Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Modified Organisms

Ryan N. Aranga
Sweet Angelikate L. Villaruel
Merick Jan U. Nuevacubeta CS-BPS Faculty

5.1 Genetically Modified Organism

5.2 GMO’s in Food and Agricultural Industries

5.3 GMO’s in Non-Food Crops and
5.4 Risks of Applications of Recombinant DNA technology
5.5 Ethical Concerns in Recombinant DNA technology

LO1 Determine the presence of genetically

LEARNING modified organisms (GMOs) in the local
OUTCOMES community.
LO2 Discuss the ethical issues associated with

LO3 Argue the pros and cons of GMO’s.

LO4 Prove or disprove the beneficial use of

Friedrich Miescher first isolated DNA in 1869.

Francis Crick and James Watson discovered DNA’s structure in 1953.

Paul Berg combined genes from two different viruses for the first time in history in 1972.

FACT UP! Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen made the first GM bacteria in 1973.
Rudolf Jaenisch made the first GM animal, a mouse, in 1974.

Herbert Boyer and Robert Swanson founded Genentech, the first genetic engineering company,
in 1976.

Michael W. Bevan, Richard B. Flavell, and Mary-Dell Chilton made the first GM plant, an
antibiotic-resistant strain of tobacco, in 1983.

The first GMO animal is the GloFish, a Zebra fish modified to glow in the dark.

Scientists agree that GMO foods are no more dangerous than any other kind of food.

Studies show that GMO crops have fewer chances of mutating compared to non-GMO crops.
Scientists have developed GM livestock, but none have approval for commercial use as of 2019.

Over 12% of global farmland grows GMO crops as of 2016.


· When humanity and technology cross, robotics are born. What if we go far beyond that? What if, in
addition to robotics, we could modify living things according to our liking?

· Humans continue to seek improvement in their ways of living.

· Genetic engineering (a.k.a., recombinant DNA technology) has been the focus of research and
innovation for the past decades to achieve a sustainable and technology-driven world.

· There are drawbacks as humans battle for civilization and time.

· According to the United Nations, there are 7.8 billion humans currently inhabiting Earth – there is a
need to increase food production and other life-supporting resources.

· Modern science engaged in genetic engineering to addressed such alarming issues.

· A promise of “feeding the world and sustainability” is being prompt to us, should we continue taking
its risks?
My Best Buddy!

Everyone loves pets! Keeping them would do wonders for our health. Now, imagine you have the power to select all the
characteristics that your heart desires for a pet, someone that you are longing for and dreaming of. In designing your ideal pet, you
may combine traits present in other organisms or delete unwanted ones. Draw your best buddy, give it a name, and indicate where
those characteristics were derived.

5.1 Genetically Modified Organism

· Recombinant DNA technology is a process involving the alteration of the genetic make-up of one’s
organism. In 1973, Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen, discovered a method causing a certain
bacteria to produce foreign proteins by editing its genetic material, this kick-started the field of
genetic engineering (Britannica, 2020).

· One of the great success stories of GMOs was that of Rosalie Ellasus in 2001. Ms. Ellasus, a former
overseas Filipino worker turned farmer, once attended the Integrated Pest Management- Farmers
Field School and was then introduced to Bt Corn, a genetically modified corn that is resistant to the
destructive Asian corn borer (no insecticide spraying was needed). She then volunteered for demo-
testing in her field. Bt Corn yielded 7.2 tons per acre as compared to a regular yield of 4.2 tons per
acre (Serafica, et al., 2018).

5.1 Genetically Modified Organism

· Genetically modified organism (GMO) is the term used to refer to an organism
created through recombinant DNA technology. By definition, GMO is any
organism, in which its genetic material (DNA) has been manipulated to
produce phenotypic traits, such traits would not occur naturally (by mating or
natural recombination) (WHO, 2014).
Figure 5.1 Genetic Engineering Process
5.2 GMO’s in Food and Agricultural Industries
Pest resistance- these are plants genetically modified to resist certain pests.

Bt corn, a.k.a. transgenic corn, has been

modified to produce Cry proteins (insecticidal
proteins). The gene was acquired from Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), a bacterium found in
soils, which naturally produces it. This species of
corn does not require insecticides when planted
(Bessin, n.d.).
5.2 GMO’s in Food and Agricultural
Virus resistance- these are plants genetically modified to resist certain viruses.

GM papaya or rainbow papaya was

inserted with the genetic sequence of the
papaya ringspot virus (PRSV), a once rampant
disease during the mid-1990s in Hawaii,
making it a 100% virus-resistant plant
(Serafica, et al., 2018).

5.2 GMO’s in Food and Agricultural

Herbicide tolerance- these are plants genetically modified to tolerate herbicide.
Roundup Ready Soybeans (RR soybeans)
or "glyphosate-tolerant" soybeans have been
modified to withstand the herbicide glyphosate.
Spraying an entire field of RR Soybeans with
glyphosate will kill only the weeds. It was first
planted commercially in 1996 (Serafica, et al.,

5.2 GMO’s in Food and Agricultural

Fortification- these are plants genetically modified fortified with certain minerals.
Golden Rice `was inserted with a gene
that codes for Beta-carotene, a precursor of
vitamin A, making the rice grains fortified with
Vitamin A (Serafica, et al., 2018).

5.2 GMO’s in Food and Agricultural

Cosmetic preservation- these are plants

genetically modified to resist natural


Artic Apple has been genetically engineered

to prevent it from browning due to superficial
damage. This was done by blocking the enzyme which causes the apple to brown
(Baker, 2018).

5.3 GMO’s in Non-Food Crops and Microorganisms

Paper production- tress are modified for a higher yield of paper production.

An example is poplar trees. Lignin is a complex

polymer in poplar trees that is removed from wood
to make paper through kraft process, a gene that
codes for ferulic acid were inserted in young
poplar trees, the lignin structure then modified,
making lignin easier to breakdown (Serafica, et al.,
5.3 GMO’s in Non-Food Crops and Microorganisms
Pharmaceutical productions- plants are modified to produce pharmaceutical products.

Periwinkle plants were added with bacterial

genes enabling them to attach halogens such as
chlorine or bromine to a class of compounds called
alkaloids that the plant normally produces. Many
alkaloids have pharmaceutical properties, often
added to antibiotics and other drugs that can make
medicines more effective or last longer in the body
(Serafica, et al., 2018).

5.3 GMO’s in Non-Food Crops and

GMO’s in the medical field- significant benefits of genetic engineering is evident in the medical field.

In 1996 happened a breakthrough, it's when

Humalog was approved and was made
commercially available. Humalog or Humulin is
insulin production by genetically modified bacteria.

A gene from the human pancreas, which codes for

the production of insulin, was introduced to a
bacteria enabling it to produce insulin identical to
that of human insulin (Serafica, et al., 2018).

5.4 Risks of Applications of Recombinant DNA

· On the above discussion, suffice to say that there are overwhelming benefits
and rewards brought about by this genetic engineering. But there are also
several risks associated with its application.

· Since Recombinant DNA technology plays with living organisms of

unpredictable nature, unpredictable risks arise overtime. GMO’s, once
released in the environment, from the predicted change in physical traits,
would cause an unpredictable change in biodiversity and it will be

A. Risks to Biodiversity
· The release of genetically modified plants into the environment could have
disastrous consequences for biodiversity. Birds, insects, and other animals that
rely on specific crops for survival may be unable to consume genetically
engineered crops due to the introduced gene or modification. They may be allergic
to the new characteristics or recognize them as poisonous. As a result, these
animals would have to find alternative food sources or face starvation. It would
have ramifications for the entire food chain as well as predator-prey relationships.
Furthermore, introducing a genetically modified organism (GMO) into the
environment may displace indigenous fauna and flora. If the new strain
outperforms the parent strain, it may annihilate the wild strain or take over the
habitat (Gatew and Mengistu, 2019).
Other identified major risks are the following:
1) Risk in gene flow- there is a potential risk of the modified gene to be transferred
from the GMO crop to its wild relative or organism in the soil and humans (when
ingested) (Serafica, et al., 2018).
2) Emergence of new forms of resistance and secondary pests and weed problems-
GMO crops resistant to certain pesticides may trigger a new form of pest
resistance while GMO herbicide-tolerant crops may lead to the overuse of the
herbicides which may trigger a new form of weed resistance (Serafica, et al.,

3) Recombination of Virus and Bacteria to Produce New Pathogens- the modified

gene can be transferred and integrated into the viral or bacterial genes which may
lead to its gene modification or mutation (Serafica, et al., 2018).

B. Risk to Humanity
· Because the goal of genetic engineering is to improve the quality of human life, it is critical
to discuss the potential adverse effects of genetic engineering on humans. Genetic
material can enter the human body through food, bacteria, viruses, vaccines and,
pharmaceuticals. In most GMO-derived foods, a marker gene has been introduced
alongside the gene that represents the desired characteristic. If the marker genes were
successfully transferred, the organism would develop new antibiotic resistance. Humans
who consume food containing these genes may face complications, especially if they are
unaware of the presence of the genes. People may develop antibiotic resistance if they
consume foods containing antibiotic resistance genes on a regular basis. Furthermore,
there is a risk that genetically modified foods will have lower nutritional quality than non-
modified foods (Gatew and Mengistu, 2019).

Other potential risks that raise major concern are:

1) Human Genome Project- mapping of human genes to provide a framework
for research and studies in the field of medicine. It was feared that the
ability to produce human genetic information would create biases and give
much power to people holding the information (Serafica, et al., 2018).
2) Mutation of genetically engineered microorganisms- GM bacteria and
viruses may mutate to become more resistant and virulent that may cause
more dreadful diseases for human beings (Serafica, et al., 2018).

5.5 Ethical Concerns in Recombinant DNA technology

· Recombinant DNA technology is often viewed as an act of "human playing God" or putting
humans themselves in the place of the Almighty Creator. This technology allows humans
to alter and manipulate forms of life that were created in thy perfection.

· Gatew and Mengistu (2019) stated that by genetically modifying organisms, a scientist
assumes that this extremely new science, including natural evolution and natural
selection, is better for populating the world than God or any other Creator. The basic
premise of this so-called "playing God-argument" is that God has established invisible
boundaries between God's realm and the realm of humans. Those who cross this line
are guilty of hubris or excessive pride. Any such argument would also be dependent on
religion's more specific assumptions about the relationship between God, humans, and
animals. The issue is determining where this line exists.

Lesson in Action!
Debate on the benefits and risks of GMO

1. Debate will be done during the face-to-face class.

2. The class will be divided into two teams; affirmative and negative.

3. The affirmative must advocate the benefits of GMOs while the negative will insist on the risks associated with GMOs.

4. Each team has four or five constructive speeches and four or five rebuttal speeches. The affirmative gives the first constructive speech, and the
rebuttals alternate: negative, affirmative, negative, affirmative. The affirmative has both the first and concluding speeches of the debate.

5. During the debate, no changes to a team's viewpoint are authorized.

6. The instructor will serve as the moderator.

7. Each team will be graded with a rubric attached herewith. The highest possible score is 40 points.
K Bye.

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