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Thesis Title: Diversity Assessment of Insects in Mount Yangbew, Tawang, La

Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines

Name of Student Researcher/s: Abegail M. Adamag;

*Shallum O. Balangyao;
Jeric S. Delos Santos

Email Address and Contact Number: / 09703480955

Adviser: Marissa R. Parao, Ph. D.

Higher Education Institution: College of Forestry, Benguet State University

Category: S&T – AANR

2. Technical Description

Insects constitute a dominant life form on earth, yet only very few studies are
conducted in the region. Awareness on dominant and important insects is necessary for
ensuring a balance and healthy ecosystem that conserves endangered species,
especially in forest areas. Insect identification is being observed in different parts of
the world and it is important to establish baselines on the different species that are
residing in the different vegetation types in Benguet. This paper determined if there is
a diverse community of insects in the different vegetation types in Mt. Yangbew,
Tawang, La Trinidad, Benguet. It surveys on insect population in Mt. Yangbew’s
forest, brushland, and grassland. Collected and documented insects were physically
identified using Google Lens application (version 6.0) augmented by the use of
manuals on insect identification. Standard laboratory procedures of collection and
preservation were done on insect samples that were brought to the Entomology
laboratory of College of Agriculture for identification. The results showed that there
were seven (7) orders of insects in Mt. Yangbew. Among them, the most common is
the Lepidoptera which has 32.2 % of all the insects found. The least common order
found in the site is the Blattodea with 1.7% represented by white-bordered cockroach.
There is also moderate diversity of insect population among the vegetation types
having an overall diversity index of 2.5 (Shannon-Wiener index) and 0.74 (Simpson’s
index). Pielous evenness is 0.64 which also indicates that the area has an average
evenness. Based on the IUCN list, one invasive species was identified, the Honey bees
(Apis mellifera) and one endangered species from the family Lepidoptera, the Luzon
peacock swallowtail (Papilio chikae).

Keywords: Papilio chikae, Apis mellifera, diversity, evenness, critically endangered,


Insects constitute a dominant life form on earth, with more than 2 million
inhabiting the earth’s ecosystem (Tuzun et al., 2013). They are the laborers of the
ecosystem, implementing many tasks, such as nutrient cycling and pollination of
plants (Losey and Vaughan, 2006). To date, more than one million insect species
have been described but many millions await discovery (IISE, 2012). It is argued
that progress in estimating insect diversity and understanding insect community
dynamics will be enhanced by building local inventories of species diversity
(Godfray, Lewis, and Memmott, 2000) which this thesis tried to address.

Insects are known to be the most successful and diverse animals on earth,
and are closely associated with our lives, and affects the welfare of humanity in
diverse ways. According to Sreedevi, et al. (2005), a large number of insect species,
including those not known to science, continue to become extinct from local
habitats world-wide. The proper identification of the insect and arthropod species
for a particular ecosystem is important. It is by far one of the most crucial element
in the field of forestry (Yamane and Lapiz, 1994; Wyle & Speight, 2012);
agriculture (Faroden. et al, 2016); forensic entomology, (Tuzun et al., 2010), insect
plant-disease relationships (Barbercheck, 2009; CAES, 2023), biological research
of toxicology, and genetics and neuro biology (Pedigo &Rice, 2009).

Singh and Oswalt (1992) described “insects” as a small animal with six legs,
with a body divided into three parts, and often had two pairs of wings. There are a
lot of species all over the globe and they have been the dominant species in the
biotic community in all of earth habitats (Sreedevi, et al., 2005).

A study on insect identification and its diversity is important due to its

various uses. Insects have high ecological and economic value (Dossey, 2010;
Pedigo and Rice, 2009; Takeda, 2013), supporting and providing livelihoods for
numerous people (FAO, 2008) which ranged from the insect that is used for the silk
trade to beekeeping (Mano, 2019). It also affects the sustainability of farming and
tree plantation establishment as most of our trees and agricultural crops are
pollinated by insects (Losey and Vaughan, 2006) and some insects may also infest

Insects are extremely important ecosystem components. They perform

many key ecosystem functions, commonly relating to interactions with the
vegetation, human and animals. These interactions include herbivory and many
mutualistic relationships such as pollination, seed dispersal, and decomposition
(Dossey, 2010). Insect-plant interactions have direct effects on ecosystem
functioning, like the storage and cycling of carbon and nutrients. Insect carcasses

contribute to the organic matter content of soils that improves its physical
properties. All these are facilitated by insect diversity that promotes animal
diversity, and plant diversity as it strongly influences successions and competition
patterns in plant communities, and affects the overall food web interactions
(Emosairue, 2007). Insect population and their dynamics is the base of many food

Many insects are part of pest populations (Mano, 2019; Ligat, 2021). Their
feeding can cause death of trees (Parao et al., 2010), spotting or stippling of foliage,
leaf curling, stunting and misshapen leaves and fruits (Barbercheck, 2009) and they
must be taken cared of to avoid economic loss (CAES, 2023). They are generally
considered a nuisance, although many insects serve as control of other insect pests
(Ligat, 2021). The evolution of new pests, plant diseases, and the decrease in crop
yield are some of the effects of insect pests (Mano, 2019). This dilemma affects
tree plantation, vegetable production and food security, which affects farmers’
livelihoods and makes insect diversity assessment relevant.

In many regions, insects also form an important component of the human

diet (Domoguen, 2015; FAO, 2008), animal diet (Pedigo and Rice, 2009) and
medicines (Dossey, 2010) in addition to their ecological and economic value. Mano
(2019) describes the various ways that insects benefit humanity. It provides
material goods like honey from honey bees, silk from silk moths, dyes and shellac
from the scale insects, tannic acid and inks from the gall insect and food. Insect-
eating is an old custom that provides folks in the Cordillera highlands with simple
but protein-laden daily meals during harsh economic times (Domuguen, 2015).
This habit is due to food needs and it is a way of reducing the pests that attack food
crops. Likewise, insects colorful body patterns have inspired arts, literatures, and
cultures, as they offer great educational tools (Pyle et al., 1981). But its most
important contribution is ecological and it is linked to insect diversity as it has
various ecological roles (Barbercheck, 2009; CAES, 2023). Insects are crucial for
ecological balance and it is critical to the survival of most life on earth as it supports
the base of animal food web and it is critical in plant pollination (Sollai & Solari,

Since temperature is a positive factor in the dominance of insect populations

it can affect the types of insects that survive. Being cold blooded, insects'
metabolism and activity are highly affected by their body temperature, which is
nearly totally reliant on the temperatures of the environment in which they live. For
instance, low temperatures discourage movement, whereas high temperatures often
energize insects that they dominate in hotter areas (Urton, 2018). In areas with cold
weather like mountain peaks, insects that can live in the cold will come out (Poclet,

2014). The cold season in La Trinidad may cause a lot of unique insects to emerge.
Based on the record of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration (PAGASA), La Trinidad experienced a low temperature
of 13.6oC in 2023 (Raga, 2023). Mt. Yangbew being the peak area in La Trinidad
has a relatively colder temperature that can encourage cold-tolerant insect species
to thrive.

Similarly, the climate in the Cordillera Administrative Region is suitable

for growing various semi-temperate vegetables and other fruit-bearing tree crops
that have various harmful and beneficial insects. Both agricultural and tree crops
can be laden with insect pests especially those that are grown for commercial
purposes (Faroden et al.2016). This also emphasize the need to evaluate existing
insect population that could affect food security, plant and animal diversity and
overall health of plant and animal communities.

Understanding the extent and causes of insect diversity in the humid tropics
is one of the major challenges in modern ecology and some of the current
approaches to this problem include surveys and documentation of insect families
(Emosairue, 2007). Recent calculations show that there may be more than 30
million species of insects on Earth, although the true figure is now widely thought
to be between five and ten million species, and these have stimulated several new
lines of research (Godfray, Lewis, and Memmott, 2000).

Despite the importance of insects, it is only relatively recently that they have
been mainstreamed into biodiversity conservation. This is being done at various
operational levels from the species level through to the landscape level of
conservation, with major decisions being made at the scale of nation states through
National Biodiversity and Strategy Action Plans. Furthermore, as there are now
global insect conservation initiatives, it highlights the adage “think global, act
local.” This study can complement the works at the national and global level.

The main objective of the study is to assess if there is a diversity in the insect
community of Mt. Yangbew, Tawang, La Trinidad Benguet. The specific
objectives of this study are:

1. To identify and determine the different insect species across the

grassland, brushland, and forest area found in Mt. Yangbew, Tawang,
La Trinidad, Benguet; and
2. To determine the species richness or the diversity, and species evenness
indices of the insects in Mt. Yangbew, Tawang, La Trinidad, Benguet.

The study was conducted from January to May 2023 at Mt. Yangbew or Mt.
Jumbo (Figure 1) located in Tawang, La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines. Mt.
Yangbew lies at an elevation of 1,648m with a longitude of 120.607052 and latitude
of 16.453989.

Source: Google Earth, 2022


Figure 1: Map of Mt. Yangbew, Tawang, La Trinidad, Benguet

Source: Google Earth (2/20/2018)

Grasses and a few shrubs cover the summit of the mountain while trees
inhabit the gullies of the mountain. The summit which consists of mostly grasses is
dominated by Themeda triandra, Imperata spp., Dipteris conjugata and other
grasses. On the other hand, the brushland of the mountain beside the grassland is
dominated by Lantana camara, Rosa multiflora, Miscanthus chinensis, and other
shrubs and grasses. The gullies of the mountain are filled with trees such as Alnus
japonica and Calliandra calothyrsus, and grasses of M. chinensis, D. conjugata and
Pteridium aquilinium as understories. The site is developed as a tourist spot both
for local residents and visitors.


This study used a quantitative approach to determine the diversity and

evenness of insects found in Mt. Yangbew, Tawang, La Trinidad, Benguet. The
data gathering was conducted from January to April, 2023. The insect sampling
method and the design were based on the study of Montgomery (2021) and the
procedures set by BMB (2019). Malaise traps were set-up for one week while net
sweeping and physical survey were done daily for one week during the duration of
the study.
A 10m x 10m sampling plots were established along the transect lines with
plots laid 400 meters apart. Three (3) sampling plots were established in the
grassland, two (2) in the brushland, and two (2) in the forest area with a total of
seven (7) sampling plots all over the area. Three (3) malaise traps were laid inside

the sampling plots of three (3) different vegetation types. These traps in the
grassland, brushland and the forest area of the mountain is indicated in red boxes
in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Location of sampling plots in Mt. Yangbew, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Visual observations that use convenience sampling and net sweeping were
done along the transect lines and inside the sampling plots. Visual surveys are
commonly used to document the abundance and diversity of insects that can be
visually identified in the field, often with the aid of close-focused binoculars and
nets (Montgomery 2021). While net sweeping is used for sweeping insects out of
the vegetation (Dewalt and Sandberg, 2015).

For net sweeping, nets with a 38-cm net ring, 91-cm handle, with white
muslin bag are used. A complete 180°, walking while sweeping in a zigzag pattern,
and keeping the net near the top of the canopy and/or the ground, in twenty (20)
counts are made (BMB, 2019).

Malaise trap, as cited by Hauser and Riede (2015) is one of the most widely
used method, and served as the standard technique for recording insects in flight
for more than 50 years. It is a simple tent-like structure that traps insects and other
small organisms by obstructing their flight or drift paths, then relying on their
tendency to move upwards or towards the light, they end up in the collecting jar or
vial (Karlsson et al., 2020; Montgomery, 2021). The nets were set out for a month
and checked weekly once a day from 10 am to 12 pm to survey the insects trapped
by the malaise trap.
In the data collection, this study applies the survey techniques such as
malaise traps, net sweeping, and visual surveys. The collection of data was done by
systematic sampling for malaise trap and net sweeping, setting three transect lines
from end to end of the area of Mt. Yangbew across the grassland, brushland and
forested area where net sweeping was done and three (3) malaise traps per
vegetation type (Figure 2). This was augmented by convenience sampling.

Google lens was used where insects can be focused using a Nikkon D3500
camera and where it can identify. It was used in this study to initially identify
insects, while samples were taken for those that it cannot identify. According to
Lincoln (2022), Google lens has a moderate high accuracy and usefulness for
photos of ideal quality, but it has ≤54% accuracy for photos of acceptable and poor
quality. Collected insects were released after taking pictures and identification.
Insects were collected on identified plots based on vegetation types. Every species
that was not identified in the field was collected and brought back to the laboratory
for further identification. These include insects that were caught by sweeping nets
and those caught by the malaise traps and those listed visually. Species list and
counts were collated and inputted in Excel (2016). Unidentified insects especially
the very small and soft one, were described and coded.
To evaluate the information, richness and evenness were computed. Species
diversity was measured by determining the number of species present in a given
area or community and calculating how evenly distributed a species is within that
community (Kate, 2017). The richness of the insect community in Mt. Yangbew
were determined, using Shannon-Wiener’s index and Simpson’s Index. The
Shannon Diversity Index is the most commonly used in assessing insect population
followed by the Simpson’s Diversity Index which also measures the diversity of
species in a community (Zach, 2021). These indices are commonly used in
calculating biodiversity and provide more than one standard to test the sampling
schemes (You, 2011).

Shannon-Wiener Index Simpsons’ index

∑𝑆𝑖=1 𝑛𝑖(𝑛𝑖 − 1)

𝐻 = −∑ 𝑃𝑖 𝐼𝑛(𝑃𝑖) 𝐷=
𝑁(𝑁 − 1)
H – diversity index D – Diversity index
Pi – proportion of individuals n – number of individuals per species
Ln – natural logarithm N – total number of individuals per species

In order to interpret the computed diversity indices for the Shannon-

Wiener diversity, the index scale as provided by Nolan (2018) was used (Table 1).

Table 1. Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index Scale.

H’ / Diversity Scale
Below 1.5 Low Diversity
1.5 to 2.5 Medium/Moderate diversity
Above 2.5 High Diversity

On the other hand, in order to interpret the Simpson index, the scale
provided by Guajardo (2015) was used (Table 2).

Table 2. Simpsons’ Diversity Index Scale
Relative Values Simpson Diversity Index
0.00 Absence of diversity
0.01-0.40 Low degree of diversity
0.41-0.60 Moderate degree of diversity
0.61-0.80 Moderate high degree of diversity
0.81-0.99 High degree of diversity
1 and above (Absolute, Perfect) diversity

Insects will not have the same counts every time, thus the researchers also
used Pielou's evenness to compute the evenness of the species that live in the area.
It is computed to determine if the study site has an even insect population or not.
According to Reid (2022), the index closer to zero has less evenness and the index
closer to one means there is more evenness. The formula used was provided by
Reid (2022).
𝐽′ =

J’ – Pielou’s evenness
H’ – Shannon-Wiener diversity index
Ln – natural logarithm
S – total number of species


Insect Species and their Distribution in Mt. Yangbew Across Vegetation Types

There are 7 orders, 36 families and 64 species of insects that were

documented in Mt. Yangbew. The most common is the Lepidoptera (32.2 %), close
to it, is the Diptera (24.4%), followed by Coleoptera (13.6%), Hemiptera (11.9%),
Orthoptera (8.5%) and Hymenoptera (6.8%). The order with the least number of
species found is the Blattodea with 1.7% (Figure 1).
Lepidoptera compromises moths and butterflies (IUCN 2017), and its high
distribution and number of species could be due to the presence of C. calothyrsus.
According to Chamberlain (2000), only bats and moths pollinate C. calothyrsus,
while bees and butterflies collect nectar. Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, and
Hymenoptera, on the other hand could be pollinators of the flowers of grasses and
shrubs such as R. multiflora and L. camara that bears bright colored flowers
attracting butterflies as also observed by Arikawa (2017).
Moths and butterflies have been extensively studied over the last 200 years
due to their remarkable diversity, economic, and ecological importance. As a result,
the abundance of Lepidoptera in many parts of the world, including Mt. Yangbew
in La Trinidad, is understandable. According to McLellan, et. al (2022), moths
(Noctuidae) can be found anywhere as long as there are plants for caterpillars to

eat, from the seashore to almost bare mountain tops. Each type requires specific
conditions to survive, and only minor changes in their habitat can prevent moths
from living there. As a result, Noctuidae is dominant because Mt. Yangbew has
enough plants as food source and habitat for moths to live in.
When compared to the other families, Noctuidae has the greatest number of
insect species (13.3%). This is followed by the families of Acrididae (7%),
Pyralidae (7%), Formicidae (7%), Muscidae (5%) and Tabanidae (5%) (Figure 2
and table 2). The remaining families have a lower proportion of insect species.

Noctuidae is a large family of medium-sized, often dull-colored moths with

larvae (such as cutworms and armyworms) that are the damaging agricultural pests
(Wagner, 2013). This suggests that there are numerous insects that could pose
threats to some of Mt. Yangbew's vegetation. Moths emerged from the soil at dusk
and continued to recruit throughout the first half of the night (Riley et al., 2009).
Among the damaging insects that were noted are Agriotes spp., Aedes albopictus,
Liatronotos maculicollis, Zelus luridus, Leptocorisa orattoria, Crioceris
duodecimpunctata, Cylas formicarius, Camptotoprospella spp., leafhoppers, and
skippers. Noctuids are active at night and this explains why they are common in
the area. They are actually regarded as the most damaging insect pests of
agriculturally important crops (Hamza et al., 2020).





Lepidoptera Diptera Hemiptera Coleoptera Orthoptera Hymenoptera Blattodea

Figure 1. Percent distribution of insect species per Order in Mt. Yangbew, La Trinidad, Benguet

Figure 2. Distribution of Insects Across Vegetation Types of Mt. Yangbew

There are 29 total species identified in the grassland vegetation, 25 in

brushlands and 30 species in the forest (Table 3), with most of the isolated insect
species more pronounced in the forest ecosystem. For instance, the Polyrhachis
dives, or black ants (Formicidae) is the most dominant insect found in grasslands
and shrubland ecosystems. P. dives preferred habitats covered by grasses and
shrubs. According to Antcube (2015), they frequently live at ground level and build
their nests on stones or barks which is also seen in the study site. On the contrary,
fire ant (Solenopsis spp.) dominates the forest area. Black ants are known as farmer
ants and form symbiosis with sucking insect pests while fire ants are more
predatorial indicating the importance of forest as habitat of insects that keep check
and balance in an ecosystem. Other insects with large physical counts are the
Musca domestica Linnaeus (housefly), mothfly, and Philippine fruit flies.
The species with the least numbers across vegetation are the green pale
assassin bug, spotted asparagus beetle, grass cricket, soldier beetle, common garden
katydid, brown gray moth, white brown cape moth, brown cup moth, and yellowish
wing fly, Luzon peacock swallowtail, dark brown grasshopper, dark-winged fungus
gnat, parasitic wasp, lady beetle, pearly underwing, and white-bordered cockroach
with only one count.

Table 3. List of Insect Species of Mt. Yangbew, Tawang, La Trinidad, Benguet
Agriotes Agriotes spp. Elateridae Coleoptera 2 F
Common Faun Butterfly Faunis canens Nymphalidae Lepidoptera 13 F
Asian tiger Mosquito Aedes albopictus Culicidae Diptera 12 G, B, F
Annual Blue Grass
Liatronotos maculicollis Curculionidae Coleoptera 2
Weevil G, B
Luzon Peacock
Papilio chikae Papilionidae Lepidoptera 1 B
Grasshopper (Buladdeng) Oxya (serville) spp. Acrididae Orthoptera 3
G, B, F
Caedicia simplex
Common Garden Katydid Tettigoniidae Orthoptera 1 G
Crane fly Tipula Tipulidae Diptera 8 G
Dark brown grasshopper Acrididae Orthoptera 1
Dark Winged Fungus
Bradysia spp. Sciaridae Diptera 1
Gnat B
Fire ant Solenopsis Formicidae Hymenoptera 128 F
Flying Carpenter ant Caamponotos spp. Formicidae Hymenoptera 7 G, B
Philippine Fruit flies Bractocera philippinensis Drosophilidae Diptera 23
G, B, F
Euscyrtus concinnus
Grass Cricket Acrididae Orthoptera 1 G
(de Haan)
Green Grasshopper Caecdicea spp. Acrididae Orthoptera 1
Green pale assassin bug Zelus luridus Reduviidae Hemiptera 1
Green bottle fly Lucilia sericata Callipforidae Diptera 3
Greenhead Horse Fly Tabanus nigrivittatus Tabanidae Diptera 3 F
Honeybee Apis mellifera Apidae Hymenoptera 13 G, B
Housefly Musca domestica linnaeus Muscidae Diptera 73 G, B, F
Lady beetle Coccinela spp. Coccinilidae Coleoptera 1 G, F
Marmalade Hoverfly Episyphus rectispina Syrphidae Diptera 6 B
Meteorus autographae
Parasitic Wasp/Paratisoid Braconidae Diptera 1 G
Pearly Underwing Peridorma saucia Noctuidae Lepidoptera 1 B
Polyrhachis dives
Polyrhachis dives Formicidae Hymenoptera 218 G, B, F
Rice Ear bug Leptocorisa oratoria Alidydae Hemiptera 4 G, F
Small Cabbage White Pieris rapae Pieridae Lepidoptera 17 G, B
Snout Moth Hypena proboscidalis Eribidae Lepidoptera 8 B
Spotted Asparagus Beetle Chrysomelidae Coleoptera 1 G
Summer Azure Celastrina neglecta Lycaenidae Lepidoptera 5 B
Sweet Potato Weevil Cylas formicarius Brentidae Coleoptera 2 F
White Bordered Pseudomops
Ectobiidae Blattodea 1 F
Cockroach sententrionalis
Little yellow-orange fly Camptoprospella spp. Lauxaniidae Diptera 8 G, F
U1(small brown moth) - Pyralidae Lepidoptera 11 G, F
U2 (medium brown moth) - Pyralidae Lepidoptera 17 G, B, F
U3 (Plant hopper) - Cycadidae Hemiptera 2 G
U4 - Noctuidae Lepidoptera 1 G
U5 (Brown-gray Moth) - Noctuidae Lepidoptera 1 G
U6 (White-brown Cape - Noctuidae Lepidoptera 1 G
U7(Cup Moth Brown) - Noctuidae Lepidoptera 2 G, B
U8 (Yellowish Wing Fly) - Tabanidae Diptera 13 G, B
U9 (Leafhopper) - Cycadellidae Hemiptera 2 B
U10 (skippers) - Hesperiidae Lepidoptera 2 B
U13 (Click Beetle) - Elateridae Coleoptera 1 F
U14 (White Moth) - Noctuidae Lepidoptera 2 F

Table 3. continuation…
U15 (Cicada) - Cicadidae Hemiptera 2 F
U16 (Mothfly) - Psychodidae Diptera 43 F
U17 (leaf hopper, yellow- - Cycadellidae Hemiptera 1
green-violet) F
U18 (orange moth) - Noctuidae Noctuidae 1 F
U14 (White Moth) - Noctuidae Lepidoptera 2 F
U15 (Cicada) - Cicadidae Hemiptera 2 F
U16 (Mothfly) - Psychodidae Diptera 43 F
U17 (leaf hopper, yellow- - Cycadellidae Hemiptera 1 F
U18 (orange moth) - Noctuidae Noctuidae 1 F
U19 (white leafhopper) - Cycadellidae Hemiptera 2 F
U20 (white moth) - Pyralidae Lepidoptera 1 F
U21 (Purple moth) - Noctuidae Lepidoptera 1 F
U22 (Black wasp) - Muscidae Diptera 1 F
U23 (Cup moth, orange - Noctuidae Lepidoptera 1 F
U24 (Black weevil) - Curculionidae Coleoptera 4 F
Note: G – Grassland; B – Brushland/Shrubland; F - Forest

An endangered endemic species was surveyed in the brushland. This is the

Luzon Peacock Swallowtail (Papilio chikae) (Figure 3). It is endemic to the
country, and is listed as endangered species according to the IUCN (2017). This
species is under the family name Papilionidae of the order Lepidoptera. This
naturally rare species is endangered due to over-collection, and likely habitat
alteration. It also has a limited range of distribution at a higher elevation as it is
normally found above 1500m of the montane zone. It is also said to be of relic
origin (Swallowtail and Birdwing Butterfly Trust, 1995).

Another species of concern in brushland is the Apis mellifera (Honey bee)

under the family of Apidae and order Hymenoptera. It is not native to the
Philippines and it was introduced from western countries but have adopted to the
environment in the country. They are cultured for economic benefits such as for
production of honey and beeswax.


Figure 3. The endangered Papilio chikae (Luzon Peacock Swallowtail).

Figure 4. Apis mellifera (Honey bee).

According to Beekman and Ratnieks (2001), the median distance foraging

by honey bees is 61 kilometers. Only 10% of the bees foraged within 5 km from
the hive, 25% can go for more than 75 km, and 10% went more than 95 km. An
apiary located at BSU- College of Forestry explains the presence of A. mellifera in
the study site. This species is potentially invasive and may compete for food with
native species like stingless bees if left uncheck. It can displace local population of
bees, but it is good that BSU also promotes local honey bees production to ensure
perpetuation of native bees (Kimbungan, 2022).

Other than the two insects some of the insects found has been considered
notably beneficial. Coccinella spp. are considered mycofungicide (Gouli, et al.
2016) that can help decrease plant disease and increase productivity. Polyrachis
dives as food has new dopamine derivatives having substances as ROCK1/2
inhibitors, neural stem cell (NSCs) proliferation stimulators, immunosuppressive,
and anti-inflammatory agents ( Tang, et al. 2014). Other than these, Episyphus sp.
(hoverfly) can be used against aphids on crops (Natural Biopol, 2023), and other
insects like Caedicia spp., Campunotus spp., Meteorus spp., are considered good
pollinators and most insects such as caterpillars of the lepidopterans, grasshoppers,
flies, crickets, beetles, weevils and cicadas be served as food especially for birds.

The characteristic population and dominant insect families is dependent on

the habitat and vegetation they browse. The brushland is dominated by various
shrubs, most notably are R. multiflora and L. camara. Coleoptera, Diptera,
Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Mecoptera, and Thysanoptera are the most common
insect orders that pollinate R. multiflora (Jesse, 2006). While bees, adult butterflies,
spiders, and lace bugs were the most common visitors of Lantana flowers
(Kritasampan, 2016).

In the forest area, the most common vegetation are the C. calothyrsus and
A. japonica, M. chinesis, D. conjugata, P. aquilinium (bracken fern), and small
shrubs which supports other sets of insects. These insects appear singly, are more
delicate, and are more difficult to identify with the current resources available. The
grassland is dominated by T. triandra and Imperata spp. (cogon). While that of the
brushlands is dominated by R. multiflora, L. camara, M. chinesis, bracken fern, and
cogon. Furthermore, Lantana is the reason on the presence of honey bees on
brushland and grassland areas. There are also farmlands near the mountain top,
some of which are abandoned causing Noctuidae species to emerge on the
mountain's habitat. This explains the abundance of Diptera, Hemiptera,
Hymenoptera, and Coleoptera as suggested as well by Martin (2005).

The structure of vegetation and the dominant plants between the different
sites and different transects in each plot could affect the existing insect diversity as
also mentioned by Mouhoubi (2019). Hence, there is a need to increase public
awareness on the importance of native plants in improving insect population and
consequently on crop production. Native insects may also serve as predators or
parasites of existing insect pests and they play crucial roles in the pollination of
many native flower bearing plants.

The study shows that insects of Mt. Yangbew across different vegetation
are of the most common insect order, the Lepidoptera from which different families
like Noctuidae, and Pyralidae compromising butterflies and moths. According to
Amateur Entomologist Society (undated), butterflies prefer a habitat that is
woodland, hillside, and meadow while moths live in habitats like bushes and long
grasses. Mt. Yangbew has the physical characteristics that the Noctuidae family
desires. This explains the high presence of lepidopterans on the mountain because
of its characteristic, low forest vegetation including grasses, bushes, and small trees
for them to live in.

There are 29 species of insects in the grassland, 25 species in the brushland,

and 30 species in the forest. This indicates that the forest area has the most species
while Mt Yangbew's brushland has the fewest.

Majority of the insects surveyed are actually neutral (63.93%), while

beneficial and harmful or pest of agricultural crops are equal (18.03%), although
many insects that are thought of as harmful can also be beneficial to the ecosystem
in itself. Both brushland and forest areas contain insect pests, thus brushland and
forest vegetation served as alternate hosts of vegetable crops that they infest. These
vegetation types provide food, shelter, and reproductive sites for various pest
organisms plant pathogens, insect pests, mites, nematodes, rodents, and others.

Included in these ecosystems however also insects that serves as predators of these
insect pests like Katydid, wasps, fire ants, lady beetles and assassin bugs.

Diversity and Evenness of Insect Species in Mt. Yangbew

The study came up with the diversity and evenness indices of insect
population across the three vegetation types. Table 4 shows the Shannon-Wiener
and Simpson’s Indices of insects found in Mt. Yangbew’s grassland, are 1.97 and
0.70 respectively, the brushland area are 2.16 and 0.77, respectively, and the
forested area has a diversity of 2.02 and 0.73, respectively. According to the
description scale given by Nolan (2018), the Shannon-Wiener and Simpson Index
of all these vegetation types indicate moderate diversity. The overall index also
resulted to a moderate diversity compromising a diversity of 2.05 (Shannon-Wiener
Diversity) and 0.74 (Simpsons’ Diversity).

Because of weather and human disturbances, diseases, and possibly climate

change, the insects are moderately successful in inhabiting the area. Mt. Yangbew
is a summit exposed to strong winds, heavy rains, and human disturbances. It is
quite disturbed, and only a few organisms are well adapted to this kind of
environment. Food webs and niches can also be impacted by disturbances,
particularly by animals such as bird species that prey on insects. According to
Aquatic Life Lab (2018), insects require simple habitat, and their transformation
would probably have serious effects on the kinds of animals that they can support.

Table 4: Diversity index and evenness of insect species

Diversity Index and Evenness
Shannon 1.97 2.16 2.02 2.05
Wiener Index
Simpson Index 0.70 0.77 0.73 0.74
Pielou's 0.59 0.67 0.59 0.67

It is said that insect diversity is important in forest areas. Forest insects

according to Kolb (2019), are the primary source of much biodiversity in the forests
because they are important food sources for many animals and are responsible for
much of the nutrient cycling that allows trees and plants to grow. Further, the three
vegetation’s moderate diversity indices also mean that there are enough but not
many species in Mt. Yangbew. Diversity is important for maintaining the
ecosystem's balance, but it can also attract the interest of tourists, thus the site’s

carrying capacity must also be kept together with the regulation of the various
factors such as human activity and disturbances that may threaten the insect

Compared to Mohagan and Treadaway's research (2010) on diversity and

status of butterflies across vegetation types in Mt. Hamiguitan, Davao Oriental, an
area comparable to Mt. Yangbew, the butterflies of Mt. Hamiguitan have a higher
level of diversity due to the pristine conditions of the montane forest as compared
to Mt. Yangbew. This suggests that Noctuidae species in higher elevations have the
tendency to become rare and unique as long as the naturalness of the area is

Further, the result of Pielou's evenness shows that grassland species have
an evenness of 0.59, brushland has 0.67, and the forested area has 0.59 with an
overall index of 0.67. All these indices indicate an average evenness of insect
species across the vegetation types of the mountain because the result is close to
one rather than zero.

Climate, vegetation, and insect interactions can all have an impact on the
distribution and abundance of insect species (Meeran et al., 2021). The dominance
of R. multiflora, M. chinensis, A. japonica, L. camara, and C. calothyrsus as food
sources in the area, the nearness to farms, the disturbances by tourists and the
exposed and sometimes harsh conditions of the peak have influenced the moderate
diversity and the relatively even distribution of insect populations in Mt. Yangbew.
Leibhold and Bentz (n.d), discussed that the insect population is influenced by
temperature and other environmental conditions that may cause an insect outbreaks
or a recurring outbreak. Their population is also directly influenced by human as
they influence habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation, use pollutants and
harmful substances, spread invasive species, drive climate change, and
direct overexploitation (Cardoso, et al., 2020).

Thus, the mountain’s insect species should be preserved and protected

especially the beneficial insects to avoid loss. On the other hand, there should be
counter measures to control the existence of insect pests found in the area to avoid
damage to pests’ host as also suggested by Stork (1998) and Martin (2005).



The study shows that insects of Mt. Yangbew across different vegetation
are of the most common insect order, mostly from the Lepidoptera from which

families like Pyralidae and Noctuidae belongs. There were 7 orders of insects, 36
families and 64 species that were documented in Mt. Yangbew, of which, 29
species were observed in the grasslands, 25 in brushlands and 30 species in the
forest area. The P. dives, or black ants is the most common, inhabiting both the
grasslands and brushland areas while the most common in the forest is the fire ant
(Solenopsis sp.).

The Shannon-Wiener and Simpson indices indicate that there is moderate

diversity of insect population across the vegetation types of Mt. Yangbew. There is
only slight difference in the diversity of the different types of vegetation with the
brushland being more relatively diverse in insect population than that of the forest
and grassland communities. This was because of the presence of enough food
sources such as R. multiflora, L. camara, and other flowering plants and evergreen
bushes in the brushland areas. The study concludes that Mt Yangbew, La Trinidad,
Benguet has a moderate diversity index, and a relatively even population of insects.

Many of the insect species that exited in the area are neutral (neither harmful
nor beneficial), but majority of existing pests are those associated with farming.
Among those documented in Mt Yangbew are the Luzon Peacock Swallowtail (P.
chikae), a Philippine endemic and rare species of the montane zone that is listed as
endangered species by the IUCN. This species is endangered due to over-collection,
habitat alteration, and the limited range of its distribution at a higher elevation.

There are also threats to natural insect population in Mt. Yangbew that is
mostly due to the increasing agricultural activities, expanding settlements toward
the summit and the growing tourism in the area.


Following the survey of insect diversity in Mt. Yangbew, the researchers

recommend the following:

That future researches and surveys be focused on particular species of

interest, especially on the endemic and endangered P. Chikae of Mt Yangbew.
Also, surveys and identification studies on particular groups of insects will allow
better understanding of the ecosystem functions of insects and their interactions
with plants.

It is also suggested to future researcher's insect collection to be immediately

soaked in Ethanol especially for very small insects to prevent the insects gathered
from being crushed that may affect the identification process.

Considering that vegetation types dictate the quality and quantity of insect
population, it is recommended to revegetate the area using the native plants and
trees. This will help improve the diversity and restore the naturalness of insect

Information dissemination on this study and the importance of insect

diversity be undertaken to draw the attention of regulating agencies such as the
DENR, LGUs and other concerned organizations whose focus are on environmental
conservation and protection. Researchers recommends that these agencies with the
barangay officials should formulate and implement policies on the protection of
these insect species especially the endangered P. chikae.

The increasing farms near Mt. Yangbew are discouraged and local
communities should also be made aware of the existence of the endangered Luzon
Peacock Swallowtail for its protection from harmful activities of the residents. It is
here that political and institutional intervention on the part of DENR is needed
considering that Mt. Yangbew are accordingly privately owned. These should be
addressed to increase the insect diversity.

It is also recommended to evaluate the status of this contested area. If this

is really private property, the LGU’s can encourage local owners to develop the site
as a tourist spot for sightseeing and butterfly watching. If developed, this will help
not only protect the vegetation but may encourage income generation while
protecting the insect’s habitat.


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