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Basic Principles of Medicine 1

Module: Foundation to Medicine


Cellular Organization

E. Koppelman, Ph.D.
St Georges University ©

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Assigned Reading

Histology – A Text and Atlas

Pawlina 7th Edition
Chapter 2: Cell Cytoplasm Pg. 23-38

Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Cell & Molecular Biology

Chandler & Viselli 2010
Chapter 3: Biological Membranes Pg. 26-34
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0102 Describe the ultrastructure of the cell membrane.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0103 List the three major classes of membrane lipids.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0104 Describe the structure and function of phospholipids in the plasma membrane.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0105 Describe the structure and function of cholesterol in the plasma membrane.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0106 Describe the structure and function of glycolipids in the plasma membrane.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0107 List the two major classes of membrane proteins.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0108 Describe the categories of integral membrane proteins.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0109 Describe the freeze fracture technique to visualize integral membrane proteins.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0110 Describe the structure and function of the glycocalyx.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0111 Explain the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0112 List the two major types of vesicular transport.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0113 Describe the precise targeting of vesicles within the cell.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0114 List and describe the three different mechanisms of endocytosis.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0115 Describe the role of endosomes in vesicular transport.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0116 List and describe the four pathways for processing internalized ligand-receptor complexes.
SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0117 List and describe the two general pathways of exocytosis.
Directed Learning Activity

• Using the Pawlina text, Lippincott’s Cell & Molecular Biology review text
and handout:
1. Describe the components, structure & functions of plasma membranes
2. Describe the types of vesicular transport
3. Answer practice questions in Lippincott’s Cell & Molecular Biology review text
Chapter 3

• Please contact Dr. Koppelman with any questions:

Generalized Eukaryotic Cell
Structure of Plasma Membrane

Membrane Components
1. Lipids
• ~ 50% membrane mass
• Amphipathic
• Hydrophilic
• “Water-loving” polar head
• Hydrophobic
• “Water-fearing” nonpolar tail
• 3 major classes
• Phospholipids
• Cholesterol
• Glycolipids

2. Proteins
• ~ 50% membrane mass
• 2 major classes
• Integral membrane
• Embedded in or pass through the lipid bilayer
• Peripheral membrane
• Associate with integral membrane proteins

Membrane Lipids SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0105

1. Phospholipids
• Most abundant membrane lipid
• Phosphatidylserine
• Phosphatidylethanolamine
• Phosphatidylcholine
• Phosphatidylinositol
• Sphingomyelin

2. Cholesterol
• Major component
• Intercalates between
• Affects membrane fluidity in
temperature dependent manner
Membrane Lipids

3. Glycolipids
• Constitute ~5% of lipid molecules
• Sugar-containing lipid molecules
• Found exclusively in outer monolayer

Membrane Proteins

1. Integral Membrane Proteins

• Transmembrane (1-3)
• Single pass and multipass
• Anchored (4-6)
• Alpha helix
• Lipid chain
• Oligosaccharide linker

2. Peripheral Membrane Proteins

• Noncovalent association with integral membrane proteins (7-8)

Integral Membrane Proteins

• 6 General Categories
2. Channels
1. Pumps/Carriers/Transporters
• Transport of ions, small molecules and water
• Transport specific ions across the membrane • Passive diffusion
• Sodium
• Aquaporins
• Potassium
• Water
• Transport metabolic precursors
• Gap junctions
• Amino acids
• Passage of ions, small molecules between adjacent cells
• Sugars

3. Receptors

4. Linkers

5. Enzymes

6. Structural proteins

• Carbohydrate rich zone on the cell surface
• Glycolipids
• Glycoproteins
• Proteoglycans

• Help establish microenvironment at cell


• Protection
• Mechanical damage
• Chemical damage

• Cell recognition

• Cell to Cell Interaction

• Lectins
• Carbohydrate binding proteins
EM x100,000

Membrane Structure

1. Lipid Bilayer
• Hydrophilic head groups face
exterior and cytosol

• Fatty acid tails create a

hydrophobic core

Membrane Structure

2. Asymmetry
• Specific phospholipids localize to outer
and inner leaflets

• Significant difference in charge between

the 2 layers

• Phosphatidylserine localizes to the inner

• Enzymatically transferred to the outer
leaflet during programmed cell death
• Triggers phagocytic removal of dying cells

Membrane Structure

3. Lipid rafts
• Specialized cholesterol enriched

• Functions
• Signal transduction
• Endocytosis
Membrane Structure
4. Fluid mosaic model
• Fluid membrane
• Lipids and proteins have ability to
move within the plane of the

Membrane Properties
• Fluidity
• Membrane lipids and proteins are mobile
• Cholesterol serves to stabilize the membrane
• Reduce membrane fluidity

• Selective Permeability
• Permeable
• Hydrophobic, non-polar, uncharged
• O2, CO2
• Less permeable
• Small, polar, uncharged
• H2O
• Highly impermeable
• Charged (Ions)
• Polar
• Charged

• Transmembrane proteins
• Channels & transporters
• Increase the permeability of the membrane to
molecules that cannot cross the lipid bilayer
• Exocytosis
Vesicle Transport • Substance exits the cell by the fusion of a vesicle
with the plasma membrane

• Endocytosis
• Substance enters the cell by a vesicle formed from
the plasma membrane
• 3 Types
1. Receptor-mediated
• Cargo-specific
• Clathrin-dependent
2. Pinocytosis
• Non-specific
• Clathrin-independent
3. Phagocytosis
• Clathrin-independent
• Actin-dependent



• Regulated
• Secretory cells
• Endocrine
• Exocrine
• Neurons
• Stimulus
• Ca2+ influx
• Fusion of secretory vesicles with plasma membrane

• Constitutive
• Substance for export continuously delivered to
plasma membrane

Endocytosis 1. Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis

• Selective uptake of large molecules and
• Clathrin-dependent
• Clathrin Coated Pits
• Clathrin molecules interact with cargo
receptors via Adaptin
• Clathrin forms a basket-like cage
• Drives vesicle formation
• Dynamin mediates the vesicle pinching-off
from the plasma membrane
• GTPase
Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis SOM.1ai.BPM1.1.FTM.3.HCB.MB.0114

a. Receptor recycled, ligand degraded c. Receptor and ligand degraded

• Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor • Epidermal growth factor (EGF) & receptor
• Insulin-glucose transporter receptor
• Other peptide hormones & their receptors d. Receptor and ligand transcytosis
• Secretion of immunoglobulins (secretory IgA) into saliva
b. Receptor and ligand recycled • Secretion of maternal IgG into milk
• Iron, transferrin & transferrin receptor
• Major histocompatibility complex I & II

Vesicle Targeting

• Rab-GTPase interaction with tethering

• Docking complex
• Rab-GTPase and receptor immobilize
the vesicle near target membrane
• Accurate targeting
• Vesicle-specific membrane protein
• Target-specific membrane protein

• Membrane-enclosed structure associated with the
endocytotic pathway

• Early endosome
• Functions to sort and recycle proteins

• Late endosome
• Receives proteins for degradation
• Receives newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes from the
• Matures into a lysosome


2. Pinocytosis
• “Cell Drinking”
• Non-specific ingestion by small
• Constitutive
• Invagination of the plasma
• No receptor proteins
• Clathrin-independent
• Vesicle pinches-off
• Fusion with lysosome

Pinocytotic vesicles within the endothelial cells of a

blood vessel. EM x55,000
3. Phagocytosis
• Ingestion of large particles
• Microorganisms
• Apoptotic cells
• Non-biological materials

• Generally performed by specialized phagocytes

• Macrophage
• Neutrophil

• Particle binds to plasma membrane receptor

• Ex. Antibodies
• Extension of pseudopods
• Dependent on Actin microfilament polymerization
• Phagosome fuses with lysosome
• Digestion
• Residual body
• Indigestible substances



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