ah Harry," Fred chuckled.

"I still think it's good that you started the conversation off like this,"
Bill said, "Griphook, would be farther impressed that you had
remembered him… most wizards would not have done so."

Mentions Harry's scar was still prickling and he wanted to get

through this interview quickly, but afraid of making a false

"Well, rushing would definitely be a false move," Remus said.

"He would be offended if he thought that you didn't think he was
important," Bill added, "especially after you have forced him to talk to
you tonight."

Griphook says you are an unusual wizard, Harry Potter:

"I couldn't have said that better myself," Ron chuckled.

"Shut up," Harry grumbled.

"It's not bad being unusual Harry," Tonks said. "I rather enjoy it a lot

"She has a point," Sirius agreed.

"Now doesn't that just make you want to be unusual," Fred said
looking amused. "You can be just like them!"

Harry chuckled as Sirius and Tonks glared at Fred.

Griphook says you dug the grave and Harry says so, thinking
he was being sneered at for acting like a Muggle:

"He's not sneering at you," Bill said. "He's just shocked that you…
that any wizard would think of doing something like that… for an elf."

Harry says impatiently well I take it you're not sorry:

Several people chuckled weakly at him.

"The guy is trying to be grateful to you… you don't have to be so

defensive," Ginny laughed.

Harry says I need to break into a Gringotts vault:

"What?!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I knew it!" several other people said.

"What?" Harry said to them.

"I'm sure you'll see Harry," Fred said. "Though it is a little

disappointing that you didn't figure this out yourself… it's nice to
know that you'll be smarter in the future."

Harry scowled at him as Severus, who was smirking at Harry,

continued to read.

Mentions Ron and Hermione were staring at Harry as if he had

gone mad:

"I don't blame you… who in their right mind would think about
breaking into Gringotts," Charlie said.

"I wonder if they'll actually pull it off," George mumbled. "Like to

make a wager Fred?"

"Sure, I bet that they do it," Fred said.

"Hm… that's what I was going to say," George frowned.

"YOU WILL NOT BET ON THIS!" Molly shouted at them suddenly,

causing everyone to jump.

"Well obviously not Mum, we're both in agreement… how could we

possibly make a bet," Fred said rather bravely, seeing as Molly was
glaring at him fiercely.

Severus started reading again, not particularly wanting to hear Molly

screaming again.

Griphook says break into a Gringotts vault, it is impossible:

"Maybe not if you have a goblin working with you, telling you all the
secret to their defenses," Charlie said.

"I still wouldn't want to try it," Bill said shaking his head, knowing a
good number of those defenses himself.
This just caused Molly to moan miserably.

Griphook says the vault in question was empty at the time, its
protection was minimal:

"That is true… you know what this means if you actually accomplish
this?" George asked.

"Er… what?" a few people answered.

"That you'll do something even old Voldy wasn't able to do despite

his best effort, steal something from Gringotts," George answered
with a smile.

Harry says the vault we need to get into protection will be pretty
powerful, it belongs to the Lestranges:

"Oh," Ron and Harry said, understanding dawning on them.

"That's what I was starting to think," Hermione said.

"You guys already knew this?" Ron said to the rest of the people in
the room.

"Yeah… we sort of talked about this and why Bellatrix seemed so

crazed about her vault," Remus said.

"Do you think it's true… that a Horcrux would be in there," Harry

"I do," Dumbledore said.

Harry says thief, you have been warned, beware, yeah, I know, I

Harry shuddered as he remembered reading that poem at

Gringotts… in seem incredible that he would actually go there to
steal something.
Harry says but I'm not trying to get treasure, I'm not trying to
take anything for personal gain, can you believe that:

"No… he's just stealing something to save the world!" Fred said

"Merlin Harry, you even manage to be noble when you're acting like
a thief," George added.

"It's a gift," Harry actually chuckled.

Griphook says if there was a wizard of whom I would believe

that it would be you Harry Potter:

Bill looked a little shocked about this, he thought that Harry might
have a chance to get Griphook's help, but he didn't think that he
would have make this much progress so quickly. Harry must really
have impressed him.

Harry says wand-carriers, and the phrase fell oddly upon his

"You really never did listen to History of Magic," Hermione muttered

to herself shaking her head, it was mentioned at least a hundred
times in that class over the years.

Ron says well, goblins wont' share any of their magic either,
goblins know how to work metal in a way wizards have never:

"Seriously Ron, do you think it's going to help get Griphook to agree
to help you by arguing about this," Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Well at least I was telling him that goblins were better than wizards
at something," Ron grumbled defensively.

"True… it could have been worse I suppose," Bill sighed.

Hermione says we protest, and I'm hunted quite as much as any

goblin or elf, I'm a Mudblood:
"Hermione!" Ron said as several people gasped at that. "Don't call
yourself that…."

Draco at first smirked at this, hearing her admit the truth, but it didn't
settle right with him for some reason.

"Miss Granger you are one of the brightest witches I've ever taught,"
McGonagall said. "It does not matter where you have gotten your
magic from, so I don't want to hear this from you, do I make myself

"Yes, Professor McGonagall," Hermione said, looking pleased that

her favorite professor thought so highly of her. "But I think I'm trying
to make a point here… er… much the same as the point you have
just said I think."

Ron says don't call yourself that and Hermione says why
shouldn't I, Mudblood, and proud of it:

Severus sighed, "Lily would have said the same thing."

Sirius and Remus looked at him oddly (along with everyone else in
the room) before they actually smiled.

"She probably would have," Remus chuckled. "She would be proud

of where she came from."

"And wouldn't care who knew it," Sirius added with a sad smile.

Draco was thinking about this, so this must have been why he was
feeling weird, because Granger had somehow twisted the word
around to be something to be proud of. Yes, that must have been it…
but then why did he still feel that this didn't settle right with him.

Mentions that Hermione pulled aside the neck of her gown to

reveal the thin cut Bellatrix had made, scarlet against her

Several people shivered at that.

"Why didn't you heal that?" Harry questioned, looking mopey again.

"I wouldn't put it past Bellatrix to curse the knife so you couldn't heal
the wounds that it inflects," Severus said darkly. "That it would have
to heal naturally."

"Bitch," Ron muttered.

"Ronald!" Molly reprimanded. "I don't want to hear that language

from you."

"But it's true," Ron looked at her defiantly, he wasn't going to back
down on this one.

"I wasn't arguing with you, but that doesn't mean I want to hear that
from you," Molly said.

Hermione says did you know that it was Harry who set Dobby
free, did you know that we've wanted elves to be freed for

"Er… Hermione you know you're the only one that wanted that
right?" Ron said to her uncomfortably.

"Am I still the only one that wants that?" Hermione questioned.

"Er… well… I er… I agree that something has to be done…" Ron

said even more uncomfortable. "But I'm not sure freeing them would
be good for them."

"Hmph…" Hermione huffed.

"Look… now's not really the time to talk about elves' rights," Harry
said. "I'm sure you two can argue about this plenty later."

"I'm sure we will," Hermione mumbled but motioned for Severus to

start reading.
Mentions the goblin looked at Hermione was the same curiosity
he had shown Harry:

"And I'm ignored like always," Ron said, but he didn't seem to mind
so much.

"Well maybe if you didn't insult the goblin, he would have looked at
you curiously too," Ginny said.

Harry ask but the fake sword isn't the only thing in that vault,
perhaps you've seen other things in there:

"Not a good question," Bill shook his head, it would go against the
goblin's pride to tell Harry something like this and remind him that he
would be betraying his people if her were to help Harry.

Griphook says so young to be fighting so many:

Molly nodded her head in agreement with that, they were too young
to be fighting like this… to have to go through the torture (literally
torture in the last chapter, but she tried not to dwell on that thought).

Mentions that Harry took the sword from beside the goblin, he
didn't protest, but Harry saw resentment in the goblin's eyes:

Bill sighed at this.

"Was I right?" Harry questioned.

"Yes," Bill said. "And I think how you deal with the sword will be the
key in securing his help."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, looking confused by this time.

"I'm not sure yet, but I know it will be important," Bill said.

Ron says little git, he's enjoying keeping us hanging:

"He might," Bill's lips twitched at the thought. "But I bet he is also
thinking about what he could ask of you in return for his service."

Harry says Bellatrix was terrified when she thought we'd been
in there, ending with something she was petrified You-Know-
Who would find out about:

"Did she really have to question you about it… wouldn't it have been
better if she just summoned Voldemort there sooner?" Tonks asked.

"Considering what has happened, yes, it probably would have been

better for her, if she had summoned him," Dumbledore said.
"However, Voldemort's wrath would have been unbearable if Harry
and the others had already stolen the Horcrux from her vault and she
had no answers for him."

Harry says I think he would have envy anyone who had a key to
a Gringotts vault, see it as a symbol of belonging to the
Wizarding world:

Dumbledore smiled at Harry's reasoning. "You have an excellent

point Harry; I should have thought of that."

"Well… er… I wouldn't have thought of this without hearing what

Bellatrix said," Harry said, feeling very uncomfortable with
Dumbledore praise… even more so than he usually does.

Harry says don't forget, he trusted Bellatrix and her husband:

"I still can't believe that anyone would want to marry that mad hag,"
Sirius said making a face.

"I've heard that he's rather mad himself," Tonks said. "At least that's
what Mum always says."

Harry says the safest place in the world for anything you want
to hide, Hagrid told me, except for Hogwarts:
"That's settles it, there's a Horcrux at Hogwarts too," Fred said.
"Would you agree to that Bill?"

"You don't know that," Bill rolled his eyes, but was now reminded of
the bet he had made against the twins that there would be a Horcrux
in both Gringotts and Hogwarts… things weren't looking so good for
him now.

Ron says you really understand him:

"Argh… you just had to go and say that," Harry groaned, not wanting
to understand any bit of him.

"I know it's not pleasant Harry, but as you can see, it is very useful
that you do have some understanding of how Voldemort thinks,"
Dumbledore said sadly.

Mentions Ron and Hermione looked bewildered but very


"Well, what do you expect… for the months leading up to this time
you've been acting clueless and obsess," Severus said. "It must
have been quite unexpected that you suddenly understand so
much… seemed to know what you have to do so completely."

"Er… was he taunting Harry or not," Fred ' whispered ' to George.

"I don't know… he doesn't look like he was taunting him," George '
whispered ' back.

"I think that old Sevy might actually be changing his opinion of
Harry," Tonks added, not bothering with the fake whispered and
Severus glared at the three of them.

Harry pulled out the two wands he got and asks can you
identify these:

"You're kind right…" Fred said.

"I don't think Ollivander has ever failed to identify a wand…" George

"He even knew the core of mine wand and he didn't even make it,"
Fleur added.

"I think I was asking if he could tell me who's they were and things
like that," Harry grumbled.

Ollivander says Hawthorn and unicorn hair:

Draco groaned and glared at Harry.

"I think he recognizes that wand," George chuckled.

Harry repeated was, isn't it still his wand:

Draco eyes widen at that… did he truly lose his wand when Potter
took it.

Ollivander says perhaps not, if you too it, then it may be yours:

"Just because you can't keep your wand safe Potter, that doesn't
mean that you can take mine!" Draco growled at Harry.

Ollivander says depends upon the wan itself, in general,

however, where a wand has been won, its allegiance will

"You know for something that you have to form a bond with, it seems
remarkably easy for its allegiance to change," Charlie pointed out.

Harry says you talk about wands like they're got feelings:

"Oh, I get it now, the wands feelings must have been hurt when you
lose them and doesn't mind working for a new master," Charlie
chuckled this time.
"Idiot," Tonks said to her friend. "You just had to ruin the only
intelligent thing you've said since we've got here."

"Well, you know how I feel about sounding intelligent," Charlie

shrugged. "That's for Bill and Perce to do."

Ollivander says an initial attraction and then mutual quest for

experience, the wand learning from the wizard, the wizard from
the wand:

"Fascinating," Hermione said.

"I guess we all know what Hermione's going to be looking up in the

library next," Ron smirked at her as she grimaced, and then

"You're probably right."

Ron says so, I should use this one, handing Wormtail's wand to

Sirius huffed at that.

"They need a wand Sirius," Remus said. "It doesn't matter who own
it before."

"Argh… that means I'm going to have to use Bellatrix!" Hermione


Ollivander swallowed necessary, no I should not say that it is

necessary to kill:

"It's never necessary to kill," Molly said.

"I think it's necessary that someone kills Voldemort," Sirius countered
and then added for good measure, "and the world would be better off
without Bellatrix in it too."
Harry paled at that; knowing that he was the one that was going to
have to face Voldemort and he didn't see how he was supposed to
actually kill him.

Harry says legends about a wand that have been passed from
hand to hand by murder, Ollivander turned pale:

"I would think so… he knows you're asking him about the wand that
he told Voldemort about," Remus said reasonably… he wondered
what that had to do with Harry's desires to thwart Voldemort… and
where Voldemort was going now… looked slyly at Dumbledore,
wondering if it had anything to do with him.

Ollivander says I how, how do you know this:

"I can see into Voldemort's mind," Fred answered in a grave tone
that sounded remarkably like Harry.

Ollivander says he tortured me, you must understand, I had no

choice but to tell him what I knew:

"No choice, hmph!" Molly huffed.

"He was tortured for over a year… anyone's will would break after
that," Dumbledore said sadly.

Ollivander says the Dark Lord had been happy with the wand
until he discovered the twin cores, now he seeks a more
powerful wand to conquer yours:

"So basically, all you've done by defending yourself against

Voldemort is make him starve to become stronger… gee thanks for
that," Fred said.

Harry says he'll know soon, if he doesn't already, that mine's

broken beyond repair:

"How could he know that?" several people asked.

"Because the Malfoys has the wand that Potter has been using,"
Severus groaned, he didn't even think about that, but Potter was
right of course.

"That sucks… I bet old Voldy would still have been a little afraid of
facing the wand that had bested him twice," Ginny sighed.

Harry explains and Hermione loses the little color she had

"Did you really have to say that Harry?" Ron glared at his friend.

"I'm sorry… I was just trying to make my point," Harry sighed.

Ron says reproachful let's not worry about that now:

"Ah Ron, ever the knight in shiny armor, ah Mione," George teased
and Ron turn bright red.

"I couldn't agree with you more there, George," Hermione said
beaming up at Ron, who looked even redder than before, but now
had a goofy grin on his face.

Hermione says you don't think it can be a fairy tale or a myth:

"Get over it already Granger… the wand is real!" Draco rolled his
eyes. "Is it really that hard for you to grasped."

"I doubt it's the wand that I'm having trouble believing is real,"
Hermione said coldly.

Harry says never mind how I know it, as he close his eyes to a
vision of the main street in Hogsmeade:

"He's going to Hogwarts?" Remus questioned, looking shrewdly at

Dumbledore. He wasn't the only one, several people have been
cultivating a theory about where this wand might be. "You were the
one that defeated Grindlewald."
"And you easily could have known what wand he might have had,"
Severus added.

"And you're one of the few people that could possibly possess the
wand and not brag about it," McGonagall added.

"All excellent points," Dumbledore said, looking amused, "now

Severus, would you continue reading."

Severus rolled his eyes, but he took this to mean that they were
correct in believe that Dumbledore had this wand, so he did what he
was told.

"Wait… do…?" Sirius started to question, but Severus didn't stop


Ollivander says that Gregorovitch was studying and duplicating

the qualities of the Elder Wand:

"Did it work?" Remus asked.

"His wands are arguably the best that have existed, though I must
say I still preferred Ollivander's," Dumbledore answered.

"Or the actual Elder wand," Sirius said, but Dumbledore only smiled
at that comment.

After Harry asks if he knows about the Deathly Hallows and

Ollivander says the what:

"Obviously nothing," Sirius chuckled.

"Few people know of the Deathly Hallows," Dumbledore said.

"Though most, if not all, wandmakers know about the Elder wand."

After Ollivander says he was torturing me and Harry says I do, I

really do:
Everyone was now grimacing at Harry… they had just heard about
Hermione being torture but that was something that hasn't, and
hopefully will never, happen. Harry's torture has happened already…
and there is nothing they could do to change that.

Harry says if Fregorovitch was stupid enough to spread the

rumor, it can't have been that difficult:

"No… it really wasn't," Dumbledore sighed, wishing the wandmaker

hadn't said this. But then again it was the Elder Wand, and most
people truly couldn't resist bragging about it.

Harry says when Dumbledore knew he was the only one who
could stop him, he dueled Grindelwald and beat him, and he
took the Elder Wand:

"Precisely Harry," Dumbledore said.

"Hmph, so you only answer when Harry gets it right," Sirius pouted.

"Wow… when you say it like that it really sounds incredible," Arthur
said. "How did you defeat Grindelwald if he had that wand?"

"It was not easy," Dumbledore said his eyes growing grave. "I felt as
if he didn't want to fight me any more than I did him… I know he
wasn't willing to kill me…" he trailed off there, remembering that fight
was always painful. McGonagall put a hand silently on his shoulder
and Severus started reading to break the uncomfortable silence.

Ron says but then, let's go, Harry, get it before he does:

"NO! Are you crazy?!" Molly said. "There is no way that you could go
to Hogwarts with the way things are now! And there is no way that
you should be racing You-Know-Who to anything, I don't care how
powerful this wand is supposed to be!"

"Especially now when there are still Horcruxes that you need to
destroy," Remus added, "and you wouldn't even have a chance of
defeating him."

"But it's the Elder Wand!" Ron said. "Can you imagine what
Voldemort would do with the Elder Wand!"

Several people shivered at the thought, but Harry chuckled and said,
"do you realized that you just called him Voldemort, mate."

"What… oh I guess I did," Ron said looking surprised.

"I know it is hard to believe, but Harry was right not to go after the
Elder Wand, Mr. Weasley, I am sure of that," Dumbledore said

Ron says the unbeatable wand, Harry:

"Give it a rest already Ron," Fred rolled his eyes.

"That's easier said than done… I've been dreaming about getting a
hold of the elder wand for years," Ron sighed. "It would be so cool to

"I suppose Dumbledore should watch his back now, because you're
going to want to steal it from him," Fred chuckled, but Dumbledore
looked slightly uncomfortable about what was said. He didn't think
that anyone in this room would actually want to steal the wand from
him, but he knew how tempting the wand could be.

Mentions it would not do for Snape, or indeed anyone else, to

see where he was going:

"Follow him Snape… that would really make him mad," Sirius

"And face his wrath, I think not," Severus said shaking his head.

"Oh… you're only making me wish you followed him more now,"
Sirius chuckled.
Mentions the white marble tomb, an unnecessary blot on the
familiar landscape:

"Hmph," McGonagall huffed, it wasn't unnecessary, it was were

Dumbledore belonged after everything he had done for this school.

Mentions how fitting that this would be its last great act:

"This guy is so full of himself," Fred said. "I really hate seeing things
through his perspective."

"Tell me about it," Harry said groaning, and trying not to think of his
latest vision… of attacking Arthur….

Mentions Dumbledore's hands were folded upon his chest and

clutched beneath them:

There was a slight waver in Severus's voice as he read this, he didn't

like anyone to know this, but it was extremely hard for him to read
about Dumbledore being like this.

Mentions had he thought that the Dark Lord would be scared to

violate his tomb:

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at that question. He knew that

Voldemort of course would care little for the respect one should have
for the dead, but he knew that death itself did scare Voldemort.

Mentions that Voldemort took the wand ready to serve a new

master at last:

"That's the end of the chapter," Severus said.

"And you're sure it's okay that he has the wand," Remus asked,
looking pale at the thought.

"Yes," Dumbledore said simply, knowing the wand would not work for
Voldemort differently than a normal wound would. "So, who would
like to read this chapter."
"I would," Tonks said, and Severus handed the book to her.
Chapter 26
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Shell Cottage

" Shell Cottage," Tonks read.

Describes Bill and Fleur's cottage:

"It sounds like a lovely place," Fleur said to herself, she definitely
wouldn't mind living there.

Mentions the enormity of Harry's decision not to race Voldemort

to the wand still scared him:

"I really wish you would put it from your mind," Dumbledore sighed.

"I still don't get how you could even think about trying to race You-
Know-Who anywhere," Molly mumbled to herself.

Mentions Harry couldn't remember ever choosing not to act:

"Well, that's definitely true," Hermione said shaking her head.

Mentions Harry wondered if it was madness not to try to

prevent Voldemort breaking open the tomb:

"I just have a question," Fred started. "How were you planning on
doing that. Stopping old Voldy from getting into the tomb."

"Probably by either getting there first or… well… I don't know," Harry
admitted reluctantly.
Mentions that he couldn't explain his decision and every time
he thought of his arguments for his decision, they sounded
feebler to him:

"It seems like you're letting your fear and doubt weaken your
resolve," Hermione sighed.

"Well, when your fears and doubts involve Voldemort possessing the
deadliest wand in history, I think it's justified," Harry countered.

"I suppose so, but I kind of like seeing the Harry that was confident
and decisive, like you were in the last chapter," Hermione shrugged.

Mentions that Hermione's support made him feel just as

confused as Ron's doubts:

"Of course… why would you like it if I was agreeing with you?"
Hermione rolled her eyes.

"She's going to be saying something reasonable… you really don't

want to be on her side," Fred said with dread.

Mentions Hermione maintained that the Elder Wand was an evil

object, and the way Voldemort took it was repellent:

"The wand itself isn't an evil object," Dumbledore said thoughtfully.

"Though it's history is bloody, there are times that it had been owned
by wizards, such as myself, that wheel it's power for good."

"Perhaps not, but I really don't see Potter getting the wand the way
that Voldemort had," McGonagall said. "He has too much respect of
you to just…" her eyes narrowed, and she looked rather angry, "take
it like that!"

Mentions that he might have misunderstood the living

Dumbledore's intentions:

"You have not," Dumbledore said. "I assure you that if I wanted you
to have my wand, I would have given it to you."
Mentions that Harry still felt he was groping in the dark, having
chosen his path but wondering if he should have taken the
other way:

"That is a foolish thing to do Potter," Severus said, though he knew

why Harry would do this. "Looking back… hesitating… will only
cause more mistakes in the future. You have to live with the choice
you made and make sure it was the right one."

"I'll try to remember that," Harry said, feeling odd taking advice from
Snape like this, when his professor wasn't being snide to him.

Ron says but is he dead:

"I'm sure I am," Dumbledore sighed.

"Because you think it's your brother's eye that Harry was seeing,"
Ron asked.

"There's that," Dumbledore said. "And there is also the fact that I
would not let Harry carry this war on his shoulders like this if I was
still alive."

Mentions that Ron and Hermione found him by the cliff, and he
wish they hadn't not wanting to join in with their argument:

Hermione sighed at that knowing that Harry was really upset about
this decision if he didn't want them around. "You know that we're only
trying to talk about this… to argue like normal to make you more

Ron tries to convince them Dumbledore is alive, the silver doe,

the sword the eye Harry saw in the mirror:

"I do have a point," Ron said, and some people looked at him oddly,
"Oh, I'm obviously wrong about Dumbledore being alive… I just
meant that he's obviously still helping us… Dumbledore had a hand
in all of those things after all."
"Not that mirror," Ginny pointed out to him.

"Er…" Ron blushed, she was right of course, but he wasn't going to
admit it.

Harry says no, I don't:

"Pick a side already Harry, or they're going to be arguing for hours,"

Fred said.

"Sorry," Harry smiled and then turned to his friends. "And I don't
really like being put in the middle of your fights."

"Sorry Harry," they both said looking at him sheepishly.

Fleur says Griphook would like to speak to you, he says he

doesn't want to be overheard:

Fleur grimaced at this; she didn't like the idea that she would be sent
to deliver a message like this. Especially since it was her own house.

Her dislike of the goblin sending her to deliver messages was

clear; she looked irritable as she walked back around the

Bill chuckled at that as he looked at his girlfriend's expression but

knew better than to make a comment. In fact, he could tell that he
had already gotten in trouble for laughing.

Griphook says though the goblins of Gringotts will consider it

base treachery, I have decided to help you:

"Wow," Bill said.

"Did you really think he wouldn't have agreed to help Harry?" Sirius
questioned. "It's clear they're not going to get anywhere without him."

"Of course, I realized that he was going to help," Bill rolled his eyes.
"That doesn't mean it's not shocking to hear a goblin actually agree
to this!"

Griphook says in return, for payment and Harry was taken


A few people chuckled at this, shaking their heads.

"You couldn't honestly have thought it would be that easy," Draco

said looking at Harry incredulously. "A goblin would not do
something, especially something like this, for nothing."

Harry says how much do you want, I've got gold:

Bill and Remus both laughed darkly.

"He's not going to want gold," Severus said. "He would want
something of more importance and value than that."

"What than… I don't have anything like that?" Harry said frowning

"Don't you," Severus said pointedly, and Tonks just started reading.

Griphook says I want The Sword of Godric Gryffindor:

"No!" Harry said immediately.

"I thought so," nearly everyone else said.

"But Harry can't give it to him," Sirius said. "The sword is too
important… he can't."

"I doubt that Griphook would except anything else," Remus said
gravely. "It would be a hard blow… but getting the goblin's help is
more important than anything else."

Ron says I'll bet the Lestranges have loads of stuff, you can
take your pick once we get into the vault:
"Ron!" Bill groaned.

"What… what did I say?" Ron huffed.

"There is no way he would want to steal something… he's going to

be insulted," Bill explained patiently.

"But he's planning on helping us break in," Ron pointed out.

"Which is already a dishonor to him I'm sure," Percy said. "Add to it

the fact that he would steal something from the vault. No Bill is right,
the goblin would have been insulted by this."

Griphook says and before it was Gryffindor's, whose was it:

"Oh…" several people said in understanding.

"What?" Harry questioned. "What just happened?"

"Nothing happened per say," Remus said, "it just became clear to a
few of us that Griphook believes that all goblin made product are
rightfully own by the maker and when it is sold, it really is only being

"I don't really think we need the lecture Professor Moony," Tonks
said, her eyes twinkling amusingly as she watched Remus flush,
before she started reading again.

Griphook says that sword was Ragnuk the First's, taken from
him by Godric Gryffindor:

"That is a downright lie!" Charlie said. "Gryffindor wouldn't steal a

sword! How would he even get his sword to work properly if he was
dishonest enough to steal it from its maker!"

"You have an excellent point Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore said

amused, "and I believe that this retains to what Remus was trying to
say. That goblins tend to believe that possessions they have made
belong to them, even after selling them."
"Well, that's just ridiculous," Charlie huffed.

"And has led to many bloody battles to be sure," Bill added. "But that
doesn't change the fact that this is how they feel."

Harry says we need to discuss this, could you give us a few


"Harry, I advise you not to do anything rash," Remus said.

"He's going to be very suspicious of you when you get back," Bill

Harry asks is it true, was the sword stolen by Gryffindor:

"Harry… how could you believe that?!" Ginny asked.

"I don't know," Harry shrugged.

Hermione says goblins have got good reason to dislike wizards,

they've been treated brutally in the past:

"I really don't think now's the time to argue about this," Harry said
rolling his eyes. "Can't you two bicker at some later time."

"Sorry," Hermione said stiffly. "But he was just…."

"I was…" Ron started to say something, clearly going to start an

argument with Hermione, but Tonks started reading again. She
chuckled slightly when Harry shot her a grateful glance.

Hermione says but arguing with Griphook about whose race is

the most underhanded and violent isn't going to make him help

"I must admit she has a point," Percy said. "I know how hard it is for
you not to defend someone or something you believe in, but it would
be wise if you learned how to hold in some of your anger."
Ron glared at his brother and Percy sighed.

"I didn't mean this as an insult… I actually think it's a good quality,"
Percy clarified. "I just think if you learn some patience, it will help

Ron says we tell Griphook we need the sword until we get

inside the vault and then we switch the swords and give him the

"That is the worst plan I have ever heard of," Bill groaned, and Ron
bowed his head. Bill sighed; he didn't mean for his brother to take it
personally like this.

Hermione says he'd know the difference better than we would,

he's the only one who realized there had been a swap:

"Actually, I can see the goblin using that trick against you," Sirius
said, grimly, "and you would have no way to tell the difference until
you were faced with a Horcrux."

Ron says but we could scamper before he realizes:

"It is very unwise to cheat a goblin, they would never forget, and they
will want revenge," Remus said gravely.

Hermione says we need to offer him something else, something

just as valuable:

"I doubt there is anything as valuable as that sword is to him,"

Severus said.

"Would the locket be of any value?" Ginny questioned.

"Not when it's broken and stabbed," Charlie pointed out.

"And even if not, the sword would have been more valuable," Fred
said. "I mean it was Gryffindor's…."
"And the locket was Slytherin's…" George said. "Who would want

Mentions that the idea that Gryffindor might have stolen the
sword was unpleasant, since Gryffindor had been the champion
of Muggle-borns:

"And what, you think that was all just story's now?" Charlie said.
"How could be shaken from your faith in Gryffindor so easily."

"It is actually not so bad that Potter is questioning this," Severus said
thoughtfully, looking at Harry carefully.

"Of course, you would say that," Fred said rolling his eyes.

"He is showing signs that there might actually be a brain in his

head." Severus went on without bothering to acknowledge Fred's
comment. He didn't listen to all the protest or glaring he was getting
from that comment either. "It is wise to not blindly believe that
someone or something is great, but to take the time to find out for
yourself if they are who you believe them to be."

"That's interesting coming from you, seeing as you've already judged

Harry… and all of the Gryffindor, but especially Harry, by what you
believed him to be like," Ginny said hotly.

Severus's mouth thinned and he glared at her, but he didn't deny that
she was right. This book made it clear to him that he had been
judging Harry on a false basis.

"Be that as it may, that doesn't mean that Severus doesn't make a
good point," Remus said.

Harry says we can tell him he can have the sword after he
helped us but be careful to avoid telling him exactly when he
can have it:

Several people grimaced at this.

"That plan isn't much better than Ron's," George pointed out.

"No… it's not," Bill shook his head.

"I believe it would be a lot safer for you to just explain to Griphook
how important the sword is to you," Remus said.

"What, tell the goblin that they need it to destroy the Horcruxes?"
Sirius said.

"That's not exactly what I meant," Remus frowned. "They could just
tell him that it's important to defeating Voldemort… they don't have to
give the details."

"It still seems like a sketchy idea to me," Sirius said.

"Perhaps, but I don't think being dishonest with the goblin will help
them any," Bill pointed out.

Harry says he can have it, after we use it on the Horcruxes, I'll
make sure he gets it, I'll keep my word:

"Well Harry, if you tell that to the goblin this might work," Bill said.

"I'm not so sure about that," Percy said. "Goblins don't often take the
word of a wizard."

"Yes, but don't forget that Harry is unusual!" Fred said.

"If he were going to believe anyone about that, it would be Harry!"

George added.

"Why are you all talking about this as if it was important?!" Sirius
demanded. "Harry is actually thinking about giving that goblin the
sword! That's a crime pure and simple!"

Harry says I know that, but he needn't, I won't be lying… really:

Bill groaned.
"It would be better if I told him this, wouldn't it," Harry frowned.

"I'm not sure if better is the right word, I'm not sure if it would have
helped you much in the end," Bill said. "But I do know that he's not
going to trust you if he believes you are hiding something from him.
And if he doesn't trust you… things could become difficult."

Ron says well, I think it's genius, let's go and tell him:

"And there's your last clue that this isn't a smart move, Weasel thinks
it's genius!" Draco said.

Mentions that Hermione frowned but Griphook had eyes for

nobody but Harry:

"I doubt that's true," Bill said.

"He might look like he's only concentrating on you, but he would
have been looking at any contrary to your words in your expression
and your friends'," Remus said.

"I'm sorry Harry," Hermione said. "I should have tried to keep my
expression more neutral. Even if I don't agree with you, it would be
best if I didn't let others see that I don't."

Griphook says the oldest Wizarding families store their treasure

at the deepest level, where the vaults are largest and best

"Oh goody, it wouldn't be enough for you to rob a common person's

vault," Fred said smiling.

"You have to go for one that has the best protections," George

"Honestly, why bother robbing if you aren't going to go for the best,"
Ron said with a smirk.
Mentions they remained shut in the cupboard like room for
hours at a time:

Everyone looked sadly at Harry, remembering that they had just

found out that he had lived in a cupboard for years. Harry was
shifting uncomfortably at the attention he was getting.

Looking at the Polyjuice Potion Hermione says there's only

enough left for one:

"Maybe you should make more," Molly said.

"But that would take a month…" Harry started to say and saw by her
expression that she wouldn't mind that kind of delay at all. She
wouldn't have minded if they never had to go anywhere so they
could stay safe.

Mentions that nobody asked questions, though he often felt

Bill's eyes on the three of them at the table, thoughtful,

"Of course, I would be watching you," Bill chuckled. "I would be

wondering what you were doing with the goblin."

"I wonder if you would figure out what they were up to?" Charlie

"Probably… I mean how many reasons could Harry have for talking
to a goblin."

Mentions that goblin had been getting food in his room, but Bill
(following an angry outburst from Fleur) went upstairs to tell
him they wouldn't continue:

Everyone sniggered at this.

"Very good dear," Molly smiled at Fleur, who smiled back, truly happy
that Bill's mother seemed to have accepted her more now.
Mentions that Griphook at different food, insisting on lumps of
raw meats, roots and various fungi:

"Mm… I don't know, I think I might have liked it better if he didn't

come down to eat with you," Sirius pointed out. "I know it's annoying
to serve someone food, but still."

"I will not be a servant!" Fleur huffed.

"I didn't say you had to be," Sirius said. "You could have had Ron
serve him or something."

"Oi!" Ron protested.

"As much as I would rather not have him in our company, I will not
allow him to run over me like that," Fleur said firmly.

Mentions Harry felt responsible, after all he had insisted that the
goblin remain there, and it was his fault the Weasley family had
been driven into hiding:

"Harry!" nearly everyone in the room said in the same exasperated


"This isn't your fault," Arthur said firmly.

"I know…" Harry sighed, knowing they believe that… and that it
would be smart if he believed that too, but he doubted he would ever
be able to really believe that.

Mentions that Fleur had chopping up steaks for Griphook and

Bill, who had preferred his meat bloody ever since he had been
attacked by Greyback:

Molly whimpered at the reminder of this… especially hearing how it

had effected Bill's eating habits.

Remus growled.
Fleur says Harry, you saved my sister's life, I do not forget:

"I didn't really save her," Harry said and before Fleur could argue
Tonks read on with a smirk.

This was not, strictly speaking, true, but Harry decided against
reminding her that Gabrielle had never been in real danger.

"To me it does not matter if she was in real danger or not," Fleur said
looking at Harry. "I did not know that at the time, and clearly you
didn't either or you would not have bothered to save her. The intent
behind an act is often just as important as the act itself… so, I will
always be grateful to you, 'Arry."

Harry says we don't mind sleeping in the living room:

"Speak for yourself Harry, I don't want to sleep on the sofa," Ron
mock grumbled.

"Oh really… you could have fooled me," Tonks said with a twinkle in
her eye and Ron's ears turned red.

"Er… did we miss something?" Fred and George said together,

mystified by Ron's reaction.

"Oh… nothing really," Tonks said smiling at Ron (and Hermione who
was starting to turn red too) for a few more second before she turned
back to the book.

Harry was having troubled listening to what she had to say because
he was trying hard not to laugh at his friends, remembering finding
them asleep together on a sofa this morning.

Mentions that Harry knows that Griphook would think poorly of

sleeping on the sofa, and keeping him happy was essential to
their plans:

"Well, you definitely have that aspect of a goblins character down

right," Bill said approvingly, slightly distracted by his brother and his
girlfriend's continual blush and Harry and Remus's amusement.

Harry says we'll be off your hands soon, Ron, Hermione and I,
we won't need to be here much longer:

Molly and Fleur both frowned at that.

"I'm not going to like hearing that," Fleur pointed out.

Mentions Fleur looked rather like Mrs. Weasley as she said that:

"Harry… you do realize she is Mrs. Weasley, right?" Ginny said, only
a touch of resentment in her voice… she never would have guessed
this, but Fleur really wasn't so bad.

"I supposed she is," Harry chuckled.

Fleur was blushing and looking very pleased by this.

Molly was a mixture of thoughtful and pleased, as she thought about

how much Fleur truly must have cared for Harry in that moment.

Mentions that Harry seizing the change to escape Fleur's

question, Harry grabbed two jugs of pumpkin juice and followed

"Oh, that's right Harry, just run away and don't even give me an
answer!" Fleur said glaring at him sharply and Harry seriously hoped
she was joking.

"It looks like she has the Weasley glare down," George said. "She
really is one of us now!"

Luna says no, it was definitely a Snorkack horn, Daddy told me,
it will probably have re-formed by now, they mend themselves,
you know;

"Honestly, there's no point in arguing with her, she's never going to

stop believing in those things," Ginny said.
After Luna and Ollivander say goodbye to each other:

Dumbledore smiled at this, though he did not really like the

circumstances that these two had met and obviously grown close to
one another, he thought that they really would enjoy each other's

Fleur says au revoir, Mr. Ollivander and then kissed him on both

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea Fleur, you'll probably give the
old man heart failure being kissed by a beautiful woman," Charlie

"It is how I always say goodbye?" Fleur said.

"He's teasing you," Bill said to his girlfriend wrapping his arms
around her, "you know your part of the family when everyone feels
as if they can tease you."

"Oh," Fleur said, and then smiled at Charlie.

Fleur says I wonder if you would deliver a package to Bill's

Auntie Muriel, I never returned her tiara:

"Oh dear," Molly said, knowing what Aunt Muriel would think if she
didn't get that back right away.

Mentions Bill returned before they had finished their first

course, his long hair tangled by the wind:

"You really should cut it," Molly said fondly, looking at Bill rolled his

"It is getting a little ridiculous Bill," Fleur agreed play with his hair.

Molly looked away then, resting her head on Arthur's shoulder,

knowing that Bill was now in someone else's hands.
Bill says Mum and Dad say hello, Ginny sends you all her love,
Fred and George are driving Muriel up the wall:

"Oh boys," Molly shook her head, at least she still had those two to
worry about.

"Merlin, that's got to be murder on me," Ginny sighed as she looked

at the trio, "knowing that you're safe but not being able to come and
see you."

"That's true," Molly sighed, she was sure she was dying to go there
and give all of them a huge hug.

Mentions there was a bang on the front door:

"Oh no!" Molly moaned. "Please… I don't think I could take it if

anything happens here!"

"I'm sure it will be okay," Arthur said soothingly. "It's probably just
someone from the Order…."

Says it is I, Remus John Lupin:

"Oh Remus… why did you have to scare us like that!" Molly
grumbled glaring at him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure I didn't mean to scare you," Remus chuckled.

"Don't let that innocent face fool you, he's just as much of a trickster
as I am!" Sirius said.

Mentions that Harry experienced a thrill of fear, what had


"Oh Dear… you don't think something terrible happened," Molly said,
starting to worry all over again.

Remus says and you, told me the address and bid me come in
an emergency:
This had everyone tense up… what kind of emergency is he talking

Remus says it's a boy! We've named him Ted, after Dora's

Tonks voice grew increasingly loud as she read this, and her face
was beaming as she put down the book and looked at Remus. "IT'S

"Oh yes!" Remus beamed too, and chuckled.

"It's a boy!" Tonks repeated and wrapped her arms around Remus's
neck. He gladly embraced her back, pulling her close to him.

"We need to celebrate this joyous occasion!" Sirius annoyed.

"Another Marauder junior is born, one that will hopefully carry on our
proud transitions to…."

"Oh, be quite black," Remus said, "I'm trying to enjoy this moment."

"But he's right… we need to celebrate!" Fred said and they did
indeed take a good half hour of time to celebrate this news, for really,
they all needed something to be happy about after everything that's
been going on in this book. When Tonks picked the book up again,
she was still beaming, and it was clear her smile wasn't going to fade
any time soon.

Remus says yes, yes, a boy:

"I think someone's excited," Sirius teased.

"I think it's cute to see how taken he is about this," Tonks beamed at

Remus says you'll be godfather:

"What?" Harry said looking shocked by that. He couldn't possibly

have heard that right.
"I think it's an excellent choice," Tonks said nodding her head.

"Definitely, I was already thinking that you should be godfather,"

Remus smiled.

"But…" Harry said, not sure what to say to that.

"There's no buts Harry, you'll be as good of a godfather as I am,"

Sirius beamed at him.

"This is coming from the man that you didn't meet until you were
thirteen because he was in Azkaban and has been on the run for the
last year," Severus pointed out.

"He's still a good godfather!" Harry defended Sirius.

"And so will you be!" Sirius nodded his head.

Remus says to Teddy Remus Lupin:

Again, Tonks voice showed all her excitement when she read this.

"Teddy Remus Lupin?" Dumbledore repeated, narrowing his eyes.

Several people looked at him curiously for a second before

Hermione gasped.

"TRL!" she exclaimed. "He's the one that brought us here!"

"Yes, that's what I was thinking," Dumbledore agreed.

"And that's who did it!" Remus said beaming.

"You knew and you didn't tell me!" Tonks said narrowing her eyes at

"Er… well he just told me because I was wary of the werewolf thing,"
Remus said, "and he said he didn't want anyone to know."
"So, our son is the reason why we're all here, reading the book,"
Tonks said suddenly smiling. "He must be brilliant if he could do all

Remus says a great wizard in the making:

"Yes, yes, I just said that," Tonks said excitedly and started reading
before anyone could say anything.

Remus says I think he looks like Dora, but she thinks he is like
me, not much hair, it was black when he was born, but it turned
ginger in the hour since:

"He's a Megamorphus too!" Tonks shouted, she's always wanted to

find someone like her and now she could share that with her son…
this was bloody brilliant!

Mentions only the goblin seemed untouched and Harry thought

he was the only one to notice until he saw Bill's eyes following
him up the stairs:

"Who cares about the bloody goblin now," Tonks grumbled, again
reading before anyone could say anything, obviously wanting to hear
more about her son.

Mentions that Remus made his farewells:

Tonks sighed knowing there would be no more description of her

son, though she was really glad that Remus was going back home to
her for she would definitely want him near at a time like that.

Bill says Harry, you're planning something with Griphook:

"Yes, I suppose I would want to talk to you about that," Bill chuckled.

Bill says as far as there can be friendship between wizards and

goblins, I have goblin friends, or, at least, goblins I know well,
and like:
"Do you really have goblin friends, Bill?" Charlie asked. "If they are
anything like Griphook, I wouldn't bother."

"This coming from the man that works with dragons," Bill chuckled.
"And I would like to think I have some friends among goblins, though
like my book self just said, that's while things are going well between
our races."

Bill says if you struck a bargain with Griphook, especially if it

involves treasure, you must be careful, goblin notions are not
the same as human ones:

Remus nodded his head in what he tried to make a somber way, but
as his thoughts were still on Teddy, he was still smiling, "I'm glad
you're warning him about this."

"Not that it's really going to do him any good," Bill sighed.

Bill says dealing between wizard and goblins have been fraught
for centuries, but you'll know that from History of Magic:

"Honestly Bill!" Fred said.

"Sometimes I forget you a brainiac too!" George added.

"History of Magic!"

"Who in their right mind would remember anything from that class!"

Bill says all goblin made objects are, in goblin eyes, rightfully

"Do you mean the makers… or all goblins," Ginny asked. "Because I
doubt that Griphook is the maker of the sword of Gryffindor, and it's
unlikely that he is related to the goblin that did make the sword."

"That's probably true," Bill smiled at her, "But they would still rather a
goblin have it than a wizard."
Bill says they consider passing them from wizard to wizard
without further payment, little more than theft:

"That's completely ridiculous," Draco said shaking his head, thinking

of all the goblin made things that he possessed, there was no way
that he would pay the filthy goblins money just so he could continue
to own them after they were already bought and paid for.

"It is a bit odd, but they are from a different culture," Hermione said.
"It makes sense they would have a different belief system.

Bill says it would be less dangerous to break into Gringotts

than to renege on a promise to a goblin:

"Yep… I definitely know you're up to something," Bill laughed this


"Do you think it would have help us if you were in on the plan?"
Hermione questioned.

"Honestly… probably not," Bill admitted. "Griphook is more useful to

you than any wizard could be… and I doubt he would have like me
around giving my opinions and whatnot."

Mentions Harry seemed set on course to become just as

reckless a godfather to Teddy Lupin as Sirius Black had been to

"I'm not reckless!" Sirius said and everyone in the room laughed. "I'm
not," he added with a pout.

"Honestly, I think that even though Harry is breaking into Gringotts,

he's less reckless than you are," Remus chuckled at his expression.

"He does have a point… anyways, that was the end of the chapter,"
Tonks said, "Bill, I think you should read the next one seeing as we
all know what it's going to be about."

"Fine," Bill chuckled as he took the book from her.

Chapter 27
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Twenty-Six


" Gringotts," Bill said shaking his head with an amused smile. "You
know I'm really looking forward to seeing how you pull this off."

"I think that getting out is where you're going to find your biggest
difficulty," Remus said reasonable.

"But Harry is the master at the art of getting out of impossible

things," Fred supplied with a chuckle.

"Yeah, you're better than Houdini when it comes to escaping things,"

George added.

"You know who Houdini is?" Hermione questioned at the same time
as Ron said, "Who's Houdini?"

"He's a Muggle magician that was known for being good at escaping
things or something like that," Fred said to Ron, "and we read about
him in some Muggle book about magic."

"Muggles don't know magic!" Draco said firmly, rolling his eyes.

"Of course not, little Draky, but that doesn't mean that they can't fool
you with their illusions," George said.

"As fascinating as this all is, I believe we have gotten off of the
point," McGonagall said looking at Bill expectantly and he smiled at
her before he started reading.
Mentions a single black hair plucked from the sweater
Hermione had been wearing:

"You are sure it's the right hair this time aren't you, Hermione?" Ron
said trying hard not to laugh (Harry was doing much the same). "We
don't want a repeat of what happened in second year!"

"Oh, shut up!" Hermione huffed, glaring at him.

"I can't believe it though… one of you are going to impersonate

Bellatrix!" Sirius said. "I pity whoever it is."

"It's going to have to be me," Hermione grumbled.

"Well, that's not so bad, at least you have enough brains to be able
to pull this off. I shuddered to think what Weasley might have said,"
Severus said.

"Hermione might have brains, but have you ever seen her act…
hideous," Fred said shaking his head.

"It probably would have been best if it was Harry… at least he knows
how to act," Sirius said thoughtfully. "And unfortunately, he seems to
know more than I would ever want him to know about Bellatrix."

Hermione says I hate this thing, it feels all wrong, it doesn't

work properly, it's like a bit of her:

"Hm… I seemed to recall someone saying that it doesn't matter what

wand you used," Sirius started to tease.

"Oh, shut up," Hermione huffed.

Hermione says this is the wand that killed Sirius:

"Oh, bloody hell! I didn't want to know that!" Sirius groaned. "I can't
believe that bitch is the one that killed me! Almost anyone would
have been better than her!"
"What about Wormtail," Remus said, his expression was mad and
bitter, but he was trying not to show that.

"I suppose you have a point," Sirius growled, "The useless piece of
trash that already ruined by life would be worse, but this heartless
bitch that delights in torturing people is close."

"And on that cheerful note, I think I'll read," Bill said.

Mentions that Ollivander had sent Luna a new wand:

"How could he just make her a wand… I thought the wand chooses
the wizard, or in this case, witch," Harry asked Dumbledore.

"I'm not experienced in wandlore Harry, so I can only guess the

reason," Dumbledore said. "I believe that the time that they have
spent together has enabled Ollivander to guess the properties that
Miss Lovegood's wand should have. He is an expert at wands after
all, and he knows better than most the characteristics a wand looks
for in a person."

Mentions that Draco's wand work as good for Harry as

Hermione's had done:

"Argh… did it really have to do that," Draco grumbled, he would have

preferred it if his wand didn't work at all for Harry.

"It looks like I'm the master of it now," Harry smirked at Draco and
the boy looked at him murderously. "But at least you know this isn't
going to happen in the future, so there's no worries."

Mentions Hermione had not won the wand's allegiance by

taking it personally from Bellatrix:

"So would that mean that Ron would have been able to use it
better?" Percy questioned. "He was the one that disarmed Bellatrix."

"Oh, I bet she loved being disarmed by a boy," Sirius muttered to

himself, a dark smile on his lips.
"It seems likely," Dumbledore said.

"Wow Ron… you stole three wands in this book so far," Ginny
pointed out.

"But I lost my own," Ron frowned which was by far more important
than any wand he could have gained (well, unless it was the Elder
Wand of course… he wouldn't have minded having that).

Mentions they told Bill and Fleur not to see them off because
Hermione would need to transform into Bellatrix:

"And they didn't want to give anyone nightmares because they saw
her," Sirius muttered. "That was very thoughtful of you guys."

"I still would have liked to have said goodbye," Fleur said sadly. Who
knew what kind of danger they were going to face once they left.

Mentions that Harry was looking forward to escaping the

confinement of Shell Cottage:

"But our home sounds beautiful," Fleur gasped.

"And I probably can't enjoy any of that knowing what I have to do,"
Harry said.

"Not to mention I don't think it's made for eight people," Ron added.
"It's overcrowded."

Mentions Harry couldn't sleep, and he remember the night

before going to the Ministry he was determined and excited,
and now he had anxiety and doubt:

"Don't think that Harry, try and stay positive," Tonks said.

"Yeah… like that's even possible for Harry," Ginny chuckled. "He
always seems to think the worst is going to happen."
"Besides, how could you possibly think that things could go wrong
when you're trying to do something that has never been done before
and is highly dangerous," George said. "I mean for you; it should be
easy as pie."

"But that's why I feel like everything is going to go wrong," Harry

chuckled. "Nothing I try to do goes right… though I tend to get the
desired effect in the end."

Mentions they could hardly have laid Dobby to rest in a more

beautiful place, but Harry ached with sadness to think of
leaving him behind:

Harry frowned again thinking of the poor elf… he was going to have
to make sure nothing like this happened to him.

Mentions Bellatrix was striding across the lawn towards them:

"Merlin, I think I would have had a hard time not cursing you the first
time I saw you coming," Sirius said to Hermione. "And probably
every time I saw you," he added thoughtfully.

Describes how Bellatrix looks ending with but when she spoke
he heard hermione through Bellatrix's low voice:

"Why are my eyes disdainful… won't my expression look different

than her?" Hermione sighed; she really wasn't looking forward to
being Bellatrix at all.

"It might have something to do with the fact that you would disdain
having to be Bellatrix," Ron pointed out to her.

Hermione says she tasted disgusting, worse than Gurdyroots:

"Oh, that is horrible," Arthur sighed.

"And think, you were already tortured, and you still had to drink that
crap!" Fred said. "Poor Hermione."
Hermione says oh, for heaven's sake, this isn't about looking

"Which she obviously doesn't really care about, or she would have
pick one of your much more dashing brothers," Fred said.

"Ron is clearly the most handsome of the lot of you," Hermione rolled
her eyes as Ron's ears turn bright red and he smiled broadly.

"That of course is a lie," Fleur said looking at Bill as if proof of what

she was saying.

Hermione says, there, how does he look Harry:

"I don't know… he's not really my type," Harry chuckled.

"I didn't mean it like that," Hermione rolled her eyes. "I think I was
asking if you could tell if it was Ron or not."

"Well, I don't know that either, seeing as I can't see him," Harry
chuckled again.

Harry says well, he's not my type, but he'll do:

Everyone laughed at that, though the twins were shaking their


"It seems as if your jokes will be just as lame in the future," Fred
said. "I was hoping you would come up with something better."

Hermione says good morning:

"No Hermione, you can't be that pleasant," Sirius said. "You have to
be superior and think you're better than everyone. Treat these
people with contempt!"

Describes Diagon Alley ending with poster of him with

Harry sighed at this; he hated thinking of Diagon Alley looking this
miserable. It had been the first place he had gone to where you
could see that magic really existed.

"Don't worry, it won't look like this for us," Ron said.

"I've never seen it look that bad before," Molly mumbled putting her
head on Arthur's shoulder. "It was bad during the last war… but

"I know Molly, dear," Arthur said gravely.

Mentions the people in Diagon Alley ending with until the man
with the bloodied bandage came staggering right across
Hermione's path:

Hermione bit her lip, knowing the hate and fear that she would see
directed at her because of what she looked like.

Mentions the man asking for his children and then lunged at
Hermione, reaching for her throat and Ron stunning him:

"Good job, Ron," Tonks said, though her tone was sad.

"Maybe," Ron shrugged, but he really wasn't feeling like it was such
a good thing at the moment. He didn't want to curse someone like
this, but he wasn't going to let anyone touch Hermione.

Mentions that their entrance was hardly conspicuous and Harry

wonder if they shouldn't leave and tried to think of a different

"Don't be ridiculous, if you leave now, it will only make it that much
harder for you to come up with something else that would work,"
Severus said. "Besides, things have not gone too badly so far, no
one is going to say anything about Bellatrix being there if they could
help it… they're too afraid of her."

Someone says why, Madam Lestrange:

"Argh… this on the other hand, will likely be a real problem," Sirius

"If the person is actually calling out to you it means it would have to
be a Death Eater," Severus added. "You need to be very careful

Hermione says and what do you want:

"A perfect reaction to anyone that wasn't a Death Eater," Severus

said, "but I'm afraid she's slightly less contemptuous to the Death
Eaters. Myself excluded."

"Well, how was I supposed to know that he was a Death Eater,"

Hermione grumbled.

Travers says I merely sought to greet you, but if my presence is

not welcome:

"Of course, it's not welcome… now leave me alone!" Fred said.

"Unfortunately, it would be unwise to say that to him," Dumbledore

sighed. "He would be very suspicious."

Hermione says no, no, not at all, Travers, how are you:

"Don't get too polite now Hermione," Sirius said.

"Will everyone stop critiquing what I do," Hermione grumbled.

"Don't mind her, she's just not used to getting so many things
wrong," Ron chuckled and Hermione glared at him.

Travers says I heard the inhabitants of Malfoy Manor were

confined to the house after the… escape:

"Oh… that's not good, not good at all!" Molly said.

"I didn't even think of that, but clearly the Dark Lord would have dealt
with this failure fiercely," Severus sighed. "It might not have been the
best plan to use Bellatrix."

Hermione says contemptuously the Dark Lord forgives those

who served him most faithfully, perhaps your credit is not as
good with him as mine is, Travers:

"Brilliant!" Sirius said.

"That, of course was the best thing you could have said Miss
Granger," Severus approved. "And that should definitely appease
Travers's suspicion."

Hermione says coolly it does not matter; it will not do so again:

"Who knew you could be so cold," Fred said, looking at Hermione


"I was probably challenging my anger at him calling the man and it,"
Hermione said her eyes were still narrowed with her own distaste.

Travers talks about the wandless people ending with but whose
wand, are you using at the moment, Bellatrix, I heard your own

"It seems that what happened at the manner was talked about a lot,"
Tonks sighed, "that's not doing you any favors."

"But it is brilliant to know that Bellatrix disgraces is known by all,"

Sirius snickered. "Honestly, it's not surprising that this would get
around… who won't want to hear about Bellatrix getting beaten."

"That is actually true," Dumbledore said. "I believe all the Death
Eaters would like to hear that Bellatrix has lost favor with Voldemort,
hoping they could take her place and become closer to him."

"Argh," Sirius shook his head. "I don't think I would ever understand
the way Death Eaters think."
"I think I understand too much how Death Eaters think," Severus
said, with a similar disgusted face as Sirius.

Hermione says I have my wand here, I don't know what rumors

you have been listening to, Travers, but you seem sadly

"That's not so bad either," Severus said. "He's not going to question
you at least."

Hermione says about Ron this is Dragomir Despard, he has

traveled here from Transylvania to see our new regime:

"It is doubtful that Bellatrix would ever stoop so low as to show a

foreigner around," Severus pointed out.

"But she was just disgraced," Remus countered. "Perhaps this is

punishment for letting Harry escape."

"Perhaps," Severus allowed doubtfully.

Mentions that Travers extended two fingers and shook Ron's

hand as though frightened of dirtying himself:

"Do Death Eater dislike people from a different country?" Fleur


"They believe that being from England makes them superior,"

Severus said. "But as long as your blood is pure, they will accept

Mention that the goblins that usually flanked the entrance had
been replaced by two wizards, both whom were clutching long
thin golden rods:

"Seriously," Bill said. "I can't believe the goblins haven't already join
this fight on our side if this is going on."
"I just hope that we don't have a goblin war on our hands after the
end of this wizarding war," Remus muttered darkly.

Travers says Probity Probes, so crude, but so effective:

"And something that you're going to have to get pass without

drawing suspicion," Percy frowned.

"I think this is where you'll find that invisibility cloaks are very
beneficial," Sirius smirked.

Mentions that Harry used Confundo twice unnoticed by Travers:

"This would go so much easier if Travers wasn't here," Tonks said. "I
really hope he doesn't mess everything up for you."

Hermione says but you've just done that to the confounded

gaurds and the other says yeah, you've just checked them,

"If you were with me, I would have noticed that something wasn't
right," Severus said.

"Then we should be thankful that we are with Traves, who is a bit of

an idiot as you put it," Harry said.

"I would have to agree," Severus said, "But if too many things are
off… even he will be able to put it together."

"Well, I'm sure that we're not going to go on the same cart ride, so I
doubt we have to worry about that much after we get inside," Harry

Mentions Harry remembers the first time he saw the bank and
Hagrid saying like I said, you'd be mad to try and rob it:

"Ah… so he was practically telling you that you would one day come
and rob the place," Ginny teased as she thought of what Harry would
have looked like as the eleven-year-old boy.
"For no one is madder than Harry," the twins added with grins.

Goblin says Madam Lestrange, dear me, how… how may I help
you today:

"Wow… she even scares the goblins, she must be truly hideous
looking," Fred said.

"I think it's the very likely chance that she would curse, torture and
kill them that they are afraid of," Draco said honestly.

Mentions not only was Travers hanging back, watching, but

several other goblins had looked up from their work to stare at

"Do you think they expect anything, or would they always have
stared at her?" Molly asked her eldest son worryingly.

"I think they would look at her after the exclamation the old goblin
just made," Bill said carefully, but he was wary of this too, and he
had a feeling something had gone wrong already.

Hermione says Identification, I have never been asked for

identification before:

"Is that true? I thought everyone has to have a key!" Ron said.

"Not everyone," Sirius said. "There is no key to my family vault… nor

would I think there was one for Malfoy's."

"No, we don't have a key either," Draco conformed.

"Then doesn't that make it easy for someone to come and steal from
you," Ron said.

"I'm sure you'll see how easy it is for you to steal something from a
high security vault," Draco said coldly. "Only a Malfoy can touch what
is in our vault."
"Besides, it's not really that difficult to steal a key," Remus pointed
out. "And once you have the key you can open the vault without any

Griphook says they know, they must have been warned there
might be an imposter:

"How would they know that?" Tonks questioned.

"Bellatrix probably realized her mistake after you had left,"

Dumbledore said reasonably. "She would want to make sure her
vault was safe in case you actually tried to do… well what you're
doing now."

Goblin says your wand will do, madam:

"Oh, well that's okay than, you have her wand," Sirius said, but
several people narrowed their eyes, not having a good feeling about

Mentions that Harry knew that the goblins knew that Bellatrix's
wand had been stolen:

"Oh crap," Sirius now grumbled.

"What can you do now?" Tonks said.

Griphook says to Harry act now, the Imperious Curse:

"What… Harry you can't seriously use an Unforgivable Curse,"

Hermione said, turning to Harry.

"I have no intentions of doing so now, but if I were in a situation like

this, I think I must," Harry said honestly. "I will not let ourselves get
captured again just because I didn't want to use a curse."

"But…" Hermione said paling at the thought that Harry would use
this curse, even if it was for a good cause. Worried that a move like
this could change Harry's perspective.
"He's just helping us out of a jam, it's not like he's going to make the
goblin do horrible things or anything like that," Ron said.

"Still, the easier it becomes to use a curse like this, the more the line
between right and wrong gets blurred," Hermione frowned.

"That might be true Hermione, but all of us that have fought in the
first war have done things that we wouldn't have done if we had any
other choice," Remus said gravely. "It's not easy… and I'm not sure if
it's even right… but it is something we have to live with. But I don't
think this will make Harry a different person… or change his outlook
on how he views this curse."

Hermione nodded her head and Harry sighed, he wasn't looking

forward to using an Unforgivable Curse himself, but he was sure he
would do whatever was necessary to keep his friends safe.

Harry pointed his wand at the old goblin and for the first time in
his life says Imperio:

"Well, it's good to know that you've never used the curse before,"
Sirius pointed out, his manner was joking, but his eyes were serious.
He wished that Harry would never have to use an Unforgivable
Curse, he didn't want his godson knowing what this felt like… it's not
something anyone should know.

After the goblin says you have a new wand, Hermione says
what, no, that's mine:

"Maybe you should Imperio Granger too, she's going to ruin your
plan," Draco said.

"I would never do that to my friend!" Harry said firmly, glaring coldly
at Draco.

"Suit yourself, I was just pointing out that she's not helping with
comments like that," Draco shrugged.
Travers says a new wand, but how could you have done, which
wandmaker did you use:

"Now him, I hope you have no problem with controlling him,"

Severus said, for he truly could ruin everything, whereas Granger
hopefully would have the brains to go along with what is happening.

After Harry Imperious Travers he says oh yes, I see, yes very

handsome, and is it working well:

"Maybe you should stop him from blabbering," Charlie said.

"I don't think I'm very good at this curse," Harry frowned.

"It's not an easy curse to get the hang of," Severus said darkly. "And
you have to focus your mind so your will, would out power theirs."

"No offense Professor, but I don't really want to learn how to do this
curse the right way," Harry said making a face.

"That face better be because you called Snape Professor in such a

respectful tone," Fred said. "That's just so wrong!"

"Sorry," Harry said, not sure whether to laugh of feel odd that he did
indeed just do as Fred said.

Mentions that Hermione looked bewildered, but she accepted

the bizarre turn of events without comment:

"Of course, I did," Hermione said, "after Travers started saying things
like that after I already told him I had Bellatrix wand… clearly
something was going on."

The goblin says I shall need the Clankers:

"What are Clankers?" Charlie said, looking at Bill.

"I can't be sure, never having seen them before," Bill said.
"But you know what they are used for," Percy pointed out shrewdly.

Bill smiled at his brother for a second, though he was wary at how
Charlie was going to react to this, before he turned back to the book
to read.

"Argh… there's no need for you to take tips from Dumbledore, Bill,"
George grumbled. "Just answered the bloody questioned."

This only had Bill laughing more and this time he started reading.

Goblin says so, I shall take you to your vault:

"Isn't that odd… that the old goblin would take you to the vault,"
Tonks said. "I mean I've never seen one of them leave their desk

"It's not odd at all," Draco said. "The same goblin always helps us to
our vault and he's the oldest and foulest thing I've ever seen."

Mentions the goblin appeared around the end of the counter,

jogging happily towards them:

"Seriously Potter, you need work on your Imperius Curse," Severus

shook his head, and a few people joined him, they have never seen
a goblin jog alongside a wizard happily before.

Mentions that Ron was drawing attention to this odd

phenomenon by regarding Travers with confusion:

"You couldn't have drawn any more attention to yourself if you tried,"
Fred chuckled.

"I think you should have worn a neon sign on your chest that said, '
FROM YOU .'" George added.

Goblin says I am award of the instructions, very old family, old

clients, this way please:
"Well, they're going to definitely sound the alarms on you now," Bill
sighed. "But it looks like you will get to the vault."

Mentions Harry took off the Invisibility Cloak and Travers nor
Bogrod showed the slightest surprise at Harry's sudden
appearance in their midst:

"Well of course not, it seems like you've cursed them to be just as

vacant as you are," Draco chuckled.

"I think it's a wonder that I could even manage that curse using your
wand," Harry grumbled.

"That is a good point, you must have good control over this wand
Harry," Dumbledore said.

Harry says they're Imperiused, I don't think I did it strongly

enough, I don't know:

"It doesn't seem like that Hermione is so averse to me using an

Unforgivable Curse," Harry said.

"Well, I would imagine I have a different perspective in the books

after everything that I've been through," Hermione said. "Besides, it's
not like I could say anything at the moment. We have so much we
still have to do!"

Harry remembers Bellatrix saying to him you need to mean

them, Potter:

Harry frowned at that, wondering what curse he had used at that


Everyone in the room paled at the fact that Harry was that close to
the real Bellatrix Lestrange before… close enough for her to be
giving him advise on cursing.

Ron asks what do we do, shall we get out now, while we can:
"Of course not," several people said.

"What was the point of coming here if you're going to leave now,"
Draco rolled his eyes.

"You're never going to get this close again, you have to go on," Bill

Mentions Harry could hear shouting behind them in the main

hall as they clambered into the cart:

"Why would they just be shouting?" Tonks said, "I would think they
would come through the doors and just capture you!"

"Like I said, they were deciding what they should do… obviously
they're arguing about it now." Bill smiled, but he stopped quickly
knowing how vicious the goblins would be if they were caught.

Mentions that the more Harry thought of it the more foolish it

seemed to have disguised as Bellatrix, when the Death Eaters
knew who stole her wand:

"Don't worry about it, Harry, not one of us questioned this plan of
yours either," Sirius told him.

"On paper it seemed like a reasonable idea," Remus agreed. "It's not
often that any Death Eater would want it to be known that they
actually had their wand stolen and think the culprit would turn up at

"Besides, I don't know what other means you could have used that
would have gotten you to the carts," Bill added.

Mentions they went deeper than Harry had ever penetrated

within Gringotts:

"Really, I would have thought the Potter Vault would have been in a
high security section too," Draco said smugly.
"Yes, it is, but the trust that Harry has been using is not," Bill said.

"I've been using a trust?" Harry said. "You mean I have two vaults?"

"Well, for now, but as soon as you come of age the trust will
disappear, the gold going back into your main vault," Bill explained.
"It's really sort of complicated Harry… if you would like to talk about
this later, I could explain it to you in more detail."

"Okay," Harry agreed.

Mentions they saw a waterfall pounding over the track:

Bill sighed after that, he figured they would use this.

"What is it?" George questioned, but Bill just smirked at him and then
started reading again.

Mentions the cart flipped over and they were all thrown out of it,
and Hermione shrieked something, and he felt himself glide to
the ground landing painlessly:

"Good thinking Hermione," Molly said weakly, "And William, you will
tell me what that was!"

"It was the Thief's Downfall," Bill answered immediately and the
twins sniggered at him. "It will take away all the charms and other
concealment of the trio."

"Well, that's good, Hermione no longer has to look like that hag,"
Sirius said.

"And it's not like they'll really need it anymore." Fred added. "Their
cover is blown anyway."

Hermione says Harry I think I can hear people coming, Protego:

"That will only stall them for a little while," Bill sighed.
"I really don't like this," Molly groaned. "There is no way out except
through all the goblins!"

"Correction, there's no way out except through the goblins right now,"
George said, trying to sound confident.

"Because Harry hasn't found one yet!" Fred added in the same tone.

Griphook says, not far, Harry Potter, not far:

"Well, that was lucky… the waterfall could have hit them a lot sooner,
then this," Bill said thoughtfully. "They must have been slow to bring
up the defenses.

Mentions they turned a corner and saw a gigantic dragon was

tethered to the ground in front of them:

"WHAT?" several people shouted, but the loudest were Molly and

"They really have a dragon there," Sirius chuckled.

"What do they think they're doing!" Charlie demanded, "You can't

keep a dragon chained up… and in the dark! That's cruelty, pure and

"You're going to face another dragon!" Molly groaned, "isn't it bad

enough that you had to fight one last year."

"I guess that was just training for me to get by this one," Harry said,
trying to sound nonchalant, but failing miserably. Sure, he did get
past the horntail last year, but that didn't mean he was looking
forward to meeting another one.

"You should be careful of this one Harry!" Charlie shouted angrily; his
whole face was red because of the treatment of this dragon. "They
tend to be nastier when they are brought up in harsh environments!"
Describes the dragon ending with opened its mouth and spat a
jet of fire that sent them running back up the passageway:

Charlie was muttering during this whole paragraph and then turned
to his brother when he realized something.

"You knew this dragon was there!"

Bill looked at his brother and said gravely, "yes."

"And you didn't tell me!" Charlie said. "I mean we've all heard the
rumors, but if I thought for one second, they were true I would

"I signed a binding contract that we couldn't tell anyone of the

secrets in Gringotts," Bill said. "I wasn't allowed to tell you anything."

"Griphook seems to be able to…" Charlie started to say.

"Because he is a goblin… I don't think they ever believe that one of

their own would betray their secrets like this." Bill said and then
started reading before Charlie could remember to yell at him.

Griphook says even more savage for that, however, we have the
means to control it, it has learned what to expect when the
Clankers come, give them to me:

"Er… are dragons afraid of noises like that," Fred questioned.

"They most certainly are not," Charlie growled. "This dragon was
taught to be afraid of the sound… the goblins must have done
something terrible to it!"

Mentions the door had reappeared, sealing them inside the

vault and they were plunged into total darkness:

"Is that supposed to happen?!" Molly questioned desperately.

"Not really, but seeing as what they need to do, it's doesn't really
matter," Bill said.

"How are they going to get out!" Molly exclaimed.

"We'll only find out if you let me read," Bill shrugged, trying not to
sound too impatient.

Griphook says no matter, Bogrod will be able to release us, light

your wands, can't you, we have little time:

"That's going to make it more difficult," Sirius said. "It's so much

harder to see by wandlight."

"That's never really bothered me before," Remus said with a weak

smile. It was a standing joke with the marauders that he had better
sight and vision like that because he was a werewolf. Though of
course when they were in their animal forms they could see just find
at night.

Someone says Harry, could this me… aargh:

"Argh? Argh! What happened!" Molly fretted.

"Someone must have touched something," Malfoy smirked. "You will

see now that it's not that easy to get something from a high security

Mentions Harry could see a jeweled goblet tumbling from her

grip and it split becoming a shower of goblets and the floor was
covered in identical cups:

"Oh dear, that's not good," Molly said.

"I fear it's worse than you think it is," Bill groaned, but continued
reading instead of explaining.

Griphook says they added Germino and Flagrante Curse, they

will burn and multiply, the copies are worthless, and you'll be
crushed to death by them:

"I see what you mean," Molly said.

"You really have to be careful not to touch anything else," Tonks


"But how are they supposed to get the cup if they can't touch
anything," Sirius pointed out.

"Oh crap, that's right," Tonks frowned. "I don't know!"

Mentions Ron accidentally nudged one of the goblets and he

hopped on the spot, part of his shoe burned away by contact
with the hot metal:

"Bloody hell that's not good… as soon as the ground is covered with
those things, we won't be able to stop ourselves from touching
them," Ron groaned.

Harry says remember the cup's small and gold, it's got a badger
and otherwise see if you can spot Ravenclaw's symbol, the

"I'm not sure Ravenclaw would put anything with her mark on it,"
McGonagall said. "It wouldn't be in good taste."

"How am I supposed to know what I'm looking for if it doesn't even

have Ravenclaw's symbol?" Harry groaned.

"That is why we all hope that it is the cup that is in here,"

Dumbledore said sighing.

Harry says it's there, it's up there:

"Good, it is the cup!" several people said, relieved.

"Now you just have to find out a way to get it without causing it to
multiply and burn you," Severus pointed out and everyone groaned,
their relieve gone now.

Mentions the cup belonged to Helga Hufflepuff, which passed

into possession of Hepzibah Smith, from who it had been stolen
by Tom Riddle:

"And now is going to be stolen by Harry Potter!" Fred laughed.

"Smith… you don't think she has any relations with that worm in the
DA, do you?" Ron questioned.

"I don't know?" Hermione shrugged indifferently.

Harry says if you want the sword, Griphook, then you'll have to
help us more than… wait, can I touch stuff with the sword,
Hermione give it here:

"Harry…" Bill cautioned, with a frown.

"What?" Harry said.

"I don't know if it's wise to bring out the sword now," Bill said.

"Why not, it might be the only thing that could touch the object
without it burning," Sirius said. "I think it's a good idea."

"Hm… I suppose you're right," Bill grimaced, "there is no other option

for you to do but showing the sword to the goblin now… well maybe
I'm wrong… but it might not end well."

"You think he is going to try and take the sword?" Harry frowned.

"If he feels that you won't actually give it to him, and I fear he might,
then yes, he will try and take it," Bill sighed and then started reading.

Mentions Harry seized the sword and touched the tip to the
silver flagon nearby, which did not multiply:

"I don't get it… how does that work?" Ron questioned.
"Goblin blades aren't affected by curse," Dumbledore said. "Well not
all goblin blades, but one that are excellently created like this sword
was, are."

Hermione pointed her wand at Harry and says Levicorpus:

"Levicorpus?" Severus frowned, again wondering how they knew the

spells that he had invented.

"Oh… I remember that old spell," Sirius chuckled. "It was one of my

"It was a nice spell, but I think we should continue reading," Remus
said, looking at Severus for a second, remembering one time in
particular that they used that spell and didn't want it brought up here,
he motioned for Bill to keep reading.

Mentions Ron and Hermione were waist deep in treasure

struggling to keep Bogrod and all that could be seen of
Griphook was the tips of his fingers:

"Oh dear… get out of there!" Molly fretted.

"I don't know if I like the goblin, but I don't want him buried alive in
treasure," Ginny muttered.

"Why not, that's got to be a goblin's dream death!" George chuckled.

"And I don't think you have to worry, our little Harrykins, champion to
all, will save him!" Fred added.

Mentions the tiny cup slug into the air and Harry caught it, and
he could fell it scalding him he didn't relinquish it, even when
countless cups burst from his fist:

"Well, that's one way to make sure you have the right one," Sirius
"I'm impressed you could hold on to that," Bill said making a face.
"It's not pleasant even touching one of those things."

"Oh dear, your hands must be hurt!" Molly groaned.

"And we're not hurting, we were at least waist deep in treasure the
last time I checked," Ron grumbled.

This of course only made Molly fret more than before.

Bill sighed, and then started reading again, knowing they had more
troubles than burning treasure as soon as the vault opens.

Griphook sprinted away brandishing the sword and crying,

thieves, thieves, help, thieves:

"Why that traitorous little git!" Ron growled.

"It's actually a smart thing to do… he will find safety in his kind
because they wouldn't think that he would have betrayed them,"
Draco shrugged.

Mentions the tethered dragon let out a roar, the wizard fled,
back the way they had come and inspiration, or madness, came
to Harry:

"If you're going to do what I think you are, you'll earn my respect for
life," Charlie said with a smirk.

"If you do what Charlie thinks you're going to be doing, I'll have you
committed to St. Mungo's for madness!" Hermione said looking pale.

"Er…" was all Harry could say to that as everyone waited to see
what he was going to do in the book.

Harry yelled this way, and then sprinted toward the blind
"YES!" Charlie screamed the loudest, but Sirius, Tonks, the twins
and even Remus joined into the cheer this time.

"Do you really expect us to… you can't be serious," Ron said
shaking his head.

"I can't believe you Harry! I just…" Hermione said shaking her head.

"How else are we going to get past a horde of bloodthirsty goblins?"

Harry questioned and then turned to Bill and said, "Will you continue

Bill shook himself, like everyone that wasn't mentioned before, he

was shocked about what Harry was doing, but he started reading all
the same.

Mentions the dragon turned his head towards the cool outside
air and it took off with Harry, Ron and Hermione clinging to its

"That's the end of the chapter," Bill said putting the book down and
looking at the trio in amazement. He had figured they would
somehow accomplish their task, but he could never have dreamed
they do anything like this. He didn't think that he would have to get
away from the goblins when they were on full alert like this!

"That was the most bloody brilliant thing I've ever heard of in my life!"
Charlie said.

"It was incredible!" Fred agreed.

"I think it would be a good time to have some dinner," Molly said
getting up. "It seems like there is something to celebrate right now
and it would be nice to have at least one happy meal."

"I'm good with that," Sirius said.

Chapter 28
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

The Final Hiding Place

They all took their time with this meal, talking excitedly about the
break in at Gringotts at first and then other things when that
conversation got repetitive. It was nice to talk and laugh like this, but
that didn't mean that it wasn't punctured by knowing that everything
was going to be getting more complicated from now on. There was
just a sense that everyone felt that things were drawing to an end.

When they got back to the room Molly picked up the book and said,
"I think I'd like to read…" she was clearly hoping that nothing too
terrible happened in this chapter. Everyone seemed to agree to that,
so she read, "The Final Hiding Place."

"You're already going to find out where the last Horcrux is!" Ginny

"It seems you have done something that I have been working on for
more than a decade, in less than a year," Dumbledore commented.
"Perhaps I should have asked for your help sooner."

"I think things are bad enough on Harry and he doesn't need to deal
with more," Molly grumbled.

"And of course, I agree," Dumbledore bowed his head towards him.

Mention Harry knew if the dragon turned sharply or rolled in

midair, they would find it impossible to cling onto its broad
"Argh as if I wasn't worried enough about being on a dragon,"
Hermione groaned. "I just hope I didn't think about that."

Mentions Ron kept swearing at the top of his voice:

"Ronald Weasley do not swear!" Molly reprimanded.

"I'm on the back of a dragon… I think anyone would swear!" Ron


"And don't talk back to me," she added, though her tone was softer.

Mentions Hermione seemed to be sobbing:

"Yes, I'm sure I was sobbing in delight!" Hermione said sarcastically.

"You should be, being on a dragon is nothing compared to being in

the presents of goblins that have a grudge against you."

Mentions that after five minutes Harry lost is dread since it

seemed the dragon seemed to get as far away from its
underground prison as possible:

Charlie grimaced at this, he had a feeling that the dragon had been
in there for a long time, enduring torture… it was just wrong! He was
going to have to figure out a way to really free that dragon now.

Mentions he had no idea how long dragons could fly without

landing or how this dragon could locate a good place to put

"Don't worry about that, it's instinctual to them," Charlie said. "The
dragon would be able to find a place without seeing it."

"And what would you think the best way to dismount the dragon is?"
Tonks questioned. "You know, without becoming dragon chow!"

"Oh… I don't know," Charlie said and he looked thoughtful.

Molly just groaned and then started reading again.

Mentions Voldemort would know, at last, that they were hunting


This paragraph naturally had everyone getting tense. Yes, the end
was coming, everything was going to move quickly now.

Ron yells what do you reckon it's looking for:

"Signs of more dragons I would expect," Charlie muttered. "That or it

knows where its colony is and it's trying to get there as fast as it

"Charlie bear, will you please keep your thoughts to yourself," Tonks
said sweetly. "I don't think any of us can bare the idea of the trio
meeting more dragons."

"Er… right," Charlie blushed.

Mentions and what if, at that point, it realized it had three highly
edible humans sitting on its back:

"And Harry, I don't think we really need to hear that either," Tonks
said to Harry.

"Sorry, but it is a good thought for me to have," Harry shrugged. "I've

got to think of a way to make sure I don't become dragon chow, as
you put it."

"Would he really eat you after you saved him?" Sirius huffed. "That's
very ungrateful of him!"

"Sirius, I don't think the dragon would know they were the ones that
set him free," Remus shook his head.

Mentions every part of Harry ached with the effort of holding on

to the dragon's back:
"I bet they are," Charlie chuckled. "I've only flew on a dragon back
for a few minutes and my muscle ached for hours."

"You rode on a dragon's back!" Molly exclaimed.

"Just read mum," Bill said, glaring at his brother. "You know Charlie
has no sense at all."

"Hey… I'm not the one that just robbed a bank… I think Ronnie is the
one with no sense," Charlie grumbled.

Harry says I say we jump when it gets low enough, straight into
the water before it realizes we're here:

"Hm… that is a safe way to get off a dragon," Charlie mumbled.

"Good thinking Harry."

"Safe… safe… you want me to jump off a dragon's back… how high
up is this dragon!" Hermione said looking pale.

"I don't know," Harry shrugged.

"Hermione it's okay, I'm sure we'll be okay," Ron assured her.

"You're probably right," Hermione said. "I'm just not too fond of

Ron says well, on the upside, we got the Horcrux, on the

downside and Harry finished no sword:

"I think it's more important for you to have the cup than it is for you to
have the sword," Dumbledore said.

"Even though we are once again stuck in a tent with a Horcrux and
no means of destroying it," Ron said, having trouble not
remembering the horrible mistake the last time they were in a
situation like this.
"Things have changed greatly since then," Dumbledore said, "for one
you have all accomplished many things in that time that you should
be proud of…."

"Or be carted off to Azkaban for," Fred supplied with a smirk.

"I do not believe that having a Horcrux poses as much danger as it

did with the last one," Dumbledore said. "And though it would be
beneficial if you had the sword right now… it is not the only way you
can destroy a Horcrux. I have faith that you will find a way to
accomplish this task, sword or not."

Ron says no sword, the double-crossing little scab:

"I'm not really sure it was double crossing," Bill said. "After all he had
fulfilled his end of the bargain."

"He ran to the goblins like he was being forced to help them…"
Charlie said angrily, goblins weren't his favorite creatures right now.

"Ah yes…" Bill sighed, "and I'm not happy that he has taken off with
the sword… but I not sure I would have called it double crossing, just
fulfilling the agreement ruthlessly."

Looking at the dragon Hermione says what'll happen to it, will it

be alright:

"Hermione!" Charlie said beaming at Hermione and a few people

said looking at her oddly. "I didn't know you cared so much about

"I don't," Hermione said looking at Charlie amused. "I suppose I'm
just grateful for the help this dragon gave us."

"Well, that's a start," Charlie said nodding his head. "I'll have you
being a dragon lover in no time."

"Er…" was all Hermione could say to that.

Ron says well, I don't know how to break this to you, but I think
they might have noticed we broke into Gringotts, and then
describes the trio laughing:

"Er… it really wasn't that funny, mates," Fred said looking at the trio

"Leave them alone, it's always good to have a nice laugh like that,"
Sirius chuckled. "When you don't even know what's so funny in the
first place, but you can't stop yourself from laughing… it's the best."

Mentions pain cleaved Harry's head like a sword stroke, then he

was standing dimly lit room, and on the floor knelt a small,
quaking figure:

"Well, that was a convenient timing for a vision," Fred said.

"Imagine what would have happen if Harry was still on the dragon!"
George said, but he wasn't laughing, realizing as he said it that that
would have been horrible.

Molly groaned again, before reading.

Voldemort says Impostors, I thought Gringotts had ways of

revealing impostors, who were they:

"He would know that wouldn't he, seeing as he was someone that
tried to break into Gringotts before," Bill muttered.

"Tried and didn't succeed," Fred added. "Poor Voldy, he can't be as

cool as Harry!"

Goblin answers it was the Potter boy and the two accomplices:

"Two accomplices… we have names you know," Ron grumbled.

"Honestly Ron, I think it's a good thing that they don't know our
names," Hermione said. "All that would be gain from them knowing is
more trouble."
"But he's right in a way," Harry said, "you guys really should be
acknowledged more than you are."

Goblin answers a small golden cup my Lord:

"And now everyone in the room is dead," George chuckled.

"It is not funny," Severus said, paling at the thought of how mad
Voldemort must have been. "For he really will do that in his fury."

Mentions the Elder Wand slashed through the air and green
light through the air, the kneeling goblin rolled over dead:

Harry sighed at indirectly being the reason for this goblin's death.

"The man is mad, he is the only one to blame for pointless deaths
like this," Sirius said looking at Harry, who realized his godfather
knew what he had thought.

Mentions Bellatrix and Lucius threw others behind them and

those who were left were slain, for bringing him this news, for
hearing about the golden cup:

"That doesn't mean Dad, does it?" Draco asked paling. His dad
might not be the most likeable person, but he did love him and won't
want him to die.

"I don't think he would kill either Lucius or Bellatrix like this,"
Dumbledore started to say.

"We could only hope," Sirius said dreamily, and Draco glared at him.
"You could at least admit it would be better if the bitch was dead."

"Whatever," Draco shrugged.

"I believe as long as they make it out of the room, they will be okay,"
Dumbledore continued as if there was no interruption.
Mentions Dumbledore, dead on his order, whose wand was his
now, yet who reached out from the ignominy of death through
the boy:

"Merlin Dumbledore, you really are crafty to reach out from the
ignominy of death like this," Fred chuckled.

"Why thank you Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore chuckled. "But I believe

Harry is doing most of the damage. It seems Voldemort still refuse to
see how strong Harry is."

Mentions if the boy had destroyed any of his Horcruxes, he,

Lord Voldmort, would have known, would have felt it:

"Obviously not," Hermione said. "Seeing as there had already been

three Horcrux destroyed, and you didn't feel a thing."

"Do you think he would have been able to feel it if he only made one
Horcrux?" Remus mused.

"I don't know, and I don't think I will ever find out," Dumbledore

Mentions he, the greatest wizard of them all:

"Oh, get over yourself," Fred said. "Can't we get out of old Voldy's
thoughts already."

"Unfortunately, I think this is going to be really important to us,"

Dumbledore sighed.

"Fine, I'll just deal with this egotistical git," Fred sighed.

Mentions that he had not felt it when the diary had been
destroyed, but he had no body, no surely, the rest were safe, the
other Horcruxes must be intact:

"You keep telling yourself that and pray it will be true," George said.
"I believe he would do more than pray… he would want to check the
places himself to make sure," Dumbledore said almost excitedly.
Voldemort's own thoughts will lead to his downfall.

Mentions he must be sure, and pictures blurred and burned in

his boiling brain, the lake, the shack, and Hogwarts:

"Hey! It is at Hogwarts!" Harry and the twins all exclaimed.

"I knew it had to be," Harry said smugly as the twins grinned at Bill,
who now owed Fred two galleons.

"I can't believe it," Dumbledore frowned. "When would he have time
to put a Horcrux in there?"

"I don't know sir, but maybe he just put it in there after he had gained
control of the castle," Harry offered.

"And interesting theory, but I don't think that's the case," Dumbledore
frowned. "It doesn't seem like he had come close to his Horcrux any
time soon if he is worried about this. He especially wouldn't have
thought of the one in Hogwarts if he had just moved it… no it's been
there for a long time."

But when, Dumbledore thought to himself. Was it before he left

school? Dumbledore seriously doubted that, for he wasn't sure how
many Horcrux he had made at that time, but he figured it would have
been either the diary or the ring that was made and they were both
already destroyed. So, then was it when Voldemort asked the
Defense job the first time, again he doubt that… it just didn't fit. He
was sure it had to be the time that Voldemort had asked him for a
job. It had never made sense to him why Voldemort had asked him
for a job that he knew would never have been granted. But this… if
he was going to hind a Horcrux in the castle… it suddenly made
sense. Dumbledore sighed, he couldn't believe that he had been
looking all around the country and one of the Horcruxes was in
Hogwarts itself.
Mentions how could the boy know that he had hidden the ring
in the Gaunt shack:

"Ah… well, that will make it much easier for me to find," Dumbledore

Mentions no one ever known him to related to the Gaunts, he

had hidden the connection, the killings had never been traced
to him, the ring surely was safe:

"Judging my Dumbledore's smile, he knows your related to the

Gaunts," Sirius chuckled.

Mentions how could the boy know about the cave or penetrate
its protection; the idea of the locket being stolen was absurd:

"Actually, that's not absurd at all, it's location was found twice," Sirius
said, this time his tone was grave, thinking about his brother and
what had happened to him.

Mentions as for the school, he alone knew where in Hogwarts

he had stowed the Horcrux, because he alone had plumed the
deepest secrets of that place:

Dumbledore shook his head, knowing that no matter how much

Voldemort thought he knew about Hogwarts there were still plenty of
secrets that he didn't know about. He was of strong belief that no
one would ever know all of Hogwarts secrets.

Mentions there was still Nagini, who must remain close now, no
longer sent to do his bidding, under his protection:

"That's not good," Harry groaned, "how am I supposed to kill his

snake if he's going to be protecting it… I couldn't even hurt it without
the protection!"

"It is a problem Harry, but I'm sure you will think of something,"
Dumbledore smiled encouragingly at him.
Mentions that he must return to each of his hiding places, and a
job like the quest for the Elder Wand, that he must undertake

"Which will give you some time to go and find the Horcrux at
Hogwarts Harry," Remus said.

"That's taking into account that he doesn't go to Hogwarts first,"

Sirius added.

Mentions there was a slight possibility that Dumbledore might

have known some of his past misdeeds, through the

"I take it that you did figure these things out," Sirius said to

"Naturally," Dumbledore smiled at him. "But I must admit that I

wouldn't have thought that one was actually in Hogwarts, nor would I
have thought of one being in Gringotts… this book has been rather
revealing to me."

Mentions it would be prudent to alert Snape to the fact that the

boy might try to reenter the castle:

Severus was wondering if he would actually be able to help Harry

out or if he would have to act like his enemy still.

Mentions to tell Snape why would be foolish, it had been a

grave mistake to trust Bellatrix and Malfoy, their stupidity
proves how unwise it is to ever trust:

"Er… I could understand why he would say that about Malfoy," Harry
said and Draco glared at him. "To just hand the Horcrux to be
destroy was foolish."

"Is there more to that sentence than that?" Hermione questioned, for
it ended awkwardly.
"Not really," Harry chuckled.

Mentions judging by their worried looks, his sudden excursion

into Voldemort's mind had not passed unnoticed:

"You wouldn't have tried to keep this vision from us would you,"
Hermione asked.

"Aren't you the one that told me not to use this connection… that…"
Harry started to say with a smirk.

"I can't say that I like this connection any more now than then, but
this is too important for us not to know about," Hermione sighed.

Mentions Harry voice sounded strange and low after

Voldemort's high screams:

Fred mouth twitched, "So Harry my boy, what you're saying is that
old Voldy screams like a little girl."

"I suppose I am," Harry laughed at that along with most of the room.

Hermione says wait, wait, we can't just go, we haven't got a

plan, we need to:

"There is no time to plan this time, it's a race and this time I'm going
to have to run it," Harry said.

Mentions then Hermione walked forward and took her place

between the other two and they turned on the spot into the
crushing darkness:

"That's the end of the chapter," Molly said holding out the book and
Fred took it from her.
Chapter 29
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The Missing Mirror

" The Missing Mirror," Fred read looking confused. "What is that
supposed to be."

"I don't know dear brother, but if you continue reading, we may all
find out," Charlie chuckled.

Mentions with a lurch of fear Harry remembered how he had

landed here nearly a year before, supporting a desperately weak

Harry shivered at the thought of that and couldn't help but look at
Dumbledore now. It was impossible to imagine him as being weak
and needing any kind of support.

Everyone else was having similar thoughts about Dumbledore,

wondering what had happened to him that had made him so weak in
the first place.

The air was rent by a scream that sounded like Voldemort's

when he had realized the cup had been stolen:

"The Caterwauling Charm!" several people groaned.

"The what?" Harry questioned.

"It's a charm that will let people know when someone is walking
around in an area that is under the charm," Remus explained.
"Everyone is going to know that you are here now."

"I thought something like this was going to happen," Percy mumbled.
"That's what You-Know-Who meant when he said that they would
know that you went to Hogsmeade."

"He must have thought that you would want to go to Hogwarts at

some point," Bill added thoughtfully.

"Fred, please read!" Molly said she was getting more and more
nervous by the minute, and she wanted to hear what was going to
happen already.

Mentions that a dozen Death Eaters dashed out of the Three

Broomsticks and Harry thought too many to ran, even that
would give away their position:

Everyone tense farther at that; there were at least a dozen Death

Eaters there.

"Good thinking Harry… they don't know where you actually are…"
Remus muttered to himself, his face was rather white.

A Death Eater says Accio Cloak:

Several people groaned, actually everyone groaned except for

Dumbledore, who knew the spell wouldn't work.

Mentions Harry seized his folds, but made no attempt to

escape, the Summoning Charm had not worked on it:

"Really, that's bloody amazing!" Ron said.

"I don't get… how did it not…" Percy said incredulously.

"The excellent Cloak is immune to charms that will reveal your

location," Dumbledore said smiling.
"Like I've always told James, it's a bloody brilliant Cloak!" Sirius

"That is true, but I still don't think Harry's out of danger yet," Tonks
pointed out and everyone sighed, looking at Fred to continue

The Death Eater says not under your wrapper, then, Potter:

"Oh, he's under his wrapper, all right," George said laughing at the
name, "it's just a much better wrapper than any of us could have

Hermione says let's just leave Disapparate now:

"I doubt you would be able to," Tonks said grimly. "I bet they put up a
charm that wouldn't allow anyone to just Disapparate out of the town.
That's what I would do anyway."

"Then let's hope they don't think like you," Sirius said, but he looked
like he knew they would.

Harry says they were ready for us, I reckon they've done
something to keep us here, trap us:

Everyone sighed in agreement, but George said, "It doesn't hurt to

try anyway… you never know."

Death Eater says dementors won't kill him, the Dark Lord wants
Potter's life not his soul, he'll be easier to kill if he's been
Kissed first:

"You sick bastard!" Sirius growled this time, and he wasn't the only
one shouting. "You can't do that!"

"He actually has a point," Draco said, and everyone turned their
murderous glares at him. He paled but said determinedly, "Potter
would be easier to deal with after that… I didn't say I wanted it to
"Why don't you keep your opinions to yourself Malfoy," Ron growled.

Mentions they turned on the spot, but the air they needed to
move through became solid and the Death Eaters cast their
charms well:

"Stupid Death Eater, they never act incompetent when you need
them to," Sirius grumbled.

Mentions the cold was biting deeper and they ran downside
streets trying not to make a sound:

"That matters little when you are running from dementors," Severus
pointed out. "They can sense you whether you make a sound or

"That might be true, but I don't think I want the wizards to be on my

trail as well as the dementors," Harry pointed out with a shiver. In
truth, he would take the fight with the wizards over facing dementors
any day.

Mentions Harry would not suffer the Dementor's Kiss, whatever

happened afterward:

"We don't blame you mate," the twins said together.

"That seems like a worse fate than anything," Fred added.

Sirius had gone white at just the thought of his godson losing his
soul like, this was made all the more real because he had almost lost
his own soul to those foul creatures.

Mentions it was Ron and Hermione that he thought of as Harry

says Expecto Patronum:

"You always think of them when you cast your Patronus," Ginny
pointed out.
"Well, they are in most of my happy memories," Harry shrugged as
Ron and Hermione smiled at him, albeit it was only weakly for they
were worried about what was going to happen next. Everyone
seemed to be wary of the fight that was likely about to happen.

A Death Eater says it's him down there, I saw his Patronus, it
was a stag:

"Really… it thought it was a goat," George said sarcastically and

Dumbledore looked at him thoughtfully as an intriguing hope came to

Mentions there was a grinding of bolts nearby, a door opened,

and a rough voice says Potter, in here, quick:

"Oh Merlin!" Molly said, thankful and yet afraid of this unexpected
help… or was it just another Death Eater pretending to be nice.

Mentions he obeyed without hesitation, the three hurried

through the doorway:

"How do you know it's not a Death Eater trying to trick you?" Draco

"Why would they… if they said nothing I was going to be caught!"

Harry said, looking at him confused.

"I don't know, maybe they just wanted to put you in a confined space
so you couldn't get away," Draco shrugged.

"I doubt I could have gotten away anyways," Harry frowned. "The
hope that this person is going to actually help me is the only chance I
have at escaping detection."

"I suppose," Draco said.

Mentions that Harry had had no idea where they were, but now
he could see the bar of the Hog's Head Inn:
"Ah… Aberforth," Dumbledore smiled, knowing that his brother would
want to help Harry. Everyone else seemed to let out a sigh of relief,
but they were clearly still wary.

Mentions a sitting room with a single large oil painting of a

blonde girl who gazed out at the room with a kind of vacant

Albus sighed, knowing the painting well, and feeling the familiar pang
he got whenever he looked at it.

Aberforth says you send dementors down my street, I'll send a

Patronus back at them, I'm not having them near me:

"Oh dear, they're going to take him away if he keeps yelling like that!"
Molly sighed, not wanting him to get in trouble for helping the trio out.

"Don't worry Molly, my brother, in his rather exuberant ways, is pretty

good at getting out of tough spots," Dumbledore assured her.

Aberforth says stag, you idiot Expecto Patronum and that

something huge and horned erupted from the wand:

"Er… what was that?" Remus said.

"I believe it was a goat," Dumbledore said amused as George


"I told you it was a goat, but none of you guys believed me!"

"It wasn't a goat George," Percy said rolling his eyes.

"Yes, it was… Aberforth just said so!" George insisted, causing a

good number of the people in the room to chuckle and the others to
roll their eyes, but everyone seemed to have relaxed a little at his
joking manner.

Aberforth says if I want to put my cat out, I will, and be damned

to your curfew:
"They're not going to believe that!" Percy scoffed. "Who would risk
their safety my letting their cat out?"

Dumbledore smiled at this, "It's not above the possibility that

Aberforth would do this… he never liked following rules he deemed
to be ridiculous."

Aberforth continues ending with pressed your little Dark Marks,

he's not going to like being called here for me and my old cat, is
he now:

"I'm really starting to like your brother!" Fred chuckled.

"But I have to say that you're not much alike," George added.

"So, not all brothers are alike," Ginny said, "and it kind of reminds me
of the difference between Bill and Ron."

"Is that your way of saying that you think I'm brilliant," Bill said with a

"And mental," Ginny said.

"Ginevra!" Molly said looking at Dumbledore apologetically, but he

seemed to be amused by the comment.

"But actually, I was just talking about your characteristic," Ginny said,
un-phased by her mother's reprimand. "You tend to try to solve
problems with logic or discuss things and Ron…."

"Just yells and shouts and tries to start a fight!" Fred said, "yes I see
the similarities now."

"I don't do that," Ron protested.

"Don't listen to them Ron, I think you can be quite clever when you
want to be," Hermione said glaring at Ron's siblings, who were all
"I never said he couldn't be," Ginny said seriously, "and obviously so
can Aberforth, because what he's doing is very clever, I'm just saying
that he and Bill react to things differently."

Aberforth says and where will you lot traffic potions when my
pub's closed, what happens to your little sidelines then:

"See… very clever," Ginny said. "Hitting the Death Eaters where it
matters to make sure he avoids trouble himself."

The Death Eater says all right, we made a mistake:

"So, what were you saying about the Death Eaters never being
incompetent when you needed them to, Sirius," Remus asked,
turning to his friend with a relieve smile.

"I guess I spoke too soon," Sirius chuckled.

Mentions a small, rectangular mirror, propped on top of it, right

beneath the portrait of the girl:

"It looks like you were right that it was Aberforth helping him,"
McGonagall said as Dumbledore smiled.

Aberforth says you bloody fools, what were you thinking

coming here:

Harry and Ron's siblings all chuckled at this after the comparison
that Ginny had just made between Ron and Aberforth… they could
all see Ron asking the same questioned if he was in that position.

Harry says to the man's back you're Aberforth:

"Because that is not the kind of accusation you should make to the
man's front," Sirius chuckled.

He neither confirmed nor denied it but bent to light the fire.

"You Dumbledores just don't like to answer questioned, do you?!"
Sirius huffed and Dumbledore just chuckled. "See what I mean!"

Ron says the silver doe was that you too:

"Yes Weasel, that's right, that man that just showed you that his
Patronus was a goat, sent the doe!" Draco said rolling his eyes.

"Shut up Malfoy!" Ron glared at him.

Aberforth says brains like that you could be a Death Eater:

Ron looked thoroughly offended by that comment as a few people

chuckled and others glared at the book.

Aberforth says I got food and give them a large loaf of bread,
some cheese, and mead:

"And such wonderful food it is," Fred said making a face.

"After hearing what we had to eat at the start of this book, it does
sound wonderful," Ron said.

Mentions they eaten their fill and Harry and Ron sat slumped
dozily in their chairs:

"There's no time to be dozily boys, you have to get moving," Tonks

said to them.

"Wow, you just sounded like my mum," Ron said looking at Tonks

"And what's that supposed to mean, young man!" Molly huffed.

"Er…" Ron was wise enough not to even attempt to answer the
questioned, but Fred didn't seem to be in the mood to read at the
"That Tonks should make an excellent mother in the future," Harry
answered for his best friend. Both Tonks and Molly's expression
soften at the thought of little Teddy and Molly couldn't be bother with
pretending to be upset about Ron's comment.

"Thanks mate," Ron whispered to Harry as Fred, looking slightly

disappointed, started reading again.

Aberforth says we need to think of the best way to get you out
of here:

"Get out of there!" Harry said frowning. "What is he talking about, we

can't leave!"

"He's probably thinking about our safety," Hermione said reasonably,

"it definitely seems like this is a dangerous place for us to be."

"I suppose, but we still have to get into Hogwarts even if it is

dangerous," Harry said.

"I know that," Hermione rolled her eyes, "but he doesn't."

Aberforth says what you've got to do, is get as far from here as
you can:

Molly groaned at this, part of her agreed with what Aberforth was
saying, she wanted them far away from this Death Eater as possible
but knowing that they had to be part of this war. As much as she
hated to admit this, she knew that to be true.

Harry says you don't understand, there isn't much time, we've
got to get into the castle, Dumbledore, your brother, wanted
us… :

"I don't believe Aberforth will appreciate hearing that," Dumbledore

said sadly.

Aberforth says my brother Albus wanted a lot of things, and

people had a habit of getting hurt while he was carrying out his
grand plans:

"He only has grand plans so that he could protect people,"

McGonagall started to say.

"I believe he is thinking of my earlier plans," Dumbledore said softly,

not able to stop himself from thinking about the worst mistake of his
life; something of which he had been thinking about a lot since they
had started this book… and something that he feared will be
discussed in even more detail in this chapter.

Aberforth says forget my brother and his clever schemes, he's

gone where none of this can hurt him, and you don't owe him

"I'm not doing this because I owe anyone," Harry said with a frown
and looked around the room at everyone that was there, "I'm doing
this so no one else would be hurt."

"That's very admiral of you, Harry," Dumbledore bowed his head

towards him.

Harry says you don't understand and Aberforth says you think
you know Albus better than I did, and Harry says I didn't mean

"Yeah, I think Harry was saying that you didn't understand him," Ron

"It doesn't matter how much danger he's in, Harry's going to do the
right thing," Hermione added, looking at Harry sadly.

said Harry, whose brain felt sluggish with exhaustion and from
the surfeit of food and wine.

"Well, that's just great," Remus said, wishing that Harry had time to
rest and recover from the days rather exhausting events, but
obviously that wasn't an option.
Aberforth says nice job, I hope, sort of thing you'd expect an
unqualified wizard kid to be able to do without overstretching

"Not exactly," Fred chuckled.

Molly and a few others couldn't help but looking accusationally at

Dumbledore at this line of questioning.

"Honestly Dumbledore, you could have trusted us with this

information… we could have helped Harry at the very least," Molly
said trying not to glare at him.

"I was afraid of what might happen if Voldemort had gotten wind that
I, or anyone else, knew about his Horcruxes," Dumbledore frowned.

"And what, did you think we would go around telling every Death
Eater we met what we were looking for," Tonks questioned.

"No," Dumbledore allowed, "but the more people that are involved in
a secret the more likely it would be discovered. I'm sorry if you think I
made an error in judgment, but I could not risk Voldemort finding out
this too soon… as I'm sure you noticed he is already making plans to
tighten his security around his Horcruxes. If that would have
happened before we had discovered them…."

"Okay, okay, we get it," Sirius said. "But why did you choose to tell

"I'm sure I have plenty of reasons," Dumbledore said thoughtfully,

knowing of one that no one is going to like.

"Which are," Sirius pressed.

"I'm not sure if I know them all now, for I'm sure a lot has happened
in the time that led up to this book," Dumbledore said. "And one of
the reasons I can see has value is something that I'm very much
wary of at the moment."
"My visions," Harry guessed.

"Yes, I'm sure you can see the usefulness of them in discovering this
last and most elusive Horcrux," Dumbledore said and Harry nodded
his head. "Another reason is that I know that Harry would not be able
to stand not helping in the fight…."

"And you think…" Molly started, her angry raising at the thought that
Harry should be put in danger because the boy wanted to fight.

"And Voldemort would hunt him down whether Harry fought or not,"
Dumbledore continued gravely. "He fears Harry too much to ever let
Harry just disappear. By informing Harry about the Horcruxes it might
be the best way to allow the boy to fight without having to face
Voldemort openly, which at this point would be a fruitless effort."

"I still don't like Harry being in danger," Sirius muttered.

"But I would be in danger no matter what… I've been in danger since

I was eleven and I will stay in danger until Voldemort is dead," Harry
said. "And I agree with Dumbledore… though I don't like this quest…
it was the best way for me to fight Voldemort and it might even help
me defeat him!"

"Wow Harry! You really think you can defeat the most powerful dark
wizard in the world!" Fred said. "And you keep insisting you don't
have a big head."

Harry flushed slightly at that.

"I think he can defeat Voldemort," Ginny said.

"So do I," Ron and Hermione answered, of course all this did was
make Harry blush more.

Most of the room shifted uncomfortably, for as unbelievable as this

might seemed, if they thought about it, they did think this way, too.
"I suppose," Fred said chuckling this time, "I mean clearly old Voldy
has a mental block when it comes to killing Harry… he just can't
seem to do it no matter how many times he tries."

"Gee thanks Fred, that makes me feel so good," Harry rolled his
eyes, though his discomfort wasn't caused by Fred's comment but
form the pointed looks that he was getting from everyone.

Aberforth says let it go, boy, save yourself:

"Nope, this guy doesn't know you at all," Ron shook his head, Harry
would never save himself and when he knew that others were going
to suffer.

Aberforth says the Order of the Phoenix is finished, You-Know-

Who's won, and anyone that's pretending different is kidding

"Then I suppose we are all kidding ourselves," George said firmly.

"Isn't that a given… you're always kidding," Charlie smirked at his


"I was just pointing out that we are never going to give up the fight,"
George rolled his eyes.

Aberforth ask if Albus told Harry everything, was he honest with

you and Harry wanted to says yes but someone he could and
Aberforth seemed to know that:

Dumbledore sighed, but he knew he could not really tell Harry

everything. And he knew that everyone was going to really react
badly when they found out the truth about Harry… and what he had
been keeping from them.

Hermione says Professor Dumbledore cared about Harry, very

"And you should listen to Hermione, she's right about everything,"
Ron said, and Hermione didn't know what to say, for she knew she
wasn't right about everything (though she certainly tried to be), but to
deny it would make it seem like she didn't believe that Dumbledore
cared about Harry.

"Well, she is certainly right about this," Dumbledore said.

Mentions Aberforth glared at Hermione chewing the words he

was holding back, then he burst into speech:

And now Dumbledore lean back in his chair, pinching the bridge of
his nose. He knew his brother, in his temper was going to be able to
say more than Dumbledore had managed to tell the people in his
room. All of which will bring up the horrors of his past more clearly
than ever.

Aberforth explains about their past ending with they got a bit
carried away trying to stop the little freak doing it:

Harry frowned at this, Dumbledore had told them this before, but in
these words, he couldn't help but think of his relatives and how they
punished him whenever he showed signs of magic.

Aberforth continues she was never right again and ending with
but mostly she was sweet and scared and harmless:

Dumbledore eyes teared up as he listened to Aberforth talk of their

sister. He had never mentioned anything to do with their family to his
brother… it was a forever sore subject between them.

Aberforth continues ending with magic exploding out of her at

moments when she couldn't keep it in any longer:

Molly sobbed at this, as she leaned on Arthur's shoulder, she

couldn't think of one of her children going through something like that
and how heartbreaking it would be for her. She was sure that she
would have done the same as Kendra Dumbledore had done and
keep what happened a secret so the child would still be able to be
with family.

Aberforth says looking like a grubby schoolboy I was her


Dumbledore sighed, almost wishing he could talk to his brother so he

could see this. Of course, he knew that Aberforth was Ariana's
favorite… he had trouble looking at his sister after he had failed to
protect her… but Aberforth always treated her as he always had.

Aberforth continues with Albus looking after them and it did all
right for a few weeks before he came:

Dumbledore bowed to cover his head and his hands (he could tell
that everyone was trying not to look at him, though McGonagall had
grasped his shoulder in show of her support to him). His mind was
buzzing with the what if that he was always pledged whenever he
thought of this. Should he have let his brother stay with his sister…
they both would have been happy if that happened, but at the time it
was so important that Aberforth go to school. Then there was
Grindelwald.…. Argh… so many mistakes he made in concerns of

Aberforth continues ending with and if one young girl was

neglected, what did that matter when Albus was working for the
greater good:

Tears trickled down Dumbledore's cheek at the truth of these words

as he felt McGonagall's arms wrap around him. She thought it was
horrible that he was blaming himself for this when he was merely
eighteen. It was tragic of course, but it was a lot to handle for
someone that young.

Aberforth continues ending with then all three of us were

dueling and the flashing lights and the bands set her off, she
couldn't stand it:
Dumbledore knuckles turned white as he clutched his shoulder for all
it was worth as the pain of these words hit him. The yelling filled his
memories… the pain on his brother's face… the look of glee on
Grindelward's… his own hesitant and utter shock of what was
happening… and then… but that was a more painful thought than
any other.

Aberforth says and I don't know which of us did it, it could have
been any of us, and she was dead:

Everyone shuddered at the line ' it could have been any of us '
knowing that both brothers feared they might have actually been the
one to kill their sister.

His voice broke on the last word, and he dropped down into the
nearest chair. Hermione's face was wet with tears, and Ron was
almost as pale as Aberforth.

I course I was almost as pale, Ron thought, looking towards Ginny,

he couldn't imagine something like that ever happening to him… to
his family.

Aberforth continues ending with free of the burden of his sister,

free to become the greatest wizard of the… :

Dumbledore would have snorted at that if he could, but no such

notion would come from him in this moment. Still, the idea that he
would ever be free from what happened that day was preposterous.

"I think you need to speak to your brother about this Albus,"
McGonagall said softly, and yet firmly. When he didn't say anything,
though she knew he wouldn't, she added, "It has been far too many
years that you have blamed each other for this… I know it would be
difficult but you both might gain something from talking to one
another. Neither one of you have to suffer through this alone."

Dumbledore didn't answer that, but he knew that he was going to

have to give this some farther thought.
Harry says the night that your brother died, he drank a potion
that drom him out of his mind:

"Well, isn't that nice to know," Fred joke weakly, and read when no
one took any notice of this.

Harry says he thought he was back there with you and

Grindelwald, I know he did:

Everyone looked grave at that (though they tried not to look at

Dumbledore himself as they could tell he wouldn't want them to)
knowing from his continued shuddering and august state just how
much that would hurt him.

Aberforth say how can you be sure Poter that my brother was
more interested in the greater good than you, that you aren't
dispensable, just like my little sister:

Dumbledore felt a shot of anger that was quelled almost immediately

by grief at this statement.

Mentions a shard of ice seemed to pierce Harry's heart:

"You're not dispensable Harry," Dumbledore managed to say in a

weak and strain voice as he struggled to control it. This was not
helped by the fact that he knew at some point that the others would
believe he thought otherwise… it did not help that if certain things
had happened this would have been true.

Aberforth turns to Ariana's portrait and says you know what to


Dumbledore would have found this interesting, having always

wondered how his brother managed to get into the castle the few
times that it had happened, but it didn't really matter.

Mentions then the whole thing swang forward on the wall like a
little door, and the entrance to a real tunnel was revealed:
"Cool… it looks like we're going to find a new way in and out of the
castle," Fred grinned.

"I've never heard of one in the Hogshead!" Sirius added, with a touch
of excitement.

Mentions and out of it, his hair overgrown, his face cut, robes
ripped, clambered the real Neville Longbottom:

Several people gasped at the description Neville got.

"What happened to him?" Hermione worried about her friend.

"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll be proud of him for every scar and
cut he has," Fred said seriously for once.

Neville yells I knew you'd come, I knew it, Harry:

"That's the end of the chapter," Fred said, chuckling a little at

Neville's exclamation.

"Can I read," Hermione asked, wanting to read for herself what

happened to Neville.

"No way! The honor of reading after myself has to go to my beloved

twin," Fred said shaking his head.

"Er… that's not really making me want to read," George said making
a face at him, but opened the book Fred handed him anyway.
Chapter 30
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Thirty

The Lost Diadem

" The Lost Diadem," George read, and McGonagall looked

intrigued, and Dumbledore was able to note that the last Horcrux
was another founder's possession. "What's the Lost Diadem?"

"I've never heard of it before, but I'm going to assume it's the last
Horcrux," Remus said thoughtfully.

Describes Neville ending with one eye was swollen, gouge

marks on his face, and unkemptness suggested that he had
been living rough:

"Oh dear," Hermione sighed, not liking the sounds of that at all.

"I'm sure he's fine, Mione," Ron said firmly but if she looked at his
expression, she would have seen he was worried about their friend,

"And I'm sure he's got plenty of stories to tell now," Fred said.

"He was at Hogwarts!" McGonagall said in shock, she had never

seen a student this out of shape before. And one of her
Gryffindor's… she was seriously angry by this.

Nevilles says I knew you'd come, kept telling Seamus it was a

matter of time:

"Er… I think he believes you're here to fight," Ron said to Harry.

"It seems that way," Harry frowned, but this was not the place he
would choose to fight if he had to. He wouldn't want Hogwarts to be
the grounds for the biggest battle of the century. He wouldn't want to
be the grounds for any battle at all. Nor did he want the students
inside to be caught up in the fight that might take place here.

"It might not lead to that," Hermione said softly.

"Are you kidding me, of course it's going to lead to that," Draco said.
"There is no way that Potter is going to find whatever it is he's
looking for and get out of there without the Dark Lord finding out!"

"I hate to admit this, but he's probably right," Sirius sighed, he too
didn't want Hogwarts to be the sight of a battle like this promised to
be. His thoughts were shared by all the others but for Harry, Sirius
and Severus, who all thought of the castle as the first place that they
felt at home, it had more meaning to them.

Mentions Neville dismissed his injuries with a shake of the


"He's changed so much," Ginny said and everyone that knew him
nodded their head in agreement. Just by that simple movement they
could see a change in the once shy and clumsy boy.

Neville says Ab, there might be a couple more people on the


"It seems like Neville is calling in some reinforcements," Fred said,

seriously hoping that this would include himself.

Aberforth says couple more, there's a curfew and a

Caterwauling Charm on the whole village:

"Oh Dear," Molly paled, fearing for anyone (and she sincerely believe
that her children would be among them) that came to the town and
got caught by the Death Eaters there.
"Don't worry Mum, Neville's thought of that," George said sounding
impress as he continued to read.

Neville says I know that's why they'll be Apparating directly into

the bar:

"Brilliant!" Fred agreed with George's impressed tone. "No one would
know we're coming that way!"

"It certainly was good of him to think of that," Remus said smiling, he
believed probably more than most that Neville was capable of doing
great things and he was proud to see the boy was embracing that

Mentions the passageway had been there for years:

"It had to be there when Hogwarts was built!" Sirius said. "But I've
never heard of this passageway! Wow, you really do learn something
new every day."

"This is brilliant… Filch doesn't know about this place," Fred smiled.
"And it leads straight into a pub!"

"Unfortunately for you Mr. Weasley, that I know of this passageway,

too," McGonagall said sternly, and the grin on Fred's face fell.

"Well, of all the rotten luck," he grumbled.

Neville says never mind that stuff, is it true, did you break into

"How did they know that?!" Molly questioned.

"Obviously people must have noticed that something went on

there…" Remus said.

"And I'm sure everyone at Potterwatch would be happy to report

news such as this!" George chuckled.
Neville says what have you been doing, people say you've on
the run, Harry but I don't think so, I think you've been up to

"When is Potter not up to something," McGonagall said sternly.

"Usually over the summers I don't get into much trouble," Harry

"Yes, and all of my students were attacked by dementors over their

holiday," McGonagall pointed out.

"I said usually," Harry grumbled.

Neville says it's been, well it's not really like Hogwarts anymore:

Everyone sighed, they were actually enjoying the conversation so

far, but they knew that horrible things must be happening in the
castle, and they were about to find out about it.

Neville says they're in charge of all discipline, they like

punishment, the Carrows:

"How could you let them be in charge of discipline?" McGonagall

asked Severus.

"I doubt it was up to me," Severus sighed.

Neville says we're supposed to practice the Cruciatus Curse on

people who've earned detentions:

"WHAT?" McGonagall wasn't the only one to scream this time, just
about everyone was outraged by this. It was bad enough that they
would teach that curse at Hogwarts, but to actually have the students
use it on one another! How could they do that?

McGonagall started pacing the room in her anger and Dumbledore

was now looking at the book with pure loathing. He had imagined
things would be bad… it was hard to hear they would be this bad.
Neville pointed to a deep gash in his cheek and says that's how
I got this one, I refused to do it:

"Good for you Neville," just about everyone cheered for him.

"Don't let those slimy bastards push you around!" George added.

Neville says Crabbe and Goyle love it, first time they've ever
been top in anything, I expect:

"What about you Malfoy… I bet you're just loving it too?" Ron said

"If I were, don't you think Longbottom would have said so," Draco
said coldly. "I think I rank higher up than Crabbe and Goyle."

"Leave him alone, Ron, I honestly don't think Malfoy would like that,"
Harry said, thinking of the earlier chapter that showed that he didn't.

"Sorry… it's reflex," Ron sighed.

Neville says I got this one, for asking her how much Muggle
blood she and her brother have got:

"Brilliant!" the twins said together.

"I never knew he had a sense of humor!" George chuckled.

Ron says blimey, Neville, there's a time and a place for getting a
smart mouth:

"And this is both the time and place!" Charlie pointed out. "If you just
sit back and take things like this than things will only get worse… you
have to show those arrogant gits that they're not right!"

"Okay Charlie… take a deep breath and count to ten," Tonks

chuckled as Charlie turned red with rage.
Neville says the thing is, it helps when people stand up to them,
it gives everyone hope, I used to notice that when you did it,

Harry looked surprised at that.

"You really are good at that!" Ginny said. "Standing up to things and
giving us all hope!"

"Er… really?" Harry said.

"Of course, you are you dimbat… that's why you're the leader of our
little army!" George said.

"As leader, I order you to give me more respect!" Harry found himself

"Good luck with that one mate," Ron rolled his eyes.

Neville says they get taken hostage; old Xeno Lovegood was
giving a bit too outspoken, so they dragged Luna off the train:

Everyone frowned at the reminder of what had happened to Luna,

though at least they knew she was okay and safe right now.

Neville says yeah, I know, she managed to get a message to me:

"Really how?" Molly questioned.

"Maybe she knows how to send talking Patronus or something?"

Sirius shrugged.

"Does she even know how to do a Patronus?" Percy questioned,

looking doubtful.

"I think there's a high chance she does, Harry's going to be showing
us how to do Patronus when we get back," Ginny said. "I'm sure she
would pick it up."
Mentions from Neville's pocket he pulled a golden coin:

"Oh… never mind then, that makes a lot more sense," Hermione
said. "That's probably how he sent his message out too."

"On a coin?" Percy questioned.

"On one of the fake Galleons Hermione as put the Protean Charm
on so that we could send messages to one another," Ron said
looking at his girlfriend proudly.

"Oh… that's very good… wait," Percy said and then looked at
Hermione a little shocked. "You've already done this charm then!"

"Yes," Hermione said.

"That's a seventh-year charm!" Bill said.

"Yes, so I have been told by a few members of the DA," Hermione


"That's really impressive," Bill said, and Percy nodded his head,
looking a little put out… he couldn't have done that charm in his fifth

Neville says these have been great, the Carrows never knew
how we were communicating, it drove them mad, Snape hated

"But it's brilliant, how could you not like it!" Tonks asked.

"Because it will make my job of keeping the student safe that much
more difficult," Severus said curtly.

"He has a point," McGonagall sighed, she was happy that they would
stand up to this kind of injustice, but she had to admit that she rather
none of her students would get hurt.
Neville says we lost Luna at Christmas, and Ginny never came
back after Easter, and the three of us were sort of the leaders:

"Way to go little sister!" the twins cheered, and Molly moaned bitterly,

"Sorry Mum, but I have to do my part in keeping my peers' spirits

alive!" Ginny said.

"I just wonder how you three became the leaders," Remus said

"Oh, thanks Remus… I guess that means you don't think I can
handle this," Ginny pouted at him.

Remus chuckled at that, "Believe me, Ginny, I think nothing of the

kind. And I will add that I think Neville will, and has already shown
that he has, risen to the occasion perfectly. I was just wondering how
it came about that you three were placed above the others to be the

"Most confusing of which is Luna," George added. "Don't get me

wrong…" he said quickly for Ginny narrowed her eyes at him, "I think
she's proven to all of us that she's brilliant. I just… she's the odd girl
that sprouts out nonsense… how did she go from that to co-leader of
the DA."

"I think the answer lies in how she became so close to me," Harry
said honestly. "The way I think about her… well let's just say I think
she has my respect."

"Hm… that would do it," Fred said thoughtfully. "But I'm still curious
how she got it."

"We may never know, for through this book, I think she's already
earned it," Harry said.
Neville says that Michael Corner went and got caught releasing
a first-year they'd chained up:

McGonagall hissed at this, her eyes looked maddening as the words

first year they'd chained up, over and over again in her head. If the
Carrows had ever got near her in this reality, they would be greatly

Neville says and they tortured him pretty badly, that scared
people off:

Ginny winched at this; he was her current boyfriend after all.

Ron and the twins grimace at this, though they definitely don't like
this guy going out with their sister, they didn't want to hear that he
was being tortured. Especially not when it was for trying to help the
first years like this.

Neville says that's when they decided there was only one way to
stop me, and they went for Gran:

"Well, I feel sorry for whoever they send after her," Sirius said, he
had gotten on the wrong side of Mrs. Longbottom once (when he
was visiting Frank for an Order mission) and she scared the hell out
of him.

"You don't think she's in trouble?" Hermione said, looking worried.

"No… it would be like them sending someone to get McGonagall…

they would have to have an army to bring her down," Sirius said.

Hermione relaxed after that.

Neville says it worked really well, kidnapping kids, I suppose it

was only a matter of time before they did it the other way

"He has a point… you would do anything to keep your family safe,
even give yourself up," Draco said.
"And you won't," Harry questioned him with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, I would, Potter," Draco rolled his eyes.

Neville says Gran sent me a letter, telling me she was proud of

me, that I'm my parent's son, and to keep it up:

McGonagall knew that this must have meant a lot to Neville to hear
his grandmother said that, and she smiled herself at how confident
Neville had seem to become. She was also trying to think about a
way to make this confidence come out in this reality, too.

Mentions Harry could not recognize until he spoke Seamus's

face was bruised and puffy:

Harry frowned, Seamus was still under the impression that he was a
lying git and therefore Harry wasn't sure what to feel about him being
there. Still, he really didn't like to hear about him being hurt.

Seamus says Neville's really gets this room, you've got to ask
for exactly what you need, like, I don't want any Carrow
supporters to be able to get in:

"Mm…" Hermione said thoughtfully.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"I think we should try to do that…" Hermione said and when he still
looked at her confused, she added, "close the loopholes. I don't
know, but it just feels like it would be safer for us to make sure the
toad, or anyone else," her eyes traveled reflexively to Draco, "can't
barge in on us."

"But how would she even know what we're up to?" Harry questioned.

"I don't know," Hermione said uncomfortably. "But if we are caught…

it would be disastrous."

"And it's better to be safe than sorry," Tonks added.

Ron says yeah, well, food's one of the five exceptions to
Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration:

Everyone in the room was indeed looking at Ron in astonishment.

"What… Mione told me about this…" Ron said, his ears turning red.

"Yes, we remember Hermione telling you about this," Fred said.

"We're just surprised that you remembered it."

"But I supposed we shouldn't be," George added thoughtfully, "after

all it does involve food…"

"Ha, ha, very funny," Ron glared at them and everyone else that was

Seamus says the room makes more hammocks every time we

need room and even sprouted a pretty good bathroom once
girls started turning up:

"What the hell did they use before the girls turned up!" Tonks asked.

"I don't know," Charlie said, laughing alongside his brothers and

Harry says plan? Well, there's something we need to do, and

then we'll get out of here:

"They're not going to like hearing that," Fred mumbled.

"Of course not, they have no idea what war is really like," Molly
shook her head. "They wouldn't be so willing to fight if they knew
what was really going to happen."

"We might not know that, not completely," Fred said. "But if we did,
we would still be in that room."

"You're not in that room Fred," Charlie pointed out.

"But I will be," Fred said confidently. "I'm sure all of us will."

"Don't say that," Molly moaned, she couldn't bear it if one of her
children… no she couldn't even think it.

George started reading again.

Neville says then we'll help you:

"I think that might be a good idea," Hermione said thoughtfully.

"But…" Harry started to argue.

"No, she's right," Ron said. "Obviously we can't tell them

everything… but seeing as we have no idea what we're looking for or
where to find it, it might be useful to get some help."

Harry says we can't tell you, we've got to do it alone and Neville
asks why:

"Yeah, Harry, let us help you!" Fred said.

"You don't have to do everything on your own!" Ginny added.

"Helping me would only put them in danger," Harry said sadly, "I
would want to avoid that at all costs."

Nevills says everyone in here's proven they're loyal to

Dumbledore… loyal to you:

"Wow Harry, it looks like you've got real followers now," George
chuckled, but Harry frowned, he wasn't comfortable with the idea of
having people willing to fight with him… for him.

After Luna arrives Neville says I sent for her, I promised her and

"Hmph," Molly grimaced.

"Molly this is a good thing," Arthur said softly. "It means the Order will
know what is going on in the castle too… I have a feeling we will be

Michael Conner says you're going to leave us in this mess:

"Git," the twins grumbled.

"I thought you were on his side… you want to convince the trio to let
them help you," Sirius chuckled.

"Doesn't mean this guy isn't a git," Fred shrugged.

"You're just saying that because he's my boyfriend," Ginny rolled her

"What?!" Charlie said. "Oh, they're right, this guy is a git!"

"I actually think that suits you better Charlie bear," Tonks chuckled.

"Actually, I was saying that because this guy is talking to Harry as if

it's his fault Hogwarts is all messed up!" Fred said.

"Oh… then yeah, he is a bit of a git," Ginny chuckled, she was

finding it hard to remember how much she actually like Michael after
the realization that Harry could possibly like her.

Mentions Harry's heart seemed to fall when he saw Ginny was

now climbing through the hole in the wall:

Molly moaned at these words.

"Well, I'm glad you're happy to see me," Ginny grumbled.

"Gin… you're probably the last person I want to be there," Harry


"Because you want me to be safe," Ginny narrowed her eyes at him.

"I know it's wrong," Harry said not meeting her glare, "but that
doesn't mean I could stop myself from feeling that way."

"What I don't get is why you're okay with Ron and Hermione being in
danger and such, but you think I need to be sheltered from
everything," Ginny glared at him. "You can't tell me that you don't
care about them a great deal."

"Of course, I do," Harry said, "I don't think I would be able to stand
if… something happened to either of them. But they've always been
by my side… I think it would actually feel wrong if they weren't there
with me."


Mentions closely followed by Fred, George:

"Yeah… we're there," the twin said.

Again, Molly moaned at this, but this time she was also glaring at the
twins, "I can't believe that you two have brought your sister here!
What were you thinking!"

"Actually, it seems just as likely that Ginny was the one that informed
them," Remus said reasonably, "she was the one with the coin."

"We have coins too," the twins interrupted.

"Checking to see if she had a message sent to her by Neville,"

Remus continued.

"Be that as it may, it was very irresponsible of you to bring your

underage sister here!" Molly huffed.

Mentions that Ginny gave Harry a radiant smile, he had

forgotten, or had never fully appreciated how beautiful she was:

"Well, at least he thinks you're beautiful," Fleur pointed out and

Ginny couldn't stop herself from blushing.
Mentions that after Lee Jordan came Harry's old girlfriend Cho
Chang, she smiled at him:

This time Ginny grimaced.

"And he didn't mention how good she looks," Fleur pointed out again
and that modified Ginny's mood slightly.

Harry on the other hand felt a twist in his stomach at the mention of
Cho, but now he felt more confused than ever. He still liked Cho, he
could feel that, but he was starting to have feelings for Ginny… he
just wasn't sure what, yet.

Hermione says I think Ron's right, we need them, you don't

have to do everything alone, Harry:

"I do believe that we have already told you all this, young Harry, and
yet you insist on doing things by yourself," George said gravely.

"It's just what I'm used to," Harry shrugged. "I mean besides Ron and
Hermione; I don't really tell anyone anything."

"Why is that?" Sirius questioned.

"Oh… I tell you things too Sirius," Harry corrected himself.

"That's good to know," Sirius's grin seemed to prove how much he

really did like hearing Harry say that, "but I was actually asking why
you only tell them… and now me… things like this."

Harry was thoughtful for a long time before he said, "I'm not really
sure… but I supposed it has something to do with the fact I can trust
them with my life. I mean after you face a twelve-foot mountain troll
and survive to tell about it you sort of learn to trust each other."

"Mountain troll?" Sirius questioned.

"It's a long story," Harry sighed, "and the main thing that came out of
it was that we all became friends after that."
"I see," Sirius said and then asked, "Then how come you trust me so

Harry shrugged again, "you broke out of Azkaban just because you
thought Pettigrew would want to hurt me… I think that earns you
some trust."

Mentions but Dumbledor had trusted Snape, and where had that
led, to murder at the top of the highest tower:

Severus flinched at these words as everyone turned to look at him,

realizing as they did that their doubts about this man's loyalties had
vanished somewhere while reading this book.

Harry asks if anyone seen an object that might have belonged

to Ravenclaw and might have her eagle on it, and it was Luna
that answered:

"Of course, it was Luna that answered," Fred smiled. "That's

because she's the coolest Ravenclaw there is."

Luna says there's her lost diadem, I told you about it, daddy's
trying to duplicate it:

"Oh… so that crown thingy at the Lovegood was this lost diadem,"
Charlie said frowning.

"I would say that it wasn't a very good representation of the diadem,"
McGonagall frowned.

"Have you seen it then?" Harry asked hopeful.

"No, it has been lost for centuries, Potter," she answered.

Cho says Professor Flitwick says the diadem vanished with

Ravenclaw herself, people have looked but nobody's ever found
a trace of it:
"Well obviously they're wrong," Percy said. "It wouldn't be the
chapter title if the Horcrux wasn't this lost diadem."

"Well, obviously they don't know that Perce," Bill said, chuckling,
"seeing as they don't get the benefit of seeing the chapter titles."

Mentions but Harry cut across Luna:

"Don't be rude Harry," Fred glared at him.

"I don't think I have time to hear one of Luna's stories," Harry said,
slightly amused by Fred's defense of Luna.

Cho says if you want to see what the diadem's supposed to

look like, I could take you to our common room and show you,

"Hm… I think she's trying to make another move on you Harry, you
better watch out Ginny, you've got some competition now," George
said laughing as Harry and Ginny blushed. Ginny was also looking
very annoyed.

Harry says I'm going to go look at the statue, wait for me here
and keep, you know the other one safe:

"You aren't going to take us with you," Ron said looking


"It would be dangerous if four of us are wandering the halls," Harry

pointed out, looking uncomfortable with this too. After all, he had just
said that he trusts few people and though he liked Cho, it just wasn't
the same.

After Cho gets up Ginny says no Luna will take Harry, won't
you, Luna:

Everyone was laughing at that.

"Way to raise to the challenge Gin!" Sirius said.

"Thanks," Ginny said blushing again, and trying not to look too
pleased. Of course, this also had to do with the fact that Harry was
chuckling and didn't seem to be upset that she was interfering in who
gets to take him.

"I don't think I mind that much," Harry said, feeling somehow that he
did… or was it should… trust Luna to cover his back.

Mentions that Harry had prowled the castle at night before, but
never had so much depended on his safe passage through the

"And never had the danger been so high… you don't have to fear
detention if you get caught… you would likely be tortured and
definitely be handed over to Voldemort," Tonks said.

"Thanks, Tonks, for sharing all that with us," Charlie said and she
smiled at him sheepishly.

After Luna knocked and the eagle says which came first, the
phoenix or the flame:

"That's like the chicken and the egg," Hermione mumbled to herself.

"Why did it ask that?" Ron questioned.

"This is how you get into the Ravenclaw's common room,"

McGonagall explained.

"It asked you a question like this every time you have to get into the
common room," Hermione said excitedly.

"Yes… each time a different questioned, "McGonagall said a little

annoyed at Hermione's obvious excitement, you would think the girl
didn't like being Gryffindor with the look she was giving.

Harry asks what if you get it wrong and Luna says you have to
wait for someone to get it right, that way you learn:
"Yes, I do see," Hermione smiled.

"So, what's the answer to the question?" Ron asked.

"Well, if it's actually like the chicken in the egg, I would have to said
the chicken, because genetically speaking….:

"Oh, never mind," Ron cut her off, no one need a lecture about this
right now. Hermione glared at him.

Luna says I think the answer is that a circle has no beginning

and the voices says well-reasoned:

"Yes, that is a good answer," Hermione agreed.

"It doesn't sound like the one you would have given," Ron pointed

"You know Ron, now that she's actually your girlfriend, you might
want to stop pissing her off so much," Bill advised his youngest

Mentions that Alecto Carrow pressed a stubby forefinger to the

skull and snake branded on her forearm:

"NO!" everyone screamed this time.

"That was the end of the chapter," George said, and Ron reached
over and grabbed the book from him.
Chapter 31
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Thirty-One

The Sacking of Severus Snape

" The Sacking of Severus Snape," Ron said, and he was almost
able to smirk at this title (just because Snape was on their side after
all, didn't mean he couldn't enjoy hearing about this sacking),
however he was too worried about Harry to be able to enjoy this fully.

Harry has a vision ending with they have the boy:

"Well at least it looks like he went to the cave first," Remus said, but
he, nor anyone else in the room, looked relieved by this.

Mentions a loud bang brought Harry back and Luna says I've
never Stunned anyone except in our D.A. Lessons, that was
noisier than I thought it would be:

"Bloody brilliant!" Fred chuckled, "I'm glad you took her with you."

"Yeah, so am I," Ron said, but both he and Hermione were looking at
Harry in a way that clearly stated they would have preferred being
with him.

Mentions Luna's spell had woken Ravenclaws sleeping above:

"I don't think they'll mind at all after they see the state Carrow is in,"
George said.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they all cheered!" Fred added. "I know I
would have."
"Fred, you did cheer," Charlie pointed out chuckling himself.

A first-year says I think she might be dead:

"And this is coming from a Ravenclaw," Sirius shook his head. "I
always thought they were supposed to be smart."

"I think it was probably just wishful thinking," Remus pointed out.

Mentions Voldemort's mind, he had decided to make sure of the

locket before coming:

Everyone tensed at this.

"Sir, do you know how long it would take?" Remus asked


"I can't be sure," Dumbledore said. "But I would think within an hour."

"And Harry still doesn't know where this thing is hidden," Sirius

"Maybe Voldemort will think about it when he's heading to the

castle," Tonks said thoughtfully. "Then Harry would be able to see
where it's hidden."

"Yeah… maybe," Sirius said, a little hopeful of that.

"I really hope Harry thinks of it before then," Remus said, worried
about how close he would be at that time and knowing that every
second Harry had without Voldemort being near was precious.

The eagle asks where do Vanished objects go:

"Oh… that's so easy," Hermione said.

"Is it?" Ron said looking confused.

"Mr. Weasley you had just learned this three weeks ago,"
McGonagall said looking stern and slightly offended.

"O… right… um…" Ron said and did the only thing he could think of,
he started reading again.

I dunno, do I? Shut it!:

"I beg your pardon, Mr. Weasley!" McGonagall said looking deadly

"Ronald Weasley, I don't…" Molly started to reprimand but stopped

when Harry and Hermione started laughing as Ron held his hand up
in a defensive posture.

"I didn't… I was just reading…" Ron explained, as most the people in
the room started laughing too.

"Oh," McGonagall and Molly said, both blushing slightly, and

motioned for him to continue reading.

Mentions then there was a series of loud bangs, as if someone

was firing a gun into the door:

"Good luck with that," Sirius said knowledgeably, "it's not going to be
open by force, at least not by the likes of you."

"How do you know that?" Arthur asked.

"Because he tried to force his way into our common room," Harry
said. "He sliced up the Fat Lady portrait when she wouldn't let him

"Sirius, how could you do that," Molly said.

"I didn't mean to… I was just really mad…" Sirius sighed.

"Well at least that was better than the next time, when he really got
into our dorm…" Ron chuckled. "Pulling back the curtains with a
knife in his hand… that gave me nightmares for weeks!"

"What?" Molly narrowed her eyes at Sirius, "you held a knife at my


"Well… not really," Sirius said cowering at the look that Molly was
giving him (though he was able to shoot Ron a glare first). "I was
trying to get Wormtail… but the rat was already gone by than…."

Before Molly could say anything more, Ron started reading.

Mentions a second, most familiar voice says may I ask what you
are doing, Professor Carrow:

"Look McGonagall, you're in the story now!" Sirius said.

"How on earth do you know it's me!" McGonagall looked at him

sharply, she couldn't even tell from that one sentence.

"I just know," Sirius shrugged.

McGonagall says but isn't your sister in there:

"See… told you so," Sirius said smugly.

"I still don't get how you knew it was me," McGonagall mumbled, and
Sirius shrugged again.

Amycus says she ain't answering, you old besom:

"Hey… watch what you say!" Sirius growled and then looked to
Remus and asked, "what's a besom?"

"It's a woman of low moral standing," Remus said looking upset

about the comment as well.

The eagle asks where do vanished objects go:

"I think that she's going to find this one really difficult," Sirius sighed,
"I mean why would the Transfiguration Professor know where
Vanished objects go."

McGonagall rolled her eyes at this.

McGonagall says into none being, which is to say, everything:

"Oh… I do remember you saying something like that," Ron mumbled

to himself before he started reading again.

Amycus says what've they done, the little whelps, I'll Cruciate
the lot of them:

McGonagall started hissing again and several other people looked

furious at this announcement.

Amycus says he told us Potter might try and get inside

Ravenclaw Tower, and to send for him if we caught him:

"Which means that you're right about the Horcrux being the lost
diadem," Percy pointed out. "He would only place people here if he
believed that you already knew the connection with the object."

McGonagall says why would Harry Potter try to get inside

Ravenclaw Tower, Potter belongs in my House:

"Ah, Harry, I think she likes you," Fred teased, and both Harry and
McGonagall were looking embarrassed at this comment.

Mentions Harry heard a little stain of pride in her voice and

affection for Minerva McGonagall gushed up inside him:

"Of course, I'm proud of you being in my House, Potter," McGonagall

said and gave him a smile that was made a little awkward by her
embarrassment. Harry returned the smile just as awkwardly.

Mentions McGonagall stood up and her beady eyes swept the

room, twice they passed over the place where Harry and Luna

"Do you think that I might be there?" Harry questioned.

"Probably not, but I have learned you usually show up when I least
expect it," McGonagall said.

"Good job Harry," Sirius beamed.

Amycus says we can push it off on the kids, says they forced
her to press the Mark, he can punish them, couple of kids more
or less, what's the difference:

McGonagall looked murderous at this comment.

"I can't believe he said that in front of you," Sirius said. "I hope you
don't take any pity on him."

McGonagall looked angrier than ever, for she knew that she couldn't
actually do anything to him… not as long as the Death Eaters were
in this school her hands were tied. Still… she wasn't going to just let
this man get away with that.

Mentions Amycus spat in McGonagall's face:

"That Filthy little…" Sirius started shouting, as Remus, Harry and

Ron growled, the twins put their heads together and started
muttering something, Charlie cracked his knuckles menacingly,
Hermione and Ginny's eyes narrowed dangerously, and Molly

"It seems that you have had quite the effect on all your Gryffindors,
Minerva," Dumbledore said looking at everyone in the room, his own
eyes seemed to have been angered by what had just happened.
McGonagall smiled at all of them.

Mentions that Amycus spun around and Harry shouts Crucio:

"Harry!" several people gasped.

"I appreciate the help, but I would prefer it if you didn't use an
Unforgivable Curse," McGonagall started to say.

"The bastard was making life like hell for all of my friends at
Hogwarts… torturing them, and then he spits in your face!" Harry
said sharply. "Of course, I could not stand for that."

"And I think you did brilliantly," Sirius said, clapping him on the back.

Harry says I see what Bellatrix meant; you need to really mean

Harry shuddered slightly at this; he wasn't looking forward to really

wanting to cause someone pain like that. He didn't like the fact that
his book-self was able to use this curse with more ease now.

McGonagall says Potter, you're here, what, how:

"Oh yes… I can see that you're not surprised at all that Harry is
there," Sirius chuckled.

McGonagall says Potter, I that was very… gallant of you… but

don't you realize:

"Well, there you go Harry, you were being gallant!" George teased.

"I think he wants to be your knight in shiny armor, Professor," Fred


"Yeah, you better watch out Gin, you've got more competition now,
and she's not going to be scared off so easily," George chuckled.

"Idiots," Ginny rolled her eyes.

Harry thinks somehow her panic steady him:

"Why is it that you always seem to calm down when other people
panic?" Hermione questioned.
"I don't think it's when just anyone panics… just people like
McGonagall and… well, you," Harry said. "You're so calm most the
time that seeing you like this makes me focus more."

Luna asks oh, are we allowed to say the name now:

"She's right, you probably shouldn't have said that," Remus said.

"As if it would do anything… I don't care how much of a taboo is on

that word, it won't lower Hogwarts defenses," Sirius said.

"Sirius is right, there is too much magic in these halls to be effected

by that," Dumbledore said. "And Voldemort obviously already knows
that Harry is here, I don't see the harm of the name being said."

McGonagall says you must flee, now Potter, as quickly as you


"I'm disappointed in you McGonagall," Sirius said shaking his head.

"I want Potter to be safe, I do not know why he is here, only that he
is now in grave danger," McGonagall said hotly. "of course, I would
want him to run."

"So, what do you think he's doing there…" Sirius said and his lips
twitched, "he just showed up to curse someone that spat in your

McGonagall rolled her eyes and motioned for Ron to start reading

Harry says there's something hidden here that I'm supposed to

find, and it could be the diadem, if I could just speak to
Professor Flitwick:

"I don't think he will know any more about this than the rest of us,"
Dumbledore said thoughtfully.
"How am I supposed to find this if no one knows anything that could
help me," Harry grumbled.

McGonagall says Imperio:

"Well, it looks like some people aren't above using Unforgivable

Curses either," Draco pointed out.

"Honestly, if the Cruciatus Curse was being taught in class, I doubt

they are really any Unforgivable Curses," Hermione pointed out.

McGonagall says Potter, if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named:

"Come now Minerva, I would hope that you would start calling him
Voldemort by now," Remus said.

Mentions a wrath like physical pain blazed through Harry, and

when he looked down upon a basin and saw that no golden
locket lay safe beneath the surface:

"Hm… I wonder if he would have known the difference if the fake

locket was in there," Sirius mused, his expression was pained
because this made him think of the fate of his brother.

Harry says I'm here on Dumbledore's orders, we've got to get

the students out, it's me Voldemort wants but he won't care
about killing a few more or less:

"You're right, the Dark Lord wouldn't care about who he had to kill
now that he knows you are threatening him so much," Severus said.

"And I think you've said the magic words to getting McGonagall to

back you up," Remus said. "Dumbledore's orders!"

"You're probably right, Remus," McGonagall said.

McGonagall says I think so, we teachers are rather good at

magic, you know:
"Yes, they might know a thing or two about magic," Bill chuckled.

"But they're trying to stop the Dark Lord," Draco frowned. "I don't
think it matter how much you know… he wouldn't let that stop him
from getting in."

"Nor do I," McGonagall agreed. "But that doesn't mean that we can't
give Potter the time he needs to look for the Horcrux."

McGonagall says of course, something will have to be done

about Professor Snape:

Severus looked at McGonagall showing a slight amount of fear,

knowing he would not want to face her in a duel of any kind.
McGonagall on the other hand was thinking about Severus actually
being on their side, but she would have believed him to be an
enemy… she didn't think this would end well.

Mentions taking as many innocent people out of the way as

possible and then Harry explained about the passageway
leading into the Hog's Head:

"Good thinking Harry," Dumbledore said smiling at him, happy that

the students (especially the younger ones) wouldn't have to be part
of this fight.

Mentions McGonagall raised her wand and three silver cats with
spectacle markings around their eyes:

"You are your own Patronus!" Hermione said. "Is that how it always
works or is that for just you?"

"They tend to be the same," McGonagall said, "seeing as both

becoming an Animagus and creating a Patronus comes from the
traits you have there are bound to be similarities.

Mentions they had descended two more floors when another

set of quiet footsteps joined theirs:
"No…" Molly gasped.

"I don't think there are any enemies left in the castle at this moment,"
Dumbledore assured her, and everyone else that was looking wary
of this.

A low voice says it is I:

"It is I!" Sirius said shaking, "what kind of greeting is that? Whoever
said this, is an idiot."

Mentions from behind a suit of armor stepped Severus Snape:

"Ha, I was totally right," Sirius laughed as Severus scowled at him.

"This isn't good," McGonagall sighed, "You might have been right
about there not really being any enemy in the castle, Albus, but I'm
not going to see it that way."

"I wouldn't expect you to," Dumbledore sighed, it wasn't good when
they face each other like this.

Snape says I was under the impression that Alecto had

apprehended an intruder:

"Oh, he knows you're there, Harry," Sirius said warily this time. "You
couldn't possibly mean to capture Harry…."

"Of course not," Severus rolled his eyes.

"Then what are you doing?" Remus questioned but Severus didn't
have any answers to that.

McGonagall says you Death Eaters have your own private

means of communication, I forgot:

"Hm… I don't think you're being truthful," Sirius said.

"Albus… couldn't you have informed me somehow about what is
going on with Severus," McGonagall said, pinching the bridge of her

"I'm not sure," Dumbledore frowned, "I know that it is important that
Voldemort never finds out Severus's true motives. I therefore must
have thought it would be best if no one knew this. However, it seems
that right now, it would indeed have been better if you knew what
was going on."

Snape says I wonder what could have brought you out of our
bed at this late hour:

"Yeah Professor, why did you come to the Ravenclaw tower?" Fred
questioned. "How did you even hear the noises that was going on

"My room is located between both the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw

towers," McGonagall explained. It is so I can hear if either house
gets to… loud."

"I still don't get why you would be the one that has to deal with the
Ravenclaws," Fred said.

"My Gryffindors tend to be a lot more rowdy than the Ravenclaws,"

McGonagall explained and all the Gryffindors smiled at that. "I felt
that instead of having Filus have deal with this too, I would take on
both houses."

Snape says have you seen Harry Potter, Minerva, because if you
have, I must insist:

Dumbledore frowned at that wondering what Severus was going to

say. He had a feeling that it was something very important…
something that Harry might need to know, but it was unlikely that he
would get this.
Mentions McGonagall moved faster than Harry could have

"Well, it's nice to know you have confidence in me, Potter,"

McGonagall said stiffly.

"Believe me Professor, I do," Harry said looking at her with an almost

awed expression. "You must be really… really good."

Describes the dual between McGonagall and Snape ending with

Snape avoided them only by forcing the suit of armor in front of

"Wow… that was… awesome," Harry said, thinking that he would

have liked to see that in person. He was also thinking about how
impossible it was for him to do anything like that. How was he
supposed to defeat Voldemort if he couldn't even fight like this?

Flitwick says no, you'll do no more murder at Hogwarts:

Severus shivered at that… remembering of that he was supposed to

have had killed Dumbledore.

Mentions Snape was in full flight, and McGonagall, Flitwick and

Sprout chase them and McGonagall cried coward, COWARD:

"Honestly Minerva, what else do you expect me to do," Severus

asked. "I would not like to face you alone… but add Flitwick and
even Sprout and… well."

"I would not like to face you either Severus," McGonagall felt she
had to say.

McGonagall says he jumped and Harry says you mean he's


"She just said I jumped, do you really believe, Potter, that I would
throw myself from a window without the means of landing safely,"
Severus rolled his eyes.
"No… but we can wish," Ron answered for Harry with a grin, and the
twin, Sirius and Ginny all sniggered at that.

"Ronald, I don't want to hear you saying things like that," Hermione
said sternly, and Molly, who was about to say something similar to
that, nodded her head in agreement.

"Sorry," Ron said.

Mentions Harry says in the huge, bat like shape flying through
the darkness towards the perimeter wall:

"YOU CAN FLY!" several people yelled.

"You can teach me…" Charlie started to say, he really liked the idea
of flying.

"I don't know how to fly yet," Severus said stiffly, and several people
looked disappointed about that… obviously they wanted to learn how
to fly too.

Mentions that Slughorn had just caught up:

"Slughorn?" Harry said confused.

"What's he doing there?" the older people in the room said.

"He retired didn't he," Sirius said.

"Obviously, he has gone out of retirement," Dumbledore said.

"But he would have to be Potions Master," Remus said looking a

Severus. "And it's clear that Harry already knows Slughorn…."

"Yes, I think he would," Dumbledore agreed.

"Wow… does that mean that Snape would actually get what he
wants an was able to teach Defense?" Fred questioned and
Dumbledore looked thoughtful before nodding his head. "Well, isn't
that just bloody great!"

McGonagall says most must be evacuated, though if any of

those who are of age wish to stay and fight, I think they ought
to be given the chance:

"No!" Molly moaned but almost everyone else cheered for that news.

"I'm sorry Molly, but if they are adults, they should have the right to
choose," McGonagall said grimly. "I don't like this anymore than you
do, but we can't hold them back, no matter how much we want to."

"I know," Molly sighed, and she did, but that didn't mean that she
wanted someone that had just barely turned seventeen or eighteen
to fight… to die….

Flitwich a little extra wisdom never goes amiss, but I hardly

think it would be much use in this situation:

"I know it's important Harry, but this sounds like such a silly topic to
bring up at the moment," Hermione said.

"It's…" Harry started to say.

"I know, but I was just thinking about it from his point of view…"
Hermione shrugged.

Slughorn says he is bound to find a way in and anyone who has

tried to delay him will be in the most grievous peril:

"Argh… I supposed I should have realized this before now, but he's
the head of Slytherin isn't he," Ron grumbled.

"I'm sure he is," Dumbledore said.

"He's such a coward," Ron added.

"He can be," Dumbledore admitted, "but that is not all he is… I have
a feeling that Horace will be in this fight."

McGonagall says if you choose to leave with your students but

if you attempt sabotage or resistance hen we duel to kill:

"You don't actually believe he would do that, do you," Molly said, she
didn't particularly like Slughorn, but she had never saw him as
someone that would do something like this.

"No, but it is best that I warn him none the less," McGonagall said.

McGonagall says it's time for Slytherin House to decide upon its

"I thought they already had," George muttered to himself.

Filch says students out of bed, students in the corridors:

"Yes and considering these two students shouldn't even be in the

castle right now, I'm sure this is what you should be worrying about,"
Ginny rolled her eyes.

McGonagall says they're supposed to be you blithering idiot:

"GO MCGONAGALL!" Sirius, the Weasleys boys and Harry all


McGonagall says yes, Peeves, you fool, haven't you been

complaining about him for a quarter of a century, go and fetch
him, at once:

"How are you going to use Peeves, Professor?!" Sirius asked


"I'll probably ask him to cause as much mayhem as he can," she

shrugged. "It's about time that something good comes out of that."
"Ah, and you always said that there was no reason to keep him
around," Dumbledore commented his eyes twinkling.

McGonagall says and now, Piertotum Locomator:

"Good thinking, you will need their help," Dumbledore said.

"Who's help?" Harry questioned.

"The suits of armors," McGonagall said.

"Wow… cool," Harry said.

McGonagall says Hogwarts is threatened, man the boundaries,

protect us, do your duty on our school:

"Have they protected this school before?" Remus questioned.

"I have never had to use them before," McGonagall said.

"Nor, have I," Dumbledore added, "however, to answer your

questioned, yes, they have protected the school before now."

Mentions the crowds of students and he heard people saying

that was Potter, it was him, I swear, I just saw him:

"And I thought that I could have gotten through one year without
having to hear things like that," Harry sighed.

Severus looked at Harry oddly when he realized that he completely

believed that the boy was truly annoyed by this. When did that

Mentions that when he got back he noticed Kingsley, Lupin,

Oliver Wood, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Bill,
Fleur, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley:

"It seems we really have been informed about what's going on here,"
Arthur said, looking grave but pleased by this.
"Ah, are old Quidditch team together at last!" the twins said together.

"I'm not there," Charlie grumbled.

"Too bad Charlie, it looks like you're going to have to sit this one out,"
Fred chuckled.

"I'm not there either," Percy bowed his head; how much of a git was
he right now? Couldn't he see everything that's been happening in
this book… how wrong it is in the Ministry?

"I'm sure you will be there Perce," Fred said, completely serious this
time, "you're a prat, but you're no idiot."

"Thanks Fred," Percy smiled at his brother.

Mentions Lupin asks Harry, what's happening:

"I've made you godfather to my son and still you call me Lupin,"
Remus said shaking his head.

"Sorry," Harry chuckled.

Fred says we sent messages to the rest of Dumbledore's Army,

and the D.A. let the Order know, and it all kind of snowballed:

"That was very smart of you boys," Arthur said approvingly.

"Yes, I shudder to think what the battle will be like without the Order
being there," Remus added.

Dean says come on, Luna, and he held out his free hand and
she took it, following him back up the stairs:

"Hm… I wonder if those too like each other or something," George


"They're probably just friends… they spent all that time together at
Bill's place," Fred rolled his eyes.
"Oh… you seemed to be a bit annoyed by this," George smirked at
him, "could it be possible that you might…."

"Shut up George," Fred said his ears going slightly red, as everyone
in the room sniggered at him.

Molly says you're underage, I won't permit it, the boys yes, but
you you've got to go home:

Ginny groaned at this, and Molly shuddered. None of her children

should be here… if it was up to her, they wouldn't, but clearly it
wasn't up to her.

Molly says a teenager's gang:

"It's not a gang," Hermione said looking offended by that; it was her
idea after all to start the group in the first place. "It's a defense

"Gang sounds more impressive," George informed her.

"But that's not what we are!" Hermione huffed and he just shrugged.

Fred says a teenagers' gang that's about to take him on, which
no one else has dared to do:

"You said it, Fred!" several people cheered and the Fred in the
reading room took a bow.

"My future self is rather brilliant isn't he," Fred chuckled.

"It really makes you think about where he got the brains from," Percy
teased and Fred looked at him flabbergasted.

"Did you just tell a joke Perce?!" Fred said.

"I think he did…" George said looking equally frazzled by this.

"We haven't heard you tell a joke since you were twelve!"
"It just seemed like the right thing to say," Percy shrugged, his ear
was red from embarrassment, though he looked smug too.

Bill says Mom's right, Ginny:

"It doesn't matter how gently you say it Bill," Ginny huffed, glaring at

Bill gulped, he never heard that tone from Ginny directed at him

Bill says you can't do this, everyone underage will have to

leave, it's only right:

"I assume that isn't the case as long as she has her parent's
consent," Remus said.

"You think she should fight," Molly questioned him, and he gulped.

"I think it would be crueler of you to not let her fight!" Tonks
answered for him.

"Cruel!" Molly gasped and narrowed her eyes.

"I couldn't imagine not being in this fight after everything that she has
already been through," Tonks said. "Add to it what happened in this
book… I can see why she needs to be in this fight so much."

Ginny says I can't go home, my whole family's here, I can't

stand waiting there alone and not knowing and… :

Molly closed her eyes at this, knowing what if felt like to wait while
her loved ones were out fighting. She remembered hearing about
her brother's death too… remember how much she had wished in
that moment that she didn't just wait… that she had fought too. But
her children were so young then and she couldn't have fought. Her
children were still young now, but this time they were the ones in the
fight… there was no waiting for her this time.
Mentions Ginny's eyes met Harry's for the first time, and she
looked at him beseechingly, but he shook his head and she
turned away bitterly:

"Hmph!" Ginny huffed, dropping the hand that she just realized she's
been holding for quite some time now.

"I'm sorry," Harry sighed.

"Whatever, Harry," Ginny grumbled.

Ginny says fine, I'll say good-bye now, then… :

"Sneak back in when no one is looking," Fred finished her sentence

for her.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," Ginny smiled at him.

"Argh," Molly groaned.

Mentions that someone else had clambered out of the tunnel

and fallen, he pulled himself up, looked around through
lopsided horn-rimmed glasses:

"Told you Percy my boy, you've come to join the fight at last," Fred

Molly sighed, knowing how important it was for Percy to come back
now, before the actual end of the war, but it also meant that she had
another child to worry about.

Mentions Fleur broke the tension by turning to Remus and

saying, So, how is little Teddy:

"Oh… Good distraction Fleur!" Tonks beamed at her.

"I think someone wants to hear about their son," Sirius chuckled.

"She's not the only one," Remus said, his eyes were twinkling.
"I think we all want to hear about him," Harry chuckled.

"Speak for yourself," Severus and Draco said.

"He's part of your family too, Draco," Tonks pointed out to him.

Draco looked thoughtful at this and then shrugged, "I supposed."

Remus says here, I've got a picture:

"Oh… I wish we could see it," Tonks moaned.

Mentions a tiny baby with a tuft of bright turquoise hair, waving

fat fists at the camera:

"AW…" almost everyone in the room said, as they smiled.

Percy says I was a fool, I was an idiot, I was a pompous prat, I

was… :

"Keep going Percy… I think you were finally making some sense,"
George chuckled.

Fred says well, you can't say fairer than that, and held his hand
out to Percy:

"Thanks," Percy said looking at Fred with a smile. "For accepting me

back so easily."

"What are brothers for," Fred shrugged.

Mentions Mrs. Weasley burst into tears, she ran, pushed Fred
aside, and pulled Percy into a hug, while his eyes were on his

"Well, it's nice to see that you cared about me!" Fred huffed.

"Oh, be quiet, you know I care about all of you equally," Molly said.
"I've must have been worried sick about Percy over the years."
"I'm sorry," Percy bowed his head, hating that he had put his mum…
his dad… his entire family through so much.

Mentions Ginny had been attempting to sneak upstairs too:

"Of course, she had," Molly shook her head.

"I had to try," Ginny chuckled.

Arthur says that's a good idea, Ginny, you stay in this room,
you hear me:

"Yes Daddy, Ginny said innocently, but it was clear that she was
making plans to sneak out of the room…."

"Ronald, if you don't read the book correctly than someone else can
read it for you," Hermione said to him sternly.

"Sorry… I was just saying what I knew Ginny would be planning on

doing," Ron shrugged.

Harry asks where's Ron, where's Hermione:

Several people gasped, just realizing that the others weren't there.

Molly says they must have gone up the Great Hall already:

"As if," Hermione said, and Ron shook his head. "We would have
stayed by Harry as soon as he got back."

Ginny says they said something about a bathroom, not long

after you left:

"Maybe they wanted some private time to snog," Fred chuckled.

"I wish that was true," Ron sighed.

"Or maybe they really are going to the bathroom," Charlie said
chuckling. "It didn't sound like they had much time to do something
like that unless they relieved themselves on the dragon's back…."

"Charlie!" Molly reprimanded.

Mentions a vision and Voldemort was possessed of that cold,

cruel sense of purpose that preceded murder:

"Well, it looks like Voldemort is at Hogwarts at last," Sirius sighed,

and everyone looked nervous and tense.

"That was the end of the chapter," Ron said holding out the book and
Percy took it from him.
Chapter 32
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Thirty-Two

The Battle of Hogwarts

" The Battle of Hogwarts," Percy read in a grave voice and several
people groaned at this.

Mentions behind her the remaining teachers, including the

centaur, Firenze:

"Firenze is one of our professors?" Harry said.

"Who's Firenze?" Ron asked.

"He's the centaur that saved me from Voldemort in the Forbidden

Forest in our first year," Harry said.

"Oh, him…" Ron started to say.

"WHAT?!" a few people exclaimed.

"Er… I suppose I didn't tell any of you that," Harry smiled sheepishly.

"You mean that thing… that was the Dark Lord," Draco paled.

"Wait a second… are you telling me that you went into the Forbidden
Forest with this git," Fred said pointing at Draco.

"It's not like we had a choice, we were in detention," Harry said.

"What?" Molly exclaimed again and looked at McGonagall and
Dumbledore. "You gave them detention in the Forbidden Forest!"

"Hagrid had begged me to let him be the one to give them the
detention," McGonagall sighed, normally she wouldn't have listened
to something like that, but she knew she had been a little harsh on
the three of them and she thought this might have been something
they would want. "Believe me, if I knew what he was planning I
wouldn't have let this happen."

"Hmph!" Molly huffed.

"And yes, I believe that Firenze is going to become the Divination

Professor," Dumbledore said. "I have already talked to him and
asked if he would join our staff if, and apparently, I should say when,
Umbridge fire Sybill. I felt it prudent to have a backup seeing as we
don't want another Ministry employee inside our school."

"No… we definitely don't want that," Harry agreed darkly.

Ernie stood up and asked and what if we want to stay and fight:

"Ha… it's a Hufflepuff that offers to fight first! Take that Gryffindors!
Loyalty is better than bravery," Tonks cheered.

"Believe that if you must Tonks," Sirius said shaking his head. "But
everyone else knows the truth."

Mentions that Harry was still looking for Ron and Hermione:

"I don't think we're there," Hermione frowned. "Where are we?"

"In the bathroom supposedly," Ron shrugged, looking worried.

"But that doesn't make any sense… that can't be where we really
are," Hermione frowned. "We wouldn't have just disappeared like this
when Harry needs us."
"Well, then maybe you're in a special bathroom or something," Sirius

"Special bathroom… what does that even mean?" Percy said rolling
his eyes, but the trio were all looking at one another thoughtfully.

"You don't think that we would actually go there do you," Hermione

said to them.

"Go where?" Charlie asked.

"It would make sense," Harry said thoughtfully. "One of you must
have realized that we could destroy the Horcrux if you go there."

"Go where?" Charlie asked again, but this time he was joined by the
twins and Sirius.

"You're talking about the Chamber of Secrets, aren't you?" Ginny

said shivering.

"Yeah," the trio answered together.

"I see… that is a rather brilliant plan," Dumbledore said.

"What's the plan?" Charlie asked.

"I think we'll just let you see," Ron said smiling at him and Percy
chuckled as he started reading again (Charlie was looking rather
mad at the moment).

Voldemort says give me Harry Potter and they shall not be

harmed, I shall leave the school untouched, and you will be

"Does he honestly think that we would follow that nonsense?!"

McGonagall said. "We would not just hand over a student like that."

"Even if it would save more students if you did just hand him over,"
Draco questioned.
"It would not save anyone, Malfoy," McGonagall said coldly.

"I know, because Saint Potter is the only one that can kill the Dark
Lord," Draco said. "But what if he wasn't… would you still put one
student's safety above all the others."

"Yes, I would," McGonagall said. "It would not be right to hand

someone over, someone that is innocent and has done nothing
wrong. I would not want to put anyone else in harm's way if it could
be avoided, but that doesn't mean I would let this happen."

Mentions that every eye in the place seemed to have found


"I suppose we shall see what everyone else thinks about this," Draco
muttered to himself.

"I think most of them will agree with Minerva," Severus said. "They
have lived through a year under the Dark Lord's control and that is
enough for them to see that they don't like it."

Pansy says but he's there, Potter's there, someone grab him:

"You were saying Professor," Draco said.

Severus actually chuckled at this, "I was not thinking about my

Slytherins, they would likely have enjoyed all that was happening…
likely being treated better with the new change… I was talking about
the other houses."

"Yes, so was I," Draco admitted. "I would have thought that at least a
few of them would want to turn in Potter to save their own necks."

"As if," Tonks rolled her eyes.

Mentions the sound of the Slytherins trooping out on the other

side of the Hall:
"It doesn't sound like any of them are going to stay behind," Charlie

"And if they did, I would be worried about them actually being on the
Death Eater's side," Sirius said darkly.

Harry says where are Ron and Hermione:

"You really shouldn't have asked us that question Harry," Ginny said
seriously. "All it's going to do is make Mum and Dad worry."

"I was probably starting to panic myself," Harry sighed.

Kingsley says Remus, Arthur, and I will take groups into the

"He probably should have called him Lupin… everyone there would
have remembered you, but they wouldn't know the name Remus"
Hermione pointed out.

"I don't like the sound of that," Molly said squeezing her husband,
she had nearly lost him just a few days ago, she didn't want to think
about what might happen to him if he was going to be on the
grounds. That was going to be the first place they will be attacked…
probably the most dangerous too.

Kingsley says we'll need someone to defend the entrance or the

passageways into the school and Fred says sounds like a job
for us:

"Oh dear," Molly moaned again, that didn't sound any safer than
being on the grounds.

"But we're the ones that know the passageways best," Fred said to
his mum. "Of course, we would be the ones to guard them."

McGonagall says Potter, aren't you supposed to be looking for

"Honestly Harry, you have more important things to be doing than
just standing around," Hermione said.

"Hmph, well maybe if you didn't disappear on me, I wouldn't have

been just standing around," Harry huffed.

"It's not my fault you can't figure out where we are," Hermione
shrugged with a smirk.

Mentions that without Ron and Hermione to help him he could

not seem to marshal his ideas:

Ron and Hermione looked smug about this.

"I've told you before I can't do anything without you guys," Harry

Mentions that Harry couldn't see Ron or Hermione on the

Marauder's Map:

"That's assuming that we would be in the Room of Requirement,"

Hermione said.

"Which you might be," Remus said reasonably. "If you had returned
from wherever, you are, you would likely go back there because
that's, where you believe Harry would be."

"I suppose that's true," Hermione allowed. "But I think it's more likely
that we're in the Chamber… I doubt that's on the map and that's why
Harry can't see us."

Harry thinks Voldemort thought I'd go to Ravenclaw Tower:

"Yes, good reasoning Potter," Severus said, not realizing that he had
said it out loud until everyone turned to look at him. "Well, it was," he
added feeling unnerved by the looks he was getting.

"Oh, we know that we're just surprised that you can actually admit
that," Bill said with a chuckle.
Mentions how was it possible that Voldemort had found the
diadem that had eluded generations of Ravenclaws:

"Because the Dark Lord is more cunning than the Ravenclaws are,"
Severus said. "He can find things that no one else can."

Mentions no one had seen the diadem in living memory, in

living memory:

"You don't think the Gray Lady knows where the diadem is?"
McGonagall said looking astounded by this revelation.

"She might, she had been in this castle almost as long as it has
existed," Dumbledore said thoughtfully. "I know that many have
asked her about this, but she never answers them…"

Mentions beneath his fingers, Harry's eyes flew open again:

"Maybe you should always keep your eyes close Potter, you seem to
think better that way," Draco chuckled.

"Maybe you should come up with better insults, that one was kind of
lame," Harry commented.

"You're right, I'll try better next time," Draco sighed.

Mentions that Harry saw Zacharias Smith bowling over first

years to get to the front of the queue:

"What a bloody git!" Ginny hissed.

"Stupid coward!" Ron agreed.

"You really should let us use one of our products on him," Fred said.

"For insulting Dumbledore's Army like this," George added.

"This guy is in Dumbledore's Army?" Sirius said looking shocked. "Is

he not a Slytherin."
"As if," Draco rolled his eyes. "He's a Hufflepuff… worthless git, too."

"Hufflepuff huh, what were you saying Tonks?" Sirius said, turning to
Tonks with a smirk that was wiped off his face as soon as he looked
at her. She looked seriously angry at this behavior.

"That this guy doesn't deserve to be in our house," Tonks said. "He
shows none of the qualities that we take pride in!"

Harry says Nick, Nick, I need to talk to you:

"I thought you were going to talk to the Gray Lady, she would be
more helpful to you now," Remus said frowning.

"I don't even know who the Gray Lady is," Harry said. "I'll need Nick's
help to point her out."

"Oh… I don't think Nick is going to like that," Sirius chuckled.

Mentions that Nick pointed at a tall ghost who caught sight of

Harry looking at her, raised her eyebrows, and drifted away
through a solid wall:

"Mm… obviously she doesn't want to talk to you," Hermione said

thoughtfully. "I think she might know what we need to know."

Mentions Harry supposed the Gray Lady was beautiful, but she
also looked haughty and proud:

"I don't see how that stops her from being beautiful," Draco said.

"What's this… does little Draky have a crush on the Gray Lady,"
George teased.

"No," Draco huffed, his cheek turning pink, though he wasn't lying, it
was clear that everyone believed he was.

"I don't think that's it," Sirius said thoughtfully, "I bet he was thinking
about his mother… she always looked haughty and proud to me…."
"That's not it," Draco huffed again, but this time he was lying.

The Gray Lady says I am afraid that I cannot help you:

"Argh! That's annoying!" Ron huffed. "She obviously knows

something if she is smiling like that!"

Mentions it was a quarter to midnight:

Everyone got nervous about this, there was barely any time left for
him to find the Horcrux, and then he still had to find a means to
destroy the Horcruxes. Everyone was also thinking how unlikely it
was that they would be able to do that before the time the battle

The Gray Lady says it - it is not a question of… My mother's


"Mother's!" Several people said. "She's the daughter of Rowena."

"Hm… I always wondered if she was," Dumbledore said thoughtfully.

Percy didn't seem to really hear this, he was very interested in what
the Gray Lady had to say, so he continued to read.

Mentions the Gray Lady looked angry with herself:

"Of course, she does, that was something that she had kept secret
for centuries," Fred said. "She would hate that she just let it slip that

The Gray Lady says I doubt that it would greatly increase your
chances of defeating the wizard who calls himself Lord… :

"Was she going to say his name?" Ron asked surprised.

"It certainly seems that way," Dumbledore said.

"But I don't know why you're so shocked, she's dead, it's not like she
has anything to be afraid of now," Ginny said.

Mentions a since of hopelessness engulfed Harry, if she had

known anything she would have told Flitwick or Dumbledore,
who probably asked her:

"Well, I have not, but Filius definitely has," Dumbledore said. "But
that doesn't mean that she would have told him… or anyone else. I
have found her to be a very private person… I don't think she would
share information like this easily."

The Gray Lady says I stole the diadem from my mother:

"And I doubt anyone would want to admit to doing that," Draco

added thoughtfully.

Helena Ravenclaw (the Gray Lady) says I stole the diadem, I

sought to make myself cleverer, more important than my
mother, I ran away with it:

"That seems silly," Hermione said frowning.

"Yeah, well it has to be hard to live under her mother's shadow,"

Remus said. "Having one of the brightest witches to ever exist and to
have been so important in history… it would have been hard to
always been compared to that… expected to be great."

"You should keep that in mind Mione, for any kid of your is likely to
be feeling that way," Fred teased.

Helena says my mother never admitted that the diadem was

gone, she concealed her loss, my betrayal, even from the other

"Was that out of pride or because she didn't want the other to know
that her daughter was the one that did this," Bill mumbled.
"Why don't you ask the Gray Lady and see if she tells you," Charlie
suggested to his brother.

Helena says the baron was always a hot-tempered man, furious

at my refusal, jealous of my freedom, he stabbed me:

"Ouch… that really sucks," Fred said.

"That's kind of a pointless way to die," George added.

Helena says the Bloody Baron, yes:

"Merlin no wondered I've never liked the man," Sirius said.

"I thought it was enough that he was a Slytherin," Remus said.

"Well yeah, but still… you've got to hate the guy more for stabbing a
beautiful lady like this," Sirius shrugged.

Helena says a forest in Albania, a Lonely place I thought was far

beyond my mother's reach:

"Albania," Dumbledore sighed, shaking his head. He had always

known that there had to be some meaning behind Voldemort going
there when he was in his weakened state, but he never would have
imagined it was something like this.

Mentions Tom Riddle would certainly have understood Helena's

desire to possess fabulous objects to which she had little right:

A few people snorted at this in agreement to Harry's thoughts.

Mentions the diadem became his precious Horcrux, had not

been left in that lowly tree, no the diadem had been returned
secretly to its true home:

"But, put it where?" Bill asked.

"I have no idea," Harry said.

"I hope the Harry in the book knows more than you do," Fred said.

"Me too," Harry agreed.

"Do you really think he had to remove it from the hollow tree…
wouldn't it have been safer there than anywhere that Voldemort
could put it?" Hermione questioned. "I mean then at least it wouldn't
have too much connection with Voldemort."

"You have a point, but I don't believe that Voldemort would think that
a hollow tree held enough prestige to harbor a Horcrux,"
Dumbledore said.

Harry says the night he asked for a job:

"That is what I thought as well," Dumbledore said frowning.

"Er… what am I talking about," Harry said.

"Voldemort had desired a job at Hogwarts…" Dumbledore started to


"No way!" several people said paling at the very idea of that.

"I'm afraid it is true," Dumbledore said.

"What job did he want?" Fred questioned knowingly.

"Defense against the Dark Arts," Dumbledore said. "And yes, he is

the one that has hexed the job, which is why I've never had the
same Professor for that subject two years in a row."

Harry says but it was well worth trying to get the job, then he
might've got the chance to nick Gryffindor's sword as well,
thank you, thanks:

"Gryffindor's sword wasn't in my office until you pulled it out of the

hat," Dumbledore informed him. "And I think I might add that the
sorting hat was another of Gryffindor's possession so he might have
been after that as well."

"But the hat could think for itself, wouldn't it be foolish to make it one
of his Horcruxes," Hermione said.

"Yes, and I don't believe he would have ever actually used it,"
Dumbledore said. "But Voldemort has done many foolish things in
this book, one of which was making the Horcruxes in the first place,
so I wouldn't say he was above doing anything."

Mentions what hiding place had Tom Riddle discovered inside

Hogwarts Castle, that he believed would remain secret forever:

"The Chamber of Secrets," Ginny suggested.

"That is quite true," Dumbledore said thoughtfully.

"But you don't think it's there," Ginny observed.

"No, I don't think Voldemort would keep his secrets that he had
discovered in the same place," Dumbledore said. "Seeing as he
knew that if his diary was ever used that it would lead to the

Ginny shuddered, she didn't want to think about the diary or the
stupid Chamber. Harry grabbed her hand then and she felt herself

Harry says Hagrid:

"Yeah, Hagrid's there!" several people cheered, but Harry wasn't one
of them. It seemed like just about everyone he cared about was
there now… he was worried sick about losing one or more of them.

Hagrid says not exactly what I meant, but where's Ron and
"I do hope that Ron and Hermione show up soon," Molly mumbled,
she was really starting to get worried about them, and though she
knew they would likely be in more danger when they were back with
Harry, at least she would be able to hear about them.

Mentions the first casualties of the battle were already strewn

across the passage ahead:

This sentence has everyone tensing, wondering what he meant by

the first casualties and fearing that there would be people there.

Mentions the two stone gargoyles:

Oh, everyone let out a relieved breath, but they couldn't really
relax… they might not have been people this time, but there was no
way that this war would end without real casualties in the future.

Mentions as he reached the end of the passage, the memory of

a third stone effigy came back to him:

"What is this stone effigy that you're thinking about?" Fred


"I have no idea?" Harry said.

Mentions Harry knew, at last, where the Horcrux sat waiting for

"Well, it is a good thing that book Harry is smarter than you are,"
George said.

"I don't think smarter is the right word… just lived through more
adventures," Harry said.

"Fine, if you don't want to be smarter in the future, who am I to

argue," George chuckled.

Mentions Tom Riddle might have been arrogant enough to

assume that he had penetrated the deepest mysteries of
Hogwarts Castle:

"His arrogance truly has made him vulnerable," Remus said.

"Maybe so, but I daresay we all have weaknesses that we don't

realize are so strong," Dumbledore said.

Mentions by Professor Sprout, who was thundering pass

followed by Neville:

"Well, that's not really shocking, Neville will be able to handle the
plants almost as well as Sprout can," Ginny mumbled to herself.

Sir Cadrigan says braggarts and rogues, dogs and scoundrels,

drive them out, Harry Potter, see them off:

"Wow, I never thought I would say this, but I agree with Sir
Cadrigan," Fred said.

"Who's Sir Cadriagan?" Arthur questioned, though he was more

questioning about how all the younger students seem to know him
so well.

"He guarded out portrait hole after this git slashed the Fat Lady up,"
George said glaring at Sirius.

"Thanks a lot for that mate, that guy was nuts," Fred added.

"He really was," Percy said, "he would be constantly changing the
password, but he never listened to me or the Perfect about what they
should be," Percy grumbled.

Mentions found Fred and knot of students Lee Jordan and

Hannah Abbott, standing beside another empty plinth, that
concealed a secret passageway:

"Am I not there," George said.

"We probably had to split up," Fred said, and they looked at each
other and paled. They didn't like that idea one bit; they had always
assumed that they would be together when it came to a fight like

"Seeing as you are both the ones that know the castle passageway
so much, it would make sense that you would split up," Arthur said,
but an uneasy knot fell into his stomach, something that all the
Weasley seemed to be feeling, at this thought.

Mentions there were owls everywhere, and Mrs. Norris was

hissing and trying to bat them with her paws, not doubt to
return them to their proper place:

"Stupid cat," McGonagall shook her head, and everyone looked at

her oddly.

"You actually don't like a cat!" Sirius said shock.

"Are you telling me that you like all dogs?" McGonagall raised her

"Well… not all of them," Sirius admitted.

"Then it shouldn't be a surprise that I don't like this cat," McGonagall


Aberforth says I've had hundreds of kids thundering through

my pub, Potter:

"So, he came all the way here to yell at Harry," Fred chuckled.

"I think he has come to fight," Dumbledore smiled sadly.

Aberforth says attacking because they haven't handed you

over, yeah, I'm not deaf, the whole of Hogsmeade heard him:

"That was foolish of Voldemort," Bill said. "I'm sure there's more than
a few people in Hogsmeade that are fed up with the Death Eaters
being in their town all the time… they would want to fight too and
now he's told them."

"Do you really think that they would want to fight?" Fleur asked.
"That they wouldn't be afraid to help?"

"Oh, I'm sure they will be afraid," Bill allowed, "But I'm also sure that
they will want to fight."

Aberforth says never occurred to you to keep a few Slytherins

hostage, they are kids of Death Eaters you just sent to safety:

"He does have a point, the Death Eaters would have been more
cautious if we were still in the castle," Draco said.

"It wouldn't have stopped them," Severus said. "There are few that
would be willing to disobey the Dark Lord's orders.… his wrath would
have been terrible."

"Besides, it's not something I would do," Harry said. "I couldn't let
innocent people be held hostage just to give myself a shield."

"Mate, you just call the Slytherins innocent," Ron said to Harry.

"Er… I guess I did," Harry said a little shocked by that himself. "But
they are, aren't they? Most of them have never done anything. Sure,
they might grow up to be maniacs like their parents, but right now
they're just kids."

"Who are you and what have you don't with my best mate?!" Ron

Hermione rolled her eyes, "he right Ronald, there's no point in

blaming them for things they haven't done yet. Honestly, if we didn't
assume that they were all going to be rotten from the beginning then
the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin wouldn't have been as
strong and things might not have been this bad."
"Yeah, but the Slytherin's wouldn't have just left us alone," Ron rolled
his eyes. "You know that Malfoy picked all the fights with us… if he
didn't come at us, we wouldn't have even spoke to him."

"Oh yes I'm sure that's true," Severus rolled his eyes. "I'm sure…."

"Actually, he's right," Draco admitted. "I'm not sure if I started every
fight, but if not it's only one or two of them…."

"Hm… you're less like your father than I thought," Severus said to
Harry who looked like he had just been insulted (he was also
remembering Sirius saying that to him not too long ago).

"He means that as a compliment," Remus rolled his eyes. "James

and Sirius had a thing for cursing just about every Slytherin they
saw… especially Severus."

"And what about you Lupin, I seem to recall you being there a lot
too?" Severus said bitterly.

"If you had any brains at all you would have known that those times
you had more than a few of your buddies with you," Sirius said.

"The point is," Remus said speaking loudly as he held onto Sirius

"Did my dad really curse people just for being Slytherin," Harry

"That was mostly my idea," Sirius sighed. "I hated Slytherins… it

made me think about my family too much. I wouldn't say that James
was sad about this, but I'm the one that usually started the fight."

"Oh… right," Harry sighed and then he motioned Percy to continue


Mentions then he skidded around a final corner and yell of

mingled relief and fury he say them, Ron and Hermione:
"Oh, thank Merlin!" Molly said, and everyone else, especially Ron
and Hermione, looked relieved that they were there.

Mentions both with their arms full of large, curved, dirty yellow
objects, Ron with a broomstick under his arms:

"Well, we were definitely right about the Chamber," Ron chuckled.

"And it looks like it worked perfectly."

"Wait a second… how did you even get the Chamber open?" Ginny
asked. "You have to be a Parselmouth"

"Er…" Ron said, not having an answer to that.

"I think the best way to finding out how we did it is to have Percy
read," Hermione pointed out.

Hermione says it was Ron, all Ron's idea:

"Really," Ron said looking pleased.

Hermione says wasn't it absolutely brilliant, I said to Orn even if

we found the other one, how were we going to get rid of it, and
he thought of the basilisk:

"The basilisk!" several people gasped.

"Of course," Arthur said.

"You mean to tell me there's a basilisk corpse in the school

somewhere," Molly said to Dumbledore.

"Yes, I didn't know how to get down to the chamber, for I do not
speak Parseltongue and I didn't want to ask Harry to go down there
again," Dumbledore said. "But believe be that no student could have
just wondered across the basilisk my accident."

"Besides, it looks like it's a good thing that the basilisk is still down
there, we've needed it to destroy the Horcrux," Hermione said.
Harry asks but how did you get in there, you need to speak
Parseltongue and Hermione says he did:

"I spoke Parseltongue?!" Ron said looking shocked. "How?"

"Who knows Ronnie, the important thing is that you've really done a
brilliant job," Charlie said.

"Yeah, you definitely maximize your time wisely," Percy said.

"Finding a way of destroying the Horcruxes while Harry found out
where the other Horcrux was… that was very good."

"Thanks," Ron said, his ear bright red.

Ron made horrible hissing noise and says it's what you did to
open the locket:

"Oh," Ron said, yes, he would remember what Harry said that day…
everything about that event must have been burned on his

Hermione says he was amazing… Amazing:

"Well, it seems like you've really impressed her, Ronniekins," Fred

chuckled. "I think it's about time you make your move."

"I'll take that into advisement," Ron chuckled and wrapped his arm
around Hermione.

Ron says we're another Horcrux down, Hermione stabbed it,

thought she should, she hasn't had the pleasure yet:

"Oh yeah, I'm sure it was such a pleasure," Hermione rolled her

"Well, both me and Harry have destroyed one, it was time you got off
your pretty arse and stabbed one!" Ron chuckled as Hermione
looked affronted by his comment.
"Ronald Weasley, I don't want to hear that kind of language coming
out of your mouth," Molly reprimanded.

Harry says I know what the diadem looks like, and I know where
it is, he hid it exactly where I had my old Potions book:

"Why would I hide my old Potions book?" Harry said looking


Everyone seemed to be confused by this expect for Severus, he was

deep in thought. Could it be possible… is there a way that Harry
could have gotten his old Potion book. The one where he wrote all of
the spells that he had invented. He wouldn't have ever thought this,
but that would explain how Harry, and the other two, had known the
spells that he had invented.

Harry says where everyone's been hiding stuff for centuries, he

thought he was the only one to find it:

"If it's somewhere that everyone has been hiding things for centuries,
how could he be the only one to find it?" Fred questioned.

"If it's the Room of Requirements, it's possible for someone to find a
place to hide an object and then never find the room again," Harry
said. "I mean you two had hidden yourself in there, but you didn't
realize what it really was at the time."

"I supposed that's true," George admitted.

Come on." As the walls trembled again, he led the other two
back through the concealed entrance and down the staircase
into the Room of Requirement. It was empty except for three
women: Ginny, Tonks

Mentions the Room of requirements, it was empty except for

three women, Ginny, Tonks:

"What are you doing there?" Remus groaned.

"If you think I wouldn't be in this…" Tonks started.

"I know you would want to fight… but what about Teddy?" Remus
said to her, and Tonks anger faded.

"I don't think I could stand waiting for the fight when I know I can
help," Tonks said bowing her head. "It's just not in me Remus."

"I know," Remus sighed. "We're going to want to fight to make this a
better place for everyone… for our child."

"I'm worried too, Remus," Tonks said hugging him, she could hear
the wavering in his voice, he was afraid that he might lose her… or
that they might both die and Teddy would be alone.

Everyone seemed to be fearing that too, for Teddy Remus Lupin was
the reason they were all in this room, and what better motivation
would he need to want to change the future than if both his parents
had died….

Mentions and an elderly witch that Harry recognized as Neville's


"Well, that's good," McGonagall said, trying not to let her worry over
what might happen to Remus and Tonks affect her. "She would be a
good addition to the the fight."

Harry says Ginny, I'm sorry, but we need you to leave too, just
for a bit, then you can come back in:

"Well good luck getting me back in there Harry," Ginny chuckled.

"Argh," Molly groaned, but didn't make to argue.

Mentions Ginny looked simply delighted to leave her sanctuary:

"Of course, she did," Molly grumbled to herself. "Ginevera Weasley if

something happens to you in this book I swear you won't be able to
so much as talk loudly in the library without me punishing you."
Ginny sighed, knowing that was not an idle threat and prayed more
than ever that nothing would happen to her… she was baby quite
enough already.

Harry says and then you can come back in, you've got to come
back in:

A few people laughed at Harry's words.

"Sorry mate, but there is no way that's going to happen," Ron

chuckled. "I'm actually surprised that she was still in the room."

"I probably didn't realize the fighting had actually started," Ginny

Ron says the house-elves, they'll all be down in the kitchen,

won't they and Harry says you mean we ought to get them

They probably would be useful if they were persuaded to fight,

Remus thought, but to actually get them to fight against wizards
would be hard, it goes against their nature, and they would likely only
get themselves killed if they were in this fight.

Ron says no, I mean we should tell them to get out, we don't
want anymore Dobbies, do we, we can't order them to die for

Hermione turned to beam at Ron for that comment, but before she
could say anything Percy continued to read with a rather amused
tone in his voice.

Mentions Hermione flung her arms around his neck and kissed
him full on the mouth, Ron responded with such enthusiasm he
lifted Hermione off her feet:

Everyone was laughing happily (Molly let out a happy squeal seeing
the two together in the book now too) at this as Ron and Hermione
blushed but looked pleased. Again, Percy didn't let anyone interrupt
him as he read this scene.

Harry says is this the moment and when they only kissed more
he added oi, there's a war going on here:

"Oh, butt out of it Potter, can't you see the man is busy," Fred

"Yeah, Ron is finally getting some action and you have to go and ruin
it for him," George laughed.

"I think he's just lucky that you two weren't the ones that were there
when this happened," Ginny pointed out to them. "Who knows what
you would have done or said."

"To true," the twins laughed.

"Unsurprisingly it's Hermione that makes the first move," Fred said.

"I don't know, Ron had to know what talking about rescuing all the
house elves would have done to Hermione… I think the he might
have planned that out," Percy chuckled.

"Hm… I wonder if he had shown more support in spew that

Hermione would have done this sooner," George mused.

"Oh, shut up, all of you," Hermione grumbled, she was blushing from
all their comments. "Ron and I are already together so this is a moot
point. Now Percy would you kindly continue reading."

With the tone she was using, Percy realized that it was more of a
command than a request and he quickly started reading again.

Aberforth says Remus was dueling Dolohov, haven't seen him


Molly groaned at that… she hated Dolohov for what he had done to
her brother, and she worried what was going to happen to Remus…
Dolohov was a good dueler.

Tonks shivered in Remus's arms, and he tightened his grip around


Mentions they were in a place the size of a cathedral with its

towering walls built of objects hidden by thousands of long-
gone students:

"Merlin Harry… how are you going to find the diadem in there?!"
Charlie said.

"Apparently, I've actually found it already… I suppose I know where it

is," Harry said, looking slightly worried himself.

"It's no wonder that Voldemort thought it would be safe in here,"

Hermione said. "It would be near impossible to find anything in there
unless you know where it was."

Harry says he thought he was the only one, too bad for him I've
had to hide stuff in my time:

"That is odd, you had to have hidden the thing exactly where
Voldemort had," Hermione said frowning. "What are the chances of

"Near impossible I think," Remus said. "But Harry likes to show us all
at that anything is possible."

Dumbledore, however, was thoughtful, wondering if this had

something to do with Harry's connection with Voldemort… that
somehow, he was drawn to that spot.

Mentions that Crabbe and Goyle were standing there and

between their jeering faces he saw Draco Malfoy:

"YOU!" The younger Weasleys all yelled at Draco, who was looking
"What are you doing there?" Fred questioned.

"I thought you had realized by now that fighting for old Voldy wasn't
in your best interest," George added.

"Look, I don't know why I'm there," Draco said, and Percy started
reading before anything more could be said.

Draco says that's my wand you're holding, Potter:

Draco thought that might have made it easier for him to want to face
Harry… he must have been angry with the other boy for stealing his
wand. But still, he really wished that he wasn't here right now.

Mentions that Crabbe voice was surprisingly soft for such a

enormous person, Harry had hardly ever heard him speak

"And that's why he doesn't speak very often, he doesn't like to ruin
his image with a soft voice," Draco muttered but everyone just glared
at him, obviously angry about his interference.

Mentions Crabbe was speaking like a small child promised a

large bag of sweets:

"It seems like he's one of those enchanted by Voldemort and his
prestige," Remus said, "I would watch out Harry, people like this tend
to be madder than the normal supporters of Voldemort."

Mentions Harry couldn't believe that he was this close but was
going to be thwarted by Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle:

"That would be a horrible ending to the story," Ron said.

"I would have to agree with you," surprisingly Draco said, though
everyone thought that he was just saying that because he was
surrounded by so many people that didn't like him very much.
Draco says I virtually lived in the Room of Hidden Things all last
year, I know how to get in:

"What were you doing living in that room?" Fred questioned Draco.
"And couldn't you have come up with a better name than that… it
sounds stupid."

"I have no idea what this room is and I doubt I chose to call it that,"
Draco rolled his eyes.

Crabbe says it's Potter the Dark Lord wands, who cares about a

"Voldemort cares," Sirius said.

"But honestly, as a whole, I think he would be happy if this thing were

buried right now," Remus said, now hoping that Crabbe listened to

Draco says potter came in her to get it, so that must mean… :

"It must be getting hard and hard for you to disguise that," George
commented, "having to always be surrounded by people that are so
dimwitted must really suck."

Crabbe says must mean, who chare what you think, I don't take
your orders no more, Draco, you and you're dad are finished:

Draco looked shocked at this, Crabbe had never questioned him

before and now he was doing something like this.

A few people chuckled at this and Ron said, "you really have fallen
Malfoy if you can't even keep your lackies in order."

"This is not funny boy," Severus said, looking slightly pale. "Without
Draco instilling some common sense into Crabbe he is capable of
doing anything in this moment. I fear you might be in more danger
than you realize."
Percy decided he would start reading again as everyone seemed to
have grown more worried than ever after that statement.

Crabbe mimicked Ron, Harry, what's going on, no Potter,


Several people winched, now completely sure that Severus was

speaking the truth before.

Malfoy says stop, the Dark Lord wants him alive:

"Do you think that I might have gone in there to try and control
them…?" Draco asked Severus.

"I don't know… you would know yourself more than I do," Severus
answered. "It seems that you're not going to have much control over

Crabbe says but if I can I will, the Dark Lord wants him dead
anyways, what's the diff:

"Fool, the Dark Lord would kill you for killing Potter against his
orders," Severus said shaking his head.

"But his thinking is right, if your Dark Lord wasn't so stupid to have
issued orders like that, Harry would have been in like a hundred
times more danger than he already is," Sirius said. "So, I guess we
have to all be glad that Voldemort is an idiot."

Mentions a jet of light shot past Harry by inches: Hermione had

run around the corner behind him and sent a Stunning Spell
straight at Crabbe's head:

"Did you really have to send it so close to me," Harry grumbled.

"Sorry Harry," Hermione said.

"No, it was a good move, I doubt any of the others were expecting
it," Tonks said. "It was a clever move."
Mentions it only missed because Malfoy pulled him out of the

"Argh… Malfoy why the hell did you have to do that!" several people

"It's instincts," Draco mumbled. "You don't let your friends get curse."

No one could really argue with that, but they all still glared at him

Crabbe says it's that Mudblood, Avada Kedavra:

"NO!" everyone yelled, even Draco yelled and paled at this.

"I can't believe it…" Hermione said, truly shocked. Someone that she
had gone to school with for five years (and six in the book) had just
tried to kill her. Okay so they had been enemies all this time, but that
still didn't mean that she wanted to kill him… and she didn't think that
he wanted her dead either.

Percy started to read again, he wanted to know what happened next,

and he knew everyone else needed to know that too.

Mentions Harry saw Hermione dive aside:

Everyone let out a relieved breath, but Percy didn't pause in his

Mentions that Hermione charged toward them, hitting Goyle

with a Stunning Spell:

"Aim at Crabbe… he's the dangerous one," Charlie shouted.

"It's best to make sure that none of your enemies are around… they
could all be dangerous," Tonks said, "even if they are wand-less."

Mentions but Crabbe to have no control over what he had done,

flames of abnormal size were pursuing them:
"He didn't!" Severus said paling farther.

"What… what is happening?" Harry asked.

"If that is what I think it is you're all in terrible danger," Remus was
the one to answer this time. "You have to get out of there now before
the fire consumes everything in its path."

"If it is what we both fear it is, it matters little if they try to run… it will
not let them get away," Severus corrected and Remus paled seemed
to show he agree with him.

Mentions Draco grabbed the Stunned Goyle and dragged him


"I'm surprised that you didn't just leave him behind," Ron snapped at

Draco just looked at him coldly, though Crabbe and Goyle were
idiots they were still his friends, and he wouldn't just let one of them
lay there to die like this.

"Ron, stop it," Hermione said. "He obviously cares about his friends."

Hermione screamed what can we do:

Nothing, was the words going through the head of everyone that
knew of the fire, there was no stopping it once it started, and it would
let nothing get out of its grasp. Molly started crying as Percy kept
reading in a detached tone.

Mentions Harry could not see a trace of Malfoy Crabber, or

Goyle anywhere:

Draco shuddered at that wondering if he was going to die in this fire.

Though no one was particularly pleased with anyone of these boys

at the moment, none of them would want them to die like this, so
they were all giving him sympathetic looks.
Mentions what a terrible way to die, he had never wanted this:

"Gee, thanks for caring!" Draco snapped and Harry sighed.

"I'm sure if I could find you, I would save you," was all he could say
to that.

Mentions and he saw them, Malfoy with the unconscious Goyle,

the pair of them perched on a fragile tower of charred desks,
and Harry dived:

"You really are coming to save me!" Draco said astounded.

"I told you I would," Harry said looking at him, "I wouldn't want
anyone to die like that…"

"Even Voldemort?" Fred questioned.

"Well…" Harry shrugged.

"Harry is a true hero, he doesn't make judgments on who you are…

he does the right thing," Fleur said smiling at Harry.

"It's something to be proud of Harry," Remus smiled at him. "I know

your dad would have done the same thing."

"He did do the same thing," Sirius said looking down, thinking about
what had happened while he was still at school.

"Hmph," Severus huffed not seeming to agree with what Sirius said,
in his mind what James Potter had done at the time was to save his
friends and himself more than it saved Severus. However, what
Harry was doing now was far more gallant that he thought the boy
would show, risking his own life to save his rival, not having any
other motivating factors other than it being the right thing to do.

Ron yelled if we die for them, I'll kill you, Harry!:

"Well, it looks like Ronnie is being a reluctant hero too," Fred said.
"I knew Harry wouldn't leave them behind," Ron said, as he thought
what he would have done if Harry wasn't there. Would he have left
them? He knew it wasn't right… but they had just tried to kill him and
Hermione… still it was a horrible way to die.

"Harry's right, we had to save them," Hermione said firmly, she

agreed with Harry's actions completely.

Draco says what are you doing, the door's that way:

"Harry don't worry about that thing… it will be destroyed in the fire!"
Remus said.

"It will," Harry said.

"Yes, which is a good thing because you seem to have lost all the
basilisk fangs that Ron and Hermione brought," Remus said.

"Don't worry so much Remus, Harry is on a broom… there's no way

even killer flames could stop him on a broom," Sirius said.

Mentions Draco fell off the broom and lay facedown, gasping,
coughing, and retching:

"Thanks Potter," Draco said begrudgingly.

"All I ask is that you remember this, Malfoy," Harry said.

"I doubt I will forget any of this," Draco said seriously.

Draco says Crabbe and Ron says he's dead:

"Ron!" Hermione and Molly both said.

"Sorry… but he did just try to kill us all," Ron sighed.

Draco bowed his head as tears threatened to come at the loss of

one of his friends.
Harry says where's Ginny, she was here, she was supposed to
be going back into the Room of Requirement:

"You really want me to go back into that fiery room?" Ginny said to

"No… but that doesn't mean that I couldn't just wish for a different
room," Harry said.

"I'm not sure it would work," Dumbledore said.

"You mean you think the Room of Requirement is broken now,"

Harry said shocked.

"I not sure about that, but in the very least it will likely be unusable
for as long as the fire lasts," Dumbledore said.

Ron asks blimey do you recoon it'll still wor after that fire? Shall
we split up and look:

"No bloody way!" several people said.

"You three have to stick together!" Molly shouted, in a panic.

Mentions Harry felt the diadem vibrate violently then break

apart in his hand and he heard the faint scream of pain:

"Yes… one more Horcrux down!" everyone was able to cheer.

"That means there's just the snake and old Voldy himself," Fred said.

Dumbledore sighed, knowing that wasn't true, and wondering how

Harry was going to find out the truth… fearing how he was going to
deal with hearing that.

Hermione says Fiendfyre, it's one of the substances that

destroy Horcruxes, but I never would have used it, how did
Crabble know how to:
"Who knows but he was a fool to ever use something like this,"
Severus said, he was looking grave, he didn't like hearing about one
of his students being killed.

Mentions Fred and Percy had just backed into view, both of
them dueling masked and hooded men:

Molly's heart started to hammer painfully in her chest as she heard


Percy says hello, Minister, did I mention I'm resigning:

"Brilliant Perce!" the twins said together, smiling at their older brother
and Percy smiled back at them before he read again.

Mentions then he heard a terrible cry that pulled at his insides,

that expressed agony of a kind neither flame nor curse could

Molly sobbed bitterly, as she waited to hear which of her children had
died, for she knew that this cry could mean nothing else. Everyone
else seemed to have realized this as tears came to their eyes.

Percy was having trouble reading, his voice couldn't seem to form
words and Remus took the book from him, his own voice was shaky.

Mentions Harry stood, more frightened than he had been that

day, more frightened, perhaps, than he had been in his life:

Harry felt his insides going cold, didn't want any of the Weasley or
Hermione to be the one that… he couldn't finish that thought as
Remus's voice continued to read from a distance.

Someone shouts no, no Fred, no:


Everyone had said this, some had whispered it, some had screeched
on the top of their voice… some had said it in great denial, but
everyone said it.

Molly had immediately gone to grasp her true middle child in her
arms, holding him as tightly to her as she could, trying to make it so
this couldn't be true. Trying to remind herself that it wasn't true.

George didn't move a muscle, he just looked at Fred with wide eyes,
his eyes seemed to have been beyond fear or sorrow, but showed
the great loss he would feel if Fred was ever to be taken. Fred in
return didn't take is eyes off his twin, and horrible sickening feeling
going through him not for his own lost, but for his twin that would
now always feel the pain of this. For he knew exactly how George
would feel if he was gone… it was the same way he would…
empty… loss of identity… loss of his best friend, brother, other half.

All the Weasleys seemed to be swarming around Fred now, one

massive hug embracing him. It was Ginny that went to George and
hugged him. She was trying to whisper comforting words in his ear
that this wasn't going to happen, that they were going to protect Fred
this time around. He hugged his little sister back, his arms starting to
shiver as he felt hot tears roll down his eyes.

As the Weasleys hugged each other, the others in the room cried as
well. Harry shoulders shuddered as he cried. Fred and George had
always been nice to him, had always stuck up for him, had always
been there to tell a joke and now that was gone. He felt as if he lost
a brother, it might not have been as painful as if it was actually Ron
that was gone, but it was painful enough.

Hermione wrapped her arms around him, she was crying too, and he
knew she felt the same way about this as he did. He held her tightly
as his eyes traveled to where Ron was with his family, the pain in his
best mate's eyes cutting through him and he looked way. He couldn't
look at the Weasleys as they thought of the lost that could happen in
the future. He pulled Hermione closer to him though, as they both
Mentions Fred's eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his
last laugh still etched upon his face:

It was a while before Remus was able to read these last words of the
chapter, and hardly anyone was able to hear as their thoughts
lingered on Fred's fate. His own face was tear stained at the loss of
one of the brilliant pranksters that he had been fortunate enough to
teach. Tonks was crying in his chest as well as Sirius bowed his

"That was the end of the chapter," Remus said, getting up and
motioning from everyone to leave the Weasleys to their grief, this
was the last chapter they need to read for the night.

Remus, Sirius, Tonks, McGonagall who was being supported by

Dumbledore for she was sobbing too, Severus and Draco got up to
leave immediately.

Fleur stayed behind uncertainly, but Bill had held out his hand to her
and she moved to hug him, and he pulled her closely to him.

Harry and Hermione didn't seem to have noticed what Remus had
said, but that turned out to be a good thing for when Ron joined them
back on the couch Hermione was able to offer him some comfort.
Feeling suddenly out of place Harry was about to leave, but Ginny
had joined them, and he found himself comforting her as much as he
could as she cried on his shoulder. He looked over to where Molly
still sat holding not only Fred but also George, a heart-breaking
expression on her face. Arthur was sitting there too, his face seemed
more determined than anything else, that he wasn't going to let this
happen. Charlie and Percy were sitting close to them as well,
Charlie's arms around Percy, both of whom seemed to be crying.

He looked back down at Ginny and pulled her close to him, he too
was determined to make sure the Weasleys never had to go through
a grief like this in the future.
Chapter 33
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Thirty-Three

The Elder Wand

The Weasleys had stayed in the reading room a long time after this,
not talking but all being somewhat comforted by their family being
there. In fact, they had stayed in that room together throughout the
night, beds seemed to have formed around them just when they
needed them to. It was late in the morning when Remus came into
the room looking grave, and asked everyone if they were ready to

"I think we really need to," Arthur said, his voice slightly detached.
"We need to hear how this end, so we know how to prevent this."

Everyone nodded their heads and went to get ready for the day and
ate breakfast, though none of them were that hungry.

It was nearly an hour later that everyone returned to the room they
were reading again, and everyone looked at the book as if it was
poisonous, none of them wanting to touch it.

"I think I will read," Fleur said, knowing that out of every that was left
to read had known and loved Fred and were likely to grieved to do
so. "The Elder Wand."

Mentions that Harry's mind was in free fall unable to grasp the
impossible, because Fred Weasley could not be dead, all his
senses must be lying:
"It's nice to know you care so much," Fred said in a completely
forced voice, he knew it was up to him, and him alone to cheer up
his family. His mum's arms was pulling him closer. He had let her
hold him knowing that she needed it.

"Of course, I do," Harry said in a thick voice, his fist clenched, the
pain in his chest strengthening as he heard his own thoughts on
what was going on.

Harry says get down as more curses flew through the night but
Percy lay across Fred's body, shielding it from further harm:

"Percy," Fred groaned.

"Don't even said it F-fred!" Percy choked the words out it was painful
thinking of this.

"No… you don't!" Fred said loudly. "I don't want you getting hurt
because of me!"

Fleur started reading again before Percy could try and argue.

Ron says with tears and tries to seize Percy's shoulder but his
brother wouldn't budge, Percy, you can't do anything for him,
we're going to… :

Ron shuddered, it felt heartless of him to say that.

"You're right Ron!" Fred informed him.

Mentions a giant spider was trying to climb through the hole in

the wall:

Ron didn't even seem to care about this at the moment, he didn't
have the energy to waste on his fear.

Molly on the other hand was shuddering, terrified of what would

happen to her other children if they stayed here.
Mentions that Harry seized Fred's body under the armpit and
Percy, stopped clinging to the body and helped:

"You don't…" Fred started to say.

"Percy wasn't going to leave you there," Harry said in a detached

voice, "I don't think he could… I don't think I could either…."

Fred nodded his head. It wasn't like he wasn't grateful that they were
doing this, he was glad that they cared about him, he just didn't want
any of them to get hurt because of him. Not when it was pointless,
because he could not be saved no matter what they did.

Mentions that they placed him in a niche and Harry couldn't

bear to look at Fred a second longer than he had to:

"What, my face is too ugly for you," Fred attempted again to joke, it
wasn't very funny of course, and he didn't expect anyone to laugh,
but if he didn't joke no one else would and his family would stay

Mentions Rounding the corner, Percy roars ROOKWOOD and

then sprinted off in the direction of the man:

"Oh dear," Molly said in a wobbly voice, she had not stopped crying
since she heard of what would have happened to her son if not for
this book. Now she was worried about Percy acting rashly in his
grief… she could not bear to lose another son in these books.

Mentions that Hermione pulled Ron behind a tapestry and Harry

thought that they embraced again, but then he saw she was
trying to restrain Ron:

"Why are you stopping me?!" Ron demanded in a maddening voice.

"Because we have a job to do!" Hermione answered, squeezing him

tightly, truly worried about what would happen if she let him go. He
would face every Death Eater in his way and there was the high
possibility that he would get himself killed.

"Harry can do the job!" Ron said, angrier than ever, knowing that his
pain wouldn't be quelled unless he was doing something useful.

"And Harry needs you both with him to do this," Sirius said gravely.
"You three have always been stronger when you are together, you
need to stick together!"

Ron gritted his teeth but nodded his head.

Mentions Harry knew how Ron felt, pursuing another Horcrux

couldn't bring the satisfaction of revenge:

"No… it can't, but unfortunately you don't have the luxury of being
able to think about revenge," Severus said. "It's painful and hard to
bear but your job is more important than your revenge."

Hermione says we will fight, we'll have to, to reach the snake,
but what we're supposed to be doing, we're the only ones who
can end it:

"Don't you care at all about what happened… don't you want
revenge!" George asked, his eyes were boring into Hermione in a
hollow and yet angry way. He didn't seem to be himself at all.

"Of course," Hermione said, her eyes watering at the sight of

George. "I just…."

"Don't mind him Mione," Fred said as he put a hand on George's

shoulder and squeezed hard. George closed his eyes and started
breathing heavily. "We both know that you care… You just have to be
the voice of reason," he paused and frowned at George, normal he
would have cut in by now, finishing his thoughts. He sighed and said,
"… We know you're right," George said slowly, his hesitation coming
from realizing in the book there would be no Fred to start or finish his

Hermione says you need to find out where Voldemort is,

because he'll have the snake with him, do it, Harry, look inside

"See how worked up she is about me, she's even allowing Harry to
go into Voldemort's mind," Fred said, and George nodded his head.

Mentions Voldemort was standing in the middle of a desolate

but strangely familiar room:

"The Shrieking Shack!" Ron growled. "He's bloody sitting around in

the Shrieking Shack while everyone is fighting and dying because of

"I know this is hard to take, but it is good that he is not fighting,"
Dumbledore said gravely as several of the Weasleys turned to glare
at him. Even more people were angered by this fact too, but they
didn't glare at Dumbledore. "There would only be more destruction if
he was in the fight too."

Voldemort says if your son is dead, Lucius, it is not my fault, he

didn't come to join me like the rest of the Slytherins, he has
decided to befriend Harry Potter:

"No… he was trying to capture Harry!" Charlie snapped glaring at the

boy in question.

"Just leave him alone," Harry said distantly, "the Draco in the book
has paid for that and this Draco hasn't done anything."

Draco looked at Harry oddly, not only was Harry defending him, but
he called him Draco, not Malfoy.
Voldemort say before the night is out, Potter will have come to
find me:

Everyone looked at Harry and wondered what Voldemort had meant

for that. Did he know that Harry was trying to find him to destroy
Nagini or was it some other reason.

Voldemort says go and fetch Snape:

"What does he want with me?" Severus said looking terrified.

Dumbledore's eyes widen a little too as he looked at Severus.

"What is it Dumbledore?" Severus asked, preparing himself for the


"I'm not sure yet," Dumbledore sighed.

"Don't give me that! I want to know!" Severus said and Dumbledore

closed his eyes.

"It's what you think," he said gravely. "I'm sorry Severus."

Severus sighed and motioned for Fleur to read on. So, he was going
to die for his mission after all. He felt his stomach drop at the thought
of that and all he could think of is that Voldemort had better pay for
his crimes too.

Mentions the great thick snake, now suspended in midair,

within the enchanted, protected by a glittering cage and a tank:

"Is there any way I can break through that?" Harry asked

"I'm not sure Harry," Dumbledore said gravely, "but I think it would be
very difficult to do. Voldemort's magic is not something to trifle with."

"So how am I going to be able to kill the snake?" Harry asked and
Dumbledore sighed but didn't answer.
Ron says you stay here and look after Hermione, and I'll go and
get it:

"What?!" Molly said in the are you crazy sort of tone, or at least it
would have been if she could put any emotion in her voice. "You
have to stick together."

"We will," the trio answered together.

"But that doesn't mean we don't want the others to be safe,"

Hermione added.

Ron snarled at Hermione don't even think about it:

"Why is that I get snarled at for something you both try to offer,"
Hermione questioned, narrowing her eyes at the two boys. "Do you
think I'm less likely to be able to protect myself."

"Don't be ridiculous Hermione," Harry rolled his eyes.

Mentions Professor McGonagall shepherded a herd of galloping

desks, and as she turned the corner, they heard her scream,

This description had some people chuckling and even a few of the
Weasleys were able to smile at this.

"I always knew there had to be a good use for desks, thanks for
showing me it, Professor," Fred was actually able to laugh at his own
joke his time, though none of his family seemed able to join him yet.

Mentions he threw the Cloak over the three of them, large

though they were:

"Are you calling me large Harry?!" Hermione said indignantly, or at

least trying vainly to sound like that.

"Well…" Harry said and then shrugged, he knew she was trying to
act normal, and he knew that he had to try to do that too.
Mentions Dean had won himself a wand, for he was face-to-face
with Dolohov:

Tonks gasped; Dolohov had been said to be fighting Remus… what

happened to Remus!

Remus closed his eyes, having similar thoughts and wrapped his
arms around her, hoping he was wrong about his own fate.

Mentions Dolohov attempted to retaliate, and Parvati shot a

Body Bind Curse at him:

"Good move, way to cover each other's backs," Fred said, and he
felt George shudder at that.

All George could think of in that moment was that he wasn't there for
Fred when he needed him… he felt Fred's hand squeeze his
shoulder again and he reminded himself that Fred was okay and that
he was never going to let his twin's back go uncover in the future.

Draco says I'm Draco Malfoy, I'm on your side:

"Coward, trying to run to safety now!" Ron grumbled.

"I have no wand and there is no safe place to go…" Draco said. "It's
not like I could even fight if I wanted to."

After Ron punched Draco, he says and that's the second time
we've saved your life, you two-faced bastard:

Ron chuckled, he wouldn't mind if he could actually do that.

"You said it Ron," Fred chuckled too. "That must have made you feel
a bit better!"

"Yeah… a bit," Ron said smiling, and when he looked at Fred, he

kept smiling reminding himself that Fred was okay.
Mentions that Harry directed a Stunning Spell toward the
masked Death Eater; it missed but nearly hit Neville:

"You should have listened to your own thoughts than Harry my boy,"
Fred said shaking his head. "It was too crowded in there for you to
fight and you were just as likely to hit your own side!"

Mentions glass shattered on the left, and the Slytherin

hourglass that had recorded House points spilled its emeralds

"Hm… the Slytherin hourglass is dying, should we take that as a sign

that Voldemort is going to die too," Charlie said darkly.

"I hope so," Bill agreed.

Mentions a crystal ball fell on top of Greyback's head and

Trelawney says I have more, more for any who want them:

"It looks like Trelawney has found an effective use for her crystal
balls at last," Dumbledore said with a twitch of his mouth.

"It seems like he's the werewolf that should have been afraid of
crystal balls, ah sir?" Ron said to Remus with a smirk.

Remus actually chuckled, remembering the rumors going around

when he taught that his boggart was a crystal ball. "I suppose so. "

Harry says HAGRID, NO and then he forgot everything else:

"Harry!" Hermione moaned.

"I can't help it," Harry groaned himself. "I don't want anything to
happen to him…."

"I know Harry," Hermione his biting her lip, she didn't want anything
to happen either but she was afraid of what might happen to Harry if
he goes running after Hagrid like this.
Mentions Hagrid vanished amongst the spiders:

"NO!" Harry and several others shouted.

Draco thought it would be almost fitting that he was taken by some of

the beast that he surely loved, but was wise enough not to say it out

Mentions Harry heard someone calling his own name, whether

friend or foe he did not care:

"Harry!" Hermione wasn't the only one that moaned this time, it
seemed like several people were worried about the fact that he was
drawing attention to himself and didn't even care about it.

"He was the first person that was ever nice to me… ever showed
signs that he cared," Harry said looking down at his hands, one that
was being held by Hermione and the other by Ginny.

Ron says don't, Stun him and he'll crush half the castle:

"As if a single stun would work on a giant," Draco said rolling his eye.

"I doubt all three of you working together would even penetrate it's
thick skin," Bill added.

Someone says HAGGER?:

"What's hagger?" Fred asked, but no one knew the answer to that.

Mentions Grawp came lurching around the corner of the castle;

"Oh… I think Hagger might be Hagrid," Hermione said.

"It probably does," Harry said trying to catch his breath, he was
worrying about Hagrid, he didn't want anything to happen to him. He
was sure that this Grawp giant cared about Hagrid a lot.
Mentions that Grawp launched himself at the other giant at each
other with the savagery of lions:

"It might be good that Grawp stopped him, but I won't want to be
anywhere near these two giants fighting," Fred said.

Molly moaned her agreement at that as she silently prayed the trio
would get as far from these giants as possible.

Mentions the air around them had frozen:

"No! Not the dementors!" Sirius groaned, for he knew how strong the
dementors powers were when you were already grieving. How much
more strength it took to come up with the will to fight them off.

Everyone else was worried about this too, though only a few of them
could guess how truly difficult it was to face a dementor.

Mentions Harry raised his wand, but a dull hopelessness was

spreading throughout him, how many more lay dead that he did
not yet know about:

Everyone shuddered at that… they didn't want to hear about more

people that had lost their lives in this fight. Molly pulled Fred closer to
her in her fright that she might actually lose more of her family, and
as a firm reminder that this wasn't going to happen.

Mentions Harry own wand trembled in his hand and he almost

welcomed the oncoming oblivion, the promise of nothing, of no

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Ginny shouted and Harry nearly fell out
of his chair at the sudden loud voice that was so close to him. "You
are never to think that, Harry!" she added in a quieter voice, but her
fists were shaking and she was glaring at him furiously. "You are
never to give up! Do you hear me, Harry!"
Harry gulped and then nodded his head, all the while looking at her
with a terrified expression.

"I couldn't have said that better myself," Hermione smiled at Ginny
and then gave Harry a sharp look.

Mentions a silver hare, a boar and a fox and Luna, Ernie and

"Thank Merlin they came!" Molly muttered and other looked relieved.

Mentions with great effort the stag burst from the wand and
cantered forward and the dementors scattered in earnest:

"Hm… did they scatter like that before there was one to many
Patronuses there?" Bill wondered. "Or was it because Harry's
Patronus was more powerful than the others."

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of Harry," Sirius said. "He

has a really powerful Patronus… it was able to send away nearly a
hundred that was after me a few years back."

Harry says the Whomping willow, go:

"The Whomping willow?" Fred said, questioning. "Are you telling me

you know how to get through that passageway?"

"Er… yeah," Harry said.

"It's where I use to transform," Remus explained. "It wasn't the first
passageway the Sirius and James found, but it was the first that I
knew of."

"After we gave you the map and all…" Fred said, and then frowned
at George, who obviously wasn't himself yet.

"Oh… er… the least you could do is tell us about the passageway,"
George said uncertainly and in a distant voice.
"Yep, that was what I was thinking," Fred tried to smile at him, but it
hurt seeing how hard his twin was taking this. He wouldn't let that
stop him; he was going to get George back to his old self in no time.

Ron says how do we get in, if we just had Crookshanks again,

and Hermione response Crookshanks, are you a wizard, or

The trio all laughed at this, they laughed so hard that everyone
looked at them like they were afraid that they had gone insane.
When they notice the expressions on everyone's faces, they just
started laughing harder.

"I don't think I get the joke?" Sirius looking at them oddly, but he was
happy that Harry was really laughing again, the boy had looked so
sad for so much of this book.

"It… it… I… we…" Ron tried to explain but he was still laughing.

"At the end of first year…" Hermione laughed.

"After we went through the trap door…" Harry added.

"We had to light a fire to kill the Devil Snare…" Ron was able to say.

"And Hermione said something about there being no wood…" Harry

said, starting to control his laughter more.

"And Ron yelled at me ' Are you mad? Are you a witch or not? '"
Hermione finished.

A few people chuckled at this, some smiled at the trio fondly.

"I suppose you had to be there," Harry said chuckling again.

"It's good to remember the good old times," Ron smiled.

Ron says Winguardium Leviosa:

"Speaking of old times," Hermione mumbled, and the trio started
chuckling again, but not nearly as much as they did before.

"What is it this time?" Sirius said looking at them fondly, he loved that
Harry had this close-knit relationship with his friends.

"It's how Ron defeated the mountain troll in our first year," Harry

Mentioned the only way forward was killing the snake was
where Voldemort was at the end of this tunnel:

Molly bit her lip painfully to keep herself of shouting, she wanted to
yell to them that what they were doing was crazy. She could see no
way that they could actually kill the snake and then face Voldemort.
But she couldn't yell, because there was no other option, she could
think of… and because she knew it would do no good.

Hermione says put the Cloak on:

"Good thinking," Sirius muttered, "you wouldn't want him looking

down and seeing you."

"Does he know about the passage into there?" Tonks questioned. "It
sounded like he knew about the others… but…."

"I don't know if he would know about this one," Remus said
reasonably, "it was built after he left… it was built so I could use it in

"Really!" Fred said and Remus nodded at him.

Mentions the room was dimly lit, but he could see Nagini:

"How are you going to kill Nagini!" Sirius suddenly asked.

"I really don't know… that enchanted…" Harry started to say

"That's not what I was talking about," Sirius said shaking his head. "I
mean the snake is a Horcrux… you don't even have a weapon that
could kill that thing…."

"Argh," Harry groaned, he didn't need something else to worry about.

"Sorry," Sirius sighed, realizing how Harry had taken this.

Voldemort says skilled wizard as you are, Severus, I do not

think you will make much difference now, we are almost there…

Severus grimaced at this, knowing that Voldemort didn't just mean

this fight, he meant that Severus wasn't needed at all any longer.

Dumbledore sighed, he wished that he could have somehow warned

Severus about this, but at last he didn't know this would happen.

Mentions Harry wondered whether there was any spell that

penetrate the protection surrounding her:

"Even if there was you wouldn't be able to find it Potter!" Severus

snapped in a tone that Harry had heard may times before, but not so
much in this room. Harry looked at Severus questioningly and a
sudden dawn came to him… he knew what was going to happen
next and he was surprised that he really felt sorry about that.

Voldemort says why doesn't it work for me, Severus:

"So, it really doesn't work for him!" Sirius said. "Thank Merlin!"

Severus turned to glare at him murderous, for he was sure that his
man would care little about what he was sure was going to be his
own demise. He looked away, however, when the stupid werewolf
eyes widened and then turned sorrowful. He didn't want sympathy
from either of those men.

Mentions that Snape didn't speak, and Harry wondered whether

Snape sensed danger and was trying to find the right words:
Severus closed his eyes; he could feel the others looking at him now
and he didn't want to see any of their expressions. The truth was he
was always in danger in Voldemort's presents. There were even a
few times when he was worried, he couldn't talk is way out of being
killed, but somehow, he had. He was wondering if his book self knew
the true danger, he was in. He wasn't sure yet, but one thing was
clear, he knew things were bad.

Severus says no, my Lord, but I beg you will let me return, let
me find Potter:

"Why do I want to find Potter so badly?" Severus asked, looking at


"Because you know you want to get out of there as fast as you can!"
Sirius was the one to answer, but he wasn't jeering or mocking
Severus's character, he actually seemed to want Severus to get out
of there.

"I think it's more than that," Severus said thoughtfully, when he
realized that Dumbledore wasn't going to answer him.

Voldmore says he will hate watching the others struck down

around him, he will want to stop it at any cost, he will come:

All eyes now moved to Harry, whose head was bowed. They didn't
say anything, nor did he, but all of them knew that Voldemort was
right, Harry would want to stop that at any cost.

Voldemort says but it is you that I wished to speak, Severus, not

Harry Potter, you have been very valuable to me:

"And you're about to show how you appreciate those that have been
valuable to you!" Severus said bitterly and everything that had been
thinking about what was going to happen, everyone in the room who
was wondering what Severus's fate was going to be, realized what
was going to happen. "Pay attention Draco!" he added, looking at the
only other Slytherin in the room… to the boy he knew was wavering
as he once had. That would soon have to make the choice he had
to. "He cares as much for his supporters as he does his enemies!"

Draco looked at his professor horrified. He couldn't believe what he

was hearing, but he nodded his head all the same.

Voldemort says my concern at the moment, Severus, is what

will happen when I finally meet the boy:

"Wow Harry! He really is afraid of you!" Ron said in awe.

"With very good reason," Dumbledore said.

Voldemort says why did both the wands I have used fail when
directed at Harry Potter:

"Because there is magic that you don't understand and therefore

underestimate," Dumbledore said.

Mentions Harry felt a stab of rage like a spike and forced his
own fist into his mouth to stop himself form crying out in pain:

Ron shuddered at that, and Hermione looked up at him


"Sorry," Ron said softly so only she and Harry could hear. "I just
know how much Harry screamed… it would be hard for him not to

Hermione groaned and looked sadly at Harry.

Severus says I have no explanation, my Lord:

"I don't think he's asking for explanations," Sirius softly, he truly
hated Voldemort in this moment. No man deserved to be toyed with,
not even Snape, and Sirius was sure that this was what was
happening. Snape was no fool, he would know that something
horrible was coming… he must be stewing in his fears wondering
what Voldemort was going to do.
Mentions Snape's face was like a death mask:

Severus closed his eyes again, there was no doubt about it now. His
book self knew what was coming.

Mentions Snape did not speak after Voldemort started talking

about the Elder Wand:

Sirius started growling at that and Severus opened his eyes to look
at him.

"What's the matter with you Black!" Severus questioned. "I would
have thought this was good…"

"Shut up!" Sirius growled at him. "Voldemort is going to kill you

because he can't make his bloody wand work! You know I don't like
you Severus, but not even you deserve that!"

Severus looked shocked at this and couldn't say anything in reply.

Voldemort says while you live, Severus, the Elder Wand cannot
truly be mine:

"Is he right… will the wand work for him after this?" Tonks asked and
Severus glared at her and she sighed. "I didn't mean… I just…."

"Don't bother," Severus said stiffly, he knew that there was only one,
perhaps two people that would care about him dying here.

"And I'm not sure, but something tells me no, it won't work for him,"
Dumbledore said more gravely than ever.

Mentions that the snake's cage encased Snape's head and

shoulder and Voldemort says kill:

"That bastard!" Sirius growled worse than ever. "He talks about not
wanting to do this, about regretting having to do this and he's going
to let you die slowly and painfully!"
Severus looked at Sirius, again surprised by the emotion in his rival's

Mentions as the snake's fangs pierced Snape's neck:

Arthur shuddered at that and took his eyes off his son for the first
time since they returned to reading this chapter. He looked at
Severus with a painful understanding of what he would have gone

Mentions Voldemort turned away, there was no sadness or

remorse, it was time to leave and cage off Snape and body to
the floor, blood gushing from the wound:

Everyone winched at that.

Severus looked paled; this was definitely not the way he thought he
would go. Then again, he had thought there was a good chance he
would have been tortured for a long time before he was finally killed
if Voldemort ever found out he was a spy, so this wasn't as bad as

Mentions back in his own mind and he had drawn blood biting
down on his knuckles in an effort not to shout out:

"I'm sorry, Snape," Harry said his own fist where clench so tightly
that his hand was bleeding once again. "I should have gone out
there… I should…."

"Don't be ridiculous Potter," Severus said trying to sound cold, but he

was too stunned that Harry was saying this to him. "You would have
been killed if you tried to do anything, especially since you nearly
pass out every time that the Dark Lord gets to angry."

"But… it's because of me…" Harry said looking up and Severus was
shocked once again to see that the boy actually had tears in his
"Harry…" Severus said the boy's name for the first time in his life and
didn't really like how it sounded coming off his tongue. "I always
knew that I would likely die… and I accepted that a long time ago.
This has nothing to do with you. This is the price I paid for the
choices I made."

Harry was silent for a long time before he said, "I'm still sorry… that
this happened."

Severus just nodded his head, but he looked around the room and
noticed for the first time that Harry wasn't the only one that seemed
to be affected by his death… Hermione seemed to be crying, as well
as Tonks. Sirius eyes were filled with rage, but he thought that he too
was grieving in a way for his death. Remus was pinching the bridge
of his nose, looking grim. McGonagall had tears in her eyes too, and
Dumbledore head was bowed, and Severus could almost feel the
guilt coming off of him. Draco was looking horrified and stricken by
this. He could not tell what the Weasleys were feeling for they were
still clearly grieving over their lost family member.

Mentions that something more was coming from Snape, a

silvery blue, neither gas nor liquid, it gushed from him, and
Harry knew what it was:

"I'm giving you a memory?" Severus mumbled looking confused.

"Maybe you want him to know who's side you're really on," Remus
said in a strangled voice.

"I highly doubt that," Severus said, before a few days ago he was
sure he much rather that Harry had no idea about his past, even
after his death. "This has something to do with why I wanted to see
Potter so much before…."

"If so, then it looks like even after death you're going to help me,"
Harry said gravely.
"The Dark Lord must pay for what he has done!" Severus said
suddenly firmly. "I would do anything to ensure that!"

"And so will I!" Harry said back to him.

Snape says look at me and the green eyes found the black:

Severus gasped, and suddenly he found tears coming to his own

eyes. He knew what his book self was looking for when he asked
Harry to look at him. The eyes that he had never been able to look at
because he was so afraid of being reminded of Lily… in this moment
he would want to look into them… he would imagine they were
hers… he would die looking into her eyes.

Mentions that the hand holding Harry thudded to the floor, and
Snape moved no more:

"That was the end of the chapter," Fleur said sadly. "Who will read

"I-I suppose I will," Hermione said after no one else offered, and so
she took the book not eagerly as she had the first time she had read,
but with grave determination.
Chapter 34
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Thirty-Four

The Prince's Tale

" The Prince's Tale," Hermione read looking slightly confused.


Severus's groaned caught everyone's attention.

"Is that you?" Fred questioned. "Are you a Prince?"

Severus looked at him coldly for several seconds, but eventually he

decided to answer, most likely because he realized that this boy, like
himself, was trying to cope with knowing that his fate was to die.

"Prince was my mother's sir name," Severus answered. "She was a

witch and my father…" he couldn't keep the scorn out of his voice
when he said this word… "was a Muggle."

"You're a half-blood!" Draco said surprised.

Severus looked at him coldly for a second and nodded his head.

"And you hated that your father was a Muggle," Hermione

questioned, she had not missed the hatred in Severus's tone.

"You should not assume things," was all Severus had to say to that
and Hermione thought it would be best to just start reading.

Voldemort announcement you have fought valiantly, Lord

Voldemort knows how to value bravery:
"Why does he have to refer to himself in the third person?" Ron

"He knows his name brings fear to almost all that hear it," Remus
said thoughtfully.

"Hm… I wonder if all the enchantments around him fall when he

says his own name?" Hermione mused.

"That is an interesting question," Dumbledore said looking slightly

amused. "But it is unlikely that we will find out if it's true or not."

Continues if you continue to resist me, you will all die, one by
one, every drop of magical blood spilled is a loss and a waste:

"Yeah well, I'm sure we would all rather die than conform to your
will!" Fred said firmly and he noticed that all except for Draco nodded
their heads gravely at that.

As for Draco, he truly did decide that he wouldn't be a Death Eater,

there was no more wavering in his heart after he saw what
happened to Severus. He just knew that though he wouldn't become
a Death Eater he wasn't going resist to the point of dying for this
cause… it just wasn't something he would do.

Continues you have one hour, dispose of your dead with

dignity, treat your injured:

"Why is he doing this?" Sirius said looking confused. He didn't like

the sounds of this at all.

"I'm sure we're about to find out," Remus said looking at Harry

Continues I speak now directly to you, you have permitted your

friends to die for you rather than face me yourself:

"You're the bloody one that's hiding in the Shrieking Shack you
bastard!" Ginny growled.
"And Harry came to you as soon as it was the right thing to do!" Fred
added, looking at Harry this time. "It would have been pointless to
face you before when there was no chance at defeating you!"

A small smirk formed on Harry's face as he listened to what Fred had

said. Obviously, he realized that Harry was already starting to blame
himself for all of this.

Continues I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forst, if you
should not given yourself up, then the battle recommence and I
shall enter the fray myself:

"And if you even think about listening to him Harry each and every
one of us are going to use our favorite curse on you," Ginny said to

Harry gulped at that.

Mentions Harry did not know what to feel, except shock at the
way Snape had been killed and the reason for which it had been

"I feel differently than my book self, sir," Harry said to Severus. "I
think I understand you better now… and I'm sorry that…."

"I get it," Severus said feeling very uncomfortable and hoped that
Granger would start reading again, which thankfully she did.

Mentions Voldemort's words ringing in Harry's head, you have

permitted your friends to die for you rather than face me

"That's not what you did Harry," George said gravely. "You're doing
the only thing that you could to stop this monster… I might have lost
more than I was willing to lose but I know that this was the right thing
to do."

Harry nodded his head.

Mentions I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forest…
One hour… :

"I think we all get to curse you now Harry…" Ginny said.

"Hey… I didn't do anything yet," Harry said raising his arms.

Mentions the dead lay in a row in the middle of the Hall:

Hermione voice started to shake as she read this, terrified who else
they knew would be among the dead.

Mentions Harry could not see Fred's body, because his family
surrounded him:

The Weasleys all reacted to this as if they were hearing the news
again, what little control they had gathered over the last night was
lost and they started to cry again. Especially George, he went pale,
and it looked like he was unable to speak again.

Mentions without a word to Harry, Ron and Hermione walked


Ron and Hermione looked at Harry worriedly.

"Why would you walk away from him now?" Sirius questioned,
terrified about what he was going to do.

"We were walking towards my family," Ron said.

"And probably thought he would walk with us," Hermione said


Mentions as Ginny and Hermione moved closer to the rest of

the family, Harry had a clear view of the bodies lying next to

Tears came to Hermione's eyes as she saw the names, and

everyone had a second to prepare for the horrible news. Her voice
shook as she read.

Remus and Tonks:

Everyone without exception reacted to this.

Remus bowed his head and at first pulled the crying Tonks closer to
him. His own tears falling into her hair that had turned to mousey
brown with her depression. He barely had time to do this before
Sirius banged his fist against the table forcefully, his shoulders
sagging, and tears fell freely down his face.

"DAMNIT!" Sirius yelled.

Remus grabbed his arm, while still holding Tonks, and soon all three
of them were hugging. It felt so surreal to hear this, Remus didn't
even seem to care about what happened to him, it just pained him so
much that Tonks had to die to… that Teddy, their son that couldn't be
more than a month old (if that), would have no parents. He wished
that he had been able to protect them more… he wished that Tonks
hadn't come… that the boy would have had at least one of his
parents. Remus didn't blame her for this though, that was just the
person she was… she had to fight for a better future.

Tonks was shuddering in Remus's grip, she didn't want to die,

especially when her life seemed to be perfect the way it was. She
had a good man as a husband, so what if he was a werewolf, that
didn't matter to her because Remus was one of the kindest and
funniest people she knew. He was smart but also knew how to have
some fun… she knew there was no one better for her than him. Then
she had just had a baby… oh the poor boy would now have to grow
up without his parents and she knew that was her fault, that she
shouldn't have come to join this fight, but she couldn't help it. Not
when Remus was there… not when so much depended on them
winning this fight.

"I guess we know why Teddy would be the one to send us this book,"
Sirius said in a thick voice. "He probably wanted to save you."
"No Sirius, that's not all he wanted to save," Remus said in an
equally thick voice. "He wanted to save everyone in this room."

"You think everyone is going to die!" Molly asked, shocked.

"No," Remus shook his head, his eyes traveled to Harry, and he
prayed that he would be able to make it. "But that doesn't mean they
couldn't be saved… losing the one's you love…" he paused here to
squeeze Tonks close to him, and then patted Sirius on the back…
"you lose part of yourself when that happens. If we are able to
prevent things from coming to this… we can save us all."

"Well said Remus," Dumbledore smiled at him.

"And we'll make sure that we're there for Teddy this time," Tonks
added in a terrible voice.

Upon hearing that Remus had died Harry had groaned as he felt he
had lost something more than just a good friend and somewhat of a
father figure. That in itself was painful but add to it the fact that he
lost the last link he had to his parents (mostly his dad) was a hard
blow to him.

He felt Ginny's arm wrap around him, and it was only then that he
noticed that he was crying. He felt sick as he recalled the many
people that he had lost in this book… and the people that were lost
before this book even started. This was when Remus started talking
about why Teddy had sent this book to them, and he felt himself pull
hope from that. He hadn't lost these people yet and the boy was
giving them the power to save themselves from this kind of pain.

Draco was looking at Tonks as she cried in Remus's arms, and he

felt an odd sense of remorse. He couldn't really grieve for Tonks for
he had never met her before they had started reading this book. And
though he had to admit she wasn't so bad; it wasn't quite the same.
No, he thought that what was really bothering him was the fact that
in the book he would never have the chance to know her. She was
one of the few family members he had, and he would never get to
meet her.

Severus found it hard to believe that he actually felt real sorrow for
Remus's death. He wouldn't have expected that, and he wondered if
it was because of this book that made him feel this way or if he
would have always cared. He had held on to his grudge against
Remus when he was at Hogwarts, but he felt that had more to do
with the fact that it reminded him more clearly of the past that he
wished he could forget. Either way it didn't really matter, for the truth
was he was sad that the werewolf had lost his life.

They all stayed silent, taking in this new grief until Remus asked
Hermione if she could read again. She wiped her eyes and moved
away from Ron, who had been trying to sooth her, for Remus had
always been one of her favorites, she opened the book again and
started to read in a thick voice.

Mentions the Great Hall seemed to fly away, become smaller,

shrink, as Harry reeled backward from the doorway:

Remus frowned at this and looked at Harry sadly, he didn't want to

cause the boy more pain and sorrow than he's already been through.

Mentions Harry couldn't bear to look at any of the other bodies,

to see who else had died for him:

"It's not for you," Tonks said thickly. "You didn't start this war!"

"But you are going to be the one that finishes it," Remus said.

Mentions he couldn't bear to join the Weasleys when if he had

given himself up in the first place, Fred might never have died:

Harry flinched as every single Weasley turned to glare at him.

"I know I'm being ridiculous," Harry said softly.

"And do you think that we would have been grieve any less if you
were the one that died, Harry," Ron asked in a calm and collected
voice. "You are my brother just as much as any of my blood
brothers… and maybe we haven't known each other since birth and
it wouldn't exactly be the same, we would still be torn apart if we lost

Mentions that Harry went to the headmaster's office and asked

for the password he said Dumbledore because that's who he
wanted to see and it worked:

"Really, sir, that's the password you chose," Fred asked Severus with
a chuckled.

"It's not something anyone would have thought I would use,"

Severus shrugged. "Though I would assume that it's not the only
password I had if the Carrows were to ever be permitted up there."

Mentions to escape into someone else's head would be a

blessed relief:

"Wow you must really be grieving a lot if you're willing to go into

Severus's head to escape," Fred said.

"Yeah," George said, this time not hesitating to follow Fred's

thoughts, it seemed that Remus speech had helped him gather
some control "that's got to be one scary place to go."

Mentions nothing that even Snape had left him could be worse
than his own thoughts:

"Oh crap!" George groaned. "I was only joking."

"Er… what's your problem now?" Fred asked.

"Something tells me what Snape was thinking is going to be worse!"

George sighed.
Mentions two girls were swinging and a skinny boy was
watching them from the bushes:

Severus groaned at this, he had realized of course that Harry… and

now everyone was going to see his memories, but he didn't see why
it had to go this far back.

"Hm… I'm liking your reckless abandonment already Harry," Sirius

said chuckling.

Describes Severus's appearance with overlong hair and his

clothes were mismatched, too short jeans, shabby coat and an
odd smocklike shirt:

"Nice outfit," Sirius said, and Severus growled, looking at him


"Sirius, please try to control yourself," Remus sighed. "I'm sure

things are already hard enough on Severus."

"Oh, come on Moony, after what we just heard this is just what I
need to hear to cheer me up," Sirius pouted, which only caused
Severus to intensify his glare (if that was even possible).

"You're not the only one that's going through a hard time," Remus
said nodding his head towards Severus, but he realized that Sirius
wasn't going to listen to him.

The elder girl says Lily, don't do it:

Harry's heart beat faster against his chest, as he realized who this
girl was… realized that he was going to hear some things about his
mum. He didn't really care how this was going to end as long as he
could hear this.

Mentions that Lily let go of the swing and flown into the air,
launched herself skyward and instead of falling she soar, far too
long, landing lightly:
"Wow! How did she do that?" Harry said looking shocked and
pleased at the same time. "I wonder if I did something like that to get
on my school roof?"

"Er… what?" Hermione asked, looking at Harry.

"Well, I was running away from Dudley and his gang, and I wasn't
exactly sure what happened, but I was suddenly on the roof… I
wonder if I did something like my mum…" he stopped his
explanation to smile at the words that came out of his mouth.

"Maybe Harry, but I don't think we'll ever know for sure," Hermione
smiled at him.

"But one thing is clear," Fred beamed at him.

"It's no wonder you're such a natural at Quidditch if flying runs in

your family like this," Charlie was the one that finished.

"Did you know that Lily could do that Remus?" Sirius said looking at
his friend, who was shaking his head. "I wonder if James did?"

"He probably would have made her play Quidditch if he did," Remus

"It's not the same thing as flying on a broom," Severus pointed out.

"Maybe not, but it's still amazing," Sirius chuckled.

"I couldn't agree with you more," Harry said really smiling.

Petunia says Mummy said you weren't allowed Lily:

"It seems like my grandparents knew that Mum could do weird

things," Harry frowned wondering if they had accepted his mum or
were more like his aunt.

"My parents told me the same thing," Hermione informed him. "They
didn't know what was happening and they didn't want others to find
out that I could do odd things sometimes…" she trailed off as she
thought about what had happened to Dumbledore's sister and
wondered if that was what her parents had feared would happen to

"And your grandparents were excited when they learned the truth,"
Severus informed Harry but didn't say any more. He was too lost in
thoughts about his father's reaction.

"Good," Harry smiled again.

Mentions Lily made the flower opening and closing its petals,
like some bizarre, many lipped oyster:

Harry smiled at this.

"Impressive," several people said.

"No wonder she was so good in her classes," McGonagall

commented, "especially Charms."

Petunia says it's not right, how do you do it, she added and
there was definite longing in her voice:

Harry frowned at that… he would have preferred it if his aunt wasn't

in this scene, especially with that comment. Why would there be
longing in her voice if she feared and hated magic?

Severus says it's obvious, isn't it, and jumped out from behind
the bushing, causing Petunia to shriek and ran backward
toward the swings:

"Well, I can't really blame her for doing that," Sirius said chuckling
and Severus rolled his eyes.

Mentions but Lily, though clearly startled, remained where she


"Of course, she did, Lily wasn't afraid of anything," Remus chuckled.
After Severus says you're a witch Lilly looks affronted and says
that's not a very nice thing to say to somebody:

Several people laughed at that.

"I don't think you used the best wording, sir," Harry chuckled.

"Yes, I realized that Potter," Severus grumbled, it was hard hearing

this in front of so many people.

Mentions Severus flapped after the girls, looking ludicrously

batlike, like his older self:

Most people tried to hide their laughter, but a few (Sirius) laughed
out right.

Severus gritted his teeth.

Petunia says I know who you are, you're that Snape boy, they
live down Spinner's End, and it was clear Petunia thought it was
poor recommendation:

"Well, I don't think Lily would care about that," Remus said firmly.

"She didn't," Severus said, his expression soft when he said that.

Snape say I wouldn't spy on you, you're a Muggle, and though

Petunia didn't understand the word, she could hardly mistake
the tone:

It was clear to hear the disapproval in Hermione's voice as she read

that but she, nor anyone else, made a comment.

Mentions Harry recognized Snape's bitter disappointment and

understood that he had been planning this moment for a while
and it had all gone wrong:

"Too bad Snapy but maybe it will go better next time," Fred chuckled.
"Obviously it's not going to go better, or Harry probably would have
had greasy hair instead of messy," George said which caused
several reaction.

Harry's eyes widened in fear and then he shuddered at the thought

of that. He might not hate this Snape he has seen these last few
days, but that didn't mean he wanted to hear something like that.

Severus looked as if he was going to kill George, and probably

would have if Molly wasn't giving the, if you even thing about laying a
hand on my son you will be hurt painfully, look. He also felt the heat
in his cheeks rise because what George had said was perhaps not
exactly what he wanted but it was close.

Sirius groaned and was glaring at the twins too. He so, didn't want to
hear that.

And just about everyone else was laughing at the other reactions.

Mentions Lily had picked up a fallen twig and twirled it in the air
and Harry knew what she was imagining sparks trailing from it:

Harry chuckled at this image and those that knew Lily all smiled.

"Thanks sir," Harry said looking at Severus said. "For telling my mum
all this. I know it would have made my first year a lot easier if I knew
more about the wizarding world beforehand."

"Yeah, but it wouldn't have been as enjoyable to me," Draco

commented, and Harry actually chuckled.

Severus just looked at Harry before he nodded his head.

Severus says definitely, and though he was dressed poorly he

struck an oddly impressive figure sprawled in front of her,
brimful of confidence in his destiny:

"Your saying thank you to him and calling him impressive," Sirius
grumbled, "Harry are you a marauder's son or not."
"Apparently I am, seeing as my hair is messy," Harry actually
chuckled at this, and the twins gave him thumps up.

"I would complain again, but I think your comment just answered my
questioned," Sirius said looking annoyed still but Harry could see
that he was trying to stop himself from smiling.

Lily asks if it make a difference, being Muggle-born, and

Severus says no it doesn't make any difference:

"It was the middle of the last war… of course it made a difference!"
Draco stated.

"Did you just say that to make her feel better?" Harry questioned

"Yes," Severus answered and then added to himself, and convincing

myself that it didn't matter at all to me….

Severus says oh yes, they're arguing, but it won't be that long

and I'll be gone:

Sirius looked at his school time rival oddly and for the first time ever
did he realized that Severus must have had a hard childhood too.

Harry was looking at Severus too, with similar thoughts.

Mentions a little smile twisted Severus's mouth when she said

his name:

Damn Potter and his observances, Severus thought as a few people


Lily says tell me about the dementors again:

"Er… not a good topic Lily," Sirius said with an automatic shiver.

Severus says Dementors are for people who do really bad stuff,
they guard wizard prison, Azkaban, you're not going to end up
in Azkaban, you're too:

"You're the one!" Harry said looking at Severus confused.

"What?" Severus said just as confused.

"I thought it was my dad… but it was you," Harry said. "Aunt Petunia
knew what dementors were this summer… she mentioned my mum
talking to someone about them… it was you!"

"Oh… yeah, I suppose it was," was all Severus could say to that.

Petunia says what is that you're wearing anyway, your mum's


A few people chuckled at that.

Sirius had barked out a laugh but stopped it quickly and sighed as he
realized that Snape obviously didn't have control over what he wore.
He remembered what his mum dressed him in sometimes (it was so
awful that he knew his mum only did it to torture him… his brother
got to dress like a normal person after all).

After Petunia got knocked down Lily asks did you make that
happen and Snape says no, but defiant and scared:

"Obviously you're not the master at lying that you are now," Draco

Severus almost smiled at that; the truth was he always found it

difficult to lie to Lily.

Lily says I'm sorry Tuney, maybe once I'm there I'll be able to go
to Professor Dumbledore to change his mind:

Harry didn't know why this made him furious, but it did. He couldn't
believe that his aunt that didn't want anything to do with magic had
actually wanted to go to Hogwarts… it was just wrong.
Mentions Petunia's eyes roved over the platform:

"She knows how to get onto the platform!" Harry huffed.

"Er… so, what's your problem mate?" Ron said confused.

"Don't you remember that I had to come to all of you to get on the
platform my first year," Harry said.

"Of course, mate, I'll never forget anything that happened that day,"
Ron smiled.

"Well, just before I ran into you, my aunt and uncle dropped me off…
made fun of me because there was no Platform 9 ¾…" Harry said
shaking his head.

"That's sucks mate, but at least your real family was able to help you
get there," Fred said to Harry and both of them grinned.

Petunia says you think I want to be a freak:

Despite his good mood after hearing what Fred had just said, Harry
shivered. He remembered the outburst his aunt gave the night he
found out what he was.

"Lily is not a freak!" Sirius growled and Remus looked angry at this
comment, and he didn't really like how it had effected Harry either.

Petunia says that's where you're going, a special school for


"Oh get over it, you're just bitter because you've always wanted to be
a freak!" Fred said.

"Oh, I think we can all agree that she's a freak… just not the cool
kind," George said.

Petunia says it's good you're being separated from normal

people, it's for our safety:
"You know if she tried to kill all wizards and witches she would be the
opposite of the Death Eaters," Bill commented thoughtfully.

"And she's the one that you chose to send Saint Potter to be raised
by," Draco said looking at Dumbledore.

Mentions Lily's parents were looking around the platform with

wholehearted enjoyment, drinking in the scene, then she looked
back at her sister:

Hermione smiled at the first half of this paragraph and remembered

how excited both she and her parents were on their first visit to this
platform. At the second part however, she found that for the first time
ever she was truly happy that she didn't have a sibling, because it
would have killed her if anything like this happened to her.

Lily says Severus couldn't believe a Muggle could contact

Hogwarts, he says there must be wizards working undercover
in the postal service:

"Really… hm… I wonder if that's true," Arthur mumbled, and Molly

was just happy that he was actually talking again after what had
happened a few chapters ago that she didn't even get on his case
for his strange Muggle obsession.

Lily says so, she's my sister and Severus says she's only a… :

"Only a Muggle?" Hermione said to Severus.

"I didn't particularly like Petunia," Severus said.

"No one can blame you for that," Harry mumbled.

Severus says you'd better be in Slytherin:

"But she's a Muggle-born!" Draco said looking confused, "you must

have realized that was impossible."
"She had many qualities that Slytherin held value in," Severus

"What are you talking about? Lily was one of the bravest people I
knew," Sirius said.

"She would have to be if she married a Marauder," Remus added.

"Are you calling me brave, Remus," Tonks commented.

"I wasn't trying to but it is true," Remus chuckled.

"And she was one of the most caring people too… well you know, to
people that didn't tease her every day," Sirius said.

"Which means she wasn't so nice to Sirius for a long time," Remus
translated with a chuckle.

"And she was cunning and smart, and ambitious too," Severus said.


"I wonder if that was why the hat almost put me in Slytherin," Harry
mused out loud, he really wasn't sure why he did it, but he wanted
this pointless argument to be over with. He really should have
thought this through though, because everyone was looking at him

"You're not serious?!" Sirius said looking pale at just the thought of

"You never told us that," Hermione said looking shock, but he was
happy to see that she wasn't judgmental.

"It never really came up," Harry shrugged. "It's not like you shared
what the sorting hat said to you.

"No, I suppose not," Hermione agreed.

"So, you are telling us the truth," Ron said frowning.

"Yeah," Harry sighed.

"Well, I'll be, the person that I think personifies Gryffindor was like
this close to being a Slytherin," Percy commented. "Interesting."

"Well, it doesn't really change anything," Ron finally shrugged.

"But it would of… imagine what would have happened if Potter was
actually a Slytherin," Draco said.

"What… you wouldn't have been the most beloved person in your
house?" Fred questioned.

"I was talking about what would happen to the support that Potter
has," Draco rolled his eyes. "What kind of support would he have
gotten if he was a Slytherin… I doubt it would have been as good as
it is now… no one would trust him."

"Well, I chose to be a Gryffindor, so I guess it's a moot point," Harry


Sirius was frowning as he listened to all of this, he wondered what he

would have done if Harry had actually been a Slytherin. It was hard
to believe that it wouldn't matter, not after hating all Slytherins for
most of his life. But it was Harry, an inner voice said to him, and he's
your godson, it doesn't matter what house he was in.

James says who wants to be in Slytherin, I think I'd leave,

wouldn't you and they looked at the other boy who was Sirius,
who didn't smile:

"Why not Sirius, I thought you would have agreed with James,"
Charlie questioned.

"Of course, I did, I was just fearing that I would be in Slytherin,"

Sirius sighed, he had been terrified of that knowing he would hate it
Sirius says my whole family been in Slytherin and James says
blimey, and I thought you seemed all right, and Sirius grinned:

Sirius in the room was grinning too, he missed the good old times.

Snape says if you'd rather be brawny than brainy:

"Just because you're in Gryffindor, doesn't mean you can't be

brainy," McGonagall said hotly.

"And there are many examples of that, and plenty of them are in this
room," Ron chuckled, his eyes were on Hermione.

Mentions James tried to trip Snape as he passed and a voice

called See ya, Snivellus:

"Ten minutes, you've known each other ten minutes and you've
already started fighting," Remus sighed.

"Sorry Moony, if only you were there maybe you could have
prevented the whole thing from happening," Sirius chuckled.

"It was kind of uncalled for James to try to trip Snape though,"
Hermione commented.

"Maybe," Sirius shrugged indifferently.

"It seems like Potters like to make rivals on the Hogwarts Express,
huh Harry," Ron chuckled.

"I was just thinking the same thing," Harry chuckled. "Though I
wasn't really the one that started the fight…."

"What are you talking about Potter, you denied my friendship," Draco
rolled his eyes.

"Yeah… after you pretty much called my first friend rubbish and only
wanted to talk to me because I was famous Harry Potter," Harry
rolled his eyes. "Besides, I wasn't the one that tried to…."
Hermione cut off this pointless argument by continuing to read.

Mentions then Professor McGonagall says Evans, Lily:

"Evans," Harry mumbled, realizing for the first time what his mum's
last name was.

Mentions Severus being sorted into Slytherin and away from

Lily and sat next to Lucius Malfoy, patted on the back:

Severus sighed at this, he had always wondered if things would have

been different for him if he had been sorted into another house…
any other house. He felt it was oddly fitting to see how the book had
described what had happened. Though it had taken years to play
out, it was in that moment that he had started turning away from Lily
and head down a path that would lead him to the Death Eaters.

Severus says every month at the full moon:

"Hm… I think Snape might know your secret Moony," Fred chuckled,
but it died quickly as he noticed the uncharacteristic dark expression
on Remus's face as Sirius shifted in his chair guiltily.

"You really didn't know?" Severus said his sharp eyes on Remus,
who looked up and shook his head.

"And James didn't either," Sirius said looking at the floor.

Lily says you went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping
Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever's down

"So, you tried to tell her after that incident what I was…" Remus said.

"I had already told her my theory long before then," Severus said.

"Still… it's no wonder when I told her what I was she wasn't shocked
at all," Remus said with a small smile. "She was the first person I
actually told…."
Severus says saved, you think he was playing the hero, he was
saving his neck and his friend's too:

"You're wrong about that…" Sirius started to say but Severus shook
his head, he didn't really want to discuss this anymore. Hermione
seemed to realize this, so she started reading again.

Lily says Let me, let me, her bright green eyes were slits,
Severus backtracked at once:

"Wise move," Sirius and Remus smirked at this, you never wanted
Lily to be angry at you unless you wanted to be cursed (something of
which James never learned).

Severus says I didn't mean, I just don't want to see you made a
fool of… he fancies you, James Potter fancies you:

"That's a bit of an understatement," Sirius chuckled. "I would have

said he was obsessed with her."

Lily says I know James Potter's an arrogant toerag:

"My mum didn't like my dad," Harry frowned.

"Not until seventh year," Sirius said.

"And he stopped being quite so arrogant all the time," Remus


"So… my dad is arrogant?" Harry said confused, wondering how

many things that Snape had told him about his father was true. He
shook his head and frowned as he realized that he really didn't know
too much about either of his parents.

"Well yeah… but… um… it's hard to explain, and we don't really
have time right now," Remus said. "We'll tell you more after this

"I'd like that," Harry smiled, albeit he was still thoughtful about this.
Mentions that the moment Lily had insulted James Potter,
Severus's whole body had relaxed, and as they walked away
there was a new spring in his step:

"Did my dad know that you liked my mum?" Harry questioned


Sirius and Remus looked at each other and then shrugged.

"We never knew," Sirius answered. "Any of this really."

"But that doesn't mean he didn't realize it," Remus said.

"I was always under the impression that he did," Severus answered

Mentions Harry kept his distance this time, because he knew

what happened after James had hoisted Severus into the air
and taunted him:

"How the hell do you know that, Potter!" Severus asked with a
maddening glare.

"I have no idea," Harry said, who had been up to this point
wondering (as where most the people in this room) why this scene
wasn't in as many details.

Severus glared at him. It didn't help that this was one of, if not, the
worst memory of his life and he didn't like the fact that Harry would
already know this. Though Harry might not have any clues how he
knew, Severus did. After all he was going to be teaching the boy
Occlumency soon….

Mentions that he heard Severs shout at Lily in his humiliation

and his fury, the unforgivable word, 'Mudblood':

Hermione paused there as she thought about how painful it would be

to hear either Ron or Harry… or anyone in this room other than
Draco (who calls her that all the time) or Snape (who never had but it
wouldn't have been surprising if he did… well at least not before
this)… called her that. It would have been devastating, and she
could tell this was what had ended Lily and Severus's friendship.

She quickly read on, however, when she looked at Severus, who
was looking pained by the detail-less incident, she didn't want him to
suffer any more.

Lily says I can't pretend anymore, you've chosen your way, I've
chosen mine:

"It seems to me she could have given you the choice," Tonks

Severus shoulders dropped at this, if only he had the choice, then,

when he realize that he would lose her forever, he would have
chosen differently.

"I know it's bad, but it seems like after only one incident…" Tonks
tried to continue with a grim look.

"Just stop," Severus said shaking his head, he knew that wasn't the
only thing that happened between them, it was just the final straw.
He had actually believed that he could both be friends with Lily and
become a Death Eater, which was a very foolish thought.

Mentions images shifting shapes and colors until his

surrounding solidified again and he stood on a hilltop, forlorn
and cold in the darkness:

Severus groaned and leaned forward in his seat, grabbing his face.
He could not stand this; his biggest mistakes being shown to
everyone… being broadcast into his mind and making him feel the
same gut-wrenching pain he felt than.

Dumbledore asks how much did you relay to Lord Voldemort:

Harry felt a sliver of anger towards Severus at the reminder that he
was the one to tell Voldemort about this, but it was washed away
almost immediately. He knew now more than ever how much
Severus would truly regret what happened.

Dumbledore says you disgust me, you do not care then, about
the deaths of her husband and child, they can die, as long as
you have what you want:

"Why should he? Isn't it enough for you that he was willing to risk
torture and death by telling you this in the first place?" Draco said.
"And just because he only asked him to spare her life it doesn't
mean that he would want the others to die! It was already too much
to ask for her safety!"

"You have a point," Dumbledore sighed gravely, but he had to see

how committed Severus was to this.

"His request is also the reason why I'm alive today," Harry said,
"thank you…."

Severus didn't respond to this; it was too hard to feel anything other
than sorrow and regret at this moment.

Mentions a new seen and Severus looked like a man who had
lived a hundred years of misery since leaving the wild hilltop:

Severus's shoulders shuddered as he heard this as well as Sirius

and Remus's. They knew what day this was, and they couldn't help
but think about their own grief as they listened to their old rival's.

Severus says I thought you were going to keep her safe:

Sirius couldn't control the bitter snort that came out of his mouth. A
good part of the reason she wasn't safe was because of him.

Dumbledore says she and James put their faith in the wrong
person, weren't you hoping that Lord Voldemort would spare

"Albus, now isn't the time to remind him of that!" McGonagall said

Dumbledore sighed and bowed his head, he knew he was being

hard on the boy, but it was the only way to get Severus to agree to
help him.

If Severus was in any mood to talk right now, he would have said
that it might have been harsh, but it was the only way for him to
actually atone for what had happened. And though it was hard and
painful, he would do anything to have that chance.

Dumbledore says her son lives, he has her eyes, precisely her
eyes, you remember the shape and color of Lily Evan's eyes, I
am sure:

McGonagall was glaring at Dumbledore more than ever and even

Sirius was looking at him with a bit of anger. He would never like
Snape, but to be reminded like that about the loss was almost cruel.

Severus says very well, but never tell, Dumbledore, this must be
between us, swear it, I cannot bear… especially Potter's son… I
want your word:

"Why didn't you want me to know?" Harry questioned, but Severus

didn't seem to be able to answer that, not right now. "Well, either way
thanks for doing that…" he added uncertainly he never knew how
much Severus had done for him until that moment. It was odd how
quickly the hate he felt for Severus for years seemed to numb with
this revelation. He felt that he understood his Potions Master so
much better now, and though he still didn't like all the things that had
happened between them the last five years, this new realization
quelled the anger.

Severus says mediocre, arrogant as his father, a determined

rule breaker, delight to find himself famous, attention seeking
and impertinent:

"Er… who are you talking about?" Sirius questioned, though

everyone in the room knew it had to be Harry. It was just that except
for the rule-breaking comment, nothing could have been farther from
the truth.

Dumbledor says other teachers report that the boy is modest,

likeable, and reasonably talented:

"I still don't understand who's being talked about," Fred said smirking
at Harry, who wasn't paying attention to him because he was lost in
thought about everything he heard in this chapter.

Dumbledor says keep an eye on Quirrell, won't you:

"You knew he was up to something," Hermione said looking at


"I wasn't sure, but I knew someone was after the stone… and he
was so different than I remembered him before," Dumbledore said. "I
thought it best if Severus watch him."

"Why didn't you watch him yourself?" Ron questioned, thinking that
many things would have been stopped before they had to go through
the trap door if Dumbledore was on the case.

"At last, people tend to be more on guard when I'm around,"

Dumbledore sighed, with a slight twinkle in his eyes. "I had hoped
that Quirrell might have been more relaxed around Severus."

Mentions Severus and Dumbledore talk about Kararoff fleeing if

the Mark burns as Fleur Delacour and Roger Daves came
giggling in from the grounds:

Fleur blushed at this, it's not like she was embarrassed about what
happened that night, it's just not something you want your current
boyfriend (and apparently future husband) to hear, and judging my
Bill's grimace, he didn't really like hearing this either.

Dumbledor says no, you are a braver man by far than Karkaroff,
you know, I sometimes think we Sort too soon:

"Are you trying to say that you think he would have been better in a
different house," Fred questioned.

"I think he is sorted perfectly," Draco said proudly, "Snape couldn't

have done all that he did against the Dark Lord if he wasn't cunning
and sly. He's a Slytherin!"

"And now that you see if from this point of view, you can actually see
that he uses those qualities to the benefit of our side…" Harry said.

"Potter stop defending me," Severus said, not looking up, he didn't
want to see anyone's expressions. "You asked why I didn't want you
to know any of this… and this it right here… I don't need your
sympathy Potter… or your understanding. I don't want anything to do
with you… everything I do is for Lily… not you!"

Harry didn't say anything for a long time before he said, "I know

"I still don't get why you couldn't even try to see that Harry wasn't like
his father," Molly said, protectively. "Why you didn't even try to give
him a chance."

Severus closed his eyes as he decided just to say it, after all this
book seemed determined to tell them all his most secret thoughts.
"First of all, it was easier to only think of him as Potter's son because
it hurt too much to think of L… of her. Second, it would have made
my job a lot harder if I even had a shred of kind feelings towards
Potter. It was easier for me to hate him, because I knew that was
what I was supposed to do.
"In fact, it was a lot better for me not to understand Potter at all,"
Severus trailed off thoughtfully, it was going to be more difficult than
ever to play is roll as spy now that there was an understanding
between the two of them.

Severus says why, why did you put on that ring, it carries a
curse, surely you realized that, why even touch it:

Dumbledore eyes widen at this, having a good idea of what had

happened. There was no way that he would have been able to pass
up the opportunity to use the ring if he was face with it… even
knowing it was a Horcrux. He could also realize that whatever had
happened to him was probably fatal and that would be why he would
have explained everything to Harry and why Severus would have
killed him.

Dumbledore says I was a fool, sorely tempted:

Everyone sighed, knowing what he would have been tempted by and

after what they had just read, every one of them knew how tempting
that would have been too.

Severus says I cannot tell, maybe a year, there is no halting

such a spell forever, it will spread, it is the sort of curse that
strengthens over time:

"So, you were dying already… and then Snape killed you to make it
so he would raise in the ranks of the Death Eaters," Remus said

McGonagall's lips trembled at the thought that Dumbledore had

known he was going to die.

"And to put Snape above suspicion," Percy added. "Who would ever
believe that he was actually working for Dumbledore after he killed
"It doesn't look like it save him in the end though," Draco said

Dumbledore smiled. The news that he had less than a year to

live seemed a matter of little or no concern to him.

"Albus," McGonagall groaned, not liking hearing that.

Severus asks did you think that breaking the ring would break
the curse and Dumbledore says something like that, I was
delirious, no doubt:

"I wonder if there was a curse on the ring that made you want to
wear it?" Tonks muttered.

"I doubt I would have needed a curse to make me want to wear that
ring," Dumbledore sighed.

Dumbledore says I refer to the plan Lord Voldemort is revolving

around me, his plan to have the poor Malfoy boy murder me:

Draco looked as shocked as everyone about that piece of


"Why the hell would he think I would be able to do that?" Draco said.

"I'm not sure," Dumbledore said. "But I think that this event is what
has changed the outlook of the Mr. Malfoy in the book, made him so
unwilling to identify Harry and the others… even your hesitation in
actually fighting in the Room of Requirement."

Draco just looked thoughtful at this.

Severus says the Dark Lord doesn't expect Draco to succeed,

it's a punishment for Lucius's failures, torture for the parents
while they watch him fail and pay:

Draco shuddered at this, wondering what had happened.

Everyone else was wondering what Lucius had failed at, that would
cause Voldemort to react this way.

And if Hogwarts does fall into Voldemort's grasp, I have your

word that you will do all in your power to protect the students of

"You could have told me this too Dumbledore…" McGonagall said

sadly. "If only I would have known… I would have let him talk to

"And I do regret that…" Dumbledore started.

"But it was safest for the students if you believed that I was a Death
Eater," Severus said, McGonagall nodded her head.

Severus says information, you trust him… you do not trust me:

"Look Harry, Snape is acting exactly like you are," Fred pointed out.

"It seems to me like Dumbledore needs to work on his trust issues,"

George added.

Severus says yet you confide much more in a boy who is

incapable of Occlumency, magic is mediocre and who as a
direct link to the Dark Lord's mind:

"Does Voldemort get flashes of Harry's emotions like Harry does

his?" Sirius questioned suddenly.

"No," Severus was the one to answer. "The Dark Lord had no idea
about this connection before the attack in the Ministry," he nodded
his head toward Arthur at this.

"Do you think he would be able to now?" Harry questioned


"I fear that he might," Dumbledore sighed, "which is why I have been
ignoring you this year…"
"Oh…" Harry said, he had almost completely forgot that Dumbledore
had ignored him this year… so much had been happening in this
book. "I also fear what else he could do with that connection now
that he knows it exist."

Dumbledore says, after sharing Harry's mind means, it was pain

such as he never experienced, he will not try possessing him

"He possesses me," Harry shuddered, starting to feel sick, and then
thought of the fear that was running through him before he came to
this room. "Has he yet…."

"No," Dumbledore answered immediately without hesitation.

And Harry relaxed. He relaxed farther when Ginny grabbed his hand,
knowing that she understood his fear perhaps even more than he

Severus says souls, we were talking of minds:

A few people furrowed their eyebrows at this, a knot forming in their

stomachs, but they weren't sure why.

Dumbledor says there will be a time that Voldemort will seemed

to fear for the life of his snake:

When Voldemort knows that Harry is after his Horcruxes, the thought
was in several people's mind, but they couldn't or wouldn't
understand why Dumbledore was telling Severus this.

Mentions Dumbledore took a deep breath and closed his eyes:

As was the Dumbledore in the room, everyone was looking at him

with baited breath, fearing what he had to say.

Dumbledor says that the night Lord Voldemort tried to kill him,
Lily cast her own life between them as a shield, a fragment of
Voldemort's soul was blasted apart and latched itself of the only
living soul left in the building:

Harry felt the sickening truth hit him like a ton of bricks. He felt as if
he was going to be sick and he would have run from the room… run
away from all the people that weren't tainted like he was… but
Hermione had grabbed him as soon as the words had left her mouth,
and she wouldn't let him move. That didn't mean he didn't struggle
against her grip… didn't wonder how she could even touch him after
she learned about the blackness that was inside him.

He felt the tears on his shirt and realized she was crying, but he
couldn't understand why. He looked up at Ron then and found that
his other friend's face was pain, tears in his eyes and he was having
trouble breathing. But there was none of the sickness that he felt,
that was still wrapping around his insides. His friend wasn't
disgusted about this news, he was devastated. He looked around the
room and noticed the same thing… everyone was crying, not
disgusted… crying?

"He's going to have to die isn't he!" Sirius said in shock, sorrow and
more than a little anger.

"After everything I've done… he's going to die!" Severus said in the
same tone, though his anger was more than a little. "And you knew
this all this time! You knew from the beginning!"

"I…" Dumbledore started to say, but his voice couldn't be heard in all
the commotion that came from this comment. Everyone was either
crying, shouting at Dumbledore or just shouting in general at what
was going to happen to Harry.

"H-harry," Ginny said to Harry in a quiet voice as all this went on.
She could see that he wasn't able to process how everyone was
reacting to this. Why they didn't want him to leave… hate him for the
soul he had been harboring.
She tried to gather her voice, because she knew that if it shook it
would ruin the effect she wanted, but she couldn't help it. Her mind
could only process that he was going to have to die, and how much
pain that thought brought. She tried again anyway.

"Harry, this doesn't change how any of us feel about you," her voice
was far from firm, but it did draw his attention. His impossibly sad
eyes bored into hers and he seemed to be asking for reassurance as
well as a cure to the sickness that had come to him with this
realization. "Speaking as someone else that was possess by
Voldemort's soul…."

"This is different…" Harry started to say.

He felt Hermione's grip on him tighten as she sobbed. "L-listen to

her, H-harry!"

"We don't care about this," Ron added, tears falling freely down his
faced as he grabbed Harry's arm.

"You've never let it affect who you are," Ginny said, gaining strength
from Ron and Hermione's support. "You've proven time and again
that you're a hero Harry."

She couldn't say anything more, her voice failed her, but when she
felt Harry's arm grab and pull her into a hug she felt as if she might
have gotten through to him. It was a while after that that Harry asked
Hermione to continue reading (and several more minutes before she
could not only gather herself but get everyone else's attention).

Dumbledor says and Voldemort himself must do it, Severus,

that is essential:

This comment seemed to sound odd to a few people, but it couldn't

really penetrate their minds as they thought about what Harry had to
Dumbledore says we protected him because it was essential to
teach him, raise him, to let him try his strength:

Several people were glaring at Dumbledore, this sounded so

heartless to them. Sirius was grumbling under his breath, but there
wasn't anything he could say or do to make a difference.

Dumbledor says if I know him, he will arrange matters so that

when he does set out to meet his death, it will truly mean the
end of Voldemort:

"And Harry doesn't matter to you at all, does he," Sirius snapped
unable to keep his temper. "You talk so coldly about him meeting his

"I… : Dumbledore tried to say.

"Did it ever occur to you that he wouldn't let himself get killed," Percy
said. "How many people would do that…" everyone looked at him
defiantly and he added, "I'm sure we would all like to believe that we
would do this, but to actually be faced with this choice… it's not
something you know how you will react to until you're there."

"I know," Harry said firmly, and he felt as Hermione and Ginny
shivered, and Ron squeezed his arm. They knew as well that he
would do this.

"Yes, Harry, I think we all understand that," Percy sighed, bowing his
head, he had realized that the moment that it was known that Harry
was a Horcrux.

"This has to end… I don't want anyone else to go through the pain I
have… I don't want any of you to lose your lives," Harry went on,
tears coming to his own eyes, because he knew unlike the others,
his fate couldn't be changed. That he would have to die no matter
what, it was the only way for Voldemort to be defeated in the end
and there wasn't anything anyone could do to change that.
Everyone started crying again as he said this, coming to the same
conclusion as him.

"Why is it essential that the Dark Lord be the one to kill him?" Draco
asked, he had been just as shocked to hear this truth as the others,
but he wasn't exactly grieving like the others. He was, however,
trying to come up with a way that this couldn't be true. "Would the
piece of the Dark Lord's soul not be destroyed if someone else killed

"I believe if Voldemort is the one that curses him that Harry would
not have to die," Dumbledore said, and everyone's eyes were on
him. He was really glad that Draco had asked this for he had been
trying to say this for some time now, but no one was willing to listen
to him.

"What?" Sirius was the first to voice the question, but by no means
was he the last. Everyone seemed to be demanding answers to this.

"How is that even possible?!" Remus asked.

"Because of the protection that Lily has given him that had only been
strengthen by the way that Voldemort chose to come back to his
body," Dumbledore said.

Harry couldn't really make sense of what he was hearing, "then why
didn't you tell me this before if you don't think I would die."

"I thought this would be the best way…" Dumbledore said in a

grievous voice. "I'm sorry Harry, I wish it could happen a different
way, I truly don't want to cause you pain… I hope you can forgive me
in the end."

Harry didn't say anything to that, not sure what he felt in the moment.
Everyone seemed to be feeling relieved by the news that Harry
probably wouldn't really have to die, but that didn't really soften their
growing anger at Dumbledore.
Severus says lately only those whom I could not save, you have
used me:

Severus was feeling just as much used as his book self was in that
moment, but he knew that he was even being used in this moment.
Dumbledore knew how he would react to this news, and it would
farther Potter's belief that he had to die.

Severus says I have spied, lied, put myself in danger for you,
everything to keep Lily's son safe, now you tell me you have
been raising him like a pig for slaughter:

Sirius growled at that not caring about what Dumbledore had just
said as he glared at the old man. Molly too was looking at
Dumbledore furiously about all of this mess.

"It is not Dumbledore's fault that I'm a… that this happened, nor
would it be his fault that I would have to die," Harry said.

"But Harry, he's making you think that you have to…" Molly started to

"I have faith that this is for the greater good," Harry said with a weak
smile (and Dumbledore bowed his head lower at the saying). "All of
this would have been true if Dumbledore wasn't involved."

Mentions the spell Severus intended for the Death Eater's wand
hand, missed and hit George instead:

"You just put that in there to make yourself look good," George tried
to grumble but there was actually a tone of amusement in his voice.

Mentions Severus took the page bearing Lily's signature and

her love and tucked it inside his robes and ripped the
photograph the part with Lily laughing:

Harry sighed at that, knowing why Severus would do that, but he had
wished that he could have seen the complete picture.
Mentions that Snape left the room and Harry rose from the
Pensieve and it could have been like he closed the door:

"That was the end of that chapter," Hermione said, glad that she was
done reading.

"I think I shall read," McGonagall said in a grave tone as she picked
up the book, feeling as if she should be the one to read this chapter.
Chapter 35
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Thirty-Five

The Forest Again

" The Forest Again," McGonagall sighed, and everyone bowed as

they realized what Harry was going to do now.

"You're not going to curse me for this are you," Harry said to Ginny.

"Of course not, Harry," she tried to smile at his attempt at humor, but
she couldn't. Even knowing that Dumbledore believed that Harry
wasn't really going to die, Harry in the book did, and she couldn't
imagine what he was going to be thinking.

McGonagall started reading then, she looked rather shaken, but her
voice was firm as ever.

Mentions finally, the truth:

"Actually, according to Dumbledore, it's not the truth," Fred said to


"Not the whole truth," Harry corrected, his hand subconsciously

traveling to his scar.

Mentions that Harry understood at last that he was not

supposed to survive ending with neither would live, neither
could survive:

Almost everyone was shedding more tears than ever as they listen
to Harry's thoughts. McGonagall, though horrified by this, kept her
voice steady, knowing that it was probably only going to get worse as
things went.

Mentions he felt his heart pounding ending out into the grounds
and into the forest:

Ginny and Hermione were both hugging Harry at this point and
Ron's arm was around both Hermione and Harry as he leans in to
hold him. Sirius, seeing that he couldn't possibly hug his godson at
this moment, but desperately wanted to be closer to him transformed
into a dog and sat across all four of their laps.


But Sirius didn't move, just looked up at them with puppy dog eyes
and Harry chuckled, patting him on the head.

Mentions all those times he had thought he was about to die he

had never really thought of dying itself, his will to live was
always stronger than his fear of death:

"I didn't think that you feared anything?" Fred said.

"I fear plenty of things, but I'm not able to let that rule me," Harry

"Being brave isn't the absence of fear but it's how you act in the face
of what you fear," Hermione said in a thick voice.

Mentions this cold-blooded walk to his own destruction would

require a different kind of bravery:

"Yes, a bravery that so much more than any of those other things,"
Arthur said softly, and he was looking at Harry with so much pride
that Harry didn't think he could take it, and yet there was enough
sorrow in his eyes to make up for that. "I'm sure any one of us could
have died in those other ways… easy to launch oneself in front of a
wand, it would have been second nature to most of us to do that.
Very few of us would have the strength to take this walk."

Mentions of course there was a bigger plan, he simply been too

foolish to see it, he had never questioned his own assumptions
that Dumbledor wanted him alive:

Dumbledore tried not to react at all to this, for he knew he deserved

to hear these words, but it hurt him all the same. He had tried to
figure out a way to keep Harry alive since he realized that there was
a piece of Voldemort's soul in the boy. He tried to figure out a way to
kill that piece without damaging Harry. But the only thing that came
close to a solution was his theory that a Dementor might have been
able to suck the piece of Voldemort out of Harry. This idea was
repulsive to him, and he couldn't see how he could actually make it
work. So that was why he was thrilled when he learned how
Voldemort had return to his body using Harry's blood, and there was
a real way for Harry to be saved at last.

Mentions how neat not to waste any more lives but to give the
dangerous task to the boy who had already been marked for

"I'm sorry…" Harry started to say.

"Don't Harry, you have every right to think this way," Dumbledore
said gravely. "You're not really wrong… though I think I also did it
because I felt that you would be able to do this job where all others
would not. But it's I who should be sorry. I've always believed that I
was doing the right thing but perhaps things would have gone better
if I've informed you all more."

"You're doing the best you can," Harry said, "you're only human."

"Thank you, Harry," Dumbledore gave him a weak smile.

Mentions but Dumbledore had overestimated him, he had failed,

the snake survived:
"I don't believe I could have ever overestimate what you have
accomplish, Harry," Dumbledore said. "You have done everything
and more than that I've ever expected you to do."

"You didn't think that I would defeat the snake beforehand?" Harry
said confused.

"In the memory, Dumbledore said that Snape was supposed to tell
you what you are when the snake was being protected," Remus said
thoughtfully. "It stands to reason that he didn't think that you could
have killed her when she was being protected so much by

Harry nodded his head, but he wasn't sure how he was supposed to
kill the snake after everything was over with.

Mentions that Ron and Hermione seemed a long way away, he

felt as though he had parted from them long ago:

The Harry in the room, however, could feel their presents more firmly
than ever as they held onto him on this couch. He might not actually
be walking to his death right now. And he had the benefit of knowing
that he had a chance to survive, but that didn't mean he didn't need
them to keep a brave face on now. And it wasn't only Ron and
Hermione he needed, he needed everyone in this room right now, for
they were the ones that he was fighting for… and willing to walk to
his death for.

Mentions there would be no good-byes and explanations, this

was a journey they could not take together, and their attempts
to make him stop would waste time:

"I know you're right, Harry," Hermione said, and he could feel that
she was crying again. "Because we would have tried to stop you…
and it only would have made it harder on you."

"But you still would have liked it if I said goodbye," Harry sighed.
"Of course… we're not going to understand at first," Ron said. "And
once we do… well it's not really going to make us feel better."

Mentions Neville nearly walked into Harry as he was carrying a

body and Harry looked down and felt another dull blow to his
stomach, Colin Creevey:

Harry gasped at that feeling of sorrow for the boy that practically
stalked him as much as possible. It was hard to hear of this boy's
unexpected death.

Mentions though Colin was underage, must have sneaked back

just as Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle had done, he was tiny in

"And tiny in life," Fred frowned. "Remember when he and his brother
asked us how to get Dennis to the first DA meeting, George."

"Yeah, they were so excited about helping Harry out," George

sighed. "They were good kids… maybe a little too enthusiastic, but
still good."

"We're going to have to make sure there's not a battle like this in
reality," Molly said, her was barely understandable because it was so
thick. "We don't want kids fighting and dying."

"No… I'm sure we'll think of something," Arthur agreed.

Mentions she could not see any of the people he loved, no hint
of Hermione, Ron, Ginny or any of the other Weasleys, no Luna:

"So, you're saying that you love me the third most," Ginny frowned.

"And you love me the most," Hermione chuckled, but it sounded

funny because of all the crying she had been doing. "I knew it."

"I don't think it's really an order per se," Harry said.
"Besides, we know that he loves Ron the most because he was the
one that 'Arry would most sorely miss," Fleur said, her eyes were as
red as anyone.

"That's right," Fred said. "I always thought that was a little… odd
choice for you to make…."

"I would have thought you at least would have picked your girl best
friend, so you could save the damsel in distress," George added.

"She probably was already taken by Krum," Harry shrugged, and

Ron huffed at that.

"I was just wondering when it was that you started loving Luna?"
Tonks pouted out and Harry looked taken off guard by that.

"Er… it did say her, didn't it," Harry mumbled. "Well, I don't know, but
I can see why I would feel that way… from everything I've seen of
her in this book she's just the kind of person I'd want to be close to

"Shall I read now," McGonagall said stiffly after a short pause and
Sirius the dog barked and there was no mistaking that it was
supposed to be laughter.

"It looks like McGonagall is upset that she wasn't mentioned as one
of the people you love, Harry," Fred said, catching on to what Sirius
was trying to say.

"Don't be ridiculous, Weasley," McGonagall huffed indignantly, which

only showed that Fred (and Sirius) was right.

Neville says where are you going alone:

"I know it's wrong, but I almost wish he would stop you," Ron said.

Harry says you know Voldemort's snake, Neville, he's got a

huge snake, calls it Nagini:
"Why are you telling Neville this?" Percy questioned.

"Er…" was all Harry had to say to that and McGonagall started
reading again, hoping that the book Harry had something more to
say than that.

Harry says it's got to be killed, Ron and Hermione know, but
just in case they and the awfulness of that idea smothered and
made it impossible to keep talking:

"You couldn't even think of us dying even though that was what you
were about to do," Hermione said.

"Of course, I'm sure I was hoping that I would be the last person to
die for this war," Harry sighed.

Mentions Dumbledore had died knowing that three people still

knew about the Horcruxes, Neville would take Harry's place,
there still be three in the secret:

"Er… I'm not sure that makes sense," Fred said.

"Do you think that Voldemort knows that Ron and Hermione knew
about the Horcruxes too," Remus questioned.

"Seeing as he's only talking about Dumbledore's puppet, aka Harry,

no I don't think he's realized that," Bill said.

"Then it does make sense that he tells someone else," Remus said.
"And I think Neville is an excellent choice."

Harry says I'm fine, thanks, Neville:

"No that should be the first clue that you're not fine," Tonks said.
"Who could be fine after a day like this."

Neville says we're all going to keep fighting, you know that, and
Harry says Yeah, I… but couldn't go on, but Neville patted him
on the shoulder and walked away:
"I would have thought he would have realized what you were up to,"
Ron frowned.

"No… he believed me when I said I wouldn't be giving myself up,"

Harry said sadly, feeling bad about lying to him. He knew that if his
book self really died, this would have haunted Neville… that the
other boy would have wished that he had stopped Harry from going.
At least he felt that Neville would think this, after all, it still haunted
him that he had taken the Triwizard cup with Cedric, which ended up
getting the boy killed. It might not have been his fault but that didn't
stop him for wishing this didn't happen.

Mentions he was feet away from her when he realized it was


Ginny bit her lip as she squeezed herself closer to Harry.

Mentions Harry wanted to shout out to the night, wanted Ginny

to know he was there, where he was going, he wanted to be
stopped, dragged back, sent home:

This moment of weakness on Harry's part was more painful to hear

than his cold determination to do the right thing. It made it so much
clearer that Harry was just a boy, not even eighteen years old yet,
and he was walking to his death.

Molly wanted to get up and comfort the boy like any other of her
sons, like she had done for Harry just that previous summer, but he
was already surrounded by people. So, she settled for pulling the
twins closer to her, they had been sitting near her since Fred's death.

Mentions but he was home, Hogwarts was the first and best
home he had now, he Voldemort and Snape, the abandoned
boys, had all found home here:

"That's not very good company you're keeping there, Harry," Fred
said. "I'm sure you could have chosen better examples than that."
Sirius barked at that and looked at Harry.

"I supposed I should have said you too, huh Snuffles," Harry said,
patting Sirius on the head again.

Mentions a swarm of dementors and he had no strength left for

a patronus:

"No, I would think not," Remus sighed, Harry didn't have any hope
left in him… no fight. Of course, he still had courage, and plenty of it,
but the hope he needed to fight off these vile creatures was gone

Harry thinks the long game was ended, the Snitch had been
caught it was time to leave the air… and the Snitch and this I
open at the close:

And now everyone knew what was going to happen next, for Harry
must have been right about the Resurrection Stone being in there.
And yet they had really no idea what was going to happen next, but
they waited with baited breath.

Mentions it did not matter about bringing them back, for he was
about to join them, he was not really fetching them, they were
fetching him:

Molly sobs could be heard around the room, but she was by no
means the only one crying at this. McGonagall even had to take a
moment, for again she wanted to keep her voice steady.

Mentions they were neither ghost nor truly flesh, they

resembled most closely the Riddle that had escaped the diary,
he had been memory made nearly solid:

Ginny shivered at this, though she never got a good view of this
process she still had nightmares about Riddle coming out of the
diary before she had passed out. Harry squeezed her closer to him,
knowing the mention of the diary had to be difficult for her. However,
he was almost happy about this… the people that came out of the
stone would be almost real, solid people. He would want to see that.

Describes James and then mentions Sirius:

The dog that was Sirius started wagging his tail at the thought of
being there for Harry… or more like because Harry wanted him to be
there to help him through this most difficult moment in his life. Harry
didn't say a word to this but ran his hand through the dog's hair.

Mentions Lupin was younger too:

"I'm there too," Remus said looking shocked but pleased.

"And yet he still calls you Lupin," Fred chuckled.

"That's beside the point," Remus said, now beaming at Harry.

Mentions Lily searched his face hungrily, as though she would

never be able to look at him enough:

"No… she wouldn't," Molly sighed, her eyes looking at Fred, she was
sort of feeling that way herself at the moment, but knew that it would
be a lot worse for the book.

"Hmph… why am I not there… you don't like me, Harry!" Fred

"I don't think it's that," Harry said softly. "I think… well, I think it
brought my parents to me… and the people I thought of like

Sirius jumped off their laps and turn back into a man. He put both his
hands on either side of Harry's face and just looked into his eyes for
a moment. He then pulled Harry into a hug that he hoped convened
all his feelings for the boy.

"I love you," he whispered before he pulled away from Harry, tears in
his eyes.
"And I love you," Harry said to his godfather, not feeling awkward
saying this, for it just felt right in this moment.

Sirius says dying, not at all, quicker and easier than falling
asleep, and Lupin says and he will want it to be quick, he wants
it over:

"Very reassuring Remus," Tonks said rolling her eyes.

"Well… er… at least it's true," Remus said, but he wasn't really
paying attention to what she was saying because he was still
thinking about Harry saying that he felt that Remus was like a parent
to him. When Harry was born, he believed that this boy was the
closest thing he would have to a child and so he loved Harry as a
son. He didn't think that the boy would feel that way about him
through and it was nice to hear that he had been wrong about that.

Harry says I didn't want you to die, any of you, I'm sorry, then
looked at Remus and says right after you had your son, Remus,
I'm sorry:

And now Remus bowed his head and pulled Tonks closer to him, a
wave of pain hit him as he remembered that he had die and left a
son without his parents.

Yaxley says definitely heard something, animal, d'you reckon

and Dolohov says that headcase Hagrid kept a whole much of
stuff in here:

"Hagrid is not a head case you piece of scum!" Molly growled, her
anger flaring because it was easier to feel that than the sorrow that
had settled in her chest since last night. And it was easy to take her
anger out of Dolohov because of what he had done to her brothers.

Dolohov and Yaxley walked deeper into the forest and Harry
followed them, looked sideways, his mother smiled at him, and
his father nodded:
"Do you think that we know?" Sirius said. "You know… that
Dumbledore thinks that Harry is going to survive."

"I don't know?" Remus said.

"I was just thinking we might, after all the encouragement we're
giving him to do something like this," Sirius said.

"Or we might just know it's the right thing to do, and we are trying to
make it less difficult for him," Remus said.

"Or the stone doesn't really bring back the dead and you're just the
representation of what Harry would think that you would act like in
this situation and seeing how resolved Harry is, you were made to
help him get through this," Hermione said.

"You just don't want to believe in people coming back from the
dead," Harry said to her, and she smiled at him sheepishly.

Mentions every eye was fixed upon Voldemort, and Harry

thought absurdly of a child counting in a game of hide-and-

"Er… I'm not sure I want to play hide-and-seek with him," Fred said.

"Because he would likely kill you as soon as he found you," George


Voldemort says I thought he would come, I expected him to


"Do you think you would have?" Ron asked Harry. "If you weren't a…
what you are… and you didn't have to d… do what you're about to
do… do you think you would have come to him?"

"I'm not sure," Harry admitted. "I was feeling pretty guilty…."

Mentions his hands were sweating as he pulled off the

Invisibility Cloak and stuffed it beneath his robes, with his
wand, he didn't want to be tempted to fight:

"If it was me, I would have tried to take as many of them out before I
went," Sirius said, his tone was light, but his eyes still portrayed his

"I think I would have done the same," Charlie said.

"But it's better that Harry did not do this," Dumbledore said, and
people looked at him coldly. "I think you should see why soon."

Voldemort says I was, it seems mistaken and Harry as loudly as

he could and not wanting to sound afraid says you weren't:

Severus was looking at Harry in awe at that, it seemed the boy had
more control over himself than Severus ever thought possible. It
wasn't enough that Harry had walked to the forest knowing full well
that he had to die, he was going to face his death without fear… it
was impressive, especially when Voldemort was the one that was
causing the death.

Mentions Hagrid was bound and trussed:

Several people gasped at this and felt instantly bad for Hagrid who
would have to witness Harry's death. Harry was worried about what
was going to happen to Hagrid… and hated that he had to be there
to see this.

Hagrid yells no, no, Harry what're you… :

Now the tears were starting to fall again as McGonagall effectively

voiced the tone of Hagrid's grief of what was happening.

Mentions Bellatrix was looking eagerly from Voldemort to Harry,

her breast heaving:

"I'd kiss the person that murders that bitch," Sirius growled at that.
Mentions that everyone was waiting, and Harry thought
inexplicably of Ginny, and blazing look, and the feel of her lips
on his:

Ginny's eyes widen at the fact that she would be in his thoughts in
this moment before he died.

Harry's did too, and he knew then that in this book he must have
truly loved Ginny Weasley, a feeling he was sure he was starting to
feel himself.

Mentions he saw the mouth move and a flash of green light, and
everything was gone:

McGonagall voice quivered as she read this and everyone tensed,

though they were trying to hold on to the fact that Harry could
somehow miraculously make it through this, it was hard to believe
that in the moment.

"That was the end of the chapter." McGonagall said.

"I think I'll read," Arthur said and took the book from her.
Chapter 36
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Thirty-Six

King's Cross

" King's Cross," Arthur read looking confused, and he wasn't the
only one that was confused. However, seeing as no one had a
comment for this, he just started reading.

Mentions Harry lay facedown all alone, nobody else was there
he was not perfectly sure that he was there himself:

"How could you not know that you're there?" Ron questioned. "And
where are you anyways."

"No idea mate," Harry said.

Mentions as soon as he had reached this conclusion, Harry

became conscious that he was naked:

"Er… do you often lay on the ground naked Harry," Fred commented
with a smirk as some people either whistled or laughed. Ginny had
turned bright red at the thought of that.

"No," Harry said blushing.

Mentions in opening them, he discovered that he had eyes:

"You know, whatever is happening right now… it's very weird," Ron
"It seems like Harry is having a near death experience," Hermione
said thoughtfully, she was still trying to keep her mind from thinking
that he was not in fact dead.

Mentions that his body appeared unscathed, he touched his

face, he was not wearing glasses anymore:

"Well than of course you can't see anything… put your glasses on
and your surroundings should come into focus more," George said.

"Something tells me I don't need my glasses in this place," Harry


Mentions he wished he were clothed and then robes appeared a

short distance away, he took them and pulled them on:

"Ah, too bad Gin, it looks like he's clothed now," Fred sniggered as
both Harry and Ginny glared at him as they blushed.

Mentions a great domed glass roof glittered high above him in

sunlight, perhaps it was a palace:

"No… I think it's a train station," Remus said.

"What makes you think that?" Sirius questioned.

"Well, the chapter is called King's Cross for a reason," Remus said
smugly and Sirius rolled his eyes.

Mention that Harry spotted the thing that was making the
noises, a small, naked child, flayed looking and it was stuffed
out of sight, struggling for breath:

Harry shuddered at that (and he wasn't the only one) and he thought
he knew what it was.

"Is that… is it Voldemort… or at least the piece of his soul,"

Hermione questioned hesitantly.
"I believe it is," Dumbledore said as Harry nodded his head.

Mentions he was afraid of it and then he was near enough to

touch it, but he couldn't, he felt lie a coward, he ought to
comfort it, but it repulsed him:

"No… you really ought not comfort that," Sirius snarled.

"I don't think I know what it is," Harry said frowning.

Someone says you can't help, and Harry turns around and
Albus Dumbledor was walking towards him:

"What are you doing there?" Harry said looking terrified, did he really
die after all?

"I am not sure," Dumbledore said, looking thoughtful and interested

in hearing what happened next.

Harry says but you're dead:

"Harry don't be so rude, it's not nice to be so blunt with dead people,"
Fred chuckled.

However, most of the others were growing tense, they didn't like the
sounds of this. If Dumbledore was dead and now able to talk to
Harry… what happened to Harry?

Harry says then, I'm dead too and Dumbledor says ah, that is
the question, isn't it, on the whole dear boy, I think not:

And several people let out a breath, including Dumbledore, seeing

as everything that involves Harry is a branch of magic that can't be
tested and has never been seen before, there was part of him that
worried what was going to happen.

Dumbledore says and that, will, I think, have made all the
"If I defended myself, would I have died?" Harry asked.

"I'm not sure Harry," Dumbledore sighed, that could be true, but it
wasn't the only reason why he believed he didn't want Harry to
defend himself.

Harry says Explain and Dumbledore says but you already know
and then twiddled his thumbs together:

A few people sniggered at the thought of Dumbledore just smiling at

Harry while he twiddled his thumbs.

"I think you should just tell him," Molly scowled at Dumbledore.
"Hasn't he suffered enough."

"Hm…" Dumbledore sighed thoughtfully, wondering if it was even

really him or if it was just Harry's mind trying to understand what was
going on. Still, his answer was the same no matter what he was, and
he said, "I think it's important that Harry figures things out on his own
especially since I will no longer be able to help him. Plus, I would
think in the future, he would be the one that most people turn to
when some crises happen, and he will…."

"Oh, bloody hell, you mean I'm going to have to deal with things
even after I get rid of Voldemort!" Harry groaned.

"Sorry Harry, but after something like this, people will look up to you,"
Dumbledore sighed. "It's not an easy life, but you have many
friends… er… family that will help you through this."

Mentions Dumbledore nodded still more enthusiastically, urging

Harry onward, a broad smile of encouragement on his face:

"Er… you are acting sort of oddly, sir," Harry frowned.

"Indeed, I am," Dumbledore agreed with a smile.

Dumbledore says oh yes, he destroyed it, your soul is whole,

and completely your own Harry:
Harry sighed at that; this was something that couldn't be said about
him. And again, he felt sick thinking about what was inside him at
this very moment.

Dumbledore says think back, remember what he did, in his

ignorance, in his greed and his cruelty:

"Well, that certainly narrowed things down a lot," Sirius said rolling
his eyes. "It could have been anything Voldemort did."

Harry says he took my blood:

"It seems like it helped Harry figure out what Dumbledore was talking
about," Remus said to him.

"Whatever," Sirius huffed. "I still think Dumbledore could have been
talking about anything that Voldemort has done."

Dumbledore says he took your blood and rebuilt his living body
with it, Lily's protection inside both of you, he tethered you to
life while he lives:

"Wow… that was an extremely stupid thing for him to do," Draco

"I don't think anyone would have realized that would happen though,"
Bill said. "Except Dumbledore of course."

"But I don't understand… if that is true, then why can he touch me

now?" Harry said, frowning.

"Because the use of your blood had worked in the way he had
intended it too to a certain extent, but it had worked in ways that
Voldemort never expected it to," Dumbledore smiled.

Harry asks about the creature and again and Dumbledore says
there is no help possible:

"Why the hell do you what to help that thing?" Charlie questioned.
"It's just in Harry's nature to help," Ginny smiled.

"Or I just wanted it to shut up already, it seems like it's distracting,"

Harry said.

Dumbledore says Voldemort's knowledge remained incomplete,

that which he does not value, he does not comprehend, they all
have a power beyond his own:

"Well of course he couldn't grasp that, he doesn't like anything that's

more powerful than him," Charlie said.

"But honestly, I don't think any of us really think about these things
as being so powerful," Remus said.

Dumbledore says he took in his body a part of your mother's

enchantment, so his body keeps her sacrifice alive, if it survives
so do you and Voldemort's last hope for himself:

"Er… what?" Bill said. "What's Voldemort's last hope?"

But no one answered him.

Dumbledore says but here is what I think happened and it is

unprecedented and no wandmaker could ever have predicted or
explained it to Voldemort:

"Well than it's a good thing you have Dumbledore on your side to
explain things to you," Remus said.

"Because I seriously doubt anyone else would have a chance to do

that," Sirius added.

Dumbledore says but then, if he had been able to understand,

he could not be Lord Voldemort and might never have murdered
at all:

"Then I really wished he would have understood," Harry grumbled

and he wasn't the only one to be thinking along these lines.
Dumbledore says your wand imbibed some of the power and
qualities of Voldemort's that night, saying that it contained a
little of Voldemort himself:

Harry frowned at that, but he supposed it wasn't anything to get

worked up about, after all he had a little of Voldemort in him too.

Dumbledore says your wand now contained the power of your

courage and Voldemort's deadly skill, what chanced did Lucius
Malfoy's wand stand:

"Hm… your wand sounds like it's pretty powerful now," Charlie said.

"I'm sure it is, though it isn't really able to bring out its power unless it
is facing Voldemort," Dumbledore said.

Dumbledore asked where would you say that we are and before
asked Harry had not known but now, he had an answer ready to

"You're a little slow you know, you never seemed to notice things
until you think of them," Draco said.

"Maybe that's because they're not there until I think of them," Harry

Dumbledore says my dear boy, I have no idea, this is, as they

say, your party:

"What is that supposed to mean?" Harry asked.

"What you just said, more or less," Dumbledore said. "That you are
the one that is thinking up your surroundings and such."

Mentions Harry had no idea what this meant:

"Obviously," the twins said together as they chuckled.

Mentions that for the first time since Harry met Dumbledore he
looked lie than an old, lie a small boy caught in wrongdoing:

"Don't worry sir, we've all been there," Fred said to Dumbledore.

"Some of us spend half our lives giving that expression," George

added encouragingly.

"What do you mean half," Molly grumbled fondly.

"Well, you know mum, the other half we're actually doing the
wrongdoing," Fred chuckled.

Dumbledore asks for forgiveness ending with I have known, for

some time now, that you are the better man:

Harry blushed uncomfortably at that, "I don't think…."

"Oh, but it's true Harry," Dumbledore smiled at him. "I've watched
you prove time and time again that you are the better man."

Harry was more uncomfortable than ever but didn't protest this time.

Dumbledore says and I was such a fool, but you know, don't
you, I have no secrets from you anymore, you know:

"So that means you have no secrets from all of us too," Sirius said.

"I wouldn't say no secrets," Dumbledore said, and then sighed, "but
the biggest secrets of my life… yes you seem to know those."

Dumbledore says master of death Harry, master of Death, was I

better, ultimately, than Voldemort:

"Don't be ridiculous Dumbledore, of course you were better than

Voldemort!" McGonagall huffed indignantly.

Dumbledore just smiled at her, glad of her defense. It seemed like

the other people in the room were thinking the same thing too, they
just didn't say it out loud.

Dumbledore says true, true like he was a child seeing


"Why are you acting so childish?" Remus questioned, but

Dumbledore didn't have an answer to that.

Dumbledore says whether they met Death on a lonely road, I

think it more likely they were simply gifted, dangerous wizards
who created powerful objects:

"Why dangerous?" Remus asked.

"They perhaps weren't dangerous, but the objects they created

were," Dumbledore admitted.

"Well, except for the cloak," Sirius said.

"That could be dangerous too… depending on who is using it, but I

supposed you're right," Dumbledore said.

"How did they even do it… how did they make those things?" Harry

"I do not know… no one does," Dumbledore said. "And I think, as a

whole, it is better that way."

Dumbledore says the Cloak was passed from father to son,

mother to daughter until Ignotus's last living descendant,
looking at Harry who says me:

"Why are you surprised Harry, didn't you already come to this
conclusion?" Ron said.

"Well, that doesn't mean that I can't be surprised," Harry shrugged.

Dumbledore says James had showed the Cloak to me just a few

days previously, it explained much of his undetected
wrongdoing at school:

"And the fact that we were Animagi explains the rest," Sirius said

"Yes, I would have to agree with that," Dumbledore smiled.

Dumbledore says in a unbearably bitter voice then your father

died, and I had two Hallows at last, all to myself:

"Were you happy that you had the Cloak?" Harry questioned.

"I was intrigued by it, especially at first, but it didn't really bring true
joy," Dumbledore said. "It only reminded me of my obsession… what
it had cost me and that I didn't have the last Hallow… the one that I
really wanted to use."

Harry says the Cloak wouldn't have helped them survive,

Voldemort knew where they were, the Cloak couldn't make them

"That would be bloody awesome if it did," Ron said.

"I think we'll have to look into something like that," Fred said
thoughtfully to George. "Something that you could put on and it
would make you curse proof."

"That would be good," George smiled.

"Just know that it wouldn't work on all curses," Remus advised.

Harry says but I don't despise you and Dumbledore says then
you should:

"No, he shouldn't… not for what happened in your past," Molly said
more kindly with Dumbledore than she had been since she heard
that Harry was a Horcrux.
Dumbledore says I was gifted, I was brilliant, I wanted to
escape, I wanted to shine, I wanted glory:

Percy grimaced at this, obviously he wasn't in the same situation as

Dumbledore, but he did resent a lot of things about his family, and he
definitely wanted to shine above the rest of his brothers. How he had
always been the different one, and how he was always the
responsible one, which only farther alienated him from his siblings.
He was just happy that he had finally recognize his resentment and
was trying to work through it before it was too late….

Dumbledore says I was selfish, more selfish than you, who are
a remarkably selfless person, could possibly imagine:

"I'm not selfle…" Harry started to say.

"Don't even bother trying Potter, even I know you're selfless," Draco
said before Harry could even finish and everyone else in the room
seemed to be rolling their eyes.

Dumbledore says Grindelwald, you can't imagine how his ideas

caught me, inflamed me, Muggles forced into subservience:

This comment caused everyone to frown. No matter how many times

they heard this, it just seemed wrong that Dumbledore would be
saying it… that he had once thought this.

Dumbledore says the Resurrection Stone to him meant an army

of Inferi, to me it meant my parents' return, and the lifting of all
responsibility from my shoulders:

"Is that the only reason why you would want your parents back?"
Harry questioned.

"Of course not," Dumbledore sighed, he would have loved to have

seen his parents for other reasons too. "But I was so enthralled in all
of this, that was what I mostly thought about."
"He doesn't really need the Stone to make an army of Inferi, does
he?" Draco commented.

"I would think not," Severus said, "though it takes a great deal of
energy to make a Inferi, and it would have been simpler to have the
Stone do it."

Dumbledore says we never discussed the Cloak ending with the

Cloak was mainly to complete the trio, the master of death when
we took as 'invincible':

"Um… how could you both have been invincible?" Percy questioned.
"I mean only one person could possess all three things at a time."

"That is true, but that wasn't something we discussed," Dumbledore

sighed, "it was something that we would have talked about as soon
as we found one, or all, of the Hallows."

Dumbledore says and Ariana, after all my mother's care and

caution, lay dead upon the floor:

Again, people started tearing up at this, Dumbledore bowing his


Dumbledore says I was offered the post of Minister of Magic but

I refused, I had learned that I was not to be trusted with power:

"I'm sure you would have made a good Minister… you shouldn't
have…" Remus started to say.

"I'm not so sure about that," Dumbledore sighed, "and I believe I will
say as much and more in the book."

Dumbledore says that perhaps those who are best suited to

power are those who have never sought it, those, like you:

Harry again felt uncomfortable hearing these things from his

"Well at least that way you knew they wouldn't have a big head
about it," Fred chuckled.

"Seeing as they don't think that they have the power in the first
place," George added.

Dumbledore says I was safer at Hogwarts, I think I was a good


"You were more than a good teacher," McGonagall said, firmly, "you
were the best."

Harry says you were the best:

"I didn't know you had so much in common with McGonagall, Harry,"
Ron teased.

"There's worse people to be like," Harry shrugged.

Dumbledore says but that I actually struck the blow that snuffed
out Ariana's life:

Dumbledore was pinching the bridge of his nose now; this was still a
fear he had seeing as he was never able to ask what the truth was.

Dumbledore says people were dying and he seemed

unstoppable, and I had to do what I could:

"So, you faced your greatest fear to help those in need," Harry said.
"It was an admiral thing to do, sir."

Dumbledore looked at Harry then, unable to say a word, but

appreciating what the boy had said.

Dumbledore says they say Grindelwald showed remorse in later

years, I hope that was true perhaps the lie to Voldemort was to
make amends, Harry says or maybe from breaking into your
Dumbledore had bowed his head again, wondering if Harry could
possibly be right. Wanting to believe that he was right, though
knowing it wouldn't change anything that happened in the past.

Dumbledore says when I discovered the Stone I lost my head

Harry, I forgot that it was a Horcrux, I picked it up and put it on
and imagined seeing Ariana and my parent to tell them how
very sorry I was:

"That seems really unlike you Dumbledore," McGonagall frowned.

"For you to forget something like that."

Dumbledore didn't answer, but he knew how tempting that Stone

was for him, and how it would be almost impossible for him not to
use it right away.

"Especially when you knew that there was a chance that you would
be finding it there," McGonagall added, when she realized that
Dumbledore didn't agree with her. "I would have thought you would
prepare to deal with that."

"Maybe there was some kind of compulsion charm on the ring that
made you were it," Remus added, seeming to agree with

"Perhaps," was all Dumbledore had to say to that.

Dumbledore says I was fit only to possess the meanest of them

the least extraordinary, the Elder wand, I was permitted to tame
it, not for gain but to save others from it:

"Which is something that most people wouldn't have been able to

do," Harry said to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore says the stone I would have used it to attempt to

drag back those who are at peace, you are the worthy
possessor of the Hallows:
"Er… but you didn't have to face a self-sacrifice like I did," Harry
said. "And I probably would have dragged my family from there
peace if I had the chance."

Harry asked why did you have to make it so difficult and

Dumbledore says I was afraid that your hot head might
dominate your good heart:

Several people sniggered at this.

"It seems you had good reason to be cautious about that," Tonks

Dumbledore says he accepts that he must die and understand

there are far worse things in the living world than dying:

"That's just so cheap, I think someone should clarify to all those

seeking the Hallows that all they would get if they combined them is
acceptance of death and not the invincibility," Charlie said.

Dumbledore says Voldemort believes that the Elder Wand

removes the last weakness and makes him truly invincible,
Poor Severus:

"That's all you've got to say… is poor Severus," the said man huffed.

"I'm sorry," Dumbledore sighed, and he was truly sorry that Severus
had died.

Harry says if you planned your death with Snape, you meant for
him to end of with the Elder Wand, Dumbledore says but it did
not work as I intended:

"Why do I get the feeling that I'm missing something here?" Bill said.

"I don't know, but I feel the same way," Remus said.

Harry says I've got to go back, haven't I and Dumbledore says

that is up to you:
Tension came to the room that wasn't there before, not being
completely sure what Harry's choice would be.

Dumbledore says we're in King's Cross, I think if you decided

not to go back, you would be able to board a train:

"So, you think this is a place that is between the worlds," Hermione
mumbled to herself.

Dumbledor says by returning you may ensure that fewer souls

are maimed, family are torn apart, if that seems worthy then we
say goodbye for the present:

"Why do you need Dumbledore to talk you into living?" Ron

questioned, looking at touch worried that Harry wouldn't go back yet.

"I don't know," Harry said, but he was thinking that it would be easy
to die, there would be nothing left to worry about, no more pain for
him to go through. But then again he would miss so much too… and
really he didn't want to die… not yet.

Harry asks is this real, or is it happening inside my head and

Dumbledore says of course it's happening inside your head, but
why on earth should that mean it's not real:

"That was the end of the chapter," Arthur read this last part with
amusement, as some of the others sniggered.

"Wait… so does that mean all that was said was just what Harry
thought happened?" Fred questioned. "Because no offense Harry,
but I don't know if I would believe your conclusions."

"None taken," Harry chuckled.

"Whether it was real or not, it is how I would have reacted and

explained things," Dumbledore said.

"Who wants to read next," Arthur said.

"I think I will," Charlie said taking the book.
Chapter 37
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

The Flaw in the Plan

" The Flaw in the Plan," Charlie read.

"I hope we're talking about Voldemort's Plan," Remus said, he really
didn't think that he could take it if Harry dies after all of this.

Mentions every inch of him ached, and the place where the
Killing Curse had hit him felt like the bruise of an iron-clad

Everyone shivered when it said the Killing Curse hit him. It was
unbelievable that he would have survived that once, but it looked like
now he had done that twice.

Mentions Harry did not stir, but he remained exactly where he

had fallen, with his left arm bent out at an awkward angle and
his mouth gaping:

"Why would you stay like that?" Ron questioned.

"Because he's probably still surrounded by Death Eaters," Bill


"But it's been a while since he was curse hasn't it," Ron frowned.

"Or it's been no time at all," Dumbledore said. "It wasn't clear to even
Harry how time had passed in the last chapter."
"You mean that whole conversation could have taken only minutes?
Weird," Ron said.

Mentions Harry expected to hear cheers but instead heard

whispers and solicitous murmur and someone says my Lord…
my Lord:

"It looks like something happened to Voldemort when he cursed

you," Sirius smiled.

Dumbledore, however, was frowning. He didn't know how any of this

would have affected Voldemort, but he feared what this might mean
to Harry. Surely Voldemort wasn't going to let the boy just lay there
after being knocked down himself. He would want to check to see if
Harry was alive….

Mentions it was Bellatrix's voice and she spoke as if to a lover:

Several people shuddered at that, the idea of either one of them

having a lover was just wrong.

Mentions a slight cushioning effect told him the Cloak was also
there, stuffed out of sight:

"That's good to know," Sirius said, liking that Harry still had his
greatest offensive and defensive tools.

Mentions had Voldemort collapsed, it seemed like it, and both of

them had briefly fallen unconscious and both of them had now

"I know this is a scary thought, but I still wonder what Voldemort had
seen when he was knocked out," Percy mused.

"Who's to say he saw anything," Dumbledore said. "He could have

merely laid unconscious on the ground.

Voldemort says the boy, is he dead:

"Oh dear!"


"This isn't good… how are you going to get out of this?" Ron said to

"I have no idea," Harry said looking worried. "Maybe if I slip my

Cloak on… I don't know…"

Hermione groaned as her grip on Harry tightened again.

Mentions Harry didn't know who had been sent to verify, he

could only lie there, with his heart thumping traitorously:

"Your heart isn't traitorous," Ginny said.

"But it will give me away… whoever examines me will know I'm

alive," Harry sighed.

Mentions that Voldemort was wary of approaching him, that he

suspected that all had not gone to plan:

"But wouldn't it be better if he thought everything went to plan?" Ron

questioned. "I mean then you would be able to surprise him."

"That's true… but you've got to admit it's nice to know that I've made
him worried," Harry said.

Mentions Harry could hear the woman's fast breathing, and

asks is Draco alive, is he in the castle:

"It's my mum," Draco said uselessly, for everyone realized that it had
to be her.

"Yes," Severus said thoughtfully, "and I would think that she is the
best person to examine Potter right now."
"Do you think…" Sirius started but Charlie had started reading again.
Sirius was left to wonder if it was possible that his cousin would, in a
sense, save Harry.

Harry breathed back yes and he felt Narcissa's hand contract,

her nails pierced him, and she announces he is dead:

"I suppose it's not so bad that you saved this useless git after all,"
Fred said pointing to Draco.

Draco, however, didn't even hear this as he thought with dread about
what his mum was doing. He knew it was the right thing, and if it
worked it would be okay, but if Voldemort realized that she was
lying… well he wouldn't hesitate to kill her.

"She'll be fine," Severus informed Draco. "The Dark Lord won't think
that anyone would lie to him at this point, and she is good enough in
Occlumency to be believable."

Draco let out a sigh of relief at this reassurance.

Sirius was looking at the book oddly, shocked at the fact that
Narcissa had done this.

Mentions that Narcissa knew that he only way into Hogwarts

was part of the army, she no longer cared whether Voldemort

"On the contrary, by this point she's praying that Voldemort loses,"
Dumbledore said.

"Well, the Malfoys had certainly fallen off the favorites list," Fred said,
"it probably would be better for them if our side wins."

Voldemort says you see, Harry Potter is dead by my hand:

"You're so wrong about that," Sirius huffed. "Anyway, why are you so
bloody excited about killing a boy!"
Voldemort says and no man alive can threaten me now, watch,

Everyone gasped at that, though a few people had realized that

Voldemort would have done something like this. Harry felt Hermione
and Ginny hugging him again, and Ron squeezing his shoulder. He
heard Molly start sobbing again, and a few other people snuffled. He
heard in the tense silence that Remus and Sirius were beyond words
in their anger. None of them could stand the thought of him having to
go through torture now. And that he would have to do it without
screaming or even showing any signs of pain.

Mentions he was lifted into the air and it took determination to

remain limp, yet the pain he expected did not come:

"What… why not?" Harry said, confused.

"Who cares?" Ron sighed in relief. "You're not in pain."

"But he has a point… why wouldn't he have been hurt," Bill frowned,
and looked at Dumbledore who had a triumphant smile. "You know,
don't you."

"I have a theory," Dumbledore said, "I think we shall see if Charlie
continues reading."

Voldemort says we go to the castle, and show them what has

become of their hero, who shall drag the body, no wait:

Everyone shuddered at the thought of seeing Harry's body being

dragged back to where they were… and that they would believe that
he was dead….

Voldemort says you carry him, he will be nice and visible in

your arms, will he not, pick up your little friend, Hagrid:

"Oh no," Hermione said her voice breaking as she thought of how
hard it would be for Hagrid to not only witness all of this, but to have
to carry Harry.

Harry bowed his head, hating that he couldn't just tell his friend that
he was okay but there was no way that he could do that.

Voldemort says and the glasses, put on the glasses, he must be


"Huh… that will help me," Harry said. "I would have been blind
without my glasses."

"That's good to know," Draco said, "all I would have to do is summon

your glasses whenever we dual and you wouldn't be able to do
anything about it."

Harry frowned at him, "I was hoping that we wouldn't be fighting as

much anymore."

Draco shrugged, "that doesn't mean this isn't good information to


"Don't worry Harry, I can make your glasses so they can't be

summoned," Hermione said.

"Thanks," Harry smiled at her.

Mentions that Hagrid's arms trembled with the force of heaving

sobs, cradled Harry in his arms and Harry couldn't move to let
Hagrid know that not all was lost:

Harry sighed at this, feeling bad for what he would have put Hagrid

"You are doing the right thing," Hermione assured him.

"Hagrid would understand when he finds out what's happening," Ron

Hagrid says Bane, happy now, you didn't fight, you cowardly
bunch of nags, are you happy Harry Potter is dead:

Several people shuddered at this.

"Who's Bane?" Tonks questioned.

"He's a centaur… doesn't really like wizards much for what I could
tell," Charlie was the one that actually answered.

"No, I don't think he does either, at least he didn't like it when Frienze
had saved me from Voldemort in my first year," Harry said. "He said
that centaurs weren't supposed to get involved… or something like

"I can't see how the centaurs can't see that it would be in their best
interest if they fight on our side, they wouldn't be getting any favor if
Voldemort wins," Charlie frowned.

Mentions the dementors would not affect him now, the fact of
his own survival burned inside him, a talisman as though his
father stag kept guardian in his heart:

"I suppose that makes sense," Sirius said. "Besides, it's not like
Voldemort was going to allow them to get close to you anyway."

"I wonder though," Remus said thoughtfully. "If the dementors were
drawn to you more than the others because you had two souls within

Harry shivered at that.

"Sorry…" Remus sighed, that really wasn't something anyone would

want to hear.

Voldemort magically magnified his voice and says Harry Potter

is dead:
Hermione shuddered at the knowledge of what those words would
do to her, she clung to Harry, because she needed to feel his grip on
her now. She felt Ron move closer as his arms wrapped around her,
his head resting against hers. His arms were trembling, and she
knew he was thinking the same thing as her. As soon as they had
realized that Harry had left them, they would have been fearing that
they would hear these words.

Voldemort says he was killed as he ran away, trying to save

himself while you lay down your lives for him:

"THAT BASTARD!" Sirius really yelled this time, his eyes beyond
furious. "As if Harry would ever run from you! Run to save himself
when others would pay the price."

"None of us would believe him!" Molly said sternly.

"It is a foolish lie to say!" Arthur said. "It will only make us fight harder
in the end!"

Voldemort continues Come out of the castle now, kneel before

me, and you shall be spared:

"Kneel before him! Does he honestly think any of us would do that!"

Percy said furiously.

Voldemort continues your parents and children, your brothers

and sisters will live, be forgiven, and you will join me in the new
world we shall build together:

"I think I would prefer to die," George said.

"Don't say that! I think I would prefer to kill you, is a much better
saying," Fred said to his twin. He was smiling but there was a part of
him that worried about what George might be thinking after hearing
that he was dead.
Mentions that Voldemort was striding in front of them, wearing
the great snake Nagini around his shoulders, now free of her
enchanted cage:

"Good," everyone said.

"Now all you have to do is wait for a chance to kill her…" Sirius

"But how is he going to do that," Severus said, "he doesn't have

anything that would destroy the Horcrux."

"I don't know, but I'm sure he'll think of something," Sirius shrugged.

Mentions the scream was the more terrible because he had

never expected or dreamed that Professor McGonagall could
make such a sound:

Harry looked at said Professor a little shock, he did not expect her to
be the first to acknowledge his death . He had expected it to be Ron,
Hermione, Ginny and maybe even Molly, but not McGonagall.

"Don't be so shocked, Harry," McGonagall said, looking at him with

tear-stained face. "You have always been one of my favorites… your
courage, bravery and selflessness has always made me proud."

Harry shuffled uncomfortably at these words and mumbled a thanks.

Mentions Harry heard another woman laughing, knew that

Bellatrix gloried in McGonagall's despair:

Sirius wasn't the only one that growled this time, Molly seemed to be
just as angry as him. How that woman could laugh at something like
this! Argh it made her so mad!

Mentions Ron's, Hermione's, and Ginny's voices were worse

than McGonagall's:
Harry squeezed both Hermione and Ginny closer in the hug they had
been giving him for several chapters now. He could feel them

Mentions Harry wanted nothing more than to call back, yet he

made himself lie silent:

Harry shuddered this time, knowing how hard it would be for him to
stay still when he heard them shouting like that. When he knew he
was causing them pain by staying still.

"We understand you have to do this," Hermione whispered.

"It doesn't mean I can't feel bad for the pain I'm putting you through,"
Harry whispered back.

Voldemort says Harry Potter is dead, he was nothing ever but a

boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him:

Harry closed his eyes at those words, knowing that people had done
that for him.

"And you've now sacrificed yourself for all of us," Ron pointed out.
"You wouldn't want us to blame ourselves for your death would

"Of course not," Harry sighed, hearing his friends' words and grateful
for them.

Ron says he beat you:

"I like those words better. Ron," Fred chuckled. "Really get under old
Voldy's skin with that."

Molly groaned at that worried for her youngest son.

Mentions the charm broke, and the defenders of Hogwarts were

screaming again until a more powerful bang extinguished their
voices once more:
"How did that break the charm?" Arthur said. "How was Ron able to
speak at all?"

"I think Ron just said it," Dumbledore said smiling and when
everyone looked at him confused, he motioned for Charlie to read.

Voldemort says he was killed while trying to sneak out of the

castle grounds:

Molly gasped and everyone looked at her confused.

"He wants us to fight," Molly answered their looks. "He's trying to bait
someone out there to come and fight him… he must know that none
of us would believe this!"

"Perhaps," Arthur said. "But it didn't matter if he said this at all, we

were going to fight!"

"I know that," Molly huffed, "I'm just worried about what someone
might do after hearing that…" her eyes were on Ron, Hermione and
Ginny as she spoke.

Mentions someone had broken free of the crowd and charged at

Voldmort, the figure hit the ground, disarmed:

Molly shivered, yes, this was what she was afraid of. Now she was
just worried about who it was… and hoped that they didn't get too

Bellatrix says it is Neville Longbottom, my Lord:

"No!" Hermione and Ginny said and Harry and Ron both groaned.

"No!" McGonagall moaned next, she didn't want to hear about any
more of her brave Gryffindors getting hurt, especially this boy who
she had always been hard on, which she only did because she knew
he could handle so much more than he thought.
"I'm sure he will surprise us," Remus said reassuringly but he was
looking just as worried about Neville as the others.

Voldemort says you are a pureblood, aren't you, my brave boy

and Neville says so what if I am:

Those that knew Neville gave a reluctant, almost painful smile at his
defiance, all the while worried about what was going to happen to

Voldemort wave his wand seconds later something flew out of

the castle and Voldemort picked it up it was the Sorting Hat:

"The Sorting Hat?" several people looked confused.

"Why would he summon that?" McGonagall asked with a frown.

Dumbledore, however, was smiling, thinking about how convenient it

was that Voldemort had summoned the thing that could summon a
weapon to destroy the last Horcrux.

Voldemort says Neville here is going to demonstrate what

happens to anyone foolish enough to continue to oppose me
and he caused the Sorting Hat to burst into flames:

"NO!" several people shouted at once as they worried about Neville.

Mentions hooves and the twangs of bows and arrows were

suddenly falling amongst the Death Eaters:

"It seems like Hagrid had convinced them to act at last," Charlie
noted before he started reading again.

Mentions Neville broke free of the Body-Bind Curse upon him,

the flaming hat fell off and he drew from it's depth something
silver, rubied handle:

"THE SWORD OF GRYFFINDOR!" everyone shouted in excitement.

"I can't believe Longbottom actually pulled that out of the hat," Draco
shook his head.

"Why not… you've seen him, he's shown that he's a true Gryffindor!"
Hermione said hotly.

"Yes… but the Longbottom that we know wouldn't have been able to
do that," Draco shrugged.

"I think you're wrong about that," Remus said. "Neville has always
been brave; he just was never confident… I'm sure that if face with
this choice now, that Neville would have run out to face Voldemort
like he has in the book!"

Mentions the slash of the silver blade couldn't be heard, but it

seemed to draw every eye, with a single stroke Neville sliced off
the great snake's head:

"YES!" everyone cheered.

"Well, it looks like it was good that you told him to kill the snake after
all!" Sirius chuckled.

"Bloody brilliant move that was!" Ron smiled.

"I couldn't have done any better myself," Harry beamed.

Mentions Voldemort's mouth was open in a scream of fury that

nobody could hear, and the snake's body thudded to the ground
at his feet:

"Oh crap… Voldemort is going to murder him," Ron groaned, worried

again about his friend.

"I'm sure I won't let that happen," Harry said.

Hagrid says Harry, Harry, where's Harry:

"Bloody hell Hagrid, I don't think you should be yelling that," Ron

"We don't want old Voldy to know that Harry is okay yet," Fred

Mentions Harry saw great winged creatures soaring the heads

of Voldemort's giants, thestrals and Buckbeak the hippogriff:

"Buckbeak…?" Draco said, "wasn't that the hippogriff…."

"That you tried to get killed, yeah that's him," Ron smirked.

Mentions even more people storming up the front steps and

Harry saw Charlie Weasley overtaking Horace Slughorn:

"Hey, I'm finally there," Charlie muttered before he continued


"He came back," Sirius said this time and Dumbledore smiled,
knowing that his old friend would have.

Kreacher says fight for my Master, defender of house-elves,

fight the Dark Lord, in the name of brave Regulus, fight:

"I'm seriously going to have to like Kreacher if he starts acting like

this!" Ron chuckled.

"It just goes to show you how a kind deed can make all the
difference in the world," Hermione said.

Sirius was smiling reluctantly; he never would have imagined that

Kreacher would ever do this. It couldn't get rid of all his resentment
he had for the elf, but he knew he was going to try to make things
better between them.

Mentions that he saw Ron and Neville bringing down Fenrir

"Good job Ron!" Remus said and Ron nodded his head, his eyes
were narrowed, he wasn't going to forget how much the werewolf
had taunted Hermione.

Bellatrix was fighting three at once, Hermione, Ginny and Luna:

Several people gasped at this, and Ron's arms tighten around

Hermione; everyone seemed to be holding their breath now.

Mentions Harry's attention was diverted as a Killing Curse shot

so close to Ginny that she missed death by an inch:

"No!" Molly moaned at the thought of her baby nearly dying.

Harry felt his arms instantly wrapping around Ginny, holding her
differently than he had before, it was almost as if he was trying to
protect her from being hurt by this.

"It said it missed," Ginny told the room at large, she could feel her
whole family looking at her, not one of them could bear the thought
of losing her. Especially not after they had already lost Fred.


Charlie read these words in a close imitation of his mum and all the
Weasleys' eyes were on her now.

"Mum! How dare you use such language!" Ron said in a tone she
always used when telling him off, though of course there was too
much pride in his voice to imitate her completely.

"Oh, be quiet," Molly said blushing but her eyes were hard, she
wasn't going to apologize for this when her daughter was nearly

Charlie was still chuckling (and his siblings were sniggering) when
he started to read again.
Mentions Molly threw off her cloak and Bellatrix spun on the
spot, laughing at the sight of her new challenger:

The laughter died now, as all of the Weasleys started to worry about
their mum's safety. Arthur tightened his grip on his wife, knowing full
well that she was a powerful witch, especially when she was
protecting her family, but terrified all the same. He didn't know what
he would do without her.

Bellatrix taunts what will happen to your children when I've

killed you:

Fury was boiling in Molly's mind at those words, but Arthur actually
smiled. Molly would only become stronger at this taunt of Bellatrix.

Bellatrix continues when Mummy's gone the same way as


All the Weasleys hissed at that; in fact, the whole room did.

Mentions Molly's curse soared beneath Bellatrix arm and hit her
squarely in the chest, directly over her heart:

"YES!" everyone cheered, able to breathe again. Charlie didn't

pause to let them make a comment though, he wanted to hear that
the fight was over for sure.

Mentions Bellatrix smile froze, for the tiniest space of time she
knew what had happened and then she toppled, the crowd
roared and Voldemort screamed:

"YOU DID IT!" Sirius shouted jumping out of his seat, "YOU KILLED

"Sirius ca…" Molly started to say something, looking smug about

being the one that stopped this evil woman from doing harm to more
"You can't say anything about that Molly, you called her a bitch too,"
Sirius smiled and then remembered something he had said earlier
and stooped down and kissed her full on the lips, pulling away
seconds later.

"Sirius Black! What do you think you're doing!" Molly screamed and
Arthur looked caught between annoyed and amused.

"I promised that I would kiss the person that killed that bitch," Sirius
shrugged, with a huge grin. "And I'm a man of my word."

"And what if it was Severus that had killed Bellatrix?" Tonks


Sirius paled and then repeated in a shaky tone, "I'm a man of my


"Meaning I would have reminded him that he said this and practically
would have forced him to do it," Remus chuckled.

"Well, as much as I would like to celebrate the death of the bitch,"

Sirius said, "I think we all want to know what's going to happen with

Mentions Voldemort raised his wand and directed it at Molly


"NO!" everyone in the room yelled.

Harry says Protego, putting up the shield and then pulled off
the Cloak at last:

"Well, I think that would shock everyone nicely," Fred said. "I wonder
what your new nickname would be after this?"

"The boy-who-lived-twice just doesn't sound very good," George

said. "How-about-the-boy-who-You Know-Who-could-not-kill-no-
"I don't know George, that seems to be quite the mouthful," Fred

Before George could say anything to that, Charlie started reading.

Harry says I don't want anyone else to help, it's got to be like
this, it's got to be me:

"I don't think anyone's thinking about helping you now… we're just all
shocked that you're alive," Ginny said.

Voldemort says Potter doesn't mean that:

"I bet he's bloody terrified," Ron smirked. "Wondering how you could
still be alive."

"And wondering how he couldn't seem to kill you," Hermione added.

"My nickname isn't sounding so bad now, is it," George chuckled.

Voldemort says accident and chance and the fact that you
crouched and cry behind the skirts of greater men and women,
permitted me to kill them for you:

Several people growled at that.

"He's just trying to get to me make to make a mistake," Harry said,

though he wasn't sure if he was telling the others that or himself.

"Still, it doesn't make sense that you would have been able to face
him before… you're only bloody seventeen years old!" Sirius huffed.

Harry says you won't be killing anyone else tonight, you won't
be able to kill any of them ever again, I was ready to die to stop
you from hurting these people:

"Oh," several people gasped.

"That's why his spells didn't work!" Percy said.

"And that's why you told me not to fight," Harry said looking at
Dumbledore, "and didn't let me know that I might not die."

"I would think so," Dumbledore sighed. "Forgive me…."

"No… it's okay," Harry said. "I would rather they had protection…
besides, it obviously helped everyone to start up the fight again."

Harry says you don't learn from your mistakes Riddle, do you:

"Riddle? Why are you calling him Riddle all of a sudden?" Hermione
asked, a little worried about that.

"I don't know," Harry said.

"Maybe you wanted to piss him off… I don't think he likes his real
name very much," Sirius chuckled.

"I'm sure it's for a different reason than that," Harry said.

Harry says I know things you don't know, I know lots of

important things that you don't, want to hear some, before you
make another big mistake:

"Harry, what are you doing?" Hermione groaned.

"I don't know," Harry repeated. "Evidently my near-death experience

has driven me crazy."

"Crazy awesome," the twins said together, beaming at Harry.

"You're going to show that bastard!" Sirius agreed.

Voldemort says is this love again ending with so what will stop
you dying now when I strike:

Dumbledore shook his head at this, Voldemort would never

understand the power of love, or what he had meant that it would
conquer death.
"Oh, there are plenty of people willing to run in front of Harry to take
your curse!" Molly said firmly and looked Harry in the eyes.

"But we know that we don't need to," Ginny said, "because you're
going to kill that bloody monster."

Voldemort says you must believe that you have magic that I do
not, or else a weapon more powerful than mind, and Harry says
I believe both and then Voldemort began to laugh:

"I really wish you wouldn't make him laugh… it's just wrong," Sirius

"And are you saying this because you want to drive him crazy, or do
you actually have both of those things?" Remus asked.

"I don't know," Harry said.

"Merlin Harry, why can't you know anything that your book self
seems to be doing," Ron grumbled, and Harry shrugged.

Voldemort says I brought about the death of Albus Dumbledore

and Harry says you thought you did, but you were wrong, and
everyone gasped:

"Er… I think we believe you mean that Dumbledore was still alive,"
Arthur said slightly amused.

"Sorry, bad choice of words I suppose" Harry sighed.

Harry says yes Dumbledore is dead, but you didn't have him
killed, he arranged the whole thing with the man you thought
was your servant:

"Hm… you didn't really have to call me a servant," Severus


"I thought all the Death Eaters were Voldemort's servant," Harry said.
Severus sighed, "I suppose you're right about that.

Harry says Severus Snape wasn't yours, Snape was


"And now it seems that I'm merely a possession to be had," Severus

grumbled again.

"Perhaps so sir, but you were the key to whoever won the war,"
Hermione said.

Harry says Snape's Patronus was a doe, the same as my

mother's, because he loved her for nearly all his life:

Severus huffed again, there really was no need for the boy to bring
his Patronus into this.

"I'm sure that's got everyone nice and shocked," George chuckled.

Voldemort says he desired her, that was all, but when she was
gone, he agreed that there were other women, of purer blood:

Severus grimaced as he remembered having to convince Voldemort

of this, of how hard the lie came even after all those years.

Voldemort says it matters not, who had followed every word

with rapt attentions:

"Someone's in denial," Fred said.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Snapy, Harrykins wouldn't have known the key
to ending this war," George said.

Voldemort says oh, but it all makes sense, Potter, and in ways
that you do not understand:

"Well, I'm sure that we're not going to understand whatever

ridiculous story you come up with," Sirius said. "And I'm sure we will
know the truth of what would happen better than you do."
Voldemort talks about getting the Elder Wand ending with
Dumbledore's last plan went wrong, Harry Potter:

"Well, I guess that makes it completely clear that Voldemort had no

idea you were seeing in his mind," Charlie mumbled, "seeing as we
already know all of this."

Harry answers yeah, it did, but before you try to kill me, I'd
advise you think what you've done, think, and try for some
remorse, Riddle:

"Remorse!" everyone said at the same time.

"Why are you even offering him this!" Severus shouted. "He doesn't
deserve you giving him this chance!"

"Not to mention the fact that he would never feel remorse for
anything," Sirius added.

"I think it was good of you to say this Harry," Dumbledore said, but
he like the others knew that Voldemort wouldn't take Harry's offer.

Harry says Snape never beat Dumbledore, Dumbledore

intended to die, undefeated, the wand's last true master, the
wand's power would have died with him, because it had never
been won from him:

Dumbledore nodded his head, that is what he intended for the wand.

Voldemort says but then Dumbledore as good as gave me the

wand, I stole the wand from its last master's, its power is mine:

"If that was really the case than you would have had control from the
beginning and you wouldn't have killed Severus," Remus shook his
head, but he was looking at the book trying to think of what Harry
was talking about.

"Yes, what Voldemort had said would never have gained the
allegiances of any wand," Dumbledore said.
Harry says possessing the wand isn't enough, the wand
chooses the wizard, the Elder Wand recognized a new master
before Dumbledore died, the new master disarmed Dumbledore
and didn't know the Elder Wand gave him its allegiance:

Everyone was trying to figure out what was going on… who was
Harry talking about. Some were putting the clues together and
gasping, but most were wishing they knew what happened the year
before this so they knew what the hell Harry was talking about.

Harry says the true master of the Elder Wand was Draco Malfoy:

"No effing way!" Draco said looking shocked and pleased by that.

"That's what I was thinking!" Hermione said and she was looking at
Harry with excitement.

"Er… what…?" Harry started to ask but before he could even finish,
and before she could try to answer him, Charlie started reading
again. He had a feeling what was going to happen, and he wanted to
read it.

Voldemort says what does it matter, you no longer have the

phoenix wand, we duel on skill alone and after I killed you, I can
attend to Draco Malfoy:

Draco didn't look so pleased anymore and truly hoped that Harry
would defeat Voldemort. But fearing that if this was truly up to skill
alone… well Harry didn't really stand a chance, does he?

Harry says but you're too late, you've missed your chance, I got
there first, I overpowered Draco weeks ago and took his wand
from him:

The people that hadn't realized what was going on were now looking
at Harry in awe as the others nodded their heads with satisfied
Harry says does the wand in your hand know its last master
was disarmed, because if it does, I'm the true master of the
Elder Wand:

"Okay wand, be good and know that your last master was
Disarmed," Sirius said pleadingly.

Mentions the two spells, Avada Kedavra and Explelliarmus:

Everyone took notice of the curse that Harry had chosen to use, but
they were too nervous to react yet. They waited as Charlie read the
outcome of the fight.

Mentions Harry says Voldemort's green jet meet his own spell,
saw the Elder Wand fly, spinning through the air towards the
master it would not kill, and he caught it as Voldemort fell
backward, he hit the floor with mundane finality:

Everyone shouted and screamed and cheered and for a long time
there was no sense of what was going on as they all talked over
each other. Everyone seemed to be getting out of their chairs and
hugged one another. It was a good while longer before order was
restored, and people were able to understand each other.

"I can't believe you had actually beat Voldemort with Expelliarmus!"
Remus was saying for the umpteenth time.

"Neither can I," Harry chuckled.

"You should have believed me… I told you in the fifth chapter that
you would kill old Voldy like this," Fred laughed.

"Sorry… I'll listen next time," Harry laughed.

"Come on let's keep reading, I want to see what the celebration is

like in the book!" Sirius said. "Merlin, I wish I could have been there."

"Don't worry, in our reality we'll make sure you are," Ron laughed.
Mentions one second of silence and then tumult broke around
harry and everyone thundered toward him, the first to reach him
were Ron and Hermione:

"Of course," Harry said, beaming at his friends fondly.

Mentions hundreds of them pressing in, all of them determined

to touch the Boy Who Lived, the reason it was over at last:

"Well, you can't really blame them can you!" Charlie said.

"No… and seeing as they all have fought in this… I don't think I'd feel
so reluctant to accept this," Harry said.

Mentions that Kingsley Shacklebolt had been named temporary

Minister of Magic:

"Well, that's certainly good news," Arthur said.

"Hopefully he will be able to make things stable again," Remus said.

Mentions they moved Voldemort's body and laid it in the

chamber, away from the bodies of Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Colin,
fifty others who had died fighting him:

Molly felt a chill go through her at the reminder of losing Fred.

"Good, that bastard doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the

others!" George said hotly.

Mentions Harry was beside Luna, and she asks if he liked to get
away and then says Oooh, look a Blibbering Humdinger:

"Brilliant," Fred laughed.

"I don't know why the others would have looked though… do you
know what a Blibbering Humdinger is?" Hermione said smiling, as
she shook her head.
"Of course, not… it wouldn't have been as brilliant if I knew what the
hell she was talking about," Fred laughed again.

Mentions Harry spotted Ginny with her head on her mother's

shoulder, there would be time to talk to her later, hours, days
and maybe years in which to talk:

"Thank you," Molly said before Ginny could say anything, she knew
she would need her little girl to be close to her, especially after Ginny
nearly getting killed by Bellatrix. Ginny sighed, as she realized that
she would want to stay by her mum too after everything.

Mentions Harry spotted the three Malfoys, huddled together as

though unsure whether or not they were supposed to be there,
but nobody paid them attention:

Sirius made a face at this, he thought they should be arresting

Lucius for everything he had done, but he didn't say anything. If it
wasn't for Narcissa none of this would have been possible, so he
chose to keep his mouth shut.

Draco was feeling uncomfortable too, he wasn't sure he would be

part of this celebration or not.

Mentions Harry finally saw the two whose company he craved

most and says it's me, will you come with me:

"Oh, I'm sure they would want to be left alone…" George said.

"You know so they can start where they left off in the Room of
Requirements," Fred added.

"I'm sure you're wrong," Ron said rolling his eyes.

"We would have been waiting for Harry to come to find us,"
Hermione added.

Mentions but first he owed an explanation to Ron and

Hermione, who had stuck with him for so long, and who
deserved the truth:

"Harry, we could have waited…" Hermione started to say.

"I'm sure I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible," Harry

Mentions an earsplitting noise made him cry out, thinking of

curse and returning Death Eater and the rebirth of Voldemort:

"Someone's jumpy," Fred teased.

"It's the end of a very exhausting day, and I'm probably still shocked
the fight is actually over," Harry rolled his eyes.

Harry says the thing that was in the Snitch, I dropped it in the
forest, I don't know where but I'm not going to look for it, do you

"Why are you talking like that," Sirius asked.

"Obviously he doesn't want the other portrait to know what he's

talking about," Severus rolled his eyes.

Harry says I'm going to keep Ignotus's present, though and

Dumbledore says of course, Harry, it is yours forever, until you
pass it on:

Harry smiled at the idea that he would be able to pass his Cloak
on… it was exciting. He never really thought of that before, having
always lived in the present, but when Voldemort was gone, he would
be able to have a future.

Mentions Harry held up the Elder Wand and Ron and Hermione
looked at it with reverence that Harry did not like to see:

Ron bowed his head, knowing he would long to have it and

Hermione frowned, hoping that Harry was exaggerating.
Harry says I don't want it:

"I can't believe you actually said that," Ron said shaking his head.

"What… I like my own wand… and the Elder Wand, it just seems like
it would bring more trouble than it's worth," Harry shrugged.

Dumbledore just smiled at Harry, few people could walk away from
the Elder Wand and the power it represents.

Mentions that Harry pulled out his phoenix feather wand and
knew if this didn't work, nothing would and says Reparo, and
his wand resealed and red sparks flew out of its end:

"No way!" Remus, Hermione and Severus all said.

"It could fix a wand that had been damaged that badly!" Ron said.
"Merlin it is powerful."

Mentions Harry picked up the holly and phoenix wand and felt a
sudden warmth in his fingers, as though wand and hand were
rejoicing at their reunion.

Harry smiled at that, glad that he had his wand back.

Harry says that wand is more trouble than it's worth, and quite
honestly, I've had enough trouble for a lifetime:

"You can say that again," Harry agreed with his book self.

"Well, that was the end of the chapter," Charlie said, "and it looks like
the book too."

"No way… but what happened after that," Molly said. "It can't end

"I don't see anything written on the next page," Charlie said and
flipped the pages until he did find something and blushed slightly
before he smiled, "actually there is something else… who wants to
read it."

"I suppose I will," Harry said taking the book from him.
Chapter 38
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

A/N: Thanks to SingularityStar, who beta this story for me.


Nineteen Years Later

" Epilogue: Nineteen Years Later," Harry read, a smile coming to

his mouth at the thought of what this might show.

Mentions Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year, the

morning of the first of September:

The date caught everyone's attention and Harry seemed even more
excited to read what was to come.

Mentions the redheaded girl trailed tearfully behind her

brothers, clutching her father's arm:

Harry smiled as he was reminded of the first time, he had seen the

Harry says it won't be long, and you'll be going too, and Lily
says two years, I want to go now:

Everyone was now smiling at this, the fact that Harry would name his
daughter after his mum.

"She sounds like you Gin," George teased.

"Do you think it's a family resemblance going on now," Fred added,
causing Molly to squeal, and Ginny and Harry to blush.
Mentions Albus's voice drifted back to Harry over the
surrounding clamor, his sons had resumed the argument they
had started in the car:

"Albus!" Ron said shaking his head. "You're going to name your son

Harry just shrugged at that as Dumbledore looked at Harry touched

that the boy would do that.

Albus says I won't, I won't be a Slytherin, and Ginny says

James, give it a rest:

"Ah… so you do marry our sister!" Fred said.

"And you're our real brother now," George said.

"Which means we'll have to prank you ten times more than anyone
else," they finished together.

"Are you going to at least wait until it actually happens?" Harry said
looking slightly afraid of what they would do to him.

"Of course not," they smirked at him.

James says I only said he might be, there's nothing wrong with
that, he might be in Slytherin:

"I think I like James," Sirius said, the boy really reminded him of his

Mentions James caught his mother's eyes and fell silent, smiled
slightly cocky at his younger brother and then took the trolley
and ran:

Sirius and Remus both laughed at that.

"He really is just like him!" Remus said fondly.

"Argh!" Severus groaned. "Just what the world needs, another
James Potter!"

"I couldn't say it better myself," Sirius laughed.

Albus says you'll write to me, won't you:

"It seems like Albus might be more like you, Harry," Hermione said

"The poor kid," Ron added with a chuckle.

"let's just hope he has good friends then," Harry chuckled.

Albus says not every day, James says most people only get
letters from home about once a month:

"Actually, he's sounding a bit like Ron now," Harry noted. "Listening
to all the things his prankster brother told him."

"The poor kid," Ron repeated, still chuckling.

Mentions Harry thought he heard Percy discoursing loudly on

broomstick regulations, and was quite glad of the excuse not to
stop and say hello:

Everyone sniggered at that except for Percy and Molly.

"Sorry Percy," Harry said, but the laughter in his voice didn't really
make it sound so sincere.

Ron says parked all right then, I did, Hermione didn't think I
could pass a Muggle driving test, she thought I'd have to
Confound the examiner:

Ron and Hermione were both beaming at their introduction into this
chapter, thinking about their own future together. Molly was
practically bouncing in her seat, so happy that things had worked out
for them as she had always hoped they would.
Ron says as a matter of fact, I did Confund him:

"Ronald!" Hermione groaned, shaking her head, but she was

amused too.

"I haven't done it yet Mione," Ron rolled his eyes.

Mentions back on the platform they found Lily and Hugo,

Rose's younger brother:

"Hugo?" Ron said confused. "How did we come up with that name?"

"Er…" Hermione said, looking down.

"Well?" Ron said, amused, obviously she was the one that thought of

"Well, my favorite Muggle author's last name is Hugo," Hermione


"Of course, it would be something like that," Ron laughed, as were

most of the other people in the room. "But why did you use his last

"Well… um… his first name is Victor… and something tells me you
wouldn't want to use that," Hermione said and Ron narrowed his

"You would be right about that," Ron huffed and now everyone was

"I wonder how we came up with Rose though," Hermione said,

obviously trying to change the subject.

"I don't know," Ron sighed, and Harry started reading again.

Ron says if you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you, but no

"RON!" Hermione and Molly both said, and before Ron could say
anything to that Harry started reading, laughter in his voice.

Hermione says Ron and Lily and Hugo laughed, but Albus and
Rose looked solemn:

"See what you did!" Hermione glared at Ron, who just shrugged.

Mentions Draco Malfoy was standing there with his wife and

"Ah… and here I was hoping that there would be no more Malfoys,"
Ron sighed.

"Ronald, stop it," Hermione said.

"I know… it's just a knee jerk reaction," Ron said.

Mentions Draco had a dark coat buttoned up to his throat, his

hair was receding somewhat:

"No!" Draco groaned as almost everyone else laughed.

Mentions Draco caught sight of Harry, Ron, Hermione and

Ginny staring at him, nodded curtly, and turned away again:

"Well, that was positively pleasant of you," Fred said to all those

Ron says so that's little Scorpius:

"Scorpius… you named your kid Scorpius!" Sirius said.

"I suppose so," Draco said. "I'm sure my mum was the one that
wanted it… she's always talking about the constellations…."

"Yeah, that's a Black thing," Sirius rolled his eyes. "I was hoping it
would die with our last name… but whatever."
Ron says make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie, thank
God you inherited your mother's brains:

Everyone laughed at that, and Hermione looked pleased at the fact

that their daughter was smart, but was annoyed by his comment.

"I never realized that you were this funny, Ron," Fred laughed.

"Funny… this isn't funny!" Molly said.

Ron says don't get too friendly with him, though, Rosie,
Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a

Arthur burst out laughing at that and Molly glared at him.

"I Don't think this is funny, Arthur," Molly growled.

"Sorry, Molly dear," Arthur said, trying not to laugh, but he couldn't
help it. "I was just thinking about how nice it would be to have
Muggles relatives…."

"Hmph," Molly huffed, considerably less angry now.

"As if that's what matters, think about what shame there would be if a
Weasley and a Malfoy were together," Fred said shivering.

"Please, there's no need to make us all sick," Draco groaned.

James says Teddy's back there, just seen him, and guess what
he's doing, snogging Victoire:

Remus and Tonks smiled at this news of their son.

"Well, it looks like your kid has more moves than you, Moony," Sirius

"I had plenty moves Padfoot, I just didn't think I could use them,"
Remus rolled his eyes.
"Well than I guess you're just lucky I came along and changed that,"
Tonks smiled, and Remus chuckled.

"You know, Victoire sounds like a French name," Fleur said, and
everyone looked at her as she smiled.

"You think…" Bill started to say, but Harry started reading again,
seeing if the book said who Victoire was.

James says our Teddy, Teddy Lupin, snogging our Victoire, our

"Well, that's settled than," Fred chuckled.

"The kid really does have moves than, the girl is sure to be hot…"
Sirius laughed.

"Hey!" Bill glared at him.

"Aw… look who's gone all overprotective fatherly even before the girl
is born," George teased his eldest brother.

"Shut up," Bill huffed.

James says and I asked Teddy what he was doing and Ginny
says you interrupted them, you are so like Ron:

Ron looked confused by that; he's never interrupted anyone when

they were snogging.

Lily says oh, it would be lovely if they got married, Teddy would
really be part of the family then:

"That would be wonderful," Tonks said, she couldn't think of a family

she would rather her son be part of.

Harry says he already comes round for dinner about four times
a week, why don't we just invite him to live with us and have
done with it:
"He doesn't live with you?" Remus said, wishing that his son had,
Harry would be able to understand Teddy in a way that no one else

"Er…" was all Harry could say to that.

"I bet my mum raised him," Tonks said thoughtfully.

"Oh…" Remus said.

"And I'm sure that Harry was very involved in his life," Tonks added.

"Of course, I would be," Harry smiled sadly.

James says yeah, I don't mind sharing with Al, Teddy could
have my room:

"It sounds like your kids like Teddy," Tonks smiled.

"He must be more like you than," Sirius chuckled as Remus rolled
his eyes.

Harry says no, you and Al will share a room only when I want
the house demolished:

Everyone laughed at this.

"Smart idea Harry," Molly said fondly.

Mentions Harry checked the battered old watch that had once
been Fabian Prewett's:

Molly smiled at the fact that Harry was still using that even after all
these years.

Ginny says don't forget to give Neville our love and James says
Mum, I can't give a professor love:

"Neville is a professor!" Hermione said.

"How is that even possible," Severus muttered, and everyone glared
at him.

"I bet he's the Herbology Professor," Ginny said smiling, completely
ignoring what Severus had said.

"He is the best in our year in that subject," Hermione agreed.

"And if he's better than Hermione at something it must mean he's

brilliant in that subject," George teased.

"Oh, shut up!" Hermione huffed.

James says outside yeah, but at school he's Professor

Longbottom, isn't he, I can't walk into Herbology and give him

"Seriously woman! What were you thinking!" Fred said to his little

"I must be trying to make him embarrassed," Ginny shrugged.

"Oh… if that's true, then good job," George chuckled.

James says see you later, Al, watch out for the thestrals and
Albus says I thought they were invisible, you said they were

"This kid is brilliant!" Sirius and the twins laughed.

"Of course, you would think that!" Ginny rolled her eyes.

Harry says thestral are nothing to worry about, they're gentle

things, there's nothing scary about them, anyways you'll be
going in the boats:

Molly was smiling fondly at Harry, he certainly seemed like he would

make an excellent father.
Harry says bye Al, don't forget Hagrid invited you to tea, don't
mess with Peeves, don't duel anyone till you learned how, and
don't let James wind you up:

"Don't duel with anyone until you know how… that's the advice you
gave him," Hermione rolled her eyes. "Not don't duel at all."

"Well, seeing as that would be unlikely, I just want to make sure he

can defend himself before he fights," Harry shrugged.

Albus whispers what if I'm in Slytherin was for his father alone
and Harry knew that the departure forced Albus to reveal how
great his sincere that fear was:

"Don't worry kid, I'm sure you'll be in Gryffindor like your old man,"
Ron said to the book.

"And what about his dear old mum!" Ginny said and Ron shrugged.

Mentions Alone of Harry's three children, Albus had inherited

Lily's eyes:

Harry smiled at this.

"They're your eyes too Harry," Ginny whispered to him, smiling that
their son would have the eyes that she loves so much.

Harry says Albus Severus:

"Oh my God!" Sirius said looking at Harry like he was seeing him for
the first time.

"You name him after… Snape!" Ron exclaimed. "Have you lost your
freaking mind!"

"Um…" Harry said, just as shock as the others that he named his
son this.
Severus was shocked by this news too. He could not believe that
after everything that happened between them Harry would think
about naming him this.

"And you… how could you let this happen!" Ron turned to Ginny who
was now glaring at him.

"What makes you think that it wasn't me that chose this name!"
Ginny huffed. "Severus had sacrificed his life to protect Harry's…
okay so he was a git the whole time he did it, but the truth is that he
is a major reason why Harry is alive right now and I think he should
be honored."

Severus was looking more uncomfortable than ever at this comment.

He did nothing for the boy… it was all because of Lily that he did

Harry says you were named for two headmaster of Hogwarts,

one of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest
man I ever knew:

"Argh, as if it wasn't bad enough before," Sirius groaned. "You had to

call him the bravest!"

"Sorry," Harry chuckled.

Harry says then Slytherin House will have gained an excellent

student, it doesn't matter to us All, but if it matters to you, you'll
be able to choose Gryffindor, the Sorting Hat takes your choice
into account:

"You would really be okay if he was a Slytherin," Ron frowned.

"Are you saying you wouldn't be okay if your child was in Slytherin?"
Harry said. "I'm not saying I would want him to be Slytherin, but it
wouldn't change who he is to me."
Mentions that great number of faces, both on the train and off,
seemed to be turned toward Harry:

Harry gave a big sighed, he supposed it was too much to ask for that
he wouldn't be recognized everywhere he went in the future.

Albus asks why are they all staring and Ron says don't let it
worry you, it's me, I'm extremely famous:

"I'm sure that's it," Fred said rolling his eyes.

"Well, he should be famous after everything he did," Harry stated.

"I didn't…" Ron started.

"Ron, you helped us win the war… everyone in here had a part to
play and you had a major role… you should be famous," Harry
stated firmly and then read before Ron could say anything.

Mentions the scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years, all
was well:

"Now that's the end of the book," Harry said smiling from ear to ear
at how things ended. That he would have a family, that he would
have a chance at a normal life, it was more than he could have ever
hoped for.

"Well now that we've finished the book what are we supposed to do,"
Ron asked.

"I believe that Teddy said that we would have the choice of whether
or not we wanted to change things," Remus said which had
everyone talking at once about this.

"I believe I speak for everyone when I say we do want to change

things," Dumbledore said over everyone, and they all became silent
as he spoke. "But know that just because we know how things
played out in this book, things are going to be different from the
moment we get back to our reality."
"I don't see that as a bad thing," Fred said.

"We should be able to end this war sooner than in this book now that
we know where all the Horcruxes are," Sirius said.

"This is what I was afraid of," Dumbledore said gravely. "You cannot
assume things are going to go smoothly just because we know the
events that happened in this book. Voldemort is still a deadly

"And I'm going to have to find a different way to defeat him," Harry
frowned. "As long as Dumbledore doesn't die, I doubt the Elder wand
will play a role in this."

"Oh great," Ron grumbled. "So, you're going to have to figure out a
way to defeat him…."

"This is going to be difficult," Arthur sighed.

"But we still have to try," Molly said. "I know there's a lot at stake…
but so many lives could be saved."

"Yes, I believe we do have to try," Dumbledore said but before he

could say more there was a pop, a bluish light and suddenly there
was a piece of parchment on the table. Tonks picked it up
immediately, and read:

Dear Everyone,

If you are reading this that means you have finished reading the
books and are probably already discussing whether you should
remember the details of the events that have happened or let things
carry on as they had in the book. I will not try to sway your opinion,
but I assume that you all have guessed why I sent you this book and
what I hope you will do. You will have another hour to make your
decision, and if you have already made it, then I guess you're stuck
in this room for an hour for no reason.

Teddy Remus Lupin

Tonks smiled as she read the end of this letter.

"Well, it looks like we're going to be stuck in here for an hour for no
reason," Sirius chuckled.

"I wouldn't say that," Dumbledore said. "We can use this hour to
decide what we have to do."

"I think you're right… there's no time to waste," McGonagall said.

"Okay then, let's get to work!" Sirius said and that's what they did.

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