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When future does not need us

Intended Learning Outcome

Within the given period, the learners are expected to:

evaluate contemporary human experience in order

to strengthen and enlighten the human person
functioning in society.(CLO6)

Picture Not Mine. Credits to the owner.

Picture not mine. Credit to the owner.

Time Element: 3 hours

Human interests on technology allows to expand them the range of human
experiences. These are qualified experiences and what’s more, they can share these
experiences with other human beings, injecting the technology into their lives, thus, the
future of technology is based on how the human will use it. The true value of
technology is not about replacing human experience, but mitigate its deficiencies.

Introductory Activity: Watching the documentary on the “Why the Future Does Not Need
Humanity” – Youtube,

Time Allocation: 15 minutes

Using cloud map, each student may give a word which describe their opinion on the
“Why the Future Does Not Need Humanity”.



⮚ Material Standard of Living. Several achievements of modern society draw

through the idea that life is getting better. One is the unparalleled rise in the
material standard of living; the average citizen lives more easily now than kings
did centuries ago.
⮚ Untimely Death is Reduced. Fewer people die in accidents, epidemics, and
murder. A number of social evils have been decreased, such as poverty,
inequality, inequality, ignorance, and oppression.
⮚ Improvement in Evolutionary View. This view of development is typically part of
evolutionary view, in which society is seen as a human tool that is gradually
⮚ Reduced Suffering. This traditional religious view of earthly life as a phase of
penance awaiting paradise in the afterlife breaks the knowledge that life is
getting better.

⮚ Contemporary Social Problems. Life is getting worse is typically fueled by
concern about contemporary social problems.
⮚ Society Drifting away from Human Nature. This view of deterioration is often part
of the idea of society drifting away from human nature, because society has
changed a lot, while human nature has not.

B. Read the controversial essay of Bill Joy written on 2004


1. Can human being be replaced by machines?

2. What are the reasons and meaning why the future doesn’t need us?

3. If human extinction is a likely, or even possible, outcome of our technological

development, shouldn’t we proceed with great caution?


Present a digital collage showing your group’s perception on the outcome of

technological advancement on human extinction, and how human beings can protect
themselves from science and technology. Provide brief explanation for poster


Write a comprehensive summary on “Why does the future not need us?”
Rubric for a Collage

Group No. ___________________________ Course/Year/Section: _____________

Group Members: ________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________

Criteria 5 points 10 points 15 points 20 points

Variety of
❑ limited ❑ adequate ❑ excellent
pictures ❑ good variety
variety of variety of variety of
of pictures
pictures used pictures used to pictures used to
▪ used to used to develop
to develop the develop the main develop the
develop main the main idea
main idea idea main idea

❑ few original ❑ several

❑ some original ❑ many original
ideas in original ideas in
ideas in material ideas in material
Ideas material or material or
or display are and display are
▪ originality ▪ display are display are
evident to evident and
interest evident to evident to
stimulated some stimulate a great
stimulate stimulate much
interest deal of interest
interest interest

❑ little
❑ some material ❑ material
Relevance of material
selected is selected is all
material selected is ❑ material
relevant and relevant and
relevant and selected is
somewhat clearly
▪ connected to rarely mostly relevant
connected to the connected to the
main idea connected to and connected
main idea main idea
the main idea to the main idea

Visual Impact
❑ overall visual
❑ overall ❑ overall ❑ overall visual
impact is
▪ effectiveness visual impact impact is very
somewhat visual impact is
of overall is limited effective effective

Comments and Suggestions for Improvement:

Adapted from: Scarborough Board of Education. (1996). Designing Student Outcomes.

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