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Yearning for the Road Less Traveled

In the quiet shade of a tranquil glen,

I yearn for a life, away from the din,
A pace serene, like a gentle stream's flow,
Where moments pass in a cadence slow.

I dream of simplicity, a humble abode,

Where time's not a race, but a winding road.
To savor each sunrise, each whispering breeze,
Underneath the branches of ancient trees.

But in the depths of my quiet desire,

There's a fire that burns, a spirit on fire.
For adventure beckons, with a tantalizing call,
To wander, explore, to break down each wall.

I long to roam in the world's vast expanse,

To meet new faces, in a merry dance.
To learn from their stories, share my own,
In the embrace of places yet unknown.
A successful venture, a thriving quest,
In the realms of business, to be the best.
To shape ideas into a grand design,
And watch them flourish, a dream so fine.

So here I stand, in this dual embrace,

Desiring both calm and life's fast-paced race.
A simple life's charm, and adventures anew,
Balancing dreams, as we all must do.

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