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Name.: Aehlert, Barbara, author.

Title: ECGa made easy I Barbara Aehlert, MSEd, BSPA, RN.
Description: Sixth edition. I Phoenix, Arizona : Southwest EMS Education,
Inc., [2018liindudes blhllographical refuences and lnda. I
Identifiers: LCCN 2017015081 (print) I LCCN 2017026543 (ebook) I ISBN
9780323479059 () I ISBN 9780323401302 (pbk. : a1k. paper)
Subjecu: LCSH: Electrocardiography--Handboob. manuals. etc.
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Many ye.ars ago, as a green but enthusiastic nurse preparing to shift from medical-surgical nursing
to critical care, I signed up for a course in basic ECG recognition. It was an intimidating experi-
ence. My i.nst:ructor was extremely knowledgeable and kind. and I studied diligently throughout
the course, yet I struggled to crack the code of heart rhythm interpretation. To make matters
worse, I couldn't find any resources in which these complex concepts were presented in a practi-
cal, useful way. Although I passed the course. I decided to repeat it a few months later because I
simply coulchlt recall and apply the infonnation I needed to help my patients.
After successfully completing the second course, I promised myself that I would someday
present these concepts in a simpler way. 'Ihat promise became my life's work. Ever since then,
I have been looking for better ways in which to present the skill of basic ECG recognition to those
who will apply that knowledge every working day:
• Paramedics
• Nursing and medical students
• ECG monitor technicians
• Nurses and other allied health personnel in emergency departments, critical care
units, postanesthesia care units, operating rooms, and telemetry units
'!his book can be used alone or as part of a formal course of instruction in basic dysrhyth-
mia recognition. 1he book'• content focuses on the essentials of ECG interpretation. Each ECG
rhythm is described and accompanied by a sample rhythm strip. 1hen the discussion turns to
possible signs and symptoms related to each rhythm and. where appropriate, current recom-
mended treatment. At the end of each chapter, additional rhythm strips and their description.s are
provided for practice. (All rhythm strips shown in this text were recorded in lead n unless other-
wise noted.) 1he Stop 8c Review exerci!es at the end of each chapter are self-usessment activities
that allow you to check your learning.
In addition, resources to aid the in.stru.ctor in teaching this content can be found on Evolve at 1hese resources include:
• Image Collection
• PPTSlide.
• PPT Practice Slides
• TEACH2.4
• Test Bank
I have made every attempt to supply content consistent with current literature, including cur-
rent resuscitation guidelines. However, medicine is a dynamic field. Recommendations change as
medical research evolves, technology improves, and new medications, procedures, and devices
are developed. As a result, be •ure to learn and follow local protocols as defined by your medi-
cal advisors. Neither I nor the publisher can assume responsibility or liability for loss or damage
resulting from the use of information contained within.
I genuinely hope this book is helpful to you, and I wish you success in your studies and clinical
Best regards,
Barbara Aehlert

I would like to thank the manuscript reviewers foc their commenb and suggestiom. Areu of this
text were rewritten, reorganized, and clarified because of your effom.
I would also like to thank the following health care professionals, who provided many of the
rhythm strips used in this book: Andrew Baird, CEP; James Bratcher; Joanna Burgan, CEP; Holly
Button, CEP; Gretchen Chalmers, CEP; 'Ihomas Cole, CEP; Brent Haines, CEP; Paul Honeywell,
CEP; Timothy Klatt. RN; Bill Loughran. RN; Andrea Lowrey, RN; Joe Martinez, CEP; St.ephanos
Orphanidis, CEP; Jason Payne, CEP; Steve Ruehs, CEP; Patty Seneski, RN; David Stockton, CEP;
Jason Stodghill, CEP; Dionne Socie, CEP; Kristina Tellez, CEP; and Fran Wojculewicz, RN.
A special thanks to Melissa Kinsey for her humor, guidance, advice, and impeccable attention
to detail throughout this project.


Deepak C. Patel, MD

whose knowledge, humor, and genuine compassion for his

patients are unparalleled.
Krlaten Bon:IWt, llN, MSN, PNP, Nll-P, CPN BiB Miller
Care Coordinator Paramedic Crew Chief
Cincinnati Childrms Hospital Medical Center St. Louis Fire Department-HEMS
Cincinnati, Ohio St. Louis, Missouri

Joshua BorkoU:.y, BS, pp.c Mark.Nootena, MD, PACC

EMS Education Manager Cardiologist. Private Practice
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Munster, Indiana
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ruth C. Tamulonis, MS, RN
Angela McConachie, DNP, MSN-PNP, RN Nursing Professor
Assistant Professor Yuba College
Goldfarb School ofNursing at Barnes-Jewish College Marysville, California
St Louis, Missouri

Barbara Aehlert, MSBd, BSPA, RN, has been a registered nurse for more than 40 years. with
clinical experience in medicallsurgical nursing. critical care nursing, prehotpital education, and
nursing education. Barbara i.s an active CPR and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
instructor with a special interest in teaching basic dysrhythmia recognition and ACLS to nurses
and paramedics.


Location. SJu, and Shape of the Heart. 2 Introdudlon. 76

Surfaca of the Heart. 2 Sinua Rhythm, 77
Coverinp of the Heart, 2 How Do I Recognize It? 77
Structure of the Heart, 5 Sinua Bradycardia. 78
Layers of the Heart WalL 5 How Do I Recognize It? 78
Heart Chambers, 6 What Causes m 78
Heart Valves, 8 What Do I Do About It? 79
The Heart's Blood Supply, 11 Sinua Tadlyardia, 80
The Heart's Nerve Supply, 16 How Do I Recognize It? 80
The Heart aa a Pump, 19 What Causes It? 80
Cardiac Cycle, 19 What Do I Do About It? 81
Blood PreS3Ul't, 20 Sinua Arrbytbmia, 81
R£ferenca, '1.7 How Do I Recognize It? 81
What Causes It! 81
What Do I Do About It? 82
2 BASIC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY, 28 Sinoatrial Block. 82
How Do I Recognize It? 82
Cardiac Cella, 30 What Causes It? 82
Types of Cardiac Cells, 30 What Do I Do About It? 83
Propertia of Cardiac Cells, 30 Sinua Arrest, 83
Cardiac Action Potmtial, 30 How Do I Recognize It? 83
Polarization, 31 What Causes It? 83
Depolarization, 31 What Do I Do About It? 84
Repolarization, 32 Referencea,IOI
Phases of the Cardiac Action Potential, 32
Refractory Periods, 34
Conduction Syatem, 35 4 ATRIAL RHYTHMS, 102
Sinoatrial Node, 35
Atrioventricular Node and Bundle, 37 Introduction, 103
Right and Left Bundle Branches, 38 Atrial Dyar.bythmiaa: Mech.aDi~ms, 103
Purkinje Fibers, 38 Abnormal Automaticity, 103
Cauaea of Dyarhythmiaa, 39 Tnggered Activity, 103
Disorders of Impulse Formation, 39 Reentry, 104
Disorders of Impulse Conduction, 39 Premature Atrial Compleea, 104
The Ela:trocardiogr, 41 How Do I Recognize It? 104
Electrodes, 41 Noncompensatory versus Compensatory Pause, 105
Leads, 42 Aberrantly Conducted Premature Atrial
Ambulatory Cardiac Monitoring, 46 Complexes, 106
Blectrocanliopaphy Paper, 47 Nonconducted Premature Atrial Complexes, 106
Waveforms, 48 What Do I Do About Them? 107
Segments, 53 Wuuleriq Atrial Pacemaker, 107
Intervals, 55 How Do I Recognize It? 107
Artifact. 56 What Causes It? 107
Symmatic Rhythm J:nterpretation. 57 What Do I Do About It? 107
Asseas Regularity, 57 Mal.tifoc:al Atrial Tachycanlia, 108
Asseas Rate, 58 How Do I Recognize It? 108
Identify and Examine Waveforms, 60 What Causes It? 108
Asseaslntervals and Examine Segments, 60 What Do I Do About It? 108
Interpret the Rhythm, 60
Re&renca, 74


Supraventricular 'Thchycardia, 108 What Causes It? 177

Atrial Tachycardias, 109 What Do I Do About It? 177
Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia, 113 ~(CanUa~S~).177
Atrioventricular Reentrant Thchycardia, 114 How Do I Recognize It? 177
Atrial Flutter, 117 What Causes It? 178
How Do I Recognize It? 117 What Do I Do About It? 178
What Causes It? 118 References, 193
What Do I Do About It? 118
Atrial Fibrillation, 119
How Do I Recognize It? 119 7 ATRIOVENTRICULAR BLOCKS, 194
What Causes It? 121
What Do I Do About It? 121 Introduction, 194
References, 140 First-Degree Atrioventricalar Block, 195
How Do I Recognize It? 195
What Causes It? 196
5 ~UNCTIONAL RHYTHMS, 141 What Do I Do About It? 197
Second-Degree Atrioventricular Blocks, 197
Introduction, 141 Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block Type I, 197
Premature Juncticmal Compleus, 142 How Do I Recognize It? 197
How Do I Recognize 1hem~ 142 What Causes It? 198
What Causes 1hem? 143 What Do I Do About It? 199
What Do I Do About Them? 143 Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block Type ll, 199
Junctional Escape Beau or Rhythm, 144 How Do I Recognize It? 199
How Do I Recognize It? 144 What Causes It? 200
What Causes It? 145 What Do I Do About It? 200
What Do I Do About It? 146 2:1 Atriovmtricalar moa, 200
Accelerated Junctional Rhythm, 146 How Do I Recognize It? 200
How Do I Recognize It? 146 Advanced Second-Degree Atriovent:rkular Block. 201
What Causes It? 146 'Ihird-Degree Atrioventricu1ar Block, 202.
What Do I Do About It? 146 How Do I Recognize It? 202
Junctional Tachyardia. 146 What Causes It? 203
How Do I Recognize It? 146 What Do I Do About It? 203
What Causes It? 147 Reference8, 221
What Do I Do About It? 147
References, 164

6 VENTRICULAR RHYTHMS, 165 Pacemaker Systema. 223

Permanent Pacemakers and hnplantable Cardioverter-
Introductlon,166 Defibrillators, 223
Premature Ventricular Complexes, 166 Temporary Pacemakers, 224
How Do I Recognize 1hem~ 166 Pacing Lead Symms, 225
What Causes 1hem? 170 Padng Chamben and Modes, 226
What Do I Do About Them? 170 Single-Chamber Pacemakers, 226
Ventricular .Escape Beats or Rhythm,170 Dual-Chamber Pacemakers, 227
How Do I Recognize It? 170 Biventricular Pacemakers, 227
What Causes It? 172 Fixed-Rate Pacemakers, 227
What Do I Do About It? 172 Demand Pacemakers, 227
Accelerated Idlovmtrl<:Ular :Rhythm. 172 Pacemaker Codes, 228
How Do I Recognize It? 172 Pacemaker Malfunction.l28
What Causes It? 172 Failure to Pace, 228
What Do I Do About It? 173 Failure to Capture, 229
Ventricnlar Tachycardia, 173 Failure to Sense, 230
How Do I Recognize It? 173 Analyzing Pacemaker Fund:ion on the ECG, 230
Ventricular Fibrillation, 176 Reference., 240
How Do I Recognize It? 176


ECG, 241
Introduction, 141
Layout of the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram, 242 INDEX, 321
.Acute Coronary Syndromes, 244
Anatomic Location of a Myocardial Infarction, 246
Intraventricular Conduction Delays, 254
Structures of the Intraventricular Conduction
Bundle Branch Activation, 254
How Do I Recognize It? 254
What Causes It? 257
What Do I Do About It? 257
Chamber Enlargement, 257
Atrial .Abnormalities, 258
Ventricular Abnormalities. 259
Electrolyte Disturbances, 260
Sodium, 261
Potassium, 261
Calcium, 262
Magnesium, 263
ADalyzing the 12-Lead EledJ:ocanUogram, 263
References, 277
After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 9. Define and explain acute coronary syndromes.
1. Describe the location of the heart. 10. Discuss myocardial ischemia, injury, and infarction, indicating which
2. Identify the surfaces of the heart. conditions are reversible and which are not.
3. Describe the structure and function of the coverings of the heart. 11. Compare and contrast the effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic
4. Identify the three cardiac muscle layers. stimulation of the heart.
5. Identify and describe the chambers of the heart and the vessels that 12. Identify and discuss each phase of the cardiac cycle.
enter or leave each. 13. Beginning with the right atrium, describe blood flow through the
6. Identify and describe the location of the atrioventricular and semilunar normal heart and lungs to the systemic circulation.
valves. 14. Identify and explain the components of blood pressure and cardiac
7. Explain atrial kick. output.
8. Name the primary branches and areas of the heart supplied by the
right and left coronary arteries.

acute coronary syndrome (ACS): A term used to referto distinct base of the heart: Posterior surface of the heart.
conditions caused by a similar sequence of pathologic events- blood pressure: Force exerted by the blood against the walls of the arter-
a temporary or permanent blockage of a coronar_y artery. These ies as the ventricles of the heart contract and relax.
conditions are characterized by an excessive dem nd or inadequate cardiac output (CO): The amount of blood pumped into the aorta each
supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle associated minute by the heart; defined as the stroke volume multiplied by the
with plaque disruption, thrombus formation, and vasoconstriction. heart rate.
ACSs consist of three major syndromes: unstable angina, non- chordae tendineae (tendinous cords): Thin strands of fibrous connec-
ST-elevation myocardial infarction, and ST elevation myocardial tive tissue that extend from the AV valves to the papillary muscles that
infarction. prevent the AV valves from bulging back into the atria during ventricular
afterload: The pressure or resistance against which the ventricles must systole (contraction).
pump to eject blood. chronotropy: A change in (heart) rate.
angina pectoris: Chest discomfort or other related symptoms of sudden diastole: Phase of the cardiac cycle in which the atria and ventricles relax
onset that may occur because the increased oxygen demand of the between contractions and blood enters these chambers. When the term
heart temporarily exceeds the blood supply. is used without reference to a specific chamber of the heart, ventricular
apex of the heart: Lower portion of the heart that is formed by the tip of diastole is implied.
the left ventricle. dromotropy: Refers to the speed of conduction through the AV junction.
atria: Two upper chambers of the heart (singular, atrium). dysrhythmia: Any disturbance or abnormality in a normal rhythmic pat-
atrial kick: Blood pushed into the ventricles because of atrial contraction. tern; any cardiac rhythm other than a sinus rhythm.
atrioventricular (AV) valve: The valve located between each atrium ejection fraction: The percentage of blood pumped out of a heart cham-
and ventricle; the tricuspid separates the right atrium from the right ber with each contraction.
ventricle, and the mitral (bicuspid) separates the left atrium from the endocardium: Innermost layer of the heart that lines the inside of the
left ventricle. myocardium and covers the heart valves.
atypical presentation: Uncharacteristic signs and symptoms perceived epicardium: Also known as the visceral pericardium; the external layer of
by some patients experiencing a medical condition, such as an ACS. the heart wall that covers the heart muscle.

Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

hBart failure: Acondition In whlctl the heart Is unable tD pump enough pi'Oldmal: Location nearer to the midline of the body or the point of
blood to meet the metabolic needs of the body; It may result from any attachment than something else Is.
cond~ion that impairs preload, afterload, cardiac contractility, or heart sarcolemma: Membrane that covers smooth, striated, and cardiac
rare. muscle fibers.
inDtropy: Refers to a change in myocardial contractility. sarcomere: Smallest functional un~ of a myofibril.
ischemia: Decreased supply of oxygena1ed blood tn a body part or organ. sarcoplasm: SemWiuid cytnplasm of muscle cells.
mediastinum: Middle area of the thoracic cavity; contains the heart, great sarcoplasmic reticulum: Network of tubules and sacs that plays an
vessels, trachea, and esophagus, among other structures; extends from important role in muscle contraction and relalration by releasing and
the sternum to the vertebral column. storing calcium Ions.
mltochondrta: The energy-producing parts of a cell. semilunar (SL) valves: Valves shaped like half-moons that separate the
mvocardlallnfarctlon (M~: Death of some mass of the heart muscle ventricles from the aorta and pulmonary artery.
caused by an Inadequate blood supply. septum: An lntBmal wall of connective tissue.
mvocardlum: Middle and thickest layer of the heart; contains the cardiac stroke volume {SV): The amount of blood e]eclBd from a ventricle with
muscle fibers that cause contraction of the heart and contal ns the each heartbeat
conduction system and blood supply. sulcus: Groove.
myofibril: Slender striated strand of muscle tissue. systole: Contraction of the heart (usually refarri ng to ventricular contrac-
papillary muscles: Muscles attached to the chordae mndineae of the AV tion), during which blood is propelled intn the pulmonary artery and
valves and the ventricular muscle of the heart that help prevent the AV aorta; when the tenn is used without reference to a specific chamber of
valves from bulging too far intn the abia. the heart, ventricular systole is implied.
pericardium: A double-walled sac thai erdoses the heart and helps tone: A term that may be used when referring to the normal state of bal-
protect It from trauma and Infection. anced tension In body tissues.
peripheral resistance: Resistance to the flow of blood determined by venous return: Amount of blood flowing lntn the right atrium each minute
blood vessel diameter and the tone of the vascular musculature. from the syslemlc c1rculatlon.
preload: Force exerted by the blood on the walls of the venb1cles at the venb1cles: The two lower chambers of the heart
end of diastole.

LOCATION, SIZE, AND SHAPE formed by portions of the right atrium and the left and right
vmtrides (Fig. 1.4). However, because the heart is tilted
OFTHEHEART slightly toward the left in the chest, the right ventricle is the
[Oblectlve 1] area of the heart that lies most directly behind the sternum.
The heart is a hollow muscular organ that lies in the space The apa, or lower portion, of the heart is formed by the tip
between the lungs (i.e., the mediastinum) in the middle of of the left ventricle. The apex lies just above the diaphragm
the chest (Pig. 1.1). It sits behind the stemwn and just above at about the level of the fifth intercostal space in the midcla-
the diaphragm. About two thirds of the heart lies to the left vicular line.
of the midline of the stemwn. The remaining third lies to the The heart's left side (i.e., left lateral surface) faces the
right of the sternum. left lung and is made up mostly of the left ventricle and a
The adult heart is about 5 inches ( 12 an) long, 3.5 inches portion of the left atrium. The right lateral surface faces
(9 em) wide, and 2.5 inches (6 em) thick (Fig_ 1.2). It typically the right lung and consists of the right atrium. The heart's
weighs between 250 and 350 g (about 11 oz) and is about bottom (i.e., inferior) surface is formed primarily by the
the size of its owner's fist The weight of the heart is about left ventricle, with small portions of the right ventricle
0.4596 ofa man's body weight and about 0.40% ofa woman's, and right atrium. The right and left ventricles are sepa-
A person's heart size and weight are influenced by his or her rated by a groove containing the posterior interventricu-
age, body weight and build. frequency of physical exercise, lar vessels. Because the inferior surface of the heart rests
and heart disease. on the diaphragm, it is also called the diaphragmatic sur-
face (Fig. 1.5).


[Obiactiva 2]
The base, or posterior surface, of the heart is formed by the [Obiactive 3)
left atrium, a small portion of the right atrium, and proxi- The periQU'dium is a double-walled sac that encloses the
mal portions of the superior and inferior venae cavae and heart and helps protect it from trauma and infection. The
the pulmonary veins (Fig. 1.3). The front (anterior) surface tough outer layer of the pericardia! sac is called the fibrous
of the heart lies behind the sternum and costal cartilages. It is parietal pericardium (Fig. 1.6). It anchors the heart to some
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology


Fig. 1.1 Antar1or v1aw of tha chest wall of a man lhM!rg skslalal structullls and
the surface projactlon of the heart (From Draka R, Vogl AW, Mlb:hall AWM: Gtay's
8II8JDmy for studsnts, ed 3, New York, 2015, Churchill LMngstooe.) Fig. 1.2 Appean~nca of 1h& heart. This pho!Dgraph shows a living human heart
p111pered for transplan1al!on Into a paUent. NoiB liB slza llllaUveiD 1he hands that Rill
hading 1t. (From PaiiDn KT, Thlbolil&u GA: Anatomy& physiology. &d 9, St. Louis.
2016, Mosby.)

branch of left
coronary artery
Greal canlac vein

Obtuee mergln
Fig. 1.3 The base af the heart. (Ffm1 Drake R, 'ql A.W, Milcrell A."WM: &ay's
anaiDmy for stJJdents, ed 3, New York, 2015, Churchill Uvingslune~

Fig. 1.4 Th& ant:&r1or surface of the haart. (From Drake R, Vogl AW, Mitchell
The right and left phrenic nerves, which innervate the dia- AWM: Gray's anatomy frJr stJJd6nts, &d 3, Naw York, 2015, Churchill L.Mrgstona.)
phragm, pass through the fibrous pericardium as they
descend to the diaphragm. Because these nerves sup- The inner layer of the pericardium, the serous pericar-
ply sensory fibers to the fibrous pericardium, the parietal dium, consists of two layers: parietal and visceral (Fig. 1.7).
serous pericardium, and the mediastinal pleura, discomfort the parietal. layer lines the inside of the fibrous pericardium.
related to conditions affecting the pericardium may be felt
The visceral layer attaches to the large vessels that enter and
In the areas above the shoulders or lateral neck.
exit the heart and covers the outer surface ofthe heart muscle
(ie., the epicardium).
of the structures around it. such as the sternum and dia- Between the visceral and parietal layers is a space (the
phragm, by means of ligaments. This helps prevent exces- pericardia! space) that normally contains about 20 mL of
sive movement of the heart in the chest with changes in serous (pale yellow and transparent) fluid. This fluid acts as a
body position. lubricant, preventing friction as the heart beats.

If the pericardium becomes Inflamed (pericarditis), excess Heart surgery or trauma to the heart, such as a stab wound,
pericardia! fluid can be quickly generated in response to the can cause a rapid buildup of blood in the pericardia! space. The
inflammation. Pericarditis can result from a bacterial or viral buildup of excess blood or fluid in the pericardia! space com-
infection, rheumatoid arthritis, tumors, destruction of the presses the heart. This can affect the heart's abiily to relax and
heart muscle in a heart attack, among other causes. fill with blood between heartbeats. Ifthe heart cannot adequately
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

fill with blood, the amount of blood the ventricles can pump out shock. Conversely, 1000 mL of fluid may build up over a lon-
to the body (cardi~ output) will be decreased. As a result, the ger period without any significant effect on the heart's ability
amount of blood returning to the heart is also decreased. These to fill. This is because the pericardium accommodates the
changes can result in a life-threatening cond~ion called C8ldiac increased fluid by stretching over time.
temponade. The amount of blood or fluid in the pericardia! The symptoms of cardiac tamponade can be relieved
space needed to impair the heart's ability to fill depends on the by removing the excess fluid from the pericardia! sac.
rate at which the buildup of blood or fluid occurs and the ability Pericardiocentesis is a procedure in which a needle is
of the pericardium to stretch and accommodate the increased inserted into the pericardia! space and the excess fluid
volume of fluid. is sucked out (aspirated) through the needle. If scarring is
The rapid buildup of as little as 100 to 150 ml of fluid or the cause of the tamponade, surgery may be necessary to
blood can be enough to result in signs and symptoms of remove the affected area of the pericardium.

Right Rbrous
ventricle pericardium
ventrlcu lar
art8ly Left verrtricla
and vein
Right Coronary
vena cava

Fig. 1.15 The Inferior surface ot the heart The lnfe~or part ot the fibrous pe~card urn has been removed v.tlh the dla-
pluagm. (From Gosling JA: Human anaJDmy: color atlas and text. ad 4, L..ordcn, 2002, Mosby.)

Laft brachl~ Left

oaphalil: Aortic vagus
vein arch narve



•.· ... Cenlral

""""~- tendon of

Fig. 1 .& The fibrous pericanium and phrenic nerves revealed after reiTlCJ\Iill of the lungs. {From Gosling J&.: Human
anafDmy: color afias and text. ed 4, Lllndon, 2002, Mosby.)
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Left and llgtrt

phrenic Alcendng



~--+-:ft-.,_;.;..- MI'OUS

Fig. 1.7 The fbrous pericardium has been opened to expose the visceral pericardium ~ring lhe anterior surface of the
heart. (From Gosling JA: HumaiJ anatomy: color atlas and tert; eel 4, London, 2002, Mosby.)


Layers of the Heart Wall
[Oblactlve 4]
lhe walls of the heart are made up of three tissue layers: the
endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium (Fig. 1.8 and
Table 1.1). The heart's innennost layer, the endocardium, is Endocardium -~~=-~
made up of a thin, smooth layer of epithelium and connec-
tive tissue and Unes the heart's inner chambers, valves, chor-
dae tendineae (tendinous cords), and papillary muscles. The VIsceral
terminal components of the heart's specialized conduction pericardium
system can be found within this layer (Anderson & Roden.
2010). The endocardium is continuous with the innennost Perlcardlal
layer of the arteries, veins, and capillaries ofthe body, thereby
creating a continuous, closed circulatory system.
1he .myocarclium (middle layer) is a thick. muscular layer
that consists of cardiac muscle fibers (cells) responsible for the layer
pumping action of the heart The myocardium makes up about
Flf. 1.8 The parlcardlal sac Is aJIIliOSIId af 1:\W layn separaiBd by a narrow
30% ofthe total left. ventrkular mass (Anderson & Roden, 2010). ftuld-fllled Sjlllllll. The v1scaral part:anllum (aplcmdklm) Is attached dlractly 1D 1ha
lhe innermost halfofthe myocardium is called the subendocar- heart's surface, and the parlelal pertardlum fcnns the llJIEr layer af the sac. (from
1&1 area. The outermost halfis called the subepicardial area. 1he ~-l<lrlitx:Jm L, Blnlslk JL: PBthoplrys/rJ/o ad 5, PhiBde~hla, 2013, Elakr.)
muscle fibers of the myocardium are separated by connective
tissues that have a rich supply ofcapillaries and nerve fibers.
The heart's outennost layer is called the epicardium. The
Did You Know?- - - - - - - epicardium is continuous with the inner lining of the peri-
cardium at the heart's apex. The epicardium contains blood
The thickness of a heart chamber is related to the amount of
pressure or resistance that the muscle of the chamber must capillaries, lymph capillaries, nerve fibers, and fat. 1he main
overcome to eject blood. coronary arteries lie on the epicardial surface of the heart.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

lrJ:ll¥81 Layers of the Heart Wall

Heart Layer Description
Epicardium • External layer of 1he heart
• Coronary arteries, blood capillaries,
lymph capillaries, nerve fibers, and fat
are found in this layer I
Myocardium • Middle and thickest layer of the heart L------
lrrtercalallld dlskB
• Muscular component of the heart;
responsible for the heart's pumping
Endocardium • Innermost layer of the heart
• Lines heart's inner chambers, valves,
- Mltllchandrlon
chordae tendineae, and papillary
• Continuous with the innermost layer Fig. 1.8 cardiac muscle filar. lklllke ather types a! muscle fibers, 1he cardiac
of arteries, veins. and capillaries of the muscle flbar Is t)Pically branchoo and foiTI'IS junc1!oos, called lntaroalllled dis~. with
body adjacent cardiac muscle fibers. (From PatiDn KT, Thltxxfeau GA: Anthony's IIJXtbook
of 8fi/J/Dmy & phys/okJgy, ad 20, St Louis, 2013, Mooby~

They feed this area first before entering the myocardium and potassium (potassium channels), and calcium (calcium
supplying the heart's inner layers with oxygenated blood. channels). When the muscle is relaxed, the calcium chan-
Ischemia is a decreased supply of oxygenated blood to a nels are closed. As a result, calcium cannot pass through
body part or organ. The heart's subendocardial area is at the the membrane of the SR. This results in a high concen-
greatest risk ofischemia because this area has a high demand tration of calcium in the SR and a low concentration in
for oxygen and it is fed by the most distal branches of the the sarcoplasm, where the muscle cells (sarcomeres) are
coronary arteries. found. If the muscle cells do not have calcium available to
them, contraction is inhibited (the muscle stays relaxed).
CARDIAC MUSCLE The force of cardiac muscle contraction depends largely
Cardiac muscle fibers make up the walls of the heart. on the concentration of calcium ions in the extracellular
These fibers have striations, or stripes, similar to that of fluid.
skeletal muscle. Each muscle fiber is made up of many
muscle cells (Fig. 1.9). Each muscle cell is enclosed in
a membrane called a sarcolemma. Within each cell (as
0 ECG Pear1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
The heart consists of two syncytia: atrial and ventricular.
with all cells) are mitocho.odria, the energy-producing The atrial syncytium consists of the walls of the right and
parts of a cell, and hundreds of long, tube-like structures left atria. The ventricular syncytium consists of the walls of
called myoflbrlls. Myofibrils are made up of many sar~o­ the right and left ventricles. Normally, impulses can be con-
merea, the basic protein units responsible for contraction. ducted from the atrial syncytium into the ventricular syncy-
The process of contraction requires adenosine triphos- tium only by means of the atrioventricular (AV) junction. The
phate (ATP) for energy. The mitochondria that are inter- AV junction is a part of the heart's electrical system. This
spersed between the myofibrils are important sites of ATP allows the atria to contract a short time before ventricular
production. contraction.
The sarcolemma has holes in it that lead into tubes called
T (transverse) tubules. T tubules are extensions of the cell
membrane. Another system of tubules, the sarcoplasmic:
reticulum (SR), stores calcium. Muscle cells need calcium
Heart Chambers
in order to contract. Calcium is moved from the sarco- The heart has four chambers, two atria and two ventri-
plasm of the muscle cell into the SR by means of "'pumps" cles. The outside surface of the heart has grooves called
in the SR. sulci. The coronary arteries and their major branches lie
There are certain places in the cell membrane where in these grooves. The coronary sulcus (groove) encircles
sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca++) can the outside of the heart and separates the atria from the
pass. These openings are called pores or channels. There ventricles. It contains the coronary blood vessels and
are specific channels for sodium (sodium channels}, epicardial fat.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

,....,_-- Pulmonary tnlnk

Right atrium
·~~=---;;::::..:....:.-.- Openings to
coronary arteries
Aortic (SL) valve

F1g. 1.10 lntartor of the heart. This Illustration shows the heart as It would appear If It were a.Jt along a lronllll plane and
opened Ilks a book. The fnlnt portion of the heart lies ID 1hll reader's ~ght; the back portion of the heart lias ID the reader's
Iaft. ThB four chambers Ill 1hll heart-two a~a and two van~des--an~ easily seen. A~ Abtlvant~cular; st.. semilunar. [From
Patton KT, Thllodeau GA: Anatomy & physiology, ad 9, St. llluls, 2016, Mosby.)

[Obiactive 5] (Obiactive 5]
The two upper chambers of the heart are the right and The heart's two lower chambers are the right and left ven-
left atria (singular, atrium) (Fig. 1.10). An earlike flap tricles. Their purpose is to pump blood. The right ventricle
called an auricle (meaning "little ear·) protrudes from pumps blood to the lungs. The left ventricle pumps blood
each atrium. out to the body. Because the ventricles must pump blood
The purpose of the atria is to receive blood. The right either to the lungs (the right ventricle) or to the rest of the
atrium receives blood low in oxygen from the superior vena body (the left ventricle), the ventricles have a much thicker
cava (which carries blood from the head and upper extremi- myocardial layer than the atria. Because the right ventricle
ties), the inferior vena cava (which carries blood from the moves blood only through the blood vessels of the lungs and
lower body), and the coronary sinus (which is the largest then into the left atrium, it has one sixth of the muscle mass
vein that drains the heart). The left atrium receives freshly and one third of the wall thickness of the left ventricle, which
oxygenated blood from the lungs via the right and left pul- must propel blood to most vessels of the body (Hutchison &:
monary veins. Rudakewich, 2009) (Fig. 1.11).
1he four chambers of the heart vary in muscular wall
thickness, reflecting the degree of pressure each chamber
must generate to pump blood. For example, the atria encoun-
ter little resistance when pumping blood to the ventricles. As
a result, the atria have a thin myocardial layer. The wall of When the left ventricle contracts, it normally produces an
the right atrium is about 2 mm thick. and the wall of the left impulse that can be felt at the apex of the heart (apical
atrium is about 3 m.m thick. Blood is pumped from the atria impulse). This occurs because as the left ventricle con·
through an atrioventricular (AV) valve and into the ventri- tracts, it rotates forward. In a normal heart, this causes the
cles. The valves ofthe heart are discussed later in this chapter. apex of the left ventricle to hit the chest wall. You may be
able to sea the apical impulse in thin individuals. The api-
Q ECG Pearl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ cal impulse is also called the point of maximal impulse
because it is the site where the left ventricular contraction
Think of the atria as holding tanks or reservoirs for blood. is most strongly felt.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Antarlor lntarvenb1cuJar Right vantrk:ular

artery wall

Left Papillary Intel'" Trabeculae Marginal
ventricular mUICia Y811lrtcular camaae arl8ry
-11 saptum
Fig. 1.11 Section through the heart shi7Mng 1he &Peal porUn of the left and ~ghl venll1clas. (From Gosling JA: Human
anatumy: oo1or atlas and t8Xt, ed 4, London, 2002, Mosby.)

Heart Valves
The heart has a skeleton, which is made up of four rings
of thick connective tissue. This tissue surrounds the bases
of the pulmonary trunk, the aorta, and the heart valves.
The inside of the rings provides secure attachments for
the heart valves. The outside of the rings provides for the
attachment of the cardiac muscle of the myocardium (Fig.
1.12). The heart's skeleton also helps form the partitions
(septa) that separate the atria from the ventricles.
There are four one-way valves in the heart: two sets of AV
valves and two sets of&emilUIW' (SL) valves. The valves open
and close in a specific sequence and assist in producing the
pressure gradient needed between the chambers to ensure
a smooth :flow of blood through the heart and prevent the
bacldl.ow of blood.
Fig. 1.12 Skeleton of the heart. This IX)Stel1or view shows part of the venll1cular
ATRIOVENTRICULAR VALVES myooardlum with 1he heart valves 81111 attached. The rim of each heart valve Is sup-
ported by a fibrous structure, called the sk8/stonofth6 h6art, which encircles all four
[Oblectlves 6, 7] valves. AV. Atrlovenll1cular. (From PatiDn KT, Thibodeau GA: Anatmny&ph~
Atrioventricular valves separate the atria from the ventricles. ed 9, St Louis, 201 6, Mosby.)
The two AV valves consist of tough. fibrous rings (annuli
:6.brosi); :flaps (lea11.ets or cusps) of endocardium; chordae
tendineae; and papillary muscles. left atrium and left ventricle (Fig. 1.14). The mitral valve is
1he tricuspid valve is the AV valve that lies between the so named because of its resemblance to a miter, which is a
right atrium and right ventricle. It consists of three separate double-cusp bishop's hat, when open.
cusps or flaps (Fig. 1.13). It is larger in diameter and thinner The AV valves open when a forward pressure gradi-
than the mitral valve. The mitral valve, which is also called ent forces blood in a forward direction. They close when
the bicuspid valve, has only two cusps and lies between the a pressure gradient pushes blood backward. The
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Superior vena


TrtcuspldG Anterior cusp Septal papllluy miiiiCie

Septal cusp
valve Posterior cusp
Septom•rgln•l trabecul•

Fig. 1.13 Internal view of 1he right venll1cle. (From Drake R, Vogl AW, Mitchell AWM: Gmy~ snatrHny frJr si1Jdenls. ed 3,
New Yorll, 2015, Churchill Uvlngstone.)

MHral val¥8 antartor cuep

Pulmonary arteries

Pulmonary veins

Coronary sinus

valve poeterlor cuap

Fig. 1.14 Internal view of 1he left ventriCle. (From Drake R, Vcgl AW, MitChell AWM: !#a~ anatomy for students, ed 3, New
Ya'k, 2015, Chu I'Ch ill Livingstone.)
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

AV valves require almost no backflow to cause closure ends and the pressure in the pulmonary artery and aorta
(Hall, 2016). exceeds that of the ventricles.
The flow of blood from the superior and inferior venae
cavae into the atria is normally continuous. About 70%
of this blood flows directly through the atria and into the
ventricles before the atria contract; this is called passi'o'e
filling. & the atria fill with blood, the pressure within the Improper valve function can hamper blood flow through the
atrial chamber rises. This pressure forces the tricuspid heart. Valvular heart disease is the term used to describe
and mitral valves open, and the ventricles begin to fill, a malfunctioning heart valve. Types of valvular heart dis-
gradually increasing the pressure within the ventricles. ease include the following:
When the atria contract, an additionallO% to 30% of the • vaJvular prolapse. If a valve flap inverts, it is said to have
returning blood is added to filling of the ventricles. This prolapsed. Prolapse can occur if one valve flap is larger
additional contribution of blood resulting from atrial than the other. It can also occur if the chordae tendin-
contraction is called atrial kick. On the right side of the eae stretch markedly or rupture.
heart, blood low in oxygen empties into the right ventri- • vaJvutar regurgitation. Blood can flow backward, or
cle. On the left side of the heart, freshly oxygenated blood regurgitate, if one or more of the heart's valves does
not close properly. Valvular regurgitation Is also known
empties into the left ventricle. When the ventricles then
as valvular incompetence or valvular insufficiency.
contract (i.e., systole), the pressure within the ventricles
• Valvular stenosis. If a valve narrows, stiffens, or thick-
rises sharply. The tricuspid and mitral valves completely ens, it is said to be stenosed. The heart must work
close when the pressure within the ventricles exceeds that harder to pump blood through a stenosed valve.
of the atria. Papillary muscles receive their blood supply from the
Chordae tendineae (tendlnoua cords) are thin strands coronary arteries. If a papillary muscle ruptures because
of connective tissue. On one end, they are attached to the of an inadequate blood supply (as in myocardial infarc-
underside of the AV valves. On the other end, they are tion), the attached valve cusps will not completely
attached to small mounds of myocardium called papillary close and may result in a murmur. If a papillary muscle
maades. Papillary muscles project inward from the lower in the left ventricle ruptures, the leaflets of the mitral
portion ofthe ventricular walls. When the ventricles contract valve may invert Q.e., prolapse). This may result in blood
leaking from the left ventricle into the left atrium (e.g.,
and relax, so do the papillary muscles. The papillary muscles
regurgitation} during ventricular contraction. Blood flow
adjust their tension on the chordae tendineae, preventing
to the body o.e., cardiac output) could decrease as a
them from bulging too far into the atria. For example, when result.
the right ventricle contracts, the papillary muscles of the
right ventricle pull on the chordae tendineae. 1he chordae
tendineae prevent the flaps of the tricuspid valve from bulg-
ing too far into the right atrium. 1hus, the chordae tendineae
and papillary muscles serve as anchors. Because the chordae HEART SOUNDS
tendineae are thin and string-like, they are sometimes called Heart sounds occur because of vibrations in the tissues
"heart strings." of the heart caused by the closing of the heart's valves.
Vibrations are created as blood flow is suddenly increased
SEMILUNAR VALVES or slowed with the contraction and relaxation of the
[OIJiactlve B] heart chambers and with the opening and closing of the
The pulmonic and aortic valves are SL valves. 1he SL valves pre- valves.
vent the bacldlow ofblood from the aorta and pulmonary arter- Normal heart sounds are called Sl and S2. 1he first heart
ies into the ventricles. 1he SL valves have three cusps shaped sound ("lubb,.) occurs during ventricular contraction when
like half-moons. 1he openings of the SL valves are smaller than the tricuspid and mitral (AV) valves are closing. The second
the openings of the AV valves, and the flaps of the SL valves are heart sound ("dupp) occurs during ventricular relaxation
smaller and thicker than the AV valves. Unlike the AV valves, as the pulmonic and aortic (SL) valves close. A third heart
the SL valves are not attached to chordae tendineae. sound is produced by ventricular filling. In those younger
When the ventricles contract, the SL valves open, allow- than 40 years ofage, the left ventricle normally permits rapid
ing blood to flow out of the ventricles. When the right filling. The more rapid the ventricular filling, the greater
ventricle contracts, blood low in oxygen flows through the likelihood of hearing a third heart sound. A third heart
the pulmonic valve into the pulmonary trunk. which sound (S3) heard in people older than 40 years ofage is con-
divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries. When sidered abnormal An abnormal third heart sound is fre-
the left ventricle contracts, freshly oxygenated blood flows quently associated with heart failure. An Sl-S2-S3 sequence
through the aortic valve into the aorta and out to the body is called a ventricular gallop or gallop rhythm. It sounds like
(Fig. 1.15). The SL valves close as ventricular contraction "Kentucky"-Ken (Sl) -tuck (S2) -y (S3). The location of the
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Pulmonary velr1s..,::-----~...4
Superior vena Aortic valve
Left atrium7'9~L~
Aorta --r--ollil.l~ Right


Mitral valv&-
posterior cusp
Right ventricle
Fig. 1.1& Drawing of a heart split perpendicular to the interventriCular septum to illustrate the anatomic relationships of
the leaflets of the atroventricular and aortiC valveS. (From Koeppen BM, Stanton BA: Beme & LevyJJ/1YSiOlOgY. ed 6, St. L.Duis,
2010, Mosby.)

heart's AV and SL valves for auscultation is shown in Fig. the heart are called epicardial coronary arteries. They branch
1.16. A summary ofthe heart's valves and auscultation points into progressively smaller vessels, eventually becoming arte-
for heart sounds appears in Table 1.2. rioles, and then capillaries. Thus, the epicardium has a rich
blood supply to draw from. Branches of the main coronary
arteries penetrate into the heart's muscle mass and supply the
subendocardium with blood. lhe diameter of these "feeder
branches" (i.e., collateral circulation) is much narrower. The
In people younger than 40 years of age, the left ven-
tissues supplied by these branches get enough blood and
tricle normally permits rapid filling. The more rapid the
oxygen to survive, but they do not have much extra blood
ventricular filling, the greater the likelihood of hearing a
third heart sound. A third heart sound (S3) heard in those flow.
older than 40 years of age is considered abnormal. An lhe work of the heart is important To ensure that it has
abnormal third heart sound is frequently associated with an adequate blood supply, the heart makes sure to provide
heart failure. An S 1-32-33 sequence Is called a ventricu- itself with a fresh supply of oxygenated blood before supply-
lar gallop or gallop rhythm. It sounds like Ken (S1) -tuck ing the rest of the body. This freshly oxygenated blood is sup-
(S2) -y (S3). plied mainly by the branches of two vessels: the right and left
Turbulent blood flow within the cardiac chambers and coronary arteries.
vessels can produce heart murmurs. An inflamed pericar- lhe right and left coronary arteries are the very first
dium can produce a peric8rdial friction rub, which sounds branches off the base of the aorta. The openings to these ves-
like rough sandpaper.
sels lie just beyond the cusps of the aortic SL valve. When
the left ventricle contracts (systole), the force of the pres-
sure within the left ventricle pushes blood into the arteries
The Heart's Blood Supply that branch from the aorta. 'Ihis causes the arteries to fill
lhe coronary circulation consists of coronary arteries and However, the heart's blood ~ssels (ie., the coronary arter-
veins. The right and left coronary arteries encircle the myo- ies) are compressed during ventricular contraction, reduc-
cardium like a crown. or corona. ing blood fl.ow to the tissues of the heart. Thus, the coronary
arteries fill when the aortic valve is closed and the left ven-
CORONARY ARTERIES tricle is relaxed (i.e., diastole).
[Oblectlve 8] lhe three major epicardial coronary arteries include the left
lhe main coronary arteries lie on the outer (epicardial) sur- anterior descending (LAD) artery, circumflex (Cx) artery, and
face ofthe heart. Coronary arteries that run on the surface of right coronary artery (RCA). A person is said to have coronary
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Pulmonary valve

Auscultation position AuscultaUon position

for tr1cuspld valve for mitral valve

Fig. 1.18 An!Brlor view ot 1he chest r.owlng the heart, the looatlon of the heart's valves, and where to listen to heart
sounds. (From Drake R, Vogl AW, Mitchell AWM: Glay'unatomyfurstWents, ad 3, New York. 2015, Churchill LMngstone.)

if;1:Jii Q Heart Valves and Auscultation Points

Yalve Name Yalve 1W»e IJicatlon Auscultation Point
Tricuspid Atrioventricular Separates the right atrium and Just to the left of the lower part of the ster-
right ventricle num near the fiHh intercostal space
Mitral (bicuspid) Atrioventricular Separates the left atrium and left Heart apex in the left fifth intercostal space
ventricle at the midclavicular line
Pulmonic (pulmonary) Semilunar Between the right ventricle and Left second intercostal space close to the
pulmonary artery sternum
Aortic Semilunar Between the left ventricle and Right second intercostal space close to the
aorta sternum

artery disease (CAD) if there is more than 5096 diameter nar-

rowing (i.e., stenosis) in one or more of these vessels. Right Coronary Artary
The RCA orlginates from the right side of the aorta (Fig.
(ill CLINICAL CORRELAT10NS 1.17). It travels along the groove between the right atrium
and right ventricle. A branch of the RCA supplies the follow-
Because a heart attack, which is also called a myocardial ing structures:
Infarction, Is usually caused by a blocked coronary artery, • Right atrium
it is worthwhile to become familiar with the arteries that • Right ventricle
supply the heart. When myocardial ischemia or infarction • Inferior surface of the left ventricle in about 85% of
is suspected, an understanding of coronary artery anatomy individuals
and the areas of the heart that each vessel supplies helps • Posterior surface of the left ventricle in 85%
you predict which coronary artery is blocked and anticipate • Sinoatrial (SA) node in about 60%
problems associated with blockage of that vessel.
• AV bundle in 8596 to 90%
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology


LGit pulmonery ~----·- Aot1lc arch

artery - >- ·- Superior-. cava
Left Wiell Left pulmonary
appendage Right~-ry
vere artery
Ci-'lex lnncto of Right punnary
laft main c;orvnuy ar1Bry wins
Luft enterlor d-ndlng Right atrtum
lnnch of Ifill
GOIIlllllry artery

.,.___,.....~~ - Middle ean:llac

Poalllllar diHicendng
~lar) "'-.,.~.._- Right ventrlde
nncn of riGht
c:oranary artery

Fig. 1.17 Coronary artar18s s'-"~ylng the h881t. 1hEI ~ght ccronary artBry sup~les tha ~ght att1urn, vantJtde, BOO
postarlor aspect of tha left ventricle In most lndMiilals. The left coronary artery dlvldas IIIIo lha left antsr1or descending BOO
ciraJmllex artelies, which perfuse the left venllide. A, Anterior view. B, Posterior view. (Frnm Copstead-Ki ll<hom I., Banasik JL.:
Pathophysiology, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2013, Elsevier.)

Left Coronary Artery A summary of the areas of the heart supplied by the three
lhe left coronary artery (LCA) originates from the left side major coronary arteries is shown in Table 1.3.
of the aorta (see Fig. 1.17). 1he 1irst segment of the LCA is
called the left main coronary artery. It is about the diameter Coronary Artery Dominance
of a soda straw and less than 1 inch (2.5 em) long. ffioc.kage In about 8596 ofpeople the RCA forms the posterior descend-
of the proximal LAD coronary artery has been referred to as ing artery, and in about 1096 of people the circumflex artery
the "widow maker" because of its association with sudden forms the posterior descending artery (Lohr & Benjamin.
cardiac arrest when it is blocked. 2016). The coronary artery that fonn.s the posterior descend-
The left main coronary artery supplies oxygenated blood ing artery is considered the dominant coronary artery. If a
to its two primary branches: the LAD, which is also called the branch of the RCA becomes the posterior descending artery,
anterior interventricular artery, and the Cx.. 1hese vessels are the coronary artery arrangement is described as a right-
slightly smaller than the left main coronary artery. dominant system. If the Cx branches and ends at the poste-
1he LAD is on the outer (ie., epicardial) surface on the front rior descending artery, the coronary artery arrangement is
of the heart It travels along the groove that lies between the described as a left-dominant system. In some people, neither
right and left ventricles (i.e., the anterior interventricular sul- coronary artery is dominant. If damage to the posterior wall
cus) toward the heart's apex. In most patients. the LAD travels of the left ventricle is suspected, a cardiac catheterization
around the apex ofthe left ventricle and ends along the left ven- usually is necessary to determine which coronary artery is
tricle's inferior surface. In the remaining patients, the LAD does involved.
not reach the inferior surface. Instead. it stops at or before the
heart's apex. 1he major branches of the LAD are the septal and ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES
diagonal arteries. 1he LAD supplies blood to the fullowing: [Obiactivas 9,10]
• The anterior surface of the left ventricle Aarte coronary syndrome (ACS) is a term that refers to dis-
• Part of the lateral surface of the left ventricle tinct conditions caused by a similar sequence of pathologic
• The anterior two thirds of the interventricular septum events involving abruptly reduced coronary artery blood flow.
1he Cx coronary artery circles around the left side of the This sequence of events results in conditions that range from
heart in a groove on the back of the heart that separates the myocardial ischemia or injury to death (ie., necrosis) of the
left atrium from the left ventricle called the coronary sulcus heart muscle. 1he usual cause of an ACS is the rupture of an
(see Fig. 1.17). 1he Cx supplies blood to the following: atherosclerotic plaque. Arleriosderosis is a cb.ronic disease ofthe
• The left atrium arterial system characterized by abnormal thickening and hard-
• Part of the lateral surface of the left ventricle ening of the vessel walls. Atherosclerosis is a form of arterioscle-
• 1he inferior surface of the left ventricle in about 1596 of rosis in which the thickening and hardening of the vessel walls
individuals are caused by a buildup of fat-like deposits (e.g., plaque) in the
• The posterior surface of the left ventricle in 15% inner lining oflarge and middle-sized muscular arteries. As the
• 1he SA node in about 40% fatty deposits build up, the opening ofthe artery slowly narrows,
• TheAVbundle in 10% to 15% and blood flow to the muscle decreases (Fig. 1.18).
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

The complete blockage of a coronary artery may cause a Angina pectoris is chest discomfort or other related
.myocardial.infardion (.MI). However, because a plaque usually symptoms that occur suddenly when the increased oxygen
increases in size over months and years, other vascular pathways demand of the heart temporarily exceeds the blood supply.
may enlarge as portions of a coronary artery become blocked. Angina is a symptom of myocardial ischemia, and it most
These vascular pathways (ie., collateral circulation) serve as an often occurs in patients with CAD that involves at least one
alternative route for blood flow around the blocked artery to the coronary artery. However, it can be present in patients with
heart muscle; thus, the presence of collateral arteries may pre- nonnal. coronary arteries. Angina also occurs in people with
vent infarction despite complete blockage ofthe primary artery. uncontrolled high blood pressure or valvular heart disease.
Possible causes of myocardial ischemia are shown in Box l.l.
Did You Know? _ _ _ _ _ __ The term angina refers to squeezing or tightening rather
Any artery in the body can develop atherosclerosis. If the coro-
than pain. The discomfort that is associated with angina
nary arteries are involved ~.e., coronary artery disease) and if occurs because of the stimulation of nerve endings by lactic
blood flow to the heart is decreased, angina pectoris or more acid and carbon dioxide that builds up in ischemic tissue.
serious signs and symptoms may result. If the arteries in the Examples of common words and phrases used by patients
leg are involved (i.e., peripheral vascular disease), leg pain experiencing angina to describe the sensation they are feel-
Q.e., claudication) may result. If the arteries supplying the brain ing include "heaviness," "squeezing," "a band across my
are involved o.e., carotid artery disease), a stroke or transient chest," ·a weight in the center of my chest," and "a vise tight-
ischemic attack may result. ening around my chest"

lfJ:!IJ!I Coronary Arteries

Coronary Artery Portion of Myocardium Supplied Portion of Conduction System Supplied
Right • Right atrium • Sinoatrial (SA) node (about 60%)*
• Right ventricle • Atrioventricular (AV) bundle (85% to 90%)*
• Inferior surface of left ventricle (about 85%)*
• Posterior surface of left ventricle (85%)*
Left anterior descending • Anterior surface of left ventricle • Most of right bundle branch
• Part of lateral surface of left ventricle • Part of left bundle branch
• Anterior two thirds of interventricular septum
Circumflex • Left atrium • SA node (about 40%)*
• Part of lateral surface of left ventricle • AV bundle (1 0% to 15%)*
• Inferior surface of left ventricle (about 15%)*
• Posterior surface of left ventricle (15%)*
*Of population.

Endothelium Intima
Chronic anc:lothallallnjury
• Hypertension Fattyatruk
• Tobacco use • Uplds accumulate and migrate
• Hypel11pldemla Into smooltl muscle cells
• Hyperhomocystelnemla
• Diabetes
• Infections

Fibrous plaqua Compllcat.d lesion

• Collagen covers the fatty streak • Plaque rupture
• Vessel lumen is narrowed • Thrombus formation
• Blood flow is reduced • Further narrowing or total
• FISSures can develop occlusion of vessel

Fig. 1.18 Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. A, Damaged en~llum. B, Fatty streak and lipid cae fonnatlon. C, Rbrous
plaque. Raised plaques are >Aslble: some are yellow; others are white. D, Conpllcated lesion: thromtxJs Is ltld, cdlagen Is blue.
Plaque Is compllcatad by rad tllrombus deposition. (From I..&Ws, Sl., aK:her L, Hellkemper MM, Perdlng MM: MedJcal-81.JfP}caJ
nurs/11g: 88888SI1I6i!t and manatJ6fT/6l1t ofcDnlcaJ problems, ad 10, St. Louis, 2017, Elsevier.)
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Chest discomfort associated with myocardial ischemia often in the back. arm, shoulder, or neck. Some women
usually begins in the central or left chest and then radiates have vague chest discomfort that tends to come and go with
to the arm (especially the little :finger [ulnar] side of the left no known aggravating factors.
arm), the wrist, the jaw, the epigastrium, the left shoulder,
or between the shoulder blades. Ischemic chest discom-
fort is usually not sharp, is not worsened by deep inspira-
0 ECO Pear1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
The extent of arterial narrowing and the amount of reduction in
tion, is not affected by moving muscles in the area where
blood flow are critical determinants of coronary artery disease.
the discomfort is localized. and is not positional in nature.
Other symptoms associated with ACSs include shortness
of breath, sweating, nausea. vomiting. dizziness, and dis- Ischemia can occur because of increased myocardial
comfort in other areas of the upper body (O'Connor, et al., oxygen demand (demand ischemia), reduced myocardial
2010). oxygen supply (supply ischemia), or both. If the cause of
Not all patients experiencing an ACS present similarly. the ischemia is not reversed and blood flow restored to
Atypical preaentation refers to the uncharacteristic signs the affected area of the heart muscle, ischemia may lead
and symptoms that are experienced by some patients. to cellular injury and, ultimately, infarction. Ischemia can
Atypical chest discomfort is localized to the chest area quickly resolve by reducing the heart's oxygen demand.
but may have musculoskeletal, positional or pleuritic fea- resting or slowing the heart rate {HR) with medications
tures. Patients experiencing an ACS who are most likely such as beta-blockers, or increasing blood flow by dilat-
to present atypically include older adults, individuals with ing the coronary arteries with drugs such as nitroglycerin
diabetes, women, patients with prior cardiac surgery, and (NTG).
patients in the immediate postoperative period after non- Ischemia prolonged by more than just a few minutes
cardiac surgery (Karve, Bossone, & Mehta. 2007). Older causes myocardial injury. Myocardial injury refers to myocar-
adults may have atypical symptoms such as dyspnea, shoul- dial tissue that has been cut off from or experienced a severe
der or back pain, weakness, fatigue, mental status changes, reduction in its blood and oxygen supply. Injured myocardial
syncope, wtexplained nausea, and abdominal or epigastric cells are still alive but will die (i.e., infarct) if the ischemia is
discomfort. 1hey are also more likely than younger patients not quickly corrected. An MI occurs when blood :flow to the
to present with more severe preexisting conditions, such heart muscle stops or is suddenly decreased long enough to
as hypertension, heart failure, or a previous acute MI. cause cell death. 1he symptoms that accompany an MI are
Individuals with diabetes may present atypically because often more intense than those associated with angina and
of autonomic dysfunction. Common signs and symptoms last more than 15 to 20 minutes.
include generalized weakness, syncope,lightheadedness, or Ifthe blocked coronary vessel is quickly opened to restore
a change in mental status. Women who experience an ACS blood flow and oxygen to the injured area. no tissue death
report acute symptoms including chest discomfort, unusual occurs. Methods of restoring blood flow may include giving
fatigue, sleep disturbances, dyspnea. nausea or vomiting, dot-busting drugs (i.e., fibrinolytics), performing coronary
indigestion, dizziness or fainting, sweating, arm or shoul- angioplasty, or performing a coronary artery bypass graft
der pain, and weakness. 1he location of the discomfort is (CABG), among others.

l!illJ\.a.l 1 Possible Causes of Myocardial Ischemia

Inadequate Oxygen lncre8Md Myocardial Oxygen
lklpply Demand When myocardial cells die, such as during a myocardial
• Anemia • Aortic stenosis
infarction, substances in intracardiac cells pass through
• Coronary artery narrowing • Cocaine, amphetamines
broken cell membranes and leak into the bloodstream.
caused by a clot, vessel • Eating a heavy meal
spasm, or rapid prcgession • Emotional stress These substances, which are called inflammatory markers,
of atherosclerosis • Exercise cardiac biomarkers, or serum cardiac markers, include
• Hypoxemia • Exposure to cold weather creatine kinase myocardial band (CK-MB), myoglobin,
• Fever troponin I, and troponin T. To verify that an infarction has
• Heart failure occurred, blood tests can measure the levels of these sub-
• Hypertension stances in the blood. The diagnosis of an acute coronary
• Obstructive cardiomyopathy syndrome is made on the basis of the patient's assessment
• Pheochromooytorna findings and his or her symptoms and history, the pres-
• Rapid heart rate
ence of cardiovascular risk factors, serial electrocardiogram
• Smoking
• Thyrotoxicosis results, blood test results ~.e., cardiac biomarkers), and
other diagnostic test results.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

increase or decrease its HR and/or force of contraction, it

CORONARY VEINS is benencial that both divisions of the autonomic nervous
1he coronary (cardiac) veins travel alongside the arteries. system send fibers to the heart (Pig. 1.19). The sympathetic
Blood that has passed through the myocardial capillaries is division prepares the body to function under stress (i.e., the
drained by branches of the cardiac veins that join the coronary '"fight-or-flight" response). The parasympathetic division
sinus. The coronary sinus is the largest vein that drains the conserves and restores body resources (i.e., the •rest and
heart (see Fig. 1.17). It lies in the groove (sulcus) that sepa- digest" response).
rates the atria from the ventricles. The coronary sinus receives
blood from the great, middle. and small cardiac veins; a vein SYMPATHETIC ST1MULATION
of the left atrium; and the posterior vein of the left ventricle. Sympathetic (accelerator) nerves innervate specific areas of
The coronary sinus drains into the right atrium. The anterior the heart's electrical system, atrial muscle, and the ventricu-
cardiac veins do not join the coronary sinus but empty directly lar myocardium. When sympathetic nerves are stimulated,
into the right atriwn. the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine are
released. Remember: The job of the sympathetic division is
to prepare the body for emergency or stressful situations.
The Heart's Nerve Supply Therefore, the release of norepinephrine and epinephrine
[Oblactlva 11] results in the following predictable actions:
The myocardium is able to produce its own electrical • Dilation of pupils
impulses without signals from an outside source, such as • Dilation of smooth muscles of bronchi to improve
a nerve. Because there are times when the body needs to oxygenation

Sympathetic Profacllons of Projac:tlons of Parasympathe11c

nervous system sympathetic parasympathetic nervous system
nervous system nervous 8Y8tem

l...acl'lmal and

salivary glands -x . !.....





Fig. 1.18 Schematk: showing the s,mpalhetlc and perasympatheUc pathwa~ Sympathetic pathways are Slawrl In red
and parasympathetic pathways in blue. {from Koeppen BM, Stanbln BA: Beme & LllfY physiology. ed 6, St. Louis, 201 o, Mosby.)
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

• Increased HR, force of contraction, conduction velocity, stimulated, they are thought to promote the breakdown
blood pressure, and cardiac output (CO) of fats and other lipids.
• Increased sweating
• Mobilization of stored energy to ensure an adequate sup-
ply of glucose for the brain and fatty acids for muscle
0 ECG Peart _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Remember: Beta1 receptors affect the heart (you have one
activity heart); bel9..2 receptors affect the lungs (you have two lungs).
• Shunting ofblood from skin and blood vessels ofinternal
organs to skeletal muscle
Sympathetic (adrenergic) receptors are located in differ- PARASYMPATHETIC STIMULATION
ent organs and have different physiologic actions when stim- Parasympathetic (inhibitory) nerve fibers innervate the SA
ulated. There are :five main types of sympathetic receptors: node, the atrial muscle, and the AV bundle of the heart by
alpha1, alphaz, beta1, b~. and beta3• the vagus nerves. Acetylcholine (ACh) is a chemical mes-
• Alpha1 receptors are found in the eyes, blood vessels, senger (neurotransmitter) released when parasympathetic
bladder, and male reproductive organs. Stimulation of nerves are stimulated. ACh binds to parasympathetic
alpha1 receptor sites results in constriction. receptors. The two main types of cholinergic receptors are
• Alph~ receptor sites are found in parts of the digestive nicotinic and muscarinic receptors. Nicotinic receptors are
system and on presynaptic nerve terminals in the periph- located in skeletal muscle. Muscarinic receptors are located
eral nervous system. Stimulation results in decreased in smooth muscle. Parasympathetic stimulation has the fol-
secretions, peristalsis, and suppression of norepinephrine lowing actions:
release. • Slows the rate of discharge of the SA node (Fig. 1.21)
• Beta receptor sites are divided into beta1, beta2, and • Slows conduction through the AV node
beta3• Beta1 receptors are found in the heart and kid- • Decreases the strength of atrial contraction
neys. Stimulation of beta1 receptor sites in the heart • Can cause a small decrease in the force of ventricular
results in increased HR, contractility, and, ultimately, contraction
irritability of cardiac cells (Fig. 1.20). Stimulation of
beta1 receptor sites in the kidneys results in the release BARORECEPTORS AND
of renin into the blood. Renin promotes the produc- CHEMORECEPTOR&
tion of angiotensin, a powerful vasoconstrictor. Beta2 Baroreceptors are specialized nerve tissue (sensors). They
receptor sites are found in the arterioles of the heart, are found in the internal carotid arteries and the aortic
lungs, and skeletal muscle. Stimulation results in dila- arch. These sensory receptors detect changes in blood
tion. Beta3 receptor sites are found in fat cells. When pressure. When they are stimulated, they cause a reflex

Bllmulllllon Bladaula
(may re~KJII in fast heart rate) (no dysrhythmia)

Excaaaiva accalaralion Normal auiaing IIIIa

(prevenm acx:eleration)

Fig. 1.20 Effacts Ill symp!llhatlc sUmulallon on the heart. (From Wledartmld R: E1fK:trrJcarrJJY: th8 monltDlfng 8IId
dJBgnostJc 188ds, ed 2, Phlladslphla, 1999, Saundsrs.)
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Stlmuldan Bloclcadll
(may result in Blow heart 11118 ) (no dysrhythmia}


Nonnal cruising 1'118

(pravarls braking)

Fig. 1.21 Effeclll of !Brasympalhstlc stlmulaUon on the heart. (Ff'liTl Wiederhold R: E1rK:trrx:BrrJ1 ths monltotlng
and dJagnostJc l8ads, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1999, SaundBIS.)

lfj:lij! I Review of the Autonomic Nervous System

SympatheUc Division Parasympathedc Division
General effect Fght or flight Feed and breed; rest and digest
Primary neurotransmitter Norepinephrine, epinephrine Acetylcholine
Effects of stimulation
Abdominal blood vessels Constriction (alpha receptors) No effect
Adrenal medulla Increased secretion of epinephrine No effect
Bronchioles Dilation (beta receptors) Constriction
Blood vessels of skin Constriction (alpha receptors) No effect
Blood vessels of skeletal muscle Dilation (beta receptors) No effect
Cardiac muscle Increased rate and strength of Decreased rate; decreased strength of atrial contrac-
contraction (beta receptors) tion, little effect on strength of ventricular contraction
Coronary blood vessels Constriction (alpha receptors) Dilation
Dilation (beta receptors)

response in either the sympathetic or the parasympathetic or cholinergic response. 1he baroreceptors will adjust to a new
divisions of the autonomic nervous system. For example, normal after a few days ofexposure to a specific pressure.
if the blood pressure decreases, the body wiD attempt to Chemoreceptors in the internal carotid arteries and aortic
compensate by: arch detect changes in the concentration of hydrogen ions
• Constricting peripheral blood vessels (pH), oxygen, and carbon dioxide in the blood. 1he response
• Increasing the HR {chronotropy) to these changes by the autonomic nervous system can be
• Increasing the force of myocardial contraction (inotropy) sympathetic or parasympathetic.
These compensatory responses occur because of a response A review of the autonomic nervous system can be found
by the sympathetic division. This is called a sympathetic or in Table 1.4. Chronotropy, inotropy, and dromotropy are
adrenergic response. If the blood pressure increases, the body terms used to describe effects on HR. myocardial contrac-
will decrease sympathetic stimulation and increase the response tility, and speed of conduction through the AV node. 1hese
by the parasympathetic division. This is called aparruympathetic terms are explained in Box 1.2.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Tenninology the pulmonary circulation. The pressure within the right

atrium is nonnally between 2 and 6 mm Hg. The pressure
Chronotropic Effect within the right ventricle is normally between 0 and 8 mm
• Refers to a change in heart rate. Hg when the chamber is at rest (diastole) and between 15
• A positive chronotropic effect refers to an increase in and 25 nun Hg during contraction (systole).
heart rate.
The job of the left side of the heart is to receive oxygen-
• A negative chronotropic effect refers to a decrease in
heart rate.
ated blood from the lungs and pump it out to the rest of
the body. This is called the systemic circulation. The left
Inotropic Etrect side of the heart is a high-pressure pump. The pressure
• Refers to a change in myocardial contractility. within the left atrium is normally between 8 and 12 mm
• A positive inotropic effect results in an increase in myo- Hg. Blood is carried from the heart to the organs of the
cardial contractility. body through arteries, arterioles, and capillaries. Blood
• A negative inotropic effect results in a decrease in myo- is returned to the right side of the heart through venules
cardial contractility. and veins.
The left ventricle is a high-pressure chamber. Its wall is
Dromotropic Effect much thicker than the right ventricle (the right ventricle
• Refers to the speed of conduction through the atrio-
is about 3 to 5 mm thick; the left ventricle is about 13 to
ventricular (AV) junction.
• A positive dromotropic effect results in an increase in
15 mm). This is because the left ventricle must overcome
AV conduction velocity. a lot of pressure and resistance from the arteries and con-
• A negative dromotropic affect results In a decrease In tract forcefully in order to pump blood out to the body.
AV conduction velocity. The pressure within the left ventricle is normally between
8 and 12 mm Hg when the chamber is at rest (diastole) and
between 110 and 130 mm Hg during contraction (systole).
THE HEART AS A PUMP Because the wall of the left ventricle is much thicker than
the right, the interventricular septwn nonnally bulges to
The right and left sides of the heart are separated by an the right.
internal wall of connective tissue called a aeptum. The
interatrial septum separates the right and left atria. The
int~rrventricular septum separates the right and left ven-
cardiac Cycle
tricles. The septa separate the heart into two functional [Oblectlva812,13J
pumps. The right atrium and right ventricle make up one The cardiac cycle refers to a repetitive pumping process that
pump. The left atrium and left ventricle make up the other includes all of the events associated with blood flow through
(Fig. 1.22). the heart. The cycle has two phases for each heart cham-
The rJght side of the heart is a low-pressure system whose ber: systole and diastole. Systole is the period during which
job is to pump unoxygenated blood from the body to and the chamber contracts and blood is ejected. Diastole is the
through the lungs to the left side of the heart. 'Ibis is called period of relaxation during which the chambers are allowed

Fig. 1.22 Tha heart has two pumps. [From Dl'llkll R, Vogl AW, Mltmell AWM: Grsy's snatomy frJr sJJJd6ntB, ad 3, Naw YOOc,
2015, Churchill Uvlngslala.)
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

to fill. The myocardium receives its fresh supply of oxygen- Blood flows through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs.
ated blood from the coronary arteries during ventricular Blood low in oxygen passes through the pulmonary capil-
diastole. laries. There it comes in direct contact with the al~lar­
1he cardiac cycle depends on the ability of the cardiac capillary membrane, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are
muscle to contract and on the condition of the heart's con- exchanged Blood then flows into the pulmonary veins and
duction system. The efficiency of the heart as a pump may be then to the left atrium.
affected by abnormalities of the cardiac muscle, the valves, or When the left ventricle contracts, the mitral valve closes
the conduction system. to prevent bacldlow of blood. Blood leaves the left ventricle
During the cardiac cycle, the pressure within each through the aortic valve to the aorta. which is the main ves-
chamber of the heart rises in systole and falls in diastole. sel of the systemic arterial circulation. Blood is distn'buted
The heart's valves ensure that blood flows in the proper throughout the body (ie., the systemic circuit) through
direction. Blood flows from one heart chamber to another the aorta and its branches. Blood continues to move in one
from higher to lower pressure. These pressure relationships direction because pressure pushes it from the high-pressure
depend on the careful timing of contractions. The heart's (i.e., arterial) side, and valves in the veins prevent back.tlow
conduction system (discussed in Chapter 2) provides the on the lower pressure (i.e., venous) side as blood returns to
necessary timing of events between atrial and ventricular the heart.
Did You Know?- - - - - - - -
The aorta is composed of four primary parts: the ascending
Blood from the tissues of the head. neck, and upper extremi- aorta, the aortic arch, the thoracic portion of the descending
ties is emptied into the superior vena cava. Blood from the aorta, and the abdominal portion of the descending aorta.
lower body is returned to the inferior vena cava. During
atrial diastole, blood from the superior and inferior venae
cavae and the coronary sinus enters the right atrium. 1he When the SL valves close, the heart begins a period of
amount of blood :flowing into the right heart from the sys- ventricular diastole. During ventricular diastole, the ven-
temic circulation is called venous return. The right atrium tricles are relaxed and begin to fill passively with blood. The
fills and distends. This pushes the tricuspid valve open, and cardiac cycle begins again with atrial systole and the comple-
the right ventricle fills. tion of ventricular filling. The cardiac cycle and blood flow
The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the through the heart are shown in Fig. 1.23.
four pulmonary veins (two from the right lung and two
from the left lung). The flaps of the mitral valve open u Did You Know?- - - - - - -
the left atrium fills. This allows blood to flow into the left Both the atria and ventricles have a systolic and diastolic
ventricle. phase. When the term systole or diastole is used but the area
The ventricles are 70% :filled before the atria contract. of the heart is not specified, however, you can assume that the
Contraction of the atria forces additional blood (about 10% term refers to ventricular systole or diastole.
to 30% of the ventricular capacity) into the ventricles (the
atrial kick). 1hus the ventricles fill completely with blood
during atrial systole. The atria then enter a period of atrial Blood Pressure
diastole, which continues until the start of the next cardiac [Oblectlve 14]
cycle. The mechanical activity of the heart is reflected by the pulse
and blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force exerted by
VENTRICULAR SYSTOLE the circulating blood volume on the walls of the arteries. The
AND DIASTOLE volume of blood in the arteries is directly related to arterial
Ventricular systole occurs as atrial diastole begins. .M the blood pressure.
ventricles contract, blood is propelled through the systemic Blood pressure is equal to CO x peripheral resistance. CO
and pulmonary circulation and toward the atria. The term is discussed later. Peripheral resistance is the resistance to
isovalumetric (meaning "having the same volume'") contrac- the flow of blood determined by blood vessel diameter and
tion describes the brief period between the start of ventric- the tone ofthe vucular musculature. Tone is a term that may
ular systole and the opening of the SL valves. During this be used when referring to the normal state of balanced ten-
period. the ventricular volume remains constant as the pres- sion in body tissues.
sure within the chamber rises sharply. Blood pressure is affected by conditions or medica-
When the right ventricle contracts, the tricuspid valve tiona that affect peripheral resistance or CO (Fig. 1.24).
closes. The right ventricle expels the blood through the For example, an increase in either CO or peripheral resis-
pulmonic valve into the pulmonary trunk. The pulmonary tance typically results in an increase in blood preasure.
trunk divides into a right and left pulmonary artery, each of Conversely, a decrease in either will result in a decrease in
which carries blood to one lung (i.e., the pulmonary circuit). blood pressure.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

Semilunar valves

Pulmonary artery

Right atrium


Atltal aystole: Atria

0 contract, pushing
blood through the open
tricuspid and mitral valves
intn the ventriclee.
Semilunar valve8 are

Period of falling pressure: Beginning of ventricular

Blood flows from veina intn systole. Ventricles
the relaxed atria. Tricuspid contract, increasing
and mitral valves open preasure within the
when pressul'9 in the ventricles. The tricuspid
ventricles falls below that and mitral valves close,
in the ab1a. causing the first heart

Beginning of ventricular
diastole: Pressure In the
relaxing ventr1clee drops
below that In the arteries.

Period olllslng preuure:

Semilunar valves open
when preaeure In the
ventricle exceeds that In
Semilunar valves snap the arteries. Blood spurts
shut, causing the second Into the aorta and
heart sound. pulmomuy arteries.

Fig. 1.23 Blood flow 1hrough 1he heart during 1he cardiac ~le. (From SolOmon E: lntrOduclicn ID human analooly and
PhysiOlOgy, ed 4, StLouis, 2016, Saunders.)

f Slroka volume t Blood vlacoelty ~ Dlamalllr of arllllloiBB

I...... t cardiac OU!pUI permii'IUIII ......J L.

t Volume of blood antertng
arta~BB par rr*luta

I , t Arterial blood VOlume

'Volume o1 blood leavtng arte~es
par mlnuta, the 'artariole rul'lllll"

Fig. 1 ..24 Relationship between artet1al blood volume and blood PI'888UI'EI. Arterial blood PI'888UI'EIIs directly proportlcm
1D artarlal bbod volume. cardiac outp.Jt (CO) and per1pharalraslstarce (PR) are directly pr~aiiD artarlal blood volume
but for opposiiB ~= CO affects blood aniBring the artarles, and PR attects blood laavlng the artarles. If cardiac ootput
lnCI'EIBSBS, the amount af blood en!Br1ng the artar1es Increases and 18nds 1D Increase the volume af blood In the artartes. If
per1pheralrEtsi81Bnoe Increases, It decreases 1he amount d blood leaving the artarles, which tends 1D Increase the amount d
blood left In them .Thus, en lncr&IISB In either CO or PR results In an Increase In artar1al blood volume, whk:h lnCrEteses arterial
blood pressul'l!. (From Pai!Dn KT, lhllxldeau GA: Analomy& (Jhys/ology. ed 9, St. Louis, 2016, Mosby.)
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

CARDIAC OUTPUT iJ a condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough

[Obiective 14] blood to meet the metabolic needs of the body. It may result
Each ventricle holds about 150 mL of blood when it i8 full. from any condition that impairs preload, afterloa.d, cardiac
They normally eject about half this volume (70-80 mL) with contractility, or HR.
each contraction. CanlJac output (CO) is the amount of Afterload is the pressure or resistance against which the
blood pumped into the aorta each minute by the heart. It ventricles must pump to eject blood. Afterloa.d is influenced
is defined as the ltrob wiume (SV), which is the amount
of blood ejected from a ventricle with each heartbeat, mul-
tiplied by the HR. In a healthy averase adult, the CO at rest
Abnormal heart rhythms (dyvhythmias), such as atrial
is about 5 IJmin (an SV of 70 mL multiplied by an HR of
flutter and atrial fibrillation (discussed in Chapter 4), impede
70 beats/min). Becaue the cardiovascular system is a closed
normal atrial contraction. Ineffectual atrial contraction can
system, the volume of blood leaving one part of the system result In a loss of atrial kick, decreased stroke volume, and
must equal that entering another part. For example, if the a subsequent decrease in cardiac output.
left ventricle normally pumps 5 Umin, the volume flowing
through the arteries, capillaries, and veins must equal 5 U
min. Thta, the CO of the right ventricle (pulmonary blood
:8ow) is normally equal to that of the left ventricle on a min- by the following:
ute-to-minute basis. • Arterial blood pressure
1he percentage of blood pumped out of a ventricle with • The ability of the arteries to become stretched (arterial
each contraction i8 called the ejcdion fraaion. Ejection distensibility)
fraction is used as a measure of ventricular function. A nor- • Arterial resistance
mal ejection fraction is between 5096 and 6596. A person is The lower the resistance (lower afterload), the more eu-
said to have impaired ventricular function when the ejection Uy blood can be ejected. Increased afterload (increased
fraction is less than 4096. resistance) increases the heart's workload. Conditions that
contribute to increased afterload include increased thickness
Stroke Volume of the blood (viscosity) and high blood pressure.
Cardiac output may be increased by an increase in SV or HR. Heart Rata
SV is determined by the following:
• 'Ihe degree of ventricular :filling when the heart is relaxed Remember that CO may be increased byan increase in SV or
(preload) HR. Increases in HR shorten all phases of the cardiac cycle.
• 1he pressure against which the ventricle must pump 1he moat important is that the time the heart spends relaxing
(afterload) is less. If the length of'time for ventricular relaxation is short-
• 1he myocardium's contractile state (contracting or ened, there is less time for them to fill adequately with blood.
reluing) If the ventricles do not have time to fill the following occur:
Preload, which is also called the end-diastolic vol- • The amount of blood sent to the coronary arteries is
ume, is the force exerted on the walls of the ventricles at
the end of diastole. 1he volume of blood returning to the • The amount of blood pumped out of the ventricles will
heart influences preload. More blood returning to the right decrease (i.e., CO).
atrium (e.g., increased venous return) increases preload. • Signs of myocardial ischemia may be seen.
Less blood returning decreases preload. According to the The concentrations of extracellular ions also affect HR.
Prank-Starling law of the heart, the greater the stretch of mess potassium (i.e., hyperkalemia) causes the heart to
the cardiac muscle (within limits), the greater the resulting become dUated and flaccid (limp), slows the HR, and can
contraction. Heart mucle fibers stretch in response to the dramatically alter conduction. An increase in calcium (ie.,
.increased volume (preload) before contracting. Stretching hypercalcemia) has an effect almost exactly opposite that
of the mucle fibers allows the heart to eject the additional of potassium, cauing the heart to go into spastic contrac-
volume with increased force, thereby increasing SV. So in a tion. Decreased caldum levels (i.e.. hypocalcemia) make
normal heart, the greater the preload, the greater the force the heart flaccid, similar to the effect of increased potas-
of ventricular contraction and the greater the SV, resulting sium levels.
in increased CO. Other factors that influence HR include hormone lev-
1bh ability to adjtat iJ important so that the heart can els (e.g., epinephrine, norepinephrine), medications, stress,
alter its pumping capacity in response to changes in venous amiety, fear, and body temperature. HR increases when
return. For example, during exercise, the heart muscle fibers body temperature increases and decreases when body tem-
stretch in response to increased volume (preload) before perature decreases.
contracting. If. however. the ventricle is stretched beyond An increase in the force of the heart's contractions (and,
its physiologic limit, CO may fall because of volume over-
subsequently, SV) may occur because of many conditions,
load and overstretching of the muscle fibers. Heart failure including norepinephrine and epinephrine release from
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

•:fil':ti ~ ~ Signs and Symptoms of Decreased preload, afterload, cardiac contractility, or HR. As the heart
cardiac"' begins to fail. the bodys compensatory mechanisms attempt
to improve CO by manipulating one or more of these factors.
• Acute changes in blood pressure Now that we have discussed CO, SV, and HR, let us
• Acute changes in mental status review an important point. Remember that CO may be
• Cold, clammy skin increased by an increase in HR or SV. Consider the following
• Color changes In the skin and mucous membranes
• Crackles (rales)
1. A patient has an SV of 80 mL/beat. His HR is 70 beats/
• Dyspnea
• Dysrhythmias min. Is his CO normal, decreased, or increased? Substitute
• Fatigue numbers into the formula you already learned: CO "' SV
• Orthopnea x HR. 5600 mUmin = 80 mLibeat x 70 beats/min. CO
• Restlessness is normally between 4 and 8 IJmin. This patient's CO is
within normal limits.
2. Now, let us see what an increase in HR will do. If the
the adrenal medulla. insulin and glucagon release from the patient's HR increases to 180 beats/min and his SV
pancreas, and medications (e.g., calcium, digitalis, dopa- remains at 80 mUbeat, what happens to his CO? Using
mine, dobutamine). A decrease in the force of contraction our formula again (CO = SV x HR) and substituting
may result from many conditions, including severe hypoxia, numbers, we end up with 14,400 miJmin = 80 mUbeat x
decreased pH, elevated carbon dioxide levels (hypercap- 180 beats/min. This patient's CO is increased.
nia), and medications (e.g., calcium channel blockers, 3. What happens to CO if the patient's HR is 70 beats/min
beta-blockers). but his SV drops to 50 mUbeatr Using our formula one
Cardiac output varies depending on hormone balance, an more time (CO= SV x HR) and substituting numbers,
individual's activity level and body size, and the bodys meta- we end up with 3500 mL/min = 50 miJbeat x 70 beats/
bolic needs. Factors that increase CO include increased body min. This patient's CO is decreased. If the patient's HR
metabolism, exercise, and the age and size ofthe body. Factors increased to 90 beats/min to try to compensate for his fail-
that may decrease CO include shock, hypovolemia. and heart ing pump, what would happen to his CO? (4500 mL/min
failure. Signs and symptoms of decreased CO appear in Box = 50 mUbeat x 90 beats/min). According to our example,
1.3. Heart failure may result from any condition that impairs the patient's CO would increase-at least temporarily.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology


Multiple Choice _ _ 8. The right ventricle
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or a. pumps oxygenated blood into the systemic
answers the question. circulation.
__ 1. The area in the middle ofthe thoracic cavity in which b. pumps unoxygenated blood into the pulmonary
the heart lies is the circulation.
a. mediastinum. c. receives unoxygenated blood from the systemic
b. pleural cavity. circulation.
c. parietal cavity. d. receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary
d. visceral cavity. circulation.
_ _ 2. The inferior surface of the heart is formed by the _ _ 9. The_ pericardium is the inner layer of the pericar-
a. right and left atria. dium, which is also the outer layer of the heart wall
b. right and left ventricles. called the _,.
c. left atrium and left ventricle. a.parietal,myocardium
d. right atrium and right ventricle. b. visceral. epicardium
__ 3. Which of the following statements is correct? c.parietal,endocardi~

a. The circumflex artery is a branch of the right d. visceral. endocardium

coronary artery. _ _ 10. Which of the following conditions are potentially
b. A branch of the right coronary artery supplies the reversible?
right atrium and right ventricle. a. Myocardial ischemia and myocardial injury
c. The major branches ofthe right coronary artery b. Myocardial injury and MI
are the septal and diagonal arteries. c. Myocardial ischemia and MI
d. The left main coronary artery is another name for _ _ 11. Which of the following statements is true regarding
the left anterior descending artery. CO?
_ _ 4. The right atrium a. 1he higher the afterload, the more easily blood
a. pumps blood to the lungs. is ejected from a ventricle.
b. pumps blood to the systemic circulation. b. SV is the percentage of blood p~ped out of a
c. receives blood from the right and left pulmonary ventricle with each contraction.
veins. c. An inverse relationship exists between venous
d. receives blood from the superior and inferior return and preload; increased venous return
vena cavae and the coronary sinus. decreases preload.
__ 5. Although about 70% of ventricular filling occurs d. Within limits, the more blood that is returned
passively, _ contributes an additional 1096 to 3096 to the heart, the greater the volume of blood
of blood flow to ventricular tilling. pumped during the next contraction.
a. atrial kick Questions 12 tllrough 14 pertain 1D tile following scenario.
b. sv A 65-year-old man presents with a sudden onset ofsubsternal
c. CO chest pain that radiates to his left arm and jaw and nausea. He
d. ventricular systole
stares that his symptoms began while at rest The patient has a
_ _ 8. Which of the following is the innermost layer of the
history ofcoronary artery disease and had a three-vessel co~
heart that lines its inner chambers and valves and is nary artery bypass graft last year. His medications include dilti-
continuous with the innermost layer of the arteries, azem. (Cardizem) and nitroglycerin. He has no .known allergies.
veins, and capillaries of the body? _ _ 12. On the basis of the information presented, this
a. Epicardium patient is most likely experiencing a(n)
b. Myocardium a. stroke.
c. Pericardium b. cardiac arrest.
d. Endocardium
c. valvular prolapse.
_ _ 7. When a ventricle relaxes in the normal heart, blood
is prevented from flowing back into it by
a. the mitral valve.
b. an SL valve.
c. the tricuspid valve.
d. an AV valve.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

__ 13. Your assessment reveals that the patient is anxious, _ 14. 1his patient's heart rate is faster than normal for his
his skin is pale and sweaty, and his heart rate is age. Why might this finding be a cause for concern?
faster than nonnal for his age. 1he patient's assel!iS- a. Rapid heart rates predispose the patient to val-
ment findings are most likely vular heart disease.
a. the result of a blocked cerebral blood vessel b. Rapid heart rates shorten diastole and can result
b. the result of the improper closure ofone or in decreased CO.
more heart valves. c. Rapid heart rates lengthen systole but decrease
c. caused by sympathetic stimulation and the myocardial contractility, which can lead to
release of norepinephrine. shock.
d. caused by parasympathetic stimulation and the d. Rapid heart rates are usually accompanied by pul-
release of acetylcholine. monary congestion. which leads to heart fuilure.

Match the terms below with their descriptions by placing the letter ofeach correct answer in the space provided
a. Right coronary artery I. SV
b. Arteriosclerosis J. Aortic
c. Septum k. Ventricles
d. Atria I. Pericardium
a. Endocardium m. Ischemia
I. Atrioventricular n. Angina pectoris
g. Contracts o. Ejection fraction
h. Halfmoon

15. A double-walled sac that encloses the heart

__ 16. An SL valve is shaped like a_.
_17. Decreased supply of oxygenated blood to a body part or organ
_18. Innermost layer of the heart
19. Lower heart chambers
_ 20. 1his type of heart valve separates an atrium and ventricle.
_ 21. Chest discomfort or other related symptoms of sudden onset that may occur because the increased oxygen demand of
the heart temporarily exceeds the blood supply
_22. Coronary artery that supplies the SA node and AV node in most of the population
_23. 1he amount ofblood ejected from a ventricle with each heartbeat
_24. Upper chambers of the heart
25. One of the SL valves
_ 26. 1he percentage of blood pumped out of a heart chamber with each contraction
27. An internal wall of connective tissue
_ 28. When actin and myosin filaments slide together, the cardiac muscle cell_.
_ 29. A chronic disease of the arterial system characterized by abnormal thickening and hardening of the vessel walls
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology


1. A. The heart lies in the space between the lungs (i.e., a. B. The right side of the heart is a low-pressure system
the mediastinum) in the middle of the chest. The medi- whose job is to pump unoxygenated blood from the
astinum contains the heart, great vessels, truhea, and body to and through the lungs to the left side of the
esophagus, among other structures; it extends from the heart The right ventricle receives blood low in oxygen
sternum to the vertebral column. from the right atrium and pumps the blood through
OBJ: Describe the location of the heart the pulmonic valve into the pulmonary trunk, which
divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries.
2. B. The heart's bottom (inferior) surface is formed by
OBJ: Beginning with the right atrium, describe blood ft.ow
both the right and left ventricles, but mostly the left. The
through the normal heart and lungs to the systemic circulation.
inferior surface of the heart is also called the diaphrag-
matic surface. 9. B. The visceral pericardium is the inner layer of the peri-
OBJ: Identify the surfaces of the heart. cardiwn, which also attaches to the large vessels that
enter and exit the heart and covers the outer surface of
3. B. A branch of the right coronary artery supplies the the heart muscle (i.e., the epicardium).
right atrium and right ventricle. 1he left main coronary
OBJ: Describe the structure and function of the coverings of
artery supplies oxygenated blood to its two primary
the heart.
branches: the left anterior descending (LAD) artery and
the circumflex artery. The major branches of the LAD 10. A. The sequence of events that occurs during an ACS
are the septal and diagonal arteries. results in conditions that range from myocardial
OBJ: Name the primary branches and areas of the heart sup- ischemia or injury to death (i.e., necrosis) of heart mus-
plied by the right and left coronary arteries. cle. Ischemia prolonged more than just a few minutes
results in myocardial injury. Myocardial injury refers to
4. D. The right atrium receives blood low in oxygen from
myocardial tissue that has been cut off from or experi-
the superior vena cava (which carries blood from the
head and upper extremities), the inferior vena cava enced a severe reduction in its blood and oxygen supply.
Injured myocardial cells are still alive but will die (i.e.,
(which carries blood from the lower body), and the
infarct) if the ischemia is not qui.ckly corrected. An MI
coronary sinus (which is the largest vein that drains the
occurs when blood :flow to the heart muscle stops or is
heart). The left atrium receives freshly oxygenated blood
suddenly decreased long enough to cause cell death.
from the lungs via the right and left pulmonary veins.
OBJ: Discuss myocardial ischemia. injury, and infarction,
The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs. The left
indicating which conditions are reversible and which are not
ventricle pumps blood to the systemic circulation.
OBJ: Identify and describe the chambers of the heart and the 11. D. According to the Frank-Starling law of the heart, the
vessels that enter or leave each. greater the stretch of the cardiac muscle (within limits),
the greater the resulting contraction. Preload (end-dia-
5. A. Although about 70% of ventricular 6lling ocam pas- stolic volume) is the force exerted on the walls of the ven-
sively, atrial contraction (also known as the atrial kick)
tricles at the end ofdiastole. In a normal heart, the greater
contributes an additionaliO% to 30% of blood flow to
the preload, the greater the force of ventricular contrac-
ventricular £illing.
tion and the greater the SV. resulting in increased CO.
OBJ: Explain atrial kick.
Afterload is the pressure or resistance against which the
6. D. The endocardium is the heart's innermost layer. It ventricles must pump to eject blood. The lower the resis-
lines the hearts inner chambers, valves, chordae tendin- tance (lower afterload), the more easily blood is ejected.
eae (tendinous cords), and papillary muscles and is con- The percentage of blood pumped out of a ventricle with
tinuous with the innermost layer of the arteries, veins, each contraction is called the ejection.{r'Qction.
and capillaries of the body, thereby creating a continu- OBJ: Identify and explain the components ofblood pressure
ous, closed circulatory system. and cardiac output
OBJ: Identify the three cardiac muscle layers.
12. D. On the buis of the information presented, this
7. B. The SL valves prevent backflow of blood from the patient is most likely experiencing an ACS. ACS refers
aorta and pulmonary arteries into the ventricles. When to distinct conditions caused by a similar sequence of
the right ventricle relu:es, blood is prevented from flow- pathologic events-a temporary or permanent blockage
ing back into it by the pulmonic valve. When the left of a coronary artery. These conditions are characterized
ventricle relaxes, blood is prevented from flowing back by an excessive demand or inadequate supply of oxygen
into it by the aortic valve. and nutrients to the heart muscle associated with plaque
OBJ: Identify and describe the location of the atrioventricu- disruption, thrombus formation, and vasoconstriction.
lar and semilunar valves. OBJ: Define and explain acute coronary syndromes.
Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology

13. C. This patient's assessment findings are typical of those 15. L

experiencing an ACS and are most likely caused by sym- 111. H
pathetic stimulation and the release of norepinephrine 17. M
and epinephrine. The sympathetic division of the auto- 18. E
nomic nervous '}'Item prepares the body to function 18. K
under stress (•fight-or-flight'" response). The effects of 20. F
norepinephrine and epinephrine include an increased 21. N
heart rate, furce of contraction, blood pressure, and CO; 22. A
increased sweating; and shunting of blood from the skin 23. I
and blood vessels ofinternal organs to skeletal muscle. 2ot. D
OBJ: Compare and contrast the effects of sympathetic and 25. J
parasympathetic stimulation of the heart. 28. 0
14. B. The coronary arteries fill when the aortic valve is
'Cl. c
28. G
closed and the left ventricle is relaxed (i.e., diastole). If
28. B
the length of time for ventricular relaxation is shortened
(as with rapid heart rates), there is less time for them to
:611 adequately with blood. If the ventricles do not have
time to :611, the amount of blood sent to the coronary
arteries is reduced, the amount of blood pumped out of
the ventricles will decrease (i.e., CO), and signs of myo-
cardial ischemia may be seen.
OBJ: Identify and discuss each phase of the cardiac cycle.

REFERENCES Loht, N. L., & Benjamin, I. J. (2016). Structure and function

Anderton, M. E., & Rocleu. D. M. (2010). Basic catdJac electrophyliol- of the normal heart and blood veaseJ.. In I. J. Benjamin,
OSY and anatomy. In M. H. Crawford, J. P. DJMarco, 8c W. J. Paulut R. C. GrJus, E. J. Wing, 8c J. G. Fitz (Eds.), Andreoli and
(Ed..), C4rrliology (3rd eel.) (pp. 653-665). Philadelphia· Elsevier. Carpenter's Ct!cil usentUJls of medicine (9th ed.) (pp. 16-21).
Hall J. E. (2016). The heart In Guyton and HaD textbook of medklll Philadelphia: Saunders.
plty•iology (13th ed.) (pp. 107-166). Philadelphia: Saunders. O'Connor, R. B., Brady, W., Brooks, S. C., Diercb, D., Egan, J.,
Hutchilon. S. J., 8t Rudakewich, G. (2009). Right ventricular Ghaem.maghami, C., &: Yannopoulos, D. (2010). Part 10:
infarction. In CompUcatiom of myoamlial inforctWn: Clinical Acute coronary l}'lldromes; 2010 American Heart Association
diagnostic imagingatku (pp. 91-110). Philadelphia: Saunders. guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency
ICarve, A.M., Bossone, B., & Mehta, R. H. (2007). AcuteST-segment cardl.ovucular cue. Circulation, 122(Suppl3), S787-S817.
elevation myocardial infarction: critical care perspective. Crit
Care CUn, 23(4), 685-707.
After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 11. Explain the purpose of ECG monitoring.
1. Describe the two basic types of cardiac cells in the heart, where they 12. Identify the limitations of the ECG.
are found, and their function. 13. Differentiate between the frontal plane and the horizontal plane leads.
2. Describe the primary characteristics of cardiac cells. 14. Describe correct anatomic placement of the standard limb leads, the
3. Define the events comprising the cardiac action potential and correlate augmented leads, and the chest leads.
them with the waveforms produced on the electrocardiogram (ECG). 15. Rela e the cwrdiac surfaces or areas represented by the ECG leads.
4. Define the terms membrane potential, threshold potential, action 16. ldenti the numeric values assigned to the small and to the large
potential, polarization, depolarization, and repolarization. boxes on ECG paper.
5. List the most important ions involved in the cardiac action potential 1r, Identify how heart rates, durations, and amplitudes can be determined
and their primary function in this process. / from ECG recordings.
6. Define the absolute, effective, relative refractory, and supernormal 18. Define and describe the significance of each of the following as they
periods and their locations in the cardiac cycle. relate to cardiac electrical activity: Pwave, ORS complex, T wave, U
7. Describe the normal sequence of electrical conduction througti the wave, PR segment, TP segment, ST segment, PR interval, ORS dura-
heart. tion, and OT interval.
8. Describe the location, function, and, when appropriate, the intrinsic 19. Recognize the changes on the ECG that may reflect evidence of
rate of the following structures: the sinoatrial no~,,$e·atrioventricular myocardial ischemia, injury, and infarction.
bundle, and the Purkinje fibers. -...'X...- 20. Define the term artifact, and explain methods used to minimize its
9. Differentiate the primary mechanisms responsible for producing occurrence.
cardiac dysrhythmias. 21 . Describe a systematic approach to the analysis and interpretation of
10. Describe reentry. cardiac dysrhythmias.

abnormal automaticity: A condition in which cardiac cells not normally atrioventricular (AV) bundle: The bundle of His
associated with the property of automaticity begin to depolarize spon- atrioventricular (AV) node: A group of cells that conduct an electri-
taneously or when escape pacemaker sites increase their firing rate cal impulse through the heart; located in the floor of the right atrium
beyond that considered normal immediately behind the tricuspid valve and near the opening of the
absolute refractory period (ARP): Corresponds with the onset of the coronary sinus; delays the electrical impulse in order to allow the atria
ORS complex to approximately the peak of the T wave; during this to contract and complete filling of the ventricles
period, cardiac cells cannot be stimulated to conduct an electrical augmented limb lead: Leads aVR, aVL, and aVF; these leads record
impulse, no matter how strong the stimulus the difference in electrical potential at one location relative to zero
accessory pathway: An extra bundle of working myocardial tissue that potential rather than relative to the electrical potential of another
forms a connection between the atria and ventricles outside the normal extremity
conduction system automaticity: Ability of cardiac pacemaker cells to spontaneously initiate
action potential: A five-phase cycle that reflects the difference in the con- an electrical impulse without being stimulated from another source
centration of charged particles across the cell membrane at any given time (such as a nerve)
amplitude: Height (voltage) of a waveform on the electrocardiogram axis: Imaginary line joining the positive and negative electrodes of a lead
artifact: Distortion of an electrocardiographic tracing by electrical activity baseline: Straight line recorded on electrocardiographic graph paper
that is noncardiac in origin (e.g., electrical interference, poor electrical when no electrical activity is detected
conduction, patient movement) biphasic: Waveform that is partly positive and partly negative

Chapter 2 Basic Electrophysiology

bipolar limb lead: EJectrccardlographlc lead consisting of a posiUve and polar1zad stat&: Period after repolarlzatlon of a myocardial cell (also
negative electrode called the l'fJSting smtf3 Yhlen the outside af the cell Is positive and the
bradycardia: Heart rate slower than 60 bea1s/min (from brady, meaning interior of the cell is negative
"slowj PR interval: Pwave plus the PR segment reflects depolarization of the
bundle of His: Fibers located in the upper portion of the interventricular right and left atria (P wave) and the spread of the impulse through the
septum that receive an elecbical impulse from the AV node and con- AV node, AV bundle, right and left bundle branches, and the Purkinje
duct the impulse to the right and left bundle branches fibers tpR segmenQ
c:omplex: Several waveforms PUr1dnje fibers: Fibers found in both ventricles that conduct an electrical
c:onducHon system: A systEm of pa1hways In the heart composed of Impulse through the heart
specialized electrical (pacemake~ cells P wave: First wave In the cardiac cycle; represents atrial depolarization
c:onductlvlly: Ablllly of acardiac cell to receive an electr1cal stimulus and and the spread of the electr1cal lmpulse throughout the rig hi and left
conduct that Impulse to an adjacent cardiac cell atria
colltraellllty: Ability of cardiac cells to shorten, causing cardiac muscle QRS complax: Several waveforms O.e.,the Q wave,the Rwave, and the
contraction In response to an electrical stimulus s wave) that represent the spread af an electr1callmpulse through the
current The ftow of electrical charge from one point to another ventricles 0.e.• ventricular depolarization)
depolarization: MDVllment of ions across a cell membrane, causing the QT interval: The period from the beginning of the QRS complex to the end
inside of the cell to become more positive; an electrical event expected oftheTwave
to result in contraction Rwave: On an ECG, the first positive deflection in the QRS complex,
eciDpic: lmpulse(s) originating from a source other than the sinoatrial node representing ventricular depolarization; in pacing, Rwave refers to the
effective rehaclDry period {ERP}: Period of the cardiac action potential entire QRS complex, denoting an intrinsic venbicular event
that Includes the ARP and the ftrst half of the relative refractnry reciprocal changes: Electrocardiographic changes observed In leads
period opposite the affected area of the heart; also called mirror Image
eledrocanlloWJm (ECG): A g~lc display of the heart's electrical acti!Jtly changes
electrode: An adhesive pad lhat contains a conducUve gel and Is applied raantry: Spread of an Impulse through tissue already sdmulated by that
at specific locaUons on the patient's chest wall and extremhles and same Impulse.
connected by cables to an electrccardlogram machine nrlractort11816: Period of rEK:OVafY that cells need after being discharged
electrolytes: Elemen!B or compounds that break into charged particles before they are able to respond to a stimuIus
OonB) 'When mehed or dissolved in water or another solvent ralative rufractDry period (RRP}: Corresponds 'With the downslope of the
excitability: The ability of cardiac muscle cells to respond to an outside T wave; during this period, cardiac cells can be stimulated to depolarize
stimulus if the stimuIus is strong enough.
ground elecb'ode: Third ECG electrode ~he first and second are the posi- repolarization: Movement of ions across a cell membrane in which the
tive and negative electrodes), which minimiles electrical activity from inside of the cell is resiDred to its negative charge
other sources segment: Line between waveforms; named by the waveform that pre-
Hls-Pur1dnje system: Portlon of the conduction systEm consisting of the cedes and follows It
bundle of HIs, bundle branches, and Purklnje fibers sinoatrial (SA) node: Normal pacemaker of the heart that normally
Indicative changes: Electrocardiographic changes observed In leads that dlschariJBS at a rhythmic rate of 60 to 100 beatslmIn
look directly at the affected area of the heart; Indicative changes are ST segment: Portion of the ECG representing the end of ventricular
slgnHicant 'When they are seen In two anatomically contiguous leads. depolarlzaUon (end of the Rwave) and the beginning of ventricular
lnherunt Natural, intrinsic repolarization (f wave)
interval: Wavefonn and a 88Qment in pacing, the period, measured in supernormal period (SNP): Period during the cardiac cycle when a
milliseconds, between any two designated cardiac eveniB weaker than normal slimulus can cause cardiac cells to depolarize;
in1rinsic rate: Rate at which a pacemaker of the heart normally genemtes extends from the end of phase 3 to the beginning of phase 4 of the
impulses cardiac action potential
ions: Electrically charged particles T wave: waveform that follows the QRS complex and represents ventricu-
lsoeleclrlc IIne: Absence of electrical activity; observed on the EC6 as a lar repolarlzallon
straight line tachycardia: Heart rate greater than 100 beatslrnln (lachy, fasl)
J point: Point where the QRS complex and 5T segment meet TP segment: Interval between two successive PQRST complexes during
lead: Electrical connection attached to the body to record electrical which electrical activity af the heart Is absent; begins with the end of
activity the T wave through the onset of the follow! ng Pwave and repi'8SEints
membrana potential: Difference In electrical charge across the cell the period from the end of ventrlcu lar repolarlzaUon to the onset of
membrane atrial depolarization
millivolt (mV): Ditmrence in electrical charge bstween two points in a trigge111d activity: Adisorder of impulse formation that occurs when
circu~ escape pacemaker and myocardial working cells fire more than once
myocardial cells: Working cells of the myocardium that coniBin contrac- after stimulation by a single impulse resulting in atrial or ventricular
tile filaments and fomJ the muscular layer of the atrial walls and the beats that occur alone, in pairs, in runs, or as a sustained ectopic
thicker muscular layer of the ventricular walls rhythm.
pacemaker cells: Specialized cells of the heart's electrical conduction unipolar lead: Lead that consists of a single positive electrode and a
system, capable of sponlaneously generating and conducting electr1cal reference polnt
Impulses vollage: Difference In electrical charge between two points
permeable: Ability of a membrane channel to allow passage of electro- wavafonn: Movement away from the baseline In either a positiVe or nega-
lytes when h Is open tive direction
Chapter 2 Basic Electrophysiology

CARDIAC CELLS The heart normally contracts in response to an impulse that

begins in the SA node. The strength of the heart's contraction
Types of Cardiac Cells can be improved with certain medications, such as digitalis,
[Oblec11ve 1] dopamine, and epinephrine.
In general, cardiac cells have either a mechanical (i.e.,
contractile) or an electrical (i.e., pacemaker) function.
Myocardial cells are also called working cells or mechani-
cal cells, and they contain contractile filaments. When these
cells are electrically stimulated, these filaments slide together [Oblactlvas 3, 4, 5)
and cause the myocardial cell to contract These myocardial Before the following discussion of the cardiac action poten-
cells fonn the thin muscular layer of the atrial walls and the tiaL think about how a battery releases energy. A battery
thicker muscular layer of the ventricular walls (i.e., the myo- has two terminals; one terminal is positive, and the other is
cardium). These cells do not normally generate electrical negative. Charged particles exert forces on each other, and
impulses, and they rely on pacemaker cells for this function. opposite charges attract. Electrons, which are negatively
Pacemaker aill.a are also referred to as conducting cells charged particles, are produced by a chemical reaction inside
or automatic cells. They are specialized cells of the electrical the battery. Ifa wire is connected between the two terminals,
conduction system that are able to form electrical impulses the circuit is completed, and the stored energy is released,
spontaneously and to alter the speed ofelectrical conduction allowing electrons to flow quickly from the negative termi-
(Wagner, 2012). nal along the wire to the positive tenninal. If no wire is con-
nected between the terminals, the chemical reaction does
not take place, and no current tlow occurs. Current is the
Properties of Cardiac Cells tlow ofelectrical charge from one point to another.
[OIJiactiva 2] Separated electrical charges of opposite polarity (i.e., posi-
When a nerve is stimulated, a chemical (ie., a neurotrans- tive vs negative) have potential energy. The measurement of
mitter) is released The chemical crosses the space between this potential energy is called voltage. Voltage is measured
the end of the nerve and the muscle membrane (i.e., the between two points. In the battery example, the current tlow is
neuromuscular junction). The chemical binds to receptor caused by the voltage, or potential difference, between the two
sites on the muscle membrane and stimulates the receptors. terminals. Voltage is measured in units ofvolts or millivolts.
An electrical impulse develops and travels along the muscle Human body tluids contain electrolytes. which are ele-
membrane, resulting in contraction; thus, a skeletal muscle ments or compounds that break into charged particles (ie.,
normally contracts only after it is stimulated by a nerve. ions) when melted or dissolved in water or another solvent.
The heart is unique because it has pacemaker cells that Differences in the composition of ions between the intracel-
can generate an electrical impulse without being stimulated lular and extracellular fluid compartments are important for
by a nerve. The ability of cardiac pacemaker cells to create normal body function. including the activity of the heart.
an electrical impulse without being stimulated from another Body fluids that contain electrolytes conduct an electric cur-
source is called automaticity. Increased blood concentra- rent in much the same way as the wire in the battery example.
tions of calcium (Ca++) increase automaticity. Decreased Electrolytes move about in body :6uids and carry a charge,
concentrations of potassium (K+) in the blood decrease auto- just as electrons moving along a wire conduct a current
maticity. The heart's normal pacemaker is the sinoatrial (SA)
node because it is capable of self-e.Id.tation at a rate quicker Did You Know?- - - - - - - -
than that of other pacemaker sites in the heart
The main electrolytes that affect the function of the heart are
Cardiac muscle is electrically irritable because of an ionic Na+, K+, Ca++, and chloride (CI-). Disorders that affect the con-
imbalance across the membranes of cells. Exdtabillty (i.e., centration of these important electrolytes can have serious
irritability) is the ability of cardiac muscle cells to respond to consequences. For example, an imbalance of K+ can cause
an ex.temal stimulus, such as that from a chemical. mechani- life-threatening disturbances in the heart's rhythm.
cal, or electrical source. Conductivity is the ability ofa cardiac
cell to receive an electrical impulse and conduct it to an adjoin- In the body, ions spend a lot of time moving back and forth
ing cardiac cell. All cardiac cells possess this characteristic. The across cell membranes (Fig. 2.1). When a pathway exists for
intercalated disks present in the membranes of cardiac cells transfer of a substance across a membrane, the membrane is
are responsible for the property ofconductivity. They allow an said to be permeable to that substance (Aronson et aL 2012).
impulse in any part ofthe myocardium to spread throughout As a result, a slight difference in the concentrations ofcharged
the heart The speed with which the impulse is conducted can particles across the membranes of cells is normal; thus,
be altered by factors such as sympathetic and parasympathetic potential energy (i.e., voltage) exists because of the imbal-
stimulation and medications. Contrad:illty (i.e., inotropy) is ance of charged particles, and this imbalance makes the cells
the ability of myocardial cells to shorten, thereby causing car- excitable. The voltage (i.e., the difference in electrical charges)
diac muscle contraction in response to an electrical stimulus. across the cell membrane is the membrane potential
Chapter 2 Basic Electrophysiology

Electrolytes are quickly moved from one side of the cell appears on an electrocardiogram (ECG) as spikfs or wave-
membrane to the other by means of pwnps (Fig. 2.2). These forms; thus, an ECG is actually a sophisticated voltmeter.
pumps require energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) when movement occurs against a concentration gra-
dient The energy expended by the cells to move electrolytes
across the cell membrane creates a How of current. This flow When a cell is at rest. K+ leaks out of it Large molecules such
of current is expressed in volts or millivolts (mV). Voltage as proteins and phosphates remain inside the cell because
they are too big to pass easily through the cell membrane.
These large molecules carry a negative charge. This results in
cr more negatively charged ions on the inside of the celL When
the inside of a cell is more negative than the outside. the cell
is said to be in a polarized state (Fig. 2.3).

For a pacemaker cell to fire (ie., produce an impulse), a flow of
Na+ cr electrolytes across the cell membrane must exist. When a cell
is stimulated, the cell membrane changes and becomes perme-
F1g. 2.1 Cell membranes contain pathways through which specific ions or other able to Na+ and K+, allowing the passage ofelectrolytes after it
small, water-sOluble molecules can cross. (From Urden LD, Stacy KM, Lough ~ is open. Na+ rushes into the cell through Na+ channels. This
Crltic8J c.m1 nursing, ed 8, St. Louis, 201 8, Mosby.) causes the inside of the cell to become more positive relative

Extracellular apace Vo OmV

[Na1o 145mM
[1(+], 4.5 mM The Ca-H pump and the Na-Ca exchanger keep
PHo 7.4 intracellular [Calf] four orders of 11Ulgnitude
[HC031o 24 mM
[Ci]o 116mM
Amino Glucose
l.lower than extracellular [Ca2j.
[Ca~ 10-sM
acids\_ f) I v '\
.... 'o ~ l \ se
n "' ' n~~\ ~o n,~

\ V~llled
cotraneporter ca
2+ channel

1l'i -60mV
[Na+]1 15mM
[K"'"]1 12DmM
pH1 7.2
[HCOiJi 15 mM
[Cr} 20mM
[ea2'11 1o-r M

Fig. 2.2 Emmples of icn concentrations, channels, and transportel'li in a !wk:al cell. lfrom Bacn WF, Boulpaep EL.:
Mecflcal ptrysio/ogy. ed 3, Philade~h ia, 2017, Saunders.)


Fig. 2.3 Polarl:zatlon. When 1ha II'd!de of a cell Is more nagat!v& 1han 1ha OU18Ide, 1ha cell Is said to be polarlzed.lfrom
Herlihy B: The human body In health and Hill688, ad 5, St Louis, 2014, Mosby.)
Chapter 2 Basic Electrophysiology

to the outside. A spike (ie., a wavefonn) is then recorded on electrical activity on the cardiac monitor even when the assess-
the ECG. The stimulus that alters the electrical charges across ment of the patient reveals no palpable pulse. This clinical situ-
the cell membrane may be electrical, mechanical. or chemical. ation is called pulseless efectrical activity.
As described in the battery example, when opposite charges
come together, energy is released. When the movement of Repolarization
electrolytes changes the electrical charge of the inside of the
cell from negative to positive, an impulse is generated. The After the cell depolarizes, it qui.ckly begins to recover and
impulse causes channels to open in the next cell membrane restore its electrical charges to normal. The movement of
and then the next. The movement ofcharged particles across a charged particles across a cell membrane in which the inside
cell membrane that causes the inside ofthe cell to become pos- of the cell is restored to its negative charge is called repolar-
itive is called depolarization (Fig. 2.4). Depolarization occurs ization. The cell membrane stops the flow of Na+ into the
because of the movement of Na+ into the cell and proceeds cell and allows K+ to leave it. Negatively charged particles
from the innermost layer of the heart (i.e., the endocardium) are left inside the cell; thus, the cell is returned to its resting
to the outennost layer (i.e., the epicardium). Depolarization. state (Fig. 2.5). This causes contractile proteins in the work-
which is an electrical event. must take place before the heart ing myocardial cells to separate (ie., relax). The cell can be
can contract and pump blood, which is a mechanical event. stimulated again if another electrical impulse arrives at the
An impulse normally begins in the pacemaker cells found cell membrane. Repolarization proceeds from the epicar-
in the SA node of the heart. A chain reaction occurs from cell dium to the endocardium. On the ECG, the ST segment and
to cell in the heart's electrical conduction system until all the T wave represent ventricular repolarization.
cells have been stimulated and depolarized. 1his chain reac-
tion is a wave of depolarization. The chain reaction is made
possible because of gap junctions that exist between the Phases of the Cardiac Action
cells. Eventually, the impulse is spread from the pacemalcer
cells to the working myocardial cells, which contract when
they are stimulated. When the atria are stimulated, a P wave The adfon potential of a cardiac cell reflects the rapid
is recorded on the ECG; thus, the P wave represents atrial sequence of voltage changes that occur across the cell mem-
depolarization. When the ventricles are stimulated, a QRS brane during the electrical cardiac cycle. The configuration
complex is recorded on the ECG; thus, the QRS complex rep- of the action potential varies depending on the location, size,
resents ventricular depolarization. and function of the cardiac cell.
There are two main types of action potentials in the heart
Did You Know? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Fig. 2.6). The first type, the fast response action potential,
occurs in normal atrial and ventricular myocardial cells
Depolarization is not the same as contraction. Depolarization
is an electrical event that is expected to result in contraction, and in the Purkinje fibers, which are specialized conduct-
which is a mechanical event. It's possible to see organized ing fibers found in both ventricles that conduct an electrical
impulse through the heart.


Fig. 2.4 Depolarllatlon Is the movemerrt of Ions aci'08S a oell membrane cBUSing 1he Inside of the cell Ill become more
positive. (From Herlihy B: Th& human body In h8aJth and HlniJss, ed 5, St. Louis, 2014, Mosby.)


,. ~
· ·· ~ . . ..

" . . .

Fig. 2 .IS Repola~zatlon Is the movement of charged particles across a cell mentrane In which the Inslde of the cell Is
restored Ill Its negative ct'erge. (From He~ltlY B: 71la human body In h6alth and11/nsss. ed 5, St. Louis, 2014, Mosby.)
Chapter 2 Basic Electrophysiology

The fast response action potential is divided into five channels (Fig. 2.7). The cell depolarizes and cardiac con-
phases. Phase 0, called the upstroke, spike, or overshoot, traction begins. The upstroke is followed by a period
begins when the cell receives an impulse. Na+ moves rap- of repolarization, which is divided into three phases.
idly into the cell through the Na+ channels, K+ leaves the Phases 1, 2, and 3 have been referred to as electrical sys-
cell, and Ca++ moves slowly into the cell through Ca++ tole. During phase l (Le., initial repolarization), the Na+

40 Fast response 40 Slow response

1 2


l - -: I


-eo -eo
ERP RRP -120

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

lima (msec) Time (msec)

Fig. 2.8 Acllon patenllals of fast-fliSpoose A, and slow-rBSpOnB& B, cardlsc flbers. The phases of th& action potentials ar&
labeled. Th& &ff&etlvll rufractory period (EW) and lha relllllve rafractllry p&rlod (mP) ars labelad. Nota 1hat whsn comparBd '111th
fast.responsa flbers, th& resting pD!Snllal of siDW flbersls I&SS negatlll&, 1h& upstrcks (phasa D) of th& &Ctkm potential Is lass
steep, th& amplituda of th& action po!BnUalls smsllar, phase 1 b! abSBnt, and th& RRP IIXI&nds Willi Into phasa 4 alt&r the fibers
have fully repclarlzad. (From Koeppen BM, Stanton BA; B8m8 &LwtphysJology, ed 6, StLouis, 2010, Mosby.)

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Eca

•• ··- ••••••••••••••,••••••••• ~-- •••••••••••••••••••••••• ENI


~ -,20

i• -40

···················-···············-·······-··········· EK
Na Na.

Fig. 2.7 Currents responsible for vent~cular action potential. The length ofthe arrows shows the relative size of each
ionic current f, Equilibrium potential; ECF, extracellular fllid; ICF, intracellular fluid. (From Costanzo LS: Physiology, ed 5,
Philadelphia, 201 4, Saurders.)
Chapter 2 Basic Electrophysiology

Vantrlcla Atrium Sinoatrial noda

~ +20
1 :1

15 -100
-eo 4 4

::I! ~ 1-1 ~

A 100maec B 100 maec c 100msec

Fig. 2.8 A-C, cardiac action potentials In 1ha vanb'fcle, atrium, and sinoatrial nod&. The numb&rs correspond to the
phases of the action potentials. (From Costanzo LS: Physlo/ogy, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2014, Saunders.)

channels partially close, slowing the 11ow of Na+ into the from the plateau phase to repolarization (i.e., phase 3) is
cell. At the same time, Cl- enters the cell, and K+ leaves it less distinct. As in the other cardiac tissues, repolarization
through K+ channels. '!he result is a decrease in the num- is dependent on K+. Changes in the movement of K+ and
ber of positive electrical charges within the cell. This pro- ea++ produce activity in pacemaker cells during phase 4. For
duces a small negative deflection in the action potential example, phase 4 is the longest portion ofthe SA node action
The cells of the atria, ventricles, and Purkinje fibers have potential and accounts for the ability of the cells in the SA
many calcium channels. During phase 2 (i.e., the plateau node to spontaneously generate an action potential without
phase), Ca++ slowly enters the cell through Ca++ channels. requiring stimulation by a nerve (automaticity). The rate of
K+ continues to leave the cell slowly through K+ channels. phase 4 depolarization affects heart rate (Costanzo, 2014).
Phase 3 (i.e., repolarization) begins with the downslope of For example, an increase in the rate of phase 4 depolarization
the action potential '!he cell rapidly completes repolar- results in the SA node firing more action potentials per time,
ization as K+ quickly 11ows out of the cell. Na+ and Ca++ increasing the heart rate. In contrast. a decrease in the rate
channels close, stopping the entry of Na+ and Ca++, 1he of phase 4 depolarization results in the SA node firing fewer
rapid movement of K+ out of the cell causes the inside to action potentials per time, decreasing the heart rate.
become progressively more electrically negative. The cell
gradually becomes more sensitive to external stimuli until ~ ~hM____________
its original sensitivity is restored. Repolarization is com- Antiarrhythmic Agents
plete by the end of phase 3. Phase 4 is the resting mem- The heart typically beats at a regular rate and rhythm. If this
brane potential (i.e., return to resting state); this period is pattern is interrupted, an abnormal heart rhythm can result.
called electrical diastole. During phase 4, the Na+fK+ pump Health care professionals use the terms arrhythmia and dys-
is activated to move Na+ out of the cell and K+ back into rhythmia interchangeably to refer to an abnormal heart rhythm.
the cell. Relaxation of the cardiac muscle occurs mainly Medications used to correct irregular heartbeats and slow down
during phase 4. The cell will remain polarized (i.e., ready hearts that beat too fast are called antianhythmics. Although
for discharge) until the cell membrane is reactivated by there Is no universally accepted dasslflcatlon scheme for anti-
another stimulus. arrhythmic agents, a commonly used system Is to classify the
The second type of cardiac action potential. the slow medications by their effects on the cardiac action potential. For
example, class I antiarrhythmic medications such as procain-
response action potential. occurs in the heart's normal pace-
amide and lidocaine block sodium channels, interfering with
maker (i.e., the SA node) and in the atrioventricular (AV)
phase 0 depolarization. Class IV antiarrhythmics {Ca++ chan-
node, which is the specialized conducting tissue that carries nel blockers) such as verapamil and diltiazem slow the rate at
an electrical impulse from the atria to the ventricles (Fig. which calcium passes through the calls, interfering with phase
2.8). The SA and AV nodes of the heart have relatively few 2 in the cells of the atria, ventricles, and Puri<inje fibers.
sodium channels. Therefore, phase 0, the upstroke, of the
slow response action potential is largely the result of the
entry of Ca++ into the cell. (Calcium also triggers contrac-
tion in all myocardial working cells.) lhe upstroke is not Refractory Per1ods
as rapid or steep as in the atrial, ventricular, and Purkinje [OblecUve 6]
fibers. This finding indicates that the action potential spreads Refractoriness is a term used to describe the period of
more slowly in the SA and AV nodes and conduction of recovery that cells need after being discharged before they
the impulse is more likely to be blocked there than in fast- are once again able to respond to a stimulus. During abso-
response cardiac tissue (Pappano, 2010). Phase 1 is absent lute refractory period (AKP), the cell will not respond to
in the slow-response action potential. and the transition further stimulation within itself (Fig. 2.9). '!his means that
Chapter 2 Basic Electrophysiology

+ RRP"P"


Fig. 2.9 RefraciDry periods of the ventricular action poterrtial. Refractory periods of the venlrirular action potential. The
effective refrac!Dry period (ffiP) indudes the absolute relrac!Dry period (ARP) and the first hall of the relative refmctmy period
(RAP). The 1ft' begins when the absolute refrac!Dry period ends and includes the last pmcn of 1he ERP. The supernormal
period (Stf') begins when the RRP ems. (From Ccstanm LS: Physiology, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2014, Saunder5.)

the myocardial working cells cannot contract and that the

cells of the electrical conduction system cannot conduct an
The duration of the action potential determines the length
electrical impulse, no matter how strong the internal electri- of the refractory period. The longer the action potential, the
cal stimulus. All a result, tetanic (ie., sustained) contractions longer the cell is refractory to firing another action potential
cannot be provoked in the cardiac muscle. 1he ARP corre- (Costanzo, 2014). The action potential, and, consequently,
sponds to the time needed for the reopening ofchannels that the refractory period, in cells of the atria o.e., 150 msec), ven-
allow the entry ofsodium and calcium into the cell (Brashers tricles Q.e., 250 msec), and Purklnje system Q.e., 300 msec)
& McCance, 2012). In a fast-response myocardial fiber, the is long compared with other excitable tissues in the heart
ARP includes phases 0, 1, 2, and part of phase 3 of the cardiac because of a sustained period of depolarization Q.e., plateau).
action potential. Slow-response fibers become absolutely
refractory at the beginning of the upstroke (Pappano, 2010).
lhe relative refractory period (RRP) begins at the end of
the ARP and ends when the cell membrane is almost fully [Oblectlves 7, 8]
repolarized. During the RRP, some cardiac cells have repo- The specialized electrical (i.e., pacemaker} cells in the heart
larized to their threshold potential and thus can be stimu- are arranged in a system of pathways called the conduction
lated to respond (ie., depolarize) to a stronger-than-nonnal S)'lltem. In the nonnal heart, the cells of the conduction sys-
stimulus. tem are interconnected. 1he conduction system makes sure
The e«edfve refractory period (ERP) includes the ARP that the chambers of the heart contract in a coordinated
and the first half of the RRP. "The distinction between the fashion.
ARP and ERP is that absolute means absolutely no stimulus
is large enough to generate another action potential; effictive
means that a conducted action potential cannot be generated
Sinoatrial Node
(i.e., there is not enough inward current to conduct to the The SA node is specialized conducting tissue located in
next site)" (Costanzo, 2014, p. 135). the upper posterior part of the right atrium where the
A supernormal period (SNP) follows the RRP. A weaker- superior vena cava and the right atrium meet. Because the
than-normal stimulus can cause cardiac cells to depolarize SA node is located in the right atrium, right atrial con-
during this period. The SNP extends from the end of phase traction begins and ends earlier than in the left atrium
3 to the beginning of phase 4 of the cardiac action potential. (Boulpaep, 2017). In an adult, the SA node is about 10
Because the cell is more excitable than normal, dysrhythmias to 20 mm long and 2 to 3 mm thick (Rubart & Zipes,
can develop during this period (see Fig. 2.9}. 2015). The SA node receives its blood supply from the
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Title: Lives of the apostles of Jesus Christ

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Lives of the Apostles of
Jesus Christ

Transcriber’s Notes
The cover image was provided by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.

Punctuation has been standardized.

Most of the non-common abbreviations used to save space in printing have been
expanded to the non-abbreviated form for easier reading.

The text may show quotations within quotations, all set off by similar quote marks. The
inner quotations have been changed to alternate quote marks for improved readability.

This book was written in a period when many words had not become standardized in their
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text. These have been left unchanged unless indicated with a Transcriber’s Note.

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Painted by Raphael. Engᵈ by A. Daggett.


Matthew XVI 18, 19




Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1835,
By David Francis Bacon, Author,
in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the District of Connecticut.

William Storer, Jr. Print

New-Haven, Ct

The fair and just fulfilment of the promise made to the public, in the previous
announcement of this work, would require that it should contain, simply, “a distinct, plain,
historical narrative of the life of each of the apostles, illustrated by such aids as could be
drawn from the works of various authors, of former ages, and of other countries, which
hitherto, in the inaccessible forms of a dead or foreign tongue, have been too long covered
from the eyes of thousands, who might be profited by their more open
communication;――from these sources, as well as from the sacred record, to draw the
materials of the narrative,――to throw occasionally the lights of historical, topographical,
and scientific, as well as exegetical illustrations on the word of truth,――and from all, to
learn how we may live, labor, and die, as did these first champions of Christ crucified.” A
hope was also expressed by the author, that the facilities of his situation would enable him,
by research among the long-hidden treasures of large and costly libraries, to bring forth, in
direct illustration of this narrative, much of those treasures of scriptural knowledge, which,
by their size and rarity, are beyond the reach and the means of a vast number of Biblical
students, who would derive great advantage and pleasure from their perusal; and that even
clergymen and students of theology, might find in this work many things, drawn from these
valuable materials, that would make this a desirable book for them. Yet far from promising
the combined results of all the labors of the learned on these subjects, the author then
distinctly professed his main object to be, the collection and combination of such facts and
illustrations as would make the work acceptable and interesting to readers of all
classes,――to popular, as well as to learned readers; and he accordingly engaged to
present all the contents of the book, clear and plain, even to those whose minds have not
been accustomed to deep research in Biblical study.

With these objects constantly in view, the author has long been steadily and laboriously
devoted to the preparation and composition of this book. In presenting this result of his
labors, he is not conscious of having actually failed to comply with the general terms of his
published engagement; yet the critical eyes of many among his readers will doubtless light
upon parts of the work, which have been materially affected in their character by the very
peculiar circumstances under which the labor has been undertaken and prosecuted;
circumstances so very peculiar, that, in accordance with the universal custom of those who
have completed such tasks, he is justified in referring to some important details of the
history of the writing. The first summons to the task found him engrossed in pursuits as
foreign to the investigations necessary for this work, as any department of knowledge that
can be conceived; and though the study of critical and exegetical theology had, at a former
period, been to him an object of regular attention, the invitation to this work seemed so
uncongenial to his adopted pursuits, that he rejected it decidedly; nor was it until after
repeated and urgent solicitations, that he consented to undertake it. But even then, so little
aware was he of the inexhaustible richness of his noble subject, that he commenced his
researches with oft-expressed doubts, whether it would admit of such ample disquisition as
was hoped by the original proposer. How just those doubts were, may be best learned from
the hurried and brief notice which many important points in this great theme have
necessarily received within such narrow limits.

Begun under these unfavorable auspices, the work was an object of pursuit with him
through a long period of time; nor did his investigations proceed far, before he was fully
assured that it was vast, beyond his highest expectations; and from that time the difficulty
has been, not to meet the expectation of a large book, but to bring these immense materials
within this limited space. Growing thus in his hands, through months and years, his subject
soon increased also in its interest to him, till in the progress of time and various other
contemporaneous ♦occupations, it rose from the character of a task to that of a delightful, a
dignified, and dignifying pursuit; and he was soon disposed to look on it not as a labor, but
as a recreation from avocations less congenial to his taste. It called him first from the study
of a profession, sickening and disgusting in many of its particulars; and was his frequent
resource for enjoyment in many a season of repose. His attention was often distracted from
it, by calls to diverse and opposite pursuits; by turns to the public labors and responsibilities
of an editor and an instructor,――but in the midst of these it was his solace and
refreshment, till at last it wholly drew him away from everything besides itself, and became
for months his sole, constant, absorbing and exhausting occupation. Too often, indeed,
were the pursuits with which it was at first varied and interchanged, the occasion of
disturbances and anxieties that did anything but fit him for the comfortable pursuit of his
noble task; yet these evils themselves became the means of inspiring him with a higher and
purer regard for it, because they drove him to this as an only consolation. As was most
eloquently and beautifully said by the evangelical George Horne, at the conclusion of a
similar task,――“And now, could the author flatter himself, that anyone would take half the
pleasure in reading the work, which he hath taken in writing it, he would not fear the loss of
his labor.” Well would it be, both for the writer and his work, if he could truly add in the
melodious sentence which Horne subjoins, that “the employment detached him from the
bustle and hurry of life, and the noise of folly;”――that “vanity and vexation flew away for a
season,――care and disquietude came not nigh his dwelling.”

♦ “occcupations” replaced with “occupations”


The word apostle has been adopted into all the languages of Christendom,
from the Greek, in which the earliest records of the Christian history are given to
us. In that language, the corresponding word is derived from a verb which means
“send,” so that the simplest primary meaning of the derivative is “one sent;” and in
all the uses of the word this meaning is kept in view. Of its ordinary meanings, the
most frequent was that of “a person employed at a distance to execute the
commands, or exercise the authority, of the supreme power,” in which sense it was
appropriated as the title of an embassador, a messenger, or a naval commander;
and it is used to designate all these officers in the classic Grecian writers. In
reference to its general, and probably not to any technical meaning, it was applied
by Jesus Christ to those of his followers whom he chose as the objects of his most
careful instruction, and as the inheritors of his power; whom thus indued, he sent
into all the world, to preach the gospel to every creature. The use of the term in
connection with this high and holy commission, did not give it such a character of
peculiar sanctity or dignity, as to limit its application among Christians of the early
ages, to the chosen ministers of Christ’s own appointment; but it is applied even in
the writings of the New Testament, as well as by the Grecian and Latin fathers of
the churches, to other persons of inferior rank, that might be included under its
primary meaning. It was also extended, in the peculiar sense in which Christ first
applied it, from the twelve to other eminent and successful preachers of the gospel
who were contemporary with them, and to some of their successors.
[It will be noticed that, throughout this book, the text is, on many pages, broken by matters thrown in at the
ends of paragraphs, in smaller type. The design is, that these notes, thus running through the body of the
work, shall contain all such particulars as would too much break the thread of the story if made a part of the
common text, and yet are of the highest importance as illustrations, explanations, and proofs of passages in
the history. In many places, there will be need of references to history, antiquities, topography, and various
collateral helps, to make the story understood. All these things are here given in minute type, proportioned to
the minuteness of the investigations therein followed. Being separated in this way, they need be no hindrance
to those who do not wish to learn the reasons and proofs of things, since all such can pass them by at once,
and keep the thread of the narrative, in the larger type, unbroken.

This first note being a mere exegesis of a single word, is the least attractive of all to a common reader; and
some, perhaps, will object to it as needlessly protracted into minute investigations of points not directly
important to the narrative; and the writer may have been led beyond the necessity of the case, by the
circumstance of his previous occupations having drawn his attention particularly to close etymological and
lexicographical research in the Greek language; but he is consoled by the belief that there will be some among
his readers who can appreciate and enjoy these minutiæ.]

Apostle.――The most distant theme, to which this word can be traced in Greek, is the verb Στελλω, stello,
which enters into the composition of Αποστελλω, apostello, from which apostle is directly derived.

As to the primary meaning of Στελλω, there appears to be some difference of opinion among
lexicographers. All the common lexicons give to the meaning “send” the first place, as the original sense from
which all the others are formed, by different applications of the term. But a little examination into the history of
the word, in its uses by the earlier Greeks, seems to give reason for a different arrangement of the meanings.

In searching for the original force of a Greek word, the first reference must, of course, be to the father of
Grecian song and story. In Homer, this word, στελλω, is found in such a variety of connections, as to give the
most desirable opportunities for reaching its primary meaning. Yet in none of these passages does it stand in
such a relation to other words, as to require the meaning of “send.” Only a single passage in Homer has ever
been supposed to justify the translation of the word in this sense, and even that is translated with equal force
and justice, and far more in analogy with the usages of Homer, by the meaning of “equip,” or “prepare,” which
is the idea expressed by it in all other passages where it is used by that author. (See Damm, sub voc.) This is
the meaning which the learned Valckenaer gives as the true primary signification of this word, from which, in
the revolutions of later usage, the secondary meanings have been derived. In this opinion I have been led to
acquiesce, by the historical investigation of the earlier uses of the term, and by the consideration of the natural
transition from the primary meaning of “fix,” “equip,” or “fit out,” to that of “send,” and other secondary
meanings, all which occur only in the later authors. Pindar limits it like Homer. Herodotus never uses the word
in the sense of “send,” but confines it to the meaning of “equip,” “furnish,” “clothe.” Æschylus gives it the
meaning of “go,” but not of “send.” Sophocles and Euripides also exclude this application of the term.

This brief allusion to these early authorities will be sufficient, without a prolonged investigation, to show that
the meaning of “send” was not, historically, the first signification. But a still more rational ground for this opinion
is found in the natural order of transition in sense, which would be followed in the later applications of the
word. It is perfectly easy to see how, from this primary meaning of “fix,” or “equip,” when applied to a person, in
reference to an expedition or any distant object, would insensibly originate the meaning of “send;” since, in
most cases, to equip or fix out an expedition or a messenger, is to commission and send one. In this way, all
the secondary meanings flow naturally from this common theme, but if the order should be inverted in respect
to any one of them, the beautiful harmony of derivation would be lost at once. There is no other of the
meanings of στελλω which can be thus taken as the natural source of all the rest, and shown to originate them
in its various secondary applications. The meanings of “array,” “dress,” “adorn,” “take in,” &c., are all deducible
from the original idea conveyed by στελλω, and are, like “send,” equally incapable of taking the rank of the
primary meaning.

In tracing the minute and distant etymology of this word, it is worth noticing that the first element in στελλω
is the sound st, which is at once recognized by oriental scholars as identical with the Sanscrit and Persian root
st, bearing in those and in many combinations in the various languages of their stock, the idea of “fixity.” This
idea is prominent in the primary meaning of στελλω given by Passow, who, in his Greek lexicon, (almost the
only classical one that properly classifies and deduces the meanings of words,) gives the German word stellen
as the original ground-meaning of the term before us. This is best expressed in English by “fix,” in all its
vagueness of meaning, from which, in the progress of use, are deduced the various secondary senses in
which στελλω is used, which here follow in order:

1. Equip, Fit out, Arrange, Prepare. In this sense it is applied to armaments, both to hosts and to
individuals, and thus in reference to warlike preparations expresses nearly the idea of “Arm.” This is, it seems
to me, the meaning of the word in the verse of Homer already alluded to. The passage is in the Iliad xii. 325,
where Sarpedon is addressing Glaucus, and says, “If we could hope, my friend, after escaping this contest, to
shun forever old age and death, I would neither myself fight among the foremost, nor prepare you for the
glorious strife.” (Or as Heyne more freely renders it, hortarer, “urge,” or “incite.”) The inappropriateness of the
meaning “send,” given in this place by Clark, (mitterem) and one of the scholiasts, (πεμποιμι) consists in the
fact, that the hero speaking was himself to accompany or rather lead his friend into the deadly struggle, and of
course could not be properly said to send him, if he went with him or before him. It was the partial
consideration of this circumstance, no doubt, which led the same scholiast to offer as an additional probable
meaning, that of “prepare,” “make ready,” (παρασκευαζοιμι,) as though he had some misgiving about the
propriety of his first translation. For a full account of these renderings, see Heyne in loc. and Stephens’s
Thesaurus sub voc. In the latter also, under the second paragraph of Στελλω, are given numerous other
passages illustrating this usage, in passive and middle as well as active forms, both from Homer and later
writers. In Passow’s Griechisch Wörterbuch, other useful references are given sub voc.; and in Damm is found
the best account of its uses in Homer.

2. In the applications of the word in this first meaning, the idea of equipment or preparation was always
immediately followed by that of future action, for the very notion of equipment or preparation implies some
departure or undertaking immediately subsequent. In the transitive sense, when the subject of the verb is the
instrument of preparing another person for the distant purpose, there immediately arises the signification of
“send,” constituting the second branch of definition, which has been so unfortunately mistaken for the root, by
all the common lexicographers. In the reflexive sense, when the subject prepares himself for the expected
action, in the same manner originates, at once, the meaning “go,” which is found, therefore, the prominent
secondary sense of the middle voice, and also of the active, when, as is frequent in Greek verbs, that voice
assumes a reflexive force. The origin of these two definitions, apparently so incongruous with the rest and with
each other, is thus made consistent and clear; and the identity of origin here shown, justifies the arrangement
of them both together in this manner.

The tracing out of the other meanings of this word from the ground-meaning, would be abundantly
interesting to many; but all that can be here allowed, is the discussion of precedence between the first two,
here given. Those who desire to pursue the research, have most able guides in the great German
lexicographers, whose materials have been useful in illustrating what is here given. For abundant references
illustrating these various meanings, see H. Stephens’s Thesaurus, Scapula’s, Damm’s, Schneider’s,
Passow’s, Donnegan’s, Porti’s, and Jones’s Lexicons.

The simple verb στελλω, thus superabundantly illustrated, among its numerous combinations with other
words, is compounded with the preposition απο, (apo,) making the verb Αποστελλω, (apostello.) This
preposition having the force of “away,” “from,” when united with a verb, generally adds to it the idea of motion
off from some object. Thus αποστελλω acquires by this addition the sense of “away,” which however only gives
precision and force to the meaning “send,” which belongs to the simple verb. By prefixing this preposition, the
verb is always confined to the definition “send,” and the compound never bears any other of the definitions of
στελλω but this. The simple verb without the prefix expresses the idea of “send” only in certain peculiar
relations with other words, while the compound, limited and aided by the preposition, always implies action
directed “away from” the agent to a distance, and thus conveys the primary idea of “send,” so invariably, that it
is used in no passage in which this word will not express its meaning. From this compound verb thus defined,
is directly formed the substantive which is the true object and end of this protracted research.

Αποστολος, (Apostolos) is derived from the preceding verb by changing the penult vowel Ε into Ο, and
displacing the termination of the verb by that of the noun. The change of the penult vowel is described in the
grammars as caused by its being derived from the perfect middle, which has this peculiarity in its penult. The
noun preserves in all its uses the uniform sense of the verb from which it is derived, and in every instance
maintains the primary idea of “a person or thing sent.” It was often used adjectively with a termination varying
according to the gender of the substantive to which it referred. In this way it seems to have been used by
Herodotus, who gives it the termination corresponding to the neuter, when the substantive to which it refers is
in that gender. (See Porti Dictionarium Ionicum Græco Latinum.) Herodotus is the earliest author in whom I am
able to discover the word, for Homer never uses the word at all, nor does any author, as far as I know,
previous to the father of history. Though always preserving the primary idea of the word, he varies its meaning
considerably, according as he applies it to a person or a thing. With the neuter termination αποστολον,
(apostolon,) referring to the substantive πλοιον, (ploion,) it means a “vessel sent” from place to place. In Plato,
(Epistle 7,) it occurs in this connection with the substantive πλοιον expressed, which in Herodotus is only
implied. For an exposition of this use of the term, see H. Stephens’s Thesaurus, (sub voc. αποστολος.) With the
masculine termination, Herodotus, applying it to persons, uses it first in the sense of “messenger,”
“embassador,” or “herald,” in Clio, 21, where relating that Halyattes, king of Lydia, sent a herald (κηρυξ,) to
treat for a truce with the Milesians, he mentions his arrival under this synonymous term. “So the messenger
(αποστολος, apostolos,) came to Miletus.” (Ὁ μεν δη αποστολος ες την Μιλητον ἦν.) In Terpsichore, 38, he uses
the same term. “Aristagoras the Milesian went to Lacedæmon by ship, as embassador (or delegate) from the
assembly of Ionic tyrants,” (Αποστολος εγινετο.) These two passages are the earliest Greek in which I can find
this word, and it is worth noticing here, that the word in the masculine form was distinctly applied to persons, in
the sense given as the primary one in the text of this book. But, still maintaining in its uses the general idea of
“sent,” it was not confined, in the ever-changing usage of the flexible Greeks, to individual persons alone. In
reference to its expression of the idea of “distant destination,” it was applied by later writers to naval
expeditions, and in the speeches of Demosthenes, who frequently uses the word, it is entirely confined to the
meaning of a “warlike expedition, fitted out and sent by sea to a distant contest.” (References to numerous
passages in Demosthenes, where this term is used, may be found in Stephens’s Thesaurus, on the word.)
From the fleet itself, the term was finally transferred to the naval commander sent out with it, so that in this
connection it became equivalent to the modern title of “Admiral.”

Besides these political and military uses of the word, it also acquired in the later Greek a technical meaning
as a legal term, and in the law-writers of the Byzantine school, it is equivalent to “letters of appeal” from the
decision of a lower tribunal to a higher one. But this, as well as the two previous meanings, must be
considered as mere technical and temporary usages, while the original sense of “messenger,” “herald,”
“embassador,” remained in constant force long after the word had received the peculiar application which is
the great object of this long investigation. Yet various as are these meanings, it should be noticed that all those
which refer to persons, have this one common idea, that of “one sent to a distance to execute the commands
of a higher power.” This sense is likewise preserved in that sacred meaning, which the previous inquiry has
now somewhat prepared the reader as well as the writer to appreciate in its true force.

The earliest passage in the sacred records of Christianity, in which the word apostle is used, is the second
verse of the tenth chapter of Matthew, where the distinct nomination of the twelve chief disciples is first
mentioned. They are here called apostles, and as the term is used in connection with their being sent out on
their first mission, it seems plain that the application of the name had a direct reference to this primary
signification. The word, indeed, which Jesus uses in the sixteenth verse, (when he says ‘Behold! I send you
forth as sheep in the midst of wolves,’) is αποστελλω, (apostello), and when in the fifth verse, Matthew, after
enumerating and naming the apostles, says “These twelve Jesus sent forth,” the past tense of the same verb
is used, (απεστειλεν, apesteilen.) Mark also, in his third chapter, relating the appointment and commissioning of
the twelve, uses this verb, in verse 14. “And he appointed twelve, that they might be with him, and that he
might send them forth to preach,” (αποστελλη, apostellé.) Luke merely mentions the name apostle, in giving
the list of the twelve, in chapter 6, verse 13; and in chapter 9, verse 2, gives the verb in the same way as
Matthew. The term certainly is of rare occurrence in all the gospels; those persons who are thus designated
being commonly mentioned under the general title of disciple or learner, (μαθητης,) and when it is necessary to
separate them from the rest of Christ’s followers, they are designated from their number “the twelve.” John
never uses it in this sense, nor does Mark in giving the list, though he does in vi. 30, and the only occasion on
which it is applied to the twelve by Matthew, is that of their being sent forth on their brief experimental mission
through the land of Israel, to announce the approach of the Messiah’s reign. The simple reason, for this
remarkable exclusion of the term from common use in the gospel story, is that only on that one occasion just
mentioned, did they assume the character of apostles, or persons sent forth by a superior. This circumstance
shows a beautiful justness and accuracy in the use of words by the gospel writers, who in this matter, at least,
seem to have fully apprehended the true etymological force of the noble language in which they wrote. The
twelve, during the whole life of Jesus, were never sent forth to proclaim their Lord’s coming, except once; but
until the Ascension, they were simple learners, or disciples, (μαθηται, mathetai,) and not apostles or
messengers, who had so completely learned the will of God as to be qualified to teach it to others. But
immediately after the final departure of Jesus, the sacred narrative gives them the title of apostles with much
uniformity, because they had now, by their ascending Lord, been solemnly commissioned in his last words,
and sent forth as messengers and embassadors to “all nations.” A common reader of the New Testament must
notice that, in the Acts of the Apostles, this title is the most usual one given to the chosen twelve, though even
there, an occasional use is made of the collective term taken from the idea of their number. It deserves notice,
however, that Luke, the author of the Acts, even in his gospel, uses this name more frequently than any other
of the evangelists; and his individual preference for this word may, perhaps, have had some influence in
producing its very frequent use in the second part of his narrative, though the whole number of times when it is
used in his gospel is only six, whereas in Acts it occurs twenty-seven times. So that on the whole it would
seem clear, that the change from the common use of the term “disciple,” in the gospels, to that of “apostle,”
in the history of their acts after the ascension, was made in reference to the corresponding change in the
character and duties of the persons thus named.

The lexicography of the word αποστολος, (apostolos,) I arrange as follows, after a full comparison and
investigation of all the standard authorities.

The primary idea or ground-meaning which runs through all the secondary significations, and is distinctly
recognizable in all their various applications, is as has already been remarked, that of “one sent forth,”
referring either to persons or things, but more commonly to persons. These secondary meanings being all
directly derived from the ground-stock, and not by a repetition of transformations in sense, it is hard to settle
any order of precedence among them; which might be easily done if a distinct gradation could be traced, as in
the definition of most words. I have chosen to follow what seems to be the historical order of application, as
already traced, although several very high authorities give a different arrangement.

I. A messenger, herald, embassador; a person sent with a message. This is the use made of the term by
Herodotus, above quoted, and being thus historically the earliest, as well as flowing naturally from the ground-
meaning, may therefore justly hold the first place. And when other variable meanings had been lost in the
revolutions of usage, this retained its place, being applied to many different persons whose offices included
the idea of being sent abroad by commission from a higher power. Under this meaning is most justly included
that peculiar Christian use of the word, which is the object of this investigation, and under this head therefore I
rank all the New Testament usages of αποστολος. 1. It is used in the simple sense here given, with the first
primary idea conveyed by the term. There is no Greek sentence extant which refers so forcibly to the ground-
meaning as that in John’s gospel, xiii. 16; where the words in the common English translation are “he that is
sent,” though in the original Greek the word is αποστολος, which might be more justly translated “messenger,”
in order to make a difference in English corresponding to that in Greek, between αποστολος and πεμψας,
(pempsas,) without giving the same word “send” for two different words in Greek. Still the common translation
gives the true meaning of each word, though not so simply and gracefully just, as it might be if the difference
of terms in the two members of the sentence was kept up in English. In this same general sense of
“messenger,” or “any person sent,” it is used in 2 Corinthians viii. 23, (in common English translation
“messenger,”) and in Philippians ii. 25, (common translation “messenger.”) 2. It is used to designate persons
directly sent by God to men, and in this sense is frequently given to us in connection with “prophet,” as in Luke
xi. 49; Ephesians iii. 5; Revelation xviii. 20. In this sense also it is applied to Jesus, in Hebrews iii. 1, 3. It is
used as the title of several classes of persons, employed by Jesus in propagating the gospel. These are
[1] the twelve chief disciples, commonly distinguished above all others but one, by this name. Matthew x. 2;
Mark vi. 30; Luke vi. 13; ix. 10; xxii. 14; Acts i. 26; and in other places too numerous to be mentioned here, but
to which a good concordance will direct any curious investigator. [2] Paul, as the great messenger of truth to
the Gentiles, so called in many passages; and with him Barnabas is also distinctly included under this term, in
Acts xiv. 4, 14; and xv. 33. (Griesbach however, has changed this last passage from the common reading. See
his editions.) [3] Other persons, not of great eminence or fame; as Andronicus and Junius, Paul’s assistants,
Romans xvi. 7; the companions of Titus in collecting the contributions of the churches, 2 Corinthians viii. 23;
and perhaps also Epaphroditus, Philippians ii. 25. This seems to be as clear an arrangement of the New
Testament lexicography of the term as can be given, on a comparison of high authorities. Those who can refer
to Wahl, Bretschneider, Parkhurst and Schleusner, will find that I have not servilely followed either, but have
adopted some things from all.

The extensions and variations of the New Testament usage of the word, among the Grecian and Latin
Christian Fathers, were, 1, the application of it to the seventy disciples whose mission is narrated by Luke, x.
29. These are repeatedly called apostles. 2. The companions of Paul and others are frequently honored by
this title. Timothy and Mark are called apostles, and many later ministers also, as may be seen by the
authorities at the end of Cave’s Introduction to his Lives of the Apostles.

In application to persons, it is used by Athenian writers as a name for the commander of a naval
expedition, (See Demosthenes as quoted by Stephens,) but this seems to have come by transferring to the
man, the name of the expedition which he commanded, so that this cannot be derived from the definition
which is here placed first. This term in the later Greek is also applied to the “bride-man,” or bridegroom’s
friend, who on wedding festivals was sent to conduct the bride from her father’s house to her husband’s.
(Phavorinus quoted by Witsius in Vita Pauli.) This however is a very unusual sense, which I can find on no
other authority than that here given. None of the lexicons contain it.

II. The definition which occupies the first place in most of the arrangements of this word in the common
Greek lexicons, is that of a “naval expedition,” “apparatus classium,” “fleet.” There appears, however, to be no
good reason for this order, but there is historical argument, at least, as well as analogy, for putting those
meanings which refer to persons, before those which refer to things. This meaning, as far as I can learn,
seems to be confined to Demosthenes, and there is nothing to make us suppose that it is anterior in use to the
simple permanent sense which is here given first. Hesychius gives us only the meaning of “the commander of
a fleet,” which may indeed be derivable from this sense rather than the preceding personal uses, though it
seems to me not impossible that the name was transferred from the commander to the object of his command,
thus making the personal meanings prior to those of inanimate things. The adjective use of the word in
Herodotus and Plato, however, makes it certain that in that way it was early applied to a single vessel, and the
transition to its substantive use for a whole fleet is natural enough.

The legal use of it for “letters of appeal,” (literae dimissoriae,) of course comes under the head of the later
usages in application to things, and is the last modification of meaning which the word underwent before the
extinction of the ancient Greek language.

The corresponding Hebrew word, and that which was, no doubt, used by Christ in his discourse to his
apostles, was ‫ שלּוח‬or ‫( שליח‬sheluh, or shelih,) whose primary meaning, like that of the Greek word, is “one
sent,” and is derived from the passive Kal, participle of the verb ‫ שלח‬meaning “he sent,” This word is often used
in the Old Testament, and is usually translated in the Alexandrian Greek version, by the word αποστολος. A
remarkable instance occurs in 1 Kings xiv. 6; where the prophet Ahijah, speaking to the wife of Jeroboam,
says, ‫“ אליך אנכי שלוח‬to thee am I sent;” the Alexandrian version gives the noun αποστολος, so as to make it
literally “to thee I am an apostle,” or “messenger,” or truly, in the just and primary sense of this Greek word, “to
thee I am sent.” This passage is a valuable illustration of the use of the same Greek word in John xiii. 16; as
above quoted.

The Hebrews had another word also, which they used in the sense of an apostle or messenger. This was
‫( מלאך‬mal ak,) derived from a verb which means “send,” so that the primary meaning of this also is “one sent.”
It was commonly appropriated to angels, but was sometimes a title of prophets and priests. (Haggai i. 19;
Malachi ii. 7.) It was on the whole the more dignified term of the two, as the former was never applied to
angels, but was restricted to men. The two terms are very fairly represented by the two Greek words αποστολος
and αγγελος, in English “apostle” and “angel,” the latter, like its corresponding Hebrew term, being sometimes
applied to the human servants of God, as in John’s address to the seven churches.

The scope of the term, as used in the title of this book, is limited to the twelve
chosen disciples of Jesus Christ, and those few of their most eminent associates,
who are designated by the same word in the writings of the early Christians. These
persons fall under two natural divisions, which will be followed in the arrangement
of their lives in this work. These are, first, the twelve, or Peter and his
companions; and second, Paul and his companions, including also some to whom
the name apostle is not given by the New Testament writers, but who were so
intimate with this great preacher of Christ, and so eminent by their own labors, that
they may be very properly ranked with him, in the history of the first preachers of

The persons whose lives are given in this book are,

I. The Galilean apostles, namely,

Simon Peter, and Andrew his brother,

James, and John, the sons of Zebedee,

Philip, and Bartholomew,

Matthew, and Thomas,

James, the son of Alpheus, and Simon Zelotes,

Jude, the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, in whose place was
afterwards chosen by the apostles, Matthias.

II. The Hellenist apostles, namely, Paul and Barnabas, with whom are included
their companions, Mark and Luke, the evangelists.
These two classes of Apostles are distinguished from each other, mainly, by the
circumstances of the appointment of each; the former being all directly appointed
by Jesus himself, (excepting Matthias, who took the forfeited commission of Judas
Iscariot,) while the latter were summoned to the duties of the apostleship after the
ascension of Christ; so that they, however highly equipped for the labors of the
office, had never enjoyed his personal instructions; and however well-assured of
the divine summons to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, theirs was not a distinct
personal and bodily commission, formally given to them, and repeatedly enforced
and renewed, as it was to the chosen ones of Christ’s own appointment. These
later apostles, too, with hardly one exception, were foreign Jews, born and brought
up beyond the bounds of the land of Israel, while the twelve were all Galileans,
whose homes were within the holy precincts of their fathers’ ancient heritage. Yet if
the extent of their labors be regarded, the later commissioned must rank far above
the twelve. Almost two thirds of the New Testament were written by Paul and his
companions; and before one of those commissioned by Jesus to go into all the
world on their great errand, had ever gone beyond the boundary of Palestine,
Paul, accompanied either by Barnabas, Mark, Silas, or Luke, had gone over Syria
and Asia, traversed the sea into Greece, Macedonia, and Illyria, bringing the
knowledge of the word of truth to tens of thousands, who would never have heard
of it, if they had been made to wait for its communication by the twelve. This he did
through constant toils, dangers and sufferings, which as far transcended all which
the Galilean Apostles had endured, as the mighty results of his labors did the
immediate effects of theirs. And afterwards, while they were struggling with the
paltry and vexatious, though not very dangerous tyranny of the Sanhedrim, within
the walls of Jerusalem, Paul was uttering the solemn truths of his high commission
before governors and a king, making them to tremble with doubt and awe at his
words; and, at last, bearing, first of all, the name of Jesus to the capital of the
world, he sounded the call of the gospel at the gates of Cæsar. The Galilean
apostles were indued with no natural advantages for communicating freely with
foreigners; their language, habits, customs and modes of instruction, were all
hindrances in the way of a rapid and successful progress in such a labor, and they
with great willingness gave up this vast field to the Hellenist preachers, while they
occupied themselves, for the most part, with the still immense labor which their
Lord had himself begun. For all the subtleties and mysticisms of their solemn foes,
they were abundantly provided; the whole training, which they had received, under
the personal instruction of their master, had fitted them mainly for this very warfare;
and they had seen him, times without number, sweep away all these refuges of
lies. But, with the polished and truly learned philosophers of Athens, or the
majestic lords of Rome, they would have felt the want of that minute knowledge of
the characters and manners of both Greeks and Romans, with which Paul was so
familiar, by the circumstances of his birth and education, in a city highly favored by
Roman laws and Grecian philosophy. Thus was it wisely ordained, for the
complete foundation and rapid extension of the gospel cause, that for each great
field of labor there should be a distinct set of men, each peculiarly well fitted for
their own department of the mighty work. And by such divinely sagacious
appointments, the certain and resistless advance of the faith of Christ was so
secured, and so wonderfully extended beyond the deepest knowledge, and above
the brightest hopes of its chief apostles, that at this distant day, in this distant land,
far beyond the view even of the prophetic eye of that age, millions of a race
unknown to them, place their names above all others, but one, on earth and in
heaven; and to spread the knowledge of the minute details of their toils and
triumphs, the laborious scholar should search the recorded learning of eighteen
hundred years, and bring forth the fruits in the story of their lives.

With such limitations and expansions of the term, then, this book attempts to
give the history of the lives of the apostles. Of some who are thus designated, little
else than their names being known, they can have no claim for a large space on
these pages; while to a few, whose actions determined the destiny of millions, and
mainly effected the establishment of the Christian faith, the far greater part of the
work will be given.

The materials of this work should be found in all that has been written on the
subject of New Testament history, since the scriptural canon was completed. But
“who is sufficient for these things?” A long life might find abundant employment in
searching a thousand libraries, and compiling from a hundred thousand volumes,
the facts and illustrations of this immense and noble subject; and then the best
energies of another long life would be needed to bring the mighty masses into
form, and give them in a narrative for the mind of the unlearned. What, then, is
here attempted, as a substitute for this immensity? To give a clear distinct narrative
of each apostle’s life, with such illustrations of the character of the era, and the
scene in which the incidents occurred, and such explanations of the terms in which
they are recorded, as may, consistently with the limits of this work, be drawn from
the labors of the learned of ancient and modern times, which are within the writer’s
reach. Various and numerous are the books that swell the list of faithful and honest
references; many and weighty the volumes that have been turned over, in the long
course of research; ancient and venerable the dust, which has been shaken into
suffocating clouds about the searcher’s head, and have obscured his vision, as he
dragged many a forgotten folio from the slumber of ages, to array the modern
plunderer in the shreds and patches of antique lore. Histories, travels,
geographies, maps, commentaries, criticisms, introductions, and lexicons, have
been “daily and nightly turned in the hand;” and of this labor some fruit is offered
on every page. But the unstained source of sacred history! the pure well-spring, at
which the wearied searcher always refreshed himself, after unrequited toils,
through dry masses of erudition, was the simple story of the Apostles and
Evangelists, told by themselves. In this same simple story, indeed, were found the
points on which the longest labor was required; yet these, at best only illustrated,
not improved, by all the labors of the learned of various ages, were the materials of
the work. These are the preparations of months and years; the execution must
decide on their real value,――and that is yet to come.
A list of the various works which have furnished the materials for this book might be proper here; but in
order to insure its completeness and accuracy, it is deferred to the end of the volume.

A view of the world, as it was at the when the apostles began the work of
spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, may be convenient to remind some readers,
and necessary to inform others, in what way its political organization operated to
aid or hinder the progress of the faith. The peculiarities of the government of the
regions of civilization, were closely involved in the results of this religious
revolution, and may be considered as having been, on the whole, most desirably
disposed for the triumphant establishment of the dominion of Christ.

From the shores of the Atlantic to the banks of the Euphrates, the sway of the
Roman Caesar was acknowledged, by the millions of Western and Southern
Europe, Northern Africa and South-western Asia. The strong grasp of warlike
power was a bond which held together in peace many nations, who, but for that
constraint, would, as their previous and subsequent history shows, have been
arrayed against each other, in contests, destructive alike of the happiness of the
contending parties and the comfort of their neighbors. The mighty force of Roman
genius had overcome the thousand barriers which nature and art had reared
between the different nations of the three continents in which it ruled, and the
passage from one end of that vast empire to the other, was without any hindrance
to those who traveled on errands of peace. The bloody strife which once distracted
the tribes of Gaul, Germany and Britain, had rendered those grand sections of
Europe impassable, and shut up each paltry tribe within a narrow boundary, which
could never be crossed but with fire and sword. The deadly and furious contests
among the nations of South-western Asia and South-eastern Europe, had long
discouraged the philosophical and commercial enterprise, once of old so rife and
free among them, and offered a serious hindrance to the traveler, whether
journeying for information or trade; thus greatly checking the spread of knowledge,
and limiting each nation, in a great measure, to its own resources in science and
art. The Roman conquest, burying in one wide tomb all the jealousies and strifes of
aspiring national ambition, thus put an end at once to all these causes of
separation; it brought long-divided nations into close union and acquaintance, and
produced a more extensive and equal diffusion of knowledge, as well as greater
facilities for commercial intercourse, than had ever been enjoyed before. The rapid
result of the conquerors’ policy was the consolidation of the various nations of that
vast empire into one people,――peaceful, prosperous, and for the most part
protected in their personal and domestic rights. The savage was tamed, the
wanderers were reclaimed from the forest, which fell before the march of
civilization, or from the desert, which soon rejoiced and blossomed under the
mighty beneficence of Roman power.

The fierce Gaul forsook his savage hut and dress together, robing himself in the
graceful toga of the Roman citizen, or the light tunic of the colonial cultivator, and
reared his solid and lofty dwelling in clustering cities or villages, whose deep laid
foundations yet endure, in lasting testimony of the nature of Roman conquest and
civilization. Under his Roman rulers and patrons, he raised piles of art, unequaled
in grandeur, beauty and durability, by any similar works in the world. Aqueducts
and theaters, still only in incipient ruin, proclaim, in their slow decay, the greatness
of those who reared them, in a land so lately savage.
The Pont du gard, at Nismes, and the amphitheaters, temples, arches, gates, baths, bridges, and
mausolea, which still adorn that city and Arles, Vienne, Rheims, Besancon, Autun and Metz, are the instances,
to which I direct those whose knowledge of antiquity is not sufficient to suggest these splendid remains.
Almost any well-written book of travels in France will give the striking details of their present condition. Malte-
Brun also slightly alludes to them, and may be consulted by those who wish to learn more of the proofs of my
assertion than this brief notice can give.

The warlike Numidian and the wild Mauritanian, under the same iron instruction,
had long ago learned to robe their primitive half-nakedness in the decent garments
of civilized man. Even the distant Getulian found the high range of Atlas no sure
barrier, against the wave of triumphant arms and arts, which rolled resistlessly over
him, and spent itself only on the pathless sands of wide Sahara. So far did that all-
subduing genius spread its work, and so deeply did it make its marks, beyond the
most distant and impervious boundary of modern civilization, that the latest march
of discovery has found far older adventurers before it, even in the great desert;
and within a dozen years, European travelers have brought to our knowledge walls
and inscriptions, which, after mouldering unknown in the dry, lonely waste, for
ages, at last met the astonished eyes of these gazers, with the still striking witness
of Roman power.
The travels of Denham and Clapperton across the desert, from Tripoli to Bornou,――of Ritchie and Lyon,
to Fezzan,――of Horneman and others, will abundantly illustrate this passage.

Egypt, already twice classic, and renowned through two mighty and distant
series of ages, renewed her fading glories under new conquerors, no less worthy
to possess and adorn the land of the Pharaohs, than were the Ptolemies. In that
ancient home of art, the new conquerors achieved works, inferior indeed to the still
lasting monuments of earlier greatness, but no less effectual in securing the
ornament and defense of the land. With a warlike genius far surpassing the most
triumphant energy of former rulers, the legionaries of Rome made the valley of the
Nile, from its mouth to the eighth cataract, safe and wealthy. The desert
wanderers, whose hordes had once overwhelmed the throne of the Pharaohs, and
baffled the revenge of the Macedonian monarchs, were now crushed, curbed, or
driven into the wilds; while the peaceful tiller of the ground, secure against their
lawless attacks, brought his rich harvests to a fair and certain market, through the
ports and million ships of the Mediterranean, to the gate of his noble conquerors,
within the capital of the world.

The grinding tyranny of the cruel despots of Pontus, Armenia and Syria, had,
one after another, been swept away before the republican hosts of Sylla, Lucullus
and Pompey; and the remorseless, stupid selfishness that has always
characterized oriental despotism, even to this day, had been followed by the mild
and generous exercise of that almost omnipotent sway, which the condition of the
people, in most cases, showed to have been administered, in the main, for the
good of its subjects.
The case of Verres will perhaps rise to the minds of some of my readers, as opposed to this favorable view
of Roman government; but the whole account of this and similar tyranny shows that such cases were looked
on as most remarkable enormities, and they are recorded and noticed in such terms of abhorrence, as to
justify us in quoting with peculiar force, the maxim, “Exceptio probat regulam.”

Towards the farthest eastern boundary of the empire, the Parthian, fighting as
he fled, held out against the advance of the western conquerors, in a harassing
and harassed independence. The mountains and forests of central Europe, and of
North Britain, too, were still manfully defended by their savage owners; yet, when
they at last met the iron hosts of Germanicus, Trajan, and Agricola, they, in their
turn, fell under the last triumphs of the Roman eagle. But the peace and prosperity
of the empire, and even of provinces near the scene, were not moved by these
disturbances. And thus, in a longitudinal line of four thousand miles, and within a
circuit of ten thousand, the energies of Roman genius had hushed all wars, and
stilled the nations into a long, unbroken peace, which secured the universal good.
So nearly true was the lyric description, given by Milton, of the universal peace
which attended the coming of the Messiah:

“No war or battle sound,

Was heard the world around;

The idle spear and shield were high uphung;

The hooked chariot stood,

Unstained with hostile blood,

The trumpet spake not to the armed throng;

And kings sat still with awful eye,

As if they surely knew their sovran lord was by.”

The efforts of the conquerors did not cease with the mere military subjugation of
a country, but were extended far beyond the extinction of the hostile force. The
Roman soldier was not a mere fighter, nor were his labors, out of the conflict,

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