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Protecting animal from extinction is a widely debated subject. Opinion are divergent regarding
whether human should save animal or see extinction as a normal event that often occur in nature and
ignore it. Although both viewpoints are justifiable, preventing animal’s extinction is necessary to the
environment and humanity.

Supporters of protecting animal assert that There are many reasons why animals should be
protected. Animals have rights and their existence matters. Researches show that animals have
physiological function as humans. Some advanced species even have complex nervous system as
humans so that they can feel pain and fear. (In this regard, it would be cruel and inhumane to witness
animals being wiped out without providing any assistance). Additionally, animals nowadays play a crucial
role in human’s daily life. They can be human’s pet, tourist attraction and ingredient for manufacturing.
Due in large part to this, protecting animals is necessary.

Detractors of protecting animal argue that extinction is a natural process. They believe that
extinction is just a normal phenomenon that often happen in nature and has no bad effect to the
ecosystem and human’s life. However, research shows that each species plays an irreplaceable role in
the food chain. There are many evidences in history showing that when one becomes extinct, other
kinds of animals and plants will be severely affected. In addition, extinction does not occur in nature
often and usually caused by human’s activities. This means extinction is not a natural process and should
be prevented in order to protect the environment from being destroyed.

In conclusion, although both viewpoints maintain different justification, protecting animals is

necessary since they play an importance role in human’s life.


Human treatment of animals is a highly emotive subject. Opinions are divergent regarding
whether people should protect animals or ignore it. Although both viewpoints are justifiable, animals
should be protected from extinct.

Proponents of animal protection espouse the importance of biodiversity in nature. Animals play
an important role in ecosystem. Only extinction of a species may lead to others extinction. For example,
recent decrease in number of frog is result from fall of firefly. Due in large part to this, it is necessary to
protect animal.

Detractors of animal protection assert that extinction of animal species is natural and we should
not change this. One of the main explanations for this viewpoint is that animals are in danger because of
natural food chain. Weak animals become preys and are hunted by stronger species. As a result,
disappearance of small animals is inevitable. Another reason is that lots of animals were disappeared by
natural disasters such as drought, tsunami, earthquake. Definitely, it is not human production. However,
these reason is not appropriate for our century. Nowadays, many biologists show that numerous
creature are endangered due to human activities. In recent years, people not only poach rare wildlife
but also indirectly contract animals’ natural living space. Deforestation happened around the world,
which is bad effect to wildlife animals. Another danger is emission from industry and daily activities. The
more waste we discharged, the more polluted environment is. Of course, animals suffer pollution and
easy to die.
In conclusion, both viewpoints maintain different justifications. We can not deny that decline in
animals is a consequence of our doing. And we should have the responsibility to maintain animal



Many criminals re-offend after they have been punished. Why do some people continue to commit
crimes after they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

The last few years have witnessed a growing trend in reoffense after jail time. The underlying causes
behind this phenomenon involves a miserable family background and insufficient in-prison education.
Therefore, effective correctional measures should be taken by both governments and families.

The tendency to reoffend primarily stems from an unfortunate family and lack of good-quality
education. Firstly, a sorrowful family not only triggers criminal intent but also increases the likelihood of
re-offense. In other words, ex-convicts were acquainted with harsh conditions from their childhood,
such as child abuse, violence or family's neglect, which mitigates the deterrent effect of the prison
sentence. At the same time, limited support from unhappy families greatly discourages criminals from
happy reintegration. Secondly, improper training on new skills, such as IT skills makes them inferior to
other well-qualified, reliable workers, resulting in limited employment opportunities. As an inevitable
consequence, unemployed ex-convicts are likely to be susceptible to illegal activities as a way of making
a living.

(Problem) primarily stems from (Cause 1 – N.p) and (Cause 2 N.p).

-Cause 1: (Main idea)

-Cause 2:

First, (smt) triggers (smt)/increases the likelihood of (smt)/(smt) discourages (smt)

Second, (Clause), resulting in + (smt).

As an inevitable consequence, (clause)

Solutions to this issue involve collective attempts from both authorities and families. Firstly, families
should give financial aid to ex-criminal to make a fresh start and find a stable job. Being criminals' flesh
and blood, family members also play a crucial role in providing mental stability and preventing distorted
thinking. Secondly, it is the governments' responsibility to design effective in-prison rehabilitation
programs. Specifically, vocational training on useful skills should be introduced, with the view to
familiarizing prisoners with working requirements of various jobs that are marketable. For example,
vocational skills on construction would help ex-convicts reintegrate into the construction sites as brick
masons or concrete mixers. Additionally, general education should also be offered to those who long for
further education after rehabilitation.
Solutions to this issue involve collective attempts from both sbd1 and sbd2

Solutions to this issue involve (solution 1 – N.p) and (solution 2 – N.p)

Solutions to this issue involve (S + Ving + O) and (S +Ving+O)


- What
- Who
- How
- Effect:
 The most optimal solution is to do smt/doing smt (What).
This can be done by somebody (who) doing smt (How)
By doing this, S + can + V (Effect)
If this is done properly, S + would + V (Effect)
If this is achieved, S + would + V (Effect)

The most optimal solution to the ongoing traffic problem in Hanoi is to reduce the number of
private motorbikes. This can be done by the government investing more in public
transportation. By doing this, the public can be persuaded to shift towards means of mass
transportation like buses or subways. Another possible measure is improving the quality of
infrastructures. By expanding the road systems as well as building more overpasses and tunnels,
the flow of traffic can be smoothened, eliminating/reducing the likelihood of traffic congestion
during rush hours. Although this solution can be costly, the impact it could have on urban
commuting is undeniable.

To conclude, from the aforementioned causes regarding family background and in-prison education,
family care and governments' educational programs during jail time should be emphasized to reduce
recidivism rate.

In conclusion, the problem of (Topic) is attributed to (Cause 1) and (Cause 2). In order to deal with/tackle
this, the government should (solution 1) and (solution 2).

Levels of youth crime (juvenile crime) are increasing

rapidly in most cities around the world.
What are the reasons for this, and suggest some

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