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 GRAMMAR reflection of your image.

what one knows about a language – the phonology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics
much more than knowing rules, though it is part of the construct

 “Standard” regularization of the grammar, spelling, language usage, and not to minimal
desirability or interchangeability.

 Grammar- a method of teaching and learning a language which viewed grammar as the core of
Translation the language.

 Larsen-Freeman grammar should be seen as a skill rather than purely competence. She postulated
(2001) grammaring to be the fifth skill

 Grammaring involves sensitivity to usage because grammar is more flexible than we think.

 Antoine Meillet introduced the concept of grammaticalization in his 1912 study “L’ evolution des
forms grammaticales.

 Grammaticalization described as the process by which grammar is created (Croft, 2006) or the study of

this process.
language process change by which words representing objects and actions
involves reduction and increased dependency.
 phonetic erosion or
phonological an expression in linguistic that loses phonetic substance if it undergoes
reduction grammaticalization
aka as reduction
(e.g. Going to- gonna)
 Positive feedback
confirms a student’s response’ correctness
• Confirmation: “I like chuchu
• Praise: “amazing”,
• Teacher’s request to repeat: Teacher applauds students in front of the class.
 negative feedback
( Error Correction) corrects the faulty language behavior of students.
Indirect/Implicit Strategies
• Recasts: Students: Yesterday I go shopping.
Teacher: Oh yesterday I also went shopping.
• Clarification requests: “Excuse me?”
Direct/Explicit Strategies:
• Correct answer feedback: “oh, you mean…..”
• Guided Feedback: Elicitation techniques
• Metalinguistic feedback.
• Teachers request to repeat (with corrective intent).
 spoken grammar

 Written Grammar Informal, more dynamic and immediate

 Grammatical
Assessment Formal
helps determine student proficiency in language. identify the strengths and
METHODS OF weaknesses of learners

 Diagramming
visualizing how to fit together the different parts of a sentence, identify the logical

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