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Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

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Hard-to-cook phenomenon in common legumes: Chemistry, mechanisms

and utilisation
Dilini Perera a, Lavaraj Devkota a, Gil Garnier a, Joe Panozzo b, Sushil Dhital a, *
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Monash University, Clayton Campus, VIC 3800, Australia
Agriculture Victoria Research, Horsham, Victoria 3400, Australia


Keywords: Future dietary protein demand will focus more on plant-based sources than animal-based products. In this
Common beans scenario, legumes and pulses (lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc.) can play a crucial role as they are one of the richest
Hard to cook sources of plant proteins with many health benefits. However, legume consumption is undermined due to the
Mitigation strategies
hard-to-cook (HTC) phenomenon, which refers to legumes that have high resistance to softening during cooking.
This review provides mechanistic insight into the development of the HTC phenomenon in legumes with a special
focus on common beans and their nutrition, health benefits, and hydration behaviour. Furthermore, detailed
elucidation of HTC mechanisms, mainly pectin-cation-phytate hypothesis and compositional changes of mac-
ronutrients like starch, protein, lipids and micronutrients like minerals, phytochemicals and cell wall poly-
saccharides during HTC development are critically reviewed based on the current research findings. Finally,
strategies to improve the hydration and cooking quality of beans are proposed, and a perspective is provided.

1. Introduction changes, water, land, and biodiversity. Compared to other food pro-
ductions, legume cultivation has the lowest impact on the environment
The common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are legumes belonging to in all aspects of greenhouse gas emission, land usage, energy con-
the Fabaceae family and one of the most widely cultivated legumes in sumption, and possible acidification (Willett et al., 2019; Rahman et al.,
tropical and temperate agricultural lands (Ramankutty et al., 2018). 2022). Legumes also require less water and low fertile land (Vadez et al.,
Beans are a staple food for human diets, providing as much as 15% of 2011) and can improve soil quality by atmospheric nitrogen fixation.
daily calories and 36% of complete daily protein, emphasizing their vital Therefore, incorporating legumes into the diet, minimising food loss and
role in providing energy and nutrients (Bessada et al., 2019). In addition, waste, and enhancing food production techniques help to accomplish
beans are rich in dietary fibres, minerals (average 3 g/kg of Ca, 40 mg/ the sustainable food system goals.
kg of Fe, and 35 mg/kg of Sn), and vitamins; they also contain phyto- However, the potential consumption of legumes is undermined by
chemicals and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linolenic acid, linoleic the requirement to overcome HTC defects manifested during storage
acid and Oleic acid essential for human life (Grela et al., 2017). The under different temperatures and relative humidity. HTC phenomenon
Lancet Commission on sustainable food systems and healthy diets have is a characteristic of stored legumes where the grain does not soften
addressed three critical factors in healthy, nutritious, and sustainable during a considerable cooking time (Affrifah et al., 2021; Sofi et al.,
food production that are the key pillars of the future food system (Willett 2022). Cooking for an extended period requires much energy and can
et al., 2019). The commission concluded that global food systems can result in diminished nutritional quality and bioavailability. Therefore, it
provide dietary benefits for healthy and environmentally sustainable is critical to understand the correlation between cooking time and
outcomes by 2050 and beyond. However, this goal can be achieved by changes in the physicochemical properties of stored beans. During the
replacing unhealthy foods with healthy, sustainable foods. cooking, the structure and physicochemical functions of middle lamella
Furthermore, sustainable food production encompasses the envi- pectin and proteins are irreversibly altered, loosening the cell walls and
ronmental impact, including phosphorus and nitrogen cycles, climatic producing a soft texture. However, HTC beans do not soften after

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. Perera), (L. Devkota), (G. Garnier), joe.Panozzo@ (J. Panozzo), (S. Dhital).
Received 13 September 2022; Received in revised form 15 February 2023; Accepted 16 February 2023
Available online 23 February 2023
0308-8146/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
D. Perera et al. Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

reasonable cooking time since prolonged storage is due to a realignment starch and non-starch oligo and polysaccharides (Martinez-Manrique
of cellular structure and secondary/higher level structure/interaction of et al., 2011; Bento et al., 2022). Table 1 summarises the chemical
macro-molecules (Rousseau et al., 2020; Sofi et al., 2022). For example, composition of raw common beans based on recent findings.
the cell walls may become more rigid, making it harder for water to Clinical studies and meta-analyses have shown that consuming beans
penetrate and soften the beans. This can be due to changes in the and other whole legumes directly correlate to lowering metabolic dis-
structure of the cellulose and hemicellulose fibers that make up the cell ease, thus reducing mortality and morbidity (Li et al., 2021a; Binou
walls. HTC beans may also experience changes in their protein compo- et al., 2022). Bean starch is entrapped inside a thick cellular matrix that
sition during storage, which can affect their ability to soften during limits the diffusion of both enzymes and water. Thermal treatments
cooking. Some HTC beans have been found to have increased levels of a enhance the water absorption and swelling of starch granules, which
protein called phaseolin, which can interfere with water absorption and leads to the disrupt ordered arrangement of amylose and amylopectin
prevent the beans from softening (Rousseau et al., 2020). chains and the eventual breakdown of the granules. However, steric
Apart from prolonged storage, other factors such as climate, genetic hindrance of the semi-crystalline structure of starch and physical bar-
differences between species, processing behaviours, and specialised riers of intact cell walls leads to lower enzymic susceptivity in the small
treatments are known to cause the HTC defect (Yousif et al., 2007; intestine and a slower starch swelling and degradation rate. The slower
Mubaiwa et al., 2016). It can be hypothesised that these factors, indi- swelling rate allows the amylose and amylopectin chains to maintain
vidually or holistically, can contribute to the HTC phenomenon. their ordered arrangement for longer. This contributes to a lower gly-
Different legumes have been the subject of explanations for the pro- cemic index by slowing down the rate of starch digestion and absorption
cesses underlying the HTC phenomenon (Mubaiwa et al., 2016; Siddiq & in the small intestine and results in a slow and more gradual increment
Uebersax, 2022; Wafula et al., 2022). The hydration of beans during in blood glucose levels, which helps prevent people with diabetes by
soaking and cooking is influenced by various intrinsic factors like size, avoiding the detrimental effects of sudden spikes in blood glucose levels
the thickness of the seed coat, the chemical composition of cotyledons, (Dhital et al., 2016; Miao & Hamaker, 2021; Fang et al., 2022).
size of the hilum and micropyle, as well as extrinsic factors like tem- Many recent studies have shown that cellular structure remains
perature, pH level, and presence of solids in the soaking medium (Pen- intact during cooking and processing (Dhital et al., 2016; Li et al.,
icela, 2010; Bassett et al., 2021). Nevertheless, there is no 2021b; Xiong et al., 2022). The intact cellular structure slows down the
comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon involved, and it is rate at which enzymes reach the substrate, reducing the rate at which
still not well understood why some varieties have shorter cooking times starch and proteins are hydrolysed. This slows down the glucose and
than others. amino acid release rate, reducing the glycaemic and insulinemic re-
This review will critically examine recent developments in the HTC sponses to the food. The intact cells are thus passed to a large colon
phenomenon, focusing on common bean types, providing mechanistic where colonic microbiota ferment cells to produce a beneficial effect
insight into the fundamental causes, and recommending approaches to (Huang et al., 2021; Xiong et al., 2022) to reduce the risk of breast
improve the quality of cooked beans. HTC beans are a significant cancers, prostate cancers and colon cancers (Chen et al., 2020).
concern in food processing as they require longer cooking and can Beans contain a significant proportion of oligosaccharides and non-
produce harsh, unpalatable beans. Traditionally, thermal and non- starch polysaccharides (NSP). Cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin are
thermal treatment techniques have been used to shorten the cooking examples of non-starch polysaccharides. The insoluble NSP fraction is
time of beans. However, recent research has explored new approaches to known to be slowly fermented in the colon, whereas the soluble NSP is
address this issue. One such approach involves the development of new comparatively fast fermented (Comino et al., 2018; Gidley & Yakubov,
varieties of legumes with reduced levels of phytase enzymes, which are 2019). Due to their small size, the oligosaccharides are rapidly fer-
known to contribute to HTC (Cominelli et al., 2020). mented (Li et al., 2021b). In addition, insoluble fibres are essential to
material movement in the digestive system (Tosh & Yada, 2010; Deb-
nath et al., 2019; Fang et al., 2022). Galactomannan gums, oligosac-
1.1. Bean nutrients and health-related benefits charides, and glucans are soluble fibres that help control blood sugar
and decrease cholesterol (Li, Chen, Bui, Xu, & Dhital, 2021; Rodriguez,
The consumption of legumes has expanded globally due to their Jimenez, Fernandez-Bolanos, Guillen, & Heredia, 2006; Tosh & Yada,
positive health benefits. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010). A significant amount of viscous soluble and insoluble dietary
(2020–2025) state that a healthy diet should contain half a cup or 130 g fibre and resistant starch are major contributors to health benefits
of beans and other legumes (Thompson, 2021). Carbohydrates are the (Xiong et al., 2022). Beans provide the “composite” fibres with a varied
primary component (50–60% of the dry mass) of beans and are found as

Table 1
Chemical composition of raw common beans at (% dry basis).
Sample Ash Lipids Protein Total Total Insoluble Soluble Total Reference
description Carbohydrate starch dietary fiber dietary fiber dietary

Dark bean 3.8 ± 1.1 ± 17.7 ± 77.4 – 21.5 ± 3.4 5.8 ± 1.1 27.2 (Duenas et al., 2016)
(Tolosa) 0.1 0.1 0.5
Common beans 3.2–5.5 1.4–2.7 20.9–24.2 54.3–70.3 41.8–45.6 13.9–32.8 2.9–7.7 1.7–4.0 (Liu et al., 2013; Chavez-
Mendoza & Sanchez, 2017)
Black beans 4.0–4.6 1.5–1.7 20.3–26.8 65.4–73.4 – – – 2.3 (Telles et al., 2017; Chen
et al., 2021)
Carioca beans 3.9 0.7 22.5 53.2–72.9 – – – (Telles et al., 2017)
Red Kidney 3.3–4.2 1.9–2 25.3–27.9 50.4 – 29.9 8.3 38.2 (Kan et al., 2017)
Haricot bean 2.8–4.3 0.7–2.8 17.9–22.1 56.5–61.6 – – – – (Kitum et al., 2020)
White kidney 3.5 1.4 25.6 59.6 – – – (Guzel & Sayar, 2012; Li
beans et al., 2014)
Pinto bean 4.9 1.8 30.1 57.3 – – – – (Sai-Ut et al., 2009; Audu &
Aremu, 2011)
Navy beans 4.14 2.6 18.1 54.3 – – – – (Deb-Choudhury et al., 2021)

D. Perera et al. Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

fermentation rate throughout the colon due to their diverse fibre profile. 2.2. Cotyledon structure
This will allow fermentation and pH to drop throughout the colon,
which is considered a critical component in colonic health (Gidley, Cotyledon comprises the majority of the mass and size of legume
2013). seeds and has a highly organised cell structure. It contains large granules
Beans are rich in phytochemicals, minerals (iron, zinc, copper, of starch in size 10–50 µm and small spherical protein bodies surrounded
phosphorous, aluminium), and vitamins, such as thiamine, riboflavin, by lipoprotein membranes and consists of phytin-rich crystalline glo-
niacin, pyridoxamine, biotin, folate and tocopherols (Campos-Vega boids (Nakalema, 2015). All of those are embedded in a protein matrix,
et al., 2010; Hayat et al., 2014). Phytochemicals like polyphenols can act as illustrated in Fig. 1A (c). The xylem and phloem of the plant rapidly
as functional and nutraceutical ingredients and possess antioxidant and transport water, ions, and nutrients to the cotyledon storage cells.
anticarcinogenic properties (Campos-Vega et al., 2010; Chavez- Generally, the cotyledon cell wall contains more pectic substances
Mendoza & Sanchez, 2017). A significant concentration of these than the seed coat cell wall (Fig. 1B). The middle lamella contains
phenolic chemicals is found in the bean seed coat and fibres, enhancing pectin, the primary component in holding the cotyledon cells together
bioavailability (Nicolas-Garcia et al., 2021). and providing structural support to the tissues (Pirhayati et al., 2011;
Common beans include cholesterol-free protein, vitamin B com- Sofi et al., 2022). A clear cotyledon cell separation can be observed in
plexes, vitamin E, minerals, fibre, resistant starch, and phytonutrients, fresh beans, whereas cells are not separated in HTC beans (Fig. 1A (c)
making them suitable for people of all ages. Their nutrient composition and (d)). Tricellular junctions with intercellular spaces and the middle
corresponds to the nutritional requirements of growing children, teens, lamella can be visible predominantly in HTC beans due to middle
and adults. However, the HTC issue may compromise the quality of lamella pectin, which binds adjacent cells together (Fig. 1A (d), (f), and
these vital nutrients and impact their bioavailability, which demands (h)), and lignified cell walls are highlighted compared to the fresh beans
further investigation. (Gwala et al., 2019). HTC beans take more time to hydrate since the cells
in the hilum area get compacted and reduce cell separation. Thus, this
2. Structural organisation of beans prevents water diffusion through the hilum and delays the cotyledon
Legume seeds have two main parts, the seed coat and the cotyledon. The 30–36 long chains of 1,4-linked glucose molecules make up
Within the seed coat, a small opening called the micropyle can be found, cellulose fibrils and are established by hydrogen bonds with one another
while on the surface of the seed, a scar called the hilum remains after it is to create an impermeable and insoluble crystalline structure around the
separated from the pod. The microstructural changes in beans can be cotyledon cells (Zhao et al., 2019). As illustrated in Fig. 1B, hemicellu-
easily observed using transmission (TEM) and scanning electron mi- lose, including xylan, glucuronoxylan, arabinoxylan, glucomannan, and
croscopy (SEM). There are several techniques used for sample prepa- xyloglucan, are connected to that cellulose via hydrogen bonds and by
ration for SEM and TEM. In general, samples are first fixed in a embedding in the pectin matrix (Albersheim et al., 2010). Rhamnoga-
glutaraldehyde or formaldehyde solution and then freeze-dried to lacturonan I (RGI) is the most prevalent pectin, which is formed by
remove the water. Then dried samples are coated with a thin layer of modifying rhamnose and galacturonic acid, as well as the side chains of
platinum or gold to make them conductive and to prevent charging galactans and arabinans (Doblin et al., 2010). The changes in structure
during the SEM imaging process (Pathan et al., 2010; Miranda et al., and composition of the cotyledon cell wall can be linked to the HTC
2019). Embedding is commonly used to prepare bean samples for TEM. phenomenon in legumes. (Shiga and Lajolo, 2006; Parmar et al., 2017a;
Once samples are fixed in a solution as explained, and then embedded in Uebersax et al., 2022).
a resin. The resin is then cut into thin sections, stained and examined Cotyledon cell wall polymers solubilise and depolymerise to soften
using TEM (Ayache et al., 2007). the tissues during cooking. Therefore alterations in those polymers
during aging may be responsible for the HTC defect. Cell walls are
complex structures of polysaccharides, proteins and phenolic compo-
2.1. Structure of the seed coat nents held together by ionic and covalent bonds (Wainaina et al., 2021;
Sofi et al., 2022). They are primarily composed of two cellulose and
The seed coat is a cotyledon protective covering that shields the seed hemicellulose networks with separate pectin networks. The pectic
from the outside environment (Penicela, 2010). SEM analysis can network is primarily composed of acidic rhamnogalacturonan and
identify reproducible patterns or fingerprints in each seed coat (Hughes homogalacturonan, as well as neutral arabinan, galactan, and arabino-
& Swanson, 1985; Zablatzka et al., 2021). In Fig. 1A, the left column galactan polymers (Sofi et al.,2022). Depolymerisation and solubilisa-
illustrates fresh beans’ microstructure, whereas the right column in- tion of pectin soften tissues and increase cell separation during cooking
dicates the HTC beans. As shown in Fig. 1 A (a), the cross-section of a (Rousseau et al., 2020). With the storage, cell separation becomes more
legume seed coat includes three distinct layers of a palisade, subepi- difficult due to the formation of secondary interactions with other
dermal, and parenchyma cells. The outermost seed coat layer is made up molecules and cell wall polymers. For example, the demethoxylation of
of column-shaped palisade cells. The short, columnar subepidermal pectin and the formation of calcium pectate and magnesium pectate may
cells, known as hourglass cells, are found directly under the palisade lower cell separation during cooking (Sofi et al., 2022).
layer (Sofi et al., 2022). Both cell types are densely packed and grow in Kyomugasho and colleagues (2021) have used state diagrams to
length as the seed grows; nevertheless, no substantial structural changes explore the relationship between glass transition temperature (Tg) and
occur throughout maturity (Hughes & Swanson, 1985; Zablatzka et al., the high-temperature stability of beans, explicitly examining the role of
2021). the cotyledon. They found that the Tg of starch had the maximum value
In contrast, the third layer of parenchyma cells comprises 10–15 at a specific moisture content, followed by protein isolate and cell wall
loosely bound layers, a cell with intercellular spaces (Sofi et al., 2022). components. The findings indicate that cell wall components are most
The micropyle, hilum and seed coat individually contribute to the water unstable at high storage temperatures. Thus, it is likely that the forma-
absorption, and the thickness and length of the palisade layer, the tion of high-temperature stability in beans is strongly related to the
micropyle width, and the cell layer thickness attached to the micropyle formation of HTC through cell wall materials.
play essential roles in bean hydration (Mandizvo and Odindo, 2019). Based on the pectin-cation phytate hypothesis (section 4), phytate is
Further, Fig. 1A (b) illustrates that HTC legumes have a more rigid and in globoids inside the protein matrix. Tg of proteins is greater than that
more organised seed coat structure than fresh beans (Sharafbafi, 2008), of cell wall fraction, and high temperatures are required to release cal-
which prevents water absorption through the seed coat during cooking cium ions from the hydrolysis of phytate (Chigwedere et al., 2019a).
(Nakalema, 2015; Sofi et al., 2022). Recent research on HTC has found no significant impact on the degree of

D. Perera et al. Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

Fig. 1. [A] Schematic diagram of changes in the structural organisation of fresh and HTC beans; [B] Schematic diagram of bean cell wall structure with cell wall
composition (Shiga & Lajolo, 2006; Albersheim et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2019).

D. Perera et al. Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

methyl esterification (DM) of pectin with storage (Chigwedere et al., and the bean hydration behaviour is somewhat different from the grain
2019c; Toili et al., 2022). As a result, the Tg of a protein can be asso- hydration because water permeability can vary according to the com-
ciated with HTC, which is connected to phytate hydrolysis, as long as plex structure, different tissues and cell sizes, structure, composition,
Ca2+ ions are released and can cross-link with cell wall pectin. and zones of beans (Miano et al., 2015). Therefore, the hydration pro-
Apart from that “lignification-like hypothesis” suggests the deposi- cess of beans has a sigmoidal shape which involves an initial lag stage
tion of phenols and lignin interpolymer cross-linking in the cell wall. In (I), then an exponential stage (II), and finally an equilibrium stage (III),
this case, the Tg of the cell wall may be critical in determining the rate of as in Fig. 2. Here, water must diffuse through the hilum via the hilar
HTC development during storage. The phenolic compounds are pri- groove and tissues before reaching the cotyledon since the bean seed
marily concentrated in the seed coat and could migrate to the cell walls coat is impermeable to water (Miano & Augusto, 2018a). Water is
during storage. Further, the mechanisms and theories of HTC are arti- subsequently diffused into the gap between the cotyledon and the seed
culated in-depth in section 4. coat, increasing the seed coat’s permeability. Then the water begins to
diffuse via the seed coat. In the last step of water uptake, the cotyledon is
3. Hydration of beans hydrated via diffusion and capillary flow and achieves the equilibrium
moisture level (Miano & Augusto, 2015). Hence, the impermeability of
Hydration of dry beans is a crucial initial step in legume processing seed coats in beans causes a lag phase (stage I). Nevertheless, if the seed
that significantly impacts the final product’s quality and influences coat of the legume seed is porous, water can pass to the exponential
subsequent processing success. Hydration occurs during soaking and stage (II) by avoiding the lag phase (I), shown in Fig. 2.
cooking, promoting bean softening by activating cell wall enzymes and
lowering the polymerisation of rhamnogalacturonan I (Martinez-Man- 4. Hard-to-cook phenomenon
rique et al., 2011; Holland et al., 2020). Moreover, it improves the sol-
ubility of polygalacturonan and galactan, as well as other Beans are grown in tropical or temperate climates and, once har-
polysaccharides, and ultimately saves cooking time (Miano & Augusto, vested, stored under controlled conditions until consumption. Prolonged
2018b). Furthermore, hydration induces starch gelatinisation and pro- storage under hot (>25 ◦ C) and high relative humidity (>65%) condi-
tein denaturation homogeneously; and contributes to a uniform texture tions led to the developing HTC beans, characterised by the prolonged
throughout the whole grain (Njoroge et al., 2015). Complete hydration cooking time to soften the cotyledon. The changes in HTC beans are
of the beans enhances the heat transfer and deactivates anti-nutritional irreversible and mainly associated with structural and compositional
compounds such as saponins, lectins, alkaloids and phytates, as well as changes within the cotyledons. This phenomenon can be explained by
indigestible oligosaccharides and protease inhibitors (Miano & Augusto, several mechanisms, such as the formation of insoluble pectates,
2018b). oxidation of lipids, hydrolysis of phytates, tannin and polyphenol
“Hard to Cook” and “Hard shell” are two prominent textural defects migration (Njoroge et al., 2016; Chigwedere et al., 2019c). Recent
caused by prolonged bean storage under adverse conditions. HTC beans studies on the HTC phenomenon are summarised in Table 2, with
do not soften due to a lack of hydration of cotyledon that reduces the cell possible mechanisms reviewed in detail.
separation during cooking, whereas hard shell beans do not absorb
water through seed coat during soaking (Siddiq & Uebersax, 2022; Sofi 4.1. Pectin cation phytate hypothesis
et al., 2022). However, proper hydration is critical in bean processing,
such as canning. This hypothesis is known as the duel enzyme mechanism, which is
Grains and legumes have two hydration patterns: downward concave described by combining two enzymes: phytase and pectin methyl
shape (DCS) and sigmoidal, reflective of their water uptake pathway. esterase (PME). Generally, plant cells contain phytic acid (PA), a potent
The bran, the outer layer of cereal grains including wheat, rice, barley, chelating agent of calcium and magnesium ions, as illustrated in Fig. 3A
millet, corn and oat, is more permeable to water, allowing water to (a). During storage, the phytase enzyme hydrolyses PA to liberate
diffuse across the surface area (Miano & Augusto, 2018a). However, phosphate and magnesium into the cotyledon cells (Fig. 3A (b)). As a
starch is the main reserve component in grains and is usually more result, PA’s chelation potential decreases, and calcium and magnesium
compact in the endosperm; thus, it takes excessive time to complete ions increase cross-links with middle lamella pectin (Wainaina et al.,
hydration (Miano et al., 2018b). This hydration kinetics behaviour is 2022c). Meantime, middle lamella pectins are hydrolysed to pectinic
known as downward concave shape (DCS), which includes an initial acid and methanol by PME, forming calcium pectate and magnesium
exponential (II) and later equilibrium stage (III), as explained in Fig. 2. pectate that make beans hard (Siddiq & Uebersax, 2022). The resultant
Legumes, such as common beans, possess an impervious seed coat, calcium and magnesium pectates are not readily soluble in boiling,
which reduces cellular separation and consequently produces HTC
beans. Mattson et al. (1950) have experimentally proven that freshly
harvested peas contained more PA than HTC peas. The same results were
reported by Kruger et al. (2015) for cowpea samples and Panayotou
et al. (2008) for common beans and lentil samples. The PA reduction is
most likely caused by the inherent phytase activity of beans and is
compatible with the phytate-phytase, and insoluble pectin concept,
which claims that PA is dephosphorylated during storage leads to HTC
development (Kruger et al., 2015; Wainaina et al., 2022c).
Recent research has found that the activity of PME is not affected by
the HTC phenomenon (Njoroge et al., 2015; Chigwedere et al., 2019c).
They found that the degree of methyl esterification (DM) did not vary
considerably during bean storage, implying that DM alterations do not
play a significant role in HTC formation. Due to the activity of PME, DM
of pectin should decrease during storage. Furthermore, they discovered
that throughout ageing, the water extractable pectin (WEP) fraction
Fig. 2. Typical cereal grains and beans hydration behaviour and pathways; I: declined while the sodium carbonate extractable pectin (NEP) fraction
lag phase, II: exponential phase, III: equilibrium phase (Figure concept taken increased, implying that loosely bound WEP was exchanged for cova-
from Miano and Augusto (2018a)). lently bonded NSP. In contrast, the chelator extractable pectin (CEP)

D. Perera et al. Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

Table 2
Recent studies on HTC phenomenon in legumes with main findings and conclusions.
Bean type Experiment Conclusion Reference

Carioca beans Evaluated thermal properties and crystallinity of bean starch Beans stored under a nitrogen-modified atmosphere exhibited (Rupollo et al.,
stored for 360 days. reduced crystallinity and gelatinization enthalpy. Therefore, using 2011)
a nitrogen-modified atmosphere can help preserve the thermal
properties of starch.
Cowpea Cowpeas were stored for 21 days (42 ◦ C and 67% RH). Proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis of cowpea found (Kruger et al.,
that Ca and Mg bind to wall-middle lamella pectin. 2015)
Common beans Investigated the changes in non-starch polysaccharides in The study revealed a significant difference in the non-starch (Yi et al., 2016)
beans stored for eight months (35 ◦ C and 75% RH). polysaccharides of the seed coats and cotyledons of HTC beans,
and it was found that the interaction between pectin
polysaccharides and divalent ions plays a critical role in the
development of HTC.
Kidney bean Studied the changes in protein and starch microstructure. HTC beans had higher levels of 31, 30, and 27 kDa polypeptides (Parmar et al.,
and a more significant amount of β-sheets and α-helix in their 2017b)
secondary structure. It also contained more damaged starch
granules, contributing to their high peak viscosity.
Carioca bean Beans were stored at 40 ◦C and humidity at 75%. Different genotypes show varying degrees of HTC intensity. More (Siqueira et al.,
susceptible genotypes had high water absorption and peroxidase 2018)
activity, and oxidoreductases remained active during storage, with
an increase in total phenol content.
Common beans Seed coat and cotyledon powders were incubated to obtain a Tg-moisture relation was confirmed that development HTC beans (Chigwedere et al.,
water activity range of 0.1–0.9, and Tg was determined. stored above Tg. 2019a)
Carioca beans Beans were stored for 240 days at different combinations of Beans stored at 36 ◦ C showed signs of HTC defect after 80 days, (Demito et al.,
temperature (12, 20, 28, and 36 ◦ C) and moisture content and the defect increased after 240 days. Refrigerated storage at 2019)
(16.7% and 13.8%). 12 ◦ C provided the best preservation of beans during storage, with
the highest digestibility indexes obtained under these conditions.
Canadian wonder Beans were stored at 35 ◦ C and 80% RH for 20 weeks, and the Postharvest storage reduced the bioaccessibility of Ca, Fe, and Zn, (Rousseau et al.,
beans bioaccessibility of Mg, Ca, Fe, and Zn of cooked beans was which was linked to the increased chelation of minerals by cell 2020)
studied. wall polymers.
Cowpea HTC in cowpea was investigated using two steaming Steam treatment for 4–6 min effectively prevents HTC in cowpeas. (Affrifah et al.,
temperatures (100 ◦C, 121 ◦C) and three steaming times (2, 4, 2021)
and 6 min).
Red haricot beans Beans were stored for three months The aged beans showed a more rigid cell wall with strong cross- (Chen et al., 2021)
(35 ◦C and 83% RH). links of Ca2+_ pectin and feruloylated pectin. This suggests that
aging causes changes in the structure and composition of the cell
wall, leading to increased rigidity.
Carioca beans Beans were stored for three and six months (27.5 ◦C and 60% Kaempferol levels may distinguish with darkening properties, but (Bento et al., 2021)
RH), and the changes in phenolics and saponins were these levels decrease during storage. Additionally, the higher
observed. concentration of saponins could be associated with the darkening
of carioca beans.
Red haricot, rose coco, The storage stability of beans was examined for varying Beans stored at temperatures above their Tg resulted in the (Kyomugasho
red kidney, and durations (2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 months) (20 ◦C, 25 ◦C at 75% RH; development of the HTC defect. The Tg values were observed to et al., 2021)
pinto bean 35 ◦C at 75 %RH; 45 ◦C at 75% RH; and 35 ◦C at 83% RH). vary in the following order: Tg of starch > Tg of protein > Tg of the
cell wall. Below, the Tg beans are in a glassy state characterised by
high viscosity and immobilisation of cellular components, and
above, the Tg will be promoted molecular mobility, and HTC
defect was observed.
Common beans Beans were stored for three months (35 ◦C and 83% RH). The NIR spectra can be used to predict the cooking time of fresh beans (Wafula et al.,
susceptibility to developing the HTC defect was predicted and their vulnerability to the HTC defect when exposed to 2021)
using NIR spectra. unfavourable storage conditions.
Red kidney beans Beans were stored at 25 ◦C, 30 ◦C, 35 ◦C and 42 ◦C for six The volatile marker compounds found are connected mainly to the (Wainaina et al.,
months and studied the release of volatiles. breakdown of proteins and the oxidation of lipids. 2022a)
Red kidney beans Beans were stored for up to 6 months, at 25 ◦C, 30 ◦C, 35 ◦C Storing the beans at or below their Tg can help maintain their (Wainaina et al.,
and 42 ◦C, at five moisture contents (6.9%, 8.7%, 11.1%, textural stability and cooking properties even after prolonged 2022b)
12.8%, 14.5%) and textural stability and cooking behaviour storage.
were studied.
Rose coco, Nabe, Beans were stored at 35 ◦C and 83% RH for three months to The aging process resulted in a significant reduction in the InsP6 (Wainaina et al.,
Carioca, Red haricot induce the development of HTC. The levels of pectin, cell level, and phytate hydrolysis was observed to be the predominant 2022c)
wall-bound calcium, and inositol hexaphosphate (InsP6) were factor, whereas pectin demethylesterification appeared to have
measured before and after aging. little or no impact.
Red kidney beans Beans were stored at 25, 30, 35, and 42 ◦C and studied the Phytate hydrolysis resulted in high InsP5 content. Temperature (Wainaina et al.,
phytate hydrolysis. played a more significant role than moisture content in this 2022d)
Red haricot beans Beans were stored at 35 ◦C and 83 % RH for three months, and Phytate hydrolysis happens more frequently during storage than (Chen et al.,
determine the phytates (inositol phosphates), Ca and Mg were during bean soaking. Aged beans with firmer textures after 2022a)
during post-harvest storage and subsequent soaking of the cooking may have more Ca-pectin cross-linking.
Red kidney beans Beans were stored at 35 ◦C and different RH (6, 54, 66, 72, Beans can be stored at low temperatures or dried to reduce (Aravindakshan
and 82%) for 15 weeks. moisture content below their Tg values. et al., 2022)
Andean commercial Studied the PME enzyme contribution to HTC defect using PME-encoding genes were strongly expressed in the easy-to-cook (Toili et al., 2022)
bean molecular tools. bean, whereas their inhibitors were more abundant in the HTC
Common beans Beans were stored under RH at 70% at a temperature of 30 ◦C Changes in the 37 phenolic chemicals were discovered during (Nicolas-Garcia
Jamapa variety and studied phenolic compounds and their relationship. storage of 270 days. Condensed tannins were observed in the seed et al., 2022)
coat after 90 days.
(continued on next page)

D. Perera et al. Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

Table 2 (continued )
Bean type Experiment Conclusion Reference

Red haricot beans Beans were stored under 35 ◦C and 83% RH conditions for An increase in interactions between cell wall components was (Chen et al.,
three months, and their cell wall composition and phenolics noted, specifically through arabinose and galactose side-chains of 2022b)
were analysed. RG-I pectin and high phenolic interactions with cellulose and
hemicellulose were observed.

fraction increased nonsignificantly (Chigwedere et al., 2019c). Based on breakdown in stored beans not only permits the movement of calcium
this knowledge, phytate breakdown and subsequent cation migration to and magnesium cations from hydrolysed phytic acid to cell wall pectin
the cotyledon is a more plausible explanation of the pectin-cation- but also reduces turgor pressure, the force required to keep cells sepa-
phytate hypothesis than the previously held concept of PME activity. rated from each other (Richardson & Stanley, 1991; Liu & Bourne,
Chen et al. (2021) studied the effect of humidity and temperature on the 1995). Structural changes of the plasma membrane and alterations in
microstructural changes of pectin in stored red haricot beans. According SFA composition in membrane lipids suggest the possibility that mem-
to their observations, the cell walls of HTC beans are bound with greater brane degradation is the key factor contributing to the initiation of HTC
cross-links with calcium and magnesium pectates than fresh beans. beans.
Several recent studies have linked changes in inositol phosphate con-
version and subsequent migration of Mg and Ca cations to be the most 4.3. Lignification
prominent explanation of the phytate-cation hypothesis (Chen et al.,
2022a; Wainaina et al., 2022c). Lignin is a complex and high-molecular-weight natural phenolic
polymer and a key component of cell walls. Lignin is biosynthesised
4.2. Lipid oxidation and polymerisation initially in the cell corners of the primary cell wall, followed by the
middle lamella and secondary wall (Zhong et., 2019). Cell wall lignifi-
Beans contain 1–2% lipids present predominantly as phospholipids cation obliterates the differences between primary cell walls and the
and triacylglycerols components, whereas diacylglycerols, hydrocar- intermediate lamella of neighbouring cells (Mubaiwa et al., 2019;
bons, sterol esters, and hydrocarbons are available in minor amounts Siqueira et al., 2018). It is reasonable to hypothesise that the HTC
(Hayat et al., 2014; Rodriguez et al., 2022). Beans contain essential development in common beans is caused, at least in part, by a lignifi-
polyunsaturated fatty acids, and linolenic acid is the most prominent cation process.
(Yoshida et al., 2008; Hayat et al., 2014). Lignin content in bean cell walls can change under high temperatures
Chemistry of those fatty acids changes significantly during storage and humidity during storage (Shiga, 2004; Nasar-Abbas et al., 2008).
conditions (Nasar-Abbas et al., 2008). Storing the legumes at 4 ◦ C Legume seed coat contains phenolic compounds, and those can convert
minimises lipid degradation, even when ground or damaged. The high into lignin, leading to seed coat impermeability during seed develop-
temperatures and humidity induce lipid oxidation. Lipid degradation ment (Sofi et al., 2022). The lignin deposition on cotyledon cells con-
occurs in beans storage at 30 ◦ C and humidity at 83%, making the beans tributes to the hardening of the cell wall, which decreases water
difficult to cook (Reyes-Moreno et al., 1993; Ferreira et al., 2017). Also, absorption and swelling, thus making cooking more challenging (Nasar-
oxidation and polymerisation of membrane lipids are linked to alter- Abbas et al., 2008). During storage, lignification of the middle lamella of
ations in moisture absorption, which may impact texture (Chigwedere legumes can occur, further reducing cookability. Studies have reported
et al., 2018). Cell membranes are comprised of a continuous phospho- that the acid-detergent fibre and lignin content of faba beans increased
lipid bilayer which serves as a fundamental structure and barrier to dramatically after 12 months of storage at temperatures higher than
material movements across the membrane, and proteins embedded in 37 ◦ C (Nasar-Abbas et al., 2008).
continuous bilayers (Liu and Bourne, 1995; Dhital et al., 2016). In Peroxidase enzymes in cotyledon cells facilitate the oxidation and
contrast, membrane proteins act as specialised receptors, transporters polymerisation of phenolic substances to produce lignin monomers
and enzymes. Since membrane lipid bilayers are impervious to most (Grabber, 2005). Cross-linking of the cell wall may occur during initial
polar molecules, their movement is assisted by unique carrier proteins, lignification due to the synthesis of lignin-protein complexes (Zhong
each of which is accountable for transporting a specific solute across the et al., 2019). The bean tissues contain phenolic precursors, such as free
bilayer (Liu and Bourne, 1995). phenolic compounds and seed coat polyphenols. Higher moisture level
Fig. 3B illustrates lipid oxidation and polymerisation related to the supports the bioactivity of enzymes and lignifies the middle lamella and
development of HTC beans. The fatty acid (FA) composition of the HTC cotyledon cell walls (Grabber, 2005).
bean membrane changes to an increased content of saturated fatty acids According to Pirhayati et al. (2011), the lignin found in cotyledon
(SFA) and a decline in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). C14:0 FA cell walls may impact the cooking characteristics of legumes. Although
primarily increased, whereas C18:3 was found to decrease most signif- cotyledon contains less lignin than the seed coat, this little lignin may
icantly (Reyes-Moreno et al., 1993). As shown in Fig. 3B, PUFA oxidised also contribute to the HTC phenomenon. The seed coat contains lignin
to form free radicals. The membrane integrity is lost due to increased and its phenolic precursors, and polymerising these phenolic monomers
peroxidation within the cytoplasm (Mubaiwa et al., 2016). Lipid may lead to HTC beans (Reyes-Moreno et al., 1993). Rodriguez and
oxidation, polymerisation, and membrane degradation have been Mendoza (1990) reported that HTC mung bean contained 12% more
recorded and found to be directly associated with HTC beans (Chigwe- fibre, 23% more silica and seven times more lignin than fresh beans.
dere et al., 2019b; Chen et al., 2021). The hypothesis suggests that a Therefore, a high amount of lignin, silica and cellulose content affects
damaged cell membrane allows the free movement of cytoplasmic sol- the HTC phenomenon of legumes and water permeability through the
utes and increases the mobility of ions. However, noticeable leakage of seed coat. The HTC legumes can be explained using a lignification-like
solutes occurred in stored beans, signifying irreversible degradation of theory that involves polymerising phenolic acids.
the cell membrane. Biochemically, cell membrane consistency is
required for proper cellular metabolism (Liu & Bourne, 1995). Conse- 4.4. Deposition of phenolic compounds and tannins
quently, membrane degradation upon storage reduces the quality of
beans and is linked with the HTC legumes. Changes in phenolic compounds and their derivatives also associate
Following the pectin-cation-phytate hypothesis, membrane with the HTC phenomenon of common beans. According to Parmar et al.

D. Perera et al. Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

Fig. 3. [A] Mechanism of formation insoluble pectate (a) Phytic acid (PA) activity of fresh cotyledon cells. (b1) phytase enzyme hydrolyses PA into inorganic
phosphate and magnesium inside the cotyledon cells. (b2) Pectin methyl esterase (PME) hydrolyses pectin in the middle lamella to pectinic acid and methanol. (b3)
Formation of insoluble pectates due to the activity of phytase and PME. [B] Phospholipid bilayer of cell membrane with the mechanism of membrane poly un-
saturated fatty acid oxidation to form free radicals and loss of membrane integrity due to increased peroxidation in the cytoplasm.

(2017), there is variation in the total phenol content of kidney beans in spaces of the cotyledon cells. The results support the pectin-phytate
both easy-to-cook (ETC) and hard-to-cook (HTC) grains. The researchers hypothesis and the involvement of phenolic compounds in the cross-
found that the phenolic content of the seed coat changed during HTC linking of pectin during the development of the HTC phenomenon in
development. Changes in cell wall components lower the release of stored common beans.
phenolic compounds during soaking in HTC beans compared to ETC
beans (Nasar-Abbas et al., 2008; Pirhayati et al., 2011). They proposed 5. Structural and biochemical changes during storage
that the oxidative degradation of phenolic compounds was a primary
source of these component reductions (Nasar-Abbas et al., 2008). Beans and other legumes undergo physical and metabolic changes
Further, this may be due to the extra cross-linking of phenols with that impair their cooking properties when stored for prolonged periods.
proteins and carbohydrates during adverse conditions to inhibit water Storage in adverse conditions develops the HTC phenomenon charac-
absorption and reduce cell separation. terised by incomplete hydration of the cotyledon during cooking,
Under high humidity and temperature conditions, stored beans can causing it to remain rigid.
produce more free phenolic acids, like ferulic acid, which can bind with
proteins in the middle lamella of the cotyledon (Machado et al., 2008).
This interaction can increase protein hydrophobicity, which reduces 5.1. Starch
seed hydration during cooking and may limit cell separation. In addi-
tion, phenolic components can bind with insoluble polymers like lignin Structural and biochemical changes in the starch of HTC beans can
and migrate to the cotyledon. be elucidated in various length scales. At the supermolecular level,
Tannins, a group of high-molecular-weight compounds that contain thermal stability, short-range order, and crystalline structure are ana-
multiple phenolic hydroxyl groups, can react with proteins to form lysed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transforms
persistent cross-links through peroxidase and free radicals produced by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively.
the breakdown of cell membranes. This reaction decreases the extract- Microscopic techniques observe the granular or tissue level changes as in
ability of proteins (Kruger et al., 2015). Further, condensed tannins in Fig. 1. For example, microscopic images (Fig. 4A) illustrate that cooked
common beans decrease with storage time, and a strongly negative HTC beans with lower cell separation in cotyledon and starch granules
significant relationship between tannin concentration and HTC devel- are quite noticeable, whereas they appear fused in fresh beans (Miranda
opment was discovered (Parmar et al., 2017a). Condensed tannins link et al., 2019).
with macromolecules to change their function and cellular structure Starch originates as semi-crystalline granular grouped in a radial
(Giuberti et al., 2020). According to Srisuma et al. (1989), HTC beans pattern and composed of amylose and amylopectin molecules (Yousif
have high amounts of hydroxycinnamic acids, specifically ferulic acid et al., 2007). Amylose is assumed responsible for the amorphous
and hydroxycinnamic acids, leading to discolouration and increasing the component, whereas amylopectin is considered for granular crystallinity
development of HTC (Mubaiwa et al., 2016; Siddiq and Uebersax, 2022). (Junejo et al., 2022). The legume starch is classified as type C, combi-
Recently Chen et al. (2021) immunolabelled different pectin ex- nation cereal starches (type A) and tuber starches (type B) (Junejo et al.,
tractions and observed highly cross-linked pectin with calcium ions and 2022). Loss of crystallinity results in starch solubilisation, which in-
ferulic acid, and these complexes are concentrated in the intercellular creases the starch suspension viscosity and the pasting properties.
Generally, crystalline areas hold starch granules together, preventing

D. Perera et al. Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

swelling and individual molecules’ dispersion. 5.2. Protein

When starch is subjected to heat under excess water, the amorphous
regions have extensive hydration and swelling to expand the matrix held Benas are rich in globulins-type storage proteins, and tissue pH can
together with unbroken crystals. This is referred to as gelatinisation be used to indicate storage-caused HTC defects. Fig. 4B illustrates how
(Mohamed, 2021). The gelatinisation of legume starch occurs typically storage proteins are denatured and coagulated due to the sudden pH
within a limited range of temperatures at 76 ◦ C and results in endo- drop within the cells (acidification).
thermic transformation. This enthalpy gain shifts the crystalline order to Heat induces the changes in protein structures that lead to unfolding,
a disordered state, causing the crystal stabilising forces to be disrupted aggregation, coagulation, or gelation. Before starch gelatinisation,
(hydrogen bonding). The crystalline starch structure changes during stored bean proteins coagulate and create a network over the starch
storage, increasing the gelatinisation temperature. The HTC develop- granules, thus limiting water absorption for starch gelatinisation (Wang
ment influences the quantity of water absorbed by common beans dur- et al., 2020). Structural changes in proteins can be further explained by
ing cooking (Yousif et al., 2007). However, complete starch molecular reactions that may occur during storage. The absorption
gelatinisation is achieved in fresh and HTC beans after 30 min, while the peaks of FTIR spectra at wavelengths 1400 and 1800 cm−1 are charac-
aged beans required a far longer time to get softened due to the delay of teristic of amide bonds. The structural changes in proteins can be
pectin solubilisation during cooking (Chigwedere et al., 2018). identified by observing the bands between 3500 and 3300 cm−1 and
The effect of storage conditions on starch gelatinisation and protein 1649 and 1550 cm−1, which correspond to the deformation of primary
denaturation can be analysed using DSC. Yousif et al. (2003) found that amide NH groups. Strong vibrations at 1157 and 1080 cm−1 are also
storage at 30 ◦ C increased the peak (Tp) and onset (To) temperatures of associated with these changes in protein structure. (Kaptso et al., 2015;
starch gelatinisation for adzuki beans. The increased gelatinisation Warren et al., 2016).
temperatures can be attributed to alterations in the helical structure The activity of proteinase enzymes can be increased, and non-
leading to a difference in the thermal stability of the starch (Hohlberg & enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins can be induced at high humidity and
Stanley, 1987; Yousif et al., 2003). On the other hand, HTC bean starch temperature (Coelho et al., 2013). As a result, proteins can break down,
can be damaged by activating the amylase enzyme, and damaged starch which could potentially cause a loss of membrane permeability. Mean-
absorbs more water (Jukic et al., 2019). Bambara groundnuts exhibiting while, intermolecular disulphide linkages of carbon - nitrogen terminal
the HTC phenomenon showed increased cell breakage and the release of of cysteine amino acid residues cause protein aggregation and eventu-
cytoplasmic contents readily accessible to amylases during digestion ally reduce total water-soluble proteins (Yousif et al., 2007). In common
(Gwala et al., 2019; Duijsens et al., 2021). As a result, the starch content beans, soluble protein fraction, mainly albumin and globulin, appear to
in HTC bambara groundnuts was digested faster than in fresh seeds be in an overall decline, whereas insoluble protein may promote in HTC
under the same cooking conditions (Gwala et al., 2019). beans (Coelho et al., 2013). Yousif et al. (2007) detected a substantial
FTIR also reveal the possible differences between starch structures increment in the high molecular weight (HMW) fraction and a decre-
during storage. Bands at 1022 and 1047 cm−1 describe amorphous and ment in the low molecular weight (LMW) fraction of bean proteins while
crystalline indices of starch, respectively. The ratio of 1047/1022 can be suggesting the aggregation and coagulation of protein during storage. In
used to identify the relative crystallinity of starch (Sevenou et al., 2002). addition, protein denaturation enthalpy decreases, significantly
Furthermore, the ratio decreased slightly during high-temperature reducing the thermal stability of proteins.
storage, suggesting that starch can lose its short-range ordered struc- Further, SEM images of cytoplasmic structures of cotyledon cells
ture during storage. These findings suggest that storage conditions appear collapsed; for example, partially autolysed protein bodies can be
significantly impact starch structure and organization. observed (Berrios et al., 2006). Prolong storage increases the lignified

Fig. 4. [A] Top:SEM images of navy beans stored at 4 ◦ C for 24 months. Bottom: Stored at 37 ◦ C for 24 months, showing “hard-to-cook” (Uebersax & Bedford, 1980;
Uebersax et al., 2022); [B] Changes in protein structures during storage to make protein network around the starch granules.

D. Perera et al. Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

protein level of cotyledon cells, and there is a strong association between Several studies have investigated the effect of humidity, tempera-
cooked bean textural quality and lignified protein concentration (Reyes- ture, and storage duration on HTC development. Reyes-Moreno et al.
Moreno et al., 1993; Nasar-Abbas et al., 2008). As explained in Fig. 1A (1993) and Mulu-Abay (2021) reported that moisture content above
HTC column, lignified cell edges, middle lamella, and secondary walls of 13% deteriorates beans significantly after six months at ambient tem-
HTC beans appear in SEM images but not for the fresh beans. perature, and beans become unsuitable for consumption after 12 months
of storage. However, on the laboratory scale, beans with a moisture
5.3. The effects of HTC on nutrition quality content of less than 10% can be kept for up to two years without losing
quality (Rani et al., 2013). Hohlberg and Stanley (1987) reported that
Beans are rich in essential nutrients, such as starch, protein, fibre, HTC defects are mainly found in beans with dark seed coat stored for ten
minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals. Hence the consumption of months at 30 ◦ C under relative humidity (RH) at 85% compared to the
beans is undermined by the HTC phenomenon, which changes the di- 15 ◦ C, RH at 35%, and 25 ◦ C, RH at 65%. Uebersax and Bedford (1980)
gestibility and bio accessibility of those essential nutrients. Legumes can found that the navy beans stored at 75% RH or less with 20 ◦ C or lower
develop the HTC phenomenon after extended storage above 25 ◦ C and temperatures had a better quality. Avila et al. (2015) reported that
humidity levels exceeding 65%. HTC beans need to prolong cooking common beans’ cooking properties at 2 ◦ C were not changed after one
time to soften the cotyledon, thus increasing the solid leaching and year of storage. Yi et al. (2016) explained that storage at 35 ◦ C and 75%
destroying heat-sensitive vitamins and bioactive compounds. RH promoted the HTC condition in beans. According to several studies,
HTC development of common beans increases the starch di- the HTC impact is minimised at refrigerated temperatures (0 to 5 ◦ C).
gestibility, reducing protein’s digestibility. HTC beans had a faster rate Regardless of the other variables, beans kept at temperatures below
of cell damage and release of cell cytoplasmic content to easily digested 17 ◦ C or with moisture levels below 8 to 9% do not harden significantly
by amylases. As a result, following a specified cooking period, HTC (Ferreira et al., 2017).
Bambara groundnuts digested starch faster than fresh seeds (Duijsens Chigwedere and colleagues (2019a) investigated the stability of
et al., 2021). However, HTC beans significantly decrease protein di- common beans concerning storage and cooking quality and proposed
gestibility due to the complex formation of a protein with other proteins, that storing beans below their Tg preserves the quality of beans. They
starch, hemicellulose, and minerals during storage (Duijsens et al., also established a relationship between the Tg and moisture levels,
2021). Also, protein-phytate interactions cause blockage of proteolytic which could help identify suitable storage conditions. The matrix of
enzymes and decrease protein digestibility and solubility (Ruiz-Ruiz beans is heterogeneous, leading to local Tg values that depend on the
et al., 2010). During storage, protein coagulates and aggregates due to local reactions. Kyomugasho et al. (2020) confirmed the importance of
the pH drop, which may lead to their solubility and thermal stability, these local reactions in determining the local Tg values. Beans with high
thus potentially decreasing protein digestibility (Duijsens et al., 2021). moisture levels typically have lower Tg values and must be stored below
Furthermore, this can be related to lignification, like the hypothesis of Tg value or at low temperatures. It may be challenging to store beans
HTC beans. During storage, tannins and lignin monomers can poly- effectively in tropical climates where temperatures remain high
merise with proteins and carbohydrates, which is a reason for reduced throughout the year, and cooling storage facilities are scarce. As a result,
protein digestibility. it is crucial to reduce the moisture content of the beans to an appropriate
HTC phenomenon also may negatively affect essential minerals such level using safe methods after harvesting (Bradford et al., 2018). Sun
as calcium, iron and zinc (Duijsens et al., 2021). During storage, solu- drying or heated-air drying can lower the moisture content, but it is
bility and bio accessibility of Ca, Zn, and Fe decrease; however, Mg is not essential to be cautious with sun drying as prolonged exposure to tem-
significantly affected since it has a lower affinity of mineral antinutrient peratures exceeding 25 ◦ C and relative humidity above 65% may cause
to magnesium (Rousseau et al., 2020). This may be due to increase heat-induced discolouration.
calcium and pectin cross-linking. Several researchers have proposed the Patil et al. (2007) examined extrusion cooking to enhance the
pectin-cation-phytate hypothesis to explain these observations. Ac- nutritional profile of HTC beans stored at 42 ◦ C and 80% RH for six
cording to this hypothesis, HTC development in beans would result in weeks or more than one year. Beans stored in adverse conditions
mineral relocation (Gwala et al., 2020; Rousseau et al., 2020). It was develop HTC defects, resulting in longer cooking times. Furthermore,
proven that Bambara groundnuts and common beans lose some phos- increasing temperature leads to a reduction in both bulk density and
phorylation with time, causing the release of phytate-chelated minerals. solubility index in both fresh and HTC beans; however, the water ab-
Overall, minerals are somewhat difficult to absorb in the small intestine sorption index increased due to the larger quantity of gelatinised starch
when consuming HTC beans. in the extruded samples (Uebersax et al., 2022). Extrusion deactivates
the antinutritional factors such as trypsin, lectins, and amylase in-
6. Strategies to improve the cooking quality of stored beans hibitors in fresh and HTC beans (Chigwedere et al., 2019b; Uebersax
et al., 2022). The extrusion also resulted in a significant rearrangement
Prolonged beans storage under adverse conditions induces changes of insoluble dietary fibre to soluble, with the primary sugars implicated
in beans’ structural, compositional and biological composition. Most being pectic polysaccharides, arabinose, and uronic acids (Patil et al.,
stored beans delay hydration during soaking due to hard shell defects or 2007; Ruiz-Ruiz et al., 2008).
take longer to soften during cooking due to hard-to-cook defects. Mbofung et al. (1999) introduced a novel way of improving and
However, beans must be adequately hydrated while soaking and cook- optimising the consumption and nutritional quality of HTC beans by
ing to ensure the quality of cooked beans. This section discusses proper processing them into Koki, a healthy cowpea-based food product typi-
storage conditions to overcome storage-induced defects and improve the cally prepared by steaming. Incorporating HTC beans with cowpeas to
hydration of beans during soaking and cooking. produce Koki resulted in food with high nutritional value. Adding HTC
red kidney beans is a better choice for producing Koki from composite
6.1. Conventional techniques pastes, as it reduces trypsin and alpha-amylase inhibitors and improves
the in-vitro digestibility of its protein and carbohydrate. Koki produced
Optimal storage conditions are crucial in obtaining good quality le- from HTC beans are highly nutritious with an enhanced sulphur amino
gumes. Bean quality can be preserved for an extended period under acid content due to the complementing action of the combination of
controlled storage conditions. However, storage at sub-optimal condi- legumes (Mbofung et al., 1999). Wet processing followed by drying can
tions for a prolonged period will result in hard-to-cook beans that take a reduce the cooking time of HTC beans. Steaming of beans results in
long cooking time, nutrient loss, off-flavour, and off-colour about 25% softer than non-steam beans (Reyes-Moreno et al., 1993;
development. Belmiro et al., 2018). Steam can enhance hydration while decreasing

D. Perera et al. Food Chemistry 415 (2023) 135743

equilibrium moisture content and lag phase time (Miano and Augusto, beans. They concluded that ultrasonication shortens the hydration
2018a). High temperatures at 100 ◦ C in 1 to 2 s can be employed to process by around 25% without affecting starch’s structural or pasting
inactivate trypsin inhibitors, although this was insufficient to prevent properties.
HTC development. However, wet processing requires high energy and Recently, scientists have examined how high-pressure treatment af-
alters the texture of the beans. fects legume hydration. Belmiro et al. (2018) studied the impact of high-
The phytic acid content of beans can be used to predict their cooking pressure processing on the hydration of common beans, and their results
quality (Yousif et al., 2007; Wainaina et al., 2022a). Soaked beans in revealed that HHP at 600 MPa accelerated bean hydration by 4.7 times.
sodium phytate solution minimise cooking time because sodium phytate Furthermore, due to the higher initial hydration, HHP reduces the
serves as a chelating agent, eliminating Ca2+ ions from calcium pectates cooking time of the beans by 15 min. Ueno et al. (2015) also examined
during cooking, lowering the cooking time and improving cellular sep- the effect of high-pressure treatment at 200 Mpa at 25 ◦ C for 10 min on
aration (Luo et al., 2012). Soaking beans in sodium chloride, sodium kidney beans, adzuki beans, and soybean. They found that high pressure
carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium phosphate, or ethyl- positively affected water absorption into the cotyledon of adzuki beans
enediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solutions dramatically lower the lag and hypothesised that HHP enhances the hydration of beans; firstly,
phase and total cooking time (Kinyanjui et al., 2017; Mubaiwa et al., high pressure is applied to the capillaries and intercellular gaps to fill
2017) by boosting pectin water solubility when compared to beans with water, followed by a rapid transition of the seed coat from glassy to
soaked in pure water. In addition, it increases the cooking rate, thereby rubber behaviour (Ueno et al., 2015; Belmiro et al., 2018). High-
increasing the uniformity in the softening of the bean samples. Salt used pressure treatments improve water absorption due to structural modi-
in soaking water increases the hydration coefficient, reducing the fications and boost bean hydration. However, this could be related to the
cooking time, HTC development, cohesiveness, and chewiness of the spherical crystalline structure being disrupted under high-pressure
beans. Avila et al. (2015) reported that 2.5% sodium bicarbonate and conditions, whereas the microcrystalline structure may not be dis-
1% potassium chloride effectively increase the hydration coefficient, rupted (Li et al., 2015).
decrease the HTC cowpea, and reduce the cooking time. Further light Devkota et al. (2022) investigated the effect of pulsed electric field
microscopy images have proven that beans soaked in sodium salts (PEF) intensity of 4 kV/cm at 2 Hz frequency, and 15 μs pulse width
resulted in better cell separation (Marston and Omana, 1979; Alpos assisted hydration of two common bean varieties and concluded that
et al., 2021). Therefore, monovalent cations of Na+ and K+ soften PEF treatment reduced the hydration time by 3-fold for small red kidney
cotyledon tissue, with heat swiftly disrupting the significant linkages beans. The thick seed coat of beans is the primary barrier to water up-
between the pectinic acids and increasing pectin solubility (Yousif et al., take, and the formation of tiny pores can overcome this on the seed coat
2007). via PEF, which increases the water transfer through the seed coat (Alpos
Germination is a technique that involves soaking beans to stimulate et al., 2022). Therefore, PEF is an emerging technique for improving the
the process of sprouting. It has been used as a pre-processing step to hydration of legumes.
improve the nutritional quality of beans, owing to the resulting In addition, irradiation has been used to improve non-thermal
biochemical reactions. Germination has been found to increase the technology. Ramaswamy et al. (2005) irradiated navy beans using
content of certain nutrients and reduce the levels of anti-nutrients in Co γ -rays and identified that the combination of high pressure and
beans. However, recent research has indicated that germination can also irradiation treatments improved the hydration of beans during the over-
significantly impact the cooking time of red beans. The study found that extended soaking time (>3h), increasing equilibrium moisture content.
germinated red beans required a shorter cooking time than non- The cooking time for dry beans is significantly decreased when irradi-
germinated beans, which could have implications for food processing ation dosages of 1, 5, and 10 kGy (Celik et al. 2004). For carioca beans
and preparation (Haileslassie et al., 2019). exposed to radiation at doses ranging from 1 to 10 kGy, similar results
It is recommended that HTC development can be avoided by were reported by Lima et al. (2019). The breakdown of the membrane
improving the storage conditions of legumes. Bean storage in a modified during irradiation results in increased water absorption qualities during
atmosphere has been reported as a solution for reducing storage-induced cooking, which was thought to cause this reduction in cooking time.
defects in legumes. Perez et al. (2021) have reported that HTC devel- Naviglio et al. (2013) developed a circularly pressured soaking phase
opment of beans can be reduced by storage under a CO2 atmosphere. to hydrate cannellini beans at room temperature. This treatment differs
Legumes stored in CO2 or N2 atmospheres suppress respiration and from HHP technology since cyclic pressure is not applied for high
inhibit enzyme activity and microbial growth. Further, it reduces pressure. This novel process reduced the hydration time of the beans to
oxidation reactions and biochemical changes during storage. However, approximately 60 min and improved water permeability by creating a
it is also imperative that such arrangements may not always be feasible, pressure gradient inside the grains and enhancing capillary flow.
with these adding up to the cost of bean production. Furthermore, Demirhan and Ozbek (2015) have reported that micro-
waves can improve the hydration of cowpeas. Microwaves might be
6.2. Use of advanced and emerging technologies transferred energy to the water molecules by regulating their motions
(Divekar et al., 2017). However, more research is required to investigate
Apart from conventional methods, combining different non-thermal the effects of HHP, PEF, ultrasound, irradiation, microwave and cyclic
techniques such as ultrasound, high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treat- pressure application treatments on stored legume hydration.
ment, pulsed electric field (PEF), and irradiation has enhanced the hy-
dration of beans. Cell proliferation by ultrasound waves at a higher 7. Conclusion
frequency (20 kHz) can accelerate the water flow through the legumes
by directly causing pressure differences by compressing and expanding Hard to cook phenomenon contributes to reduced consumption of
the medium, increasing the capillary flow, and improving the hydration beans all over the world. Several hypotheses are proposed to explain the
(Guimaraes et al., 2020). Ultrasound can cause structural changes mechanism behind the HTC phenomenon, with the “pectin-cation-phy-
indirectly through sonic cavitation, causing cell and tissue disruptions. tate” hypothesis recently becoming the most widely accepted. This hy-
These cavities may improve water transport in HTC legumes (Miano pothesis describes how high storage temperatures and relative humidity
et al., 2016; Miano et al., 2018a). Ultrasound pushes water to the space increased phytase activity, resulting in phytate dephosphorylation and a
between cotyledon and seed coat through the hilum without changing lower chelate capacity of divalent cations of calcium, iron, and mag-
the starch granules (Miano et al., 2016). Therefore, ultrasound is a nesium. However, other mechanisms also deserve further examination.
promising technology for faster legume hydration. Miano et al. (2016) Given the complexity of the food matrix, it is reasonable to assume that
investigated the use of ultrasonic technology in the hydration of mung several mechanisms might play a holistic role in causing HTC legumes

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Chen, D., Hu, K., Zhu, L., Hendrickx, M., & Kyomugasho, C. (2022). Cell wall
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